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Wealth-and education-related inequalities in minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian infants and young children: a decomposition analysis

Taylor & Francis
Global Health Action
  • National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • The University of Sydney Faculty of Medicine and Health

Abstract and Figures

Background Over the last two decades, Indonesia has experienced remarkable economic growth. However, the percentage of infants and young children meeting the minimum dietary diversity (MDD) criteria has stagnated. Despite the growing body of evidence of the association between MDD and socioeconomic factors, there is little information about socioeconomic inequalities in MDD in Indonesia. Objectives The current study seeks to quantify the wealth- and education-related inequalities in MDD among infants and young children in Indonesia and determine the contribution of different factors to these disparities. Methods We included a total of 5038 children aged 6–23 months of the 2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. We measured wealth- and education-related inequalities using the concentration curve and Wagstaff normalised concentration index. Using a concentration index decomposition analysis, we then examined factors contributing to wealth- and education-related inequalities in MDD. Results The concentration indices by household wealth and maternal education were 0.220 (p < 0.001) and 0.192 (p < 0.001), respectively, indicating more concentration of inequalities among the advantaged population. The decomposition analysis revealed that household wealth (29.8%), antenatal care (ANC) visits (16.6%), paternal occupation (15.1%), and maternal education (11.8%) explained the pro-rich inequalities in MDD in Indonesia. Maternal education (26.1%), household wealth (19.1%), ANC visits (14.9%), and paternal occupation (10.9%) made the most considerable contribution to education-related inequalities in MDD. Conclusions There is substantial wealth- and education-related inequalities in MDD. Our findings suggest an urgent need to address the underlying causes of not reaching dietary diversity by promoting infant and young child feeding equity in Indonesia.
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Wealth- and education-related inequalities in
minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian
infants and young children: a decomposition
Bunga A. Paramashanti, Michael J. Dibley, Ashraful Alam & Tanvir M. Huda
To cite this article: Bunga A. Paramashanti, Michael J. Dibley, Ashraful Alam & Tanvir M. Huda
(2022) Wealth- and education-related inequalities in minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian
infants and young children: a decomposition analysis, Global Health Action, 15:1, 2040152, DOI:
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Published online: 07 Apr 2022.
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Wealth- and education-related inequalities in minimum dietary diversity
among Indonesian infants and young children: a decomposition analysis
Bunga A. Paramashanti
, Michael J. Dibley
, Ashraful Alam
and Tanvir M. Huda
Sydney School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;
Department of Nutrition,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Alma Ata, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Background: Over the last two decades, Indonesia has experienced remarkable economic
growth. However, the percentage of infants and young children meeting the minimum
dietary diversity (MDD) criteria has stagnated. Despite the growing body of evidence of the
association between MDD and socioeconomic factors, there is little information about socio-
economic inequalities in MDD in Indonesia.
Objectives: The current study seeks to quantify the wealth- and education-related inequalities in
MDD among infants and young children in Indonesia and determine the contribution of different
factors to these disparities.
Methods: We included a total of 5038 children aged 6–23 months of the 2017 Indonesia
Demographic and Health Survey. We measured wealth- and education-related inequalities using
the concentration curve and Wagstaff normalised concentration index. Using a concentration index
decomposition analysis, we then examined factors contributing to wealth- and education-related
inequalities in MDD.
Results: The concentration indices by household wealth and maternal education were 0.220
(p < 0.001) and 0.192 (p < 0.001), respectively, indicating more concentration of inequalities
among the advantaged population. The decomposition analysis revealed that household wealth
(29.8%), antenatal care (ANC) visits (16.6%), paternal occupation (15.1%), and maternal education
(11.8%) explained the pro-rich inequalities in MDD in Indonesia. Maternal education (26.1%),
household wealth (19.1%), ANC visits (14.9%), and paternal occupation (10.9%) made the most
considerable contribution to education-related inequalities in MDD.
Conclusions: There is substantial wealth- and education-related inequalities in MDD. Our
findings suggest an urgent need to address the underlying causes of not reaching dietary
diversity by promoting infant and young child feeding equity in Indonesia.
Received 26 October 2021
Accepted 6 February 2022
Jennifer Stewart Williams
Minimum dietary diversity;
socioeconomic disparities;
concentration index;
decomposition analysis;
determinants; Indonesia
Malnutrition is a predominant public health issue among
children. Globally, an estimated 22% or 149 million chil-
dren under five are affected by stunting. Wasting remains
to threaten the lives of an estimated 7% or 45 million
children under five. Overweight affects an estimated 6%
or 39 million children under five [1]. In Indonesia, child
malnutrition rates remain alarming. The 2018 Indonesia
Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), the most recent
nationally representative survey, has reported a stunting
prevalence at 31%, wasting at 10%, underweight at 18%,
and overweight at 8% [2]. These rates indicate that
Indonesia is making slow progress and are off track in
meeting the Global Nutrition Targets [3].
Eating a variety of food in addition to breastmilk
help infants and young children achieve optimum
growth, health, and development [4,5]. A diversified
diet also reflects the quality and quantity of food intake,
food security, and micronutrient adequacy of children
[6–8]. Children who consume a diversified diet are
more likely to have a reduced risk of stunting [9–11].
Moreover, children from low- and middle-income
countries (LMICs) could avoid more than 11 million
stunting cases if 90% or more of infants and young
children received food from different groups to meet
the MDD criteria [12]. Minimum dietary diversity is
also associated with a decreased risk of anaemia [13,14]
and developmental delays [15,16]. Overall, MDD may
have long term effects on adult human capital, health,
and economic productivity [17].
The World Health Organization (WHO)/United
Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
(UNICEF) has recommended infants and young chil-
dren meet a minimum dietary diversity (MDD), con-
suming foods and beverages from at least five out of
eight food groups during the previous day, starting
from six months. These food groups include 1)
grains, roots, tubers, 2) pulses, 3) vitamin A-rich
fruits and vegetables, 4) other fruits and vegetables, 5)
dairy products, 6) flesh foods, 7) eggs, and 8) breast-
milk [4,18]. This food group method is a relatively
simple and easy measurement used in survey settings
CONTACT Bunga A. Paramashanti; Sydney School of Public Health, The University of
Sydney, Edward Ford Building A27, Fisher Road, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia.
2022, VOL. 15, 2040152
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
[7]. Additionally, MDD has been used as one of the
process indicators to monitor the effectiveness of
various breastfeeding and complementary feeding
interventions in the Global Nutrition Monitoring
Framework [4].
Existing studies in LMICs has extensively examined
factors affecting MDD at the child, maternal, household,
and community levels. These studies have found that
maternal education and household economic status are
among the factors that are consistently associated with
MDD. Children of higher economic status are at greater
odds of receiving foods from diverse foods [19–23].
Mothers with higher education are more likely to have
children who consume a more varied diet than those with
lower education [19–21,23–25]. Other factors, such as
maternal employment [26], paternal education [20,27],
antenatal care (ANC) [20,25] and residency [21,26], are
often related to increasing dietary diversity but have
shown mixed results across studies. Overall, these find-
ings suggest that socioeconomically disadvantaged chil-
dren are more likely not to reach MDD.
Dietary diversity increases with economic improve-
ments [12,28]; however, Indonesia may not be the case.
Over the last 22 years, Indonesia experienced a substan-
tial economic change. The poverty rate was halved from
24% in 1999 to 11.3% in 2004. The annual economic
growth averaged 6% between 2005 and 2015 [29,30].
Yet, despite the overall economic improvement of the
country, dietary diversity among children has stag-
nated. A nationally representative analysis study
showed that the consumption of a minimum of five
out of eight groups in Indonesia was 53.1% in 2007,
51.7% in 2012, and 53.7% in 2017 [23]. One important
reason might be the persistent income inequality, which
could have worsened the unequal access to nutrition,
clean water, sanitation, and health services [29].
Socioeconomic inequalities pose a significant chal-
lenge to optimal feeding practices [28]. However, very
few studies have examined the extent of socioeconomic
disparities related to dietary diversity and the factors
contributing to the inequality [31,32]. Moreover, no
study has examined socioeconomic inequalities in diet-
ary diversity in the Indonesian context. While earlier
research has extensively estimated odds ratios to analyse
the relationship between socioeconomic status and diet-
ary diversity [19–25], the concentration index may better
assess inequalities across the whole population (e.g. in
a cumulative share of individuals ranked by household
economic status). Furthermore, the concentration index
can also be decomposed into a range of explanatory
variables that influence socioeconomic-related inequal-
ities [33]. Understanding socioeconomic inequalities in
MDD may assist policymakers and public health profes-
sionals to target specific groups of the population at risk
to improve child dietary diversity and reduce the burden
of not meeting MDD on child well-being. Therefore, this
paper aims to fill in the gaps in the existing literature by
quantifying the extent of wealth- and educational-related
inequalities in MDD and examining the contribution of
explanatory variables to wealth- and educational-related
inequalities among infants and young children in
Data source
We used data from the 2017 Indonesia Demographic
and Health Survey (IDHS), nationally representative of
the 34 provinces. Provinces are the largest subdivisions in
Indonesia, followed by districts/municipalities, subdis-
tricts, and urban/rural villages in the lower administra-
tive units. The survey used a two-stage stratified
sampling design. First, primary sampling units or census
blocks (CB) were selected by probability proportional to
size, where the size is the number of households listed in
the 2010 population census. The CB was stratified by
rural and urban areas with implicit stratification in each
stratum by sorting the CB by the wealth index category.
Second, 25 households were selected systematically from
each CB. All women aged 15–49 were eligible for indivi-
dual interviews in these households. The 2017 DHS
report provides detailed information on the question-
naires and sampling procedures [34].
Outcome variable
The study outcome, minimum dietary diversity (MDD),
assesses the percentage of children 6–23 months of age
who have consumed at least five out of eight food groups
in the past 24 hours. The food groups include 1) grains,
roots, and tubers; 2) legumes and nuts; 3) dairy pro-
ducts; 4) flesh foods; 5) eggs; 6) vitamin A-rich fruits
and vegetables; 7) other fruits and vegetables; 8) breast-
milk [18]. We coded the answers as either ‘1 = yes, con-
sumed’ or ‘0 = no, not consumed’ [34].
Socioeconomic status
We used two indicators of socioeconomic inequalities:
household wealth and maternal education. The wealth
index was computed based on household assets using
principal component analysis, and the key household
assets variables included ownership of infrastructures
and amenities. Briefly, the principal component analysis
estimates a cumulative wealth score for each household
based on its asset [35]. We divided these scores into five
quintiles, from the lowest 20% representing the poorest
group to the highest 20% representing the richest group.
We grouped maternal education into four categories:
none or not completed primary school, completed pri-
mary school, completed secondary school, and com-
pleted higher education.
Contributory factors to socioeconomic inequality
in dietary diversity
We selected the contributory factors to socioeco-
nomic inequality in dietary diversity based on our
study on MDD determinants in Indonesia. For the
present study analysis, we only included significant
variables in relation to MDD found in our previous
research [23]. These variables included child’s age (6–
11 months, 12–17 months, 18–23 months), mother’s
education (none or incomplete primary school, com-
pleted primary school, completed secondary school,
completed higher education), mother’s access to
media (none, at least one media), mother’s occupa-
tion (not working, agricultural, non-agricultural),
father’s occupation (not working, agricultural, non-
agricultural), number of ANC visits in the last preg-
nancy (<4 visits, ≥4 visits), household wealth (poor-
est, poorer, middle, richer, richest), area of residence
(rural, urban), and regions (Java and Bali, Sumatera,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia).
Data analysis
To assess the socioeconomic inequality in dietary diver-
sity, we calculated the concentration index [36], which is
a widely used measure of socioeconomic inequality, and
is written as:
μcov h;rð Þ;
where h is the health variable in which inequality is
measured, μ is its mean, cov denotes the covariance,
and r is the individual’s fractional rank in the distribution
of socioeconomic position [33]. The value of the con-
centration index ranges from −1 to +1. A negative value
indicates a disproportionate concentration of MDD
Table 1. Characteristics of the study population and proportions of minimum dietary diversity (weighted n = 5038).
Variable frequencies Proportion of MDD
Variables n % (95% CI) n % (95% CI) p
Child factors
Child’s age <0.001
6–11 months 1639 32.5 (30.9–34.2) 553 33.7 (30.9–36.6)
12–17 months 1785 35.4 (33.7–37.2) 1088 60.9 (57.7–64.1)
18–23 months 1615 32.1 (30.4–33.7) 1012 62.7 (59.6–65.7)
Maternal factors
Mother’s education <0.001
None or incompleted primary school 293 5.8 (5.0–6.7) 104 34.2 (28.2–40.8)
Completed primary school 2340 46.5 (44.5–48.4) 1106 47.3 (44.6–50.0)
Completed secondary school 1543 30.6 (29.0–32.3) 873 56.5 (53.5–59.5)
Completed higher education 862 17.1 (15.7–18.6) 573 66.5 (62.7–70.0)
Mother’s occupation <0.001
Agricultural 357 7.1 (6.2–8.1) 130 36.3 (30.8–42.3)
Non-agricultural 1876 37.3 (35.6–57.4) 1095 58.4 (55.6–61.0)
Not working 2797 55.6 (53.8–57.4) 1422 50.8 (48.3–53.4)
Mother’s access to media at least once a week 0.001
None 719 14.3 (13.1–15.6) 326 45.3 (40.8–49.9)
Any media 4319 85.7 (84.4–86.9) 2326 53.9 (51.9–55.8)
Paternal factors
Father’s education <0.001
None or incompleted primary school 332 6.7 (5.9–7.7) 134 40.3 (34.5–46.3)
Completed primary school 2145 43.5 (41.5–45.5) 1044 48.7 (45.9–51.5)
Completed secondary school 1724 35.0 (33.1–36.9) 943 54.7 (51.6–57.8)
Completed higher education 729 14.8 (13.5–16.2) 487 66.7 (62.5–70.6)
Father’s occupation <0.001
Agricultural or not working 1080 21.9 (20.4–23.6) 458 42.4 (38.9–46.0)
Non-agricultural 3841 78.1 (76.4–79.6) 2144 55.8 (53.8–57.9)
Health care, household, and community factors
Number of antenatal care visits <0.001
<4 429 8.7 (7.7–9.8) 180 41.8 (36.6–47.2)
≥4 4499 91.3 (90.2–92.3) 2452 54.5 (52.6–56.4)
Household wealth <0.001
Poorest 1010 20.1 (18.6–21.6) 404 39.9 (36.4–43.6)
Poorer 1032 20.5 (19.0–22.0) 523 50.7 (47.0–54.3)
Middle 1123 22.3 (20.8–23.9) 639 56.8 (53.2–60.4)
Richer 995 19.7 (18.2–21.3) 602 60.5 (56.4–64.5)
Richest 878 17.4 (15.9–19.2) 486 55.3 (51.0–59.5)
Living residency <0.001
Urban 2487 49.4 (47.7–51.0) 1422 57.2 (54.7–59.7)
Rural 2551 50.6 (49.0–52.3) 1230 48.2 (45.6–50.8)
Region <0.001
Java and Bali 2850 56.5 (55.0–58.1) 1566 55.0 (52.2–57.7)
Sumatera 1133 22.5 (21.2–23.8) 620 54.8 (51.3–58.1)
Kalimantan 297 5.9 (5.4–6.5) 160 53.5 (48.0–59.1)
Sulawesi 356 7.1 (6.5–7.7) 158 44.1 (39.5–48.7)
Eastern Indonesia 402 8.0 (7.4–8.6) 150 37.2 (33.4–56.0)
n and %: weighted count and proportion, respectively.
p: p-value based on the chi-square test.
among the disadvantaged groups, whereas a positive
value indicates a disproportionate concentration of
MDD among the advantaged groups. Zero value means
the absence of wealth- and education-related inequalities.
However, our outcome is a binary variable, the bounds of
the concentration index do not extend to −1 and +1, but
equal to μ1 and 1μ. Therefore, we normalised the
concentration index by dividing its value by its bound as
proposed by Wagstaff et al. [37,38]:
Cnorm ¼C
We also plotted the concentration curves to display the
cumulative proportion of the MDD (y-axis) against the
cumulative proportion of the children sorted by their
household wealth and maternal education on the x-axis,
beginning with the most disadvantaged and ending with
the most advantaged groups. The curve that lies above the
line of equality indicates that MDD is concentrated
among the disadvantaged groups. Conversely, the curve
below the equality line suggests that MDD is more con-
centrated among the advantaged groups. The farther the
curve deviates from the line of equality, the greater the
degree of inequality [33].
To ascertain the factors contributing to the observed
socioeconomic inequalities in dietary diversity, we
decomposed the concentration index to measure the
explanatory variables’ contribution to wealth- and educa-
tion-related inequalities in MDD. For a linear additive
relationship between MDD (y) and a set of determinants
ð Þ, such as
allows the concentration index for y to be written as:
 �CkþGCε=μ;
where μ is the mean of y,
Xk is the mean of Xk, Ck is the
concentration index for Xk (defined analogously to C),
Xk=μ is the elasticity of MDD with explanatory vari-
ables, and GCε=μ is the generalised concentration index
for the error term (ε). A negative contribution revealed
that an independent variable operated towards the pro-
poor distribution of MDD. In contrast, a positive con-
tribution indicated that an independent variable worked
towards the pro-rich distribution of MDD [33]. In this
study, we applied Wagstaff ’s correction [37,38] into the
Cnorm ¼Pkβk
 �Ck
As the outcome’s binary nature, we used
a Generalised Linear Model (GLM) with a binomial
family and probit link to decompose MDD inequality
[39]. In addition, our analysis demonstrated the low
level of multicollinearity with a mean of variance
inflation factor (VIF) of 1.38. We also performed
interaction tests among possible dependent variables
(i.e. household wealth, maternal education, father
occupation, ANC visits, residency, region), but statis-
tically not significant. We used Stata version 17.0
(StataCorp, College Station, TX) for statistical analy-
sis, with the significance level determined at p < 0.05.
We applied the ‘svy’ commands throughout the ana-
lyses to adjust the survey design of the IDHS by
including sampling weight, strata, and cluster.
Characteristics of the study participants and
prevalence of minimum dietary diversity
Table 1 presents the background characteristics of
the study participants and the percentage of chil-
dren who met the MDD criteria. We included
a total of 5038 children aged 6–23 months in the
analysis. The overall prevalence of MDD among
children 6–23 months was 52.6% (95% CI: 45.6–
49.2). The prevalence meeting standards for MDD
was higher among children aged 18–23 months
(62.7%) and those whose mothers and fathers
attained at least a higher educational degree
(66.5% and 66.7%, respectively). In addition, we
found a wide gap in the proportion of MDD
among children across different household wealth
categories, with 39.9% in the lowest quintile and
55.3% in the highest quintile. The prevalence of
MDD was exceptionally high among children who
resided in urban areas (57.2%). Minimum dietary
diversity also displayed a remarkable regional dif-
ference, ranging from 37.2% in Eastern Indonesia
to 55.0% in Java and Bali.
Socioeconomic inequality in minimum dietary
The normalised concentration indices (C
) for
MDD among infants and young children aged 6–
23 months, ranked by household wealth and maternal
education, are estimated at 0.220 and 0.192, respec-
tively (see Table 2). The positive values of C
suggest that children from wealthier households and
educated mothers had a more diverse meal. Figure 1
Table 2. Wagstaff normalised concentration index of mini-
mum dietary diversity by household wealth index and mater-
nal education.
Wealth Education
Index value SE pIndex value SE P
C 0.104 0.009 <0.001 0.091 0.009 <0.001
0.220 0.020 <0.001 0.192 0.019 <0.001
C: concentration index; C
: Wagstaff normalized concentration index;
SE: standard error; p: p-value.
depicts the concentration curves for MDD among
infants and young children aged 6–23 months,
ranked by household wealth and maternal education.
As illustrated, concentration curves lie below the 45-
degree line, confirming that the proportion of MDD
is higher in children with wealthier households and
highly educated mothers.
Contribution of the determinants to wealth- and
education-related inequality in minimum dietary
Table 3 summarizes the decomposition analysis results
of wealth-and education-related inequality in MDD
among children aged 6–23 months in Indonesia. Each
column shows the elasticity of MDD, the concentration
Table 3. Decomposition of wealth- and education-related inequalities in minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian infants
and young children.
Wealth Education
Variables Elasticity C
contribution (%) Elasticity C
contribution (%)
Child factors
Child’s age
6–11 months
12–17 months 0.189 −0.018 −0.003 −1.4 0.189 −0.022 −0.004 −2.2
18–23 months 0.185 −0.006 −0.001 −0.4 0.185 −0.021 −0.004 −2.0
Subtotal −0.024 −0.004 −1.9 −0.043 −0.008 −4.2
Maternal factors
Mother’s education
None or incomplete primary
Completed primary 0.064 −0.413 −0.027 −11.2 0.064 −0.781 −0.050 −26.2
Completed secondary 0.076 0.256 0.019 8.2 0.076 0.507 0.039 20.0
Completed tertiary 0.062 0.566 0.035 14.8 0.062 0.997 0.062 32.3
Subtotal 0.408 0.028 11.8 0.722 0.050 26.1
Mother’s occupation
Non-agricultural 0.046 0.332 0.015 6.4 0.046 0.371 0.017 8.9
Not working 0.062 −0.151 −0.009 −3.9 0.062 −0.236 −0.015 −7.6
Subtotal 0.181 0.006 2.5 0.135 0.002 1.2
Mother’s access to media at least
once a week
Any media 0.004 0.343 0.002 0.6 0.004 0.164 0.001 0.4
Subtotal 0.343 0.002 0.6 0.164 0.001 0.4
Paternal factors
Father’s education
None or incomplete primary
Completed primary −0.010 −0.425 0.004 1.7 −0.010 −0.496 0.005 2.5
Completed secondary −0.023 0.263 −0.006 −2.5 −0.023 0.303 −0.007 −3.6
Completed tertiary 0.007 0.623 0.004 1.9 0.007 0.738 0.005 2.7
Subtotal 0.462 0.003 1.1 0.545 0.003 1.7
Father’s occupation
Agricultural or not working
Non-agricultural 0.069 0.521 0.036 15.1 0.069 0.305 0.021 10.9
Subtotal 0.521 0.036 15.1 0.305 0.021 10.9
Health care, household, and
community factors
Number of antenatal care visits
≥4 0.093 0.426 0.039 16.6 0.093 0.308 0.029 14.9
Subtotal 0.391 0.036 16.6 0.308 0.029 14.9
Household wealth
Poorer 0.014 −0.511 −0.007 −3.0 0.014 −0.238 −0.003 −1.8
Middle 0.033 −0.017 −0.001 −0.2 0.033 −0.050 −0.002 −0.9
Richer 0.036 0.500 0.018 7.5 0.036 0.195 0.007 3.6
Richest 0.061 1.000 0.061 25.7 0.061 0.568 0.035 18.1
Subtotal 0.972 0.071 29.8 0.476 0.037 19.1
Rural 0.008 −0.533 −0.004 −1.7 0.008 −0.290 −0.002 −1.1
Subtotal −0.533 −0.004 −1.7 −0.290 −0.002 −1.1
Java and Bali
Sumatera 0.017 −0.111 −0.002 −0.8 0.017 0.091 0.002 0.8
Kalimantan 0.005 −0.111 −0.001 −0.2 0.005 −0.066 0.000 −0.2
Sulawesi −0.007 −0.271 0.002 0.8 −0.007 −0.033 0.000 0.1
Eastern Indonesia −0.013 −0.563 0.007 3.1 −0.013 −0.065 0.001 0.4
Subtotal −1.056 0.007 2.9 −0.072 0.002 1.2
Total 0.180 76.8 0.135 70.2
Residual 0.040 23.2 0.043 29.8
: Wagstaff normalised concentration index.
index, and the absolute and the percentage contribu-
tions of each contributor to the MDD concentration
index. The elasticity shows how sensitive MDD is to
each contributor. We found that MDD is mainly
responsive to the child’s age, mother’s education,
father’s occupation, and ANC visits.
The C
represents the degree of inequality in
MDD for each contributor. As indicated by negative
concentration indices, children of mothers with
primary education (−0.413), fathers with primary edu-
cation (−0.425), poorer households (−0.511), rural areas
(−0.533), Sulawesi (−0.271) and Eastern Indonesia
(−0.563) were highly concentrated among the poorer
population. Similarly, children of mothers with primary
education (−0.781), unemployed mothers (−0.236),
fathers with primary education (−0.496), poorer house-
holds (−0.238), and rural areas (−0.290) were concen-
trated among the less educated population.
Figure 1. (a) Concentration curves of minimum dietary diversity ranked by household wealth index and (b) level of maternal
Figure 2. (a) Concentration curves of minimum dietary diversity ranked by household wealth index and (b) level of maternal
Table 3 shows the contributions of explanatory
variables to wealth- and education-related inequal-
ities in MDD. Mother’s education, father’s occupa-
tion, ANC visits, and household wealth explain most
of the wealth- and education-related inequalities in
MDD. The large elasticities of MDD for these con-
tributors are responsible for their considerable con-
tribution to MDD concentration indices. Conversely,
there is a notable degree of wealth- and education-
related inequalities in the father’s education and resi-
dency, but there is a minor sensitivity of MDD to
variation in these contributors, thus making a small
contribution to MDD concentration indices.
Furthermore, considering that each contribution is
the product of the sensitivity of MDD for that factor
and the degree of wealth- and education-related
inequalities in that factor, the positive or negative
value of the contributor comes from the positive or
negative elasticity or concentration index. For exam-
ple, the contributions of being 12–17 months and 18–
23 months old, having mothers with primary school,
having unemployed mothers, having fathers with sec-
ondary school, belonging to poorer and middle eco-
nomic status, residing in rural areas and residing in
Kalimantan are negative. The negative contributions
are derived from the negative elasticity or concentra-
tion index of these factors.
Figure 2 depicts the percentage contribution of the
explanatory variables to wealth- and education-related
inequalities. For wealth-related inequality in MDD, the
largest contributor was household wealth (29.8%), fol-
lowed by ANC visits (16.6%), paternal occupation
(15.1%), and maternal education (11.8%). Similarly,
the largest contributions toward education-related
inequality in MDD included maternal education
(26.1%), household wealth (19.1%), ANC visits
(14.9%), and paternal occupation (10.9%). On the
other hand, the child’s age, maternal employment,
maternal access to media, paternal education, residency,
and geographical regions showed minimal or no con-
tribution to wealth- and education-related inequality in
MDD. Overall, these variables explained nearly 76.8%
and 70.2% of the wealth- and education-related inequal-
ities in MDD.
This study is the first to examine the extent of wealth-
and education-related inequalities in MDD among
infants and young children and decomposed them
into contributing factors in Indonesia. The study
found that the proportion of children who had met
the WHO’s minimum dietary diversity criteria was
more concentrated among children from wealthier
households and those born to mothers with higher
educational attainment. Household wealth, mother’s
education, father’s occupation, and ANC visits
mainly contributed to the pro-rich and pro-
educated socioeconomic inequalities in MDD.
Our result of pro-rich wealth-related inequalities
in MDD was in line with previous studies [28,32].
Although no study has assessed education-related
inequality in MDD, the distribution of infant and
young child feeding indicators was higher among
mothers with higher education in several studies
[40,41]. However, these findings do not imply that
eating a diversified diet does not occur among chil-
dren from poorer families and less-educated
mothers. Instead, it revealed MDD is disproportio-
nately concentrated among the richer and educated
We found that household wealth was the predo-
minant contributor to the wealth- (29.8%) and edu-
cation-related (19.1%) inequalities in MDD.
Similarly, earlier studies in Ethiopia [31] and
Zimbabwe [32] have shown that household eco-
nomic status was the main factor explaining socio-
economic disparities in MDD. Since dietary
diversity is associated with the availability, access
and utilisation of food, wealthier households are
more likely to have enough resources to consume
varied and nutritious food [42]. They have greater
affordability to purchase non-staple foods, leading
to improved dietary diversity [41,43]. At the same
time, they also have better access to health care and
information [44], thus applying the recommended
feeding practices. Interventions that improve food
purchasing power, such as income-generating stra-
tegies (e.g. homestead food production) and cash
transfers, would help reduce the economic barriers
to accessing a diversified diet [45–47]. In addition,
infant and young child feeding promotions should
be made available to all mothers and their children,
especially those with lower economic status.
Of all the mother’s factors, maternal education is
the most significant contributor to the wealth-
(11.8%) and education-related (26.1%) inequalities
in MDD. Although there has been no study exam-
ining the contribution of maternal education in the
MDD inequalities, several studies have highlighted
the contribution of this factor in explaining the
disparities in child undernutrition [48–50]. The
role of maternal education in improving child diet-
ary diversity could be due to higher dietary knowl-
edge [24,43,51] and better health literacy, dietary
information-seeking behaviour, understanding, and
critical thinking skills related to nutritional infor-
mation [52]. Between 2002 and 2017, senior high
school enrollment in Indonesia rose considerably
from 50% to 71%. However, there was a 25% dis-
crepancy in school enrollment between the poorest
and wealthiest quintiles in the latest year. Moreover,
29% of these students did not complete their studies
for various reasons, including insufficient funds,
participation in the labour force, distance, marriage,
and taking care of households for girls [53]. Thus,
there is a need to narrow the gap in formal educa-
tion participation across economic status, geogra-
phical regions, and gender [54], especially at the
secondary and higher degree levels, for a long
term investment in child nutrition. Governments
should commit to encouraging school participation,
for example, providing pro-poor incentives (e.g.
cash transfers, food-for-education), decentralizing
education to the district/municipality level, and
developing alternative learning programs (e.g. non-
formal education) [55]. Such initiatives should be
designed to include people from marginalized com-
munities, regardless of gender or ethnicity.
We also found that ANC visits had a distinct con-
tribution to wealth- (16.6%) and education-related
(14.9%) inequalities in MDD. Counselling received
from the health practitioners during the visit, followed
by appropriate practice, may lead to feeding children
with a diversified diet [56]. In Indonesia, 96% of
pregnant women had access to ANC services in 2018.
However, only 74% met at least four ANC visits, ran-
ging from 44% in Papua to 90% in Yogyakarta and
58% among women without formal education to 83%
among women with a higher degree [2]. Increasing
maternal awareness about ANC service by targeting
the most vulnerable community is vital [50]. While the
National Health Insurance (NHI) covers the ANC
service fee, there is also a need to expand the NHI
coverage to reduce sociodemographic inequalities in
access to maternal and health services [57].
Our study also revealed that paternal occupation
explained wealth- (15.1%) and education-related
(10.9%) inequalities in MDD. Household head
employment was associated with dietary diversity as
it could determine the earnings [42]. However,
Indonesian agriculture jobs dominated by small-
scale farmers remain struggling with low incomes
[58]. Such income disparities may increase the risk
of food insecurity, making it difficult for them to
afford healthy diets [59]. In addition to increasing
crop production, a study in Bangladesh suggested
that farmers could cover their household food
expenses by seeking off-farm income. Thus, there is
a need for policy support in agricultural development
(e.g. best agronomic practices, access to information
and credit, infrastructure investment) and off-farm
income generating for smallholder farmers to achieve
food security and lift them out of poverty [60]. In
addition, there is much to learn from Tanzania,
where nutrition-sensitive agriculture and agroecology
interventions among food-insecure smallholder farm-
ers have improved sustainable agricultural practices
and women’ empowerment in income allocation,
which could enhance household food security and
children’s dietary diversity [61].
The development of nutrition education to
improve a diversified diet in Indonesia began with
the ‘Healthy Four Perfect Five’ (Empat Sehat Lima
Sempurna) campaign. However, although this slogan
encouraged people to eat various food groups (sta-
ples, plant- and animal-protein source food, fruits,
vegetables), the value of milk as the ‘perfect’ food has
been exaggerated. Milk mainly was not locally pro-
duced and costly, making it available only for the
rich [62]. The most updated guideline, Guide for
Balanced Nutrition, also encourages the population
to eat a diversified diet by carrying a message of ‘be
grateful and enjoy various food’. Nevertheless, this
guideline is less socialized and implemented.
Perhaps because of its simplicity, some industries
and communities continue to use the old ‘Healthy
Four Perfect Five’ [59]. Although the newest guide-
line has been developed for all populations across all
ages, including children five years [63], some recom-
mendations should follow the global indicators for
infant and young child feeding practices, including
minimum dietary diversity. Practical and straight-
forward messages may help communities adopt
new nutritional information [64]. Health practi-
tioners should adequately promote the nutrition
guidelines by including locally available food [65]
and pricing information [66] during all contact
with mothers and young children, such as antenatal
and postnatal care. Nutrition counselling and educa-
tion should occur in multiple settings, involve local
human resources, and reach out to mothers regard-
less of their socioeconomic backgrounds to ease
Strengths and limitations
To our knowledge, this is the first study in Indonesia to
measure both wealth- and education-related inequal-
ities in MDD and to decompose the inequality by a set
of contributing factors. The study used a nationally
representative sample to generalise the findings to chil-
dren aged 6–23 months in Indonesia. The use of the
WHO’s most updated MDD indicator is helpful for
ongoing monitoring and comparing with international
guidelines [18]. However, MDD is constructed based
on the single 24-hour food recall during the survey,
thus not reflecting the actual feeding patterns [67].
While the decomposition analysis enables us to under-
stand various factors contributing to the inequality in
MDD, we could not draw a causal inference [33]. This
issue also occurs when using cross-sectional data.
The present study provided evidence on substantial
wealth- and education-related inequalities in the
MDD proportion among infants and young children
in Indonesia. The overall findings of this study urge the
need for multisectoral approaches to addressing the
underlying causes of socioeconomic inequalities in
MDD. We should prioritise children of poorer house-
holds and less educated mothers. Improving access and
the quality of prenatal and postnatal health care is
beneficial for delivering health-facility-based nutrition
education. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions
may improve diet diversity through food production
and income-generating. While there is a national
recommendation on Balanced Nutrition Guideline,
there is no evidence of whether the promotion of this
guideline benefits infant and young child feeding and
this issue requires further research. Finally, examining
the changes of inequalities in MDD over time is vital
for improving child nutrition outcomes in Indonesia.
The lead author (BAP) conducted this research and pub-
lication as part of her doctoral study, for which she highly
acknowledged the Indonesia Endowment Fund for
Education (LPDP) for providing a scholarship.
Author contributions
BAP, TMH, and MJD designed the study. BAP conducted
the data analysis and interpreted the data under the gui-
dance of TMH. BAP drafted the initial manuscript under
the supervision of TMH and MJD. TMH, MJD, and AA
read and revised the manuscript. All authors approved the
final manuscript draft.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Ethics and consent
The ICF International Review Board (IRB) ethically
approved the 2017 IDHS to ensure compliance with the
US Department of Health and Human Services require-
ments for the ‘Protection of Human Subjects’ (45 CFR 46)
and the host country’s IRB, with written informed consent
obtained from all participants during the survey. DHS
granted the first author permission to use the data.
Funding information
This publication was funded by the Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education (LPDP). LPDP did not have a role in
the design, analysis, and writing of this article.
Paper context
While earlier studies have documented evidence on the deter-
minants of minimum dietary diversity, very few have evalu-
ated the magnitude and drivers of socioeconomic disparities in
minimum dietary diversity. This paper provides evidence on
wealth- and education-related inequalities in minimum
dietary diversity among infants and young children in
Indonesia. Our findings support calls for greater equality of
wealth, education, and health care to close gaps in child
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Michael J. Dibley
Ashraful Alam
Tanvir M. Huda
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... The concentration index and the Wagstaff decomposition analyses are the appropriate statistical approaches to estimate the extent of inequality of a particular health outcome and identify the possible contributing factors for the observed inequality of that outcome [19]. Accordingly, women's level of education, income, age, marital status, occupation, place of residence, use of prenatal and antenatal care, child age, sex, current breast-feeding status, birth order, and number of under five children in the family are some of the key contributors to the socio-economic related inequalities to access to VAC in particular and micro-nutrients in general [8,17,18,20,21]. Hence, identifying and reducing avoidable contributors of socioeconomic inequalities to VA rich foods is a critical step towards improving children's overall health and well-being [16]. ...
... As such, maternal education was one of the key contributors to the wealth related inequality in VAC where primary education contributed about 7.2% and secondary and above 17.8% to the overall concentration index. Although there has been no study assessing the contribution of maternal education to the wealth inequalities in VAC, several studies have highlighted the contribution of this factor in explaining the disparities in vitamin A supplementation, minimum dietary diversity and micro-nutrient intake among children [17,18,21]. The link between women education with good vitamin A consumption could be due to higher dietary knowledge [29,44], better health literacy, dietary information-seeking behaviour, understanding, and critical thinking skills related to nutritional information of the women [46]. ...
... In this study, we found that maternal health care utilization including the ANC visit and delivery at health facilities had made significant positive contribution to the wealth related inequality in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin A. This finding was supported with the previous studies conducted in Indonesia [21] and Ghana [42,51]. This could be explained in that the counselling and nutrition information that the women received from the health professionals during the ANC visits would increase their health literacy and thereby help to feed their children with the recommended dietary mix including the micro-nutrients [52]. ...
Full-text available
Introduction Vitamin A (VA) cannot be made in the human body and thus foods rich in VA are the only sources of vitamin A for the body. However, ensuring availability in adequate amount of foods rich in VA remains a challenge, mainly in low-income counties including Ethiopia. In addition, children from the poorest and less educated families of same country have disproportionately limited consumptions of foods rich in VA. Therefore, the present study aimed assessing the wealth related inequality in vitamin A consumption (VAC) and decompose it to the various contributing factors. Methods This study was conducted using the 2019 Ethiopian demographic and health survey data on a weighted sample of 1,497 children of age 6–23 months in Ethiopia. The wealth related inequality in VAC was quantified using concentration index and plotted using concentration curve. The Wagstaff decomposition analysis was performed to assess the relative contributions of each explanatory variable to the inequalities in the overall concentration index of VAC. Result The overall Wagstaff normalized concentration index (C) analyses of the wealth-related inequality in consumption of foods rich in VA among children aged 6–23 months was [C = 0.25; 95% C: 0.15, 0.35]. Further decomposition of the C by the explanatory variables reported the following contributions; primary level of women’s education (7.2%), secondary and above (17.8%), having ANC visit during pregnancy (62.1%), delivery at a health institution (26.53%), living in the metropolis (13.7%), central region (34.2%), child age 18–23 months (4.7%) contributed to the observed wealth related inequality in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin A in Ethiopia. Conclusion We found pro-rich wealth-related inequality in VAC among children of age 6–23 months in Ethiopia. Additionally, maternal education, region, ANC visit, and place of delivery were the significant contributors of wealth-related inequality of VAC. Nutritional related interventions should prioritise children from poorer households and less educated mothers. Moreover, enhancing access to ANC and health facilities delivery services through education, advocacy, and campaign programs is highly recommended in the study setting.
... Wealthier households may have more resources and access to diverse foods, allowing them to overcome financial obstacles in ensuring dietary diversity for all children, irrespective of gender (Keno, Bikila, Shibiru, & Etafa, 2021). In contrast, poorer households often face significant economic constraints that hinder their ability to provide a varied diet, even when they recognize its importance for both boys and girls (Paramashanti, Dibley, Alam, & Huda, 2022). Consequently, the socioeconomic status of a household plays a crucial role in shaping all family members' ability, especially women and children, to access nutrition and benefit from diverse dietary options (Luna & Talavera, 2022). ...
... This observation is particularly important as it underscores the influence of household wealth status on child nutrition within the UWR. Scholars in Ethiopia (Keno et al., 2021), Indonesia (Paramashanti et al., 2022), and the Philippines (Luna & Talavera, 2022) have drawn similar conclusions, arguing that families with greater wealth prioritize providing a minimum dietary diversity for their children more than those from lower wealth backgrounds. This disparity may stem from the lack of financial constraints faced by higher-income families, allowing them to access a wider variety of food groups essential for balanced nutrition. ...
... The explanatory variables included sociodemographic characteristics, such as the area of residence of five provinces in Eastern Java, Central Java, Western Java, DI Yogyakarta, and DKI Jakarta, child's age (6-11, 12-17, and 18-23 months), child's gender (male and female), maternal educational level (low if junior high school and below, middle if senior high school, and high if the college or above), maternal ages (18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35), and >36 years), maternal employment type (housewife/ unemployed, government employees, and private employees), maternal employment status (housewife/ unemployed, work from home, and work away from home), father's occupation (unemployed, government employees, and private employees), and household income level was defined based on median income quintiles (low if IDR <= 3.000.000, middle if IDR > 3.000.000 ...
... The Eastern Java, Western Java, and DI Yogyakarta residents tend to have lower odds of meeting the MDD standard rather than DKI Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city. This condition may be related to economic factors (30,31). Jakarta's minimum salaries are twice as high than other area. ...
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p align="center"> ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Praktik pemberian Makanan p endamping ASI (MPASI) yang tepat selama pandemi COVID-19 menjadi tantangan tersendiri karena kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengurangi penularan virus di tempat kerja seperti perubahan status pekerjaan termasuk bekerja dari rumah. Perubahan status pekerjaan, khususnya bagi ibu bekerja, berkaitan dengan keragaman pola makan dalam praktik pemberian MPASI. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak status pekerjaan ibu terhadap Keanekaragaman Gizi Minimum (MDD) selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional dilakukan dan online self-administered questionnaires digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dari 403 ibu yang memiliki anak usia 6-23 bulan yang tinggal di Jawa, Indonesia. Hasil : Secara keseluruhan, 91,1% anak memenuhi kriteria MDD. Dalam model yang disesuaikan, anak-anak dengan ibu yang bekerja di luar rumah dikaitkan dengan penurunan peluang mengalami MDD (AOR: 0.85, 95%CI: 0.42-0.98). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan MDD pada praktik pemberian MPASI adalah daerah tempat tinggal (AOR: 0.12; 95%CI: 0.03-0.54), usia anak (AOR: 2.93; 95%CI: 1.12-7.67), dan usia ibu (AOR: 1.39 ; 95%CI: 1,16-3,93). Kesimpulan: Praktik pemberian makanan pendamping ASI dipengaruhi oleh status pekerjaan ibu selama pandemi. Namun demikian, strategi lain untuk meningkatkan keragaman pangan MPASI diperlukan untuk mencegah malnutrisi pada anak dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu terkait gizi anak, khususnya pada ibu bekerja. KATA KUNCI: pemberian makanan pendamping ASI; COVID-19; keanekaragaman pangan minimum; status pekerjaan ibu ABSTRACT Background: Appropriate complementary feeding practices during the COVID-19 pandemic are challenging due to government policies to reduce the virus transmission in workplace such as changes of employment status including working from home . The changes of employment status, especially for working mothers was related to the dietary diversity of complementary feeding practice. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the impact of maternal employment status on Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted, and online self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 403 mothers of children ages 6-23 months who live in Java, Indonesia. Results: Overall, 91.1% of the children met the criteria for MDD. In the adjusted model, children with mothers who work outside of home were associated with a reduced odds of meeting MDD (AOR: 0.85, 95%CI: 0.42-0.98). The factors related to MDD on complementary feeding practices were area of residence (AOR: 0.12; 95%CI: 0.03-0.54), child's age (AOR: 2.93; 95%CI: 1.12-7.67), and maternal ages (AOR: 1.39; 95%CI: 1.16-3.93). Conclusions: Complementary feeding practices were impacted by maternal employment status during pandemic. However, other strategies to increase dietary diversity of complementary feeding are needed to prevent child malnutrition by increasing maternal knowledge related to child nutrition, especially for working mothers. KEYWORDS : complementary feeding; COVID-19; Minimum Dietary Diversity; maternal employment status </p
... Factors related to health services use included the maternal postnatal visit (yes, no), number of antenatal care (ANC) visits (4 visits, ≥4 visits) and place of delivery (home delivery, facility delivery). Child factors included sex of the child (male, female), age of the children in months, [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and the number of living children in the household (1, 2, ≥3 children). ...
... This economic divide contributes to disparities in dietary choices and nutritional outcomes, highlighting the importance of addressing income inequality to improve overall nutritional well-being. 17 The increased inequality in these regions can be attributed to constrained access to quality education and human capital development, challenges in land ownership and agrarian structures. Varying degrees of industrialisation and urbanisation, coupled with potential labour exploitation, also play a role. ...
Objective This study aimed to determine the factors associated with minimum dietary diversity (MDD) and estimate the socioeconomic inequalities in MDD among children from five South Asian countries. Design Cross-sectional. Setting The study used the most recent round of secondary databases of Demographic Health Survey data of Bangladesh (2017–2018), India (2019–2021), Maldives (2016–2017), Nepal (2018) and Pakistan (2017–2018). Participants This study used information on MDD and other explanatory variables from a total of 136 980 (weighted) children aged 6–23 months. Methods Multivariable logistic regression was employed to identify the factors associated with MDD and concentration index (CIX) and Lorenz curve were used to measure the socioeconomic inequalities in MDD. Results The overall weighted prevalence of MDD in South Asia was 23.37%. The highest prevalence of MDD was found among children from Maldives (70.7%), while the lowest was in Pakistan (14.2%). Living in affluent versus poor households, having a mother who is employed versus a mother who is unemployed, exposure to various forms of media (newspapers and magazines), seeking antenatal care (ANC) more than four times compared with those who sought ANC less than four times and having children older than 4 years old are the most common significant factors associated with MDD deficiency. This study found the value of the CIX for MDD (MDD: CI=0.0352; p<0.001) among children with a higher socioeconomic status, suggesting inequality in MDD in favour of the more among well-off households. Conclusion Inequality in the prevalence of MDD favours the affluent. Health policy and intervention design should prioritise minimising socioeconomic inequalities concerning the MDD. In addition, policy-makers should prioritise the associated factors of MDD such as education, wealth status, employment, media exposure while designing intervention or policies.
... While national rates have shown gradual improvement, stunting prevalence remains alarmingly high in specific regions, particularly rural areas where poverty, inadequate sanitation, and limited healthcare access persist. East Java, Indonesia's second most populous province with over 40 million inhabitants, represents a critical case in the national stunting landscape (Paramashanti et al., 2022;Roberts et al., 2019;Vermeulen et al., 2019). Despite its economic significance as a key contributor to Indonesia's agriculture, culture, and economy, disparities in health outcomes persist, particularly in rural and disadvantaged areas. ...
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This study aims to analyze the trends in stunting prevalence in East Java from 2019 to 2023. Using a quantitative approach, secondary data from the Monitoring Implementation of the Eight Convergence Actions for Integrated Stunting Reduction Interventions, provided by the Directorate General of Regional Development at the Ministry of Home Affairs, was employed. A descriptive quantitative analysis was conducted to interpret the data. The findings reveal a significant decline in stunting prevalence, particularly from 2021 onwards, highlighting the effectiveness of targeted interventions. Despite ongoing challenges in districts such as Pasuruan and Batu, which still report high stunting rates, the overall stunting prevalence in East Java decreased notably, from 11.5% in 2019 and 2020 to 6.9% in 2023. Urban areas like Surabaya and Mojokerto demonstrated the lowest stunting rates, offering evidence of the success of integrated strategies. These results emphasize the need to maintain and expand stunting reduction efforts, particularly in regions with persistently high rates. Policymakers are encouraged to tailor interventions based on regional needs, leveraging successful strategies from areas with low stunting prevalence. Additionally, cross-sectoral collaboration, including enhanced access to healthcare, nutrition, and early childhood development programs, is essential to sustaining recent progress
... Similar to our findings from exploring childhood malnutrition inequality between educated and uneducated mothers, household wealth, maternal age, and poor maternal health behaviors have previously been identified as significant contributors to education inequality [43][44][45]. As discussed earlier, there is an interconnectedness between the household wealth index and maternal education. ...
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Introduction Childhood malnutrition is a complex issue with a range of contributing factors. The consequences of malnutrition are severe, particularly for children. This study aims to identify the factors contributing to inequality gaps in childhood malnutrition. Our study provides insights into modifiable elements to inform interventions targeted at distinct contexts and populations to improve child nutrition. Methods This study utilized data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) of 27 countries. First, the risk differences (RDs) between the prevalence of childhood malnutrition among the determinant variables, household income, and maternal education categories were calculated. The Blinder‒Oaxaca decomposition was subsequently used to determine the extent to which the difference in childhood malnutrition prevalence between low-income and high-income groups and maternal education levels results from the contributory effects of the explanatory variables: child and maternal individual-level compositional factors. Results We examined data from 138,782 children in 27 countries from 2015 to 2020. The prevalence of childhood malnutrition (10.5%) varied across countries, ranging from 6.5% in Burundi to 29.5% in Timor Leste. On average, the prevalence of childhood malnutrition was 11.0% in low-income households and 10.7% among mothers without education. Some nations had pro-low-income (i.e., malnutrition concentrated among children from poor households) or pro-no-maternal education (i.e., malnutrition concentrated among children from mothers with no formal education) inequality in childhood malnutrition, but most did not. We found a complex interplay of compositional effects, such as the child’s age, maternal education, maternal health behavior, and place of residence, that influence the inequality in childhood malnutrition rates across 10 pro-low-income countries. In addition, we also found that a complex mix of compositional effects, such as the household wealth index, maternal health behavior, and maternal age, contribute to childhood malnutrition inequality between educated and uneducated mothers across the 7 pro-no maternal education countries. Conclusion The prevalence of childhood malnutrition varies among low-income, high-income, and no maternal education-maternal education groups. This study highlights the need for a country-specific approach to addressing childhood malnutrition, with policies and interventions tailored to each country’s specific context.
... A previous study has shown that children living in the Northeast region of Brazil are less likely to have MDD than a children living in other areas of the country (34) . The lack of MDD is more prevalent among children from low-income families or those with less educated mothers (10,34,35) , conditions that increase the social vulnerability of families and children (12) . Inequalities in health within the maternal and child populations are prevalent across different countries and within subgroups of the same nation. ...
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Objective To describe the prevalence of food poverty according to dimensions of socio-economic inequality and the food groups consumed by Brazilian children. Design Dietary data from a structured qualitative questionnaire collected by the Brazilian National Survey on Child Nutrition (ENANI-2019) were used. The new UNICEF indicator classified children who consumed 3–4 and <3 out of the eight food groups as living in moderate and severe food poverty, respectively. The prevalence of consumption of each food group and ultra-processed foods (UPF) was estimated by level of food poverty according to age categories (6–23; 24–59 months). The most frequent combinations of food groups consumed by children living in severe food poverty were calculated. Prevalence of levels of food poverty were explored according to socio-economic variables. Setting 123 municipalities of the five Brazilian macro-regions. Participants 12 582 children aged 6–59 months. Results The prevalence of moderate and severe food poverty was 32·5 % (95 % CI 30·1, 34·9) and 6·0 % (95 % CI 5·0, 6·9), respectively. Children whose mother/caregiver had lower education (<8 years) and income levels (per capita minimum wage <¼) had the highest severe food poverty prevalence of 8·3 % (95 % CI 6·2, 10·4) and 7·5 % (95 % CI 5·6, 9·4), respectively. The most consumed food groups among children living in food poverty in all age categories were ‘dairy products’, ‘grains, roots, tubers, and plantains’ and ‘ultra-processed foods’. Conclusion Food poverty prevalence was high among Brazilian children. A significant occurrence of milk consumption associated with grains and a considerable prevalence of UPF consumption were found among those living in severe food poverty.
... various disciplines, including nutrition, agriculture, and education. By integrating nutritionsensitive agricultural practices into the curriculum, students can learn how to promote sustainable food production while considering nutrition and health outcomes (Paramashanti et al., 2022). ...
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As the urgency of global environmental crises increases, it is imperative to revise and realign our practices towards more sustainable solutions. The culinary sector, which is a significant contributor to environmental impact, is a critical frontier for sustainable reform. This study presents a comprehensive exploration of the potential for integrating sustainability into culinary education, arguing that the platform is pivotal for fostering practices conducive to environmental and social well-being. A thorough review of the existing literature, examining the status quo of sustainability within culinary education and its implications for the environment. After identifying a tangible gap, a proposed conceptual framework for sustainable culinary education. This framework integrates four key dimensions of culinary education: Environmental Stewardship, Health and Nutrition, Cultural Preservation, and Social Equity. We argue that by cultivating an understanding of these dimensions, future culinary professionals can navigate and mitigate the environmental challenges faced by the food industry. Furthermore, the framework's holistic approach extends beyond environmental concerns, integrating health, cultural, and social aspects, thus advocating a more comprehensive understanding of sustainability within the culinary sector.
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Background: The prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesian remains high at 48.9%, with the highest rates observed among young mothers aged 15-24 years. Anemia is associated with adverse outcomes for both mothers and their children. Understanding the determinants of anemia in young mothers is crucial for taking preventive measures. However, there are currently no national studies in Indonesia on the prevalence and risk factors of anemia in pregnant women aged 15 to 24 years. Objective: To measure the prevalence and factors associated with anemia in young pregnant women in Indonesia. Methods: This cross-sectional study utilized on secondary data from the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar= Riskesdas). The subject of this research were pregnant women aged 15 to 24 years who participated in Riskesdas 2018 and had independent variables data including hemoglobin measurement data, age, education, residence, occupation, travel time to health facilities, age at first pregnancy, ownership of the maternal and child health (MCH) handbook, history of previous abortion, gestational age, number of iron supplement tablets, supplementary feeding, and chronic energy deficiency. Univariate analysis was conducted to analyse the subject characteristics and hemoglobin data, while chi-square and logistic regression were used to determine factors associated with anemia in young pregnant women Results: The study found that 36.2% of young pregnant women had anemia. The incidence of anemia was associated with gestational age but not with other factors. Pregnancy in the first trimester poses the highest risk compared to other trimesters (cOR=3.89; 95%CI:1.47-10.30; p=0.006), as confirmed by multivariate analysis (aOR=4.44; 95%CI: 1.41-13.95; p=0.01). Conclusion: Anemia affects 36.2% of pregnant women aged 15 to 24 years in Indonesia. The risk of anemia in young pregnant women is significantly associated with gestational age with the first trimester being the most critical period.
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Objective To examine minimum dietary diversity trends and determinants among children aged 6-23 months. Design Secondary analysis of the Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys (IDHS) between 2007 and 2017. The primary outcome was minimum dietary diversity, the consumption of at least five out of eight food groups (MDD-8). We included a total of 5015 (IDHS 2007), 5050 (IDHS 2007), and 4925 (IDHS 2017) children aged 6 to 23 months to estimate trends of MDD-8 and to identify factors associated with MDD-8. We used multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for the complex sampling design to investigate the association between the study factors and MDD-8. Setting Indonesia. Participant A total of 14990 children aged 6-23 months. Results Over the ten years, the percentage of children who consumed a diversified diet was 53.1% in 2007, 51.7% in 2012, and 53.7% in 2017. Multivariate analyses showed that older age children, higher maternal education, maternal weekly access to media, paternal non-agricultural occupation, history of at least four ANC visits, and wealthier households were associated with the increased odds of MDD-8. Children living in rural areas, Sulawesi and Eastern Indonesia, were less likely to eat a diversified diet. Conclusions The proportion of children meeting MDD-8 has stagnated in the last decade. Child, parental, health care, household, and community factors are associated with MDD-8. Therefore, nutrition-education programmes and behaviour change communication activities should target mothers and families from socio-economically and geographically disadvantaged populations.
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Large changes have taken place in smallholder farming systems in South Asia’s coastal areas in recent decades, particularly related to cropping intensity, input availability, climate risks, and off-farm activities. However, few studies have investigated the extent to which these changes have impacted farm-level crop productivity, which is a key driver of food security and poverty in rainfed, low-input, rice-based systems. The objective of this study was to conduct an integrated assessment of variables related to socioeconomic status, farm characteristics, and crop management practices to understand the major factors influencing crop productivity and identify promising leverage points for sustainable development in coastal Bangladesh. Using a panel survey dataset of 32 variables from 502 farm households located within polder (coastal embankment) and outside polder systems during 2005–2015, we employed statistical factor analysis to characterize five independent latent factors named here as Farming Challenges, Economic Status, Crop Management Practices, Asset Endowment, and Farm Characteristics. The factor Farming Challenges explained the most variation among households (31%), with decreases observed over time, specifically households located outside polders. Individual variables contributing to this factor included perceived cyclone severity, household distance to main roads and input-output markets, cropping intensity, and access to extension services. The most important factors for increasing crop productivity on a household and per unit area basis were Asset Endowment and Crop Management Practices, respectively. The former highlights the need for increasing gross cropped area, which can be achieved through greater cropping intensity, while the latter was associated with increased fertilizer, labor, and pesticide input use. Despite the importance of these factors, household poverty trajectory maps showed that changes in off-farm income had played the strongest role in improving livelihoods in this coastal area. This study can help inform development efforts and policies for boosting farm-level crop productivity, specifically through agricultural intensification (higher cropping intensity combined with appropriate and efficient use of inputs) and expanding opportunities for off-farm income as key pathways to bring smallholder households out of poverty.
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Background There are urgent calls for the transformation of agriculture and food systems to address human and planetary health issues. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and agroecology promise interconnected solutions to these challenges, but evidence of their impact has been limited. Objectives In a cluster-randomized trial (NCT02761876), we examined whether a nutrition-sensitive agroecology intervention in rural Tanzania could improve children's dietary diversity. Secondary outcomes were food insecurity and child anthropometry. We also posited that such an intervention would improve sustainable agricultural practices (e.g., agrobiodiversity, intercropping), women's empowerment (e.g., participation in decision making, time use), and women's well-being (e.g., dietary diversity, depression). Methods Food-insecure smallholder farmers with children aged <1 y from 20 villages in Singida, Tanzania, were invited to participate. Villages were paired and publicly randomized; control villages received the intervention after 2 y. One man and 1 woman “mentor farmer” were elected from each intervention village to lead their peers in agroecological learning on topics including legume intensification, nutrition, and women's empowerment. Impact was estimated using longitudinal difference-in-differences fixed-effects regression analyses. Results A total of 591 households (intervention: n = 296; control: n = 295) were enrolled; 90.0% were retained to study end. After 2 growing seasons, the intervention improved children's dietary diversity score by 0.57 food groups (out of 7; P < 0.01), and the percentage of children achieving minimum dietary diversity (≥4 food groups) increased by 9.9 percentage points during the postharvest season. The intervention significantly reduced household food insecurity but had no significant impact on child anthropometry. The intervention also improved a range of sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment, and women's well-being outcomes. Conclusions The magnitude of the intervention's impacts was similar to or larger than that of other nutrition-sensitive interventions that provided more substantial inputs but were not agroecologically focused. These data suggest the untapped potential for nutrition-sensitive agroecological approaches to achieve human health while promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
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Background: Adequate complementary feeding practices in early childhood contribute to better food preferences and health outcomes throughout the life course. Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe patterns and socioeconomic inequalities in complementary feeding practices among children aged 6-23 mo in 80 low- and middle-income countries. Methods: We analyzed national surveys carried out since 2010. Complementary feeding indicators for children aged 6-23 mo included minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD). Between- and within-country inequalities were documented using relative (wealth deciles), gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and absolute (estimated household income) socioeconomic indicators. Statistical analyses included calculation of the slope index of inequality, Pearson correlation and linear regression, and scatter diagrams. Results: Only 21.3%, 56.2%, and 10.1% of the 80 countries showed prevalence levels >50% for MDD, MMF, and MAD, respectively. Western & Central Africa showed the lowest prevalence for all indicators, whereas the highest for MDD and MAD was Latin America & Caribbean, and for MMF it was East Asia & the Pacific. Log GDP per capita was positively associated with MDD (R2 = 48.5%), MMF (28.2%), and MAD (41.4%). Pro-rich within-country inequalities were observed in most countries for the 3 indicators; pro-poor inequalities were observed in 2 countries for MMF, and in none for the other 2 indicators. Breast milk was the only type of food with a pro-poor distribution, whereas animal-source foods (dairy products, flesh foods, and eggs) showed the most pronounced pro-rich inequality. Dietary diversity improved sharply when absolute annual household incomes exceeded ∼US$20,000. All 3 dietary indicators improved by age and no consistent differences were observed between boys and girls. Conclusions: Monitoring complementary feeding indicators across the world and implementing policies and programs to reduce wealth-related inequalities are essential to achieve optimal child nutrition.
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Dietary inadequacy is a major challenge among young children in Ghana. Nutritional policies are required for optimum child nutrition and development. This study explored food consumption and dietary diversity by socioeconomic status and geographical location among children aged 6–23 months in Ghana. We used the latest national representative, cross-sectional data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS-2014). A total of 887 children aged 6–23 months were used in the final analysis. The survey collected data on children’s food consumption through their mothers in the 24 h recall method. Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship between socioeconomic status and geographical location with food consumption and adequate dietary diversity after adjusting for control variables. The study revealed an association between specific food item consumption, food groups, and dietary diversity by socioeconomic and geographic characteristics. However, dairy consumption increased faster than other nutritional foods when socioeconomic status increased. Furthermore, the study revealed that children’s chances of consuming particular food items and food groups differed across Ghana’s 10 regions. The average probabilities of consuming adequate dietary diversity between the Greater Accra region and Ashanti region were 43% vs. 8% (p < 0.001). Consumption of grains, root, and tubers were relatively higher but low for Vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables and legumes and nuts for children aged 6–23 months in Ghana. Overall, the mean dietary diversity score was low (3.39; 95% CI: 3.30–3.49) out of eight food groups, and the prevalence of adequate dietary diversity was 22% only. There is a need for policy interventions to ensure appropriate dietary practices to promote healthy growth of children.
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Background In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), low levels of formal maternal educational are positively associated with breastfeeding whereas the reverse is true among women with higher levels of formal education. As such, breastfeeding has helped to reduce health equity gaps between rich and poor children. Our paper examines trends in breastfeeding and formula consumption by maternal educational in LMICs over nearly two decades. Methods We used 319 nationally representative surveys from 81 countries. We used WHO definitions for breastfeeding indicators and categorized maternal education into three categories: none, primary, and secondary or higher. We grouped countries according to the World Bank income groups and UNICEF regions classifications. The trend analyses were performed through multilevel linear regression to obtain average absolute annual changes in percentage points. Results Significant increases in prevalence were observed for early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding across all education categories, but more prominently in women with no formal education for early breastfeeding and in higher level educated women for exclusive breastfeeding. Small decreases in prevalence were seen mostly for women with no formal education for continued breastfeeding at 1 and 2 years. Among formula indicators, only formula consumption between 6 and 23 months decreased significantly over the period for women with primary education. Analysis by world regions demonstrated that gains in early and exclusive breastfeeding were almost universally distributed among education categories, except in the Middle East and North Africa where they decreased throughout education categories. Continued breastfeeding at 1 and 2 years increased in South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia for primary or higher education categories. Declines occurred for the group of no formal education in South Asia and nearly all education categories in the Middle East and North Africa with a decline steeper for continued breastfeeding at 2 years. With a few exceptions, the use of formula is higher among children of women at the highest education level in all regions. Conclusions Over the course of our study, women with no formal education have worsening breastfeeding indicators compared to women with primary and secondary or higher education.
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Background With increasing urbanization in India, child growth among urban poor has emerged as a paramount public health concern amidst the continuously growing slum population and deteriorating quality of life. This study analyses child undernutrition among urban poor and non-poor and decomposes the contribution of various factors influencing socio-economic inequality. This paper uses data from two recent rounds of National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3&4) conducted during 2005–06 and 2015–16. Methods The concentration index (CI) and the concentration curve (CC) measure socio-economic inequality in child growth in terms of stunting, wasting, and underweight. Wagstaff decomposition further analyses key contributors in CI by segregating significant covariates into five groups-mother’s factor, health-seeking factors, environmental factors, child factors, and socio-economic factors. Results The prevalence of child undernutrition was more pronounced among children from poor socio-economic strata. The concentration index decreased for stunting (− 0.186 to − 0.156), underweight (− 0.213 to − 0.162) and wasting (− 0.116 to − 0.045) from 2005 to 06 to 2015–16 respectively. The steepness in growth was more among urban poor than among urban non-poor in every age interval. Maternal education contributed about 19%, 29%, and 33% to the inequality in stunting, underweight and wasting, respectively during 2005–06. During 2005–06 as well as 2015–16, maternal factors (specifically mother’s education) were the highest contributory factors in explaining rich-poor inequality in stunting as well as underweight. More than 85% of the economic inequality in stunting, underweight, and wasting among urban children were explained by maternal factors, environmental factors, and health-seeking factors. Conclusion All the nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions in urban areas should be prioritized, focusing on urban poor, who are often clustered in low-income slums. Rich-poor inequality in child growth calls out for integration and convergence of nutrition interventions with policy interventions aimed at poverty reduction. There is also a need to expand the scope of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program to provide mass education regarding nutrition and health by making provisions of home visits of workers primarily focusing on pregnant and lactating mothers.
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Background: Short birth interval, defined as a birth-to-birth interval less than 33 months, is associated with adverse maternal and child outcomes. Evidence regarding the association of maternal socioeconomic status and short birth interval is inconclusive. Factors contributing to the socioeconomic inequality of short birth interval have also not been investigated. The current study assessed socioeconomic inequality in short birth interval and its contributing factors in Ethiopia. Methods: Data from 8448 women collected in the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health survey were included in the study. Socioeconomic inequality in short birth interval was the outcome variable. Erreygers normalized concentration index (ECI) and concentration curves were used to measure and illustrate socioeconomic-related inequality in short birth interval, respectively. Decomposition analysis was performed to identify factors explaining the socioeconomic-related inequality in short birth interval. Results: The Erreygers normalized concentration index for short birth interval was - 0.0478 (SE = 0.0062) and differed significantly from zero (P < 0.0001); indicating that short birth interval was more concentrated among the poor. Decomposition analysis indicated that wealth quintiles (74.2%), administrative regions (26.4%), and not listening to the radio (5.6%) were the major contributors to the pro-poor socioeconomic inequalities in short birth interval. Conclusion: There was a pro-poor inequality of short birth interval in Ethiopia. Strengthening the implementation of poverty alleviation programs may improve the population's socioeconomic status and reduce the associated inequality in short birth interval.
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The period from birth to 2years of age is highly sensitive with respect to the relationship between nutrition and neurodevelopment, but data regarding the association between dietary diversity and early childhood neurodevelopment are limited. We sought to examine the association of two feeding indicators-minimum dietary diversity (MDD) and minimum meal frequency (MMF)-with the neurodevelopment of children aged 6-23 months, using data from a cross-sectional survey conducted in six rural counties in China. Data on 1,534 children were analysed using logistic regression to explore the associations between dietary diversity and early neurodevelopment, with adjustments for the age, sex and prematurity of the child; the age, sex and educational level of the caregiver; and family size, income and simulative care practices and resources. We found that 32.4% of children had suspected developmental delays based on the Chinese version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires Version 3, whereas 77.0% and 39.2% failed to meet the MDD and MMF, respectively. Meeting the MDD was associated with a 39% lower risk of developmental delays (AOR = 0.61, 95% CI [0.43, 0.86]). There was a significant association between MDD and reduced likelihood of developmental delays in gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving and personal social subscales, whereas MMF was only associated with a lower risk of developmental delays in the gross motor subscale (AOR = 0.63, 95% CI [0.42, 0.94]). We observed an inverse dose-response relationship between the number of food groups consumed and the risk of developmental delays (P < .001).
Background Optimum feeding practice is the key to determine development and growth among infants and young children. Dietary diversity is considered an indicator to assess nutritional adequacy. Objectives This study aimed to determine the factors that associated with minimum dietary diversity types among children aged 6–23 months in Indonesia. Methods Secondary data analysis was carried out for this study using the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2017. The study was conducted with inclusion criteria in women of childbearing age with ages ranging from 15 to 49 years, having children aged 6–23 months, and living with respondents (n = 4861). Data obtained using a questionnaire with cross-sectional design approach. Chi-square test, and logistic regression test were used to measure the determinants of minimum dietary diversity. Results The prevalence of children aged 6–23 months who received various foods was 3070 (63.15%) respondents. Age of child of 18–23 months [AOR = 5.88; 95% CI = 4.48–7.14], mother graduated from university level [AOR = 5.16; 95% CI = 2.07–12.89], access to maternal information on mass media (reading newspapers or magazines [AOR = 1.30; 95% CI = 1.10–1.55] and watching television [AOR = 1.56; 95% CI = 1.06–2.30]), and richest wealth quintile [AOR = 1.91; 95% CI = 1.32–2.75] significantly related to minimum dietary diversity in children aged 6–23 months in Indonesia. Conclusions The current study revealed that minimum dietary diversity among Indonesian children remain related to education, mass media and socio-economic level. Practice implications Pediatric nurses can play a critical role here by delivering the messages through educational outreach visits that focus on poor uneducated mother.