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Abstract and Figures

During the period 2018–20, Europe experienced a series of hot and dry weather conditions with significant socioeconomic and environmental consequences. Yet, the extremity of these multi-year dry conditions is not recognized. Here, we provide a comprehensive spatio-temporal assessment of the drought hazard over Europe by benchmarking past exceptional events during the period from 1766–2020. We identified the 2018–20 drought event as a new benchmark having an unprecedented intensity that persisted for more than two years, exhibiting a mean areal coverage of 35.6% and an average duration of 12.2 months. What makes this event truly exceptional compared with past events is its near-surface air temperature anomaly reaching +2.8 K, which constitutes a further evidence that the ongoing global warming is exacerbating present drought events. Furthermore, future events based on climate model simulations (CMIP5) suggest that Europe should be prepared for events of comparable intensity as the 2018–20 event but with durations longer than any of those experienced in the last 250 years. Our study thus emphasizes the urgent need for adaption and mitigation strategies to cope with such multi-year drought events across Europe.
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1. Introduction
The observed increase in the frequency of droughts and heatwaves over the Northern Hemisphere in the 21st
century poses immediate socio-economic threats affecting the well-being of the people by triggering negative
health effects. These adverse hydro-meteorological conditions can lead to agricultural and ecological impacts
such as crop losses, poor water quality conditions in water bodies, and wildfires. The reduction of the streamflow
resulting from a drought event combined with high air temperatures also creates a threat to existing infrastruc-
ture. Several authors have reported cases of reduction of the cooling capacity in power plants, the reduction of
tonnage in fluvial transportation, and the drop in reservoir storage leading to drinking water shortages (Naumann
etal.,2021; Peichl etal.,2018; Stanke etal.,2013; Vogel etal.,2019). Europe, in particular, has experienced a
series of dry summers with substantial socioeconomic and environmental impacts in 2003 (Fischer etal.,2007),
2010 (Flach etal.,2018), 2015 (Van Lanen etal.,2016) and 2018–2020 (Hari etal.,2020; Peters etal., 2020).
The latest report of the European Commission estimates that the current annual monetary losses across Europe
due to droughts were 9 billion EUR every year. Depending on the region, between 39% and 60% of the losses are
related to agriculture, 22%–48% to the energy sector, while 9%–20% of the total damages correspond to public
water supply systems (Naumann etal.,2021). Besides direct financial losses, the natural net ecosystem carbon
uptake can get further significantly reduced by drought conditions (Ciais etal.,2005).
Abstract During the period 2018–2020, Europe experienced a series of hot and dry weather conditions
with significant socioeconomic and environmental consequences. Yet, the extremity of these multi-year dry
conditions is not recognized. Here, we provide a comprehensive spatio-temporal assessment of the drought
hazard over Europe by benchmarking past exceptional events during the period from 1766 to 2020. We
identified the 2018–2020 drought event as a new benchmark having an unprecedented intensity that persisted
for more than 2years, exhibiting a mean areal coverage of 35.6% and an average duration of 12.2months.
What makes this event truly exceptional compared with past events is its near-surface air temperature anomaly
reaching +2.8K, which constitutes a further evidence that the ongoing global warming is exacerbating
present drought events. Furthermore, future events based on climate model simulations Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project v5 suggest that Europe should be prepared for events of comparable intensity as the
2018–2020 event but with durations longer than any of those experienced in the last 250years. Our study thus
emphasizes the urgent need for adaption and mitigation strategies to cope with such multi-year drought events
across Europe.
Plain Language Summary This manuscript demonstrates that the 2018–2020 multi-year drought
event constitutes a new benchmark in Europe, with an unprecedented level of intensity over the past 250years.
What makes this event truly exceptional compared with past events is its temperature anomaly reaching
+2.8K. This finding provides new evidence that the ongoing global warming exacerbates current drought
events. The key message of this study is that the projected future events across the European continent will
have a comparable intensity as the 2018–2020 drought but exhibit considerably longer durations than any of
those observed during the last 250years. Our analysis also shows that these exceptional temperature-enhanced
droughts significantly negatively impact commodity crops across Europe.
© 2022 The Authors. Earth's Future
published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on
behalf of American Geophysical Union.
This is an open access article under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The 2018–2020 Multi-Year Drought Sets a New Benchmark in
Oldrich Rakovec1,2 , Luis Samaniego1 , Vittal Hari1,3 , Yannis Markonis2 ,
Vojtěch Moravec2,4 , Stephan Thober1 , Martin Hanel2,4 , and Rohini Kumar1
1UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, 2Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech
University of Life Sciences Prague, Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic, 3Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, Dhanbad, India, 4T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Praha 6, Czech
Key Points:
The 2018–2020 multi-year drought
shows unprecedented level of intensity
during the past 250years
The 2018–2020 event reached record-
breaking +2.8K temperature anomaly
and negatively impacted major crops
Future drought events reach
comparable intensity of 2018–2020
but with considerably longer durations
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information may be found in
the online version of this article.
Correspondence to:
O. Rakovec, L. Samaniego, and R.
Rakovec, O., Samaniego, L., Hari, V.,
Markonis, Y., Moravec, V., Thober, S.,
etal. (2022). The 2018–2020 multi-year
drought sets a new benchmark in Europe.
Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002394.
Received 25 AUG 2021
Accepted 11 MAR 2022
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The reconstructions of hydro-climatic data suggest that the recent sequence of European summer droughts
is unprecedented during the past centuries (Büntgen et al., 2021)—with reported several multi-year droughts
(2018–2019 [Hari etal.,2020] and 2014–2018 [Moravec etal.,2021]). While the characteristics and impacts
of individual drought years are well described in the literature (Moravec etal.,2019; Peters etal., 2020; Van
Lanen etal.,2016), the simultaneous evolution of droughts in space and time is rarely explored (Herrera-Estrada
etal.,2017). Furthermore, the severity of the recent droughts highlights the concern that global warming may
be significantly contributing to their evolution (Williams etal.,2020) and that its effects will continue to exac-
erbate them in the future (Hari etal.,2020; Samaniego etal.,2018). A comprehensive long-span benchmarking
of droughts, considering their space-time evolution, is therefore urgently needed to be able to place the recent
multi-year drought within the variability in the observational period and the near and long-term projections. By
doing so, we substantiate how exceptional this recent drought event is in the historical record and the likelihood
of such events under different future climate scenarios.
In this study, we benchmark the recent droughts from a long-term perspective taking into account the spatio-tem-
poral evolution of drought propagation across Europe. Our drought analysis is based on characterizing anom-
alous conditions of root-zone soil moisture that reflect the antecedent and contemporary hydro-meteorologic
conditions and constitutes the primary source of water for plant growth (Andreadis etal., 2005; Seneviratne
et al., 2010). The soil moisture is estimated with the well-established mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM)
(Kumar etal.,2013; Samaniego etal.,2010) (Section2.3). The monthly soil moisture estimates are transformed
into a percentile-based monthly soil moisture index (SMI (Samaniego etal.,2013))—which is then taken as a
basis for clustering the space-time evolution of soil moisture droughts (Samaniego etal., 2013,2018). Finally,
we quantify the drought characteristics (i.e., areal extent, duration, total drought magnitude, and intensity, see
Section2.4) from 1766 to 2100; the period 1766–2020 corresponds to observation-based simulation (reference),
and further, we quantify these characteristics in the climate models and also analyze the changes of these under
moderate and high emission scenarios (1950–2100; see Section2.1).
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Meteorological Model Forcing Data
2.1.1. Observation-Based Historical Forcing Data
This study is mainly based on the precipitation and near-surface air temperature observation-based data sets for
the period 1766–2015 (Casty etal.,2007) and E-OBS v21 (Hofstra etal.,2009) (daily gridded observational data
set for precipitation, and temperature in Europe) available for the period 1950–2020. The overlapping period
allowed for correction of biases (Gudmundsson etal., 2012) in the data set of Casty with respect to E-OBS
(Hanel etal.,2018; Moravec etal.,2021), and the merged meteorologic product is used as an input into the mHM
(Kumar etal.,2013; Samaniego etal.,2010) to obtain the soil moisture simulations. The estimates of potential
evapotranspiration required by mHM are based on mean near-surface air temperature and approximations for
extraterrestrial solar radiation (Oudin etal.,2005) during the historical period.
2.1.2. Climate Model Forcing Data
Besides the observation-based model forcings, we utilized the bias corrected daily precipitation, average, maxi-
mum and minimum temperature fields at 0.5° resolution were made available by the ISI-MIP project (Warszawski
etal., 2014). This suite is based on five Coupled Model Intercomparison Project v5 (CMIP5) Global Climate
the historical mode and under two future representative concentration pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The
trend-preserving bias correction method (Hempel et al., 2013) was used in the ISI-MIP project to match the
climatology of the CMIP5 GCMs with observations. We refer to Frieler etal.(2017) and Warszawski etal.(2014)
for a full description of the ISIMIP experiment, as detailed descriptions of the climate model projection used in
this study are beyond the scope of the present study. The five models selected for the ISI-MIP project follow the
strategy to represent warm and wet and cold and dry climates, which are most relevant for impact studies (Frieler
etal.,2017). Each of the GCMs is available at a single realization. Thus internal climate variability and uncer-
tainty due to initial conditions are not considered in the ISIMIP-2b experiment. The Penman-Monteith potential
evapotranspiration method (Allen etal.,1998) also needed as forcing for mHM is based on the surface energy
budget (i.e., Rn-G=SH+LH), where Rn, G, SH, and LH are the net radiation, ground heat flux, and sensible
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and latent heat flux (Scheff & Frierson,2014), respectively. This approach implicitly considers the ambient CO2
effects on plant transpiration, vegetation growth (Trnka etal.,2019).
2.2. Crop Yield Data
We utilized the data of agriculture yields 1961–2019 from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO Global Statistical Yearbook,2021) and harvested production and areas under cultivation 2010–
2020 from EUROSTAT(2021). The overlapping period 2010–2019 was used for data quality checks between
both data sets and supplementing missing data. We considered three dominant kinds of cereals: wheat, grain
maize and barley as representative set of agricultural production. To account for technological advances (e.g.,
improvements in plant genetics, fertilizer, pesticides) (Lu etal.,2017) the systematic linear trend was removed
from data of agriculture yields of given crops. Three-year rolling mean was then applied on these detrended data
to smooth out the year-to-year variability. Finally, the percentage difference of 3year rolling mean from the base
linear trend was calculated to express crop yield deviation of a given 3year period for each country.
2.3. Mesoscale Hydrologic Model
The mHM (Kumar etal., 2013; Samaniego et al., 2010) is a spatially explicit, grid-based hydrologic model
developed at the UFZ-Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research(Samaniego, Kaluza, etal.,2019) aiming
at providing seamless prediction of hydrological fluxes and storages at multiple spatial resolutions and locations
across the globe and it has reached Technology readiness levels of 9. The model uses the grid cell as a primary
hydrologic unit, and accounts for the following hydrological processes: canopy interception, snow accumula-
tion and melt, soil moisture and evapotranspiration, surface and subsurface runoff generations, deep percolation
and baseflow, and flood routing along with a river network. mHM uses a novel Multiscale Parameterization
Regionalization technique which includes the regionalization and spatial scaling approaches to generate a set of
regionalized model parameter fields at required modeling resolutions, while explicitly accounting for the sub-grid
variability of the fine-scale information on terrain, soil, vegetation, and other landscape properties (Samaniego
The calibration of the mHM parameters was conducted and demonstrated earlier (Samaniego, Thober, etal.,2019),
and was based on the multi-basin optimizations performed on a wide range of hydrologic regimes. The 48 transfer
function parameters used in mHM were estimated simultaneously at nine (N=9) geographically and hydro-cli-
matically diverse basins across the European domain. This procedure was repeated 30 times. Thus, 30 different
parameter sets were obtained tailor-made to different groups of nine “donor” basins. Each optimization run was
carried out with the Dynamically Dimensioned Search algorithm (Tolson & Shoemaker,2007) using 1,500 iter-
ations. The Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) (Gupta etal.,2009) obtained between simulated and observed daily
streamflow for each selected basin was used as an objective function. Each of the 30 optimized parameter sets was
then cross-validated in 1,266 European river basins having at least 5years of streamflow records. The parameter
set that exhibited the best performance using the median daily KGE in the cross-validation test was used for the
final runs (KGE=0.55) for obtaining seamless soil moisture predictions across Europe and is depicted by a black
line in Figure S1 in Supporting InformationS1.
2.4. Drought Analysis
Understanding of continental-wide drought propagation and its changes over time require methods which quan-
tify drought areal extent and duration together with drought severity in a combined manner. The spatio-temporal
drought cluster analysis (Andreadis etal.,2005; Diaz etal.,2020; Lloyd-Hughes,2012; Samaniego etal.,2013;
Zhou etal.,2019; Zink etal.,2016) allow to track events in space and time and thus to quantify their character-
istics across domain and over the entire period. To quantify agricultural droughts we use the deficit of the mHM
simulated soil moisture with respect to its seasonal climatology at a given grid cell. The index is called (SMI)
(Sheffield etal.,2004) and its implementation has been described in the past (Samaniego etal.,2013) as follows.
The SMI varies between two limits 0 and 1. The lower bound indicates the driest condition with respect to the
reference period, whereas the upper bound indicates the wettest. The SMIi,m is estimated such that it represents
the conditional cumulative distribution function of the soil water content in the root zone at a given grid cell i
at the calendar month m. Given a time series x1, x2, …, xn that corresponds to the soil moisture fractions of a
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given cell at calendar month m (e.g., January), the kernel density estimate at a given value x can be obtained
()= 1
, wit h K(x) denoting a Gaussian smoothing kernel, n the sampling size, and h the
bandwidth. The SMI for a soil moisture fraction value x is estimated with the quantile function by numerically
integrating the following expression
To estimate spatio-temporal drought clusters we follow this procedure (Samaniego etal.,2013). First, we select
regions under drought by masking the SMI fields: SMIt<τ, with τ=0.2, according to Andreadis etal. (2005)
and Vidal etal.(2010). Second, consolidate spatial drought clusters at every time step. Clusters with an area of
less than η×Ac are neglected, with Ac the area of a grid cell. In this study η≈10 and η×Ac>25,000km
2 was
selected. This subjective choice is necessary to eliminate small isolated areas that are suffering a drought but
are too small to be considered as a regional event, and it does not have an impact on large-scale cluster charac-
teristics. On the final step, independent spatial drought clusters over successive time steps are consolidated into
regional, multi-temporal clusters. The only condition to join spatial clusters over consecutive time steps is that
their overlapping area is larger than ι×Ac, with ι≈60. It represents the connectivity between the clusters of two
consecutive time periods. Events having an intersection area at any sequential time step of less than this threshold
are considered independent events. The SMI code that executes this algorithm is available at
chs/progs/SMI (Samaniego etal.,2022). The drought severity (Sd) for a grid cell over a duration d (in months) is
estimated by integrating the masked SMI fields over time:
= 1− 1
. This indicator aims to measure
the duration and intensity of drought event. It ranges from zero to one, with one denoting locations with the
strongest impact during interval d. The total magnitude of a drought event is defined as the spatio-temporal inte-
gral of the SMI under the deficit threshold τ, explicitly:
( SMI())+
. Here, t0 and t1 denote
the onset and the ending months of a drought event. At is the area under drought at time point t expressed as the
percentage of total drain area (in this case Europe); and (⋅)+ is the positive part function. Hence, M is expressed
in [months×%Total Area]. The intensity of a drought event (Id) is obtained by normalizing M by the arbitrary
drought duration d [months] from the onset:
( SMI())+
expressed in [%Total Area]. Note
that drought intensity changes over time from the drought onset, while the drought magnitude is here estimated
for the entire cluster.
The values of M and Id are accompanied by “mean drought characteristics” of an identified drought cluster/event
in terms of “mean drought area over time” as a fraction of European domain [in %] and “mean duration over
space” of identified drought cluster [in months]. Here, consider that a drought cluster dynamically evolves over
space and time. First, it gets initiated, then it evolves/increases, and finally, it gets terminated. For example, the
drought cluster/event of 2018–2020 was initiated in April 2018 and lasted until December 2020. Although it took
33months from t0 to t1, its “mean duration,” averaged over entire cluster domain, yields 12.2months.
Historical and future extreme soil moisture drought events are estimated by forcing mHM with the respective
meteorological outputs of the GCMs (Section2.1.2). To maintain the consistency with the historical drought
analysis, the GCM specific soil moisture distribution functions estimated during the period from 1950 to 2020
were taken as a reference for estimating the soil moisture droughts in future. The drought characteristics are
calculated for each model realization separately, to avoid a smoothing effect of averaging, in other words, to be
able to generate extremes (rare events) realistically.
3. Results and Discussion
The spatio-temporal analysis of the largest European soil moisture droughts since 1766, summarized in Figure1a,
reveals three outstanding and well-comparable soil moisture drought events in terms of areal coverage, duration
from the onset, and drought intensity: 1857–1860, 1920–1922, and 2018–2020. The 2018–2020 event exhibits
the largest mean drought area over time, covering approximately on average 36% of Europe with a mean dura-
tion over space of 12.2months. Note that these characteristics reflect the average behavior accounting for the
spatio-temporal development of the drought events (see Section2.4). Concerning duration, the 2018–2020 event
ranks second after the event of 1857–1860. Additionally, we highlight other four well-documented and signif-
icant European drought events (Masante etal., 2019): 1947–1948, 1975–1977, 2003–2004, and 2015–2016.
Figure S2 in Supporting InformationS1 shows the negligible effect of the varying cluster parameter ι on the soil
moisture cluster identification. The 2018–2020 drought event is identified as the largest across a range of ι=40,
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50, 60, 70, 80 values, which yield areal coverage range between 35.1% and 36.5% and average duration range of
In this context, what makes the 2018–2020 event outstanding with respect to the other events is the strong tempo-
ral development of its mean intensity since the onset of the drought event (Figure1b). We refer to intensity as the
total drought magnitude normalized by its duration (see Section2.4). The 2018–2020 event has the steepest and
continuous rise in intensity reaching a historical maximum after only 10months from the onset, while reaching
80% of their maximum intensity within 4months only. Furthermore, we notice that the four exceptional summer
droughts with the steepest rise in intensity (1947–1948, 2015–2016, 2003–2004, 2015–2016, and 2018–2020)
have been always initiated in spring (April–May) primarily as a result of compound effects of low precipitation
and high air temperatures leading to severe soil water deficits (Ionita et al.,2020). After the highest intensity
is reached, it usually takes between 6 and 12months until a drought event terminates (Figure1b). This point is
reached in most cases during the following winter and spring seasons due to the significant contribution of the
snowmelt. For example, the 2003 and 2015 warm-season events, which quickly built their peak intensity during
late spring and summer, and slowly vanished in the following year leading to a recovery of the vegetation health
status (Hari etal.,2020). There has been generally a continuous rise in the intensity and its peak since the begin-
ning of the 21st century (Figure1b, progression in peak intensity from 2003 to 2004, 2015–2016, 2018–2020).
Figure 1. Main characteristics of the three largest soil moisture drought clusters identified in Europe since 1766. (a) Scatter plot of the mean area and duration of
European droughts from 1766 to 2020 based on the mesoscale Hydrologic Model simulations forced with reconstructed and observation-based historical forcing data.
The cluster labels define period (start year–end year) of the well-known drought events. The bubble size corresponds to the total drought magnitude [-] (b) Temporal
evolution of the drought intensity from the onset of the drought. The 2018–2020 event exhibits the largest drought intensity in comparison to all other events overall
time (c–e) Spatial map depicting the mean drought duration [months] of the 1857–1860, 1920–1922, and 2018–2020 events. The inset plot shows the temporal
evolution of the areal coverage from the onset of the corresponding event.
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The spatial distribution of the mean drought duration for the three largest events (Figures1c–1e) suggest that the
2018–2020 event “extended” across entire Europe, which has so-far never happened for any other major events
in the past. Our simulations reveal that 20% (40%) of the European domain was under drought for more than 18
(12) months during 2018–2020. The inset of Figure1e depicts the temporal evolution of the area under drought,
which exhibits a lot of variability reaching a maximum of 50% of Europe's area was affected by a drought. The
2018–2020 event, exhibited several peaks in the evolution of drought coverage (snapshots of four states are
provided in Figure S3 in Supporting InformationS1: The centroid of this drought event is located in the central
and eastern Europe, although during 2018 the event covered parts of Scandinavia). In 2019, it expanded to the
Mediterranean region, which corresponds well with the entry of the European Drought Observatory database
(Masante etal.,2019).
Büntgen etal. (2021) showed that the recent sequences of European seasonal droughts are unprecedented at a
millennial time scale, suggesting that amplification in anthropogenic warming may have played a significant role
in exacerbating its evolution. To analyze the role of near-surface air temperature and precipitation conditions on
the soil moisture droughts, we quantify the mean precipitation and temperature anomalies over the area affected
by corresponding drought events, as depicted in Figure2. It reveals that the precipitation deficit during the
2018–2020 event is around 20% with respect to the long term mean and therefore comparable to previous major
drought events. This event, however, is exceptional considering the record-breaking high-temperature anomaly
that reached up to +2.8K with respect to the long term mean. This finding indicates the amplifying effect of
temperature on drought evolution as depicted by Chiang etal. (2018). We also noticed a rather localized event
over the Mediterranean region, where precipitation deficit is one of the largest in relative terms (up to 35%), but
that did not induce considerable changes in the soil moisture deficit with a large areal coverage and/or multi-year
Figure 2. Meteorological conditions during the soil moisture droughts from 1766 to the present. Average relative
precipitation anomaly and average absolute near-surface air temperature anomaly based on the monthly climatology during
the period 1766–2020. The bubble size corresponds to the total drought magnitude. The colored bubbles correspond to the
three major events depicted in Figure1a.
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duration. Additionally, the corresponding temperature anomaly was close to zero. These investigations were
focused on providing a glimpse on the anomalous meteorological conditions associated with large-scale soil
moisture drought events occurred across Europe. However, a proper attribution of disentangling the explicit
control of different drivers including meteorological and other (land-surface feedback) conditions (Seneviratne
etal.,2010) require careful considerations, which is beyond the scope of current work.
The aforementioned analysis establishes the 2018–2020 drought as a record breaking event over the past 250years.
Considering the high impacts of events like 2018–2020, the dominant role of the rain-fed agriculture in Europe
(Trnka etal., 2019), and the negligible mitigation effect of irrigation systems on drought stress at continental
scales (especially in Central Europe), next we scrutinize how soil moisture droughts have affected cropland in
Europe during the last seven decades, during which consistent crop yield data are available (EUROSTAT,2021;
FAO Global Statistical Yearbook, 2021). We analyze the possible impact of soil moisture drought on the loss
in agriculture productivity across Europe. Figure3 shows a substantial drop in major crop yields (wheat, grain
maize, and barley) during the 2018–2020 drought event across most of the European countries. The 3-year average
crop yield anomaly for three dominant cereals is considered after removing the systematic linear trend accounting
for technological advances (e.g., improvements in plant genetics, fertilizer, pesticides). All three cereal products
exhibit sharp decline from the expected (linear trend) yields across western, central and northern Europe: losses
of up to 17.5% for wheat in Germany, 20%–40% for grain maize in western Europe (including Benelux, Germany,
and France) and around 10% losses for barley in most countries in Europe except for the Iberian Peninsula and
several south-eastern European countries. The extremity of the expected crop yield losses is further depicted in
Figure S4 in Supporting InformationS1, which shows the 3year exceedance probability of the averaged ranks
(Benard & Bos-Levenbach,1953).
Considering the extremity of the 2018–2020 event, it is imperative to understand how the characteristics of this
event compare with those of future alike events. To this end, we compare the areal extent, the duration, and the
total drought magnitude of this 2018–2020 event against those of potential events resulting from climate projec-
tions. Figures4a and4b shows that the 2018–2020 event ranks as one of the most extreme when compared against
GCM simulated events during the 1950–2020 period, in terms of both areal coverage and duration. It is worth
noting that Figures4a and4b integrates all three drought aspects: severity, duration and area from all five GCMs
at once. Ensemble averaging in this case due to the fact that under different climate forcing's data, droughts evolve
during different times; they do not happen at the exact location.
Figure 3. Crop yield anomaly. Average percent crop yield anomaly during 2018–2020 with respect to 1961–2021 period (after removal of linear trend representing
technological advances) for three major cereals: (a) wheat, (b) grain maize, and (c) barley during period 1961–2021 (EUROSTAT,2021; FAO Global Statistical
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The spatio-temporal evolution of future soil moisture droughts during the period from 2021 to 2099 suggests
that the most extreme droughts are projected to be significantly longer (RCP4.5: up to 100months; RCP8.5:
up to 300 months) than that of the 2018–2020 drought event. This result is in line with the previous study
(Samaniego etal.,2018), and the longer duration of RCP8.5 is projected independently by all five GCMs (see
Figure S5 in Supporting InformationS1). While the moderate RCP4.5 emission scenario projects the most signif-
icant drought clusters to cover up to 50% of the entire domain, this areal extent reaches up to 65% based on the
high-emission scenarios. Additionally, the 2018–2020 event dominates all GCM-based events in terms of drought
intensity during the historical period, similar to what was seen with the observation-based events (see Figure
S6 in Supporting InformationS1). Only a few future RCP's realizations show greater intensity than that of the
2018–2020 event. Here, the climatological conditions defining the soil anomalies are based on the contemporary
conditions (1950–2020), assuming there is no adaption to persistent drying patterns considered. This allows the
drought to develop for a longer duration to develop into a multiple-year drought. Our analysis cannot confirm
higher occurrence frequencies for a 2018–2020-like event in the future. The reason for that is that our GCM
Figure 4. Main characteristics of large soil moisture drought events based on five Global Climate Models (GCMs). Bubble
plot depicting areal extent, duration and normalized magnitude (intensity) of the drought events in Europe during the
1950–2020 and 2021–2099 periods, based on the (a) representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5) and (b) RCP 8.5,
respectively. The drought intensity is proportional to the circle size. The benchmarking 2018–2020 drought event, derived
from observation-based simulations from Figure1, is included for comparison. The boundary drawn by the dashed gray lines
denotes events whose areal extent or duration are greater than the 2018–2020 event. The sampling distributions of the mean
duration and mean areal drought extent across five GCMs corresponding to the RCPs 4.5 and 8.5 during 2021–2099, for
events larger than the benchmark historical 2018–2020 event, are depicted in panels (c) and (d), respectively.
Earth’s Future
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simulations are limited until 2100. However, a future event can evolve for a long time given the drought threshold
set in our analysis.
Figures4c and4d depicts two individual drought characteristics in terms of the sampling distribution of the mean
duration and the mean areal extent of the GCM-derived drought events under both RCPs to illustrate their differ-
ences in projected future drought characteristics of all events greater than historical 2018–2020 benchmark. On
average, future drought events whose duration is greater than the 2018–2020 event are projected to last approx-
imately 40months (range: 25–60months) under the moderate emission scenario, while they will nearly double
their duration (range: 25–180months) under a high-emission scenario (Figure4c). This implies that future events
could last, on average, three to six times longer than the 2018–2020 event, respectively. With respect to the areal
extent, we observe a slight increase from 41% to 43% (Figure4d), between RCP 4.5 and 8.5, which corresponds
to an increase of 14%–20% with respect to the 2018–2020 event, respectively.
4. Summary and Conclusions
We synthesized long-term simulations showing the spatio-temporal evolution of soil moisture droughts in Europe
during the period from 1766 to 2020. Our analysis helped to better understand the development of multi-year
droughts by taking into account long-term historical changes in hydroclimatic variability. We concluded that the
recent 2018–2020 drought event is exceptional because of its significantly higher intensity and fast development
from its onset compared to past events. Our study highlights that the 2018–2020 drought event, compared to all
historical events, emerges as a new benchmark that can be used to gauge the potential impact of future drought
events in terms of socioeconomic and ecological damages in Europe. From our recent analysis, and in accordance
with previous study (Samaniego etal., 2018), we conclude that Europe should prepare adaptation and mitiga-
tion plans for future events whose intensity may be comparable to the previous event, but whose duration (and
partly their spatial extent) will be much greater than any event observed in the last 250years. Our analysis shows
that exceptional agricultural droughts enhanced by record-breaking near-surface air temperature anomalies have
significant impact (decline) on crop yields across the European countries. Soil moisture drought projections
synthesized in this study, even under a moderate emission scenario, indicate that decision-makers in Europe
should be prepared for drought events of comparable intensity in future. Thus, the 2018–2020 drought event
could be considered as a wake-up call on agricultural policies. In this study, we compared and contrasted this
event with earlier events of similar magnitudes and showed the role of increasing temperature rises. This study
has focused on detecting the soil moisture droughts and their driving meteorological conditions. Future studies
should aim at disentangling the roles of precipitation and temperature drivers, including climate model runs.
Finally, we emphasize the need for new technological developments to mitigate the effects of extreme droughts
and heatwaves and further research to understand how this new kind of fast intensified droughts will impact
human health, ecosystems, and, ultimately, our living conditions.
Data Availability Statement
Data analysis was conducted at the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster EVE, a joint effort of both the
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
(iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Model simulations used in this study can be obtained from
zenodo.5082089. The mHM (v5.10) code can be found at Samaniego, Kaluza, etal.(2019) and the SMI code can
be found under Samaniego etal.(2022). OR and RK conceptualized and designed the study with inputs from LS.
OR conducted the hydrologic simulations and analysis with inputs from LS, VH, YM, MH, and RK. LS and ST
provided the SMI code. VM processed the crop yield data. OR wrote the initial draft with inputs from LS, VH
and RK. All authors contributed to discussion and edited the manuscript.
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... We currently witness the emergence of hotter droughts even in temperate regions (Hammond et al. 2022, Hartmann et al. 2022. Consecutive (hotter) droughts have also become more frequent (Hari et al. 2020, Rakovec et al. 2022) and large-scale tree stress responses and diebacks have been observed after the prolonged 2018-2021 drought in Central Europe (Schuldt et al. 2020, Rakovec et al. 2022, Schnabel et al. 2022) and the 2012-2016 drought in Northern America (Byer and Jin 2017). Even if the trees do not die in a first year of drought, critical ecosystem changes and mortality may still occur in the years after the drought, known as drought legacy or lag effects (Obladen et al. 2021, Schnabel et al. 2022, Pohl et al. 2023). ...
... We currently witness the emergence of hotter droughts even in temperate regions (Hammond et al. 2022, Hartmann et al. 2022. Consecutive (hotter) droughts have also become more frequent (Hari et al. 2020, Rakovec et al. 2022) and large-scale tree stress responses and diebacks have been observed after the prolonged 2018-2021 drought in Central Europe (Schuldt et al. 2020, Rakovec et al. 2022, Schnabel et al. 2022) and the 2012-2016 drought in Northern America (Byer and Jin 2017). Even if the trees do not die in a first year of drought, critical ecosystem changes and mortality may still occur in the years after the drought, known as drought legacy or lag effects (Obladen et al. 2021, Schnabel et al. 2022, Pohl et al. 2023). ...
Global warming poses a major threat to forests and events of increased tree mortality are observed globally. Studying tree mortality often relies on local-level observations of dieback while large-scale analyses are lacking. Satellite remote sensing provides the spatial coverage and sufficiently high temporal and spatial resolution needed to investigate tree mortality at landscape-scale. However, adequate reference data for training satellite-based models are scarce. In this study, we employed the first maps of standing deadwood in Germany for the years 2018-2022 with 10 m spatial resolution that were created by using tree mortality observations spotted in hundreds of drone images as the reference. We use these maps to study spatial and temporal patterns of tree mortality in Germany and analyse their biotic and abiotic environmental drivers using random forest regression. In 2019, the second consecutive hotter drought year in a row, standing deadwood increased steeply to 334 ± 189 kilohectar (kha) which corresponds to 2.5 ± 1.4% of the total forested area in Germany. Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, and Fagus sylvatica showed highest shares of standing deadwood. During 2018-2021 978 ± 529 kha (7.9 ± 4.4%) of standing dead trees accumulated. The higher mortality estimates that we report compared to other surveys (such as the ground-based forest condition survey) can be partially attributed to the fact that remote sensing captures mortality from a bird's eye perspective and that the high spatial detail (10 m) in this study also captures scattered occurrences of tree mortality. Atmospheric drought (i.e. climatic water balance and vapor pressure deficit) and temperature extremes (i.e. number of hot days and frosts after vegetation onset) were the most important predictors of tree mortality. We found increased tree mortality for smaller and younger stands and on less productive sites. Monospecific stands were generally not more affected by mortality than average, but only when interactions with damaging insects (e.g. bark beetles) occurred. Because excess tree mortality rates threaten many forests across the globe, similar analyses of tree mortality are warranted and technically feasible at the global scale. We encourage the international scientific community to share and compile local data on deadwood occurrences (see example: as such a collaborative effort is required to help understand mortality events on a global scale.
... In this region, sedimentary rocks dominate, accounting for 96 % of the total outcrop area of aquifers, which is equal to 14,600 km² (Gargini et al., 2014). The Northern Apennine region, located near the southern edge of the European continent in the Mediterranean basin, has experienced increasingly frequent and intense droughts with a cycle of five years since the start of the XXI century (Filippini et al., 2024;Peña-Angulo et al., 2022;Rakovec et al., 2022;Riedel and Weber, 2020). The adverse effects include reduced spring discharge, Fig. 1. ...
... Especially before 2018, high scPDSI values corresponded to positive P-ET anomalies, and low scPDSI values corresponded to negative P-ET anomalies well. However, from 2018 to 2020, Europe experienced severe droughts and heat waves (Rakovec et al. 2022), which were well identified by the scPDSI index. However, drought and heat waves did not cause significant negative anomalies in water availability. ...
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Climate change, population growth, and economic development exacerbate water scarcity. This study investigates the impact of drought on water availability in the Belt and Road region using high-resolution remote sensing data from 2001 to 2020. The results revealed an average water availability (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) of 249 mm/year and a declining trend in the Belt and Road region. Approximately 13% of the Belt and Road region faces water deficits (evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation), primarily in arid and semi-arid regions with high drought frequency. The area in the water deficit is expanding, and the intensity of the water deficit is increasing. The annual trend of water availability is strongly related to the frequency of droughts, i.e. water availability decreases with increased drought frequency. Drought exacerbates seasonal water stress in approximately one-third of the Belt and Road region, mainly in Europe and northern Asia, where drought frequently occurs during seasons with low water availability. The more severe the drought, the larger the negative anomaly in water availability. The critical role of evapotranspiration in seasonal water availability variability is also highlighted. This research underscores the importance of understanding drought-induced changes in water availability, which is crucial for sustainable water resource management.
... Sentinel-2 is expected to provide a more accurate assessment than our results due to its enhanced spatial and spectral resolution. However, Sentinel-2 data have only been available since June 2015, offering in a shorter reference period compared to MODIS, which moreover is mostly characterized by dry conditions (2015 (Orth et al., 2016-2020(Knutzen et al., 2023Rakovec et al., 2022), 2022 (Toreti et al., 2022)). Thus, the Sentinel-2 mission lacks a reference period with unstressed forests. ...
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Germany experienced extreme drought periods in 2018 and 2022, which significantly affected forests. These drought periods were natural experiments, providing valuable insights into how different tree species respond to drought. The quantification of species-specific drought responses may help to identify the most climate-change-resilient tree species, thereby informing effective forest regeneration strategies. In this study, we used remotely sensed peak-season canopy greenness as a proxy for tree vitality to estimate the drought response of four widely abundant tree species in Germany (oak, beech, spruce, and pine). We focused on two questions: (1) How were the four tree species affected by these two droughts? (2) Which environmental parameters primarily determined canopy greenness? To address these questions, we combined a recently published tree species classification map with remotely sensed canopy greenness and environmental variables related to plant available water capacity (PAWC) and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Our results indicate that the more isohydric species featured a greater decline in canopy greenness under these droughts compared to the more anisohydric species despite similar soil moisture conditions. Based on spatial lag models, we found that the influence of PAWC on canopy greenness increases with increasing isohydricity while the influence of VPD decreases. Our statistical analysis indicates that oak was the only species with significantly higher canopy greenness in 2022 compared to 2018. Yet, all species are likely to be susceptible to accumulated drought effects, such as insufficient recovery time and increased vulnerability to biotic pathogens, in the coming years. Our study provides critical insights into the diverse responses of different tree species to changing environments over a large environmental gradient in Central Europe and sheds light on the complex interactions between soil moisture, climate variables, and canopy greenness. These findings contribute to understanding forests' climate-change resilience and may guide forest management and conservation strategies.
... This is particularly evident during the extreme heat events of 2018 and 2022 where elevated LST were recorded consistently across all component parts. These findings coincide with the warm and dry periods observed by several studies in the study region 10,30,64,65 . Furthermore, results show a significant positive influence of years on hot days, except 2021, highlighting climate extreme days that becomes frequent with current global warming trends. ...
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The climate crisis seriously threatens Central European forests and their ecosystem functions. There are indications that old-growth forests are relatively resilient and efficient in micro-climatic regulation during extreme climatic conditions. This study evaluates five well-protected old beech forests in Germany, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We examined temperature dynamics and vitality in core, buffer, and border zones during hot days from 2017 to 2023, using Landsat 8 and 9 imageries to assess Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), alongside on-site Air Temperature (AT) measurements. Our findings reveal that all five forests were impacted by recent extreme heat events, with core zones remaining cooler and more vital, followed by buffer zones. Temperature-regulating patterns varied with landscape characteristics and the surrounding matrixes. We observed a site-dependent cooling effect of the forest interior that increased with higher LST. Our study highlights the value of old-growth forests and recommends increasing effective protection around mature forests, establishing corridors between isolated patches, and creating mosaics in managed landscapes that include unmanaged areas capable of developing into old-growth ecosystems. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-81209-0.
... Droughts with unprecedented intensity and extent are becoming more common across the globe, such as in Europe (2018)(2019)(2020)2022), with the 2022 drought considered as the worst drought of Europe in 500 years, which affected about 2/3rd of Europe (Rakovec et al., 2022); the Horn of Africa (2020-2022), faced its worst drought in the last forty years (UNO-CHA, 2022); and the Western United States megadrought , which has been persistent for more than two decades (Williams et al., 2022). This trend of worsening droughts is also present in China and adjoining areas such as South Korea (Bae et al., 2019;He et al., 2022;Huang et al., 2019), and according to a UN report, by 2050, more than 75% of the world's population could be facing droughts (UN, 2022). ...
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Spatiotemporal variations in drought events were examined through multiple drought indices in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) during the 1980–2020 period using observed climate data of precipitation, temperature (T max., T min., and T mean), and potential evapotranspiration (PET) from 16 meteorological stations. Software like ClimPACT2 (to quality check data and generate SPI, SPEI, and CDD drought indices), DrinC (to generate AI, eRDI and PD drought indices), CMhyd (to bias correct NASA POWER gridded data), and ArcGIS (to map extreme drought years) were used in this study. It was revealed that precipitation decreased at 30 mm/decade and maximum and minimum temperatures increased at 0.132 °C/decade and 0.23 °C/decade, aridity increased by decreasing aridity index at 0.15/decade, and number of consecutive dry days increased at 2 days/decade. All drought indices reflected decreasing trends, indicating a warming and drying climatic regime. The eRDI drought index analysis revealed that droughts have occurred for 12.6 years in the last four decades, and mild droughts (15%) are more common, followed by moderate droughts (9.4%), severe droughts (4.7%), and extreme droughts (2.4%). The study provides comparisons of drought patterns under changing climate in three distinct climatic and physical regions of UIB, i.e., Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, and reveals that the UIB is not free from droughts.
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Drought and heat events in Europe are becoming increasingly frequent due to human-induced climate change, impacting both human well-being and ecosystem functioning. The intensity and effects of these events vary across the continent, making it crucial for decision-makers to understand spatial variability in drought impacts. Data on drought-related damage are currently dispersed across scientific publications, government reports, and media outlets. This study consolidates data on drought and heat damage in European forests from 2018 to 2022, using Europe-wide datasets including those related to crown defoliation, insect damage, burnt forest areas, and tree cover loss. The data, covering 16 European countries, were analysed across four regions, northern, central, Alpine, and southern, and compared with a reference period from 2010 to 2014. Findings reveal that forests in all zones experienced reduced vitality due to drought and elevated temperatures, with varying severity. Central Europe showed the highest vulnerability, impacting both coniferous and deciduous trees. The southern zone, while affected by tree cover loss, demonstrated greater resilience, likely due to historical drought exposure. The northern zone is experiencing emerging impacts less severely, possibly due to site-adapted boreal species, while the Alpine zone showed minimal impact, suggesting a protective effect of altitude. Key trends include (1) significant tree cover loss in the northern, central, and southern zones; (2) high damage levels despite 2021 being an average year, indicating lasting effects from previous years; (3) notable challenges in the central zone and in Sweden due to bark beetle infestations; and (4) no increase in wildfire severity in southern Europe despite ongoing challenges. Based on this assessment, we conclude that (i) European forests are highly vulnerable to drought and heat, with even resilient ecosystems at risk of severe damage; (ii) tailored strategies are essential to mitigate climate change impacts on European forests, incorporating regional differences in forest damage and resilience; and (iii) effective management requires harmonised data collection and enhanced monitoring to address future challenges comprehensively.
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The increase in the frequency and severity of drought-induced tree mortality in many European low-elevation forests poses considerable challenges to forest management and requires an understanding of its causes. We propose a novel framework for integrating the factors underlying drought-induced tree mortality in a dynamic vegetation model.We evaluate whether this framework accurately reproduces drought-related mortality in six mesic beech-dominated stands in 2018-2020, and over multiple years in a xeric Scots pine-dominated stand in Switzerland. Additionally, we investigate its behavior along a large climatic gradient in central Europe. We employ a three-step approach.First, we evaluate multiple drought indices for capturing tree growth responses to extreme drought. We find that in contrast to widespread indices such as SPI and SPEI, the ForClim drought index captures growth responses to drought intensity during summer, the growing period, and annually.Second, we assess in detail the capability of the ForClim soil moisture model to simulate soil water dynamics, comparing it to the mechanistic soil-vegetation-atmosphere model LWFBrook90. The ForClim soil moisture model adequately simulates soil water dynamics, particularly in extreme drought years.Third, based on Manion’s Decline Disease Theory, we develop a novel mortality submodel that combines predisposing and inciting factors. Its integration in ForClim captures drought-induced mortality events in the mesic beech forests as well as the multi-year mortality at the xeric Scots pine-dominated stand. Along a climatic gradient in central Europe, the model provides good quantifications of Potential Natural Vegetation.The novel framework to capture drought-related tree mortality is simple yet produces accurate results. The underlying hypothesis regarding the factors leading to drought-induced tree mortality is promising but requires further tests for its generality
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Profound knowledge of soil moisture and its variability plays a crucial role in hydrological modelling to support agricultural management, flood and drought monitoring and forecasting, and groundwater recharge estimation. Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) has been recognised as a promising tool for soil moisture monitoring due to its hectare-scale footprint and decimetre-scale measurement depth. But since CRNS provides an integral measurement over several soil horizons, a direct comparison of observed and simulated soil moisture products is not possible. This study establishes a framework to assess the accuracy of soil moisture simulated by the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) by generating simulated neutron counts and comparing these with observed neutron measurements for the first time. We included three different approaches to estimate CRNS neutron counts in the mHM as a function of the simulated soil moisture profiles: two methods based on the Desilets equation and one based on the forward operator COSMIC (COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code). For the Desilets method, we tested two different approaches to average the vertical soil moisture profiles: a uniform vs. a non-uniform weighting scheme depending on the CRNS measurement depth. The methods were tested at two agricultural sites, namely one pasture site and one forest site, in Germany. To explore the prior and posterior distributions of the mHM parameters when constrained by CRNS observations, we used a Monte Carlo method based on Latin hypercube sampling with a large sample size (S= 100 000). We found that all three methods performed well, with a Kling–Gupta efficiency > 0.75 and a percent bias <± 10 % across the majority of investigated sites and for the best 1 % of parameter sets. The performance of the neutron forward models varied slightly across different land cover types. The non-uniform approach generally showed good performance, particularly at the agricultural sites. On the other hand, the COSMIC method performed slightly better at the forest site. The uniform approach showed slightly better results at the grassland site. We also demonstrated for the first time that the incorporation of CRNS measurements into the mHM could improve both the soil moisture and the evapotranspiration products of the mHM. This suggests that CRNS is capable of improving the model parameter space in general and adds a broader perspective on the potential of CRNS to support large-scale hydrological and land surface models.
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While climate change will alter the distribution of water in time and space, quantifications of drought risk under global warming remain uncertain. Here, we show that in Europe, drought damages could strongly increase with global warming and cause a regional imbalance in future drought impacts. In the absence of climate action (4 °C in 2100 and no adaptation), annual drought losses in the European Union and United Kingdom combined are projected to rise to more than €65 billion per year compared with €9 billion per year currently, or two times larger when expressed relative to the size of the economy. Drought losses show the strongest rise in southern and western parts of Europe, where drought conditions at 4 °C could reduce regional agriculture economic output by 10%. With high warming, drought impacts will become a fraction of current impacts in northern and northeastern regions. Keeping global warming well below 2 °C would avoid most impacts in affected regions.
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Europe’s recent summer droughts have had devastating ecological and economic consequences, but the severity and cause of these extremes remain unclear. Here we present 27,080 annually resolved and absolutely dated measurements of tree-ring stable carbon and oxygen (δ13C and δ18O) isotopes from 21 living and 126 relict oaks (Quercus spp.) used to reconstruct central European summer hydroclimate from 75 bce to 2018 ce. We find that the combined inverse δ13C and δ18O values correlate with the June–August Palmer Drought Severity Index from 1901–2018 at 0.73 (P < 0.001). Pluvials around 200, 720 and 1100 ce, and droughts around 40, 590, 950 and 1510 ce and in the twenty-first century, are superimposed on a multi-millennial drying trend. Our reconstruction demonstrates that the sequence of recent European summer droughts since 2015 ce is unprecedented in the past 2,110 years. This hydroclimatic anomaly is probably caused by anthropogenic warming and associated changes in the position of the summer jet stream. European summer droughts in recent years are anomalously severe compared with those of the previous 2,000 years, according to a synthesis of annually resolved tree-ring carbon and oxygen isotope records.
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The recent dry and warm years in Europe are often assessed as extreme in terms of socio-economic and environmental losses. However, the impact of a drought is a function of its duration. This fact needs to be considered in the evaluation of a drought. In this study, we use a hydrological model to analyze the 2018 European drought, an event that significantly affected vegetation. We show that the severity of the soil moisture drought is high in Central Europe and Mediterranean, but it does not reach the levels observed in the first half of the 20th century. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that when the multi-year 2014–2018 period is considered, its soil moisture drought severity is exceptional in a 253 year period, especially for Central Europe. While single-year droughts can be sustained by ecosystems like forests, the repeated stress exposure of such multi-year droughts may have significant impacts on their functioning. This is already evident in some regions of Central Europe, e.g. in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland.
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Central Europe has experienced a severe drought almost every April for the last 14 years consecutively, driven by record high temperatures, low flows, high evapotranspiration, and high soil moisture deficit. The dynamic of this recent and recurrent midspring dryness is not yet understood. Here we show that the period 2007–2020 was characterized by a reduction of ~50% of the usual April rainfall amount over large areas in central Europe. The precipitation deficit and the record high temperatures were triggered by a multiyear recurrent high-pressure system centered over the North Sea and northern Germany and a decline in the temperature gradient between the Arctic region and the mid-latitudes, which diverted the Atlantic storm tracks northward. From a long-term perspective, the precipitation, temperature, and soil moisture anomalies observed over the last 14 years have reached the highest amplitudes over the observational record. Our study provides an in-depth analysis of the hydroclimate extremes in central Europe over the last 140 years and their atmospheric drivers, enabling us to increase our dynamical understating of longterm dry periods, which is vital to enhance forecasting and mitigation of such events.
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Since the spring 2018, a large part of Europe has been in the midst of a record-setting drought. Using long-term observations, we demonstrate that the occurrence of the 2018-2019 (consecutive) summer drought is unprecedented in the last 250 years, and its combined impact on the growing season vegetation activities is stronger compared to the 2003 European drought. Using a suite of climate model simulation outputs, we underpin the role of anthropogenic warming on exacerbating the future risk of such a consecutive drought event. Under the highest Representative Concentration Pathway, (RCP 8.5), we notice a seven-fold increase in the occurrence of the consecutive droughts, with additional 40 (± 5) million ha of cultivated areas being affected by such droughts, during the second half of the twenty-first century. The occurrence is significantly reduced under low and medium scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 4.5), suggesting that an effective mitigation strategy could aid in reducing the risk of future consecutive droughts.
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A trend of warming and drying Global warming has pushed what would have been a moderate drought in southwestern North America into megadrought territory. Williams et al. used a combination of hydrological modeling and tree-ring reconstructions of summer soil moisture to show that the period from 2000 to 2018 was the driest 19-year span since the late 1500s and the second driest since 800 CE (see the Perspective by Stahle). This appears to be just the beginning of a more extreme trend toward megadrought as global warming continues. Science , this issue p. 314 ; see also p. 238
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The spatiotemporal monitoring of droughts is a complex task. In the past decades, drought monitoring has been increasingly developed, while the consideration of its spatio-temporal dynamics is still a challenge. This study proposes a method to build the spatial tracks and paths of drought, which can enhance its monitoring. The steps for the drought tracks calculation are (1) identification of spatial units (areas), (2) centroids localisation, and (3) centroids linkage. The spatio-temporal analysis performed here to extract the areas and centroids builds upon the Contiguous Drought Area (CDA) analysis. The potential of the proposed methodology is illustrated using grid data from the Standardized Precipitation Evaporation Index (SPEI) Global Drought Monitor over India (1901-2013), as an example. The method to calculate the drought tracks allows for identification of drought paths delineated by an onset and an end in space and time. Tracks, severity and duration of the drought are identified, as well as localisation (onset and end position), and rotation. The response of the drought tracking method to different combinations of parameters is also analysed. Further research is in progress to set up a model to predict the drought tracks for particular regions across the world, including India.
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Extremely high temperatures pose an immediate threat to humans and ecosystems. In recent years, many regions on land and in the ocean experienced heat waves with devastating impacts that would have been highly unlikely without human-induced climate change. Impacts are particularly severe when heat waves occur in regions with high exposure of people or crops. The recent 2018 spring-to-summer season was characterized by several major heat and dry extremes. On daily average between May and July 2018 about 22% of the populated and agricultural areas north of 30° latitude experienced concurrent hot temperature extremes. Events of this type were unprecedented prior to 2010, while similar conditions were experienced in the 2010 and 2012 boreal summers. Earth System Model simulations of present-day climate, that is, at around +1 °C global warming, also display an increase of concurrent heat extremes. Based on Earth System Model simulations, we show that it is virtually certain (using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calibrated uncertainty language) that the 2018 north hemispheric concurrent heat events would not have occurred without human-induced climate change. Our results further reveal that the average high-exposure area projected to experience concurrent warm and hot spells in the Northern Hemisphere increases by about 16% per additional +1 °C of global warming. A strong reduction in fossil fuel emissions is paramount to reduce the risks of unprecedented global-scale heat wave impacts.
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Global warming is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of severe water scarcity (SWS) events, which negatively affect rain-fed crops such as wheat, a key source of calories and protein for humans. Here, we develop a method to simultaneously quantify SWS over the world's entire wheat-growing area and calculate the probabilities of multiple/sequential SWS events for baseline and future climates. Our projections show that, without climate change mitigation (representative concentration pathway 8.5), up to 60% of the current wheat-growing area will face simultaneous SWS events by the end of this century, compared to 15% today. Climate change stabilization in line with the Paris Agreement would substantially reduce the negative effects, but they would still double between 2041 and 2070 compared to current conditions. Future assessments of production shocks in food security should explicitly include the risk of severe, prolonged, and near-simultaneous droughts across key world wheat-producing areas.