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Abstract and Figures

The medicinal benefits of P. lanceolata L. have been acknowledged worldwide for hundreds of years. The plant is now distributed worldwide, especially in temperate zones. This review gives an overview of ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities, and other potential application of P. lanceolate L. Several effective chemical constituents such as polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, iridoid glycosides, fatty acids, and polysaccharides are found in P. lanceolata L., which contribute to its exerting specific therapeutic effects. Correspondingly, studies have found that P. lanceolata L. has different biological activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, and antiulcerogenic activity. The plant also treats various diseases related to the skin, respiratory organs, digestive organs, reproduction, circulation, cancer, pain relief, and infections. The plant has many applications in cosmetics such as lotion and creams; it is also used as an excellent indicator to know the presence and absence of heavy metals and the accumulation in industrial and urban areas. The plant suppresses soil nitrogen mineralization in agriculture due to allelochemicals such as aucubin. The biological activities, medicinal properties, and industrial application of P. lanceolata mainly depend on the activities of the responsible, active chemical constituents. However, this field still needs more study to determine the exact mechanisms and the main bioactive compound activity accountable for these activities. Also, most of the studies have been performed in vitro, so further in vivo studies are recommended for the future.
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Review Article
Ethnobotanical Uses, Chemical Constituents, and Application of
Plantago lanceolata L.
Limenew Abate ,
Rakesh Kumar Bachheti ,
Mesfin Getachew Tadesse,
and Archana Bachheti
Centre of Excellence in Nanotechnology, Ethiopia
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Addis Ababa Sciences and Technology University, P.O. Box 16417, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of Environment Science, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun-248002, Uttarakhand, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Rakesh Kumar Bachheti;
Received 6 December 2021; Revised 11 February 2022; Accepted 5 March 2022; Published 27 March 2022
Academic Editor: Jayant Kumar Patra
Copyright © 2022 Limenew Abate et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The medicinal benets of P. lanceolata L. have been acknowledged worldwide for hundreds of years. The plant is now distributed
worldwide, especially in temperate zones. This review gives an overview of ethnomedicinal use, phytochemistry, pharmacological
activities, and other potential application of P. lanceolate L. Several eective chemical constituents such as polyphenols, tannins,
avonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, iridoid glycosides, fatty acids, and polysaccharides are found in P. lanceolata L., which contribute
to its exerting specic therapeutic eects. Correspondingly, studies have found that P. lanceolata L. has dierent biological
activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inammatory, cytotoxic, and antiulcerogenic activity. The
plant also treats various diseases related to the skin, respiratory organs, digestive organs, reproduction, circulation, cancer, pain
relief, and infections. The plant has many applications in cosmetics such as lotion and creams; it is also used as an excellent
indicator to know the presence and absence of heavy metals and the accumulation in industrial and urban areas. The plant
suppresses soil nitrogen mineralization in agriculture due to allelochemicals such as aucubin. The biological activities,
medicinal properties, and industrial application of P. lanceolata mainly depend on the activities of the responsible, active
chemical constituents. However, this eld still needs more study to determine the exact mechanisms and the main bioactive
compound activity accountable for these activities. Also, most of the studies have been performed in vitro, so further in vivo
studies are recommended for the future.
1. Introduction
Under the plant kingdom, medicinal plants have been
mainly used by local peoples found in developing countries,
especially in resource-limited areas. Many peoples in this
region directly or indirectly use medicinal plants to satisfy
their primary health care needs [1]. Consumersinterest in
using herbal products for personal and health care has
grown worldwide [2]. From the World Health Organiza-
tions (WHO) perspective, medicinal plants (MP) have
become popular. Approximately 4000 million people utilize
herbal remedies regularly [3]. Phytomedicines, derived from
seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, bark, seeds, and owers of medic-
inal plants, can treat diseases [4]. Many researchers have
given more attention to medicinal plants because they can
generate many uses and applications in medicine and phar-
macy [5]. It is estimated that half of the pharmaceutical
drugs are derived from medicinal plants due to their capacity
of the chemical constituents that bring therapeutic eects [6].
Plantago is a genus of medicinal plants belonging to the
Plantaginaceae family [7]. It has around 275 species that
grow annually and permanently [8]. Its name comes from
the Latin planta,meaning sole,to represent the broad
leaves lying touching the ground [9]. It is known for its
pharmaceutical activities [10]. Plantago has a wide range of
uses, including raw materials for salads, soups, baking, and
animal feed to improve health and reduce antibiotic use
Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2022, Article ID 1532031, 17 pages
[8]. Phytochemicals derived from root, leaf, and stem of
genus Plantago have shown medicinal potential [11]. P.
major L., P. halepensis Miller, P. lentiscus D., P. trimula L.,
and P. lanceolata L. are the most common species [12].
P. lanceolata L. is a well-known species of the genus
Plantago; it is widely distributed in meadows, roadside
strips, pastures, and green areas in the temperate world
800 m above sea level [13, 14]. It has been used for medicinal
purposes to treat diseases such as wound healing, inamma-
tion, cancer, respiratory system disorder, blood circulation,
reproductive system, and digestive organs [13]. It has vari-
ous applications as cosmetics [15], as metal removal from
polluted areas [16], as an additive in foods [17], and as an
insecticide [18]. The extracts of the plant also showed
dierent properties as antioxidant [19], antibacterial [20],
anti-inammatory [21], rheological [22], and viscoelastic
[22] (Figure 1). Phytochemicals in the root, leaf, and seed
of P. lanceolata L. include iridoid glycosides, polyphenols,
polysaccharides, and avonoids, which have therapeutic
potential [11].
The available information about P. lanceolata L. is
scattered and not all in one site. There is much literature
on ethnomedicine, phytochemistry, and pharmacological
activities of P. lanceolata L. The current review brings
together all of the disparate information on the various pos-
sible applications of extracts and bioactive compounds
obtained from P. lanceolate L. in one location.
2. Materials and Methods
Published research papers, review papers, proceedings, short
communications, and book chapters describing P. lanceolate
L. or Ribwort plantain are the primary information for writ-
ing this article. More than 100 publications were obtained
from 1993 to 2021. In the search process, keyword phyto-
chemistry of P. lanceolata L, traditional medicinal use of P.
lanceolata L., ethnomedicinal use of P. lanceolata L., and
bioactive compounds isolated from the dierent parts of
the plant, history, and distribution about the plant were
used. We classied the data according to ethnomedicinal,
pharmacological activities, phytochemistry, and application
of P. lanceolata L. ChemDraw was used to draw the struc-
ture of bioactive compounds, while EndNote performed
reference writing. We use the Natural products database
for Africa (NDA) to write the botanical name and the local
name of the medicinal plant.
3. History and Distribution
P. lanceolata an international species distributed in
European countries from Iceland found south and east of
Spain and Asias Northern and Central parts. Historically,
the plants originated from the Eurasia continent; however,
they slowly expanded worldwide, including the colonizers
from Europe. Historically, P. lanceolata L. for medicinal pur-
poses started from ancient Greeks and Roman peoples [21].
Also, in the country China, the plants were used 3000 years
ago [17]. Most of the time, this plant is considered a weed
and wild plant, but it is the most cultivated plant, and in
small amounts, it is also cultivated in Romania. However,
it is a new crop in the UK [15]. Even though the species
are common and native to Europe, the North part of Africa,
the south and west part of Asia, and Europe [23], currently,
they occur in every aspect of the world, such as the USA,
Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and in many countries of
Africa [23]. It became cultivated in temperate zones and nat-
uralized in many continents except Antarctica [24].
4. Ethnomedicinal Use of Plantago
lanceolate L.
Dierent people use P. lanceolata L. leaf as emollient, demul-
cent, and expectorant. It is eective for dysmenorrhea,
abdominal pain, laxatives, and astringents [10]. The inamed
wounds can be treated by applying the leaf powder of P. lan-
ceolata L. [15]. It eectively stops bleeding and encourages
the treatment of damaged tissue [9]. In church ceremonies,
the leaves of P. lanceolata L. were utilized as incense smoke.
This plantsinorescences were combined with Helichrysum
stalks and burned to perfume clothes and rooms [17]. The
seeds of P. lanceolata L. are essential in treating parasitic
worms; the mucilage from the plant is used as a laxative
and alleviates irritated membranes. Eye lotion is highly
treated with distilled water obtained from the whole parts
of the plant [9]. Eye illness wound repairing, antibacterial,
anti-inammatory, antiasthmatic, and diuretic properties
are also treated by the aerial parts of P. lanceolata L. [25].
Mixing juice from the plant with honey or wine relieves gout,
and arthritis can be treated by consuming crushed leaves
with salt. It is also used as a topical application for skin dis-
eases [8]. Ethnomedicinal uses of various parts of P. lanceo-
lata L. in dierent countries have been summarized in
Table 1.
5. Pharmacological Activities
Many studies have investigated the cytotoxic, antispasmodic,
antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inammatory, and wound
healing eects of dierent portions of the P. lanceolata L.
(Table 2) [3134]. Methanolic, 30% acetonitrile, 80% meth-
anol, 80% ethanol, and hot water extract of leaves, roots,
owers, fruits, and seeds of P. lanceolata L. had been studied
for their bioactivities. These extracts showed strong, cyto-
toxic, antiobesity, anti-inammatory, wound healing, anti-
oxidant, and antimicrobial eects [35].
5.1. Antioxidant Activities. Dierent studies were conducted
to test the antioxidant activities of the P. lanceolata L.
extracts using dierent antioxidant methods such as cupric
reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC), oxygen radical
absorbance capacity (ORAC), dimethyl-4-phenylenediamine
(DMPD), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 2, 2
-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS),
oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and DPPH
(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) β-carotene bleaching method
[27]. Various extraction procedures were employed to get
extracts from the aerial portion of P. lanceolata L. including
supercritical uid extraction (SFE), ultrasound-assisted
2 Journal of Chemistry
extraction (UE), and Soxhlet (SOX). The antioxidant activities
of these extracts were examined for antioxidant activities
according to linoleic acid/β-carotene and DPPH assays. The
results showed that the plant has a strong antioxidant poten-
tial [36]. In another study, the aerial part of the plant extract
was also performed for antioxidant activities using some anti-
oxidant assays such as reducing power (FRAP assay), lipid
peroxidation, superoxide anion and NO scavenger capacity,
hydroxyl radical, and DPPH radical. The ndings suggest that
P. lanceolata L. has antioxidant properties comparable to the
synthetic antioxidant BHT [21]. Furthermore, using dierent
solvent extractions such as aqueous, methanol, and ethanol
leaf extracts of the plant also showed antioxidant activity
potential based on the result obtained from antioxidant assays
[36, 37]. Acidied methanol ((80%) and HCl (1%)) extracts of
root, stem, ower, and fruit parts of P. lanceolata L. exhibited
signicantly higher antioxidant capacities compared to the
value of the plant M. neglecta. Methanol (60%) extracts from
the seeds of the plants also showed an antioxidant behavior
using assays like DPPH, OH radical scavenging, and cellular
antioxidant activity [4].
P. lanceolata L. antioxidant activity is inuenced by sev-
eral factors. According to research, the extracted solvent
aects antioxidant activity. For example, in one study, etha-
nol extracts were found to have a stronger antioxidant
capacity than water and methanol extracts [28]. Parts of
the plant such as aerial, leaves, root, and ower also aect
the antioxidant behavior. The type and concentration of
phytochemicals responsible for antioxidant activities vary
from one part of a plant to another [8]. Dierent solvents
have dierent free radical scavenging activities on the same
part of the plant. For instance, methanol, acetone, ethyl ace-
tate, chloroform and n-hexane leaf extracts had the value of
IC50 1.81, 2.02, 0.56, 0.41, and 0.41 μg/m, respectively, based
on DPPH assay [1]. The antioxidant properties of herbal
products are mainly attributed to phenolic compounds such
as avonoids and polyphenolic derivates (cinnamic acid,
p-coumaric acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid, and salicylic
acid), compounds that are found in the leaves of P. lanceo-
lata L. [21]. Antioxidant behaviors of dierent parts of the
P. lanceolate L. with their assay are listed in Table 3.
5.2. Antimicrobial Activities. Medicinal herbs, shrubs, and
trees and their products have shown the potential with anti-
microbial agents [42]. A study was conducted to show the
eects of the extracts of P. lanceolata L. on antibacterial
activities against monocytogenes,Streptococcus,S. aureus,
Salmonella, and E. coli species. The agar disc diusion
method showed that the leaf extracts of the plant have better
antibacterial activity against selected bacterial pathogens
[20]. P. lanceolata L. leaf extracts also showed antibacterial
activity against S. pneumoniae, MRSA, S. aureus,S. boydii,
E. coli, and K. pneumoniae using various solvents such as
water, methanol, and acetone [43]. The antibacterial tests
on leaf extracts of P. lanceolata L. were also done against
some bacterial species like K. pneumoniae, S. boydii, E. coli,
S. pneumoniae,MRSA, and S. aureus; the result showed that
a higher degree of antimicrobial activity was observed with
Cinnamic acid
Aerial part
Flower Root
Antioxidant activity
Antibacterial activity
Anticancer activity
Wound healing activity
Anti-inammatory activity
Cytotoxic activity
Antibacterial activity
Wound healing activity
Cytotoxic activity
Anti-inammatory activity
Antiparasite activity
Figure 1: Biological activity of P. lanceolate L.
3Journal of Chemistry
MIC and MBC values in the range of 6.25 to 25%, respec-
tively [37]. In another research, methanol extract of leaves
of P. lanceolata L. was found to inhibit S. aureus and P. mir-
abilis more than ethanol extract. However, the ethanol
extract displayed better activity than the methanol extract
against E. coli and K. pneumoniae [31]. The value of antibac-
terial activities (inhibition zone) can be aected by the type
of solvent used to extract bioactive compounds, type of bac-
teria species, and parts of the plant (Table 4) [33].
5.3. Wound Healing Activities. Dierent practices have been
used for centuries to treat injuries due to burning. Among
those, 1/3 of medicinal plants have been used for wound
healing caused by burning. Studies performed on extracts
obtained from the leaves of P. lanceolata L. have shown a
wound healing eect [45]. Aqueous and methanol extract
of P. lanceolata L. showed wound healing potential by
reducing the levels of TBARs in mice and rats. Furthermore,
P. lanceolata L. was revealed to have the ability to enhance
tissue Zn
and Cu
levels, both of which are essential
indicators in the wound healing formation process [46].
The aqueous aerial parts of P. lanceolata L. also showed
wound healing activities on 48 injured rats. The burned sur-
face area of rats decreases by 10% when the extracts are
placed on the surface [47]. In another research, wound heal-
ing activities were also observed when P. lanceolata L.
extracts were applied to the skin of donkeys and Sprague-
Dawley rats [48, 49].
5.4. Anti-Inammatory Activities. The biological answer for
the immune system caused by dierent factors such as path-
ogens, cell damage, cut, and compounds that cause toxicity
is termed inammation [17]. The disorders like gastritis,
tumors, arthritis, atherosclerosis, and others involve inam-
mation in their progress [34]. Dierent studies have been
carried out to assess the anti-inammatory properties of
dierent parts of P. lanceolate L. The anti-inammatory
ecacy of methanol extract aerial parts of the plant was
investigated using COX-1 and 12-LOX inhibition. The result
conrmed that COX-1 inhibitory activity (IC50) was 2.00,
and for that of 12-LOX, the inhibitory activity (IC50)
was 0.75 [21]. In vivo anti-inammatory activities of P.
lanceolataL. dichloromethane extract were examined using
an in vitro enzymatic assay. The result indicated anti-
inammatory characteristics in mice using 160 mg/kg,
80 mg/kg, and 40 mg/kg [34].
Table 1: Ethnomedicinal use of P. lanceolata L.
Parts of the
plant Ethnomedicinal use Country Reference
Aerial parts (i) Treatment of decoction internally, embolism, diarrhea for children, infusion cough,
expectorant Turkey [4]
(i) Bath with the infusion of the plant with R. canina to treat infertility
(ii) Fresh leaves spread on a cloth and heated and put on the skin can reduce poultice wound
healing. The mixture of water plants, our, and black pepper used for decoction internally
(iii) When the our of the plant is added in boiled water, treat colds
(iv) Treat hemorrhoids, cancer, disorders like gynecological decoction if it is eaten cooked and
decoction as tea
(v) If the leaf is mixed in boiled milk, decrease muscle pain, stop diabetes, kyphos, coughs, and
menstrual aches
Algeria [25]
(vi) Small leaves are inserted in the nostrils to heal a headache South Africa [26]
(vii) Used for discontinuing too much bleeding and wound repairing, anti-inammatory, cough
medication, antibacterial cause, sore throat treatment, and antidiarrheal South Africa [1]; [27]
(viii) Used to treat insect and snake bites, cervicitis, rectal ssures, hemorrhoids, cuts, and abscess
(ix) Used for wound repairing, intestinal and internal disorder, stomach pain, maturation of an
abscess, diabetes, burn treatment, shortness of breath
Duzce [28]
(x) Infusion is essential for emollient, expectorant, and demulcent
(xi) Burned wounds can be treated when powdered leaves are applied
(xii) The heated leaves are essential for wet dressing for wounds and swellings
Pakistan [10]; [9]
(xiii) To alleviate the problems on external animal skin parasites, use ground leaves or juice from
fresh leaves Poland [17]
(xiv) Prepare an infusion of the leaves; then, use it to wash the eyes Island of
Mauritius [3]
(xv)The juice of the freshly squeezed leaf is pasted with butter and made into ointment Ethiopia [29]
(i) Root juices are used to cure earache South Africa [30]
(ii) The mixture of its root with the root of M. vulgare with equal amounts is a medicine for the
bite of rattlesnakes Not specied [9]
(i) Extracts used as purgative and laxative Pakistan [10]
(ii) Seeds were also commonly used as a natural laxative due to their high content of bers, also
having external uses for skin inammations and wound healing, and also used as a rubefacient Baghdad-Iraq [24]
4 Journal of Chemistry
5.5. Cytotoxic Activity. A study was conducted to test the
cytotoxic activities of P. lanceolata L. extract using an
MTT assay. The result conrmed that chloroform leaf
extract of the plants showed a good cell feasibility report in
the range of 100% to 75.35% on the mouse leukemic macro-
phage cell line (RAW 264.7). The secondary phytocom-
pounds like terpenoids and phenols could be responsible
for this cytotoxicity eect [1]. The cytotoxicity activities of
aerial part of P. lanceolata L. extracts were also conducted
on human cell line such as MRC-5, HT-29, MCF7, and
HeLa. The result showed a stronger cytotoxic activity due
to some bioactive compounds such as gallic acid, luteolin-
7-O-glucoside chlorogenic, apigenin, and vanillic [21]. The
cytotoxic eects of aqueous leaf extracts of P. lanceolata L.
on MCF-7 cells were investigated, and the results revealed
that the plants leaf extracts decreased MCF-7 cell prolifera-
tion [50]. In another study, bioactive compounds from
methanol extract of the plant showed the cytotoxic activities
on MCF-7 with the value of GI50 = 114:45,TGI > 240, and
LC50 > 250 [32, 51]. This showed that methanolic P. lanceo-
lata L. leaf extracts exhibit cytotoxicity against breast cancer
cell lines. The result also showed that the leaf extract of P.
lanceolata L. decreased the proliferation of CAL51 triple-
negative breast cancer cells but had only a minor eect on
MCF7, AMJ13, and MDAMB breast cancer cells.
5.6. Antispasmodic Activity. Plantago species have been
found to have a wide range of biological activities, including
cytotoxic, anti-inammatory, antioxidant, and antispas-
modic properties [52]. The aerial parts of P. lanceolata L.
was examined for antispasmodic activity on isolated ileum
and trachea of the guinea-pig [21]. The result indicated that
the P. lanceolata L. extract suppressed the contractions of
the guinea-pig ileum generated by diverse compounds such
as acetylcholine, histamine, potassium, and barium ions.
The compounds aucubin, lavandulifolioside, isoacteoside,
catalpol peracetate, plantamajoside, acteoside, and luteolin
(Figure 2 and Table 2) inhibited the ACh-induced contrac-
tions of the guinea-pig ileum [31]. Flavonoids also possess
antispasmodic activities for P. lanceolata L. [21].
6. Phytochemistry of P. lanceolata L.
A study showed that dierent concentrations of bioactive
compounds such as avonoids [58], coumarins [59], lipids
and cinnamic acids [60], and tannins [61] are found in the
whole or separated parts of P. lanceolata L. such as owers,
leaves, and roots. For instance, in the whole part of the plant,
the average amount of the main classes of compounds: avo-
noids, coumarins, lipids, cinnamic acid content, and pheno-
lic content were 358, 9, 1120, 200, and 1368 μg/g of DW,
respectively [54]. The levels of total phenolics and various
groups of phenolic compounds in P. lanceolata L. extracts
ranged from 12:2±1:7(stem) to 35:3±2:8(leaf) mg GAE/
g DW [4]. The following subsections explain some bioactive
compounds found in P. lanceolata L.
6.1. Phenolic Compounds. Dierent types of phenolic com-
pounds are recently reported in P. lanceolata L. Some of
these compounds are 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid,
(+)-catechin, pyrocatechol, vanillin, verbascoside, epicate-
chin, taxifolin, hesperidin, rosmarinic acid, pinoresinol,
Table 2: Antioxidant behaviors of dierent parts of the plant.
part (s) Solvent used Concentration
of solvent Response to antioxidant assay Reference
Ethanol 80% 1100 μmol Fe
/g DW in FRAP, and for ORAC, it is 3500 μmol TE/g DW [38]
Mixture of methanol
and hydrochloric acid 80%:1% For FRAP =201.4 μmol Fe
/g DW and for ORAC = 930.5 μmol
TE/g DW, [4]
Methanol 80%
= 4.20 μg/ml in DPPH, IC
= 236.12 μg/ml in hydroxyl radical
scavenging, IC
= 23.85 superoxide anion scavenging IC
= 24.83 for
lipid peroxidation.
Ethanol 80% 1100 μmol Fe
/g DW in FRAP and 3500 μmol TE/g DW for ORAC [38]
Mixture of methanol
and water 40%:1% IC
= 24.83 mg/mL in lipid
Peroxidation & FRAP= 109.80 mg of AAE/g of DW [21]
Acetonitrile 30% DPPH radical inhibition at 25 μg/ml is 12.77% to 15.78% [39]
Mixture of methanol
with hydrochloric acid 80%:1% 130.4 μmol Fe
/g DW [4]
Water and dilute
hydrochloric acid .. 29.39 = DPPH in %, 137.83 in FRAP μM TE/5 mg [40]
Root Methanol and
hydrochloric acid
80%:1% 190.1 μmol Fe
/g DW [4]
Fruit 80%:1% 255.2 μmol Fe
/g DW
Seeds Methanol (60%) 60% 118.58 in μmol TE/g in DPPH 499.53 μmol TE/g in hydroxyl radical
scavenging assays 27.00 μmol QE/g in cellular antioxidant activity assay [41]
Flower Methanol and
hydrochloric acid 80%:1% 369.1 μmol Fe
/g DW [4]
5Journal of Chemistry
eriodictyol, and kaempferol (Figure 3) [62]. Dierent
concentrations of phenolic bioactive compounds such as gal-
lic acid (18 ± 1 μg/g), protocatechuic acid (92 ± 0:2μg/g),
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (9±0:2μg/g), caeic acid
(156 ± 4 μg/g), vanillic acid (90 ± 1 μg/g), syringic acid
(31 ± 1 μg/g), and vanillin 26 ± 2 (μg/g) were found in the
methanolic extract of P. lanceolata L. [35]. In other studies,
the concentration of bioactive compounds like gallic acid
(2.73mg/g), protocatechuic acid (24.11mg/g), vanillin
(9.18mg/g), p-coumaric acid (61.16mg/g), kaempferol
(43.64mg/g), luteolin (5.35mg/g), apigenin (8.27mg/g) [63],
p-hydroxybenzoic acid (149.46 mg/g), 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic
acid (16.20mg/g), protocatechuic acid (103.48mg/g), vanillic
acid (411.52 mg/g), gallic acid (212.01 mg/g), apigenin
Table 3: Antibacterial properties of dierent solvent extracts of P. lanceolata L. on gram-positive and negative bacteria species based on
inhibition zone response.
Microorganism Solvent used Concentration of solvent Inhibition zone(mm) Reference
S. aureus
Chloroform …… 8 [20]
Acetone 95% 16.3 [43]
Methanol 95% 17.3
Ethanol …… 14 [20]
Methanol .. 15.8
Water …… 16.3 [43]
Methanol 70% 8
[5]Petroleum ether 20 μl23
Chloroform /methanol 20 μl23
Methanol 70% 6 [20]
Chloroform /methanol 20 μl24[5]
Ethyl acetate extract .. 8 [33]
Chloroform .. 7.6 [44]
Petroleum ether 20 μl24[5]
Acetone 95% 12.7
[43]Methanol 95% 15
Water .. 13.3
Ethanol .. 15 [44]
S. pneumoniae
Acetone 95% 10.7
[20]Methanol 95% 10.3
Water .. 13.6
Acetone 95% 16
[43]Methanol 95% 16.6
Water .. 15.3
K. pneumoniae
Acetone 95% 17 [43]
Ethyl acetate .. 8 [33]
Methanol 95% 26 [43]
Water .. 15.7
C. albicans
Acetone .. 8.7
[43]Methanol .. 15.3
Water .. 22
S. aureus Methanol 70% 9 [20]
L. monocytogenes Methanol 70% 16
S. agalactiae
Petroleum ether 20 μl17
[5]Chloroform /methanol 20 μl1
Methanol 20 μl16
P. mirabilis Methanol .. 8 [33]
P. aeruginosa Chloroform 50mg 9 [5]
Ethanol 50mg 16
6 Journal of Chemistry
(184.38 mg/g), luteolin-7-O-glucoside (119.15 mg/g), and
quercetin-3-O-glucoside (34.67mg/g) [21] was found.
6.2. Flavonoids. Several avonoid bioactive substances,
including luteolin-7-O-glucuronide, luteolin, apigenin,
luteolin-7-O-glucoside, and quercetin-3-O-D-galactopyra-
noside, were found in P. lanceolata L. Other avonoids such
as 3, 5, 7, 4-tetrahydroxyavonol, apigenin-6,8-di-C-gluco-
side, luteolin-7-Oglucoside, and 7-O-glucuronide-3-gluco-
side, as well as quercetin-3-rutinoside, 7-O-glucuronide,
and apigenin-7-O-glucoside, were also identied in P. lan-
ceolata L. (Figure 4) [11, 64]. Some avonoids like cinnamic
acids (Figure 5) are present in of P. lanceolata L. [30].
Aqueous extraction of the plant contains some avonoids
such as catechin with its derivatives, epicatechin with its
derivative, and luteolin derivatives. The ethanol extracts of
the plant also contain epicatechin, luteolin, epicatechin,
and luteolin derivatives [21]. In the latest study, a new
avonoid compound called isorhamnetin 3-O-α-L-
-glucopyranoside) was isolated
from the leaves of P. lanceolata L. [65].
6.3. Iridoid Glycosides. Several iridoid glycosides are isolated
from the leaves of P. lanceolata L. Aucubin and catalpol are
the main iridoid glycosides present in it; asperuloside, globu-
larin, gardoside, geniposidic acid, mayoroside, melittoside,
and desacetylasperuloside acid methyl ester are also present
in the leaf of P. lanceolata L. [66]. The study that was per-
formed to know acteoside content in Plantago species using
the HPTLC method indicated that P. lanceolata L. has a sig-
nicantly higher acetonide than P. reniformis Beck, P. atrata
Hoppe, P. holosteum Scop, P. schwarzenbergiana Schur, and
P. coronopus L. [11]. The maturity of P. lanceolata L. leaves
aects the contents of iridoid glycosides; for instance, catal-
pol is found in the highest quantity in intermediate and
immature age leaves, while aucubin is found in them the less
amount [15]. Catalpol, aucubin, acteoside, and verbascoside
are the most important bioactive compounds obtained from
P. lanceolata L. These compounds gave the plant a potential
of anti-inammatory, antioxidant, antineoplastic, and
hepatoprotective [67]. In another research, a new phenolic
compound, named phenylethanoid glycoside 2-(3, 4-dihy-
droxyphenyl) ethyl O-α-L-arabinofuranosyl-(12)-[α-
L1C4rhamnopyranosyl (13)] [E-caeoyl-14]-β-D-
Table 4: Pharmacological activities of dierent parts of P. lanceolata L.
Part used Pharmacological activities Bioactive compounds Reference
Aerial part Antioxidant, anti-inammatory
and cytotoxic activities
P-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid,
apigenin, luteolin and luteolin-7-O-glucoside [21]
Aerial parts Wound healing, eye infections Not identied [25]
Aerial parts and leaves Wound healing activity Iridoidglucosides [49]
Aerial parts and leaves Cytotoxic activity Flavonoids [21]
Aerial parts, leaves, seeds
and whole plan Anti-inammatory activity [21, 53]
Flowers Antimicrobial and antioxidant
activities Flavonoids and anthocyanin [54]
Flowers, leaves, and roots Antimicrobial activity Phenolics and avonoid [21]
Flowers, leaves, and roots Antimicrobial activities Flavonoids, coumarins, lipids, cinnamic acids, lignans,
and phenolic compound [54]
Leave Cytotoxic activity Luteolin-7-Oglucoside [32]
Leave Anti-inammatory Polyphenols [53]
Leave UV-protecting and broblast
growth-stimulating activity Phenolic and avonoid compounds [55]
Leave Antimicrobial activity Polyphenolic compounds and avonoids [8]
Leave Antioxidant activity Flavonoids, tannins and saponins [1]
Leave Anti-inammatory activity Aucubin and avonoids [53]
Leave Anti-ulcer activity Polyphenol and avonoids [21]
Leave Free radical scavenging activities Polyphenolic compounds, iridoid glucosides, phenylethanoid
glycoside, aucubin and avonoids [17]
Leave, ower, root Antioxidant activity Phenolic compounds [4]
Leaves Anti-ulcer activity [56]
Seed Wound healing activity Catalpol, aucubin, and acteoside [57]
Seed Anti-inammatory activity Iridoid glucosides [53]
Seed Parasite worms Iridoid glucosides [9]
Whole part Wound healing activity Iridoid glucosides [49]
Whole plant, leaves Anti-obesity [4]
7Journal of Chemistry
4C1 glucopyranoside (Figure 6) was isolated from P.
lanceolata L. leaves [65].
6.4. Volatile Oil and Essential Oils. The isolation of volatile
components from aqueous P. lanceolata L. extracts was
studied using hydrodistillation [68]. The ndings conrmed
the presence of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, oxidized
monoterpenes, oxidized diterpenes, apocarotenoids, and
aldehydes. The other compounds present were ketones, phe-
nols, phenolic ethers, esters, aliphatic hydrocarbons, aro-
matic hydrocarbons, oxidized sesquiterpenes, alcohols, and
fatty acids [15]. The volatile oils in the fruits and leaves of
P. lanceolata L. were identied using GC-MS analytical tech-
niques. The result conrmed the presence of 6-(3-hydroxy-
Acetylcholine Histamine
Aucubin Plantamajoside
Figure 2: Structures of bioactive compounds used as antispasmodic activity.
Verbascoside Hesperidin
Rosmarinic acid Hyperoside Chlorogenic acid
Figure 3: Major phenolic compounds of P. lanceolata L.
8 Journal of Chemistry
1-butenyl)-1,5,5-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo [4,1,0] heptane-3-ol
and (E),4(3-oxo-2,6,6-trimethylcyclo-hex-2-en-1-yl)-3-buten-
2-ol, benzoic acid, oct-1-en-3-ol, oct-1-en-3-ol, and vanillic
acid (Figure 7) [15].
Varicose fatty acid compounds present in the n-hexane
extract of P. lanceolate L. leaves were identied using GC-
MS. Some of the fatty acids observed in the GC-MS data
were palmitic acid, myristic acid, and stearic acid
(Figure 8) [24]. An investigation of the plants proximate
composition analysis also conrmed the presence of polyun-
saturated fatty acids in P. lanceolata L. leaf extract [69]. In
aqueous extracts on P. lanceolata L., some fatty acid compo-
nents, including capric acid, palmitic acid, and margaric
acid, were detected. Additional fatty acids such as linolenic
acid, myristic acid, pentadecanoic acid, and linoleic acid
were detected using GC-FID and GC-MS methods [68].
6.5. Phenolic Carboxylic Acid. Phenolic compounds are
important bioactive compounds in P. lanceolata L. [28].
From the leaves of P. lanceolata L., phenolic compounds
such as p-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic, gentisic,
chlorogenic, and neochlorogenic acid were isolated [66].
Aqueous extracts of dried leaves of P. lanceolata L. contain
benzoic acid derivatives, gallic acid, and benzoic acid, and
ethanol extracts of the plant also contain some phenolic com-
pounds like caeic acid derivatives, ferulic acid, benzoic acid
derivatives, ferulic acid, and benzoic acid (Figure 8) [65].
6.6. Terpenoids. Terpenoids are essential compounds in
the genus Plantago [70]. Dierent classes of terpenoids
were reported in P. lanceolata L. These include the (E)-
β-farnesene, (E)-α-bergamotene, and sesquiterpenes (E)-β-
caryophyllene. Also, other terpenoids like C11 homoterpene
(E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7 nonatriene (DMNT) and monoterpene
(E)-β-ocimene are also present in the plant [71]. Many terpe-
noids such as loliolide, ursolic acid, and oleanolic acid
(Figure 9) are detected in petroleum ether and chloroform/
methanol extract P. lanceolata L. leaves [16].
Apigenin Luteolin Flavonol
Quercetin Rhamnetin
Quercetin-3-O-D-galactopyranoside Luteolin-7-O-glucoside
Figure 4: Structures of important avonoids isolated from P. lanceolata L.
9Journal of Chemistry
6.7. Acteoside. Acteoside (Act), a phenylethanoid glycoside,
is an active compound in several plants and traditional
herbal medicines [72]. Acteoside (Figure 10) is one of the
main bioactive compounds in P. lanceolate L. [67, 73]. A
study indicated that the aerial parts of P. lanceolata L. had
much more acetonide than other Plantago species such as
P. atrata Hoppe, P. coronopus L., P. reniformis Beck, P.
holosteum Scop, and P. schwarzenbergiana Schur, according
to HPTL technique quantication data [11]. Acetonide is
also present in ethanolic extracts of P. lanceolata L. Anti-
spasmodic action was conferred by the presence of these
chemicals in the plant [31].
6.8. Polysaccharides. Some polysaccharides such as L-mannose,
D-glucuronic acid, D-glucose, D-galactose, D-galacturonic acid,
L-arabinose, D-mannose, and minor proportions of L-fructose
and D-xylose are present in dierent parts of P. lanceolata L.
[15]. Pectic, rhamnogalacturonan, arabinogalactan, and α-D-
glucan polysaccharides were also isolated from the leaves [40].
The leaves of P. lanceolata L. contain galacturonic acid from
62.64% to 70.58%, arabinose content from 37.36% to 29.42%,
galacturonic acid 35.8%, and glucuronic 21.9%. At the same
time, rhamnose was found only in traces [74].
6.9. Other Bioactive Compounds. A study was conducted for
isolating bioactive compounds from methanol extract of leaf
of P. lanceolata L. using silica gel column chromatography
techniques. The
H NMR and
C-NMR spectrum aorded
one important compound, 6-O-ethyl-4-acetyl verbasco-
side (Figure 10). This compound possesses the plant to have
antioxidant and antibacterial activities [5], and using DEPT-
135, FT-IR,
H-NMR, and
C-NMR spectra, a second bio-
active compound named as(E)-butyl 2-(4-(2-(2hydroxyl-
2-methyl cyclohexyl)ethyl)-7-methyloctahydro-1H-inden-
1-yl)-5-methylhept-4-enoate was isolated using methanol
as a solvent [28]. Important phytochemicals such as hexahy-
dro-pseudo-ionone, diheptyl phthalate, and phytol were
extracted from leaves of P. lanceolata L. The plant leaf
extract also contains bioactive chemicals such as ditridecyl
phthalate, hexahydro farnesyl acetone, stigmasterol methyl
ether, stearyl aldehyde, alpha-bisabolene epoxide, and allan-
toin (Figure 11) [24]. Bioactive anthocyanins such cyanidin
glycoside, delphinidin glycoside, peonidin glycoside, and
petunidin glycoside were identied in the ower of P. lan-
ceolata L. [75].
6.10. Minerals. The Plantago leaf extracts possess dierent
metallic elements such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, and
cobalt. Metals such as iron, nickel, lead, zinc, magnesium,
sodium, calcium, and phosphorus are also found in the
leaves of the plant [44]. On other investigations, some metal-
lic elements like nickel and cobalt also found in the leaves of
P. lanceolata L.; however, the plants roots, on the other
hand, have the largest quantities of Ni and Co compared
to the leaves [76]. Cadmium concentrations in the leaves of
P. lanceolata L. ranged from 0.89 to 0.44mg/kg [76, 77]. A
study also indicated that from the washed leaves of P. lanceo-
lata L., some metallic elements like lead,iron, Manganese, cad-
mium, zinc, and lead were also analyzed [21, 69]. In a study
conducted on analyzing the nutritional requirements of graz-
ing livestock in P. lanceolata L. and other species, the highest
Caeic Cinnamic Gallic acid
Chlorogenic acid 2,3-di-O-galloyl-D-glucose 3-O-galloyl-4,6-hexahydroxy-
Figure 5: Cinnamic derivatives isolated from P. lanceolata L.
10 Journal of Chemistry
Aucubin Catapol Gardoside
Geniposidic acid Melittoside
Figure 6: Iridoid glucosides and phenylethanoid glycosides isolated from P. lanceolata L.
Oct-1en-3-ol, n(E) 6-(3-hydroxy-1-butenyl)-1,5,5,-trimethyl-7-
oxaicyclo[4,1,0]heptan-3-ol benzoic acid
Figure 7: Major volatile oils from P. lanceolata L.
P-hydroxy benzoic acid Salicylic acid
Figure 8: Some phenolic compounds from P. lanceolata L.
11Journal of Chemistry
phosphorus and potassium were found in P. lanceolata L.
before the owering period [78].
7. Application of P. lanceolata L.
7.1. Cosmetics. P. lanceolata included in the list of cos-
metic plants. It is used in the cosmetic industry in many
European industries [15]. Aqueous infusions and stabilized
fresh juice from leaves of Plantago species are used in cos-
metics [17]. The leaves of P. lanceolata L. can be used to
manufacture lotion, creams, and face masks in the European
industry. The presence of salicylic acid in the plants leaves
eectively reduces existent skin impurities and optimizes
the skin appearance due to its antibacterial, keratolytic, and
anti-inammatory action [15].
7.2. Biological Activities. P. lanceolata L. leaves are used
externally to treat sores and wounds and internally treat
bronchitis, antibacterial, astringent, anti-inammatory,
emollient, antitussive, furuncles, bug, and snake bites [79].
Ethanolic extract of the aerial portions of P. lanceolata L.
was examined for the antispasmodic activities against
guinea-pig ileum and trachea. The result showed that vari-
ous agonists such as acetylcholine, histamine, barium, and
potassium ions inhibited the guinea-pig ileums contractions
[31]. European manufacturers use P. lanceolata L. alone or
in combination with other plants for dierent medicinal
purposes: in Finland and Romania used for digestion expec-
torant; in Slovenia, Italy and Romania used as astringent,
soothing irritations, and antimicrobial; and in Poland and
Belgium used for various forms such as herbal tea, tablets,
and syrup [79]. Traditionally, coughs, dysentery, and diar-
rhea can be treated using tea from the plants leaves. Blisters,
rashes, swelling, and insect stings are also treated with leaves
of P. lanceolata L. Mucilage from P. lanceolata L. seed has
been shown to lower cholesterol levels in the blood [80].
7.3. Metal Removal. P. lanceolata L. can also be used as a
metal indicator and metal removal from the atmosphere
during air pollution [76]. P. lanceolata L. can be used as a
good bioindicator for heavy metal accumulation in urban
and industrial areas. Data on accumulative capacity allow
us to recommend this species to indicate the presence of
metals like lead, zinc, and cadmium [81]. Studies assessing
Cu resistance by a microorganism called rhizosphere of P.
lanceolata L. have shown potential agents for bioremoval
of Cu and bacterial stimulation of Cu bio adsorption by this
plant species [82]. P. lanceolata L. is the best indicator of
environmental pollution. A study on environmental pollu-
tion in an urban area of Poland using P. lanceolata L. as
Oleanolic acid Ursolic acid
Figure 9: Some terpenoids in the leaves of P. lanceolata L.
Figure 10: Structure of acteoside.
12 Journal of Chemistry
indicators gives information about the concentration of
metal in the area [16, 83]. The studies were carried out to
determine the metal concentration in samples taken from
the metallurgical site. The result showed that some metals
such as Cd, Zn, and Pb had been detected in P. lanceolata
L. which exceeded the permitted limits (Zn > 300 mg kg
Pb > 100 mg kg
, and Cd > 4 mg kg
). In the plant material,
unwashed samples had signicantly more signicant Zn, Cd,
Pb, Mn, and Fe than washed ones. This revealed the plants
ability to remove metals from highly contaminated environ-
ments [16]. Regardless of high concentrations of heavy
metals in soil, especially Ni, Zn, and Cr, P. lanceolata L.
showed remarkable tolerance to ecophysiological conditions
of serpentine soils. This indicates the potential application of
this species in the remediation of heavy metalpolluted
soils [84].
7.4. Additive in Foods. P. lanceolata L. is an edible plant in
Italy, and its leaves are used as an additive to some foods like
wine, salads, tea, tincture, and macerate, or it can be eaten
like lettuce. It is also used for animal nutrition like rabbits;
when given to porkers, it can enhance the taste of meat
and increase the number of unsaturated acids [17]. Leaves
of various species of Plantago are taken as cooked or raw.
Only young leaves are consumed in the form of salads
[85]. The leaves of P. lanceolata L. are signicant as cooked
vegetables and soups. People used to eat the plants during
the spring when vegetables were in short supply. The leaves
are signicant in preparing macerate, an infusion, juice,
wine, tincture, and tea [17]. Dried leaves of P. lanceolate L.
are used as a tea and appetizer and are good for digestion.
The fresh leaves are topically applied with cream from cows
milk and bread or clay as a suppurative [86].
Phytol Hydroxybenzoate
Stearyl aldehyde
Diheptyphthalate Hexahydrofarnesyl acetone
Allantoin Delphinidin glycoside Peonidin glycoside
Figure 11: Some other bioactive compounds from P. lanceolata L.
13Journal of Chemistry
7.5. Insecticide. P. lanceolata L. extracts can be used as an
insecticide to control insects. Secondary metabolites such
as glycosylated iridoids produced from the plant contribute
to these insecticide activities [18]. Specically, plants attri-
bute the polar molecules aucubin and catalpol (Figure 3) to
this eect [87]. The concentration of catalpol in P. lanceolata
L. showed an increase under herbivore attack. Consequently,
the reduction in the oviposition of L. coeella on leaves
treated with the methanol polar fraction of the P. lanceolata
L. extract may be induced by catalpol or aucubin [88].
7.6. Agriculture. P. lanceolata L. has a signicant role in agri-
cultural application. The advantages of this plant in the agri-
culture sector lie in its high content of valuable substances
for human and grazing animals [14]. P. lanceolata L. has
emerged as forage with the ability to reduce reactive nitrogen
(N) losses, in particular N leaching, from grazing dairy sys-
tems [89]. It is most commonly used on farms as part of
mixed pasture swards. It has a more prominent contribution
when grass production decreases and gaps in the sward,
especially in low-fertility dryland pastures. Where the grass
or legume growth is poor, P. lanceolata L. contributes less
than 20% of the sward [90]. In P. lanceolata L., chemical
aucubin is responsible for nitrogen mineralization and nitri-
cation [91]. Fertilization may aect not only plant species
diversity but also insect dynamics by altering plant nitrogen
supplies. P. lanceolata L. is grown on the farm to improve
trophic levels and species interactions in managed grassland
ecosystems, which occurred due to fertilizer [91]. P. lanceo-
lata L. inuences the distribution of soil mineral N in dairy
grassland on peat soil. It has been recognized as a potential
relief approach for reducing nitrogen (N) losses [92]. The
iridoid glycosides and catalpol, as well as the phenylpropa-
noid glycoside and verbascoside, may be responsible for
these eects [93].
8. Conclusion
P. lanceolata L. is one of the well-known species of the genus
Plantago. It is distributed in European countries and the
northern and central parts of Asia. P. lanceolata L. plays a
vital role in managing certain ailments and diseases such
as antimicrobial, wound-healing, anti-inammatory, cyto-
toxic, and antispasmodic. It has many applications like cos-
metics, pharmaceutical, antibacterial, synergetic, insecticide,
metal indicators, heavy metal removal from the polluted
area, and food additives. Phytochemicals such as iridoid
glycoside, fatty acids, phenol, avonoids, tannins, alkaloids,
terpenoids, steroids, coumarins, saponins, glycosides, and
quinines are present in dierent parts of P. lanceolata L.
The biological activities and medicinal properties of P. lan-
ceolata L. mainly depend on the activities of the chemical
constituents. This eld still needs more study to determine
the exact mechanisms and the main bioactive compounds
responsible for treating specic diseases. It is of great impor-
tance to investigate their chemical prole and biopotential.
Most of the research has been done in vitro; further in vivo
investigations of P. lanceolata L. are required.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
LA and AB have drafted the review. MGT prepared dierent
tables and gures required for the manuscript, provided
guidance during the development of idea, and wrote and
revised the manuscript. The authors read and approved the
nal manuscript.
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17Journal of Chemistry
... The antioxidant activity of the PF fraction is due to the presence of compounds such as luteolin and hyperoside derivatives compounds, rutin, chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, cynaroside, caffeic acid, and kaempferol [39] all evidenced by HPTLC analysis. These results are in agreement with results obtained by Abate and collab [40] who reported that the methanolic extract of Plantain leaves may contain 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, (+)catechin, pyrocatechol, vanillin, verbascoside, epicatechin, taxifolin, hesperidin, rosmarinic acid, pinoresinol, eriodictyol, and kaempferol. The same authors report that in the alcoholic extract there exists significant levels of kaempferol (43. ...
... Regarding the mechanism of action, other studies indicate that under the action of flavonoids (i.e., kaempferol) the activation of p53 is stimulated, and the level of proapoptotic proteins such as Bax and Bcl-2 is upregulated, favoring the beginning of apoptosis processes in leukemic cells [51,52]. The biological activity of PI products is due probably to iridoid glycosides such as aucubin, catalpol, or its derivatives, for which antimicrobial activities were reported against bacteria and fungi [20,40,46]. Other studies performed on catalpol and aucubin reported antimicrobial activities of these two compounds against E. coli, E. faecalis (MIC 512 µg/mL), P. aeruginosa, S. aureus (MIC = 256 µg/mL), C. albicans (MIC = 128 µg/mL and 256 µg/mL, respectively), C. krusei and C. parapsilopsis (MIC = 256µg/mL) [40,46]. ...
... The biological activity of PI products is due probably to iridoid glycosides such as aucubin, catalpol, or its derivatives, for which antimicrobial activities were reported against bacteria and fungi [20,40,46]. Other studies performed on catalpol and aucubin reported antimicrobial activities of these two compounds against E. coli, E. faecalis (MIC 512 µg/mL), P. aeruginosa, S. aureus (MIC = 256 µg/mL), C. albicans (MIC = 128 µg/mL and 256 µg/mL, respectively), C. krusei and C. parapsilopsis (MIC = 256µg/mL) [40,46]. These compounds exhibit cytotoxicity in K562 cell lines by inhibiting proliferation due to phase G1 from the cell cycle. ...
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In this study, three types of extracts isolated from leaves of Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) were tested for their chemical content and biological activities. The three bioproducts are combinations of polysaccharides and polyphenols (flavonoids and iridoidic compounds), and they were tested for antioxidant, antifungal, antitumor, and prebiotic activity (particularly for polysaccharides fraction). Briefly, the iridoid-enriched fraction has revealed a pro-oxidant activity, while the flavonoid-enriched fraction had a high antioxidant potency; the polysaccharide fraction also indicated a pro-oxidant activity, explained by the co-presence of iridoid glycosides. All three bioproducts demonstrated moderate antifungal effects against Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., and dermatophytes, too. Studies in vitro proved inhibitory activity of the three fractions on the leukemic tumor cell line THP-1, the main mechanism being apoptosis stimulation, while the polysaccharide fraction indicated a clear prebiotic activity, in the concentration range between 1 and 1000 µg/mL, evaluated as higher than that of the reference products used, inulin and dextrose, respectively.
... Plantago lanceolata is widely distributed worldwide, especially in temperate areas, and has been increasingly cultivated as a forage plant in recent years due to its high feeding quality, good adaptability and medicinal benefits (Abate et al., 2022;Jiang et al., 2021;Nguyen et al., 2022). Fungal diseases pose a serious threat to this forage crop; pathogens, including Boeremia exigua var. ...
Plantago lanceolata has been increasingly cultivated in recent years as a forage crop due to its high feeding quality, good adaptability and medicinal benefits. Between 2015 and 2023, Alternaria leaf spot (ALS), appearing as reddish‐brown necrotic spots with a greyish white to pale brown centre, was commonly observed in two forage germplasm nurseries of P . lanceolata of Sichuan Province, China. Initially, 139 Alternaria strains were isolated from leaf lesions, and then identified using the identity of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences in the NCBI database and the similarity of morphological characteristics. By pure culture technique, six representative isolates were finally obtained for the present study. Based on both multilocus phylogeny (SSU, LSU, ITS, gapdh , rpb2 , tef1 , endoPG , OPA10‐2, alt a 1 , KOG1058 and KOG1077) and morphology, four Alternaria species were identified: three new records of A . alternata , A . arborescens species complex and A . gossypina on this host in China, belonging to section Alternaria , and a new species of section Porri , namely, A . lanceolatae sp. nov. Pathogenicity tests by inoculation on both detached leaves and whole plants revealed that A . lanceolatae was the most important causal agent of ALS, while the other three species were nonpathogenic to P . lanceolata . This study characterized a novel pathogenic Alternaria species of section Porri from P . lanceolata in China and could contribute as useful research for possible ALS management.
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Thermal death kinetics of Salmonella Enteritidis in ground chicken in the presence of ribwort, sorrel and yarrow extracts mixture (1%) was investigated by fitting the inactivation curves to the log–linear and Weibull models. The thermal inactivation curves were fitted well to both models (r² ≥ 0.94). The times required for 4–log reduction in the S. Enteritidis population were shortened by 47–64% in ground chicken supplemented with the herbal extract mixture (p < 0.05). The 4–log reduction times calculated using the Weibull model were 0.13–13.6% longer than those extrapolated with the log–linear model. The z values in the ground chicken samples with and without herbal extract were 5.08°C (r² = 0.97) and 5.57°C (r²= 0.94), respectively. The results suggest that the mixture of these extracts increased the thermal sensitivity of S. Enteritidis significantly at tested temperatures. In addition, using the Weibull model to calculate thermal death kinetics may reduce the underestimation of the thermal reduction times. Practical applications This research aimed to investigate the effects of an herbal extract mixture consisting of ribwort, sorrel, and yarrow on the thermal resistance of Salmonella Enteritidis in ground chicken. While these plants are recognized for their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, there are not many studies conducted to explore their effects on foodborne pathogens in the food matrix. As far as we know, this is the first study that examines the impact of these plants on the thermal resistance of S. Enteritidis in ground chicken. We determined the thermal death kinetics of S. Enteritidis in ground chicken with and without the herbal extract mixture using curve fitting to log‐linear and Weibull models. The findings of this study could help the food industry to develop cooking conditions for Salmonella‐free chicken products.
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Background The diminishing efficacy of antibiotics currently in use and the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria pose a grave threat to public health worldwide. Hence, new classes of antimicrobials are urgently required, and the search is continuing. Methods Nine plants were chosen for the current work, which are collected from the highlands of Chencha, Ethiopia. Plant extracts containing secondary metabolites in various organic solvents were checked for antibacterial activity against type culture bacterial pathogens and MDR clinical isolates. The broth dilution technique was used to evaluate the minimum inhibitory and minimum bactericidal concentrations of highly active plant extracts, and time-kill kinetic and cytotoxic assays were performed using the most active plant extract. Results Two plants (C. asiatica and S. marianum) were highly active against ATCC isolates. The EtOAc extract of C. asiatica produced the highest zone of inhibition ranging between 18.2±0.8–20.7±0.7 and 16.1±0.4–19.2±1.4 mm against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively. The EtOH extract of S. marianum displayed zones of inhibition in the range of 19.9±1.4–20.5±0.7 mm against the type culture bacteria. The EtOAc extract of C. asiatica effectively curbed the growth of six MDR clinical isolates. The MIC values of C. asiatica against the Gram-negative bacteria tested were 2.5 mg/mL, whereas the corresponding MBC values were 5 mg/mL in each case. The MIC and MBC values were the lowest in the case of Gram-positive bacteria, ie, 0.65 and 1.25 mg/mL, respectively. A time-kill assay showed the inhibition of MRSA at 4 × MIC and 8 × MIC within 2 hours of incubation. The 24 h LD50 values of C. asiatica and S. marianum corresponding to Artemia salina were 3.05 and 2.75 mg/mL, respectively. Conclusion Overall results substantiate the inclusion of C. asiatica and S. marianum as antibacterial agents in traditional medicines.
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Incorporation of exotic plants into the diets of native herbivores is a common phenomenon, influencing interactions with natural enemies and providing insight into the tritrophic costs and benefits of dietary expansion. We evaluated how use of an exotic plant, Plantago lanceolata, impacted immune performance, development and susceptibility to pathogen infection in the neotropical herbivore Anartia jatrophae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Caterpillars were reared on P. lanceolata or a native plant, Bacopa monnieri, and experimentally infected with a pathogenic virus, Junonia coenia densovirus. We found that virus‐challenged herbivores exhibited higher survival rates and lower viral burdens when reared on P. lanceolata compared to B. monnieri, though immune performance and development time were largely similar on the two plants. These findings reveal that use of an exotic plant can impact the vulnerability of a native herbivore to pathogen infection, suggesting diet‐mediated protection against disease as a potential mechanism facilitating the incorporation of novel resources. In this study, we evaluated how use of an exotic host plant, Plantago lanceolata, impacted immune performance, development and susceptibility to pathogen infection in the neotropical herbivore Anartia jatrophae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). We found that virus‐challenged herbivores exhibited higher survival rates and lower viral burdens when reared on P. lanceolata compared to a native host plant, though immune performance and development time were largely similar on the two plants. These findings reveal that use of an exotic plant can impact the vulnerability of a native herbivore to pathogen infection, suggesting diet‐mediated protection against disease as a potential mechanism facilitating the incorporation of novel resources.
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The use of plantain pasture in dairy systems can potentially reduce nitrogen (N) leaching losses via the lower N concentration in the urine (UNc) of cows. Reducing the urinary N load while cows graze pastures can reduce the risk of N leaching losses from urine patches. Research needs to demonstrate that these environmental benefits are not at the expense of milk production and farm profit. Three groups of 20 cows grazed in the following three pasture treatments: (i) plantain, (ii) plantain–clover mix (plantain, red [Trifolium pratense] and white clover), or (iii) ryegrass-white clover (wc) pastures, from spring to autumn for two years. Each year, pasture intake, diet quality, milk production and animal N (milk and urine) excretion were evaluated in spring, summer, and autumn. The cows grazing the plantain and plantain–clover mix pastures produced similar milk solids as cows grazing ryegrass–wc pasture but reduced their UNc during summer and autumn, when compared to those grazing the plantain–clover mix and ryegrass–wc pastures. Plantain reduced urinary N loads onto pastures by a greater number of urine patches with lower urinary N loading rates. The results demonstrate that plantain pastures do not diminish milk solids production from cows, and the lower UNc from summer to autumn could reduce N being lost to the environment.
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This article gives an overview of the widely distributed herb ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Currently, this plant is mostly grown in grasslands, rarely in arable land, and its secondary metabolites are used in medicine. Studies cited in the article indicate its very rapid growth and deep rooting in the soil, which results in high drought tolerance and uptake of valuable nutrients from deep soil layers. An intensive symbiosis with various mycorrhizal fungi is characteristic of plantain for a high capacity for nutrient and water appropriation. It is also characterized by different contents of iridoid glycosides like aucubin and catalpol in shoots and roots of different varieties. The use of P. lanceolata is discussed on permanent and non-permanent grasslands where agriculturally specific varieties have been developed for grazing animals showing positive health effects in them. Information is provided on the cultivation of ribwort plantain, including studies on sowing and fertilization, the yield and infestation of the plant with pathogens, and the occurrence of iridoid glycosides in the plant. In addition, information is included on pests that threaten the plant’s cultivation.
Experiment Findings
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In this study, three different antioxidant activity quantification methods: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging (DPPH), reducing power, FRAP and peroxide value determination including total phenolic, TP, total flavonoid, TF assays of crude leaf extracts of Plantago lanceolata were carried out. The extracts showed significant activities in all antioxidant assays in a concentration dependent manner. The crude extracts were found to possess higher ferric reducing activity ranging from 336.58 ± 0.052mgAAE/100g(90% methanol) to 172.94 ± 0.032 mgAAE/100g(petroleum ether) and DPPH activity varied from 90.6% (90% methanol) to 36.04% (petroleum ether). Strong correlation of TPC with AEACDPPH and AEACFRAP (R 2 = 0.9033 and R 2 = 0.8538 respectively) implied that compounds in the extract were proficient to scavenge the DPPH free radical and reducing ferric ions into ferrous ions. Moreover, peroxide values of the extracts were obtained and varied from 19.8meq/kg (90% methanol) to 379meq/kg(petroleum ether) and 3.1meq/kg (90% methanol) to 119meq/kg (petroleum ether) at 70 o c and room temperature respectively. Therefore, P. lanceolata leaf extracts as compared to the control showed effective activity in delaying oxidation of the oil. Antimicrobial capacity evaluation of crude extract against different gram-positive and gram-negative organisms were also evaluated and a higher degree of antimicrobial activity with mean zone of inhibition ranging from zero to 26mm were detected. MIC and MBC values from 6.25% up to 25% were also confirmed for the crude extracts.
Experiment Findings
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In this study, three different antioxidant activity quantification methods: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging (DPPH), reducing power, FRAP and peroxide value determination including total phenolic, TP, total flavonoid, TF assays of crude leaf extracts of Plantago lanceolata were carried out. The extracts showed significant activities in all antioxidant assays in a concentration dependent manner. The crude extracts were found to possess higher ferric reducing activity ranging from 336.58 ± 0.052mgAAE/100g(90% methanol) to 172.94 ± 0.032 mgAAE/100g(petroleum ether) and DPPH activity varied from 90.6% (90% methanol) to 36.04% (petroleum ether). Strong correlation of TPC with AEACDPPH and AEACFRAP (R 2 = 0.9033 and R 2 = 0.8538 respectively) implied that compounds in the extract were proficient to scavenge the DPPH free radical and reducing ferric ions into ferrous ions. Moreover, peroxide values of the extracts were obtained and varied from 19.8meq/kg (90% methanol) to 379meq/kg(petroleum ether) and 3.1meq/kg (90% methanol) to 119meq/kg (petroleum ether) at 70 o c and room temperature respectively. Therefore, P. lanceolata leaf extracts as compared to the control showed effective activity in delaying oxidation of the oil. Antimicrobial capacity evaluation of crude extract against different gram-positive and gram-negative organisms were also evaluated and a higher degree of antimicrobial activity with mean zone of inhibition ranging from zero to 26mm were detected. MIC and MBC values from 6.25% up to 25% were also confirmed for the crude extracts.
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Plants evolved a number of coping mechanisms wherewith they overcome negative environmental influences. Secondary metabolites are essential in plants’ stress management toolbox. One of the crucial environmental problems is contamination of soil with toxic heavy metals by different human activities. Serpentine soils are naturally burdened with heavy metals, thus presenting a great model for studying heavy metal tolerance in plants and their mechanisms of adapting to metalliferous soils. Plantago lanceolata L. is a widespread species adapted to both different environmental factors and different soils. In order to analyze the physiological status of P. lanceolata populations from metalliferous and non-metalliferous soils, we collected specimens from metalliferous soils including serpentine outcrops of central Bosnia and area artificially contaminated with heavy metals as well as from non-metalliferous soil. Heavy metal content (Cd, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Fe) was determined in both herb and soil in order to test metal availability and accumulation potential of the analyzed individuals. Contents of total phenolics, phenolic acids, flavonoids, chlorophylls a and b, and proline were determined using spectrophotometric methods. The highest content of total phenolics was observed in a sample from anthropogenic site while proline showed a higher concentration in plants from serpentine soils. Regardless of high concentrations of Ni, Zn, and Cr in soil, P. lanceolata showed remarkable tolerance to serpentine soils as no significant differences in biochemical and physiological parameters were found in plants from metalliferous and non-metalliferous sites. These results indicate the existence of adaptive mechanisms and potential use of P. lanceolata in the remediation of heavy metal–polluted soils.
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Background: Plantago lanceolata L. is used in Iraqi folklore medicine to treat injuries, and its extract is prescribed by some herbalists for cancer patients. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of P. lanceolata leaf extract on breast cancer cell lines in vitro and to identify its active compounds. Crystal violet viability assay was used to determine the cytotoxicity of methanolic P. lanceolata leaf extract against various breast cancer cell lines. MCF7, AMJ13, MDAMB, and CAL51 human breast cancer cells were treated with different concentrations of the extract for 72 h. The morphology of the treated cells was examined under a phase-contrast inverted microscope. The clonogenic ability was assessed through a clonogenic assay. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was performed to measure the concentrations of phenols and flavonoids in the extract. Results: The methanolic P. lanceolata leaf extract significantly inhibited the proliferation of triple-negative CAL51 cells but showed minor effect on the other breast cancer cells. In addition, at high doses, it induced cytopathic morphological changes. The clonogenic assay showed low colony formation in the exposed cells, especially CAL51 cells. Furthermore, HPLC study revealed that the methanolic extract contained important flavonoid glycosides, especially rutin, myricetin quercetin, and kaempferol. Conclusions: P. lanceolata leaf extract selectively inhibited the proliferation of CAL51 triple-negative breast cancer cells and showed minor effect on the other breast cancer cells types studied. Thus, this study showed P. lanceolata as a possible natural source of selective anti-triple-negative breast cancer drugs.
In recent years, the interest of consumers around the world is increasing toward the use of herbal products for personal and beauty care. Essential oils (EOs) play a major role in cosmetic and personal health care industries. EOs are natural fragrance liquid that contains a natural chemical, which imparts the plants its essence. They have been isolated from different forest-based and elsewhere available plant species. Usually, they are obtained from different plant parts such as leaves (Cymbopogon jwarancusa and Cymbopogon citratus), flower (Lavandula angustifolia and Salvia rosmarinus), bark (Canella winterana and Cassia cinnamon), wood (Santalum album), roots (Valeriana officinalis, and Sassafras albidum), seeds (Myristica fragrans and Anethum graveolens), and fruits (Juniperus communis, Citrus limon, Citrus sinensis, and Citrus bergamia). The chemical composition of EOs may differ depending on the geographical location, climatic conditions, plant species, and so on. These oils find their application in cosmetic products, shampoo, soap, perfume, detergents, etc. Currently, approximately 3000 EOs are known; among this 17,500 aromatic flora or plants possess EOs. Some of the main plant families that contain EOs are Lamiaceae, Rutaceae, Myrtaceae, Zingiberaceae, and Asteraceae. This chapter provides an overview of the role of forest-based and elsewhere available plant species in terms of EOs production and their cosmetic and personal health care applications.
Resistance in microbes towards existing antibiotics has become a part of natural adaptation, leading to the survival of resistant microbial strains. It can be attributed to the extreme and irrational use of the antibacterial drugs that led to the development of different strategies responsible for intrinsic antibiotic resistance. Confronted with a possible shortage of effective antimicrobials, there is a need to search for newer antimicrobial agents which could either block or circumvent resistant mechanisms and could improve the containment of the pathogens. Medicinal herbs, shrubs, and trees and their products have shown the potential with a multi-targeted approach and, thus, can be used as antimicrobial agents. Plant-derived compounds have shown suppression of bacterial virulence, synergism with antibiotics, and direct antibacterial activity. Additionally, many scientific investigations and modern ethnobotanical practices have revealed the significance of traditional treatment of some infectious diseases. Furthermore, along with the antibacterial activity, these botanicals also act by affecting the key events in the pathogenic process, thereby reducing the resistance ability of microbes. Overall, it is evident that only the tip of the iceberg has been uncovered in our understanding towards the chemical diversity and bioactivity of medicinal plants. This chapter is intended to highlight the use of botanicals as antibacterial agents, their current status, and our understanding their mechanism of action, along with any limitations.
For the first time inflorescences of a plant species from the genus Plantago (Pantaginaceae)—Plantago lanceolata L. (Ribwort Plantain), a known medicinal plant, were subjected to studies of phenolic compounds, which resulted in an isolation of two new compounds: a flavonoid—isorhamnetin 3-O-α-L-⁴C1-arabinopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-⁴C1-glucopyranoside) (1) and a phenylethanoid glycoside—2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl O-α-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1→2)-[α-L-¹C4-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)][E-caffeoyl-1→4]-β-D-⁴C1-glucopyranoside (14), along with fourteen known compounds—eight flavonoids (2–9) and six phenylethanoid glycosides (10–13, 15–16). The chemical structures were established by 1 D and 2 D NMR and HRESIMS spectral methods. The known phenylethanoids were the same as reported for leaves or aerial parts of P. lanceolata or other Plantago species. The flavonoids appeared to be only flavonols, mainly isorhamnetin 3-O- and 3,4’-O- glycosides, and thus completely different from flavones, mainly luteolin and apigenin glucuronides, previously reported in the leaves. The possible medicinal and chemotaxonomic relevance of the phenolics found in P. lanceolata inflorescences were taken into consideration.
Plantain (Plantago) species are traditionally used as food products and folkloric medicines in many countries. This study evaluated the antioxidant effects, phytochemical content, and phenolics profile of Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain) as an important herb in Turkey. Five different methods were used to measure the antioxidant activity including β-carotene bleaching, DPPH radical scavenging, reducing power, metal chelating, and phosphomolybdenum total antioxidant assays. Total content of phenolics and flavonoids were also determined. Profiling of phenolic compounds was done using liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Methanolic extracts showed the highest antiradical and reducing activities. Water extracts had strong β-carotene bleaching (71% at 0.4 mg/mL) and ferrous ion chelating (95% at 0.25 mg/mL) abilities. Methanol extracts had high antioxidant capacity in the phosphomolybdenum assay (145 mg AAE/g extract). Phenolics profiling showed 28 phenolic acids, flavonoid, and phenylethanoid glycoside compounds. A high amount of verbascoside (94.8 mg/g dry aerial parts of plant) was obtained followed by chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, hesperidin, and hyperoside. Plantago lanceolata has considerable potential for use in new food and pharmaceutical products. Also, it could be regarded as a rich source of verbascoside.