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Phenotype constrains the vocal tract in the most dimorphic mammal, the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)

Canadian Science Publishing
Canadian Journal of Zoology
  • Marine and Environmental Science Centre [MARE-Madeira]
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Abstract and Figures

The study of mammal acoustic communication was revolutionized by the application of the source–filter theory, originally developed for human speech. The theory states that the vocal tract is constrained by body anatomy and, therefore, creates a structural link between phenotype and acoustic formants, providing a basis for honest signaling. The phenotype–formant link was validated in many species, but the phenotype–vocal tract link was rarely assessed. We used two dimensional (2D) videogrammetry to estimate the vocal tract length of wild southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758)) males during their normal vocalization behavior. We showed that (i) the vocal tract can be measured noninvasively in a large wild mammal; (ii) the vocal tract depends on the structural phenotype (age, body length, and skull size); (iii) the nasal tract is more related to the structural phenotype than the buccal tract; and (iv) the dependence on size, and body length in particular, is stronger than the dependence on age. Altogether, the phenotypic constraint on the vocal tract provides the anatomical basis for honest signaling in elephant seals.
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Phenotype constrains the vocal tract in the most
dimorphic mammal, the southern elephant seal
(Mirounga leonina)
Laura Redaelli a, Filippo Galimberti b, and Simona Sanvito b
aDipartimento di Scienze Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122, Milano, Italy; bElephant Seal
Research Group, Sea Lion Island, FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands
Corresponding author: Laura Redaelli (email:
The study of mammal acoustic communication was revolutionized by the application of the source–filter theory, originally
developed for human speech. The theory states that the vocal tract is constrained by body anatomy and, therefore, creates
a structural link between phenotype and acoustic formants, providing a basis for honest signaling. The phenotype–formant
link was validated in many species, but the phenotype–vocal tract link was rarely assessed. We used two dimensional (2D)
videogrammetry to estimate the vocal tract length of wild southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758)) males
during their normal vocalization behavior. We showed that (i) the vocal tract can be measured noninvasively in a large wild
mammal; (ii) the vocal tract depends on the structural phenotype (age, body length, and skull size); (iii) the nasal tract is more
related to the structural phenotype than the buccal tract; and (iv) the dependence on size, and body length in particular, is
stronger than the dependence on age. Altogether, the phenotypic constraint on the vocal tract provides the anatomical basis
for honest signaling in elephant seals.
Key words: vocal tract, age, body length, skull size, vocalizations, source–filter theory, honest signaling, marine mammals,
southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina
L’application de la théorie source–filtre, proposée à l’origine pour la parole humaine, a révolutionné l’étude de la commu-
nication acoustique chez les mammifères. Cette théorie postule que le tractus vocal est contraint par l’anatomie du corps et
établit donc un lien structural entre le phénotype et les formants acoustiques, fournissant ainsi une base pour la signalisation
honnête. Si le lien phénotype–formants a été validé chez de nombreuses espèces, le lien phénotype–tractus vocal a rarement
été évalué. Nous utilisons la vidéogrammétrie bidimensionnelle (2D) pour estimer la longueur du tractus vocal d’éléphants
de mer austraux (Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758)) mâles à l’état sauvage durant leur comportement de vocalisation normal.
Nous démontrons que (i) le tractus vocal peut être mesuré de manière non invasive chez un grand mammifère à l’état sauvage,
(ii) le tractus vocal dépend du phénotype structural (âge, longueur du corps et taille du crâne), (iii) le tractus nasal est plus
étroitement relié au phénotype structural que le tractus buccal, (iv) la relation à la taille et la longueur du corps en particulier
est plus forte que la relation à l’âge. Dans l’ensemble, la contrainte imposée par le phénotype sur le tractus vocal fournit le
fondement anatomique de la signalisation honnête chez les éléphants de mer. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Mots-clés : tractus vocal, âge, longueur du corps, taille du crâne, vocalisations, théorie source–filtre, signalisation honnête,
mammifères marins, éléphant de mer austral, Mirounga leonina
Acoustic signals may convey honest information about the
emitter’s phenotypic traits, such as body size or age, and
can be used for assessment by the receiver (Taylor and Reby
2010). Signals are defined as “honest” if they provide accu-
rate information to the receivers, either about the signaler it-
self (i.e., advertisement calls) or about the environment (i.e.,
alarm calls; Fitch and Hauser 2003). The structural basis of
acoustic honest signaling had been uncertain for a long while
(Maynard Smith and Harper 2003;Seyfarth and Cheney 2017),
until the source–filter theory, originally developed for hu-
man speech (Fant 1960), was applied to animal communica-
tion. The source–filter theory provides a robust framework to
study the anatomical constraints that may generate honesty
in acoustic communication (Taylor and Reby 2010;Taylor et
al. 2016), and suggests which traits may be more promising to
376 Can. J. Zool. 100: 376–388 (2022) |
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Acoustic allometry is the study of how animal vocalizations reflect their body size. A key aim of this research is to identify outliers to acoustic allometry principles and pinpoint the evolutionary origins of such outliers. A parallel strand of research investigates species capable of vocal learning, the experience-driven ability to produce novel vocal signals through imitation or modification of existing vocalizations. Modification of vocalizations is a common feature found when studying both acoustic allometry and vocal learning. Yet, these two fields have only been investigated separately to date. Here, we review and connect acoustic allometry and vocal learning across mammalian clades, combining perspectives from bioacoustics, anatomy and evolutionary biology. Based on this, we hypothesize that, as a precursor to vocal learning, some species might have evolved the capacity for volitional vocal modulation via sexual selection for ‘dishonest’ signalling. We provide preliminary support for our hypothesis by showing significant associations between allometric deviation and vocal learning in a dataset of 164 mammals. Our work offers a testable framework for future empirical research linking allometric principles with the evolution of vocal learning.
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Research in ecology and wildlife biology remains crucial for increasing our knowledge and improving species management and conservation in the midst of the current biodiversity crisis. However, obtaining information on population status often involves invasive sampling of a certain number of individual animals. Marking and sampling practices include taking blood and tissue samples, toe-clipping of amphibians and rodents, or using implants and radio-transmitters – techniques that can negatively affect the animal. Wildlife research may then result in a fundamental conflict between individual animal welfare and the welfare of the population or ecosystem, which could be significantly reduced if non-invasive research practices were more broadly implemented. Implementation of non-invasive methods could be guided by the so-called 3Rs principles for animal research (replace, reduce, refine), which were proposed by Russell and Burch 60 years ago and have become a part of many animal protection legislations worldwide. However, the process of incorporating the 3Rs principles into wildlife research has been unfortunately rather slow and their importance overlooked. In order to help alleviate this situation, here I provide an overview of the most common practices in wildlife research, discuss their potential impact on animal welfare, and present available non-invasive alternatives.
Pinnipeds (e.g., seal, sea lion, walrus) are marine mammals that spend time both in and out of the water. All are able to vocalize in air using the pneumatically driven vocal fold vibrations, a mechanism common to terrestrial mammals. This is no surprise, as their ancestors were once terrestrial mammals. Pinnipeds, however, are also able to vocalize underwater. It is not known how they generate or transmit these sounds. This study explores pinniped laryngeal anatomy in: harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ), gray seal ( Halichoerus grypus ), elephant seal ( Mirounga angustirostris ), California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus ), and walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus ). Comparisons were made with the laryngeal anatomy of several closely related terrestrial species including: dog ( Canis familiaris ) and black bear ( Ursus americanus ), and several semiaquatic species including: polar bear ( Ursus maritimus ), sea otter ( Enhydra lutris ), river otter ( Lontra canadensi s), beaver ( Castor canadensi s), muskrat ( Ondatra zibethicus ), and hippo ( Hippopotamus amphibius ). Comparisons were also made to fully aquatic mammals that can vocalize underwater including: manatee ( Trichechus manatus ), baleen whales ( Caperea marginata, Balaena glacialis, Megaptera novaeangliae, Balaenoptera musculus, B. physalus, B. borealis, B. acutorostrata ), and over 20 species of toothed whales (including sperm whales, beaked whales, dolphins, and porpoises). Results indicate that the harbor and gray seals have an unremarkable larynx that appears grossly similar to that of most other mammals. Elephant seal, sea lion, and walrus larynges, however, were unusual in having arytenoid cartilages that are extremely large and rounded on their rostral surface. The arytenoids form a valve across approximately half of the laryngeal lumen. Interestingly, this feature also occurs in sea otters. The corniculate and cuneiform cartilages are difficult to detect in the elephant seal, sea lion, and walrus. The epiglottic cartilage is very short in the sea lion and walrus, similar to the manatee, but robust in the elephant seal. The vestibular fold of the elephant seal is very prominent, and appears connected to the arytenoid cartilage. Harbor seal, gray seal, and walrus vocal folds are oriented perpendicular to airflow, as in other terrestrial mammals. Elephant seal and sea lion vocal folds are rotated, compared with other terrestrial mammals, with the ventral attachment located more rostrally. Their vocal folds are thus positioned near the ventral aspect of the larynx. This orientation is similar to those of the hippo, baleen whales, and toothed whales. None of the pinnipeds have vocal folds resembling the smooth sloped vocal folds of the manatee, or the thickened vocal folds of the polar bear. The unusual arytenoid size and vocal fold orientation in some pinnipeds may indicate evolutionary convergence with other underwater laryngeal vocalizers (e.g., hippo, baleen whales). It is unclear whether laryngeal morphologies of elephant seal, sea lion, and walrus are functional adaptations representing autapomorphies (uniquely derived features) of these species. Further work should be directed towards understanding whether laryngeal specializations may relate to variations in underwater sounds or in‐air vocalizations. More pinniped species need to be studied, particularly deep diving seals that are very vocal (e.g., Weddell seal) or fur seals (having external morphology and behaviors very similar to sea lions). This abstract is from the Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting. There is no full text article associated with this abstract published in The FASEB Journal .
Introduction The nature of the following work will be best understood by a brief account of how it came to be written. During many years I collected notes on the origin or descent of man, without any intention of publishing on the subject, but...
Dominance hierarchies structure the adult social networks of many mammals. To identify the conditions that support the establishment of stable hierarchical relationships within groups of familiar rivals, we explored the ontogeny of spatial, social and communicative behaviour among male northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. We demonstrate that as male seals reach sexual maturity, they increase residency time ashore and restrict fine-scale movement patterns within the breeding colony. This spatiotemporal overlap creates a predictable social environment in which repeated interactions promote greater social connectivity between older individuals. Moreover, as males become physically and behaviourally mature, their ritualized vocal displays transition from highly variable calls to stable and unique individual acoustic signatures, supporting recognition between familiar competitors. The developmental onset of reliable signature calls – along with concurrent changes in space occupancy – coincide with the formation of stable, structured dominance relationships among top-level competitors. These findings advance our understanding of the ontogeny of social behaviour under conditions of extreme competition.
The process of learning plays a pivotal role when an animal must correctly identify individuals within a dynamic social group. In male–male competition for access to reproductive success, a male’s ability to learn the calls that are associated with one’s rival can help to maintain structured dominance relationships and reduce the costs associated with fighting. Male northern elephant seals operate in one of the most competitive breeding systems among mammals, and selection pressures for accurate rival assessment are extreme. Through a long-term field effort that has tracked individual males over multiple breeding seasons, we have found that male elephant seals are operating in a large, spatially dynamic social network, which is conducive to the emergence of individual acoustic recognition and associative learning. Given their accessibility during the breeding season, the northern elephant seal provides an excellent comparative framework for studies of the relationship between signal function and an individual’s social environment.
Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) are massive, land-breeding marine mammals that produce loud, stereotyped calls during annual breeding seasons. To determine vocalization source levels emitted by competing males on a mainland breeding rookery, aerial calls were measured on-axis at 1 m from adult males using three different sound pressure level metrics. Time-averaged (1 min) ambient noise was also measured under variable environmental and social conditions. Results indicate that male northern elephant seals emit high amplitude airborne calls with little variation in call amplitude. Mean source levels ranged from 98 to 114 dB re: 20 μPa [root-mean-square (rms) -fast], 102–116 dB re: 20 μPa (rms-impulse), and 120–131 dB re: 20 μPa (peak) and average standard deviations for all metrics were <2.3 dB. Further, these seal rookeries exhibit high variability in ambient noise (in terms of both spectrum and amplitude) from biotic and environmental sources. Finally, males sampled did not adjust call amplitude to compensate for higher background noise levels and thus did not exhibit a Lombard effect. These findings reinforce the view that the remarkable vocalizations of male northern elephant seals serve as rigid and powerful signals that convey individual identity within noisy breeding colonies rather than as honest indicators of size, status, or motivation.