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Breast cancer screening in women with extremely dense breasts recommendations of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)



Breast density is an independent risk factor for the development of breast cancer and also decreases the sensitivity of mammography for screening. Consequently, women with extremely dense breasts face an increased risk of late diagnosis of breast cancer. These women are, therefore, underserved with current mammographic screening programs. The results of recent studies reporting on contrast-enhanced breast MRI as a screening method in women with extremely dense breasts provide compelling evidence that this approach can enable an important reduction in breast cancer mortality for these women and is cost-effective. Because there is now a valid option to improve breast cancer screening, the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) recommends that women should be informed about their breast density. EUSOBI thus calls on all providers of mammography screening to share density information with the women being screened. In light of the available evidence, in women aged 50 to 70 years with extremely dense breasts, the EUSOBI now recommends offering screening breast MRI every 2 to 4 years. The EUSOBI acknowledges that it may currently not be possible to offer breast MRI immediately and everywhere and underscores that quality assurance procedures need to be established, but urges radiological societies and policymakers to act on this now. Since the wishes and values of individual women differ, in screening the principles of shared decision-making should be embraced. In particular, women should be counselled on the benefits and risks of mammography and MRI-based screening, so that they are capable of making an informed choice about their preferred screening method. Key Points • The recommendations in Figure 1 summarize the key points of the manuscript
Breast cancer screening in women with extremely dense breasts
recommendations of the European Society of Breast
Imaging (EUSOBI)
Ritse M. Mann
&Alexandra Athanasiou
&Pascal A. T. Baltzer
&Julia Camps-Herrero
&Paola Clauser
Eva M. Fallenberg
&Gabor Forrai
&Michael H. Fuchsjäger
&Thomas H. Helbich
&Fleur Killburn-Toppin
Mihai Lesaru
&Pietro Panizza
&Federica Pediconi
&Ruud M. Pijnappel
&Katja Pinker
Francesco Sardanelli
&Tamar Sella
&Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara
&Sophia Zackrisson
Fiona J. Gilbert
&Christiane K. Kuhl
&On behalf of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)
Received: 28 July 2021 / Revised: 21 January 2022 / Accepted: 27 January 2022
#The Author(s) 2022
Breast density is an independent risk factor for the development of breast cancer and also decreases the sensitivity of mammog-
raphy for screening. Consequently, women with extremely dense breasts face an increased risk of late diagnosis of breast cancer.
These women are, therefore, underserved with current mammographic screening programs. The results of recent studies reporting
on contrast-enhanced breast MRI as a screening method in women with extremely dense breasts provide compelling evidence
that this approach can enable an important reduction in breast cancer mortality for these women and is cost-effective. Because
there is now a valid option to improve breast cancer screening, the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) recommends
that women should be informed about their breast density. EUSOBI thus calls on all providers of mammography screening to
share density information with the women being screened. In light of the available evidence, in women aged 50 to 70 years with
extremely dense breasts, the EUSOBI now recommends offering screening breast MRI every 2 to 4 years. The EUSOBI
acknowledges that it maycurrently not bepossible to offer breast MRI immediately and everywhere and underscores that quality
assurance procedures need to be established, but urges radiological societies and policymakers to act on this now. Since the
wishes and values of individual women differ, in screening the principles of shared decision-making should be embraced. In
particular, women should be counselled on the benefits and risks of mammography and MRI-based screening, so that they are
capable of making an informed choice about their preferred screening method.
Key Points
The recommendations in Figure 1 summarize the key points of the manuscript
Keywords Early detection of cancer .Breast density .Mammography .Magnetic resonance imaging .Decision-making, shared
ACR American College of Radiology
BI-RADS Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System
DBT Digital breast tomosynthesis
DM Digital mammography
EUSOBI European Society of Breast Imaging
FFDM Full-field digital mammography
MRI (Breast) Magnetic resonance imaging
PPV Positive predictive value
QALY Quality-adjusted life year
WHO World Health Organisation
Breast density describes the amount of fibroglandular tissue in
the breast relative to the amount of fatty tissue. The epithelial
structures within the breast, i.e. the glandular lobes and the
ducts, are part of this fibroglandular tissue; therefore, breast
*Ritse M. Mann;
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
European Radiology
cancer mostly originates from this tissue. The amount of
fibroglandular tissue is largely genetically determined and de-
pends on hormonal stimulation. It usually decreases over time,
particularly after menopause.
The fibroglandular tissue absorbs ionizing radiation (x-
rays) and projects white on mammography. Consequently, it
is commonly referred to as densetissue. Since most cancers
absorb x-rays to a similar extent as fibroglandular tissue, can-
cers manifest as white masses on mammograms. Dense
(white) tissue on mammograms can therefore hide the similar-
ly dense (white) cancers. This means that dense tissue may
prevent the detection; i.e., it can maskcancers on mammog-
raphy [1]. Only the small fraction of cancers that contain cal-
cifications is reasonably well seen on mammography indepen-
dent of the amount of dense tissue.
The distribution of the individual amount of fibroglandular
tissue, and thus of mammographic densities across the female
population, follows a typical bell-shaped curve (Gaussian dis-
tribution) of many biological features. In clinical practice, this
biologic continuum is categorized in four large bins and is
described according to the ACR BI-RADS atlas terminology
as follows [2]:
a. The breasts are almost entirely fatty (about 10% of the
screening population [3])
b. There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density (about
42% of the screening population)
c. The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may ob-
scure small masses (about 40% of the screening
d. The breasts are extremely dense, which lowers the sensi-
tivity of mammography (about 8% of the screening
The latter two categories are commonly referred to as
Although visual assessment of density is known to have a
relatively high intra- and inter-reader variability, the visual
estimation of density has been reported to have a somewhat
higher correlation with breast cancer risk than automated as-
sessments [46]. However, to minimize variability in the se-
lection of women for supplemental or alternate screening
based on breast density,automated methods may bepreferable
Besides the risk of masking breast cancer, women with
extremely dense breasts in the screening age range have an
increased risk of developing breast cancer, which is approxi-
mately twice as high as for the averagewoman, and almost
46 times as high as in women with almost entirely fatty
breasts [1,7]. This is due to both the absolute higher amount
of fibroglandular tissue within the breast and the breast com-
position [8]. Breast density is independent of other personal
risk factors typically used for breast cancer risk prediction, and
complementary when used in conjunction [9,10]. Breast den-
sity is estimated to account for 26% of breast cancers in post-
menopausal women [11]. Moreover, a higher breast density
has also been associated with an increased breast cancer-
specific mortality [12], albeit this data is not consistent among
studies [13,14].
Current evidence on breast cancer screening
in women with dense breasts
Screening is widely regarded as one of the most successful
approaches to reducing breast cancer mortality in average-risk
women and is recommended by the WHO [15] as well as
EUSOBI [16]. Based on a meta-analysis of randomized con-
trolled trials reporting on population screening, offering mam-
mography screening to women aged 5070 reduces breast
cancer mortality by 20% [17]. Case-control studies in women
actually screened show an even substantially higher mortality
reduction of approximately 40% [18].
And yet, unfortunately, current screening strategies still
fail to prevent death due to breast cancer in a substantial
proportion of women: Among every 1000 women
screened, in 8 disease-specific death is averted, but 11 still
die from breast cancer [19]. This is due to the failure of
timely detection of biologically relevant breast cancers, i.e.
Underdiagnosis is more of a problem in women with extreme-
ly dense breast tissue compared to other women. In women with
largely fatty breasts, the sensitivity of mammography screening
is 86 to 89%, meaning that only 11 to 14% of cancers present as
interval cancer in between two screening rounds. This program
sensitivity decreases to 6268% in women with extremely dense
breasts [20]. For full-field digital mammography (FFDM) similar
poor figures were reported, with a program sensitivity of only
61% based on biannual screening [21]. There is currently little
data on interval cancers by density for digital breast
tomosynthesis (DBT), but it is unlikely that tomosynthesis is
going to overcome the reduction in sensitivity caused by density.
Several studies reported increased cancer detection rates by 20 to
40% also in women with (extremely) dense breasts [22,23],
mainly due to the detection of more spiculated masses and archi-
tectural distortions, but there is only limited evidence that this
leads to reduced rates of interval cancers in these women.
According to Conant et al, the sensitivity of DM and DBT was
similarly based upon 1-year follow-up [23]. X-ray-based ana-
tomic imaging modalitiesbeing either screen-film mammogra-
phy, FFDM or DBTall seem to be heavily affected by breast
density and thus lead to underdiagnosis of relevant cancers in
these women.
Several studies have investigated supplemental ultrasound
as a technique to improve the performance of population-
based screening in women with extremely dense breasts
Eur Radiol
[2428]. On average, cancer detection increases by 2.3/1000
screens with ultrasound [26]. The added detection with ultra-
sound is also present when DBT screening is performed [27]
and persists in follow-up rounds [26,28]. Unfortunately, the
number of false-positive examinations strongly increases with
ultrasound. Reported positive predictive values for biopsy
vary widely, but are commonly below 10% for findings only
observed at ultrasound [26] and remain relatively low,even as
specificity increases in follow-up rounds [28]. In a large pro-
spective Japanese study conducted in women aged 4049
years, it was shown that program sensitivity improved from
77 to 91% with the addition of an ultrasound examination
[25]. Moreover, they showed that the frequency of interval
cancer was reduced by 50%. Nevertheless, it is not clear
whether these findings can be considered a valid reference
for European screening programs, where screening focuses
on women aged 5069, where the incidence of breast cancer
is much higher and where women tend to have larger, more
heterogeneous breasts; the results do provide initial evidence
to suggest that, for some women, ultrasound may be beneficial
[2429]. Within Europe, supplemental ultrasound has been
structurally implemented in Austria for women with dense
breasts (BI-RADS classes c and d). In the timeframe from
2014 to 2017, the program showed a sensitivity of 71% and
a specificity of 99%. The breast cancer detection rate was
similar to EU standards. However, currently, the added value
of supplemental ultrasound regarding cancer detection is lim-
ited [30].
Accordingly, so far, these results have been insufficient for
EUSOBI to recommend that average-risk women undergoing
mammographic screening should be informed about their
breast density [16].
This reluctance was explained by the following facts:
&We were not convinced that the benefit/risk ratio of sup-
plemental screening for women with extremely dense
breasts was positive.
&Many European countries do not offer any form of sup-
plemental screening.
&Informing women about their density, in absence of high-
level scientific evidence for screening alternatives, could
increase anxiety and reduce screening participation.
However, this policy is now to change.
This change is prompted by an analysis of results of recent
screening studies with contrast-enhanced breast MRI, partic-
ularly the DENSE trial and the EA1411 ECOG-ACRIN study.
The DENSE trial is a Dutch nationwide multicenter ran-
domized trial in women with extremely dense breast tissue
as automatically assessed by a computer program (Volpara)
with a normal mammographic screening result [31].
Of the women invited for contrast-enhanced MRI, 59%
agreed to participate (4783/8061) and underwent MRI
screening. Supplemental MRI detected an additional 16.5 can-
cers /1,000 screens in the first round.
The interval cancer rate was 0.8/1,000, compared to 4.9/
1,000 in women invited but not participating and 5.0/1,000 in
women in the control group (n= 32,312). In other words,
undergoing supplemental MRI screening reduces the frequen-
cy of interval cancers by 84%, thus effectively reducing un-
derdiagnosis. The number of benign findings leading to recall
was 79.8/1,000 with MRI screening. The PPV of MRI
prompted biopsy was 26.3%, which we deem acceptable be-
cause it is similar to the PPV of biopsy reported for
That MRI indeed detects breast cancers earlier is also ap-
parent from the number of cancers detected at the subsequent
mammographic screening round, which was 2.0/1,000, as
compared to 6.8/1,000 in the regular population of women
with extremely dense breasts.
Furthermore, the next MRI screen (2 years later) yielded a
supplemental detection rate of only 5.9/1,000, all of which were
stage 0/1 and node-negative; providing further evidence that
relevant cancers are detected predominantly earlier. Moreover,
the number of benign lesions leading to recall becomes much
smaller in the follow-up round (28.4/ 1,000), and therefore, the
PPV remained stable (PPV = 23.5% in follow-up) [32].
The results of the DENSE trial have been modelled in a
microsimulation model (MISCAN) to determine the long-
term impact of offering breast MRI screening to women with
extremely dense breasts [33]. This model was also used to
explore other scenarios, for which the model used the mea-
sured sensitivity and specificity of mammography and MRI as
observed in the DENSE trial, plus the estimated biological
behavior of breast cancers, and information on the efficacy
of treatment of breast cancers obtained from historical data.
The results of this microsimulation model suggest that adding
biennial MRI to biennial mammographyas was performed
in the DENSE trialwould save 8.6 additional lives per 1,000
women invited, at a cost of 150,000 Euro per life, or 22,500
Euro per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY). While this is al-
ready deemed cost-effective, alternative strategies using MRI
alone (without mammography) dominate this strategy in the
model. For example, using MRI alone once every 4 years
could be regarded as the most cost-effective screening strate-
gy. This would save 7.6 additional lives per 1,000 women
screened at a cost of 75,000 Euro per life or 11,500 Euro per
QALY. In practice, MRI alone with a frequency of onceevery
2 to 3 years may be preferred to prevent non-detection of
rapidly growing cancers, although a higher frequency may
also lead to a somewhat higher false positive rate (see below).
As the costs ofMRI screening are mostly influenced by the
cost of the MR scans [33], there is strong interest in breast
MRI with shorter scan protocols, generally referred to as ab-
breviated breast MRI. This may enable a higher throughput
and therefore a lower cost per examination.
Eur Radiol
The EA1411 ECOG-ACRIN study was an international
study (mainly conducted in the USA) with 48 sites in academ-
ic, community hospital, and private practice settings. It includ-
ed 1,444 women with dense breasts (heterogeneously dense
category c, or extremely densecategory d), who underwent
routine screening both by DBT and abbreviated MRI. Both
screening methods were conducted in randomized order and
read strictly independently of each other, in order not only to
compare the performance of abbreviated MRI with that of
DBT, but to also investigate the use of abbreviated MRI as a
stand-alone screening method [34]. MRI protocols were var-
iable, but were all shorter than 10 min. In the first screening
round of the EA1141 study, overall cancer detection rate with
MRI was 15.2/1,000, as compared to 6.2/1,000 for DBT.
Respective sensitivity was 95.7% versus 39.1%. No interval
cancers were observed. The positive predictive value for bi-
opsy was somewhat lower for MRI (19.6% versus 31%), al-
though not statistically significantly different. This is likely
caused by the fact that a prior DBT needed to be available
(i.e. this was a follow-up DBT screening examination), where-
as none of the participants could have had a prior MRI (i.e.
this was a first-round MRI examination). In summary, the
ECOG-ACRIN EA1141 study shows that abbreviated MRI
can have a similar success as the standard MRI protocol that
was used within the DENSE trial. Moreover, the study pro-
vided further evidence that in women undergoing MRI for
screening, the additional contribution of x-ray-based breast
imaging is very limited [34].
In summary, there is cumulating evidence on the fact that
women with dense breasts are underserved by screening with
mammography or DBT alone. This evidence is available for
both women with heterogeneously dense as well as extremely
dense breasts. For the latter, there is now level I evidence
available on the efficacy of MRI screening on reducing un-
derdiagnosis and breast cancer-specific mortality, and on an
improved benefit-risk balance of screening compared to reg-
ular, mammographic screening. While for women with het-
erogeneously dense breasts MRI may also improve cancer
detection, the risk-benefit balance is currently less clear.
Consequently, EUSOBI will now recommend MRI screen-
ing in women with extremely dense breasts as specified in the
EUSOBI recommendations on screening women with dense
breastssection. This recommendation is independent of other
recommendations for screening in women at increased risk
due to, for example, family history or a personal history of
breast cancer. The evidence is strongest for women aged 50 to
70. However, it could be considered to adopt the recommen-
dations from the age at which screening is started when this is
Despite the currently available evidence, it is likely not
possible to implement MRI screening for women with ex-
tremely dense breasts immediately and everywhere.
Differences in the availability of equipment, staff and
experience and the general willingness of policymakers to
pay for screening tests vary from country to country and will
affect the level to which these recommendations can and will
be implemented.
When implementing MRI screening, it is essential to stan-
dardize the examinations, educate technologists, radiologists
and other involved professionals, and monitor the quality of
images acquired. Radiologistsperformance must also be
monitored with a specific focus on the prevention of false-
positive recalls, as these are considered a major burden to
the healthy female population. The availability of MR-
guided biopsy is essential for the introduction of breast MRI
as a screening technique [35].
Recommendations on how to inform women
Physicians who counsel women about their respective choices
regarding breast cancer screening in general, and screening in
women with extremely dense breasts in particular, must have
expertise in the principles of screening in general, and in
screening by imaging in particular.
Such expertise is usually not routinely available in primary
healthcare providers.
Accordingly, EUSOBI urges radiologists to assume this
important task and directly engage in informing women about
the pros and cons of screening. Educating other healthcare
providers might be another way to ensure that women receive
correct and objective information. The following passages
may serve as a guide for womenseducation;
How to explain the advantages associated with breast
MRI screening in women with extremely dense
Based on the modelled results of the DENSE trial [31,33], it is
through the following:
&A woman with extremely dense breasts who is never
screened has a chance of a little over 5 % to die from breast
&Participation in screening with mammography every other
year leads to early detection of cancer in about 7 % of
women and reduces the likelihood to die of breast cancer
to just over 4 %, i.e. reduces the risk to die of breast cancer
by 20%.
&According to epidemiological modelling of DENSE trial
results, participation in screening with MRI every other
year leads to early cancer detection in about 10% of wom-
en and reduces the risk to die from breast cancer to a little
over 3%, providing a mortality reduction by about 40 %.
&According to epidemiological modelling of DENSE trial
results, when dying from breast cancer is prevented by
Eur Radiol
MRI, a woman gains on average 15 years in good health,
before she dies of another cause.
&For women who would have survived breast cancer also in
absence of screening, the benefit is mainly that earlier
detection of breast cancer might enable less aggressive
This reduced mortality, and potentially less aggressive
treatment, comes at a price.
How to explain the disadvantages associated with
breast MRI screening:
In essence, screening in general, as well as screening by MRI
in particular, has three relevant disadvantages. Women should
also be thoroughly informed about these downsides of screen-
ing in order to be able to make informed choices.
First, the need to undergo the screening test
For women with extremely dense breasts, this currently im-
plies undergoing a mammogram at least once, i.e. at the start
of screening, to establish the presence of extremely dense
breasts, and then contrast-enhanced breast MRI, either as a
supplemental or stand-alone screening test, once every 2 to 4
Hence, she should be informed about the need for an IV
cannulation, the administration of an intravenous contrast
agent and the nature of a 10-min MRI examination [35,36].
While these examinations are in general well accepted, they
are not perceived as pleasant. The administration of contrast
agent implies that there is a very small risk for non-negligible
(allergic) contrast reactions. Notably, these allergic or pseudo-
allergic reactions arerare, and the vast majorityof these events
are mild.
Possible side effects of the contrast agent are as follows
&Occasionally (about 1 in 100): headache or nausea.
&Rare (less than 1 in 1,000): anaphylactoid or mild anaphy-
lactic reactions leading to rash, mild drop in blood pres-
sure, tachycardia, not requiring specific treatment.
&Extremely rare (less than 1 in 1,000,000): severe hyper-
sensitive reactions (anaphylactoid or anaphylactic) with
cardiovascular, respiratory of cutaneous manifestations,
ranging from mild to severe, potentially life-threatening.
Second, the possibility of false-positive screening findings
Whenever screening findings are abnormal, further assess-
ment is required to establish a final diagnosis to finally decide
whether the finding represents breast cancer or not. Where this
assessment confirms the presence of breast cancer, the respec-
tive screening finding is considered true-positive;whenthe
assessment proves the presence of a benign change, but no
breast cancer, the respective screening finding is considered
false positive’—possibly better understood when referred to
as false alarm.
Women should be informed that supplemental screening
tests in general, and screening with breast MRI in particular,
when used over several years or even decades, will increase
the chance that she will at least once experience the situation
of a false alarm, i.e. receive a positive screening test which,
after appropriate assessment, turns out to be a harmless find-
ing. Of all positive (abnormal) screening findings, only about
30% are really cancerous; this value is similar for mammog-
raphy and for MRI.
Women should also be informed about the fact that the
assessmentto find out whether a positive screening finding
corresponds to cancer or not will consist of some additional
imaging studies for most, and/or of minimally-invasive needle
biopsy for some women. Particularly the latter is an unpleas-
ant and somewhat painful, yet generally well accepted, proce-
dure [38]. Regardless, it is essential to minimize the need for
additional procedures. Based on current literature, with mam-
mographic screening approximately 1 in 7 women will ever
need additional imaging or biopsy, with 2 or 4 yearly MRIs;
this number may increase toapproximately 1 in 4 to 5 women.
Where the assessment confirms the absence of breast can-
cer, in other words: In women where the screening finding
was false-positive, women may have experienced (eventually
unnecessary) fear of having breast cancer for a few days until
the assessment results are available. Therefore, effort should
be made to avoid false-positive findings altogether and to keep
the time to the final diagnosis short.
No woman should ever be treated for breast cancer because
of a false-positive screening finding. Only when pathologic
review undoubtedly shows cancerous tissue should women
receive treatment for breast cancer.
Third, the possibility of overdiagnosis
A number of cancers detected during screening would never
have become symptomatic before the affected woman would
have died of other causes. Diagnosis of such cancers is re-
ferred to as overdiagnosis. Unfortunately, overdiagnosis is
not knowable at the individual level at the time of cancer
detection. In practice, these women will generally be treated
for their disease as currently there is no reliable method to
determine whether a specific cancer is life-threatening or rep-
resents an overdiagnosis.
Based on the modelled DENSE data, about 25% of
mammographically detected cancers (in 1.7% of women)
and about 22% of MRI detected cancers (in 2.1% of women)
may represent overdiagnosis [33]. These are mainly the low
Eur Radiol
grade in situ, and some very indolent invasive breast cancers.
Treatment is tailored to the specific biology of the disease in a
given patient. Hence, while overdiagnosis cannot be
prevented; the effect is mitigated by adapting the treatment
to the aggressiveness of the detected cancer.
Shared decision-making
Screening in general, and MRI screening in particular may be
lifesaving. However, it should be realized that, although breast
cancer is by far the most frequent type of cancer in women,
and although it still represents the most or second-to-most
important cause of cancer death in women, the vast majority
of women (> 85%) will never develop breast cancer during
their lifetimes.
Thus, while all women should be invited to undergo breast
cancer screening, only a minority will ever be diagnosed with
breast cancer, and only those women can benefit from early
diagnosis. The remaining women will never develop breast
cancer and in these women, undergoing screening cannot be
beneficial (other than assuring a woman that she does not have
breast cancer), but can only have negative side effects. From a
populationstandpoint, the (substantial) benefit for the relative-
ly few women who do develop breast cancer justifies the side
effects of screening for the vast majority who remain cancer-
Still, mammographic screening is commonly criticized be-
cause of false-positive findings and overdiagnosis. Even
though the benefit/risk ratio increases with MRI screening,
in absolute numbers, both the number of false-positive screen-
ing tests and the number of overdiagnoses increase. For the
individual woman, the recognized side effects may be argu-
ments to deviate from the population-based screening advice.
This must be respected.
Choosing not to attend a given screening program, or
opting for a less efficient screening method, should be a
choice that resides with the individual woman herself.
Such a choice is a personal decision that should never be
criticized, nor penalized, not even indirectly. However, to
enable women to make an informed decision, they must be
well informed by their radiologists (breast imagers) and
should be able to place this information in the context of
their preferences and values.
This is the hallmark of shared decision-making. In partic-
ular for screening, where multiple options are viable and jus-
tifiable, this participatory process is absolutely essential.
It obviously also implies that there is an obligation for the
medical community to offer techniques that are proven
effective; otherwise, the freedom of choice is essentially
It should be noted that true application of shared decision-
making clashes with current measures of the effectiveness of
screening programs that assess qualityamong other
thingsmainly by considering the overall participation rate.
Although this is sound from a public healthcare perspective, it
ignores the fact that individual womens needs, priorities and
values differ. What appears perfectly acceptable to one wom-
an may be unacceptable to another. Of course, achieving or
demonstrating a reduction of mortality on a population-wide
level requires high participation rates. However, these con-
cerns should not preclude or delay the recommendation of
imaging tests that can effectively avoid premature death from
breast cancer in individual women, even if such tests are not
yet widely available.
Consequently, we should move away from evaluating the
participation rate of a one-size-fits-all screening program to-
wards more personalized screening. We should start assessing
how a multifaceted screening program fits with the wishes of
the women we intend to serve.
Further considerations
This recommendation is only applicable to women with
extremely dense breasts. Although women with less dense
breasts, e.g. those with heterogeneously dense breasts,
might also benefit from other screening approaches, the
evidence in this field is currently insufficient to make
strong recommendations for practice. Rather, we urge
the medical community to also investigate the value of
MRI screening for women with less dense breast tissue
in high-quality trials.
In the future, other factors than breast density alone
benefit most from MRI screening. For example, density
could be combined with classic risk calculators in order to
select a smaller fraction of women at higher risk for MRI
screening [9,39]. Likewise, patient selection using AI-
assessment of screening mammograms could be employed
as this would likely allow earlier detection of cancers in
women with less dense breasts too [40]. However, these
approaches are currently not validated in prospective stud-
ies, and it remains therefore uncertain whether they could
achieve similar or even better results than the selection of
women based upon density alone. Still, in the future, this
than we currently recommend.
Eur Radiol
Fig. 1 EUSOBI summary recommendations on screening women with extremely dense breasts
Eur Radiol
Due to continuous technical innovation, other imaging mo-
dalities may eventually offer practical advantages over the
currently proposed contrast-enhanced breast MRI examina-
tions, including contrast-enhanced mammography, several
ultrasound-based techniques, MRI sequences without intrave-
nous contrast administration and isotope-based imaging tests
[41]. Unfortunately, most of these techniques have not (or
only marginally) been tested in screening and any assumption
about their efficacy is therefore premature. Still, some of these
techniques could be considered in women at increased breast
cancer risk with contraindications to MRI screening as they
have a proven higher clinical sensitivity than mammography.
EUSOBI recommendations on screening
women with dense breasts
In women with extremely dense breast tissue at average
risk, underdiagnosis of relevant breast cancers is a ma-
jor challenge, even with high-quality 2D digital mam-
mography or DBT screening. Therefore, these women
are underserved by current mammographic screening
In view of all the above, the EUSOBI has decided to adopt
the recommendation for breast cancer screening provided in
Fig. 1
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Dr. EAM Heijnsdijk for
providing supplemental insight into the cost-effectiveness analysis of the
DENSE trial.
Funding The authors state that this work has not received any funding.
Guarantor The scientific guarantor of this publication is R. M. Mann.
Conflict of interest All authors are members of the current executive
board of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI). The docu-
ment reflects the current position of EUSOBI. The authors report no
relevant disclosures to the contents of this work.
Statistics and biometry No complex statistical methods were necessary
for this paper.
Informed consent Not applicable
Ethical approval Institutional Review Board approval was not required
because this is a society recommendation.
Expert consensus based on the current literature assessment
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Ritse M. Mann
&Alexandra Athanasiou
&Pascal A. T. Baltzer
&Julia Camps-Herrero
&Paola Clauser
Eva M. Fallenberg
&Gabor Forrai
&Michael H. Fuchsjäger
&Thomas H. Helbich
&Fleur Killburn-Toppin
Mihai Lesaru
&Pietro Panizza
&Federica Pediconi
&Ruud M. Pijnappel
&Katja Pinker
Francesco Sardanelli
&Tamar Sella
&Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara
&Sophia Zackrisson
Fiona J. Gilbert
&Christiane K. Kuhl
&On behalf of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)
Radboud University Medical Center, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10,
6525 GA Nijmegen, Netherlands
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066
CX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Breast Imaging Department, MITERA Hospital, 6, Erithrou Stavrou
Str. 151 23 Marousi, Athens, Greece
Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy,
Division of General and Pediatric Radiology, Research Group:
Molecular and Gender Imaging, Medical University of Vienna,
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien, Austria
Hospitales Ribera Salud, Avda.Cortes Valencianas, 58,
46015 Valencia, Spain
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, School of
Medicine &; Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University of
Munich, Munich (TUM), Ismaninger Str. 22,
81675 München, Germany
Departmentof Radiology, Duna Medical Center, Budapest, Hungary
Division of General Radiology, Department of Radiology, Medical
University Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 9, 8036, Graz, Austria
Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Biomedical Campus, Hills road, Cambridge CB20QQ, UK
Radiology and Imaging Laboratory, Carol Davila University,
Bucharest, Romania
Breast Imaging Unit, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele,, Via Olgettina
60, 20132 Milan, Italy
Department of Radiological, Oncological and Pathological
Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Viale Regina Elena, 324,
00161 Rome, Italy
Department of Imaging, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht
University, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, Netherlands
Dutch Expert Centre for Screening (LRCB), Wijchenseweg 101,
6538 SW Nijmegen, Netherlands
Department of Radiology, Breast Imaging Service, Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, 300 E 66th Street, New York, NY 10065,
Unit of Radiology, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato
Milanese, Milan, Italy
Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Università degli
Studi di Milano, Via Morandi 30, 20097 San Donato Milanese,
Milan, Italy
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hadassah Hebrew University
Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel
Department of Radiology, Sorbonne Université, APHP, Hôpital
Tenon, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France
Diagnostic Radiology, Department of Translational Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Skåne University Hospital
Malmö, SE-205 02 Malmö, Sweden
University Hospital of Aachen, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische
Hochschule, Pauwelsstraße30, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Eur Radiol
... Recent evidence suggests that supplemental imaging should be offered to women with dense breast tissue due to the low sensitivity of mammography and independently increased risk of breast cancer in these women [3]. This is supported by a recent change in EU guidelines recommending that women be informed of their breast density to enable shared decisions about supplemental screening based on risk, and that those with very dense tissue should be offered additional breast MRI [4]. ...
... They argued that offering incentives encouraging women to attend for screening is unethical and that instead women should be fully informed of all harms. This is also highlighted in the updated EUSOBI guideline [4], with emphasis placed on effective decisionmaking with women fully informed of the harms and risks associated with both breast screening and being diagnosed with dense breast tissue [4]. ...
... They argued that offering incentives encouraging women to attend for screening is unethical and that instead women should be fully informed of all harms. This is also highlighted in the updated EUSOBI guideline [4], with emphasis placed on effective decisionmaking with women fully informed of the harms and risks associated with both breast screening and being diagnosed with dense breast tissue [4]. ...
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Background Mammography has poor sensitivity in dense breast tissue. Retrospective studies suggest that Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI), has superior diagnostic accuracy to mammography in women with very dense breast tissue. Women’s perspectives of MBI are unknown, but are crucial to understanding the feasibility of, and routes to, adoption into practice. Method Semi-structured interviews with screened and unscreened women explored acceptability of MBI. Data were analysed thematically. Results Four themes were generated from nineteen interviews: (1) presumed negative aspects of MBI are acceptable (2) convenience of access, (3) comfort in familiarity and (4) need for shared decisions relating to risk. Presumed negative aspects of MBI, such as radiation dose and forty-minute scan time, were acceptable provided there are benefits. Some participants were concerned about equitable access, such as parking. Participants expressed comfort in existing and familiar screening processes. Participants acknowledged that informing women of their breast density may result in increased anxiety, but it was still felt to be important to ensure women are fully informed of the risks and harms of screening. Conclusions Women consider MBI to be an acceptable breast imaging modality. High-quality information enabling informed decision-making is essential.
... 3 Apart from the vast applications of MRI in breast cancer staging, affecting clinical decision-making and treatment planning in many cases, 4 the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) also endorses MRI for several screening and lesion detection scenarios, including breast cancer screening in high-risk individuals, individuals with extremely dense breast, contralateral breast screening in individuals with diagnosed breast cancer, and certain problem-solving scenarios. 5,6 Breast MRI for screening mainly relies on T1-weighted dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) due to its key role in identifying and diagnosing suspicious lesions. 5 The preferred MRI protocol, multi-parametric breast MRI, also incorporates various other imaging sequences, showing promise in improving diagnostic accuracy. ...
... 27,28 EUSOBI, an international organization promoting breast imaging research, recommends MRI for individuals with a lifetime breast cancer risk above 20%, women with extremely dense breasts, and those with genetic predispositions like BRCA mutations. 5,6 MRI is also valuable for identifying interval cancers that develop between routine mammograms and for detecting aggressive tumor types at earlier stages. 29,30 However, routine MRI screening is not currently recommended for women with certain high-risk lesions, such as lobular carcinoma in situ, though this is still under debate. ...
Breast cancer continues to be a major health concern, and early detection is vital for enhancing survival rates. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a key tool due to its substantial sensitivity for invasive breast cancers. Computer‐aided detection (CADe) systems enhance the effectiveness of MRI by identifying potential lesions, aiding radiologists in focusing on areas of interest, extracting quantitative features, and integrating with computer‐aided diagnosis (CADx) pipelines. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of CADe systems in breast MRI, focusing on the technical details of pipelines and segmentation models including classical intensity‐based methods, supervised and unsupervised machine learning (ML) approaches, and the latest deep learning (DL) architectures. It highlights recent advancements from traditional algorithms to sophisticated DL models such as U‐Nets, emphasizing CADe implementation of multi‐parametric MRI acquisitions. Despite these advancements, CADe systems face challenges like variable false‐positive and negative rates, complexity in interpreting extensive imaging data, variability in system performance, and lack of large‐scale studies and multicentric models, limiting the generalizability and suitability for clinical implementation. Technical issues, including image artefacts and the need for reproducible and explainable detection algorithms, remain significant hurdles. Future directions emphasize developing more robust and generalizable algorithms, integrating explainable AI to improve transparency and trust among clinicians, developing multi‐purpose AI systems, and incorporating large language models to enhance diagnostic reporting and patient management. Additionally, efforts to standardize and streamline MRI protocols aim to increase accessibility and reduce costs, optimizing the use of CADe systems in clinical practice. Level of Evidence NA Technical Efficacy Stage 2
... As Diretrizes Europeias de Mama proporcionam recomendações rigorosas para rastreamento e diagnóstico de câncer de mama em mulheres, abordando o uso de diferentes testes (Schünemann et al., 2020) (Mann et al., 2022;Derakhshan;Reis-Filho, 2022;Li et al., 2022;Xu et al., 2020). Essas abordagens refletem avanços significativos, embora desafios persistentes permaneçam em relação à disponibilidade de terapias direcionadas e à necessidade contínua de aprimoramento nas estratégias de rastreamento e tratamento do câncer de mama. ...
O câncer de mama é prevalente, afetando milhões de mulheres anualmente, com alta mortalidade. Sua complexidade patológica demanda tratamentos específicos. Esta revisão foca no câncer triplo-negativo durante a gravidez, visando identificar abordagens terapêuticas seguras e eficazes. Para esta revisão sistemática, foi realizada uma busca na MEDLINE e Scopus de estudos em inglês de 2020 a fevereiro de 2024 sobre câncer de mama triplo negativo na gravidez. Destaca-se a importância do PAPP-A no CMTN, afetando sua agressividade. Alterações genéticas, como perdas de FGFR1 e TOP2A, são prognósticos negativos. A gravidez não impacta negativamente o CMTN, mas o câncer de mama pós-parto requer atenção. Terapias promissoras incluem imunoterapia e inibidores do receptor IGF-I. Pesquisa investiga novos alvos, como FXYD3, e métodos de detecção precoce, enfatizando o tratamento personalizado. Análises do CMTN na gravidez destacam a importância da PAPP-A, alterações genéticas e terapias inovadoras, enfatizando a necessidade de tratamento personalizado.
... Finally, doing pre-tests among women to investigate breast cancer, especially among women at higher risk and those who have relatives with breast cancer, is highly recommended to minimize the consequences of the disease. Screening methods depending on MG are recommended among women to enable an early diagnosis (31,32). The Ministry of Health and other relevant authorities must make greater efforts through an extensive awareness program and should offer free screening tests, as is done in other countries, to enable women, especially those who had low incomes, to conduct periodic and regular examinations under the supervision of physicians and specialists. ...
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Objective Having good knowledge and performing regular pre-tests under physician supervision play a crucial role in the early detection of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of awareness, frequency of performing routine screening, types of screening methods prior to detection, and who detected the case, among women diagnosed with breast cancer. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional study that used a designed questionnaire applied to investigate demographic data and four other aspects: level of awareness, screening practices, type of screening methods used, and who detected the case for the first time. Women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and registered at Nanakali Hospital were included. Results A total of 150 women participated. Most of the participants (80%) had no previous knowledge regarding causes, signs and symptoms, or detection methods, while only 20% had little information. Among the participants, most (87.3%) did not undergo any pre-tests before the time of diagnosis, while only 12.7% did pre-test at least once. The screening methods used prior to the diagnosis were: breast self-exam (n=9); ultrasonography (n=8), and only two had mammography. Detecting the case for the first time, 68.7% of the cases were detected by chance or accidentally, and 31.3% were detected by physicians. Conclusion The level of awareness and performance of routine screening differ greatly among different populations and countries. Women in Erbil, generally have a low level of awareness and insufficient knowledge regarding breast cancer; most women do not undertake any regular screening for early detection of this cancer compared to Western countries. Having previous knowledge and doing pre-tests regularly play a key role in the early detection of this cancer, which minimizes the consequences.
... Heightened vigilance is adopted for the treatment of low-grade DCIS, in the same manner as IDC with radiotherapy, drugs, and surgical intervention (4) leading to physical trauma, sexual dysfunction, and psychological harm (5). Identification of DCIS with low risk of developing into IDC is central to avoid overtreatment (6); however, the current radiological method of mammography suffers from high falsepositive and -negative rates (7) and decreased sensitivity in dense breast (8). The reliance of mammography on spatial patterns in calcified regions increases false negatives (9,10), with approximately 15%-25% of suspected DCIS remaining unconfirmed (11,12). ...
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Introduction Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) accounts for 25% of newly diagnosed breast cancer cases with only 14%–53% developing into invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), but currently overtreated due to inadequate accuracy of mammography. Subtypes of calcification, discernible from histology, has been suggested to have prognostic value in DCIS, while the lipid composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids may be altered in de novo synthesis with potential sensitivity to the difference between DCIS and IDC. We therefore set out to examine calcification using ultra short echo time (UTE) MRI and lipid composition using chemical shift-encoded imaging (CSEI), as markers for histological calcification classification, in the initial ex vivo step towards in vivo application. Methods Twenty female patients, with mean age (range) of 57 (35–78) years, participated in the study. Intra- and peri-tumoural degree of calcification and peri-tumoural lipid composition were acquired on MRI using UTE and CSEI, respectively. Ex vivo imaging was conducted on the freshly excised breast tumour specimens immediately after surgery. Histopathological analysis was conducted to determine the calcification status, Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI), and proliferative activity marker Ki-67. Results Intra-tumoural degree of calcification in malignant classification (1.05 ± 0.13) was significantly higher (p = 0.012) against no calcification classification (0.84 ± 0.09). Peri-tumoural degree of calcification in malignant classification (1.64 ± 0.10) was significantly higher (p = 0.033) against no calcification classification (1.41 ± 0.18). Peri-tumoural MUFA in malignant classification (0.40 ± 0.01) was significantly higher (p = 0.039) against no calcification classification (0.38 ± 0.02). Ki-67 showed significant negative correlation against peri-tumoural MUFA (p = 0.043, ρ = −0.457), significant positive correlation against SFA (p = 0.008, ρ = 0.577), and significant negative correlation against PUFA (p = 0.002, ρ = −0.653). Conclusion The intra- and peri-tumoural degree of calcification and peri-tumoural MUFA are sensitive to histological calcification classes supporting future investigation into DCIS prognosis.
... Due to the differences in the structure of breast tissue in women, some breast tumors may be clearly visible during mammography, i.e. especially those that are detected in a large mammary gland rich in adipose tissue, while other cancers may be hidden in dense glandular tissue and not visible in the radiological image [44,45,46,47], hence the need to use other methods in diagnostics, including magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. Further diagnostics of pathological changes found on the basis of imaging tests should be carried out in specialized breast cancer centers that operate on the basis of the recommendations of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) [48]. ...
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Introduction. Breast cancer in women in the world is the dominant cancer and the main cause of death in this population.In the last decade, the number of new cases of this cancer has increased significantly, especially among women over 50 years of age. In Norway, however, positive epidemiological trends can be observed in the form of high relative five-year survival rates and a decrease in mortality due to breast cancer. The aim of the study is to present the recommendations and effects of the mammography program in women in Norway for the prevention of breast cancer. Material and methods. The study uses the method of review and analysis of literature from databases of scientific journals - mainly PubMed. The search used the following keywords: "breast cancer", "Norway", "mammography", "women". In addition, Norwegian statistical registers on demographic data were also analysed. Results. It should be emphasized that women in Norway are very interested in mammography screening, which means that breast cancer in this country is most often diagnosed at an early stage of development. The Norwegian Research Council found that mammography has reduced women's mortality from breast cancer by more than 20%. In 2023, the five-year survival rate for women with breast cancer in Norway was high, at 92.7%. There was also a decrease in mortality from 694 deaths in 2005 to 619 in 2022. Conclusions. National and international cooperation should be continued, sharing experiences in health-promoting activities aimed at improving epidemiological indicators and quality of life of women with breast cancer, and conducting scientific research in this area.
Background Breast density is an independent risk factor for breast cancer and affects the sensitivity of mammography screening. Therefore, new breast imaging approaches could benefit women with increased breast density in early cancer detection and diagnosis. Objectives To assess the diagnostic performance of abbreviated breast MRI compared with mammography and other imaging modalities in screening and diagnosing breast cancer among Saudi women with dense breast tissue. Methods A retrospective diagnostic study was conducted using anonymized medical images and histopathology information from 55 women, aged ≥30 years, who had dense breasts (Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System [BI-RADS] breast density categories C and D) and an abnormal mammogram. The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were calculated for mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), synthetic mammography (SM) derived from DBT, ultrasound, and abbreviated breast MRI (ABMRI). Results A total of 19 women had pathology-proven breast cancer. Among all methods, ABMRI showed the highest sensitivity (94.7%) and specificity (58.3%), while mammography showed the lowest (84.2% and 44.4%, respectively). AUC for ABMRI was higher than all the methods including mammography (0.751 vs. 0.643; P < 0.05). Conclusion ABMRI appears to be more accurate in cancer diagnosis than mammography and other modalities for women with dense breast tissue. Further research is advised on a larger sample of Saudi women to confirm the benefit of ABMRI in breast cancer screening and diagnosis for women with increased breast density.
Previous research yields inconsistent findings on the association between air pollution and breast cancer risk, with no definitive causal relationship established. To address this, we conducted a two-sample Mendelian randomization study on data from the IEU open GWAS databases and the Breast Cancer Association Consortium to explore the potential link between air pollution (including PM2.5, PM2.5 absorbance, PM2.5-10, PM10, NO2, and NOx) and breast cancer risk. We found that PM10 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.39, 95% CI: 1.07-1.80, p = 0.013) and NOx (OR = 1.67, 95% CI: 1.16-2.41, p = 0.006) were significantly associated with elevated breast cancer risk. Furthermore, PM2.5 (OR = 2.10, 95% CI: 1.09-4.03, p = 0.027) and NOx (OR = 3.08, 95% CI: 1.24-7.64, p = 0.015) were significantly associated with an elevated risk of luminal B/HER2-negative-like cancer. Results were stable in sensitivity analyses. This suggested that controlling air pollution could potentially reduce breast cancer risk.
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Background: Extremely dense breast tissue is associated with increased breast cancer risk and limited sensitivity of mammography. The DENSE trial showed that additional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screening in women with extremely dense breasts resulted in a substantial reduction in interval cancers. The cost-effectiveness of MRI screening for these women is unknown. Methods: We used the MISCAN-breast microsimulation model to simulate several screening protocols containing mammography and/or MRI to estimate long-term effects and costs. The model was calibrated using results of the DENSE trial and adjusted to incorporate decreases in breast density with increasing age. Screening strategies varied in the number of MRIs and mammograms offered to women ages 50-75 years. Outcomes were numbers of breast cancers, life-years, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), breast cancer deaths, and overdiagnosis. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were calculated (3% discounting), with a willingness-to-pay threshold of €22 000. Results: Calibration resulted in a conservative fit of the model regarding MRI detection. Both strategies of the DENSE trial were dominated (biennial mammography; biennial mammography plus MRI). MRI alone every 4 years was cost-effective with €15 620 per QALY. Screening every 3 years with MRI alone resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of €37 181 per QALY. All strategies with mammography and/or a 2-year interval were dominated because other strategies resulted in more additional QALYs per additional euro. Alternating mammography and MRI every 2 years was close to the efficiency frontier. Conclusions: MRI screening is cost-effective for women with extremely dense breasts, when applied at a 4-year interval. For a willingness to pay more than €22 000 per QALY gained, MRI at a 3-year interval is cost-effective as well.
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Purpose Mammographic density (MD) is one of the strongest risk factors for breast cancer (BC). However, the influence of MD on the BC prognosis is unclear. The objective of this study was therefore to investigate whether percentage MD (PMD) is associated with a difference in disease-free or overall survival in primary BC patients. Methods A total of 2525 patients with primary, metastasis-free BC were followed up retrospectively for this analysis. For all patients, PMD was evaluated by two readers using a semi-automated method. The association between PMD and prognosis was evaluated using Cox regression models with disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) as the outcome, and the following adjustments: age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, body mass index, tumor stage, grading, lymph node status, hormone receptor and HER2 status. Results After median observation periods of 9.5 and 10.0 years, no influence of PMD on DFS (p = 0.46, likelihood ratio test (LRT)) or OS (p = 0.22, LRT), respectively, was found. In the initial unadjusted analysis higher PMD was associated with longer DFS and OS. The effect of PMD on DFS and OS disappeared after adjustment for age and was caused by the underlying age effect. Conclusions Although MD is one of the strongest independent risk factors for BC, in our collective PMD is not associated with disease-free and overall survival in patients with BC.
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Background In the first (prevalent) supplemental MRI screening round of the Dense Tissue and Early Breast Neoplasm Screening (DENSE) trial, a considerable number of breast cancers were found at the cost of an increased false-positive rate (FPR). In incident screening rounds, a lower cancer detection rate (CDR) is expected due to a smaller pool of prevalent cancers, and a reduced FPR, due to the availability of prior MRI examinations. Purpose To investigate screening performance indicators of the second round (incidence round) of the DENSE trial. Materials and Methods The DENSE trial ( NCT01315015) is embedded within the Dutch population-based biennial mammography screening program for women aged 50-75 years. MRI examinations were performed between December 2011 and January 2016. Women were eligible for the second round when they again had a negative screening mammogram 2 years after their first MRI. The recall rate, biopsy rate, CDR, FPR, positive predictive values, and distributions of tumor characteristics were calculated and compared with results of the first round using 95% CIs and χ2 tests. Results A total of 3436 women (median age, 56 years; interquartile range, 48-64 years) underwent a second MRI screening. The CDR was 5.8 per 1000 screening examinations (95% CI: 3.8, 9.0) compared with 16.5 per 1000 screening examinations (95% CI: 13.3, 20.5) in the first round. The FPR was 26.3 per 1000 screening examinations (95% CI: 21.5, 32.3) in the second round versus 79.8 per 1000 screening examinations (95% CI: 72.4, 87.9) in the first round. The positive predictive value for recall was 18% (20 of 110 participants recalled; 95% CI: 12.1, 26.4), and the positive predictive value for biopsy was 24% (20 of 84 participants who underwent biopsy; 95% CI: 16.0, 33.9), both comparable to that of the first round. All tumors in the second round were stage 0-I and node negative. Conclusion The incremental cancer detection rate in the second round was 5.8 per 1000 screening examinations-compared with 16.5 per 1000 screening examinations in the first round. This was accompanied by a strong reduction in the number of false-positive results. © RSNA, 2021 Online supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorial by Moy and Gao in this issue.
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Background We examined the potential change in cancer detection when using an artificial intelligence (AI) cancer-detection software to triage certain screening examinations into a no radiologist work stream, and then after regular radiologist assessment of the remainder, triage certain screening examinations into an enhanced assessment work stream. The purpose of enhanced assessment was to simulate selection of women for more sensitive screening promoting early detection of cancers that would otherwise be diagnosed as interval cancers or as next-round screen-detected cancers. The aim of the study was to examine how AI could reduce radiologist workload and increase cancer detection. Methods In this retrospective simulation study, all women diagnosed with breast cancer who attended two consecutive screening rounds were included. Healthy women were randomly sampled from the same cohort; their observations were given elevated weight to mimic a frequency of 0·7% incident cancer per screening interval. Based on the prediction score from a commercially available AI cancer detector, various cutoff points for the decision to channel women to the two new work streams were examined in terms of missed and additionally detected cancer. Findings 7364 women were included in the study sample: 547 were diagnosed with breast cancer and 6817 were healthy controls. When including 60%, 70%, or 80% of women with the lowest AI scores in the no radiologist stream, the proportion of screen-detected cancers that would have been missed were 0, 0·3% (95% CI 0·0–4·3), or 2·6% (1·1–5·4), respectively. When including 1% or 5% of women with the highest AI scores in the enhanced assessment stream, the potential additional cancer detection was 24 (12%) or 53 (27%) of 200 subsequent interval cancers, respectively, and 48 (14%) or 121 (35%) of 347 next-round screen-detected cancers, respectively. Interpretation Using a commercial AI cancer detector to triage mammograms into no radiologist assessment and enhanced assessment could potentially reduce radiologist workload by more than half, and pre-emptively detect a substantial proportion of cancers otherwise diagnosed later. Funding Stockholm City Council.
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We summarise here the information to be provided to women and referring physicians about percutaneous breast biopsy and lesion localisation under imaging guidance. After explaining why a preoperative diagnosis with a percutaneous biopsy is preferred to surgical biopsy, we illustrate the criteria used by radiologists for choosing the most appropriate combination of device type for sampling and imaging technique for guidance. Then, we describe the commonly used devices, from fine-needle sampling to tissue biopsy with larger needles, namely core needle biopsy and vacuum-assisted biopsy, and how mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging work for targeting the lesion for sampling or localisation. The differences among the techniques available for localisation (carbon marking, metallic wire, radiotracer injection, radioactive seed, and magnetic seed localisation) are illustrated. Type and rate of possible complications are described and the issue of concomitant antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy is also addressed. The importance of pathological-radiological correlation is highlighted: when evaluating the results of any needle sampling, the radiologist must check the concordance between the cytology/pathology report of the sample and the radiological appearance of the biopsied lesion. We recommend that special attention is paid to a proper and tactful approach when communicating to the woman the need for tissue sampling as well as the possibility of cancer diagnosis, repeat tissue sampling, and or even surgery when tissue sampling shows a lesion with uncertain malignant potential (also referred to as "high-risk" or B3 lesions). Finally, seven frequently asked questions are answered.
Screening for breast cancer reduces breast cancer-related mortality and earlier detection facilitates less aggressive treatment. Unfortunately, current screening modalities are imperfect, suffering from limited sensitivity and high false-positive rates. Novel techniques in the field of breast imaging may soon play a role in breast cancer screening: digital breast tomosynthesis, contrast material-enhanced spectral mammography, US (automated three-dimensional breast US, transmission tomography, elastography, optoacoustic imaging), MRI (abbreviated and ultrafast, diffusion-weighted imaging), and molecular breast imaging. Artificial intelligence and radiomics have the potential to further improve screening strategies. Furthermore, nonimaging-based screening tests such as liquid biopsy and breathing tests may transform the screening landscape. © RSNA, 2020 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
Purpose Assessment of a woman’s risk of breast cancer is essential when moving towards personalized screening. Breast density is a well-known risk factor and has the potential to improve accuracy of risk prediction models. In this study we reviewed the impact on model performance of adding breast density to clinical breast cancer risk prediction models. Methods We conducted a systematic review using a pre-specified search strategy for PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library from January 2007 until November 2019. Studies were screened using the Covidence software. Eligible studies developed or modified existing breast cancer risk prediction models applicable to the general population of women by adding breast density to the model. Improvement in discriminatory accuracy was measured as an increase in the Area Under the Curve or concordance statistics. Results Eleven eligible studies were identified by the search and one by reference check. Four studies modified the Gail model, four modified the Tyrer-Cuzick model, and five studies developed new models. Several methods were used to measure breast density, including visual, semi- and fully automated methods. Eleven studies reported discriminatory accuracy and one study reported calibration. Seven studies found a statistically significantly increased discriminatory accuracy when including density in the model. The increase in AUC ranged 0.03 to 0.14. Four studies did not report on statistical significance, but reported an increased AUC ranging from 0.01 to 0.06. Conclusion Including mammographic breast density has the potential to improve breast cancer risk prediction models. However, all models demonstrated limited discrimination accuracy.
Background: Extremely dense breast tissue is a risk factor for breast cancer and limits the detection of cancer with mammography. Data are needed on the use of supplemental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to improve early detection and reduce interval breast cancers in such patients. Methods: In this multicenter, randomized, controlled trial in the Netherlands, we assigned 40,373 women between the ages of 50 and 75 years with extremely dense breast tissue and normal results on screening mammography to a group that was invited to undergo supplemental MRI or to a group that received mammography screening only. The groups were assigned in a 1:4 ratio, with 8061 in the MRI-invitation group and 32,312 in the mammography-only group. The primary outcome was the between-group difference in the incidence of interval cancers during a 2-year screening period. Results: The interval-cancer rate was 2.5 per 1000 screenings in the MRI-invitation group and 5.0 per 1000 screenings in the mammography-only group, for a difference of 2.5 per 1000 screenings (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.0 to 3.7; P<0.001). Of the women who were invited to undergo MRI, 59% accepted the invitation. Of the 20 interval cancers that were diagnosed in the MRI-invitation group, 4 were diagnosed in the women who actually underwent MRI (0.8 per 1000 screenings) and 16 in those who did not accept the invitation (4.9 per 1000 screenings). The MRI cancer-detection rate among the women who actually underwent MRI screening was 16.5 per 1000 screenings (95% CI, 13.3 to 20.5). The positive predictive value was 17.4% (95% CI, 14.2 to 21.2) for recall for additional testing and 26.3% (95% CI, 21.7 to 31.6) for biopsy. The false positive rate was 79.8 per 1000 screenings. Among the women who underwent MRI, 0.1% had either an adverse event or a serious adverse event during or immediately after the screening. Conclusions: The use of supplemental MRI screening in women with extremely dense breast tissue and normal results on mammography resulted in the diagnosis of significantly fewer interval cancers than mammography alone during a 2-year screening period. (Funded by the University Medical Center Utrecht and others; DENSE number, NCT01315015.).
Background: Previous studies comparing digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to digital mammography (DM) have shown conflicting results regarding breast density and diagnostic performance. Purpose: To compare true-positive and false-positive interpretations in DM versus DBT according to volumetric density, age, and mammographic findings. Materials and Methods: From November 2010 to December 2012, 24 301 women aged 50–69 years (mean age, 59.1 years +- 5.7) were prospectively included in the Oslo Tomosynthesis Screening Trial. Participants received same-compression DM and DBT with independent double reading for both DM and DM plus DBT reading modes. Eight experienced radiologists rated the images by using a five-point scale for probability of malignancy. Participants were followed up for 2 years to assess for interval cancers. Breast density was assessed by using automatic volumetric software (scale, 1–4). Differences in true-positive rates, false-positive rates, and mammographic findings were assessed by using confidence intervals (Newcombe paired method) and P values (McNemar and Chi2 tests). Results: The true-positive rate of DBT was higher than that of DM for density groups (range, 12%–24%; P < .001 for density scores of 2 and 3, and P > .05 for density scores of 1 and 4) and age groups (range, 15%–35%; P < .05 for all age groups), mainly due to the higher number of spiculated masses and architectural distortions found at DBT (P < .001 for density scores of 2 and 3; P < .05 for women aged 55–69 years). The false-positive rate was lower for DBT than for DM in all age groups (range, 20.6% to 21.2%; P < .01) and density groups (range, 20.7 to 21.0%; P < .005) owing to fewer asymmetric densities (P <= .001), except for extremely dense breasts (0.1%, P = .82). Conclusion: Digital breast tomosynthesis enabled the detection of more cancers in all density and age groups compared with digital mammography, especially cancers classified as spiculated masses and architectural distortions. The improvement in cancer detection rate showed a positive correlation with age. With use of digital breast tomosynthesis, false-positive findings were lower due to fewer asymmetric densities, except in extremely dense breasts.