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Geschichte für das Leben lernen: Der Bildungswert des Faches in den Überzeugungen österreichischer Lehrkräfte

  • University of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems


Was kann man aus der Geschichte für das Leben lernen? Für dieses Buch wurde empirisch erforscht, welche Überzeugungen in dieser Frage unter österreichischen Lehrpersonen bestehen. Das Buch ist Ergebnis eines Habilitationsprojektes, im Zuge dessen 50 qualitative Interviews mit Lehrpersonen in Wien geführt wurden. Die erhobenen Daten machen es möglich, die "Philosophie des Faches", bzw. den Bildungswert, den die Lehrpersonen ihrem Fach beimessen, umfassend zu rekonstruieren.
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... approach had yet to establish itself in a satisfactory manner in the schools studied (Bernhard, 2020;Bernhard, 2021). Teachers' conceptions of competencies were not subject-specific and not in alignment with the curriculum issued alongside the launch of the approach . ...
... Teachers' conceptions of competencies were not subject-specific and not in alignment with the curriculum issued alongside the launch of the approach . A pattern that emerged in the interview data provides an impressive illustration of this: the word 'competency' (Kompetenz) occurs more than 1,000 times across the interview transcripts, but there were just nine mentions, throughout all the 11 S Q T E R E S E A R C H P A P E R S 0 4 2 0 2 4 interviews, of the subject-specific competencies prescribed in the curriculum (Bernhard, 2020, p. 13;Bernhard, 2021). ...
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This paper addresses the importance of school quality and leadership cultures in enhancing learning outcomes, drawing on lessons from international initiatives, particularly those in England. The research forms part of the "School Quality and Teacher Education" (SQTE) project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), with collaboration from universities in Oxford, Salzburg, and Vienna/Krems. The emphasis is on the necessity of evidence-based school development, advocating for pedagogical leadership and the establishment of professional learning communities. The success of the "London Effect" is highlighted, demonstrating significant improvements in student performance through focused school quality initiatives. These initiatives included promoting a culture of peer observation and continuous professional development (CPD), supported by structures that enhance teaching and learning improvements. Challenges faced by Austrian schools, such as the administrative burdens on school leaders that prevent a focus on pedagogical leadership, are also addressed. There is a call for administrative support and middle management to free school leaders for more impactful activities. Austria's recent introduction of a quality management system (QMS) has potential but requires proper implementation and support. The paper concludes with recommendations for Austrian schools, emphasizing the need to prioritize teaching quality, work from a robust evidence base, and establish a culture of peer observation to foster continuous improvement. It underscores the role of higher education institutions in disseminating effective practices and initiating cultural change towards greater pedagogical leadership. This paper aim to inform and inspire Austrian education stakeholders by providing insights from successful international models of school improvement
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There is probably no country in the world where someone has claimed that the ‘discovery of America’ is down, not to Christopher Columbus or Leif Eriksson, but to a German – Martin Behaim of Nuremberg. Except, that is, for Germany. The figure of the man who created what has been alleged to be the world’s first globe is the epitome of a German lieu de mémoire; his fame extends far beyond his city of birth, which has a monument to Martin Behaim, a street and a school named after him. In 1992, the German federal postal service issued a stamp commemorating Behaim. It should be of little surprise to us, then, that such a household name appears in numerous textbooks from various German states. Recent work in international textbook research has demonstrated that the Behaim narrative has served the ‘generation of meaning via mythomotor’ within historical culture. This chapter will cast light on the patterns in accordance with which this generation of meaning takes place in relation to the Behaim myth as it lives in societal historical consciousness, and its narrative structures. It will further explore the functions served by this narrative within historical culture, focusing primarily on textbooks, understood in this context as manifestations of historical culture. Additionally, the chapter, drawing on the myth of Behaim as an exemplary case, will examine how teachers might harness the potential of historical myths in textbooks to encourage pupils to develop a mature and self-reflective historical consciousness.
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In international methodological literature, and in the literature about research in education in general, mixed-methods research (MMR) has been identified as a means to get deeper and broader insights, and to validate findings in research projects. Nevertheless, so far there has not been much reflection upon mixed methods in the history education research community. In this article, some advantages of the concept will be presented, drawing on international methodological literature. It will ask how these advantages may be used in research projects in history education to get richer findings. This paper will present an Austrian mixed methods project, and will reflect upon the experience of using qualitative and quantitative methodology in it. The Competence and Academic Orientation in History Textbooks (CAOHT) and Epistemic Beliefs of Austrian History Teachers after the Paradigm Shift to Historical Thinking (EBAHT) projects researched the beliefs of history teachers and history teaching nearly a decade after the reform that changed the Austrian history curriculum from content orientation to domainspecific competence orientation (historical thinking). Sequential qualitative–quantitative triangulation study has made it possible to capture some of the complexity of such an undertaking, more than would have been possible using a mono-method design. To base a survey on a previous qualitative study can help to interpret the context of the statistical results, put into perspective the answers and see relations that are difficult to detect when relying on a mono-method design. Also, when there is corroborating evidence from qualitative and quantitative data, conclusions may be drawn with more confidence, and generalization of qualitative findings becomes possible.
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In this article it is shown that the "Myth of the flat earth" was introduced into German and Austrian Textbooks in the 20th century. An analisis of textbooks from the 18th to the 21st century is presented. Der Eingang des " Mythos der flachen Erde " in deutsche und österreichische Geschichtsschul­ bücher im 20. Jahrhundert Geschichtsmythen sind mitunter so stark im kulturellen Gedächtnis eines Landes verwur-zelt, dass sie sogar in Schulbüchern reproduziert werden. Dies ist der Fall beim Mythos der flachen Erde. In deutschen und österreichischen Lehrwerken wird mit unterschiedlichen Argumenten zu belegen versucht, dass Menschen im Mittelalter davon ausgingen, die Erde sei flach, obwohl dieser Mythos von der historischen Forschung längst dekonstruiert wurde. In diesem Artikel werden in einem ersten Teil die häufigsten Argumente für die Vorstellung einer flachen Erde in Schulbüchern dargestellt und gezeigt, warum diese nicht stichhaltig sind. Dabei wird der Forschungsstand zu diesem Thema präsentiert, der belegt, dass – völlig konträr zu den Darstellungen der Schulbücher – im Mittelalter nicht die flache, sondern die runde Erde das gängige Weltbild war. In einem dritten Teil wird anhand einer Analyse von Schulbüchern aus vier Jahrhunderten gezeigt, dass sich die Narration von der flachen Erde erst im 20. Jahrhundert in deutschen und österreichischen Lehrwerken durchgesetzt hat. Der Artikel reflektiert Ergebnisse einer Dissertation aus dem Bereich der geschichtsdidaktischen Schulbuchforschung.
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Este artículo refleja resultados de un Mixed Methods research project CAOHT. En el projecto, es investigado como libros de textos de history se utilizan en escuelas secondarias en Austria en el contexto del cambio de paradigmas hacia orientación en competencias que fue introducido en 2008. Resultados de observación participante qualitativa en 50 lecciones de historia y entrevistas cualitativas y semistructuradas con 50 profesores mustran la crucail importancia de libros de textos para profesores y la influencia grande que tienen a la educación de la historia en los colegios. No obstante, en la formación inical del profesorado, el trabajo con libros the textos juega un papel no decisivo. El el artículo, se afirma por tanto que en la formación inicial del profesorado, los futuros profesores deberían aprender a trabajr con libros de textos de forma reflectiva. Lo último apoayaría los intentos de implementar el pensiamiento histórico/científico en la práctica de la educación de la historia en Austria.
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This article offers a philosophical critique of Michael Young's notion of 'powerful knowledge', as found largely in his own but also in others' writings since 2009. The first part of the article focuses on the definitional connection that Young makes between 'powerful knowledge' and systematic relationships between concepts. It argues that most of the school subjects that Young sees as providing 'powerful knowledge' fall short on this requirement. It also comments on the place of educational aims and of everyday concepts in Young's thinking. The second part of the article draws attention to similarities and differences between Young's notion and the philosopher Paul Hirst's notion of 'forms of knowledge', claiming that Young's position is vulnerable to many of the critiques of Hirst's notion formulated between the 1960s and the 1990s.