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Determinants on Malaria Incidence in Endemic Area in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province

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Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program pembinaan prestasi cabang olahraga panahan di Bali dengan pendekatan evaluasi CIPP Model. Subyek penelitian meliputi pengurus, pelatih, atlet, dan masyarakat sekitar Pengkab/Pengkot se-Bali. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan pedoman wawancara. Didapat hasil pada dimensi context bahwa diperlukan adanya kerjasama antara pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat untuk berperan serta atif dalam mendukung keberadaaan Pengcab Perpani Kabupaten/Kota di Bali, sehingga bisa menjadi sentra pembibitan atlet panahan di Bali. Pada dimensi input masuk dalam kategori cukup baik, yang perlu dikembangkan adalah pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana latihan berupa tempat latihan khusus olahraga panahan, peralatan memanah pada masing-masing divisi serta sarana pendukung. Pada dimensi procces, pelaksanaan program mulai dari penyeleksian atlet, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan latihan, program latihan dan evaluasi/monev masuk dalam kategori cukup baik. Hal yang perlu dikembangkan yaitu peningkatan kualitas pelatih dan wasit melalui penataran pelatihan pelatih dan wasit panahan. Pada dimensi product, hasil yang didapat dari program pembinaan yang telah dijalankan masih dalam kategori kurang. Hal yang perlu dikembangkan berkaitan dengan perkembangan fisik, teknik dan mental atlet. Kata-kata kunci: evaluasi, CIPP, pembinaan, panahan
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penghargaan, lingkungan kerja dan hubungan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kuantitatif. Penentuan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode non-probability sampling menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel jenuh dengan 50 responden yang bekerja bagian pemasaran pada PT. Defas Adiputra Bersama di Tangerang. Metode pengumpulan data dari responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner melalui pembuatan google form. Kemudian data tersebut akan diolah dengan menggunakan aplikasi Smart-PLS. Pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penghargaan, lingkungan kerja dan hubungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja pada PT. Defas Adiputra Bersama. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of rewards, work environment and work relations on job satisfaction. This research is included in the category of quantitative research. Determination of the sample in this study was carried out using a non-probability sampling method using a saturated sampling technique with 50 respondents working in the marketing department at PT. Defas Adiputra Bersama in Tangerang. The method of collecting data from respondents was done by using a questionnaire through the creation of a google form. Then the data will be processed using the Smart-PLS application. Hypothesis testing conducted in this study shows that rewards, work environment and work relations have a significant effect on job satisfaction at PT. Defas Adiputra Bersama.
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Sports and health physical education lessons are basically an integral part of the overall education system, aimed at developing aspects of health, physical fitness, critical thinking skills, emotional stability, social skills, reasoning and moral actions through physical and sporting activities. This study aims to: 1) Describe the activities of the teacher in improving the ability to apply a combination of basic road, running, jumping and throwing procedures with modified sports and traditional sports. 2) Describing the activities of students in learning activities increases the ability to apply the procedure of a combination of basic road, running, jumping and throwing with modified sports and traditional sports. 3) Describe learning with modified sports games and traditional sports in improving the ability to apply a combination of basic road, running, jumping and throwing procedures with modified sports and traditional sports. This research is a classroom action research conducted collaboratively. Designing problem situations, and ways to collaborate with children, is the main focus of meetings that occur between teachers and researchers. This research was conducted at Sumengko 1 Elementary School with the address Ds. Sumengko - Wringinanom- Gresik Postal Code: 61176 Tel. 031 8982812. The subjects of this study were Class V students (five) of 30 children. The study was conducted in odd semester 2018/2019 academic year, for 3 months (September, October, and November 2018). Procedures for cyclical action research are: 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) observation, and 4) reflection, through a series of cycles. Data collection through observation (observing), artifacts and documents (testing) and nonstandard tests. Test instrument items with validity test, reliability test, calibration test (level of difficulty) and distinguishing test. the entire process of data analysis is interactive using the Miles and Huberman models with the final mix method analysis. The results of the study concluded: 1) The teacher's activity experienced an increase in Pre-Action getting 63.57 percent and increasing in Cycle I by 74.29 percent and increasing in Cycle II by 88.57 percent; 2) Activities of students experienced an increase in Pre-Action to obtain a result of 43.57 percent and increase in Cycle I by 65.71 percent and increase in Cycle II by 87.14 percent; 3) The average value of the test (Classical Absorption) has increased in Pre-Action to get 7 percent and increased in Cycle I by 7.51 percent and increased in Cycle II by 7.76 percent. Classical Learning Completion has increased in Pre-Action obtained 76.67 percent and increased in Cycle I by 83.33 percent and increased in Cycle II by 93.33 percent
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Covid-19 pandemic has led to major changes in day -to-day life. Ever since the start of pandemic, there has been a change in working conditions, reduction in physical activity and much increase in anxiety and stress due to disease itself. To deal with the physical and mental health needs of this changing times, it becomes important to maintain healthy life-style and a minimum level of physical activity. The physical activity has been shown to boost the immune system and body’s capacity to fight infections and keep oneself physically and mentally strong. It is helpful for the healthy cardiovascular function which is very important during current pandemic. Though routine exercise and outdoor activity may be restricted due to social distancing norms, still it is important to have modified form of physical activity like stretching, walking, doing household chores and yoga in current scenario. Early start of exercise from school physical education can go a long way to create healthy adults.
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This study aims to determine and assess the level of cardiovascular endurance and agility of futsal extracurricular members. The research design used a quantitative descriptive survey method which was conducted on futsal extracurricular members at SMP Negeri 9 Malang. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the level of cardiovascular endurance (VO2max) of futsal extracurricular members at SMP Negeri 9 Malang is an average of 30.23 ml / kg / minute in the classification is very low, while the average agility level is 20.33 seconds. in very poor classification. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji tingkat daya tahan kardiovaskular dan kelincahan peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei yang dilakukan kepada peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal SMP Negeri 9 Malang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat daya tahan kardiovaskular (VO2max) peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMP Negeri 9 Malang yaitu rata-rata 30,23 ml/kg/menit dalam klasifikasi sangat kurang, sedangkan tingkat kelincahan rata-rata 20,33 detik dalam klasifikasi kurang sekali.
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Indonesia is the number one country with the highest number of Covid patients in Central Asia. This has an impact on various sectors including the education sector. In Indonesia, approximately 45 million students in Indonesia or it can be said that 3% of the total data globally, students who cannot take part in learning, the government issued a learning process policy in the midst of a pandemic, this policy determines the learning process which is usually carried out face-to-face, changes be learning online. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with the type of library research, which is the collection of data related to the object of research in the form of literature or studying and deepening the literature literature books, reports and scientific journals, research results and other sources. The obstacles faced in implementing this learning method, namely the unpreparedness of students in the online teaching and learning process,Several studies have stated that not all of the teaching staff in Indonesia in various regions are equalized in carrying out the learning process online based on quality, competency in the use of communication and technology). Not only that, the weak education of the elderly to accompany students in using online media and not supported by facilities to carry out online learning. Dith the provision of internet networks with requiresubstantial costs. The problems in the world of education amid the Covid-19 pandemic must be a serious concern of the central and local governments.
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Background and aim COVID-19 has become an international emergency. The use of digital solutions can be effective in managing, preventing, and overcoming the further spread of infectious disease outbreaks. Accordingly, the use of mobile-health (m-health) technologies has the potential to promote public health. This review aimed to study the application of m-health solutions for the management of the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods The search strategy was done in Medline (PubMed), Embase, IEEE, and Google Scholar by using related keywords to m-health and COVID-19 on 6 July 2020. English papers that used m-health technologies for the COVID-19 outbreak were included. Results Of the 2046 papers identified, 16 were included in this study. M-health had been used for various aims such as early detection, fast screening, patient monitoring, information sharing, education, and treatment in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. M-health solutions were classified into four use case categories: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and protection. The mobile phone-based app and short text massaging were the most frequently used modalities, followed by wearables, portable screening devices, mobile-telehealth, and continuous telemetry monitor during the pandemics. Conclusion It appears that m-health technologies played a positive role during the COVID-19 outbreak. Given the extensive capabilities of m-health solutions, investigation and use of all potential applications of m-health should be considered for combating the current Epidemics and mitigating its negative impacts.
In times of crisis, humans have a tendency to turn to religion for comfort and explanation. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Using daily and weekly data on Google searches for 107 countries, this research demonstrates that the COVID-19 crisis resulted in a massive rise in the intensity of prayer. During the early months of the pandemic, Google searches for prayer relative to all Google searches rose by 30%, reaching the highest level ever recorded. A back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that by April 1 2020, more than half of the world population had prayed to end the coronavirus. Prayer searches remained 10% higher than previously throughout 2020, particularly so in Europe and the Americas. Prayer searches rose more among the more religious, rose on all continents, at all levels of income, inequality, and insecurity, and for all types of religion, except Buddhism. The increase is not merely a substitute for services in the physical churches that closed down to limit the spread of the virus. Instead, the rise is due to an intensified demand for religion: People pray to cope with adversity. The results thus reveal that religiosity has risen globally due to the pandemic with potential direct long-term consequences for various socio-economic outcomes.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara reward atau penghargaan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan dan dampaknya pada kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yang dikhususkan pada pegawai minimarket di wilayah Jonggol, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan regresi linear sederhana. Data diambil melalui survey yang dilakukan ke 30 orang karyawan minimarket di wilayah Jonggol, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa reward berpengaruh signifikan pada kinerja karyawan minimarket.