
Business Communication Channels

  • Pakistan Goverment
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Undergraduate Student A communication channel is a medium through which a message is sent to the proposed recipient. The primary channels are written, oral, and electronic ones. These channels are widely used to communicate with people worldwide. To understand these channels, let us read about them briefly.

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... I. Kuzin, S. V. Malervein [3]; L. V. Volodin, O. K. Karpukhin [4], etc.) and in the ndividual works of iauthors [M. V. Koltunova [5], I. A. Malkhanova [6], L. A. Askhabova [7], M. Zabava [8], etc.). ...
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This study is dedicated to the peculiarities of the functioning and adaptation of borrowings from foreign languages as a result of interaction with the Chechen language in the processes of globalization. The authors noted the importance of this problem in connection with the growing importance of the Chechen language in society, which, in turn, promotes the activation of its use as one of the state languages of the Republic in all organizations and institutions. It is noted that at the nowadays Anglicisms from the sphere of finance, law and information technology are the most popular among borrowings in the Chechen language, since these groups of terminological systems were most often used in the spheres of public administration, economics of administrative activity – that is, in the spheres of functioning of the official business style. The official business style, like other functional styles of the modern Chechen language, reflects socio-political changes in society that causes dynamic processes in the vocabulary of the Chechen language.
Given the prevalence of groups in health and medical settings, coupled with their importance in performing the work necessary for the successful delivery of patient care, healthcare providers must possess a firm understanding of collective assemblies of personnel. Group knowledge also serves as a foundation for bolstering one’s understanding of organizational behavior and management, as group intelligence is a building block of many of the discipline’s components. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to claim an understanding of healthcare establishments and their operation without possessing a profound knowledge of groups. In even the smallest health and medical organizations, healthcare managers are part of and interact with many different types of groups, with these being characterized by high diversity, necessitating an understanding of the group development process and qualities which yield high-performing groups. When this knowledge is put into practice in healthcare establishments and successful assimilation is achieved throughout given organizations, synergistic effects and impacts result, driving performance which benefits institutions, personnel, and patients. As such, healthcare providers must ensure that they hold associated prowess, permitting them to fully appreciate groups and realize the benefits afforded by their successful management. This chapter provides associated insights.
The relevance of the topic. One of the urgent problems of modern methods of teaching foreign languages is the organization of teaching students of non-philological majors with the help of games. The relevance of this problem is caused by a number of factors. First of all, the intensification of the learning process poses the task of finding means to support students' interest in the material and to activate their activities that are being studied throughout the lesson. Educational games are an effective means of solving this problem. Secondly, one of the most important problems of teaching a foreign language is learning the oral language, which creates conditions for revealing the communicative function of the language, which enables the learning process to be closer to the conditions of real learning, which increases the motivation to learn a foreign language. The purpose of the research is to develop a set of role-playing exercises for training future economists in foreign language communication based on the strategy of implicit professionalization using a video phonogram. Implicit professionalization – integrated mastering by students of the initial stage of education of commonly used vocabulary and a part of economically marked lexical units (LU) in non-professional spheres of communication. Methodology. Role-play is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience and trial different strategies in a supported environment. Role-plays give students the opportunity to demonstrate how to use English in real life situations and make them focus more on communication than on grammar. Role-play activities can be a lot of fun however a class full of shy students may be reluctant to participate so it is important to know your students. Regardless of what type of role-play you intend to do, it is imperative that students feel comfortable with the necessary structures and vocabulary. Mini-role plays can be done in any lesson as a practice activity. Role-plays can also take an entire lesson especially if students are put in groups instead of in pairs. Role-plays can be used as end of term projects for intermediate and advanced students. Practical meaning. The material for the development of a complex of role-playing exercises based on the content of the video phonogram mainly served as fragments of educational video courses, which is due to the typicality of the communication situations presented in them and the presence of lexical units specially selected for activation and assimilation. The results. Based on the results, it was found that the role play method can improve students' speaking skills, increase self-confidence, collaboration among students, and make the learning atmosphere fun and interesting. Firstly, various reasons for using role-play techniques in the research context have been found. Participants tend to use role-play techniques because it creates a fun and enjoyable learning environment. Another important reason is that learners recognize this method will be less boring than conventional methods. It's a good way to help them reduce stress and pressure during English speaking practice. At the same time, learners enjoy role-playing activities because they can become different characters to communicate in real-life situations. Therefore, this is a great condition for them to practice speaking English more naturally in a foreign language learning environment. Secondly, it gives opportunities for students to express their creativity in the English learning process. Students can be more active and creative to participate in speaking activities in front of the class. This method helps learners to boost their confidence level and overcome their negative feelings in the process of communicating with others. Another advantage of using role-play techniques is to practice essential skills related to learners’ speaking ability such as pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary. The regular practice of role-playing makes learners fluent in English. It is also a good way to help learners have more motivation to speak English and be able to communicate fluently and naturally. Prospects for further research. We see prospects for further research in the creation of role-playing games based on the content of a video phonogram for teaching foreign language communication to students of other specialties, whose professional vocabulary can be significantly expanded thanks to the use of implicit professionalization at the initial stage of learning.
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Increased globalization and competition in most industries has greatly changed the execution of different duties and responsibilities most especially the flow of communication in businesses. This has further affected the level of trust in most businesses most especially among the employees and between the business and customers. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect if business communication and business trust on business growth. Data was collected using an online survey questionnaire from 100 employees of Intrasoft International in Greece. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson's rank correlation coefficient was based on to establish the relationship between variables. The level top which the independent variables predict the dependent variables was established using regression analysis. The study established a positive relationship between business communication and business. A significant and positive relationship was also confirmed between business trust and business growth.
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The study aims to establish the impact of COVID-19 on the workers who have previously lost one or both arms. The study was motivated by the increased need to establish the current status of disabled workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The study also seeks to establish the effect of change in wages and working from home during the pandemic on the productivity of workers who have lost one or both arms. The pandemic has impacted several sectors across the world, both socially and economically. However, there is limited research targeting workers with disabilities. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design where data was collected from 100 workers from the UK using an online questionnaire. The findings indicated that working from home and changing wages reduced the productivity of these employees. Workers who remained at their workplaces reported incidences of stigma and discrimination from stressed fellow employees.
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The scoping review study aimed to review the different studies about employee motivation and its impact on organizational performance. Scoping review research was based on the Arksey and O'Malley framework. The systematic searches were mostly conducted in ProQuest, Web of Science, Statista, and Google Scholar for studies published in the period between 2010 and 2020. The review focused on how employee motivation, through its different aspects such as rewards & recognition, management styles, workplace environment, and employee characteristics, influences organizational performance. The review showed that, to a greater extent, employee motivation is much linked to organizational performance. However, there are additional factors that influence the ability of an employee to perform efficiently. The theoretical and editorial literature reviewed in this study indicated that the different aspects of motivation are essential to employees' level of job performance.
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The increased prevalence of COVID-19 has had severe implications on the well-being of most organization and professionals most especially in the field of human resource management and marketing. This study focused on establishing the impact of COVID-19 on different human resource practices and future marketing. It was established that the dynamics of work have greatly changed from the traditional way of working from the organization’s premises to working remotely at home. Consequently, marketing has also shifted to different online platforms since physical contact with customers is currently prohibited to maintain social distancing one way of preventing coronavirus. These changes have been associated with different negative implications and some positives as some professionals find it more flexible and convenient to work remotely. To cope with the current changing times, an organization must adjust and adapt to the new emerging technologies of working remotely and consequently implement strategic policies and procedures towards maintaining a steady flow.
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The mobilizing processes in terms of long-term impact on the economy of Greece and the euro zone. Thereafter, Troika was invented in order to facilitate Greece to overcome the historical crisis.Research aim: The research has its focus on bureaucratic obstacles as well as complicated policies of fiscal laws under European Governance and regulations. Revenue mobilization might have influenced the country from a huge amount of debts. Since, it has been proved to be productive and effective, as per policies formed from the transferable Troika’s policies. The contemporary crisis was handled with the resiliency of revenue mobilization along with digitization and innovations. The primary objective of the tax system is to raise the revenue that will aid in offering the nation with valuable services to the citizens, developing the nation, encouraging innovations and trade.Period: the period of imposing revenue mobilization in the growth and the development of the economy of Greece.Research method: After the whole research study the methodologies used is the secondary methods where no analysis or physical surveys are done. The primary methods are not used all the methods are based on the researches and the studies available. The effects that have been observed by the development functions and the statistics that is available after the influence of the growth after the revenue mobilization.Country: The country taken here is GREECEResearch result: Revenue mobilization has been considered as an excellent choice for the development of the economy of a country. Taking help from the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank is considered as debt which has to be repaid, whereas revenue is collected from the country itself as taxation and tariffs. The revenue has helped the government to accumulate capital for various expenditures in the development of the nation such as building infrastructure and improving health facilities.
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Most global studies have to a greater extent underscored the importance of Total quality management practices and some marketing aspects concerning organizational performance. Most studies have focused on establishing the level to which TQM practices influence customer satisfaction and not the whole organization. There is also little evidence on how marketing practices influence organizational performance. This study therefore seeks to assess the impact of Total Quality management practices and marketing on organizational performance. Data was collected from a sample size of 289 respondents who were employees of the different manufacturing industries in Greece. Data was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson’s rank correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between study variables. The study findings confirmed the presence of a relationship between TQM practices and organizational performance. Similarly there was a positive relationship between marketing practices and organizational performance. The study concluded that the TQM practices and marketing are great influencers of quality hence should always be applied in organizations.
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From the early time of edification, the evolving of communication is being always a cardinal factor for the reformation to build an association of the human race. To attain the expected outcome from the organization there is no such substitute for effective business communication. It is of great significance that appointed employees always continue communication with the management, leaders as well as with the co-workers and teammates. The flow of communication and information in an organization is effective in the case of the performance of the employees as well as decision making to attain the objectives and mission of the organization. How adult trainees can improve their communication skills and can strategize the skills to obtain the maximum customers is precisely elaborated in this section.
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Purpose: This research paper has been compiled from the articles and journals of various scholars. The elements and factors, which affected the plant closure and its impact on the economical fields, are analyzed at depth. Design/Methodology/Approach: The economic condition based on geographical scenario along with the case study on the Limestone Coast region of South Australia is vividly discussed. In other words, the paper has thrown down an in-depth analysis of the Pine plantations and Plan for the acceleration of electrical as well as industrial allocations and the role of gas on the Limestone Coast that had generated premium wine. Findings: There were four scenarios planned prior to proceeding with the work as well. At the same time, it also found different stakeholders involved in agricultural practices as well. Hence, it has focussed on the overall mission of the company. Practical Implications: The study had emphasized the methods and material of qualitative that had dealt with the case study of the Lime industry as well. Originality/value: This study contributes by supporting that conceptual, strategic, and technical competencies have a significant relationship with competitive intelligence and is achievable to be used by goverments in region and local economies.
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The sudden attack of COVID-19 has affected human lives and economies to a great extent. The lockdown and restrictions taken as measures by the government to stop the spread of the coronavirus are responsible to shut down many small businesses permanently. In this paper, we will get an idea of how the pandemic has affected small businesses. The world witnessed the largest fall in the number of active businesses. The supply chain got affected due to this and as a result, this affected global trade. Research shows that the impact of the pandemic on the small business and employees have changed the overall business policies facing economic imbalance.
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Communication is considered an essential tool for organizational performances and growth. Most business rely on effective communication with both customers and employees to improve sales and enhance business growth. Poor or ineffective communication normally leads to mismanagement of an organization and undesirable business results. This study sought to explore the impact of business communication on the performances of employees. Communication was conceptualized into horizontal, downward, and upward communication forms and their influence on employee performance was determined based on data from 110 participants who were employees of different banking institutions in Greece. The study confirmed that effective communication in any business entity has a great influence in employee performance. Business are encouraged to maintain a good flow of information across the organization to as to improve employee performances and business profitability in the long run.
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Absτract Cooperation and in addition the creation of cooperatives and cooperative companies in the agricultural sector influence the effort of small farmers to survive in conditions of increased competition. Farmers are in many cases considered "small" entrepreneurs compared to their counterparts in other sectors of the economy. Therefore, the need for survival leads most of the farmers to unite in order to gain bargaining power. Agricultural cooperatives were and remain the only mechanism for gaining bargaining power of small and weak producers, which is the main reason for creating cooperatives. Due to their historical process, we can understand their role in the development of the Greek economy. Finally, the study of their problems in last year's presents the need for the planning of a modernized cooperative model, based on the most important principles of social economy.
The paper "The Role of Media during a Crisis Radio: The Parameter of Analog Broadcasting Vs Digital Broadcasting" by Stavros Kalogiannidis is focused on digital radio and especially its financial effects. The transition from analogue to digital broadcasting requires huge investments in fixed assets.
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