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The Role of Effective Communication Skills in Professional Life


Abstract and Figures

Every young person in the world aspires to be efficacious in their chosen field. Today's business environment is very competitive. If an individual wish to survive in this period, he or she must have an adequate understanding of procedures and field-related abilities. Communication skills are extremely important in the business world. Engineers' roles are expanding as a result of growing demands and professional hurdles. Professional authorities in multinational corporations demand their staff to have excellent communication skills in addition to technical proficiency. The efficiency with which employees absorb and disseminate knowledge determines their performance. The relevance of communication skills in a person's profession and technological field is highlighted in this study. Whether it's with your bosses and co-workers, or with clients and customers, every profession necessitates human connection. Effective communication skills may help you facilitate these interactions with others, which will allow you to operate more efficiently and successfully.
Content may be subject to copyright. World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 134 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
The Role of Effective Communication Skills in Professional Life
Dr. Bushra Sumaiya1, Subodh Srivastava2, Vipin Jain3, & Dr. Ved Prakash4
1 Department of Education, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana, India
2 Department of Physics, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur
3 Department of Management, Teerthanker Mahaveer Institute of Management and Technology, Teerthanker
Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
4 School of Education, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Correspondence: Dr. Bushra Sumaiya, Department of Education, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana, India. E-mail:
Received: February 14, 2022 Accepted: March 22, 2022 Online Published: April 7, 2022
doi:10.5430/wjel.v12n3p134 URL:
Every young person in the world aspires to be efficacious in their chosen field. Today's business environment is very
competitive. If an individual wish to survive in this period, he or she must have an adequate understanding of
procedures and field-related abilities. Communication skills are extremely important in the business world.
Engineers' roles are expanding as a result of growing demands and professional hurdles. Professional authorities in
multinational corporations demand their staff to have excellent communication skills in addition to technical
proficiency. The efficiency with which employees absorb and disseminate knowledge determines their performance.
The relevance of communication skills in a person's profession and technological field is highlighted in this study.
Whether it's with your bosses and co-workers, or with clients and customers, every profession necessitates human
connection. Effective communication skills may help you facilitate these interactions with others, which will allow
you to operate more efficiently and successfully.
Keywords: communication, communication skills, effective communication, listening, professional life
1. Introduction
Good communication needs more than just transferring information. It all comes down to finding out what feelings
and motivations lay underneath the numbers. You should be able to successfully transmit a letter while also listening
to ensure that you fully comprehend what has been said and that the other people do as well. It indicates that
effective communication is a natural propensity (R. Mahajan 2015). But, all too often, when authors try to
communicate with others, somewhat goes askew. When the article writes one thing and the further people hears
something, miscommunications, disappointments, and disagreements occur. This might process the issues in your
personal, school and business connections. To speak more easily and effectively, many will need to acquire
insufficient key skills. Whether you choose to communicate better with your husband, kids, co-workers or employers
learning may help you make stronger relationships, develop greater trust, respect, problem-solving, improve
collaboration, and your complete social and emotional health (A. A. Adu-Oppong and E. Agyin-Birikorang 2014).
1.1 Common Barricades for Effective Communications
1.1.1 Stress and the Out-of-control Emotions
When stressed or emotionally overcome, you're further likely to misjudge others, give off unclear or off-putting
nonverbal indications, and engage in dangerous knee-jerk comportment. You may learn how to swiftly cool yourself
before beginning a discussion to prevent hostility and misconceptions.
1.1.2 Lack of Emphasis
They can't communicate efficiently once you're juggling. If you are monitoring your phones, calculating what you're
intending to tell next, or inattentive throughout a conversation, you're nearly certain to fail nonverbal prompts. To
communicate efficiently, you must stay focused and away from distractions. World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 135 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
1.1.3 Inconsistent Body Language
Nonverbal should complement, not dispute, what has been spoken. Your listeners will most probably think you're
dishonest if you say and your body language says something else.
1.1.4 Negative Body Language
If someone does not even agree with and like what the other person says, you could refuse it with bad body language
such as folding your hands, turning away, or drumming your foot.
Good communication is the key tool for getting the desired result. Every day, no difference where we are, people
require everyday communication, either verbal or nonverbal, to express our ideas, thoughts, emotions, and so on. It's
a lifetime process that starts in the womb and lasts till death. Neither individuals nor an organisation can live without
strong communication skills (T. S. Rachmawati 2020). Communication channels have a role in determining the fate
of every company. Business communication refers to any form of communication that strengthens bonds, promotes
products or services, or communicates information within a company. As a consequence, clear, fast, and exact
communication are crucial, as they can have a considerable impact on brand success and trust, and also reveal a lot
as to its degree of professionalism.
A sort of corporate communication is interpersonal communication. Managers and personnel, as well as vendors and
consumers, must communicate effectively to enhance the company. Even a little vendor or salesperson with his
persuasive skills may attract more customers and make even more money. To get favourable results, a theoretical and
technical mastery of the issue is essential, but it must be paired with outstanding communication. Professionals
should have the knowledge and abilities to make the most of every opportunity to communicate with colleagues,
superiors, customers, and clients [4]. Understanding how to employ communications tools and methods to fulfil their
function and accomplish their aims is vital for company leaders, management consultants, members of the team, and
even job hopefuls. Good communication, either at the personal, group dynamics or extrapolations, is vital to the
success of any organisation. As shown in recent newspaper research, due to a lack of effective communication, just
five of every hundred interviewees qualify for work (C. W. H. Chan, N. H. Y. Ng, H. Y. L. Chan, M. M. H. Wong,
and K. M. Chow 2020).
1.2 Effective Communications for the Professionals
1.2.1 Motivation
Employee motivation is a significant asset to any organisation. Communication involves the use of words, the tempo
at which they are given, pitch modification, and body language. A catastrophe may be averted and people are
inspired to strive for success if the proper instruments are utilised to communicate the clear messages at the right
moment. Employee motivation enables a firm's seamless and successful operation, as well as increased productivity,
sales, and profits without the need for constant supervision.
1.2.2 Impress the Clients
To impress a customer through oral communication, one must have strong communication abilities. An oral
presentation is now best characterised as a person giving a speech to a group of people. The oral presentation is a
typical business tool that is frequently used in company meetings. An oral presentation has the potential to have a big
influence on the audience if the goal is to persuade the audience and oral presentation is employed.
1.2.3 Raising Morale
A collection of people's capacity to work collectively persistently and regularly toward a shared objective is how
morale is described. It is the outcome of a strong willingness to act as a consequence of motivation. Morale among
employees fluctuates from time - to - time. As a consequence, authorities must communicate effectively to preserve
high morale.
1.2.4 Business Proposal
Anybody who needs to raise cash for their firm must prepare a business proposal. Most Venture Capitalists and
Angel Investors will refuse to speak with you unless you have a well-written business plan. Many company concepts
need a substantial sum of money, which can only be acquired from one of three sources. This can be done using
loans, your own money, or by enlisting the help of an investor.
1.2.5 Facilitate Business Meetings
The art or talent of conducting business meetings is known as facilitation. World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 136 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
1.2.6 Managerial Efficiency
Communication aids in the smooth running of management. Management can only carry out their responsibilities if
they have a very well communication network.
1.2.7 Better Decision
Better decisions might be used to assess the performance of the company. Decision-making is affected when
information, data, and other facts are not appropriately delivered. As a consequence, the information is forwarded to
the relevant department, business, and person. It's simple to make snap decisions.
1.2.8 Unity
A firm that strives to improve its internal communication is unified. In this example, everyone on the team has the
same goals, and everyone understands what their co-workers are working on.
1.2.9 Removing Controversies
Effective communication provides for seamless operation, allowing conflicts, disputes, and disagreements to be
readily handled.
1.3 Channels to Make Communication Effective at the Workplace
The term channel refers to the movement of anything. As a result, whether we talk about communications within or
outdoor of an organisation, we're talking about the directions or path that communication takes. Professionals devote
the majority of their time at work to communication, which includes listening, reading, speaking, and writing (K. R.
Grauerholz, M. Fredenburg, P. T. Jones, and K. N. Jenkins 2020). A two-way cycle of messaging and feedback is
used in effective corporate communication to elicit a certain reaction. Businesses cannot succeed without good
relationships and proper information and idea transmission, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. This will represent the communication skill that helps in business
A corporate organization's primary concern is the effective and seamless operation of communication channels. The
quantity of information that may be conveyed from one person to another during any particular conversation is
referred to as channel richness (R. Aggarwal 2010). Figure 2 depicts three components of communication that have
an impact on its richness. These are the ones (Pontika, N., & Rozenberga, D 2015).
Whether it can manage a variety of stimuli at the same time. A face-to-face interaction, for example,
provides for linguistic clues, as well as tone-of-voice and posture-based cues.
Whether rapid feedback in both directions is possible. In this regard, an email, for example, is more valuable
than a traditional letter since it may be responded to more rapidly. World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 137 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
Whether it enables the development of a personal emphasis in communication. Even though they provide
the same information, a phone conversation is considerably more personal than a formal report.
Figure 2. This will show the communication effects with four different factors: i) Speaking, ii) Reading, iii) Listening
and vi) Writing
Listening is the capacity to properly interpret and comprehend the sender's message. Listen with your intellect rather
than your ears. The message may be misconstrued and communication may fail if you don't listen well (M. Cassella
and M. Morando 2012). Many reputable businesses hold listening skills training courses for their personnel since
good listening skills may lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased productivity, and creativity.
Regardless of where you work or what job you have, you will be required to deliver an oral presentation or speech
from time to time. You may be requested to speak with your co-workers, clients, suppliers, or the general public.
Meetings, group discussions, seminars, workshops, and presentations all require efficiency. To get various
advantages, it is critical to be able to talk effectively and strongly in public.
Having good reading skills might help us understand the main concept and material more quickly. It saves time while
delivering excellent results. Reading abilities such as skimming and scanning are necessary at various levels. Every
day, professionals must read a range of texts, e-mails, books, and reports to make informed judgments (J. Tay 2021).
Effective writing abilities are required for all professionals to produce business reports, letters, notifications, e-mails,
proposals, and research papers, among other things. Right language, linguistically correctness, accuracy, right
construction, clarity, sentence coherence, logicality, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness are all crucial things to
consider while crafting any excellent work.
2. Discussion
The author usually focuses on what he or she should say while communicating with others. The communication
process, on the other hand, is about hearing rather than talking. Understanding not only the language or knowledge
being provided but also the sentiments the speaker is seeking to express is part of listening well. There's a big
difference between attentive learning and merely hearing (M. Pfeifer and B. A. Head 2018). You may catch up on
subtle intonations in somebody's voice that show how they're thinking and the feelings they're seeking to portray if
you pay close attention to what they're saying. You'll gain a better knowledge of another person if you listen
attentively, but you'll also help them feel heard, which might also assist you to make a stronger, deeper link (M. A.
Hossain, R. A. Tarmizi, and A. F. M. Ayub 2012).
By interacting in these ways, you'll also benefit from a procedure that relieves stress and enhances physical and
mental well-being. So, if the human you're conversing with calms, for example, paying attention to what they're
saying will help you relax. Correspondingly, if the humans are unhappy, you may help them relax by actively
listening and helping them feel understood (T. Chidume, M. C. Jones, A. W. Lambert, and M. Yordy 2020). The more
you use them, the much satisfying and delightful your interpersonal connections will be. World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 138 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
Fully focus on the speaker: You won't be able to listen carefully if you're always examining your phone or
thinking about something else. Staying attentive to the current moment allows you to catch up on nuances
and important nonverbal cues in a conversation. If you're having difficulties concentrating on some
presenters, please repeat their phrases in your head to reinforce their argument and keep you focused.
Favour your right ear: The major processing areas for speech perception and emotions lie on the left
hemisphere, which may seem strange. So because the left half of the mind is connected to the right side,
listening with your right ear may help you select upon the emotive overtones about what someone says (I. E.
Sukovataia, Y. I. Cherkasova, E. V. Dvinskikh, and L. K. Vitkovskaya 2020).
Provide feedback: If you think there's been a misunderstanding, rephrase what was stated. "What I'm
hearing" or "Sound like what you're saying" are good responses. If you just repeat what the speaker has said
verbatim, you will come to seem untrustworthy or uninformed. Instead, describe how the speaker's words
influenced you.
The thing you look, hear, move, and respond to someone else may reveal a lot more about how you're thinking than
word alone. The communication process, or body language, contains facial expressions, bodily motion and motions,
eye contact, voice tone, attitude, and even tense muscles and respiration. Understanding and retaining nonverbal
signals may enable you to connect with others, explain yourself more efficiently, handle challenging situations and
build profound connections at the workplace and homeplace (S. H. Jenkins, K. S. Astroth, and W. M. Woith 2015).
Using non-verbal communication keeping eye contact you're talking to while keeping your arms upright
posture, sitting with an open attitude or perched on the edge of your seat will help you to communicate
more successfully.
Using body language to accentuate or improve your vocal message, for example, slapping a buddy on the
back while applauding him on his accomplishment or slamming your fistfuls to underscore your messages is
another option.
2.1 Stress Respite for Effective’s Communication
When the conversation becomes heated, you'll need approximately quick and instant to defuse the situation. You may
safely take stocks of whatever powerful emotions you're suffering, manage your sentiments, and behave correctly if
you learn to swiftly reduce stress in the present.
2.1.1 Identify When You’re Flattering Stressed
As you communicate, your body will let you know whether you're stressed. Do you have tense muscles or a tense
stomach? Is your fist clenched? Is your breath short and shallow? Do you find yourself "forgetting" to breathe?
2.1.2 Take a Moment to Tranquil Down
Before determining whether to continue or postpone a discussion.
2.1.3 Bring Your Sanities to the Salvage
The easiest approach to reduce stress quickly and consistently is to use your senses: hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell,
or movement. Suck a peppermint, compress a bouncy ball in your wallet, breathe deeply, tighten and release your
muscles, or recall a soothing, reflex scene, for example. You'll have to discover a coping strategy that works for you
just because everyone responds to visual input differently.
2.1.4 Look for Funniness in the Situations
Humour can be an excellent method to ease the tension when speaking when handled correctly. Find a method to
lighten the atmosphere by sharing a joke or an entertaining anecdote when you or people around you are taking
things too seriously.
2.1.5 Willing to Negotiate
If you're both willing to bend a slight, you might be able to find the happy medium that lowers tension for everybody
involved. If you understand the other man cares significantly so much about a subject than you do, compromising
may be simple for you and a wise choice for the longevity of the partnership.
If necessary, agree to disagree and take a break from the situations so that everyone may relax. If feasible, take a
walk outside or meditate for a few transcriptions. Physical activity or finding a quiet spot to recover your equilibrium
might help relieve stress immediately. Becoming assertive means being honest and open about your thoughts,
feelings, and goals, as well as standing up with yourself and treating people with respect. It does not indicate that you World Journal of English Language Vol. 12, No. 3; 2022, Special Issue
Published by Sciedu Press 139 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711
are impolite, confrontational, or demanding.
2.2 Developing Assertive Communication Techniques
An empathetic statement demonstrates concern for the other human. Recognize the further person's position
or sentiments before expressing your demands or opinions. "I understand you've had a lot on your plate at
works, but I'd like you to make time for us as well."
If your first attempts are unsuccessful, you can use escalating assertion. As time passes, you grow more firm,
which may involve laying out the repercussions if your requirements are not satisfied. "If you don't follow the
deal, I'll be obliged to take legal action against you," for example.
To boost your confidence, practise assertiveness in low-risk circumstances. Alternatively, see if you can
practise assertiveness methods on friends or family members first.
Communication is one of the most important components of our lives. It influences how people connect in both their
personal and professional lives. Good communication is the foundation for building respect and trust. It also assists in
a person comprehension and the environment of a discussion. Even though communication seems to be straightforward,
the majority of what twofold people say is misread, leading to battles and pain. To communicate effectively, you must
understand the emotional basis of what you're saying. Significant how to transfer effectively at home, at work, and in
social circumstances may allow one's relationships to become stronger. Communication skills such as listening,
nonverbal signals, and managing stress may all help you in improving your relationships with people.
One of the most fundamental areas of language is listening. A good listener is one who not only understands how the
characters feel, but what they are expressing. Establishing a deep connection between both the speaker and the
audience is among the first elements in being a good listener. Speakers should first build this relationship by being in an
environment with open-minded listening, which helps them to prompt their opinions, feeling and thoughts more freely.
Listeners need to refrain from casting judgement. People need not agree with the speaker's ideas, beliefs, or attitudes;
instead, they must lay aside their criticisms to fully appreciate them. The speech will think they can trust the audience
with their expertise if they feel they would not be judged.
3. Conclusion
Improving communication skills may assist you in several contexts, such as at work, at social gatherings, and in your
personal life. Communication skills cannot be taught; nevertheless, with adequate training, commitment, and hard
effort, they may be developed. At the graduate level, students must have the chance to further enhance their
communication abilities. The syllabus committee or university officials should consider the situation carefully and
make any necessary revisions to the programme. Communication skills faculty members should accept the
difficulties and concentrate on practice and execution. The business world is continuously on the lookout for the
highly competitive applicant who can meet their requirements. Students should strive to acquire all of the abilities
and skills necessary for success in the business sector. If the author overlooks the value of communication skills, our
pupils will never meet the demands of the corporate world. Being able to communicate effectively can help you grow
in your career. To do your job properly, you'll need to deal with problems, gather information, engage with people,
and have strong interpersonal skills, all of which are elements of exchanging ideas that will aid you in the future.
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Ramadan is not only a spiritual time for Muslims but also a significant economic period, especially for MSMEs. During this holy month, consumer demand increases significantly due to preparations for celebrations and social activities. This research aims to examine effective social media communication strategies to expand the market reach of MSMEs during Ramadan season. The methodology employed in this study is a literature review with a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. Google Scholar is utilized as the primary data source, covering the years 2014 to 2023. The study findings indicate that in designing effective social media communication strategies to expand the market reach of MSMEs during Ramadan season, several crucial steps should be implemented. These include carefully identifying the target audience to ensure the created content is relevant and engaging to them. Subsequently, focus on producing quality content that aligns with the Ramadan theme, including the use of relevant hashtags to enhance visibility. By implementing these steps, it is expected that MSMEs can achieve greater success in expanding their market reach during Ramadan.
In the context of training journalism students, one of the methodical problems is the deve¬lopment of their soft skills to conduct a phatic dialogue effectively, which is not typical for Russian-speaking culture. Therefore, it seems important for this category of students to give the opportunity for the developing phatic dialogue skills in the process of learning English as part of improving their Small Talk skills. The presented study attempts to study the knowledge of journalism students about Small Talk as a type of phatic dialogue that allows successful initiation of communication. In addition, it presents the results of the development and application of the author’s course assessment aimed at Small Talk skills development in journalism students in the process of learning English. The study used empirical methods (testing and observation), as well as traditional methods of descriptive and comparative statistics. The pre-sented results of the study of the effectiveness of the author’s course indicate, on the one hand, its effecti-veness in the improvement of journalism students’ knowledge about the specifics and benefits of Small Talk in professional communication. On the other hand, this course allows journalism students to improve their practical skills in conducting this form of phatic dialogue.
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This study examines the impact of language differences on effective communication in multinational corporations (MNCs) in Ghana, where over 70 languages are spoken, posing significant communication and operational challenges. The objectives are to analyze these impacts, examine the consequences, and explore mitigation strategies. Utilizing a systematic literature review (SLR) approach, data was collected from academic databases, focusing on recent publications. The findings indicate that expatriates' cross-cultural communication competence (CCC) is vital for successful business operations, as language barriers impede communication, reduce collaboration, and exacerbate cultural differences, impacting team cohesion and operational efficiency. Effective strategies identified include recognizing and valuing multilingual skills, fostering cultural awareness, and leveraging multilingual managers. Recommendations for MNCs include implementing comprehensive CCC training programs, promoting multilingual skills, enhancing cultural awareness, and utilizing digital communication tools to improve organizational effectiveness and foster an inclusive and productive work environment
This paper aims to delineate the significant role of artificial intelligence (AI) in developing the soft skills of future information technology (IT) professionals. To achieve this goal, the authors give some relevant considerations concerning using AI in teaching humanitarian subjects and explore the use of AI to develop soft skills essential for future IT professionals. First, the analysis of the survey results confirms that students are not aware that using AI in education is very helpful. That is why many students (51.8%) do not use them at all. Therefore, we have an intention to give the examples of the use of AI tools for educational purposes to equip students, first of all, with understanding of soft skills value, and, secondly, let them complete the tasks that contribute to the development and improvement of their soft skills. Second, we defined that the soft skills (communication, negotiation, problem-solving, finding a common language with colleagues and clients, public speaking, and intercultural) are essential for conducting professional communication with colleagues in the sphere of IT to satisfy the demands of the IT industry in the modern-day world. Third, the paper contributes scientifically to investigating the integration of AI technologies in the university-level educational landscape. Integrating AI in higher education institutions offers a promising route for developing or boosting the soft skills necessary for future specialists in the field of IT. Drawing on a comprehensive review of literature focusing on the use of AI technologies in the contemporary world and considering the empirical data from the online survey, the study investigates the opportunities of AI tools to foster soft skills required to achieve the active collaboration of IT employees for companies.
The teacher's role in improving students' communication skills when learning economics in boarding-based schools has a big influence in the classroom. Teachers must know the appropriate steps to determine the success of learning through the cooperative learning model. The cooperative learning model can improve critical thinking skills, formulate arguments, and work together to solve problems. The aim of this research is to improve the communication skills of students in boarding-based schools when learning economics through a cooperative learning model. This research uses quantitative methods with experiments. Sampling used a cluster random sampling technique. The research sample is class X SMA Al-Irsyad Tegal which is based on boarding. Researchers conducted experimental research by giving each sample the same treatment. The results of the Paired t-test in this study show that the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.00 < 0.05. This means that applying the cooperative learning model can optimize communication skills. So, it can be concluded that the cooperative learning model implemented in high school based on boarding can be used as an alternative to improve communication skills
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Background The extension of palliative care services to meet the needs of patients with chronic non-malignant life-limiting conditions faces misconceptions amongst healthcare professionals. A study of prevailing perceptions of healthcare professionals on this wider palliative care service was thus conducted to identify current obstacles, guide the education of local healthcare professionals and improve service accessibility. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out at the Singapore General Hospital. An anonymised and close-ended online questionnaire was disseminated to 120 physicians and 500 nurses in the Department of Internal Medicine. The online survey tool focused on participant demographics; perceptions of palliative care and its perceived benefits; roles and indications; and attitudes and behaviours towards palliative care referrals. Results Forty four physicians and 156 nurses suggested that care of terminally ill patients with chronic non-malignant life-limiting conditions are compromised by concerns over the role of palliative care in non-cancer care and lapses in their prognostication and communication skills. Respondents also raised concerns about their ability to confront sociocultural issues and introduce palliative care services to patients and their families. Conclusions Gaps in understanding and the ability of nurses and physicians to communicate end of life issues, introduce palliative care services to patients and their families and confront sociocultural issues suggest the need for a longitudinal training program. With similar concerns likely prevalent in other clinical settings within this island nation, a concerted national education program targeting obstacles surrounding effective palliative care should be considered.
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Background: The demands on healthcare professionals caring for families grappling with a life-limiting condition in an unborn or newly born child can be overwhelming. Clinicians working in emergency/trauma, hospice, and pediatric settings are already at high risk for burnout and compassion fatigue, which can leave healthcare institutions increasingly vulnerable to poor retention, absenteeism, and waning quality of care. The provision of exemplary palliative care requires a cohesive interdisciplinary team of seasoned professionals resilient to daily challenges. In September 2019, the American College of Gynecology, in a committee opinion, published standard of care guidelines for perinatal palliative care. This has created an impetus for exceptional caregiving and a greater demand for both physician and interdisciplinary healthcare provider education, training, and ongoing support that promotes truly beneficent care for pregnant patients confronted with life-limiting fetal conditions. Methods: A scoping review of the research literature was conducted in order to distinguish the barriers and facilitators of professional resiliency in perinatal palliative care. PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, and EBSCO Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collections were systematically reviewed. Because of the paucity of studies specific to perinatal palliative care, several interviews of nurses and physicians in that field were conducted and analyzed for content distinctly pertaining to personal practices or workplace factors that support or hinder professional resiliency. Results: The research indicated that medical professionals often cite a lack of knowledge, inexperience using effective communication skills related to perinatal palliative care and bereavement, challenges with interdisciplinary collaboration, misconceptions about the role and function of palliative care in the perinatal or neonatal settings, moral distress, and workload challenges as encumbrances to professional satisfaction. Strategic implementation of facility-wide bereavement care training, effective communication modalities, and evidenced-based practical applications are critical components for a thriving perinatal palliative care team. Authentic formal and informal debriefing, peer mentoring, adequate caseloads, robust provider self-care practices, exceptional relational efficacy, and cultural and spiritual humility can foster personal growth and even vicarious resilience for perinatal palliative care professionals. Conclusions: Support should be strategic and multifaceted. The onus to implement salient measures to cultivate resilience in the perinatal palliative caregiver should not be only upon the individuals themselves but also upon prevailing regulatory governing bodies and healthcare institutions.
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This study discusses the role of Puskesmas medical professionals as communicators in implementation of Indonesia Sehat program with a family approach. Indonesia Sehat program is one of the government programs to improve quality of life of Indonesian people, which is part of the 5th agenda of the Nawa Cita program. In implementing the program, good communication skills of Puskesmas medical professionals is needed to explain the health status and nutritional status of the Indonesian people. The purpose of this study was to find the important role of communication skills for Puskesmas medical professionals and the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in the family approach undertaken by Puskesmas medical professionals. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The results of this study show that Puskesmas medical professionals should not treat their patients as clients in business matters, they must treat them with empathy and compassion by conducting good and effective communication for better health. Keywords: Communicator; family approach; Indonesia sehat; Puskesmas medical professionals.
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Background: Advance care planning (ACP) is the process of ongoing communication among patients, family and health care professionals regarding what plans for future care are preferred in the event that patients become unable to make their own decisions. Clinicians play an important role in ACP as both initiators and decision coaches. However, lack of training for clinicians has frequently been reported as the reason for low involvement in ACP discussions - hence the present review evaluates the effectiveness of ACP training programs for healthcare professionals to guide the development of novel training programs for them in the future. Methods: A literature search for intervention studies was conducted independently by two reviewers in July 2018. Participants included all healthcare professionals working with adult patients suffering from terminal illness. The primary outcomes were the professionals' knowledge of and attitudes towards ACP, and self-perceived competence in ACP conversations. The Effective Public Health Practice Project appraisal tool was used to examine the quality of the studies included. Results: A total of 4025 articles were identified, and ten eligible articles, covering 1081 participants, were included in the review. However, there is a lack of high quality randomized controlled trials of providing ACP training for nurses working in non-palliative care hospital settings. The overall quality of the intervention studies was moderate. All the studies included used instructional sessions in their interventions, while some contained group discussion, role-play and the use of advanced technology. The training programs increased the knowledge, attitudes towards shared decision-making, perceived communication skills, confidence, comfort and experiences concerned with discussing end-of-life (EOL) issues. Patient advocacy, job satisfaction and perceived level of adequate training for EOL care were improved. The use of 'decision aids' was rated as acceptable and clinically useful. Conclusions: Training for healthcare professionals in ACP has positive effects on their knowledge, attitude and skills. The use of decision aids and advanced technology, instructional sessions with role play, training content focused on ACP communication skills and the needs and experience of patient in the ACP process, and a values-based ACP process are all those factors that made the ACP training programs effective.
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Collaborative and cooperative learning studies are well recognized in Malaysian mathematics education research. Cooperative learning is used to serve various ability students taking into consideration of their level of understanding, learning styles, sociological backgrounds that develop students’ academic achievement and skills, and breeze the social harmony among students of different ethnic backgrounds. Besides academic achievement, process skills and values are required to extend the social harmony among students in today’s multiethnic schools. Therefore, teachers are expected to find the pedagogy that enables students to learn academic knowledge and professional skills to face the challenges in their everyday lives. The Malaysian scholars, based on the findings of their cooperative learning studies, emphasized the use of cooperative learning as an effective pedagogy with the aim to improve students’ mathematics achievement and communication skills. This paper describes the role of collaborative and cooperative learning to the development of students’ mathematics achievement along with their communication skills and with significant integration of values in Malaysian mathematics education. Keywords: Cooperative learning, mathematics education, academic achievement and skills, Malaysia. DOI:
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Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another. Communication in the workplace is critical to establishing and maintaining quality working relationships in organisations. This paper discusses the communication process, barriers to communication, and provides guideline for administrators to improve communication effectiveness.
As the market participants transform the business models, aspiring to building ecosystems, as digital technologies penetrate into all spheres of our life, as the information flows increase the human capital mobility grows, the list of competences expected to develop in today’s university graduates is changing in the global context. Current trends associated with the economic changes and digitalization require continuous upskilling of future professionals and extension of their competences beyond the curriculum. An international summer school (ISS) is an effective tool for short-term training and acquiring professional knowledge combined with managerial, communication, intercultural skills. The purpose of the study is to identify and review the main factors affecting the transformation of the role played by international summer schools in today’s economic education. Based on the review of universities’ learning offerings, the article identifies the learners’ need for acquiring additional competencies through international summer schools. The environmental changes related to the development of a new digital economy and affecting changes in technologies and learning processes at international summer schools in general, were analyzed on the basis of the model for analyzing global trends and changes in paradigms and reskilling patterns
Background Nursing and other health care professionals are often required to conduct difficult conversations with patients and their families. Simulation in nursing education combined with the utilization of standardized patients (SPs) provides realistic situations for students to practice those important communication skills. Method A simulation-based experience (SBE) for pediatric content was developed for nursing students to become more proficient in the role of teaching parents about immunizations and to increase student confidence when engaging families who express vaccine hesitancy (the difficult conversation). Results Ninety-five percent of students strongly agreed their confidence in communication was enhanced. Conclusion The portrayal of parents by SPs was an effective strategy to increase student confidence in conducting difficult conversations with patients before they are faced with a real-life situation.
Conversations about dying and end-of-life (EOL) care are the most challenging of all communication scenarios. These conversations include discussions about diagnosis and prognosis, treatment goals, and EOL wishes, goals of care, and plans for the future. Research has identified critically important skills involved in holding such conversations, and protocols have been established that can assist those discussing these important issues. Often several discussions and professionals from multiple disciplines are needed to ensure that EOL conversations are effective and comprehensive. In this article, we review what is known about the skills and strategies necessary for meaningful and effective EOL conversations and emphasize the valuable role of interdisciplinary approaches to these discussions. Advanced care planning (ACP), which refers to patient decisions about desired care should the patient lose decisional capacity, is included as a type of EOL discussion in this article.
Rapid response teams can save lives but are only effective when activated. We surveyed 50 nurses for their perceptions of facilitators and barriers to activation. Findings showed that participants need more education on their role and when to activate the rapid response team. Nurses who comprise the team need help building their communication skills. We recommend nursing professional development specialists increase the frequency of offerings and expand the focus on roles, activation criteria, and communication skills.