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Reduced Order Synchronization of Two Different Chaotic Systems Using Nonlinear Active Control with or without Time Delay



In this article, a nonlinear active control technique is proposed so as to attain the synchronization of two different chaotic systems. Master and slave configuration is incorporated for the analysis. The main objective is to design a Reduced Order Synchronization (ROS) scheme, where the order of the master system is greater than that of the slave system. Initially, active control technique-based ROS is achieved and after that, the results are extended to address reduced-order synchronization in the presence of time delays in the systems. Based on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion and Lyapunov stability theorem, the convergent behavior of the error dynamics is proved. The theoretical results are validated by the detailed simulation results for Lorenz-Stenflo and Lu system.
Reduced Order Synchronization of Two Different
Chaotic Systems Using Nonlinear Active Control
with or without Time Delay
Riddhi Mohan Bora
Electrical Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
Himachal Pradesh, India
978-1-6654-4577-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
Bharat Bhushan Sharma
Electrical Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
Himachal Pradesh, India
Abstract—In this article, a nonlinear active control technique
is proposed so as to attain the synchronization of two different
chaotic systems. Master and slave configuration is incorporated
for the analysis. The main objective is to design Reduced Order
Synchronization (ROS) scheme, where the order of the master
system is greater than that of the slave system. Initially, active
control technique based ROS is achieved and after that the
results are extended to address reduced order synchronization
in the presence of time delays in the systems. Based on Routh-
Hurwitz criterion and Lyapunov stability theorem, the convergent
behaviour of the error dynamics is proved. The theoretical results
are validated by the detailed simulation results for Lorenz-Stenflo
and L¨
u system.
Index Terms—active control, chaos system, reduced order
synchronization, time delay chaotic system
Chaotic system and their behaviour have been of intensive
interest since last few decades. The dependency on the initial
conditions is the most common and significant property of a
chaotic system. A small adjustment or infinitesimal change in
the starting conditions might result in entirely different and
unfavourable outcomes. Because of the difficulty of accurate
prediction, it has been an eye catching and challenging prob-
lem for all the research fraternities.
Since its advent in 1990, the field of chaotic system syn-
chronization has grown significantly. The synchronizability of
two separate chaotic systems with two different sets of initial
conditions was initially presented by Pecora and Carroll [1].
Since then, researchers had tried different effective methods
to achieve the same. Due to its vast applications, synchro-
nization problem has got its high priority. Some of the areas
involves, secure communication [2], cryptography [3], robotic
synchronization [4], harmonic oscillator control [5]. Further,
the applications can be found in various engineering fields
including electrical [6], mechanical [7], chemical [8], bio-
medical [9] and many more.
In literature, several synchronization techniques are avail-
able, such as generalized synchronization [10], Q-S synchro-
nization [11], active control [12], feedback linearization [13],
observer design [14], sliding mode control [15], adaptive con-
trol [16] etc. Synchronization for same order chaotic systems
have been well exploited in the literature [12]-[16]. Reduced
order synchronization have also been studied in the work given
in [17]-[18] to some extent.
After a comprehensive study, it has been found that active
control technique is mainly utilized for same order chaotic
systems [19]-[22].
Motivated by the research gap found in the literature survey,
an active control technique to attain reduced order synchro-
nization goal with or without the effect of time delay is
presented in this paper.
There are mainly 2 contributions presented here; (i) ROS
is achieved using active control method, (ii) the analysis is
proposed while taking into account the presence of time delays
in the system dynamics.
The sections of this paper are as follows: The section-
I contains an introduction to the growth of synchronisation
strategies for chaotic systems as well as a brief history of
the subject. The problem formulation for achieving an active
control technique for synchronising different order systems is
discussed in section-II. The suggested control technique is
described in sections-III and IV, together with all necessary
assumptions, and is also applied to example chaotic systems.
The section-V carries the numerical simulation and results of
MATLAB. At last, in section-VI, the summary of the study
and future scopes are explored.
In our analysis, master and slave configuration is considered.
Let us start by defining a generalized master chaotic system
in the following way:
X=AF1(X) + f1(X)(1)
where, the XRnis system state vector, F1(X)Rn,
ARn×nis the system’s parameter vector, f1(X)Rn
is the nonlinear continuous vector function without including
2021 International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing (CAPS) | 978-1-6654-4577-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CAPS52117.2021.9730665
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Similarly, we can consider a different controlled slave
system which can be expressed in the generalized form as
Y=A1G(Y) + g(Y) + U(2)
where, the YRmis system state vector, G(Y)Rm,
A1Rm×mis the vector of the system parameters , g(Y)
Rmis the nonlinear continuous vector function which does
not include parameters.
The main objective is to formulate a controller URm
so as to attain the synchronization of system (2) with the
projection part of the master system which is mentioned in (3).
Remark 1: The master system (1) has a higher order than the
slave system (2) (n>m). Reduced order synchronisation is
the term used when such systems are synced.
Let us define the projection part of the master system:
Xm=AmFm(Xm) + fm(Xm)(3)
where, XmRmprojection state vector, fm(Xm)Rm,
AmRm×m,FmRmvector matrix.
The rest of the system is defined as follows:
Xr=ArFr(Xr) + fr(Xr)(4)
where, XrRris vector of remaining variables of system,
fr(Xr)Rr,ArRr×r,Fr(Xr)Rrvector matrix,
respectively. Where r= (nm).
So the problem now reduces to showing the synchronization
between projection part of the master system (3) and the
controlled slave system (2).
For reduced order synchronization, the error dynamics can
be written as:
t→∞ e(t) = 0 (5)
where e(t)can be written as:
e(t) = Y(t)Xm(t)(6)
with e(t)Rm
By taking the time derivative, we can re-write the error
dynamics as follows:
˙e=A1G(Y) + g(Y)AmFm(Xm)fm(Xm) + U(8)
˙e=A3e+H(Xm, Y ) + U(9)
with initial conditions for error system as
e(0) = Y(0) Xm(0).
Note: The residual term is H(Xm, Y ), and the (LA3)
matrix is the (m×m)error dynamics coefficient matrix
(11). The key challenge now is to create a feedback control
rule that directs the slave system’s chaotic attractor to keep
track of the master system’s geometrical projection features
in order to fulfill the aim (5).
The proposed structure of the control system will be given
as follows:
U=H(Xm, Y ) + K(t)(10)
where, the first half of the controller eliminates the residual
components H(Xm, Y )(9) to produce a system with linear
parts only, and the second part of the controller which is K(t)
modulates the robustness of the feedback control for achieving
A. Formulation of the K(t) matrix
Let us consider K(t)=[ki(t)]T
with L=diag(L1, L2, L3......Lm)
where the (LA3)is a gain matrix of size m×m.
˙e=A3eLe =(LA3)e(11)
Note: Now our main task is to design a proper LRm×m
matrix, such that the eigen values of the coefficient matrix
(11) have positive real part. The stability of the error dynamics
may then be guaranteed using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria
[20]-[22] and Lyapunov stability theory.
To validate the results of section-III, we used a 4th order
Lorenz-Stenflo system (master system) and a 3th order L¨
system (slave system) in this section.
The description of the master is given as mentioned below:
The description of the slave system is given as follows:
According to (3) the projection part of the system (12) can
be written as:
Our purpose is to achieve ROS between (14) and (13).
The error dynamics’ time derivative may be expressed as:
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˙e1=(a2+a1)e1+ (a2+a1)e2a2x1+a1y1
Now we can develop the control inputs as follows:
Now we can combine the equations (21), (22), (23) and
(16), (18), (20) and write the error dynamics as follows:
˙e1=(a2+a1)e1+ (a2+a1)e2L1e1(24)
According to (11):
(a2+a1+L1)(a1+a2) 0
r1(L2c2) 0
0 0 (b2+b1+L3)
Now the problem boils down to choose suitable L1, L2, L3,
so that the coefficient matrix (CM) of (27) becomes Positive
Definite Matrix (PDM) and the eigen values of the CM
possess positive real part. After choosing the values of the
diagonal gain matrix satisfactorily, we may deduce that the
error trajectories will behave in a convergent manner.
For the CM to be PDM, we need to choose the values of
L1, L2, L3, such that it follows the following conditions:
(a2+a1+L1)>0, L2>(((a1+a2)r1)/(L1+(a1+a2)))+c2
At this point, we can say that, with these above mentioned
rules it is possible to achieve synchronization between master
system’s projection part and the slave system. As the order
of the projection part of the master is greater that the salve
system, hence this synchronization can be classified as ROS
(Reduced Order Synchronization).
For the simulation, MATLAB R2013a software is used.
Parameters of the 4th order Lorenz-Stenflo system (master
system) and the 3rd order L¨
u system (slave system) are chosen
to ensure the chaotic behaviour as follows:
a1= 1, r1= 26, b1= 0.7, c1= 1.5
a2= 36, c2= 20, b2= 3
ode45 solver is used to complete the simulation. Time step
is considered to be 0.001. The initial values are considered as
X(0) = [1,5,1,1]
Y(0) = [1,1,2]
According to the conditions (28) we choose the values of
gain matrix as follows:
L1>(1.0 + 36.0) L1>37
we choose L1= 30,
L2>(((1.0+36.0)26)/(L1+1.0+36.0))+20 L2>34.35
correspondingly, L2>34.35, so we take L2= 50,
L3>(0.7+3.0) L3>3.7
and also let us take L3to be equal to 10.
Now we can write the gain matrix as follows:
L1= 30 0 0
0L2= 50 0
0 0 L3= 10
Note: As a designer, we have wide range of choices for gain
matrix L. The choices of gains are such that, it follows the
conditions mentioned in (28) and also make the CM matrix
(27) a PDM.
The CM is now derived from equation (27):
67 37 0
26 30 0
0 0 13.7
with these selection of gain matrix we can calculate the
eigen values of the CM mentioned in (27).
Those are:
λ(1) = 84.6144, λ(2) = 12.3856, λ(3) = 13.7000
Positive real parts of the eigen values confirm that CM will
be PDM and hence, the error states (27) is stable and approach
to zero.
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Fig. 1. 3D phase portrait of the projected part of the 4th order Lorenz-Stenflo
Fig. 2. 3D phase portrait of the 3r d order L¨
u system
A. Discussion of figures
Fig. 1 depicts a 3D phase portrait of the projected compo-
nent of the 4th order Lorenz-Stenflo system. Fig. 2 depicts
the 3D phase portrait of the 3rd order L¨
u system. Fig. 3 and
Fig. 4 depict the time series of the projected component of
the Lorenz-Stenflo system and the L¨
u system, respectively.
Fig. 6 depicts the error dynamics (after the application of the
controller). In Fig. 5, the error dynamics prior to the use of the
controller is shown. When the active controllers are turned on,
the error paths converge to zero. As a result, we may deduce
that the trajectories of the slave system states are similar to
the states of master system and ROS has successfully been
B. Extended case: Attaining the ROS in the presence of time-
delay in the system
The previous section’s results are extended to observe the
changes in the structures of the controller u1,u2and u3, that
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x1 state trajectory
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x2 state trajectory
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
x3 state trajectory
Fig. 3. The time series of the projected part of the Lorenz-Stenflo system
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
y1 state trajectory
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
y2 state trajectory
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
y3 state trajectory
Fig. 4. The time series of L ¨
u system
is being exposed to time delays, that are present in both the
master and slave systems. As time delay is an inherent nature
of any systems in real practice, so study the ROS with time
delays gives a concrete analysis. Here, in this analysis time
delays has been incorporated in some of the states in master
and slave system dynamics.
Master and slave systems can be written with time delays
as follows:
˙x1=a1(x2x1) + c1x4(tτ1)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Error Dynamics
Fig. 5. The error dynamics before the application of controller
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Error Dynamics
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
From time 0 to 2 seconds
Fig. 6. The error dynamics (after the controller is applied)
Note: Slight changes will occur in controller u1,u2and
u3, to suppress the time delays present in the systems. The
proposed new controller are as follows:
u3=y1y2(tτ) + b2x3+x1x3b1y3L3e3(35)
For our analysis we take the values of time delays as:
τ1=τ2=τ3=τ= 0.3second. With this proposed
controller we get the error dynamics as presented in the Fig. 7.
We can see that almost after 0.5 second the error trajectories
are converging to 0, hence it is a clear indication that the
controller proposed to tackle time delays are well derived.
Nonlinear Active Control technique provides a very effective
and handy mathematical approach. We observed that, with
some simple modifications in the existing controllers (21)-
(23), we derived the new controllers (33)-(35). Now at this
point a comment can be made that, with the help of Nonlinear
Active Controllers we can easily tackle time delayed systems
to achieve synchronization between two different chaotic and
hyperchaotic systems (with same or different system orders)
in the master and slave configuration.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Error Dynamics
Fig. 7. The error dynamics with time delays
This research paper is an attempt to investigate ROS be-
tween two different order chaotic systems in master and slave
configuration. A nonlinear control method is proposed, and
some adequate criterion are also developed to calculate an
appropriate linear gain matrix that ensured a stable reduced
order synchronisation for a group of chaotic systems with or
without time delays, considering the Routh-Hurwitz criterion
as well as the Lyapunov stability analysis.
The suggested controller is used to synchronize a 4th order
Lorenz-Stenflo system with a 3rd order L¨
u chaotic system. The
theoretical analysis is fully supported based on the simulation
findings. The proposed analysis can also be extended to the
systems who fall under the generalized structure of system
mentioned in (1).
Here external disturbance and model uncertainties free
master and slave systems are considered. However, the results
could be extended to accommodate the effect of parameter
uncertainties as well as external disturbances. The approach
can also be explored to address Increased Order and Added
Order Synchronization problems.
This research work is supported by the EE Dept. (NIT
Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, 177005, India).
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A novel 4-D chaotic system recognized as the modified Lorenz-Stenflo (MLS) chaotic system is the subject of this research study, in which a synchronization tactic on the basis of integral SMC has been developed for the system. One way to construct a sliding mode controller is to pick the integrated switching surface in a suitable manner. This controller ensures that a sliding motion will occur and accomplishes the task of synchronization of MLS chaotic systems in a drive-response arrangement. The synchronization of master and slave system has achieved in about 7 s from the time control signal is activated. The method offers a different approach to constructing a controller for this system from the one that was suggested in (Handa and Sharma in TENCON 2011–2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2011, [1]). In the end, numerical simulations are carried out in order to test how successful the new controller is.
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It has been a hot and challenging topic to predict the chaotic time series in the medium-to-long term. We combine autoencoders and convolutional neural networks (AE-CNN) to capture the intrinsic certainty of chaotic time series. We utilize the transfer learning (TL) theory to improve the prediction performance in medium-to-long term. Thus, we develop a prediction scheme for chaotic time series-based AE-CNN and TL named AE-CNN-TL. Our experimental results show that the proposed AE-CNN-TL has much better prediction performance than any one of the following: AE-CNN, ARMA, and LSTM.
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In this work, a novel hyperjerk system, with hyperbolic sine function as the only nonlinear term, is proposed, as a modification of a hyperjerk system proposed by Leutcho et al. First, a dynamical analysis on the system is performed and interesting phenomena concerning chaos theory, such as route to chaos, antimonotonicity, crisis, and coexisting attractors, are studied. For this reason, the system’s bifurcation diagrams with respect to different parameter values are plotted and its Lyapunov exponents are computed. Afterwards, the synchronization of the system is considered, using active control. The proposed system is then applied, as a chaotic generator, to the problem of chaotic path planning, using a combination of sampling and a modulo tactic technique.
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The harmonic oscillator is an essential tool, widely used in all branches of Physics in order to understand more realistic systems, from classical to quantum and relativistic regimes. We know that the harmonic oscillator is integrable in Newtonian mechanics, whether forced, damped or multidimensional. On the other hand, it is known that relativistic, one-dimensional driven oscillators present chaotic behavior. However, there is no analogous result in the literature concerning relativistic conservative, two-dimensional oscillators. We consider in this paper different separable potentials for two-dimensional oscillators in the context of special relativistic dynamics. We show, by means of different chaos indicators, that all these systems present chaotic behavior under specific initial conditions. In particular, the relativistic anisotropic, two-dimensional harmonic oscillator is chaotic. The non-integrability of the system is shown to come from the momentum coupling in the kinetic part of the Hamiltonian, even if there are no coupling terms in the potential. It follows that chaos must appear in most integrable classical systems once we introduce relativistic corrections to the dynamics. The chaotic nature of the relativistic, anisotropic harmonic oscillator may be detected in the laboratory using Bose condensates in a two-dimensional optical lattice, extending the recent experiments on the one-dimensional case.
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For tracking control of chaotic systems, we develop an active disturbance rejection (ADR) control method. Using the first state of the system as the only available state, a time-varying bandwidth extended state observer reconstructs the remaining states and the total disturbance. A time-varying bandwidth feedback controller forces all the states of the system to follow exactly the reference signal and its derivative. The parameters of the ADR controller are optimized using a genetic algorithm. As the objective function, we chose the weighted sum of the integral of the absolute error and the integral of the absolute control signal. Two chaotic systems—the Duffing system and the Genesio–Tesi system—are considered in computer simulation tests. Results of these simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ADRC method in controlling chaotic systems.
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Chaos control and synchronization of chaotic systems is seemingly a challenging problem and has got a lot of attention in recent years due to its numerous applications in science and industry. This paper concentrates on the control and synchronization problem of the three-dimensional (3D) Zhang chaotic system. At first, an adaptive control law and a parameter estimation law are achieved for controlling the behavior of the Zhang chaotic system. Then, non-identical synchronization of Zhang chaotic system is provided with considering the Lü chaotic system as the follower system. The synchronization problem and parameters identification are achieved by introducing an adaptive control law and a parameters estimation law. Stability analysis of the proposed method is proved by the Lyapanov stability theorem. In addition, the convergence of the estimated parameters to their truly unknown values are evaluated. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate and to validate the effectiveness of the suggested method.
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This paper presents the use of active disturbance rejection control method (ADRC) to synchronize two different chaotic systems. The master system and slave systems have uncertainties and external disturbances. The numerical results are presented for the synchronization between the Duffing-Holmes system and the van der pol system. The numerical results presented show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes an active control based approach for hybrid projective synchronization of fractional order chaotic Volta's system. Stability and model description of Volta's system is discussed. The validity of controller has been confirmed by using Laplace transform. Software simulations are performed to prove the validity of proposed synchronization approach.
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A robust control approach is presented to study the problem of Q-S synchronization between Integer-order and fractional-order chaotic systems with different dimensions. Based on Laplace transformation and stability theory of linear integer-order dynamical systems, a new control law is proposed to guarantee the Q-S synchronization between n -dimensional integer-order master system and m -dimensional fractional-order slave system. This paper provides further contribution to the topic of Q-S chaos synchronization between integer-order and fractional-order systems and introduces a general control scheme that can be applied to wide classes of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Illustrative example and numerical simulations are used to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
In this article, a novel robust nonlinear controller approach is focused to study theoretically, the reduced-order synchronization phenomena of two unrelated time-delayed chaotic systems under the determined and unknown parameters. It is assumed that the two systems are perturbed by the bounded unstructured uncertainties and unknown external disturbance. Based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional theory, a robust nonlinear synchronization controller is focused and a suitable Lyapunov functional is constructed that establishes the globally asymptotical stability of the closed-loop at the origin. Subsequently, suitable adaptive laws of unknown parameters are designed to identify the unknown parameters. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed reduced-order synchronization approach is verified by numerical simulations. A brief comparison of the present study with prior works has been given.
It has been reported that no hyperchaos could be realized experimentally in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction system. However, we obtain the hyperchaos in the Montanator model of the BZ chemical reaction system through various coupling types of the state variables. The results show that hyperchaos is obtainable as long as the coupling strength is weak enough, no matter which types of coupling is employed. In addition, using the variable-coupling schemes and the K-B space scalar coupling scheme, we investigated the synchronization and its mechanism of the hyperchaos generated from the variable-coupling methods. It is found that, in the two variables coupling scheme, [Ce4+] can not act as one of the coupling variables. The other variables can be combined with each other resulting in the synchronization of the hyperchaos, when the coupling strength is beyond certain threshold value. In the K-B spece scalar coupling scheme, only the linear combination of [Br] and [ HBrO2] can yield the synchronization of hyperchaos, which may be due to both of them appearing in the same element react ion. As for the coupling of all variables, compared with the coupling of two variables. the synchronization can be obtained at relatively lower threshold value.