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Literature Review: The Effect of Audio Hypnobirthing on Anxiety Levels in First Childbirth Mothers

  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo


Anxiety in childbirth is a response to certain threatening situations, often anxiety can be characterized by feelings of irritability, anxiety, nervousness, excessive vigilance, and feelings of tension when facing the labor process. Maternal mothers who cannot control their anxiety and fear before giving birth will release high amounts of catecholamine hormones. Stress hormones that are produced in excess in pregnant women can interfere with the blood supply to the fetus and can make the fetus hyperactive. This literature study aims to determine the effect of audio hypnobirthing on maternal anxiety levels. This study uses a descriptive narrative method in the form of a literature study, literature searches are carried out through Google Scholar, Indonesia One Search (IOS), Digital Reference Garba (GARUDA) and text books. The literature used is published in 2011-2020 both nationally and internationally and is relevant to the topic taken. The results of the study of literature in 6 journals and 3 books found that there was an effect of audio hypnobirthing on the anxiety level of maternity mothers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that hypnobirthing can prevent anxiety in maternity.
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 33
Literature Review: The Effect of Audio
Hypnobirthing on Anxiety Levels in First
Childbirth Mothers
Dwi Nur Octaviani Katili1, Siskawati Umar1, Saras Dwiyanti Nteya2
1Lecturer of the Department of Midwifery, University of Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
2Midwifery Department Student, University of Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
Abstract. Anxiety in childbirth is a response to certain threatening situations, often
anxiety can be characterized by feelings of irritability, anxiety, nervousness, excessive
vigilance, and feelings of tension when facing the labor process. Maternal mothers who
cannot control their anxiety and fear before giving birth will release high amounts of
catecholamine hormones. Stress hormones that are produced in excess in pregnant
women can interfere with the blood supply to the fetus and can make the fetus
hyperactive. This literature study aims to determine the effect of audio hypnobirthing on
maternal anxiety levels. This study uses a descriptive narrative method in the form of a
literature study, literature searches are carried out through Google Scholar, Indonesia
One Search (IOS), Digital Reference Garba (GARUDA) and text books. The literature used
is published in 2011-2020 both nationally and internationally and is relevant to the topic
taken. The results of the study of literature in 6 journals and 3 books found that there was
an effect of audio hypnobirthing on the anxiety level of maternity mothers. Based on the
results of the study, it can be concluded that hypnobirthing can prevent anxiety in
Keywords: 1st Stage of Labor, Anxiety, Hypnobirthing
Received: September 1, 2021 Received in Revised: October 8,
Accepted: November 11, 2021
Anxiety before childbirth is a physiological thing, but in dealing with childbirth
there will be a series of physical and psychological changes starting from uterine
contractions, cervical dilatation, and expulsion of the placenta ending with maternal and
infant care. Anxiety is an emotional reaction to subjective individual judgments,
influenced by the subconscious and the cause is not known specifically. Anxiety can arise
due to various factors that suppress life, including in the face of the pregnancy process.
Maternal mothers who cannot control their anxiety and fear before giving birth will
release catecholamine hormones in high amounts. Stress hormones that are produced in
excess in pregnant women can interfere with the blood supply to the fetus and can make
the fetus hyperactive. Antenatal depression and anxiety also have a direct impact on
Journal of Community Health Provision
Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2021
Page 33-39
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 34
postnatal parental stress and physiologically will cause uterine contractions to feel more
painful and painful. On the other hand, if the mother faces childbirth with a calm, sincere
and resigned feeling, the body will naturally release endorphins that will make the
mother feel comfortable, and can reduce or even eliminate pain. The effect of these
endorphins is said to be 200 times stronger than that of morphine. The mother will be in
a relaxed state so that the uterus will naturally be able to make rhythmic movements that
are in rhythm with the movement of the fetus that is looking for a way out. The fetus will
find a way out in peace and the pain during childbirth is reduced.
Efforts to reduce anxiety in mothers in the face of childbirth is to inform a
comfortable delivery, one of which is by introducing the hypnobirthing method. The
hypnobirthing method is a combination of the natural birth process with hypnosis to
build positive perceptions and self-confidence and reduce fear, anxiety and tension, and
panic before, during and after childbirth. According to the American Pregency
Association, this hypnobirthing relaxation technique can be used to prepare a mother for
childbirth and to try to overcome a number of issues ranging from fears and health
conditions related to pregnancy and to reduce anxiety.
Hypnobirthing is one of the techniques of autohypnosis (self hypnosis), which is a
natural effort to instill positive intentions/suggestions into the soul or subconscious
mind during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. Thus, pregnant women can enjoy
the beauty of pregnancy and the smooth delivery process. This method is based on the
belief that every woman can go through the process of giving birth in a calm, natural, and
comfortable way. Hypnobirthing is the right step to neutralize and reprogram the
negative thoughts of the mother's subconscious with positive thoughts. As a result, the
thoughts that are embedded in the subconscious that the frightening and painful process
can be erased and replaced with new beliefs that childbirth take place are very spiritual,
easy, smooth, and comfortable (Kuswandi, 2014).
The techniques used in hypnobirthing can help mothers to feel less painful
contractions. If the mother feels sick, worried or afraid during the delivery process, her
body tends to tense up and stress hormones, especially adrenaline, will flood the body.
Blood that flows quickly to the muscles will make the uterine muscles not work properly
due to lack of blood and oxygen so that childbirth will be more difficult and longer. In
addition, the baby may be deprived of oxygen (Ayuningtyas, 2019).
The results of research from Sariati, et al (2016), the presentation of maternal
anxiety during hypnobirthing relaxation was 73.3%. This shows a decrease in the level of
anxiety in mothers after hypnobirthing relaxation. This decrease in anxiety levels is due
to the hypnobirthing relaxation that brings the brain to work on alpha waves, namely
waves that have a frequency of 14-30 HZ. In this condition the brain is in a relaxed state,
relaxed, between conscious, unconscious and almost asleep when the body begins to
secrete serotonin and endorphins (Sariati et al., 2016)
The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that around 830 women worldwide
die every day due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth and 99% of them
are in developing countries. In developing countries, in 2015 the maternal mortality rate
reached 239 per 100,000 live births, compared to developed countries which only
reached 12 per 100,000 live births (World Health Organization, 2018)
The maternal mortality rate (MMR) according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health,
2015 was 126 per 100,000 live births. Based on the Data and Information Center of the
Ministry of Health (Infodatin), in 2013 the high maternal mortality rate was caused by
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 35
bleeding 30.3%, preeclampsia 27.1, infection 7.3%, and other causes, namely 40.8% (
Ministry of Health RI, 2014). In Gorontalo district itself, the number of mothers giving
birth in Gorontalo district from January to December 2019 was 7,711 mothers
This research is a research using literature study method or literature review. A
literature review is a comprehensive overview of the research that has been done on a
specific topic to show the reader what is already known about the topic and what is not
known, to seek rationale from research that has been done or for further research ideas.
Literature studies can be obtained from various sources, both journals, books,
documentation, internet and libraries. The literature study method is a series of activities
related to the method of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing
writing materials (Nursalam, 2016). The type of writing used is a literature review study
that focuses on the results of writing related to the topic or variable of writing.
Based on the journal search results from the IOS search engine, Google Scholar and
Digital Reference Garba (GARUDA) with the keywords: 1st stage labor, anxiety,
hypnobirthing, resulting in 272 journals. The journals are then screened, taking into
account the suitability of the source, the suitability of the content, through a quick reading
of the abstract, headings, sub headings, as well as document statements or important
sentences contained in the abstract and introduction of the journal, plus taking into
account the condition of the journal such as: journals cannot be opened, cannot be
downloaded, are incomplete, only have abstracts, journals originating from research
conducted outside the health sector, journals conducted outside the ranks of universities,
and journals containing only one keyword are not included in the journal review. So that
through the screening, 6 journals were obtained.
The results after the inclusion of the inclusion criteria obtained 6 journals, the
journal was then carried out a feasibility test by reading it in its entirety and thoroughly.
Journals that are articles or literature reviews, journals with the same title, and journals
that are not in accordance with the author's objectives will be eliminated. To speed up
the process of eliminating journals, an objective evaluation of the contents of journals
that are supportive or debilitating is carried out, using skimming (gliding) with the
intention of focusing on reading the journal's core, by reading quickly, and capturing the
essence of the journal. If the use of skimming is still not able to capture the intent of the
journal author, then read it repeatedly, in depth, and focus on research methods and
results, and get 6 journals that match the number of journals. The appropriate journals
are then analyzed and extracted.
Based on the six journals taken and reviewed, it was found that PICO (Problem,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcome): The problem discussed was the level of anxiety of
pregnant women and mothers giving birth, then the intervention given to reduce the level
of anxiety was hypnobirthing. The result of giving hypnobirthing is hypnobirthing can
reduce anxiety levels in pregnant women or mothers in labor.
Mothers giving birth in the 1st stage will feel anxiety which can cause excessive
pain, tension, and feelings of discomfort at the time of delivery. Anxiety is a feeling
disorder characterized by excessive worry or fear, is not disturbed, and remains intact to
assess personality, disturbed behavior but is still in a normal state.
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 36
Maternal mothers who cannot control anxiety will release catecholamine
hormones in high amounts into the blood and suppress the hormone epinephrine and
oxytocin hormones which will result in decreased uterine contractions, reduced blood
flow and oxygen so that physiologically it can cause increased pain. On the other hand, if
the mother faces childbirth calmly and comfortably, the body will automatically release
endorphins which will make the feeling feel comfortable, reduce, and even eliminate pain.
Anxiety can be overcome by pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.
For non-pharmacological therapy can use the hypnobirthing method. This method
teaches that fear and tension (or special medical conditions), intense pain do not always
have to be present in labour. According to the American Pregency Association, this
hypnobirthing relaxation technique can be used to prepare a mother for childbirth and
to try to overcome a number of issues ranging from fears and health conditions related
to pregnancy and reducing anxiety.
In the study (Jamir and Aguswatiawati 2020) maternity mothers who were given
hypnobirthing experienced a decrease in anxiety to become less anxious compared to
mothers who were not given hypnobirthing. This is because mothers who are given
hypnobirthing feel more relaxed, comfortable and calm, so they are able to face the birth
process comfortably and by applying the suggestions given during hypnobirthing.
Mothers who are given hypnobirthing will feel calm, comfortable and will reduce anxiety
until the delivery process ends (Jamir & Agustiawati, 2020).
This is in line with the theory of Lany Kuswandi (2011), by doing hypnobirthing
mothers can be directed naturally to increase self-confidence and instill programs or
positive suggestions until the delivery process. Thus the mother can neutralize all
negative recordings in her subconscious mind about the birth process, and then it will be
replaced with a positive program. Therefore, if the pregnant woman is in a calm condition
(alpha), theta, the fetus will feel a comfortable and calm condition because the frequency
of the mother is easily connected to her fetus. In addition, all positive programs or
intentions can be well received by both mother and fetus. Every fetal movement can be
understood by the mother. The mother can cooperate with the fetus, especially during
the labor process so that the delivery process can be passed calmly, comfortably, and
without pain (Lany, 2011).
Hypnobirthing technique aims to teach mothers to stay in control during labor.
Hypnobirthing is also useful in shortening the first stage of labor, reducing pain, and
anxiety after the delivery process is complete. Actually, hypnobirthing cannot relieve
pain, but the technique used in giving hypnobirthing can help mothers to feel less painful
contractions. Hypnobirthing can also control emotions in order to prevent feelings of
stress from developing. The methods chosen in this method vary, either through video or
listening to audio.
Similar to the research conducted by Sugeng Triyani, et al, (2016) with a sample
of 40 people, of which 20 people were in the case group and 20 people were in the control
group. It is known that from 20 samples observed, it can be seen that the average level of
anxiety before hypnobirthing is 24.10 and the average level of anxiety after
hypnobirthing is 2.55. From the -t test, it is known that the average difference between
the level of anxiety before and after being given hypnobirthing is 21,550. from the results
it can be concluded that the level of anxiety before giving hypnobirthing is moderate and
severe anxiety. While the level of anxiety in mothers who have been given hypnobirthing
is mild anxiety and no anxiety (Triyani et al., 2016)
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 37
The results of the study showed a decrease in anxiety levels after the intervention
with an average decrease of 21,550 points. The results of the static test showed a p value
of 0.000. this means that there is a significant difference between the level of anxiety in
the case group and the control group. It can be concluded that the hypnobirthing method
can reduce maternal anxiety levels.
The decrease in anxiety levels with the provision of hypnobirthing is also
supported by the results of the study. 8 The results of this study showed that the
percentage of anxiety of pregnant women who were given the hypnobirthing method was
73.3% with no symptoms of anxiety. Meanwhile, 40% of those who were not given the
hypnobirthing method showed symptoms of anxiety and 33.3% showed symptoms of
severe anxiety. 53.3% of the group given the hypnobirthing method had normal delivery,
while 60% of the group that was not given the hypnobirthing method had fast labor and
40% had normal delivery. This shows that childbirth using the hypnobirthing method can
reduce labor anxiety levels.
Research conducted by Erni Hernawati and Belva Metta Ardelia (2018) can also
strengthen the above theories. From this research, 62.5% of mothers who used
hypnobirthing did not experience anxiety and 37.5% experienced anxiety. Meanwhile,
mothers who did not use the hypnobirthing method all experienced anxiety. For this
reason, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the hypnobirthing
method and the level of anxiety, which means that using the hypnobirthing method will
be able to reduce the risk of maternal anxiety levels at 1.15
In the research of Fatimah Jamir and Agustiawati, (2020) the sample used was 42
people, of which 21 were the treatment group and 21 other respondents were the control
group. Prior to treatment, all groups were first measured (pre-test) to determine the
respondent's level of anxiety. Furthermore, the treatment group was given an
intervention while the control group was not given an intervention. The results of this
study were from 21 mothers without hypnobirthing, there were 12 mothers who
experienced moderate levels of anxiety, namely 12 mothers (57.1%), severe anxiety as
many as 6 mothers (28.65), and mild anxiety levels as many as 3 mothers ( 14.3%) while
the other anxiety levels were 0. Then after no treatment (post) from 21 mothers, the
highest level of anxiety was moderate anxiety as many as 15 mothers (71.4%), both
severe anxiety as many as 6 mothers (28.6 %) and three mothers with mild anxiety
(14.3%). This shows that changes in the level of maternal anxiety in the first stage without
hypnobirthing are very small. This means that without giving hypnobirthing all mothers
experience anxiety both before giving birth and after giving birth. The group of maternity
mothers who were given hypnobirthing as many as 21 people showed the highest level
of anxiety in childbirth before (pre) treatment was moderate anxiety as many as 13
mothers (61.9%) and severe anxiety as many as 8 mothers (38.1%). Then after being
given treatment (post), all mothers with a total of 21 mothers did not experience anxiety,
which means that all mothers who were given 100% treatment did not experience
anxiety. This study can be concluded that the provision of hypnobirthing can affect the
level of anxiety in maternity mothers (Jamir & Agustiawati, 2020).
Furthermore, research conducted by Imannuara & Susanti (2018) shows that the
decrease in anxiety scores before and after hypnobirthing is the average anxiety score
before the hypnobirthing class given is 55.80 to 41.33 as has been given the
hypnobirthing class. This shows that there is an effect of releasing hypnobirthing classes
in reducing anxiety levels of primigravida and multigravida pregnant women in facing
ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 38
childbirth. It can be concluded that giving hypnobirthing can effectively reduce anxiety in
pregnant women during childbirth (Imannuara & Susanti, 2018).
Although they have the same goal, namely to reduce maternal anxiety levels, these
studies have differences in methods, population and number of samples. As in Sitit
Haniyah's research (2013), using quantitative research methods with a pre-experimental
one-group pre-post test design, with a population of all pregnant women with a sample
of 16 primigravida pregnant women (Haniyah, 2013).
The research of Fatimah Jamir and Agustiawati (2020) used the Quasi Experiment
method with a nonequivalent control group pre-test and post-test design, the number of
population used were all mothers who gave birth with a sample of 30 mothers who gave
birth. Finally, the research conducted by Imannuara and Susanti (2018), using an
analytical experimental method with a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design, the
total population is pregnant women with a gestational age of 30-34 weeks and a
minimum sample size of 30 pregnant women. It has been reviewed that the hypnobiting
method can reduce maternal anxiety levels without the use of medical drugs. This
hypnobirthing method uses a combination of natural birth and hypnosis to build positive
perceptions and self-confidence and reduce fear, anxiety and tension, and panic before,
during and after childbirth. Anxiety can decrease because hypnobirthing works based on
the power of suggestion, uses positive affirmations, makes the body and mind relax so
that the body can respond to secrete endorphins that can suppress the release of
catecholamine hormones so that the mother relaxes and will put the brain in an alpha
state so will reduce pain in childbirth. This is evidenced from several studies that were
reviewed that there was a decrease in the level of anxiety for maternity mothers who
were given hypnobirthing compared to those who were not given hypnobirthing
Based on the results of the literature study, it can be concluded that there is an
effect of hypnobirthing on the anxiety level of mothers in first stage of labor. This
hypnobirthing method can build positive perceptions and self-confidence and reduce
fear, anxiety, and tension before and after childbirth. Hypnobirthing reduces maternal
anxiety because when doing hypnobirthing it will bring the brain to work in alpha waves,
which are alpha waves with a frequency of 14 to 30 Hz. In this condition the brain will
naturally instill positive thoughts or suggestions and be able to neutralize all negative
thoughts that exist in the mother's subconscious so that it will make the mother feel more
comfortable, relaxed, calm and can reduce or even eliminate pain during childbirth.
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ISSN 2776-1150 (Print), ISSN 2776-1169 (online)
Copyright © 2021, Journal of Community Health Provision, Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 | 39
Imannuara., & Susanti. (2018). The Effectivenness of Hypnobirthing In Reducing Anxiety
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Full-text available
Hypnobirthing is a complete birth education programme, that teaches particular relaxation and breathing techniques as well as easy-to-follow methods for a better birth. This study was conducted in Teerthanker Mahaveer Hospital, Moradabad. The Quantitative research approach with a pre-experimental study (one group pre-test post-test design) was adopted. The samples were selected by using convenient sampling technique. The sample size was 80 female Nursing Officers. The data was collected by using Self-structured knowledge Questionnaire. The result of the study showed that Pre-test mean knowledge score 11.9 with SD 4.78 and post-test mean knowledge score was 24.69 with SD 3.48 which is higher than that of pre-test. “t” value is 34.203 significant at 0.05 level of significance which indicates that Nurses Training Programme was effective.
Adaptability of pregnant women toward labor preparation is very important. If the mother cannot adapt during the process of labor, usually she will experience anxiety and will give a response of fight or flight triggered by the abundance of Catecholamines hormones and by the presence of fear and other forms of distress. This research used a quasi experiment method with non randomized pretest potest equivalent group design, without intervention on the comparison group. The quetionnaire of Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale was used to measure the level of anxiety among pregnant women given hypnosis therapy with pregnant women not given the hypnosis therapy. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the mean level of anxiety between cases and controls (SD of 6,004). There was a significant influence on the group that used hypnosis therapy with a mean decrease in anxiety by 21.550 poin with a p value of < 0.001. Therefore, hypnosis is effective in reducing anxiety among nulliparous women in the third quarter of pregnancy.
Kebidanan Komplementer Terapi Komplementer Dalam Kebidanan
  • I K Ayuningtyas
Ayuningtyas, I. K. (2019). Kebidanan Komplementer Terapi Komplementer Dalam Kebidanan. Yogyakarta Pustaka Baru Press.
Efektivitas Teknik Hypnobirthing Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Primigravida dalam Mneghadapi Persalinan di Kelurahan Teluk Purwokerto Selatan
  • S Haniyah
Haniyah, S. (2013). Efektivitas Teknik Hypnobirthing Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Primigravida dalam Mneghadapi Persalinan di Kelurahan Teluk Purwokerto Selatan. Viva Medika. 6(11)
Manajemen Stress Cemas dan Depresi. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI
  • Hawari
Hawari. (2011). Manajemen Stress Cemas dan Depresi. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI
The Effectivenness of Hypnobirthing In Reducing Anxiety Level During Delivery
  • Imannuara
  • Susanti
Imannuara., & Susanti. (2018). The Effectivenness of Hypnobirthing In Reducing Anxiety Level During Delivery. Joint International Conference. 2(2).
Perbandingan Tingkat Kecemasan Primigrvida dan Multigravida dalam Menghadapi Persalinan diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Wirobraja
  • Kurniawati
  • Wahyuni
Kurniawati., & Wahyuni. (2014). Perbandingan Tingkat Kecemasan Primigrvida dan Multigravida dalam Menghadapi Persalinan diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Wirobraja
Hypnobirthing A Gentle Way to Give Birth
  • L Kuswandi
Kuswandi, L. (2014). Hypnobirthing A Gentle Way to Give Birth. Cetakan 1. Pustaka Bunda: Jakarta.
Efektivitas Hipnosis pada Penatalaksanaan Cemas dan Nyeri Persalinan (Studi Literatur)
  • K Lany
Lany K. (2011) Hypnosis dan Rasakan Berbagai Manfaatnya Untuk Diri Anda. Jakarta Nursalam. (2016). Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Jakarta: Salemba. Medika Rahmawati., D.P. (2018). Efektivitas Hipnosis pada Penatalaksanaan Cemas dan Nyeri Persalinan (Studi Literatur). Journal of Midwwifery, 6(2).
Pengaruh Hypnobirthing Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Bersalin dan Lama Persalinan di Bidan Praktek Mandiri Wilayah Kabupaten Malang
  • Y Sariati
  • N E Windari
  • N R Hastuti
Sariati, Y., Windari, N. E., & Hastuti, N. R. (2016). Pengaruh Hypnobirthing Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Bersalin dan Lama Persalinan di Bidan Praktek Mandiri Wilayah Kabupaten Malang. Jurnal Ilmiah Bidan, 1(3).
Asuhan Kebidanan Persalinan dan Bayi Baru lahir
  • Sondakh
Sondakh. (2013). Asuhan Kebidanan Persalinan dan Bayi Baru lahir. Malang: Erlangga Medical Series.