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Sustainable Synergies: Experiences from facilitating Industrial Symbiosis in Aalborg East 2017-2020



Working with more than 25 companies, we jointly developed 42 green business models for industrial symbiosis, which together will lead to significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and material use.
Aalborg Universitet
Sustainable Synergies
Experiences from facilitating Industrial Symbiosis in Aalborg East 2017-2020
Kørnøv, Lone; Lyhne, Ivar; Schlüter, Leonie; Nors, Belinda
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Citation for published version (APA):
Kørnøv, L., Lyhne, I., Schlüter, L., & Nors, B. (2020). Sustainable Synergies: Experiences from facilitating
Industrial Symbiosis in Aalborg East 2017-2020. Det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering, Aalborg Universitet.
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Erfaringer med facilitering af Industriel
Symbiose i Aalborg Øst 2017-2020//
Experiences from facilitating Industrial
Symbiosis in Aalborg East 2017-2020
Aalborg Øst
Industriel Symbiose
De grønne effekter
Den værdiskabende symbiose
Bæredygtig forretningsudvikling
Samspil med forskningen
Virksomheder i symbiose
Aalborg East
Industrial Symbiosis
The green effects
The value-creating symbiosis
Symbiosis examples
Sustainable business development
Interaction with research
Companies in symbiosis
Ressourcebesparelser og øget
omsætning INDENFOR perioden
Saving resources and increasing turnover
WITHIN the project period
FORVENTET ressourcebesparelse og
øget omsætning pr. år efter projektet
EXPECTED resource savings and turnover
increase per year
250.000 kr.
250.000 kr.
5.000.000 kr.
750.000 kr.
blandt deltagende virksomheder
The economic peak effects of the project
Titel: Bæredygtige Synergier - Erfaringer med
facilitering af Industriel Symbiose i Aalborg Øst 2017-
Udgiver: Det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering,
Aalborg Universitet.
Forfattere: Lone Kørnøv, Ivar Lyhne, Leonie Schlüter
og Belinda Nors, AAU.
Andre bidragsydere: Lucia Mortensen, Rasmus
Revsbeck, AAU, Mette Schmidt og Jesper Raakjær,
Port of Aalborg.
ISBN: 978-87-93541-14-6
Tryk: Novagraf A/S
Illustrationer: Anton Malmkjær Møller (s.7,8,29),
Leonie Schlüter (s.15) og Belinda Nors (s. 16,17,30).
Fotos: Gengivet med tilladelse fra Port of Aalborg og
Holdet bag Bæredygtige Synergier er et stærkt team, der fra forskellige sider ønsker at støtte industrien i at spare på ressourcerne gennem samarbejde. Det
Danske Center for Miljøvurdering på Aalborg Universitet, Port of Aalborg, Erhvervsnetværk 9220 og House of Energy.The team behind Sustainable Synergies
wishes to support industry in saving resources through collaboration. The Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment at AAU, Port of Aalborg, Business Network
9220, and House of Energy.
Denne publikation stammer fra arbejdet i projektet
’Bæredygtige Synergier. Faciliteret Industriel Symbiose for
Energi- og Resourceeffektivitet’ (BS). BS var et 2 ½ årigt
projekt designet til at udvikle grønne forretningsmodeller i
små og mellemstore virksomheder baseret på udveksling
af ressourcer mellem virksomheder. BS blev støttet af
Den Europæiske Fond for Regional Udvikling, og placeret
på det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering på Aalborg
Målet med at samle virksomheder i 9220 Aalborg Øst for
at undersøge mulighederne for industriel symbiose var en
stor succes. I samarbejde med mere end 25 virksomheder
udviklede vi i fællesskab 42 grønne forretningsmodeller
med industriel symbiose, der tilsammen fører til et
betydeligt fald i drivhusgas emissioner, energi- og
Publikationen deler nogle af resultaterne fra projektet,
og vi håber, at det vil inspirere andre til at undersøge
mulighederne for industriel symbiose.
Som koordinator for BS vil jeg især gerne takke alle
teammedlemmer, der gennem Aalborg Havn, House
of Energy og Aalborg Universitet klart har bidraget ud
over, hvad der var forventet. Særlig tak til Aalborg Havn.
Uden havnens strategiske visioner ville BS ikke have
været en realitet. I BS har vi haft fremragende kontakt
til Erhvervsnetværk 9220, ’søsterprojekter’ hos NBE
Norddanmark og House of Energy, Aalborg Forsyning
og Renovation, eksterne konsulenter, Erhvervsstyrelsen,
Nordjyske og ikke mindst vores referencegruppe.
Vi står ’i gæld’ til alle de virksomheder, der besluttede
at samarbejde med os om at skabe nye udveksling af
ressourcer til gensidig fordel og til et mere bæredygtigt
forretningsområde. Af hjertet tak!
This publication originated from the work of the project
‘Sustainable Synergies. Facilitated Industrial Symbiosis
for Energy and Resource Efciency’. Sustainable
Synergies was a 2 ½ year project designed to develop
green business models in small and medium sized
companies based upon the exchange of resources
between companies. The project was supported by the
European Fund for Regional Development and based
at the Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment at
Aalborg University.
The objective of bringing together companies in 9220
Aalborg East to explore possibilities for industrial
symbiosis was a great success. Working with more than
25 companies, we jointly developed 42 green business
models for industrial symbiosis, which collectively will lead
to signicant decreases in greenhouse gas emissions,
energy consumption, and material use.
The publication shares some of the results from the
project, and we hope it will inspire others to explore
industrial symbiosis opportunities.
As coordinator of Sustainable Synergies, I would
particularly like to thank all team members who, through
Port of Aalborg, House of Energy and Aalborg University,
have clearly contributed above and beyond the call of
the project. Special thanks goes to the Port of Aalborg.
Without the ports strategic visioning, the project would
not have been a reality. Throughout the project, we have
had excellent contact with Business network 9220, ’sister-
projects’ at NBE NorthDenmark and House of Energy,
Aalborg Supply and Renovation, external consultants, the
Danish Business Authority, Nordjyske and, not least, our
We are deeply grateful to all the companies who decided
to work with us on creating new exchanges of resources
for mutual benet and for a more sustainable business
environment. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.
I samarbejde med mere end 25 virksomheder udviklede vi i fællesskab 42 grønne
forretningsmodeller med industriel symbiose, der tilsammen fører til et betydeligt fald
i drivhusgas-emissioner, energi- og materialeforbrug.
Working with more than 25 companies, we jointly developed 42 green business models
for industrial symbiosis, which together will lead to signicant decrease in greenhouse
gas emissions, energy consumption, and material use.
”Vi vil i Aalborg Øst være verdens mest bæredygtige
bydel. Det er en meget ambitiøs vision, men vi har
alle byggestenene til det og en fantastisk fælles
Mette Schmidt, formand for ErhvervsNetværk 9220
”In Aalborg East, we want to be the world’s most
sustainable area. It is a very ambitious vision, but
we have all the right building blocks for it, and a
fantastic shared enthusiasm.”
Mette Schmidt, chairman of Business Network 9220
En del af Miljø++
A part of Environment++
Der foregår et bredt samarbejde om ressourcer på tværs af brancheskel og virksomhedstyper i Aalborg Øst.
There is broad collaboration on resources between different industries and company types in Aalborg East.
Projektet Bæredygtige Synergier har været en vigtig del af en
større udvikling i Aalborg Øst, hvor en række stærke aktører
har haft et ambitiøst samarbejde over en længere årrække
om at fremme bæredygtighed. Samarbejdet har især været
forankret i Miljø++ partnerskabet, hvor Aalborg Kommune,
Aalborg Energiforsyning og Vandforsyning, RenoNord,
Aalborg Universitet og ikke mindst Port of Aalborg har skabt
en strategisk udvikling af Aalborg Øst for at området skal blive
inkubator for nye bæredygtige løsninger. Grundpræmissen i
Miljø++ er, at bæredygtighed er nøglen til fremtidig vækst og
arbejdspladser og at Aalborg Øst skal være udviklingsplatform
for løsninger til resten af regionen.
Bæredygtige Synergier har været en central indsats for at
gøre de strategiske mål til virkelighed. Som partnere i projektet
har Port of Aalborg, House of Energy og Aalborg Universitet
skabt en lang række konkrete og nytænkende symbioser
mellem de lokale virksomheder. Det er muliggjort ved en
væsentlig økonomisk investering fra Port of Aalborg, der ser
bæredygtighed som et centralt element i havnens fremtidige
Bæredygtige Synergier bygger på et stærkt grundlag med
tradition for tæt samarbejde mellem virksomheder i Aalborg
Øst og det lokale ErhvervsNetværk 9220, der arbejder på at
gøre Aalborg Øst til en bæredygtig bydel. Samarbejdet har i
mange år også inkluderet industrielle symbioser, fx mellem
Aalborg Portland og Nordjyllandsværket.
The ”Sustainable Synergies” project has been an important
part of broader development in Aalborg East, where several
key actors have had an ambitious collaboration to promote
sustainability for several years already. In particular, the
collaboration has been anchored in the “Environment++
partnership, where Aalborg Municipality, Aalborg Forsyning
(Utilities), RenoNord, Aalborg University, and, not least, Port of
Aalborg together created a strategic plan to establish Aalborg
East as an incubator for new, sustainable solutions. The
fundamental premise of Environment++ is that sustainability is
the key to future growth and jobs, and that Aalborg East should
establish itself as a development platform for solutions for the
rest of the region. Recently, Environment++ became part of the
ambition Green Hub Denmark partnership.
Sustainable Synergies has been a cornerstone in turning
these strategic aims into reality. As partners in the project, Port
of Aalborg, House of Energy, and Aalborg University created
many concrete and novel symbioses between local companies.
This was only made possible with substantial economic
investment by Port of Aalborg, who sees sustainability as a
central element in the harbor’s future development.
Sustainable Synergies builds on a strong foundation with
a tradition for close collaboration between companies in
Aalborg East and the local business network 9220 that works
on making Aalborg East a sustainable area. For many years,
this collaboration has also included industrial symbioses,
for example between Aalborg Portland and the power plant
”Symbioser er en integreret del af vores bæredygtige
Jesper Raakjær, Port of Aalborg (udviklingschef//director of development)
”Symbioses are an integrated part of our sustainable
industrial park.”
7 8
”Der er så mange muligheder i et erhvervsområde
som Aalborg Øst for at meget positive miljøeekter
gennem industrielle symbioser, og arbejdet med at
indfri potentialerne er kun lige begyndt”
Lone Kørnøv, projektleder på Bæredygtige Synergier og professor på AAU.
”There are so many possibilities in an industiral
area such as Aalborg East to achieve very positive
environmental eects through industrial symbiosis,
and the work towards fullling the potentials has just
Lone Kørnøv, project manager of Sustainable Synergies and professor at AAU.
Industrielle symbioser er deling af overskudsressourcer
mellem to eller ere virksomheder, såsom materialer,
energi, biprodukter og vand. Det kan også være
fællesløsninger i logistik, faciliteter og ekspertise.
Virksomheder kan være placeret tæt ved hinanden
eller langt fra hinanden og de kan være i samme
virksomhedskategori eller vidt forskellige.
Virksomheder er en centralt drivkraft i overgangen til
en cirkulær økonomi. De kan være med til at forlænge
levetiden for produkter og materialer så lang tid som
mulig og minimere materialeforbrug og affaldsproduktion.
En af vejene til en cirkulær økonomi er industriel
symbiose. Udover at være en innovativ måde at øge
ressourceeffektivitet på, så er symbioser også et strategisk
redskab til grøn vækst i virksomhederne.
Industrial symbiosis is the sharing of surplus resources
between two or more companies, such as materials,
energy, by-products and water. It can also include
common solutions in logistics, facilities and expertise.
Businesses may be located close by or at some distance
to one another, and can either be in the same business
category or widely different categories.
Companies are a driving force in the transition towards
a circular economy. They can be part of extending the
lifecycle of products and materials whilst minimizing
material use and the generation of waste. One of the paths
to a circular economy is industrial symbiosis. In addition
to being an innovative way to improve resource efciency,
symbioses are also a strategic tool which supports green
growth in the companies.
- hjælper virksomheder med at se muligheder
- handler også om at skabe en koordineret
indsats fra lokale grøn omstillings-projekter
- kræver opfølgning hele vejen igennem
- sker i en eksisterende kultur
- tager tid
- er en kompetence
- is assisting the companies in identifying
- is also about ensuring a coordinated effort
from local green transition projects
- demands follow up throughout
- happens in an existing culture
- takes time
- is a compentency (Mortensen, L. 2020)
Facilitering er ofte helt afgørende for, om virksomheder
samarbejder i industrielle symbioser. Hvad skal der til
for at få industrielle symbioser til at ske? I Bæredygtige
Synergier arbejdede vi tæt sammen med et erhvervs Ph.d.
projekt, der gav vigtig viden:
Facilitation is often paramount to the success of industrial
symbiosis. What does it take to make companies
collaborate? In Sustainable Synergies we worked closely
together with a BusinessPhD, which provided important
knowledge and insights:
9 10
De industrielle symbioser udviklet i projektet Bæredygtige
Synergier indebærer markante miljøeffekter. Projektet
har vist vejen til energibesparelser for samlet set mere
end 3.000 MWh og reduceret CO2-udledning på samlet
set mere end 10.000 tons i årlig besparelse blandt de
deltagende virksomheder. Det er langt mere end forventet,
og det viser, at industrielle symbioser er en vigtig måde at
gøre virksomheder grønnere på.
Udover reduktion af energi og drivhusgasser giver
symbioserne også en række andre miljøeffekter. For
eksempel har projektet ledt til meget store reduktioner i
materialeforbrug, og mindre transport af materialer med
lastbil giver mindre luftforurening og mindre mikroplastik
fra slidtage af dæk.
The industrial symbioses developed throughout the
Sustainable Synergies project resulted in signicant
environmental savings. The project highlights the path to
achieving energy savings of more than 3.000 MWh and
CO2-emissions reductions totalling 10.000 tons per year
between the participating companies. This is considerably
more than expected, and highlights that industrial
symbioses are vital in helping companies become greener.
Beyond the reduction of energy and greenhouse gases,
the symbioses also have several other environmental
impacts. For example, the project led to very high material
savings, whilst also helping to minimize the transport of
materials via trucks, implying less air pollution and less
micro plastic from wear and tear of tires.
Industrielle symbioser skaber værdi på mange måder.
Der er direkte økonomiske gevinster og en række andre
værdier, der indirekte eller på sigt kan lede til bedre
Samlet set viser symbioserne i Bæredygtige Synergier
et stort økonomisk potentiale. De øvrige typer værdi, der
opnås ses i guren til højre.
Virksomhederne selv peger især på, at de i udviklingen af
symbioser har fået et vigtigt kompetenceløft og et bedre
Industrial symbioses create value in many ways. There
are direct economic gains and a number of other benets,
which indirectly or in the long term can lead to an improved
bottom line.
The symbioses in Sustainable Synergies collectively
prove to cause large economic benets. The other types
of value added are shown in the gure to the right.
The companies specically point to the fact that they have
experienced a signicant increase in competencies and a
better image.
264 MWh energibesparelse per symbiose
- det svarer til 8 husstandes energiforbrug1
264 MWh per symbiosis
- Equal to the energy use of 8 households
800 ton CO2 reduktion per symbiose
- det svarer til 100 indbyggeres CO2 udledning2
800 ton CO2 reduction per symbiosis
- Equal to the CO2 emissions of 100
residents in Denmark
1-2 mio kr. årligt
Den typiske direkte værdi af symbioser om at skabe
nye produkter og produktinnovation
1-2 million kr. per year
The typical direct value of symbioses that create
new products and product innovation
30-50.000 kr. årligt
Den direkte værdi af symbioser om at bruge en rest
hos en virksomhed i produktionen hos en anden
30-50.000 kr. per year
The typical direct value of symbioses that use the
waste of one company in the production process of
1 Baseret på Danmarks Statistik, Bruttoenergiforbrug 2019
2 Baseret på Danmarks Statistik, Drivhusgasregnskab 2018
Besparelser i affaldshåndteringsomkostninger
Reduction of waste disposal costs
Mindre omkostninger til materialeindkøb
Lesser material purchasing costs
Indtægter gennem produktinnovation og -nyudvikling
Income through product innovation and new products
Nye markeder eller kundegrupper
New markets or customer groups
Forbedret image
Improved image
Kapacitets- og kompetenceudvikling’
Capacity and competence building
Forbedret virksomhedskultur og arbejdsindstilling
Improved company culture and work morale
Sociale fordele og jobskabelse
Social benets and job creation
BesparelserNye indtægterIndirekte gevinster
Designmøbler af overskudsmaterialer
Samarbejdet om genbrug af paller og pap
Lokal håndtering af olievæsker
Reparation af hvidevarer og håndværktøj
Omstilling til VE-baseret produktion
Genanvendelse af plastark og landbrugsplast
Symbiose viser vej til genanvendelse af glasber
Produktudvikling ud fra en ressource-tankegang
Udlejning og leasing af transportudstyr
Designer furniture from waste materials
Collaboration on reuse of pallets and cardboard
Local handling of oil-mixed liquids
Reparation of white goods and power tools
Transition to RE-based production
Recycling of plastic sheets and agri-foil
Product development based on ressource-thinking
Symbiosis showing the way to recycling glass ber
Leasing of industrial transportation equipment
Good design is the centre point in this symbiosis, where a
handful of production companies share surplus materials
with the socio-economic workshop Råt&Godt, who then
converts waste materials into modern design furniture with
a long lifespan. The furniture is designed by Mikkel Huse
from Huse Design, with point of departure in the available
surplus materials. They have an industrial, yet classic,
unique amoungst other sustainable design products on
the market today.
The environmental and economic benets go hand in
hand: the production companies save money, because
they do not have to pay waste disposal costs; Råt&Godt
makes a prot from the sale of the furniture; and the
collaboration provides a range of environmental benets
on the material-side. The symbiosis also represents
a positive story in the news and a platform for new
collaborations between the companies.
Godt design er omdrejningspunktet i denne symbiose,
hvor en håndfuld produktionsvirksomheder deler
restmaterialer med det socialøkonomiske værksted
Råt&Godt, som omdanner restprodukter til moderne
designmøbler med lang levetid. Møblerne er tegnet af
Mikkel Huse fra Huse Design med udgangspunkt i de
konkrete overskudsmaterialer. De har et industrielt, men
klassisk look, der ikke ligner andre produkter, der er på
markedet inden for bæredygtigt design i dag.
De miljømæssige og økonomiske gevinster går hånd i
hånd: Produktionsvirksomhederne sparer penge, fordi de
ikke skal betale for bortskaffelse af affaldet, Råt&Godt får et
økonomisk udbytte af salget af møblerne, og samarbejdet
giver en række miljøgevinster på materialesiden. Samtidig
er symbiosen en god mediehistorie og en platform for nye
samarbejder mellem virksomhederne.
"Vi var aldrig selv kommet på at lave designlamper
af vores sibånd."
Mette Due, Fibertex Personal Care - kvalitets- og miljøchef//
Quality and Sustainability Director
”We would have never come up with the idea to
make designer lamps from our spin belt on our
Samarbejdet med industrien skaber et stabilt input af kvalitetsmaterialer i produktionen hos det socialøkonomiske værksted.
Her designer-interiør udelukkende af genbrugs-materialer. The collaboration with industry creates a stable ow of quality
materials into the production at the socio-economic workshop. Here you see interior products from reuse materials.
”Det er et samarbejde, vi er stolte af!”
Helle Bobach, Bobach Stålentreprise – direktør//CEO
”It is a collaboration we are proud of!”
13 14
Designmøbler af overskudsmaterialer
Designer furniture from waste materials
15 16
Brugte træpaller og papkasser er ofte til besvær blandt
virksomheder, men denne symbiose viser, at et godt lokalt
samarbejde gør attraktivt at genbruge dem. Symbiosen
etablerer en genbrugsordning mellem virksomheder i
Aalborg Øst og et palle-reparationsrma, der også sikrer
genbrug af papkasser. LC Emballage har i en årrække
arbejdet med at genbruge paller og papkasser, og
virksomheden sørger for at paller og papkasser hentes
og leveres efter virksomhedernes behov.
Logistikken er normalt både en økonomisk og miljømæssig
udfordring ved genbrug af paller og papkasser, der
ikke har de store miljømæssige ”fodaftryk”. Hvis der er
langt mellem virksomhederne kan miljøpåvirkningen fra
transporten overskygge miljøgevinsten ved genbrug.
Symbiosen er derfor et vigtigt eksempel på, at det
giver god mening at gøre en indsats for at samle lokale
virksomheder i et samarbejde om genbrug, der minimerer
Hvor den økonomiske gevinst ved at afgive paller og
papkasser til genbrug er begrænset, har samarbejdet
om den optimerede logistik klare fordele. Den hyppigere
transport betyder, at virksomhederne ikke skal have så
mange paller stående, og de kan hurtigere få leveret
genbrugspaller og genbrugspapkasser af god kvalitet.
Used wooden pallets and cardboard boxes are often pro-
blematic for companies, yet this symbiosis shows that
good local collaboration makes it attractive to reuse them.
The symbiosis establishes a reuse model between com-
panies in Aalborg East and a pallet-repair company that
also offers the reuse of cardboard boxes. For many years,
LC Emballage worked with reusing pallets and cardboard
boxes, ensuring that both were being picked up and deli-
vered according to the needs other companies’.
The logistics of reusing pallets and cardboard boxes
that do not have a big environmental footprint is typically
challenging, both economically and environmentally. For
example, if the distance between the companies is sig-
nicant, the negative environmental impacts of the trans-
port can exceed the environmental benets of reuse. The
symbiosis is therefore an important example highlighting
the importance of connecting local companies in a colla-
boration that decreases transport distances.
Where the economic benet of sending pallets and card-
board boxes for reuse is limited, the logistics collaboration
presents clear advantages. More frequent transport me-
ans that companies do not have to store large amounts of
pallets and that they can receive used pallets and cardbo-
ard boxes of high quality when required.
Samarbejdet om genbrug af paller og pap
The collaboration on reuse of pallets and cardboard
”Når virksomheder i et område går sammen
om at genbruge paller og pap, bliver logistikken
bedre og genbrug mere attraktivt”
Erik Lund, LC Emballage - indehaver
”When companies in one area collaborate
to recycle pallets and cardboard, then the
logistics become more attractive”
Erik Lund, LC Emballage - owner
Mange virksomheder i erhvervsområdet i Aalborg Øst
har i en årrække sendt procesvand og spildevand med
olieindhold til behandling til Sydjylland. Det betyder,
at ere hundrede tungtlastede lastbiler hvert år kører
gennem Jylland. Kingo Recycling har bygget en forretning
op på lokal håndtering af vandet, så mindst muligt skal
transporteres væk fra Nordjylland. I samarbejde med
Bæredygtige Synergier har en række symbiosemuligheder
med lokale virksomheder været overvejet som en del af
Symbiosen er et godt eksempel på, hvordan en
’ressource’ gøres til en forretningsmulighed ved at holde
den i nærområdet, og hvordan det giver mulighed for nye
symbioser mellem virksomheder. Det er blandt andet
undersøgt, om separationen kan blive så god, at olien
kan erstatte forbruget af nye olieprodukter hos andre
Med en masse sparet transport giver symbiosen klare
miljøfordel, herunder en betydeligt mængde sparet CO2-
For many years, numerous companies in the industrial
area in Aalborg East have sent their oil-contaminated pro-
cess- and wastewater for treatment to South Jutland. That
means that several hundred heavily loaded trucks drive
through Jutland every year. Kingo Recycling has built a
business based on the local treatment of these liquids,
helping minimize the amount which has to be transpor-
ted away from North Jutland. In collaboration with Sus-
tainable Synergies, several symbiosis opportunities with
local companies were considered as part of the business
This symbiosis is a good example of how a ‘resource’ can
be turned into a business opportunity through keeping it
in the local area, leading to new opportunities for symbi-
oses between companies. Amongst other things, it was
investigated whether the oil could be seperated to such
an degree that it could replace the use of new oil products
at other companies.
With the amount of avoided transport, the symbiosis
has clear environmental benets, including a signicant
amount of CO2-emissions.
Lokal håndtering af olievæsker
Local handling of oil-mixed liquids
"Det giver ikke mening at transportere
tonsvis af vand over 100 km."
Leif Andersen, Kingo Recycling - driftsansvarlig//operations manager
”It makes no sense to transport several tons
of water over 100 km.”
Reparation af hvidevarer og håndværktøj
Repair of white goods and power tools
Håndværktøj bliver typisk smidt ud, hvis det ikke fungerer,
fordi reparation er dyrt. Den socialøkonomiske virksomhed
Råt&Godt er gået sammen med lokale virksomheder for
at vise, at det godt kan lade sig gøre at levetidsforlænge
en stor del af det håndværktøj, der kasseres. I bedste fald
tager virksomhed det reparerede håndværktøj tilbage til
fordel for både økonomi og miljøet.
Electric tools are often thrown away when they stop
working and repairing them is typically expensive. The
social-economic workshop Råt&Godt has collaborated
with local companies to show that it is possible to prolong
the lifetime of the majority of electric tools that previously
were discarded. Ideally, the company takes the repaired
electric tool back, beneting both economy and the
The company De Grønne Hvidevarer (“The Green
White Goods”) has for many years worked with
collecting and repairing hard white goods for
onward sale to private customers. In this symbiosis,
new concepts for the sale to corporate customers
in Aalborg East have been tested. The aim is to
make it easier to exchange repaired white goods,
using warrantees and a potential new subscription
service. The lifetime extension of appliances has
a substantial environmental benet, due to the
avoidance of production for new machines.
”Der er værdi i at kunne reparere tingene, så vi tager
vare på ressourcerne.”
Christian Helweg, Råt&Godt - stifter og ejer//founder and owner
”There is value in reparing things, so that we take care
of the resources.”
Levetidsforlængelse er godt og det kan gøres på mange måder. Det viser to symbioser om genbrug af hvidevarer og værktøj.
Lifetime extension of products is benecial and can be achieved in different ways. Two symbioses regarding the repair of white
goods and tools prove this.
De Grønne Hvidevarer (DGH) har i ere år
arbejdet på at indsamle og istandsætte hårde
hvidevarer med salg til private. I denne symbiose
afprøves nye modeller for salg til virksomheder
med udgangspunkt i Aalborg Øst. Målet er at
gøre det let at udskifte til reparerede hvidevarer
med garantiordning og eventuelt som en
abonnementsservice. Livstidsforlængelsen af
apparaterne giver en betydeligt miljøeffekt, fordi vi
derved undgår produktion af nye maskiner.
17 18
”Solceller kan være en fornuftig måde at gøre
produktionen grønnere – især når det sker på
tagarealer og ikke på marker”
Ivar Lyhne, AAU - lektor//associate professor
”Solar panels can be a sensible way to make
production greener - especially when installed
on roofs, rather than elds.”
Industrielle symbioser kan også være om viden, der deles
mellem virksomheder og leder til miljøfordele. I denne
symbiose samarbejdes om at skabe og dele viden om
både varmetab og omstilling af produktionen til at være
baseret på vedvarende energi.
Varmetab fra tagarealer er normalt svære at kortlægge,
og derfor har en række virksomheder i Aalborg Øst
indgået et samarbejde at få et overblik fra luften ved brug
af en drone. Dronens termograske billeder har givet et
godt udgangspunkt for en dialog mellem virksomheder
og energirådgivere for muligheder for energibesparelser
og deres rentabilitet. Drone Systems stod for de
termograske billeder, mens Aalborg Energiforsyning
gav sparring til virksomhederne på potentialerne for at
reducere varmetabet og derved få gevinster for både
forretning og miljøet.
I den anden symbiose samarbejder virksomhederne om
et forløb om at afklare potentialet for at gøre produktionen
grønnere ved at investere i solcelleanlæg. For at nå
en fornuftig tilbagebetalingstid er det afgørende, at
virksomheden bruger en meget stor del af den producerede
strøm selv, og det kræver ofte tilpasninger i produktionen.
Eksempelvis har det stor betydning, om virksomhedens
produktion også kører i weekenden. Samarbejdet mellem
virksomhederne i symbiosen indebar en ’fælles’ konsulent
og muligheden for reducerede omkostninger ved indkøb
og montering pga. ’storskala’ muligheder i at gå sammen.
Industrial symbiosis is also about knowledge sharing
between companies which can leads to environmental
benets. In this symbiosis, companies collaborate to
create and share knowledge about heat loss as well as
the transition to electricity production based on renewable
Heat loss from roof areas are usually difcult to identify,
and therefore a number of companies in Aalborg East
have participated in a collaboration to identify heat loss
from the air using a drone. The drone’s thermographic
images provided a good starting point for a dialogue
between the companies and the energy advisers
regarding opportunities for energy savings and their
associated cost and protability. Drone Systems provided
the thermographic images, whilst Aalborg Forsyning
(Aalborg Energy Supplies) provided the companies with
advice on reducing heat loss, thereby gaining benets for
both business and the environment.
In the second symbiosis, the companies are collaborating
on a process to clarify the potential for greener production
by investing in solar cells. In order to reach a reasonable
payback period, it is essential that the company uses a
very large part of the electricity produced itself, and this
often requires adjustments in production. For example,
it is crucial whether the company’s production also runs
during the weekend. The collaboration between the
companies in this symbiosis entailed a ’joint’ consultation
and the opportunity for reduced purchasing and assembly
costs .
”Det er herligt, at vi i Aalborg Øst kan samarbejde
om at få viden fra droneoveryvningen.”
Michael Borup, Danish Laser Technology - direktør//CEO
”It is great that we in Aalborg East can cooperate
on gaining knowledge from the drone ight.”
19 20
Omstilling til VE-baseret produktion
Transition to RE-based production
Overskudsvarme fra virksomheder er synlig fra luften - her termograske billeder fra den fælles droneoveryvning.
Heat loss from companies is visible from the air - here thermographic photos from the common drone ight.
There is a lot of focus on plastic in the media and among
politicians. The symbiosis here shows that local symbioses
make it possible to recycle both large and small quantities
of plastic.
In one symbiosis, the quantities of plastic are so small that
good cooperation between companies is neccesary in
order to ensure its viability. A number of steel processing
companies in Aalborg East receive corrugated plastic
sheets as a protecting layer between steel sheets. The
2-10 mm thick plastic sheets are made of pure plastic
material and are therefore easy to recycle , but the
volumes of each company have typically been too small
to make the logistics of recycling cost-efcient. Therefore,
the plastic sheets have typically been sent for incineration
along with other waste fractions. However, now they are
collected for the purpose of being turned into new, high-
quality, plastics, which offers signicant environmental
In the second symbiosis, Aalborg Recycling is the key
company in an ambitious collection and processing
scheme for agricultural plastics. It is a challenging treatment
because the plastic is geographically dispersed and
mixed with soil. The collaboration has primarily involved
estimates of quantities and types of plastic fractions, and
Aalborg Recycling is now establishing a production facility
to handle processing. The environmental potential of this
is huge, because so much agricultural plastics today is
currently not recycled.
Der er meget fokus på plast i medierne og blandt politikerne.
Symbioserne her viser, at lokale symbioser gør det muligt
både at genanvende store og små mængder af plast.
I den ene symbiose er plastmængderne så små, at der
skal et godt samarbejde mellem virksomheder til for,
at det giver mening at gøre noget ved det. En række
stålbearbejdende virksomheder i Aalborg Øst modtager
bølgeplastark, som mellemlæg mellem stålplader. De 2-10
mm tykke plastark er af et rent plastmateriale og derfor
oplagte at genanvende, men den enkelte virksomheds
mængder har været for små til at bære omkostninger
til logistikken for genanvendelse. Derfor er plastarkene
typisk indtil nu blevet sendt til forbrænding sammen med
andre affaldsfraktioner. Nu samles de med henblik på at
blive til ny plast af tilsvarende høj kvalitet, og det giver
væsentlige miljøfordele.
I den anden symbiose er Aalborg Recycling
nøglevirksomheden i en ambitiøs indsamling og
bearbejdning af landbrugsplast. Det er en udfordrende
håndtering, fordi plasten er geogrask spredt og blandet
med jord. Samarbejdet har først og fremmest indebåret
estimeringer af mængder og typer af plastfraktioner,
og Aalborg Recycling er nu ved at etablere et
produktionsanlæg til bearbejdningen. Miljøpotentialet i
genanvendelsen er enormt, fordi der er så store mængder
landbrugsplast, der ikke genanvendes i dag.
”Det er nt med et fælles indsamlingssystem, så vi kan passe
på miljøet. ”
Torben Kjær, Brunø Stål - direktør og ejer//CEO and owner
”It is good to have a common collection system so that we can
take care of the environment.”
”Landbrugsplast bliver ikke håndteret godt nok i
dag. Vi vil lave en forretning ud af at genanvende
plasten i Nordjylland – i samarbejde med en række
Bernt Pedersen, Aalborg Recycling
Afdelingschef//department manager
Genanvendelse af plastark & landbrugsplast
Recycling plastic sheets and agri-foil
”Agricultural plastic is not handled well
enough today. We want to make a business
out of recycling plastic in North Jutland –
in collaboration with other companies”
21 22
“Genanvendelse af glasber kræver samarbejde.”
Bernt Pedersen, Aalborg Recycling
Afdelingschef/department manager
”Recycling of glass bre requires collaboration.”
Glass bre is a fantastic product for wind turbine blades,
boats, etc., but it has proving difcult to nd good solutions
for reusing and recycling the large amounts of offcuts and
used glass bre. Aalborg Recycling is one of the companies
developing solutions in symbiotic collaborations with
blade-producers. In this symbiosis, Aalborg Recycling
has developed a concept for using glass ber as a noise-
reducing ller in mobile noise reduction walls. The walls
ensure the safe reutilisation of glass bre whilst making
use of the noise cancelling properties of the granulated
Business development during the symbiosis has
documented large environmental benets and
simultaneously pointed to possibilities for optimising the
design of the noise reduction walls, for example by reducing
the steel content in the construction. These improvements
are ideal during a time where Aalborg Recycling’s mobile
noise reduction walls are gaining market share due to
their superior noise reduction performance as well as their
extra height compared to other alternatives.
Produktudvikling ud fra en ressource-tankegang
Business development from a resource perspective
”Det er jo et helt nyt produkt.”
Jesper Sand Kirk, Kirk Skumteknik - ejer//owner
”This is a completely new product.”
Kirk Skumteknik sells a smart type of district heating well
insulation, and through this symbiosis the company has
also started to think about resource consumption in novel
new ways. In short, the symbiosis involves the evaluation
of all the materials in the product from a resource mindset
whilst considering whether they can be replaced with
more environmentally friendly residual products from
other companies.
The process has identied signicant environmental
improvements via, for example, replacing their use of a
particular type of ’plastic foam’ with offcuts from other
companies which are granulated and thus can be reused
multiple times. Work is also underway on the potential to
incorporate recycled plastic from other companies into the
With the new product, the company will have a stronger
brand and can strengthen their position as a supplier of
insulation for district heating wells.
Glasber er et fantastisk produkt til vindmøllevinger,
både, mv., men det kniber med at nde gode løsninger
på at genbruge og genanvende de store mængder
af rester og brugt glasber. Aalborg Recycling er
en af de virksomheder, der arbejder med at udvikle
løsninger i symbiosesamarbejder med producenter af
vindmøllevinger. I denne symbiose har Aalborg Recycling
videreudviklet et koncept med at bruge glasber som
støjdæmpende fyld i mobile støjvægge. Støjvæggene
sikrer en sikker opbevaring af glasber samtidig med
at egenskaberne ved neddelt glasber udnyttes som
Forretningsudviklingen af symbiosen har dokumenteret
store miljømæssige gevinster og samtidig peget på
optimeringsmuligheder i designet af støjvæggene, blandt
andet ved at reducere forbruget af stål i konstruktionen.
Det giver god mening i en periode, hvor Aalborg Recyclings
mobile støjvægge vinder markedsandele på grund af
deres ekstra gode støjreducerende egenskaber og deres
ekstra højde sammenlignet med andre udbydere.
Symbiose viser vej til genanvendelse af glasber
Symbiosis highlights solutions to glass bre recycling
Kirk Skumteknik sælger en smart type isolering af
fjernvarmebrønde, og igennem denne symbiose får
virksomheden også tænkt ressourceforbrug smartere.
Symbiosen går kort fortalt ud på, at tænke alle materialerne
i produktet igennem fra en ressourcetankegang og
overveje, om de kan erstattes med mere miljøvenlige
restprodukter fra andre virksomheder.
Processen har peget på væsentlige miljøforbedringer ved
for eksempel erstatte deres brug af en bestemt type ’plast-
skum’ med afskær fra andre virksomheder, der granuleres
og derved kan anvendes igen og igen. Der arbejdes
også på at genanvende plast fra andre virksomheder i
Virksomheden vil med det nye produkt have et stærkere
brand og styrke deres position som leverandør af isolering
af fjernvarmebrønde.
Varmetab er en miljøbelastning - men det kan undgås.
Heat loss is environmental problem - but it can be avoided.
23 24
Udlejning og leasing af transportudstyr
Leasing of transport equipment
”Det er godt for både forretning og miljø”
Claus Svensk Jessen, KS Gruppen
adm. direktør//CEO
”This is benecial to both business and
Ændringen fra at sælge produkter til at sælge
services nævnes ofte som en god måde at reducere
miljøpåvirkninger på, for det kan lede til, at mindre ’udstyr’
står rundt omkring hos kunderne. KS Gruppen viser i
denne symbiose, hvordan det kan gøres helt konkret med
udgangspunkt i deres salg af transportudstyr. I den nye
forretningsmodel kan kunder vælge enten at købe eller
leje for eksempel sækkevogne af virksomheden.
Servicemodellen har klare positive miljø- og energieffekter
og giver derudover KS Gruppen et nyt forretningsområde,
hvor de står stærkt inden for transportprodukter i
høj kvalitet. Samtidig viser symbiosen, hvordan nye
forretningssamarbejder med andre virksomheder inden
for udlejning kan føre til optimering af ressource- og
The change from selling products to selling services
is often cited as a good way to reduce environmental
impacts, as it can lead to reduction in idle ’equipment’
with customers. In this symbiosis, the KS Gruppen
shows how it can be done in a concrete manner
based on their sales of transport equipment. In the
new business model, customers can choose to either
buy or rent equipment from the company, for example
baggage trucks.
The service model has clear environmental and energy
benets and further provides KS Gruppen with a new
business area with transport products, for which they
already well-known. At the same time, the symbiosis
shows how new business partnerships with other rental
companies can lead to optimization of resource- and
materials use.
”Det kan gå helt galt, hvis vi ikke trykprøver!”
Lone Kørnøv, projektleder, Aalborg Universitet
”It can go completely wrong if we do not test!”
Lone Kørnøv, project manager, Aalborg University
Skal materialeforbrug, proces eller andet i
produktdesignet ændres grundet brugen
af genbrugsressourcen?
27 28
Hvilken ressource
modtager virksomhe-
den? Mængder, udvin-
delse, bearbejdning,
Which resource does
the company receive?
Amounts, extraction,
processing, transport.
design changes
Tidligere anvendelse/
Former use
Miljøkonsekvenser//Environmental effectsSymbiosemodel//Symbiosis model
Bæredygtighedstjek// Sustainability test
Hvad blev brugt indtil nu? Eller hvad ville blive
indkøbt, hvis genbrugsressourcen ikke længere
var tilgængelig?
What was bought until now? Or, what would be
bought, if the resource was no longer available?
Er ekstra processer eller behandlinger nød-
vendige for at klargøre materialet til at indgå
i produktionen?
Is extra processing or treatment necessary to
prepare the material for reproduction?
Skal materialeforbrug, proces eller andet i
produktdesignet ændres grundet brugen af
Do material use, processing or design require
Hvad blev genbrugsressourcen brugt til/be-
handlet, hvis ikke den indgår i denne produk-
What was the use of the resource, if not this
Hvordan adskiller genbrugsressourcen sig
fra udvinding og bearbejdning af den oprin-
delige ressource?
How is the recycled resource extracted/pro-
cessed compared to the former material?
Energiforbrug, type af energi, skadelige
stoffer, transport osv.
Energy consumption and -type, toxic sub-
stances, transport etc.
Postive og negative ved f.eks. mere eller
mindre materialeforbrug.
Postive and negative caused by e.g. using
more or less material.
Hvad vil blive brugt i stedet i den tidligere
anvendelse/proces? Hvilke effekter har
What will be used now, when the material is
diverted? Which effects follow?
Samlet set, hvilke mil-
jømæssige fordele har
den nye anvendelse af
Which effects are
caused by the change
Der gennemføres mange initiativer under overskrifter som
bæredygtig forretningsudvikling og grøn omstilling. Men
trods de otte ord bliver initiativerne sjældent ”trykprøvet”
for deres bæredygtighed. Så selvom initiativerne lyder
godt, så kan de meget vel have uforudsete negative
påvirkninger og i værste fald slet ikke være bæredygtige.
Derfor kan virksomheder ufrivilligt komme til at lægge
navn til ”greenwashing” og få uønsket medieomtale.
Det er eksempelvis vigtigt at tænke i systemer, når en
virksomhed optimerer på sin egen produktion eller sine
produkter ved at bruge et andet materiale. Her er det
vigtigt at medregne, hvad det andet materiale ville være
brugt til, hvis det ikke kom ind i produktionen, om det
forudsætter andre behandlinger i produktionen, og om det
vil medføre designændringer i virksomhedens produkter.
Sådanne aedte ændringer kan meget vel indebære
væsentlige miljøpåvirkninger – enten i virksomheden selv
eller i værdikæden.
De industrielle symbioser udviklet i Bæredygtige
Synergier er trykprøvet, så den enkelte virksomhed og
dens forretningsmodel ses i et større system af aedte
effekter. Til det formål har vi udviklet et værktøj, vi kalder
GAIA, der er en letforståelig hjælp til at få øje aedte
miljøeffekter af forretningsmodeller. GAIA-værktøjet har i
projektet givet grundlaget for beregninger af både positive
og negative effekter, og den viden har været en del af
processen med at udvikle de enkelte forretningsmodeller,
så de reelt er miljømæssigt bæredygtige.
Many initiatives are conducted using titles such as
”sustainable business development” or “green transition”.
Yet despite this wording, the actual sustainability of such
initiatives is rarely checked. Even though they sound good
on paper, they may actually result in unforeseen negative
impacts, leading to results which can be unsustainable
in the worst-case scenario. This is how some companies
involuntarily participate in “greenwashing’, leading to
undesirable media attention.
It is therefore crucial to think in terms of systems when
a company optimizes its own production or its services
by using another material. Here, it is vital to consider
what the other material would have been used for if it
were not incorporated into the new production process,
what new processing steps might be required, and if its
inclusion will lead to wider changes in the design of the
company’s products. Such derived effects can very well
include substantial environmental impacts – either for the
company itself or across the broader value chain.
The industrial symbioses developed as part of Sustainable
Synergies are checked for their wider impact on
sustainability, with the individual company and its business
model viewed as part of a bigger system of secondary
and derived effects. For this purpose, we developed a
tool that we call GAIA, a simple tool for identifying knock-
on environmental impacts of the business models in
question. The GAIA-tool established the foundation in the
project for calculating both positive and negative effects,
and the knowledge gained forming a central part of the
process when developing each business model, ensuring
true environmentally sustainable.
Resource for reuse or
Erstattet ressource/
Sustituted resource
GAIA modellen kan fugere som værktøj for at sikre, at alle miljøeffekter ved en planlagt industriel symbiose overvejes.
The GAIA model can be used as a tool to ensure, that all environmental effects of a planned industrial symbiosis are considered.
(Kørnøv m..2020, Grøn forretningsudvikling gennem Industriel Symbiose. GAIA modellen)
I Bæredygtige Synergier var samspillet mellem
universitet og erhvervslivet en gevinst for alle. De nyeste
forskningsresultater og reel viden spillede en aktiv rolle
i udvikling og vurdering af grøn forretningsudvikling.
Samtidig opnåede forskningsmiljøet også ny viden
gennem projektet, herunder gennem et ErhvervsPhD-
samarbejde med Port of Aalborg. I guren er nogle af
resultaterne fra samspillet fremhævet.
In Sustainable Synergies, the interaction between
university and business was a benet for all. Latest
research results, knowledge and insight played an
active role in developing and assessing green business
development opportunities. At the same time, the research
environment also gained new knowledge throughout the
project, including through a Business PhD collaboration
with the Port of Aalborg. The gure highlights several key
ndings from the partnership.
Miljøvurdering er nødvendig UNDER forretningsudviklingen for at trykprøve
for bæredygtighed og undgå ’green-washing’
Environmental assessment is needed DURING business development to
test sustainability and avoid ’green-washing’
Symbioser yngler symbioser
Symbioses breed symbioses
Havne spiller en vigtig rolle i at katalysere grøn forretningsudvikling
Ports play an important role in catalyzing green business development
Symbioser støttes og accelereres gennem løbende facilitering
Symbioses are supported and accelerated through ongoing facilitation
Grøn forretningsudvikling
Green business development
Kritiske faktorer for opståen af industriel symbiose / Critical factors for industrial symbiosis emergence process
Mortensen og Kørnøv. 2019.
Reproduktion af industrielle symbioser og netværksudvikling / Industrial symbiosis emergence and network development through reproduction
Schlüter m.. 2020.
Mindre havnes udvikling mod katalysering af bæredygtig erhvervsudvikling / Smaller ports’ evolution towards catalysing sustainable hinterland development
Mortensen m.. 2020.
Hvor grønne er støttede ‘grønne’ forretningsmodeller? / How green are supported ‘green’ business models?
Løkke m.. 2020. Under review.
Systemtænkning til at øge integration af miljøhensyn i bæredygtig forretningsudvikling / System thinking to enhance the integration of environmental concern in sustainable
business development
Kørnøv m.. 2020. Under udarbejdelse.
Grøn forretningsudvikling gennem Industriel Symbiose. GAIA modellen / Green business devleopment through Industrial Symbiosis. The GAIA model.
Kørnøv m.. 2020.
Grønne partnerskaber kræver kompetent facilitering / Green partnerships require competent facilitation
Lyhne m.. 2019.
Industrielle symbiosers opståen: I Aalborg Øst Havnens Erhvervsområde / Industrial Symbiosis Emergence: In the Aalborg East Port industrial Area
Mortensen, Lucia, 2020. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press
Hvis du vil læse mere // If you want to read more:
White goods repair and re-sale
Corian-offcuts - recycling
Local separation of oil-mixed liquids
Aluzink-offcuts reused in new production
Insulating district heating wells - growth and prduct development
Cardboard box reuse
Pallets - repair and reuse
Power tools - repair and reuse
Agricultural foil - recycling
Plastic sheets - recycling
Drone ight to identify heat loss
Glass bre from wind turbine blades - recycling
Service based business model - rent of transport products
RE-based production - knowledge sharing
... The facilitator role was investigated through an in-depth, semistructured interview with the facilitator team of a project in Aalborg, Denmark (Kørnøv et al., 2020), described in Table 1 and referred to as the Danish facilitation team. As the facilitator in the case was a collective unit, i.e. a team where the members had different facilitation tasks throughout the facilitation process, a group interview rather than individual interviews was preferred as a means to uncover the responsibilities and skills of the facilitator. ...
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As a collective approach for achieving economic, environmental, and social effects, industrial symbiosis is considered an important tool to realize a circular economy. In both literature and practice, the need for a third party facilitating the development of these resource exchanges between companies has been highlighted. This paper explores the actions and skills needed for achieving successful facilitation of industrial symbiosis by unfolding the facilitator role. It develops an analytical action-skill framework, systematically examines the relevant literature, conducts an in-depth analysis of a Danish facilitation team, and tests a developed action-skill framework by analyzing experiences obtained from seven facilitators in Nordic countries. In doing so, the study reveals a variety of actions of the IS facilitator that can be identified across literature and practice, belonging to five overarching tasks: Developing linkages, coordinating, capacity & knowledge management, value assessment and distribution, and developing beneficial conditions & scaling up. The results indicate that we observe a role in the process of homogenization. Another contribution is the uncovering of IS facilitator skills. The paper points to five overarching skills that are relevant to the facilitator role: social skills, work approach, motivation and interest, ethics and responsibility, and knowledge. Subsequently, eight specific tensions between the identified actions are discussed. These make the role of the industrial symbiosis facilitator skill demanding and context-dependent and show an additional, implicit skillset.
... The use and test of the GAIA model in practice was an integrated element of an IS facilitation project in Aalborg, Denmark, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. In total, 42 business model innovation processes were undertaken, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Schlüter, et al., 2020). Informal feedback on the model was given during the collaboration. ...
Conference Paper
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Industrial symbiosis, as a collective approach for using excess resources, is considered a means to realizing a circular economy. Industrial symbiosis can be seen as a way of improving the environmental sustainability of individual companies’ business models, as well as a way of creating collaborative business models that are widely considered an archetype of circular business models in themselves. While there is a variety of tools addressing ideation, identification of potentials, concept development in the business model innovation process for industrial symbiosis, simple tools for estimating environmental impacts beyond rules of thumb are missing. This extended abstract presents the process and results from co-creating a tool called the ”GAIA-model”, based on systems thinking elements and consequential LCA paradigm. The tool was used in 42 business model innovation processes, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies. Through exemplifying the use of the tool in two selected cases, this extended abstract illustrates how tools of this type can give users a better understanding of environmental impacts throughout the business model innovation process, where feedback loops, burden shifting, and potential adaptations are considered.
... The use and test of the GAIA model in practice was an integrated element of an IS facilitation project in Aalborg, Denmark, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. In total, 42 business model innovation processes were undertaken, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Schlüter, et al., 2020). Informal feedback on the model was given during the collaboration. ...
Industrial symbiosis, as a collective approach for using excess resources, is considered a means to realizing a circular economy. Industrial symbiosis can be seen as a way of improving the environmental sustainability of individual companies’ business models, as well as a way of creating collaborative business models that are widely considered an archetype of circular business models in themselves. While there is a variety of tools addressing ideation, identification of potentials, concept development in the business model innovation process for industrial symbiosis, simple tools for estimating environmental impacts beyond rules of thumb are missing. This extended abstract presents the process and results from co-creating a tool called the ”GAIA-model”, based on systems thinking elements and consequential LCA paradigm. The tool was used in 42 business model innovation processes, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies. Through exemplifying the use of the tool in two selected cases, this extended abstract illustrates how tools of this type can give users a better understanding of environmental impacts throughout the business model innovation process, where feedback loops, burden shifting, and potential adaptations are considered.
Reproduktion af industrielle symbioser og netvaerksudvikling / Industrial symbiosis emergence and network development through reproduction Schlüter m.fl
Reproduktion af industrielle symbioser og netvaerksudvikling / Industrial symbiosis emergence and network development through reproduction Schlüter m.fl. 2020.
Mindre havnes udvikling mod katalysering af baeredygtig erhvervsudvikling / Smaller ports' evolution towards catalysing sustainable hinterland development Mortensen m.fl
Mindre havnes udvikling mod katalysering af baeredygtig erhvervsudvikling / Smaller ports' evolution towards catalysing sustainable hinterland development Mortensen m.fl. 2020.