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A study on noise pollution of stone crusher machine at jaflong, sylhet


Abstract and Figures

This research work was aimed to assess exposure condition and the safety situation in stone crushing units. Sound level was measured at 6 stone crushing plant. A small questionnaire survey performed on the surveyed area. For the questionnaire survey the interviewees were divided into five categories. They are worker (60), teacher (5), Student (30), Shop-keeper (40) and Tourist (50) out of 185 interviewees. Exposure level of sound was not suitable from health hazard point of view. From this study the whole scenario was dangerous for human health. It was clear the maximum noise level 102 dBA, 100dBA & 99dBA at nearest point from crushing machine. It also clear that the noise level was decreasing with increasing distance from crushing point source. It was observed from this study the safe distance from the permissible sound level view of point was 24 ft at day time. The acceptable sound limit set by Department of Environments is 60 dBA at mixed area. This value exceeds in every stone crushing plant at Jaflong area.
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Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh [ICEAB 2015]
Page | 30
Paper ID E20
A study on noise pollution of stone crusher machine at Jaflong, Sylhet
SZ Farzana1, AH Nury2*, B Biswas1 and A Das1
1Department of Civil Engineering, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Corresponding e-mail:
This research work was aimed to assess exposure condition and the safety situation in stone crushing units. Sound level was measured at 6 stone
crushing plant. A small questionnaire survey performed on the surveyed area. For the questionnaire survey the interviewees were divided into five
categories. They are worker (60), teacher (5), Student (30), Shop-keeper (40) and Tourist (50) out of 185 interviewees. Exposure level of sound was
not suitable from health hazard point of view. From this study the whole scenario was dangerous for human health. It was clear the maximum noise
level 102 dBA, 100dBA & 99dBA at nearest point from crushing machine. It also clear that the noise level was decreasing with increasing distance
from crushing point source. It was observed from this study the safe distance from the permissible sound level view of point was 24 ft at day time.
The acceptable sound limit set by Department of Environments is 60 dBA at mixed area. This value exceeds in every stone crushing plant at
Jaflong area.
Noise is generated from sound. When sound went on higher
and higher pitches with loudness that human ear cannot persists,
becomes unwanted and termed as noise.
The details of work specification and activities at a stone
crushing plant that breaks large stones into smaller pieces by
using machines or manually which produces noise [2].
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is machine irreversible
sensor ineural hearing loss associated with exposure to high
levels of excessive noise. This study aims to assess the noise
levels and the awareness of the effects of noise on health
among stone crushing industry workers. There are laws and
legislation set by the department of environment (DOE),
Bangladesh. Understanding various sound properties will help
to realize the study.
Table 1. Satisfactory Noise Level [3]
Area Category
Night Time
Day Time
Silent zones (Hospitals, Old homes etc.)
40 dB
50 dB
Residential areas
45 dB
55 dB
Commercial areas
60 dB
70 dB
Mixed areas
50 dB
60 dB
Industrial areas
70 dB
75 dB
Each type of pollution has a more or less bad impact on
human life. Noise in big cities is considered by the World
Health Organization to be the third most hazardous type of
pollution, right after air and water pollution [2]. So threats from
noise pollution on human health cannot be ignored anymore.
Noise effects on human slowly and finally it can causes
permanent deafness, continuous exposure can initiate people to
several critical diseases or sudden noise can cause to death. If
noise level is above 160dB, it results in rupture of tympanic
membrane and ultimate hearing loss. From laboratory
experiments there is overwhelming evidence that the presence
of uncontrollable noise can significantly impair cognitive
performances of adults. Noise is able to induce learned
helplessness, increase arousal, alter the choice of task strategy,
and decrease attention to the task [3].
Sharmin (2009) [4] carried out a study on noise pollution in
vulnerable sites of Sylhet city. In this study, noise levels of
major commercial areas, major hospital areas, major school and
college of major location in Sylhet city have been measured,
from 9am to 8 pm during working days with the help of a sound
level meter. It is observed that average highest noise level of
intersection point is around 97 dBA at Amborkhana. The
highest TNI is found in Amborkhana (101.2 dBA). The average
noise level of indoor hospital is around 76 decibel and that in
indoor of school is 78 dBA. Unplanned urbanization and higher
population is claimed to be the cause of such situation [14].
Shilpi Rani Basak (2007) [5] Assessed noise pollution in
vulnerable hospital sites of Sylhet city.In this study, noise
levels of major hospital areas of Sylhet city have been
measured from 8 am to 8 pm during working days. She found
that the noise levels in hospital areas are approximately 75 dBA.
Even in commercial areas some hospitals are located without
any special arrangement for reduction of noise level. 43%
hospitals are located near the road side, 55% are located in
mixed area. In residential areas noise level is found lay between
70 to 73 dBA. Unplanned urbanization is remarked as the main
cause of such situation. The study suggested safe distance for
vulnerable institutions should be 100 meter away from the
Farhana hussain (2007) studied traffic contribution to noise
and air pollution in Sylhet. They found that heavy traffic causes
serious congestion in every point and is responsible for noise
and air pollution. At Amborkhana, actual roadway capacity was
7488 pcu where theoretical roadway capacity was 2500 pcu.
Noise levels of nine intersection point are observed to exceed
allowable limit.
A. Study Area
In this study survey area is selected Balla ghat, Jaflong under
Goianghat upazilla. Jaflong is the north-east zone of
Bangladesh. Latitude of Jaflong is +25°10´25.90´´ and altitude
is +92°0´45.20´´. Jaflong is a tourism area, there are about few
thousand people visit regularly from whole Bangladesh.
Sometimes many foreigners also visit this area. Above these
reason this area should be environmentally friendly and
peaceful for the tourist. Surveyed stone crushing plant have
been selected randomly. This is clear to map of sample
collection area (Figure 1). Survey works have been conducted
on Shimonto stone crusher Ltd, R.M. stone crusher, Arafat
stone crusher, Rumana stone crusher, Capital stone crusher,
Proma stone crusher.
Fig. 1. Study area
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh [ICEAB 2015]
Page | 31
B. Sound measurement
All the measurements were made manually on ‘A-weighting’
scale and the sound level meter was switched to fast response
position. Sound level has been measured every 5 feet distance
from source point of noise (Stone crushing plant). All values of
these measurements have been recorded as the sound level of
the corresponding location at a specific time. This research is
done by using primary data and the data is collected with the
help Integrating Sound Level Meter Lutron SL-4010. A small
scale questionnaire survey is conducted to find out health effect
and people awareness. Noise level is measured in each of the
sampling points in working days during 7 am to 6 pm
C. Questionnaire survey
A small scale questionnaire survey is conducted on people of
sampling point area. To perform this survey the interviews are
divided in to five categories, namely Worker, Teacher, Students,
Shopkeeper and Tourist. They are not discriminate on basis of
sampling area (Bollaghat, Jaflong). They were asked a few
question and their answers were recorded in survey documents.
The questions asked are a) Do you feel annoyed by the sound
around you? b) Do you feel any physical disturbance due to
noise? c) Do you feel any psychological disturbance due to
noise? d) Do you know such noise level can lead to deafness?
e) Do you know what can be done to control noise level?
Finally the percentage of people awareness is calculated from
the positive answer of question a, d and e.
It’s clear from figure 2 and 3 the maximum noise level at
shrimonto and R.M. stone crusher are 91 dBA and 102 dBA
respectively at nearest point from crushing machine. It also
clears from the figures that the noise level is decreasing with
increasing distance from crushing point source. Maximum
noise level at Arafat stone crusher, Rumana stone crusher,
Capital stone crusher and Proma stone crusher were found 100
dBA, 88 dBA, 95 dBA and 98 dBA respectively at nearest
point from crushing machine It is observed from the figure 2
and 3 the safe distance from the permissible sound level view
of point is 26 and 36 ft at day time respectively.
A small scale questionnaire survey was done to divulge
health effects on human and to determine public awareness
about noise pollution in both of the city. Around 185 people are
interviewed to conduct this part of the study.
Fig. 2. Variation of noise level with distance (ft)
at Shimanto stone crusher
Interviewees are divided into five categories. They are
worker (60), teacher (5), Student (30), shop-keeper (40) and
tourist (50). There is no division on which city they belong to.
Almost 80% of workers feel disturbed by the stone crushing
machine created noise, 15% of them do not feel disturb and 5%
of said they feel disturbed sometimes. 95% teachers feel
annoyed by the stone crushing machine created noise around
them among teachers 2% do not feel disturb and feel disturbed
sometimes 3%.90% students are disturbed by the stone
crushing machine created noise 8% of them do not feel disturb
and rest 2 % feel disturbed sometimes.85 % of shopkeepers feel
disturbed by stone crushing machine created noise. Among
them only 5% do not feel disturb and 10 % feel disturbed
sometimes.96% tourists feel disturbed by the noisy
environment in this tourist area. 2% of them do not feel disturb
and rest 2% said they feel disturbed sometimes.
Fig. 3: Variation of noise level with distance (ft) at R.M. stone crusher
Around 90% of workers complained headache, 95% worker
sleep interference and 88% of them are said about hearing
deficiency and others said 20%. Almost 95% teachers suffered
headache, 92% of them have sleep interference and hearing
deficiency is felt by 90% of them and others said 35%. 93%
students complained headache, 95% student complained sleep
interference and 85% felt hearing deficiency others said 23%.
96% shopkeepers have headache, 92% of them have sleep
interference, 88% of them feel hearing deficiency and others said
30%. 96% tourists have spoken about headache, 95% have sleep
interference, 90% of them have felt hearing deficiency and other
said 41%. The other physiological problem includes increase of
blood pressure during high noise. Increase of cardio-vascular
disease, increase of pulse arte, tinnitus (ringing inside ear).
Around 96% of workers suffering from irritation, 98%
worker undergone attention deficiency, 80% of them are said
they have bad temperature and other 20%. Almost 95%
teachers feel irritated, 99% of them experiences attention
deficiency and 92% have bad temperament during high level of
sound and other 20%. About 95% of students suffer from
irritated 96% of them are undergone attention deficiency and
90% student said they have bad temperament if they are
subjected to high level of sound and other 35%. About 92%
shopkeepers feel irritated, 90% face attention deficiency. 87 %
of them admit they become bad tempered during high level of
sound and other 26%. About 92% tourists are irritated, 98% of
them have felt hearing deficiency and 95% possess ill
temperature and other said 35%.
Fig. 4. Evaluation of people awareness of noise level
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh [ICEAB 2015]
Page | 32
From figure 4 in spite of their profession only 15% worker
are aware of bad effect and 80% remains ignores. About 5%
they are still in confusion. About 60% teachers are concerned
about the hazard that such noise level poses threat. But 15%
teachers are remains unaware of it and more 25% of them are
perplexes. Only 10% of students answered positive about the
fact, 78% of them are uninformed about the ultimate result of
being exposed to such noise level, 12% students are confused
of the question. Just 50 % shopkeepers are informed that deafness
can cause everlasting hearing impairment. 40 % admitted they
do not know about it and 10 % of them are confused. About 70
% tourists answered positive about the fact, 15% of them are
uniformed about the ultimate result of being exposed to such
noise level, 15 % tourist are confused of the question.
88% workers propose to improve machine use, 90% suggest
to shift the machine safe area, 50% said other methods. 90%
teachers suggest improve machine use, 95% recommended to
shift the machine safe area, 40 % advised many other
alternative solution. 90% students propose to improve machine
use, 85% of them suggest shifting the machine safe area. 25 %
advised many other alternative solutions. 70% service-holders
suggest improve machine use, 92% of them suggest shifting the
machine safe area. 40 % advised many other alternative
possible solutions. About 96 % tourists raise their voice for
modify and improved machine used, 93% of them suggest to
shift the machine safe area. 20 % said improve working
condition, confined area and many other alternative possible
Fig. 5. Awareness of people
From the figure 5 it is seen that percentage of awareness of
worker, teacher, student, shopkeeper and tourist is 17%, 23%,
17%, 19% and 24% respectively. It is understood that the
awareness among people is not in satisfactory level. People are
facing the problem but do not have adequate idea of what such
noise can charge on them.
The study reveals the existing noise pollution status of stone
crushing plant at Jaflong Bollah Ghat area, Goainghat, Sylhet.
The acceptable noise level set by Department of environment
(DOE), Bangladesh exceeds in every stone crushing plant at
Jaflong area. During the observation maximum noise level
from R.M. stone crusher was found 102 dBA and minimum
noise level from Rumana stone crusher was found 88 dBA. The
permissible noise level at mixed area set by DOE is 60 dBA
was found lowest distance 24 feet from crushing plant Rumana
stone crusher and workers stay there more than 8 hours in a day.
Maximum stone crushing plant are situated within 500 feet
from commercial/ residential area. There is a number of people
especially tourist complained headache. Stone crushing plant
should be installed at safe distance from residential/commercial
area. Personal protective equipment should be used properly
and regularly too.
[1] N Wagner 2009. Safety and health in the stone crushing industry,
[Online] Available at
[Accessed 11th May 2013]
[2] G Mohammadi 2009. An Investigation of Community Response
To Urban Traffic Noise, Iran. J. Environ. Health Sci. eng. 6(2):
[3] KD Kryter 1994. The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of
Noise; Physiology, Pschology and Public Health, San Diego, Calif:
Academic press, xiv 673 pp.
[4] S Sharmin 2009. A comparison study of existing noise pollution in
Dhaka and Sylhet city, health effect and people awareness based
on questionnaire survey, Undergraduate thesis, Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of
Science and Technology, Sylhet 86 pp.
[5] SR Basak 2007. Assessment of noise pollution in vulnerable
hospital site of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis, Department of
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of
Science and Technology, Sylhet 95 pp.
[6] F hussain 2007. A study on the noise pollution in vulnerable sites
of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet 93 pp.
... A study is done on the health hazards of the stone-crushing plants at the Jaflong. This study found that every stone-crushing plant exceeds the acceptable level of noise set out by the Department of Environment of Bangladesh (Farzana et al., 2014). For example, the Department of Environment of Bangladesh sets 60 decibels (DB) as the maximum noise level in the case of stonecrushing plants. ...
... However, the stone-crushing plants in the Jaflong area exceed this level. It is revealed that the minimum and maximum noise level at the stone crushing plants at Jaflong is 88 DB and 120 DB, respectively (Farzana et al., 2014). Another study revealed that local people suffer from headaches, sleep interference, hearing deficiency, heart disease, high blood pressure, irritation, coughs and other respiratory infections from the noise pollution of the stonecrushing plants (Hoque, 2018). ...
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This study investigates how the unregulated and unscientific manner of stone quarrying in Bangladesh degrades the environment and affects the life and livelihoods of the local people. The recent countrywide construction boom and infrastructural development kept the GDP growth constant in Bangladesh. This construction boom generates colossal demand for stones, and the Sylhet region is its major supplier. Although there are laws and legal mechanisms to regulate stone quarrying in the country, the miners do not follow these. This study found that the local Khasi people of the stone quarrying area have been experiencing systematic and forcible dispossession due to merging their lands into stone quarrying sites. These people are the victims of different forms of pollution due to unregulated stone quarrying. And the area has been experiencing a social transformation because of the settling of the people of the mainstream Bengali community from the poverty porn areas of the country to sustain their life by managing their livelihoods by working in the stone quarries. The study also explores how the lack of monitoring and corruption of the state and non-state actors in the stone quarrying sectors degraded the environment and transformed society in the last decades.
... In recent times, noise pollution is an emerging issue which causes lots of serial problems to the human beings as well as animal species and environment all over the world (Rosenburg 2016). Noise pollution in stone mining and crushing industry is one of the major environmental problems (Farzana et al. 2014;Pal and Mandal 2017;Hebbal and Kadadevaru 2017). Drilling, blasting, serial crushing are the major activities which lead to the high level of noise often more than 85 dBA (Pal and Mandal 2019a, b). ...
... Since last century, man-induce noise pollution has been increasing with very rapid pace (Sati 2015). Farzana et al. (2014) studied the effects of noise on health among stone crusher workers. In Denmark, 200-500 deaths happened in a year due to excessive noise pollution (Sørensen 2016). ...
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The present paper has intended to explore the noise level and vulnerability to noise produced in the stone mining and crushing area and the surroundings in the heavily stressed stone mining and crushing area of Middle catchment of Dwarka river basin of Eastern India. Field-based noise recording has been done at different times in every recorded days. Fuzzy logic-based weighting and integration of eight parameters have been done in four selected cluster for noise susceptibility mapping. For exploring noise annoyance odd and risk ratio have been computed for different communities. From the recorded noise level in stone crushing clusters, it is found that the noise level is > 85 dBA from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the stone crushers are running on and it is above the ambient noise threshold defined by Central Pollution Control Board in 2000. Maximum noise level is recorded as 112.41 dBA which may cause deafness. Noise intensity gradually decreases from crushing centre towards outside and it prevails up to 500–650 m away from the crushing unit. Noise vulnerable areas constructed based on eight noise level addressing and noise effect indicating parameters using fuzzy logic revealed that about 10.46–27.98% areas fall under very high to high noise vulnerable zones. Therefore, the labourers and the peoples who are living at close proximity of crusher units are highly prone to noise pollution along with stone dust pollution. The effect of noise is highly age and sex sensitive due to their differences in physical strength. These findings could effectively be used for saving the exposed communities from noise vulnerability.
... Thus, the research works to assess the work-related hazards in different industries, including the stone quarry and crushing industry, have been going on for many years. Farzana et al. (2014) studied the noise pollution of the stone crusher machine at Jaflong, Sylhet, and found that the maximum noise level at the nearby crushing machine was more than the level prescribed by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and was unsafe for occupational health. Masrur et al. (2010) identified the creation of stone dust during stone crushing as a major health hazard and tried to minimize the dust production sustainably. ...
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Background and objectives The prevalence of occupational injuries among blue-collar workers is higher in the stone-crushing industries due to high-risk and iterant nature of the work. These occupational injuries, in turn, caused workers’ ill health, as well as death, which eventually diminish the gross domestic product. We aimed at assessing the attributes of occupational injuries and the risk associated with the hazards in the stone-crushing industry. Methods This study utilized a questionnaire base cross-sectional survey that was conducted from September 2019 to February 2020. Data were collected from 32 stone-crushing factories of Eastern Bangladesh and analyzed to show their relationship with different variables. The risk levels associated with the frequent hazardous events were measured using a Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Matrix. Results Most of the injuries were found to occur between 12:00 and 16:00 h. Nearly a fifth of the injuries were serious or critical in nature, caused the workers to be absent at least a week. Exposure to excessive dust, working without personal protective equipment (PPE), and improper lifting and handling techniques caused one-third of injuries. Wrist and hand/fingers, back and lower back, feet/toe, eye, knee, arm, neck and head, and ankle were found as most injured body parts. The primary cause of most injuries was the workers’ failure to use PPE. All major hazardous events were found to possess a high-risk level. Conclusion Our finding suggests that stone crushing is one of the most hazardous industries and the practitioners must consider the findings when implementing a risk avoidance policy.
... Thus, the research works to assess the work related-hazards in different industries, including the stone quarry and crushing industry, have been going on for many years. Farzana et al. (2014) studied the noise pollution of the stone crusher machine at Ja ong, Sylhet, and found that the maximum noise level at the nearby crushing machine was more than the level prescribed by NIOSH and was unsafe for occupational health. Masrur et al. (2010) identi ed the production of stone dust during stone crushing as a major health hazard and tried to minimize the dust production sustainably. ...
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Background and Purpose The prevalence of occupational injuries among blue-collar workers is higher in the stone quarry and crushing industries due to a larger number of high-risk activities and an iterant nature of work. These occupational injuries, in turn, caused workers' ill health and reduced working capacity, as well as death, which eventually contributed to the loss of the gross domestic product. We aimed at assessing the attributes of occupational injuries and the risk associated with the hazards that prevailed in the stone-crushing industry. Methods Data were collected from thirty-two stone-crushing factories using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed to show their relationship with different variables. The proposition of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001:1999) was used to define hazards, and the risk levels associated with the most frequent hazardous events were measured using a Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Matrix. Results 82% of injuries were found to occur between 12:00 to 18:00 hours. Almost one-fifth of the injuries fell in major and critical severity categories, which caused the workers to be absent for a week to more than a month. Exposure to excessive dust, working without personal protective equipment, and improper lifting and handling techniques caused one-third of injuries. Wrist and hand/fingers, back and lower back, feet/toe, eye, knee, arm, neck and head, and ankle were found as most injured body parts. Conclusion Our finding suggests that all the significant hazards identified posed a high level of risk, which makes this industry one of the most hazardous industries.
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Sylhet is one of the fast growing cities in Bangladesh. It has witnessed unprecedented population growth in the recent years. Migration of people from different parts of the country to Sylhet city especially for education and employment has substantially increased over the last 20 years. The trend of urbanization has engulfed adjacent rural areas of the city which has been attracting investments in multiple sectors like education, health, industry, commerce, and trade. As a result, phenomenal growth of transports of varied types, converted natural gas (CNG) refueling stations, engineering and welding workshops of different sorts is seen throughout the city. Moreover, a power generating station has been located very close to the residential areas, just around five kilometers away from the centre of the city. The roads inside the city always remain busy with vehicles-jam resulting in a severe chaotic situation that causes harm to human physiological and psychological health. The main sources of intolerable noise in the city are huge numbers of transports, CNG stations, engineering and welding workshops and a power generating station that all are generally located along with the major thoroughfare. The aims of the current study are to measure and realize the amount of noise pollution that occurs at industrial, commercial, residential, and silence zones of the city. It investigates physiological and psychological sufferings of the affected people living in different areas and experiencing continuous noise from varied sources. The study tries to perceive the level of awareness among the people who regularly face unbearable noise, and it also explores the kinds of treatment people might have taken from the physicians because of noise pollution. The nature of the study is basically qualitative. But quantitative measurement of noise is carried out meticulously so that the rate of noise pollution at different areas could be understood better. Purposive sampling technique is used to select 20 persons from four different zones–industrial, commercial, residential and silence—in order to understand the physiological and psychological sufferings of the people. Another 20 persons are selected using accidental sampling technique from the same four zones in the same way to realize people’s awareness about noise pollution that they encounter in their day-to-day life and also their suggestions to reduce its rate. Two interview guides are adopted for the study; one is for collecting qualitative data relating to physiological and psychological sufferings of the people and the treatment sought because of noise pollution, and the other one is for collecting qualitative data that helps understand the level of people’s awareness with regard to noise pollution. The findings of the study show that noise pollution at different zones goes beyond the acceptable limit, and people have multiple physiological and psychological sufferings due to noise pollution, which have sometimes forced them to seek medical treatment. It also shows that people’s awareness about noise pollution seems to be gradually growing high in Sylhet city.
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Traffic noise is a major environmental source of pollution in the whole planet, both in developed and in developing nations. The study being reported here has been carried out on one of the most busy and crowded streets in the downtown area of Kerman, located in south east of Iran, which have heavy traffic during the day. Total of 20 measuring points were selected along the main road and its 6 connecting streets. In this study the A-weighted continuous equivalent sound level values and statistical levels were manually measured at each site separately. The noise equivalent level varied between 66 to 79.5 dBA. The results of the study established the fact that noise levels are more than the acceptable limit of 60 dBA, which is the daytime governmentally prescribed noise limit for residential-commercial areas. This paper also describes the reaction of the environmental noise of the city of Kerman. A total of 250 questionnaires were processed. The results of the interview questionnaire revealed the following items; (I) the main isolated noise source was traffic (50%) and street noise (34%); (II) 70% of the people classified the noise in his/her street as “very high”; (III) 52% and 48% of the respondents answered that noise bother them more in morning and evening, respectively; (IV) 86% and 86.8% of the subjects answered that traffic noise produce physicsl and psychological annoyance to them; (V) the main outcomes of exposure to noise were: irritability (40.8%), insomnia (24%), difficulty in concentrating (16%) and conservation disruption (16%).
Safety and health problems of fishermen are reviewed in this article, including work related accidents and illness and their costs, and national and international preventive interventions. The article also discusses current ILO action to address these issues.
The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise
  • Kd Kryter
KD Kryter 1994. The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise; Physiology, Pschology and Public Health, San Diego, Calif: Academic press, xiv 673 pp.
A comparison study of existing noise pollution in Dhaka and Sylhet city, health effect and people awareness based on questionnaire survey, Undergraduate thesis
  • S Sharmin
S Sharmin 2009. A comparison study of existing noise pollution in Dhaka and Sylhet city, health effect and people awareness based on questionnaire survey, Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 86 pp.
Assessment of noise pollution in vulnerable hospital site of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis
  • Sr Basak
SR Basak 2007. Assessment of noise pollution in vulnerable hospital site of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 95 pp.
A study on the noise pollution in vulnerable sites of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis
  • F Hussain
F hussain 2007. A study on the noise pollution in vulnerable sites of Sylhet city. Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahajalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 93 pp.