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Experimental Standards for Deep Learning Research: A Natural Language Processing Perspective

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Abstract and Figures

The field of Deep Learning (DL) has undergone explosive growth during the last decade, with a substantial impact on Natural Language Processing (NLP) as well. Yet, as with other fields employing DL techniques, there has been a lack of common experimental standards compared to more established disciplines. Starting from fundamental scientific principles, we distill ongoing discussions on experimental standards in DL into a single, widely-applicable methodology. Following these best practices is crucial to strengthening experimental evidence, improve reproducibility and enable scientific progress. These standards are further collected in a public repository to help them transparently adapt to future needs.
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ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
Dennis UlmerElisa BassignanaMax M¨
uller-EbersteinDaniel Varab
Mike ZhangChristian HardmeierBarbara Plank♣♦
Department of Computer Science, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich, Germany
The field of Deep Learning (DL) has undergone explosive growth during the last
decade, with a substantial impact on Natural Language Processing (NLP) as well.
Yet, as with other fields employing DL techniques, there has been a lack of com-
mon experimental standards compared to more established disciplines. Starting
from fundamental scientific principles, we distill ongoing discussions on experi-
mental standards in DL into a single, widely-applicable methodology. Following
these best practices is crucial to strengthening experimental evidence, improve re-
producibility and enable scientific progress. These standards are further collected
in a public repository to help them transparently adapt to future needs.
Model Analysis
Figure 1: Visualization of the Scientific Process in
Deep Learning. Uncertainty is introduced at each ex-
perimental step, influencing the resulting evidence as
well as the documentation required for either repro-
ducibility or replicability.
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML) has seen im-
mense growth over the span of the last 20
years. Figure 2 shows how, according to
Zhang et al. (2021), the number of peer-
reviewed papers has increased twelve-fold
compared to the year 2000. At the same
time, interest in Deep Learning (DL) has
increased substantially as well, demon-
strated via Google Trends in the same fig-
ure. While such progress is remarkable,
rapid growth comes at a cost: Akin to
concerns in other disciplines (John et al.,
2012; Jensen et al., 2021), several au-
thors have noted issues with reproducibil-
ity (Gundersen & Kjensmo, 2018; Belz
et al., 2021) and a lack of significance test-
ing (Marie et al., 2021) or published results not carrying over to different experimental setups, for
instance in NLP (Narang et al., 2021; Gehrmann et al., 2022), Reinforcement Learning (Henderson
et al., 2018; Agarwal et al., 2021), and optimization (Schmidt et al., 2021a). Others have ques-
tioned commonly-accepted procedures (Gorman & Bedrick, 2019; Søgaard et al., 2021; Bouthillier
et al., 2021; van der Goot, 2021) as well as the (negative) impacts of research on society (Hovy
& Spruit, 2016; Mohamed et al., 2020; Bender et al., 2021; Birhane et al., 2021) and environment
(Strubell et al., 2019; Schwartz et al., 2020; Henderson et al., 2020). These problems have not
gone unnoticed—many of the works mentioned here have proposed a cornucopia of solutions. In a
quickly-moving publication environment however, keeping track and implementing these proposals
becomes challenging. In this work, we weave many of them together into a cohesive methodology
for gathering stronger experimental evidence, that can be implemented with reasonable effort.
arXiv:2204.06251v1 [cs.LG] 13 Apr 2022
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
Figure 2: Development of AI and DL. Shown is the development of AI and DL measured by
the number of peer-reviewed publications between 2000-2019 Zhang et al. (2021) on the left and
relative interest measured by the search engine Google between 2004-2021 Google Trends (2022)
on the right. Both experience an explosive growth around 2014.
Based on the scientific method (Section 2), we divide the empirical research process—obtaining
evidence from data via modeling—into four steps, which are depicted in Figure 1: Data (Section 3),
including dataset creation and usage, Codebase & Models (Section 4), Experiments & Analysis (Sec-
tion 5) and Publication (Section 6). For each step, we survey contemporary findings and summarize
them into actionable practices for empirical research. While written mostly from the perspective of
NLP researchers, we expect many of these insights will be useful for practitioners of other adjacent
sub-fields of ML and DL.
Contributions 1 We survey and summarize a wide array of proposals regarding the improvement
of the experimental (and publishing) pipeline into a single accessible methodology applicable for a
wide and diverse readership. At the end of every section, we provide a summary with the most
important points, marked with to indicate that they should be seen as a minimal requirement to
ensure reproducibility, and ?for additional recommended actions. 2 We create, point to, or supply
useful resources to support everyday research activities and improve reproducibility in the field. We
furthermore provide examples and case studies illustrating these methods in Appendix A. We also
provide an additional list of resources in Appendix C. The same collection as well as checklists
derived from the actionable points at the end of sections are also maintained in an open-source
repository,1and we invite the research community to discuss, modify and extend these resources. 3
We discuss current trends and their implications, hoping to initiate a more widespread conversation
about them in the ML community to facilitate common standards and improve the quality of research
in general.
In order for our proposed methodology to remain as broadly applicable as possible, it must be built
on the scientific principles for generating strong evidence for the general advancement of knowledge.
We therefore define terms which are crucial to this process.
The Scientific Method In science – and ML – knowledge can be obtained through several ways,
for instance theory building, qualitative methods, and empirical research (Kuhn, 1970; Simon,
1995). For our purposes, we focus on the latter aspect, in which (exploratory) analyses lead to
falsifiable hypotheses that can be tested and iterated upon (Popper, 1934).2This process requires
that anyone must be able to back or dispute these hypotheses in the light of new evidence.
In the following, we focus on the evaluation of hypotheses as well as how to ensure the replicability
and reproducibility of the experiments which gave rise to the original empirical evidence. In com-
putational literature, one term requires access to the original code in order to re-run experiments
exactly, while the other requires sufficient information in order to reproduce the original findings
even in the absence of code and original data. Strikingly, these central terms already lack agreed-
upon definitions, mainly regarding which term defines which level of detail (Peng, 2011; Fokkens
1 deep-learning-
2We also see that such hypothesis-driven science is not always applicable or even possible (Carroll, 2019).
Nevertheless, it creates a strong common denominator that encompasses most kinds of empirical ML research.
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
et al., 2013; Liberman, 2015; Cohen et al., 2018). As the underlying ideas are equivalent, we follow
the prevailing definitions in the DL and NLP communities in the following sections (Drummond,
2009; Dodge & Smith, 2020).
Replicability Within DL, we take replicability to mean the exact replication of prior reported ev-
idence. In a computational experimental environment, access to the same data, code and tooling
should be sufficient to generate prior results, however many environmental factors, such as hard-
ware differences, make it difficult to achieve exact replication in practice. Nonetheless, we regard
experiments to be replicable if a practitioner is able to re-run them to produce the same evidence
within a small margin of error dependent on the environment, without the need to approximate or
guess experimental details. All controllable factors in an experiment, including data, models and
code, must therefore be readily available without the need for re-implementation.
Reproducibility In contrast, we take reproducibility to mean the availability of all necessary and
sufficient information such that an experiment’s findings can independently be reaffirmed when the
same research question is asked. As discussed later, the availability of all components as required for
replicability is rare—even in a computational setting. Findings generated this way are nonetheless
valuable for the scientific community if their underlying hypotheses can be evaluated by anyone with
access to the publication. An experiment then is reproducible if enough information is provided to
find the original evidence even without the tooling for replicating a metric’s exact value (e.g., values
differ, but follow the same patterns across experiments with an equivalent setup to the original).
We assume that the practitioner aims to follow these principles in order to find answers to a well-
motivated research question by gathering the strongest possible evidence for or against their hy-
potheses. The following methods therefore aim to reduce uncertainty in each step of the experimen-
tal pipeline in order to ensure reproducibility and/or replicability (visualized in Figure 1).
Frequently, it is claimed that a model solves a particular cognitive task, however in reality it merely
scores higher than others on some specific dataset according to some predefined metric (Schlangen,
2021). Of course, the broader goal is to improve systems more generally by using individual datasets
as proxies. Admitting that our experiments cover only a small slice of the real-world sample space
will help more transparently measure progress towards this goal. In light of these limitations and
as there will always be private or otherwise unavailable datasets which violate replicability, a prac-
titioner must ask themselves: Which key information about the data must be known in order to
reproduce an experiment’s findings? In this section we define requirements for putting this question
into practice during dataset creation and usage such that anyone can draw the appropriate conclu-
sions from a published experiment.
Choice of Dataset The choice of dataset will arise from the need to answer a specific research
question within the limits of the available resources. Such answers typically come in the form of
comparisons between different experimental setups while using the equivalent data and evaluation
metrics. Using a publicly available, well-documented dataset will likely yield more comparable
work, and thus stronger evidence. In absence of public data, creating a new dataset according to
guidelines which closely follow prior work can also allow for useful comparisons. Should the re-
search question be entirely unexplored, creating a new dataset will be necessary. In any case, the data
itself must contain the information necessary to generate evidence for the researcher’s hypothesis.
For example, a model for a classification task will not be learnable unless there are distinguishing
characteristics between data points and consistent labels for evaluation. Therefore, an exploratory
data analysis is recommended for assessing data quality and anticipating problems with the research
setup. Simple baseline methods such as regression analyses or simply manually verifying random
samples of the data may provide indications regarding the suitability and difficulty of the task and
associated dataset (Caswell et al., 2021).
Metadata At a higher level, data sheets and statements (Gebru et al., 2020; Bender & Fried-
man, 2018) aim to standardize metadata for dataset authorship in order to inform future users about
assumptions and potential biases during data collection and annotation. Such documentation is im-
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
portant, as biases can be introduced at all levels, including the research design Hovy & Prabhumoye
(2021). Simultaneously, they encourage reflection by authors on whether their process adheres to
their own predetermined guidelines (Waseem et al., 2021). Generally, higher-level documentation
should aim to capture the dataset’s representativeness with respect to the global population. This
is especially crucial for “high-stakes” environments in which subpopulations may be disadvantaged
due to biases during data collection and annotation (He et al., 2019). Even in lower-stake scenar-
ios a model trained on only a subset of the global data distribution can have inconsistent behaviour
when applied to a different target data distribution (D’Amour et al., 2020; Koh et al., 2020). For
instance, language or even domain differences can have a noticeable impact on model performance
(White & Cotterell, 2021; Ramesh Kashyap et al., 2021). Increased data diversity can improve the
generalization ability of models to new domains, e.g., more languages in NLP (Benjamin, 2018).
However, diversity itself can be difficult to quantify (Gong et al., 2019) and global data coverage is
likely unachievable, highlighting the importance of documenting representativeness through meta-
data in order to ensure reproducibility—even in absence of the original data. For replicability using
the original data, further considerations include long-term storage in addition to versioning, as to
ensure equal comparisons in future work (see Appendix A.1 for case studies).
Instance Annotation At the level of data instances, the most important aim is high data quality.
This entails both the labeling and the collection process as it is not enough to supply a large amount
of data, and expect an ML algorithm to learn desired characteristics—the data must be accurate
and relevant for the task to enable effective learning (Pustejovsky & Stubbs, 2012; Tseng et al.,
2020) and reliable evaluation Bowman & Dahl (2021); Basile et al. (2021). Since most datasets
involve human annotation, a careful annotation design is crucial Pustejovsky & Stubbs (2012); Paun
et al. (2022). In NLP, language ambiguity poses inherent challenges and disagreement is genuine
Basile et al. (2021); Specia (2021); Uma et al. (2021). As such insights into the annotation process
are valuable, yet often inaccessible, we recommend to release datasets with raw annotations prior
to aggregation into categorical labels, and complement data with insights like statistics on inter-
annotator coding Paun et al. (2022), e.g., over time (Braggaar & van der Goot, 2021). When creating
new datasets such statistics strengthen the reproducibility of future findings, as they transparently
communicate the inherent variability in the world instead of obscuring it.
Pre-processing The goal of a dataset is to allow for quantitative comparisons of different hypothe-
ses. Given a well-constructed or well-chosen dataset, the first step of an experimental setup will be
the process by which a model takes in the data. This must be well documented or replicated—most
easily by publishing the associated code—as perceivably tiny pre-processing choices can lead to
huge accuracy discrepancies (Pedersen, 2008; Fokkens et al., 2013). In NLP, this primarily involves
decisions such as sentence segmentation, tokenization and normalization. In general, the data setup
pipeline should ensure that a model “observes” the same kind of data across comparisons. Next, the
dataset must be split into representative subsamples which should only be used for their intended
purpose, i.e., model training, tuning and evaluation (see Section 5). In order to support claims about
the generality of the results, it is necessary to use a test split without overlap with other splits. Al-
ternatively, a tuning/test set could consist of data that is completely foreign to the original dataset
(Ye et al., 2021), ideally even multiple sets Bouthillier et al. (2021). It should be noted that even
separate test splits are prone to overfitting if they have been in use for a longer period of time, as
more people aim to beat a particular benchmark (Gorman & Bedrick, 2019). If a large variety of
resources are not available, it is also possible to construct challenging test sets from existing data
(Ribeiro et al., 2020; Kiela et al., 2021; Søgaard et al., 2021). Finally, the metrics by which models
are evaluated should be consistent across experiments and thus benefit from standardized evaluation
code (Dehghani et al., 2021). For some tasks, metrics may be driven by community standards and
are well-defined (e.g., classification accuracy). In other cases, approximations must stand in for
human judgment (e.g., in machine translation). In either case—but especially in the latter—dataset
authors should inform users about desirable performance characteristics and recommended metrics.
Appropriate Conclusions The results a model achieves on a given data setup should first and
foremost be taken as just that. Appropriate, broader conclusions can be drawn using this evidence
provided that biases or incompleteness of the data are addressed (e.g., results only being applicable
to a subpopulation). Even with statistical tests for the significance of comparisons, properties such
as the size of the dataset and the distributional characteristics of the evaluation metric may influence
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
the statistical power of any evidence gained from experiments (Card et al., 2020). It is therefore
important to keep in mind that in order to claim the reliability of the obtained evidence, for example,
larger performance differences are necessary on less data than what might suffice for a large dataset,
or across multiple comparisons (see Section 5). Finally, a practitioner should be aware that a model’s
ability to achieve high scores on a certain dataset may not be directly attributable to its capability
of simulating a cognitive ability, but rather due to spurious correlations in the input (Ilyas et al.,
2019; Schlangen, 2021; Nagarajan et al., 2021). By for instance only exposing models to a subset
of features that should be inadequate to solve the task, we can sometimes detect when they take
unexpected shortcuts (Fokkens et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2015). Communicating the limits of the
data helps future work in reproducing prior findings more accurately.
Best Practices: Data
Consider dataset and experiment limitations when drawing conclusions (Schlangen, 2021);
Document task adequacy, representativeness and pre-processing (Bender & Friedman, 2018);
Split the data such as to avoid spurious correlations (Gorman & Bedrick, 2019);
?Perform exploratory data analyses to ensure task adequacy (Caswell et al., 2021);
?Publish the dataset accessibly & indicate changes;
?Claim significance considering the dataset’s statistical power (Card et al., 2020).
The ML and NLP community has historically taken pride in promoting open access to papers, data,
code, and documentation, but some authors have also noted room for improvement Wieling et al.
(2018); Belz et al. (2020). A common practice has been to open-source all components of the ex-
perimental procedure in a repository (e.g., git, or a simple zip file). We, as a community, expect
such a repository to contain model implementations, pre-processing code, evaluation scripts, and
detailed documentation on how to obtain claimed results using these components. It is important to
note that the benefit of such a repository is its ability to enable replication. In particular, a compre-
hensive code base directly enables replicability (generating prior reported evidence with the exact
same environment and code), while an incomplete code base pushes research towards reproducibil-
ity (i.e., needing to re-implement code to obtain similar results). In short: The more we document
our methodology, the better. In practice, such documentation is often communicated through a
README file, in which user-oriented information such as hardware assumptions, software prerequi-
sites, instructions, help, or descriptions of how to run the software are described. In Appendix B,
we propose minimal requirements for such a README file and give pointers on files and code struc-
ture. In DL, such data can be large and impractical to share. However, because results rely heavily
on data, it is essential to carefully consider how one can share the data with researchers in the fu-
ture. Repositories for long-term data storage backed by public institutions should be preferred (e.g.,
aradi et al., 2008, more examples in Appendix C). Yet more than often,
practitioners cannot distribute data due to privacy, legal, or storage reasons. In such cases, practi-
tioners must instead carefully consider how to distribute data and tools to allow future research to
produce accurate replications of the original data Zong et al. (2020).
Hyperparameter Search Usually, a common part of the ML pipeline is to perform some sort of
hyperparameter search. The corresponding tuning strategies still remains an open area of research
(see Bischl et al., 2021 for a comprehensive overview), but the following rules of thumb exist:
If there are very few parameters that can be searched exhaustively under the computation budget,
grid search or Bayesian optimization can be applied. Otherwise, random search is preferred, as it
explores the search space more efficiently (Bergstra & Bengio, 2012). More advanced methods like
Bayesian Optimization (Snoek et al., 2012) and bandit search-based approaches (Li et al., 2017) can
be used as well if applicable (Bischl et al., 2021). In any case, the following information should be
reported: Hyperparameters that were searched per model including their options and ranges, the final
hyperparameter settings used, number of trials, settings of the search procedure if applicable. As
tuning of hyperparameters is typically performed using specific parts of the dataset, it is important
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
to note that any modeling decisions based on them automatically invalidates their use as test data,
since reported results are not unseen anymore.
Models The recent surge of large Transformer-based models has had a large impact on DL and
NLP Vaswani et al. (2017); Devlin et al. (2019); Dosovitskiy et al. (2021); Chen et al. (2021).
These and many other contemporary models, however, have very large computational and memory
footprints. To avoid retraining models, and more importantly, to allow for replicability, it is rec-
ommended to save and share model weights. This may face similar challenges as those of datasets
(namely, large file sizes), but it remains an impactful consideration. In most cases, simply sharing the
best or most interesting model could suffice. It should be emphasized that distributing model weights
should always complement a well-documented repository as libraries and hosting sites might not be
supported in the future.
Model Evaluation With respect to models and tasks, the exact evaluation procedure can differ
greatly. It is important to either reference the exact evaluation script used (including parameters, ci-
tation and version, if applicable) or at least include the evaluation script in the code base. Moreover,
to ease error or post-hoc analyses, we highly recommend saving model predictions in separate files
whenever possible, and making them available at publication Card et al. (2020); Gehrmann et al.
(2022). This could for instance be done using plain .txt or .csv files.
Model Cards Apart from quantitative evaluation and optimal hyperparameters, Mitchell et al.
(2019) propose model cards: A type of standardized documentation, as a step towards responsible
ML and AI technology, accompanying trained ML models that provide benchmarked evaluation in
a variety of conditions, such as across different cultural, demographic, or phenotypic and intersec-
tional groups that are relevant to the intended application domains. They can be reported in the paper
or project. For example, we refer to Mitchell et al. (2019); Menon et al. (2020) that actively used a
model card.
Best Practices: Codebase & Models
Publish a code repository with documentation and licensing to distribute for replicability;
Report all details about hyperparameter search and model training;
Specify the hyperparameters for replicability;
?Use model cards;
?Publish models, predictions and evaluation scripts.
Experiments and their analyses constitute the core of most scientific works, and empirical evidence
is valued especially highly in ML research (Birhane et al., 2021). As such, special care should be
put into designing and executing them. We outlined in the introduction how issues with replicability
and significance of results in the ML literature have been raised by several authors (Gundersen &
Kjensmo, 2018; Henderson et al., 2018; Narang et al., 2021; Schmidt et al., 2021a). Therefore, we
discuss the most common issues and counter-strategies at different stages of an experiment.
Model Training For model training, it is advisable to set a random seed for replicability, and
train multiple initializations per model in order to obtain a sufficient sample size for later statistical
tests. Commonly used values are three to five runs, however this should be adapted based on the
observed variance: Using bootstrap power analysis, existing model scores are raised by a constant
compared to the original sample using a significance test in a bootstrapping procedure (Yuan &
Hayashi, 2003; Tuff´
ery, 2011; Henderson et al., 2018). If the percentage of significant results is low,
we should collect more scores.3Bouthillier et al. (2021) further recommend to vary as many sources
of randomness in the training procedure as possible (i.e., data shuffling, data splits etc.) to obtain a
3We are aware that this poses some tension with the hardware requirements of many modern DL architec-
tures, which is why we dedicate part of the discussion in Section 7 to this question.
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
closer approximation of the true model performance. Nevertheless, the question of what conclusions
can be drawn from these outcomes can be harder than it might superficially seem, precisely due to the
mentioned sources of statistical uncertainty. A common solution is the use of statistical hypothesis
testing, which we portray here along with criticisms and alternatives.
Significance Testing Especially with deep neural networks, even with a fixed set of hyperparam-
eters, performance can be influenced by a number of (stochastic) factors such as the random seed
(Dror et al., 2019) or even the choice of hardware or framework (Leventi-Peetz & ¨
Ostreich, 2022).
As such, multiple factors have to be taken into account when drawing conclusions from experimen-
tal results. First of all, the size of the dataset should support sufficiently powered statistical analyses
(see Section 3). Secondly, an appropriate significance test should be chosen. We give a few rules of
thumb based on Dror et al. (2018): When the distribution of scores is known, for instance a normal
distribution for the Student’s t-test, a parametric test should be chosen. Parametric tests are designed
with a specific distribution for the test statistic in mind, and have strong statistical power (i.e. a lower
Type II error). The underlying assumptions can sometimes be hard to verify (see Dror et al. (2018)
§3.1), thus when in doubt non-parametric tests can be used. This category features tests like the
Bootstrap, employed in case of a small sample size or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (Wilcoxon,
1992) when many observations are available. Depending on the application, the usage of special-
ized tests might furthermore be desirable (Dror et al., 2019; Agarwal et al., 2021). Due to spatial
constraints, we here refer to Dror et al. (2018); Raschka (2018) for a general introduction to the
topic and Azer et al. (2020) for an overview over Bayesian significance tests. In Appendix A.4, we
also list a number of resources, such as Bayesian significance tests by Azer et al. (2020), an imple-
mentation of the test by Dror et al. (2019) by Ulmer (2021) and a test framework that is adapted for
deep reinforcement learning by Agarwal et al. (2021). With the necessary tools at hand, we can now
return to carefully answer the original research questions. Azer et al. (2020) provide a guide on how
to adequately word insights when a statistical test was used, and Greenland et al. (2016) list common
pitfalls and misinterpretations of results. We also want to draw attention to the fact that comparisons
between multiple models and/or datasets, require an adjustment of the confidence level, for instance
using the Bonferroni correction (Bonferroni, 1936), which is a safe and conservative choice and
easily implemented for most tests (Dror et al., 2017; Ulmer, 2021).
Critiques & Alternatives Although statistical hypothesis testing is an established tool in many
disciplines, its (mis)use has received criticism for decades (Berger & Sellke, 1987; Demˇ
sar, 2008;
Ziliak & McCloskey, 2008). For instance, Wasserstein et al. (2019) recommend not to frame the
p-value as a gatekeeper between a dichotomous “significant” and “not significant”—something that
has been argued to reinforce a publication bias, i.e., a favoring of positive results (Locascio, 2017)—
but instead report it as a continuous value, interpreting any results with the appropriate scepticism
and uncertainty.4In addition to statistical significance, another approach advocates for reporting
effect size (Berger & Sellke, 1987; Lin et al., 2013), so for instance the mean difference, or the
absolute or relative gain in performance for a model compared to a baseline. The effect size can
be modeled using Bayesian analysis (Kruschke, 2013; Benavoli et al., 2017), which better fit the
uncertainty surrounding experimental results, but requires the specification of a plausible model5and
potentially the usage of Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling (Brooks et al., 2011; Gelman et al.,
2013). Benavoli et al. (2017) give a tutorial for applications to ML and supply an implementation of
their proposed methods in a software package (see Appendix C).
Reporting Results Lastly, report the number of runs/random seeds used, and, if appropriate, the
significance threshold or confidence level of the statistical test or the underlying Bayesian model
and chosen priors. Report all scores using mean and standard deviation and report p-values or
comparable quantities as continuous values, not binary decisions. Using those results, evaluate the
evidence for and against your initial hypotheses.
4Or, as Wasserstein et al. (2019) note: “statistically significant—don’t say it and don’t use it”.
5Here, we are not referring to a neural network, but instead to a process generating experimental observa-
tions, specifying a prior and likelihood for model scores. Conclusions are drawn from the posterior distribution
over parameters of interest (e.g., the mean performance), as demonstrated by Benavoli et al. (2017).
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
Best Practices: Experiments & Analysis
Report mean & standard dev. over multiple runs;
Perform significance testing or Bayesian analysis and motivate your choice of method;
Carefully reflect on the amount of evidence regarding your initial hypotheses.
Subsequent to all the prior consideration, the publication step of a research project allows the find-
ings to be spread across the scientific community. In this section, we discuss some additional trends
in the DL field that researchers should consider when publishing their work.
Citation Control Frequently, researchers cite non-archival versions of papers without noticing
that the paper has been published already. The published version of a paper is peer-reviewed, in-
creasing the probability that any mistakes or ambiguities have been resolved. In Appendix C we
suggest tools to verify the version of any cited papers.
Hardware Requirements The paper should report the computing infrastructure used. At mini-
mum, the specifics about the CPU and GPU. This is for indicating the amount of compute necessary
for the project, but also for the sake of replicability issues due to the non-deterministic nature of the
GPU (Jean-Paul et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2020). Moreover, Dodge et al. (2019) demonstrate that test
performance scores alone are insufficient for claiming the dominance of a model over another, and
argue for reporting additional performance details on validation data as a function of computation
budget, which can also estimate the amount of computation required to obtain a given accuracy.
Environmental Impact The growth of computational resources required for DL over the last
decade has led to financial and carbon footprint discussions in the AI community. Schwartz et al.
(2020) introduce the distinction between Red AI—AI research that seek to obtain state-of-the-art re-
sults through the use of massive computational power—and Green AI—AI research that yields novel
results without increasing computational cost. In the paper the authors propose to add efficiency as
an evaluation criterion alongside accuracy measures. Strubell et al. (2019) discuss the problem from
a more NLP-specific perspective: They quantify the approximate financial and environmental costs
of training a variety of widely used models for NLP (e.g., BERT, GPT-2). In conclusion, to reduce
costs and improve equity, they propose (1) Reporting training time and sensitivity to hyperparam-
eters, (2) Equitable access to computation resources, and (3) Prioritizing computationally efficient
hardware and algorithms (Appendix C includes a tool for CO2estimation of computational models).
Social Impact The widespread of DL studies and their increasing use of human-produced data
(e.g., from social media and personal devices) means the outcome of experiments and applications
have direct effects on the lives of individuals. Waseem et al. (2021) argue that addressing and mitigat-
ing biases in ML is near-impossible as subjectivity is inescapable and thus converging in a universal
truth may further harm already marginalized social groups. As a follow-up, the authors argue for
a reflection on the consequences the imaginary objectivity of ML has on political choices. From
the NLP perspective, Hovy & Spruit (2016) analyze and discuss the social impact research may
have beyond the more explored privacy issues. They make an ethical analysis of NLP on social
justice, i.e., equal opportunities for individuals and groups, and underline three problems of the
mutual relationship between language, society and individuals: exclusion, over-generalization and
Ethical Considerations There has been effort on the development of concrete ethical guidelines
for researchers within the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Association for Comput-
ing Machinery, 2022). The Code lists seven principles stating how fundamental ethical principles
apply to the conduct of a computing professional (like DL and NLP practitioners) and is based
on two main ideas: computing professionals’ actions change the world and the public good is al-
ways the primary consideration. Mohammad (2021) discusses the importance of going beyond
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
individual models and datasets, back to the ethics of the task itself. As a practical recommen-
dation, he presents Ethics Sheets for AI Tasks as tools to document ethical considerations before
building datasets and developing systems. In addition, researchers are invited to collect the ethical
considerations of the paper in a cohesive narrative, and elaborate them in a paragraph, usually in
the Introduction/Motivation, Data, Evaluation, Error Analysis or Limitations section (Mohammad,
2020; Hardmeier et al., 2021).
Best Practices: Publication
Avoid citing pre-prints (if applicable);
Describe the computational requirements;
Consider the potential ethical & social impact;
?Consider the environmental impact and prioritize computational efficiency;
?Include an Ethics and/or Bias Statement.
Several of the cited references in this work have either highlighted a deficiency in methodological
standards, or a necessity to update them. We want to dedicate this last section to discuss structural
issues regarding the implementation of our recommendations in a decidedly opinionated way.
Compute Requirements Specifically with regard to statistical significance in Section 5, there is
a stark tension between the hardware requirements of modern methods (Sevilla et al., 2022) and
the computational budget of the average researcher as well as the uncertainty under which exper-
imental results are interpreted. Significance tests require many runs to produce reliable results:
Neural network performance may fluctuate wildly,6and thus pose daunting computational costs,
which but the best-funded research labs can afford (Hooker, 2021). Under these circumstances, it
becomes difficult to judge whether the results obtained via larger models and datasets actually con-
stitute substantial progress or just statistical flukes. At the same time, such experiments can create
environmental concerns (Strubell et al., 2019; Schwartz et al., 2020).7Therefore, the community
must decide collectively whether these factors, including impeded reproducibility and weakened
empirical evidence, constitute a worthy price for the knowledge obtained from training large neural
Incentives in Publishing As demonstrated by Figure 2, DL has gained traction as an empirical
field of research. At such a point, more rigorous standards are necessary to maintain high levels
of scholarship. Unfortunately, we see this process lagging behind, illustrated by repeated calls for
improvement (Henderson et al., 2018; Gundersen & Kjensmo, 2018; Agarwal et al., 2021; Narang
et al., 2021). Why is that so? We speculate that many problems are intertwined with the incentives
set by the current publishing environment: The career of students and researchers often hinges on
published papers and incoming citations. As of now, better experimental standards are not aligned
with this goal, since they often do not increase the acceptance probability: The more details are
provided for replicability purposes, the more potential points of criticism are exposed to reviewers.
Under these circumstances, the quality of published works decreases, replication suffers and peer
review load increases. In this vein, Chu & Evans (2021) show how an increased amount of papers
actually leads to slowed progress in a field, making it harder for new, promising ideas to break
through. It also creates adverse incentives for actors to “rig the benchmark lottery” (Dehghani et al.,
2021), since achieving state-of-the-art results remains an import requirement for publishing (Birhane
et al., 2021).
Culture Change How can we change this trend? As researchers, we can start implementing a
lot of the recommendations in this work in order to drive bottom-up change by reaching a critical
6E.g., BERT models with different seeds (Sellam et al., 2021) sometimes perform quite differently compared
to the originally released model (Devlin et al., 2019).
7E.g., GPT-3 was estimated to have cost ca. 12M USD (Turner, 2020) or 188,702 kWh of energy to train
(Anthony et al., 2020).
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
mass (Centola et al., 2018). As reviewers, we can shift focus from results to more rigorous method-
ologies (Rogers & Augenstein, 2021) and allow more critiques of past works and meta-reviews to
be published (Birhane et al., 2021; Lampinen et al., 2021). As a community, we can change the
incentives around research and experiment with new initiatives. Rogers & Augenstein (2020) and Su
(2021) give recommendations on how to improve the peer-review process by better paper-reviewer
matching and paper scoring.8Other attempts are currently undertaken to encourage reproducibility
and reproduction of past works.9Other ideas change the publishing process more fundamentally,
for instance by splitting it into two steps: The first part, where authors are judged solely on the merit
of their research question and methodology; and the second one, during which the analysis of their
results is evaluated (Locascio, 2017). This aims to reduce publication bias and puts more scrutiny on
the experimental methodology. In a similar vein, van Miltenburg et al. (2021) recommend a proce-
dure similar to clinical studies, where whole research projects are pre-registered, i.e., specifying the
parameters of research before carrying out any experiments (Nosek et al., 2018). The implications
of these ideas are not only positive, however, as a slowing rate of publishing might disadvantage
junior researchers (Chu & Evans, 2021).
Limitations This work comes with two main limitations: On the one hand, it can only take a
snapshot of an ongoing discussion. On the other hand, it was written from an NLP perspective, and
thus some of the listed suggestions might not apply to other subfields employing DL methods. With
these limitations in mind, we invite members of the community to contribute to our open-source
Being able to (re-)produce empirical findings is critical for scientific progress, particularly in fast-
growing fields Manning (2015). To reduce the risks of a reproducibility crisis and unreliable re-
search findings Ioannidis (2005), experimental rigor is imperative. Being aware of possible harmful
implications and to avoid them is therefore important. Every step carries possible biases Hovy &
Prabhumoye (2021); Waseem et al. (2021). While necessarily incomplete, this paper aims at pro-
viding a rich toolbox of actionable recommendations for each research step, and a reflection and
summary of the ongoing broader discussion. With concrete best practices to raise awareness and
call for uptake, we hope to aid researchers in their empirical endeavors.
We would like to thank Giovanni Cin`
a, Rotem Dror, Miryam de Lhoneux, and Tanja Samardˇ
c for
their feedback on this draft. Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude to the NLPnorth
group in general for frequent discussions and feedback on this work.
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ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
The implementation of the methods we advocate for in our work can be challenging. This is why
we dedicate this appendix to listing further resources and pointing to examples that illustrate their
intended use.
Data Statement Following Bender & Friedman (2018), the long form data statement should
A good example of a long form data statement can be found in Appendix B in Plank et al. (2020),
where each of the former mentioned topics are outlined. For example, with respect to ANNOTATOR
DEMOGRAPHIC, they mention “three students and one faculty (age range: 25-40), gender: male
and female. White European. Native language: Danish, German. Socioeconomic status: higher-
education student and university faculty. This is a concise explanation of the annotators involved in
their project.
Data Quality Text corpora today are building blocks for many downstream NLP applications like
question answering and summarization. In the work of Caswell et al. (2021), they audit the quality of
quality of 205 language-specific corpora released within major public datasets. At least 15 of these
205 corpora have no usable text, and a large fraction contains less than 50% sentences of acceptable
quality. The tacit recommendation is looking at samples of any dataset before using it or releasing
it to the public. A good example is Varab & Schluter (2020; 2021), who filter out low-quality news
articles from their summarization dataset with empty summaries or bodies, removing duplicates,
and removing summaries that are long than them main body of text. More wide varieties of data
filtering can be applied, like filtering on length-ratio, LangID, and TF-IDF wordlists Caswell et al.
(2020). Note that there is no easy solution—data cleaning is not a trivial task Caswell et al. (2021).
Universal Dependencies Nivre et al. (2020) aims to annotate syntactic dependencies in addition
to part-of-speech tags, morphological features etc. for as many languages as possible within a con-
sistent set of guidelines. The dataset which consists of treebanks contributed by various authors
is updated in a regular half-yearly cycle and is hosted on the long-term storage LINDAT/CLARIN
repository (V´
aradi et al., 2008). Each release is clearly versioned such that fair comparisons can
be made even while guidelines are continuously adapted. Maintenance of the project is conducted
on a public git repository, such that changes to both the data and the guidelines can be followed
transparently. This allows for contributors to suggest changes via pull requests.
There are several libraries that allow for model hosting or distribution of model weights for “mature”
models. HuggingFace Wolf et al. (2020) is an example of hosting models for distribution. It is
an easy-to-use library for practitioners in the field. Other examples of model distribution is Keras
Applications10 or TensorFlow Model Garden Yu et al. (2020). Other ways of distributing
models is setting hyperlinks in the repository (e.g., Joshi et al., 2020), to load the models from the
checkpoints they have been saved to. A common denominator of all the aforementioned libraries is
to list relevant model performances (designated metrics per task), the model size (in bytes), model
parameters (e.g., in millions), and inference time (e.g., any time variable).
At the code-level, there are several examples of codebases with strong documentation and clean
project structure. We define documentation and project structure in Appendix B. Here, we give
examples going from smaller projects to larger Python projects:
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
The codebase of CateNETS Curth & van der Schaar (2021a;b); Curth et al. (2021)11 shows a clear
project structure. This includes unit tests, versioning of the library, and licensing. In addition, there
are specific files for each published work to replicate the results.
Not all projects require a pip installation or unit tests. For example—similar to the previous
project—MaChAmp van der Goot et al. (2021)12 shows detailed documentation, including several
reproducible experiments shown in the paper (including files with model scores) and a clear project
structure. Here, one possible complication lies in possible dependency issues once the repository
grows, with unit tests as a mitigation strategy.
AdapterHub Pfeiffer et al. (2020)13 demonstrates the realization of a large-scale project.
This includes tutorials, configurations, and hosting of technical documentation (https://, as well as a dedicated website for the library itself.
Statistical Hypothesis Testing A general introduction to significance testing in NLP is given by
Dror et al. (2018); Raschka (2018); Azer et al. (2020). Furthermore, Dror et al. (2020) and Riezler
& Hagmann (2021) provide textbooks around hypothesis testing in an NLP context. Japkowicz &
Shah (2011) describe the usage of statistical test for general, classical ML classification algorithms.
When it comes to usage, Zhang & Plank (2021) describe the statistical test used with all parameter
and results alongside performance metrics. Shimorina et al. (2021) report p-values alongside test
statistics for the Spearman’s ρtest, using the Bonferroni correction due to multiple comparisons.
Apidianaki et al. (2018) transparently report the p-values of a approximate randomization test (Rie-
zler & Maxwell III, 2005) between all the competitors in an argument reasoning comprehension
shared task and interpret them with the appropriate degree of carefulness.
Bayesian analysis Bayesian Data Analysis has a long history of application across many scientific
disciplines. Popular textbooks about the topic are given by Kruschke (2010); Gelman et al. (2013)
with a more gentle introduction by Kruschke & Liddell (2018). Benavoli et al. (2017) supply an
in-depth tutorial for Bayesian Analysis for Machine Learning, by using a Bayesian signed ranked
test (Benavoli et al., 2014), an extension of the frequentist Wilcoxon signed rank test and a Bayesian
hierarchical correlated t-test (Corani & Benavoli, 2015). Applications can be found for instance
by Nilsson et al. (2018), who use the Bayesian correlated t-test (Corani & Benavoli, 2015) to in-
vestigate the posterior distribution over the performance difference to compare different federated
learning algorithms. To evaluate deep neural networks on road traffic forecasting, Manibardo et al.
(2021) employ Bayesian analysis and plot Monte Carlo samples from the posterior distribution be-
tween pairs of models. The plots include ROPEs, i.e., regions of practical equivalence, where the
judgement about the superiority of a model is suspended.
Replicability Gururangan et al. (2020) report in detail all the computational requirements for their
adaptation techniques in a dedicated sub-section. Additionally, following the suggestions by Dodge
et al. (2019), the authors report their results on the development set in the appendix.
Environmental Impact By introducing MultiBERTs Sellam et al. (2021), the authors include in
their paper an Environmental Statement. In the paragraph they estimate the computational cost of
their experiments in terms of hours, and consequential tons of CO2e. They release the trained models
publicly with the aim to allow subsequent studies by other researchers without the computational
cost of training MultiBERTs to be incurred.
Social and Ethical Impact Brown et al. (2020) present GPT-3 and include a whole section on the
Broader Impacts language models like GPT-3 have. Despite improving the quality of text generation,
they also have potentially harmful applications. Specifically, the authors discuss the potential for
12 nlp/machamp
13 Hub/adapter-transformers
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
deliberate misuse of language models, and the potential issues of bias, fairness and representation
(focusing on the gender, race and religion dimensions).
The work of Hardmeier et al. (2021) assists the researcher in writing a bias statement, by recom-
mending to provide explicit statements of why the system’s behaviors described as “bias” are harm-
ful, in what ways, and to whom, then to reason on them. In addition, they provide an example of a
bias statement from Basta et al. (2019).
The README First, the initial section of the README would consist of the name of the
repository—to what paper or project is this code base tied to? Including a hyperlink to the pa-
per or project itself. Second, developers also indicate the structure of the repository—what and
where are the files, folders, code, et cetera in the project and how would they be used.
Empirical work requires the installation of libraries or software. It is important to install the right
versions of the libraries to maintain replicability, and indicate the correct version of the specific
package. In Python, a common practice is to make use of virtual environments in combination with
arequirements.txt file. The main purpose of a virtual environment is to create an isolated
environment for code projects. Each project can have its own dependencies (libraries) regardless of
what dependencies every other project has to avoid clashes between libraries. For example, this file
can be created by piping the output of pip freeze to a requirements.txt file. For further
examples of virtual environment tools, we refer to Table 1 (Appendix C).
To ensure replicability, the practitioner writes a description on how to re-run all experiments that are
depicted in a paper to get the same results. For example, these are evaluation scores or graphical
plots. This can come in the form of a bash script, that indicates all the commands necessary.14
Similarly, one can also indicate all commands in the README. To give credit to each others work,
the last section of the README is usually reserved for credits, acknowledgments, and the citation.
The citation is preferably provided in BibTeX format.
Project Structure From the Python programming language perspective, there are several refer-
ences for initializing an adequate Python project structure.15 This includes a README, LICENSE,,requirements.txt, and unit tests. To quote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
(Reitz & Schlusser, 2016) on the meaning of “structure”:
“By ‘structure’ we mean the decisions you make concerning how your project best
meets its objective. We need to consider how to best leverage Python’s features
to create clean, effective code. In practical terms, ‘structure’ means making clean
code whose logic and dependencies are clear as well as how the files and folders
are organized in the filesystem.
This includes decisions on where functions should go into which modules. Also on how data flows
through the project. What features and functions can be grouped together or even isolated? In a
broader sense, to answer the question on how the finished product should look like.
An overview over all mentioned resources in the paper is given in Table 1.
14See for instance
15Some examples: and https:// organizing-projects/
ML Evaluation Standards Workshop at ICLR 2022
Table 1: Overview over mentioned resources.
Name Description Link
Anonymous Github Website to anonymize a Github repository.
baycomp (Benavoli et al., 2017) Implementation of Bayesian tests for the compar-
ison of classifiers.
BitBucket A website and cloud-based service that helps de-
velopers store and manage their code, as well as
track and control changes to their code.
Conda Open Source package management system and
environment management system.
codecarbon (Schmidt et al.,
2021b) Python package estimating and tracking carbon
emission of various kind of computer programs.
dbpl Computer science bibliography to find correct ver-
sions of papers.
deep-significance (Ulmer, 2021) Python package implementing the ASO test by
Dror et al. (2019) and other utilities
European Language Resources
Association ELRA (1995) Public institution for language and evaluation re-
GitHub A website and cloud-based service that helps de-
velopers store and manage their code, as well as
track and control changes to their de.
Google Scholar Scientific publication search engine.
Hugging Face Datasets (Lhoest
et al., 2021) Hub to store and share (NLP) datasets
HyBayes (Azer et al., 2020) Python package implementing a variety of fre-
quentist and Bayesian significance tests
aradi et al.
(2008) Open access to language resources and other data
and services for the support of research in digital
humanities and social sciences
ONNX Open format built to represent Machine Learning
Pipenv Virtual environment for managing Python pack-
Protocal buffers Data structure for model predictions
rebiber Python tool to check and normalize the bib entries
to the official published versions of the cited pa-
Semantic Scholar Scientific publication search engine.
Virtualenv Tool to create isolated Python environments.
Zenodo General-purpose open-access repository for re-
search papers, datasets, research software, reports,
and any other research related digital artifacts
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
We introduce Dynabench, an open-source platform for dynamic dataset creation and model benchmarking. Dynabench runs in a web browser and supports human-and-model-in-the-loop dataset creation: annotators seek to create examples that a target model will misclassify, but that another person will not. In this paper, we argue that Dynabench addresses a critical need in our community: contemporary models quickly achieve outstanding performance on benchmark tasks but nonetheless fail on simple challenge examples and falter in real-world scenarios. With Dynabench, dataset creation, model development, and model assessment can directly inform each other, leading to more robust and informative benchmarks. We report on four initial NLP tasks, illustrating these concepts and highlighting the promise of the platform, and address potential objections to dynamic benchmarking as a new standard for the field.
Full-text available
Many tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV) offer evidence that humans disagree, from objective tasks such as part-of-speech tagging to more subjective tasks such as classifying an image or deciding whether a proposition follows from certain premises. While most learning in artificial intelligence (AI) still relies on the assumption that a single (gold) interpretation exists for each item, a growing body of research aims to develop learning methods that do not rely on this assumption. In this survey, we review the evidence for disagreements on NLP and CV tasks, focusing on tasks for which substantial datasets containing this information have been created. We discuss the most popular approaches to training models from datasets containing multiple judgments potentially in disagreement. We systematically compare these different approaches by training them with each of the available datasets, considering several ways to evaluate the resulting models. Finally, we discuss the results in depth, focusing on four key research questions, and assess how the type of evaluation and the characteristics of a dataset determine the answers to these questions. Our results suggest, first of all, that even if we abandon the assumption of a gold standard, it is still essential to reach a consensus on how to evaluate models. This is because the relative performance of the various training methods is critically affected by the chosen form of evaluation. Secondly, we observed a strong dataset effect. With substantial datasets, providing many judgments by high-quality coders for each item, training directly with soft labels achieved better results than training from aggregated or even gold labels. This result holds for both hard and soft evaluation. But when the above conditions do not hold, leveraging both gold and soft labels generally achieved the best results in the hard evaluation. All datasets and models employed in this paper are freely available as supplementary materials.
Evaluation practices in natural language generation (NLG) have many known flaws, but improved evaluation approaches are rarely widely adopted. This issue has become more urgent, since neural generation models have improved to the point where their outputs can often no longer be distinguished based on the surface-level features that older metrics rely on. This paper surveys the issues with human and automatic model evaluations and with commonly used datasets in NLG that have been pointed out over the past 20 years. We summarize, categorize, and discuss how researchers have been addressing these issues and what their findings mean for the current state of model evaluations. Building on those insights, we lay out a long-term vision for evaluation research and propose concrete steps for researchers to improve their evaluation processes. Finally, we analyze 66 generation papers from recent NLP conferences in how well they already follow these suggestions and identify which areas require more drastic changes to the status quo.
Conference Paper
Compute, data, and algorithmic advances are the three fundamental factors that guide the progress of modern Machine Learning (ML). In this paper we study trends in the most readily quantified factor - compute. We show that before 2010 training compute grew in line with Moore's law, doubling roughly every 20 months. Since the advent of Deep Learning in the early 2010s, the scaling of training compute has accelerated, doubling approximately every 6 months. In late 2015, a new trend emerged as firms developed large-scale ML models with 10 to 100-fold larger requirements in training compute. Based on these observations we split the history of compute in ML into three eras: the Pre Deep Learning Era, the Deep Learning Era and the Large-Scale Era. Overall, our work highlights the fast-growing compute requirements for training advanced ML systems.
Artificial intelligence (AI) shares many generalizability challenges with psychology. But the fields publish differently. AI publishes fast, through rapid preprint sharing and conference publications. Psychology publishes more slowly, but creates integrative reviews and meta-analyses. We discuss the complementary advantages of each strategy, and suggest that incorporating both types of strategies could lead to more generalizable research in both fields.