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A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control protocol



span lang="EN-US">An internet of things (IoT) irrigation system is challenged by several issues, such as cost, energy consumption, and data storage. This paper proposes a novel energy-efficient, cost-effective IoT system called "NewAgriCom" to monitor agricultural field water flow. NewAgriCom works with an embedded energy harvesting system, is an autonomous remote supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) based on a general packet radio service (GPRS) cellular network that effectively communicates irrigation field data to the Node.js server using SIM808 EVBV3.2 modem. In javascript object notation (JSON) format, data is transmitted over the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) protocol to the MySQL database. Then data are transferred to the proposed IoT platform, which gives us a hand to control actuators, visualise, store and download the data. NewAgriCom can significantly reduce water consumption. It can set a schedule to control water automatically at specific times in various modes, including normal, light, and deep sleep modes. It regularly provides the location, time, signal strength, and the state of actuators with the identifier of every device remotely on the IoT Platform. </p
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)
Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022, pp. 1~12
ISSN: 2089-4864, DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v11.i1.pp1-12 1
Journal homepage:
A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using
transmission control protocol
Deroussi Anass1, Abdessalam Ait Madi1, Imam Alihamidi1, Lalla Amina Charaf1, Mohammed Saber1,
Anass Erraoui2, Adnane addaim3
1Department of Advanced Systems Engineering Laboratory, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
2Department of Automation and Information Technology, NewEraCom Company, Rabat, Morocco
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Article Info
Article history:
Received Dec 2, 2021
Revised Dec 27, 2021
Accepted Jan 10, 2022
An internet of things (IoT) irrigation system is challenged by several issues,
such as cost, energy consumption, and data storage. This paper proposes a
novel energy-efficient, cost-effective IoT system called "NewAgriCom" to
monitor agricultural field water flow. NewAgriCom works with an
embedded energy harvesting system, is an autonomous remote supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) based on a general packet radio
service (GPRS) cellular network that effectively communicates irrigation
field data to the Node.js server using SIM808 EVBV3.2 modem. In
javascript object notation (JSON) format, data is transmitted over the
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) protocol to the MySQL database. Then
data are transferred to the proposed IoT platform, which gives us a hand to
control actuators, visualise, store and download the data. NewAgriCom can
significantly reduce water consumption. It can set a schedule to control
water automatically at specific times in various modes, including normal,
light, and deep sleep modes. It regularly provides the location, time, signal
strength, and the state of actuators with the identifier of every device
remotely on the IoT Platform.
Cellular network
Data storage
Energy efficiency
Internet of things
Remote sensing
Remote server
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Anass Deroussi
Laboratory of Advanced Systems Engineering, National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University
BP 242 Av. From the University, Kenitra 14000, Morocco
Recently agriculture sectors have been threatened by many different factors like the increased demand
for agricultural products, climate changes, and decreased water resources. In addition, most irrigation systems
are controlled by a manual operator where farmers periodically visit their agriculture fields to verify water
requirements and irrigate the respective fields. Also, the farmer needs to wait for a certain period before turning
off motors so that water can flow in sufficient quantity in the relevant fields. Consequently, this operation raises
costs and consumes resources, such as water, time, and labour, especially when we irrigate multiple fields
distributed in different geographic areas.
Moreover, Agriculture annually absorbs nearly 70% of the total volume of freshwater of the world, as
mentioned in [1], making it one of the sectors with the highest water consumption. Furthermore, human errors
and non-accuracy in irrigation stress plants and affect their growth by humidity pests. Otherwise, many
irrigation systems are extensive and include hundreds of miles of pipes, depending on the size of the process. In
addition, some systems located in sparsely populated areas may take hours for individuals to travel to for
monitoring. Other areas are experiencing changes in extreme temperatures, leaving the system vulnerable to
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
scorching temperatures and the costly problems that could ensue. Agricultural reports indicate that at least 15%
of farmers over irrigate their crops, and excessive irrigation can reduce efficiency, increase resource costs, and
ruin several types of crops, as indicated in [2]. All these things put significant pressure on agriculture and
increase the risk of disruption.
To defeat the competition, eliminate these problems. At the same time, liberating workers to focus on
real issues, increase food production, and conserve natural resources, supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) technology can be used in many ways with irrigation systems. First, it can trigger or shut off
irrigation remotely in real-time. So, we can avoid wasting time and labor. Second, it can predict the frost
temperature and crop watering to save sensitive plants. Third, it can use sensors to determine when to water and
how much water to use to save water, reduce run-off, leaching, and reduce evaporation.
We can design a SCADA irrigation system that is straightforward or as complex as necessary for the
area concerned. For small farms, radio-controlled irrigation systems are adequate. In contrast, cellular-
controlled irrigation systems that rely on cellular modems for real-time monitoring may better serve large-scale
farms. In this context, this work aims to develop an energy-efficient, cost-effective autonomous SCADA
irrigation IoT system that senses, transmits data to the customer, and controls the water flow remotely. So we
can reduce and calculate water consumption and make the work much more manageable.
The main contributions of this proposed paper are: i) Build an autonomous low-cost internet of things
(IoT) device [3][5] that contributes to solving the previously mentioned problems taking into account data
processing, storage capacity, and data transfer; ii) Create an embedded energy harvesting system to balance
energy consumption; iii) Build Node.js server that manages communication effectively in real-time between the
NewAgriCom device and MySQL database using transmission control protocol (TCP) protocols; iv) Create a
Stand-alone and MySQL Database to store and process data; v) Create an ease-of-use user interface to control
and supervise the NewAgriCom device; vi) Exploit different solution software and hardware to increase the
lifetime of the IoT device [6].
Throughout the rest, this paper has organised thoughts in the following way. Section 2 gives related
works of IoT irrigation systems. In Section 3, we present the proposed IoT Architecture and its components.
This section shows the prototype of the NewAgriCom device and the different components used in it. The
energy consumption of NewAgriCom and our strategy to save their energy and its cost estimation are presented.
After we also offer our approach to store data in a stand-alone and wireless datalogger. Other components used
in the proposed IoT architecture, such as Node.js, MySQL, Nexmo representational state transfer (REST)
application programming interface (API), communication protocol, are investigated. Furthermore, the proposed
graphical user interface (GUI) is given here, used to present data and provide an interface to command and
monitor the IoT device. Finally, Section 4 concludes this work.
This section will present different types of linear and pivot irrigation systems [7] in which our
NewAgriCom device can be used and some IoT irrigation systems. In irrigation, we can use linear or pivot
irrigation types like spray, gravity, drip, micro-spray, flood, and variable rate irrigation (VRI) and make them
more precise. Many solutions are proposed in the literature like:
Sprinkler/spray irrigation is a method to control watering similarly to rainfall. The water distributed
through a network consists of pumps to pressurise the water, valves to control the water flow, pipes to distribute
the water, and sprinklers to spray the water into the air to create an artificial rain [7], [8].
Drip irrigation is a micro-irrigation system that can save water and nutrients by allowing water to
drip slowly to the roots of plants and minimise evaporation [3]. The drip irrigation system was designed for
hilly and mountainous areas, often with terracing practice. The water is dripping on the soil at meagre rates
(220 Litres/Hour, most commonly 3.5 L/H) from a small plastic pipeline system, so it only moistens the root
zone plant in small quantities but more frequently. It is used to irrigate gardens and trees with a typical pressure
range from 0.2 to 2 bars. This system is more efficient but implies more implementation costs [8], [9].
In the valley variable rate irrigation (VRI), the system allows for varying the rate of water applied
across fields to suit the needs of crops, soil type, and farm operation. VRI is split into different types of
technology to create a more focused approach to watering, save money and improve farms' operation and
environment practice like variable individual sprinklers, VRI Zone, VRI Speed, and VRI- EAC [10].
The gravity-fed irrigation system [11] is a cheap, effective way to provide water for a smaller culture
area. It would be particularly profitable if the area's climate could provide enough precipitation to systematically
keep a reservoir filled using rainwater recovery techniques. The basic system is controlled either by hand or
timer that controls the rate of watering.
An independent IoT system as part of the SCADA system is an innovative approach exploited in many
applications such as irrigation. This system can control valves or pumps, maintenance equipment, storage data,
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864
A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control (Deroussi Anass)
display information such as positions, sensor measurements, and present historical data in liquid-crystal display
(LCD) or GUI [12]. Recently, the SCADA system exploits new technologies that can ease the supervisory
processes and automate solutions for energy-efficient and cost-effective irrigation systems. Among these
technologies, the cellular irrigation system provides a wide range of benefits for water treatment and
management [7], [13], where they interact with the physical environment through a pivot or linear irrigation
equipment. We have a high variable in agriculture like soil infiltration rate, available water capacity,
topography, precipitation, and current watering requirements. So, water is needed whenever necessary and only
with the amount required by the soil at a specific time [7], [14]. Some works related to automated irrigation
control, SCADA and IoT systems are briefly described to create an effective system.
Sahu and Behera in [4] focus on the automatic control of water, using a motor and selecting the
direction in which water should flow in a pipe. A cost-effective prototype connects sensors/actuators to an
Arduino UNO and sends sensors data to Raspberry, where data is processed. Then we can monitor
the embedded system with a screen to see the current irrigation status and exploit data processed to decide
whether it activates or deactivates irrigation. We can send short message service (SMS) or G-mail notifications
to the user.
Khelifa et al. [15] propose a new strategy to optimise water consumption. Based on IoT and new
communication technologies, developing remote control and monitoring irrigation system using wireless sensor
network (WSN) to gather data and smart gateway with routing protocol RPL connects the Zigbee WSN with the
internet via 4G long-term evolution (LTE).
Jyostsna Vanaja et al. [16] propose a prototype with a PIC16F877A-microcontroller, a Sim900 global
system for mobile communications (GSM) module, and different sensors interfaced for temperature and soil
moisture condition and the intruder detection monitoring by the Android Application that shows the
temperature, humidity, moisture and the intruder detection.
Podder et al. [17] develop an intelligent aggrotech system to verify urban farming parameters based on
ESP8266 NodeMCU, which is feasible if we have wireless fidelity (WIFI), which is impossible for most
Agriculture applications, with different sensors interfaced but with a short coverage area. The data transmission
from the system to a web server takes inefficient time.
Rao and Sridhar [18] propose a RaspberryPi based automatic irrigation system to improve the
productivity of the crop at a low quantity of water based on temperature, the humidity of the soil, duration of
sunshine per day and calculate the water quantity required for irrigation. However, in this research, the cost and
energy are not taken into consideration.
In our project, we aim to create an IoT system to control and supervise the water consumption of every
farmer. For that, our paper proposes and describes the design of an autonomous IoT SCADA irrigation system
that takes several limitations of this situation into account. Include that each NewAgriCom device should be
stand-alone in every aspect like energy and communication with the server and be placed in every field with
cellular network access [15]. We consider constraints like complexity and resource that fit our needs; for that,
we chose to work with Arduino Mega, unlike [4], [16], [18]. Further protection of our IoT devices during
stormy weather like rain and sun, reliable communication with the GUI, and transmission of a low rate of data
every minute over general packet radio service (GPRS) cellular network, for a long-distance, are taken into
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed NewAgriCom architecture based on a SCADA system and internet of
things technology. In order to gather, transmit, store and present data, a variety of hardware/software and
communication technologies are used, including:
NewAgriCom V0.0 telemetry device gathers data and controls the environment in real-time using
sensors/actuators such as the Woltmann irrigation water pulse meter and valve solenoid latch.
GPRS cellular network and TCP protocol: to create reliable communication data with Node.js server.
Node.js server: manage the communication between SQL database and NewAgriCom device V0.0.
MySQL database that helps to store and process data.
Nexmo's REST API application for managing SMS communications
Apache hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) server used to present data in IoT-based platform.
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
Figure 1. The global architecture of the proposed NewAgriCom based on an IoT system
3.1. The NewAgriCom V0.0 IoT device
The NewAgriCom telemetry device V0.0 is an embedded system that exploits actuators/sensors. It is
based on the Arduino Mega microcontroller programmed in C/C++ language and other shields with other
integrated circuits (ICs) to gather, process data, and control the environment.
Using the proposed NewAgriCom V0.0 device, water flows are monitored and controlled with
minimal energy consumption and low cost. For that, actuators and sensors chosen here are characterised by low
cost and energy consumption. To further reduce energy consumption, we exploit an embedded algorithm that
interacts with the IoT system to control the sleep mode; furthermore, we use a solar panel to harvest energy.
NewAgriCom devices use SIM808 V3.2 to transmit data via TCP protocol over the GPRS network
and send data to the Node.js server. As our precision irrigation application has to use the location of the
NewAgriCom devices, we use SIM808 V2 to receive the global positioning system (GPS) location as well.
3.1.1. Materiel
As mentioned in Figure 1, using our constrained embedded system [19], NewAgriCom V0.0 proposed
device is connected to a solar panel to harvest energy, a latching solenoid valve actuator to control the water
follows, and also a Woltmann irrigation water pulse sensor to calculate water consumption:
a. Solar panel
The solar panel chosen is a 20 W/12V POLYCRISTALLIN, which presents the best
performance/price ratio and charges the lead-acid battery. These solar panels produce more electricity than other
panels during cloudless days because their blue colours allow them to absorb the sun's rays less than the black
cells of a monocrystalline one, and therefore, they do not heat up.
b. Solar charging controller
This system includes a solar charging controller 10 A, 12v/24v PWM ,which is considered an
automatic regulator for solar panels capable of automatically recognising 12v and 24v lead-acid batteries.
c. Woltmann irrigation water pulse meter
The water pulse meter is connected to a Reed sensor as a passive pulsar. Designed as a potential free
normally open contact by a serially integrated magnet within the counter, it closed automatically at frequency
proportionally to the flow rate and opened itself automatically again. The typical pulse values are 100, 1000,
and 10,000 L/Imp depending on meter size and mounting position. The Reed sensor does not need to be
powered and is an ideal partner for additional electronic devices whose energy supply comes from a battery.
d. Latching solenoid valve
The latching solenoid valve has the advantage of consuming power only when switching positions. On
the other hand, the standard solenoid valves require continuous electrical power to keep the valve open. So, to
control the valve solenoid latch, we use a very short impulsion, which is ideal for low power consumption,
generates very little heat, prolongs battery life, and allows fast solar recharging.
e. IP65 waterproof box
Our prototype utilises the IP65 waterproof box as a means of highly protecting the proposed device
from solid objects and increasing its waterproof protection.
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864
A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control (Deroussi Anass)
The GPRS NewAgriCom V0.0 prototype was designed using Arduino Mega and SIM808 modem as a
GSM/ and GPS hardware to manage data acquired from the environment and other components.
3.1.2. Prototype
GPS-based applications in precision farming are used for farm planning, field mapping, soil sampling,
tractor guidance, crop scouting, variable rate applications, and yield mapping [20]. GPS allows farmers to work
during low visibility field conditions such as rain, dust, fog, and darkness. In our prototype proposed in
Figure 2, we aim to combine real-time data collection with accurate position information and create a reliable
communication with the GUI that manipulates a large set of geospatial data. This prototype includes:
a. Arduino Mega
Our embedded code in the microcontroller exploits sensors/actuators to get environment data, SIM808
to have the GPS location, and store data in Secure digital (SD) card. Furthermore, the GPRS modem transmits
this data to Node.js. this prototype requires us to work with static random access memory (SRAM) as small as 4
KB and relatively large Flash memory with enough digital and analogue ports. So we chose the Arduino Mega
2560 microcontroller [21].
b. Relays
There are several ways to control valve solenoid latches. An H-bridge appears inexpensive and
straightforward, but it does not provide galvanic isolation and generates electrical noise. An alternative solution
is to use four relays to build a mechanical copy of the H-bridge, but this could cause damage to the power
supply or the prototype circuit [5]. Nevertheless, the better solution would be to reverse polarity in two 5V DC
relays. They control the valve solenoid latch to open and close with positive and negative impulsion,
respectively, without risking a short circuit and spending extra money.
Figure 2. NewAgriCom prototype
c. SIM808 EVB V3.2
The SIM808 V3.2 manufactured by SIMCom is a complete quad-band GPRS/GSM module that works
on GSM 850 MHz, EGSM 900 MHz, DCS 1800 MHz, and PCS 1900 MHz, which integrates GPS technology
for satellite navigation, GPRS coding schemes CS-1, CS-2, CS-3, and CS-4 GSM and Bluetooth engines and
characterised by low power consumption. The compact design that integrates GPRS and GPS in a surface
mount technology (SMT) package will significantly save time and cost for customers wishing to develop GPS-
enabled applications. In this module, SIMCOM enhanced AT cellular commands are used through a serial port
to control the module [22].
d. SD micro card
Storing and retrieving data is one of the most critical parts of our project. Moreover, since the
microcontroller electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) memory that kept
information when the board is turned off is insufficient and has a limited life of erase/write cycles before it
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
becomes unstable, we use an SD micro card. For that, we exploit the serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol to
communicate with an SD memory card (max size: 16 GB) and write or read the information on it.
3.1.3. Energy harvesting
Energy harvesting plays a vital role in increasing the lifetime of our NewAgriCom device [23]; for
that, we use a 12v valve-regulated lead-acid (VARB) battery for power-efficient storage. VARBs are
rechargeable batteries that utilise absorbent glass mat battery (AGM) with a much longer lifespan than
conventional batteries to ensure the strength of solar panels or wind power equipment. A waterproof battery is
more efficient than a traditional battery thanks to short connections; moreover, the components provide
excellent voltage continuity and require low maintenance.
3.1.4. Power supply and energy consumption
The Solar system integrated into our device harvests energy and fed SIM808 V3.2 with a 12V battery.
The SIM808 provides the power supply to a voltage regulator L7809 that power Arduino Mega Vin with 9V.
Likewise, it can power the LCD, SD card and control the relay with 5V. In order to estimate energy
consumption for NewAgriCom embedded system, we model each component's energy behaviour in the system,
both during active and sleep mode. To calculate total energy consumption is obtained by summing up the
individual energy amounts of each component. The following are Some proposed solutions suggested in this
work that can lead to energy efficiency:
With a 9V power supply, the Arduino Mega has a power consumption of 73.19 mA, less than Arduino
Uno with 98.43 mA. If we reduce the clock speed, the power consumption decreases to 61.76 mA, and if
we use a low-power mode with a 9V power supply, we can achieve a current of 26.87 mA.
With the embedded software in Arduino Mega, we can enable or disable the light sleep mode of SIM808
through SMS messages sent by GUI. Furthermore, to minimise the consumption, if the farmer does not
consume water in real-time, we exploit the deep sleep mode of SIM808 and the low power mode of
Arduino Mega.
If the farm starts to consume water, a switch is triggered to exit to normal mode.
It can get in and out of the light sleep mode by sending an SMS sleep respectively wakeup messages. The
light sleep activates the decrease of clock speed and deactivates the TCP communication, but it allows
communication over SMS with the NewAgriCom device.
3.1.5. Cost analysis
Controlling the agricultural environment with IoT irrigation devices typically requires costly
equipment. Nevertheless, in this project, for the NewAgriCom development, we exploit low-priced hardware
easily bought and implemented in Morocco. Table 1 shows the cost estimation of the hardware used in
NewAgriCom V0.0. The cost range of the used hardware in NewAgriCom V0.0 is 40$ to 50$ approximatively,
which is a meagre price comparison with other solutions implemented for irrigation monitoring.
Table 1. Approximation cost of the used hardware in NewAgriCom V0.0
Unit cost (USD)
3.1.6. Datalogging
As mentioned in this research, we work with the Woltmann irrigation water pulse meter connected to
the NewAgriCom device that checks the input state and counts pulses where the number corresponds to water
consumption. After NewAgriCom stores data to a stand-alone data logger. Furthermore, when the user sends a
scheduling irrigation plan, the NewAgriCom device saves data under a javascript object notation (JSON) file in
the SD card as a stand-alone data logger. It compares that Data with the courante date. NewAgriCom executes
the command ON/OFF to open/close the valve solenoid latch if the time in the command and the courant time
are equal. So, our solution works with two types of data logging: standalone and wireless.
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864
A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control (Deroussi Anass)
Standalone data logging: the remote terminal units read the data every minute of sensors and the data
camming from the user and save them in JSON format. It can accumulate water consumption, with dates,
signal quality, and scheduled commands sent by the user in an SD card integrated with our device.
Wireless data logger: The IoT device sent the accumulated data in the stand-alone datalogger between the
last TCP connection 𝑪𝒕𝒊−𝟏 and the actual connection 𝑪𝒕𝒊to Node.js, then Node.js send the data to the
MySQL database over HTTP protocol.
3.2. Node.js
Node.js server offers a free JavaScript runtime environment used to create an express API Gateway
with [24] was exploited in our project to manage communication between MySQL Database and NewAgriCom
in real-time. The data is transferred from NewAgriCom to MySQL Database through Node.js by publishing
sensor data in JSON file form and sending the scheduled commands to NewAgriCom device over GPRS using
TCP protocol to be executed according to the scheduled commands in real-time. Meanwhile, Node.js and
MySQL communicated via HTTP.
3.3. MySQL database
A common aspect of all IoT implementations is that they use a considerable amount of data collected
from IoT devices [25]. Consequently, we need a platform that can handle those data effectively with high
availability and excellent performance.MySQL database platform is the best known and viable solution for a
system that interacts with IoT. It is exceptionally secure and has a proven track record of handling the large
amount of data generated by IoT devices, with high-performance flexibility and availability [26].
3.4. Nexmo REST API application
The proposed GUI should have the ability to access the NewAgriCom Device in normal and sleep
mode remotely.
The normal operation mode has different modes like GSM/GPRS SLEEP, GSM IDLE, GSM TALK,
In the sleep mode of SIM808V3.2, the current consumption is as low as 1.2 mA.
To save energy consumption, we can remotely enable or disable the GSM/GPRS sleep mode to reduce
consumption to a minimal level. Where there is no on-air and no hardware interrupt, commutation is disabled to
save energy consumption where the module still receives paging messages and SMS. For that, the proposed
solution used here is to command the operation mode of the device with SMS messages to make the device in
wake up/sleep mode. In this case, to manage the sleep mode using SMS messaging, we based on Nexmo REST
API getaway [27]. This one allows us to send and receive text messages to users around the globe through
simple RESTful APIs.
Note: we choose SMS communication because it is the only solution usable if the NewaAgriComv0.0
is in sleep mode where the GPRS communication is inactive.
3.5. Apache server
With Apache HTTP server, we can execute a script developed with hypertext preprocessor (PHP), a
server-side scripting language. PHP allows communication with MySQL database; It is needed in a web
application stack to deliver web content and create the foundations of our IoT dashboard.
3.6. Communication
3.6.1. TCP over GPRS
To transmit data with an embedded system, we shall know if we need to transfer a significant amount
of data; if yes, we can use light fidelity (LIFI) or WIFI. If not, we should know about the range of wireless
signals that we need. If the coverage is short, we can exploit radio frequency identification (RFID), classic
Bluetooth with low latency, or Bluetooth low energy (LE) with Low-power applications. We can use the
ZigBee protocol if we need a more extended range despite reducing the data rate. Regarding long-range
communication, two solutions available are long range (LoRa) protocol in rural areas and cellular networks in
urban areas.
In this proposed work, we use GPRS cellular network because our proposed NewAgriCom was
installed in a field located in an urban area and transmitted a low data rate. To do that, the NewAgriCom V0.0
device collects data and transmits it with TCP protocol over GPRS by using the SIM808 under single
connection non-transparent mode that supports TCP client, TCP server. So, if we choose TCP Server for each
NewAgriCom device, we should have a fixed internet protocol (IP) address and a private access point name
(APN) from the internet service provider to elaborate TCP connection. This solution will increase the cost of the
proposed NewAgriCom device. That is why in our application, we choose to work with TCP Client connection.
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
To realise this TCP connection, we connect the NewAgriCom device to the GPRS network then we
activate the wireless connection. After that, we establish a TCP connection between the NewAgriCom device
and Node.js using the IP address and the port number of the Node.js server. If the connection is established
successfully, we get a response "CONNECTED OK," then send data. If data is sent successfully, it will respond
"SEND OK" [28][30]. The connection through the TCP tunnel remains open to transmit data. If data is coming
from the Node.js server, the NewAgriCom receives it automatically. After that, the TCP connection is closed,
and wireless communication is disconnected.
In this proposed work, we open a new TCP tunnel every minute to check whether the server Node.js
works correctly and if the user is connected to the platform. If so, we transmit data over GPRS to the Node.js
server, which manages communication between the monitoring website and the NewAgriCom device. Note: we
chose the TCP protocol because we need reliable communication in our application.
3.6.2. HTTP
We save data in JSON file with Node.js, and then we transmit it over HTTP protocol to upload it in
MySQL database. And then, we use the HTTP methods to exploit this data in our proposed dashboard.
3.7. Graphical user interfaces
For IoT applications, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) focus on interconnecting end users (EUs) to
physical devices called "things." Such things communicate with users to provide services like device
management, data collection, processing, and visualisation. The most common drawback of the use of GUIs is
complexity. That is why the "ease of use" aspect will be taken into account. Indeed, the proposed NewAgriCom
GUI is developed with PHP by using the Laravel and Vue.js frameworks. After login, each user could access
their owned devices identified on the map, shown in Figure 3, by their location coordinates and the ID and
choose the device to monitor.
Figure 3. GUI map
After that, using the dashboard illustrated in Figure 4, each user can monitor and know the last
communication with the NewAgriCom device chosen, GPRS signal strength, consumption for each month, and
each day. As well as control the sleep mode and can change the typical pulse value according to the Woltmann
irrigation water pulse sensor that we have.
In the Billing GUI illustrated in Figure 5, after choosing the concerned device, the user can access,
visualise, and download All data collected in PDF, CSV, or Excel. Figure 6 illustrates the GUI That We use to
schedule irrigation by setting the device id and time to start/stop irrigation at whatever time we need. However,
the system experiences some limitations. Like it works just in the area with GPRS coverage and with direct
visibility to the sky. The maximum frequency of data transfer is one transfer for each minute from/ to the
Node.js server.
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864
A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control (Deroussi Anass)
Figure 4. Dashboard
Figure 5. Billing
Figure 6. GUI for irrigation scheduling
This paper aims to demonstrate how to develop an autonomous remote SCADA based on a cellular
IoT system applied in the agricultural field. Specially to monitor and control water flow for irrigation. The
measured values like water consumption, location, signal strength, device ID are stored in a stand-alone data
logger in JSON format. Then transmitted through SIM808 GSM/GPRS modem to Node.js through an algorithm
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
that exploits TCP protocol, then Node.js sends to MySQL database to analyze and communicate data with the
GUI used by farmers. Furthermore, the proposed IoT system allows us to create scheduling irrigation based on
ease of use GUIs that send control data to the Node.js server. The use of embedded solar panels for powering
the NewAgriCom station and algorithms to control the power mode leads to balancing the NewAgriCom energy
A comprehensive set of observations and experiments support the proposal's effectiveness as a
complete IoT solution for irrigation. A system like this in the field could improve the energy consumption of the
IoT system. In addition, a completely automated irrigation system would provide data in real-time about water
consumption in each field, which will help farmers make the right decisions.
For our future perspectives, we think the next version of NewAgriCom will incorporate artificial
intelligence (AI) to understand the plants' environment in order to optimize water and energy consumption.
Moreover, we can use a NoSQL database for large volumes of data at high speed and create a WSN to monitor
each crop.
The authors wish to express their appreciation for the support extended by the national school of
applied science and the NewEraCom company, which was responsible for the successful qualification of the
SCADA based on the IoT system presented in this paper.
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Deroussi Anass Deroussi Anass received his master’s diploma 2018 in Networks
and Telecommunications Systems from the National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra at
Ibn Tofail University Kenitra (ENSAK), Morocco. Currently a Ph.D. student and associate
member of Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE) Laboratory from Ibn Tofail University.
From 2020 to 2021, he was employed at NewEraCom Rabat Morocco as an Embedded system
engineer in collaboration with ENSAK to create a Supervision and Control System Scada as
part of doctoral research in Rabat, Morocco. Current research interests include creating an
intelligent self-care IoT for indoor plants in collaboration with a Start-up. His main interests
are the Internet of Things "IoT", artificial intelligence "AI," and the world of embedded
systems. He can be contacted at email:
Abdessalam Ait Madi He was born in Morocco. He received the teaching
engineering degree in electronics from the ENSET of Mohammedia. He received the Master
and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies from the Sidi Mohamed Ben
Abdellah University of Fez in Morocco. He received the Habilitation degree from the Faculty
of Sciences of ibn Tofail University. He is an Associate Professor at the National School of
Applied Sciences of ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, Morocco. He can be contacted at email:
Imam Alihamidi is a Comorian, and he is currently a third-year Ph.D. student at
the Ibn Tofail University of Kenitra, Morocco. His main research interest centres on the
architectures IOT for the e-health field. He obtained his engineering degree in
Telecommunications Systems Engineering at the National School of Applied Sciences of
Kenitra. He can be contacted at email:
ISSN: 2089-4864
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2022: 1-12
Lalla Amina Charaf She received her Master diploma in 2013 in Applied
computer science from the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany., Currently, she is a Ph.D.
student at the National School of Applied Sciences of Kenitra at the Ibn Tofail University
Kenitra, Morocco. Her current research interests include Security, IoT, and Fog-Computing.
He can be contacted at email:
Mohammed Saber received his master’s diploma 2020 in electronic embedded
from University Ibn Tofail (FSK) and his license in physics in 2018. He is currently a first-year
Ph.D. student of Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE) Laboratory from Ibn Tofail
University. His main research interest is the internet of things (IoT), Blockchain, and Security.
He can be contacted at email:
Anass Erraoui received his Engineering degree diploma in the Field of
Mechatronics Engineering, Robotics and Automation in the Moroccan School of Engineering
Sciences (EMSI). He was employed from 2017 to 2018 at the perfect industry as Automation
Project Manager, responsible for Analysis, diagnosis, programming, and commissioning of
automated industrial machines, Repair, configuration, and parameterisation of PLC, HMI,
VFD, and servo brand, from 2018 until now, he was employed as Automation and Information
Technology project manager. He can be contacted at email:
Adnane Addaim received his master’s diploma in 2001 and his Ph.D. degree in
2008, both in satellite communication from Mohammadia School of Engineers (EMI),
Morocco. He is the recipient of the first prize of the best Ph.D. thesis 2007-2009 in sciences
and technologies at Mohammed V University. From Mars to August 2010, he was with a post-
doctoral scholarship at the Satellite Communication and Networking Laboratory (SCNL) at the
engineering faculty, University of Genoa. From 2010 to 2020, he was a professor lecture at
ENSA Engineering School at Kenitra, Morocco. Currently, he is a professor lecturer at the
EMI Engineering School in Rabat, Morocco. His current research interests include signal
processing, wireless communication networks, and satellite communication systems of ibn
Tofail University. He is an Associate Professor at the National School of Applied Sciences of
ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, Morocco. He can be contacted at email:
... Water is one of the most important intakes for plants and it is collected by the roots. Efforts have been made to improve the control for water supply of the conventional farming system by implementing IoT and automation technologies [17], [18]. It is important to note that in conventional and hydroponic farming, the roots have direct access to water since they are placed in soil, water, or other aggregates containing an adequate amount of water or humidity. ...
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On the ever-rising urgency of global food security, efforts are required to develop a robust farming technique. This includes the capability of farming in non-agricultural land or indoor spaces. Farming in the air medium, i.e., aeroponic, has persistently stepped in as a viable solution. Aeroponic farming allows efficient water usage while preventing soil related diseases and pests. With the assistance of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and precise electronic monitoring and control, aeroponic may become the suitable farming technique of the future. This work presents an aeroponic system capable of automated monitoring and control of farming parameters. The system achieved both robustness in indoor farming and remote access by employing LED as an artificial lighting system and the internet-of-things (IoT) connectivity, respectively. The test result demonstrated that the system successfully maintained the root chamber temperature below 30 °C with a typical average temperature of 28.8 °C. The system managed a humidity level which prevented plants from drying out. It was also evident that the LED assistance significantly improved the growth quality of Ipomea reptans . The system, data, and analysis presented in this work is expected to facilitate further development of a robust food production system in overcoming the global food crisis.
... Such interface graphically presents the data acquired in real time as graphs of the recorded variables. In order to better comply with the low-cost facet of an LPWAN/IoT based system [111], the presented interface is fully developed with open source software. ...
Nowadays, the vertiginous development of wireless communications systems entails an exponential increase in the necessities of a digital society. Internet of Things (IoT) concept has played a key role in the delivery of remote control and monitoring of applications to the final user, which include but are not limited to industry, research, education, security, among many others. Within this context, IoT solutions based on Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) could be of fundamental aid to monitor environmental variables in both urban and countryside regions in order to face a global scientific problem beyond local climatic issues: climate change. In this work, we present the development of an environmental monitoring system, based on a web interface hosted in a cloud server as well as on the design and simulation of low power COTS-based acquisition nodes, aimed to sample environmental variables, previously defined from a strategic analysis of commercial sensing modules. IoT environmental sensing nodes are connected to the proprietary cloud server following principles of LPWANs. The outcome are low-power acquisition nodes for sensing environmental variables using COTS electronic components and transceptors along with a web interface that presents graphically the information as time series. The developed system for environmental monitoring shows to follow the LPWAN/IoT bases, showing a minimal power consumption. Moreover, it proves to be accessible, easily reproducible and to have a high compatibility with various web interfaces, posing this as a viable proposal for its mass implementation as an IoT application.
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p> This article investigates the transformative impact of low-cost internet of things (IoT) solutions on the agricultural sector, with a particular emphasis on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. The study aims to illustrate how affordable IoT technologies, when combined with advanced AI and ML capabilities, can serve as a significant asset for small and medium-sized farms. It addresses the economic and technical barriers these farms face in adopting such technologies, including high initial costs and the complexity of implementation. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation of existing IoT hardware and software, the research identifies and highlights innovative, cost-effective solutions that have the potential to drive significant advancements in agricultural practices. The findings underscore how these integrated technologies can enhance operational efficiency, increase productivity, and support sustainable agricultural development. Additionally, the paper explores the potential challenges and limitations of adopting these technologies, offering insights into how they can be mitigated. Overall, the study demonstrates that the convergence of low-cost IoT with AI and ML presents a valuable opportunity for modernizing agriculture and improving farm management. </p
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The internet of things (IoT) connects physical objects through sensors, software, and communication technologies, enabling efficient data collection and sharing. This interconnection promotes automation, real-time monitoring, and improved decision-making across various sectors. In agriculture, the integration of IoT with artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing resource management by providing farmers with real-time information on crop health, climate conditions, and soil quality. This paper explores how IoT and AI are transforming traditional agricultural practices to enhance both efficiency and sustainability. Through an in-depth analysis of existing literature and practical applications in the sector, this study identifies significant advancements in crop management, reduction of losses, and resource optimization. Additionally, it highlights persistent challenges such as data security and interoperability. The aim is to address these challenges and propose innovative solutions to optimize agricultural processes. The results indicate that while IoT and AI offer substantial benefits, further advancements and solutions are needed to fully leverage these technologies for sustainable agricultural development.
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Due to the increasing trend in worldwide energy consumption, many new energy technology systems have emerged in the past decades. The implementation of energy storage system (ESS) technology in energy harvesting systems is significant to achieve flexibility and reliability in fulfilling the load demands. In this paper, several types of energy storage technologies available in the market are discussed to view their benefits and drawbacks. The main aim of this review is to provide a platform for readers especially those who seek to know more about ESS at a glance, to decide which ESS technology is best suited for any specific applications. This review would serve as a base for the initial state to make the right decision by referring to the criterias and characteristics of energy resources to get the optimal ESS technology. A comprehensive comparison among the various types of ESS technologies is outlined and elaborated to provide a better and clearer picture to the readers. Last but not least, the relevant recommendations and alternative choices for services related to the harvesting of solar PV energy are described too. It is hoped that the findings of this review article may be helpful to all readers interested in ESS technology.
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The field of smart agriculture is ranked among the top areas that uses the internet of things (IoT), whose goal is to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural productivity. The aim of this work is to realize a new device that will be cost-effective, reliable, and autonomous using a solar panel to provide electricity in large-scale agricultural fields, ESP32 to interconnect IoT sensors and the long range (LoRa) data transmission protocol to guarantee connectivity in places where there is no internet, whose objective is to monitor and irrigate agricultural fields only when there is a need for water. The data received by the sensors is sent to mobile app users via the Blynk cloud. The performance of our new approach is measured in terms of energy savings. This new model of irrigation and smart monitoring will improve the efficiency of farming techniques.
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A low power wireless sensor network based on LoRaWAN protocol was designed with a focus on the IoT low-cost Precision Agriculture applications, such as greenhouse sensing and actuation. All subsystems used in this research are designed by using commercial components and free or open-source software libraries. The whole system was implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of a modular system built with cheap off-the-shelf components, including sensors. The experimental outputs were collected and stored in a database managed by a virtual machine running in a cloud service. The collected data can be visualized in real time by the user with a graphical interface. The reliability of the whole system was proven during a continued experiment with two natural soils, Loamy Sand and Silty Loam. Regarding soil parameters, the system performance has been compared with that of a reference sensor from Sentek. Measurements highlighted a good agreement for the temperature within the supposed accuracy of the adopted sensors and a non-constant sensitivity for the low-cost volumetric water contents (VWC) sensor. Finally, for the low-cost VWC sensor we implemented a novel procedure to optimize the parameters of the non-linear fitting equation correlating its analog voltage output with the reference VWC.
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Aim: To assess the performance of winter potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) variety Kufri Megha, under real time based irrigation scheduling, i.e., ratio of depth of irrigation water to cumulative pan evaporation in mid hills of Meghalaya during winter season of 2016-17. Methodology: A field trial with three different irrigation scheduling as main-treatments, viz., IW: CPE- 0.75 (I ), IW: CPE- 1.00 (I ) and IW: CPE- 1.25 (I ), 1 2 3 four different dates of planting, viz., 1st November (D ), 11th November (D ), 21st November (D ) and 1st December (D ) was laid out and replicated thrice. 1 2 3 4 Irrigation was provided with a micro sprinkler irrigation system and was laid out in split plot design. Results: The plants planted on 11th November and irrigation scheduled at IW: CPE-1.25 recorded higher values for plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation per plant, net assimilation ratio, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, tuber yield (t ha-1), haulm yield (t ha-1), harvest index (%), water use efficiency and benefit cost ratio over other treatments. Interpretation: It can be recommended that by following climatological approach of cumulative pan evaporation for irrigation scheduling in potato using micro sprinkler method of irrigation, the crop water requirement could be met during lean period to avoid moisture stress in plants coupled with planting at the right climatic conditions.
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The internet of things (IoT) manages a large infrastructure of web-enabled smart devices, small devices that use embedded systems, such as processors, sensors, and communication hardware to collect, send, and elaborate on data acquired from their environment. Thus, from a practical point of view, such devices are composed of power-efficient storage, scalable, and lightweight nodes needing power and batteries to operate. From the above reason, it appears clear that energy harvesting plays an important role in increasing the efficiency and lifetime of IoT devices. Moreover, from acquiring energy by the surrounding operational environment, energy harvesting is important to make the IoT device network more sustainable from the environmental point of view. Different state-of-the-art energy harvesters based on mechanical, aeroelastic, wind, solar, radiofrequency, and pyroelectric mechanisms are discussed in this review article. To reduce the power consumption of the batteries, a vital role is played by power management integrated circuits (PMICs), which help to enhance the system's life span. Moreover, PMICs from different manufacturers that provide power management to IoT devices have been discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the energy harvesting networks can expose themselves to prominent security issues putting the secrecy of the system to risk. These possible attacks are also discussed in this review article.
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The use of telemetry systems in SMART agriculture is an innovative approach which consists in the implementation of an information system able to provide data on irrigation parameters throughout a year, also taking into consideration other meteorological parameters. The need for a telemetry system for irrigation is emphasized by the market's interest in having access to fully automated monitoring and automation solutions for energy efficient and cost-effective agricultural crops. This paper aims to present a telemetry system for monitoring crops with an improved architecture from the point of view of very low energy consumption, low management costs, scalability, forecasting functions, and diagnosis. IoT devices are needed in the agriculture sector to monitor plant growth. This paper also brings to attention an analysis performed with an embedded implemented system. Measured data (collected using ADCON station) include air temperatures; relative humidity and soil temperature. These data are visualized and accessed on the IoT platform using an Internet connection. The ADCON station transmits data from the crop area where it is installed. Measurements are performed considering energy efficiency criteria and the technologies available on the market. Enlargement facilities lead to an important technical impact and a high potential for marketing.
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Energy efficiency in wireless sensor network is a well studied research problem. A recent research study on IoT based precision agriculture has reported that designing the energy efficient data aggregation at the base station is an open research problem. The paper is motivated by recent developments in the energy efficient models and algorithms to maintain energy requirement at the base station. The base station is energy constrained device and it has to survive maintaining the energy requirements from various sensors and gateway modules. Therefore base station uses energy harvesting to maintain energy neutrality. There are two important research questions to study; how to estimate the solar energy to maintain the energy neutrality at the base station having solar backup for energy harvesting and how to estimate the energy requirements at the base station at random point of time. The first question has been answered quite extensively. In this paper, we are trying to address the second question of how to estimate the energy requirements at the base station of IoT enabled precision agriculture. In precision agriculture, numerous types of sensors including soil, moisture, temperature, wind direction, wind speed, camera, drone etc. are used to continuously monitor the field and connect to the base station. Hence base station has different modes of power requirements such as low power, medium power, and high power modes based on different types of wireless communication medium at random point of time. The paper proposes a novel product density model to estimate the energy requirements at the base station. Moreover, an Improved Duty Cycling algorithm is proposed using residual energy parameter. The performance of the proposed Improved Duty Cycling is compared with two other algorithms and the proposed algorithm shows an improvement in terms of average energy consumption, residual energy performance, throughput etc.
Nowadays smartphones become an indispensable tool in many people's everyday life that makes themselves attractive targets for attackers. Among various malware targeting at smartphones, SMS-based malware is one of the most notorious ones. Though a number of Android dynamic analysis frameworks have been proposed to analyze SMS-based malware, most of these frameworks or some Android tools, such as Google Android Emulator, do not support an app or malware to send SMS messages to a real smartphone; hence, security researchers cannot use them directly to analyze the behavior of SMS-based malware. In our previous work, SMS Helper, we designed an application layer tool to allow an app or malware in an Android emulator to send and receive SMS messages to or from a real smartphone. Based on SMS Helper, this paper proposes an Android dynamic analysis framework, called SMS Observer, to assist security researchers to analyze SMS-based malware. SMS Observer integrates SMS Helper into it as a client agent, meanwhile, and it maintains the integrity of system logs. This paper also figures out a way to detect whether an app is executed in an emulator and describes how to use SMS Observer to prevent such evasion. Experimental results using real-world malware samples show SMS Observer is much more effective in detecting SMS-related behavior of SMS-based malware than existing frameworks, such as Google Android Emulator, Andrubis, CopperDroid, and DroidBox. SMS Observer can analyze sophisticated SMS-based malware samples and provide a comprehensive view of malicious behavior.
Agricultural data analysis is an important challenge for the data mining community present not only in India but also in the world. This is due to the fact that majority of the cultivation lands in the globe suffer highly from shortage of irrigation water. In such a scenario, drip irrigation techniques have been developed by researchers to reduce the water consumption in dry areas. However, due to the lack of guidelines and systematic techniques to utilize the water and electricity in an optimistic manner, the agricultural sector faces water problem in many places. Therefore, the overheads of farmers using the conventional drip irrigation have become high, and they have to manually visit and monitor the lands frequently. Agricultural data can be collected more efficiently by the use of sensors for data collection and also for effective analysis. A smart irrigation system can be built with smart sensor networks for collecting field values and can be analyzed using rules for effectively watering the plants. Hence, a new sensor network-assisted irrigation system and rule-based analysis model have been developed in this research work to enhance the efficiency of water usage.
The recent seen intelligent technologies like the internet of things (IoT), computer vision etc. facilitates farming activities and also provides flexible farm operations. On the other side, farming has become feasible even in urban areas, especially building roofs, open gardens, and indoor agriculture. In this context, farm management and appropriate monitoring of farm parameters are now indispensable for productive farming in smart cities or rural areas. In this paper, an IoT based Smart AgroTech system is proposed in the context of urban farming that considers humidity, temperature, and soil moisture as necessary farming parameters. The proposed system decides whether the irrigation action should begin or stop depending on the farming land condition and provides the monitoring facility and remote control to the farm owner. The system’s reliability is verified by determining the error percentage between actual data and observed data at different observations. The average error rate for humidity and soil moisture is below 3% and for temperature is below 1.5%. The system ascertains a feasible Smart AgroTech system that provides advantages to the farming activities in future cities than other conventional methods.