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Navigating the political: An analysis of political calibration of integrated assessment modelling in light of the 1.5 °C goal


Abstract and Figures

Some of the most influential explorations of low-carbon transformations are conducted with Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). The recent attempts by the IPCC to look for pathways compatible with the 1.5 °C and 2 °C temperature goals are a case in point. Earlier scholarship indicates that model-based pathways are persuasive in bringing specific possible future alternatives into view and guiding policymaking. However, the process through which these shared imaginations of possible futures come about is not yet well understood. By closely examining the science-policy dynamics around the IPCC SR1.5, we observe a sequence of mutually legitimising interactions between modelling and policy making through which the 1.5 °C goal gradually gained traction in global climate politics. Our findings reveal a practice of ‘political calibration’, a continuous relational readjustment between modelling and the policy community. This political calibration is indicative of how modellers navigate climate politics to maintain policy relevance. However, this navigation also brings key dilemmas for modellers, between 1) requirements of the policy process and experts’ conviction of realism; 2) perceived political sensitivities and widening the range of mitigation options; and 3) circulating crisp storylines and avoiding policy-prescriptiveness. Overall, these findings call into question the political neutrality of IAMs in its current position in the science-policy interface and suggest a future orientation in which modellers aim to develop additional relations with a broader set of publics resulting in more diverse perspectives on plausible and desirable futures.
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Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
Available online 11 April 2022
1462-9011/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Navigating the political: An analysis of political calibration of integrated
assessment modelling in light of the 1.5 C goal
Lisette van Beek
, Jeroen Oomen
, Maarten Hajer
, Peter Pelzer
, Detlef van Vuuren
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Urban Futures Studio, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, The Netherlands
Integrated Assessment Models
Science-policy interface
Political calibration
1.5 degrees
Climate policy
Climate mitigation
Some of the most inuential explorations of low-carbon transformations are conducted with Integrated Assess-
ment Models (IAMs). The recent attempts by the IPCC to look for pathways compatible with the 1.5 C and 2 C
temperature goals are a case in point. Earlier scholarship indicates that model-based pathways are persuasive in
bringing specic possible future alternatives into view and guiding policymaking. However, the process through
which these shared imaginations of possible futures come about is not yet well understood. By closely examining
the science-policy dynamics around the IPCC SR1.5, we observe a sequence of mutually legitimising interactions
between modelling and policy making through which the 1.5 C goal gradually gained traction in global climate
politics. Our ndings reveal a practice of ‘political calibration, a continuous relational readjustment between
modelling and the policy community. This political calibration is indicative of how modellers navigate climate
politics to maintain policy relevance. However, this navigation also brings key dilemmas for modellers, between
1) requirements of the policy process and expertsconviction of realism; 2) perceived political sensitivities and
widening the range of mitigation options; and 3) circulating crisp storylines and avoiding policy-prescriptiveness.
Overall, these ndings call into question the political neutrality of IAMs in its current position in the science-
policy interface and suggest a future orientation in which modellers aim to develop additional relations with
a broader set of publics resulting in more diverse perspectives on plausible and desirable futures.
1. Introduction
Delimiting climate change in line with the Paris Agreement (2015)
implies the need for low-carbon transformations in energy, agriculture
and transport systems (Geels, Berkhout and Vuuren, 2016). Model-based
scenarios form an important tool to explore these low-carbon trans-
formations. Such scenarios are typically made using Integrated Assess-
ment Models (IAMs), computer simulations that couple socio-economic,
technical and biophysical systems (Van Vuuren et al., 2011; Weyant,
2017). This modelling of complex interactions enables the systematic
comparison of the costs and effectiveness of alternative climate miti-
gation strategies as well as the scope and timing of required emission
reductions consistent with global temperature goals (Geels et al., 2016).
Over the past decades, IAMs
have become increasingly prominent in
the climate science-policy interface, co-evolving with global climate
politics (McLaren and Markusson, 2020; van Beek et al., 2020; Bosetti,
Abbreviations: IAM, Integrated Assessment Model; IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; NETs, Negative Emissions Technologies; ToF, Techniques of
Futuring; SR1.5, Special Report on 1.5 ºC; STS, Science and Technology Studies; UNFCCC, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; AOSIS,
Alliance of Small Island States; COP, Conference of the Parties; SED, Structured Expert Dialogues; CLA, Coordinating Lead Author; CA, Contributing Author; LA, Lead
Author; IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; SPM, Summary for Policymakers; BECCS, Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage; WG,
Working Group; LED, Low Energy Demand.
* Correspondence to: Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
E-mail address: (L. van Beek).
We use ‘IAMs to describe process-based Integrated Assessment Models, that include a detailed representations of the human and climate system and their
interlinkages. These models are often used to assess cost-effective climate change mitigation pathways under global temperature targets. Cost-benet IAMs constitute
a different IAM type that are used to asses economically optimal levels of abatement given future climate impacts and typically include a simplied representation of
both the human and climate system (Wilson et al., 2021 for more details on process-based IAMs).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Environmental Science and Policy
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Received 28 June 2021; Received in revised form 22 March 2022; Accepted 29 March 2022
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
2021 on the history of IAMs). While scattered over different institutions,
together the IAM modellers constitute a globally organised epistemic
community with a leading role in scenarios underlying Working Group
III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is
dedicated to mitigation (Cointe et al., 2019). As such, IAMs provide a
critical tool to explore mitigation pathways towards the 1.5 C and 2 C
temperature goals in IPCC reports.
In recent years, the IPCC has moved from providing scientic evi-
dence for climate changes cause and existence towards a more solution-
oriented mode (Beck and Mahony, 2017; Guillemot, 2017). As such, the
capacity of IAMs to explore mitigation options has become increasingly
central to inform climate policy (van Beek et al., 2020). IAM scenarios
quantify a range of alternative climate policy pathways (Edenhofer and
Kowarsch, 2015). They can, however, only present a subset of possible
climate actions due to their mathematical structures and bias towards
technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness (Forster et al., 2020; Keppo
et al., 2021). As such, IAM scenarios are inuential in bringing specic
alternatives into the imagination of policymakers while foreclosing
other potentially crucial ways to mitigate climate change (Beck and
Mahony, 2018b). For instance, alternatives that are not part of the IAM
repertoire are 100% renewable energy scenarios (Hansen et al., 2019),
degrowth scenarios (Keyßer and Lenzen, 2021) or relying strongly on
ecosystem restoration (Roe et al., 2019; see Keppo et al., 2021 for
overview of limitations). By rendering particular possibilities more
thinkable or actionable, IAM pathways inuence the imagined ‘corridor
of climate mitigation, structuring the deliberation of political actors on
future climate action (Beck and Mahony, 2017, 2018a, 2018b; Beck and
Oomen, 2021).
Given their central role in the climate science-policy interface, a
detailed understanding of the practice of IAMs is critical to further both
the scientic and societal debate. IAM pathways have been found to be
inuential in shaping policy commitments, such as in establishing the
feasibility of the 2 C degrees target (L¨
ovbrand, 2011; Beck and Mahony,
2017, 2018a, 2018b; McLaren and Markusson, 2020). More recently, the
1.5 C goal has become the new symbol for climate action despite
serious doubts about its feasibility (Livingston and Rummukainen,
2020). IAMs again played a signicant role, as showcased by the
world-wide adoption of policy commitments towards ‘net-zero by 2050
emissions targets and the deployment of negative emissions technolo-
gies (NETs), both originating from IAM-based 1.5 C pathways (Thoni
et al., 2020). Although these observations indicate an inuential role of
IAMs, we still have only a limited understanding of the pattern of
science-policy interactions through which such policy commitments
emerge and gain traction.
The current study aims to address this gap. We study integrated
assessment modelling using the concept of ‘Techniques of Futuring
(ToF; Hajer and Pelzer, 2018; Oomen et al., 2021), analysing the
sequential and contextualised practices through which visions of
possible futures become collectively shared. We analyse how the 1.5 C
goal increasingly gained traction by reconstructing the science-policy
dynamics around the Special Report on 1.5 C (SR1.5) (IPCC, 2018a).
Our reconstruction captures the 20152020 period, from the adoption of
the 1.5 C in the Paris Agreement to a few years following the aftermath
of the SR1.5. To this end, we conducted 22 semi-structured interviews
with IPCC authors and policymakers (Appendix A and B), a quantitative
literature analysis and reviewed IPCC and UNFCCC documentation
(Appendix C and D). We selected interviewees based on ensuring a
comprehensive view on science-policy dynamics from the diverse
viewpoints of key actors, including IPCC authors, government repre-
sentatives and expert reviewers (Appendix A and B). The selection of
IPCC SR1.5 authors was based on their role in chapters relevant to
climate mitigation (chapter 2, 4 and 5) as well as to ensure a balanced
view on the role of IAMs, selecting IAM modellers as well as authors
representing other scientic communities (e.g. bottom-up modelling). In
the following paragraphs, we rst elaborate on our conceptual approach
(Section 2), which guides our reconstruction. We then provide
background information on the emergence of the 1.5 C target (Section
3). Section 4 presents our analysis on how and why the 1.5 C gained
traction. In Section 5, we reect upon this analysis and discuss impli-
cations for the use of IAMs to explore low-carbon transformations.
2. Analysing the sequence of events through which images of
the future gain traction
Taking a constructivist perspective on science-policy dynamics, our
analysis is framed by a co-productionist approach of STS research
(Latour, 1993; Jasanoff, 2004). This epistemological stance regards
scientic practice not as neutral knowledge-making but as a performa-
tive endeavour that always ‘co-produces ideas about what to govern
and how, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This means that we
are particularly interested in the performative effects of projections. As
revealed by a growing scholarship, collectively shared images and vi-
sions of the future inuence political, economic, and technological de-
cisions and developments. Scholarship on the collective imagination, for
example, shows how collectively shared, institutionally stabilised, and
publicly performed visions of desired futuresanimate future-oriented
policy and technology development (Jasanoff and Kim, 2015, p. 4)
and how ‘ctional expectations enable actors to make decisions under
uncertainty based on the shared assumptions about some future state
(Beckert, 2013, 2016).
In the context of environmental science and policy, model-based
representations in authoritative scientic assessments such as the IPCC
are powerful in shaping political deliberations about future climate ac-
tion (Beck and Mahony, 2017; Beck and Oomen, 2021). However, little
effort goes into understanding how and why particular images of the
future become persuasive. To understand the relational process of
science-policy dynamics through which such future visions become
performative, we use the concept ‘Techniques of Futuring (ToF),
dened as practices bringing together actors around one or more
imagined futures and through which actors come to share particular
orientations for action (Hajer and Pelzer, 2018, p. 225). Rather than
taking IAMs or their pathways as the objects of analysis, the ToF lens
brings into focus the relational process of mutually adjusting expecta-
tions among actors around the plausibility and desirability of possible
futures (Oomen et al., 2021). As theorised by Oomen et al. (2021), this
involves a sequence of events [of] step- by-step braiding of knowledge,
images of the future and legitimacy (p. 12). This theoretical lens
informed our detailed reconstruction of the sequence of events through
which shared expectations around the 1.5 C emerged. We took an
interpretative approach to analyse the interviews and other data,
revealing shifting perspectives and expectations regarding the 1.5 C
goal and the role of IAMs among different actors involved in the IPCC
SR1.5 (Appendix A and B).
3. Background: the origins of the 1.5 C degrees goal
While science-policy discussions on the level of dangerous anthro-
pogenic interference and long-term global goals can be traced back to
the late 1980 s (Tschakert, 2015; Morseletto et al., 2017), the 1.5 C goal
rst emerged at the UNFCCC negotiations during the 15th Conference of
the Parties (COP) in Copenhagen in 2009. At that time, the Alliance of
Small Island States (AOSIS) claimed that the projected sea-level rise
related to a 2 C warming implied that their islands would be wiped off
the map (Guillemot, 2017; Tschakert, 2015; Livingston and Rummu-
kainen, 2020). AOSIS and the Least Developed Countries (LDC) alliances
emphasised the need to lower the global temperature goal to 1.5 C
(IISD, 2009). Although an international agreement could not be reached
in Copenhagen, most countries supported the Copenhagen Accord,
where the 2 C was adopted in the negotiation document (UNFCCC,
2009). Under the pressure of the LDC and AOSIS, the Copenhagen
Accord explicitly called for strengthening this goal: consideration of
L. van Beek et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
strengthening the long-term goal [.] including in relation to temperature
rises of 1.5 degrees Celsius(UNFCCC, 2009, emphasis added). At COP16
in Cancun, the ‘well below2 C was formally agreed upon, but also to
periodically review the long-term global goal (UNFCCC, 2010). Despite
little response from the scientic community (Schleussner et al., 2016),
a review process was initiated: so-called Structured Expert Dialogues
(SEDs) involving face-to-face interactions between UNFCCC parties and
experts addressing the adequacy of the temperature goal and the overall
progress towards these goals (UNFCCC, 2011). The difference between
1.5 C and 2 C was a central topic during the SEDs. However, the
meaning of this temperature difference was difcult to assess due to a
lack of research (Tschakert, 2015). The nal report of the SEDs in 2015
concluded: While the science on the 1.5 C warming limit is less robust,
efforts should be made to push the defence line as low as possible
(UNFCCC, 2015a). Shortly before COP21 in Paris, the Marshall Islands
launched a High Ambition Coalition which demanded an explicit
reference to 1.5 C as a prerequisite for an agreement. Before and during
COP21 in Paris, they rallied support from NGOs and more than 100
countries (Guillemot, 2017). A potential shift of the long-term global
temperature goal from 2 C to 1.5 C was a key topic during the nego-
tiations (IISD, 2015). The High Ambition Coalition managed to convince
more and more countries of the need for a shift to 1.5 C, whereas some
countries remained sceptical and supported only a well below 2 C
goal (IISD, 2015b; Brun, 2016). Finally, in the Paris Agreement, coun-
tries compromised to: Holding the increase in the global average tem-
perature to well below 2 C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing
efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial
levels (UNFCCC, 2015b, Art 2.1). Obviously, this compromise pro-
vided all parties with the ability to claim a victory. Many factors
explaining the success of Paris are outlined elsewhere (e.g. Brun, 2016;
Christoff, 2016; Guillemot, 2017). A key reason for the adoption of the
1.5 C specically was that it provided a bargaining chip for vulnerable
countries who could not accept the 2 C, while the agreement remained
lenient regarding nancial or legal obligations to developed countries
for loss and damages of vulnerable countries (Guillemot, 2017; in-
terviews 21 and 22, government representatives at COP21).
4. A reconstruction: how the 1.5 C became the new guardrail of
climate action (20152020)
This section starts from the adoption of the ‘pursuing effort to 1.5 C
goal in Paris to reconstruct the science-policy interactions around the
IPCC SR1.5 between 2015 and 2020. We identify three phases through
which the 1.5 C goal gradually went from being perceived as unrealistic
to becoming the new symbol of climate action. In each phase, this
involved an iterative process between modelling and policy, in which
model ndings and policy targets legitimised each other (see Fig. 2):
Phase 1 20152016 (4.1): the initial post-Paris emerging interac-
tion between the modelling and policy shifted the 1.5 C goal from
being perceived as unrealistic towards ‘achievable with NETs,
relying on newly modelled 1.5 C IAM pathways;
Phase 2 20162018 (4.2): the IAM community then helped to
further establish the perceived feasibility of the 1.5 C through a
series of readjustments of ‘acceptablelevels of NETs and overshoot
during the SR1.5 writing process;
Phase 3 20182020 (4.3): nally, these published pathways shaped
policy commitments to limit global warming to 1.5Cin the after-
math of the IPCC SR1.5.
4.1. Phase 1: the 1.5 C goal shifted from perceived as ‘unrealisticto
‘achievable with NETs (20152016)
In the Paris Agreement, the UNFCCC invited the IPCC to provide a
special report in 2018 on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 C above
pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission path-
ways(UNFCCC, 2015b, decision 1/21, para21). The initial idea was to
invite the IPCC to draft a Special Report on the impacts of 1.5 C vs. 2 C,
but during the negotiations the assessment of how to achieve this target
was also emphasized. This focus on the ‘howwas important to convince
some governments on the feasibility of necessary actions to achieve the
1.5 C (IISD, 2015a; interview 21 and 22, government ofcials attending
COP21). Although the 1.5 C target had been debated in previous ne-
gotiations, its adoption in Paris still came as a surprise to many scientists
(Livingston and Rummukainen, 2020). Modellers, in particular, had
previously considered 1.5 C mitigation pathways irrelevant because
they thought a 1.5 C goal was not realistic, either politically or socie-
tally (interview 2, 6; cf. Livingston and Rummukainen, 2020). As stated
by an IAM modeller We talked about [1.5 C] but never seriously. It felt so
unrealistic and infeasible that the models were not applied to this. (inter-
view 2, CA IPCC SR1.5).
Despite lingering doubts of the feasibility of this target, the focus of
modelling studies shifted from 2 C to 1.5 C degrees after Paris
(interview 2, 12, 20). According to one of the (non-IAM) CLAs of the
SR1.5, the scientic debate was still centred around 2 C degrees. [] Only
after the target emerged during COP21, various modelling studies appeared
that could solve for 1.5 C degrees. (interview 1).
Moreover, the explicit request of the IPCC report to show how to
achieve the 1.5 C target created a demand for research showing if and
how the goal might be achieved. Being well-organized (cf. Cointe et al.,
2019; van Beek et al., 2020), the IAM community could rapidly develop
1.5 C pathways (see Fig. 1). As described by an IPCC Bureau member:
[The IAM community] took the models [] and turned up the volume to 11
as it were, to run the models again with 1.5 C.(interview 5). This rapid
increase in 1.5 C pathways shows the ability of the IAM community to
adjust the model focus towards a newly established target. The sheer size
of the output and number of pathways from different IAM teams also
helped to legitimise the achievability of this new goal.
This reveals an empirical example of ‘calibratingthe model analysis
in view of relevance: despite the personal conviction of realism of some
of the modellers at the time, modelling efforts were redirected from
exploring 2 C pathways to those limiting warming to 1.5 C. The
alternative would have been to say that the 1.5 C goal was infeasible
according to modelling results. However, this would disregard small
island states (interview 5, IPCC co-chair). In fact, if the IPCC would have
concluded that the 1.5 C was unrealistic, Paris negotiators might even
have had to go back to the negotiation table (interview 22, COP21
negotiator). On the other hand, the shift from 2 C to 1.5 C implied
faster emissions reduction, in which the rapidly appearing 1.5 C sce-
nario literature relied on NETs to an even more signicant degree
(interview 2,3,6,15). As explained by one modeller: I am not more
condent that we can reach it, but I am more condent that we can model it.
[] we would never have to say it would not be achievable, we just put more
negative emissions in(interview 18).
Essentially, UNFCCCs knowledge demand to understand if and how
the new target could be achieved was answered by IAM research with:
yes using NETs. At the same time, NETs remain an issue of heated
academic debate: their assumed scale in IAM scenarios is debated as well
as the potential risks and ethical considerations (e.g. Vaughan and
Gough, 2016; Forster et al., 2020). Others argue that counting on NETs
in the future risks undermining near-term climate action (Markusson
et al., 2018). Responding to UNFCCCs request for 1.5 C pathways and
showing it was ‘feasible with NETs, IAMs came to play a legitimising
role for the 1.5 C target. This role was not inevitable. We observe three
main reasons why IAMs could play this role: 1) the high degree of or-
ganization of the IAM community; 2) the more structural legitimacy of
quantitative and system-wide future-oriented knowledge in the climate
science-policy interface; and 3) the analytical qualities of IAMs.
4.1.1. Organization
First, modellers often work closely together in large-scale modelling
L. van Beek et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
intercomparison projects, harmonise their assumptions through shared
scenario frameworks and develop scenario databases to compare and
analyse modelling outputs (Cointe et al., 2019). This high degree of
collaboration and synchronisation in IAM research and the intimate ties
between the major modelling groups facilitates the adoption of IAM
outputs in IPCC reports (interview 1, 2, 12, 15, 18). These organizational
capacities are exemplied by the 1.5 C scenario database hosted by the
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). IIASA has
served as IAM ‘community hub for decades (interview 3; Hughes and
Paterson, 2017). The database resulted in a ‘robust set of scenarios
assessed across different assumptions and models (interview 4), making
IAM studies convenient to assess in an IPCC report compared to other
types of literature that are more difcult to systematically compare
(interview 1, 4, 7, 20). Although IIASAs call to submit 1.5 C scenarios
were meant to be as broad as possible (IIASA, 2017), the inclusion
criteria of the database e.g. covering all sectors and projecting towards
2100 were such that it matched the usual model output of the six most
established IAMs. As a result, these six IAM groups were at an advantage
in getting their pathways assessed at the expense of less established IAM
teams and bottom-up modellers (or other disciplines, for that matter):
If you start from zero, it takes some time to upload it, it might take a
couple of months. The IAM community uses that format for their
daily use and their models spit out the scenarios in that format. So
the other modelling teams have a much higher hurdle to be included
(interview 4, CLA IPCC SR1.5, IAM modeller).
They are like a great football team. [] When youre playing
against an IAM team, it becomes 50 very quickly before half-time.
Because its a consistent community. (interview 10, CLA IPCC
4.1.2. Structural legitimacy
Second, the reliance on IAMs to demonstrate the feasibility of the
1.5 C goal relates to a more structural legitimacy of quantitative,
global, and system-wide future-oriented knowledge in the climate-
science policy interface. By default in environmental science and pol-
icy, the climate is approached as a global interconnected system, a view
that has been shaped by the IPCC (Miller, 2004; Turnhout et al., 2016).
Legitimacy of quantitative knowledge can be traced back to a much
longer history of ‘trust in numbersamong policymakers (Porter, 1995;
cf. van Beek et al., 2020) as well as the emergence of computer
modelling as the key epistemic approach to understand the past, present
and future of the climate (Edwards, 2010). The privileged position of
IAM analyses in the SR1.5 was not uncontroversial due to its biases,
calling for more diversity in scientic disciplines in IPCC reports
(Hansson et al., 2021; interview 5). Although the IPCC Bureau suc-
cessfully brought in a much broader set of disciplines in the SR1.5
compared to previous reports, the Summary for Policymakers (SPM)
the most politically inuential part of the report still predominantly
contained gures based on IAMs:
The main advantage of IAMs is their rigorous quantitative framing
and systems perspective. This quantitative systems perspective helps
you to illustrate points with numbers. [] And since the SPM is
usually trying to assess and quantify the order of magnitude of
Fig. 1.. Number of academic peer-reviewed literature on 1.5
C published over time between 2009 and 2020. Data derived from Scopus (Appendix D for
L. van Beek et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
changes that need to happen they traditionally rely a lot on the IAM
results(interview 6, LA IPCC SR1.5).
4.1.3. Analytical qualities
Third, a key analytical strength of IAMs is to connect climatic (e.g.
global temperature) and societal dynamics across sectors (e.g. energy
supply and demand). The question of whether the 1.5 C was a feasible
global goal was thus tailor-made for an IAM approach, in contrast to for
instance sectoral or nationally oriented approaches. As our interviews
revealed, modellers as well as non-modellers struggle to identify viable
alternative to IAMs:
If we did not have IAMs, wed have to invent them because they are
the only way of getting between human activity on climatic changes
on a century scale(interview 2, IPCC Bureau member).
Even when I am critical of IAMs and throw them all out of the
window, if I sit tomorrow at my desk, I would still build a new IAM.
One that understands how decisions in land use or building affect
how much mitigation we need and how much land we need.
(interview 4, CLA IPCC SR1.5, IAM modeller)
4.2. Phase 2: becoming persuasive: how the 1.5 C gained traction despite
emerging criticism on NETs (20172018)
In this second phase, covering the lead-up to the publication of the
SR1.5, the 1.5 C goal increasingly gained traction. At the same time, the
specic corridor towards 1.5 C projected by IAMs was highly contro-
versial. This contention emerged already before Paris when IAMs
asserted that 2 C was possible (only) under the condition of substantial
implementation of NETs. Several scholars warned in high-prestige aca-
demic journals that policymakers, unaware of the assumed scale and
implications of NETs, may nd betting on negative emissions more
appealing than near-term emission reduction, risking a lock-in into a
fossil-fuel-dependent society (Fuss et al., 2014; Anderson and Peters,
2016). We observe three key mechanisms through which the 1.5 C as a
feasible target could gain traction despite this criticism: 1) a tightening
interdependence of modelling and policy around the acceptable level of
overshoot in 1.5 C pathways; 2) IPCC SR1.5 authors attempts to
harmonise cross-chapter discrepancies around the feasibility of NETs;
and 3) efforts of the modelling community to expand their range of
mitigation options towards demand-side mitigation.
4.2.1. Tightening interdependence
The rst mechanism relates to science-policy negotiations around
the acceptable level of overshootin scenarios. In the First Order Draft
of Chapter 2 (IPCC et al., 2017a): all 191 IAM scenarios compatible with
the 1.5 C were ones that temporarily exceeded 1.5 C warming before
returning to that level in 2100 meaning that they all relied on NETs.
The absence of non-overshoot scenarios in the rst draft of the SR1.5
was ercely criticised by expert reviewers and civil society organisations
(IPCC, 2017b, 28 comments; interview 8). In response, the authors
included non-overshoot scenarios in the subsequent draft (IPCC et al.,
2017c), albeit very few (only 10 out of 578 scenarios). Again, critics
commented on the extent to which scenarios exceeded the 1.5 C,
viewing high levels of overshoot as inconsistent with the Paris Agree-
ment (interview 3, 4; IPCC, 2017d).
a lot of [scenarios] overshoot the target. Some delegations would
then say: this is not what we would dene as a 1.5 C degree target as
we have the water up to our necks by then.(interview 7, LA IPCC
Excluding all overshoot scenarios, however, would basically
disqualify all the underlying scenario literature (interview 3) and
hence present the 1.5 C goal as unrealistic. Eventually, it was agreed
that overshoot to 2 C degrees (but not higher) would be acceptable
(interview 3,4). This compromise showcases the tightening interde-
pendence between modelling and climate politics: the UNFCCC and
IPCC relied on IAMs to present the 1.5 C goal as realistic, and IAMs
simply relied on NETs, resulting in an agreement on the acceptable level
of overshoot and hence accepting a signicant use of NETs. Here we
again observe a process of ‘calibrationof the focus of analysis based on
the societal debate: the acceptable level of overshoot and use of NETs in
IAM pathways was readjusted to establish a sufcient number of path-
ways to hold the 1.5 C goal attainable as well as avoiding high levels of
overshoot that were feared by vulnerable countries.
4.2.2. Harmonizing discrepancies
A second mechanism through which 1.5 C pathways attained their
persuasiveness despite criticism was through resolving discrepancies
between Chapter 2 and Chapter 4. These struggles involved the feasi-
bility of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). Chapter
2, based on IAMs, assumed much higher potentials of BECCS (67130
EJ/year) than Chapter 4, based on bottom-up studies (maximum of 100
EJ/year) (IPCC, 2018a). The signicant use of NETs in IAM pathways
was already under re due to concerns about feasibility, land-use pres-
sures and biodiversity loss. Again, it attracted erce criticism from
expert reviewers of the SR1.5, civil society organisations and govern-
ment representatives (IPCC, 2017d, 2017c, interview 1; cf. Hansson
et al., 2021). Despite agreement about Chapter 4 ndings being more
accurate, BECCS featured centrally in the SR1.5s ‘Illustrative Path-
ways, the four IAM-based archetype 1.5 C scenarios that were high-
lighted visibly in the SPM (interview 1, 7):
Essentially in Chapter 4, we said: what is stated in Chapter 2 is
impossible []. But no one really found this problematic. We knew
that models are just one version of reality, which is not the real
world. What is problematic, however, is that the Illustrative Path-
ways suggest it is possible, while in Chapter 4 we convey that it isnt
(interview 1, CLA IPCC SR1.5).
To harmonize discrepancies, the authors developed a feasibility
assessment, crosschecking a range of mitigation options between
Chapters 2 and 4 as a ‘reality check of IAM assumptions (interview 1,
10). Yet while this table was included in the reports nal draft sent to
governments for the line-by-line approval session, it did not make it into
the nal SPM (interview 9,10). Negotiations about the table were seen as
jeopardising the approval of the full report (interview 10), as the
country-specic information in the table might conict with IPCCs
mandate to provide ‘non-policy-prescriptive knowledge (interview 6,
10). In contrast, the Illustrative Pathways caused only minor disagree-
ment among member states (IISD, 2018). As a result, only the Illustrative
Pathways - some of which assuming high levels of NETs - were elevated
in the SPM (Figure SPM.3b, IPCC, 2018a). IAMs quantitative,
system-wide, and global orientation appeared crucial to align with
IPCCs mandate to provide ‘non-policy-prescriptive information.
Moreover, the overlap of IPCC WGIII authors and the IAM community
blurs the distinction between providing and assessing literature (interview
5, cf. Corbera et al., 2016; Hughes and Paterson, 2017). This double role
as both author and reviewer within the IPCC has also taught IAM
modellers how to netune their output and anticipate policymakers
knowledge questions:
the challenges that we encounter in the IPCC, we try to solve. The
community learns from that and tries to anticipate and create
knowledge that can be useful in IPCC reports that can be used for the
arising questions(interview 4, CLA IPCC SR1.5, IAM modeller).
4.2.3. Expand range of mitigation options
A third mechanism that rendered the 1.5 C target persuasive despite
criticism on NETs was that modellers expanded their range of options
L. van Beek et al.
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towards demand-side mitigation. Traditionally, the IAM community is
more supply-side oriented. Changes in supply-side technology are easier
to quantify in economic and mathematical equations than more complex
choices in end-use regarding efciency and lifestyle change that often
involve a heterogeneity of people, perspectives, attitudes, and motiva-
tions (interview 2, 3, 4, 6). The IAM community had started to address
this challenge in the context of the 2 C goal (e.g. van Sluisveld et al.,
2016), but the 1.5 C goal gave a strong push to further expand their
options in this direction (interview 2, 4, 6, 7, 8):
The 1.5 degrees made us think about other radical changes that we
had not taken into consideration before, including radical lifestyle
changes. []. So we went beyond what we would normally thought
was possible(interview 2, CA IPCC SR1.5, IAM modeller).
Notably, the emerging demand-side pathways could explicitly ach-
ieve the 1.5 C with no or limited use of NETs, for instance, by assuming
low energy use and dietary shifts (Grubler et al., 2018; van Vuuren et al.,
2018). Even though the majority of 1.5 C pathways still relied heavily
on NETs, the ‘Low Energy Demand (LED) scenario (Grubler et al.,
2018), was selected as one of the four illustrative pathways presented in
the SPM, which appeared crucial to respond to growing criticism:
It was very exciting whether [the LED scenario] would be published
in time. It came just in time, just a few days before the literature
deadline. [] The message was that it would be possible without
BECCS, but it would then require behaviour changes much earlier.
(interview 1, CLA IPCC SR1.5).
The LED scenario that came out right before the end and made a
huge splash, being one of the Illustrative Pathways. The scenario
made quite a career in a very short time.(interview 8, civil society
The inclusion of this ‘no NETs scenario as one of the archetype
scenarios was well received by critics, including civil society organisa-
tions (interview 8). This illustrates a recurring mechanism: motivated by
criticism on NETs by experts and civil society organisations, modellers
explored pathways that relied more on demand-side mitigation.
4.3. The 1.5 C as the new guardrail for climate action: the uptake of IAM
pathways in the aftermath of the SR1.5 (20182020)
In the third phase, the 1.5 C goal became the new guardrail for
climate action as IAM pathways in the SR1.5 became translated into
policy commitments to limit global warming to 1.5 C (cf. Hermansen
et al., 2021). Interviewees indicated that the SR1.5 was ‘incredibly
inuential(interview 14) in policy and public debates, if not ‘the most
important report the IPCC ever produced (interview 20). This is also
reected in its massive wave of media coverage (Boykoff and Pearman,
2019). This had various reasons. For one, the IPCC had changed their
communication strategy, replete with visualisation experts and a head of
communications (interview 5, 10). Secondly, the report was eagerly
anticipated by a growing activist movement such as the #FridayforFu-
tures movement (Hermansen et al., 2021), with Greta Thunberg
imploring the world to ‘listen to the science (interview 10, 14). The
impacts of climate change were also becoming increasingly visible
(interview 14). Such contextual factors and charismatic spokespeople
are what Morgan, 2011 calls ‘good companions that allow facts to
‘travel well. The (non-IAM) chapters on climate impacts between 1.5 C
and 2 C raised the urgency of climate action (interview 7, 10,14).
Regarding the chapters on mitigation, two IAM-based messages reso-
nated in particular: 1) the need to reach net-zero emissions in 2050 and
2) the necessity of NETs to achieve the 1.5 C target (interview 7, 8, 10,
12, 14, 16, 20).
The need to reach net-zero around mid-century already appeared in
Article 4.1 of the Paris Agreement, albeit more ambiguously: to achieve
a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks
of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century(UNFCCC, 2015b).
The SR1.5 and the crisp and clear messaging from IAMs imprinted the
necessity to reach ‘net-zero in 2050on governments (interview 7, 14,
18, 20). This message was once more elevated by the IPCC co-chairs
during the press release (IPCC, 2018b) and quickly became the new
‘catchy numberreiterated in all government speeches in the following
climate negotiations (interview 19, UNFCCC secretariat).
Apart from the contextual factors, two key reasons why IAM path-
ways resonated were the simplicity of their storylines and, as outlined in
previous phases, their quantitative character:
The thing about pathways is that it is very simple. [] at the end of
the day, if Greta cant communicate your idea to half a million young
people, then in the world of action, it is not very much used.
(interview 10, CLA IPCC SR1.5)
We know that 1.5 is better than 2, even a kid would tell you that, but
they could now justify this with some numbers. (interview 19,
UNFCCC secretariat).
The simplicity of the message, however, can invite mis-
understandings and have unintended effects. An obvious example is that
the emissions reductions by 2030 were interpreted by inuential media
such as The Guardian, CNN and The Independent as ‘we only have 12
years left (Boykoff and Pearman, 2019). Although this ‘climate dead-
linism has arguably raised urgency, it also risks opening the door for
backstop technologies such as geoengineering and inducing fear and
helplessness among the public (Asayama et al., 2019; Boykoff and
Pearman, 2019). Moreover, there are many misconceptions about both
the meaning of net-zero emissions as well as the scale and timing of the
implementation of NETs among policymakers (McLaren et al., 2019).
This dilemma between communicating clearly and becoming more
prescriptive than intended was also visible with the Illustrative Path-
ways, which were interpreted as ‘recipes for the future (interview 7):
that pathways diagram is an incredibly useful communication de-
vice for me. Policymakers get it straight away. (interview 5, IPCC
It was a lot of work to always say: its just an illustrative pathway,
its just to demonstrate there are different pathways and were not
saying that one is superior to the other []. It was a key insight: how
powerful those pathways are. It gives a lot of responsibility to the
IAM community.(interview 7).
In all, in our reconstruction of science-policy interactions between
2015 and 2020 we identied three phases that were characterized by a
tightened interdependence between modelling and climate policy and
through which pathways towards the 1.5 C became solidied (Fig. 2).
4.4. Political calibration
Throughout these phases, we observed that the 1.5 C target grad-
ually gained traction through a process of mutually legitimising in-
teractions between modelling and policymaking, in terms of informing,
cooperating and exploring pathways that had a t to the policy de-
liberations at a particular time. We refer to this process as ‘political
calibration, given the analogy with the more formal ‘model calibration.
We dene political calibration as: ‘a process of iterative readjustment be-
tween modellers and policymakers, in which the t and focus of the model
analysis and the requirements of the policy community are negotiated. With
this, we do not mean an adjustment based on the acceptability of model
outcomes but rather on their policy relevance. Of course, the analogy
with model calibration is only partial. The term calibration in modelling
practices usually refers to a process of manipulating model parameters
to obtain a match between observed historic data and model simulations
in order to evaluate the ‘epistemic adequacyof models (Oreskes et al.,
1994). The extent to which model behaviour reproduces historic or
L. van Beek et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
near-term observations is one of the methods to evaluate process-based
IAMs (Wilson et al., 2021). With ‘political calibration, we refer not to
the epistemic but to the political adequacy of models. As described by
Oreskes et al. (1994), model calibration usually involves multiple steps
of renement until model simulations adequately reproduce observed
data. Likewise, we see political calibration as a sequential process of
continuously rening the t between modelling and policy re-
quirements. As we show in the nal section below, this process of ‘po-
litical calibrationis delicate and reective, posing several dilemmas for
5. Reection: understanding the role of IAMs in policy
commitments to limit climate change to 1.5 C
In our reconstruction we observed that IAMs played a key role in the
shift of the 1.5 C goal from an unrealistic target to the new guardrail for
climate action. The role of IAMs in policy commitments was not inevi-
table. By analysing science-policy interactions through the Techniques
of Futuring lens (Hajer and Pelzer, 2018; Oomen et al., 2021), we
explained the role of IAM modelling in the (political) legitimation of the
1.5 C goal. This analysis relies on relational, discursive and structural
the analytical qualities that rendered IAMs tailor-made for this
particular policy question (phase 1);
the advantageous material and organisational capacities of the IAM
community for modellers compared to less experienced and more
dispersed scientic communities, through which 1.5 C pathways
could rapidly be established (phase 1, cf. Cointe et al., 2019; van
Beek et al., 2020);
the legitimisation of global, system-wide quantitative projections
over qualitative and country-specic future-oriented knowledge
(phase 1 and 2, cf. Miller, 2004; Edwards, 2010; Turnhout et al.,
2016; van Beek et al., 2020); and,
the communicative power of concrete numbers and powerful visu-
alisations that helped shape policy commitments (phase 3).
The continuous readjustment of modelling efforts to requirements of
the policy community, the process of political calibration, was a key
mechanism through which the 1.5 C could gain traction in policy
making and politics. Calibrating the focus of analysis based on ongoing
political discussions appeared as an important strategy for modellers to
remain policy relevant. However, the signicant role of IAMs in climate
politics also brings their political neutrality into question. We identied
three key dilemmas that modellers face when navigating climate poli-
tics: 1) between the personal assessment of feasibility and the re-
quirements of the policy process; 2) between respecting political
sensitivities and widening the range of mitigation options; and 3) be-
tween furthering crisp storylines and avoiding policy-prescriptiveness.
The three dilemmas are interrelated, reecting a tension between pol-
icy relevance, and shaping policy commitments. The dilemmas have
several implications for the usage of IAMs in the climate science-policy
5.1. Dilemma 1: policy relevance vs legitimising an unrealistic policy
With the adoption of the 1.5 C goal in the Paris Agreement and the
invitation to develop 1.5 C pathways, the IPCC and IAM modellers
faced a conundrum. Policymakers expressed interest in showing how to
achieve 1.5 C. Presenting 1.5 C pathways, however, would automati-
cally provide a perceived degree of feasibility while many analysts at
the time would assess the 1.5 C to be infeasible (phase 1). The only
possible route would imply large-scale deployment of negative emis-
sions, possibly at a scale that would be hard to achieve in the real world.
Moreover, concerns were raised regarding the risks of temporarily
overshooting the 1.5 C regarding potential impacts of NETs (phase 2).
In other words, presenting the 1.5 C as infeasible or presenting it as
feasible with NETs both had direct policy implications. This shows how
the often-reiterated boundary of ‘policy-relevant versus ‘policy-pre-
scriptiveis far more uid in actual practice.
Fig. 2.. Overview of the sequence of science-policy interactions around the IPCC SR1.5 between 2015 and 2020 through which the 1.5
C goal increasingly
gained traction.
L. van Beek et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 133 (2022) 193–202
5.2. Dilemma 2: exploring radical solutions vs staying close to policy
A second dilemma concerns the exploration of mitigation options. On
the one hand, modellers aim to explore a wide range of policy options.
The community refers to themselves as ‘mapmakers showing possible
pathways that policymakers can use to navigate policy options
(Edenhofer and Kowarsch, 2015; Beck and Oomen, 2021). On the other
hand, modellers are aware of dominant discourses in international
climate politics and avoid anticipated ‘policy no-gos. For instance, in
the context of the IPCC SR1.5, modellers explored more demand-side
mitigation options to reduce the use of NETs. However, more trans-
formative changes such as radical lifestyle changes and discontinued
economic growth were not part of this expansion. Modellerscontinuous
anticipation and adjustment to existing policy discourses contribute to
their policy relevance but also implies that they explore their solutions
space within the discursive context in which they are situated (cf.
Ellenbeck and Lilliestam, 2019). Hence modellers face the risk of what
political scientist Carl Friedrich (1937) once described as the power of
the ‘anticipated reaction; actors refrain from raising an issue, assuming
it will be refuted (cf. Lukes, 1974). A potential risk is that modellers
exclude transformative pathways that contain politically challenging
but potentially crucial low-carbon strategies.
5.3. Dilemma 3: quantitative and crisp storylines vs avoiding policy-
Clear and consistent storylines, concrete numbers and visualisations
help modellers to get their messages across. The quantitative nature of
the storylines, such as ‘net-zero by 2050, aid the credibility of their
projections (cf. van Beek et al., 2020; Porter, 1995). Moreover, the
storylines are short, specic, and autonomous and hold a certain level of
‘sturdinessthat explains their travels in policy and media (cf. Morgan,
2011). On the other hand, these characteristics also risk model-based
results to become ‘rounded off: they might lose important details or
nuance during these travels (cf. Morgan, 2011). For instance, the
communicative power of the illustrative pathways invited an interpre-
tation as ‘recipes for the future and the 45% emissions reductions by
2030 resulted in the ‘only 12 years left narrative (phase 3). Their
persuasiveness gives the IAM community a signicant responsibility
regarding their messaging and the range of options they explore.
6. Conclusion
Our ndings reiterate that rather than a neutral knowledge practice,
IAMs intrinsically shape ideas around how climate change should be
governed (Edwards, 1996; Beck and Mahony, 2017; Beck and Oomen,
2021). On the one hand, the shift towards a solution-oriented mode of
scientic assessments on climate mitigation implies that IAM analysis
becomes increasingly policy-relevant given their capacity to explore the
costs and effectiveness of mitigation options. On the other hand, the
direct political implications of IAM analysis in political and public
spheres brings the political neutrality of IAMs into question. Our anal-
ysis highlights that IAMs are not neutral ‘map-makersbut are powerful
in shaping the imagined corridor of climate mitigation (cf. Beck and
Mahony, 2018b; Beck and Oomen, 2021). As such, IAM pathways may
not be policy-prescriptive in a strict sense, but they are certainly poli-
cy-shaping to a degree beyond policy relevance. Importantly, our nd-
ings suggest that the boundaries of this imagined corridor of climate
mitigation are not merely shaped by model capabilities or biases in
expert judgments (see e.g. Beck and Krueger, 2016; Keppo et al., 2021).
It is also the result of political calibration, the continuous readjustment
of the focus of key model questions to maintain policy relevance.
The worldwide resonance of the IPCC SR1.5 indicates that IAM
outputs have become relevant to inform deliberations on possible low-
carbon transformations beyond the science-policy interface. Since
Paris, non-state actors and substate actors such as civil society organi-
sations, industry and local governments are increasing involved in the
ackstrand et al., 2017). Climate mitigation has become a
central topic of public debate. This prominence implies the need
broaden the constituency of IAM scenarios to a much more diverse set of
actors. IAM modelling teams are mostly situated in the Global North and
their projects are often funded by the EU (Cointe et al., 2019). This may
hinder the diversication of relevant publics and may preclude more
diverse and perhaps more radical perspectives on mitigation. In other
words, there is a need to ‘calibrateto the needs of societal actors beyond
policymakers. Perhaps IAMs should be shaped to function in the broader
‘science-society interfaceand be judged accordingly. In so doing, IAMs
could explore a greater variety of possible pathways. Perhaps they could
also correct for the bias that is inherent to the political calibration
necessary for operating in close proximity of the policymaking world.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Lisette van Beek: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal anal-
ysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing. Jeroen Oomen: Conceptualization, Data
curation, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Maarten
Hajer: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing review & editing.
Peter Pelzer: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing review & edit-
ing. Detlef van Vuuren: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing re-
view & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
The authors thank all interviewees for their valuable time and in-
sights. Through the CLIMAGINARIES project, our work beneted from
the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS).
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2022.03.024.
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L. van Beek et al.
... Standard Global Climate Models assume a disconnect between risk/adaptation and mitigation policies. IAMs typically ignore human risk perceptions and focus on economic dynamics to predict the effect of adaption on mitigation policies [5][6][7]. While public opinion is a strong driver of policy change in democratic societies [8,9] , the complex interactions of climate risk perceptions, beliefs about climate science, and their combined effects on support for policies designed to mitigate climate change are not very well understood. ...
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While a flurry of studies and Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) have independently investigated the impacts of switching mitigation policies in response to different climate scenarios, little is understood about the feedback effect of how human risk perceptions of climate change could contribute to switching climate mitigation policies. This study presents a novel machine learning approach, utilizing a probabilistic structural equation model (PSEM), for understanding complex interactions among climate risk perceptions, beliefs about climate science, political ideology, demographic factors, and their combined effects on support for mitigation policies. We use machine learning-based PSEM to identify the latent variables and quantify their complex interaction effects on support for climate policy. As opposed to a priori clustering of manifest variables into latent variables that is implemented in traditional SEMs, the novel PSEM presented in this study uses unsupervised algorithms to identify data-driven clustering of manifest variables into latent variables. Further, information theoretic metrics are used to estimate both the structural relationships among latent variables and the optimal number of classes within each latent variable. The PSEM yields an R2 of 92.2% derived from the “Climate Change in the American Mind” dataset (2008–2018 [N = 22,416]), which is a substantial improvement over a traditional regression analysis-based study applied to the CCAM dataset that identified five manifest variables to account for 51% of the variance in policy support. The PSEM uncovers a previously unidentified class of “lukewarm supporters” (~59% of the US population), different from strong supporters (27%) and opposers (13%). These lukewarm supporters represent a wide swath of the US population, but their support may be capricious and sensitive to the details of the policy and how it is implemented. Individual survey items clustered into latent variables reveal that the public does not respond to “climate risk perceptions” as a single construct in their minds. Instead, PSEM path analysis supports dual processing theory: analytical and affective (emotional) risk perceptions are identified as separate, unique factors, which, along with climate beliefs, political ideology, and race, explain much of the variability in the American public’s support for climate policy. The machine learning approach demonstrates that complex interaction effects of belief states combined with analytical and affective risk perceptions; as well as political ideology, party, and race, will need to be considered for informing the design of feedback loops in IAMs that endogenously feedback the impacts of global climate change on the evolution of climate mitigation policies.
... Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that here we explored plausible futures in line with the latest IPCC reports (IPCC, 2023). However, there is also literature discussing the limitations of scenarios (van Beek et al., 2022) and advocating to complement scenarios with imaginary futures (Robinson et al., 2011;van der Voorn et al., 2023). Approaches such as back-casting complemented with dynamic adaptive policy pathways could then be used to further explore pathways. ...
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Background Local authorities have a crucial role in building community resilience to the health effects of a changing climate. Support in achieving local action can be provided through improving available public health intelligence to inform decision making. We aimed to co-develop with a local authority a tool mapping vulnerability to climate related hazards. Methods We conducted a feasibility study, exploring through stakeholder engagement local priorities and levers for action in adaptation that could be informed by provision of increased intelligence. This informed co-development of a proof-of-concept tool. Results Stakeholders reported needs in better understanding the intersection between vulnerability and hazard to facilitate partnership working, decision making, and targeting of interventions. We developed a mapping tool, using nationally available data, overlaying a vulnerability index with hazard (heat and flooding) exposure. Conclusions Mapping tools are feasible methods by which public health intelligence to support climate change adaptation planning can be shared. Barriers to action may result from the complexity of vulnerability, concerns of unintended consequences, and resource constraints. Co-development with local expertise is necessary to ensure that outputs add value to local response. This tool will now be piloted to gather feedback on useability, usefulness, and potential improvements.
... Dudman and De Wit, 2021;Leiserowitz et al., 2021;Moser, 2016;Moser and Dilling, 2011). Sciene and Technology Studies scholars have been concerned with the negotiations at the boundary of science and politics and the calibration of science in response to political needs (Asayama et al., 2019;Beck and Mahony, 2018;Hermansen et al., 2021;Hulme, 2016;Livingston and Rummukainen, 2020;Van Beek et al., 2022). Climate scientists themselves have written about why and how their field should or should not take the political repercussions of their work into consideration (e.g. ...
On Wikipedia, editors daily negotiate edits to an entry that summarizes climate change to a global audience. The outcome of their efforts is an encyclopedic entry with a conspicuous lack of temporal clarity that circumvents the question of whether climate change is an immediate crisis or merely a potential future phenomenon. This qualitative discourse analysis of editors’ debates around climate change on Wikipedia argues that their hesitancy to “declare crisis” is not a conscious editorial choice as much as an outcome of a friction between the folk philosophy of science Wikipedia is built upon, editors’ own sense of urgency, and their anticipations about audience uptake of their writing. This friction shapes a group style that fosters temporal ambiguity. Hence, the findings suggest that in the Wikipedia entry on climate change, platform affordances and contestation of expertise foreclose a declaration of climate crisis.
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The goal of the paper is to examine how convolutional neural network (CNN) is used in the immersive world of digital media art. In order to do this, this paper first explains digital media art in the context of smart cities and the use of immersive scenarios. Next, a brief analysis of the Unet network model and deep aggregation structure is provided. Then, a projector, camera, and computer-based immersive projector-camera display system is constructed. Based on the mathematical reflection model of the system, this paper discusses the method of using CNN to solve the photometric compensation of the projection picture. Meanwhile, a Projection Compensation Network (PCN) is designed, and a multi-scale perceptual loss is added to this compensation network, and the content information of the compensated image is improved by calculating the loss of feature maps of different scales. The final network is named Perceptual Loss-Projection Compensation Network (PL-PCN). Experiments are used to confirm the PL-PCN model’s efficacy. The outcomes demonstrate that the SSIM and PSNR of the projected picture compensated by PL-PCN are boosted by 35.8% and 31.6%, respectively. While the RMSE is reduced by 40.9%, demonstrating an improvement in the compensated image’s quality. Additionally, utilizing a CNN makes it possible to do cross-reflection compensation. Additionally, compared to the network without deep polymerization, the PL-PCN with deep polymerization structure boosts the projected image’s SSIM and PSNR by 6% and 7.57%, respectively, and lowers the RMSE by 13.3% This demonstrates that the addition of deep polymerization structure can have a stronger compensatory effect. This paper can offer a theoretical framework for improving the immersive scene quality of digital media art.
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The study of addressing socio-environmental challenges through sustainability transitions inherently considers the future in various ways, although these considerations are often only implicit. In this essay, we argue that it is crucial to engage more explicitly in understanding how imagined futures are enacted and comprehended within research on sustainability transitions. This endeavour is necessary to navigate both the uncertainty and complexity of the future and to avoid perpetuating cognitive path dependencies and unsustainable modes of production and consumption that uphold existing injustices. Our paper discusses characteristics of futures and future-making that are relevant to transition studies. Given the spatial contingency of futures, the social construction of time, and the tendency to reproduce incumbent futures in transitions research, we outline contours of diverse futures through which we can not only analyse but actively engage in diverse future-making. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our approach for the study and community of sustainability transitions.
The main task of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is to provide comprehensive assessments of climate science. However, there are accusations of bias toward certain research fields based on limited empirical evidence. By analyzing the evidence base of Working Group 3 (WG3) reports, we show that integrated assessment modeling (IAM) research was influential in all six assessments, and overrepresented in the Summary for Policymakers (SPM). Further, we show that a small number of men working in Western Europe and the USA dominate IAM research. Thus, global climate negotiations and science may have historically prioritized mitigation solutions suggested by an unrepresentative scientific sample and missed solutions from other perspectives like those of females and non-Western cultures. However, we also show that IAM research influence decreased in AR6, implying a leveling playing field between research fields. But more effort is needed to ensure a comprehensive assessment.
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Climate change mitigation requires the large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS). Recent plans indicate an eight-fold increase in CCS capacity by 2030, yet the feasibility of CCS expansion is debated. Using historical growth of CCS and other policy-driven technologies, we show that if plans double between 2023 and 2025 and their failure rates decrease by half, CCS could reach 0.37 GtCO2 yr⁻¹ by 2030—lower than most 1.5 °C pathways but higher than most 2 °C pathways. Staying on-track to 2 °C would require that in 2030–2040 CCS accelerates at least as fast as wind power did in the 2000s, and that after 2040, it grows faster than nuclear power did in the 1970s to 1980s. Only 10% of mitigation pathways meet these feasibility constraints, and virtually all of them depict <600 GtCO2 captured and stored by 2100. Relaxing the constraints by assuming no failures of CCS plans and growth as fast as flue-gas desulfurization would approximately double this amount.
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Despite the increasing relevance of temperature overshoot and the rather ambitious country pledges on Afforestation/Reforestation globally, the mitigation potential and the Earth system responses to large-scale non-idealized Afforestation/Reforestation patterns under a high overshoot scenario remain elusive. Here, we develop an ambitious Afforestation/Reforestation scenario by harnessing 1259 Integrated Assessment Model scenarios, restoration potential maps, and biodiversity constraints, reaching 595 Mha by 2060 and 935 Mha by 2100. We then force the Max Planck Institute’s Earth System Model with this scenario which yields a reduction of peak temperature by 0.08 oC, end-of-century temperature by 0.2 oC, and overshoot duration by 13 years. Afforestation/Reforestation in the range of country pledges globally could thus constitute a useful mitigation tool in overshoot scenarios in addition to fossil fuel emission reductions, but socio-ecological implications need to be scrutinized to avoid severe side effects.
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The special reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have a unique character in IPCC scientific assessment. Their main purpose is to address specific timely issues of policy relevance. This article explores the nature and role of IPCC special reports along the lines of three questions: (1) the history (‘where they come from’); (2) the function (‘what they are doing’); and (3) the future (‘where they are going’). In earlier assessment cycles, special reports were characterised mostly as a direct channel for quickly responding to the request from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conduct of special reports has been gradually institutionalised to embed its planning in the overall scoping of the entire assessment cycle. More recently, they have become a vehicle to consolidate cross-cutting scientific perspectives and serve the diverse needs of the international policy community, not only the UNFCCC. This historical evolution is, in a sense, the result of striving for greater policy relevance. Special reports have a dual political function—namely, turning into the site or object of politicised debates on science (politicisation) and serving as ‘de facto governance’ with the effect of normalising politically contested ideas (normalisation). This dual function is two different faces emerging from the process into which the IPCC is brought to deal with political controversy. The duality of the two functions also manifests inherent tensions that lie behind the IPCC’s ‘policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive’ principle. For the future of special reports, the IPCC could reconsider the role of special reports in light of the priority over comprehensive assessment reports, the responsiveness to the UNFCCC request and the selection and scope definition of timely topics. However, there will remain a trade-off between provisional science and lasting political impact caused by the future undertaking of IPCC special reports on any topic.
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Policy relevance is the raison d’être for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), yet few studies have analysed what the concept entails, not least from the perspective of key target groups for the IPCC. We present a framework which enables analysis of how different actor strategies (heating up and cooling down) contribute to shape relevance-making in specific political situations when IPCC knowledge is interpreted and used. Drawing on empirical evidence from the reception and use of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15) across three policy making levels, the paper demonstrates different examples of creating policy relevance. First, the paper analyses the origin of SR15 and the failed attempts to formally acknowledge SR15 in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. Second, it investigates how SR15 has been used to develop and legitimize the EU net-zero target and the European Green Deal. Third, the paper demonstrates how SR15 has been used both for legitimizing and challenging climate policy at the national level, using the example of Norway. In sum, the reception of SR15 demonstrates that while IPCC outputs have resulted in controversy at the international level, they have been highly relevant at regional and national levels. The analysis shows that policy relevance is context-dependent and indirect—created through processes involving many actors, institutions, and types of knowledge. Situating these findings within the larger shift in the international climate regime implied by the Paris Agreement, the paper concludes with a set of empirically grounded recommendations for how the IPCC may approach the goal of policy relevance post-Paris.
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The article examines how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) performs its self-proclaimed role as ‘mapmaker. We seek to contribute to the emerging literature on global environmental assessments (GEA) and climate politics by reconstructing how the IPCC imagines the corridor for climate mitigation. Our particular focus is on the emergence of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) as the preferred scientific approach to projecting mitigation pathways consistent with average global temperature target. Taking our lead from current research in science and technology studies (STS) and sociology of futures, we reconstruct the emergence of a science policy tradition of modeling in the field of climate change as a particular mode of anticipation. We summarize the main findings of this literature in order to illustrate the historical and socio-political context in which this mode of anticipation is embedded. Based on this genealogy, we demonstrate how, in its role as mapmaker, the IPCC has also functioned as a corridor maker. We highlight how the IPCC has achieved consensus on a limited set of mitigation pathways, thus effectively narrowing down the discursive space for imagining potential futures to pathways that are deemed technically feasible and cost-efficient. We conclude by discussing the political consequences of this mode of anticipation in order to give us a more comprehensive understanding of what is at stake in the politics of anticipation. We elucidate why the techno-economic framing of current mitigation pathways is highly restrictive, especially when it omits many cultural, political, and other dimensions involved in deploying CDR at scale in their ‘real-world’ context of application.
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1.5 °C scenarios reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) rely on combinations of controversial negative emissions and unprecedented technological change, while assuming continued growth in gross domestic product (GDP). Thus far, the integrated assessment modelling community and the IPCC have neglected to consider degrowth scenarios, where economic output declines due to stringent climate mitigation. Hence, their potential to avoid reliance on negative emissions and speculative rates of technological change remains unexplored. As a first step to address this gap, this paper compares 1.5 °C degrowth scenarios with IPCC archetype scenarios, using a simplified quantitative representation of the fuel-energy-emissions nexus. Here we find that the degrowth scenarios minimize many key risks for feasibility and sustainability compared to technology-driven pathways, such as the reliance on high energy-GDP decoupling, large-scale carbon dioxide removal and large-scale and high-speed renewable energy transformation. However, substantial challenges remain regarding political feasibility. Nevertheless, degrowth pathways should be thoroughly considered.
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Process-based integrated assessment models (IAMs) project long-term transformation pathways in energy and land-use systems under what-if assumptions. IAM evaluation is necessary to improve the models’ usefulness as scientific tools applicable in the complex and contested domain of climate change mitigation. We contribute the first comprehensive synthesis of process-based IAM evaluation research, drawing on a wide range of examples across six different evaluation methods including historical simulations, stylised facts, and model diagnostics. For each evaluation method, we identify progress and milestones to date, and draw out lessons learnt as well as challenges remaining. We find that each evaluation method has distinctive strengths, as well as constraints on its application. We use these insights to propose a systematic evaluation framework combining multiple methods to establish the appropriateness, interpretability, credibility, and relevance of process-based IAMs as useful scientific tools for informing climate policy. We also set out a programme of evaluation research to be mainstreamed both within and outside the IAM community.
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Paris Agreement-compatible emissions pathways produced by integrated assessment models (IAMs) often rely on large amounts of carbon dioxide removals, especially afforestation and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). These pathways feature prominently in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to the extent that the IAMs have been granted an interpretative privilege at the interface between climate science, economics, and policymaking. The privilege extends to and influences climate governance, including governance of BECCS. This paper contributes to recent debates about the role of the IPCC, and its framing of BECCS, at the science-policy interface. By analyzing all BECCS-related expert review comments and author responses on the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, the paper shows that boundary work influences the representation of BECCS by authors referring to: (1) a limited scope or capacity; (2) a restrictive mandate; (3) what constitutes legitimate science, and; (4) relativizing uncertainties. The responses to the review comments indicate a significant degree of compliance on behalf of the authors. Yet, the revisions do not seem to go to the heart of the unease that runs through many of the reviewer comments, i.e., that BECCS seems to be presented as a viable CDR technology at grand scale. While several revisions serve to clarify uncertainties surrounding BECCS, some fundamental aspects of the critique are deflected, through the boundary work identified. What the analysis reveals, beyond a dissatisfaction among many reviewers with the focus on integrated assessment modeling, the associated pathway literature, and analysis of BECCS, is a disagreement about how model results should be interpreted and communicated. While acknowledging the herculean task of the IPCC and the efforts to improve the pathway literature that the SR1.5 triggered within the IAM communities, we argue that the identified boundary work also risks entrenching rather than problematize dominant framings of the feasibility of BECCS. Such entrenchment can counteract the ambition of opening up the scientific work of the IPCC to include more diversity in the process of drafting reports, and arguably also influence the governance of CDR.
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Integrated assessment models (IAMs) have emerged as key tools for building and assessing long term climate mitigation scenarios. Due to their central role in the recent IPCC assessments, and international climate policy analyses more generally, and the high uncertainties related to future projections, IAMs have been critically assessed by scholars from different fields receiving various critiques ranging from adequacy of their methods to how their results are used and communicated. Although IAMs are conceptually diverse and evolved in very different directions, they tend to be criticised under the umbrella of 'IAMs'. Here we first briefly summarise the IAM landscape and how models differ from each other. We then proceed to discuss six prominent critiques emerging from the recent literature, reflect and respond to them in the light of IAM diversity and ongoing work and suggest ways forward. The six critiques relate to (a) representation of heterogeneous actors in the models, (b) modelling of technology diffusion and dynamics, (c) representation of capital markets, (d) energy-economy feedbacks, (e) policy scenarios, and (f) interpretation and use of model results.
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The concept of the future is re-emerging as an urgent topic on the academic agenda. In this article, we focus on the ‘politics of the future’: the social processes and practices that allow particular imagined futures to become socially performative. Acknowledging that the performativity of such imagined futures is well-understood, we argue that how particular visions come about and why they become performative is underexplained. Drawing on constructivist sociological theory, this article aims to fill (part of) this gap by exploring the question ‘how do imagined futures become socially performative’? In doing so, the article has three aims to (1) identify the leading social–theoretical work on the future; (2) conceptualize the relationship of the imagination of the future with social practices and the performance of reality; (3) provide a theoretical framework explaining how images of the future become performative, using the concepts ‘techniques of futuring’ and ‘dramaturgical regime’.
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The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to strengthen the global response to climate change, and to maintain an average global temperature well below 2◦C, with aspirations toward 1.5◦C, by means of balancing sources and sinks of greenhouse gas emissions. Following this, the importance of carbon dioxide removal in global emission pathways has been further emphasized, and Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) that capture carbon from the atmosphere and remove it from the system have been put in the spotlight. NETs range from innovative, engineered technologies, to well-known approaches like afforestation/reforestation. These technologies essentially compensate for a shrinking carbon budget coupled with hard-to-abate future emissions, and a historical lack of action. However, none has been deployed at scales close to what is envisioned in emission pathways in line with the Paris Agreement goals. To understand the potential contribution of NETs to meet global emission goals, we need to better understand opportunities and constraints for deploying NETs on a national level. We examine 17 Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), and discuss them in the context of available NETs feasibility assessments. Our mapping shows that most countries include NETs in their long-term strategies, and that enhancement of natural sinks is the most dominating type of NET in these strategies. In line with many feasibility assessments, LT-LEDS focus on technical and biophysical considerations, and neglect socio-cultural dimensions. We suggest that feasibility assessments at the national level need to be more holistic; context-specific and comprehensive in terms of aspects assessed.
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Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) have gained a prominent role in the climate science-policy interface. The article reconstructs the evolution of IAMs and their changing role in this interface, investigating how and why IAMs have become so prominent. Based on literature analysis, quantitative document analysis and semi-structured interviews, we describe the historic evolution of the interactions between IAMs and policy-making between 1970 and 2015. We identify five historic phases in which IAMs played distinct mediating roles between science and policy, succeeding to adjust their scenario efforts to the continuously changing demands for knowledge from the policy community. In explaining the prominent role of IAMs, we differentiate between background conditions (material and sociological) and more contextual factors, most notably the flexible, hybrid and broad nature of IAMs as well as the pro-active character of the IAM community to enhance their policy relevance. We draw on the notion of institutional work to explain this success. In light of the urgency of responding to the climate crisis, we suggest that the IAM community may expand their scope of anticipated futures and consider engaging a wider range of publics and societal stakeholders beyond the science-policy interface.