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Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality -- A Quantitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Codebases

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Abstract and Figures

Code quality remains an abstract concept that fails to get traction at the business level. Consequently, software companies keep trading code quality for time-to-market and new features. The resulting technical debt is estimated to waste up to 42% of developers' time. At the same time, there is a global shortage of software developers, meaning that developer productivity is key to software businesses. Our overall mission is to make code quality a business concern, not just a technical aspect. Our first goal is to understand how code quality impacts 1) the number of reported defects, 2) the time to resolve issues, and 3) the predictability of resolving issues on time. We analyze 39 proprietary production codebases from a variety of domains using the CodeScene tool based on a combination of source code analysis, version-control mining, and issue information from Jira. By analyzing activity in 30,737 files, we find that low quality code contains 15 times more defects than high quality code. Furthermore, resolving issues in low quality code takes on average 124% more time in development. Finally, we report that issue resolutions in low quality code involve higher uncertainty manifested as 9 times longer maximum cycle times. This study provides evidence that code quality cannot be dismissed as a technical concern. With 15 times fewer defects, twice the development speed, and substantially more predictable issue resolution times, the business advantage of high quality code should be unmistakably clear.
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Code Red: The Business Impact of Code ality
– A antitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Codebases
Adam Tornhill
Malmö, Sweden
Markus Borg
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Code quality remains an abstract concept that fails to get traction at
the business level. Consequently, software companies keep trading
code quality for time-to-market and new features. The resulting
technical debt is estimated to waste up to 42% of developers’ time.
At the same time, there is a global shortage of software developers,
meaning that developer productivity is key to software businesses.
Our overall mission is to make code quality a business concern, not
just a technical aspect. Our rst goal is to understand how code
quality impacts 1) the number of reported defects, 2) the time to
resolve issues, and 3) the predictability of resolving issues on time.
We analyze 39 proprietary production codebases from a variety
of domains using the CodeScene tool based on a combination of
source code analysis, version-control mining, and issue informa-
tion from Jira. By analyzing activity in 30,737 les, we nd that low
quality code contains 15 times more defects than high quality code.
Furthermore, resolving issues in low quality code takes on average
124% more time in development. Finally, we report that issue reso-
lutions in low quality code involve higher uncertainty manifested
as 9 times longer maximum cycle times. This study provides evi-
dence that code quality cannot be dismissed as a technical concern.
With 15 times fewer defects, twice the development speed, and
substantially more predictable issue resolution times, the business
advantage of high quality code should be unmistakably clear.
code quality, mining software repositories, business impact, devel-
oper productivity, technical debt, software defects
ACM Reference Format:
Adam Tornhill and Markus Borg. 2022. Code Red: The Business Impact of
Code Quality – A Quantitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Code-
bases. In Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’17). ACM, New York,
NY, USA, 10 pages.
Ecient software development is a competitive advantage that
allows companies to maintain a short time-to-market [
]. To suc-
ceed, companies need to invest in their software to ensure ecient
and fast marketplace results [
]. Adding to that challenge, software
companies are also facing a challenge in that there is a global short-
age of software developers [
]; demand substantially out-weights
supply. Moreover, several analyses forecast that the shortage of
software developers will only be exacerbated as the digitalization
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA
2022. ACM ISBN 978-x-xx xx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. . . $15.00
of society continues [
]. At the same time as the soft-
ware industry is struggling with recruiting enough talent, research
indicates that up to 42% of developers’ time is wasted dealing with
Technical Debt (TD) where the cost of subpar code alone comes to
$85 billion annually [
]. This implies that there is an untapped
potential in software projects if the code quality is improved and
TD paid down.
Unfortunately, the software industry often moves in the opposite
direction: research nds that developers are frequently forced to
introduce new TD [
] as companies keep trading code quality for
time to market and new features [
]. This is a decision-making
bias known as hyperbolic discounting, i.e., humans make choices
today that their future selves would prefer not to have made [35].
One reason for the hyperbolic discounting of code quality is that
the business impact of code quality remains vague [
]. This was
painfully visible in a study of 15 large software organizations where
the benets of paying down TD is not always clear to managers,
and consequently some managers would not grant the necessary
budget, nor priorities, for refactoring [
]. The lack of clear and
quantiable benets makes it hard to build a business case for code
quality and, hence, easy to trade short-term wins for long-term
sustainability and software maintenance; there are no standard Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) for code quality that are relevant
to companies in the way that nancial KPIs are [
]. Consequently,
in a study involving 1,831 participants, only 10% reported that
their business manager was actively managing TD [
]. To make
a change, we conclude that TD needs visibility throughout the
whole organization, which includes business managers, not just
developers and architects.
Second, software organizations lack a way of tracking the time
wasted on TD with sucient accuracy [
]. Further, enforcing
such detailed time tracking could be perceived as exercising too
much control over employees [
] as well as adding too much
administrative burden [
]. In consequence, Besker et al. report
from a study surveying 43 developers that “none of the interviewed
companies had a clear strategy on how to track and address the
wasted time” [10]. This means that while the overall development
costs (e.g. stang) are known, there is a need for better ways of
mapping those overall costs to the additional time spent working
on production code of various quality, i.e., the TD interest.
In this paper, we report how code quality impacts development
time in 39 proprietary production codebases. We do that by consid-
ering CodeScene’s Code Health metric
as a proxy for code quality.
Moreover, we explore an algorithm to capture the development
arXiv:2203.04374v1 [cs.SE] 8 Mar 2022
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA A. Tornhill and M. Borg
time at the le level, we refer to this ne-granular metric as Time-
in-Development. Hence, this study combines source code metrics
with repository mining and issue information from Jira.
Our results clearly show that developers spend more time re-
solving issues in low-quality source code. We nd that change
implementation, i.e., either defect resolution or new feature devel-
opment, in low-quality code is aicted by higher uncertainty –
the variance of the Time-in-Development is substantially higher
when code quality is low. For changes of comparable complexity,
the change implementation time is on average more than 2 times
longer in low-quality code. Moreover, we have observed several
examples for which the development time is an order of magnitude
longer in low-quality code.
We strongly voice that maintaining a high code quality must be
considered a fundamental business goal. This study contributes a
quantication of the negative consequences of low code quality,
i.e., gures in development time that can be directly translated into
costs. Our ndings help raising the awareness of the excess waste
in development time as well as the unpredictability correlated with
changes to low-quality code. Unpredictability in particular is likely
to cause stress to an organization since commitments and deadlines
are put at risk. In addition, the new perspective on code quality
that we present helps organizations put a value on refactoring and
code quality improvements.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
the theory behind the code quality metric that is at the core of
our study, i.e., the Code Health measure provided by CodeScene.
Section 3 presents an overview of the relevant research on code
quality, TD, and Time-in-Development, and positions our contribu-
tion in the light of the business impact. In section 4, we outline the
design of our study. Section 5 presents our results and we discuss
them from a software business perspective in section 6. Finally, we
conclude the paper in section 7 and propose directions for future
As pointed out in the introduction, there is no industry-wide stan-
dard for code quality. Furthermore, there is no established way to
track the time wasted on low code quality and TD. This section
denes the metrics for code quality and Time-in-Development used
in this study.
2.1 Measure Code Quality by Code Health
There are numerous studies on code quality metrics [
]. Al-
though primarily used to communicate how comprehensive a soft-
ware solution is or how much work a development task would
require, Lines of Code (LoC) metrics are often involved also in code
quality metrics [
]. An underlying assumption is that the higher
LoC a le has le, the more complex it is. Also within the scope of
our research, we assume that making a change in a large le would
typically require more eort than in a smaller le. To verify that
assumption, we prepared our research by investigating if LoC could
be used to predict issue resolution times in our data set (further de-
scribed in Section 4.2). We found a low Pearson correlation (r=0.13)
between added LoC and the average issue resolution time in corre-
sponding les. One reasonable explanation for the low correlation
Figure 1: Example Code Health visualization of a codebase.
is that the naive LoC cannot distinguish between large data les
without application logic, e.g., conguration les and enum les,
versus truly complex units [58].
We also note that typing is not the bottleneck in programming;
in Robert Glass’s words, “the dominant maintenance activity” is
understanding the existing code [
]. Recent research indicates
that, on average, developers spend about 60% of their time on pro-
gram comprehension activities [
]. In this light, the quality of
the existing code plays a signicant role: a study by Politowski et
al. shows that code containing the anti-pattern Spaghetti Code is
39.5% more time consuming to understand than code without this
particular code smell [
]. All together, we identied the need for
a more comprehensive metric that includes code smell detection –
thus we turned our attention to CodeScene’s Code Health.
Code Health is a proprietary metric that is automatically calcu-
lated in the CodeScene tool. The metric is a numeric score ranging
from 10.0 (healthy code of high quality) down to 1.0 (unhealthy
code of low quality). Based on the Code Health scores, CodeScene
classies each module as either healthy, warning, or alert and visu-
alizes the codebase accordingly. Healthy corresponds to high code
quality (green), whereas warning (yellow) and alert (red) represent
code of lower quality (see Figure 1). The cut-o point for healthy
code is 8.0, for alert 4.0, and the range in between represents the
warning space. CodeScene reports that the cut-o points were de-
cided by their internal team via a baseline library of hand-scored
code examples. CodeScene is available for free in the community
and research editions [59].
The Code Health metric is modelled around the idea that the
most promising approach to measuring code complexity is by iden-
tifying and measuring specic attributes of complexity [
]. As
such, Code Health incorporates elements from the generic ISO 5055
maintainability section, and complements them with design-level
Code Red: The Business Impact of Code ality Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA
code smells
. Examples of included design smells are God Class,
God Methods, and Duplicated Code [34].
To conrm that CodeScene’s Code Health adds predictive value
beyond LoC, we analyzed its correlation with issue resolution times
for our data set. Analogous to LoC counterpart, we calculated the
Pearson correlation between the raw Code Health scores (10.0 down
to 1.0) and the average issue resolution times in corresponding les.
We found a higher degree of correlation (r=-0.58) and conclude that
Code Health is a valid metric for this study.
2.2 Measuring Time-in-Development
In this study, we will measure the time related to resolving Jira
issues and the subset of Jira issues referred to as defects (often
called bugs). Note that issues encompass tasks beyond defects, e.g.,
feature requests and other types of non-corrective software main-
tenance. Jira distinguishes between two types of times during issue
resolution. First, cycle time is the time from the beginning to the
end of a certain action, i.e., the time during which the issue has
the status “In progress”. Second, lead time covers the entire time
from receiving a request for an action to the moment this action is
completed, i.e., including the time in the queue.
We measure Time-in-Development as the cycle time spent on
development per le so that we can correlate it with the Code
Health on the le-level. While existing plugins for tools like Jira
can measure the overall cycle time of an issue
, the information on
how that overall time is broken down to les of various quality is
– to the best of our knowledge – not available in any existing Jira
plugins. Hence, we decide to measure Time-in-Development using
an algorithm that combines Jira status transition times with commit
metadata from version control systems. As illustrated in Figure 2, we
calculate the cycle time on a le level using the following algorithm:
A developer starts work on a new feature, Jira Issue X. Jira
Issue X requires changes to File 1. The cycle time for File 1
starts when the developer moves Jira Issue X to the “In Progress”
The cycle time for File 1 ends with the last commit referenc-
ing Jira Issue X. If the developer considers the whole Jira
issue implemented by now, i.e., moves it to the “Done” or
“Completed” status, the Time-in-Development for Jira Issue X
would be this initial cycle time.
However, if Jira Issue X corresponds to multiple commits, as
indicated in Figure 2, then the time of the previous commit
referencing Jira Issue X is used to determine a sub-cycle
time. This sub-cycle time is the time between commit #1 and
commit #2.
The sub-cycle times for Jira Issue X are summed up per le.
This provides a Time-in-Development per le, independent
of how many commits that were used to implement the Jira
The preceding steps are performed for each completed Jira
Issue, and the total Time-in-Development is accumulated
per le.
3 tools-to-
analyze-Cycle- and-Lead- Time-in- the-Jira/ba- p/1403775
Our primary research scope is the actual time spent working
on the code. Hence, the output of the preceding algorithm is the
accumulated Time-in-Development per le for closed Jira issues. In
contrast to many previous studies, we focus on aggregating cycle
times rather than considering issue lead times. Focusing on the
development stage eliminates other variables like company-specic
post-development steps for deployment, releases, and testing prac-
There is no consensus of how to measure productivity in software
engineering [
]. However, a promising recent addition is the re-
lated work by DevOps Research & Assessment (DORA)
that estab-
lishes productivity measures via its Four Key Metrics (FKM) [
The FKM are 1) lead time for change, 2) deployment frequency, 3)
time to restore service, and 4) change failure rate. These metrics
are now becoming popular in the industry and receive much at-
tention [
]. Nonetheless, it is worth pointing out that the FKMs
focus on the delivery side of software development, not the actual
source code development. That is why our study aims to comple-
ment DORA’s work by focusing on the earlier steps in the software
development cycle: the waste that is introduced when the code is
written as shown in Figure 3.
The research from the TD community indicates that this waste
can be signicant. Besker et al. explored the consequences of TD [
Their study was a longitudinal examination of software developers
reporting their wasted time, and found that developers waste, on
average, 23% of their time due to TD. A white paper by Stripe
reports that the number might be as high as 42% [
]. Further, recent
research on program comprehension points out that developers
“spend a long time on program comprehension just because the code
quality is low” [
]. As such, any improvement in TD reduction or
ease of understanding existing code would be an important advance
for the industry.
There are existing methods for TD identication like the Main-
tainability Index, SIG TD models, and SQALE. These methods are
based on static analysis techniques and code coverage measures [
While these methods deliver quantitative metrics on TD, they lack
a measure of the actual business impact in terms of the additional
waste due to the identied TD. The cost of TD is not the time it
would take to x the code – the remediation work – but rather the
additional development work due to technical quality issues [
That is, the interest an organization has to pay on its TD [45].
Part of the TD interest might manifest itself as additional defects
due to the lower quality of the code [
]. However, research on
self-admitted TD has failed to nd a clear trend when it comes to
defects [
]. By applying the Code Health metric, this study aims
to establish a more clear link between TD and defects.
Prior research by Lenarduzzi et al. have calculated the variation
in lead time for resolving Jira issues as an initial data-driven ap-
proach for TD estimation and to improve the prioritization when
deciding to remove TD [
]. In their study, Lenarduzzi et al. mea-
sured code TD using SonarQuebe’s coding rules
. They conclude
that “we have not found evidence that either the presence of a
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA A. Tornhill and M. Borg
Figure 2: Overview of the Time-in-Development algorithm.
Figure 3: The scope of our research and how it complements DORA [28].
single violation or a number of violations aects the lead time for
resolving issues.” In our study, we expect to identify that support-
ing evidence for nally establishing a link between TD and cycle
times (i.e., Time-in-Development rather than lead times); since a
prior student project reports that CodeScene’s metric gives more
signicant results than the lower level issues reported by Sonar-
Qube [
], our hypothesis is that our choice of code quality measure
will have a signicant eect on the lead times. The Code Health
metric itself has been found to predict security vulnerabilities [
but, to the best of our knowledge, no prior research has evaluated
the relationship between code quality on a le level and the cycle
Time-in-Development. With our study, we aim to provide numbers
that present the wasted time in general terms, allowing develop-
ment organizations to put a value on TD reducing activities and
code quality in general.
Several previous software engineering studies have investigated
the business side of technical debt. Ampatzoglou et al. conducted
a systematic literature review on TD with a focus on nancial
aspects [
]. Based on a selection of 69 primary studies, they iden-
tied the use of several nancial approaches to TD management,
e.g., portfolio management, cost/benet analysis, and value-based
analysis. However, the authors found that these approaches have
been inconsistently applied and called for more research on closing
the gap between business and engineering departments. To help
align the two perspectives, the authors developed a glossary and
a classication scheme. Our work also aims at bridging business
and engineering departments, but this study focuses on providing
empirical evidence on the costs of TD, allowing development orga-
nizations to put a value on TD reducing activities and code quality
in general.
More recent work, i.e., published after Ampatzoglou et al.’s re-
view [
], includes work by de Almeida and colleagues and Besker
et al. Almeida et al. developed Tracy, a “business-oriented decision-
making framework to promote the alignment between technical de-
cisions and business expectations” [
]. The development followed
the design science research paradigm and involved 49 professionals
from three companies. TD management is at the heart of Tracy,
and lessons learned from an industrial case study indicate that the
framework can help developers focus on the TD that matters the
most [
]. We believe that the Code Health measurements in this
paper could enter the high-level Tracy framework and make its
resulting TD prioritization more accurate. Finally, Besker et al. esti-
mated wasted time caused by the TD interest during the software
life-cycle [
]. Based on survey research and 32 in-depth interviews,
the authors found that, on average, 36% of all development time
is wasted due to TD. Moreover, Besker et al. concluded that most
of the time is wasted on understanding and measuring TD. We
Code Red: The Business Impact of Code ality Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA
believe that the automated Code Health measurements studied in
this paper could remedy parts of this waste.
This study follows the draft version of the empirical standard for
repository mining
. Repository mining is the appropriate standard
as we use automated techniques to extract data from source code
repositories and issue management systems followed by quanti-
tative analysis. The selected repositories represent 39 proprietary
software development projects that use CodeScene for source code
analysis. For condentiality reasons, we cannot disclose neither
the selection criteria nor the procedure for acquisition – but we
stress that all repository owners have provided their consent to let
us analyze their data for this study. Regarding metrics, our analysis
relies on established software engineering measures complemented
by two additional metrics: Code Health and Time-in-Development
described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.
4.1 Research Questions
The research goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of code
quality on defect density and the time spent in development, i.e.,
cycle times. Our overall purpose is to raise awareness of code quality
in the industry by providing evidence that code quality needs to be
a business concern, reported and attended to with the same rigor as
nancial KPIs. Based on this goal and purpose, this study examines
three research questions:
How does the number of reported defects in source code
les correlate to source code quality?
How much longer development time is needed to resolve an
issue in les with low quality source code?
To what extent is the code quality of a le related to the
predictability of resolving issues on time?
The rationales behind our RQs are as follows. RQ1 investigates
the number of reported Jira defects to explore whether low quality
code is more bug prone. More defects would, in TD terms, translate
into a higher interest due to the increased maintenance work. RQ2
gets to the core of our research aims and investigates if resolving
Jira issues in low quality code takes longer than comparable changes
to high quality code. Finally, the objective of RQ3 is to examine
if resolving issues in low quality code involves a higher risk – in
terms of increased maximum issue resolution times in such les
compared to high quality code.
4.2 Data Collection
The data for the study was mined via the CodeScene tool, which is
available for free to the research community. A selection of Code-
Scene’s customers were asked to participate in this study, allowing
us to tap into CodeScene’s data lake consisting of code metrics,
trends, and process-related data. All data owners have given their
consent for us to mine their repositories for the purpose of this
study, given that the companies remain anonymous and that the
data cannot be tracked back to their specic codebase, product, or
business entity.
6 (2021-12-10, Latest commit 8c65057)
Table 1: Overview of the studied projects.
Average 75% Std
kLoc 171.42 155.0 524.60
Avg. #issue/le 4.17 4.0 7.13
Distribution of Code Health
#Healthy les 27,352 (88.99%)
#Warning les 3,035 (9.87%)
#Alert les 350 (1.14%)
Figure 4: Overview of the studied programming languages.
In total, we collected data from 39 proprietary codebases under
active development. Table 1 shows non-sensitive summary statistics
for the 39 projects. The collected data represents development tasks
completed over 6-12 months, depending on project. The codebases
are from several dierent industry segments, including retailing,
construction, infrastructure, brokers, data analysis, and more. The
codebases are implemented in various programming languages
as illustrated in Figure 4. The resulting dataset contains 30,737
source code les for which we extracted Code Health scores and
values for Time-in-Development. A replication package, containing
anonymized data and a computational notebook, is available on
Since Jira and version-control data can be noisy [
], we ltered
the data with respect to outliers for Time-in-Development. Outliers
were dened as data points that are more than 1.5 * IQR (interquar-
tile range) above the third quartile or below the rst quartile.
4.3 Analysis and Synthesis
The distribution of Jira defects per le studied in RQ1 does not meet
the requirements for normality of the Dependent Variables (DV).
Looking at the distributions shown in Figure 5, i.e., DV-RQ1, reveals
that the data is positively skewed. This is because most les didn’t
have any xed defects during the studied time period. Removing
those lower outliers would bias the results as such a step would
remove an important part of what is being studied: defect free code
is a strong signal.
7 health-study- tech-debt- 2022
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA A. Tornhill and M. Borg
Figure 5: Jira defects for DV-RQ1 by Code Health category.
Y-axes show probability densities and X-axes represent the
scaled number of defects per le.
Figure 6: Normalized DV-RQ2 and DV-RQ3 for ANOVA.
To account for the non-normality of the data distribution to-
gether with our large sample size, we apply the Kruskal-Wallis
nonparametric statistical test to assess the dierences between the
Code Health categories [
]. We perform post-hoc comparisons be-
tween the dierent Code Health categories using the Dwass, Steel,
Critchlow and Fligner (DSCF) all-pairs comparison test [42].
For Time-in-Development, we conducted two one-way analyses
of variance (ANOVA) where the independent variable is the Code
Health category (Healthy, Warning, or Alert), and the dependent
variable varies depending on the RQ:
the average Time-in-Development to resolve a Jira issue per
the average maximum Time-in-Development for resolving a
Jira issue per le.
To meet the pre-conditions for an ANOVA [
], we must ensure
normality of the dependent variables. We normalize DV-RQ2 and
DV-RQ3 using the Yeo-Johnson algorithm [
]. Figure 6 shows the
Table 2: Average number of Jira defects per le for each Code
Health category.
Healthy Warning Alert All
Jira defects
Avg 0.25 0.94 3.70 0.35
75% 0.00 1.00 4.00 0.0
Std 0.90 2.58 6.61 1.43
Figure 7: Average number of Jira defects per le for each cat-
egory (scaled). The standard errors are presented as vertical
Finally, we performed post-hoc comparisons between the dif-
ferent Code Health categories using Tukey’s HSD test [
]. The
correlation of the Code Health categories with the dependent vari-
ables were also analyzed visually based on bar charts with plotted
error bars.
The following subsections present the results for the RQs.
5.1 Code Quality and Number of Issues (RQ1)
Table 2 presents the average number of Jira defects for the three
Code Health categories. Figure 7 gives a graphical rendition of the
scaled (0.0 to 1.0) average number of Jira defects for the three Code
Health categories. The scaled averages represent for Healthy, Warn-
ing, and Alert are 0.004, 0.016, and 0.06, respectively. A Kruskal-
Wallis test shows that there is a statistically signicant dierence
in the number of Jira defects between the dierent Code Health
categories, 𝑥2(2)=1645.05, 𝑝 =0.0.
The DSCF test for multiple comparisons found that the aver-
age number of Jira defects was signicantly dierent between the
Healthy and Warning categories (
001), between the Warning
and Alert categories (
001), as well as between the Healthy
and Alert categories (𝑝=0.001). There is a medium to large eect
size in the dierences between Healthy and Alert with respect to
the number of Jira defects (Cohen’s 𝑑=0.73).
Code Red: The Business Impact of Code ality Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA
Table 3: Time-in-Development per le for each Code Heath
category (minutes).
Healthy Warning Alert All
Avg 7815.6 13934.6 17544.5 8573.1
75% 7320.0 12165.0 21661.5 8014.5
Std 22405.8 43162.9 20630.1 25392.5
Avg 15111.9 34024.5 129940.3 18286.9
75% 14040.0 30900.0 184320.0 16260.0
Std 37719.1 78253.8 164057.2 48492.4
Figure 8: Average Time-in-Development (scaled) for resolv-
ing a Jira issue per le. The standard errors are depicted as
vertical lines.
Based on these results, we nd that code quality has a signicant
impact on the number of defects in a le (RQ1). Comparing the
averages suggests that Alert code results in 15 times more reported
Jira defects than Healthy code.
5.2 Code Quality and Time-in-Development
The upper part of Table 3 presents the average Time-in-Development,
in minutes, corresponding to the three Code Health categories. A
graphical rendition of the scaled (0.0 to 1.0) average values is given
in Figure 8. The normalized averages for Healthy, Warning, and
Alert are -0.05, 0.33, and 0.85, respectively. These are signicantly
dierent, 𝐹(2,30734)=742.56, 𝑝 =0.00.
Tukey’s HSD Test for multiple comparisons found that the av-
erage Time-in-Development was signicantly dierent between
Healthy and Warning categories (
001), between the Warning
and Alert categories (
001), as well as between the Healthy
and Alert categories (
001). There is a small to medium eect
size in the dierences between Healthy and Alert for the average
Time-in-Development (d=0.45).
Based on these results, we nd that code quality has a signi-
cant impact on Time-in-Development (RQ2). Comparing the scaled
average Time-in-Development gives that, on average, development
needs 124% longer in the Alert category compared to development
time in Healthy code. Further, we note that already in the Warning
Figure 9: Average maximum Time-in-Development (scaled)
for resolving a Jira issue per le. The standard errors are
shown as vertical lines.
category, the average development time for a Jira issue is 78% longer
than in Healthy code.
5.3 Code Quality and predictable task
completion (RQ3)
The lower part of Table 3 presents the average maximum Time-
in-Development for les corresponding to the three Code Health
categories. Figure 9 depicts a graphical rendition of the scaled (0.0
to 1.0) average values. The normalized averages for the maximum
Time-in-Development per le for Healthy, Warning, and Alert are
-0.02, 0.10, and 0.36, respectively. These are signicantly dierent,
𝐹(2,30734)=1399.55, 𝑝 =0.00.
Tukey’s HSD test for multiple comparisons found that the aver-
age value of the maximum Time-in-Development for a Jira issue
was signicantly dierent between Healthy and Warning categories
001), between Warning and Alert categories (
001), as
well as between Healthy and Alert categories (
001). There is
a large eect size in the dierences between Healthy and Alert for
the maximum Time-in-Development (Cohen’s 𝑑=0.96).
Based on these results, we nd that the Time-in-Development
in low quality code is signicantly less predictable in the sense
that the maximum development time for a Jira issue increases with
lower code quality. Comparing the scaled averages shows that
the maximum Time-in-Development for the Alert category is 9
times longer than the maximum Time-in-Development for Healthy
code. Further, we note that already in the Warning category, the
average maximum Time-in-Development is more than twice as
long compared to Healthy code.
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA A. Tornhill and M. Borg
5.4 Threats to Validity
As any empirical study, our work is subject to threats to validity.
We discuss these threats organized into internal validity, external
validity, construct validity, and reliability [53].
The major threat to the internal validity of this research is the
relationship between the dependent variables number of defect
(DV-RQ1) and Time-in-Development (DV-RQ2 and DV-RQ3) on
one hand, and the Code Health categories on the other. Software de-
velopment is a complex endeavor, meaning there can be confound-
ing variables such as dierences in process [
] and organizational
factors [
]. To mitigate this threat, we included a wide variety of
codebases from a diverse set of organizations. This study is also
restricted to the development phase of the software, meaning that
dierences in post-development activities such as deployment are
not included in the Time-to-Development measurements, i.e., we
focus on Jira cycle time. We also acknowledge the need for further
studies to gain additional insights into the potentially confounding
variables in Section 7.1.
Another internal validity threat relates to our causality claims.
Does low quality code lead to additional defects or is the code qual-
ity low because of the many defects? In the same vein, although
less probable, code quality could be lower because developers re-
solve issues in corresponding les too slowly – they might be less
attentive when working under stronger perceived time pressure
and thus produce lower quality code. We accept these threats and
highlight that a future investigation of causality could rely on ran-
domized controlled trials or Bayesian causal analysis [
]. Finally,
the dierences in sample size of the dierent Code Health groups
might be a threat to the internal validity: there is simply more high
quality than low quality code in our data set (cf. Table 1).
The external validity refers to the extent to which the ndings
are possible to generalize to software development in general. All
included codebases come from CodeScene users, which might be
a sample of companies that are not representative of the entire
software development landscape. To mitigate this risk, our study
relies on a large number of participating organizations from dif-
ferent domains and business as specied in Section 4.2. A further
validity threat might be dierences in the number of defects due
to the programming language of choice. Even though our data set
includes samples from 14 dierent programming languages, the
main language is C++. From a validity perspective, we note that
prior research on the impact of programming languages on code
quality has failed to nd a causation [6].
Construct validity refers to the extent to which the studied mea-
sures represent what the researchers are considering. To mitigate
the threat to the construct validity of Code Health, we performed a
Pearson correlation study to ensure that Code Health adds predic-
tive value beyond LoC (see Section 2.1). As mentioned in Section 3,
the Code Health metric has also been shown to nd more signi-
cant issues than SonarQube – a widely adopted tool used by 200K
development teams
– as well as predicting security vulnerabili-
ties [1].
The Time-in-Development construct is based on a combination
of Jira and version-control data. As such, a threat to the construct
validity is that Time-in-Development is constrained by what those
two data sources capture. One such validity threat is that a git
commit can – and often do – contain multiple modied les. Using
the algorithm described in Section 2.2, all of these les will get the
same Time-in-Development even though the actual development
time might be shorter for any of the les in the commit. We aimed
to reduce this threat by collecting a large set of les (40.000).
Reliability refers to the goal of minimizing the errors and biases
in a study. Reliability means that the study is replicable by other re-
searchers that follow the same procedures as the original study. To
mitigate reliability threats, our study follows the evolving commu-
nity standard for software engineering studies that use automated
techniques to extract data from large-scale data repositories [50].
There are multiple reasons why development organizations take
on TD in the shape of low quality code
. As pointed out in the
introduction, this type of waste accounts for up to 42% of devel-
opers’ time. Given those numbers, it is surprising that as few as
7.2% of organizations methodically track TD [
]. Further, a recent
study from the video game industry shows that while there is high
awareness of TD, paying o the accumulated debt is a rare prac-
tice [
]. One explanation for this disconnect between awareness
and actions is that little is known about the eects of TD and TD
payment practices [
]. In our research, we provide hard numbers
on the value of code quality in order to raise the awareness of the
costs of TD as well as providing an expected return on investment
if TD is paid o.
The results from RQ1 shows that low quality code in the Alert
category has up to 15 times more reported Jira defects than Healthy
code. This is important from a business perspective as the cost of
poor quality software in the US alone costs approximately $2.84
trillion per year [
]. Software defects also translate into unplanned
work, which leads to cost overruns [
]. Finally, there is an oppor-
tunity cost that comes with software defects: when a signicant
amount of development time is spent xing defects, less time re-
mains for implementing new features that keep the product com-
petitive [55].
In RQ2 we investigated the additional Time-in-Development for
low quality code. Our results show that resolving a Jira issue in
code in the Alert category needs, on average, 124% longer than
in Healthy code. These results should have a dramatic impact on
how organizations value code quality as it translates into a time to
market that is more than twice as long as it needs to be. Given that
companies must hire high-skilled developers from an increasingly
shrinking labor supply, wasting precious time on low quality code
puts the business at a disadvantage [13].
Finally, RQ3 investigated the predictability for resolving Jira
issues. The results show that implementing a Jira issue in low
quality code in the Alert category might require up to 9 times
longer Time-in-Development compared to corresponding changes
to Healthy code. In an industry setting, this increase in variance is
likely to lead to lower predictability for task completion – accurate
eort estimation is indeed an acknowledged challenge that has been
researched for decades [
]. Moreover, low predictability would
translate into increased irritation and stress levels of managers [
Code Red: The Business Impact of Code ality Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA
Hence, the eects of low code quality go beyond a purely nancial
impact as it can impact the whole team since one post stimulation
eect of stress is an insensitivity toward others [
]. This human
link has implications for the future of our industry. As pointed out
in Beyond Legacy Code, “if we want to have a true industry around
developing software then it has to be sustainable” [
]. The results
of our study shows that low quality code is at odds with that goal;
working on a codebase where tasks take an order of magnitude
longer to resolve is anything but sustainable. Code quality matters
if we want to build a sustainable software industry.
This research was initiated to make code quality a business concern
by putting numbers on the impact of low quality code. We chose
this line of research since code quality has been an abstract concept
that rarely get adequate attention at the management level [38].
Our results show that there is a signicant impact of code quality
on both time to market as well as the external quality of the product
in the shape of software defects. While the impact was strongest
in the “Red” Code Health category, i.e., Alert code as provided by
CodeScene, with 124% longer development time, already Warning
Code Health needed 78% longer to implement a Jira task than in
Healthy code. This means that even codebases with a moderate
degree of code quality issues pay a signicant price.
We consider these results of topmost importance to the software
industry: due to the predicted global shortage of software devel-
opers [
], organizations cannot hire as many developers as the
perceived need. Our results indicate that improving code quality
could free existing capacity; with 15 times fewer bugs, twice the
development speed, and substantially more predictable issue res-
olution times, the business advantage of code quality should be
unmistakably clear.
7.1 Future Work
During this research we identied a number of directions for future
studies that would help in investigating potentially confounding
variables as well as expand the knowledge base with respect to how
code quality impacts software development.
The results for RQ3 were dramatic, and we plan further studies
to deepen the knowledge on why changes to low quality code have
such a high variance and uncertainty. One interesting research path
is the knowledge dimension. A le with production code typically
has a main author and possible minor contributors that have made
smaller contribution to the overall le. Could it be that changes
done by the main author are faster and more predictable than cor-
responding changes made by a minor contributor? We suspect that
author experience could be a factor that impacts the predictability
of changes to low quality code. Some research seem to suggest a
link: “We also nd evidence of the mediating eect of knowledge
on the eects of time pressure” [
]. If such a relationship exists, it
would help the industry by highlighting the organizational risks –
such as key personnel dependencies – associated with low quality
Our current study includes codebases written in many (14) dif-
ferent programming languages. This data set would also allow us
to study potential dierences for Time-in-Development depend-
ing on the programming language of choice. Such a dierence is
claimed in “Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art” by
McConnell [
], and a future study would present up to date data
if such a relationship exists.
Finally, our current data set for Time-in-Development contains
both Jira defects and other types of issues, e.g., feature requests and
improvements. We plan to conduct a follow-up study that separates
Time-in-Development for planned work (features, improvements)
vs. unplanned work (defect resolution). Such a study would oer
additional insights into why the unpredictability is so much higher
in low quality code. A working hypothesis is that debugging is
much more time-consuming source good of low quality.
Our thanks go to the CodeScene development team who supported
our work and provided details on the Code Health metric. Moreover,
we extend our deepest appreciation to the repository owners who
let us analyze their data as part of this study.
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Conference Paper
Full-text available
Background: Technical Debt is a consolidated notion in software engineering research and practice. However, the estimation of its impact (interest of the debt) is still imprecise and requires heavy empirical and experimental inquiry. Objective: We aim at developing a data-driven approach to calculate the interest of Technical Debt in terms of delays in resolving affected tasks. Method: We conducted a case study to estimate the Technical Debt interest by analyzing its association with the lead time variation of resolving related Jira issues. Results: Data-driven approaches could significantly change the Technical Debt estimation and improve the removing Technical Debt prioritization. Our case study shows that the presence of Code Technical Debt did not affect the lead time for resolving the issues. Conclusion: Future works include the further refinement of this approach and its application to a larger data-set and on different type of issues.
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Internet of Things Operating Systems (IoT OSs) run, manage and control IoT devices. Therefore, it is important to secure the source code for IoT OSs, especially if they are deployed on devices used for human care and safety. In this paper, we report the results of our investigations of the security status and the presence of security vulnerabilities in the source code of the most popular open source IoT OSs. Through this research, three Static Analysis Tools (Cppcheck, Flawfinder and RATS) were used to examine the code of sixteen different releases of four different C/C++ IoT OSs, with 48 examinations, regarding the presence of vulnerabilities from the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). The examination reveals that IoT OS code still suffers from errors that lead to security vulnerabilities and increase the opportunity of security breaches. The total number of errors in IoT OSs is increasing from version to the next, while error density, i.e., errors per 1K of physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) is decreasing chronologically for all IoT Oss, with few exceptions. The most prevalent vulnerabilities in IoT OS source code were CWE-561, CWE-398 and CWE-563 according to Cppcheck, (CWE-119!/CWE-120), CWE-120 and CWE-126 according to Flawfinder, and CWE-119, CWE-120 and CWE-134 according to RATS. Additionally, the CodeScene tool was used to investigate the development of the evolutionary properties of IoT OSs and the relationship between them and the presence of IoT OS vulnerabilities. CodeScene reveals strong positive correlation between the total number of security errors within IoT OSs and SLOC, as well as strong negative correlation between the total number of security errors and Code Health. CodeScene also indicates strong positive correlation between security error density (errors per 1K SLOC) and the presence of hotspots (frequency of code changes and code complexity), as well as strong negative correlation between security error density and the Qualitative Team Experience, which is a measure of the experience of the IoT OS developers.
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Refactoring and smells have been well researched by the software-engineering research community these past decades. Several secondary studies have been published on code smells, discussing their implications on software quality, their impact on maintenance and evolution, and existing tools for their detection. Other secondary studies addressed refactoring, discussing refactoring techniques, opportunities for refactoring, impact on quality, and tools support. In this paper, we present a tertiary systematic literature review of previous surveys, secondary systematic literature reviews, and systematic mappings. We identify the main observations (what we know) and challenges (what we do not know) on code smells and refactoring. We perform this tertiary review using eight scientific databases, based on a set of five research questions, identifying 40 secondary studies between 1992 and 2018. We organize the main observations and challenges about code smell and their refactoring into: smells definitions, most common code-smell detection approaches, code-smell detection tools, most common refactoring, and refactoring tools. We show that code smells and refactoring have a strong relationship with quality attributes, i.e., with understandability, maintainability, testability, complexity, functionality, and reusability. We argue that code smells and refactoring could be considered as the two faces of a same coin. Besides, we identify how refactoring affects quality attributes, more than code smells. We also discuss the implications of this work for practitioners, researchers, and instructors. We identify 13 open issues that could guide future research work. Thus, we want to highlight the gap between code smells and refactoring in the current state of software-engineering research. We wish that this work could help the software-engineering research community in collaborating on future work on code smells and refactoring.
Developing software systems is a stakeholder-focused activity that needs to be cognizant of the priorities and constraints of the business, the users of the software, those who will need to maintain it, and the many involved in its timely, high-quality, and resource-conscious engineering. Software developers are among the key stakeholders in any software development project endeavor, yet they are also those whose needs are the most overlooked. I define a software developer as an individual who is knowledgeable about one or more programming languages and is capable of using the tools required to create a software functionality. Software developers may also be referred to as programmers, developers, and coders. In addition, all software engineers are expected to be trained in software development, while not all software developers are trained in software engineering or participate in engineering activities. Admittedly, this distinction is fuzzy at best. Software engineering skills include the ability to understand the requirements of the software to be developed, formulate the design and architecture of the software by understanding its tradeoffs, and understand the many activities that need to be executed for the successful delivery of the software. Software development and software engineering are often used interchangeably as well.
Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.
Will there be another thriving twenties, as there was in the previous century? For more than a decade, companies worldwide have been very successful and in continuous growth. Since mid-2019, the global economy has been darkening. Economy and even society are at a turning point. Trade barriers and local protectionism are enforced, the digital divide is fast growing, and the spread of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus severely hampers global collaboration and supply chains. Simply continuing as before is no longer an option. At the same time, the role of software and IT is being questioned due to its growing misuse and abuse, such as in so-called social media (which in fact is often not at all social), and fake news infiltrating politics and society.