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A comprehensive meta-analysis of human assortative mating in 22 complex traits



Assortative mating (AM) occurs when the correlation for a trait between mates is larger than would be expected by chance. AM can increase the genetic and environmental variation of traits, can increase the prevalence of disorders in a population, and can bias estimates in genetically informed designs. In this study, we conducted the largest set of meta-analyses on human AM published to date. Across 22 traits, meta-analyzed correlations ranged from r = .08 to r = .58, with social attitude, substance use, and cognitive traits showing the highest correlations and personality, disorder, and biometrical traits generally yielding smaller but still positive and nominally significant (p < .05) correlations. We observed high between-study heterogeneity for most traits, which could have been the result of phenotypic measurement differences between samples and/or differences in the degree of AM across time or cultures.
A comprehensive meta-analysis of human
assortative mating in 22 complex traits
Tanya Horwitz ( )
University of Colorado Boulder
Matthew Keller
University of Colorado
Posted Date: March 21st, 2022
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A comprehensive meta-analysis of human assortative mating in 22 complex traits
Tanya B Horwitz1,2* and Matthew C Keller1,2*
1Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 6
of America. 7
2Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO,
United States of America. 9
Abstract 12
Assortative mating (AM) occurs when the correlation for a trait between mates is larger than 13
would be expected by chance. AM can increase the genetic and environmental variation of traits, 14
can increase the prevalence of disorders in a population, and can bias estimates in genetically 15
informed designs. In this study, we conducted the largest set of meta-analyses on human AM 16
published to date. Across 22 traits, meta-analyzed correlations ranged from r = .08 to r = .58, 17
with social attitude, substance use, and cognitive traits showing the highest correlations and 18
personality, disorder, and biometrical traits generally yielding smaller but still positive and 19
nominally significant (p < .05) correlations. We observed high between-study heterogeneity for 20
most traits, which could have been the result of phenotypic measurement differences between 21
samples and/or differences in the degree of AM across time or cultures. 22
A comprehensive meta-analysis of human assortative mating in 22 complex traits
Assortative mating (AM) is the phenomenon whereby individuals with similar trait 32
values mate with one another at levels higher than expected by chance1. Contrary to the maxim 33
“opposites attract,” nonzero phenotypic correlations between human221 and nonhuman1 mates 34
are overwhelmingly in the positive direction, with only a handful of examples of disassortative 35
mating, or negative mate correlations, reported in the literature1,4,8,20,2229. Several potential 36
mechanisms of AM in humans have been described, although they are not mutually exclusive 37
because multiple mechanisms can simultaneously be responsible for observed correlations. 38
Phenotypic homogamy (also known as primary phenotypic assortment) occurs when mates 39
match directly on the trait of interest30. While phenotypic homogamy is often conceptualized as 40
mates actively preferring similarity, this type of homogamy can also be a function of indirect 41
selection, such as when mates are chosen from among strata that are partially determined by 42
individuals’ phenotypic values (e.g., AM for educational attainment arising as an indirect 43
consequence of mate choice occurring within job occupations). Social homogamy, on the other 44
hand, occurs when individuals match within strata that are determined by non-heritable 45
background social factors18,31, such as within social class in cultures where class is not 46
genetically influenced. At the other end of the spectrum, genetic homogamy is the mechanism 47
whereby mates correlate more genetically than phenotypically for a trait; this can occur when 48
there is phenotypic homogamy on a trait that is more correlated genetically than environmentally 49
with the trait of interest30,32. Finally, convergence occurs when mates become more similar over 50
time3,8, either due to direct (reciprocal or one-way) phenotypic influences on one another or to 51
the mutual influence of shared environmental factors. 52
Social scientists and quantitative geneticists care about the mechanisms and the strength 53
of AM because both influence parameters of interest and impact how various estimates in the 54
literature should be interpreted. Phenotypic and genetic homogamy on heritable traits increase 55
correlations between and within causal loci, which in turn increases the genetic covariance 56
between relatives and the trait’s phenotypic and genetic variation. Such an increase in variation 57
could manifest as increased prevalence rates of dichotomous traits such as psychiatric 58
disorders18,33, although this effect should only be pronounced in rare, highly heritable disorders 59
under strong AM18. Social homogamy can also increase trait variation when parental phenotypic 60
values for sociocultural traits are inherited by offspring via vertical transmission34. Failing to 61
account for AM can lead to biases in estimates from genetically informed designs, including the 62
association statistics from genome-wide association studies35, heritability estimates from 63
twin/family designs and from single nucleotide polymorphisms36, and the strength of estimated 64
causal associations in Mendelian randomization studies37. 65
Given that the genetic consequences of AM and the impacts of not accounting for it in 66
certain genetically informed designs are non-negligible, it is important to understand the strength 67
of AM for traits commonly investigated in human genetics. The strength and breadth of AM is 68
also of interest to investigators of human mating in psychology, sociology, and economics. 69
While many studies have reported estimates of AM in humans, we are aware of no study that has 70
meta-analyzed AM on a large number of phenotypically diverse traits. In the current report, we 71
use stringent methodology to meta-analyze and compare partner correlations for 22 commonly 72
investigated complex traits. These results are the most comprehensive set of meta-analyses on 73
human AM to date, and should shed light on contemporary human mating trends, help with the 74
interpretation of heritability estimates, motivate studies into the various causes of AM across 75
traits, and aid in the choice of design in genetic studies. 76
Results 78
Meta-analysis 79
We meta-analyzed partner concordance rates for 22 traits. While AM has been analyzed 80
for hundreds of traits, we focused on those most studied in the AM literature as well as some less 81
commonly studied dichotomous traits that have important health implications. The total number 82
of partner pairs for each trait ranged from 2,270 (for drinking quantity) to 1,533,956 (for 83
substance use disorder); effective sample sizes for dichotomous traits (see Methods) ranged from 84
721 (for alcohol use disorder) to 241,817 (for substance use disorder). Supplementary Tables S1 85
and S2 show all studies that we included in our meta-analysis for continuous and dichotomous 86
traits, respectively, as well as the effect sizes for each sample. For comparability across traits, we 87
focus here on Pearson and tetrachoric correlations for continuous and dichotomous traits, 88
respectively. Supplementary Table S2 also includes an alternative metric of partner concordance 89
for dichotomous traits, the odds ratio (OR), which is the odds of a participant possessing a trait 90
given that their partner has it divided by the odds of a participant possessing the trait given that 91
their partner does not have it. Supplementary Table S3 lists studies excluded from our meta-92
analysis along with the reasons for their exclusion. 93
Fig. 1 displays the meta-analyzed random effects correlations for all traits along with 94
their 95% confidence intervals. The meta-analyzed correlations were greater than zero at the 95
nominal significance level (p < .05) for all traits. The point estimates for fourteen traits were also 96
significant at the Bonferroni-corrected (p < .05/22 = 0.00227) significance level. Cognitive and 97
social attitude traits showed the highest correlations (.39 rmeta .58); personality, 98
anthropometric traits, substance use disorders, and other disorders showed the lowest (.08 rmeta 99
.29); and correlations for non-pathological substance use traits typically lay between these two 100
sets (.24 rmeta .54) (see Table 1). Fig. S1 displays forest plots for all the traits we analyzed 101
with publications ordered by year and color-coded by region. The meta-analyzed fixed effects 102
results for each trait (Fig. S2) were qualitatively similar to the random effect results. Fig. S5 103
shows the number of studies included and excluded for each trait. 104
Table 2 summarizes each trait’s heterogeneity estimates and the prediction intervals of 105
future studies’ effect sizes. We quantified heterogeneity using the Higgins & Thompson’s I2 106
metric, which represents the percentage of variance resulting from between-study heterogeneity 107
in effect sizes rather than within-study sampling error38. Higgins and Thompson (2002)39 108
classified I2 values of 25%, 50%, and 75% as low, medium, and high heterogeneity, respectively. 109
Across traits in our 22 meta-analyses, the median Higgins & Thompson I2 statistic was 87.5%, 110
reflecting very high heterogeneity in AM estimates for most traits. However, a high I2 reflects not 111
only high between-study heterogeneity in estimated effect sizes but also low within-study 112
heterogeneity due to highly precise estimates of individual studies. Thus, these high I2 values 113
may in part be due to the high precision of estimates afforded by the large sample sizes of many 114
of the studies included in our analyses. An alternative metric of heterogeneity that is unaffected 115
by the precision of estimates of individual studies, τ2, represents the estimated variance of the 116
true effect size under a random effects model. The estimated standard deviations of true effects 117
(τ) were large relative to the meta-analyzed correlation values for many traits. The median 118
coefficient of variation 󰇡
󰇢 was .41, and the coefficient of variation was above .50 for 119
intelligence quotient (IQ), drinking quantity, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, 120
body mass index (BMI), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). However, for some traits, such 121
as EA (rmeta = .53 +/- τ = .10), political values (rmeta = .58 +/- .08), and depression (rmeta = .14 +/- 122
.02), the estimated standard deviation of true effects was not very large compared to the meta-123
analyzed estimate. Overall, our results suggest that AM is characterized by substantial 124
differences in the strength of true effect across populations differentiated by place or time. 125
For each trait, we also created Graphic Display of Heterogeneity (GOSH) plots (Fig. 126
S4)40, which are scatterplots of the meta-analyzed correlations for all possible 2k-1 combinations 127
of k studies of size 2 through k (up to 1 million combinations) on the x-axis and the I2 values of 128
these combinations on the y-axis. Two or more distinct clusters anywhere in the plot may 129
indicate subpopulations that differ in their average effect size40, although a smear of points along 130
the bottom of GOSH plots is caused by two or more study results that happen to be similar 131
(thereby producing I2 values near 0) and is typically not of interest. For most traits plotted in Fig. 132
S4, there are no obvious clusters. However, for IQ and conscientiousness, there do appear to be 133
two clusters, one made up of study combinations that have higher heterogeneity and higher 134
average correlations, and another with lower heterogeneity and lower average correlations. The 135
two clusters in the GOSH plot for IQ may have resulted from an outlier reported in a 1938 study 136
that found a partner correlation of .8141, which is substantially greater than the meta-analyzed 137
estimate we report for this trait. 138
Because AM studies ostensibly focus more on effect size than hypothesis testing, we 139
expected that publication bias was unlikely to be a major factor for the study results we meta-140
analyzed. Nevertheless, we created funnel plots (Fig. S3), which plot study effect size (Fisher Z 141
transformed correlations here) on the x-axis against standard error on the y-axis, to visually 142
inspect whether there was evidence for asymmetry, a potential indicator of publication bias. 143
Overall, there was no obvious asymmetry across the funnel plots. Only for IQ and drinking 144
quantity did it appear that there may be a systematic bias of larger studies having smaller effect 145
sizes, but both were based on 10 or fewer studies, which can lead to apparent asymmetry by 146
chance38,42. The more obvious pattern observed in most funnel plots was the large number of 147
points that were outside the expected triangular region, again reflecting the high heterogeneity in 148
correlations observed across studies. 149
Discussion 151
In this study, we collated and synthesized the results from a large number of studies on 152
human AM to provide a better understanding of which traits mates assort on and how strong the 153
assortment is. To our knowledge, this is the largest and most comprehensive set of meta-analyses 154
on human AM to date. We found the highest levels of AM for political and religious values, 155
educational attainment, IQ, and some substance use traits; partner correlations for other traits 156
were smaller. Nevertheless, we found nominally significant (p < .05) evidence for AM for every 157
trait investigated. More than half of the meta-analyzed correlations were also significant at the 158
Bonferroni-corrected level. Whether these correlations are due to convergence or to initial 159
nonrandom mating based on phenotypic, social, or genetic homogamy remains to be determined, 160
though some research has attempted to investigate which of these mechanisms is responsible for 161
observed AM for particular traits. 162
The two social attitude traits that we examinedpolitical attitudes and religiosity163
showed the highest levels of AM of all the traits we assessed. For these traits, we examined 164
continuous measures of attitudes toward political issues and self-report of multiple religious 165
ideas/practices. Interestingly, despite clear geographical stratification of religious and voting 166
trends apparent in countries such as the United States, most studies to date investigating the 167
cause of mate similarity on political and religious attitudes have suggested that the data is most 168
consistent with phenotypic rather than social homogamy, and there is no compelling evidence of 169
substantial convergence for either trait4,4346. This may be relevant to current events because, to 170
the degree that social attitudes are genetically or socially heritable, AM on them may contribute 171
to heightened political and cultural polarization. 172
We also found a high partner correlations for educational attainment (EA) (rmeta = .53), 173
and only one sample47 out of 27 reported a correlation under .30. Thus, there is consistent 174
evidence for strong AM on EA across recent decades and across cultures in which the trait has 175
been studied. Robinson et al. (2017)32 found that the implied phenotypic correlation for EA 176
between partners in the UK Biobank, extrapolated from the observed correlation between 177
partners' trait-associated loci, was .65. This value was substantially larger than the phenotypic 178
correlation they observed for EA in the same sample and exceeds the upper limit of our 179
confidence interval for the meta-analyzed EA partner correlation. This suggests that AM for EA 180
is consistent with genetic homogamy, and that mates may be assorting on some trait that is more 181
genetically than environmentally correlated with EA. Contrary to Robinson et al.’s (2017)32 182
finding, Torvik et al. (2022)48 did not find evidence for genetic homogamy in educational 183
attainment in a sample of partners, siblings, and in-laws in Norway. Instead, they found evidence 184
that AM on EA was due to a mix of both social homogamy and phenotypic homogamy. Whether 185
this discrepancy is due to differences in EA AM between Norway and the UK or to differences 186
in sample characteristics (e.g., ascertainment) is an open question. 187
The meta-analyzed partner correlation coefficients for substance use/abuse traits ranged 188
from rmeta = .24 to rmeta = .54. Interestingly, some (but not all49,50) studies that have examined 189
mechanisms of assortment in drinking and smoking have reported evidence of convergence for 190
these behaviors6,8,12,51, making these traits amongst the only ones to show support for 191
convergence in the literature. 192
We observed substantial between-study heterogeneity in partner correlations for most 193
traits. A large degree of between-study heterogeneity would certainly be problematic in fixed 194
effects meta-analyses that assume a single underlying effect. However, even for random effects 195
meta-analyses, which are viewed as more appropriate when heterogeneity is present, high levels 196
of heterogeneity suggest caution should be used in interpretation of results. Random effects 197
meta-analyses assume an underlying (normal) distribution of true effects across the studies’ 198
sampled populations, and the meta-analytic result is the estimated mean of those true effects. 199
Thus, the estimates we present here cannot be interpreted as estimates of a single true level of 200
AM for a given trait, but rather estimates of the typical level of AM across many possible levels 201
that might be observed at different times or locations. 202
There are several possible causes of the high levels of heterogeneity in AM we observed 203
across studies within the same trait. Most obviously, it is possible that the true degree of AM 204
varied across populations due to cultural differences in mating systems or preferences. This 205
seems plausible; AM involves mate preferences, social stratification, and/or couple dynamics, 206
and so it is unlikely to be consistent across different cultural contexts. Differences in population 207
size, mobility, and/or education across populations may impact the pool of a person’s potential 208
mates and thereby the degree to which preferences can be acted on. However, there was 209
insufficient cultural diversity within traits to test whether there were significant differences in 210
partner concordance across cultures. Similarly, we determined that publication year was too 211
coarse a metric of the year in which mates were married, and too many studies failed to report 212
sufficient information for us to formally assess changes in AM over time. 213
It is also possible that some of the heterogeneity in AM effect sizes was due to 214
differences in how constructs were measured across studiesfor example, differences in the 215
measurement batteries used, differences in participants’ interpretations of battery items, or 216
differences in the clinical thresholds employed. Potentially consistent with this possibility, we 217
observed that the prevalence rates of dichotomous traits varied greatly in supposedly non-218
ascertained samples, which may have contributed to the heterogeneity we observed in our 219
correlation coefficients. Nevertheless, we observed high levels of heterogeneity even for traits220
such as height and BMImeasured in standardized ways, suggesting that differences in how the 221
constructs were measured is unlikely to be a complete explanation. Finally, it is possible that 222
publication bias led to heterogeneity, particularly if studies that found AM results that were 223
substantially different from those already published in the literature were more likely to be 224
submitted and publisheda kind of "novelty bias." However, it is also possible that a 225
"conformity bias" exists in the opposite direction and has led to downwardly biased estimates of 226
heterogeneity. While we could not test and therefore cannot rule out either possibility, we find 227
them unlikely given that the incentives for both seem dubious. 228
Although we initially gathered data on AM for rare psychiatric disorders, we did not 229
formally meta-analyze the tetrachoric correlations for these traits because too few studies met 230
our inclusion criteria as a result of unspecified sample sizes, the use of longitudinal rather than 231
cross-sectional measurements of concordance, and small expected cell frequencies (see 232
Supplementary Table S2 and S3). Nevertheless, studies that have provided robust estimates of 233
partner concordance for psychiatric disorders have suggested low to moderate AM, both within 234
and across disorders18,21,52,53. For example, based on data from Swedish population registers that 235
included more than 700,000 unique casesoriginally analyzed by Nordsletten et al. (2016)54--236
Peyrot et al. (2016)18 estimated ascertainment-corrected tetrachoric correlation coefficients of .26 237
for schizophrenia, .10 for bipolar disorder, .28 for autism spectrum disorder, and .31 for 238
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 239
There are several implications for the consistent evidence of AM across traits we 240
documented in this meta-analysis. First, as noted above, AM can increase the genetic variance and 241
the prevalence of a disorder. Although the increase in prevalence for common disorders may not 242
be large (e.g., ~10%), the levels of AM observed for rare traits of high heritability, such as autism, 243
could lead to a ~1.5-fold prevalence increase after one generation, and an even higher increase 244
(~2.4-fold) over many generations18. Second, AM can create biases in estimates of interest in 245
genetically informative designs, such as estimates based on twin studies10,54, genome-wide 246
association studies (GWAS)35, Mendelian randomization37, and SNP-heritability36. Finally, to the 247
degree that the heterogeneity in AM we observed was due to true differences in the strength of 248
AM rather than differences in measurement, our estimates of the strength of AM may not 249
generalize to other populations. While estimates for some traits, such as height, were based on a 250
geographically and ethnically diverse set of samples, most of the samples included in our meta-251
analyses were drawn from Europe, North America, and Australia, and Asia. For example, all 252
estimates of AM for religiosity came from samples in the United States. 253
In summary, we conducted the largest and most comprehensive set of meta-analyses of 254
human AM to date. Our estimates were based on nearly a century of research and millions of 255
partner pairs. We found high partner correlations for traits related to substance use, IQ, EA, and 256
social attitudes, and smaller but nominally significant (p < .05) correlations for personality, 257
anthropometric, and disorder traits. However, we also observed high levels of heterogeneity in 258
AM estimates across studies for most traits investigated, suggesting that AM may differ across 259
time or place and that a single estimate of AM cannot typically be assumed for a given trait 260
across populations. 261
Methods 263
Inclusion and exclusion criteria 264
We conducted a systematic review of English-language studies that examined AM based 265
on partners’ continuous and dichotomous self-reports on the same complex traits. All included 266
studies were published in peer-reviewed journals on or before December 22, 2021. To conduct 267
this review, we searched for words pertaining to the traits of interest in conjunction with the 268
terms assortative mating, assortative marriage, partner concordance, partner correlation, 269
nonrandom mating, homogamy, marital resemblance, and marital homophily in Google Scholar, 270
and we checked relevant papers cited in these studies for adherence to our criteria. We restricted 271
our analysis to studies of opposite-sex co-parents, engaged pairs, married pairs, and/or 272
cohabitating pairs (referred to as partners” hereafter), with a few studies containing a small 273
number of divorced couples; we excluded same-sex partners because same-sex and opposite-sex 274
pairs show different patterns of assortment for some traits55,56, because there is less data on the 275
former, and because same-sex assortment does not have the same implications for genetic 276
studies. With the exception of studies that intentionally ascertained partners for the trait of 277
interest, we excluded studies in which pairs had a characteristic that deviated from the norm in 278
the general population in a way that might have affected the magnitude of concordance (e.g., a 279
sample of only adoptive parents was excluded), and we only included studies where the sample 280
size was reported or could be inferred. For example, if only percentages were reported for each 281
cell of a contingency table, the sample size of each cell could be inferred as the percentage 282
multiplied by N. 283
We restricted our analysis to studies with sample sizes greater than 100. For dichotomous 284
traits, we restricted our analysis to studies with expected contingency table cell frequencies of 285
five or greater and observed cell frequencies greater than zero. When the samples in multiple 286
studies that were appropriate for our meta-analysis overlapped or were likely to have overlapped 287
based on information provided in the publication, we only used the study with the largest sample 288
size. We calculated effect sizes from the data reported in primary studies rather than relying on 289
effect size estimates from other published meta-analyses. If a study reported partner concordance 290
rates for multiple independent samples, each was included as a separate entry. When studies 291
reported partner correlation at different waves, we reported the results from the first wave. 292
When studies reported both the raw correlation and the partial correlation(s) controlling 293
for covariates (such as age), we included the raw correlation for consistency across studies. For 294
studies that only reported partial correlations, we used the estimate with the fewest number of 295
covariates. For ordinal and continuous traits, studies typically reported Spearman’s rho or 296
Pearson’s r but at times reported polychoric correlations. We excluded polychoric correlations 297
reported for such traits in order to avoid pooling two classes of correlation for the same meta-298
analyzed effect size. Because polychoric correlations occurred rarely, we do not anticipate a 299
large loss of power as a result. Because AM for height has already been meta-analyzed 300
extensively by Stulp et al. (2017)9, we re-analyzed studies from the paper’s supplement in the 301
same way we analyzed other continuous traits, after eliminating studies from this meta-analysis 302
in accordance with our exclusion criteria. Finally, we restricted our meta-analysis to traits for 303
which there were at least three samples that met our criteria. 304
Dichotomous traits
For dichotomous traits, we primarily considered studies that examined pairs in non-306
ascertained community samples or national registers as well as those from samples that 307
ascertained probands. Most ascertained studies were ultimately excluded because probands were 308
typically in clinical settings (e.g., hospitalized), whereas partners of probands with the disorder 309
typically were not. Although such ascertainment can be dealt with if all the applicable 310
populations’ (i.e. inpatient, outpatient, and those who have never received treatment) prevalence 311
rates are known, it was typically impossible to know all of these rates. We eliminated any 312
ascertained studies in which there was a >~two-fold difference in male and female prevalence if 313
there was not enough information to divide discordant couples based on sex. Simulation results 314
suggested that mixing individuals of different sexes when prevalence rates were more discrepant 315
than this would lead to unacceptable levels of bias. Because of possible differences in the 316
strength of AM implied from concordance of male probands versus that implied from female 317
probands, we excluded studies that only included single-sex probands. When both male and 318
female proband data was available (only a single study52), estimates based on each proband 319
(female and male) were included as separate results. 320
We only used cross-sectional measures of partner concordance and therefore excluded 321
studies that used longitudinal metrics such as morbidity risks57, hazard ratios, and incidence 322
ratios. We required that either odds ratios (ORs), risk ratios (RR), phi coefficients (Φ), 323
contingency tables, orif the study was not ascertained (see below)tetrachoric correlations, 324
were reported for dichotomous traits. Concordance rates captured by any of the first four of these 325
measures were then converted to tetrachoric correlations for consistency. When the contingency 326
table was unknown but the OR was reported, we first inferred the contingency table using an R 327
function described in the supplementary methods of Peyrot et al. (2016)18 (provided to us by the 328
authors) and then estimated the tetrachoric correlation. When the contingency table was 329
provided, we calculated the OR and tetrachoric correlation (using the polychoric() function from 330
the “polycor” package58) in R ourselves, and thus the effect size we used in our analysis was 331
sometimes different than that reported in the original study. When the contingency table was 332
unknown but Φ was reported, Φ was converted to a tetrachoric correlation using the phi2tetra() 333
function from the “psych” package59 in R. The prevalence rates for each sex used for these 334
conversions (from Φ and the OR) are reported in Supplementary Table S2. No studies that we 335
included in our final analysis reported an RR. 336
For studies where probands were ascertained, we used the OR, which is not influenced by 337
ascertainment, along with estimates of sex-specific prevalence rates from the country or region 338
the sample came from, to calculate tetrachoric correlations. To do this, we used the 339
aforementioned R function provided to us by Peyrot and colleagues, which produces the 340
population (non-ascertained) contingency table that is implied given the observed OR in the 341
ascertained sample and the assumed population prevalence in each sex. We then used this 342
implied contingency table to estimate the underlying (non-ascertained) tetrachoric correlation in 343
the population. This correction is necessary because the liability in the ascertained sample, where 344
the case to control ratio is usually higher than that in the population, is different than the liability 345
distribution in the population, which would lead to upwardly biased estimates if the tetrachoric 346
correlation was estimated based on just the sample contingency table. 347
We used the metacor() function from the “meta” package in R60 to conduct both random 348
and fixed effects meta-analyses using inverse-variance weighting of the Fisher z transformed 349
correlations. For continuous traits, we used the Knapp-Hartung adjustment61,62 to calculate the 350
variance of point estimates and restricted maximum-likelihood (REML) to estimate τ2, the 351
variance of the true overall effect size under random effects63,64. For binary traits, we used the 352
Paule-Mandel estimator65 to estimate τ2 and applied the Knapp-Hartung adjustment61,62 to our 353
calculation of the variance of the point estimate. We conducted a Monte Carlo analysis to 354
determine how best to pool information for different studies in a meta-analysis. While the “true” 355
base spousal correlation varied across simulated meta-analyses, the population-level spousal 356
correlation across “studies” within the same meta-analysis was consistent (in order to establish a 357
true rate of spousal concordance against which to compare our point estimates). However, 358
prevalence rates were allowed to vary across populations in the same simulated meta-analysis 359
(see Supplementary Table S4 for the results of each method used in conjunction with various 360
parameter estimates). We found that calculating tetrachoric correlations for each sample and then 361
meta-analyzing them provided more accurate point estimates than pooling contingency tables 362
and then calculating tetrachoric correlations. Thus, we followed this procedure for binary traits 363
throughout. The metacor() function internally calculates the expected variance of correlations 364
based on sample sizes and assumes they are Pearson correlations, which would be incorrect for 365
tetrachoric correlations. Thus, we needed to input effective (rather than actual) sample sizes for 366
tetrachoric correlations. For non-ascertained studies, we estimated the effective sample sizes by 367
using the standard error calculated in the polychor() package and solving for n in the equation 368
󰇛󰇜 For ascertained studies examining dichotomous traits, we created bootstrapped 369
contingency tables, each of size n (the number of partners) and sampled from the study’s (raw, 370
ascertained) contingency table with replacement. We followed the procedure described above to 371
convert the ascertained contingency table to a tetrachoric correlation corrected for ascertainment. 372
We repeated this process 1,000 times, calculated the standard error by estimating the standard 373
deviation of the 1,000 bootstrapped tetrachoric correlations, and used this standard error to 374
calculate the effective sample size as described above. 375
Four of the traits in our supplementary tablesbipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic 376
disorder, and phobiaposed a problem because they were rare (bipolar disorder and 377
schizophrenia) or have not been studied in sufficiently large samples (panic disorder and phobia). 378
This resulted in contingency tables with zero frequency cells or with expected cell frequencies 379
that were less than five. As a result, there was not a sufficient number of studies meeting our 380
inclusion criteria to justify formally meta-analyzing these four traits, though we included the 381
results from studies that otherwise met our criteria for these traits in Supplementary Table S2. 382
Data availability 384
Studies included in the meta-analysis are listed in Supplementary Tables S1 and S2, and studies 385
excluded from the meta-analysis are listed in Supplementary Table S3. 386
Code availability 388
The code for the analyses and simulations is available from the authors upon request. 389
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Author contributions statement 530
TBH contributed to study design, statistical analyses, manuscript writing, collection of studies to 531
be meta-analyzed, simulation, and creation of all figures and tables; MCK contributed to study 532
design, statistical analyses, manuscript writing, and simulation. 533
Additional information 535
The authors declare no competing interests. 536
r [CI]
Effective N
.53 [.49; .56]
.39 [.21; .54]
Political values
.58 [.53; .63]
.57 [.37; .72]
.24 [.09; .38]
Drinking quantity
.41 [.11; .64]
Smoking cessation
.54 [.31; .72]
Smoking initiation
.37 [.30; .43]
Smoking quantity
.24 [.14; .34]
Smoking status
.46 [.35; .56]
20, 584
.29 [.29, .30]
.11 [ .05; .18]
.16 [.10; .23]
.08 [.05; .11]
.10 [.07; .13]
.21 [.14; .28]
Body mass index
.16 [.12; .19]
.23 [.21; .26]
Waist-to-hip ratio
.16 [.08; .24]
.14 [.11; .17]
.15 [.07; .23]
.14 [.04; .24]
I2 [CI]
τ2 [CI]
93% [91%; 94%]
0.0100 [0.0058; 0.0238]
[0.3568; 0.6607]
91% [86%; 95%]
0.0675 [0.0288; 0.2524]
[-0.2220; 0.7772]
Political values
80% [62%; 89%]
0.0067 [0.0018; 0.0343]
[0.4256; 0.7014]
95% [91%; 97%]
0.0417 [0.0128; 0.3736]
[-0.0662; 0.8782]
0% [0%; 90%]
0 [0.0000; 0.3788]
[-0.2221; 0.6153]
Drinking quantity
92% [86%; 96%]
0.0862 [0.0301; 0.5821]
[-0.4228; 0.8671]
Smoking cessation
90% [77%; 96%]
0.0285 [0.0069; 0.4410]
[-0.2102; 0.8928]
Smoking initiation
95% [93%; 97%]
0.0108 [0.0046; 0.0355]
[0.1408; 0.5587]
Smoking quantity
68% [24%; 87%]
0.0070 [0.0006; 0.0642]
[-0.0103; 0.4700]
Smoking status
98% [98%; 99%]
0.0517 [0.0247; 0.1400]
[-0.0095; 0.7651]
0% [0%; 90%]
0 [0.0000; 0.0404]
[0.2722; 0.3119]
Table 1. r = meta-analyzed random effects spousal correlation (Pearson’s r for continuous
traits; tetrachoric r for dichotomous traits), CI = confidence interval, K = number of samples
meta-analyzed, N = number of total spouse pairs meta-analyzed; EA = educational
attainment, IQ = intelligence quotient, AUD = alcohol use disorder, SUD = substance use
disorder, GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; Effective N = 
+ 2 (rearranged from the
formula for the standard error estimate).
88% [80%; 93%]
0.0074 [0.0022; 0.0278]
[-0.0908; 0.3108]
90% [84%; 94%]
0.0087 [0.0028; 0.0266]
[-0.0564; 0.3698]
68% [54%; 79%]
0.0046 [0.0017; 0.0117]
[-0.0625; 0.2198]
58% [37%; 72%]
0.0016 [0.0004; 0.0073]
[0.0142; 0.1845]
87% [78%; 92%]
0.0081 [0.0027; 0.0345]
[-0.0070; 0.4027]
Body mass index
96% [95%; 97%]
0.0074 [0.0038; 0.0129]
[-0.0205; 0.3267]
91% [89%; 92%]
0.0096 [0.0069; 0.0167]
[0.0408; 0.4091]
Waist-to-hip ratio
68% [18%; 88%]
0.0027 [0.0001; 0.0380]
[-0.0265; 0.3380]
55% [0%; 81%]
0.0005 [0.0000; 0.0085]
[0.0728; 0.2052]
78% [55%; 90%]
0.0052 [0.0005; 0.0445]
[-0.0531; 0.3391]
51% [0%; 80%]
0.0058 [0.0000; 0.0734]
[-0.0987; 0.3607]
Table 2. Heterogeneity statistics for each trait’s meta-analysis. CI = confidence interval, I2 =
Higgins & Thompson’s I2 statistic, a measure of between-study heterogeneity, τ = the estimated
standard deviation of the true effect size, τ2 = the estimated variance of the true effect size; EA =
educational attainment, IQ = intelligence quotient, AUD = alcohol use disorder, SUD = substance
use disorder, GAD = generalized anxiety disorder.
The meta-analyzed random effects spousal correlations and 95% confidence
intervals for each trait.
Figure 1
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... This is because there is significant assortative mating for education (r = .53) (Horwitz & Keller, 2022), so racial groups lower in educational attainment such as Blacks and Hispanics who out-marry should be expected to be more educated than those who don't. ...
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Research suggests that mixed-race adolescents are more likely than monoracial adolescents to use drugs or engage in violent behavior, and that interracial relationships contain more conflict than monoracial ones. However, it is not clear whether these outcomes are caused by racial conflict and identity or by self-selection. To determine this, we used data from the NLSY97 and Add Health datasets to explore what characteristics predict whether an individual is engaged in an interracial relationship. Our investigation suggests that assortative mating occurs between races, where individuals who date individuals of other races tend to be more similar to them. The standardized difference in intelligence between those interracially mated and those who didn’t varied by race (White d = -0.22, p < .001; Black d = 0.31, p < .001; Hispanic d = 0.73, p < .001). Also, there is a difference in height between Hispanics who interracially dated and those who didn’t (mean d = 0.29, p < .001). Interracial daters tended to engage in a broader range of risk-taking behaviors (White d = 0.18, p < .01; Black d = 0.42, p < .01; Hispanic d = 0.53, p < .001) regardless of their race. The available evidence supports that the behavior of mixed-race adolescents is a product of genetic transmission, and that some of the increased divorce and inter-partner violence observed within interracial relationships may be a product of self-selection instead of racial conflict or social pressure.
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Assortative mating on heritable traits can have implications for the genetic resemblance between siblings and in-laws in succeeding generations. We studied polygenic scores and phenotypic data from pairs of partners (n = 26,681), siblings (n = 2,170), siblings-in-law (n = 3,905), and co-siblings-in-law (n = 1,763) in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Using structural equation models, we estimated associations between measurement error-free latent genetic and phenotypic variables. We found evidence of genetic similarity between partners for educational attainment (rg = 0.37), height (rg = 0.13), and depression (rg = 0.08). Common genetic variants associated with educational attainment correlated between siblings above 0.50 (rg = 0.68) and between siblings-in-law (rg = 0.25) and co-siblings-in-law (rg = 0.09). Indirect assortment on secondary traits accounted for partner similarity in education and depression, but not in height. Comparisons between the genetic similarities of partners and siblings indicated that genetic variances were in intergenerational equilibrium. This study shows genetic similarities between extended family members and that assortative mating has taken place for several generations. Assortative mating could violate the assumption of random mating used in many genetic studies. Here, the authors study more than 25,000 Norwegian families to find genetic similarity between partners, siblings, and in-laws in genetic factors related to educational attainment, height, and depression.
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Objectives: To investigate concordance in the health behaviors of women and their partners according to age and to investigate whether there was a stronger correlation between the health behaviors of housewives and those of their partners than between the health behaviors of non-housewives and those of their partners. Methods: We used data obtained from women participants in the 2015 Korea Community Health Survey who were living with their partners. The outcome variables were 4 health behaviors: smoking, drinking, eating salty food, and physical activity. The main independent variables were the partners' corresponding health behaviors. We categorized age into 4 groups (19-29, 30-49, 50-64, and ≥ 65 years) and utilized multivariate logistic regression analysis, stratifying by age group. Another logistic regression analysis was stratified by whether the participant identified as a housewife. Results: Data from 64 971 women older than 18 years of age were analyzed. Of the 4 health behaviors, the risk of smoking (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 4.65; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.93 to 5.49) was highest when the participant's partner was also a smoker. Similar results were found for an inactive lifestyle (aOR, 2.56; 95% CI, 2.45 to 2.66), eating salty food (aOR, 2.48; 95% CI, 2.36 to 2.62); and excessive drinking (aOR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.80 to 1.98). In comparison to non-housewives, housewives had higher odds of eating salty food. Conclusions: The health behaviors of women were positively correlated with those of their partners. The magnitude of the concordance differed by age group.
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Assortative mating refers to the tendency of two partners' characteristics to be matched in a systematic manner, usually in the form of similarity. Mating with a similar partner has profound implications at the species, societal, and individual levels. This article provides a comprehensive review of research on couple similarity since 1980s. The review begins with the general patterns and trends observed in couple similarity on a range of domains including demographic variables, physical/physiological characteristics, abilities, mental well-being, habitual behaviors, attitudes, values, and personality. Next the bulk of the review focuses on analyses of 4 mechanisms leading to similarity: initial active choice, mating market operation, social homogamy, and convergence. Specific future research avenues are outlined to improve understanding of these mechanisms. Finally, the review discusses genetic, social, and psychological consequences of couple similarity.
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Objectives: The study of assortative mating for height has a rich history in human biology. Although the positive correlation between the stature of spouses has often been noted in western populations, recent papers suggest that mating patterns for stature are not universal. The objective of this paper was to review the published evidence to examine the strength of and universality in assortative mating for height. Methods: We conducted an extensive literature review and meta-analysis. We started with published reviews but also searched through secondary databases. Our search led to 154 correlations of height between partners. We classified the populations as western and non-western based on geography. These correlations were then analyzed via meta-analytic techniques. Results: 148 of the correlations for partner heights were positive and the overall analysis indicates moderate positive assortative mating (r = .23). Although assortative mating was slightly stronger in countries that can be described as western compared to non-western, this difference was not statistically significant. We found no evidence for a change in assortative mating for height over time. There was substantial residual heterogeneity in effect sizes and this heterogeneity was most pronounced in western countries. Conclusions: Positive assortative mating for height exists in human populations, but is modest in magnitude suggesting that height is not a major factor in mate choice. Future research is necessary to understand the underlying causes of the large amount of heterogeneity observed in the degree of assortative mating across human populations, which may stem from a combination of methodological and ecological differences.
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Abstract Assortative mating occurs when there is a correlation (positive or negative) between male and female phenotypes or genotypes across mated pairs. To determine the typical strength and direction of assortative mating in animals, we carried out a meta-analysis of published measures of assortative mating for a variety of phenotypic and genotypic traits in a diverse set of animal taxa. We focused on the strength of assortment within populations, excluding reproductively isolated populations and species. We collected 1,116 published correlations between mated pairs from 254 species (360 unique species-trait combinations) in five phyla. The mean correlation between mates was 0.28, showing an overall tendency toward positive assortative mating within populations. Although 19% of the correlations were negative, simulations suggest that these could represent type I error and that negative assortative mating may be rare. We also find significant differences in the strength of assortment among major taxonomic groups and among trait categories. We discuss various possible reasons for the evolution of assortative mating and its implications for speciation.
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Funnel plots, and tests for funnel plot asymmetry, have been widely used to examine bias in the results of meta-analyses. Funnel plot asymmetry should not be equated with publication bias, because it has a number of other possible causes. This article describes how to interpret funnel plot asymmetry, recommends appropriate tests, and explains the implications for choice of meta-analysis modelThe 1997 paper describing the test for funnel plot asymmetry proposed by Egger et al 1 is one of the most cited articles in the history of BMJ.1 Despite the recommendations contained in this and subsequent papers,2 3 funnel plot asymmetry is often, wrongly, equated with publication or other reporting biases. The use and appropriate interpretation of funnel plots and tests for funnel plot asymmetry have been controversial because of questions about statistical validity,4 disputes over appropriate interpretation,3 5 6 and low power of the tests.2This article recommends how to examine and interpret funnel plot asymmetry (also known as small study effects2) in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. The recommendations are based on a detailed MEDLINE review of literature published up to 2007 and discussions among methodologists, who extended and adapted guidance previously summarised in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.7What is a funnel plot?A funnel plot is a scatter plot of the effect estimates from individual studies against some measure of each study’s size or precision. The standard error of the effect estimate is often chosen as the measure of study size and plotted on the vertical axis8 with a reversed scale that places the larger, most powerful studies towards the top. The effect estimates from smaller studies should scatter more widely at the bottom, with the spread narrowing among larger studies.9 In the absence of bias and between study heterogeneity, the scatter will be due to sampling variation alone and the plot will resemble a symmetrical inverted funnel (fig 1⇓). A triangle centred on a fixed effect summary estimate and extending 1.96 standard errors either side will include about 95% of studies if no bias is present and the fixed effect assumption (that the true treatment effect is the same in each study) is valid. The appendix on discusses choice of axis in funnel plots.View larger version:In a new windowDownload as PowerPoint SlideFig 1 Example of symmetrical funnel plot. The outer dashed lines indicate the triangular region within which 95% of studies are expected to lie in the absence of both biases and heterogeneity (fixed effect summary log odds ratio±1.96×standard error of summary log odds ratio). The solid vertical line corresponds to no intervention effectImplications of heterogeneity, reporting bias, and chance Heterogeneity, reporting bias, and chance may all lead to asymmetry or other shapes in funnel plots (box). Funnel plot asymmetry may also be an artefact of the choice of statistics being plotted (see appendix). The presence of any shape in a funnel plot is contingent on the studies having a range of standard errors, since otherwise they would lie on a horizontal line.Box 1: Possible sources of asymmetry in funnel plots (adapted from Egger et al1)Reporting biasesPublication bias: Delayed publication (also known as time lag or pipeline) bias Location biases (eg, language bias, citation bias, multiple publication bias)Selective outcome reportingSelective analysis reportingPoor methodological quality leading to spuriously inflated effects in smaller studiesPoor methodological designInadequate analysisFraudTrue heterogeneitySize of effect differs according to study size (eg, because of differences in the intensity of interventions or in underlying risk between studies of different sizes)ArtefactualIn some circumstances, sampling variation can lead to an association between the intervention effect and its standard errorChanceAsymmetry may occur by chance, which motivates the use of asymmetry testsHeterogeneityStatistical heterogeneity refers to differences between study results beyond those attributable to chance. It may arise because of clinical differences between studies (for example, setting, types of participants, or implementation of the intervention) or methodological differences (such as extent of control over bias). A random effects model is often used to incorporate heterogeneity in meta-analyses. If the heterogeneity fits with the assumptions of this model, a funnel plot will be symmetrical but with additional horizontal scatter. If heterogeneity is large it may overwhelm the sampling error, so that the plot appears cylindrical.Heterogeneity will lead to funnel plot asymmetry if it induces a correlation between study sizes and intervention effects.5 For example, substantial benefit may be seen only in high risk patients, and these may be preferentially included in early, small studies.10 Or the intervention may have been implemented less thoroughly in larger studies, resulting in smaller effect estimates compared with smaller studies.11Figure 2⇓ shows funnel plot asymmetry arising from heterogeneity that is due entirely to there being three distinct subgroups of studies, each with a different intervention effect.12 The separate funnels for each subgroup are symmetrical. Unfortunately, in practice, important sources of heterogeneity are often unknown.View larger version:In a new windowDownload as PowerPoint SlideFig 2 Illustration of funnel plot asymmetry due to heterogeneity, in the form of three distinct subgroups of studies. Funnel plot including all studies (top left) shows clear asymmetry (P<0.001 from Egger test for funnel plot asymmetry). P values for each subgroup are all >0.49.Differences in methodological quality may also cause heterogeneity and lead to funnel plot asymmetry. Smaller studies tend to be conducted and analysed with less methodological rigour than larger studies,13 and trials of lower quality also tend to show larger intervention effects.14 15Reporting biasReporting biases arise when the dissemination of research findings is influenced by the nature and direction of results. Statistically significant “positive” results are more likely to be published, published rapidly, published in English, published more than once, published in high impact journals, and cited by others.16 17 18 19 Data that would lead to negative results may be filtered, manipulated, or presented in such a way that they become positive.14 20 Reporting biases can have three types of consequence for a meta-analysis:A systematic review may fail to locate an eligible study because all information about it is suppressed or hard to find (publication bias) A located study may not provide usable data for the outcome of interest because the study authors did not consider the result sufficiently interesting (selective outcome reporting) A located study may provide biased results for some outcome—for example, by presenting the result with the smallest P value or largest effect estimate after trying several analysis methods (selective analysis reporting).These biases may cause funnel plot asymmetry if statistically significant results suggesting a beneficial effect are more likely to be published than non-significant results. Such asymmetry may be exaggerated if there is a further tendency for smaller studies to be more prone to selective suppression of results than larger studies. This is often assumed to be the case for randomised trials. For instance, it is probably more difficult to make a large study disappear without trace, while a small study can easily be lost in a file drawer.21 The same may apply to specific outcomes—for example, it is difficult not to report on mortality or myocardial infarction if these are outcomes of a large study. Smaller studies have more sampling error in their effect estimates. Thus even though the risk of a false positive significant finding is the same, multiple analyses are more likely to yield a large effect estimate that may seem worth publishing. However, biases may not act this way in real life; funnel plots could be symmetrical even in the presence of publication bias or selective outcome reporting19 22—for example, if the published findings point to effects in different directions but unreported results indicate neither direction. Alternatively, bias may have affected few studies and therefore not cause glaring asymmetry.ChanceThe role of chance is critical for interpretation of funnel plots because most meta-analyses of randomised trials in healthcare contain few studies.2 Investigations of relations across studies in a meta-analysis are seriously prone to false positive findings when there is a small number of studies and heterogeneity across studies,23 and this may affect funnel plot symmetry.Interpreting funnel plot asymmetryAuthors of systematic reviews should distinguish between possible reasons for funnel plot asymmetry (box 1). Knowledge of the intervention, and the circumstances in which it was implemented in different studies, can help identify causes of asymmetry in funnel plots, which should also be interpreted in the context of susceptibility to biases of research in the field of interest. Potential conflicts of interest, whether outcomes and analyses have been standardised, and extent of trial registration may need to be considered. For example, studies of antidepressants generate substantial conflicts of interest because the drugs generate vast sales revenues. Furthermore, there are hundreds of outcome scales, analyses can be very flexible, and trial registration was uncommon until recently.24 Conversely, in a prospective meta-analysis where all data are included and all analyses fully standardised and conducted according to a predetermined protocol, publication or reporting biases cannot exist. Reporting bias is therefore more likely to be a cause of an asymmetric plot in the first situation than in the second.Terrin et al found that researchers were poor at identifying publication bias from funnel plots.5 Including contour lines corresponding to perceived milestones of statistical significance (P=0.01, 0.05, 0.1, etc) may aid visual interpretation.25 If studies seem to be missing in areas of non-significance (fig 3⇓, top) then asymmetry may be due to reporting bias, although other explanations should still be considered. If the supposed missing studies are in areas of higher significance or in a direction likely to be considered desirable to their authors (fig 3⇓, bottom), asymmetry is probably due to factors other than reporting bias. View larger version:In a new windowDownload as PowerPoint SlideFig 3 Contour enhanced funnel plots. In the top diagram there is a suggestion of missing studies in the middle and right of the plot, broadly in the white area of non-significance, making publication bias plausible. In the bottom diagram there is a suggestion of missing studies on the bottom left hand side of the plot. Since most of this area contains regions of high significance, publication bias is unlikely to be the underlying cause of asymmetryStatistical tests for funnel plot asymmetryA test for funnel plot asymmetry (sometimes referred to as a test for small study effects) examines whether the association between estimated intervention effects and a measure of study size is greater than might be expected to occur by chance. These tests typically have low power, so even when a test does not provide evidence of asymmetry, bias cannot be excluded. For outcomes measured on a continuous scale a test based on a weighted linear regression of the effect estimates on their standard errors is straightforward.1 When outcomes are dichotomous and intervention effects are expressed as odds ratios, this corresponds to an inverse variance weighted linear regression of the log odds ratio on its standard error.2 Unfortunately, there are statistical problems because the standard error of the log odds ratio is mathematically linked to the size of the odds ratio, even in the absence of small study effects.2 4 Many authors have therefore proposed alternative tests (see appendix on 26 27 28Because it is impossible to know the precise mechanism(s) leading to funnel plot asymmetry, simulation studies (in which tests are evaluated on large numbers of computer generated datasets) are required to evaluate test characteristics. Most have examined a range of assumptions about the extent of reporting bias by selectively removing studies from simulated datasets.26 27 28 After reviewing the results of these studies, and based on theoretical considerations, we formulated recommendations on testing for funnel plot asymmetry (box 2). The appendix describes the proposed tests, explains the reasons that some were not recommended, and discusses funnel plots for intervention effects measured as risk ratios, risk differences, and standardised mean differences. Our recommendations imply that tests for funnel plot asymmetry should be used in only a minority of meta-analyses.29Box 2: Recommendations on testing for funnel plot asymmetryAll types of outcomeAs a rule of thumb, tests for funnel plot asymmetry should not be used when there are fewer than 10 studies in the meta-analysis because test power is usually too low to distinguish chance from real asymmetry. (The lower the power of a test, the higher the proportion of “statistically significant” results in which there is in reality no association between study size and intervention effects). In some situations—for example, when there is substantial heterogeneity—the minimum number of studies may be substantially more than 10Test results should be interpreted in the context of visual inspection of funnel plots— for example, are there studies with markedly different intervention effect estimates or studies that are highly influential in the asymmetry test? Even if an asymmetry test is statistically significant, publication bias can probably be excluded if small studies tend to lead to lower estimates of benefit than larger studies or if there are no studies with significant resultsWhen there is evidence of funnel plot asymmetry, publication bias is only one possible explanation (see box 1)As far as possible, testing strategy should be specified in advance: choice of test may depend on the degree of heterogeneity observed. Applying and reporting many tests is discouraged: if more than one test is used, all test results should be reported Tests for funnel plot asymmetry should not be used if the standard errors of the intervention effect estimates are all similar (the studies are of similar sizes)Continuous outcomes with intervention effects measured as mean differencesThe test proposed by Egger et al may be used to test for funnel plot asymmetry.1 There is no reason to prefer more recently proposed tests, although their relative advantages and disadvantages have not been formally examined. General considerations suggest that the power will be greater than for dichotomous outcomes but that use of the test with substantially fewer than 10 studies would be unwiseDichotomous outcomes with intervention effects measured as odds ratiosThe tests proposed by Harbord et al26 and Peters et al27 avoid the mathematical association between the log odds ratio and its standard error when there is a substantial intervention effect while retaining power compared with alternative tests. However, false positive results may still occur if there is substantial between study heterogeneityIf there is substantial between study heterogeneity (the estimated heterogeneity variance of log odds ratios, τ2, is >0.1) only the arcsine test including random effects, proposed by Rücker et al, has been shown to work reasonably well.28 However, it is slightly conservative in the absence of heterogeneity and its interpretation is less familiar than for other tests because it is based on an arcsine transformation.When τ2 is <0.1, one of the tests proposed by Harbord et al,26 Peters et al,27 or Rücker et al28 can be used. Test performance generally deteriorates as τ2 increases.Funnel plots and meta-analysis modelsFixed and random effects modelsFunnel plots can help guide choice of meta-analysis method. Random effects meta-analyses weight studies relatively more equally than fixed effect analyses by incorporating the between study variance into the denominator of each weight. If effect estimates are related to standard errors (funnel plot asymmetry), the random effects estimate will be pulled more towards findings from smaller studies than the fixed effect estimate will be. Random effects models can thus have undesirable consequences and are not always conservative.30The trials of intravenous magnesium after myocardial infarction provide an extreme example of the differences between fixed and random effects analyses that can arise in the presence of funnel plot asymmetry.31 Beneficial effects on mortality, found in a meta-analysis of small studies,32 were subsequently contradicted when the very large ISIS-4 study found no evidence of benefit.33 A contour enhanced funnel plot (fig 4⇓) gives a clear visual impression of asymmetry, which is confirmed by small P values from the Harbord and Peters tests (P<0.001 and P=0.002 respectively).View larger version:In a new windowDownload as PowerPoint SlideFig 4 Contour enhanced funnel plot for trials of the effect of intravenous magnesium on mortality after myocardial infarctionFigure 5⇓ shows that in a fixed effect analysis ISIS-4 receives 90% of the weight, and there is no evidence of a beneficial effect. However, there is clear evidence of between study heterogeneity (P<0.001, I2=68%), and in a random effects analysis the small studies dominate so that intervention appears beneficial. To interpret the accumulated evidence, it is necessary to make a judgment about the validity or relevance of the combined evidence from the smaller studies compared with that from ISIS-4. The contour enhanced funnel plot suggests that publication bias does not completely explain the asymmetry, since many of the beneficial effects reported from smaller studies were not significant. Plausible explanations for these results are that methodological flaws in the smaller studies, or changes in the standard of care (widespread adoption of treatments such as aspirin, heparin, and thrombolysis), led to apparent beneficial effects of magnesium. This belief was reinforced by the subsequent publication of the MAGIC trial, in which magnesium added to these treatments which also found no evidence of benefit on mortality (odds ratio 1.0, 95% confidence interval 0.8 to 1.1).34View larger version:In a new windowDownload as PowerPoint SlideFig 5 Comparison of fixed and random effects meta-analytical estimates of the effect of intravenous magnesium on mortality after myocardial infarctionWe recommend that when review authors are concerned about funnel plot asymmetry in a meta-analysis with evidence of between study heterogeneity, they should compare the fixed and random effects estimates of the intervention effect. If the random effects estimate is more beneficial, authors should consider whether it is plausible that the intervention is more effective in smaller studies. Formal investigations of heterogeneity of effects may reveal explanations for funnel plot asymmetry, in which case presentation of results should focus on these. If larger studies tend to be methodologically superior to smaller studies, or were conducted in circumstances more typical of the use of the intervention in practice, it may be appropriate to include only larger studies in the meta-analysis.Extrapolation of a funnel plot regression lineAn assumed relation between susceptibility to bias and study size can be exploited by extrapolating within a funnel plot. When funnel plot asymmetry is due to bias rather than substantive heterogeneity, it is usually assumed that results from larger studies are more believable than those from smaller studies because they are less susceptible to methodological flaws or reporting biases. Extrapolating a regression line on a funnel plot to minimum bias (maximum sample size) produces a meta-analytical estimate that can be regarded as corrected for such biases.35 36 37 However, because it is difficult to distinguish between asymmetry due to bias and asymmetry due to heterogeneity or chance, the broad applicability of such approaches is uncertain. Further approaches to adjusting for publication bias are described and discussed in the appendix.DiscussionReporting biases are one of a number of possible explanations for the associations between study size and effect size that are displayed in asymmetric funnel plots. Examining and testing for funnel plot asymmetry, when appropriate, is an important means of addressing bias in meta-analyses, but the multiple causes of asymmetry and limited power of asymmetry tests mean that other ways to address reporting biases are also of importance. Searches of online trial registries can identify unpublished trials, although they do not currently guarantee access to trial protocols and results. When there are no registered but unpublished trials, and the outcome of interest is reported by all trials, restricting meta-analyses to registered trials should preclude publication bias. Recent comparisons of results of published trials with those submitted for regulatory approval have also provided clear evidence of reporting bias.38 39 Methods for dealing with selective reporting of outcomes have been described elsewhere. 40Our recommendations apply to meta-analyses of randomised trials, and their applicability in other contexts such as meta-analyses of epidemiological or diagnostic test studies is unclear.41 The performance of tests for funnel plot asymmetry in these contexts is likely to differ from that in meta-analyses of randomised trials. Further factors, such as confounding and precision of measurements, may cause a relation between study size and effect estimates in observational studies. For example, large studies based on routinely collected data might not fully control confounding compared with smaller, purpose designed studies that collected a wide range of potential confounding variables. Alternatively, larger studies might use self reported exposure levels, which are more error prone, while smaller studies used precise measuring instruments. However, simulation studies have usually not considered such situations. An exception is for diagnostic studies, where large imbalances in group sizes and substantial odds ratios lead to poor performance of some tests: that proposed by Deeks et al was designed for use in this context.4Summary points Inferences on the presence of bias or heterogeneity should consider different causes of funnel plot asymmetry and should not be based on visual inspection of funnel plots aloneThey should be informed by contextual factors, including the plausibility of publication bias as an explanation for the asymmetryTesting for funnel plot asymmetry should follow the recommendations detailed in this articleThe fixed and random effects estimates of the intervention effect should be compared when funnel plot asymmetry exists in a meta-analysis with between study heterogeneityNotesCite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d4002FootnotesContributors: All authors contributed to the drafting and editing of the manuscript. DA, JC, JD, RMH, JPTH, JPAI, DRJ, DM, JP, GR, JACS, AJS and JT contributed to the chapter in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions on which our recommendations on testing for funnel plot asymmetry are based. JACS will act as guarantor.Funding: Funded in part by the Cochrane Collaboration Bias Methods Group, which receives infrastructure funding as part of a commitment by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) to fund Canadian based Cochrane entities. This supports dissemination activities, web hosting, travel, training, workshops and a full time coordinator position. JPTH was funded by MRC Grant U.1052.00.011. DGA is supported by Cancer Research UK. GR was supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FOR 534 Schw 821/2-2).Competing interests. JC, JJD, SD, RMH, JPAI, DRJ, PM, JP, GR, GS, JACS and AJS are all authors on papers proposing tests for funnel plot asymmetry, but have no commercial interests in the use of these tests. All authors have completed the ICJME unified disclosure form at (available on request from the corresponding author) and declare that they have no financial or non-financial interests that may be relevant to the submitted work.Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.References↵Egger M, Davey Smith G, Schneider M, Minder C. Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test. BMJ1997;315:629-34.OpenUrlFREE Full Text↵Sterne JAC, Gavaghan D, Egger M. Publication and related bias in meta-analysis: power of statistical tests and prevalence in the literature. J Clin Epidemiol2000;53:1119-29.OpenUrlCrossRefMedlineWeb of Science↵Lau J, Ioannidis JP, Terrin N, Schmid CH, Olkin I. The case of the misleading funnel plot. 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Recent research has found a surprising degree of homogeneity in the personal political communication network of individuals but this work has focused largely on the tendency to sort into likeminded social, workplace, and residential political contexts. We extend this line of research into one of the most fundamental and consequential of political interactions—that between sexual mates. Using data on thousands of spouse pairs in the United States, we investigate the degree of concordance among mates on a variety of traits. Our findings show that physical and personality traits display only weakly positive and frequently insignificant correlations across spouses. Conversely, political attitudes display interspousal correlations that are among the strongest of all social and biometric traits. Further, it appears the political similarity of spouses derives in part from initial mate choice rather than persuasion and accommodation over the life of the relationship.