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The Training Characteristics of World-Class Distance Runners: An Integration of Scientific Literature and Results-Proven Practice


Abstract and Figures

In this review we integrate the scientific literature and results-proven practice and outline a novel framework for understanding the training and development of elite long-distance performance. Herein, we describe how fundamental training characteristics and well-known training principles are applied. World-leading track runners (i.e., 5000 and 10,000 m) and marathon specialists participate in 9 ± 3 and 6 ± 2 (mean ± SD) annual competitions, respectively. The weekly running distance in the mid-preparation period is in the range 160–220 km for marathoners and 130–190 km for track runners. These differences are mainly explained by more running kilometers on each session for marathon runners. Both groups perform 11–14 sessions per week, and ≥ 80% of the total running volume is performed at low intensity throughout the training year. The training intensity distribution vary across mesocycles and differ between marathon and track runners, but common for both groups is that volume of race-pace running increases as the main competition approaches. The tapering process starts 7–10 days prior to the main competition. While the African runners live and train at high altitude (2000–2500 m above sea level) most of the year, most lowland athletes apply relatively long altitude camps during the preparation period. Overall, this review offers unique insights into the training characteristics of world-class distance runners by integrating scientific literature and results-proven practice, providing a point of departure for future studies related to the training and development in the Olympic long-distance events.
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
The Training Characteristics ofWorld-Class
Distance Runners: AnIntegration ofScientic
Literature andResults-Proven Practice
Thomas Haugen1* , Øyvind Sandbakk2,3, Stephen Seiler4 and Espen Tønnessen1
In this review we integrate the scientific literature and results-proven practice and outline a novel framework for
understanding the training and development of elite long-distance performance. Herein, we describe how funda-
mental training characteristics and well-known training principles are applied. World-leading track runners (i.e., 5000
and 10,000 m) and marathon specialists participate in 9 ± 3 and 6 ± 2 (mean ± SD) annual competitions, respec-
tively. The weekly running distance in the mid-preparation period is in the range 160–220 km for marathoners and
130–190 km for track runners. These differences are mainly explained by more running kilometers on each session
for marathon runners. Both groups perform 11–14 sessions per week, and 80% of the total running volume is
performed at low intensity throughout the training year. The training intensity distribution vary across mesocycles
and differ between marathon and track runners, but common for both groups is that volume of race-pace running
increases as the main competition approaches. The tapering process starts 7–10 days prior to the main competition.
While the African runners live and train at high altitude (2000–2500 m above sea level) most of the year, most lowland
athletes apply relatively long altitude camps during the preparation period. Overall, this review offers unique insights
into the training characteristics of world-class distance runners by integrating scientific literature and results-proven
practice, providing a point of departure for future studies related to the training and development in the Olympic
long-distance events.
Keywords: Endurance, Training periodization, Aerobic conditioning, Olympic athletes, Training logs
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Key Points
is review bridges the gap between science and
results-proven practice regarding how training prin-
ciples and training methods should be applied for the
Olympic long-distance events and identified clear
distinctions in training organization between track
runners and marathon specialists
e weekly running distance is in the range 160–
220km for marathoners and 130–190km for track
runners, with both groups performing 11–14 ses-
sions per week, and 80% of the total running vol-
ume at low intensity
Training intensity distribution varies across meso-
cycles and differs between marathon and track run-
ners, but common for both groups is that volume of
race-pace running increases as the main competition
Training for long-distance running (LDR) aims to
improve the “big three” performance-determining vari-
ables: maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max; the highest
rate at which the body can take up and utilize oxygen
Open Access
1 School of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College, PB 1190,
Sentrum, 0107 Oslo, Norway
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
during severe exercise), fractional utilization (the ability
to sustain a high percentage of VO2max when running),
and running economy (VO2 at a given submaximal run-
ning velocity). Together, these variables integrate the sus-
tained ability to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
aerobically and convert muscular work to power/speed
[111]. International runners demonstrate different com-
binations of these determinants, as an “acceptable value”
in one variable can be compensated for with extremely
high values in the other variables. In addition, a “fourth
variable,” neuromuscular power/anaerobic capacity, plays
an important role in the decisive end phase of tactical
track races [12]. Further, classic laboratory testing may
not capture a “fifth variable,” fatigue resistance associated
with specific adaptations that delay muscular deteriora-
tion and fatigue and enable maintaining race pace over
the final 7–10km of an elite marathon [13, 14]. Different
time courses in the development of these performance
determinants are very likely. is is exemplified by a case
study of former marathon world record holder Paula
Radcliffe who improved running economy by ~ 15%
between 1991 and 2003, while
O2max remained essen-
tially stable at ~ 70ml kg1 min1 [5].
Most world-class long-distance runners engage in sys-
tematic training for 8–10years prior to reaching a high
international standard [15]. Different pathways to excel-
lence have been described, as both early and late spe-
cialization, and different backgrounds from other sports,
can provide a platform for later elite LDR performance
[1518]. Several scientific publications during the last
two decades have described the training characteristics
of world-leading distance runners [1731]. However,
our understanding of best-practice LDR continues to
evolve, and it is fair to say that positive developments in
modern long-distance training methods have often been
driven by experienced coaches and athletes rather than
sports scientists [32]. Sport scientists have historically
found themselves testing hypotheses regarding why elite
athletes train as they do rather than driving innovation
around the how in the training process. Tightly controlled
and adequately powered laboratory studies that span the
months-to-years timescales associated with maximizing
all the above-mentioned physiological variables impact-
ing LDR performance have been essentially infeasible if
not impossible.
Publicly available coaching philosophies and training
logs of podium contestants from international athlet-
ics championships and world marathon majors consti-
tute a corpus of descriptive training information for the
international long-distance community. It is tempting to
call this corpus of information made available by inter-
national champions a description of training “best prac-
tice,” but some of our colleagues in the sports science
community would reasonably argue that we can only
know that this is results-proven practice, not if it is best
practice. Combining and cross-checking data sources
from available research evidence and results-proven
practice provides a valid point of departure for outlin-
ing current training recommendations and for generating
new hypotheses to be tested in future research [3336].
is integrative approach also facilitates unique insights
into training characteristics that previously have been
scarcely investigated, altogether allowing a more holistic
picture of “state-of-the-art” LDR training.
e objective of this review is therefore to integrate
scientific and results-proven practice literature regard-
ing the training and development of elite LDR perfor-
mance. Within this context, we will particularly explore
areas where the scientific literature offers limited infor-
mation compared to results-proven training information.
Moreover, the distinctions between training characteris-
tics of the most successful marathon runners and track
runners (i.e., 5000 and 10,000-m specialists) will be high-
lighted since they organize their training year differently.
Although anchored in the standard Olympic running
distances, this review is also relevant for other endurance
Methodological Considerations
e scientific literature supporting this narrative review
was obtained from PubMed, using varying combinations
of the search terms “endurance,” “long distance,” “mara-
thon,” “training,” “conditioning,” “running,” “elite,” “high
performing,” world-class,” “runners, ” and “athletes.” In
addition, we searched for non-scientific, publicly avail-
able, and English-language training information related
to podium contestants from international champion-
ships (i.e., Olympic Games [OG], World Championships
[WC], and continental championships) and world mara-
thon majors. Most of the training data were obtained
from websites (Runner Universe, Sweat Elite, Running
Science, LetsRun, and RunnersTribe) dedicated to pro-
viding the athletics community an expansive library of
information written by top athletes and coaches. Within
these websites, all relevant training logs and coaching
philosophies were purchased/downloaded and reviewed.
Training information from doping-banned athletes or
coaches were excluded. Moreover, a Google Search for
podium contestants (using athlete name and “training” as
search terms) and LDR books was performed. Although
we cannot guarantee that relevant data have not been
overlooked, the search revealed training logs/informa-
tion from 59 world-leading athletes and 16 coaches of
podium contestants [15, 37112] (Table1). is informa-
tion ranged from “typical training week” of various meso-
cycles to complete annual training logs. Interpretations
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
Table 1 Sources of results-proven practice
Athletes [Ref.] Personal bests (min) International merits
Said Aouita [39] 5000 m 12:58.39 (WR)—mile 3:46.76 Olympic gold 1984, WC gold 1987
Stefano Baldini [69] Marathon 2:07:22—Half marathon 1:00:50 Olympic gold 2004, EC gold 1998 and 2006
Dieter Baumann [40] 5000 m 12:54.70–3000 m 7:30.50 Olympic gold 1992, EC gold 1994
Kenenisa Bekele [81] 5000 m 12:37.35 (WR)—10,000 m 26:17.53 ( WR) 3× Olympic gold and 5× WC gold 2003–2009
Joan Benoit [97] Marathon 2:21:21—Half marathon 1:08:34 Olympic gold 1984
Gelindo Bordin [70] Marathon 2:10:32—Half marathon 1:03:16 Olympic gold 1988, EC gold 1986 and 1990
Robert de Castella [82] Marathon 2:07:51 (WR) WC gold 1983
Joshua Cheptegei [41] 5000 m 12:35.36 (WR)—10,000 m 26:11.00 (WR) Olympic gold and silver 2021, WC gold 2019
Stephen Cherono [60] 5000 m 12:48.81—3000 m SC 7:53.63 (WR) WC gold 2003 and 2005
Constantina Diță [83] Marathon 2:21:30—Half marathon 1:08:10 Olympic gold 2008, WC bronze 2005
Brendan Foster [62] 5000 m 13:14.6—10,000 m 27:30.3 Olympic bronze 1976, EC gold 1974
Haile Gebrselassie [42] 5000 m 12:39.36 ( WR)—10,000 m 26:22.75 (WR) 2× Olympic gold and 4× WC gold 1995–2000
Sifan Hassan [49] 1500 m 3:51.95—10,000 m 29:36.67 2× Olympic gold 2021, 2× WC gold 2019
Takayuki Inubushi [71] Marathon 2:06:57 Former Asian record holder in the marathon
Joyciline Jepkosgei [85] Marathon 2:18:40—Half marathon 1:04:51 (WR) WC silver 2018 and winner of New York marathon 2019
Steve Jones [80] Marathon 2:07:13 (WR) Winner of London and New York marathon in the 1980s
Deena Kastor [87] Marathon 2:19:36—Half marathon 1:07:34 Olympic bronze 2004
Meb Keflezighi [78] Marathon 2:09:08—10,000 m 27:13.98 Olympic silver 2004
Kip Keino [61] 5000 m 13:24.2—3000 m 7:39.6 2× Olympic gold and 2× Olympic silver 1968–1972
Bob Kennedy [43] 5000 m 12:58.21—3000 m 7:30.84 6th in the Olympics (1996) and WC (1997)
Sylvia Kibet [45] 5000 m 14:31.91—10,000 m 30:47.20 Olympic bronze 2008, WC silver 2009 and 2011
Eliud Kipchoge [76] Marathon 2:01:39 (WR)—5000 m 12:46.53 Olympic gold 2016 and 2021, WC gold 2003
Florence Kiplagat [46] Half marathon 1:05:09—10,000 m 30:11.53 WC gold 2009 and 2010 (cross-country and half marathon)
Wilson Kipsang [96] Marathon 2:03:13—Half marathon 58:59 Olympic bronze 2012, 5 World Marathon Major wins
Abel Kirui [75] Marathon 2:05:04—Half marathon 1:00:11 WC gold 2009 and 2011, Olympic silver 2012
Daniel Komen [57] 5000 m 12:39.74 (WR)—3000 m 7:20.67 ( WR) WC gold 1997
Brigid Kosgei [92] Marathon 2:14:04 (WR)—Half marathon 1:04:49 Olympic silver 2021, 1st in four Marathon majors 2018–2020
Paul M. Kosgei [93] Half marathon 59:07—10,000 m 27:21.56 WC gold (half marathon) 2002
Ingrid Kristiansen [63] 10,000 m 30:13.74 ( WR)—Marathon 2:21:06 (WR) WC gold 1987, EC gold 1986
Bernard Lagat [52] 5000 m 12:53.60—1500 m 3:26.34 2× WC gold 2007, Olympic silver 2004 and bronze 2000
Thomas Longosiwa [58] 5000 m 12:49.04—3000 m 7:30.09 Olympic bronze 2012
Tegla Loroupe [86] Marathon 2:20:43—10 000 m 30:32.03 3× WC gold (half marathon) and 2× WC silver 1995–1999
Lisa Martin [88] Marathon 2:23:51—10,000 m 31:11.72 Olympic silver 1988
Greg Meyer [79] Marathon 2:09:01—10,000 m 27:53.1 Winner of Boston marathon 1981 and 1983
Geoffrey Mutai [73] Marathon 2:04:15—Half marathon 58:58 Winner of New York, Boston and Berlin marathon 2011–2013
Imane Merga [59] 10 000 m 26:48.35—5000 m 12:53.58 WC bronze 2011, WC gold cross-country 2011
Lorraine Moller [97] Marathon 2:28:17 Olympic bronze 1992
David Moorcroft [51] 5000 m 13:00.41 ( WR)—3000 m 7:32.79 EC bronce 1978 and 1982
Moses Mosop [72] Marathon 2:05:03—10,000 m 26:49.55 WC bronze 2005
Craig Mottram [53] 5000 m 12:55.76—3000 m 7:32.19 WC bronze 2005
Caleb Ndiku [55] 5000 m 12:59.17—3000 m 7:30.99 WC silver 2015
Yobes Ondieki [56] 10,000 m 26:58.38 (WR)—5000 m 13:01.82 WC gold 1991
Sonia O’Sullivan [48] 5000 m 14:41.02—3000 m 8:21.64 WC gold 1995, 3 × EC gold 1994–1998, Olympic silver 2000
Jim Peters [64] Marathon 2:17:40 Four marathon WRs in the 1950s
Gordon Pirie [65] 5000 m 13:36.8—3000 m 7:52.8 Olympic silver 1956, EC bronze 1958
Paula Radcliffe [89] Marathon 2:15:25 ( WR)—10,000 m 30:01.09 WC gold, 3× WC half marathon gold, EC gold 2000–2005
Bill Rodgers [90] Marathon 2:09:27 (WR)—10,000 m 28:04.42 Multiple winner of Boston and New York marathon 1976–1980
Rodgers Rop [94] Marathon 2:07:32—Half marathon 1:00:56 Winner of New York and Boston marathon 2002
Molly Seidel [84] Marathon 2:25:13—Half marathon 1:08:29 Olympic bronze 2021
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
of longitudinal training logs were weighted more heavily
than “short-term” information. Similarly, training infor-
mation from the 50s, 60s, and 70s was mainly used to
provide historical context.
Several limitations to our approach must be acknowl-
edged. Firstly, the inclusion of results-proven training
information can be discussed since it is not based on
peer-reviewed research. However, elite athletes are
systematic in their collection of training “data” and
report their training accurately [23, 113], justifying the
extensive use of training logs as primary or second-
ary information sources in scientific training charac-
teristics studies within LDR [e.g., 1728]. Secondly,
an initial review of both the scientific literature and
results-proven practice reveals several biases, includ-
ing a substantial male dominance and focus on a few
successful training groups. Additionally, the lack of
a common framework (e.g., intensity zones) and ter-
minology can result in misinterpretations. Moreover,
the included literature cannot be controlled for pos-
sible training prescription–execution differences or
changes in training programs over the years. We are
also aware that many unsuccessful athletes have applied
the same “recipe” as successful runners. Hence, we par-
ticularly focus on common key features across varying
athlete groups. Finally, the widespread use of doping
in international athletics must also be acknowledged
[114, 115]. e outcomes of this review must therefore
be interpreted with these caveats in mind. Sensitive
to these limitations, we still contend that integrat-
ing scientific evidence and results-proven practice is a
strong point of departure for outlining state-of-the-art
training recommendations and for generation of new
hypotheses to be tested in future research.
Overall, the 59 listed athletes have won 51 medals in Olympic Games (22 gold, 15 silver, 11 bronze), 62 medals in World Athletics Championships (26-14-17), 56
medals in continental championships (25-11-17), 25 medals in World Athletics Half Marathon Championships (15-3-1), 52 medals in World Athletics Cross Country
Championships (31-8-9), 16 medals in World Athletics Indoor Championships (10-4-2) and 48 world marathon major wins. Eighteen of the listed athletes are former or
current world record holders
WC world championships, EC European championships, WR former or current world record holder
Table 1 (continued)
Athletes [Ref.] Personal bests (min) International merits
Toshihiko Seko [91] Marathon 2:08:27—10,000 m 27:42.17 Winner of Boston, London and Chicago marathon in the 1980s
Mubarak H. Shami [77] Marathon 2:07:19—Half marathon 1:00:47 WC silver 2007, WC half marathon silver 2005
Charlie Spedding [74] Marathon 2:08:33—10,000 m 28:08.12 Olympic bronze 1984
Ian Stewart [66] 10,000 m 27:43.03—5000 m 13:22.8 EC gold 1969, Olympic bronze 1972
Paul Tergat [54] 10,000 m 26:27.85—Marathon 2:04:55 (WR) 5× WC gold cross-country and 2× Olympic silver 1995–1900
Andy Vernon [50] 5000 m 13:11.50—10,000 m 27:42.62 EC silver and bronze 2014
Lasse Viren [67] 5000 m 13:16.4 (WR)—10,000 m 27:38.35 (WR) 4× Olympic gold 1972–1976, WC bronze 1974
Grethe Waitz [68] Marathon 2:24:54 (WR)—Half marathon 1:07:50 WC gold 1983 and 5× WC cross-country gold 1978–1983
Susanne Wigene [47] 10,000 m 30:32.36—5000 m 14:48.53 EC silver 2006
Emil Zatopek [97] 5000 m 13:57.0—10,000 m 28:54.2 4× Olympic golds and 4× EC golds 1948–1954
Coaches [ref.] Successful long-distance athletes Athlete merits
Nic Bideau [20] Craig Mottram WC bronze 2005
Bill Bowerman [21] Steve Prefontaine, Bill Dellinger, Matt Centrowitz Bowerman trained 31 Olympic athletes
Antonio Cabral [22] Alberto Chaica, Fernando Couto Olympic and WC finals
Renato Canova [23, 24] Abel Kirui, Sylvia Kibet, Imane Merga 45 Olympic/WC medals, 15 World Marathon Major wins
Jack Daniels [25] Coached seven athletes to the U.S. Olympic team Olympic finals
John Davis [26] Dick Quax, Lorraine Moller Olympic medals
Brad Hudson [27] Dathan Ritzenhein Olympic finals
Mihaly Igloi [28] Multiple long-distance athletes in the 1950s and 1960s A total of 49 world records
Arthur Lydiard [2931] Murray Halberg, Barry Magee Olympic medals in the 1960s
Mihaly Iglói [28] Sándor Iharos, Jim Beatty, Bob Schul His athletes achieved 49 WRs in the 1950s and 1960s
Steve Magness [32] Assistant coach and advisor for elite runners Seven top-15 finishes at WC
Kim McDonald [33] Daniel Komen, Stephen Cherono Olympic and WC medals
Terrence Mahon [34] Deena Kastor, Jen Rhines, and Ryan Hall Olympic medals and finals
Gabriele Rosa [35]Moses Tanui, Paul Tergat, Sammy Wanjiru Olympic medals
Joe Vigil [36, 37] Coach for the US Olympic team in 1998 Olympic finals
Chris Wardlaw [38] Steve Moneghetti, Rob De Castella, Craig Mottram WC medals
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
Training Periodization andCompetition
Information about the periodization pattern of LDR
training over the course of a year is scarce in the scientific
literature. Since Arthur Lydiard introduced his periodiza-
tion system in the late 1950s [4648], leading practition-
ers typically divide the training year (macrocycle) into
distinct, ordered phases (meso- or micro-cycles) with
the explicit goal of peaking for major competitions [15,
21, 2628, 3957, 63, 67, 73, 76, 92, 94, 99, 100]. Because
track and marathon specialists organize their training
year and competition schedule quite differently, we will
treat these groups separately in the remainder of this
At least three phases are typically organized within a
macrocycle for track runners: a preparation period, a
competition period, and a transition period. e tran-
sition period begins immediately after the conclusion
of the outdoor competition season, typically consist-
ing of 1–2weeks with rest or recreational training/low-
intensive running [15, 3944, 49, 5355, 63, 75, 87, 94],
although some athletes may take ~ 4weeks completely off
[73]. e preparation period is typically broken up into
general and specific preparation. In the general prepara-
tion period, the focus is high volume to build an aerobic
foundation. From the specific preparation period onward,
the focus gradually shifts toward higher volume of spe-
cific race-pace intensity [4044, 4956, 72, 73, 76, 92
94, 112]. Such organization of training has also recently
been verified as highly effective in the research literature
[116] and bears some resemblance with Matveyev’s tradi-
tional periodization model based on the training of suc-
cessful Soviet athletes during the 1950s and 1960s [117].
While the Matveyev model suggested a dramatic shift
from volume focus to intensity focus as the competition
period neared, most track runners maintain a high vol-
ume of subthreshold endurance training throughout the
preparation and competition period and are careful not
to overuse race-pace training or introduce it too early in
their annual cycle. is is somewhat in contrast to the
research literature, where under-performance caused by
overtraining/under-recovery tends to be closely associ-
ated with high volumes and/or densities of training rather
than reduced volume and increased intensity [118].
Some track runners apply double periodization (i.e.,
two peaking phases), consisting of a preparation phase, an
indoor or cross-country season, a new preparation phase,
and finally an outdoor track competition season (typi-
cally lasting 3–4months, starting in May and ending in
September) [56, 57, 68]. However, most world-class track
runners apply single periodization; they may participate
in cross-country or indoor competitions during their
preparation phase but use these competitions as part of
their training. A review of the competition schedule for
the athletes listed in Table1 (based on their most suc-
cessful year in an international championship) revealed
that track runners participated in 9 ± 3 (mean ± SD)
annual competitions, in which 6 ± 3 where outdoor races
prior to OG or WC [119]. About half of the outdoor races
were so-called “under-distances” (1500–3000 m), while
the remaining half consisted of 5- or 10,000-m competi-
tions. None of the analyzed track runners competed in
“over-distances” (e.g., half-marathon) in the 3–4 preced-
ing months leading up to the OG/WC. e last competi-
tion prior to OG/WC was performed 4 ± 2 weeks ahe ad,
and 3 ± 2 additional competitions were performed in the
subsequent 2–4weeks after their most successful cham-
pionship [119].
Marathon runners periodize their training year differ-
ently. e marathon runners listed in Table1 participated
in 6 ± 2 annual competitions in their most successful year,
or ~ 50% fewer races than the track runners. ese com-
petitions were distributed across 2 ± 1 marathons (sepa-
rated by at least 3months), 1 ± 1 half-marathon(s), and
3 ± 3 races over 5–15 km [119]. eir last competition
prior to OG/WC or a World Marathon Major was per-
formed 10 ± 5weeks ahead. Marathon runners typically
apply double periodization centered around spring and
autumn marathons, where the 7–14days following the
marathon competitions are completely training free or
very easy [15, 112]. e 5–6 preceding months leading up
to a marathon are typically divided into general and spe-
cific preparation [4042, 5254]. For track runners, the
focus gradually shifts throughout the preparation period
from achieving high total running volume to achieving
more running volume at or near race pace. Progression is
either based on extending the athlete’s accumulated ses-
sion duration at a goal pace [40, 41] or establishing high
intensity volume and then slowly increasing pace [92].
Some marathon runners even apply a reverse linear peri-
odization model, with the highest running volumes reg-
istered during the preceding weeks of the tapering phase
periods as the competition is approaching [112, 120].
e underlying mechanisms for the superiority of spe-
cific periodization models in LDR remain unclear, and
there is no direct evidence enabling us to compare out-
comes across various periodization methodologies [121].
Although scientific comparisons of different training
approaches at a macro-level are challenging to perform,
future studies should aim to verify and test the concepts
developed by the best practitioners over the last decades.
Training Methods
e specific training methods for LDR consist of vary-
ing forms of continuous long runs and interval training
(Table 2). ese training methods bear different labels
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
among practitioners, mainly depending on the intention/
goal of the training. For example, “easy runs” are some-
what misguidedly termed “recovery runs” or “regen-
eration” by some coaches [40, 41], assuming that their
value is merely to “accelerate recovery” prior to the next
hard session. No scientific studies to date support this
assumption, but the feeling of recovery might be caused
by the low load of such short easy runs, causing very
little interference with the ongoing recovery process.
However, accumulation of high frequency and volume
Table 2 Specific training methods for world-class long-distance runners
The outlined running velocities across the varying methods are based on running at sea level in at terrain. The exemplied sessions evolve throughout the training
year, either in the form of duration, number of repetitions, running velocity and/or recovery time between repetitions (depending on the goal of the session)
Varying denitions of the term “threshold” are used in previously published literature. In this review, we refer to “threshold” as an intensity close to half-marathon pace.
For elite runners, half marathon pace is at the upper end of the intensity range demarcated by LT1 and LT2 and approximates maximal lactate/metabolic steady state.
This appears consistent with how distance runners interpret the term in practice
Training method Description
Continuous running
Warm-up/cooldown, easy run Low-intensive running (typically 3–5 km h1 slower than marathon pace, i.e., 3:45–4:30 and 4:15–
5:00 min km1 for men and women), however, the last part of the warm-up may approach marathon
pace predominantly performed on soft surface (grass, woodland, forest paths, etc.). Typical duration
for warm-up/cooldown is 10–30 min. Easy runs are typically applied prior to or after hard training ses-
sions, typically lasting 40–70 min
Long run Low-intensive steady-state running (~ 1–2 km h1 slower than marathon pace, i.e., 3:05–3:30 and
3:30–4:00 min km1 for men and women, with marathoners in the faster ends of these ranges). Typical
duration is 45–120 min for track runners and 75–165 min for marathon runners. The running pace is
not necessarily constant throughout the session. This training method is more specific for maratho-
ners than track runners
Uphill run Low-intensive steady-state running uphill (grades 3–6%). Typical duration 20–45 min (6–10 km)
Threshold run (also called tempo run) A sustained run at moderate intensity/half-marathon pace (i.e., 2:50–3:05 and 3:05–3:30 min·km1
for men and women). Typical duration 20–50 min (7–15 km). The session should not be extremely
Fartlek An unstructured run over varying terrain lasting 30–60 min, where periods of fast running are inter-
mixed with periods of slower running. The pacing variations are determined by the athlete’s feelings
and rhythms, and the terrain
Progressive long runs A commonly used training form used by African runners. The first part of the session resembles an
easy run. After about half the distance, the pace gradually quickens. In the final portion, the pace
increases to half-marathon pace or slightly past it. Typical duration is 45–90 min. Athletes are advised
to slow down when the pace becomes too strenuous
Interval training
Threshold intervals (also called tempo intervals) Intervals of 3–15 min. duration at an intensity around half-marathon pace or slightly faster. Typical
sessions: 10–12 × 1000 m with 1 min. recovery or easy jog between intervals, 6–8 × 1500–2000 m
with 1–2 min. recovery or easy jog between intervals, or 4 × 5000 m with 1000 m easy jog in between.
Recommended total time for elite runners is 30–75 min. Such intervals are advantageous because
they allow the athlete to accumulate more total time than during a continuous threshold run
VO2max intervals Intervals of 2–4 min. duration at 3–10 K pace, with 2–3 min. recovery periods between intervals.
Typical sessions: 4–7 × 800–1000 m or 2 × (6 × 400 m) with 30–60 s and 2–3 min. recovery between
intervals and sets, respectively. Recommended total time for elite runners is ~ 15–20 min. This training
method is more specific for track runners than marathoners
Lactate tolerance training 5000-m runners perform 1–2 weekly training sessions with high levels of lactate in the pre-compe-
tition and competition period. Such intervals typically range from 150 to 600 m at 800–1500 m race
pace and 1–3 min. recoveries. Typical sessions: 10–16 × 200 m with 1 min. recovery between intervals,
or 1–2 × (10 × 400 m) with 60–90 s and 3–5 min. recoveries between intervals and sets, respectively.
Total accumulated distance ranges from 1500 to 8000 m in elite athletes
Hill repeats The main intention is overloading horizontal propulsive muscle groups while reducing ballistic
loading. Typical incline is 5–10%, and repetition duration vary from ~ 30 s to ~ 4 min. depending on
intensity, goal (aerobic intervals, lactate production or tolerance training) and time of season. Typi-
cal sessions: 8–10 × 200 m with easy jog back recoveries, or 6–8 × 800–1000 m with easy jog back
Speed work
Sprints 5–15 s runs with near-maximal to maximal effort and full recoveries. These can also be performed
as strides, progressive runs, hill sprints or flying sprints, the latter where the rate of acceleration is
reduced to allow more total distance at higher velocities. The main aim of the session is to develop or
maintain maximal sprinting speed without producing high levels of lactate
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
of low-intensity training (LIT) is considered an impor-
tant stimulus for inducing peripheral adaptations (e.g.,
increased mitochondrial biogenesis and capillary density
of the skeletal muscle) [122]. Accumulated volume of low
intensity running seems to be a characteristic of those
with better running economy [123, 124], and continuous
running is probably most beneficial in stimulating these
adaptations [125]. High volumes of LIT likely promote
better “neural entrainment,” decrease movement variabil-
ity, and reduce energy cost of movement [126].
e historical view is that, compared to a high fre-
quency of LIT bouts, high-intensity training (HIT) stimu-
lates central adaptations to a larger degree (e.g., increased
stroke volume of the heart) [127129]. However, in well-
trained athletes that are performing a high total volume
of training, further increases in
O2max are not consist-
ently observed after periods of increased HIT [130132].
However, there is growing evidence that HIT better stim-
ulates peripheral adaptations in fast-twitch motor units
via an adenosine monophosphate (AMP) sensitive sign-
aling pathway [133, 134]. In sum, HIT and LIT seem to
elicit a complex suite of overlapping and complementary
adaptations [127, 135137], justifying the judicious appli-
cation of varying training intensities for performance
development in LDR. Further, it is overly simplistic to
dichotomize the LDR training process into “high volume”
and “high intensity” phases or training bouts. Whether
discussing LIT or HIT, resulting adaptive signaling and
stress responses can only be understood when the con-
text of accumulated duration is added. Bill Bowerman,
co-founder of Nike and US coach at the 1972 Olympics
in Munich where Frank Shorter won the marathon, sum-
marized his training philosophy as follows: 2–3 weekly
interval sessions, a weekly long run, and fill the rest with
as much LIT as you can handle [15, 38]. is simple
training description holds true for the training organi-
zation of most successful long-distance runners during
the last 5decades (see “Intensity distribution” section).
However, while the interval sessions are considered “key”
sessions for track runners, the training organization for
marathoners is most often centered around their weekly
“long runs.
Several successful long-distance runners have sup-
plemented their sport-specific training with alternative
locomotion modalities, so-called cross-training, includ-
ing swimming, biking, cross-country skiing, and work-
outs on elliptical machines [15, 39, 57, 94]. Arguments
supporting the inclusion of cross-training include injury
prevention and avoidance of training monotony [138,
139]. Because running is associated with lower total
training duration and higher mechanical/ballistic load
compared to other locomotion modalities [140], one
could speculate if cross-training should be performed to
a larger extent among highly trained long-distance run-
ners to provide the same central and peripheral training
stimulus with lower muscular mechanical load. Future
long-term studies should aim to investigate the possible
aerobic training effects of various types of cross-training.
Less specific training forms such as strength, power
and plyometric training in small doses (relative to run-
ning training dosage) are commonly applied by world-
leading long-distance runners [15, 44, 5658, 60, 65, 70,
93, 94, 97, 104, 111]. Even though these training forms do
not duplicate the holistic running movement, they likely
target specific neuromuscular qualities that underlie
running economy. A review of the results-proven prac-
tice shows that such supplementary training is typically
implemented as a combination of (1) resistance training
using free weights or apparatus (squats, cleans, lunges,
step ups, leg press, etc.) without causing noteworthy
hypertrophy, (2) circuit training with body mass resist-
ance, (3) core strength/stability (e.g., sit-ups and back
exercises), and (4) plyometrics in the form of vertical and/
or horizontal multi-jumps on grass, inclines, stairs, hills
(e.g., bounding, skipping, squat jumps) or jumping over
hurdles [15, 44, 5658, 60, 65, 70, 93, 94, 97, 104, 111].
Overall, this supplementary training is poorly described
in terms of resistance loading, sets and repetitions, and
caution must therefore be made when drawing conclu-
sions. However, it appears that more strength, power and
plyometric training are implemented during early-to-mid
preparation (about twice a week) compared to the com-
petition period (typically zero or one weekly session)
[15, 44, 5658, 60, 65, 70, 93, 94, 97, 104, 111]. Several
studies have shown that strength, power and plyometric
training 2–3 times per week can improve running econ-
omy in long-distance runners [11, 29, 141143]. Paula
Radcliffe improved her vertical jump performance from
29 to 38cm between 1996 and 2003, a period where she
improved her running economy and marathon perfor-
mance considerably [5].
Training Volume
Most world-leading marathon runners train 500–
700 h year1, while most corresponding track runners
are in the range 450–600h year1 [15, 4043, 54, 73, 76,
79, 87, 94]. e relatively broad ranges in training volume
are also present in other endurance sports [132, 144
153] and are likely explained by individual differences in
mechanical training load tolerance, intensity distribution,
risk willingness, training age/career stage, application of
cross-training, genetics and perhaps also psychological
factors. e present training volume observations are in
line with other studies of top-class long- and middle-dis-
tance athletes [1921, 27, 28, 34], but a larger proportion
of middle-distance training is devoted to strength, power,
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
and plyometric training (particularly in 800-m runners)
[34]. Successful endurance athletes in cross-country ski-
ing, biathlon, cycling, triathlon, swimming, and row-
ing train considerably more (800–1200h per year) [132,
144153]. is is likely explained by the fact that LDR is
a weight-bearing exercise where rapid plyometric muscle
actions put high loads on muscles and tendons during
each step. Accordingly, both total training volume and
the duration of low-intensity sessions are relatively low
for LDR compared to the other endurance sports [140].
To obtain a relatively high training volume, world-leading
athletes seem to compensate by running twice a day most
of the week [40, 41, 5676, 79, 83112].
Many long-distance runners accumulate much of their
running kilometers on dirt roads/forest paths instead of
paved roads to reduce mechanical loading and maximize
training volume. is indicates that the running move-
ment per se is not the main contributor to limited train-
ing tolerance, but rather the leg-surface interaction and
resulting forces [140]. Running surface is a specific aspect
of training periodization for marathoners. Because major
marathons are performed exclusively on hard, paved
roads, marathon specialists will build in continuous runs
of increasing duration on asphalt or similar hard surfaces
as they specifically prepare for these events [15, 41].
A discussion of training volume and the constraints
created by mechanical interactions between runner and
running surface would be incomplete without mention-
ing running shoes. Recent developments on the foot-
wear front have received massive attention in the LDR
community. e “super-shoe” was introduced to road
running in 2016 and to track running in 2019, chronolog-
ically coincident with a wave of LDR records. ese shoes
are now subject to strict guidelines and testing [154]. e
footwear features behind these performance improve-
ments include shoe weight, material composition, heel
thickness, and bending stiffness, altogether improv-
ing running economy (and thereby performance) sig-
nificantly [155158]. Importantly in the context of LDR
training, anecdotal evidence (i.e., our discussions with
national-level distance runners) also suggests less muscle
soreness and increased training tolerance with the recent
shoe technology, altogether facilitating slightly increased
running volume. Future studies should investigate how
the current rapid development in shoe technology will
affect LDR training characteristics.
While most scientific studies tend to only report
training volume across macro- and mesocycles [e.g.,
17, 21, 27, 28], the results-proven practice describes
more detailed fluctuations throughout the training year.
Because most injuries are attributed to rapid and exces-
sive increases in training load [159, 160], elite performers
increase the total running volume gradually during the
initial 8–12weeks of the macrocycle. e initial training
week is performed with ~ 40–60% of peak weekly run-
ning volume, increasing by ~ 5–15 km each week until
maximal volume is reached [62, 63, 90, 94, 95, 100, 103].
is volume progression is mainly achieved by increasing
training frequency in the initial phase, then subsequently
raised further by lengthening individual training sessions.
Variations in training volume progression rate seem to
depend on training experience and individual predis-
positions. e younger the training age, and the longer
the transition period, the more careful progression from
early to mid-preparation within the macrocycle.
Typical weekly running volume in the mid-preparation
period is ~ 160–220km for marathon runners [15, 85
107, 111, 112] and 130–190km for track runners [5676,
112], distributed across 11–14 sessions. Peak weekly vol-
ume can reach 20–30km higher values for both groups,
but only for short periods (2–3 weeks) of time. ese
wide ranges must be interpreted in the context of run-
ning intensity. Some marathon runners cover “only” 130–
150km wk1; however, a considerably higher proportion
of their volume (25–30%) is at or near marathon race
pace, compared to others who cover 220–240km wk1,
with only 15–20% at or near marathon pace [85107,
112]. Training volume in elite LDR increases 8–10%
annually in their late teens and early 20s, before slightly
declining and stabilizing in their mid-20s [17, 18, 49,
53, 54]. e difference in volume between marathon
and track runners is mainly explained by fewer running
kilometers per session for track runners, as training fre-
quency is equal for both groups. As shown in Table 2,
some long-run sessions for marathon runners may last
up to 60min longer compared to track runners.
One could argue that the ~ 10% slower running veloc-
ity in women [161] should be compensated for with
less covered distance to ensure the same running dura-
tion between sexes. A counterargument is that men and
women should apply equal distances during practice
because they compete in the same disciplines [40, 41]. We
observed no sex differences in distance covered among
the track runners in this study. e analyzed female mar-
athon runners covered ~ 5% (~ 10km) less distance but
trained 30–40min wk1 longer than males [85107]. We
can only speculate if the longer training duration is to
compensate for the less covered distance.
Overall, total running volume has remained rela-
tively constant among world-leading long-distance
runners since the 1950–1960s [15, 4648, 78, 8082].
Some athletes have applied considerably higher volumes
( 300 km wk1), seemingly experiencing more chal-
lenges related to injury management and fatigue [15].
Based upon both biomechanical and physiological fac-
tors, it is tempting to speculate that lighter athletes
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
Table 3 Intensity scale for long-distance runners
BLa = typical blood lactate (normative blood lactate concentration values based on red-cell lysed blood); HR = typical heart rate; VO2max = maximal oxygen consumption; RPE = rating of perceived exertion;
AWD = typical accumulated work duration; Int. = interval; Rec. = typical recovery time (active or passive) between repetitions; LIT = low-intensity training; MIT = moderate-intensity training; HIT = high-intensity training
a Warm-up is typically performed in zone 1–3, although with shorter duration, while cooldowns are typically performed in zone 1–2
b Progressive runs are typically performed in zone 1–3
c The dierence between half-marathon and marathon speed is very small on an absolute scale among world-class long-distance runners. Hence, half-marathon pace represents the upper part of zone 3, while marathon
pace represents the lower part of the same zone. It is also important to note that physiological measures (and RPE) normally “drift” upward considerably during a competition, reecting a growing mismatch between
internal and external load. For example, heart rate may increase ~ 20 beats per minute (and cross into “zone 4 or 5”) during the latter half of a marathon race. Hence, the stated values are meant as training guidelines.
Finally, individual race pace evolves throughout the training year. For example, marathon pace may be 10–20s slower per kilometer during early preparation period, meaning similar physiological stress when running at
slower paces
Scale BLa HR VO2max RPE Pace reference AWD Int. time Rec Typical training methods
6-zone 3-zone mmol·L1% max % 6–20 min·session1min min
7 HIT n/a n/a n/a n/a 60–400 m 1–3 < 0:20 1–3 Maximal or progressive sprints, hill sprints
6 HIT > 8.0 n/a n/a 18–20 800–1500 m 5–20 0:30–2:00 0:30–3 Lactate tolerance training, hill repetitions
5 HIT 5.0–8.0 > 93 90–99 18–20 1500–5000 m 15–30 0:30–3 0:30–5 VO2max intervals, competitions, hill repetitions
4 HIT 3.5–5.0 88–92 85–89 16–18 10,000 m 20–35 3–6 1–5 VO2max intervals, hill repetitions, competitions
3 MIT 2.0–3.5 83–87 80–84 14–16 (Half) marathonb30–60 6–20 1–3 Threshold runs/intervals, fartlek, competitions
2 LIT 1.0–2.0 73–82 70–79 12–14 n/a 20–150 n/a n/a Long runs, uphill runs, progressive runsc
1 LIT < 1.0 60–72 55–69 9–12 n/a 20–150 n/a n/a Warm-up/cooldowna, easy long runs
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
tolerate higher running volumes over time compared to
their heavier counterparts. Assuming runners spend half
the step cycle time on the ground, then the vertical forces
exerted upon the ground must be twice the athlete’s body
weight. Hence, the higher the body weight, the higher the
impact forces during the landing phase. Moreover, slim
runners possess superior thermodynamical conditions,
as their sweat surface area to heat producing volume
ratio increases with decreasing body size [162].
Intensity Zones
While training volume in endurance sports is straight-
forward to quantify, training intensity quantification
is more complicated. e preponderance of scientific
and results-proven practice recommends that intensity
scales/zones/domains in LDR should be based on physi-
ological parameters (e.g., heart rate ranges, ventilatory/
lactate thresholds), external work rates (running pace
or types of training), or perceived exertion [17, 18, 21,
22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 4042, 54, 112, 135, 163165], but no
consensus has so far been established. We would argue
that this lack of consensus is consistent with an uncom-
fortable truth; no single intensity parameter performs
satisfactorily in isolation as an intensity guide due to (1)
intensity–duration interactions and uncoupling of inter-
nal and external workload, (2) individual and day-to-day
variation, and (3) strain responses that can carry over
from preceding workouts and transiently disrupt these
relationships [13, 166, 167]. Consequently, combining
external load, internal load, and perception regularly dur-
ing training provides a triangulation of intensity charac-
teristics that is probably complimentary and informative.
Whatever intensity parameter that is chosen, describing
and comparing training characteristics requires a com-
mon intensity scale. To address this, we have developed
both a 3- and 7-zone intensity model (Table 3). ese
are mainly anchored around race pace and reflect the
practices of world-leading track and marathon runners.
In this way, we can analyze their training logs in more
detail. Compared to our previously developed intensity
scale for 800/1500-m specialists [34], this version was
deemed more representative because (1) lactate produc-
tion sessions are rarely performed in LDR, (2) long-dis-
tance runners present lower blood lactate values within
each intensity zone, and (3) long-distance runners exhibit
less pronounced velocity declines with increasing train-
ing/repetition duration. Admittedly, presenting two “cus-
tomized” intensity scales when there is overlap among
middle- and long-distance performers may be provoca-
tive, but we argue that the present scale better reflects
the nature of long-distance training. Indeed, standard-
ized intensity zone systems are imperfect tools and have
been criticized for several reasons [34, 135, 168, 169].
However, the potential error sources seem to be out-
weighed by the improved communication between coach
and athlete that a common scale facilitates [34, 135]. e
intensity scale outlined here (Table3) can be used as a
framework for both scientist and practitioners involved
in LDR.
Endurance athletes employ varying methods of inten-
sity distribution quantification. ese are anchored
around blood lactate ranges, running pace references,
“time-in-zone” heart rate analysis calibrated against pre-
liminary threshold testing, or the “session goal” approach
where each training session is nominally allocated to an
intensity zone based on the intensity of the main work-
out part [112, 135, 164, 170]. e method of intensity
quantification can affect the calculation of the intensity
distribution [25, 168]. Based on the nature of available
results-proven practice [15, 37112], the time/distance-
in-zone approach was applied in this review to assess the
intensity distribution for the analyzed running sessions.
Intensity Distribution
e description of training intensity distribution in pre-
vious studies of long-distance runners can mainly be
categorized into the following three models: (1) e
pyramidal model, characterized by a large volume of
LIT combined with a small volume of moderate-inten-
sity training (MIT) and an even smaller volume of HIT,
(2) the polarized model, where the same large volume
of LIT is combined with less MIT and more HIT, and
(3) the threshold model, where a relatively larger pro-
portion of training is performed in the threshold inten-
sity range demarcated by lactate/ventilatory thresholds
1 (LT1/VT1) and 2 LT2/VT2 [17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 28, 112,
135, 163, 164, 170172]. Indeed, these intensity distribu-
tion definitions have been argued to be vague and inad-
equate, forming a basis for misinterpretations [173, 174].
While previous studies have tended to focus on what
model is most optimal for performance based on aggre-
gated data for the entire training year [17, 18, 21, 25, 26,
28], the results-proven practice shows that athletes adjust
intensity distribution modestly across meso- and micro-
cycles (see later paragraphs in this section). It should also
be noted that both MIT- and HIT-training sessions are
psychologically and physiologically demanding, requir-
ing increased recovery time between blocks or sessions
compared to training at lower intensity. In this context,
training at “moderate” intensity is relatively more meta-
bolically demanding in highly trained endurance athletes
because they can run at a very high percentage of their
O2max during MIT-sessions [6, 175].
e most consistent training intensity characteristic
of elite distance runners is that most of the running dis-
tance ( 80%) is performed at low intensity throughout
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
the training year (corresponding to zone 1 and 2 in our
7-zone scale) [15, 37112], in line with previous research
[15, 1722, 2528, 112, 135, 164, 168172]. Most of this
training is in turn executed in zone 1, and the duration
of the easy runs is very stable throughout the training
year. Because zone 2 is closer to marathon pace, a higher
proportion of zone 2 is applied by marathon specialists,
particularly during the specific preparation period [40,
41, 8597, 100]. Weekly long runs are one of the most
important sessions for marathon runners in this period
[40, 41], typically performed as 30–40 km runs slightly
below marathon pace. In contrast, an increasingly higher
proportion of LIT is performed in zone 1 for track run-
ners as the competition season approaches [41, 7276].
Training in zone 3 (in the 6-zone scale) represents
5–15% of the total running volume in elite long-distance
runners [15, 37112]. However, this proportion can
vary across meso- and micro-cycles. ere is a trend
among marathon runners toward performing a higher
proportion of zone-3 training as the major competition
approaches [40, 41, 8597, 100]. Track runners seem to
follow an opposite organization, as the highest amount of
zone-3 training is performed in the early-to-mid prepara-
tion period, before decreasing when the competition sea-
son is nearing [41, 60, 7276]. According to Casado etal.
[17, 18], tempo runs (continuous running in zone 2–3 in
our model) account for ~ 20% of the total annual running
volume in world-class Kenyan long-distance runners,
corresponding well with observations of Billat etal. [20]
and data compiled here.
Interval training in zone 4–5 also represents 5–15% of
the total running volume, but this proportion is inversely
related to zone 3-training. at is, marathon runners
perform most training in zones 4–5 in the early-to-mid
preparation period before replacing such training with
more extensive bouts of zone-3 and upper end of zone-2
training as the major competition approaches [40, 41,
8597, 100]. In contrast, track runners increase the pro-
portion of zone 4–5 training at the expense of zone 3 as
the competition season approaches [41, 60, 7276].
During the pre-competition and competition period,
most world-class 5000-m runners perform 1–2 weekly
interval training sessions in zone 6 or in combination
with zone 5 [56, 68, 7276]. ese runners may perform
10–20km weekly in zone 5–6 between May and August,
while most marathoners avoid training with such high
amounts of lactic/glycolytic energy release [40, 41, 85
97, 100].
Distance runners perform sprint training (zone 7 in
our model) regularly during the annual cycle, although
this accounts for less than 1% of the total running volume
[15, 37, 40, 4244, 49, 51, 5460, 66, 6876, 85, 88, 90,
91, 93, 94, 97, 102, 103, 105, 109111]. Sprint training
is considered a supplement rather than the main goal
of separate training sessions and is typically performed
during the last part of the warm-up or after easy long
runs. It is generally assumed that sprint training should
be performed without accumulation of fatigue (often
indicated by increasing levels of blood lactate). e dis-
tances are most commonly in the range 60–120m, with
sufficient recovery between each repetition. Most sprint
runs are performed with low to moderate rate of accel-
eration (i.e., strides, progressive runs, hills sprints, or fly-
ing sprints), likely because the energy demands during
maximal acceleration greatly exceed those at peak veloc-
ity [176]. However, high amounts of endurance training
limit the development of muscular power [177, 178], and
it is unrealistic to expect significant sprint performance
development in elite long-distance runners. Hence, sprint
training is mainly performed to minimize the negative
impact of aerobic conditioning on maximal sprint speed.
In summary, the annual training intensity distribution
is very similar for track runners and marathon specialists,
as low intensity volume dominates. However, substan-
tial differences may be present within each mesocycle.
Both groups increase the volume of race-pace running
as the main competition approaches. Table4 contrasts
case study examples of typical training weeks across the
annual cycle for a track runner and marathon specialist.
Tapering in elite sports refers to the marked reduction
of total training load prior to important competition(s).
is is a short-term balancing act, as tapering strategies
are intended to decrease the cumulative effects of fatigue
while maintaining fitness [179, 180]. Because tapering
strategies and outcomes are heavily dependent on the
preceding training load, it is often challenging to separate
tapering from periodization and training programming
in general. According to previous research, a successful
taper may enhance competition performance in well-
trained endurance athletes by ~ 1–3% [179182]. How-
ever, this claim is challenging to verify in elite LDR, as
numerous confounding external variables (race tactics/
pacing, weather conditions, competitors, etc.) influence
performance in many important competitions where
runners compete for medals and not for the best possible
time [183185]. It has also been shown that outstanding
performances across a 3-month competition period can
be achieved, without tapering for a specific competition,
by merely reducing the training substantially in the last
4–5days prior to each competition [73].
In cases where major competitions are arranged in
warm and/or humid cities, and perhaps also many
time zones away from the athletes’ regular loca-
tion, tapering is integrated with time-, heat-, and
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
Table 4 Case study examples of training weeks for a marathon specialist and a track runner
Their training was performed in hilly terrain on uneven surface at 2000–2500m altitude. The training data of Thomas Longosiwa were provided by his coach Renato
Canova, while the training data of Eliud Kipchoge are publicly available [76]
M morning session, E evening session, z training zone (see this table)
Day Eliud Kipchoge (gold medalist in Rio de Janeiro 2016 and Tokyo 2021 Olympics)
General preparation period Specic preparation period
Mon M: 16–21 km, average pace 3:50–4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 21 km, average pace 3:20 min·km1 (zone 2)
E: 8–12 km, average pace 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace 4:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
Tue M: 10–15 min warm-up (~ 3 km) (zone 1). 12–15 km interval training
on a dirt track (e.g., 15 × 1000 m at 2:50–2:55 min·km1 (zone 4) with
90 s rest
M: 3 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 1200 m in 3:25 min (zone
3), 5 × 1 km in 2:55 min (zone 3) with 90 s rest, 3 × 300 m in 42–40 s
(zone 5) with 60 s rest, 2 × 200 m in 27 s (zone 5) with 60 s rest. 3 km
cooldown in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 8–10 km, average pace 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: Rest
Wed M: 16–21 km, average pace 3:50–4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 18 km, average pace 3:55–4:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 8–12 km, 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 11 km, average pace 4:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
Thu M: 30 or 40 km long run, average pace 3:00–3:25 min·km1 (zone 2–3),
depending on terrain M: 40 km tempo run (tough and muddy course), average
pace ~ 3:40 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 8–12 km, average pace 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: Rest
Fri M: 16–21 km, average pace 3:50–4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 18 km, average pace 3:50–3:55 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 8–12 km, 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace ~ 3:55 min·km1 (zone 1)
Sat M: 50–65 min fartlek (zone 1–3), either with long intervals (e.g.,
4 × 10 min with 2 min rest) or short intervals (e.g., 25 × 1 min with
1 min rest)
M: 85 min fartlek including 10 min warm-up at 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1),
30 × 1 min at pace 2:45 min·km1 (zone 4) with 1 min easy jog (zone 1)
in between, 15 min cooldown (zone 1)
E: 8–12 km, 4:30–5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: Rest
Sun M: 18–22 km, average pace 3:50–4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 20 km, average pace ~ 3:50 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: Rest E: Rest
Weekly total of 200–220 km (82–84% LIT, 9–10% MIT, 7–8% HIT) Weekly total of ~ 185 km (~ 91% LIT, ~ 3% MIT, ~ 6% HIT)
Day Thomas Longosiwa (5000-m bronze medalist in London 2012 Olympics)
General preparation period Competition period
Mon M: 15 km, average pace 4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 20 km, average pace 3:45–3:50 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 11 km, average pace 4:30 min·km1 (zone 1). 10 × 80 m sprint uphill
(zone 6) E: 4 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 8 × 300 m steep uphill
(zone 5)
Tue M: 21 km, average pace 3:30 min·km1 (zone 1–2) M: 4 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 19 km fartlek with
7 km average pace 2:52 min·km1 (zone 3), 6 km with average pace
3:24 min·km1 (zone 2), and 6 km with average pace 3:50 min·km1
(zone 1)
E: 11 km, average pace 4:30 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
Wed M: 4 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 5 × 1000 m in 2:52 min
(zone 4), 6 × 600 m in 1:38 min (zone 5), 7 × 300 m in 46 s (zone 5),
3000 m in 9:00 min (zone 3)
M: 18 km, average pace 4:10 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 8 km, average pace 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace 4:40 min·km1 (zone 1)
Thu M: 17 km, average pace 4:05–4:10 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 4 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 5 × 2000 m with alter-
nating speed every 400 m, where a total of 6 km was performed with
average pace 2:35–2:45 min·km1 (zone 5). The remaining 4 km was
performed with average pace 3:05–3:10 min·km1 (zone 3)
E: 11 km, average pace 4:30 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1)
Fri M: 15 km, average pace 4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) M: 18 km, average pace 3:40–3:45 min·km1 (zone 1)
E: 15 km, average pace 4:00 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 10 km, average pace 4:40 min·km1 (zone 1)
Sat M: 4 km warm-up, average pace 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 12 km, average
pace 3:06 min·km1 (zone 3) M: 4 km warm-up in 5:00 min·km1 (zone 1). 3 × (5 × 600 m) in
1:33–1:34 min (zone 5)
E: 11 km, average pace 4:30 min·km1 (zone 1) E: 12 km, average pace 4:10 min·km1 (zone 1)
Sun M: 24 km, average pace 3:50 min·km1 (zone 1) M: Rest
E: Rest E: Rest
Weekly total of 193 km (86% LIT, 8% MIT, 6% HIT) Weekly total of 163 km (85% LIT, 7% MIT, 8% HIT)
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
humidity-acclimatization processes. For more details
related to these topics, we refer readers to previously
published reviews [186188].
e general scientific guidelines for effective taper-
ing in endurance sports include a 2- to 3-week period
with 40–60% reduction in training volume adopting
a progressive nonlinear format, while training inten-
sity and frequency are maintained [179182]. However,
most long-distance runners do not report a substantial
decrease in training volume until the last 7–10days prior
to competition [61, 69, 74, 75, 8595, 97]. Table5 pre-
sents training volume distribution across intensity zones
for 10 world-class marathon runners during the count-
down to a major competition.
A review of the competition schedule for the athletes
listed in Table1 (based on their most successful year in
an international championship) revealed that the last
competition was performed 10 ± 5 and 4 ± 2 weeks prior
to the season’s main competition for marathon run-
ners and track runners, respectively [119]. Arrival at the
championship destination typically occurs 7–10 days
ahead of competition [39, 54, 57, 94]. e last intensive
session (e.g., 10 × 200m at race pace with optional recov-
eries) is typically performed 3–5days ahead of the main
championship event [40, 61, 74, 75, 100].
Altitude Training
e LDR community became aware of the impact of
altitude on endurance performance in the late 1960s
and particularly in connection with the 1968 Olym-
pics in Mexico City (2300m above sea level). Clearly,
sufficient altitude acclimatization ahead of endur-
ance competitions at altitudes 1000m above sea level
is required to perform optimally [189, 190]. How-
ever, many athletes additionally use longer sojourns
at altitude to enhance aerobic endurance capacity and
thereby performance at sea level, mainly with the goal
of increasing red blood cell mass [191]. Since 1968,
> 90% of all OG/WC medals from the 800m through
the marathon have been won by athletes who have lived
or systematically trained at altitude [9, 15, 103].
e potential effect of altitude training is influenced
by the hypoxic dose, which is a function of the dura-
tion of the stay and the altitude [192]. Most world-
class African runners apply the "live high—train high”
model, as they live and carry out LIT-, MIT-, and HIT-
sessions relatively high (2000–2500m above sea level)
[9]. Athletes from lowlands typically perform relatively
long altitude camps during the preparation period and
one camp 2–4weeks prior to the most important com-
petition, with most emphasis on LIT and MIT-sessions
[57, 85, 100, 103, 111]. However, the optimal time of
return from altitude camps to lowland competition is
disputed [193] and warrants further investigations. e
ability to train effectively at altitude may be one feature
that distinguishes African runners from their European,
American, and Asian competitors [9]. In all cases, suc-
cessful use of altitude training by the best long-distance
runners is characterized by individualized, well-bal-
anced training load and optimized recovery strategies
through adequate sleep, rest and nutritional factors as
described in detail elsewhere [e.g., 19, 194].
It has been questioned whether altitude training has
positive effects on endurance capacity and sea-level
performance beyond the effects achieved with similar
training performed at sea level. Here, high-quality sci-
entific evidence is limited, and researchers interpret
the current scientific data differently [195, 196]. Alti-
tude training research is methodologically demanding
due to the difficulty of standardizing the intervention,
including control groups, and controlling other psycho-
logical and physiological confounders during altitude
training. Although research provides limited support
for a positive effect of altitude training on sea-level
performance in endurance sports, these studies remain
scarce and underpowered to detect the small adapta-
tions that may be of importance in elite LDR. is is
illustrated through the large individual differences in
blood responses documented in connection with alti-
tude training [197]. Consequently, a nuanced view on
altitude training is warranted.
Table 5 Training volume across intensity zones for 10 world-
class marathon runners during the countdown to a major
All data are stated in km (mean ± SD)
a Major competition not included. Zone 6–7 training accounted for < 0.5km
on average in these weeks. The data are collected from training logs from
the following athletes (and competitions): Stefano Baldini (Olympic gold in
Athens 2004 with 2:10:55), Kenenisa Bekele (winner of Berlin Marathon 2019
with2:01:41), Gelindo Bordin (Olympic gold in Seoul 1988 with 2:10:32), Takayuki
Inubushi (2nd in Berlin Marathon 1999 with 2:06:57), Meb Keezighi (winner of
Boston Marathon 2014 with 2:08:37), Eliud Kipchoge (winner of Berlin Marathon
2017 with 2:03:32), Abel Kirui (World Championship gold in Daegu 2011 with
2:07:37), Moses Mosop (2nd in Boston Marathon 2011 with 2:03:06), Georey
Mutai (winner of New York Marathon 2011 with 2:05:05), Mubarak Hassan Shami
(winner of Paris Marathon 2007 with 2:07:17)
Week 5 Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1a
Total volume 191 ± 29 184 ± 24 188 ± 17 170 ± 30 116 ± 27
Zone 1 150 ± 29 138 ± 22 150 ± 22 134 ± 30 98 ± 22
Zone 2 18 ± 15 27 ± 15 11 ± 13 13 ± 13 5 ± 5
Zone 3 17 ± 8 12 ± 9 21 ± 11 16 ± 15 10 ± 12
Zone 4 3 ± 7 7 ± 7 5 ± 6 5 ± 4 2 ± 2
Zone 5 2 ± 4 1 ± 2 0 ± 1 2 ± 4 2 ± 2
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Haugenetal. Sports Medicine - Open (2022) 8:46
is review integrates the scientific literature and
results-proven practice regarding the training and
development of world-class LDR performance. Herein,
we have outlined a framework for specific character-
istics (i.e., training methods, volume, and intensity)
and identified the training organization differences
between track runners and marathon specialists. Mar-
athon and track runners participate in 6 ± 2 and 9 ± 3
(mean ± SD) annual competitions, respectively. Typical
weekly running volume in the mid-preparation period
is in the range 160–220km for marathon runners and
130–190 km for track runners. ese differences are
mainly explained by fewer running kilometers for each
session for track runners, as training frequency (11–14
sessions per week) is equal for both groups. Moreo-
ver, 80% of total running distance is performed at
low intensity throughout the training year. In the gen-
eral preparation period, the focus is to build an aero-
bic foundation by a large total running volume. From
the specific preparation period onward, the volume
of race-pace running increases as the main competi-
tion approaches. Hence, training intensity distribution
models vary across mesocycles and differ between mar-
athon and track runners. While the African runners
live and train at high altitude (2000–2500m above sea
level), most lowland athletes apply relatively long alti-
tude camps during the preparation period. e tapering
process starts 7–10days prior to the main competition,
typically preceded by a 2–4-week altitude camp. Over-
all, this review offers novel insights into areas of LDR
training that formerly have been scarcely studied in the
scientific literature, providing a point of departure for
future studies and may serve as a position statement
related to the training and development in the Olympic
long-distance events.
The authors want to thank Renato Canova, Michele Zanini, Sondre Nordstad
Moen, and Kristian Ulriksen for their thoughtful and valuable inputs and con-
tributions during a process of “stress testing” our interpretation of elite training
practice with top practitioners.
Authors’ Contributions
TH, ØS and ET planned the review. TH and ET retrieved the relevant literature.
All authors (TH, SS, ØS, EE, and ET ) were engaged in drafting and revising the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
No sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this article.
Availability of Data and Materials
All data and materials support the published claims and comply with field
Code Availability
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 School of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College, PB 1190, Sentrum,
0107 Oslo, Norway. 2 Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science,
Centre for Elite Sports Research, Norwegian University of Science and Tech-
nology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway. 3 School of Sport Sciences, UiT The Arctic
University of Norway of Health Sciences, Tromsø, Norway. 4 Faculty of Health
and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, PB 422, 4604 Kristiansand, Norway.
Received: 18 December 2021 Accepted: 22 March 2022
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... Elite athletes benefit from full-time dedication to their training which may enable them to accumulate high training loads (e.g. 160-220 km in elite distance runners [18]). Conversely, there is a scarcity of data regarding the TID practices of recreational athletes [19,20]. ...
... Further, recreational athletes may have limited time available for training and thus may not be able to accumulate very large training volumes, as typically seen in elite athletes. Moreover, existing evidence on what may be considered 'best' practice by elite athletes includes a substantial focus on male athletes [13,18]. For example, in a systematic review conducted by Casado and colleagues [13] to observe the training practices of 142 elite distance runners, only 11 (~ 8%) were female. ...
... For example, in a systematic review conducted by Casado and colleagues [13] to observe the training practices of 142 elite distance runners, only 11 (~ 8%) were female. Similarly, when considering results-proven practice of 59 world-leading athletes, only 17 (~ 29%) athletes were female [18]. Observational studies using large databases have previously been used to identify determinants of marathon success [21][22][23], but an analysis of TID in a large sample of marathon runners with heterogeneous levels of performance is lacking. ...
Full-text available
Background The training characteristics and training intensity distribution (TID) of elite athletes have been extensively studied, but a comprehensive analysis of the TID across runners from different performance levels is lacking. Methods Training sessions from the 16 weeks preceding 151,813 marathons completed by 119,452 runners were analysed. The TID was quantified using a three-zone approach (Z1, Z2 and Z3), where critical speed defined the boundary between Z2 and Z3, and the transition between Z1 and Z2 was assumed to occur at 82.3% of critical speed. Training characteristics and TID were reported based on marathon finish time. Results Training volume across all runners was 45.1 ± 26.4 km·week⁻¹, but the fastest runners within the dataset (marathon time 120–150 min) accumulated > three times more volume than slower runners. The amount of training time completed in Z2 and Z3 running remained relatively stable across performance levels, but the proportion of Z1 was higher in progressively faster groups. The most common TID approach was pyramidal, adopted by > 80% of runners with the fastest marathon times. There were strong, negative correlations (p < 0.01, R² ≥ 0.90) between marathon time and markers of training volume, and the proportion of training volume completed in Z1. However, the proportions of training completed in Z2 and Z3 were correlated (p < 0.01, R² ≥ 0.85) with slower marathon times. Conclusion The fastest runners in this dataset featured large training volumes, achieved primarily by increasing training volume in Z1. Marathon runners adopted a pyramidal TID approach, and the prevalence of pyramidal TID increased in the fastest runners.
... These variables are: _ VO 2 max; the energy cost of the sport-specific movement pattern, which is a complex influenced by different underpinning factors (i.e., cardiorespiratory, biomechanical, neuromuscular); and the ability to maintain a submaximal exercise intensity (i.e., high % of _ VO 2 max) related to the critical power/speed, that is near to the anaerobic threshold (1,3,11,25,36,37,46,53,73). In fact, the interaction of these variables determines athletes' endurance sport-specific performance (i.e., time-trial [TT] and competition performance) (29,36,38). In this sense, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis has determined that POL leads Figure 1. ...
... These recommendations would support the application of both POL and PYR models, as they allow athletes to accumulate a greater volume of training in Z3 than other TID approaches. Similarly, from a physiological mechanism standpoint, and according to previous scientific literature, it could be hypothesized that both POL and PYR TID may produce superior _ VO 2 max gains by optimizing both central (i.e., increased cardiac output and plasma volume) and peripheral (i.e., increased mitochondrial biogenesis and capillary density of the skeletal muscle) aerobic adaptations (7,29,81). On the other hand, based on the studies analyzed, the intervention period could also influence changes in functional capacity, as longer training periods seem to report greater improvements in _ VO 2 max. Therefore, from a practical perspective, the implementation of POL and PYR TID models seems to be appropriate for improving _ VO 2 max or _ VO 2 peak, especially in high-level endurance athletes, while other TID models may also be effective in lower-level athletes. ...
Rivera-Köfler, T, Varela-Sanz, A, Padrón-Cabo, A, Giráldez-García, MA, and Muñoz-Pérez, I. Effects of polarized training vs. other training intensity distribution models on physiological variables and endurance performance in different-level endurance athletes: a scoping review. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-This scoping review aimed to analyze the long-term effects of polarized training (POL) on key endurance physiological- and performance-related variables and to systematically compare them with other training intensity distribution (TID) models in endurance athletes of different performance levels. Four TID models were analyzed: POL, pyramidal (PYR), threshold (THR), and block (BT) training models. The literature search was performed using PubMed, SportDiscus, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Studies were selected if they met the following criteria: compared POL with any other TID model, included healthy endurance athletes, men, and/or women; reported enough information regarding the volume distribution in the different training intensity zones (i.e., zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3), assessed physiological (i.e., maximum/peak oxygen uptake, speed or power at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, economy of movement), and performance in competition or time-trial variables. Of the 620 studies identified, 15 met the eligibility criteria and were included in this review. According to scientific evidence, POL and PYR models reported greater maximum oxygen uptake enhancements. Both POL and PYR models improved the speed or power associated with the aerobic threshold. By contrast, all TID models effectively improved the speed or power associated with the anaerobic threshold. Further research is needed to establish the effects of TID models on the economy of movement. All TID models were effective in enhancing competitive endurance performance, but testing protocols were quite heterogeneous. The POL and PYR models seem to be more effective in elite and world-class athletes, whereas there were no differences between TID models in lower-level athletes.
... These areas of focus have garnered considerable attention in both academic literature and coaching practice. Distance runners cover 120-180 km per week at their highest level, while marathon runners can average 200-220 km per week (9)(10)(11). This consists of 11-14 weekly running sessions but often includes strength training in a gym. ...
... Seiler's polarized model uses an "80:20" approach, where 80% of training is low-intensity, and 20% consists of two higher-intensity sessions-one longer near vLT 2 and one shorter, faster (18). Both methods include race-specific fatigue simulations in the final 1-2 months before key competitions (11). ...
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Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the mental and sports psychological preparation, as well as tactical preparation, of distance runners for competition. We examined whether there are differences based on gender, competition level and various race disciplines, as well as how mental preparation influences sports skills applicable in different competitive situations. Methods: The sample consisted of 201 distance runners who completed the Sports Mental Training Questionnaire (SMTQ) alongside assessments of their sports psychology and race tactics. Results: The results indicated that neither gender, competition level, nor race discipline had a significant impact on mental preparedness. However, women demonstrated notably higher scores in the use of self-talk as a mental technique. Additionally, participants who received training in sports psychology scored significantly higher across several mental skills, as well as on the overall mental preparedness score. Discussion: This article validates the SMTQ and its association with mental readiness, as confirmatory factor analysis demonstrates adequate validity. Additionally, mental preparation was found to enhance performance and wellbeing among distance runners. Further research is needed to explore the impact of group interventions to broaden the reach of mental training programs.
... Interestingly, the time above 95% HR max for the 3-min intervals was, on average, longer than for the 30-s intervals (244 ± 109 s vs. 197 ± 213 s) and might be seen more as the "HR threshold" for high-intensity training in our study. This would align with newer zone models by Haugen et al. (32), which indicate the "HR threshold" for running in classical VO 2max training (Zone 5) at 93% HR max . ...
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Introduction High intensity interval training for improving maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2max ) is a fundamental component of specific preparation phases for middle- and long-distance runners. In this context, short intervals are very popular in practice. The aim of the present study was to determine whether increasing the intensity of short intervals around maximal aerobic speed (vVO 2max ), compared to traditional long interval runs, leads to a greater time spent above 90% VO 2max . Methods 12 highly trained middle distance runners (7 males, 5 females) completed two VO 2max sessions (4 × 3 min at 95% vVO 2max , recovery: 3 min at 50% vVO 2max vs. 24 × 30 s at 100% vVO 2max , recovery: 30 s at 55% vVO 2max ) on the treadmill in randomized order. Spiroergometric data, lactate accumulation, heart rate (HR) and perceived exertion was determined. This allowed the recording of time above 90% VO 2max and time above 90% HR max . To analyze differences between the interval sessions, the paired t -test respectively the Wilcoxon test, if data were not normally distributed, were applied. Results The time spent above 90% VO 2max was significantly lower in the 30-s intervals, despite the higher intensity, compared to the 3-min session (201.3 ± 268.4 s vs. 327.9 ± 146.8 s, p = 0.05, r = 0.57). In contrast, the time spent above 90% HR max was significantly higher for the 30-s intervals than for the 3-min intervals (820 ± 249 s vs. 545 ± 131 s, p < 0.001, d = 1.73). The blood lactate concentrations showed higher values in the 3-min session (9.69 ± 1.82 mmol/L) compared to the 30-s session (7.59 ± 2.01 mmol/L, p < 0.001, d = 2.34). There was no statistical difference in the rating of perceived exertion between the two sessions (30-s session: 6.5 ± 1.0 vs. 3-min session: 6.8 ± 1.2; p = 0.26). Discussion The present study showed that intensified 30-s intervals were inferior to traditional 3-min intervals regarding the time spent above 90% VO 2max . Given the observation of an opposing trend in the time spent above 90% HR max , this parameter should be interpreted with caution in traditional training settings.
... Correr es una actividad física común a nivel mundial, la práctica de este deporte es importante para mejorar las condiciones de salud de quienes lo practican entre los principales beneficios tenemos la disminución del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, pérdida de peso, aumento en la resistencia logrando así una buena condición física y un estilo de vida más saludable (Haugen et al., 2022). Esta práctica deportiva está íntimamente relacionada con los árbitros ya que están relacionados con el ejercicio aeróbico, combinando ciertas habilidades intermitentes para que puedan desempeñar su papel dentro del campo de juego. ...
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Correr es una actividad física común a nivel mundial, los árbitros recorren entre 10 y 13 km durante la ejecución del arbitraje. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre el ángulo tibial durante la carrera y las lesiones musculoesqueléticas previas y actuales en árbitros, específicamente en las articulaciones de rodilla, tobillo y pie. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal de tipo correlacional con 101 árbitros profesionales (87 hombres y 14 mujeres) de entre 18 y 45 años, con un índice de masa corporal promedio de 24,56 kg/m². Se evaluaron los patrones de carrera mediante grabaciones en video 2D, analizadas con el software Kinovea, para determinar el ángulo de la tibia en la fase de respuesta a la carga (ATRC). Los resultados mostraron que no existe una relación significativa entre el ATCR y las lesiones previas o actuales en las articulaciones de rodilla, tobillo y pie. Aunque estudios previos sugieren que la alineación tibial podría ser un factor de riesgo para lesiones, este análisis no evidencia correlaciones significativas. Se discutieron posibles factores de confusión como diagnósticos imprecisos o una alta variabilidad en la cinemática de la carrera entre los participantes. Se concluye que el ATRC no parece ser un factor determinante en la ocurrencia de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en esta población, Se recomienda realizar estudios adicionales con poblaciones más grandes, lesiones específicas y un enfoque más detallado sobre la cinemática de la carrera y otros factores biomecánicos asociados
... The appropriate application of training variation might explain the success of the polarized approach for endurance and sprint athletes. 24,25,70 Traditionally, periods of low load have been seen as periods of rest with a reduction of physical training. Although reductions in external load are important for supercompensation to occur, these periods may provide an opportunity for mental training that involves low physical load. ...
... Despite these similarities, training regimes are substantially different between the two sports. Track runners emphasize under-distance and high-intensity training (17)(18)(19), while swimmers typically rely on long aerobic sets and over-distance training (20)(21)(22). Since quantity of variety has never been investigated in, nor compared between swimming and track running, determining the dosetime-effect of the number of different race distances the athletes compete in each year may provide deeper insights into the topic of variety and new inputs for prevailing training and development strategies. ...
Objective: To determine the relationship between success at peak performance age and quantity of within-sport distance variety and compare the dose-time-effect between swimming and track running by determining probability of becoming an international-class female athlete based on the number of different race distances the athletes compete in each year throughout their development process. Methods: Race times of female Tier 2 to Tier 5 freestyle pool swimmers (n = 2,778) and track runners (n = 9,945) were included in the present study. All athletes were ranked according to their personal best at peak performance age. Subsequently, number of different race distances during each year were retrospectively extracted from peak performance to early junior age. Personal best performance points at peak performance age were correlated with the number of different race distances across the various age categories. Poisson distribution determined the dose-time-effect of becoming an international-class athlete based on the number of different swimming strokes. Results: At peak performance age, correlation analysis showed a larger within-sport distance variety for higher ranked athletes, particularly for track runners (r ≤ 0.35, P < 0.001). Despite reaching statistical significance, the effects were small to moderate. While swimmers showed a generally larger within-sport distance variety than track runners, Poisson distribution revealed a dose-time-effect for the probability of becoming an international-class swimmer. Sprint and middle-distance swimmers benefit from competing in three race distances during junior age and a transition to two race distances at 17–18, 18–19, 20–21 and 25–26 years of age for 50 m, 100 m, 200 m and 400 m races, respectively. Long-distance swimmers should maintain three different race distances throughout peak performance age. Probability analysis showed a consistent benefit of competing in one or two race distances for 100 m, 200 m, 400 m and 800 m track runners. Conclusion: Within-sport distance variety is not a continuum but an ever-evolving process throughout the athletes' careers. While swimmers generally show larger variety than track runners, the progressive specialization towards peak performance age improves success chances to become an international-class swimmer.
... The appropriate application of training variation might explain the success of the polarized approach for endurance and sprint athletes. 24,25,70 Traditionally, periods of low load have been seen as periods of rest with a reduction of physical training. Although reductions in external load are important for supercompensation to occur, these periods may provide an opportunity for mental training that involves low physical load. ...
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Context Athletes often face the dual challenge of high training loads with insufficient time to recover. Equally, in any team, sports medicine and performance staff are required to progress training loads in healthy athletes and avoid prolonged reductions in training load in injured athletes. In both cases, the implementation of a well-established psychological technique known as motor imagery (MI) can be used to counteract adverse training adaptations such as excessive fatigue, reduced capacity, diminished performance, and heightened injury susceptibility. Study Design Narrative overview. Level of Evidence Level 5. Results MI has been shown to enhance performance outcomes in a range of contexts including rehabilitation, skill acquisition, return-to-sport protocols, and strength and conditioning. Specific performance outcomes include reduction of strength loss and muscular atrophy, improved training engagement of injured and/or rehabilitating athletes, promotion of recovery, and development of sport-specific skills/game tactics. To achieve improvements in such outcomes, it is recommended that practitioners consider the following factors when implementing MI: individual skill level (ie, more time may be required for novices to obtain benefits), MI ability (ie, athletes with greater capacity to create vivid and controllable mental images of their performance will likely benefit more from MI training), and the perspective employed (ie, an internal perspective may be more beneficial for increasing neurophysiological activity whereas an external perspective may be better for practicing technique-focused movements). Conclusion We provide practical recommendations grounded in established frameworks on how MI can be used to reduce strength loss and fear of reinjury in athletes with acute injury, improve physical qualities in rehabilitating athletes, reduce physical loads in overtrained athletes, and to develop tactical and technical skills in healthy athletes.
... For example, in track sprinters, athletes typically only perform two high-intensity sprint sessions per week and keep high-intensity training volume to a minimum (e.g., 50-150 m of maximum velocity sprinting per session) [12]. Equally, despite the need to perform at high intensities during competition, endurance runners and cyclists (for events lasting approximately ≥ 2 min) devote most of their training time toward low-intensity training, with comparatively lower proportions (≤ 20%) performed at high intensities [11,142]. This ensures (1) the allocation of sufficient training time to develop an aerobic capacity capable of supporting high-intensity activity, (2) the consolidation of "high stress" training activities, (3) adequate recovery time between high-intensity sessions to promote training adaptations, and (4) that any high-intensity exercise performed is at an adequate intensity to prepare the tissues for the demanding nature of competition. ...
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Optimal loading involves the prescription of an exercise stimulus that promotes positive tissue adaptation, restoring function in patients undergoing rehabilitation and improving performance in healthy athletes. Implicit in optimal loading is the need to monitor the response to load, but what constitutes a normal response to loading? And does it differ among tissues (e.g., muscle, tendon, bone, cartilage) and systems? In this paper, we discuss the “normal” tissue response to loading schema and demonstrate the complex interaction among training intensity, volume, and frequency, as well as the impact of these training variables on the recovery of specific tissues and systems. Although the response to training stress follows a predictable time course, the recovery of individual tissues to training load (defined herein as the readiness to receive a similar training stimulus without deleterious local and/or systemic effects) varies markedly, with as little as 30 min (e.g., cartilage reformation after walking and running) or 72 h or longer (e.g., eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage) required between loading sessions of similar magnitude. Hyperhydrated and reactive tendons that have undergone high stretch–shorten cycle activity benefit from a 48-h refractory period before receiving a similar training dose. In contrast, bone cells desensitize quickly to repetitive loading, with almost all mechanosensitivity lost after as few as 20 loading cycles. To optimize loading, an additional dose (≤ 60 loading cycles) of bone-centric exercise (e.g., plyometrics) can be performed following a 4–8 h refractory period. Low-stress (i.e., predominantly aerobic) activity can be repeated following a short (≤ 24 h) refractory period, while greater recovery is needed (≥ 72 h) between repeated doses of high stress (i.e., predominantly anaerobic) activity. The response of specific tissues and systems to training load is complex; at any time, it is possible that practitioners may be optimally loading one tissue or system while suboptimally loading another. The consideration of recovery timeframes of different tissues and systems allows practitioners to determine the “normal” response to load. Importantly, we encourage practitioners to interpret training within an athlete monitoring framework that considers external and internal load, athlete-reported responses, and objective markers, to contextualize load–response data.
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Background: Previous research has individually investigated how different types of training affect the physical, physiological, and training characteristics of distance runners. However, there is a lack of studies that collectively examine the effects of interval and power training programs on these factors in trained distance runners. Objectives: This study aims to provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of how combined training approaches may impact the physical, physiological, and training characteristics of competitive distance runners. Methods: A census sampling approach was used, with all 108 athletes (100%) participating in the study. Participants were divided into three parallel training groups: The interval training group (ITG), the power training group (PTG), and the control training group (CTG). Each group contained 36 participants, and a randomized block design was implemented within each group, with 12 athletes in each block. The intervention lasted for 32 weeks, with three training sessions per week, on non-consecutive days, lasting 45 - 60 minutes per session. The intensity of the training sessions was maintained between 50 - 70% of the participants' exercise capacity. The measured physical characteristics included demographic and anthropometric variables such as age, sex, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), fat and fat-free mass, and various circumferences. The physiological characteristics assessed included resting heart rate, exercise heart rate, maximum oxygen consumption, measures of leg strength (LS) and power, endurance performance metrics such as time trials (TTs), and aerobic thresholds. The training characteristics assessed included living and training altitude, training habits, training experience, training volume, training sessions, recovery practices, and nutritional intake. Statistical significance was determined with a P-value of < 0.05, and effect size was calculated (η² > 0.14). Results: Interval and power training led to improvements in several physical characteristics, including chronological age (P = 0.02), Body Mass Index (P = 0.03), fat-free mass (P = 0.000), and maximum thigh circumference (P = 0.000). However, no significant changes were observed in certain physical characteristics such as sex, field, and weight (P = 1.000). Interval and power training also resulted in significant improvements in various physiological characteristics, including 400 m sprint performance (P = 0.000), 1.5 km Kosmin test (P = 0.000), 3 km maximum speed TT (P = 0.000), LS (P = 0.000), Sprint Bounding Index (SBI) (P = 0.000), and maximum exercise heart rate (P = 0.000). In contrast, the post-test (POT) results for the ITG and PTG groups, when compared to the CTG, showed no significant differences in certain areas of physiological characteristics, including Balke V̇O2Max (P = 0.000), leg press (P = 0.000), and squat (p = 0.000). Regarding the third subgroup analysis of training characteristics, all POT results showed a decrease, except for the habit of sleeping (P = 0.04). In general, the POT results of the CTG demonstrated less change in all subgroup analyses of performance indices compared to the ITG and PTG. Conclusions: Our key findings emphasize the importance of combined interval and power training in improving V̇O2Max, overall strength endurance, speed endurance, running economy (RE), and muscle adaptation compared to the control group. These factors are vital for enhancing physical and physiological characteristics. Future research should explore additional factors, such as nutrition and psychological needs, which may influence athletic performance.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of four different training periodizations, based on two different training intensity distributions during a 16-week training block in well-trained endurance runners. Sixty well-trained male runners were divided into four groups. Each runner completed one of the following 16-week training interventions: a pyramidal periodization (PYR); a polarized periodization (POL); a pyramidal periodization followed by a polarized periodization (PYR→POL); and a polarized periodization followed by a pyramidal periodization (POL→PYR). The PYR and POL groups trained with a pyramidal or polarized distribution for 16 weeks. To allow for the change in periodization for the PYR→POL and POL→PYR groups, the 16-week intervention was split into two 8-week phases, starting with pyramidal or polarized distribution and then switching to the other. The periodization patterns were isolated manipulations of training intensity distribution, while training load was kept constant. Participants were tested pre-, mid- and post-intervention for body mass, velocity at 2 and 4 mmol·L-1 of blood lactate concentration (vBLa2, vBLa4), absolute and relative peak oxygen consumption (⩒O2peak) and 5-km running time trial performance. There were significant group x time interactions for relative ⩒O2peak (P < 0.0001), vBLa2 (P < 0.0001) and vBLa4 (P < 0.0001) and 5-km running time trial performance (P = 0.0001). Specifically, participants in the PYR→POL group showed the largest improvement in all these variables (~3.0% for relative ⩒O2peak, ~1.7% for vBLa2, ~1.5% for vBLa4, ~1.5% for 5-km running time trial performance). No significant interactions were observed for body mass, absolute ⩒O2peak, peak heart rate, lactate peak and rating of perceived exertion. Each intervention effectively improved endurance surrogates and performance in well-trained endurance runners. However, the change from pyramidal to polarized distribution maximized performance improvements, with relative ⩒O2peak representing the only physiological correlate.
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The best possible finishing time for a runner competing in distance track events can be estimated from their critical speed (CS) and the finite amount of energy that can be expended above CS (D'). During tactical races with variable pacing, the runner with the 'best' combination of CS and D' and, therefore, the fastest estimated finishing time prior to the race, does not always win. We hypothesized that final race finishing positions depend on the relationships between the pacing strategy employed, the athletes' initial CS, and their instantaneous D' (i.e., D' balance) as the race unfolds. Using publicly available data from the 2017 IAAF World Championships men's 5,000 m and 10,000 m races, race speed, CS, and D' balance were calculated. The correlation between D' balance and actual finishing positions was non-significant utilizing start-line values but improved to R ² > 0.90 as both races progressed. The D' balance with 400 m remaining was strongly associated with both final 400 m split time and proximity to the winner. Athletes who exhausted their D' were unable to hold pace with the leaders, whereas a high D´ remaining enabled a fast final 400 m and a high finishing position. The D' balance model was able to accurately predict finishing positions in both a 'slow' 5,000 m and a 'fast' 10,000 m race. These results indicate that while CS and D' can characterize an athlete's performance capabilities prior to the start, the pacing strategy that optimizes D' utilization significantly impacts final race outcome.
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Purpose: To compare the effects of increased load of low- versus high-intensity endurance training on performance and physiological adaptations in well-trained endurance athletes. Methods: Following an 8-week preintervention period, 51 (36 men and 15 women) junior cross-country skiers and biathletes were randomly allocated into a low-intensity (LIG, n = 26) or high-intensity training group (HIG, n = 25) for an 8-week intervention period, load balanced using the overall training impulse score. Both groups performed an uphill running time trial and were assessed for laboratory performance and physiological profiling in treadmill running and roller-ski skating preintervention and postintervention. Results: Preintervention to postintervention changes in running time trial did not differ between groups (P = .44), with significant improvements in HIG (-2.3% [3.2%], P = .01) but not in LIG (-1.5% [2.9%], P = .20). There were no differences between groups in peak speed changes when incremental running and roller-ski skating to exhaustion (P = .30 and P = .20, respectively), with both modes being significantly improved in HIG (2.2% [3.1%] and 2.5% [3.4%], both P < .01) and in roller-ski skating for LIG (1.5% [2.4%], P < .01). There was a between-group difference in running maximal oxygen uptake changes (P = .04), tending to improve in HIG (3.0% [6.4%], P = .09) but not in LIG (-0.7% [4.6%], P = .25). Changes in roller-ski skating peak oxygen uptake differed between groups (P = .02), with significant improvements in HIG (3.6% [5.4%], P = .01) but not in LIG (-0.1% [0.17%], P = .62). Conclusion: There was no significant difference in performance adaptations between increased load of low- versus high-intensity training in well-trained endurance athletes, although both methods improved performance. However, increased load of high-intensity training elicited better maximal oxygen uptake adaptations compared to increased load of low-intensity training.
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Purpose: Optimal training for endurance performance remains a debated topic. In this case study, the training of a world-class middle-/long-distance runner over a year's duration is presented. Methods: The training is analyzed via 2 methods to define training intensity distribution (TID) (1) by physiological zones and (2) by zones based on race pace. TID was analyzed over the full season, but also over the final 6, 12, and 26 weeks to allow for consideration of periodization/phases of season. The results of both methods are compared. Other training data measured include volume and number of sessions. Results: The average weekly volume for the athlete was 145.8 (24.8) km·wk-1. TID by physiological analysis was polarized for the last 6 weeks of the season but was pyramidal when analyzed over the final 12, 26, and 52 weeks of the season. TID by race-pace analysis was pyramidal across all time points. The athlete finished 12th in the final of the World Championship 5000-m and made the semifinal of the 1500-m. He was ranked in the top 16 in the world for 1500, 5000, and 10,000 m. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate a potential flaw with recent work suggesting polarized training as the most effective means to improve endurance performance. Here, different analysis methods produced 2 different types of TID. A polarized distribution was only seen when analyzed by physiological approach, and only during the last 6 weeks of a 52-week season. Longer-term prospective studies relating performance and physiological changes are suggested.
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In the past decades, researchers have extensively studied (elite) athletes' physiological responses to understand how to maximize their endurance performance. In endurance sports, whole-body measurements such as the maximal oxygen consumption, lactate threshold, and efficiency/economy play a key role in performance. Although these determinants are known to interact, it has also been demonstrated that athletes rarely excel in all three. The leading question is how athletes reach exceptional values in one or all of these determinants to optimize their endurance performance, and how such performance can be explained by (combinations of) underlying physiological determinants. In this review, we advance on Joyner and Coyle's conceptual framework of endurance performance, by integrating a meta-analysis of the interrelationships, and corresponding effect sizes between endurance performance and its key physiological determinants at the macroscopic (whole-body) and the microscopic level (muscle tissue, i.e., muscle fiber oxidative capacity, oxygen supply, muscle fiber size, and fiber type). Moreover, we discuss how these physiological determinants can be improved by training and what potential physiological challenges endurance athletes may face when trying to maximize their performance. This review highlights that integrative assessment of skeletal muscle determinants points toward efficient type-I fibers with a high mitochondrial oxidative capacity and strongly encourages well-adjusted capillarization and myoglobin concentrations to accommodate the required oxygen flux during endurance performance, especially in large muscle fibers. Optimisation of endurance performance requires careful design of training interventions that fine tune modulation of exercise intensity, frequency and duration, and particularly periodisation with respect to the skeletal muscle determinants.
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An individual's performance development is regulated by a complex interaction of multiple factors. Our understanding of this interaction is far from complete, something that is likely part of the reason why intuition, experience, and tradition underpin the training and coaching of elite athletes to a greater extent than research-based evidence. Numerous scientific investigations over the years have been devoted to understanding the training and physiology of world-leading competitors. However, behind every successful athlete stands a coach. History has shown that the very best coaches often are years ahead of sport science in employing the critical features of training, including prescription, execution, individualization, periodization, organization, application of training methods, athlete profiling, technique supervision, feedback, tapering, and tactics. It is somewhat surprising that learning from the very best coaches has received minimal attention in sport-science literature. A review of all original investigations and brief reports published in IJSPP from 2015 to 2021 (more than 1100 studies) reveals that coaches have been recruited as participants in less than 0.5% of the cases. The training science community should strive to describe and verify what the best coaches claim to have known for a long time, and at the same time embrace coaches who have the guts to question research work in their field. This approach provides an effective means of establishing mechanistic connections between training, competitive performance, and underlying physiological determinants.
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Despite an increasing amount of research devoted to middle-distance training (herein the 800 and 1500 m events), information regarding the training methodologies of world-class runners is limited. Therefore, the objective of this review was to integrate scientific and best practice literature and outline a novel framework for understanding the training and development of elite middle-distance performance. Herein, we describe how well-known training principles and fundamental training characteristics are applied by world-leading middle-distance coaches and athletes to meet the physiological and neuromus-cular demands of 800 and 1500 m. Large diversities in physiological profiles and training emerge among middle-distance runners, justifying a categorization into types across a continuum (400-800 m types, 800 m specialists, 800-1500 m types, 1500 m specialists and 1500-5000 m types). Larger running volumes (120-170 vs. 50-120 km·week −1 during the preparation period) and higher aerobic/anaerobic training distribution (90/10 vs. 60/40% of the annual running sessions below vs. at or above anaerobic threshold) distinguish 1500-and 800-m runners. Lactate tolerance and lactate production training are regularly included interval sessions by middle-distance runners, particularly among 800-m athletes. In addition, 800-m runners perform more strength, power and plyometric training than 1500-m runners. Although the literature is biased towards men and "long-distance thinking," this review provides a point of departure for scientists and practitioners to further explore and quantify the training and development of elite 800-and 1500-m running performance and serves as a position statement for outlining current state-of-the-art middle-distance training recommendations.
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Profiling physiological attributes is an important role for applied exercise physiologists working with endurance athletes. These attributes are typically assessed in well-rested athletes. However, as has been demonstrated in the literature and supported by field data presented here, the attributes measured during routine physiological-profiling assessments are not static, but change over time during prolonged exercise. If not accounted for, shifts in these physiological attributes during prolonged exercise have implications for the accuracy of their use in intensity regulation during prolonged training sessions or competitions, quantifying training adaptations, training-load programming and monitoring, and the prediction of exercise performance. In this review, we argue that current models used in the routine physiological profiling of endurance athletes do not account for these shifts. Therefore, applied exercise physiologists working with endurance athletes would benefit from development of physiological-profiling models that account for shifts in physiological-profiling variables during prolonged exercise and quantify the ‘durability’ of individual athletes, here defined as the time of onset and magnitude of deterioration in physiological-profiling characteristics over time during prolonged exercise. We propose directions for future research and applied practice that may enable better understanding of athlete durability.