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Green Business Development through Industrial Symbiosis - The ’GAIA model’

  • The Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment (DCEA), Aalborg University


This brochure focuses on the development and environmental assessment of sustainable business models for Industrial Symbiosis. An industrial symbiosis business model describes how a business creates value by exchanging surplus resources such as residual products and energy with one or more other companies. The GAIA model is a tool for working with the development and sustainability check of a business model. Through its focus on environmental concerns, GAIA can complement other and existing business model tools, such as Business Model Canvas.
Aalborg Universitet
Grøn Forretningsudvikling gennem Industriel Symbiose ’GAIA modellen’
Kørnøv, Lone; Lyhne, Ivar; Nors, Belinda; Revsbeck, Rasmus; Schlüter, Leonie; Løkke,
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Kørnøv, L., Lyhne, I., Nors, B., Revsbeck, R., Schlüter, L., & Løkke, S. (2020). Grøn Forretningsudvikling
gennem Industriel Symbiose ’GAIA modellen’. Det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering, Aalborg Universitet.
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Grøn Forretningsudvikling
gennem Industriel Symbiose
GAIA modellen
Green Business Development
through Industrial Symbiosis
The GAIA model
© Det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering
The Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment
Aalborg, Version 2.1, July 2020
Industriel Symbiose, Bæredygtighedstjek, Grønne Forretningsmodeller
Industrial Symbiosis, Sustainability assessment, Green Business models
Anton Malmkjær Møller: Frontpage and page 5
Belinda Nors: Page 7
Dele af denne publikation kan gengives, hvis kilden er angivet:
Kørnøv, L., Lyhne, I., Nors, B., Revsbeck, R., Schlüter, L., Løkke, S. (2020), Grøn Forretningsud-
vikling gennem Industriel Symbiose - GAIA modellen. Det Danske Center for Miljøvurdering,
Aalborg Universitet.
Parts of this publication may be reproduced if the source is provided:
Kørnøv, L., Lyhne, I., Nors, B., Revsbeck, R., Schlüter, L., Løkke, S. (2020), Green Business De-
velopment through Industrial Symbiosis - the GAIA model. The Danish Centre for Environmen-
tal Assessment, Aalborg University.
GAIA og Industriel Symbiose
GAIA and Industrial Symbiosis
Baggrund 4 Background
Fra Industriel til Bæredygtig Symbiose
From Industrial to Sustainable Symbiosis
At tænke systemisk 8 Thinking systemic
Grøn forretningsudvikling med GAIA 10 Green business development through
Hvordan bruges GAIA?
How is GAIA used?
Gode grønne principper
Good green principles
GAIA og Industriel Symbiose
GAIA and Industrial Symbiosis
Denne brochure fokuserer på udvikling
og miljøvurdering af bæredygtige for-
retningsmodeller for Industriel Symbi-
ose. En forretningsmodel for industriel
symbiose beskriver, hvordan en virk-
somhed skaber værdi ved at udveksle
overskudsressourcer som f.eks. rest-
produkter og energi med en eller flere
andre virksomheder. Den præsente-
rede GAIA model er et værktøj til at ar-
bejde med udvikling og bæredygtig-
hedstjek af en forretningsmodel. GAIA
kan gennem sit fokus på miljøhensyn
komplementere andre og eksisterende
forretningsmodeller, som f.eks. Busi-
ness Model Canvas.
Det anbefales, at læseren allerede er
bekendt med konceptet industriel sym-
biose. Ikke desto mindre gives en kort
beskrivelse nedenfor.
This brochure focuses on the develop-
ment and environmental assessment of
sustainable business models for Indus-
trial Symbiosis. An industrial symbiosis
business model describes how a busi-
ness creates value by exchanging sur-
plus resources such as residual prod-
ucts and energy with one or more other
companies. The GAIA model is a tool for
working with the development and sus-
tainability check of a business model.
Through its focus on environmental
concerns, GAIA can complement other
and existing business model tools, such
as Business Model Canvas.
It is recommended that the reader is al-
ready familiar with the concept of in-
dustrial symbiosis. Nevertheless, a brief
description is given below
Begrebet grønne eller bæredygtige for-
retningsmodeller er blevet buzz words,
og der udvikles mange modeller i disse
år. Grønne forretningsmodeller har til
formål at genere indtægter og samtidig
reducere den samlede miljøpåvirkning.
The terms green andsustainable busi-
ness model has become buzz word and
many models are being developed
these years. Green business models aim
to generate revenue while reducing
overall environmental impact.
En vigtig udfordring er at besvare
spørgsmålene: Er forretningsmodellen
grøn, og hvor grøn er den?
Da en forretningsmodel ofte er rettet
mod en begrænset del af værdikæden
eller endda kun én virksomhed, mens
bæredygtigheden bestemmes af, hvad
der sker i hele værdikæden, er det afgø-
rende at anvende et systemisk livscy-
klusperspektiv, når vi besvarer disse
spørgsmål. Det er, hvad GAIA modellen
hjælper med.
An important challenge is to answer the
questions: Is the business model green
and how green is it?
As a business model is often aimed at a
limited part of the value chain or even
just one business, while sustainability is
determined by what happens through-
out the value chain, it is crucial to apply
a systemic life-cycle perspective when
answering these questions. That's what
the GAIA model helps with.
Mange virksomheder kan få mere ud af deres affald eller overskudsenergi ved at give/sælge
dem til andre virksomheder i en industriel symbiose. For de modtagende virksomheder, er
spildprodukter også ofte et billigere alternativ til nye ressourcer i egen produktion.
Many companies can get more out of their waste or surplus energy by giving / selling them to
other companies in an industrial symbiosis. For the receiving companies, waste products are
also often a cheaper alternative to new resources in their own production.
Fra industriel til bæredygtig symbiose
From industrial to sustainable symbiosis
Industrielle symbioser er deling af
overskudsressourcer mellem to eller
flere virksomheder, såsom materialer,
energi, biprodukter og vand. Det kan
også være fællesløsninger i logistik,
faciliteter og ekspertise. Virksomhe-
der kan være placeret tæt ved hinan-
den eller langt fra hinanden og de kan
være i samme virksomhedskategori
eller vidt forskellige.
Industriel symbiose (IS) er i stigende
grad set som et middel til at realisere
en cirkulær økonomi og som et strate-
gisk redskab til grøn vækst. IS er en in-
novativ måde at øge ressourceeffekti-
viteten på.
Bæredygtige Synergier er symbioser,
hvor alle deltagere får fordele ved de-
ling af ressourcer og hvor delingen
skaber mere bæredygtige løsninger.
Mange industrielle symbioser har po-
tentialer for at skabe bæredygtige for-
bedringer, men nogle synergier har
større effekter end andre. For at kalde
en symbiose bæredygtig skal effek-
terne vurderes og dokumenteres. Bæ-
redygtige Synergier skal være både
miljømæssigt og økonomisk attrak-
tive. Forretningsmodellerne skal der-
for ikke tænkes snævert på økonomi,
men i en bredere og systemisk sam-
Industrial symbiosis is the sharing of
surplus resources between two or
more companies, such as materials,
energy, by-products, and water. It can
also be common solutions in logistics,
facilities, and expertise. Companies
can be located close to each other or
far from each other and they can be in
the same industry or widely different.
Industrial symbiosis (IS) is increasingly
seen as a means of realizing a circular
economy and as a strategic tool for
green growth. IS is an innovative way
to increase resource efficiency.
Sustainable Synergies are symbioses,
in which all participants benefit from
sharing resources and where sharing
creates more sustainable solutions.
Many industrial symbioses have the
potential to create sustainable im-
provements, but some synergies have
greater effects than others. To call a
symbiosis sustainable, the effects
must be assessed and documented.
Sustainable Synergies must be both
environmentally and economically at-
tractive. Therefore, the bu siness mod-
els should not be focused narrowly on
economics, but considered in a
broader and systemic context.
Industriel symbiose mellem nedbrydningsfirma og snedkeri.
Industrial symbiosis between demolition company and carpentry.
(Leverer genbrugstræ
supplies used wood)
(Modtager genbrugstræ til bord
receives wood for furniture)
Reduced waste disposal costs
Bedre image
Better image
mindre stål
Reduced costs of purchasing new wood and
less steel.
Øget adgang til marked for
bæredygtigt design
Increased market access for sustainable design.
Virksomhedernes forretningsmodeller / The companiesbusiness models
At tænke systemisk
To think systemic
Virksomheder er systemer i sig selv, og
er del af større systemer. Udtrykket sy-
stemtænkningrefererer til en tilgang,
hvor en enkelt virksomheds forret-
ningsmodel analyseres ud fra de syste-
matiske konsekvenser, de har både in-
ternt og eksternt i forhold til virksom-
Eksemplet med symbiosen mellem ned-
brydningsfirmaet og snedkeriet viser
også, at der er konsekvenser uden for
selve virksomhederne:
- Nedbrydningsfirmaet leverer nu
mindre affald til forbrænding. For-
syningen må nu erstatte med det
som er marginal energi, hvilket i
dette tilfælde er kul.
- Snederiet aftager nu mindre nyt
træ til produktion af borde. Konse-
kvensen er, at der i princippet fæl-
des, forarbejdes og transporteres
mindre nyt træ.
- Stellet kan simplificeres grundet
bedre planker.
- Snedkeriet indfører en ny proces,
da genbrugstræet skal rengøres
før brug.
Companies are systems in themselves,
and are part of larger systems. The term
'system thinking' refers to an approach
where an individual company's busi-
ness model is analyzed based on the
systematic consequences they have -
both internally and externally in rela-
tion to the company.
The example of the symbiosis between
the demolition company and the car-
pentry company also shows that there
are consequences outside the compa-
nies themselves:
- The demolition company now sup-
plies less waste for incineration.
The supply must now be replaced
by what is marginal energy, which
in this case is coal.
- The carpentry company now pur-
chases less new wood for the pro-
duction of tables. The conse-
quence is that, in principle, less
new wood is felled, processed, and
- The frame can be simplified due to
better planks.
- The carpentry is introducing a new
process, as the recycled tree must
be cleaned before use.
En systemisk tilgang er nødvendig, når
man som virksomhed overvejer at etab-
lere grønne tiltag. GAIA hjælper med vi
får øje for og beskriver de ændringer,
som f.eks. genanvendelse vil kunne for-
årsage på forskellige relaterede syste-
mer. Når felterne i GAIA er udfyldt, er
det muligt at vurdere den samlede kon-
sekvens af tiltaget: Er det overordnet
set en god eller en dårlig idé miljømæs-
sigt set?
A systemic approach is necessary when
considering the establishment of green
initiatives as a company. GAIA helps us
spot and describe the changes, which
for example recycling can cause on var-
ious related systems. When the fields in
GAIA are filled in, it is possible to assess
the overall consequence of the meas-
ure: Is it in general a good or a bad idea
Grøn forretningsudvikling med GAIA
Green business development with GAIA
For det første identificeres ideer for for-
retningsmuligheder for industriel sym-
biose. Bagefter udvikler virksomheden
sin forretningsmodel samtidig med, at
ideer til symbiosen konkretiseres og
tænkes systemisk i forhold til miljø ved
hjælp af GAIA modellen. GAIA kan an-
vendes komplementært til eksiste-
rende værktøjer til udvikling af forret-
ningsmodeller som f.eks. Osterwal-
ders Business Model Canvas, der bl.a.
ser på økonomi, kundeværdi, kunde-
segmenter og afsætning.
First, ideas for business opportunities
for industrial symbiosis are identified.
Afterwards, the company develops its
business model while concretising ideas
for the symbiosis and thinking systemi-
cally in relation to the environment us-
ing the GAIA model. GAIA can be used
complementary to existing tools for de-
veloping business models - such as Os-
terwalder's Business Model Canvas,
which looks at building blocks such as fi-
nance, customer value, customer seg-
ments, and sales.
Efter denne iterative proces, skal den
nye grønne, nye forretningsmodel vali-
deres; Er den nu grøn? Og hvor grøn?
Dette sker gennem et Bæredygtigheds-
tjek, hvor ændringerne i miljøpåvirknin-
ger bliver evalueret. En dokumentet
grøn forretningsmodel er resultatet.
Following this iterative process, the
new green, new business model must
be validated; Is it green? And how
green? This is done through a Sustaina-
bility Check, where the changes in envi-
ronmental impacts are evaluated. A
documented green business model is
the result.
Hvordan bruges GAIA?
How is GAIA used?
Efter en første idégenereringsproces,
hvor der bestemmes, hvilken ny anven-
delse, en overskudsressource skal have,
kan GAIA bruges af virksomheder som
et vurderingsværktøj i udviklingspro-
cessen. Modellen er udformet, så den
kan bruges på tværs af organisationen
eller endda værdikæden.
Værktøjet er bygget op på en måde,
som hjælper virksomheden og dens
rådgivere med at tænke systemisk og
vurdere potentielle miljøkonsekvenser
på alle relevante parametre.
After an initial idea generation process,
which determines what new use a sur-
plus resource should have, GAIA can be
used by companies as an assessment
tool in the development process. The
model is designed so that it can be used
across the organization or even the
value chain.
The tool is designed in a way that helps
the company and its advisors think sys-
tematically and assess potential envi-
ronmental impacts on all relevant pa-
Med GAIA kommer man gennem
to trin.
GAIA guides you through two
SYMBIOSEMODEL: Efter en beskri-
velse af, hvilken overskudsressource
virksomheden modtager og/eller af-
giver, er første trin at beskrive, hvad
der erstattes, eventuel ekstra bear-
bejdning af det som modtages, even-
tuelle designændringer som følge af
ændret materiale, og endelig den tid-
ligere anvendelse af det, som modta-
SYMBIOSIS MODEL: Following a de-
scription of what surplus resource
the company receives and/or deliv-
ers, the first step is to describe what
resource is replaced, any additional
processing or design changes that
are required, and, finally, the previ-
ous use of the received resource.
er fokuseret på de potentielle miljøkon-
sekvenser som følge af det, som er be-
skrevet under første trin. Miljøkonse-
kvenserne kan være såvel positive som
step is focused on the potential envi-
ronmental impacts resulting from what
is described in the first step. The en-
vironmental consequences can be both
positive and negative.
Efter GAIA kan man gå videre og vur-
dere og eventuelt sætte tal på miljø-
After GAIA, it is possible to go ahead
and assess and possibly quantify the en-
vironmental impacts.
hedstjekket kan foregå på flere ni-
veauer, fra det simple som giver en in-
dikation, til mere sofistikeret, som vur-
derer bredere og med større sikkerhed.
Et simpelt værktøj, som man selv kan
arbejde med, er ‘Bæredygtig Bundlinj e’,
mens man i den anden ende af skalaen
finder den professionelt udførte livscy-
bility check can take place on several
levels, from the simple indication, to
the more sophisticated analysis, which
assesses wider and with greater cer-
tainty. A simple tool that you can work
on yourself is the 'Sustainable Bottom
Line', while at the other end of the scale
you will find the professionally per-
formed life cycle analysis.
Første trin ser på følgende dele og
Genbrugsressource: Beskriv hvilken
overskudsressource, der modtages/ af-
leveres, og hvorfra den potentielt kan
leveres. Uddybninger er mulige senere i
processen, og på dette tidspunkt er det
nok at have overslag på mængder.
Erstattet ressource/proces: Med over-
skudsressourcen søges at erstatte en
anden og måske jomfruelig ressource i
virksomheden, som dermed ikke behø-
ver at blive produceret, transporteret
m.v. Hvilken ressource er der tale om,
og hvor meget vil kunne erstattes af en
Bearbejdning: Genbrugsressourcen
skal muligvis gøres klar til at kunne blive
anvendt i stedet for den nye/jomfrue-
lige ressource. Er der eventuelt brug for
sortering, oparbejdning og/eller rens-
Designændringer: Brugen af over-
skudsressourcen kan have betydning
for designet af virksomhedens produkt
og/eller service. Vil der f.eks. være brug
for at ændre nogle andre dele, materia-
ler eller produktionsprocesser?
The first step looks at the following
parts and questions:
Recycled resource: Describe which sur-
plus resource is received/delivered and
from which source it can potentially be
delivered. Elaborations are possible
later in the process, and at this point it
is enough to estimate quantities.
Replaced resource / process: The sur-
plus resource seeks to replace another
and perhaps virgin resource in the com-
pany, which thus does not need to be
produced, transported, etc. What re-
source is involved and how much can be
replaced by a recycled or reused re-
Processing: The used resource may
need to be made ready to be reused in-
stead of the new/virgin resource. Is
there any need for sorting, repro-
cessing, and/or cleaning?
Design changes: The use of the surplus
resource can have a bearing on the de-
sign of the company's product and/or
service. For example, will ome other
parts, materials or production pro-
cesses need to be changed?
Tidligere anvendelse: Den ressource,
som virksomheden modtager, har haft
en alternativ brug tidligere. Det kan ek-
sempelvis være, at ressourcen tidligere
indgik i affaldsforbrænding og bidrog til
energiproduktion, og nu måske skal er-
stattes af anden energikilde som f.eks.
kul. Vigtige spørgsmål er, hvad den al-
ternative brug af ressourcen er? Og
hvem eller hvilken produktion/proces,
der nu ikke kan anvende ressourcen.
Previous use: The resource received by
the company has had an alternative use
in the past. For example, it may be that
the resource was previously included in
waste incineration and contributed to
energy production, and may now have
to be replaced by another energy
source such as coal. An important ques-
tion is: What is the alternative use of
the resource? And who or which pro-
duction/process can now not use the
resource anymore?
Andet trin er en beskrivelse af potenti-
elle miljøkonsekvenser som følge af for-
retningsmodellen med udveksling og
brug af overskudsressourcer. Her hand-
ler det om at beskrive de miljømæssigt
relevante konsekvenser af den foreslå-
ede symbiose. For at sikre at man ikke
glemmer noget, udfyldes disse under
de samme overskrifter som i symbiose-
The second step is a description of po-
tential environmental consequences
arising from the business model of ex-
change and use of surplus resources.
Here it is about describing the environ-
mentally relevant consequences of the
proposed symbiosis. To ensure that you
do not forget anything, these are filled
in under the same headings as in the
symbiosis model.
Erstattet ressource/proces: Mængden
og kvaliteten af de erstattede ressour-
cer er essentiel at kende for at kunne
vurdere bæredygtighed. Herudover kan
det også være relevant at tænke over,
hvordan den oprindelige ressource blev
bearbejdet, samt den transport som nu
kan undgås.
Bearbejdning: Kemikalier, nye maski-
ner, energi og spild fra sortering, opar-
bejdning og/eller rensning opgøres, da
genbrugte ressourcer kan kræve mere
Designændringer: Ved at bruge et an-
det materiale kan produktets egenska-
ber ændres, dette kan have indflydelse
på livstid, vedligehold, transport, for-
brug under brugsfasen samt, hvordan
produktet behandles, når det kasseres.
Tidligere anvendelse: Miljøpåvirknin-
ger i denne kategori kan f.eks. stamme
fra forbruget af andre energiressourcer,
herunder kul der erstatter træ i energi-
Replaced resource/process: It is essen-
tial to know the amount and quality of
the replaced resource to assess the sus-
tainability of the symbiosis. In addition,
it may also be relevant to think about
how the original resource was pro-
cessed and the transport that can now
be avoided.
Processing: Chemicals, new machines,
energy and waste from sorting, repro-
cessing, and/or purification are calcu-
lated as recycled resources may require
more processing.
Design changes: By using a different
material, the properties of the product
can be changed. This can affect the
lifespan, maintenance, transport, con-
sumption during the use phase, as well
as how the product is treated when dis-
Previous use: Environmental impacts in
this category may e.g. arise from the
consumption of other energy re-
sources, such as coal replacing word in
the energy supply.
Når modellen er udfyldt, og den sam-
lede miljøpåvirkning ser ud til at være
formindsket ved hjælp af de nye tiltag,
er man klar til næste trin. Miljøvurde-
ringen for bæredygtighedstjekket fin-
des på forskellige detaljeringsniveauer:
1. Kvalitativt overblik over mulige
konsekvenser, herunder eventuelle
faldgruber, ved hjælp af GAIA.
2. Simpel livscyklusberegning af kon-
sekvenser. Eventuel brug af Bære-
dygtig Bundlinje1, som dog alene
beregner drivhusgasemissioner,
energiforbrug og materialeforbrug.
Kan også suppleres med beregnin-
ger af andre miljøpåvirkninger.
3. Fuld livscyklusanalyse. Gennemført
efter ISO standard 14040, og som
kan bruges i en eventuel videre cer-
1 Bæredygtig Bundlinje-måleværktøjet, udvik-
let af DTU som en del af Bæredygtig Bundlinje-
projektet, er et livscyklusbaseret værktøj, som
også kan medtage effekter i virksomhedernes
værdikæder. Tidligere har værktøjet Klimakom-
passet været anvendt som indrapportering af
effekter jævnfør Erhvervsstyrelsens krav til ef-
fektmåling. Ved årsskiftet 2018/2019 var Klima-
kompasset nedlagt og i stedet skal alle regional-
fondsfinansierede prioritetsakse 3-projekter
bruge Bæredygtig Bundlinje-måleværktøjet
(Gate21, 2019).
When the model is completed and the
overall environmental impact seems to
have been reduced by the new
measures, you are ready for the next
step. The sustainability check is availa-
ble at various levels of detail:
1. Qualitative overview of possible
impacts, including possible pitfalls,
using GAIA.
2. Simple life cycle calculation of con-
sequences. Possible use of the Sus-
tainable Bottom Line, which, how-
ever, only calculates greenhouse
gas emissions, energy consump-
tion, and material consumption.
This can also be supplemented
with calculations of other environ-
mental impacts.
3. Full life cycle analysis. Imple-
mented according to ISO standard
14040, which can be used in any
further certification process.
The Sustainable Bottom Line Measurement
Tool, developed by DTU as part of the Sustaina-
ble Bottom Line Project, is a life-cycle-based
tool that can also include effects in corporate
value chains. Previously, the Climate Compass
tool has been used as a reporting of effects, cf.
the Danish Business Authority's requirements
for effect measurement. By the end of the year
2018/2019, the Climate Compass was closed
and instead all regional fund-financed priority
axis 3 projects must use the Sustainable Bottom
Line Measurement Tool (Gate21, 2019).
Eksempel: Erstatning af nyt træ i møbelproduktion med genbrugstræ fra nedbrydning
Example: Replacing virgin wood in furniture production with waste wood
from building demolition
Gode grønne principper
Good green principles
Når vi udvikler IS forre tningsideer er der
en række generelle principper, som
hjælper os med at opnå størst mulig
bæredygtighed af symbioseinitiativer.
As we develop IS business ideas, there
are a number of general principles that
help us achieve the greatest sustaina-
bility of symbiosis initiatives.
Sikre rene strømme
Ressourcer er langt mere værd, hvis de er let tilgængelige. Det opnår vi ved ikke at
blande affaldsfraktioner.
Bevare højeste værdi af ressourcen
Den højeste kvalitet af ressourcen skal sikres længst muligt. F.eks. plastfolie til
Søge ’opad’ i affaldshierarkiet
For eksempel er det at reducere brug af ressourcer bedre end at genanvende.
Designe for genbrug og genanvendelse
Udover sikre lang levetid, kan der f.eks. bruges rene materialer fremfor sammen-
satte, samt sikres at produkter let kan adskilles for genbrug.
Øge sporsparhed
Det gælder om at holde hus med, hvor ens egne ressourcer kommer fra og stille
krav til, hvad der sker efterfølgende med egne restressourcer.
Tænke og vurdere systemisk
Nye symbioser vil påvirke eksisterende systemer udenfor virksomheden. Det skal
der være øje for og vurderes.
Gennemføre bæredygtighedstjek
Beregninger af positive og negative konsekvenser skal laves under udviklingen af
symbioser og dokumenteres i grøn forretningsmodel.
Genbesøge grøn forretningsmodel
Ændringer, f.eks. internt i virksomheden og i den delte restressource, kan have
betydning for hvor grøn forretningsmodellen er.
Ensure pure flows
Resources are worth far more if they are easily accessible. We achieve this by not
mixing waste fractions.
Preserve the highest value of the resource
The highest quality of the resource must be ensured as long as possible when re-
cycling resources. For example, plastic foil should be turned into plastic foil.
Aim high in the waste hierarchy
For example, reducing resource use is better than recycling waste.
Design for recycling and reuse
In addition to ensuring a long lifespan through clever product design, the use of
pure materials rather than composites can pave the way to recycling. Moreover,
designing modular can allow for the re-use of materials through easy product dis-
Increase traceability
It is important to keep track of where one’s own resources come from and to make
demands on what happens next with own residual resources.
Think and evaluate systemic
New symbioses will affect existing systems also outside the company. This must
be considered and assessed.
Conduct a sustainability check
Calculations of positive and negative consequences must be made during the de-
velopment of symbioses and documented in the green business model.
Re-visit the green business model
Changes, e.g. internally in the company and in the shared residual resource, can
have an impact on how green the business model is.
GAIA modellen
The GAIA template
Madsen, M.F., Olsen, S.I., 2017. BB-KEM. Bæredygtig Bundlinje.
European Commission. 2011. Roadmap to Resource Efficient Europe.
European Commission. 2014a. Meddelelse fra Kommissionen til Europa-Parlamentet,
Rådet, Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale udvalg og Regionsudvalget. Omstilling
til en cirkulær økonomi: et program for et Europa uden affaldsproduktion.
European Commission. 2014b. Sustainable Industry: Going for Growth & Resource
European Resource Efficiency Platform. 2012. Manifesto & Policy Recommendations.
H2020. 2013. Moving towards a circular economy through industrial symbiosis.
Johnsen, IHG, Berlina, A, Lindberg, G, Mikkola, N, Olsen, LS and Teräs, J. 2015. The
potential of industrial symbiosis as a key driver of green growth in Nordic regions.
Osterwalder, Alexander, Yves Pigneur, Tim Clark, and Alan Smith. 2010. Business
model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.
Denne rapport er en del af det EU støttede projekt
Bæredygtige Synergier’.
This report is developed as part of the EU supported project ‘Sustaina-
ble Synergies’
Grønne forretningsmodeller og industrielle symbioser er kodeordene i projektet,
der er et samarbejde mellem Aalborg Havn, Aalborg Universitet og House of Energy.
Her bliver små og mellemstore virksomheder i postnummer 9220 ført sammen om
initiativer, der kan gøre deres forretning mere bæredygtig og skabe vækst. Virksom-
heder i Aalborg Øst samarbejdede i forbindelse med dette projekt for at skabe jobs
og grøn forretning gennem bedre brug af områdets ressourcer.
Green business models and industrial symbiosis are the keywords in the project,
which is a collaboration between Port of Aalborg, Aalborg University, and House of
Energy. Here, small and medium-sized companies in ZIP code 9220 were brought
together for initiatives that can make their businesses more sustainable and create
growth. Companies in Aalborg East were collaborating on this project to create jobs
and green business opportunities through better use of the area's resources.
... The model for Green Business Development through Industrial Symbiosis, hereafter `The GAIA model' 30 , incorporated literature on systems thinking, both on a conceptual level and regarding the methods for mapping and analysing environmental impacts (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Nors, et al., 2020). The three key concepts the model building process relied upon were: interdependency, feedback, and adaptation. ...
... LUMSA University, 23-24 June 2022 Figure 12: The GAIA-model (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Nors, et al., 2020). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Industrial symbiosis, as a collective approach for using excess resources, is considered a means to realizing a circular economy. Industrial symbiosis can be seen as a way of improving the environmental sustainability of individual companies’ business models, as well as a way of creating collaborative business models that are widely considered an archetype of circular business models in themselves. While there is a variety of tools addressing ideation, identification of potentials, concept development in the business model innovation process for industrial symbiosis, simple tools for estimating environmental impacts beyond rules of thumb are missing. This extended abstract presents the process and results from co-creating a tool called the ”GAIA-model”, based on systems thinking elements and consequential LCA paradigm. The tool was used in 42 business model innovation processes, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies. Through exemplifying the use of the tool in two selected cases, this extended abstract illustrates how tools of this type can give users a better understanding of environmental impacts throughout the business model innovation process, where feedback loops, burden shifting, and potential adaptations are considered.
... The model for Green Business Development through Industrial Symbiosis, hereafter `The GAIA model' 30 , incorporated literature on systems thinking, both on a conceptual level and regarding the methods for mapping and analysing environmental impacts (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Nors, et al., 2020). The three key concepts the model building process relied upon were: interdependency, feedback, and adaptation. ...
... LUMSA University, 23-24 June 2022 Figure 12: The GAIA-model (Kørnøv, Lyhne, Nors, et al., 2020). ...
Industrial symbiosis, as a collective approach for using excess resources, is considered a means to realizing a circular economy. Industrial symbiosis can be seen as a way of improving the environmental sustainability of individual companies’ business models, as well as a way of creating collaborative business models that are widely considered an archetype of circular business models in themselves. While there is a variety of tools addressing ideation, identification of potentials, concept development in the business model innovation process for industrial symbiosis, simple tools for estimating environmental impacts beyond rules of thumb are missing. This extended abstract presents the process and results from co-creating a tool called the ”GAIA-model”, based on systems thinking elements and consequential LCA paradigm. The tool was used in 42 business model innovation processes, spanning 16 different industrial symbioses in collaboration with 24 companies. Through exemplifying the use of the tool in two selected cases, this extended abstract illustrates how tools of this type can give users a better understanding of environmental impacts throughout the business model innovation process, where feedback loops, burden shifting, and potential adaptations are considered.
Full-text available
This article develops guidelines for embedding Systems Thinking principles into tools for sustainability assessment for use in the early stages of sustainable business model (SBM) innovation. Describing the sustainability of business model innovations often takes place without robust assessments and without consideration for the wider system within which they are embedded. In particular, a lack of quantitative data, time, and competencies early in the innovation process presents an issue. To overcome this, methods that point towards future impacts, using principles aligned with consequential life cycle assessment and modelling principles of system integration, can be deployed. This article presents principles for Systems Thinking, exemplifies their role in the context of SBM innovation, and analyses their integration in three selected tools for early-stage sustainability assessment. Design guidelines are proposed for effectively incorporating these principles into tools for early-stage sustainability assessment of SBMs. The article shows how, by embedding Systems Thinking into tools for the SBM innovation process, unintended consequences and negative trade-offs can be reduced and the sustainability of the initiative better understood.
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