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Guiding the evolution of the evolutionary sciences of religion: a discussion

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Guiding the evolution of the evolutionary sciences
of religion: a discussion
Benjamin Grant Purzycki, Martin Lang, Joseph Henrich & Ara Norenzayan
To cite this article: Benjamin Grant Purzycki, Martin Lang, Joseph Henrich & Ara Norenzayan
(2022) Guiding the evolution of the evolutionary sciences of religion: a discussion, Religion, Brain
& Behavior, 12:1-2, 226-232, DOI: 10.1080/2153599X.2021.2021552
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Published online: 06 Apr 2022.
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Guiding the evolution of the evolutionary sciences of religion: a
Benjamin Grant Purzycki
, Martin Lang
, Joseph Henrich
, and Ara Norenzayan
Department of the Study of Religion, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark;
LEVYNA Laboratory for the
Experimental Research of Religion, Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia;
Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA;
Department of
Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
We warmly thank the commentators on our article for their candid, constructive, and critical
remarks. Indeed, rather than merely replies to our introductory article, the commentaries are an
important part of an ongoing conversation about what we can know about ourselves and how to
go about learning it. We organize our replies into the following issues: conceptual, methodological,
and sociological.
One of the central concepts of our study was moralistic supernatural punishment.We dened it
operationally as a deity that cares more and knows more about immoral behavior than other locally
important deities and that punishes immoral behavior. Moralityreferred to pro- or anti-social
norms with a direct benet or cost toward others (e.g., theft, murder, generosity, sharing) (Bendixen
et al., 2021a; Purzycki, Pisor, et al., 2018). In our view, this construct is more targeted and more
theory-relevant than the high godconstruct that many studies have relied on for so long (Botero
et al., 2014; Johnson, 2005; Murdock & White, 1969; Peoples & Marlowe, 2012; Snarey, 1996; Swan-
son, 1960; cf. Nichols et al., 2021). We actively resisted using the latter construct because, as Jackson
observes, it is too restricted; high gods are creator deities. This is neither a theoretically useful nor
pragmatically feasible limitation (see Purzycki, Henrich, et al. 2018; Purzycki & Watts, 2018). As far
as we know, general moralistic supernatural punishment is far more widespread in the ethno-
graphic world than morally punitive high gods are (Beheim et al., 2021; Bendixen et al., 2021b;
Boehm, 2008; Swanson, 1960; Watts et al., 2015).
We were quite candid throughout our shared works about how recent the direct inquiry of what
it meant to have a moralistic god(of any type) was; to the best of our knowledge, the rst case of
directly asking people if their spirits knew and cared about morality was Purzyckis work in Siberia
(Purzycki, 2011,2013), but the inquiry has grown to include this (see Purzycki et al., 2022) and
other projects (e.g., Singh et al., 2021; White et al., 2021; Willard et al., 2020). As such, we did
not seek to explain high godsubiquity or role in human cooperation. And, pace Richert, it was acci-
dental that mostnot allof the moralistic gods in our sample were the Christian god. Rather, we
CONTACT Benjamin Grant Purzycki
sought to examine moralistic supernatural punishments role in the expansion of potential coopera-
tive networks. There is much about this and related constructs that we still do not know and future
studies would do well to look before uncritically leaping to foregone conclusions. The points are
part of the larger emphasis that threads through our project on the importance of theory in guiding
research (Muthukrishna & Henrich, 2019).
Fischer points out that cross-cultural psychology has wrestled with many points that we made and
raises a few specic issues with our methods. We appreciated the alternative resources for future
researchers to study. However, at this point, it is a truism that if any researcher discussed things
with more diverse individuals and consulted previous attempts, he or she might have missed some-
thing. Alas, we are nite beings. We workshopped the design of the Wave 1 project with our inter-
disciplinary team and revised and expanded the project for Wave 2. Recall that the project was both
ethnographic and experimental, and anthropological as much as (if not more than) it was psycho-
logical, behavioral and cognitivetwo of authors of this piece are trained anthropologists and eth-
nographers. It wasnt clear to us what we would have done dierently had we consulted the
materials provided by Fischer.
We were surprised by Fischers and Richerts concerns about our treatment of local cultural con-
texts, since we consider attentiveness to local contexts as one of the strengths of our methodology,
goals, and infrastructure. The greater project included considerable space for site-specic contextua-
lizations, caveats, contradictory results, and other observations relevant to data interpretation in a
locally meaningful way. Our rst special issue included seven site-specic papers (Apicella, 2018;
Atkinson, 2018; Cohen et al., 2018; McNamara & Henrich, 2018; Purzycki & Kulundary, 2018; Will-
ard, 2018; Xygalatas et al., 2018) and the present special issue oers seven more (Bolyanatz; Kundtová
Klocová, et al.; Placek and Lightner; Soler et al.; Stagnaro et al.; Vardy & Atkinson; Weigel). Each oers
an abundance of qualications and caveats for the project and future research. This would be exactly
the place to go for the questions Fischer and Richert raise (indeed, two are devoted to eld sites in
Brazilian contexts, a place to which Fischer appeals). The point we and the commentators raised stands
however; how each sites uniqueness contributes to the greater conversation about religionscontri-
bution to cooperation remains an important area awaiting future work (see Bendixen et al., 2021a).
There are countless ways to further attend to locally specic aspects of religiosity and, as we
noted, an even bigger task is to account for that variation. One of our main goals was to test a dis-
crete set of hypotheses and examine its utility and applicability cross-culturally and assess how local
context within the connes of a specic protocol and ethnographic insight can inform results. As
Luhrmann notes, juggling methodological consistency across sites and catering to site-specic con-
tingencies is no trivial task. With the clarity of hindsight, we can see that there were ways in which
we could have done a little more, but we are also condent that it could have been much worse had
we not anticipated many other issues early in the design stage.
Take, for example, Fischers speculation about the problems associated with participants and can-
didate participants swapping information about details of the experiments. This is a good reminder of
a standard concern (Sosis, 2005) that has been addressed systematically in several similar projects
(e.g., Ensminger & Henrich, 2014; Hruschka et al., 2014). Following standard practice, we corralled
participants in ways that they could not participate if given the opportunity to inform other candi-
dates about the nature of the games. Uninvited participants were turned away, players were not
allowed to interact with individuals who hadntplayed yet, and so forth. This is necessary to prevent
Virtually all of the other interesting issues the commentators raise reect a dierent focus or
dimension of a target construction (e.g., not nding consensus because of highly personal relation-
ships with spirits). Others raised issues that are detailed and operationalized elsewhere (e.g., what
is a moralistic god vs a local god?; just how omniscientare the gods? what are the locally
relevant group distinctions?); our methods protocols are explicitly detailed in a host of venues (e.g.,
Lang et al., 2019; Purzycki et al., 2016a,2016b, 2018). Projects that have specic questions to ask
have to operationally dene such constructs. Our protocols dene the relevant groups in order to
comparably test the same hypotheses. The protocols operationally dene things like omniscience
or moral interest.These will vary both emically and etically, and as they are high-inference vari-
ables, they are multi-dimensional. At the design stage, then, we therefore had to sacrice addressing
many important dimensions of these constructs that the commentators raised. This is inevitable in
social science. In order to modestly curb some of these issues at the analytical stage, however, we
carried out many of the methodological recommendations van de Vijver and Leung (2000, hence-
forth, V&L) suggest, some of which Fischer refers to, such as: the use of multilevel modeling, testing
alternative explanations of our ndings, looking for convergent evidence using multiple methods,
etc., and ongoing eorts using the data should embrace these forms of robustness checking and
attend to the manifold processes that contributed to the generation of data (see Dener et al.,
2021), including the clustering factors (sociodemographic or otherwise) to which Sterelny points.
However, we also note that our study does not easily conform to V&Ls taxonomy of cross-cultural
studies (See Tables 1 & 2 on p. 4041). Contrary to Fischer, this was not a generalizability study
which is designed to test whether a certain psychological construct or phenomenon is cross culturally
universal. Rather, our study tested a theory-driven hypothesis that predicted an association between
two variables that vary systematically across cultures. Unlike generalizability studies in V&Ls taxon-
omy, we had a whole array of contextual factors measured based on detailed ethnographic interviews,
but we werent comparing means across populations. Our study is closest to what V&L would call a
theory-driven study.There are nevertheless endless varieties of important sources of contextual
inputs to which we could have attended. Finally, we note some concerns with V&Ls taxonomy:
e.g., generalizabilty studies are a kind of theory-driven study in which a theoryimplicitly or expli-
citlypredicts that some empirical pattern will reappear across diverse samples.
Sterelny raises the common worry of whether or not we can tell if participants are actually telling
us what they think or what they want us to think (on the problem of measuring belief, see Steadman
& Palmer, 2008). As he notes, people may have dierent incentives that drive their answers, and
these incentives need not be related just to self-presentation biases. To the extent that participants
tell us the kinds of things they want others to think as well, this might actually be an asset. Consen-
sus modeling (Oravecz et al., 2014; Romney et al., 1986) would allow us to at least get a metric of
how much an individual deviates from the commonly held cultural model, but wouldnt necessarily
tap into the motivations or causes behind those deviations. Furthermore, at least in our study, if it
were the case that conveyed beliefs really werentprivate beliefs, the fact that they oered more to
distant individuals is also interesting. It would be a little odd, however, to behaviorally signal in this
way too, particularly when recipients were anonymous. This is one of many good reasons for care-
fully modeling posited causal eects early, thinking through how to address dicultif not imposs-
ibleto adequately measure constructs like beliefor culture,and sticking to a set of competing
causal models that incorporate unmeasured factors.
But future projects can also methodologically attend to these issues. While simply asking partici-
pants a survey question is fast and cheap, it may skew data in various directions in dierent popu-
lations. Finding a balance between feasibility and high validity of data on beliefs in supernatural
agents requires novel approaches such as using third-party reports when possible (Shaver et al.,
2021) or free-list data that ask people to list their thoughts about a particular deity without imposing
specic questions (Bendixen et al., 2021a). For instance, in the current special issue, Kundtová Klocová
et al. use free-list data to probe participantssorcery beliefs and practices that are illegal in Mauritius.
Another possibility is to shift the focus more towards religious behavior. The eld needs it; as an
organized kind of inquiry, the behavioral ecology of religion (see Reynolds & Tanner, 1995; Sosis &
Bulbulia, 2011) barely exists (for exceptions, see Power, 2017,2018; Shaver, 2015; Shaver et al., 2020;
Strassmann et al., 2012). We anticipate that this kind of inquiry, however, really requires site-
specic protocols rather than unied and streamlined methods that are applicable cross-culturally.
Luhrmann rightly notes that within-team trust is essential for success. Just as rapport with partici-
pants is essential for success in the eld, good rapport with a team is critical. Such projects run the
risk of functioning more like private companies than participatory democratic organizations and
can therefore suck the enjoyment out of the eort. That said, a close second to trust is eective com-
munication. Generating a culture of clear expectationsand living up to themis important for
both morale and organization. This is essential in crafting the type of cross-disciplinary teams
that Richert and to some extent Jackson envisionteams that would help us go further beyond
the Christian notion of a moralistic god.
Who should manage these projects and what are their future prospects? Luhrmann suggests hiring
a team of specialists in subdisciplines. They may have an easier transition out of the project if devel-
oping their specic skill (e.g., database management) and not be stigmatized for working on projects
that are strange to hiring committees in some elds. However, we worry that having two or three
people with very specic skills may preclude their fruitful collaboration and mutual understanding.
In our experience, despite the best will, facilitating discussions between ethnographers and data
scientists has many barriers that are challenging (but not impossible) to overcome. Another model
that we opted for was to have a one-for-all post-doc who gathered all the relevant expertise in one
person. While Purzycki contributed to design, Purzycki and Langs overlapping duties included.
.managing team communication and consensus
.organizing data audits
.cleaning and correcting data sets
.analyzing data
.managing public data storage and documentation
.leading paper-writing and editing of special issues
One advantage here is that organization and communication are centralized. However, aside
from the long hours and the rarity of candidates with enough experience in all domains, the obvious
disadvantage here is that the proverbial jack of all trades, master of nonemight be less employ-
able, as Sterelny suggests. Of course, a convoluted mess of causal factors big and small go into
todays job market. And, perhaps with the exception of psychology, it remains bleak. So bleak, in
fact, that it is probably safe to adopt failure as the default and then take the time to explain successes.
If, however, we consider restructuring incentives from the ground-up, we can contribute to the
chances that new generations of researchers are motivated by quality, technical aptitude, and intel-
lectual versatility. As academic workloads increase, selecting a quieter, more pensive candidate
might take a little more patience and engagement than hiring a condent candidate with brand sen-
sibilities. As sellingonesproductis increasingly the focus of job market preparation in a world
where sexy venues and headlines trump nuance, care, and diligence (see Smaldino & McElreath,
2016), it often appears that salesmanship, marketing, and grants are more important drivers of
the eld than careful attention to the landscape of possible caveats that plague our knowledge.
Nevertheless, the many currents pushing social science in more credible and transparent directions
are promising (Hardwicke et al., 2020; Minocher et al., 2020).
It behooves those of us who are in positions of decision-making power to change the culture as
much as we can at all levels we can reach. We can start by redening scientic deliverables,
rewarding diligence and training, and engaging in the kinds of interdisciplinarity that are essential
for such projects. Indeed, despite the general ill incentives, the proverbial jacks of all tradesare a
necessary glue in interdisciplinary teams for they can provide general vision, build theories from
the bottom up (scaling up from cultural diversity to generality), and generate creative ideas across
disciplines. Only by building interdisciplinary groups comprising individuals across the
humanities and the sciences can we start understanding complex cultural phenomena such as reli-
gious systems.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by Australian Research Council [grant number FL 2013].
Benjamin Grant Purzycki
Martin Lang
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... The experimental assessment further presupposes a network of researchers able to run the same experiments across multiple field sites as well as supportive research infrastructure managing the team, logistics, finances, and methodological and theoretical oversight (Purzycki et al., 2022b). In the specific example of belief in different types of supernatural agents, it took various scientific teams more than a decade to generate the necessary empirical tests (Purzycki et al., 2022a). ...
... For example, frequent, reasonless escalations and attacks with killing or injuring others would dissolve any group. Authors [1] refer to morality as pro-or anti-social norms with direct benefit or cost to others (e.g., theft, murder, generosity, sharing). ...
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We shall have a hard look at ethics and try to extract insights in the form of abstract properties that might become tools. We want to connect ethics to games, talk about the performance of ethics, introduce curiosity into the interplay between competing and coordinating in well-performing ethics, and offer a view of possible developments that could unify increasing aggregates of entities. All this is under a long shadow cast by computational complexity that is quite negative about games. This analysis is the first step toward finding modeling aspects that might be used in AI ethics for integrating modern AI systems into human society.
... For example, frequent, reasonless escalations and attacks with killing or injuring others would dissolve any group. Purzycki et al., 2022 refer to morality as pro-or anti-social norms with direct benefit or cost to others (e.g., theft, murder, generosity, sharing). Throughout human history, significant technological and cultural advancements have occured in several last millennia. ...
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We shall have a hard look at ethics and try to extract insights in the form of abstract properties that might become tools. We want to connect ethics to games, talk about the performance of ethics, introduce curiosity into the interplay between competing and coordinating in well-performing ethics, and offer a view of possible developments that could unify increasing aggregates of entities. All this is under a long shadow cast by computational complexity that is quite negative about games. This analysis is the first step toward finding modeling aspects that might be used in AI ethics for integrating modern AI systems into human society.
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How do beliefs about gods vary across populations, and what accounts for this variation? We argue that appeals to gods generally reflect prominent features of local social ecologies. We first draw from a synthesis of theoretical, experimental, and ethnographic evidence to delineate a set of predictive criteria for the kinds of contexts with which religious beliefs and behaviors will be associated. To evaluate these criteria, we examine the content of freely-listed data about gods’ concerns collected from individuals across eight diverse field sites and contextualize these beliefs in their respective cultural milieus. In our analysis, we find that local deities’ concerns point to costly threats to local coordination and cooperation. We conclude with a discussion of how alternative approaches to religious beliefs and appeals fare in light of our results and close by considering some key implications for the cognitive and evolutionary sciences of religion.
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Since the earliest days of the social sciences, the relationship between religion and cooperation has been a central topic. In this chapter, we critically review some cultural evolutionary perspectives on religion and cooperation and consider how they frame the relationships among religious beliefs, behaviors, and the moral rules that motivate cooperation. We then offer an account of how religious systems can contribute to the stability of social life more generally, with cooperative dilemmas occupying a subset of a broader range of socioecological challenges that supernatural appeals might help resolve. We also provide a critical overview of popular methods used throughout much of the contemporary work on religion and cooperation. In doing so, we provide useful ways forward for testing how appeals to gods, spirits, and other supernatural forces can, in at least some cases, address locally important challenges to cooperation.
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Social desirability reporting leads to over estimations of church attendance. To date, researchers have treated over-reporting of church attendance as a general phenomenon, and have been unable to determine the demographic correlates of inaccuracy in these self-reports. By comparing over eight months of observational data on church attendance (n = 48 services) to self-report in a rural Fijian village, we find that 1) self-report does not reliably predict observed attendance, 2) women with two or more children (≥ 2) are more likely to over-report their attendance than women with fewer children (≤ 1), and 3) self-report of religiosity more reliably predicts observed church attendance than does self-report of church attendance. Further, we find that third-party judgements of church attendance by fellow villagers are more reliably associated with observed church attendance than self-report. Our findings suggest that researchers interested in estimating behavioral variation, particularly in domains susceptible to social desirability effects, should consider developing and employing third-party methods to mitigate biases inherent to self-report.
There are compelling reasons to expect that cognitively representing any active, powerful deity motivates cooperative behavior. One mechanism underlying this association could be a cognitive bias toward generally attributing moral concern to anthropomorphic agents. If humans cognitively represent the minds of deities and humans in the same way, and if human agents are generally conceptualized as having moral concern, a broad tendency to attribute moral concern—a “moralization bias”—to supernatural deities follows. Using data from 2,228 individuals in 15 different field sites, we test for the existence of such a bias. We find that people are indeed more likely than chance to indicate that local deities care about punishing theft, murder, and deceit. This effect is stable even after holding beliefs about explicitly moralistic deities constant. Additionally, we take a close look at data collected among Hadza foragers and find two of their deities to be morally interested. There is no evidence to suggest that this effect is due to direct missionary contact. We posit that the “moralization bias of gods’ minds” is part of a widespread but variable religious phenotype, and a candidate mechanism that contributes to the well-recognized association between religion and cooperation.
Behavioral researchers increasingly recognize the need for more diverse samples that capture the breadth of human experience. Current attempts to establish generalizability across populations focus on threats to validity, constraints on generalization and the accumulation of large cross-cultural datasets. But for continued progress, we also require a framework that lets us determine which inferences can be drawn and how to make informative cross-cultural comparisons. We describe a generative causal modeling framework and outline simple graphical criteria to derive analytic strategies and implied generalizations. Using both simulated and real data, we demonstrate how to project and compare estimates across populations. We conclude with a discussion of how a formal framework for generalizability can assist researchers in designing more informative cross-cultural studies and thus provides a more solid foundation for cumulative and generalizable behavioral research.
Supernatural beliefs are ubiquitous around the world, and mounting evidence indicates that these beliefs partly rely on intuitive, cross‐culturally recurrent cognitive processes. Specifically, past research has focused on humans' intuitive tendency to perceive minds as part of the cognitive foundations of belief in a personified God—an agentic, morally concerned supernatural entity. However, much less is known about belief in karma—another culturally widespread but ostensibly non‐agentic supernatural entity reflecting ethical causation across reincarnations. In two studies and four high‐powered samples, including mostly Christian Canadians and mostly Hindu Indians (Study 1, N = 2,006) and mostly Christian Americans and Singaporean Buddhists (Study 2, N = 1,752), we provide the first systematic empirical investigation of the cognitive intuitions underlying various forms of belief in karma. We used path analyses to (a) replicate tests of the previously documented cognitive predictors of belief in God, (b) test whether this same network of variables predicts belief in karma, and (c) examine the relative contributions of cognitive and cultural variables to both sets of beliefs. We found that cognitive tendencies toward intuitive thinking, mentalizing, dualism, and teleological thinking predicted a variety of beliefs about karma—including morally laden, non‐agentic, and agentic conceptualizations—above and beyond the variability explained by cultural learning about karma across cultures. These results provide further evidence for an independent role for both culture and cognition in supporting diverse types of supernatural beliefs in distinct cultural contexts.
Cognitive and evolutionary research has overwhelmingly focused on the powerful deities of large-scale societies, yet little work has examined the smaller gods of animist traditions. Here, in a study of the Mentawai water spirit Sikameinan (Siberut Island, Indonesia), we address three questions: (1) Are smaller gods believed to enforce cooperation, especially compared to bigger gods in larger-scale societies? (2) Do beliefs in these deities encourage people to engage in behavior that would otherwise be perceived as costly? and (3) Does ritual reinforce beliefs in these deities? Drawing on interview responses, data from healing ceremonies, and ethnographic observation, we show that Sikameinan is believed to punish people who violate meat-sharing norms and that people ‘attacked’ by Sikameinan pay shamans to conduct healing rituals. The public nature of rituals, involving prestigious individuals apologizing to Sikameinan for the patient's stinginess, reinforce onlookers' beliefs about Sikameinan. The most widely shared beliefs about Sikameinan are represented in rituals while beliefs not represented vary considerably, indicating that ritual may be potent for cultural transmission. These results suggest that moralizing supernatural punishers may be more common than suspected and that the trend in the cultural evolution of religion has been an expansion of deities' scope, powers, and monitoring abilities.