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Holistic marketing: Integrated marketing and relationship marketing impact to marketing performance

  • Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang


This research aims to analyze internal marketing and integrated marketing on performance marketing mediated holistic marketing and impacting social urban and synergizing to relationship marketing. Research design uses a mix method. The data source uses primary and scunder data obtained from respondents' answers. The study sample included food and beverage companies in Southeast Asia that used social media as advertising media, which numbered 124 companies. Data collection through Google form and one-way communication by sharing with company leaders. The results of the study explained that marketing performance increased due to the role of internal marketing, integrated marketing. But the negative impact of integrated marketing is the increase in social urban due to the role of relationship marketing. This is because some companies use connections or relations in decision makers in the area that is used as the location of the company and the marketing area.
How to Cite:
Kuncoro, A., Ristanto, H., Suroso, I., & Elfaz, M. A. (2022). Holistic marketing: Integrated marketing
and relationship marketing impact to marketing performance. International Journal of Health
Sciences, 6(S4), 421430.
International Journal of Health Sciences ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022.
Manuscript submitted: 18 Jan 2022, Manuscript revised: 09 Feb 2022, Accepted for publication: 27 March 2022 1
Holistic Marketing: Integrated Marketing and
Relationship Marketing Impact to Marketing
Amin Kuncoro
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Semarang, Indonesia
Hesty Ristanto
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Semarang, Indonesia
Iwan Suroso
Muria Kudus University, Indonesia
Maulanisa Arifa Elfaz
Universitas Islam Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract---This research aims to analyze internal marketing and
integrated marketing on performance marketing mediated holistic
marketing and impacting social urban and synergizing to relationship
marketing. Research design uses a mix method. The data source uses
primary and scunder data obtained from respondents' answers. The
study sample included food and beverage companies in Southeast
Asia that used social media as advertising media, which numbered
124 companies. Data collection through Google form and one-way
communication by sharing with company leaders. The results of the
study explained that marketing performance increased due to the role
of internal marketing, integrated marketing. But the negative impact
of integrated marketing is the increase in social urban due to the role
of relationship marketing. This is because some companies use
connections or relations in decision makers in the area that is used as
the location of the company and the marketing area.
Keywords---Holistic marketing, integrated marketing, internal
marketing, relationship marketing and performance marketing.
The company's success starts from strong teamwork and high integrity. The
success of the company is offset by the increasing relationship between organized
lines. The line of organization has a role as the motor or driving force of the
company because of the important aspects that must be done systematically. The
role of each line of organization is in the form of support between parts so as to
create a good atmosphere.
Strong relationships between lines in the organization will support the
achievement of tasks, especially in the marketing department. The marketing
department has a role and spearhead to improve marketing performance that is
strengthened by marketing systems. The marketing system is formed by
strengthening the relationship between parts so that it has a good and
authoritative feel.
Marketing relationships with customers are often a setter trend in the marketing
world because of their multi-dimensional role. This role makes several companies
to create relationships or relationships to all marketing ornaments, one of which
is relationship marketing.
Relationship marketing has nodes that need to be broken down to make it better.
One of the nodes that becomes a concern is internal marketing. Internal
marketing has value for other parts that are mutually sustainable so that holistic
marketing will be achieved properly and correctly. One of the ways used by
entrepreneurs to keep the company afloat even in conditions of very tight
competition is with an integrated marketing communication strategy commonly
called integrated marketing communication. A mature marketing communication
strategy by considering the function of each way of marketing communication
such as general advertising, sales promotion, public relations and others. By
combining this way of marketing communication to provide maximum stability,
clarity and communication effect is a form of Integrated marketing
communication (Suherman et al., 2017).
Techniques for better relationships with consumers are to improve mutually
beneficial and strategic relationships, motivated and sustainable in the future
(Suherman, et al. 2017). People establish common meaning, understanding and
relationships through communication. Consequently, communication
methodology is a basic of marketing and branding a brand is fundamentally a
psikologis phenomenon, a set of ideas, effects and associations that is the result
of communication, with each brand interaction constituting an act of
The recent concept of experience marketing or experience economy, while
essentially repackaging older concepts in brand management as well as service,
relationship and database marketing, provides a useful conceptual framework for
understanding the scope of communication effect. Any poin of interaction that
gives an experience to a customer simultaneously generates both communication
and value and these two terms are broadly synonymous. Critical incident (or
moment of truth) analysis reveals the importance of interactions in the way that
they convey meaning, ideas and values as well as value (positive or negative)
(Bitner et al.1994) and Jenkinson, A. (1995). This research aims to analyze
marketing performance with holistic marketing support by using integrated
marketing and relationship marketing moderation.
Theoretical foundation
Holistic marketing
Holistic marketing is a complex marketing activity with various approaches. This
activity has a meaning by building various approaches that lead to marketing.
The concept is based on the development, design and implementation of various
marketing programs through the process.
Holistic marketing is more of a marketing strategy to be created using all
elements of the business in the company, but holistic marketing is more valuable
because it has a clear goal to increase sales of products or services. Another
advantage of holistic marketing is aligning products with pasa, exploring the
value of products, having an idieal duration of time and involving management
relationships with the community and long-term investments.
The application of holistic marketing is carried out by forming a marketing team,
formulating marketing concepts, assessing needs, identifying environmental
engagement and supervising and evaluating the course of marketing. Basically
holistic marketing has a positive side that helps the business be able to run with
napa there and according to the plan determined by the company.
Integrated marketing
Integrated marketing is an internal component of the company that is tasked with
training, recruiting and providing motivation so that each line is able to provide a
good launch for consumers. The company's focus on consumers is more valuable
than the lalinya, because customers have the satisfaction value needed by the
company as a basis for decision making.
Kotler & Keller (2009: 194) explained that the company integrates and
coordinates various communication channels to send a very clear, consistent and
convincing message related to the product. Diwanti & Santoso (2015) explained
that the development and implementation of various forms of persuasive
communication programs with consumers.
Relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is more about marketing activities that are used to build
relationships with parts, organizations or other parts, in an effort to always be
connected directly or indirectly that contribute to the achievement of
organizational goals, especially the marketing department.
Zeithml and Bitner (2013: 138) define relationship marketing strategic
orientation, which focuses on retaining and developing existing customers, more
than attracting new customers. Chan (2008: 6) defines relationship marketing as
the introduction of each customer more closely by creating two-way
communication by managing a mutually beneficial relationship between the
customer and the company.
From this information, it can be defined that relationship marketing is the
process of creating a good relationship with all parties to improve the survival of
the company. Relationship marketing aims to establish communication between
the company and consumers.
Marketing Performance
Pelhan (1997) explained that marketing performance is a construct that can
generally be used to measure the impact of a company's strategy, Slater & Narver
(1995) also argues that marketing performance is a competitive effort Keller
(2018;145) explained that marketing performance is an overspent and
underdelivered point. Moghaddam (2013) also argues that marketing performance
is sales growth based on the extent to which the company is able to retain
Wiklund & Shepherd (2005) marketing performance is used as a measuring
instrument. Hatani (2003) explains that efforts to improve the company's
performance. Menon et al. (1999) performance Marketing is measured by a scale
of three indicators in which the level of achievement or performance of the
strategy. Prifti & Alimehmeti (2017) measures marketing performance using
market share, revenue, profit, cash flow and cost reduction. Risal et al. (2016) in
research used indicators of sales volume, market share and profitability marketing
performance and showed that marketing performance is influenced by market
orientation and marketing mix. Hapzi (2017) which uses SME marketing
performance indicators, namely the internal environment.
From the information of experts, marketing performance is something natural by
the company because it experiences sales growth. Marketing performance has
added value for companies that can be accounted for so that they have a better
Previous research
Amangala & Wali (2013) marketing performance has improved due to its internal
role with various strategies. Gronroos, (1985); Cahill (1995); Foreman and Money
(1995) & Varey (1995) argues that some components of marketing that are able to
improve marketing performance are the fault of internal hilistic-based marketing
by referring to integrated marketing and relationship marketing.
Conceptual framework
Various research on marketing performance has been conducted by Homburg &
Pflesser (2000) the performance of MSMEs is influenced by marketing mix and
innovation, and innovation is a medium that affects marketing mix on MSME
performance. MSME performance is measured using growth indikartors, market
participants and profitabiltias. Risal et al. (2016) in research used indicators of
sales volume, market share and profitability marketing performance and showed
that marketing performance is influenced by market orientation and marketing
mix. From that phenoma, the framework of the research concept is:
Picture. 1. Research Concept Framework
H1: Integrated marketing affects marketing performance
H2: Relationship marketing affects marketing performance
H3: Holistic marketing affects marketing performance
H4: Holistic marketing affects relationship marketing
H5: Holistic marketing affects urban social
H6: Marketing performance affects relationship marketing
H7: Marketing performance affects urban social
H8: Integrated marketing affects marketing performance through holistic
H9: Relationship marketing affects marketing performance through holistic
H10: Holistic marketing affects relationship marketing through marketing
H11: Holistic marketing affects urban social through marketing performance
Research methods
Research design uses descriptive quantitaf potifiesme which is used to answer
research questions. Basically, research with a positiveism approach is an
approach used by research by maximizing the functions of each construct built to
represent indicators of research variables. Research samples to support research
data are food and beverage companies in Southeast Asia that during the
pandemic have produced food and beverages with a production process of at least
50% with a sample number of 124 respondents. This is intended because in the
pandemic every company has decreased.
Research data is primary data in the form of answers from respondents presented
by researchers in the form of closed questionnaires so that each respondent's
answer will be able to reflect from the indicators. Research analysts use
multivariate analysis which of these analyses will be able to test and represent
relationships between variables.
Research results
Descriptive respondents
The description of the study respondent is used to explain how many selected
respondents are presented from table 1.
Table.1. Descriptive respondents
Source: primary data, 2022
From table 1, it is explained that the respondents of food companies that have
gone public amounted to 110 respondents while beverage companies amounted to
14 respondents. This explains that some of the respondents studied are
companies that have gone public, so they are able to represent every statement in
the statements in the office.
Construct validity test
The results of the analysis of the validity test of the research instrument showed
that the value of r calculated is greater than the value of r table for n = 124, α =
5%, then it can be concluded that all research instruments are valid which means
research instruments are able to measure what is measured for all research
questions presented in the questionnaire.
Testing the description of respondents has shown results with a variety and can
be explained according to the conditions on the research object. Furthermore, an
Outlier test is presented that aims to detect each research construct. Here is table
2 of the outlier test results.
Table 2. Outlier Test Results
Source: Primary data, 2021
Detection of outliers is done by paying attention to the value of Mahalanobis
distance (Ghozali, 2011: 125). The criteria used are based on the Chi-Square
Observation number
Mahalanobis d-squared
value at the degree of freedom (degree of freedom) 49 which is the number of
indicator variables at the significance level p<0.01. Mahalonabis distance X2 value
(129, 0.01) = 154,404 then it can be concluded that there is no value that exceeds
Structural Equation Model Test Results
Picture. 2. Research Concept Framework
Based on figure 2 can be explained in table 3 of the goodness of fit test.
of Fit
Cut-off Value
X2 Chi-
X2 with df;
≥ 0,05
≤ 2,00
≤ 0,08
≥ 0,95
≥ 0,90
≥ 0,90
Source: Primary data, 2022 processed
Table 3 explains that the results of the structural model test show that the criteria
for the goodness of fit value for chi-square (154,404) does not exceed the chi-square
table (α = 1%, DF = 49 with a probability level of 0.000 > a level of α = 1%. This
comparison explains that the null hypothesis is accepted which means there is no
difference between a model of structural equations built based on observational
data and one built on theory capable of explaining the condition of the
phenomenon that the researcher measured. Thus the structural equation model
can be accepted and used as a tool of analysis.
Integrated marketing affects marketing performance
The results of the study explained that integrated marketing improves marketing
performance. This means that integrated marketing is a company through
marketing channels that has given a message to consumers, consistent and
focused on communication. The results of the study were also supported by
research by Akhyani (2020) who explained that integrated marketing contributes
to the marketing department.
Relationship marketing affects marketing performance
The results of the study explained that relationship marketing contributes to
improving marketing performance. This is proven to increase marketing
performance, especially increasing sales volume.
Holistic marketing affects marketing performance
Holistic marketing is able to improve marketing performance so that the role of
holistic marketing is able to provide value for increasing sales volume.
Holistic marketing affects relationship marketing
Holistic marketing contributes to improving relationship marketing. This means
that intense communication is highly expected by the company for the
achievement of the company's vision and mission.
Holistic marketing affects urban social
Holistic marketing is a strategy used by companies in order to achieve increased
sales turnover, so that the negative impact is increasing social urban,
Marketing performance affects relationship marketing
Marketing performance contributes to improving relationship marketing. This
explains that the company needs a good relationship role with all consumer lines.
Marketing performance affects urban social. Marketing performance is a company
activity that has implications for increasing sales volume. Marketing performance
has a role to advance and provide value for the company with the support of
market performance, product performance and market share.
The results of the study explained that urban social is able to contribute to
improving marketing performance with an improved war on market performance.
The results of the study are in line with risal et al (2016) research which explains
that improvements in marketing performance are supported by market share.
Integrated marketing affects marketing performance through holistic marketing.
The role of integrated marketing provides reinforcement and support to improve
marketing performance played by holistic marketing.
The results of the study explained that integrated marketing is able to mediate, so
that marketing performance increases. Integrated marketing is a harmony
between strategies that have an impact on company policies, while the concept of
holistic marketing is more of a concept that makes marketing strategies better.
Relationship marketing affects marketing performance through holistic marketing
Holistic marketing has a role in accordance with a marketing strategy that is built
with values in relationship marketing. The concept of holisctic marketing makes
improvements in marketing performance, but in product performance support
has a small role so that the company has a responsibility to pay attention to the
product line.
The results of the study explained that the role of relationship marketing as
mediation, so that the improvement of marketing performance with holistic
marketing has synergized although there is still a small role in product
The conclusion of the study explains that integrated marketing and relationship
marketing improve marketing performance through holistic marketing. In
addition, holistic marketing is able to improve marketing performance, internal
marketing and social urban.
Research advice
For future researchers, please re-examine the variables of social urban and
integrated marketing because the role is still likely to be small. The results of the
study are expected to add knowledge, especially about marketing performance.
Meanwhile, for MSMEs, the results of research will be used as a consideration for
decision making.
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This study used a quantitative approach to measure the extent to which the implementation of aspects of Internal Marketing can increase job satisfaction of PNM Ulamm Gorontalo employees and their impact on customer satisfaction. The study involved 144 respondents from employee and customer clusters. Data sourced from questionnaires were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the internal marketing variable indicator namely service training program had a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; internal marketing variable indicator namely performance incentive has positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; internal marketing variable indicators namely vision of service excellence have a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction; internal marketing variable indicators namely service training programs do not significantly influence customer satisfaction; indicator of internal marketing variable, performance incentive, does not significantly influence customer satisfaction; internal marketing variable indicator namely vision about service excellence has a significant effect on customer satisfaction; job satisfaction of Ulamm PNM employees has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; Employee job satisfaction in this research model plays a full role as a mediating variable. From the conclusions obtained, the researcher recommends further researchers to be able to broaden the scope of research by involving other banking companies to obtain research results with a broader level of generalization.
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of internal marketing strategy on employee performance. More specifically, the study adopted the Greene et al (1994) domains of internal marketing such as: internal marketing promotion and reward systems as the predictor variable, while affective organizational commitment was adopted as the study moderating variable and employee performance as the criterion variable. The study adopted the quantitative research approach with the use of questionnaire instrument to elicit data from the target population; thereafter 150 employees were systematically selected from 10 service firms in the aviation sector located at the Port Harcourt International Airport of Nigeria; five insider contact men were used to distribute the questionnaire instrument. 126 units of the questionnaire were retrieved as used; the data generated were also analyzed using the Pearson Product moment Correlation Coefficient and Simple Regression with the support of SPSS version 18 to analyze the core data. Finding showed that internal marketing promotion has significant and positive impact on employee performance. Also, internal marketing reward systems showed a positive and significant impact on employee performance and a positive correlation was found between affective organizational commitment and employee performance. Therefore, this study has validated that internal marketing strategy is a strong tool for wining employee's commitment to work especially in the Nigeria Aviation sector. , it recommend for the stakeholders and managers of firms in the Nigerian aviation industry to engage the internal marketing strategy to motivate its employees to be optimally productive. Also, the managers of the firm should play the transformational leadership roles to its employees rather than the transactional leadership style which has the possibility of declining employees work performance. However, the implication of implementing this study recommendations are that employees' performance in terms of productivity will be enhanced.
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