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Human Influence in the Lifelong
Reinforcement Learning Loop
1st Thierry Jacquin
Meylan, France
2nd Julien Perez
Meylan, France
3rd C´
ecile Boulard
Meylan, France
Abstract—Deploying embodied agents in real-world settings
brings safety, adaptability, and cost challenges. As reinforcement
learning (RL) in robotics remains expensive in such scenarios,
large scale decision models are often trained with large amount
of simulations. Then, transferring to a real-world environment
becomes the starting point for a lifelong adaptation learning
procedure. In this paper, we introduce a novel learning paradigm
that improves the efficiency of adaptation to real environment
thanks to an original integration of human expert feedback that
iteratively improves the agent’s behavior toward an expected one.
Our approach involves a computational mechanism for which
experts may alter the behavior of the agent in a space of influ-
ences, that do not need to be aligned with the action space of the
targeted environment. It differs from state-of-the-art approaches
where the human only intervenes as an oracle over the action
space of the target environment. We illustrate our approach with
the task of simultaneous localization and mapping and present
preliminary results in the context of collision avoidance using the
AI-Habitat simulator.
Embodied agent deployments in public areas emphasize the
issue of robot adaptation to ever-changing environments. As
an agent, we refer to the sequential decision making model
that defines, at each step, the action of the robot. Autonomous
robots raise the question of the cost of deployment, the risk
of sharing the physical environment with humans, and the
limited predictability that robot behavior can provide. Another
major concern is the ability to adapt the robots either to
a new place or within the same environment to evolving
practices and goals. This situation brings the need for lifelong
learning for the robot and this concern is shared by researchers
from diverse research communities studying the role of hu-
mans in the large variety of machine learning paradigms and
associated protocols [8]. This general concern was recently
labeled human-centered AI [13]. In this paper, we introduce
a novel approach to adapting a sequential decision model
giving humans the ability to adapt agents for deployment
in real-world settings. Interacting with a human in the loop
during training has shown significant advantages in numerous
real-world situations. First, it allows for improving the data
efficiency of the learning process. Second, it makes possible
the introduction of robots in new environments in a safe
manner [18]. In the following of this paper, we describe a
new formalization of humans in the loop where human experts
influence the behavior of a sequential decision agent to adapt
it to fit their needs. This approach can be distinguished from
state-of-the-art approaches of human-in-the-loop where the
human is solely defined as oracle over the targeted action space
of the considered environment.
We assume that one or several human experts can coach
an agent that was newly deployed in the real world or
that is facing unforeseen changes in its environment after
deployment. As human experts, we refer here to humans
that are knowledgeable regarding the task to be done, the
environment where the agent is evolving, and the associated
risks. No requirements of expertise in algorithms, or models
of sequential decision making are assumed. We evidence the
technological feasibility of this new learning paradigm with
an experiment of autonomous localization and mapping and
detail initial results.
Besides the performance of modern sequential decision
learning approaches since Deep Reinforcement Learning [10],
[12], recent research works addressing real-world situations
where humans interact during such a learning process exist.
First, DQN-TAMER [3] uses face recognition of a su-
pervising human for helping to induce a policy for maze
navigation. In this work, the system uses a camera to perceive
human faces and interpret them as human feedback using a
deep neural network for facial expression recognition. The
recognition model is a convolutional neural network-based
(CNN) model that classifies facial expressions into 8 cate-
gories: ‘neutral’, ‘anger’, ‘contempt’, ‘disgust’, ‘fear’, ‘happy’,
‘sadness’, ‘surprise’. The agent interprets the facial expression
‘happy’ as positive (+1) and other expressions (‘anger’, ‘con-
tempt’, ‘disgust’, ‘fear’, and ‘sad’) as negative (-1). As one
possible extension, this study shows a good example of the
necessity for humans to help the learning agent using natural
language. Nonetheless, while the face recognition approach
is an interesting reward signal to use, it is limited to very
simple environments and an action frequency that is low. As
an alternative, we propose to introduce a task-specific signal
of supervision that will directly bias the behavioral policy.
In more complex environments and tasks of sequential
decision making, one has first to identify in which parts of
the state space to interact in the Human-in-the-Loop learning
process. As an example, [11] shows that it is desirable to
Fig. 1. From left to right: classic imitation learning scheme, evaluative feedback and our proposed coaching approach involving human-in-the-loop sequential
learning. The black head is the human expert, also known as coach, Eis the environment, and Adenotes the agent, atis the action chosen at time tby the
agent and a∗
tthe action expected by the human expert, stis the state observed at time t.Htis an additional reward to maximize provided by the expert
regarding agent decisions. In our approach, Iis the influence module that transforms the influence signal produced by the coach and the agent action into
the influenced action,aI
directly interact with the learning agent during its execution
if the situation requires it. In our work, we get inspired by
this approach, we propose to improve it by letting the human
experts decide where and how in the agent environment state
space they want to position their advice to create the most
In the specific context of autonomous driving, this question
has been addressed by the live supervision of a human driver
[17]. It seems natural to supervise autonomous driving with
a driver’s live corrections as a reinforcement signal. In this
context, the shared physical environment forms a convenient
situation to align human preferences with the agent decision
model. In our work, we improve this scheme when the task
cannot be supervised in real-time by a driver, but by regular
external observations of a task by experts and without such
an action space alignment constraint through the proposed
mechanism of influence. Agent-Agnostic Human-in-the-Loop
Reinforcement Learning [1] provides an interesting overview
of the various algorithmic possibilities offered by the two
possible interventions in this learning procedure: altering the
action or changing the reward. Action alteration aims at
reducing the exploration/exploitation necessity of learning by
leveraging human knowledge about the task at hand.
Finally, reward shaping [7] is another approach to learning
efficiency improvement that is available at learning time.
Action alteration, in contrast, is also available at exploitation
Figure 1 describes our proposed method using the notation
introduced in [18] and details how we differentiate from it.
In comparison to the state-of-the-art methods which mainly
consist in either directly fine-tuning the actions of the agent
or altering its reward function from feedback provided by the
human trainer, our method introduces a conversion step that
receives as input both the current action chosen by the agent
and an environment-specific influence signal provided by the
trainer and produces as output an influenced action to execute
in the environment.
Given a trained sequential decision policy, our approach is
decomposed into two steps. First, the outputs of the policy
are altered with constraints, called influence, specified by the
human experts and conditioned by the current action and
observed state of the environment. In this first adaptation
step, where the agent’s policy remains unchanged, the model’s
performance can be degraded. The second step integrates the
established influence into the actual model using a straightfor-
ward scheme of reward shaping.
In the context of autonomous navigation, an influence can
be defined as a direction with an associated magnitude. This
magnitude of an influence can skew or smooth the action
distribution computed by the influenced agent. Assuming a
discrete action space, influences can be applied to the ac-
tion distribution outputted by the considered policy with an
application-specific transformation. As an example, we can
alter such policy-selected action distribution by computing the
dot-product between it and an action distribution estimated by
the influence signal and the associated transformation. Finally,
one can select the decision to transmit to the environment
by maximizing such influenced action distribution. After in-
troducing preliminary notations, we detail a two-step process
defining and leveraging this influence signal.
A. Preliminaries
We operate under the assumption that the considered system
is described by a Markov Decision Process (MDP) [16].
An MDP consists of the tuple (S,A,P, r, γ)composed of
states s∈ S, actions a∈ A, unknown transition dynamics
p(st+1|st, at)∼ P , a reward function r∈R, and a discount
factor γ∈[0,1]. At each timestep t, an agent observes the
current state st, selects an action atfrom a policy at∼π(·|st),
and then observes the reward rtand the next state st+1.
Solving an MDP consists of finding an optimal policy π∗
which maximizes the long-term accumulation of rewards.
B. Influence for action alteration
First, the agent’s policy is altered using a task-specific
behavioral function B(ψ, at, st)∈ A which transforms a task-
specific influence signal ψprovided by a coach, the current
state stand currently chosen action atinto an influenced
action, altering the current action. This first step can be tightly
associated with the family of approaches of policy shielding
[2]. The influence signal ψand the associated transformation
Fig. 2. Original mapping and navigation (Left 88 ops) under right-side influence (Middle 24 ops). Right: Resulting influenced policy. The trajectory of the
SLAM agent is indicated and the color indicates the orientation of the agent while traveling. Red is south, Black is north, Pale green is east, and purple is
west oriented.
function B(.)are task and environment dependent and known
by the coach. Various forms of influence signals can be
mentioned such as natural language, direct action space, etc. In
addition, an influence signal can be conditioned by the current
state of the environment or a currently chosen action so the
behavioral function takes these information as inputs, too. This
alteration of actions is meant for validating, by the coach, the
behavior of the influenced policy with respect to the task and
the environment at hand before adapting it using a fine-tuning
C. Learning from influence
In this second step of our approach, the influences defined
by the coaches are used to fine-tune the influenced policy.
While behavior-cloning [16] could have been considered to fit
the policy into the influenced policy defined during the former
action alteration step, compound error commonly associated to
this approach makes it impractical [6]. Instead, we define a
reward-shaping function to reinforce as follows:
R(at, st, rt, ψ) = rt−λϕ(at,B(ψ, at, st)) ∈R(1)
with ϕ, a reward granted for having chosen an action
under the preference distribution computed for the state st
under the influence and λ∈Ris a hyper-parameter. We
propose to define such influenced action compliance function
as following:
ϕ(at,B(ψ, at, st)) = ||at−B(ψ, at, st)||2
using the L2norm of the difference between the action
derived from the influence signal B(.)and the action chosen
by the policy at. Reward shaping is well-suited in this context
as the agent is encouraged to align with the influence’s action
without strictly copying it. In this way, the policy can ensure
a trade-off between influence compliance and task-specific
reward maximization.
This second step allows to decouple the two parts of
the approach. First, the interactive adaptation of the policy
executed in a given environment, performed during the first
step of the approach. Second, a learning procedure as fine-
tuning of the current policy once the influenced policy is
validated by the coach. Indeed, once the shielded policy is
safe and confirmed to adapt to the new context, it can learn
the task using state-of-the-art approaches of reward-shaping,
defined using the constraints given by the human observer
during the first step of the proposed adaptation approach.
We illustrate our approach using a simple scenario of
autonomous mapping in an indoor environment.
Context and settings: The environment is set as follows,
a fleet of robots autonomously navigate in a set of scenes.
One of them maps the target area by creating an occupancy
grid using SLAM, the others move freely with in the scenes,
e.g., executing delivery tasks. It might happen that the mapping
robot falsely classifies the delivery robots as static objects and,
as a consequence, creates a degraded occupancy grid. This
usually happens after a collision with the mapping robot. Thus,
the goal of this experiment is to create an influence that helps
the mapping robot to better execute its task. On the one hand,
we want to minimise the number of collisions, and on the other
hand, we want to maximise the size of the successfully mapped
areas of the scenes. As simulation framework we use Habitat
AI, the target scenes (40) come from the Gibson dataset [14],
and we use [5] for SLAM. A collision is detected if the
mapping robot gets closer than 0.5m to another robot while
driving in opposite directions. More precisely, we assume a
deep neural network pre-trained for Simultaneous Localization
and Mapping sharing the space with moving obstacles like a
fleet of delivery robots to update them with map modifications
and also humans. In this experiment, we use the pre-trained
neural SLAM model and associated hyper-parameters intro-
duced in [5]. Our study focuses on this navigation behavior
part of the problem of the neural SLAM agent. We evaluate
the capability of our approach to influence the robot to adopt
a right-side walk influence within the AI-habitat validation
dataset while maintaining a functional mapping behavior.
Influences for right-hand side navigation: We define an
influence function for adapting the SLAM robot’s naviga-
tion policy. More precisely, we influence the trained Global
Planner of the proposed neural architecture that sets the next
waypoint in R2to reach in the neural navigation stack. We
invite the reader to refer to [5] for a complete description
of the navigation stack this experiment is based on. In this
experiment, we define an influence as a circular displacement
of a clock-wise 15-degree angle of the current position of the
next waypoint with respect to the robot’s current position. As
the purpose of this experiment is to prevent collisions, the
influence needs to be defined in the reference frame of the
robot. So this influence scheme depends on the current global
planner action, i.e. the position of the next goal to reach, and
the state of the robot, i.e. its current position. The aim of this
simple influence is to encourage the navigation policy of the
mapper to remain right-sided to prevent collisions with each
other. As a performance measure, the collisions are detected
using the AI-habitat simulations based on the SLAM robot
position and a threshold distance of 0.5meter. For the sake of
simplicity of the simulation, the experiments are performed
using only the SLAM agent and collisions are defined as
intersections of consecutive positions in the robot trajectory
with opposite direction.
Evaluation on step-1, Task compliance: During this first
step of the method, the coach influences then validates the
navigation behavior of the agents from collisions by defining
the influence signal described beforehand. Here, the coach
observes the agent behavior and evaluates its appropriateness
to the environment. In this illustrative context, the coach
monitors the collision rate of the mapper and defines the
influence signal that modifies the agent behavior interactively.
Figure 2 illustrates the SLAM robot trajectories. While the
safe mapper maps less completely, it navigates more on the
right of the corridors, lowering the risk of frontal collisions.
In the resulting mapping, the grey zones on the top left
correspond to areas which have not been mapped by the
SLAM agent under influence. This lack of mapping is due to
the influenced action that prevent the pre-trained SLAM policy
to operate as done during its initial training. Figure 3 details
the collisions observed for the original, influenced, and fine-
tuned policies defined below. Regarding collision avoidance,
the influenced policy already reduce the undesirable behaviors
of collision. After this first step of influence definition and
expected behavior validation, we need to fine-tune the mapper
in order to maintain its collision avoidance behavior while
improving its mapping performance that has been naturally
Evaluation on step-2, Reinforcement over influence: In
this second step, we set λ= 1.0of Equation 1. The reward
shaping function defined in Equation 2 is the Euclidian
distance between the waypoint computed by the pre-trained
global planner of the SLAM agent and the influenced one.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
index of Gibson scene in AI Habitat
collisions / explored rate
Fig. 3. Collision rates over 40 indoor environments for the task of mapping
using the original policy, the secured policy that corresponds to step-1 and
finally the reinforced policy produced during step-2 of our approach, the lower
the better.
We use the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm [15] to
reinforce the original global planner policy. As illustrated in
Figure 3, the navigation model acquires a safer behavior,
limiting the registered number of collisions during navigation
in all environments. After this reward-shaped reinforcement
step based on both the output of the influenced policy defined
in step-1 and the original mapping reward of the task, we
validate that the mapping correctness, expressed in the surface
of correctly estimated space of the map, remains convergent
for an equivalent amount of navigation steps with respect to the
original policy while limiting the amount of collisions detected
by the simulator.
In this paper, we present a learning paradigm that introduces
a novel interaction signal defined as influence, provided by
human experts, as a feasible proposition to answer several
challenges regarding continuous improvement of policies to
changing environments. Our proposition aims at evolving the
human interaction from a targeted task, that is known to be
optimized, to a preferred behavior, that does not need to be
fully anticipated by the human experts. Compared to state-of-
the-art approaches, our protocol makes human-in-the-loop to
shift from being an omniscient oracle to an actor involved in an
iterative process of policy improvement. This shift brings two
advantages. First, it creates the context for human experts and
embodied agents to jointly fine-tune an appropriate behavior.
Second, it provides a solution where human experts do not
need prior knowledge about algorithms or models of sequential
decision making to improve how this technology can support
This blurring the line between developers and end-users
is identified as a critical point to foster wide adoption of
AI-based technology [4]. This initial framework presented
in this contribution opens exciting research questions. One
open question relates to how human expert influences will be
collected. The influence signals can rely on various modalities
such as haptic, graphical user interface or natural conversations
As a perspective, we foresee a diversity of human ex-
perts ranging from the workers involved in the supervision
and maintenance of embodied agents to individual that are
physically closed to a robot executing its task. The influence
results in the aggregation of the feedback from these human
experts, as proposed in [9]. One last element to investigate is
the information that we will need to share with the human
expert to provide efficient coaching. Each coach will have
their representation of the robot’s behavior. Complementing
this representation with details on the task of the embodied
agent, its perception of the environment and its current state
might impact the pertinence of the feedback producing the
influence signal.
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