The present thesis aims at studding the articulation between the competitive intelligence and the agility within an Algerian company. Even though competitive intelligence and agility share many factors such as foundations, goals, informational resources, and deal with the same competitive environment, few of researches and scientific studies addressed the relation between the two concepts. .
Hence, the present research tries to answer the following question: How does competitive intelligence contribute to the enterprise agility?
Our research is interpretivist and exploratory. Therefore, the qualitative approach has been adopted through a longitudinal study of a single case (Alliance Assurances).
Data analysis has been conducted first using the (Dumez, 2011) template, then through the conceptualizing categories of (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2016).
The concluded results confirmed the existence of a kind of cycle between competitive intelligence practices within thecompany and its agility as a posture; thereafter we proposed a theoretical model grouping together the different conceptualizing categories, describing the articulation between the various competitive intelligence practices and their articulation with the agility of the company.
While the single case limits the external validity of the research, the present thesis proposes an adapted conceptual entities to the Algerian economic and competitive context that mangers can use to achieve the agility through competitive intelligence practices.
Key words: competitive intelligence, enterprise agility, articulation, conceptualizing categories, template.
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Missoum Mohamed RafikAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Missoum Mohamed Rafik
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