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Feasibility of Initiating a Commercial Fishery for Paddlefish in Alabama Reservoirs of the Tennessee River

  • Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
  • Independent Researcher
  • State of Alabama


In recent years, commercial paddlefish harvesters have renewed their requests for opening a potential commercial paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) season in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River, including part of Pickwick Reservoir, all of Wilson and Wheeler reservoirs, and the majority of Guntersville Reservoir. These reservoirs of the Tennessee River once supported robust stocks of paddlefish; however, beginning in the 1940s overexploitation became evident as the number of paddlefish harvested declined. Because of this widespread overharvest, a commercial and recreational moratorium on paddlefish possession and harvest in all Alabama waters went into effect in November 1988. We report on recent paddlefish sampling efforts in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River to evaluate if paddlefish stocks have recovered to the point that sustainable commercial harvest is feasible. We used gill nets with various configurations and expended a total of 3125.4 h of gillnetting effort from all four reservoirs combined from October 2016 to January 2021. We captured 17 paddlefish conferring an overall CPUE of 0.005 fish h–1. Standardizing gill-net effort across configurations resulted in CPUEs ranging from 0.00 to 0.05 fish m–2 per 24-hr soak time. Biological data obtained from 10 of the 17 paddlefish collected during gillnetting indicated these 10 fish were sexually mature with ages ranging from 8 to 16 years. Only two female paddlefish were harvested during an experimental commercial paddlefish season from Guntersville Reservoir in 2017. Due to extremely low CPUEs, results of this study indicate Tennessee River paddlefish stocks in Alabama would not support a sustainable commercial fishery at this time. We recommend continuation of the paddlefish moratorium and monitoring of the population using a standardized design based on gear and effort. We further recommend consulting with adjoining state resource agencies to seek a moratorium on commercial paddlefish harvest in shared waters of Guntersville Reservoir in the Tennessee River.
2022 JSAFWA 1
Feasibility of a Commercial Paddlesh Fishery . Rider et al.
Feasibility of Initiating a Commercial Fishery for Paddlesh in Alabama Reservoirs
of the Tennessee River
Steven J. Rider
, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, 3608 Fairground Road, Montgomery, AL 36110
J. Eric Ganus, Tenne s s e e Wildlife Resources Agency, 5107 Edmonson Pike, Nashville, TN 37211
Travis R. Powell, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, 3608 Fairground Road, Montgomery, AL 36110
Gregory T. Miles, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, 3608 Fairground Road, Montgomery, AL 36110
Abstract: In recent years, commercial paddlesh harvesters have renewed their requests for opening a potential commercial paddlesh (Polyodon
spathula) season in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River, including part of Pickwick Reservoir, all of Wilson and Wheeler reservoirs, and the
majority of Guntersville Reservoir. ese reservoirs of the Tennessee River once supported robust stocks of paddlesh; however, beginning in the 1940s
overexploitation became evident as the number of paddlesh harvested declined. Because of this widespread overharvest, a commercial and recreation-
al moratorium on paddlesh possession and harvest in all Alabama waters went into eect in November 1988. We report on recent paddlesh sampling
eorts in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River to evaluate if paddlesh stocks have recovered to the point that sustainable commercial harvest
is feasible. We used gill nets with various congurations and expended a total of 3125.4 h of gillnetting eort from all four reservoirs combined from
October 2016 to January 2021. We captured 17 paddlesh conferring an overall CPUE of 0.005 sh h–. Standardizing gill-net eort across congura-
tions resulted in CPUEs ranging from 0.00 to 0.05 sh m– per 24-hr soak time. Biological data obtained from 10 of the 17 paddlesh collected during
gillnetting indicated these 10 sh were sexually mature with ages ranging from 8 to 16 years. Only two female paddlesh were harvested during an
experimental commercial paddlesh season from Guntersville Reservoir in 2017. Due to extremely low CPUEs, results of this study indicate Tennessee
River paddlesh stocks in Alabama would not support a sustainable commercial shery at this time. We recommend continuation of the paddlesh
moratorium and monitoring of the population using a standardized design based on gear and eort. We further recommend consulting with adjoining
state resource agencies to seek a moratorium on commercial paddlesh harvest in shared waters of Guntersville Reservoir in the Tennessee River.
Key words: commercial harvest, CPUE, age structure, moratorium
Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9: 1–7
Paddlesh (Polyodon spathula) are found in the Tennessee Riv-
er and Mobile River basins of Alabama (Boschung and Mayden
2004, Mettee et al. 2009). e Tennessee River basin encompasses
an area of 105,905 km, including parts of Virginia, North Caroli-
na, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi; the river nally
discharges into the Ohio River in Kentucky. e Mobile River basin
is the largest drainage on the Gulf Coast east of the Mississippi Riv-
er and encompasses 113,900 km in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama,
and Mississippi. Six major river systems compose the basin, in-
cluding the Black Warrior, Tombigbee, Alabama, Cahaba, Coosa,
and Tallapoosa rivers, joining to ow into Mobile Bay and the Gulf
of Mexico. Historically, rivers in the Tennessee and Mobile River
basins sustained abundant paddlesh populations that supported
recreational and commercial sheries (Gengerke 1986). Nonethe-
less, the legacy of commercial paddlesh harvest in Alabama has
been one of overexploitation with limited to no regulations (Rider
et al. 2019). Overexploitation of paddlesh was evident in the Ten-
nessee River by the early 1940s, as harvest with snag lines declined
84% from 323,865 kg in 1941 to 52,011 kg in 1946 (Pasch and
Alexander 1986). Despite this drastic decline in abundance, the
Alabama legislature legalized the use of nets in 1946 to encourage
increased harvest of paddlesh as demand surged for meat and roe
aer World War II (Pasch and Alexander 1986). Accordingly, pad-
dlesh harvest increased in 1947 to 68,745 kg but by 1954 had de-
clined to 53,751 kg. Increasing roe prices in the late 1970s resulted
in paddlesh harvest peaking at approximately 150,000 kg in 1980
(Gengerke 1986). rough the 1980s, Tennessee River paddlesh
stocks farther north in Kentucky and Tennessee also declined due
to overshing, and commercial harvesters then redirected their
eorts to Alabama, increasing additional pressure on already de-
pleted stocks (Rider et al. 2019). e additional shing eort re-
sulted in a severe decline in paddlesh abundance and sizes; there-
fore, the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
(ADWFF) placed a recreational and commercial moratorium on
1. E-mail:
Rider et al. 2
the capture, possession, and harvest of paddlesh in Alabama wa-
ters beginning November 1988 (Rider et al. 2012).
By early 1993, ADWFF managers sought a current population
assessment to determine if paddlesh stocks had recovered in Al-
abama reservoirs of the Tennessee River since the moratorium.
From November 1993 to June 1994, a total of 346 gillnetting and
20 electroshing h of eort failed to capture a single paddlesh in
this area (Hoxmeier and DeVries 1996). However, these sampling
eorts were not extensive. Additional paddlesh sampling was
conducted from February to March 2012 in Guntersville Reser-
voir in consultation with a commercial harvester who had targeted
paddlesh before the moratorium. No paddlesh were collected
with 72 h of sampling eort; however, the ow was high which
made sampling dicult (S. Rider, ADWFF, unpublished data).
By the early 2000s, studies in the Mobile River basin indicated
paddlesh abundance in the Alabama River had increased since
the moratorium (Rider 2006, Mettee et al. 2009). By 2012, sam-
pling revealed this stock had a robust population with older age
classes along with many prime spawning sh present (Scarnecchia
et al. 2007, Rider et al. 2012). erefore, the ADWFF proposed a
“provisional” shery using a proactive approach (Rider et al. 2019)
and informed commercial harvesters this approach would allow
ADWFF to evaluate the shery for future seasons. A commercial
paddlesh season opened in 2013, but the season was suspended
indenitely in 2018 due to numerous and agrant violations by
commercial paddlesh harvesters (ADWFF 2018).
Despite the indenite closure of commercial paddlesh harvest
in the Alabama River, commercial paddlesh harvesters have con-
tinued to voice their support for a commercial paddlesh season
in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River, claiming that pad-
dlesh stocks have recovered to the point such a shery is war-
ranted. In addition, the Tennessee Wildlife and Resources Agency
(TWRA) allows commercial paddlesh harvest below Nickajack
Lock and Dam, at the headwaters of Guntersville Reservoir. is
shery exists only 14.5 km above where the Tennessee River cross-
es into Alabama. is limited commercial shery just upstream of
Alabama waters bolstered the commercial paddlesh harvesters’
convictions that a commercial shery downstream in Alabama
is warranted. erefore, our objective was to determine whether
paddlesh relative abundance (CPUE) was sucient to allow com-
mercial harvest in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River.
Study Area
Paddlesh sampling was conducted in Alabama waters of the
Tennessee River in Guntersville, Wheeler, Wilson, and Pickwick
reservoirs (Figure 1). Guntersville Reservoir has a surface area of
27,478 ha and stretches over 135.2 km from Nickajack Dam in
southeastern Tennessee to Guntersville Dam. Wheeler Reservoir
begins immediately below Guntersville Dam and ows north-
west for 119.3 km, encompassing 27,142 ha. Wilson Reservoir is
the smallest of the four reservoirs (6,273 ha), beginning below
Wheeler Dam and owing west for 24.9 km. Pickwick Reservoir
begins immediately below Wilson Dam and ows in a southwest-
ern to northwestern direction for 84.3 km, encompassing 17,442
ha. Pickwick Reservoir is a multi-jurisdictional reservoir shared
by Mississippi and Tennessee, with most of Guntersville, and all of
Wheeler and Wilson entirely in Alabama. Collectively, these four
reservoirs have a total surface area of 78,335 ha and encompass
350.4 km of the Tennessee River.
Paddlesh sampling was conducted using gill nets of various
congurations, materials, mesh sizes, depths, and lengths in the
four reservoirs at varying times from 2016 to 2021. Mono-twist gill
nets were 61 m long, 4.9 or 5.5 m deep with 152-mm mesh. Mono-
lament untied gill nets (i.e., non-hobbled) ranged in lengths of
46, 61, and 91 m, depths of 1.8, 2.4, 3.0, 3.6, 4.3, and 5.5 m, with
square (bar measure) meshes sizes of 25, 38, 52, 64, 76, 89, 102,
127, and 152 mm. We also deployed tied-down (i.e., hobbled) gill
nets. ese nets run a string every 1.8 m along length of the gill
net that is attached from the oat line to the lead line to reduce
the depth of the net. is results in a bag of webbing being formed
at the bottom of the net where paddlesh are entangled. Gill nets
of this conguration capture more sh from entanglement rather
than being wedged in the mesh (Hamley 1980). e use of tied-
down gill nets is common with commercial paddlesh harvesters
Figure 1. Map of the ve mainstem reservoirs that consist of Alabama waters of the Tennessee River
where sampling for paddlesh was conducted from October 2016 to January 2021.
Rider et al. 3
where legal (Honagle and Timmons 1989, Scholten and Bettoli
2007, Geik 2016; Risley et al. 2016). Our monolament tied-down
gill nets were 91 m long and either 3.6 m deep tied-down to 3.0 m
or 7.3 m deep tied-down to 5.5 m with square mesh sizes of 76,
102, 127, and 152 mm. Multilament untied gill nets ranged in
lengths of 46 and 61 m with a depth of 3 m and square mesh sizes
of 127, 152, and 203 mm; whereas tied-down multilament gill
nets were 61 m long, 3.7 m deep, and tied-up to 1.8 m with square
mesh sizes of 76, 102, 127, and 152 mm. Gill nets were either sink-
ing or oating style with oating nets set below the water surface
approximately 1 m to prevent passing boats from becoming entan-
gled. Sinking gill nets were set on the bottom of the water body or
in the mid-water column. We deployed gill nets in the aernoon
to early evening and pulled the following morning with set times
ranging from 15 to 21 h. Sample locations were determined using
commercial harvester input based on historical catches and more
recent bycatches of paddlesh.
e number of hours to collect paddlesh was an important
statistic requested by ADWFF biologists and administrators.
erefore, CPUE was calculated across all net congurations as
paddlesh h– of gill-net eort and was reported to the nearest
0.001 to emphasize the amount of time needed to catch paddlesh.
We realized this value may not reect an accurate CPUE as gill
nets deployed were of dierent congurations as described above
and were shed for various soak times. erefore, we also provid-
ed standardized CPUE calculated as paddlesh 100 m– of gill net
per 24-h soak time by mesh size (Paukert and Fisher 1999). Eort
did not meet the assumption of normality; therefore, we exam-
ined dierences in paddlesh hourly CPUE among reservoir and
collection date, reservoir combined by collection dates, and stan-
dardized CPUE by gill net meshes using a Kruskal-Wallis one-way
ANOVA on ranks. All statistical analyses were conducted using
the statistical soware package SigmaStat 3.5 (Systat Soware Inc.,
San Jose, California) with signicance determined using P ≤ 0.05.
Biological data were obtained from all paddlesh collected in
Guntersville Reservoir and one paddlesh in Wheeler Reservoir.
We did not obtain any biological data from the remaining three
and four paddlesh collected from Wheeler and Pickwick reser-
voirs, respectively, because these sh were released aer capture as
the crews did not have the space required to keep them. Paddlesh
were measured from anterior orbit of the eye along curvature of
the body to the fork of the caudal n (curved eye-to-fork; CEFL)
to the nearest mm (Rider et al. 2019). Total sh weights were mea-
sured to the nearest 0.2 kg. Gonads were excised, separated from
the gonadal fat, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g; sex was deter-
mined visually from the excised gonads (Scarnecchia et al. 2007).
We used the gonadosomatic index (GSI) which was calculated for
each individual with the following equation: GSI = 100 x gonad
weight (g)/body weight (g) and reproductive staging guides to as-
sign reproductive maturity (Crim and Glebe 1990, Scarnecchia et
al. 2007, Webb et al. 2019). To determine age, the le lower dentary
bone was excised, processed, and sectioned as described in Scar-
necchia et al. (1996) and ages assigned by counting annuli (Scar-
necchia et al. 2006).
In 2017, the ADWFF initiated a seven-week experimental com-
mercial paddlesh harvest season in the upper reaches of Gunters-
ville Reservoir to provide current commercial catch data (ADWFF
2017). Commercial paddlesh harvest numbers and statistics were
obtained from the Alabama Daily Commercial Paddlesh Har-
vester and Dealer’s Report (Rider et al. 2019). Commercial paddle-
sh harvesters were required by regulation to submit these reports
on a weekly basis (ADWFF 2017). For each harvested female, the
CEFL, total sh weight, total egg weight, and total screened egg
weight were required. e harvesters also provide their start and
ending shing times and number of gill nets shed each day. In ad-
dition to the data provided by commercial paddlesh harvesters,
sheries biologists with the River and Stream Fisheries Program of
ADWFF obtained paddlesh harvest data via check stations. In-
dependent biological data from harvested female paddlesh were
obtained to verify biological data provided by commercial paddle-
sh harvesters.
Because commercial paddlesh harvest remained open and
legal in the upper reaches of Guntersville Reservoir in Tennes-
see during this study, we obtained commercial paddlesh harvest
numbers by sex and total egg weights (kg) from below Nickajack
Dam in Tennessee from TWRA commercial sh reports (Ganus
2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021). Harvest numbers from 2011 to
2015 were obtained from TWRA’s commercial harvest database
(J. E. Ganus, TWRA, unpublished data). Reporting commercial
paddlesh harvest data was mandated by the State of Tennes-
see (Rule 1660-1-30) with roe-harvest data collected using Daily
Commercial Roe Fish Harvest Reports (WR-0896). e number
of female paddlesh harvested met the assumption of normality;
therefore, we examined the dierence in the number of paddle-
sh harvested from 2010–2015 compared to 2016–2021 using a
two-sample t-test with the statistical package SigmaStat 3.5. Signif-
icance was determined using P ≤ 0.05.
We collected 17 paddlesh from the four study reservoirs aer
expending 3125.4 h of gillnetting eort (Table 1). Overall mean
(SD) CPUE was 0.005 (0.006) sh h– which translates to 200 h
of gillnetting eort required to catch one paddlesh. Nine of the
17 paddlesh were collected from Guntersville Reservoir with
Rider et al. 4
CPUEs ranging from 0.000 to 0.017 sh h– with a mean of 0.008
(0.008) sh h–. Four paddlesh were caught in each of Wheeler
and Pickwick reservoirs, with CPUEs ranging from 0.000 to 0.019
sh h– across reservoirs; mean CPUE was 0.003 (0.006) sh h– at
Wheeler Reservoir and 0.005 (0.009) sh h– from Wheeler and
Pickwick reservoirs, respectively. We did not collect any paddle-
sh from Wilson Reservoir. Paddlesh CPUE was similar across
reservoirs and sample dates (H = 17.9, df = 15, P = 0.264) or among
reservoirs when combined by collection date (H = 1.76, df = 3,
P = 0.624).
Standardized CPUEs ranged from 0 to 0.05 paddlesh m– of
gill net per 24-h soak time (Table 2) and was similar among the
various mesh sizes used (H = 2.47, df = 5, P = 0.78). Similar with the
hourly CPUE, the standard CPUE indicated it would take exces-
sive eort to collect one paddlesh. For example, using a 91.4-m x
7.3-m gill net it would take 160 h of eort to collect one paddlesh.
For female paddlesh (n = 4) CEFL and total weights ranged
from 1147 to 1234 mm, and 25.2 to 34.4 kg, respectively (Table 3).
All females were age 13 or 14 and were sexually mature individuals
based on GSIs and visual inspection of the ovaries. Male paddle-
sh (n = 6) CEFL and total weights ranged from 847 to 1177 mm,
and 12.5 to 24.0 kg, respectively. Ages ranged from 8 to 15 years
and these males were classied as sexually mature based on visual
inspection of the gonads (Table 3).
e 2017 Alabama experimental commercial paddlesh season
in Guntersville Reservoir only yielded 2 harvestable female pad-
dlesh, generating a CPUE of 0.02 sh h– (Table 3). Commercial
harvesters caught more paddlesh (males or undersized females)
but did not record accurately the total number as required by reg-
ulation and only shed 2 of 7 weeks that were open for commer-
cial paddlesh shing due to high water. e TWRA commercial
harvest data documented 117 female paddlesh harvested below
Table 1. Total number of gill-net sets, eort (gill net-h), number of paddlesh collected, median
and mean CPUE (sh h–1) by reservoir and date from Alabama reservoirs of Tennessee River.
Reservoir Date Gill nets Eort nMedian Mean
Guntersville Oct 2016 14 171.7 3 0.0 0.017
Guntersville Nov 2016 28 504.0 1 0.0 0.002
Guntersville Jun 2017 20 448.4 5 0.0 0.011
Guntersville Jul 2017 19 436.1 0 0.0 0.000
Wheeler Feb 2017 3 54.0 0 0.0 0.000
Wheeler Nov 2017 10 174.2 1 0.0 0.006
Pickwick Nov 2017 11 185.0 0 0.0 0.000
Wheeler Mar 2018 3 54.0 0 0.0 0.000
Pickwick May 2020 18 216.0 4 0.0 0.019
Wheeler Jun 2020 18 216.0 3 0.0 0.014
Wilson Jul 2020 8 96.0 0 0.0 0.000
Pickwick Oct 2020 12 144.0 0 0.0 0.000
Wilson Oct 2020 8 96.0 0 0.0 0.000
Wheeler Oct 2020 12 144.0 0 0.0 0.000
Pickwick Nov 2020 8 96.0 0 0.0 0.000
Wheeler Jan 2021 3 90.0 0 0.0 0.000
Total 195 3125.4 17 0.0 0.005
Table 2. Total number of gill nets, number of paddlesh collected, median and mean paddlesh
CPUE by mesh size from Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River, 2016 to 2021. CPUE is reported
as paddlesh 100 m–2 of gill net per 24 h soak time. Mesh size (mm) for paddlesh collected in
experimental gill nets (i.e., 76-102-127) was not recorded; therefore, CPUE was calculated per
experimental gill net.
Mesh size (mm) Gill nets nMedian Mean
89 7 0 0.0 0.00
102 7 0 0.0 0.00
127 10 0 0.0 0.00
152 80 9 0.0 0.02
203 7 0 0.0 0.00
76-102-127 84 8 0.0 0.05
Total 195 17 0.0 0.03
Table 3. Biological data for paddlesh collected by ADWFF biologists or commercial paddlesh harvesters (CPH) from the Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River, 2016 to 2017. CEFL is the curved-eye-to-
fork length, and GSI is the gonadosomatic index.
Collector Date collected CEFL (mm) Sex Maturity/ Reproductive condition Total weight (kg) Gonad weight (g) GSI Age
ADWFF 2 Nov 2016 1125 M Mature/ Pre-spawn 23.8 371.0 1.6 15
ADWFF 2 Nov 2016 1234 F Mature/ Gravid 34.4 6370.0 18.5 13
ADWFF 2 Nov 2016 1148 F Mature/ Gravid 25.8 3970.0 15.4 13
ADWFF 3 Nov 2016 1114 M Mature/ Pre-spawn 23.4 544.3 2.3 13
ADWFF 19 Jun 2017 1147 F Mature/ Post-spawn 25.2 888.3 3.5 13
ADWFF 19 Jun 2017 1118 M Mature/ Post-spawn 24.0 79.4 0.3 14
ADWFF 19 Jun 2017 1185 F Mature/ Post-spawn 27.4 982.0 3.6 14
ADWFF 19 Jun 2017 965 M Mature/ Post-spawn 16.9 61.7 0.4 9
ALDWFF 19 Jun 2017 847 M Mature/ Post-spawn 12.5 42.6 0.3 8
ADWFF 29 Nov 2017 1177 M Mature/ Pre-spawn 30.2 330.0 1.1 16
CPH 9 Mar 2017 1130 F Mature/ Gravid 26.3 4.8 18.3 15
CPH 7 Mar 2017 1213 F Mature/ Gravid 29.5 4.5 15.3 n/a
Rider et al. 5
Nickajack Dam from 2010 to 2015, with catches ranging from 26
to 47 per year. However, the number of female paddlesh harvest-
ed from 2016 to 2020 in this area ranged from 4 to 16. On average
more female paddlesh were harvested the rst ve years (x¯ = 35,
SD = 8) compared to the last ve years (x¯ = 8, SD = 5) (t = 6.5, df = 8,
P < 0.001; Table 4).
Our results indicate paddlesh populations in the Alabama res-
ervoirs of the Tennessee River are still recovering from past de-
pletion and thus vulnerable to overshing. For example, CPUEs
from paddlesh surveys conducted in the Alabama River (Mobile
River basin) from 2005 to 2008 ranged from 0.1 to 2.3 sh h– with
a mean (SD) of 0.70 (0.67) sh h– before commercial harvest was
allowed (Rider 2012). is is a dierence in orders of magnitude
compared to our results from the Tennessee River. On average it
took 1.4 h to catch a paddlesh in the Alabama River; whereas
with our sampling in the Tennessee River it took 200 h to catch
a paddlesh. Likewise, in the lower Tombigbee River, Alabama,
which has been closed to commercial harvest since the 1988 mor-
atorium, gill net CPUEs from 2012 to 2014 ranged from 0 to 14.6
sh h– with a mean (SD) of 1.15 (3.22) sh h– (S. Rider, ADWFF,
unpublished data). In that system, a total of 0.87 h of eort was
required on average to catch one paddlesh. In contrast to the
Tennessee River, both the lower Tombigbee and Alabama rivers
demonstrated sucient relative abundance to justify a commer-
cial season, which was initiated in the Alabama River beginning
in 2013. However, no such justication was found in the Alabama
reservoirs of the Tennessee River, even though legal commercial
paddlesh shing has not been conducted since 1988.
Commercial paddlesh harvest and catch data reected compa-
rable results as our shery surveys. Hoxmeier and DeVries (1997)
conducted the only other paddlesh survey in Alabama reservoirs
of the Tennessee River, which occurred just ve to six years aer the
moratorium went into eect. ey failed to collect any paddlesh,
although their sampling eort (366 h) was low compared to our
sampling eort. However, their results indicated how heavily the
paddlesh population was exploited prior to 1988. Likewise, the
CPUE recorded for the 2017 experimental commercial paddlesh
season in Guntersville was an order of magnitude less than what
was observed in the Alabama River, where the mean (SD) CPUE
for commercial harvesters from 2013 to 2017 was 0.14 (0.03) sh
h– (S. Rider, ADWFF, unpublished data). erefore, 30 years aer
the paddlesh moratorium was authorized in Alabama, the Ten-
nessee River populations there had shown little signs of recovery.
Although a commercial shery still exists on the Tennessee
River upstream of Alabama below Nickajack Dam, the number
of paddlesh harvested has also decreased over the last decade.
A total of 215 female paddlesh were harvested over 2010–2020
(J. E. Ganus, TWRA, unpublished data; Ganus 2016, 2017, 2018,
2020, and 2021), but most (82.3%) of them were harvested from
2011–2015 and paddlesh harvest decreased 5-fold from 2010–
2015 compared to 2015–2020. e commercial paddlesh season
in the upper reaches of Guntersville Reservoir of Tennessee may
in fact be limiting or suppressing the Reservoir’s paddlesh pop-
ulation. Paddlesh are highly migratory and oen congregate be-
low dams and other barriers where they become more vulnerable
to overshing (Tripp et al. 2019). e recent decline in paddlesh
harvest numbers during 2015–2020 and low relative abundance
found in our survey indicate that recruitment overshing may be
occurring in this population. us, both Tennessee and Alabama
data indicate that paddlesh populations in this section of the Ten-
nessee River have not rebounded and may in fact have declined.
We expended a large amount of eort targeting paddlesh in the
Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River in this study; however,
these reservoirs are large, and this eort may still be low relative to
their surface area. us, increased sampling/monitoring eorts are
needed in these reservoirs.
Downstream of our study area in Kentucky Lake, ages of pad-
dlesh in an exploited population ranged from 2 to 16 years old
(Hageman et al. 1986, Honagle and Timmons 1989). However, by
2004 the shery was overshed with no ages over 11 years (Schol-
ten and Bettoli 2005). Hoxmeier and DeVries (1997) examined
age structure of the Alabama River population just ve to six years
aer implementation of the statewide harvest moratorium and
found that 92% of these sh were age 7 or younger. Similar trun-
cated age structures were found in exploited Louisiana paddlesh
populations (Reed et al. 1992). Due to their longevity and late age
at maturation, paddlesh populations recovery from overshing
Table 4. Number of paddlesh harvested by commercial harvesters below Nickajack Dam at the
headwaters of Guntersville Reservoir, Tennessee River, Tennessee, 2011 to 2021.
Harvest season Females Males Total Total egg weight (kg)
2010–2011 29 9 38 44.90
2011–2012 36 1 37 64.70
2012–2013 47 5 52 95.10
2013–2014 39 6 45 89.60
2014–2015 26 4 30 66.80
2015–2016 16 0 16 48.50
2016–2017 5 20 25 20.40
2017–2018 7 0 7 25.80
2018–2019 6 0 6 12.70
2019–2020 4 0 4 13.10
Total 215 45 260 481.6
Rider et al. 6
oen occurs over decadal time scales and truncated age structures
are indicative of heavily exploited populations (Carlson and Bon-
islawsky 1981, Graham 1997). Conversely, unexploited, or light-
ly exploited paddlesh populations routinely have sh exceeding
20 years in age (Scarnecchia et al. 1996 for the Yellowstone River,
Montana/North Dakota; Runstrom et al. 2001 for the Wisconsin
River, Wisconsin; and S. Rider, ADWFF, unpublished data for the
Tombigbee River, Alabama). However, despite no harvest being
allowed in the Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River since
1988, the oldest sh collected during this study was 16 years old
(i.e., 2001-year class). us, although recruitment is occurring, it
seems to be at a lower rate in Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee
River compared to other Alabama river systems. Lower recruit-
ment could be associated with insucient discharge rates during
the spawning period and/or associated physical habitat (Schlosser
1982, Po and Allan 1995, Ward et al. 1999, Nilsson and Svedmark
Movement from closed and/or protected areas (i.e., Alabama
reservoirs of the Tennessee River) for mobile species like paddle-
sh has been documented for marine and freshwater shes (Hayes
et al. 1997, Apostolaki et al. 2002, Kerwath et al. 2009, Knip et al.
2012). Our data suggests that low paddlesh abundances in the
Tennessee River may reect sh moving upriver or downriver out
of Alabama water where harvest is closed into areas where they
could be exploited. However, the large lock and dams found in
the Tennessee River constitute substantial barriers to movement.
Paddlesh have been documented moving upriver and downriver
of low-head dams when inundated; however, movement through
these larger dams and locks is substantially less (Moen et al 1992,
Zigler et al 2003, Mettee et al. 2009). Also, if this did occur then
paddlesh from other reservoirs where exploitable populations
exist would also be moving into the closed areas in Alabama. At
this time, we cannot determine whether this is occurring, but we
believe it is unlikely. erefore, synchronous regulations are par-
amount for management and conservation of paddlesh popu-
lations in waters shared between states, and we recommend the
TWRA and ADWFF seek a joint paddlesh harvest moratorium
in Guntersville Reservoir to the headwaters below Nickajack Dam
in Tennessee.
e low relative abundance and young ages of this unexploited
paddlesh population indicate it is still recovering and recruit-
ment is low compared to other populations in Alabama aer the
moratorium. e causes of low recruitment are uncertain at this
time and additional research is warranted to determine what abi-
otic and biotic factors are aecting recruitment. Potential causes
and/or bottlenecks may be changes to reservoir operations, loss of
habitat, illegal harvesting, and continued commercial harvest of
paddlesh in shared waters of the Tennessee River. Nonetheless,
Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River paddlesh stocks have
not recovered to date to allow for sustainable commercial harvest.
We propose the following management recommendations to
accurately describe the characteristics of the paddlesh popula-
tions in the Alabama reservoirs of the Tennessee River.
1) Develop annual stratied-random sampling protocols to en-
sure all habitats and areas of the reservoir are represented with the
appropriate amount of eort.
2) Sample annually during the winter (December–February)
and spring (March–May).
3) Use standardized gear congurations for adult and juvenile
4) Use standardized sampling eort.
5) Implant telemetry tags in paddlesh to discern if movement
into and out of these Alabama reservoirs is occurring.
e authors thank Keith Floyd and Phil Ekema of the Alabama
Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries for providing addi-
tional gill net data from Alabama waters of the Tennessee River
and several anonymous reviewers whose comments and sugges-
tions improved this manuscript.
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Full-text available
Many studies have demonstrated components of Paddlefish Polyodon spathula movements or migrations between spawning , feeding, and overwintering areas. However, the extent, timing, purpose, and potential consequences of these movements have not been summarized. With advances in tagging and telemetry technology , information regarding spatial ecology of Paddlefish populations is increasing and has demonstrated that individuals move greater distances and occupy greater home ranges than previously described. Increased implementation of these techniques has provided new information about migration routes, timing of migration, spawning and nursery locations, interactions with dams and other anthropogenic modifications, habitat use, and the influence of environmental factors on cues to movement and migration. The importance of upstream migrations to Paddlefish reproductive success has been documented by many researchers; however, observations of smaller-scale movements (e.g., vertical or diel) suggest that these might be equally important for completion of the species’ life history cycle. This review chapter focuses on synthesizing results of tagging studies to characterize seasonal movements and migrations of Paddlefish throughout their range, identification of knowledge gaps to be addressed in future efforts, and investigation of how this information affects current issues related to conservation and management strategies in a broad ecological sense. Given the propensity of Paddlefish to conduct both large- and small-scale movements throughout their life cycle, understanding spatial and temporal movement patterns will be critical in defining populations and determining the future scope of management to restore these populations and ensure sustainability throughout their range.
Full-text available
Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) are a commercially-exploited species harvested primarily for their roe. The objectives of this study were to describe population characteristics of paddlefish in the lower Mississippi River (LMR) of Arkansas and use population-simulation software to determine the length limit required to prevent recruitment overfishing by maintaining spawning potential ratios (SPR) over 30%. Paddlefish (n = 534) were collected from the LMR in cooperation with commercial fishers during the 2008–2011 commercial seasons. Lengths ranged 150–1095 mm eye-fork length and ages, 2–24 years. Total annual mortality was estimated from catch curves at 28%, and mean instantaneous natural mortality was estimated to be 0.19, conferring an estimated exploitation of 10%. Only 10% of gravid females were under the existing 864-mm minimum-length limit (MLL), but changing the MLL to 889 mm would protect an additional 10%. Growth models predicted that fish required 10.8 and 11.8 years to reach 864 mm and 889 mm, respectively. Population simulations predicted higher roe yields for 899-and 916-mm MLL compared to the existing 864-mm MLL. The threat of recruitment overfishing appeared to be low at 10% exploitation rate for all MLLs. Based on the results of this study, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission instituted an 889-mm MLL in 2013 to protect the sustainability of the paddlefish population in the LMR. As of 2016, the effectiveness of this regulation had not been assessed yet due to lack of funding.
Full-text available
We present a model of the effects of a marine reserve on spawning stock biomass (SSB) and short- and long-term yield for a size-structured species that exhibits seasonal movements. The model considers the effects of protecting nursery and (or) spawning grounds under a range of fishing mortalities and fish mobility rates. We consider two extremes of effort redistribution following reserve establishment and analyze the effects of a reserve when the fishery targets either mature or immature fish. We apply the model to the Mediterranean hake (Merluccius merluccius) and show that a marine reserve could be highly beneficial for this species. We demonstrate benefits from reserves not just for overexploited stocks of low-mobility species, but also (to a lesser extent) for underexploited stocks and high-mobility species. Greatly increased resilience to overfishing is also found in the majority of cases. We show that a reserve provides benefits additional to those obtained from simple effort control. Benefits from reserves depend to a major extent on the amount of effort redistribution following reserve establishment and on fishing selectivity; hence, these factors should be key components of any evaluation of reserve effectiveness.
The goal of this paper is to improve the assignment of sex and stage of maturity for sturgeons and paddlefish by providing both an overview of the gonadal stages of maturity and general guidelines and training needs for the four most commonly used techniques to assign sex and stage of maturity including ultrasound, endoscopy, plasma sex steroid analysis, and biopsy of the gonads via celiotomy. Sturgeons and paddlefish do not express external sexual dimorphism, which can make assignment of sex and stage of maturity challenging. Correct assignment of sex and stage of maturity is important for management of wild populations as well as for aquaculture, whether for conservation or commercial production. Selecting a technique to use when assigning sex and stage of maturity will depend on a number of factors; a comparison among these techniques is provided in this review, including tradeoffs, to help assist in technique selection based on specific research or production goals. The use of more than one technique may be beneficial to determine error rates associated with a single technique. This review is intended to serve as a practical resource when assigning sex and stage of maturity in field or laboratory settings in addition to stressing the importance of correctly identifying sex during research and in the management of populations.
Growth, mortality, fecundity, egg diameter, and age at maturity were determined from samples of 270 paddlefish Polyodon spathula collected from the Atchafalaya River basin and Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, during a commercial harvest moratorium from 1987 to 1989. Early growth of paddlefish determined from back-calculation of annular measurements on dentary cross sections was high relative to paddlefish populations in the upper Mississippi River drainage; lengths of age-1 fish ranged from 411 to 455 mm in eye-fork length. Natural mortality of Louisiana paddlefish was high (26-48%), and data suggested a reduction in age at maturity (100% females mature at age 10), lower fecundity (average fecundity, 9, 500 eggs/kg body weight), and larger eggs (average diameter, 2.67 mm) relative to other paddlefish populations. Changes in reproductive life history characteristics may reflect rapid growth and high natural mortality rates. As the postmor-atorium commercial fishery for Louisiana paddlefish develops, conservative harvest regulations should be promulgated until the effects of harvest on paddlefish stock dynamics can be determined.
The stream continuum concept suggests that the physical structure of the stream channel coupled with the hydrological cycle and energy inputs results in a consistent pattern of community structure and function along a stream. I evaluated this concept in a headwater fish community along two physical gradient gradients: upstream to downstream and riffle to pool. Habitat diversity and volume increased from upstream to downstream, and from riffle to pool. Temporal variation in habitat diversity was greater upstream. Upstream, and in riffles, habitat volume tended to vary more with time. Fluctuations in rainfall regime caused annual variation in habitat, especially in volume. Benthic insect density was highest from autumn (October-November) through spring (May-June). Following emergence of adults in late spring, invertebrate densities were low in summer in areas with riparian vegetation, but were not lower where riparian vegetation was absent and stable substrates were present. Along a gradient of substrates from silt-sand to gravel-rock, insect production increased, as indicated by adults and pupae in the drift. Peak resource availability for insectivore-piscivore fishes occurred in late summer and autumn, due to increased abundance of young-of-the-year fish. Pool and raceway-pool habitat guilds and insectivore and insectivore-piscivore trophic guilds contained the largest number of species. Increases in species richness were primarily associated with the addition of deeper habitats. Species richness of the pool insectivore-piscivore guild was especially variable over time. Biomass in shallow areas consisted predominantly of generalized insectivores. In deep, stable habitats, generalized insectivores were replaced as the predominant trophic group by insectivore-piscivores and large benthic insectivores. Immigration of fish occurred in spring and autumn, the periods of highest resource availability. Immigration between midriver and headwater regions primarily involved older age classes (III+), and was associated with changes in flow regime, habitat structure, and seasonal dynamics of the resource base of particular trophic groups. Flow regime and habitat volume appeared to be important factors limiting immigration in autumn, especially in pool species. Habitat diversity (depth, current, and substrate; DCS) was significantly correlated with fish species diversity (FSD). However, considerable variation occurred in the relationship between the two variables, including: (1) FSD decreased in winter in shallow, less diverse habitats due to emigration, and increased in spring due to recolonization; (2) FSD increased in spring and autumn when resource availability increased; (3) FSD was least predictable from DCS in autumn, when flow regimes were low and large numbers of fish recruits were present; and (4) DCS did not predict FSD as accurately in temporally variable upstream areas where large numbers of small fish dominated the community, especially in areas with human disturbance. Young age groups (0-II) were primarily found in shallow, temporally variable areas upstream and in riffles. Relative growth rates were highest during summer months. However, growth rates did not increase as much between spring and summer as would have been predicted from the seasonal increase in water temperature, suggesting that resource limitation may have occurred during summer periods. Centrarchids had substantially higher growth rates than cyprinids during early life stages. Net production for age 0-II fish was highest in upstream and riffle areas because of high densities of young, generalized insectivores. Net production of insectivore-piscivores was highest in downstream and pool habitats. Development of large, stable pools and raceways resulted in decreased fish production due to shifts in age structure toward fewer, large individuals with slower relative growth rates (age III+). Temporal variation in reproductive success and survival of younger age groups (0-I) was associated with random variation in high flow regimes and appeared to be a major factor determining spatial and temporal variation in production. These patterns of fish community structure and function support the qualitative aspect of the stream continuum concept: consistent shifts in community organization are associated with spatial or temporal changes in channel morphology and resource availability. However, for the stream continuum concept to be useful as a quantitative predictor, the ultimate mechanism(s) regulating fish community organization need to be more rigorously established. I hypothesize that in upstream or riffle areas, where younger age classes predominate, recolonization dynamics, the effect of gradual changes in physical conditions on competitive interactions, and temporal variation in reproductive success, are more important than competitive exclusion and predation as determinants of community organization.
A high level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity makes riverine floodplains among the most species-rich environments known. Fluvial dynamics from flooding play a major role in maintaining a diversity of lentic, lotic and semi-aquatic habitat types, each represented by a diversity of successional stages. Ecotones (transition zones between adjacent patches) and connectivity (the strength of interactions across ecotones) are structural and functional elements that result from and contribute to the spatio-temporal dynamics of riverine ecosystems. In floodplain rivers, ecotones and their adjoining patches are arrayed in hierarchical series across a range of scales. At a coarse scale of resolution, fringing floodplains are themselves complex ecotones between river channels and uplands. At finer scales, patches of various types and sizes form habitat and microhabitat diversity patterns. A broad spatio-temporal perspective, including patterns and processes across scales, is needed in order to gain insight into riverine biodiversity. We propose a hierarchical framework for examining diversity patterns in floodplain rivers.
We determined the movements and habitat use by adult paddlefish Polyodon spathula during unusually low water levels in Pool 13 of the upper Mississippi River. Thirty-two large fish (6.3–25.4-kg) implanted with radio transmitters were located an aggregate of 812 times during March-August 1988, and spring 1989. No relation could be discovered between changes in river stage or discharge and direction of movement. No tagged paddlefish moved upstream from Pool 13, but during 1988 six fish moved downstream into Pool 14. Rates of movement were not significantly different between sexes, but the linear range for females was twice that of males. The greatest linear distance a paddlefish moved was 92 km downstream, and the greatest cumulative movement – entirely within Pool 13 – was 435 km; both records were set by females. Nearly three-fourths of all contacts with paddlefish occurred in about 5% of available habitat in Pool 13. Paddlefish were located most frequently at the head of Pool 13 in the tailwaters below Lock and Dam 12. Even though the gates of Lock and Dam 12 were fully open in 1989, fish did not move upstream into Pool 12. The fish also commonly used main-channel borders with wing dams but rarely used backwaters or side channels. Water depth and velocity in areas used by paddlefish were generally within the optima suggested by current habitat suitability models, but water temperatures were usually greater than optimum.
Paddlefish Polyodon spathula (n = 576) were collected from Kentucky Lake, Kentucky–Tennessee, with experimental gill nets in 2003–2004 to assess population characteristics and the potential for commercial overfishing. Additional data were collected from 1,039 paddlefish caught by commercial gillnetters in this impoundment. Since the most recent study in 1991, size and age structure have been reduced and annual mortality has tripled. In the 1991 study, 37% of the fish collected were older than the maximum age we observed (age 11), and in 2003 annual mortality for paddlefish age 7 and older was high (A = 68%). Natural mortality is presumably low (
Although paddlefish Polyodon spathula are protected in Wisconsin and Minnesota, limited information exists on the status of populations in the upper Mississippi River. Paddlefish populations in the upper Mississippi River probably have never fully recovered from declines that occurred in the late 1800s and early 1900s following habitat loss and extensive fishing. In our study, we estimated population size, size and age structure, and mortality for a paddlefish population in the Wisconsin River, a tributary of the upper Mississippi River, during 1993 and 1994. We tagged 337 paddlefish and recaptured 33. Unequal probability of capture and small sample sizes violated the assumptions of published population models. To improve interpretation of results, data were adjusted for assumption violations, and estimates were generated using three widely used models (modified Jolly-Seber, adjusted Petersen, and Chapman's modified Schnabel). Based on Chapman's modified Schnabel adjusted for mortality and estimated ages of 5-23 years for all paddlefish sampled, we estimated the population to be 1,353 paddlefish. Eye-to-fork length for paddlefish ranged from 64 to 125 cm. Using catch-curve analysis, we estimated annual mortality to be 26.7%. Size structure and age structure data indicated weak year-classes for the 4-6 years preceding our sampling. Monitoring of the Wisconsin River paddlefish populations should continue because of the relatively high concentration of fish with the potential as a source population; investigations should also be implemented on other large tributaries and main stem of the upper Mississippi River.