... EDM events induce ASCs in participants through several channels: the use of the auditory stimulation of electronic dance music (Takahashi, 2005(Takahashi, , 2017; the photic stimulation of lasers, strobe lights and elaborate lighting systems, as well as visual imagery projected onto screens and theatrical performances on stage (D'Aquili & Newberg, 2000;Gellhorn & Kiely, 1972;Takahashi, 2004b;Winkelman, 2000); dancing (Frecska & Kulscar, 1989;Malbon, 1999;Prince, 1982;Takahashi, 2004b;Vaitl et al., 2005;Winkelman, 1997Winkelman, , 2000Winkelman, , 2004; and the crowd (Frecska & Kulscar, 1989;Malbon, 1999;Winkelman, 2004Winkelman, , 2009. Other factors that induce ASCs in participants include sleep deprivation (if the event is late at night and extends into the morning; Takahashi, 2004b;Winkelman, 1986); the ingestion of psychoactive drugs; and fasting (because drugs have a more potent effect on an empty stomach; Takahashi, 2004b;Winkelman, 1986). ...