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*Corresponding author: Mohammad Kanedi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
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Indonesian plants potentially to be used as the hair growth promoting agent
Mohammad Kanedi *
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(03), 171–175
Publication history: Received on 21 February 2022; revised on 26 March 2022; accepted on 28 March 2022
Article DOI:
Traditional hair care using ingredients from plants has been practiced for a long time by local people in many countries,
including Indonesia. However, biological-pharmaceutical scientific research has only flourished in the last two decades.
This article presents the results of research conducted by students and researchers in Indonesia. There are dozens of
types of plants in Indonesia that are known to have the potential to be developed as hair growth-promoting drugs. Even
so, there are still many weaknesses in the research process that must be overcome so that the validity of the information
on the efficacy of these plants in overcoming the problem of hair loss can be relied on.
Keywords: Alopecia; Hair Growth; Minoxidil; Hair Health; Hair Beauty
1. Introduction
Although technology in the field of cosmetics and medicine is now very developed, many people still suffer from distress
due to alopecia [1]. That is why many people are willing to spend a lot of money to care for and maintain the beauty of
their hair [2]. The high public interest in maintaining the health and beauty of hair is what drives researchers and hair
care practitioners around the world to keep looking for anti-hair loss [3]. So far, the standard drugs that have been
proven to be most effective in preventing hair loss are minoxidil and finasteride [4]. However, these two types of drugs
have side effects that limit their pharmacological benefits, so it is necessary to find natural substitutes for these synthetic
drugs. [5].
In the last decade there has been a lot of pharmacological research on the hair-growth promoting activities of plant
extracts using test animals and even man. Among the plants that have been tested for their pharmacological effects on
hair growth by researchers in various developing countries are Hibiscus rosa sinensis and Calotropis gigantea [6].
Naringi crenulata [7], Glycyrrhiza gabra L (Fabaceae) [8], Cucurbita pepo L[9], Centella asiatica, Cyperus rotundus and
Emblica officinalis [10].
From South Asia alone, Gupta et al. (2010) found dozens of herbs/plants that indicated to have anti-hair loss effects
including Emblica officinalis (Euphorbiaceae), Eclipta alba Linn. (Asteraceae), Cocos nucifera Linn (Palmae), Eucalyptus
globules (Myrtaceae), Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae), Azadirachta indica (Melliaceae), Hibiscus rosasinensis
(Malvaceae), Nardostachys jatamansi (Valerianaceae), Juniperus virginiana, Rosmarinus officinale Linn.
(Labiatae),Acacia concinna (Mimosaceae), Prunus dulcis (Rosaceae), Ginko biloba (Ginkgoaceae), Santalum album
(Santalaceae), Sesamum indicum (Pedaliaceae), Cassia angustifolia (Leguminoceae), Citrus limonum (Rutaceae), Rosa
damascena (Rosaceae), Salvia officinalis Linn.(Labiatae), Arnica montana (Apiaceae),Simmondsia chinensis
(Simmondiaceae), Trigonella foenum-graecum L (Fabaceae), and Ocimum sanctum (Labiatae) [11].
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(03), 171–175
What chemicals in plants have biological activity in promoting hair growth? From a variety of literature review, Semwal
et al. (2011) found there are dozens of phytochemical suspected effects on hair growth, including saponin, alkaloids,
ecliptine, wedelic acid, luteolin, triterpine, glycosides, β- sitosterol, hentriacontanol, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron calcium
oxalic, malic acid, α pinene, β pinene, fatty acid, sterol compounds, polyphenols, steroids, volatile oil and essential oil
In Indonesia, the use of natural ingredients for hair growth has been traditionally practiced by local people for a long
time. However, scientific pharmacological researches on the efficacy of natural ingredients in overcoming hair loss and
baldness have only been carried out massively recently. The results of research by students and researchers in the
biology-pharmaceutical field on the efficacy of various types of plants to promote hair growth and fertility in Indonesia
in the last two decades are presented in this article.
2. Indonesian herbs expected to be hair growth promoting agent
As in other countries in the South-Southeast Asia region, in Indonesia there are also dozens of plant species that deserve
to be proposed as natural ingredients for hair health care. The list of plant species that have been studied for their
properties in promoting hair growth is presented in Table 1.
Table 1 List of plants expected to be efficacious in promoting hair growth
Plant species
Subject tested
Morinda citrifolia L.
Flemish giant
At the concentration of 25% fruit extract
of Morinda citrifolia promote hair growth
beyond standard hair tonic
Hibiscus sabdariffa,
rosella plant
Rosella flower hair tonic provides a better
hair loss reduction effect than Ginseng
hair tonic (positive control) in wome
White rabbits
The extract of N. scutellarius give effect up
to 85% of hair growth in rabbits
compared to the positive control.
[15], [16]
Camellia sinensis L.
Rabbits, Lepus
Plant leaf extract of Camellia sinensis
significantly promote hair growth in
Anredera cordifolia
(Ten.) Steenis
Female rabbits,
Gel containing 25% Anredera cordifol
leaves extract most effective in promoting
hair growth
Peperomia pellucida L.
Male rabbits,
Topical gel containing plant extracts of P.
pellucida significantly hair growth in a
concentration-related manner
Aloe vera and Apium
graveolens L.
Wistar rats,
The combined extractof two plants causes
growth rate of 0.32 mm/day
Capsicum frutescent,
chili pepper
Plant leaf extract of chili pepper promote
hair growth better than that of Aloe vera
hair tonic.
Kalanchoe pinnata
Male rabbits,
At the highest concentration, promoting
activity of leaf gel extract of Kalanchoe
pinnata surpassed minoxidil.
Hibiscus tiliaciusL and
Tamarindus indica L.
Male rabbits
The effect of the combined extracts of the
two plants is close to the effect of
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(03), 171–175
Carica papaya L.
Male rabbits,
Gel extract of Carica papaya seeds at a
concentration 15% significantly promote
hair growth but not the hair mass.
Aloe vera
No significant effect of Aloe vera extract on
hair growth
Ipomoea aquatic Forsk
Male rabbits
(New Zealand
White strain)
Hair tonic contained 5% leaf extract of
Ipomoea aquatica effectively promote hair
growth in rabbits.
Persea americana Mill,
Cari capapaya L. and
Apium graveolens L
Male rats,
Combined extract 3 plants:
(1) change the color of hair
(2) increase growth of hair follicles
(3)causehyperkeratosis and
hypergranulosis in epidermal tissues
Vigna sinensis L and
Apium graviolens L.
Male rabbits
Combined extract of two plants increases
hair length up to 23 mmin 35 days.
Capsicum annum Var.
Albino mice
Gel fruit extract of gendon chili in
concentration of 5% increase hair growth
in mice
Amaranthus tricolor
The plant extract of Amaranthus tricolor
promote hair growth of rabbits in a
concentration-related manner
Momordica charantia
Male rats
Plant extract of Momordica charantia
exceeds the effect of standard drug
Etlingera elatior (Jack)
Male rabbits
Leaf extract of Etlingera elatiorat a
concentration of 10% effectively promote
hair growth in 28 days
Averrhoa bilimbi
Male rabbits,
Lepus nigricollis
Administration of the A. bilimbi extract
doubling hair growth compared to the
3. Critical issues of the research findings
Although there have been dozens of studies in Indonesia that report the types of plants that are worthy of being
recommended as drugs to promote hair growth, the results of these studies still require further study. First of all, the
preparations used are generally still in the form of crude extracts. This condition certainly cannot be used as a basis for
ascertaining the type of compound that actually has activity on the physiological process of hair growth. Next, the study
only focused on growth parameters in the form of hair length and/or mass. Meanwhile, the cellular aspects of the
epidermis and hair follicles have not been studied in detail.
Furthermore, there are still results that contradict the claims of previous researchers that the plant is very good for use
as a hair growth-promoting herb. This, for example, can be seen from the research results of Masyithoh et al. (2019)
which got results that Aloe vera did not show any significant difference in promoting hair growth. While the claims of
traditional communities and the findings of previous researchers, actually recommend Aloe vera as the best hair growth
promoting agent. Differences in research results with standard claims indicate something is wrong in the research
process. It may be related to the formulation of the research problem or the materials and tools used are not appropriate.
4. Conclusion
Despite the many weaknesses in the applied testing techniques, pharmacological research conducted in Indonesia in
the last two decades still has benefits in the search for plants for anti-alopecia drugs. At least, there are dozens of types
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(03), 171–175
of plants that grow in Indonesia, both native and exotic, which are known to have the potential to be developed as drugs
to promote hair growth.
Compliance with ethical standards
I would like to acknowledge my colleague at Department of Biology, faculty of mathematics and sciences, for their
inspirational supports.
Disclosure of conflict of interest
Author declared there is no competing interest.
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