
On Certain Properties of Perturbed Freud-Type Weight: A Revisit

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In this paper, monic polynomials orthogonal with deformation of the Freud-type weight function are considered. These polynomials fulfill linear differential equations with some polynomial coefficients in their holonomic form. The aim of this work is to explore certain characterizing properties of perturbed Freud-type polynomials such as nonlinear recursion relations, finite moments, differential-recurrence, and differential relations satisfied by the recurrence coefficients as well as the corresponding semiclassical orthogonal polynomials. We note that the obtained differential equation fulfilled by the considered semiclassical polynomials are used to study an electrostatic interpretation for the distribution of zeros based on the original ideas of Stieltjes.KeywordsOrthogonal polynomialFreud-typeThree-term recurrenceDifferential-recurrence equationElectrostatic zeros2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:33C45

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This article is entirely devoted to the application of the measure of noncompactness defined in the Holder space. Here the emphasis is on the study of the nonlinear functional integral equation with changed arguments. Precisely, the existence of a solution is obtained by employing the Darbo fixed point theorem under certain hypotheses. Finally, we provide a tangible example which supports our results.
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Abstract: In the present study, we construct a new matrix which we call quasi-Cesàro matrix and is a generalization of the ordinary Cesàro matrix, and introduce BK-spaces Cqk and Cq∞ as the domain of the quasi-Cesàro matrix Cq in the spaces ℓk and ℓ∞, respectively. Furthermore, we exhibit some topological properties and inclusion relations related to these newly defined spaces. We determine the basis of the space Cqk and obtain Köthe duals of the spaces Cqk and Cq∞. Based on the newly defined matrix, we present a factorization for the Hilbert matrix and generalize Hardy’s inequality, as an application. Moreover we find the norm of this new matrix as an operator on several matrix domains.
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In this article we introduce the generalized Fibonacci difference operator F(B) by the composition of a Fibonacci band matrix F and a triple band matrix B(x,y,z) and study the spaces ℓk(F(B)) and ℓ∞(F(B)). We exhibit certain topological properties, construct a Schauder basis and determine the Köthe–Toeplitz duals of the new spaces. Furthermore, we characterize certain classes of matrix mappings from the spaces ℓk(F(B)) and ℓ∞(F(B)) to space Y∈{ℓ∞,c0,c,ℓ1,cs0,cs,bs} and obtain the necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix operator to be compact from the spaces ℓk(F(B)) and ℓ∞(F(B)) to Y∈{ℓ∞,c,c0,ℓ1,cs0,cs,bs} using the Hausdorff measure of non-compactness.
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The interaction of elements in a financial system can exhibit complex dynamic behaviours. In this article, we use a system of differential equations to model the evolution of a financial system and study its complexity. Numerical simulations show that the system exhibits a variety of rich dynamic behaviours, including chaos. Bifurcation diagrams show that the system behaves chaotically over a wide range of system parameters. 1. Introduction Chaotic attractors have attracted the attention of scholars in different fields. Chaos has a wide range of applications in natural science and engineering. The first chaotic system is the Lorenz system [1], which was introduced for weather forecast. Later investigations found that there exist chaotic attractors in the chemical reaction model [2] and electrical circuit [3]. Investigation shows that the generalized Lorenz systems family includes the classical Lorenz system [1], the Chen system [4], and the Lü system [5]. Zhang et al. studied the Lü system and showed that the Lü system is globally bounded using dynamical systems theory [6]. In addition, chaos has a wide range of applications in cryptography and engineering [4, 5, 7]. Investigations have shown that a variety of ecological systems display chaotic behaviours [8, 9]. In recent years, chaotic systems that display multiscroll [10–12] and multiwing [13] chaotic attractors were considered in the literature. Zhang et al. studied the dynamics of a New 5D Hyperchaotic system of Lorenz type and obtained the global exponential attractive set and the ultimate bound set for this system of Lorenz Type [14]. Such chaotic systems display more complex dynamical behaviours and have potential applications in engineering. A variety of economic and financial systems display complex behaviours. Benhabib et al. studied a series of market models and showed that such systems behave chaotically [15–17]. Grandmont [18] studied the chaos in endogenous competitive business cycles and performed bifurcation analysis. Brock analysed the maximum Lyapunov exponent of quarterly US real GNP data (1947–1985) and confirmed the chaotic behaviours in the data [19]. Research shows that there is chaos in market models, financial systems, and supply chains. For example, Huang and Li used system of differential equations to model a financial system, in which the interactions between interest rate, investment demand, and price index are considered [20]. This model was further investigated by Ma and Chen [21, 22]. The authors performed a complete study on the dynamical properties of the model. Xu, et al. studied the interaction effect among several financial factors in a financial system using mathematical models [23]. Their investigation showed that such model displays rich dynamical behaviours including chaos. Synchronization of the model were considered in their work. Zhang et al. studied a 4D Chaos Financial System [24]. Investigations show that supply chain systems also display a variety of complex dynamical behaviours [25–27]. In this work, we construct a mathematical model to study a financial system using differential equations. The model captures the interaction between a variety of financial factors. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate the model. In Section 3, we perform numerical simulations to study the complexity of the model. Conclusions are drawn in Section 4. 2. Model Formulation In this section, we consider the model formulation of the financial system. Huang and Li proposed a model using differential equations to investigate the behaviour of a financial system containing interest rate, investment demand, and price index [20]. In the following, based on the model presented in [20], we present an alternative model to consider the interplay between the interest rate x(t), the investment demand y(t), and the price index z(t). The model is given bywhere a, b, c, p, r, s, and β are constants. System (1) assumes that the rate of change of interest rate is proportional to the price index. Investment demand significantly influences the interest rate. On one hand, if the investment demand exceeds the saving amount, the bank will increase the interest rate. On the other hand, when the investment demand is low, the saving amount may exceed the investment demand. In this case, the bank has to reduce the interest rate to encourage loan. For the investment demand y(t), it admits a natural growth rate of r. If the interest rate is increased, the investment will be negatively affected. That is to say, the growth rate of the investment demand will decrease. Excessive investment demand will lead to the decrease of the change rate of the investment demand. Therefore, we have term, where we assume that the rate of change of investment demand is negatively correlated with the square of investment demand. It is assumed that the interest rate has negative correlation on the change rate of the price index with rate β. The change rate of price index will decrease with the increase of investment demand. Compared with the chaotic system proposed in [21], the price index z(t) in the system proposed in this paper is affected by the investment demand y(t). On one hand, an increase in investment demand will inevitably lead to an increase in production, which will lead to a decrease in price. On the other hand, a decrease in investment demand y(t) will lead to a decrease in the amount of products in the market, leading to an increase in the average price. 3. Dynamical Behaviour of the Model In this section, we investigate the dynamical behaviours of the model (1). System (1) displays chaotic behaviours under the following parameter combinations: a = 0.3, b = 0.02, c = 1, r = 1, s = 0.1, p = 0.05, = 1.2, and β = 1. With these parameters, the system admits the following equilibrium points: Linearizing system (1) at any of its equilibrium yields By calculating the corresponding eigenvalues of , , , and , we find that these equilibrium points are all unstable. We then study system (1) numerically to investigate its dynamic behaviours. The phase portrait of model (1) is shown in Figure 1, which shows that the trajectory of the system is a chaotic attractor. Since the model describes the interaction among the three financial factors, the complicated behaviours of the model imply that the interplay between these financial factors causes complex behaviours. It is well known that one of the characteristics of a chaotic system is its pseudo-random behaviour. Next, we examine the time history of the system. As is shown in Figure 2, the time history of system (1) is unpredictable and displays complex and pseudorandom behaviours. (a)
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Polynomials that are orthogonal with respect to a perturbation of the Freud weight function by some parameter, known to be modified Freudian orthogonal polynomials, are considered. In this contribution, we investigate certain properties of semi-classical modified Freud-type polynomials in which their corresponding semi-classical weight function is a more general deformation of the classical scaled sextic Freud weight |x|αexp(−cx6),c>0,α>−1. Certain characterizing properties of these polynomials such as moments, recurrence coefficients, holonomic equations that they satisfy, and certain non-linear differential-recurrence equations satisfied by the recurrence coefficients, using compatibility conditions for ladder operators for these orthogonal polynomials, are investigated. Differential-difference equations were also obtained via Shohat’s quasi-orthogonality approach and also second-order linear ODEs (with rational coefficients) satisfied by these polynomials. Modified Freudian polynomials can also be obtained via Chihara’s symmetrization process from the generalized Airy-type polynomials. The obtained linear differential equation plays an essential role in the electrostatic interpretation for the distribution of zeros of the corresponding Freudian polynomials.
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In this paper, we investigate some properties of the domain of the Cesàro matrix of order n and compute Köthe dual of this space. Moreover, we compute the norm of well-known operators such as Hilbert, Hausdorff, backward difference and weighted mean operators on this new sequence space.
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Başar and Braha [1], introduced the sequence spaces˘ ∞ ,c andc 0 of Euler-Cesáro bounded, convergent and null difference sequences and studied their some properties. Then, in [2], we introduced the sequence spaces [ ∞ ] e.r , [c] e.r and [c 0 ] e.r of Euler-Riesz bounded, convergent and null difference sequences by using the composition of the Euler mean E 1 and Riesz mean R q with backward difference operator ∆. The main purpose of this study is to introduce the sequence space [ p ] e.r of Euler-Riesz p−absolutely convergent series, where 1 ≤ p < ∞, difference sequences by using the composition of the Euler mean E 1 and Riesz mean R q with backward difference operator ∆. Furthermore, the inclusion p ⊂ [ p ] e.r hold, the basis of the sequence space [ p ] e.r is constucted and α−, β− and γ−duals of the space are determined. Finally, the classes of matrix transformations from the [ p ] e.r Euler-Riesz difference sequence space to the spaces ∞ , c and c 0 are characterized. We devote the final section of the paper to examine some geometric properties of the space [ p ] e.r. Key Words: Composition of summability methods, Riesz mean of order one, Euler mean of order one, backward difference operator, sequence space, BK space, Schauder basis, β−duals, matrix transformations.
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In this article we introduce Tribonacci sequence spaces ℓ p ( T ) (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) derived by the domain of a newly defined regular Tribonacci matrix. We give some topological properties, inclusion relation, obtain the Schauder basis and determine the α -, β - and γ -duals of the new spaces. We characterize the matrix classes on ℓ p ( T ). Finally, we give some geometric properties of the space ℓ p ( T ).
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The main purpose of this study is to characterize some matrix classes from classical sequence spaces into a newly introduced space and find the norm of some special matrix operators. Also, we give certain geometric properties of this space.
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In the present paper, free vibration analysis of bi-directional functionally graded circular plates subjected to two-dimensional temperature variation has been presented on the basis of first-order shear deformation theory. The mechanical properties of the plate material are assumed to be temperature-dependent and graded in thickness as well as radial direction. Using the thermal boundary conditions of the plate, the exact solution of two-dimensional heat conduction equation has been obtained by separation of variables technique. The thermoelastic equilibrium equations and equations of motion for such plate have been derived from an energy-based Hamilton’s principle. The generalized differential quadrature method has been applied to compute the numerical values for thermally induced displacements and natural frequencies. MATLAB has been used to obtain these values for clamped and simply supported plates. The influence of thermal environment together with various plate parameters such as power-law index, heterogeneity parameter and density parameter on the natural frequencies has been investigated for the first three modes. The results obtained herein for some special cases are in good agreement with those obtained by other numerical methods. Three-dimensional mode shapes for specified plates have been illustrated.
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In this paper, we first define a new regular matrix by using the arithmetic function called Jordan totient function and study the matrix domain of this newly introduced matrix in the Banach space ℓp. After computing the dual spaces of this new space, we characterize certain matrix mappings related to this space.
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In this paper, we focus on the problem of finding the norm of Hilbert operator on some sequence spaces. Meanwhile, we obtain several interesting inequalities and inclusions. MSC: 26D15; 40C05; 40G05; 47B37
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The transient model for a Markovian feedback queue with system disaster and customer impatient has been investigated. After service completion, dissatisfied customers can feedback to the system to get another service. During the service, the system may suffer disaster failure and consequently lose all the customers present in the system. After the occurrence of a disaster, the system immediately goes under the repair process. During the repair, the newly arriving customers may get discouraged and balk without joining the queue. Upon arrival in the down state of the system, the arriving customers activate their individual timer. A customer waiting in the queue departs and never comes back if the timer run out before the system gets repaired. The time-dependent system size distribution is formulated analytically by applying the techniques of probability generating function along with continued fractions. The computational results are presented in graphical and tabular form to examine the variation of system descriptors on various performance indices.
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In this study, we introduce a new matrix T^q=(t^nkq)\hat{T}^q=(\hat{t}^q_{nk}) by\hat{t}^q_{nk}=\left \{\begin{array}[c]{ccl}%\frac{q_n}{Q_n} t_n & , & k=n\\\frac{q_k}{Q_n}t_k-\frac{q_{k+1}}{Q_n} \frac{1}{t_{k+1}} & , & kn .\end{array}\right. where tk>0t_k>0 for all nNn\in\mathbb{N} and (tn)c\c0(t_n)\in c\backslash c_0. By using the matrix T^q\hat{T}^q, we introduce the sequence space p(T^q)\ell_p(\hat{T}^q) for 1p1\leq p\leq\infty. In addition, we give some theorems on inclusion relations associated with p(T^q)\ell_p(\hat{T}^q) and find the α\alpha-, β\beta-, γ\gamma- duals of this space. Lastly, we analyze the necessary and sufficient conditions for an infinite matrix to be in the classes (p(T^q),λ)(\ell_p(\hat{T}^q),\lambda) or (λ,p(T^q))(\lambda,\ell_p(\hat{T}^q)), where λ{1,c0,c,}\lambda\in\{\ell_1,c_0,c,\ell_\infty\}.
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This paper is devoted to study the almost convergent sequence space c(Φ) derived by the Euler totient matrix. It is proved that the space c(Φ) and the space of all almost convergent sequences are linearly isomorphic. Further, the β-dual of the space c(Φ) is determined and Euler totient core of a complex-valued sequence has been defined. Finally, inclusion theorems related to this new type of core are obtained.
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In the present paper, by using the regular matrix given by Euler Totient function, we give a new paranormed sequence space , (Φ,p) and prove that the spaces , (Φ,p) and , (p) are linearly isomorphic. Also, we compute α-,β-,γ-duals and the Schauder basis of this space.
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Abstract This paper is concerned with the existence of extremal mild solutions for Hilfer fractional evolution equations with nonlocal conditions in an ordered Banach space E. By employing the method of lower and upper solutions, the measure of noncompactness, and Sadovskii’s fixed point theorem, we obtain the existence of extremal mild solutions for Hilfer fractional evolution equations with noncompact semigroups. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the feasibility of our main results.
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The aim of this note is to provide an extension of the well known and useful Edwards's double integral. As an application, new class of twelve double integrals involving hypergeometric function have been evaluated in terms of gamma function. The results are established with the help of classical summation theorems for the series 3F2 due to Watson, Dixon and Whipple. Several new and interesting integrals have also been obtained from our main findings.
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In this article we introduce binomial difference sequence spaces of fractional order α , bpr,s\begin{array}{} b_p^{r,s} \end{array} (Δ ( α ) ) (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) by the composition of binomial matrix, Br , s and fractional difference operator Δ ( α ) , defined by (Δ ( α ) x ) k = i=0(1)iΓ(α+1)i!Γ(αi+1)xki\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \sum\limits_{i=0}^{\infty}(-1)^i\frac{\Gamma(\alpha+1)}{i!\Gamma(\alpha-i+1)}x_{k-i} \end{array} . We give some topological properties, obtain the Schauder basis and determine the α , β and γ -duals of the spaces. We characterize the matrix classes ( bpr,s\begin{array}{} b_p^{r,s} \end{array} (Δ ( α ) ), Y ), where Y ∈ { ℓ∞ , c , c0 , ℓ1 } and certain classes of compact operators on the space bpr,s\begin{array}{} b_p^{r,s} \end{array} (Δ ( α ) ) using Hausdorff measure of non-compactness. Finally, we give some geometric properties of the space bpr,s\begin{array}{} b_p^{r,s} \end{array} (Δ ( α ) ) (1 < p < ∞).
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In this article, the authors have investigated a novel scheme of dual combination synchronization among six different complex chaotic systems using nonlinear control technique. The important feature of the considered dual combination synchronization is various synchronization processes viz., complete synchronization, combination synchronization, projective synchronization, dual synchronization, chaos control problem become particular cases of the said scheme. Since complex chaotic systems have additional variables and complexity in behaviours, the scheme is expected to be more secure for transmitting and receiving signals in communication theory. The stability analysis of the scheme is achieved by using nonlinear control method based on Lyapunov stability theory. The corresponding theoretical results are being simulated using fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm taking complex Lorenz system, complex Lu system, complex T system, complex Chen system as drive systems and complex two coupled dynamos system and a new nonlinear complex chaotic system as response systems. The results are depicted through graphical presentations for different particular cases.
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A Bezier curve is significant with its control points. When control points are given, the Bezier curve can be written using De Casteljau's algorithm. An important property of Bezier curve is that every coordinate function is a polynomial. Suppose that a curve α(t) is a curve which coordinate functions are polynomial. Can we find points that make the curve α(t) as Bezier curve? This article presents a method for finding points which present α(t) as a Bezier curve.
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In this paper we show that Sheffer operators, mapping monomials to certain Sheffer polynomial sequences, such as falling and rising factorials, Charlier, and Hermite polynomials extend to continuous automorphisms on the space of entire functions of first order growth and minimal type.
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The intention of this article is to study on timelike uniform B-spline curves in Minkowski-3 space. In our paper, we take the control points of uniform B-spline curves as a timelike point in Minkowski-3 space. Then we calculate some geometric elements for this new curve in Minkowski-3 space.
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In this article we have defined a subclass of Bi-univalent functions using symmetric q- derivative operator and estimated the bounds for the coefficients using Faber polynomial techniques. We also have obtained the bounds for the linear functional which is popularly known as Fekete- Szegὅ problem
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In this article, the authors have studied the problem of synchronization of time-delay chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances. The effectiveness of the problem statement is visualized through synchronization of time-delay advanced Lorenz system and double time-delay Rössler system with parametric uncertainties and disturbances using active control method. Numerical simulations are carried out using Runge-Kutta algorithm for delay differential equations (DDEs) and the results are depicted through graphs. The physical meaning of time-delay system is that a signal is transmitted and received at a later time, which is found to occur in active sensing problems. The salient feature of the article is the demonstration of the efficiency of the considered method during synchronization of time-delay chaotic systems even in presence of uncertainties and external disturbances.
The incomplete gamma function Γ( a , u ) is defined by Γ ( a , u ) = ∫ u ∞ t a − 1 e − t d t , Γ(a,u)=uta1etdt,\Gamma(a,u)=\int\limits_{u}^{\infty}t^{a-1}\textrm{e}^{-t}\textrm{d} t, where u > 0. Using the incomplete gamma function, we define a new Poisson like regular matrix P ( μ ) = ( p n k μ ) P(μ)=(pnkμ)\mathfrak{P}(\mu)=(p^{\mu}_{nk}) given by p n k μ = n ! Γ ( n + 1 , μ ) e − μ μ k k ! ( 0 ≤ k ≤ n ) , 0 ( k > n ) , pnkμ={n!Γ(n+1,μ)eμμkk!(0kn),0(k>n),p^{\mu}_{nk}= \begin{cases} \dfrac{n!}{\Gamma(n+1,\mu)}\dfrac{\textrm{e}^{-\mu}\mu^k}{k!} \quad &(0\leq k\leq n), \\[1ex] 0\quad & (k>n), \end{cases} where μ > 0 is fixed. We introduce the sequence space ℓ p ( P ( μ ) ) p(P(μ))\ell_p(\mathfrak{P}(\mu)) for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and some topological properties, inclusion relations and generalized duals of the newly defined space are discussed. Also we characterize certain matrix classes and compact operators related to the space ℓ p ( P ( μ ) ) p(P(μ))\ell_p(\mathfrak{P}(\mu)) . We obtain Gurarii’s modulus of convexity and investigate some geometric properties of the new space. Finally, spectrum of the operator P ( μ ) P(μ)\mathfrak{P}(\mu) on sequence space c 0 has been investigated.
In this paper the second and third derivatives of open non- uniform B-spline curves and the Frenet vector fields and curvatures at the points t=td, t=tm-d and arbitrary point in domain of this curves are given. In addition,the control points of the second open non-uniform B-spline curve are given in terms of the control points of the first open non-uniform B-spline curve when given two curves occured a Bertrand curve pairs at a point.
We introduce the notion of (m, n)-paranormal operators and (m, n)*-paranormal operators on Hilbert space and study their properties. We also characterize these operators. Examples of operators are given which are (m, n)-paranormal but not (m, n)*-paranormal, and vice-versa.
The first modern treatment of orthogonal polynomials from the viewpoint of special functions is now available in paperback. Its encyclopedic coverage includes classical topics such as Jacobi, Hermite, Laguerre, Hahn, Charlier and Meixner polynomials as well as those discovered over the last 50 years, e.g. Askey–Wilson and Al-Salam–Chihara polynomial systems. Multiple orthogonal polynomials are discussed here for the first time in book form. Many modern applications of the subject are dealt with, including birth and death processes, integrable systems, combinatorics, and physical models. A chapter on open research problems and conjectures is designed to stimulate further research on the subject. Thoroughly updated and corrected since its original printing, this book continues to be valued as an authoritative reference not only by mathematicians, but also a wide range of scientists and engineers. Exercises ranging in difficulty are included to help both the graduate student and the newcomer.
A fourth-order numerical method based on cubic B-spline functions has been proposed to solve a class of advection-diffusion equations. The proposed method has several advantageous features such as high accuracy and fast results with very small CPU time. We have applied the Crank Nicolson method to solve the advection-diffusion equation. The stability analysis is performed and the method is shown to be unconditionally stable. Error analysis is carried out to show that the proposed method has fourth-order convergence. The efficiency of the proposed B-spline method has been checked by applying on ten important advection-diffusion problems of three types, having Dirichlet's, Neumann's, and periodic boundary conditions. Considered examples prove the mentioned advantages of the method. The computed results are also compared with those available in the literature and it is found that our method is giving better results.
We study the sequence space Xpq obtained by using the domain of q-analogue of the Cesàro matrix C(q)=(cijq) defined bycijq={qj−1[i]q(1≤j≤i),0(j>i), where the notation [i]q has the usual meaning. We study some toplogical properties and inclusion relations of the space Xpq, obtain its Schauder basis and α−, β− and γ−duals. We characterize certain matrix classes related to the space Xpq. Finaly, we introduce a class Xp(s)(q) of s-type Xpq operators for 1<p<∞ using the newly defined space.
This paper provides a methodology to solve a non linear Fredholm integral equation involving constant delay. Hybridization of boundary element method (BEM) along with piecewise linear approximation method is considered to resolve the nonlinearity. This simple technique provides a good approximation to non linear integral equations involving constant delay. Variation of constant delay term and efficiency of the method is also discussed via few suitable numerical examples.
The Bernstein-Bézier curve and surface forms have enjoyed considerable popularity in computer aided design applications, due to their elegant geometric properties and the simple recursive algorithms available for processing them. In this paper we describe a different and largely unexplored favorable aspect of Bernstein-Bézier methods: their inherent numerical stability under the influence of imprecise computer arithmetic or perturbed input data. We show that the condition numbers of the simple real roots of a polynomial on the unit interval are always smaller in the Bernstein basis than in the power basis. These arguments are then generalized to accommodate multiple roots and roots on an arbitrary interval. We further show that the standard Bernstein polynomial subdivision and degree elevation procedures induce a strictly monotonic decrease in root condition numbers. Finally, we prove that among a large family of polynomial bases characterized by certain simple properties, the Bernstein basis exhibits optimal root conditioning. Some well-known examples are employed to illustrate these results, and their practical implications for floating-point implementation of curve and surface intersection algorithms in a geometric modeling system are discussed. Important issues requiring further attention in the processing of polynomials in Bernstein form are also briefly indicated.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to extend the cubic B-spline quasi-interpolation (CBSQI) method via Kronecker product for solving 2D unsteady advection-diffusion equation. The CBSQI method has been used for solving 1D problems in literature so far. This study seeks to use the idea of a Kronecker product to extend the method for 2D problems. Design/methodology/approach In this work, a CBSQI is used to approximate the spatial partial derivatives of the dependent variable. The idea of the Kronecker product is used to extend the method for 2D problems. This produces the system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) with initial conditions. The obtained system of ODE is solved by strong stability preserving the Runge–Kutta method (SSP-RK-43). Findings It is found that solutions obtained by the proposed method are in good agreement with the analytical solution. Further, the results are also compared with available numerical results in the literature, and a reasonable degree of compliance is observed. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the CBSQI method is used for the first time for solving 2D problems and can be extended for higher-dimensional problems.
The main purpose of this manuscript is to introduce Banach spaces c0Φc_0^\Phi and cΦc^\Phi as the matrix domain of a regular matrix Φ\Phi derived by the Euler totient function. These spaces consist of φ\varphi -convergent to zero and φ\varphi -convergent sequences, respectively. After determining α\alpha -, β\beta - and γ\gamma -duals of these spaces, some matrix classes are characterized. Finally, using the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness, the characterization of some classes of compact operators on the space c0Φc_0^\Phi is given.
Economics and finance are extremely complex nonlinear systems involving human subjects with many subjective factors. There are numerous attribute properties that cannot be described by the theory of integer-order calculus; so it is necessary to theoretically study the internal complexity of the economic and financial system using the method of bifurcation and chaos of fractional nonlinear dynamics. Fractional calculus can more accurately describe the existence characteristics of complex physical, financial or medical systems, and can truly reflect the actual state properties of these systems; therefore the application of fractional order in chaotic systems has great significance to study the mathematical analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems, and the use of fractional calculus theory to model the complexity evolution of fractional chaotic financial systems has attracted more and more scholars’ attention. On the basis of summarizing and analyzing previous studies, this paper qualitatively analyzes the stability of equilibrium solution of fractional-order chaotic financial system, and explores the complexity evolution law of the financial system near the equilibrium point and the occurring conditions of asymptotic chaotic state near this equilibrium point, and simulate the complexity evolution of chaotic financial systems using the Admas-Bashforth-Moulton finite difference method for mapping, phase diagram and time series graph. The research results of this paper provide a reference for government to formulate relevant economic policies, decision-making or further research on the complexity evolution of fractional-order chaotic financial systems.
The queueing analysis of a multi-component machine repair system comprising of operating as well as standby machines and a skilled repairman has been investigated. The server may go for the vacation of random length when there are no failed machines queueing up for the repair job. By taking the remaining repair time as a supplementary variable, the steady state queue size distribution of the number of failed machines in the system is established. Laplace–Stieltjes transform, recursive and supplementary variable approaches are used to derive various system indices such as mean queue length, machine availability, system availability, and operative utilization, etc. To deal with a realistic scenario, the machine repair model is transformed from crisp to fuzzy environment by considering the system parameters corresponding to failure, repair and vacation rates as fuzzy numbers. The numerical illustration and practical application of a flexible manufacturing system for specific repair distributions are presented to visualize the effects of the system parameters on various performance indices. To explore the practical utility of the investigated model, the cost function is framed and cost optimization problem has been analyzed by using Harmony search approach.
The present study deals with the admission control policy for the single server finite ca- pacity queueing model with discouraged customers and general distributed retrial times. The arriving customer is forced to join the retrial orbit on finding the server busy. From the orbit, the customer can retry for the service again after sometime. Due to the long queue in front of the server, the customers may be discouraged and leave the system without receiving the service. The noble feature of proposed study is to control the ar- rivals in the system based on F -policy according to which as soon as the system capacity becomes full, no more customers are permitted to join the system until the system ca- pacity again drops to threshold level ‘ F ’. The steady state queue size distribution of the system size is evaluated by introducing the supplementary variables corresponding to re- maining retrial times and framing Chapman –Kolmogorov equations. The recursive and soft computing based artificial neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) approaches are applied to solve governing equations and to establish various performance indices. Furthermore, a cost function is also constructed to evaluate the optimal service rate and the correspond- ing expected cost of the system. Genetic algorithm (GA) and quasi-Newton method (QNM) are used to minimize the expected cost of the system to decide the optimal decision pa- rameter corresponding to service rate.
The main object of this paper is to introduce a new Banach space derived by using a matrix operator which is comprised of Euler’s totient function. Also, we determine α, β, γ-duals of this space and characterize some matrix classes on this new space. Finally, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for some matrix operators to be compact.
The main purpose of this paper is to define a new conservative matrix by means of the fascinating sequence of Catalan numbers and study the matrix domain of this newly introduced matrix in the classical sequence spaces c and c0. Additionally, after determining the Köthe-Toeplitz dual, generalized Köthe-Toeplitz dual and Garling dual, certain matrix transformations and compact operators are characterized on the new Banach spaces.
In this study, the free axisymmetric vibrations of functionally graded circular plate of linearly varying thickness controlled by a taper parameter in radial direction and non-linear temperature rise along the thickness have been investigated on the basis of classical plate theory. The plate material is graded in transverse direction and its mechanical properties are temperature-dependent. The temperature over the top and bottom surfaces is assumed to be uniformly distributed. Hamilton’s principle has been used to derive the governing equations for thermo-elastic equilibrium and axisymmetric motion of such a plate model. The generalized differential quadrature method has been employed to obtain the thermal displacements and characteristic equations, for clamped and simply supported plates. The lowest three roots of these equations have been computed and reported as the values of frequency parameter for the first three modes of vibration. Effect of thickness parameter, volume fraction index and temperature difference has been analyzed on the vibration characteristics of the plate. A study with temperature-independent material properties has also been performed. Results have been compared with the published work.
In this paper our aim is to establish several new properties for some class of functions related to the Fox-Wright functions. In particular, the monotonicity, convexity, sub-additivity and super-additivity properties involving the Fox-Wright functions are proved, this results is also closely connected with some functional inequalities (like Tur´an type inequalities). Moreover, we investigate certain criteria for the univalence and starlikeness for a certain class of functions associated with the Fox-Wright functions.
This paper investigates the nonlinear functional-integral equation comprising of Hadamard fractional operator. Using the concept of measure of non compactness, existence of solutions in Banach algebra has been studied under certain relevant assumptions in conjunction with fixed point theory. Finally an example has been considered to substantiate the validity of the result.