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This research deals with an important aspect of scientific research, which is the methodology that scientific research follows, to correct the error that most researchers make who confuse methodology and methodology,the descriptive, analytical and comparative approach and the branches that these curricula include, such as the historical and experimental method and others. The research is divided into several axes of the research methodology, which are: 1. The steps and types of thinking, which include: Evolutionary thinking, Critical thinking, research material and conducting research, including: stages of collecting scientific material, research formulation and form, research formulation components, and form. 4. Defining the concept of the scientific method 5. As for the approved types of scientific research methods, they include: the experimental method, the survey method, and the historical method. Modern divisions of scientific research methods include those of: Withney, the Marquis, Good and Scates, and Van Dalen. 6. Accredited scientific research methods. Introduction The research methodology aims to make the researcher systematic in his thinking, proposals and research, free of intellectual stagnation and oriented towards creativity, renewal, criticism and systematic and organized analysis, and avoiding making any arbitrary judgments by the researcher or falling into scientific naivety, based on the extent of his armament with scientific methodology and research methods and techniques. The approach is meant the way or the path (in the field of language), and it is defined as: the path that leads to revealing the truth in the sciences by means of a set of general rules that dominate the functioning of the mind and determine its operations until it reaches a known result. Methodology is a branch of epistemology (1-2-3) concerned with the study of curricula or methods that allow access to scientific knowledge of things and phenomena. We can also consider that the curriculum is a stand before the subject, and we are talking in this case, for example, on the experimental approach and the medical curriculum, and the word curriculum also means resorting to analytical patterns specific to distinct scientific
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish
Professor of Islamic Archeology
Faculty of Arts, Minia University
This research deals with an important aspect of scientific research, which is the
methodology that scientific research follows, to correct the error that most researchers
make who confuse methodology and methodology,the descriptive, analytical and
comparative approach and the branches that these curricula include, such as the historical
and experimental method and others.
The research is divided into several axes of the research methodology, which are:
1. The steps and types of thinking, which include: Evolutionary thinking, Critical thinking,
Reflective and imitation thinking, Mysterious thinking, Skeptical thinking, Exaggerated
thinking Think too much, Surface thinking, Causal analytical thinking, Reflexive thinking,
Partial thinking, Total aggregate thinking.
2. Scientific research methods, including: Inductive study, Exploratory search.
3. Steps for collecting research material and conducting research, including: stages of
collecting scientific material, research formulation and form, research formulation
components, and form.
4. Defining the concept of the scientific method
5. As for the approved types of scientific research methods, they include: the experimental
method, the survey method, and the historical method. Modern divisions of scientific
research methods include those of: Withney, the Marquis, Good and Scates, and Van
6. Accredited scientific research methods.
Keywords: scientific research, methodology, scientific research, descriptive method,
analytical method, comparative method, Withney, Marquis, Good and Scates, Van Dalen.
The research methodology aims to make the researcher systematic in his thinking,
proposals and research, free of intellectual stagnation and oriented towards creativity,
renewal, criticism and systematic and organized analysis, and avoiding making any
arbitrary judgments by the researcher or falling into scientific naivety, based on the extent
of his armament with scientific methodology and research methods and techniques. The
approach is meant the way or the path (in the field of language), and it is defined as: the
path that leads to revealing the truth in the sciences by means of a set of general rules that
dominate the functioning of the mind and determine its operations until it reaches a known
Methodology is a branch of epistemology (1-2-3) concerned with the study of curricula or
methods that allow access to scientific knowledge of things and phenomena. We can also
consider that the curriculum is a stand before the subject, and we are talking in this case,
for example, on the experimental approach and the medical curriculum, and the word
curriculum also means resorting to analytical patterns specific to distinct scientific
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
branches, as for the methodology, there are those who make the concept of curriculum
synonymous with the concept of methodology Is the method the methodology?
The method is that path or method that the researcher chooses from among several
scientific methods and methods (curricula) in proportion to the subject of his research, in
order to address his problem according to specific research steps, in order to reach
solutions to it or to some results regarding it, and therefore it can be said that the
methodology is more comprehensive. From the science of curricula, which is an essential
part of it, it mainly appears in how to treat the subject at the level of the body and the
research plan, which are two parts of the research.
As for the methodology, it is concerned with all parts and sections of scientific research, by
stating its elements, conditions, and rules governing them, as well as issues related to form
such as: how to document in the margin, how to document a list of references, stop signs...,
The meaning of the methodology of scientific research as a process or intellectual activity
(induction and interpretation of reality), differs from the issue of logical methods, and the
content of the methodology as a method of organizing and comprehensive depiction of the
parts of scientific research, and the commitment to implement them stage after stage, and
the methodology in its broad sense is the philosophy of scientific research and the thought
followed in scientific research The purpose of introducing the student to the methodology
is as a general method aimed at avoiding the mistakes that the novice researcher usually
The researcher must have a clear vision of what he is looking for (defining the topic of the
research, setting a methodological plan of action), and the latter is not represented in the
techniques that can be followed, but rather a mental mechanism for memorizing and
extrapolating the reality or the topic as a comprehensive perception of the dimensions of
the research, and for this reason the researcher when he faces great difficulties that are
almost To abort his research project, the reason is not due to the ineffectiveness of the
techniques used, but rather to his inability to identify and follow a methodology that
includes all parts of the research.
The technicality of the methodology appears in the definition of the curriculum itself, and
the plan that any researcher imagines when studying a particular research topic after
reading a group of references and sources, and then designs his research plan, so through
that it can be said that methodology is an art from this aspect, and it is a science It studies
the curricula, and the methodology contains the curriculum and the phenomena it applies
as the subject matter.
As for the scientific method, the scientific method, or the scientific culture, it is a set of
techniques and methods designed to examine newly discovered or observed phenomena
and knowledge, or to correct and supplement old information or theories.
Although the nature and methods of the scientific method differ according to the science
concerned, there are distinctive characteristics and features that distinguish scientific
research and investigation from other methods of investigation and knowledge
development. By examining their predictions and their accuracy for the theories that have
been examined and investigated within a wide field, and a large number of experiments are
often the result of collecting several integrated and coherent hypotheses, which constitute a
comprehensive explanatory framework for an entire scientific field, within these theories
also new hypotheses can be formed that are examined.
The main objective of any scientific research that goes beyond describing the problem or
phenomenon in question to understanding and interpreting it, by recognizing its place in
the overall framework of the organized relations to which it belongs, and formulating
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
generalizations that explain various phenomena, is one of the most important goals of
science, especially those that reach a degree of comprehensiveness. It raises it to the rank
of scientific laws and theories.
The interpretation of various phenomena increases its scientific value if it helps a person to
predict. Forecasting here does not mean metaphysical guesswork or knowledge of the
future, but it means the ability to anticipate what might happen if things go a certain way,
and here expectation includes the meaning of strong possibility.
In achieving the three objectives (interpretation, prediction, and control), all sciences
depend on the scientific method, because it is characterized by accuracy, objectivity, and
testing the facts as a test that removes all acceptable doubt, knowing that scientific facts are
not fixed, rather they are facts that have reached a high degree of truthfulness.
In this field, we must refer to a methodological issue in which the researcher differs in the
theoretical aspects from the applied (experimental) researcher, as the first is not convinced
of its results until all acceptable doubt is removed from it, and the degree of probability of
honesty in it reaches the maximum degree, while the second is satisfied with the highest
degrees The probability, if he balances between his results, takes the most of the
probability of honesty, meaning that if the two discuss a certain phenomenon, and the
degree of error probability in it is one in ten (1/10), the applied researcher accepts it, while
the theoretical researcher does not accept it unless the degree of probability of error
decreases to one percent (1%).
It should not be lost sight of, that the scientific method depends mainly on induction,
which differs from deduction and logical measurement, and this does not mean that the
scientific method neglects the importance of logical measurement, but when it reaches
general laws, it uses deduction and analogy to apply them to the particles, to verify their
validity (that is, that The theoretical researcher begins with the particulars to derive the
laws from them, while the practical researcher begins with general issues to reach the
partial facts), i.e. he uses the applied interpretation, which is the investigation and
interpretation of a special phenomenon from a theory, a law or a general phenomenon, and
he also uses the deductive method that is to derive A law, theory, or general phenomenon
from a group of special phenomena [1].
Whatever it is, the scientific method includes two interrelated processes: observation and
description. If science aims to express the relationships that exist between different
phenomena, then this expression is in its descriptive basis, and if this expression represents
the facts related to the phenomenon, it must depend on observation, The scientific
description differs from the ordinary description, in that it does not depend on linguistic
rhetoric, but is essentially a quantitative description, because when the researcher measures
the different aspects of one or more phenomena, this measurement is nothing but a
quantitative description, based on statistical means in reducing a large group of the data is
reduced to a simple set of numbers and statistical terms.
As for scientific observation, it is the observation that uses different standards, and is based
on the arrangement of circumstances in an intentional and specific arrangement, so that it
can be observed in an objective way. The elements that are the result of chance, and
repetition remains necessary to ensure the validity of the observation, as the researcher
may err as a result of chance or the intervention of subjective factors, such as errors that
result from the difference in the accuracy of the senses and the subjective qualities of the
researcher, such as perseverance and strength of observation, and the distinction between
terms [2].
Scientific research takes a number of forms and methods according to the nature of the
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
research, and the name of research methods is given to those different forms and methods
that must be scientific to be compatible with the scientific research, and therefore the
scientific research method is the ideal method for solving the scientific problem or
developing theories and explanations for natural and human phenomena, and that After
experimentation and testing on the hypotheses developed by the researcher.
Whatever method the researcher follows in conducting his research, another constant factor
is the scientific method of thinking that is the guide to the success of the method. The
researcher must prove the validity or error of these hypotheses, then the testing process to
reach a final result or results, and the researcher can use more than one of the research
methods in one study, for example, a researcher in history who uses the retrospective
method can basically switch to the experimental method When physical study of physical
historical documents.
The term “scientific method” refers to that intellectual framework within which the
researcher‟s mind operates, while the word “research method” means the applied steps for
that intellectual framework, and this difference does not mean what these two terms are,
i.e. a conflict between them. And a method, but this distinction is intended for clarification
and interpretation. In any scientific study, the mental processes in the mind of the
researcher take an integrated arrangement and organization that directs his practical steps.
Therefore, it is preferable that each term be taken from one side of the two sides, so that
the word “method” is used to refer to the applied aspect of the research steps.
To clarify this more, representation depends on imagining the existence of a problem
facing two people, the first floundering and trying and making mistakes until he arrives at a
solution to this problem that may be right or wrong, but in both cases he is not considered a
scientific investigator, because he did not solve it according to a mental organization that
can As for the second, he deals with the problem in a scientific way, that is, he proceeded
to solve it with certain intellectual steps that scientists call “scientific thinking steps”, the
results of his research and validation.
As for the steps of the scientific method of thinking, they are almost the same as the steps
of any research method, with some details that differ according to different research
methods, but the intellectual method is what organizes any research method [3].
First: The steps and types of thinking
The steps of the scientific method are the feeling or feeling of a problem or question that
baffles the researcher or attracts his interest, so he puts possible solutions or possible
answers for it, represented in “hypotheses” or “research hypotheses”, and then comes the
third step, which is to test the validity of the hypotheses and reach a conclusion. Certain
and these three main steps lead the researcher in the various stages of his study, as long as
he has chosen the scientific method as a way to reach accurate and objective results [5].
Naturally, these main steps are interspersed with several operational steps, such as:
determining the nature of the problem to be studied, collecting data that helps in choosing
appropriate hypotheses, as well as data that are used to test hypotheses, reaching
generalizations and using these generalizations in practice. Steps - stages - in order for its
operations to become clearer, but these steps do not always proceed in the same sequence,
and they are not necessarily separate intellectual stages, as there may be a lot of overlap
between them. A researcher may hesitate between several of these steps, and some stages
may require little effort, while others take longer, and thus the use of these steps is based
on functional flexibility.
It should not be forgotten that the research methods differ in terms of their method of
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
testing the validity of the hypotheses, and this depends on the nature and field of the
problem in question. In many cases, the research problem imposes the method used by the
researcher, and the difference in the method is not only due to the nature and field of the
problem, but also to the available research capabilities, chosen by the researcher.
As for thinking [7-8-9-10], it is a mental activity to try to find a solution to a situation and
get to know it through its outputs and productivity. Thinking in its general sense is a
mental or mental activity that differs from sensation and perception and goes beyond both
to abstract ideas, and in its narrow and specific sense it is every flow or stream of thoughts,
moved or provoked by a problem or issue that requires a solution, and it also leads to the
study of data, flipping and examining them with the intention of verifying the Its validity
and knowledge of the laws that control it and the mechanisms by which it operates [11-12-
Thinking is a series of invisible mental activities that the brain performs when exposed to a
stimulus that is received by one or more of the five senses, in search of meaning in a
situation or experience, and it is a purposeful and developmental behavior that is formed
from within abilities and personal factors, and cognitive and supracognitive processes [14-
15-16], and knowledge of the topic around which thinking is taking place [13], which is a
complex concept consisting of three elements represented in complex cognitive processes,
on top of which are problem solving, and the least complex such as understanding and
application, in addition to knowledge specific to the content of the material or topic, with
the availability of different preparations and personal factors, especially tendencies and
tendencies [17-18].
As for the difference between thinking and thinking skills, thinking is a total process
through which you mentally process sensory inputs and translated information to form
ideas, infer them or judge them, and it is a process that is not fully understood, and
includes perception, previous experience, conscious processing, embracing and intuition.
As for thinking skills, they are specific mental processes that we practice and use
intentionally in processing information, such as the skills of defining the problem, finding
assumptions not mentioned in the text, evaluating evidence or claiming, collecting and
organizing information, processing and analyzing information, comparing, categorizing,
predicting, observing, and then making decisions, and it was necessary to learn directed
skills. And support for the process of thinking or practice for the previous example, by
learning basic skills, then advanced skills, then professional skills, until reach the required
level in practice.
There are many types of thinking that overlap with each other so that hardly each type is
distinguished from the others. These types include creative thinking, basic thinking,
divergent thinking, lateral (wall) thinking, vertical (centered) thinking, scientific thinking,
logical thinking, and critical thinking.
As for creative thinking, it is a purposeful mental activity directed by a strong desire to
search for solutions or reach original results that were not previously known, through
which the individual can find something familiar from something unfamiliar, or it is the
ability to perceive the hidden links between things, events and phenomena and get out of
them. Something new reveals the relations and links between them, and it is said that it is
to bring something new, and it is characterized by comprehensiveness and complexity, as it
is of the highest complex level of thinking, because it includes overlapping cognitive,
emotional and ethical elements that constitute a unique state of mind.
Creative thinking [19] is the method that an individual uses to produce as many ideas as
possible about the problem he is exposed to (intellectual fluency). A product that is
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
represented in the issuance of multiple solutions characterized by diversity and novelty, in
light of a supportive atmosphere in which consistency and harmony prevail among its
components, and critical thinking and specific to the recipient is linked to mental activity
that requires the use of higher cognitive levels (analysis - installation - evaluation), which
is a contemplative and purposeful mental activity based on arguments,reasoning to arrive
at truthful judgments according to acceptable standards, i.e. the use of rational judgment to
examine the situation and events in order to pass a judgment.
As for the types of thinking, the most important ones are:
A. Evolutionary thinking: It is the thought that creates and adds new life, that is, that
generates successful projects.
B. Critical thinking: He is able to see the shortcomings, errors and defects in any existing
work, even if he is not able to find suitable alternatives for what he criticizes.
C. Reflective and imitation thinking: It is the thought capable of absorbing what others
create, even if it is not capable of creativity, renewal, addition and giving.
D. Mysterious thinking: It is the confused thinking that is incapable of perceiving the
relationships between things and the size of everything in the subject in which he is
thinking, and he is also unable to express what is going on in his mind clearly.
E. Skeptical thinking: It is the conspiracy thinking that doubts every action and every
person, and believes that behind everything is a conspiracy, and that it is intended
behind every conspiracy, and that there is no point in any action and no benefit in any
F. Think too much: It is the thinking that gives everything times its true size, whether it is
good or bad.
G. Surface thinking: It is the thinking that is satisfied with the phenomena of things, and
does not penetrate to the knowledge of their facts and their essence.
H. Causal analytical thinking: It is the careful thinking whose owner tends to search for the
causes and premises of each accident, its results and the intentions of those in charge of
it, and what is the appropriate position towards this accident, and what is his role in it.
I. Reflexive thinking: It is the thinking that takes the initiative to absolve himself of any
responsibility for any matter that takes place and places the consequences of that on the
predestination, and justifies his every action, regardless of its consequences.
J. Partial thinking: It is the thinking whose owner looks at the event truncated from its
context and separated from its general general base, of which he is in fact a part.
K. Total aggregate thinking: It is the thinking that is concerned with looking at the general
Second: Scientific research methods
A. Inductive study: It is also known as the deductive and inferential study, which is a
study whose essence is to elicit the intent of the text to be studied through the text itself
and without the need for other books that explain or explain the text.
B. Exploratory search: Exploratory research is a form of research that is conducted on
problems that are not clearly identified. Exploratory research helps determine the best
research design, method of data collection and topic identification. Critical conclusions
should be drawn with great caution. Due to its basic nature, exploratory research often
concludes that A tangible problem that doesn't really exist.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as a review of available
studies and their data or both, or depends on qualitative methods such as informal
discussions, or depends on methods that are more formal through in-depth interviews,
focus groups, projective methods, case studies or empirical studies.
The Internet allows for research methods that are more interactive in nature, for example,
RSS formats effectively provide searchers with all new information, and search results in
the main search engine can be sent by e-mail to researchers through services such as a
news alert (Google Alerts); where comprehensive search results are tracked over long
periods of time by services such as Google Trends; Websites can be created to attract
comments from all over the world on any topic.
When the purpose of research is to gain knowledge of phenomena or gain a new insight in
order to reach a more accurate formulation of problems or develop hypotheses, exploratory
studies (also known as formative research) come in handy, and if the hypothesis occurs
very generally or in particular Very, it is not possible to form a hypothesis, therefore, there
is a need for exploratory research to gain experience that would be an aid factor in
hypotheses related to plastic research to be more specific.
Usually the results of exploratory research are not useful in the decision-making process
per se, but they can provide a clear explanation in a particular case, and although the
results of qualitative research can give some indications such as "why", "how" and "time"
regarding the occurrence of something, but they often cannot tell us about 'frequency of
occurrence' or 'how often', and exploratory research is not generally generalized to the
population at all.
Exploratory research seeks to find out how people can proceed with the preparation of the
inquiry, what meanings they make clear by their actions, what issues they care about, and
investigate phenomena without explicit expectations. An attempt to unveil any theory from
the data itself and not from a hypothesis put forward.
Earl Babbie [20] identifies three purposes of humanities research: exploratory, descriptive,
and explanatory, exploratory research is used when problems are at an initial stage, and the
process of exploratory research is flexible and queries of all kinds of research questions
(what, cause and method) can be addressed. Exploratory research is often used to establish
formal hypotheses, and Shields and manifestation [21] link exploratory research to the
theoretical framework of working hypotheses.
Despite this, skeptics have doubts about the usefulness and necessity of exploratory
research in cases where a prior analysis can be done instead [22].
Third:Steps to collect research material and conduct research
Research is often conducted using the hourglass model structure of research, and the
hourglass model begins with a broad range of research topics, then focuses on the
information needed through a "project method" (just like the neck of an hourglass). Then
the research expands with discussion and results. The main steps in conducting research
are [24]:
- Determine the research problem
- Review of the written on the topic
- Determine the purpose of the research
- Define specific research questions and hypotheses
- Data collection
- Analyzing and interpreting data
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
- Submitting research reports and evaluations
The steps for conducting research are:
A. The importance of collecting scientific material:
The collection of scientific material is more important than planning for research and
preparing sources. Among the manifestations of this importance are:
- Because it is the basis upon which the research topic is based.
- The two steps of planning and preparing the sources are intended to collect the material.
- It takes a long time, and painstaking effort.
- It has a strong impact on the subject of the research and the desired results from it.
B. Stages of collecting scientific material:
The collection of scientific material goes through two stages:
- Preparatory collection for writing the scientific article.
- Synthesis of scientific material.
The first stage: the preparatory assembly: At this stage, reference is made to the sources he
recorded in the list of sources, taking into account the arrangement and classification of the
sources according to the nature of his research.
Among the most important works in this phase are the following:
- Read the sources.
- The researcher should bring up the great effort and long time in the reading process.
- The researcher should make his reading organized, comprehensive, and in-depth.
- The researcher should take into account when reading the following matters:
• Not to read when he is mentally and physically tired.
• To organize reading times.
• Not to read at inappropriate times.
• To be skilled in evaluating the sources that are in his hands.
• Referring to and benefiting from the indexes and indexes of the source.
• Not to read anything that is not related to the research topic.
• Record the title of the information with the title of the source and the part number and
The second stage: the codification of the scientific material: This stage begins after the
completion of the previous stage, and the researcher returns to each source accompanied by
the titles of the issues with the part and page number.
Types of Blogging: Blogging is of three types:
- The first type: literal transmission.
- The second type: abbreviation.
- The third type: summary.
When writing one of the three types, the researcher must take into account the following
- When abbreviating it, he must put in the place of the omitted sentences dots (......) to
indicate that there is something omitted in the text.
- Differentiating between what he transmits literally, what he transmits in text, and what
he summarizes; He does not mention anything about what is transmitted in the text, and
he mentions the word (abbreviation) for what is brief, and the word (summarization) for
what is summarized.
- To put what was quoted verbatim in brackets, and put the word (see:) in what
summarizes it or what it abbreviates.
- Not to transmit only a text of one idea in the place of transmission, and to use only one
side of the card.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
- To put a title for each idea, and write it in the middle of the card at the top. Then write
down the title of the item under which the material written on the card falls, preferably
short, such as: B1/F2.
- The title of the source, the author, the part and page number, and the edition (if the
researcher used more than one source) should be written at the end of the quoted text.
- The researcher should allocate a card for each source he benefited from in his research,
in which he records the information of that source.
- Putting numbers for multiple cards for one idea.
- Leaving a place for comment, explanation or criticism, and specifying it clearly so that
it does not mix with the quoted text.
- The researcher should not hesitate to write down thoughts and ideas related to his
research; because it's quick to drop.
- The researcher does not move to another source until he finishes the source in his hands.
- The researcher distributes the material he collected from the source on the vocabulary of
the plan.
- The researcher chooses, in writing the material, one of the two systems for writing the
scientific material, namely: the card system and the file system.
- After completing all the sources, the researcher reviews the material he has collected
under each element of the plan, evaluates it, and arranges it in proportion to the subject
of that element.
C. Research wording and format:
Definition of drafting language: (Formulate the thing) on a straight example, as is done in
making jewelry and pots of gold and silver, and he formulated the word from the word he
took it out and built it in a specific form.
Definition of wording idiomatically: Research formulation is the presentation of the
research material after discussion and analysis, taking into account language, literature,
method and form.
There are three stages of research formulation:
The first stage: careful reading, and contemplation of the written scientific article.
The second stage: writing the draft, which is the initial writing of the research.
The third stage: the final writing, which is called bleaching, and includes printing.
D. Research formulation components:
Language: It includes style and etiquette.
The shape.
Research Methodology.
The language
Among the things that the researcher should consider in the language of the research are
the following:
- Eloquence, clarity, and non-conformity.
- Avoid sensationalism, rhetoric, imagination, and emotion.
- Avoid sarcasm and sarcasm.
- Adherence to the rules of grammar, spelling and rhetoric.
- Avoid prolongation and digression.
- Avoid expressions of self-praise, arrogance, and self-admiration.
- Reducing the use of the first person pronoun, such as: I, we, I see, we see, my opinion, I
- Avoid statements of definitive assertiveness, and express humility and politeness.
- Avoid mentioning names in the place of criticism if there is no scientific need.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
- Forming what needs to be formed.
E. the shape:
- Taking into account the font size and type for the text of the paper and the footnote.
- Take into account the font sizes and types of titles.
- Distinguish between paragraphs.
- Distinguishing the font of verses and hadiths from the rest of the fonts used in the
- Take into account the space of the margins and footnotes.
- Avoid writing on headline pages.
- Writing on one side of the paper.
- Paying attention to the search title page and its external appearance.
- Use of colors and means of illustration when needed.
Fourth: Defining the concept of the scientific method
Civilizational development and the prosperity of human societies are closely related to the
use of sound and appropriate scientific methods that contribute to the progress and
prosperity of small and large peoples. There is no doubt that this logical fact remains the
first criterion for the development and progress of human society, because the adoption of
correct scientific methods and methods, and placing the right man in A suitable job is one
of the main factors that certainly leads to economic prosperity and good organization, and
gives the individual the superior ability to face circumstances and control the course of
There have been many definitions about the concept of “methodology”. There is a
definition that says, that the curriculum “is a set of rules that are established for the
purpose of reaching the scientific truth,” meaning that it is “the method or plan that the
researcher follows in his study of the problem to discover the truth related to the topic or
problem of the research.” The word "method" linguistically means a method, doing or
learning a certain thing according to some principles in an orderly, coordinated and
organized manner and the curriculum in its technical and idiomatic sense means "the
shortest and safest way to reach the desired goal."
“Method” is defined idiomatically as “the art of correct organization of a series of
numerous ideas, but in order to reveal a truth in the sciences when we are ignorant of them
by means of a set of general rules that control the functioning of the researcher‟s mind and
determine his operations until they are accepted, or in order to prove them to others, when
we know it."
This last definition is considered to prove the definitions in defining the concept of the
scientific method. In this regard, we must point out that the word method is derived from
the Latin language, and for Plato it meant the meanings of “research, consideration and
knowledge”, and it did not take its current meaning until the beginning of the seventeenth
century., where it came to mean: "a set of general rules formulated in order to arrive at the
truth in science."
Of course, there is the modern scientific method, which aims to expand the scope of
knowledge and identify the unknown aspects of science, and sometimes it is called
"scientific theory", and this means formulating theories and enriching the existing thought,
opinions and relationships, so that the picture becomes clear in the mind of the researcher.
To understand the truth and the nature of the things that we observe and there is no
explanation for it, the purpose of using the scientific method is to understand and reveal the
original scientific truth.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
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There is a second type of scientific method, which is the "Applied Scientific Method", that
is, the application of scientific theory and the use of the studied method or process to solve
any problem faced by human society,new inventions or additions to new fields of
If Western countries are developed and advanced in their industries and work systems that
are flexible and logical, the credit is due to the interdependence and close cooperation
between thinkers in universities and scientific research institutes and between officials in
administrative institutions and ministries looking to benefit from the theories of scientists,
and rely on them to improve social conditions, and replace inventions The new scientific
replaces the outdated inventions that are no longer compatible with the spirit of the age.
This is one of the scientific methods used by countries eager to benefit from the scientific
output of their thinkers, in order to introduce dynamism, new blood and appropriate
changes to contemporary social life.
Research methods can be classified according to the procedural method into:
- Descriptive method
- survey method
- Case study method
- Experimental method
- The historical method
- The philosophical method
The appearance of man on earth was linked to an attempt to know naturalness, and since
then man has begun to experiment and test materials to find out what is good and suitable
for him. A number of elements, to know this feature found in the flint stone without the
rest of the elements, the witness in this is that the use of observation and then the process
of experimentation began at an early stage in human history and the experimental method
went through many stages.
Fifth: Types of scientific methods
The word “methodology” is derived from the approach, which means taking a specific
path, and therefore the word “methodology” means the way and the way, and therefore it is
often said that research methods are synonymous with research methods.
The translation of the word “curriculum” in English (curriculum) is of Greek origin and
means research, consideration or knowledge, and its etymological meaning denotes the
method or method that leads to the desired purpose.
The approach is determined by the nature of the research or study topic and objectives that
were previously identified, and it can be said that they are subject - as we mentioned earlier
to external conditions rather than voluntary ones. We have, or in order to prove a fact that
others do not know, and from this point of view, there are two approaches to the
approaches in terms of different goals, one of which reveals the truth and is called the
analysis or invention approach, and the second is called the classification approach.
Some also acknowledge that the most used approach is the one that is based on deciding
the characteristics of a particular phenomenon or a situation that is predominantly
identifiable, and depends on collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and extracting its
In fact, the classification of curricula usually depends on a criterion in order to avoid
confusion and confusion, and the divisions between the classifiers for any subject, and the
classifications for a single subject, and this applies to research methods, and if we look at
research methods in terms of the type of mental processes that guide or go on their basis,
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
we find that There are three.
Research methods in the human sciences are classified according to the types of research
into theoretical approaches, and those methods are basically rational, and depend on
description and deduction, and can be worked in all sciences, including the theoretical part
of applied sciences, and their goal is to satisfy the researcher‟s need for knowledge or to
clarify ambiguity surrounding the phenomenon in question, and the theoretical approach
does not address the applied fields based on its results in general.
There is no single scientific method that can be relied upon to reveal the truth, because the
methods of science differ according to the different topics studied by each researcher,
meaning that each topic for study requires a certain type of scientific method appropriate to
it, there is pure research, and there is research that focuses on methods, as well as There is
applied research and research that complements another research, and the difference in the
treated topics leads to the different means used in the search for scientific truth.
In the social sciences, it is difficult to obtain accurate scientific measures that embody the
reality of social values, individual behavior and personal aspirations. However, it is easy to
use the method of induction, reflection and analysis to find out the motives of human
behavior and instincts. So, the means differ according to the nature of the research carried
out by the researcher.
But the difference in goals and means does not necessarily mean that the natural sciences
are separated from the social sciences, and that there are no common factors between these
two fields of knowledge. Using various scientific methods The researcher may arrive at
discovering a new science by using modern methods to treat other phenomena.
In any case, the classification of curricula, usually depends on a criterion in order to avoid
confusion and confusion, and usually the divisions between classifiers for any subject, and
classifications vary for a single subject, and this saying applies to research methods, if we
look at research methods in terms of the type of mental processes that guide them, or based
on it.
If we want to classify research methods based on the method of procedure, and the most
important means used by the researcher, we find that there is the experimental method,
which depends on conducting experiments under certain conditions, and the research
method, which depends on collecting data in the field by multiple means and methods, and
includes the scouting, descriptive and analytical study and the case study method. It
focuses on studying the case of a specific unit, whether an individual or a social unit, and is
linked to special tests and standards and the historical approach that relies on documents
and various cultural remnants. It should not be forgotten that with the diversity of research
methods, they are generally subject to the scientific method in terms of the steps referred to
Sixth: Accredited scientific research methods
Before we address the most important scientific research methods adopted in the
preparation of postgraduate research, we refer to a different problem among researchers,
and it is the subject of disagreement among some researchers, and it is the problem of the
difference between the method and method, where what is a method for some is a method
for others, and what is A style for some is a method for others.
For example, there are those who consider that the descriptive method differs from the
historical method and the case study method, while there are those who believe that the
case study method and the survey method are two methods of the descriptive method,
researchers in the methodology of scientific research to this day.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
There is no single scientific method that can be relied upon to reveal the truth, because the
methods of science differ according to the topics studied by each researcher, meaning that
each topic for study requires a certain type of scientific method appropriate to it, and in any
case, the classification of the curricula, usually depends on a standard In order to avoid
confusion and confusion, the divisions usually differ between classifiers for any subject,
and the classifications for a single subject vary, and this saying applies to research
If we look at the research methods in terms of the type of mental processes they direct, or
are based on.
If we want to classify the research methods based on the procedure method, and the most
important means used by the researcher, we find that there are:
A. Experimental method: It is based on conducting experiments under certain conditions.
B. The survey approach:which depends on collecting data in the field by multiple means
and methods, and includes the scouting, descriptive and analytical study, and the case
study approach.
C. The historical method: It depends on the process of recovering what was in the past, to
verify the course of events and to analyze the forces and problems that shaped the data of
the present. If we want to classify the curricula according to quantity and quality, then we
have two curricula:
- The quantitative method
- qualitative method
If we prefer to classify scientific research methods according to classification according to
modernity or traditionalism, then we have two types:
- The traditional method
- modern curriculum
Branch out from each of them several other sub-curricula.
It should not be forgotten that with the diversity of research methods, they are generally
subject to the scientific method in terms of the steps referred to previously, and writers and
researchers differ regarding the classification of scientific research methods, some add
methods and delete others methods or disagree about their names.
The following figure shows the network of classification of scientific research methods
[25], which proceeds according to the following:
Operation type:
1. The inductive or deductive approach
2. Inductive Approach
3. Guiding Approach
Procedure method:
1. Experimental Approach
2. The survey descriptive approach
3. Historical Method
Quantity and quality:
1. Quantitative Approach
2. Qualitative method
modernity and traditional:
1. The traditional approach
2. Modern Curriculum
7.Modern divisions of scientific research methods
Some scholars have also prepared lists to divide scientific research methods according to
certain rules, such as the following classification:
There are several recent divisions and classifications [26-27], including the Withney
division, the Marquis division, the Good and Scates division, and the Van Dalen division:
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
A. The Hutney Division (1950)
Hutney links the various mental processes needed to think about a particular topic and
research methods, and sees that if there is a phenomenon, problem, or situation that calls
for study and research, then we should start by describing the phenomenon as it is and
trying to explain it in the light of the available data, and then we should go back to what it
was He has to see the phenomenon in the past in order to know its trends, and to try to
explain it in the light of past facts and events.
Sometimes the researcher tries to test a theory and subject it to criticism, so he uses
experimentation based on controlling the various variables, in addition to the previous
mental processes that participated in trying to understand the phenomenon, and the higher
mental processes should participate in order to reach deeper and more general
philosophical generalizations.
In addition to this, Hutney sees that the various mental processes deal with groups,
relationships, and social systems, or focus on the areas of creative thinking that result in
composing a poem, a play, a musical piece...etc.
On the basis of these mental processes, Hutney puts his classification of research methods,
and this classification includes the following methods and patterns:
- The descriptive approach: which aims to collect facts and data about a particular
phenomenon or situation with an attempt to adequately explain these facts, and my identity
warns against limiting the collection of data merely to the desire for all the data, without
trying to analyze and interpret it to extract its implications, as is the case in some reports.
Statistics carried out by university students.
Hoytney believes that such reports are not considered practical research in the correct
sense, as they lack accurate analysis. As for descriptive research, its goals should not be
limited to mere collection of facts, but should be directed to classifying data and facts and
analyzing them in a precise and sufficient analysis, and then reaching generalizations about
the situation or the phenomenon is the subject of the study.
Hutney classifies descriptive research into five types or categories, and this classification is
not subject to rules, but is subject to factors affecting the research such as the spatial
domain, the human domain and the tools of all data, and descriptive research includes the
following five patterns:
Scan search
Long-term description
Case Study Research
Customer and Activity Analysis
Desktop and Documentary Research
The historical method: It depends on historical phenomena after their occurrence and
makes use of the past in understanding and interpreting the present. Then the second stage
begins, and then the researcher tries to classify these facts and mentally combine them.
- Experimental method: It is the one who uses the experiment to measure the effect of the
different variables. We have already defined the experiment as an intentional observation
under the control resulting from the control.
- Philosophical style of research:Hutney believes that the philosophical direction is
necessary for research, and its importance appears in two main steps, one when defining
the main objectives of the research and the other when reaching the stage of generalization,
and he sees that the generalizations are the deeper and more general and comprehensive the
more significant and the greatest benefit, and also sees that Scientific and philosophical
research are inseparable. Scientific facts can be taken as a basis for philosophical theories
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
that can therefore be subject to scientific research.
- Predictive style of research: It focuses on all research that aims to predict what might
happen in the future for a particular phenomenon, and Hutney does not limit the predictive
style to experimental research, any research is considered a prediction if it aims to predict
future facts, and he hits many examples of historical research that supports have his point
of view.
- The sociological style: It aims to study the society, its phenomena, its pattern, and the
existing relationships between its members. This type of research deals with the fields
examined by the sociologist.
- Creative style: This type of research aims to study the various factors that govern the
creative creation process in science, art and literature, and evaluate the foundations on
which these creative processes are based. He believes that this type of research is of special
importance because creative processes often arise as a result of a special need you feel the
B. The Marquis Division (1950)
Marquis sees the main social research methods as:
- The anthropological approach (field observation): This approach has been advanced
in social anthropology and is based mainly on field observation. The researcher chooses a
tribe or community for the study, and then begins examining library sources, and
interviews missionaries and travelers returning from that community to take some data that
is useful to him in His studies, and the researcher personally goes to the field and relies on
one or more informants to provide him with the information he needs. At the same time, he
makes direct observations of individuals‟ customs, traditions, beliefs and aspects of their
activities and writes down his observations without bias, indicating the interactions of
different cultural elements and the factors that lead to cultural changes.
Marquis believes that this method has some shortcomings because it does not complete the
steps of the scientific method. Scientific research is carried out in six main steps:
Problem formulation.
Reviewing information through the library or through people.
To make a preliminary observation of the facts under study.
Imposing assumptions.
Verifying the validity of hypotheses in order to reach scientific laws and theories.
Benefit from theories in the field of application.
However, the anthropological approach as previously presented achieves the first three
steps without reaching the stage of imposing hypotheses, and Marquis believes that this
may be due to the lack of the right type of data necessary to choose the hypotheses, and to
achieve this end the researcher should visit several tribes or visit a tribe One several times
in a period of more than several years, or entrust other field researchers to collect the
required data in a controlled manner.
Case study approach: Marquis believes that individual case studies provide another model
for a widely used research method in psychiatry, clinical psychology, and social work. The
third and sixth steps of the scientific method, i.e. doing preliminary observation and
making use of theories in the field of application with less interest in developing scientific
According to Marquis, the case study method, although in its general form does not
provide the perfect model for science, it would be more important to science if comparable
data could be obtained between different individuals.
- The philosophical approach: It pays great attention to the fourth step, which is the
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
formulation of hypotheses with the intention of arriving at theoretical generalizations. The
defect of this approach is that its concepts and results are difficult to measure directly by
observation, because it is based mainly on tribal considerations rather than being extracted
from the empirical study, and Herbert Spencer relied on this approach, In his theory of
social evolution.
- The historical method: It is one of the methods of social science, because observation in
the past has the same status in science as observation in the present, and history above all is
the selection of past events, the compilation and interpretation of them, and therefore it
may seem that it is an example of the third step in the scientific method - that is, the step of
observation Preliminary - However, Marquis believes that we would be closer to the truth
if we consider the historical method located in the sixth step, that is, the application of
scientific theory to the events of the past.
- Social survey: Marquis faults the permissible that it is not a fruitful source of new
hypotheses. The tragedy of many surveys that are very expensive is directing a little
thought towards the theory on which the formulation of hypotheses is based, and he
believes that it is possible to benefit from surveys in issuing generalizations, and Marquis
believes that social surveys can To perform a great service for science if it focuses its
attention on the step of imposing the hypotheses and then trying to verify their validity.
- The experimental method: It is the most distinctive method for science, and it is an
example of the fifth step that aims to verify the validity of the hypotheses. Marquis
believes that the use of the experimental method in the social sciences is still limited,
except for psychology, where the interest in the method increased so that it overshadowed
the importance of other necessary stages of science.
C. The Good and Scates Division (1954)
- The historical method
- Descriptive method
- Descriptive survey method
- Experimental method
- Case study and clinical studies approach
- Growth, development and genetics studies curriculum
From here we arrive at the major and original scientific research methods, which are:
- The deductive method.
- Experimental method.
- The dialectical method.
- The historical method.
Criticism of previous divisions:
These classifications and divisions define the types of scientific research methods, but
they did not convince most scholars and methodologists who agreed on dividing and
defining the types of original and basic scientific research methods, which are the four
major methods represented in:
- The historical method
- Experimental method
- The deductive method
- The dialectical method
D. Van Dalen classification (1997)
Descriptive research includes [28]:
- Causal research, correlational research, and evolutionary studies.
- empirical research.
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
- Historical research.
Curricula are mainly dealt with and researched, within their basic reformist meaning, that is, the path
leading to revealing the truth in sciences, and they are studied according to their differences in different
sciences. However, it can be attributed to three major approaches [29]:
- Deductive or Deductive Approach:In it, the mind connects the premises and results, and between things
and their causes on the basis of logic and mental contemplation. It begins with the universals to reach the
- Inductive method:It represents the opposite of its predecessor, as it begins with the particles to reach
general laws, and it relies on verification by systematic observation subject to experimentation and
control of various variables.
- Retrospective approach:It depends on the process of recovering what was in the past in order to verify
the course of events, and to analyze the forces and problems that have shaped the present [29].
- However, it can be traced back to three approaches:
- Deductive or Mathematical Approach: It is the approach of mathematical or abstract sciences, in which
we proceed from principle to issues that necessarily result from it, without resorting to experiment.
- Experimental method: It is the method of the natural sciences, and it includes observation and
experiment together, and it is the one in which we start from particles or uncertain principles and
proceed from them until we reach general results, refugees at every step to the experiment in order to
ensure the validity of the conclusion.
- Historical Approach: It is the method used in historical and moral sciences, in which we retrieve the past
according to the traces it left, whatever the type of these traces [29].
E. The researcher settled on the following scientific methods:
Descriptive research method: It is considered one of the main approaches used in
human and social research and depends on the study of reality or phenomenon, as it
exists in the field, and is concerned with describing it accurately, and expressing it
qualitatively or quantitatively.The following methods are included in the descriptive
research method:
- Survey Methodology: It is considered one of the basic methods in descriptive research,
and the survey depends on the collection of data and current facts about a specific
situation, from a relatively large number of cases at a specific time as well. It is defined
as an organized collection of data related to a particular place during a certain period of
time, and the primary function of survey studies is to collect information that can then
be analyzed and interpreted and then draw conclusions from it. The previous forms of
survey studies were associated with direct contact with the sources that possess the
information that the researcher wants.
- Historical research method: It depends on describing and recording past facts and
activities, studying and analyzing documents and various events, and finding
appropriate and logical explanations for them on accurate scientific grounds, in order to
reach results that represent logical facts and generalizations that help in understanding
that past, and based on that understanding in building facts for the present as well as
reaching rules for prediction, in the future.
The historical research method is also called the retrieval method, and it is in which you
retrieve the past according to the traces it left, whatever the type of these traces, that
shaped the present [29].
- The experimental method [29]:It is considered one of the closest approaches to the
correct and objective scientific method in searching for, discovering, interpreting,
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
predicting and controlling the truth. Experimentation, in its broad general sense, is an
activity practiced by a person in new situations that his previous experiences do not help
him to act in. For example, when a person faces a new problem for which he does not
know a solution, he tries and errs or suffers until he finds a solution for it. As for
experimentation as a means to search for the truth, it is It differs in its content and
The most important characteristic of experimental research is assuming a certain
hypothesis and changing the circumstances in a special way, with a specific intent, and
then observing and analyzing the results. The purpose of conducting experiments is
mainly to test the validity of scientific hypotheses, and to know the causal and
functional relationships between the interacting and overlapping factors in the situation.
Analytical and Comparative Method: Although the comparative approach is an
independent approach in itself, most comparative studies cannot be carried out without
relying on other supporting approaches, such as the analytical approach and the
comparative analytical approach, indicating the comparison‟s dependence on analytical
data, and it can depend on the historical method of comparison or the method
Experimental, as some have argued that the comparative method is a quasi-experimental
method, which tests both the fixed elements and the variable elements of a phenomenon
in more than one society or time.
The following approaches are included in the analytical and comparative approach:
- Analytical approach (content analysis study): Content analysis studies are done
without direct contact, where the researcher is satisfied with selecting a number of
documents related to the subject of his research, such as records, documents, sources,
references and other materials that contain the information that the researcher is looking
for. After the researcher chooses the documents he wants to study, he begins the process
of study and analysis, focusing on the information clearly contained in the document.
The study of content analysis is to identify the research problem and its hypotheses and
to prove the validity of these hypotheses about choosing a sample and analyzing it until
reaching results. content analysis study.
- Case study approach: It is based on the selection of a specific case to be studied by the
researcher, and the study of this case in an extensive manner deals with all the variables
associated with it, and addresses them with full description and analysis. The case study
can be used as a means of collecting data and information in a descriptive study, and its
results can also be generalized to similar cases, provided that the case is representative
of the community to be judged.
- Applied approach: Applied research is often exploratory because there is a need for
flexibility in the problem-solving methodology, as well as there are often data
limitations and a need to make decisions within a short period, and qualitative research
methods such as case studies or Field research in exploratory research. Applied research
depends on field or laboratory experiments and studying their results to ensure that they
can be applied in reality, and they can be called experimental approaches as well.
- The deductive or deductive approach: Deduction is the inference that moves from the
whole to the part or from the general to the particular.One of the criticisms directed at
the deductive approach is that the results that are reached do not go beyond the limits of
the two premises. If the researcher begins with an incorrect premise, he will surely end
up with an incorrect conclusion. Because of the criticisms directed at the methods of
deduction and induction about their accuracy, it was necessary to mix the two methods
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
to reach science and accurate knowledge, and this new method was called the modern
scientific method.
- The inductive approach: It is the process of observing phenomena and collecting data
about them in order to arrive at general principles and overall relationships. The
scholars of modern European civilization have used the inductive approach to achieve
their civilizational progress, and Muslims have used it in the past, as Ibn al-Haytham
and other Muslim scholars used it in their writings. In the inductive approach, the
researcher moves from the part to the whole or from the particular to the general, where
he begins to identify the particles and then generalizes the results to the whole. The
inductive evidence includes scientific conclusion based on observation, and scientific
conclusion based on experiment with the modern concept of observation and
- The retrospective approach: It is the transferable method in research, and it is the
third general research method, after the logical, rational, deductive and inductive
experimental methods. Manuscripts and cultural and intellectual heritage.This approach
is based on documenting the attribution of the text to its author, and history researchers
rely mainly on this approach in analyzing the details and various historical data that
were retrieved from what was in the past to verify the course of events, and to analyze
the forces and problems that shaped the present, to come up with results that clarify how
to formulate the current era. The retrospective approach depends on the comparative
sources between the different texts and their analysis.
- The comparative studies approach: It is the comparison between two or more
phenomena, and this is done by knowing the similarities and differences, and it is a
mental process that is done by identifying the similarities and the differences between
two or more phenomena, through which we can obtain more accurate knowledge, by
which we distinguish the subject of the study or the incident in the field of comparison
and classification. , and this incident can be a qualitative, analyzable, or a quantitative
way to convert it into a calculable quantity. The status of the phenomenon in society,
and the judgment here is related to the use of elements of similarity or contrast between
the two studied phenomena or between the stages of development of a phenomenon.
After presenting this important topic, which deals with an important aspect of scientific
research, the research has dealt with several axes of the research methodology, which
including: the steps and types of thinking, scientific research methods, steps for
collecting research material and conducting research, defining the concept of the
scientific method, as for the approved types of scientific research methods, accredited
scientific research methods.
The researcher reviewed recent divisions and classifications, including the divisions of
Withney, the division of Marquis, the division of Good and Scates, and the division of
Van Dalen, and he concluded, from them, to results that lay down a purely scientific
framework for scientific research methods based on specific basic rules.
The researcher settled on the following scientific methods:Descriptive research method,
and Analytical and Comparative method, the two basic approaches in human sciences
Descriptive research method: It is considered one of the main approaches used in human
and social research and depends on the study of reality or phenomenon, as it exists in
the field, and is concerned with describing it accurately, and expressing it qualitatively
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Vol. 4 Issue 7, March 2022, ISSN: 2632-7597
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind, Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Open Access International Journal
International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences, Email:
or quantitatively,the following methods are included in the descriptive research
method:survey Methodology, historical research method, the experimental method.
Analytical and Comparative Method: although the comparative approach is an
independent approach in itself, most comparative studies cannot be carried out without
relying on other supporting approaches, such as the analytical approach and the
comparative analytical approach, indicating the comparison‟s dependence on analytical
data, and it can depend on the historical method of comparison or the method
Experimental, as some have argued that the comparative method is a quasi-experimental
method, which tests both the fixed elements and the variable elements of a phenomenon
in more than one society or time.
The following approaches are included in the analytical and comparative
approach:analytical approach (content analysis study), case study approach, applied
approach, the deductive or deductive approach, the inductive approach, the retrospective
approach, the comparative studies approach.
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... A descriptive method is concerned with conditions that are prevailing, processes that are going on, and effects that are felt in trends that are developing. According to Darwish, (2022), descriptive research includes studies that purport to present facts that are going on such as information about a group of persons, a number of objects, sets of conditions, a class of events, or a system of thought. Variables of the study requiring descriptive data were the medical and mental health status of AIMS employees. ...
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This study explored the relationship between medical and mental health status among Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS) employees, employing statistical analyses such as Pearson correlation coefficients and t-tests. The results indicated a lack of significant correlation between medical and mental health status, suggesting no strong evidence supporting a relationship. Gender differences in health concerns were evident, with female employees reporting significantly higher levels of mental health concerns compared to their male counterparts. However, no substantial gender-based disparity was found in medical health concerns. Civil status also emerged as a significant factor, with single employees exhibiting notably higher mental health concerns than their married counterparts. Medical history included high blood pressure, stomach pain/ulcer, and nose/throat issues, with some reporting alcohol and smoking history. A minority were currently on medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. The study highlights the need to address mental health, especially among female employees, and implement strategies to reduce stress and enhance well-being in the workplace at AIMS. In light of these findings, the study recommended targeted programs addressing mental health concerns among AIMS employees, emphasizing accessibility to counseling services and collaborative efforts with the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO). Additionally, initiatives promoting digital literacy, fitness programs, and team-building activities were suggested. Recognizing the importance of early intervention, the study encouraged employees to consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate diagnosis and treatment measures for managing depression.
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This paper deals with the subject of creative thinking and critical thinking, which raises a number of hypotheses about creative thinking factors can be grouped under three include: cognitive abilities, productive capacity and capabilities of the assessment. It also deals with the relationship between creative thinking and critical thinking skills, where the skills of critical thinking is divided into three categories inductive thinking skills, thinking skills and deductive skills assessment thinking. It also deals with the relationship between creative thinking and intelligence. When trying to explain the aesthetic values where it meets the artistic creativity and philosophy through phenomena or aesthetic currents in the color of the colors of aesthetic expression is the freedom of creativity, in connection with the cultural-effects of the natural environment and socialization, gender, etc., have been involved in the interpretation of the philosopher, which means the values of freedom, beauty , right, and charity, and sociologist who teaches Anthropology or technical phenomena through social construction, which means that the interpretation of artistic activity through the psychological behavior and his proficiency to respond. Search follows the analytical method in determining the relationship between the skills of creative and critical thinking through Creative thinking and critical thinking study and Creative Thinking factors Studies began at the hands of American psychologist (Guilford), and a group of his students and his aides 1 , by asking a number of hypotheses about creative thinking factors apply in particular to certain models of creative personalities is the world model, technological and inventor, was between (Guilford) later in his study 2 , that most of these hypotheses and their results are also applicable to various fields of art, and eight of these hypotheses, which are limited to the creative nature of clear thinking factors, not thinking of the other factors.
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Developed a course to teach cognitive skills that apply to learning and intellectual performance independently of subject matter, stressing observation and classification, reasoning, critical use of language, problem solving, inventiveness, and decision making. With pretests and posttests, it was taught experimentally to 463 Venezuelan 7th graders, whose classes were matched to those of 432 control students. Although evaluation of such a course is conceptually difficult and long-term effects have not been assessed, a test battery that included the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, the Culture-Fair Intelligence Test, and the Tests of General Ability—Inter-American Series showed that the course had sizable, beneficial effects on students. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Studies in marketing research often start with data rather than with a theory. This exploratory or inductive approach is at odds with the more preferred scientific method where the theory precedes the data in any single research study. (See, for example, the discussion by Francis, 1957) Because exploratory research is common, however, one might argue that it is of some value. A number of researchers have claimed that the exploratory approach leads to new and useful theories. But there is also the danger that the research will produce false leads or useless theories. An attempt is made in this paper to illustrate the dangers inherent in the exploratory approach. The question of whether the potential benefits are large enough to outweigh the dangers is left to the reader.
The clear and practical writing of Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Researchhas made this book a favorite. In precise step-by-step language the book helps you learn how to conduct, read, and evaluate research studies. Key changes include: expanded coverage of ethics and new research articles.
The Concise Philosophical Encyclopedia
  • Fouad Kamel
Kamel, Fouad et al. (1980). The Concise Philosophical Encyclopedia, p. 139.
The Development of Mathematical Thought and Contemporary Rationality
  • Muhammad Al-Jabri
Al-Jabri, Muhammad "Abed (1982). The Development of Mathematical Thought and Contemporary Rationality, p. 42.
Brunschvik and Bachelard between philosophy and science, a critical study
  • Hussein Shaaban
Shaaban, Hussein (1993). Brunschvik and Bachelard between philosophy and science, a critical study, pp. 122-124.
Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching
  • Tokuhama-Espinosa Tracey
Tracey, Tokuhama-Espinosa (2010). Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching. W. W. Norton & Company, p.39.