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Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria in modern oceans
Tristan Biard
To cite this version:
Tristan Biard. Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria in modern oceans. Environmental Microbiology,
Society for Applied Microbiology and Wiley-Blackwell, 2022, 24, pp.2179 - 2200. �10.1111/1462-
2920.16004�. �hal-03716815�
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria in modern oceans
Tristan Biard *
Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, Univ.
Littoral Côte d’opale/Univ. Lille/CNRS/IRD, Wimereux,
Among the many inhabitants of planktonic communi-
ties, several lineages have biomineralized intricate
skeletons. These have existed for millions of years
and include the Radiolaria, a group of marine pro-
tists, many of which bear delicate mineral skeletons
of different natures. Radiolaria are well known for
their paleontological signatures, but little is known
about the ecology of modern assemblages. They are
found from polar to tropical regions, in the sunlit
layers of the ocean down to the deep and cold bathy-
pelagic. They are closely involved in the biogeo-
chemical cycles of silica, carbon and strontium
sulfate, carrying important amounts of such elements
to the deep ocean. However, relatively little is known
on the actual extent of genetic diversity or biogeo-
graphic patterns. The rapid emergence and accep-
tance of molecular approaches have nevertheless led
to major advances in our understanding of diversity
within and evolutionary relationships between major
radiolarian groups. Here, we review the state of
knowledge relating to the classification, diversity and
ecology of extant radiolarian orders, highlighting the
substantial gaps in our understanding of the extent
of their contribution to marine biodiversity and their
role in marine food webs.
Planktonic realms have attracted attraction since the early
ages of modern ocean exploration in the 19th century.
Among the diverse publications from these early days, sci-
entists like Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (e.g. Ehrenberg,
1854), Johannes Müller (e.g. Müller, 1859)orlater
Ernst Haeckel depicted the beauty of plankton in their
monographs. Haeckel’s major taxonomic works on the
Radiolaria were of particular impact. The first was his
1862 monograph ‘Die Radiolarian’; it earned him many
accolades and is said to have astonished Charles Darwin
(Richards, 2009). Die Radiolarian was followed by his
renowned ‘The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger’report dedi-
cated to Radiolaria (Haeckel, 1887). The massive work
inspired not only several generations of researchers but
also the general public via the presentation of hundreds of
aesthetic drawings of radiolarians in 128 plates, which
still inspire today a broad audience, from the new gene-
ration of scientists to modern designers (Williams
et al., 2015).
But what exactly are Radiolaria? While the scientific
definition has varied through time, and in particular during
the last two decades, Radiolaria can be said to be a
group of diverse unicellular eukaryotes (also known as
protists) often bearing delicate and elegant mineral skele-
tons. The closest relative to Radiolaria are Foraminifera
(Cavalier-Smith et al., 2018), another group of skeleton-
bearing protist (calcium carbonate), also classified among
the eukaryotic supergroup Rhizaria with the Radiolaria
(Biard, in press). It is their skeletons that popularized
Radiolaria to a broader scientific community. Indeed,
upon the death of a radiolarian, only its skeleton remains
and eventually sinks to the bottom of the ocean, where it
will be slowly incorporated into sediments and rocks
through diagenesis. The radiolarian skeleton, now fossil-
ized, will record the imprint of its surrounding environ-
ment and save it for millennia, providing excellent tools to
reconstruct past environments (De Wever et al., 2002).
Along with Foraminifera, Radiolaria have the most exten-
sive fossil record (starting as old as 521 Mya) of any
other extant protistan lineage (Suzuki and Oba, 2015). At
present though, knowledge of radiolarian fossil records is
by far inversely proportional to the knowledge of extant
radiolarians. We lack very basic knowledge concerning
their ecology, this point being hampered by the lack of
reliable estimates of their abundances across the various
size classes (Biard et al., 2016). Knowledge on their con-
tribution to contemporary biogeochemical cycles is more
advanced. Radiolaria are active and important
Received 4 February, 2022; revised 4 April, 2022; accepted 5 April,
2022. *For correspondence. E-mail: tristan.biard@univ-littoral.fr.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Environmental Microbiology (2022) 00(00), 00–00 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.16004
contributors to the carbon (Lampitt et al., 2009) and sili-
con cycles (Takahashi, 1987). Specifically, Acantharia
exert a major control in the ocean’s strontium budget
(Bernstein et al., 1987). However, we still lack for Radio-
laria full characterization of their contribution to global
biogeochemical cycles, particularly with respect to their
broad range of sizes. This imbalance is further exempli-
fied by the current state of radiolarian classification, rap-
idly evolving for now more than 130 years. Haeckel’s
original radiolarian classification included four legions
(Acantharia, Spumellaria, Nassellaria and Phaeodaria)
subdivided into two subclasses (Porulosa and Osculosa)
based on distribution patterns of openings (or pores) at
the surface of their mineral skeleton. While this classifica-
tion has influenced modern schemes through most of the
20th century, new classifications have separated Radio-
laria into different groups, in particular, based on the min-
eral nature of their skeleton. Such recent developments,
also based on molecular evidence, have separated Pha-
eodaria, long considered as radiolarians, from the core
Radiolaria (Polet et al., 2004) but still classified among
Rhizaria, within the phylum Cercozoa (Biard, in press).
Therefore, Phaeodaria will not be considered in this
review. For each core radiolarian order, taxonomic classi-
fications are presented below, along with existing knowl-
edge of their ecology and core information on
environmental diversity signatures.
General morphology, ecology and classification
According to the latest classification schemes
(Sandin, 2019; Nakamura et al., 2021), Radiolaria are
now divided into six orders: Acantharia, Taxopodida,
Spumellaria, Nassellaria, Collodaria and Orodaria
(Fig. 1). The last four orders are further grouped within
the Class Polycystinea and hereafter refer as to poly-
cystine radiolarians (Suzuki and Not, 2015). Two key
morphological criteria help subdivide Radiolaria into the
six orders: (i) the main skeletal chemical component, and
(ii) the type/structure of skeleton. Acantharia (Fig. 2A and
B) are unique with respect to their peculiar skeletons
made out of strontium sulfate (SrSO
), which makes
them the only known protist biomineralizing this element
(Decelle and Not, 2015). All remaining radiolarians con-
sistently biomineralize opaline silica (SiO
O) in a var-
ious range of skeleton types, mainly being shells.
Taxopodida, however, possess oar-like spines (referred
to as axopodia) containing silica and are unique (Fig. 2C
and D). Spumellaria (Fig. 2E and F) and Nassellaria
(Fig. 2G and H) are likely the two best-known radiolarian
orders (due to their extensive fossil records), with their
distinctive spherical and conical silicified skeletons
respectively. The two remaining Polycystine orders,
Orodaria and Collodaria, possess several unique mor-
phological characters. Both often reach cell sizes of a
thousand micrometres, while typical cell sizes for other
radiolarians are a few hundred micrometres. Orodaria
(Fig. 2I and J) possess the largest known silicified skele-
ton in any other extant radiolarian order (Nakamura
et al., 2021). However, Radiolaria without silicified skele-
tons of the Collodaria order are able to form large colo-
nies (up to 3 m for the largest reported collodarian;
Swanberg and Anderson, 1981) composed of tens to
thousands of single collodarian cells (Fig. 2K). The pecu-
liar morphology of Collodaria is further exemplified by the
existence of taxa bearing silicified spicules, resembling
those of sponges, rather than the typical spherical skele-
ton found elsewhere in polycystines. The reduction of
silicified structures within Collodaria is complete for some
taxa lacking silicified structure in any forms (referred to
as ‘naked’collodarians). Finally, some Collodaria taxa
can form large solitary cells consisting of one large
(i.e. >1 mm length) collodarian cell surrounded by a large
and dense network of pseudopods (Fig. 2L; Box 1).
As many other protistan lineages, there are currently no
cultures of any radiolarian species, despite several
attempts made in the past (Anderson, 1978;
Matsuoka, 1992), which failed to maintain radiolarian
through successive generations. Therefore, knowledge of
radiolarian ecology is limited by our ability to sample liv-
ing organisms from various ecosystems or work with
‘omics’data (e.g. transcriptomics, genomics, etc.; Caron
et al., 2012). Despite the inherent complexity of collecting
and studying them (see above), their relative wide occur-
rence in marine ecosystems has allowed a few studies
that have provided precious information regarding radio-
larian ecology. One of the most striking features of radio-
larians biotic interactions, which was highlighted early on
(e.g. Brandt, 1881), is their intricate relationships with
photosymbionts (Anderson, 2012; Decelle et al., 2015). A
large number of radiolarian species are associated with
diverse types of photosymbionts, from prokaryotes to
dinoflagellates, where the radiolarian host could acquire
carbon-rich products from the photosynthetic activity of
the symbionts, and the symbiont could benefit from a
protected micro-environment. However, recurring evi-
dence suggest that only the host could benefit from this
association, the symbionts undergoing substantial mor-
phological and physiological alterations (Uwizeye
et al., 2021). While the complex nature of these associa-
tions has not been thoroughly investigated, it is believed
that photosymbiosis could drive the latitudinal and
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
2T. Biard
Phorticioidea / Larcospiroidea
Arthracanthida / Symphiacanthida
Fig. 1. Schematic classification of Radiolaria based on ribosomal genes (18S and 28S rDNA) modified from Sandin (2019). Non-supported nodes are reported by a surrounded question mark.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 3
Fig. 2. Diversity of the different extant Radiolaria orders.
A–B. Acantharia: Lithoptera fenestra and Amphilonche elongata.
C–D. Taxopodida: Sticholonche zanclea (C: live specimen; D: scanning electron microscopy image).
E–F. Polycystine - Spumellaria: Diplosphaera spinosa and Euchitonia elegans.
G–H. Polycystine - Nassellaria: Pteroscenium sp. and Plectaniscus sp.
I–J. Polycystine - Orodaria: Oroscena regalis and Cytocladus tricladus.
K–L. Polycystine - Collodaria: colonial (Collozoum sp.) and solitary (Thalassicolla nucleata) specimens. All scale bars are 50 μm. Images A–B and E–H courtesy of John Dolan (CNRS). Images
C-D courtesy of Karine Leblanc (CNRS). Monographs I–J from Haecker (1908). Many more images of Radiolaria and plankton can be found online at Aquaparadox and MIO Plankton images.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
4T. Biard
vertical distribution of some radiolarian taxa (Suzuki and
Not, 2015; Biard and Ohman, 2020).
Less is known about preys and predators of radiolarians
and their influence on such biogeographical patterns. Most
radiolarians are phagotrophs, feeding on a broad range
(both in diversity and size) of prey without any obvious
prey preferences: bacteria, small autotrophs (e.g. diatoms,
dinoflagellates), protists (e.g. mostly ciliates and tintinnids)
or even multicellular heterotrophs (e.g. copepods, large
mollusc larvae; Anderson, 1977;Sugiyamaand
Anderson, 1998; Bernstein et al., 1999;Matsuoka,2007;
Sugiyama et al., 2008;SuzukiandNot,2015;MarsBrisbin
et al., 2020). A few reports, however, indicate that some
radiolarians could be detritivores (Anderson, 1983).
Capture and digestion mechanisms are still elusive
processes that often involve a few different types of
pseudopodia (i.e. root-like branching projections arising
from the cytoplasm; Fig. 3). Capture of prey by
Nassellaria involves the ‘axial projection’, the thickest
and longest pseudopod emerging outward from the cen-
tre of the skeleton aperture (Fig. 3A). This AxP can be
accompanied by several ‘terminal projections’, thick
pseudopods emerging outwards too, forming altogether
the ‘terminal cone’(Sugiyama et al., 2008). The extent of
the TC can be as long as two to three cell lengths, all-
owing the nassellarian cell to sweep large volumes for
prey. Once captured, the prey is brought back within a
few minutes toward the oral aperture of the skeleton,
after which the prey will be digested within specific vacu-
oles. Prey capture among Spumellaria is unlike the TC
found in Nassellaria. Rather than projecting their pseudo-
pods toward one direction, Spumellaria possess a large
number of pseudopods (often referred to as axopodia)
radiating in all directions (Fig. 3B). Prey is captured by
adhesion while swimming in the pseudopodial network.
One detailed study revealed that Spumellaria pseudopo-
dia follow a regular rhythmic cycle of extension and con-
traction, repeating successively every 10 min (Suzuki
and Sugiyama, 2001). Prey capture among Collodaria is
likely passive and can involve a large number of pseudo-
pods radiating in all directions, similar to the feeding
behaviour of Spumellaria (Fig. 3C). Prey (or sometime
predators aiming to prey on Collodaria) swimming near
the pseudopodial network get glued on it and will be
slowly be digested in specific vacuoles. Prey capture by
Acantharia is still an unresolved process, despite a
recent study (Mars Brisbin et al., 2020) reporting that
acantharians in the near-surface layer consistently dis-
played long pseudopodial extensions terminating in drop-
shaped structures, which could serve as a fishing appa-
ratus similar to those observed in polycystine radiolar-
ians. Oroscenids feeding behaviour is primarily unknown.
However, the absence of mouth-like structures, or similar
openings in their skeleton, would either suggest that
Oroscenids are filter-feeders like mesopelagic
phaeodarians, or that feeding activities (including diges-
tion) occur outside the skeleton (Nakamura et al., 2021).
To date, thanks mostly from gut content analyses,
12 taxonomic groups have been identified as potential
predators of radiolarians (Table 1). These include a few
crustacean species of amphipods, decapods, euphausids,
isopods, ostracods and mysids, but the most diverse pred-
ators are undoubtedly copepods, with ca. 63 species in
which radiolarian remains have been found in their gut
contents. Other predators include molluscs (pteropods),
annelids (polychaetes), gelatinous plankton like salps or
doliolids, but also fishes (adults and larvae) whom seem
to preferentially feed on larger radiolarians such as colo-
nial Collodaria. Interestingly, some other taxa avoid con-
sumption due to sterol compounds produced by
collodarian’s photosymbionts (Anderson, 1983;O’Rorke
et al., 2012). While gut content analyses offer a good over-
view of potential predators of radiolarians (thanks to their
skeletal remains being mostly preserved from digestion,
which might not be the case for Acantharia), we cannot
Box 1. Schematic classification of Radiolaria
based on molecular and morphological criteria
Phylogeny. Radiolaria are separated into three main
phylogenetic entities: Acantharia, Taxopodida and
Polycystines. Phaeodaria is no longer considered to
belong to Radiolaria. Relationships between the three
radiolarian main entities are still unclear
(Sandin, 2019; Nakamura et al., 2021). See Fig. 1for
an illustration.
Morphology. Radiolaria can be separated into dif-
ferent orders based on two successive morphological
criteria: (i) the composition of biomineralized struc-
tures and (2) the type of silicified structures. The first
criterion separates Acantharia and their strontium sul-
fate skeletons, from Taxopodida and Polycystines,
both having biomineralized structures made out of
opaline silica. The second criterion pertains to silici-
fied radiolarians, i.e. Taxopodida and Polycystines,
the first having oar-like silicified spines (Fig. 2C and
D) while the second having classical silicified skele-
tons (Fig. 2E–J). Finally, among Polycystines,
Collodaria (Fig. 2K and L) are unique due to the colo-
nial nature of most species.
Diversity. While assessing the number of extant
radiolarian species is a difficult task (Suzuki and
Not, 2015), the three main radiolarian groups differ
widely, not only from a morphological perspective but
also from the putative number of known genera: from
one genus for Taxopodida to several hundred for
Polycystines (Adl et al., 2019).
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 5
TC =
Axo Axo
Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of prey capture among different radiolarian orders.
A. Nassellaria: the ‘terminal cone (TC)’comprises several ‘terminal projections’(TP) and the ‘axial projection’(AxP). Prey capture (here a ciliate) involves the different pseudopodia of the ‘termi-
nal cone’.
B. Spumellaria: prey capture (here a copepod) involves many axopodia (Axo) radiating in all directions and forming a dense pseudopodial network.
C. Collodaria: prey capture (here some tintinnids) is similar to Spumellaria and involves a dense axopodial network surrounding the specimen.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
6T. Biard
Table 1. Summary of known radiolarian predators and occurrence of radiolarians in gut contents.
Radiolaria group Predator Species Frequency in gut contents
Acantharia (include
Copepod Canthocalanus pauper
,Pleuromamma robusta,
Rhincalanus gigas
Fish Myctophid
Isopod Acanthamunnopsis milleri
,Munneurycope murrayi
Pteropod Cuvierina columnella,Hyalaea trispinosa,
Tiedemannia sp.
Collodaria Fish Bathylagus sp.
, Myctophid
Fish larvae Anguilla anguilla
Spiny lobster larvae Panulirus cygnus
Orodaria Salp Unidentified species n.a.
Spumellaria (include
Copepod Scopalatum vorax
Pteropod Cuvierina columnella n.a.
Taxopodida Copepod Aetideopsis antarctica,Calanus propinquus,C.
,Centropages velificatus
antarctica,Microcalanus pygmaeus,Paracalanus
,Temora stylifera
Ostracod Conchoecia belgicae 0.07
Euphausiid Euphausia sp.
Radiolaria overall Amphipod Cyllopus lucasii,Epimeriella macronyx,Orchomene
Copepod Aetideopsis antarctica,A.rostrata,Calanus
Centropages violaceus,Chiridius polaris
,Chirundina streetsii,Diaxis sp.
palumboi,Euchaeta norvegica,E. sp., Euchirella
rostromagna,Gaetanus simplex,G.tenuispinus,G.
sp., Gaidius affinis,G.columbiae,Haloptilus
ocellatus,Heterorhabdus sp.
,Heterostylites major,
Lucicutia wolfendeni,Metridia discreta,M.
Nannocalanus minor,Neocalanus sp.,
Neoscolecithrix magna
,Oncaea mediterranea
Pleuromamma robusta,P.scutullata
Pseudochirella polyspina,Rhincalanus gigas,
Scaphocalanus subbrevicornis
,Scopalatum sp.
,Scottocalanus securifrons,
Spinocalanus abyssalis,S.antarcticus,S.magnus,
S.spinosus,S. sp.
,Teneriforma sp.
,Xanthocalanus sp.
,Zenkevitchiella sp.
Decapod Gennadas valens,Hymenodora glacialis,
Nematocarcinus lanceopes,Penaeus
semisulcatus,Sergestes grandis,S.henseni,
Systellaspis debilis
Euphausiid Euphausia crystallorophias,E.superba,Thysanoessa
Fish Bathylagus antarctica,Trimmutom sp. 0.31
Fish larvae Anguilla anguilla
,Clupea harengus
pallasi,Etrumeus teres
,Paraliparis dipterus,
Sardina pilchardus,Sardinops melanostictus
Isopod Acanthamunnopsis milleri
,Bathynomus doederleinii,
Eurycope inermis,Ilyarachna hitrticeps,
Munneurycope murrayi
Mysid Antarctomysis ohlinii 0.36
Polychaete Poebius meseres n.a.
Pteropod Tiedemannia sp. n.a.
Salp Salpa thompsoni 0.62
Tunicate Dolioletta gegenbauri
Additional information about location and depths of observation and a complete list of references are provided in Supplementary Information
Table S1.
Observation from DNA sequences (clone or high-throughput sequencing).
Observation from fish gut contents, where organisms could have been attached to plastic particles.
Observation from scanning electron microscopy.
Observation from transmission electron microscopy.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 7
rule out that radiolarian remains in guts could be the result
of a species feeding on detrital material (i.e. marine snow),
leaving unknown the full extent of radiolarian predators.
Despite the detailed nature of existing information, it
should be noted that these observations are still restricted
to a handful of specimens and studies. More than the lack
of knowledge on specific predators, it is the lack of rate
measurements that prevent the inclusion of radiolarians in
marine food web models, precluding our understanding of
their role there.
Evolutionary relationships
Hypotheses concerning the evolutionary relationships
among the different radiolarian taxa have evolved con-
stantly in the last century, but many clarifications of unre-
solved placements have been solved within the last two
decades with the advent of integrative morpho-molecular
classifications. This is particularly true for Acantharia
(Decelle et al., 2012a), Collodaria (Biard et al., 2015),
Nassellaria (Sandin et al., 2019), Spumellaria (Sandin
et al., 2021) and Orodaria (Nakamura et al., 2021). To
date, only Taxopodida are lacking a detailed morpho-
molecular classification. However, clarification of the
overall radiolarian classification scheme is still required
as the most recent phylogenies including all known radio-
larian orders have highlighted discrepancies
(Sandin, 2019; Nakamura et al., 2021). These later stud-
ies suggested that Orodaria and Collodaria, rather than
being monophyletic clades independent of other radiolar-
ian orders, could be considered as sub-clades merged
within the order Nassellaria. Despite uncertainties related
to long-branch attraction artefact (known to be present
within Nassellaria/Collodaria/Orodaria), this separation of
polycystine Radiolaria into only two different orders
(Spumellaria and Nassellaria, including Orodaria and
Collodaria) would challenge any previous classification
schemes, as Collodaria have never been classified as
Nassellaria before (but were considered in the past to be
part of Spumellaria due to the resemblance between col-
lodarian and spumellarian skeletons; Anderson, 1983).
Furthermore, this could result in deep modification of our
understanding of radiolarian evolution and in particular
the evolution of radiolarian skeleton, Collodaria and
Orosphaeridae likely being the youngest radiolarian line-
ages (Suzuki and Oba, 2015) and possessing either giant
silicified skeletons or lacking any traces of silicification.
Diversity and classification
Unlike most radiolarians with silicified skeletons, there is
no fossil record of any Acantharia (Decelle et al., 2012b).
This is because the high under-saturation of strontium in
seawater leads to rapid dissolution of their skeleton upon
death (Beers and Stewart, 1970; Decelle and Not, 2015).
Therefore, the establishment of classification frameworks
has relied from early on, solely on morphological criteria
of extant taxa. Such work has long history: it was initiated
by Müller (1859), then his student Haeckel (1887)) and
later stabilized by Schewiakoff (1926). This later work,
emended in the four last decades, distinguishes
145 morphospecies, classified into 49–50 genera and
four suborders: Hollacanthida, Chaunacanthida, Sym-
phiacanthida and Arthracanthida (Suzuki and Not, 2015;
Adl et al., 2019). Despite extensive taxonomic analyses
that led to this classification framework, morphological
identification of Acantharia actually still relies on a hand-
ful of criteria, difficult to diagnose because of the fragility
and alterability of skeletal elements from dissolution
(Decelle and Not, 2015). Therefore, the benefits of
molecular approaches to study acantharian classification
have been substantial and helped clarified the evolution-
ary relationships between acantharian suborders.
The latest phylogeny of acantharian ribosomal genes
revealed the existence of six molecular clades (Clades A
to F) (Decelle et al., 2012a). At the suborder level, only
Chaunacanthida (Clade C) are monophyletic while the
three remaining suborders are polyphyletic (Fig. 3A). Hol-
lacanthida of Clade A represents the most basal and
likely the most ancient lineage overall. Evolutionary rela-
tionships between this basal clade, and clades B and C
(Chaunacanthida) are yet to be clarified. However,
molecular clock analyses date the appearance of these
two clades substantially ahead of Clades D, E and F, the
latter two being Arthracanthida and Symphiacanthida
respectively (Decelle et al., 2012a).
Compared with morphological classification, molecular
phylogenies not only highlighted some major discrepan-
cies between traditional taxonomical and molecular
schemes but also provided substantial insights into the
evolutionary history of acantharian skeleton and ecology
(Decelle et al., 2012a). The three early clades (A–C) pos-
sess less complex skeleton, with 10–20 needle-like spic-
ules with no junction or loosed attached, while complexity
increases (e.g. tight junction of spicules, presence of
shell, etc.) for the recently diverged Clades D, E and F
(Fig. 3B and C).
Photosymbiosis and biogeography
Acantharians are commonly found in surface waters from
polar to equatorial regions, and from surface illuminated
waters to the deep sea (Bernstein et al., 1999). They are,
however, more commonly found in surface waters of trop-
ical oligotrophic regions where they can represent a sub-
stantial fraction of protist abundances and overall primary
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
8T. Biard
production (Michaels, 1988; Michaels et al., 1995). The
ecological success of such Acantharia is likely in part
related to the fact that many species live in photo-
symbiosis with photosynthetic partners (Decelle
et al., 2015). However, not all Acantharia have been
found living such an intricate life (Fig. 4B). Indeed, only
taxa of the Arthracanthida and Symphiacanthida
(e.g. Clades E and F) have been repeatedly observed liv-
ing together with tens to hundreds of haptophyte
Phaeocystis cells (Khmeleva, 1967) and such symbioses
likely date from between 100 and 200 Mya when inor-
ganic nutrients were in short supply in the seas (Decelle
et al., 2012b). Detailed investigation of intracellular pro-
cesses related to this symbiosis revealed that
Phaeocystis symbionts are heavily modified (both their
morphology and metabolism) upon acquisition by their
acantharian host, suggesting that this seemingly mutual-
ism could be a ‘farming strategy’(Decelle et al., 2019).
These acantharians with symbionts often represent the
majority of acantharian biomass in surface waters
(Michaels, 1988; Stoecker et al., 1996). Despite
Acantharia–Phaeocystis being the most widely distrib-
uted form of symbiosis among Acantharia, a few rarer,
yet more complex, symbiosis cases have been observed
among Chaunacanthida (i.e. Clade C). This symbiosis
involves an acantharian cell with multiple partners
(i.e. dinoflagellates and haptophyte) in a three-way origi-
nal symbiosis being a likely remnant of primitive symbio-
sis (Decelle et al., 2012c).
Environmental genetic diversity
Little is known about acantharian diversity in marine eco-
systems and overall, only a handful of studies have
looked specifically into the distribution patterns at
regional or global scales. This is likely due to a combina-
tion of several factors: rapid dissolution of acantharians
in fixed (e.g. formalin) samples (Beers and
Stewart, 1970), the fact that acantharian skeletons are
easily damaged upon collection, and commonly a lack of
the taxonomic expertise required for identification
(Decelle and Not, 2015). Consequently, investigations
relying on the analysis of acantharian DNA from diverse
environments have provided valuable, unique informa-
tion. Of the six molecular clades described by Decelle
et al.(
2012a), only the most basal Clade A
(Hollacanthida) was not retrieved in early molecular envi-
ronmental surveys. The remaining clades are found in
various ecosystems, including a wide range of trophic
conditions, from the surface to deep-sea ecosystems.
Surprisingly, two molecular clades (described as Clade I
and III; Decelle et al., 2012a) are composed exclusively
of DNA sequences retrieved from environmental surveys
and could not be assigned to any known acantharian
morphospecies or suborder (Fig. 4A). Furthermore, these
environmental clades were samples in extreme ecosys-
tems such as deep-water masses, hydrothermal vents or
high-latitude ecosystems. However, the study of such
environmental sequences comes with inherent limitation.
Most of these sequences come from the early age of
molecular environmental surveys, using sequencing tech-
nics (e.g. clone library) nowadays obsolete. Such surveys
only provide a relatively limited snapshot of diversity at a
given location compared to the more recent DNA
metabarcoding approaches.
DNA metabarcoding (i.e. high-throughput sequencing
of a constrained DNA region, often for marine protist
communities the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene) has
allowed much more extensive exploration of diversity pat-
terns (Caron et al., 2004,2012). Surveys of acantharian
metabarcodes retrieved in the surface and deep-sea
(>200 m) zones suggested higher acantharian diversity
(mainly dominated by Clades E and F) in surface waters
(Decelle et al., 2013; Mars Brisbin et al., 2020). Similar to
clone library surveys (see above), DNA metabarcoding
systematically highlighted an overwhelming dominance
of the environmental Clade I in deep waters, regardless
of the sampling location (i.e. Indian, Atlantic, Antarctic or
Pacific Oceans). Therefore, the existence of a deep-sea
and diverse acantharian population should be considered
and deserves further attention. However, given the evolu-
tionary history of acantharian skeleton (Decelle
et al., 2012a; Decelle and Not, 2015), with basal clades
represented by rudimentary skeletons (see above), we
cannot rule out that this environmental clade I, never
morphologically characterized, lack the typical acan-
tharian strontium sulfate skeleton (Mars Brisbin
et al., 2020). At broader geographical scales, despite a
lack of detailed annotation and pattern analyses, DNA
metabarcoding of surface waters suggested that
Acantharia are one of the 11 most diverse eukaryotic lin-
eages (de Vargas et al., 2015), with 1043 operational tax-
onomic units (can be considered a proxy for species
richness to some extent; Caron and Hu, 2018). In the
global bathypelagic realm, DNA metabarcoding
suggested much more reduced acantharian diversity
(i.e. 75 OTUs), despite any further detailed annotations
(Pernice et al., 2016). Overall, environmental diversity of
Acantharia is yet to be fully characterized but will
undoubtedly reveal their substantial high diversity
throughout a broad range of ecosystems.
Diversity and classification
Initial classification schemes for nassellarians have long
relied on expert analyses of specific morphological
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 9
features, mainly the architecture of the initial spicule
(De Wever et al., 2002). Such schemes have been
derived mainly from fossil specimens, and fewer attempts
have been made to compare these classifications on living
nassellarians. Despite the inherent complexity of discrimi-
nating such criteria, approximatively 140 genera and
430 species are presently recognized (Suzuki and
Not, 2015). While divided at higher levels into seven
super-families until recently (Suzuki and Not, 2015), the
latest classification suggests the existence of 16 super-
families, 14 corresponding to extant nassellarian super-
families (Suzuki et al., 2021). This revision of classification
scheme at high taxonomic level was partially due to
Sandin et al.(
2019) latest morpho-molecular classification.
In this classification, phylogenetic relationships among
Nassellaria discriminate four ‘Molecular lineages’that
can be considered as the suborder level (Fig. 5A). Out of
the 14 extant nassellarian families, 11 are covered by
28S rDNA
18S rDNA
Holacanthida Clade A (Acanthoplegma)
Haptophyte (Phaeocystis)
Haptophyte (Phaeocystis)
1 1
5 7
10 diametral spicules
with no central junction
and no shell
10 diametral spicules
(loosely attached) and
no shell
20 radial spicules
(loosely attached) and
no shell
20 fused radial spicules
and no shell
20 radial spicules
(robust junction) and no
20 radial spicules
(robust junction) with
latticed or robust shell
Holacanthida Clade B (Acanthocyrtha,...)
Chaunacanthida Clades C1 to C4
(Gigatarcon, Heteracon,...)
Holacanthida Clades D1/D2
(Acanthocolla, Staurolithium,...)
Arthracanthida Clades E1 to E4
(Lychnaspis, Phractopelta,...)
Clades F1 to F3
(Phyllostaurus, Acanthostaurus,...)
Not reported
Not reported
Not reported
Environmental Clade I
Environmental Clade III
Clade B Clade E Clade E Clade F
Fig. 4. Schematic morpho-molecular classification of Acantharia based on ribosomal genes (18S and 28S rDNA) from Decelle et al.(2012a).
A. Phylogeny showing molecular clades, taxonomic suborders and environmental clades. Non-supported nodes are reported by a surrounded
question mark.
B. Corresponding extent of the morpho-molecular framework and main morphological features (including the presence and type of symbionts
C. Scanning electron microscopy illustrations of typical strontium sulfate structures found in three acantharian clades. All scale bars are 50 μm.
Images courtesy of Karine Leblanc (CNRS).
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
10 T. Biard
molecular data, thus allowing an extensive description of
evolutionary relationships between super-families. The
first lineage (I) corresponds to the Eucyrtidioidea and rep-
resents the most basal and likely the most ancient line-
age overall, according to molecular clock analyses
(Sandin et al., 2019). Hereafter, Lineage II encompasses
four super-families (Acanthodesmioidea, Artostrobioidea,
Carpocanioidea and Plectopyramidoidea) for which phy-
logenetic relationships are still unclear, particularly due to
the weak amount (<20) of reference sequences available.
The phylogenetic position is yet unclear for the two
remaining lineages III (Archipilioidea, Theopilioidea and
Plagiacanthoidea) and IV (Cycladophoroidea, Lit-
hochytridoidea and Pterocorythoidea).
When combined with morphological analyses of skele-
ton (Fig. 5B and C), the phylogeny revealed substantial
discrepancies with the traditional classification (based in
particular on the initial spicular system). Molecular phy-
logeny suggests that the overall morphology (i.e. number,
sizes and shapes of the different segments, presence/
absence of projections, etc.) of the specimen must be
considered for accurate taxonomic identification at high
taxonomical level.
Photosymbiosis and biogeography
There is a striking difference in our knowledge of the eco-
logical relationships of fossil nassellarians, and poly-
cystines overall, which have been used for
paleoenvironmental reconstructions (i.e. the use of fossils
to determine the climate for a given era in the past; Laza-
rus et al., 2021), and our knowledge of nassellarian ecol-
ogy in modern ecosystems. Most of our knowledge of
extant species is derived from sediment samples
(e.g. Boltovskoy and Correa, 2016) from which ecological
niche preferences of living nassellarians can be inferred.
Temperature appears to be by far the most significant
covarying factor structuring ecological assemblages of
nassellarians. However, some species are representa-
tives of particular trophic conditions: Acanthodesmia
vinculata for surface oligotrophic waters, Eucyrtidium
acuminatum for surface temperate areas (Suzuki and
Not, 2015). While all Radiolaria are marine species
inhabiting saline waters (salinities above 30 PSU;
Boltovskoy et al., 2017), there is one nassellarian spe-
cies, Lophophaena rioplatensis, who represents the only
known radiolarian species thriving in brackish waters
(Boltovskoy et al., 2003).
In addition to their phagotrophic behaviour (Fig. 3),
numerous nassellarian species have been observed to
be associated with photosynthetic partners (Fig. 5B).
While most of these observations did not investigate the
exact nature of the symbionts, often described as ‘golden
dots scattered within the cell’, a few studies have
narrowed their identities to two dinoflagellate species:
Zooxanthella nutricula (often referred to as Bra-
ndtodinium nutricula; Probert et al., 2014) and
Gymnoxanthella radiolariae (Yuasa et al., 2016). The
numbers of symbionts (5–13 μm in size) per host vary
considerably from a few cells up to more than 50 symbi-
onts scattered within the host cytoplasm. While these
symbiotic dinoflagellates have been identified in several
nassellarian species (Fig. 5B), a few super-families have
never been observed associated with symbionts. How-
ever, given the lack of systematic analyses search for
their presence, it is currently impossible to draw a conclu-
sion regarding a possible co-evolution between the sym-
bionts and Nassellaria.
Environmental genetic diversity
Little is known about biogeographical patterns of
nassellarian diversity in the global ocean. This observa-
tion is clearly contrasted with the extent of knowledge
gathered from their microfossils (De Wever et al., 2002).
Only a handful of study has investigated the extent of
their distribution in modern oceans (Boltovskoy
et al., 2010; Boltovskoy and Correa, 2016). A number of
nassellarian species have been reported from the deep
ocean (Boltovskoy and Correa, 2016), some of them
being characteristic of deep-water masses
(e.g. Cycladophora davisiana for the mesopelagic ocean,
0–1000 m; Cornutella profunda for the bathypelagic,
1000–2000 m; Suzuki and Not, 2015). Yet, all these stud-
ies relied on challenging morphological identifications
(see above) therefore hampering our understanding of
diversity patterns.
By comparing environmental sequences from the pre-
vious expedition to the latest morpho-molecular frame-
work for Nassellaria, Sandin et al.(
2019) provided the
first assessment of nassellarian environmental diversity
from molecular data. A large majority of the environmen-
tal sequences were assigned to the lineages II and III
(in particular the Plagiacanthoidea), from various types of
ecosystems (e.g. open ocean and nutrient-poor, deep-
sea anoxic waters, etc.). However, clone data unlikely
provide the most extensive overview of Nassellaria envi-
ronmental diversity. Considering the two most recent and
global oceanographic expeditions, high-throughput
sequencing for metabarcoding suggests a pool of
approximatively 400 OTUs (i.e. proxy for species rich-
ness) for Nassellaria, equally spread across a size range
from 0.8 to 2000 μm, and in the surface ocean (Tara
Ocean Expedition; de Vargas et al., 2015). This number
is similar to the number of identified species based on
morphological analyses (Suzuki and Not, 2015), while
they are likely not both covering the same size fraction
(sizes <20 μm rarely being studied in microscopy for
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 11
28S rDNA
18S rDNA
Multisegmented, simple
cephalis, segments with
discrete dividers below
the thorax
712 Yes (undeterm.)
Clade A - (Eucyrtidium)
2 segments, high-angled
conical or
very at umbrella-like
2-3 (4-rare) segments,
oval to spindle shell with
a small cephalis
2-3 segments, tubular or
high-angled conical shell
with some having an
undulated thorax
One D-shaped ring with
well-developed rods
from which many small
appendages arise
Not reported
Not reported
Yes (undeterm.)
Clade B - (Polypleuris)
Clade C - (Carpocanium)
Clade D - (Spirocyrtis, Extotoxon,...)
Clade E -
(Lophospyris, Ceratospyris,...)
Not reported
1 segment, cephalic wall
includes many arches or
an arch-like meshwork
2 segments, hat shell
2 segments, helmet
conical shell, 2 apical
horns, 3 wing-like rods
on the upper thorax
3 segments, vertical
apical horn, spherical
cephalis & truncated
conical thorax
2-3 segments, vertical
apical horn, spherical
cephalis, globular thorax
and 3 feets
1-2 segments, with
several arches
1915 Yes (undeterm.)
Not reported
Not reported
Clade G
Lophophaenidae (Ceratocyrtis,...)
Sethoperidae (Archiscenium)
Cannobotryidae (Acrobotrissa)
Clade X - (Archipilium, Enneaphormis)
Clade F - (Eucecryohalus)
Clade I -
(Dictyopodium*, Lamprotripus)
Clade H - (Cycladophora, Vaclkyria)
Clade J -
(Pterocorys, Theocorythium,...)
Lineage I Lineage II Lineage III Lineage IV
Fig. 5. Schematic morpho-molecular classification of Nassellaria based on ribosomal genes (18S and 28S rDNA) from Sandin et al.(2019).
A. Phylogeny showing molecular clades, taxonomic super-families. Group with an asterisk denotes changes in taxonomic nomenclature from Sandin
et al.(
2019) following the latest classification scheme for Radiolaria (Suzuki et al., 2021). Non-supported nodes are reported by a surrounded question
mark. Colours correspond to molecular lineages (ML): blue =ML I, red =ML II, orange =ML III and green =ML IV.
B. Corresponding extent of the morpho-molecular framework and main morphol ogical features (including the presence and type of symbionts reported).
C. Scanning electron microscopy illustrations of typical silicified structures found in the four main nasellarian molecular lineages. All scale bars
are 50 μm. Images courtesy of Miguel Sandin (Uppsala University).
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
12 T. Biard
Nassellaria). From the Malaspina Expedition covering the
global deep bathypelagic ocean, no sequences were
assigned to Nassellaria (Pernice et al., 2016), suggesting
a potential absence in deep oceans. However, since sev-
eral deep-sea nassellarians are well-known (Suzuki and
Not, 2015), the absence of deep-sea sequences
assigned to nassellarians could be due to the paucity of
reference sequences available (Fig. 5B), or to the difficul-
ties in DNA amplification for Nassellaria (Sandin
et al., 2019).
Diversity and classification
Traditionally (i.e. sensu Haeckel), radiolarians with spheri-
cal skeletons have been classified as Spumellaria
(or Entactinaria, although recent molecular evidences
questioned its existence as extant group; Nakamura
et al., 2020; Suzuki et al., 2021). In recent years, several
molecular studies have greatly clarified the phylogeny and
taxonomy of Spumellaria (Yuasa et al., 2005; Kunitomo
et al., 2006; Ishitani et al., 2012; Sandin et al., 2021). As for
Nassellaria, most of the early taxonomic work on
Spumellaria was based on fossil specimens, leaving the
complex task of identifying living spumellarians. Nowa-
days, approximatively 110 genera and 380 species have
been distinguished and divided into nine super-families
(Suzuki and Not, 2015). However, recently Spumellaria
have been classified into 13 extant super-families, thanks
to the latest morpho-molecular classification for this order
(Sandin et al., 2021).
Phylogenetic relationships among Spumellaria (Fig. 6A)
discriminate four ‘Molecular lineages’encompassing dis-
tinct monophyletic super-families. While the existence of
these lineages is statistically supported, inter-relations
between spumellarian lineages are still unclear. Unlike
other radiolarians orders, morphological classification and
molecular phylogeny are in general agreement with the
classification at the clade level. The overall skeleton sym-
metry and morphology (i.e. overall shape, central structure
patterns, etc.; Fig. 6B and C) of the specimen must be con-
sidered for accurate taxonomic identification. Internal
structures like the initial spicular system, believed to be crit-
ical taxonomic criteria for spumellarian identification
(De Wever et al., 2002), therefore appear to be a second-
ary criterion enabling finer taxonomic assignation, while
the overall shape and symmetry prove to be efficient and
sufficient at higher taxonomic ranks.
Photosymbiosis and biogeography
Our knowledge of spumellarian ecology has the same
inherent limitations that apply to other extant radiolarians.
Similar to Nassellaria, sea-surface temperatures shape
most spumellarian ecological assemblages (Boltovskoy
and Correa, 2016). However, for most subtropical
spumellarians, vertical distribution patterns are driven by
their mixotrophic strategy, as they host one of the most
diverse number of photosymbionts known among Radio-
laria. In all four spumellarian molecular lineages, the
presence of symbiotic partners has been reported, cover-
ing more than half of the super-families (Fig. 6B). Photo-
symbionts include some of the algae groups identified
among Nassellaria and Collodaria, such as Zooxanthella
nutricula/Brandtodinium nutricula (Probert et al., 2014)
and Gymnoxanthella radiolariae (Yuasa et al., 2016), but
also other symbionts apparently exclusive to Spumellaria.
These include unidentified species of Chlorophytes,
Prasinophytes and Haptophytes (Gast and Caron, 2001;
Anderson, 2012; Yuasa et al., 2019), as well the marine
prokaryotes Prochlorococcus (Foster et al., 2006) and
Synechococcus (Yuasa et al., 2012). The number of
symbionts per host varies considerably between species
of symbionts and hosts, from a few dinoflagellate cells up
to hundreds of bacterial symbionts scattered within the
host’s cytoplasm. Unlike Acantharia, the lack of consis-
tent search for spumellarian photosymbionts and their
broad distribution among super-families prevent drawing
any conclusion regarding the origin of spumellarian
Environmental genetic diversity
As for Nassellaria, there is a major imbalance between the
knowledge of spumellarian species distribution based on
the presence of their skeletons in marine sediments
(e.g. Boltovskoy et al., 2010) and diversity patterns in mod-
ern oceans. A few dedicated studies suggest that sets of
few dominant species can characterize a latitudinal gradi-
ent in the North Pacific, ranging from subtropical areas to
subarctic regions (Suzuki and Not, 2015). Similar patterns
are observed between photic and deeper water layers with
both patterns being partially explained by the presence of
symbionts and/or the influence of temperature. A number
of spumellarian species have been reported from deep
waters (Reshetnyak, 1955) with a few being characteristic
of deep-water masses (e.g. Spongopyle osculosa for the
mesopelagic ocean, Saturnalis circularis for the bathype-
lagic; Suzuki and Not, 2015).
A larger set of environmental sequences in shallow waters
can be assigned to Spumellaria, compared to Acantharia or
Nassellaria (Sandin et al., 2021),andasimilartrendis
observed in deep environments and particular ecosystems
such as anoxic basins. Among the breadth of environmental
sequences, several sequences cannot be clustered with ref-
erence sequences (i.e. one of the 13 molecular clades) and
form six environmental clades (referred to as Env 1 to 6), of
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 13
28S rDNA
18S rDNA
Clade A - Hexacaryidae* (Haliphormis*,...)
Clade B - Hexacromyidae* (Hexacromyum*,...)
Clade C - Hollandosphaeridae (Hollandosphaera)
Clade D - Spongosphaeridae
Clade E1 - Panartidae*
Clade E2 - Spongobrachiidae (Spongasteriscus,...)
Clade E3 - Euchitoniidae (Dictyocoryne, Tricranastrum*)
Spherical skeleton with
mixed number of spines
and cortical shells
Spherical skeleton with
mixed number of spines
and cortical shells
skeleton with 3+ cortical
Flat skeleton without
spines and one cortical
15 Dinoagellates
Gymnoxanthella), Bacteria
Yes (undeterm.)
Bacteria (Proc., Syn.),
Dinoagellates (Brand.,
Clade F1 - Ethmosphaeridae* (Heliosphaera)
Clade F2 - Cladococcidae* (Cladococcus, ...)
Clade G - Rhizosphaeridae
(Rhizosphaera, Haliommilla)
Centrocuboidea Clade H - Centrocubidae (Centrocubus)
Clade I - Excentroconchidae (??)
Not reported
Spherical skeleton
without spines and one
cortical shell
Spherical skeleton with
6++ spines and one
cortical shell(s)
Spherical skeleton with
6++ spines and one/two
cortical shell(s)
Not reported
(Clade L1 - Litheliidae) ?
Clade L2 - Spongopylidae/Cristallosphaeridae
(Schizodiscus, Calcaromma,...)
Clade K - Actinommidae (Actinomma)
Clades J1/J2 - Trematodiscidae*
(Stylodictya, Flustrella*)
Clade M2 - Larcospiridae* (Larcopyle)
Clade M3 - Pylodiscidae* (Pylodiscus)
Clade M4 - Zonariidae* (Tetrapyle)
Flat skeleton with 6++
spines and one cortical
Spherical skeleton with
6++ spines and three
cortical shells
Flat skeleton without
spines and one cortical
Mostly cubic skeleton
with +/- 6 spines and
one cortical shell
Yes (undeterm.)
Not reported
Not reported
Clade M1 - Amphitholidae* (Tholomura)
Environmental Clade I
Environmental Clade II
Environmental Clade VI
?Environmental Clade V
Environmental Clade III
Environmental Clade IV
None Unknown
UnknownNone Unknown
UnknownNone Unknown
None Unknown
UnknownNone Unknown
Lineage I Lineage II Lineage III Lineage IV
Fig. 6. Legend on next page.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
14 T. Biard
unknown morphologies (Fig. 6A). Among these environmen-
tal clades, Sandin et al.(
2021) hypothesized that Env1 could
contain a group of naked symbiotic spumellarians developing
within skeleton-bearing species. However, this hypothesis is
currently not supported by any physical sample hampering
any further investigation of the possible naked spumellarians.
At larger geographic scales, a metabarcoding survey in
the surface ocean (i.e. Tara Ocean Expedition)
highlighted a slightly more diverse spumellarian order
(with approximatively 600 OTUs, twice more than the lat-
est estimates from plankton samples; Suzuki and
Not, 2015) compared to Nassellaria (de Vargas
et al., 2015). However, considering metabarcode abun-
dances (referred to as ‘read abundance’, a proxy for cell
abundances), Spumellaria are among the nine most
abundant eukaryotic lineages. Interestingly, 80% of these
sequences/reads were extracted from the 0.8–5μm size
fraction, an unlikely size for typical spumellarians (gener-
ally larger than 60 μm). This imbalance in favour of the
smaller size fraction could, however, strengthen the
hypothesis of naked symbiotic spumellarians. Alterna-
tively, the presence of spumellarian in such a small size
fraction could be explained by cell breakage during sam-
pling or the existence of spumellarian swarmers
(i.e. flagellated cells of 2.5–10 μm corresponding to a
sexual reproductive stage of radiolarians) reproducing in
the deep ocean (Li and Endo, 2020), in a similar fashion
to Foraminifera. Deeper in the oceans, Spumellaria
appear less diverse (68 OTUs) in the Malaspina Expedi-
tion metabarcoding survey, but they comprise one spe-
cies (Cladococcus viminalis) with the fourth largest read
abundance overall (Pernice et al., 2016). This exploration
of spumellarian environmental signatures altogether high-
lights that there are substantial gaps in the understanding
of the likely underestimated spumellarian diversity
(i.e. existence of clades without any known morphol-
ogies) and its distribution in modern oceans.
Diversity and classification
Compared to other radiolarian orders, only handful studies
have investigated collodarian diversity, both in fossil and
living organisms. Collodaria were described in the late 19th
century (Haeckel, 1882) but were considered for decades
to be part of the order Spumellaria (e.g. Anderson, 1983).
Nowadays, Collodaria are formerly recognized as an inde-
pendent radiolarian order, separate from Spumellaria
(De Wever et al., 2002). However, recent molecular evi-
dence have highlighted that Collodaria could be included
as a new nassellarian family, rather than an independent
molecular clade (Sandin, 2019; Nakamura et al., 2021).
Nevertheless, until further morpho-molecular analyses and
for ease of understanding, Collodaria are here discussed
as an independent entity separate from Nassellaria.
Approximatively 80 collodarian species have been identi-
fied and regrouped in 20 genera (Suzuki and Not, 2015).
Collodaria were originally separated into three main fami-
lies, Thalassicollidae, Sphaerozoidae and Collos-
phaeridae, based on two key morphological criteria: as
either colonial (Sphaerozoidae and Collosphaeridae) or
solitary (Thalassicollidae) organisms and the presence or
absence of cortical shells (Müller, 1859).
Recent morpho-molecular classifications have
expanded our knowledge of classification at the higher
taxonomic levels among collodarians, nowadays classi-
fied into four families (Fig. 7A): the three former families
in addition to the newly created Collophidiidae, another
family of colonial collodarians (Biard et al., 2015). Inter-
estingly, while coloniality was a key criterion, phylogenies
suggested that Thalassicollidae do not form a monophy-
letic clade, but instead is spread in the three ‘colonial’
families (Fig. 7B). This major conflict between morpholog-
ical taxonomy and molecular phylogeny has likely its ori-
gin in collodarian biology, where solitary forms are
putatively reproductive stages of colonial organisms
(Biard et al., 2015). Phylogenetic relationships further
separate Sphaerozoidae from Collophidiidae and
Collosphaeridae, the latter two being more closely
related. Collosphaeridae are separated into six
phylogenic clades where no clear patterns can associate
the different clades with known genera. Historically gath-
ering all skeleton-bearing collodarian species, morpho-
molecular analyses highlighted the coexistence of naked
specimens with skeleton-bearing species among
Collosphaeridae (Fig. 7C). Similar to the mix between
colonial and solitary species, the coexistence of naked
and skeleton-bearing Collosphaeridae specimens is likely
due to different ontogenic stages (Biard et al., 2015). In
Fig. 6. Schematic morpho-molecular classification of Spumellaria based on ribosomal genes (18S and 28S rDNA) from Sandin et al.(2021).
A. Phylogeny showing molecular clades, taxonomic super-families and environmental clades. Non-supported nodes are reported by a surrounded
question mark. Group with an asterisk denote changes in taxonomic nomenclature from Sandin et al.(
2021) following the latest classification
scheme for Radiolaria (Suzuki et al., 2021). Colours correspond to molecular lineages (ML): blue =ML I, red =ML II, orange =ML III and
green =ML IV.
B. Corresponding extent of the morpho-molecular framework and main morphological features (including the presence and type of symbionts
C. Scanning electron microscopy illustrations of typical silicified structures found in the four main spumellarian molecular lineages. All scale bars
are 50 μm. Images courtesy of Miguel Sandin (Uppsala University).
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 15
28S rDNA
18S rDNA
Colony of tens-hundreds
cells with one (or two)
spherical cortical shell
Colony of tens-hundreds
cells without silicified
structure and an elongated
cylindrical shape
Colony of tens-hundreds
cells with or without bi- or
tri-radiated spicules
(Brandtodinium) in all
collodarian species
Clades A1 to A6
(Disolenia, Collosphaera,...)
+ Thallasicollidae
Clades B1/B2
+ Thallasicollidae
Clades C1 to C11
(Collozoum, Sphaerozoum,...)
+ Thallasicollidae
Clade A Clade C Clade C
Fig. 7. Schematic morpho-molecular classification of Collodaria based on ribosomal genes (18S and 28S rDNA) from Biard et al.(2015).
A. Phylogeny showing molecular clades and taxonomic families.
B. Corresponding extent of the morpho-molecular framework and main morphological features (including the presence and type of symbionts reported).
C. Scanning electron microscopy illustrations of typical silicified structures found in the three main collodarian clades. All scale bars are 50 μm.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
16 T. Biard
the newly formed family Collophidiidae, all three
phylogenic clades are associated to the genus
Collophidium, where all specimens lack silicified struc-
tures (Fig. 7B). Finally, the Sphaerozoidae are the most
diverse family with 11 phylogenetic clades, yet not clearly
separating the different genera or morphotypes. Indeed,
spicule bearing species (identified as Sphaerozoum and
Rhaphidozoum) are spread among naked specimens of
the genus Collozoum, leaving unknown the evolutionary
history of silicified structures among Collodaria, one of
the most recent Radiolaria lineages (Suzuki and
Not, 2015).
Photosymbiosis and biogeography
As for other radiolarians, Collodaria ecology has long
remained elusive, but a number of studies in the last four
decades have substantially expanded knowledge of this
group. The most striking feature of Collodaria is their
exclusive and tight association with one photosymbiont
species, Zooxanthella nutricula/Brandtodinium nutricula
(Probert et al., 2014). While B.nutricula has been
observed sporadically in other radiolarian taxa, all known
collodarian species have been described associated with
a photosymbiont, later revealed to be B.nutricula. This
dependence of Collodaria on a singular photosymbiont
raises many questions about the specificity and function-
ing of this association, still unanswered to date. The num-
ber of B.nutricula symbionts per collodarian host varies
considerably between colonial and solitary specimens,
but can include a few hundred cells for solitary, up to sev-
eral thousand scattered in the colonial host’s cytoplasm.
This high number of photosymbionts likely enables the
host to obtain a considerable quantity of carbon-rich
products from its partner photosynthetic activity and likely
thus enhance its survival rates (Anderson, 1983).
Despite what we know about prey and predators of
Collodaria (Fig. 3; Table 1), the influence of biotic interac-
tions on Collodaria distribution in modern oceans is
unknown. A few studies have nevertheless shown the
influence of abiotic factors on collodarian populations
(Biard and Ohman, 2020). Mostly restricted to photic
layers, likely to sustain the activity of their photo-
symbionts, Collodaria abundances in off the California
coast appear to be influenced by temperature and the
depth of the deep Chlorophyll amaximum. However,
these factors only explain a minor fraction (25%) of the
population’s variability, suggesting that other factors
(biotic or abiotic) influence Collodaria in these regions.
Environmental genetic diversity
The diversity of Collodaria in modern ecosystems has
been assessed sporadically from microscopical analyses
of surface sediment or plankton net samples, but without
any detailed description of diversity patterns
(e.g. Boltovskoy et al., 2010). A major breakthrough
occurred in our understanding of collodarian diversity
thanks to high-throughput environmental sequencing. In
early environmental surveys based on clone libraries,
many sequences have been associated with Collodaria
in various types of ecosystems, suggesting a potential
high hidden pool of diversity for this order (Biard
et al., 2015). A majority of these clone sequences, com-
ing from deep environments for the most part, have been
associated with the newly formed family Collophidiidae,
suggesting that this family could be a major representa-
tive of Collodaria in the deep ocean (Biard et al., 2015).
In more recent environmental surveys, Collodaria have
been in the spotlight as one of the most represented taxa
in metabarcoding surveys. From the Tara Ocean Expedi-
tion global survey of the photic oceans, Collodaria were
described as the fourth most hyperdiverse eukaryotic lin-
eage (with nearly 6000 OTUs, a number exceeding by far
the 80 morpho-species described previously) and would
be the most abundant (read abundances) protistan line-
age, only exceeded in numbers by multicellular organ-
isms (de Vargas et al., 2015). Similar trends were
observed from the Malaspina metabarcoding survey:
Collodaria would be the most abundant (read abun-
dances) and fifth-most diverse (197 OTUs) eukaryotic lin-
eage in the bathypelagic ocean (Pernice et al., 2016).
This study provided more precise identifications of these
deep bathypelagic collodarian communities, systemati-
cally composed of Collophidiidae, a trend similar to clone
libraries. However, if Collophidiidae represent a deep-
water collodarian family, their morphology in such an
environment is yet to be determined, as no colonial or
solitary collodarian specimens have ever been consis-
tently observed in the deep ocean.
While Collodaria are now often recovered in
metabarcoding analyses, one detailed study enabled a
better understanding of their prominence in such surveys
(Biard et al., 2017). Indeed, the number of DNA gene
copies per collodarian cell is some of the highest in
eukaryotic lineages. These high numbers are further
amplified when considering collodarian colonies, with
dozens of millions rDNA copies, being the highest rDNA
copy number ever recorded in any marine protists. Such
high numbers of copies are as high as the number of
rDNA copies estimated for multi-cellular crustacean cope-
pods. Combined with the likely high DNA intracellular var-
iability (observed in other radiolarian taxa; Decelle
et al., 2014) and potential cell breakage during collection,
these rDNA copy numbers have likely led to an over-
representation of Collodaria in metabarcoding surveys
and suggest that diversity and relative abundance esti-
mates have been likely over-estimated.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
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Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 17
Despite complex inclusion in metabarcoding surveys
scaled to planktonic communities, direct comparisons
between collodarian metabarcodes revealed marked pat-
terns (Biard et al., 2017). Collodaria diversity shows an
increase from the poles to equatorial regions and an
increase from coastal regions to offshore areas. This sec-
ond trend further revealed a clear distinction between col-
lodarian communities along a gradient of distances to
coasts, with Sphaerozoidae (comprising mostly naked
collodarian, or with reduced silicified structures) dominat-
ing coastal areas, and Collosphaeridae (collodarian bear-
ing silicified skeletons) dominating offshore.
Taxopodida and Orodaria
Diversity and classification
The last two remaining radiolarian orders, Taxopodida
(Fig. 2C and D) and Orodaria (Fig. 2I and J) are two phylo-
genetic distant entities (Fig. 1) and they do not share any
morphological similarities except their silicified skeletons.
Nonetheless, both orders are currently the last remaining
radiolarians without detailed morpho-molecular frame-
works, despite the recent placement of Orodaria in the radi-
olarian phylogeny (Nakamura et al., 2021). Orodaria are
phylogenetically close to Collodaria and Nassellaria, but
distant from Spumellaria and Phaeodaria, two families
where Orodaria used to be classified based on morphologi-
cal resemblances (Haeckel, 1887; Haecker, 1908;De
Wever et al., 2002). Morpho-molecular sequences cur-
rently cover only the family Oroscenidae, leaving unknown
the phylogenetic placement of the second Orodaria family,
Thalassothamnidae (Nakamura et al., 2021).
Taxopodida remains one of the most elusive radiolar-
ian orders to date, due to the almost entire lack of knowl-
edge about this group. It is currently composed of a
single described species Sticholonche zanclea, for which
a handful of molecular sequences have been produced.
The phylogenetic placement of Taxopodida and its rela-
tion with other radiolarian orders is therefore complex
and uncertain. Depending on the gene used, Taxopodida
are alternatively a sister clade of Spumellaria or
Acantharia, and less often a basal clade to Foraminifera
and Radiolaria altogether (Sandin, 2019). Whilst no com-
plete morpho-molecular analyses have been carried out
for Taxopodida, this order seemingly appeared highly
diverse from environmental molecular surveys.
Photosymbiosis and biogeography
Orodaria are inhabitants of the deep ocean, dwelling
below the photic zone (Nakamura et al., 2021). Conse-
quently, unlike other radiolarians, Oroscenids have never
been observed associated with photosymbionts or
bacterial symbionts. However, the lack of observation of
live Oroscenids prevents understanding of their ecology.
Information about Taxopodida ecology is even more
scarce and they remain the most elusive radiolarian order
to date. Like Orodaria, no symbionts have been observed
in any taxopodids. Because of such fragmentary informa-
tion, the place of Orodaria and Taxopodida in marine
food webs or biogeographical patterns is currently
unknown, but given their peculiar natures, they should
attract further attention in the future.
Environmental genetic diversity
Early on, during the environmental clone sequencing era,
Taxopodida revealed a diverse signature, with many
sequences from various ecosystems (surface, meso- and
bathypelagic) clustering with the single S.zanclea reference
sequence (Not et al., 2007). Following the rapid acceptance
of environmental molecular surveys, more sequences were
assigned to the Taxopodida cluster, hereafter described as
the “Rad-B"clade (Suzuki and Not, 2015). Two sister cla-
des, Rad-A and Rad-C, were associated with the Rad-B/
Taxopodida cluster, without any evidence suggesting that
these could altogether represent the order Taxopodida.
However, given the breadth of sequences available (further
exemplified by the 250 and 85 OTUs in the Tara Expedi-
tion and Malaspina metarbarcoding datasets; De Vargas
et al., 2015;Perniceet al., 2016) and the variety of ecosys-
tems from which these sequences were produced, the
Taxopodida hold a substantial pool of unexplored diversity
waiting to be characterized.
Considering the extant of radiolarian diversity in envi-
ronmental surveys, there is a striking difference with
Orodaria. To date, no environmental sequences have
been ever formally retrieved from clone sequencing or
metabarcoding surveys. Due to the lack of reference
sequences for Orodaria until recently (Nakamura
et al., 2021), it cannot rule out that environmental
sequences associated with Orodaria have been mis-
identified or unlabelled, leaving unknown the extent of
orodarian environmental diversity.
Concluding remarks
The last few decades have seen a growing interest in
modern Radiolaria, likely thanks to large-scale studies
that highlighted their apparently substantial contribution
to marine biodiversity (de Vargas et al., 2015), carbon
pool (Biard et al., 2016) or biogeochemical cycles
(Lampitt et al., 2009; Biard et al., 2018). Coupled with the
democratization and decreasing costs of molecular
approaches, major breakthroughs in the understanding of
radiolarian classification, at orders level, have set the
baseline (i.e. extended morpho-molecular reference
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
18 T. Biard
sequences available on public platforms; Guillou
et al., 2013; Clark et al., 2016) for further large-scale
observation of their diversity patterns.
Despite this new exciting dynamic in radiolarian
research (Box 2), several elements need to be dealt with
caution. For example, the overwhelming numbers of envi-
ronmental sequences assigned to radiolarians might
have a direct origin in the vast number of rDNA gene
copies per radiolarians (Biard et al., 2017). The regularly
high diversity estimates for Radiolaria could be biased by
their high intracellular variability of gene, leading to artifi-
cial diversity even within the same cell (Decelle
et al., 2014; unpublished data). A full characterization of
such processes is therefore essential to fully understand
their contribution to marine biodiversity.
Nowadays, among the six radiolarian orders
described, two are lacking detailed morpho-molecular
characterization: Orodaria (despite a few sequences
recently acquired; Nakamura et al., 2021)and
Taxopodida. Until these two groups are fully character-
ized, it is impossible to understand the full evolutionary
history of Radiolaria, which would be a key to under-
stand how Radiolaria evolved since the Cambrian, from
simple silicified spicules (i.e. Archeospicularia) to com-
plex large colonial organisms, sometimes without any
silicified structures and filled with photosymbiotic algae.
Furthermore, characterizing the full morpho-molecular
framework of each radiolarian order by achieving
broader sampling efforts would likely enable the descrip-
tion of environmental clades, such as those found
among Acantharia and Spumellaria, but also finally
naming the clades “Rad-A"and “Rad-C", who appear
close to the only Taxopodida sequence available
(Suzuki and Not, 2015).
In parallel with a full morpho-molecular classification,
remains the extensive problem of radiolarian ecology.
There are many questions that remain unsolved and too
many to be fully listed here: for example, who are the
predators of radiolarians? Answering this simple question
would have deep consequences in our understanding of
radiolarian ecology and would finally allow the inclusion
of Radiolaria in food web models. Given their substantial
abundances in some location, it is clear that Radiolaria
can represent a large amount of food for their putative
predators, from copepods to fishes, both in the photic
layers but also below in the deep ocean; What do radio-
larians eat? As a number of radiolarians are associated
with photosymbionts, what is the amount of ingested food
they need to capture? Basic questions such as will likely
remain partially answered because of our incapacity to
culture radiolarians. Therefore, unless a major break-
through occurs, we will rely on freshly collected radiolar-
ian specimens, difficult to maintain through a complete
reproductive cycle. Alternatively, the emergence of micro-
fluidics technics (also known as Lab-on-a-Chip; Girault
et al., 2019) comes with a new existing alternative for
radiolarian culture and a likely promise for major break-
throughs in our understanding of this wonderful group
that is Radiolaria.
Box 2. Summary of diversity, ecology and
distribution for each radiolarian order
Order (size range in μm);Number of extant genera
and species;Fossil record;Reported numbers of
Operational Taxonomic Units for the Tara Ocean
Expedition and Malaspina Expedition;Trophic strat-
egy;Symbiosis;Horizontal and vertical distribution.
Acantharia (50–1000); 49 genera and 145 species;
Fossil record absent likely due to rapid dissolution;
Tara =1043 OTUs, Malaspina =75 OTUs;
Phagotroph; Mostly Haptophytes, Dinoflagellates less
common, all restricted to three clades; Cosmopolite,
with high abundances in coastal areas, and species
distributed from the surface to the deep ocean.
Taxopodida also referred as to Rad-B (200–800);
one genus and one species; Fossil record absent;
Tara =250 OTUs, Malaspina =85 OTUs; Trophic
strategy unknown; No symbionts reported; Cosmopo-
lite and species distributed from the surface to the
deep ocean.
Spumellaria (50–2000); 110 genera and 380 spe-
cies; Extensive fossil record; Tara =600 OTUs,
Malaspina =68 OTUs; Phagotrophs; Diverse symbi-
onts (e.g. Dinoflagellates, Haptophytes, Bacteria, etc.)
found in all four molecular lineages but not in all fami-
lies; Cosmopolite and species distributed from the sur-
face to the deep ocean.
Nassellaria (50–300); 140 genera and 430 species;
Extensive fossil record; Tara =400 OTUs,
Malaspina =absent; Phagotrophs; Dinoflagellates
and unknown symbionts in half of the families; Cos-
mopolite and species distributed from the surface to
the deep ocean.
Orodaria (1000–7000); At least four genera and an
unknown number of species; Fossil record common;
No OTUs reported; Likely phagotroph; No symbionts
reported; Restricted to the deep ocean.
Collodaria (100–3 000 000); 20 genera and 80 spe-
cies; Fossil record limited to skeleton-bearing species
(i.e. Collosphaeridae); Tara =6000 OTUs,
Malaspina =197 OTUs; Phagotroph; Dinoflagellate
Zooxanthella nutricula/Brandtodinium nutricula found
in all collodarian species; Cosmopolite, with higher
abundances in oligotrophic regions. Species are dis-
tributed mostly in the surface ocean, but many envi-
ronmental sequences are found in the deep ocean.
© 2022 The Author. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Environmental Microbiology
Diversity and ecology of Radiolaria 19
This work was supported by the ANR RhiCycle project, grant
ANR-19-CE01-0006 of the French National Research
Agency. I am grateful to John Dolan (CNRS) for his valuable
comments on the manuscript, and Miguel Sandin for his use-
ful discussions on radiolarian classification. I would like to
thank Karine Leblanc (CNRS) for sharing images of plankton
from the Plankton MIO website (http://plankton.mio.
osupytheas.fr), and Inigo Montoya (a.k.a. JRD) for sharing
images of plankton from the Aquaparadox website (http://
Adl, S.M., Bass, D., Lane, C.E., Lukeš, J., Schoch, C.L.,
Smirnov, A., et al. (2019) Revisions to the classification,
nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes. J Eukaryot