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Targeting the search of African swine fever‐infected wild boar carcasses: A tool for early detection

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases


This study analyzes the temporal and spatial distribution of found dead African swine fever (ASF) positive wild boar carcasses from 2017 to January 2021 in affected European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia. During this period, a total of 21,785 cases were confirmed in 19,071 unique locations. The temporal analysis of aggregated cases per month evidenced that most countries located in southern latitudes showed a higher number of cases between January and April, whereas in northern latitudes there was no clear temporal pattern. The space‐time K‐function evidenced a space‐time clustering in the ASF‐positive wild boar carcasses, which was most prominent within distances of 2 Kilometers and within 1 week. A Bayesian hierarchical spatial model was calibrated to evaluate the association between the probability of finding ASF‐positive wild boar carcasses and landscape factors (i.e. the presence of a path and paved road), land use and wild boar abundance. Results showed the highest likelihood of finding ASF‐positive wild boar carcasses in areas of transition between woodland and shrub, green urban areas and mixed forests. The presence of a path and a higher abundance of wild boar also increased slightly the odds of finding an ASF‐positive dead wild boar. In summary, this paper aims to provide recommendations to design a search strategy to find ASF‐infected wild boar carcasses, which is a crucial activity in the management of the disease, not just for surveillance purposes (i.e. the early detection of an introduction and the regular monitoring to understand the epidemiology and dynamics), but also for control, namely the disposal of infected carcasses as a virus source. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Received: 9 November 2021 Revised: 21 February 2022 Accepted: 1 March 2022
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14504
Targeting the search of African swine fever-infected wild boar
carcasses: A tool for early detection
Alberto Allepuz1Mark Hovari2Marius Masiulis3,4,5Giovanna Ciaravino1
Daniel Beltrán-Alcrudo2
1Department of Animal Health and Anatomy,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB),
Barcelona, Spain
2Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia,
Budapest, Hungary
3Emergency Response Division, State Food
and Veterinary Service, Vilnius, Lithuania
4National Food and VeterinaryRisk
Assessment Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania
5Dr. L. Kriauceliunas Small Animal Clinic,
Veterinary Academy, Lithuanian Universityof
Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania
Alberto Allepuz, Department of Animal Health
and Anatomy, UniversitatAutònoma de
Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.
The views expressed in this information
product are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.
(Mark Hovari and Daniel Beltrán-Alcrudo)
This study analyses the temporal and spatial distribution of found dead African swine
fever (ASF)-positive wild boar carcasses from 2017 to January 2021 in affected
European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania,
Poland, Serbia and Slovakia. During this period, a total of 21,785 cases were confirmed
in 19,071 unique locations. The temporal analysis of aggregated cases per month evi-
denced that most countries located in southern latitudes showed a higher number of
cases between January and April, whereas in northern latitudes there was no clear
temporal pattern. The space–time K-function evidenced a space–time clustering in
the ASF-positive wild boar carcasses, which was most prominent within distances of
2 km and within 1 week. A Bayesian hierarchical spatial model was calibrated to eval-
uate the association between the probability of finding ASF-positive wild boar car-
casses and landscape factors (i.e. the presence of a path and paved road), land use and
wild boar abundance. Results showed the highest likelihood of finding ASF-positive
wild boar carcasses in areas of transition between woodland and shrub, green urban
areas and mixed forests. The presence of a path and a higher abundance of wild boar
also increased slightly the odds of finding an ASF-positive dead wild boar. In summary,
this paper aims to provide recommendations to design a search strategy to find ASF-
infected wild boar carcasses, which is a crucial activity in the management of the dis-
ease, not just for surveillance purposes (i.e. the early detection of an introduction and
the regular monitoring to understand the epidemiology and dynamics), but also for
control, namely the disposal of infected carcasses as a virus source.
African swine fever, early detection, epidemiology, surveillance, wild boar
African swine fever (ASF) is a disease that affects all members of the
Suidae family. The disease was first identified in 1921 and since then
it has been circulating mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 1957 and 1960,
ASF virus of genotype I arrived to Europe (Spain and Portugal) and then
spread to other European countries (Sánchez-Vizcaino et al., 2013).
The disease was eradicated from Europe in 1995 with the exception
of the Italian island of Sardinia, which remained endemic (Sauter-Louis
et al., 2021). In 2007, ASF genotype II was introduced into Georgia
from where it spread gradually westwards until it reached the Euro-
pean Union (EU) in early 2014, namely Lithuania and Poland (Maˇ
skis et al., 2020). Since then, multiple countries in Europe, but also Asia
and America have been affected by genotype II with outbreaks in wild
TransboundEmerg Dis. 2022;1–11. © 2022 Wiley-VCHGmbH
boar, domestic pigs or both. The persistence of the disease in wild boar,
the lack of an effective vaccine or treatment, and the high case-fatality
rate represent a serious challenge for the global pig sector. At present,
biosecurity, movement control and the stamping out of animals are the
only tools to fight the disease in domestic pig farms (Sánchez-Cordón
et al., 2018; EFSA et al., 2021).
Finding ASF-positive wild boar carcasses is a crucial activity in the
management of the disease, not just for surveillance purposes, but also
for control, namely the disposal of infected carcasses as a source of
virus. When it comes to ASF surveillance and early detection in wild
boar, it has been repeatedly proven that sampling and testing found
dead wild boar is much more efficient than testing hunted wild boar
or road kills, even when the later may intuitively seem more conve-
nient. This is explained because the vast majority of wild boar that get
infected with the ASF virus will die within days, leaving a very short
time window of opportunity to detect the virus in a healthy-looking ani-
mal, i.e. whether incubating animals or the few that survive the infec-
tion. Moreover, as soon as wild boars start presenting clinical signs,
they tend to hide and rest, which largely prevents them from being
hunted. This has very important implications when trying to find the
disease in wild boar, both in already infected countries that try to
understand the epidemiology and evolution of the disease, but partic-
ularly in newly infected countries, where early detection is critical for
having a chance at successful control. The active search of carcasses in
countries or regions at high risk of ASF, for example, across the border
from infected areas, is the most efficient way to early detect the intro-
duction of the disease into ASF-free wild boar populations.
Wild boar that have died of ASF represent a continuous source of
infection for other animals, as the virus might remain infectious in the
carcass for an extended period of time, depending on the environmen-
tal conditions. It has been reported that a frozen carcass can maintain
infectious ASF virus for several months enabling the virus to overwin-
ter and to initiate a new outbreak when the defrosted carcass is vis-
ited the following spring by a susceptible wild boar or free-ranging pig.
Therefore, the safe removal of carcasses from the environment and
their disposal is an important measure to avoid ASF spread by reduc-
ing the local maintenance of the virus (FAO, 2019). The EU developed
an ASF strategic approach to prevent and control the spread of the dis-
ease and eventually to eradicate ASF from the EU. One of the compo-
nents of this strategy is finding, testing and disposal of ASF-infected
carcasses (Anonymous, 2020). Optimizing the search (and disposal) of
ASF-infected carcasses should contribute to the eradication of the dis-
However, there are few studies that have attempted to identify in
which areas it is more likely to find ASF-infected carcasses. Similarly,
there are currently no instructions or recommendations on where to
look for the dead wild boar. The objective of this study was to describe
the temporal and space–time distribution of ASF-positive wild boar
carcasses reported from 2017 to January 2021 in Europe and to iden-
tify those landscape factors that increase the likelihood of finding these
carcasses. This will in turn enable optimization ASF surveillance efforts
and strategies.
2.1 Study area and origin of data
The area of study included the following European countries: Bulgaria,
Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Ser-
bia and Slovakia. Data were provided by the national competent vet-
erinary authorities and covered all ASF-positive wild boar carcasses
found dead, excluding hunted animals and road kills. To ensure that
data would be comparable in terms of their quality, spatial resolution
and level of detail, only countries reporting to the EU’s Animal Dis-
eases Information System (ADIS) were chosen. In fact, all eligible coun-
tries under such criteria (i.e. reporting to ADIS and with ASF outbreaks
in wild boar) were selected, with the exception of Belgium and the
Czech Republic, where, due to the small areas initially affected by ASF,
surveillance was particularly intense as compared to other countries.
In fact, both countries managed to contain the disease and eventually
eradicate it and regain freedom. The Italian island of Sardinia was also
excluded because of the different genotype involved.
Data included all eligible events in the target countries. Many coun-
tries revised their data collection and only since 2017 they started to
provide precise geo-coordinates for each found dead wild boar. There-
fore, the data analysed for countries already affected at the time starts
in 2017.
2.2 Covariates included in the model
OpenStreetMap data from the area of study was downloaded from
Geofabrik ( Paths correspond to those cat-
egorized as paths or bridleways in OpenStreetMap. Paved roads
included secondary, tertiary and unclassified roads, as well as those
with an agricultural use. Water included both water lines (i.e. rivers and
streams) and water bodies (i.e. reservoirs or wetlands). Land use was
extracted from the Corine Land Cover map, created by the European
Environment Agency under the European Union’s Earth Observation
Programme, named Copernicus [©European Union, Copernicus Land
Monitoring Service, 2018, European Environment Agency (EEA)]. This
map has a resolution of 100 ×100 m grid and was last updated in 2018.
For our study, we used the 44 classes included on level 3 that corre-
sponded to five main land use groups: artificial surfaces, agriculture,
forests and semi-natural areas, wetlands and water bodies. Wild boar
abundance was retrieved from the ENETWILD consortium (2020)ata
resolution of 2000 ×2000 m grid.
2.3 Data management
Data were projected into ETRS89-extended/LAEA Europe. For each
point in which a wild boar had been found dead, the distance to the
nearest path, paved road, water line or water body, was calculated by
creating a SpatiaLite database for each of these layers. A structured
query language (SQL) query was created among them to extract dis-
tances. For spatial modelling purposes, a buffer of 2000 m was created
around each location in which a wild boar was found dead. The area
covered by the buffer was divided into a grid of 500 ×500 m. The loca-
tions of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses were superimposed on this
grid and cells that intersected with those points were classified as pos-
itive and otherwise, negative. Similarly, paths and paved roads were
superimposed on this grid to identify if they were present in each of
the grid cells. Water lines and water bodies from OpenStreetMap were
not superimposed on this grid, as this land use was already present in
the Corine Land Cover map data (i.e. level 3 classes: water courses and
water bodies). The zonal statistic plugin was used to obtain the maxi-
mum and most frequent values of wild boar abundance and land use,
respectively, in that 500 ×500 m grid. All these analyses were done
with Quantum GIS 3.18 (QGIS Development Team, 2021).
2.4 Temporal analysis and space–time analysis
The forecast library (Hyndman & Khandakar, 2008; Hyndman et al.,
2021) in R was used to describe the temporal trend of the number of
ASF-positive wild boar carcasses between January 2017 and January
2021. To construct the time-series dataset, we used the date when car-
casses were confirmed to be infected by ASF by the national reference
laboratories. Dates were aggregated by month. The number of cases
per month along the different years, and the number of cases found
each month in the whole study period were described.
The space–time K-function, as described by Diggle et al. (2015) was
used to describe the excess of risk that could be attributed to an ASF-
positive wild boar carcass as a function of distance and time. In case of
no space–time clustering (i.e. when cases occur independently in space
and time) the K-function at each distance and each temporal increase
is equal to the product of the K-function in space and the one in time.
The multiplication of the difference between the observed K-function
in space and time by the product of the space and time K-functions is
called the proportional increase in risk or excess of risk due to the pres-
ence of space–time interaction. Using the splancs R package, we calcu-
lated this value over a space–time grid of 5 km times 2 months using
intervals of 500 m and 1 week, respectively. To illustrate any elevated
disease risk attributable to space–time interaction this value was plot-
ted as a surface over a space–time grid.
2.5 Spatial model
A Bernoulli distribution was used to model the probability of find-
ing ASF-positive wild boar carcass in each grid cell. The logit trans-
formation was used to link such probability with specific explanatory
variables. A backward and forward stepwise procedure based on the
Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used to select the best model.
Once the best model was selected, it was extended by adding ran-
dom spatially structured and unstructured components. The spatially
structured random effect was defined by a stochastic partial differ-
TAB LE 1 Distribution by country and year of the data used in the
study, i.e. African swine fever-positive wild boar found dead in target
countries between January 2017 and January 2021
Country 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total
Bulgaria 6 68 980 15 1069
Estonia 185 12 1 6 204
Germany 372 130 502
Hungary 155 2038 4444 57 6694
Latvia 774 269 31 83 6 1163
Lithuania 1065 1035 197 57 2354
Poland 738 2415 2470 2692 8315
Romania 125 385 682 50 1242
Serbia 27 84 111
Slovakia 21 110 131
Total 2762 4017 5211 9453 342 21,785
ential (SPDE; Lindgren et al., 2011) and calculated from a matrix of
Euclidean distances between grid centroids using Delaunay triangu-
lation (Cameletti et al., 2013; Simpson et al., 2011). This model was
solved by using the R-INLA package (Schrödle & Held, 2011). To assess
the association of the variables included in the model with the prob-
ability of finding ASF dead wild boar in a grid, 95% credible intervals
(CR) were obtained from the exponential of the mean, 2.5% and 97.5%
percentiles of the posterior probability distribution of the regression
coefficients. We considered a variable to be associated if the proba-
bility was over 95%, that is, if the 95% CR was greater or lower than
1. If greater, the variable increased such probability, and if lower, it
decreased it.
To validate the ability of the model to discriminate between grids in
which it was more likely to find wild boars dead due to ASF, the sta-
tus (i.e. the classification of a grid as positive or negative) was removed
from 30% of randomly selected grid cells. In those cells, the status
was predicted by the model and compared with their original value by
means of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve constructed
using the pROC package (Robin et al., 2011) in R. The area under that
curve (AUC) is related to the performance of the model. AUC values
greater than .8 and between .7 and .8 are indicative of good and mod-
erate discriminate capacities respectively.
3.1 Descriptive, temporal and space–time
analysis results
Tabl e 1andFigure 1show the number and location of ASF-positive wild
boars found dead in target countries between January 2017 and Jan-
uary 2021.
During this period, a total of 21,758 cases of ASF-positive in wild
boar carcasses were confirmed in 19,071 unique locations (i.e. in some
FIGURE 1 Location of the data used in the study, i.e. African swine fever-positive wild boar found dead in target countries between January
2017 and January 2021
cases, several animals were reported in the same coordinates). The
year with more detected cases was 2020. Poland, followed by Hungary,
detected the most positives.
The number of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses per month between
2017 and 2021 in the target countries included in this study can be
found in Figure 2.
The temporal pattern of each country was heterogeneous. Despite
this apparent heterogeneity, when plotting cumulative cases per
month in the whole period of study (Figure 3), there was a pattern
whereby countries in southern latitudes (i.e. Bulgaria, Hungary, Roma-
nia and Serbia) showed a higher number of cases from January to April,
with the exception of Romania, where there was also a high number of
cases in November–December. On the other hand, there was no clear
temporal pattern for countries in northern latitudes (i.e. Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania or Poland), with the exception of Poland, where the numbers
of cases were slightly higher in winter.
Figure 4shows the plot of the proportional increase in risk from
the space–time K-function. This plot evidences the existence of space–
time clustering in the data, which translates in an increase in risk, which
is most prominent within 2000 m and within 1 week.
3.2 Spatial model results
Tabl e 2shows the distance between ASF-positive wild boar carcasses
to the nearest path, paved road, water line or water body.
Twenty five per cent of carcasses were found within 755, 161 and
298 m of a path, paved road or water line/body, respectively. Tables 3
and 4show the most frequent land use in each grid cell together with
the presence of a path or paved road and the abundance of wild boar
according to the presence or not of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses in
Green urban areas, transitional woodland-shrub areas, mixed and
broad-leaved forests and sport/leisure areas were the land uses with
a higher proportion of positive grid cells. Wild boars were only slightly
more abundant in those grids in which dead ASF-positive wild boar had
been found (versus those without).
Odds ratio and their 95% credible intervals (CI) for each of the risk
factors from the hierarchical Bayesian model together with the random
effects are presented in Table 5.
Among land use categories, considering non-irrigated arable lands
as the baseline, the model showed the highest likelihood of finding
ASF-positive wild boar carcasses in areas of transition between wood-
land and shrub, green urban areas and mixed forests, with odds ratios
around 3 times higher. The presence of a path and a higher abundance
of wild boar also increased slightly the odds of finding an ASF-positive
dead wild boar. On the other hand, the presence of paved roads was
not retained in the model as it did not influence the likelihood of find-
ing ASF-positive carcasses.
For model validation, we randomly selected 30% of cells in which
we removed the ASF status and estimated the area under the ROC
(receiver operating characteristic) curve (i.e. AUC). Results showed
FIGURE 2 African swine fever-positive wild boar found dead in target countries per month (January 2017 to January 2021)
FIGURE 3 Number of African swine fever-positive wild boars found dead in target countries per month. Germany and Slovakia are not shown
due to the low temporal frame for which cases have been found
FIGURE 4 Proportional increase in risk due to space–time clustering with the K-function. The elevated surface illustrates the excess in risk for
finding African swine fever-positive dead wild boar
TAB LE 2 Distance (in meters) from each African swine
fever-positive wild boar carcass to the nearest path, paved road, water
line or water body
Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
Path 0 755 2136 4376 22,634
Wate r*0298 887 1759 17,374
Paved 0 161 394 800 8049
Min: minimum; Q1: first quartile; Q3: third quartile; Max: maximum.
*The shortest distance to a water line or water body.
77% (IC95%: 69.4%–84.2%), indicative of a model with a moderate
capacity to discriminate between ASF-positive and ASF-negative grid
cells (Figure 5).
Early detection is of paramount importance to contain any outbreak. It
applies to all transboundary diseases and to both livestock and wildlife.
Two key control measures recommended for ASF in wild boar are the
active search of dead wild boar and the subsequent disposal of infected
carcasses. Results from our study might contribute to increase the effi-
ciency of the search of infected carcasses by allowing to target those
areas in which it is more likely to find ASF-positive dead wild boars.
Results from this study showed that some landscape factors (and wild
boar abundance to a lesser degree) increased the likelihood of find-
ing ASF-positive wild boar carcasses and could therefore be used to
map those areas that should be prioritized to search for them. In the
Czech Republic, Cukor et al. (2020) also attempted to identify those
factors linked to the location in which ASF-positive wild boar carcasses
were found. In their study, they determined that most ASF-infected
carcasses were found in forest and especially in young forest areas.
These results were explained by the fact that wild boars may choose
such areas to die, since they offer silence, cover and lower densities
of other animal species. Similarly, our model also showed higher odds
of finding ASF-infected carcasses in certain forests (i.e. mixed, broad-
leaved or coniferous) and areas of transition between woodlands and
shrub, which consist of young plants. Moreover, studies conducted in
Poland have also identified woodlands as areas with a risk of ASF occur-
rence (Podgórski et al., 2020). Therefore, these types of land use should
be targeted in the search of ASF-infected carcasses.
TAB LE 3 Most frequent land use and presence of a paved road or path in grid cells where African swine fever-positive wild boar carcasses
were found (i.e. positive), versus neighbouring cells in which they were not found (i.e. negative)
Variable Category Pos Neg Proportion (%)
Land use Green urban areas 16 128 11.1
Transitionalwoodland-shrub 1107 14,224 7.2
Mixed forest 2197 30,485 6.7
Broad-leaved forest 3677 54,526 6.3
Sport and leisure facilities 37 566 6.1
Water courses 52 1012 4.9
Coniferous forest 1790 35,995 4.7
Inland marshes 82 1827 4.3
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with
significant areas of natural vegetation
626 14,608 4.1
Vineyards 66 1567 4
Discontinuous urban fabric 450 11,063 3.9
Pastures 1133 30,659 3.6
Mineral extraction sites 11 312 3.4
Industrial or commercial units 45 1295 3.4
Fruit trees and berry plantations 101 2991 3.3
Complex cultivation patterns 325 11,752 2.7
Natural grasslands 62 2262 2.7
Non-irrigated arable land 2868 114,139 2.5
Freq_lowa15 842 2.3
Water bodies 79 3817 2
Rice fields 9 463 1.9
Peat bogs 12 851 1.4
Paved Yes 6322 144,437 4.19
No 8439 190,946 4.23
Path Yes 1726 21,207 7.53
No 13,035 314,176 3.98
aLand uses with less than 200 observations in the dataset were grouped in this category.
TAB LE 4 Descriptive statistics on wild boar abundance in grid cells with and without African swine fever-positive wild boar carcasses
NMean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
Positive (with) 14,841 54.8 24.7 3.7 36.2 47.2 67.8 181.3
Negative (without) 339,186 49.3 22.9 2.7 33.8 41.9 58.8 181.3
Searching near water courses or water bodies has also been rec-
ommended, as infected wild boar, when developing clinical signs such
as fever and dehydration, search for humid environments and water
(Podgórski et al., 2020). Indeed, Cukor et al. (2020) described that
around 60% of ASF-infected carcasses were found up to 100 m from
water sources. However, we did not find such a clear association, as
only 25% of the ASF-positive carcasses were found within 298 m from
water sources. The association with distance to water might be influ-
enced by other factors, such as temperature. The probability of find-
ing an ASF-infected carcass near water might be higher during the hot-
ter periods of the year, when animals need more drinking water and
cooler resting places, often associated to water sources. Perhaps also
the abundance of water (streams and rivers) is important and animals in
more arid areas may tend to remain closer to the water. Consequently,
the recommendation for searching near water sources might depend
on the period of the year and on the land uses present in the target area.
Other landscapes such as green urban areas (OR of 3.0) and sport
and leisure facilities (OR of 1.5), or the presence of a path in the grid
TAB LE 5 Fixed and random effects included in the hierarchical Bayesian model, odds ratio (OR), standard deviations (SD) and their 95%
credible intervals (CI)
Land useaTransitionalwoodland-shrub 3.1 0.0492 2.8 3.4
Green urban areas 3.0 0.3670 1.4 6
Mixed forest 2.9 0.0395 2.7 3.2
Broad-leaved forest 2.5 0.0377 2.3 2.7
Inland marshes 2.4 0.1449 1.8 3.2
Coniferous forest 2 0.0444 1.8 2.2
Land principally occupied by
agriculture, with significant
areas of natural areas
2.0 0.0567 1.8 2.2
Water courses 1.7 0.1877 1.2 2.5
Natural grasslands 1.6 0.1604 1.1 2.1
Pastures 1.5 0.0456 1.4 1.7
Rice fields 1.5 0.3857 0.7 3.1
Sport and leisure facilities 1.5 0.2503 0.9 2.4
Mineral extraction sites 1.5 0.3725 0.7 2.9
Industrial or commercial units 1.4 0.1865 1 2
Vineyards 1.4 0.1718 1 1.9
Complex cultivation patterns 1.2 0.0746 1.1 1.4
Discontinuous urban fabric 1.2 0.0702 1.1 1.4
Fruit trees and berry plantation 1.0 0.1441 0.8 1.4
Water bodies 0.9 0.1466 0.7 1.3
Freq_lowb0.8 0.3072 0.4 1.4
Peat bogs 0.8 0.3890 0.3 1.5
PathcPath presence 1.1 0.0414 11.2
WBq2e1.1 0.0377 1.1 1.2
Wild boars abundancedWBq3e1.3 0.0390 1.2 1.4
WBq4e1.3 0.0440 1.2 1.4
Coefficients SD
Random effects Spatial-structured random
720.9 0.956
Non-spatial structured random
0.0106 0.007
aReference category was ‘non-irrigated arable land’.
bLand uses with less than 200 observations in the dataset were grouped in this category.
cReference category was ‘path absence’.
dReference category was the first quartile.
eWBq2, WBq3 and WBq4 refer to the second, third and fourth quartile of the wild boar abundance distribution.
(OR of 1.1), were also highlighted by the model as areas where it is more
likely to find ASF-infected carcasses. Probably these results respond
to the higher human activity, which implies that any wild boar carcass
will most likely be quickly found, rather than a predilection of wild
boar for those areas. An association between human population den-
sity and the number of reports of ASF-positive carcasses has indeed
been reported elsewhere (Lim et al., 2021). Therefore, and despite ASF-
positive wild boar carcasses might be found in these areas, these land-
scapes should probably not be targeted to search for ASF-infected car-
casses, since they are already indirectly found by people passing by, but
rather increase the incentives of the public to report found dead wild
boar. Citizen science and mobile application easing such public report-
ing can assist detection efforts. Accordingly, a participatory workshop
with different experts in the field (Jori et al., 2020) highlighted that
good communication and transparent information directed to the pub-
lic was a powerful tool for improving passive surveillance against ASF.
FIGURE 5 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to test the ability of the model to discriminate between positive and negative African
swine fever grid cells in the 30% of randomly selected cells in which their status against ASF was removed. AUC: area under the curve
The size of the infected area is another important factor that influ-
ences the search of wild boar carcasses once ASFV has been confirmed
in an area. The size of the infected area may vary greatly, which makes
the targeted search for dead wild boar very demanding in terms of time
and human resources. The minimum size of the infected area should
be defined based on the geographical distribution of the disease, the
wild boar population in the area and the presence of major natural or
artificial obstacles to the movements of wild boars. Therefore, it can
vary from a few square kilometres to even an entire country. Since
the search is time and resource consuming, it is critical to define the
area and period of time in which such search should be performed, to
optimize the most likely time and location. The space–time analysis
evidenced that after the first detection of an ASF-infected wild boar
in an area, the probability of finding ASF-positive carcasses was higher
up to 2 km and over the following week. This combination will offer
the best effort-success ratio. Indeed, many ASF-affected countries
have guidelines for the search of newly infected areas that recommend
searching for at least 30 days and focusing on the wild boar feeding
and resting places or water sources. The reasoning behind the 1 week
temporal pattern might be explained by the fact that wild boar are
social animals who live in groups. Most times, several members of the
same group will become infected by ASF at about the same time. This
implies they will all be dying clustered at approximately the same time
(i.e. 1 week) and around the same area (2 km radius). Combining the
search in this spatial and temporal frame (focusing on the landscapes
identified by the model) with other methods such as the use of hunting
dogs (Jori et al., 2020) or drones might also maximize the probability
of carcass detection.
As highlighted by the human density factor mentioned above, it is
important to stress that this model does not always point to the areas
with more ASF-positive wild boar carcasses, but rather at the places
where such carcasses are more easily found, for example, close to
paths, in areas often visited by people, and where vegetation is lower
and/or thinner, thus allowing for a better visibility. While efforts were
done to utilize only data of high quality, by targeting countries that
all collect and report data with precise geo coordinates and the same
reporting standards/requirements (AIDS), there are a number of biases
that are difficult or often impossible to avoid. Perhaps the most impor-
tant bias relates to the nature of wild boar as a wildlife species, that
is, the fact that they live freely, in unknown numbers and densities
and without movement restrictions. This implies that finding their car-
casses when they die of ASF or any other diseases is a challenging pro-
cess that translates in a high (but variable) degree of under-reporting,
which will depend on the search effort (whether active or passive), but
also on the type of land (e.g. how accessible it is or how thick is the veg-
etation). These will vary greatly between and even within countries.
Efforts were taken when selecting the targeted countries, by avoid-
ing countries with very intensive search effort like the Czech Repub-
lic or Belgium. The limited fenced infected area in these two countries
allowed a clear shot at eradication (as it indeed happened), which trans-
lated in an active search of carcasses that probably lead to the detec-
tion of the majority of existing ASF-positive carcasses in the area. On
the other hand, countries with less resources and no economic incen-
tives for the reporting of carcasses were also excluded from the study
(i.e. most countries outside the EU, except for Serbia), as the under-
reporting is considered to be more severe than in study countries.
Wild boar management is another important factor, for example, the
type of hunting (driven or not), the ban of supplementary feeding, the
level of hunting biosecurity,the awareness and cooperation of hunters,
the magnitude of (economic) incentives to report, etc. All these differ
between and even within countries and affect the way ASF spreads
in wild boar population and the chances of finding wild boar. Finally,
ecological and climatic factors will also affect the wild boar popula-
tions, not just in their abundance (which was accounted through the
use of wild boar abundance variable), but also their movement pat-
terns, behaviour and interactions. Factors related to the disease also
need to be accounted for. Although all countries are affected by the
same genotype (II), there are various strains circulating (Nurmoja et al.,
2017), and different levels of endemicity, which translate in different
clinical presentations, lethality and other epidemiological parameters.
Also, the ASF status in domestic pigs (which may allow the disease
to jump back and forward between domestic and wild populations)
and other epidemiological factors cannot be excluded as potential
Finding ASF-positive wild boar carcasses is a crucial activity in the man-
agement of the disease, not just for surveillance purposes (i.e. the early
detection of an introduction and the regular monitoring to understand
the epidemiology and dynamics), but also for control, namely the dis-
posal of infected carcasses as a source of virus. This study, based on
thousands of observations, can be translated into very practical appli-
cations in the early detection of ASF in wild boar populations. This is
key to havea chance at the control and eradication of the disease in wild
boar populations, which is otherwise extremely difficult and resource-
consuming. Results pointed that efforts to find (and remove) additional
ASF-positive wild boar carcasses after a confirmed case should be
devoted up to 2 km and over the following week. In addition, the model
allows to generate search maps or strategies for wild boar carcasses,
which focus on the areas with a higher likelihood to find an ASF-positive
wild boar carcass. Rather than covering whole territories, both the gen-
eration of maps and the subsequent search efforts should be based on
risk assessment approach. Results also helps emergency preparedness
to make better simulation exercises for ASF in wild boar, by aiding to
better determine where dead wild boar might be found.
For free countries, the mapped areas should be those at a higher
risk for ASF introduction, for example, border areas or specific hunt-
ing grounds. For infected countries, the rapid finding and subsequent
disposal of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses is one of the key recom-
mended measures to reduce the viral load in the ecosystem, which will
eventually translate in less spread of the disease and even its control
and eradication.
Easier than generating risk maps is the standardization of search
parameters. Already described within the paper, just providing the key
risk factors to hunting ground managers is a simple, yet powerful tool to
focus search efforts where there are more chances of success, that is,
finding an ASF-positive wild boar carcass. The most important factors
identified by the model are (in order of importance):
1. Transitional woodland-shrub
2. Mixed forest
3. Broad-leaved forest
4. Inland marshes
5. Coniferous forest
6. Land principally occupied by agriculture
7. Water courses
8. Natural grasslands
9. Pastures
10. Rice fields
11. Vineyards
12. Areas with the highest wild boar density
When trying to find carcasses around an already confirmed ASF-
infected wild boar, active searches should take place within 1 week
after the event and in a 2 km radius, focusing in those areas in which
is more likely to find them.
The authors acknowledge the veterinary services from the different
countries for providing outbreak data. Acknowledgements also to the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which
financed the study through a Technical Cooperation Project facility
(TCPf) titled “Services related to the risk assessment and cost-benefit
analysis of African Swine fever in Europe and beyond Ukraine”. The
views expressed in this information product are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Food and Agri-
culture Organization.
No animals were used in this project.
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request
from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due
to privacy or ethical restrictions.
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How to cite this article: Allepuz, A., Hovari, M., Masiulis, M.,
Ciaravino, G., & Beltrán-Alcrudo, D. (2022).Targeting the
search of African swine fever-infected wild boar carcasses: A
tool for early detection. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases,
... The minimum mapping unit of these data is 25 ha (500 × 500 m) and does therefore not capture smaller landscape features. Nevertheless, CLC provides good information on landscape composition with a coverage of 100% within Europe and has been used for similar purposes in several other studies 24,26,55,56 . ...
... Combined with the fact that the proportion of carcasses found in forests was higher among ASF-infected wild boar than for non-infected, this might lead to the hypothesis that infected animals search for shelter in forest areas. This is in accordance with the results of other studies that observed associations between occurrence of ASF and forest coverage 24,25,55 . However, forest areas with nut-bearing trees and thickets generally represent a preferred natural habitat for wild boar, as they provide protection from predators and various food sources [57][58][59] . ...
... They also had a greater proportion of this landscape type in their buffer zones compared to the random points. Similarly, Allepuz et al. identified an increased likelihood of finding positive carcasses in areas of transition between woodland and shrub 55 . These results may suggest that infected wild boar prefer to stay in border regions of forests to seek for shelter. ...
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Targeted search for wild boar carcasses is essential for successful control of African swine fever (ASF) in wild boar populations. To examine whether landscape conditions influence the probability of finding ASF-positive carcasses, this study analyzed Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates of Latvian wild boar carcasses and hunted wild boar, extracted from the CSF/ASF wild boar surveillance database of the European Union, and random coordinates in Latvia. Geographic information system (GIS) software was used to determine the landscape type and landscape composition of carcass detection sites and to measure distances from the carcasses to nearest waterbodies, forest edges, roads and settlements. The results of the automated measurements were validated by manually analyzing a smaller sample. Wild boar carcasses were found predominantly in forested areas and closer to waterbodies and forest edges than random GPS coordinates in Latvia. Carcasses of ASF-infected wild boar were found more frequently in transitional zones between forest and woodland shrub, and at greater distances from roads and settlements compared to ASF-negative carcasses and random points. This leads to the hypothesis, that ASF-infected animals seek shelter in quiet areas further away from human disturbance. A detailed collection of information on the environment surrounding carcass detection sites is needed to characterize predilection sites more accurately.
... Case clusters may occur as family groups (Frant et al. 2021b) or within distances of up to two km and within one week (Allepuz et al. 2022) and seasonality is reported in some settings, although this could also be driven by changes in carcass detectability (e.g., more cases in winter in Poland, Frant et al. 2021a). In Estonia and Latvia, there are two distinct peaks in the prevalence curve of ASF virus-positive wild boar found dead-the winter and summer peaks, whereas in Lithuania only the winter peak can be observed (EFSA 2020a(EFSA , 2021a. ...
... Moreover, finding wild boar carcasses (and older carcass remains) in dense vegetation is no easy task, and performing systematic carcass search, removal, and destruction operations represents a significant logistic challenge (Desvaux et al. 2021). Methodologies to optimize carcass search efforts have been suggested, mostly based on knowledge on the expected distribution of infected carcasses, e.g., in dense vegetation or close to water (Allepuz et al. 2022;Lim et al. 2021). ...
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The native Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a relevant wildlife host for African swine fever (ASF) virus, contributing to infection maintenance and spread and representing a challenge for disease control. Combining published scientific evidence with expert opinion, we provide an updated global overview of ASF control in wild boar and feral pigs in different epidemiological scenarios. We synthesize current knowledge on key background aspects of wild boar ecology and management and on ASF epidemiology in wild boar and their relative, the feral pig. We propose that establishing a proper surveillance and monitoring scheme is a requisite for disease control in wildlife and that ASF and wild boar should be monitored in an integrated way, considering the changes in the host population as well as the spatial spread and temporal distribution of disease indicators, to make possible a critical assessment of the impact of interventions. The main body of the manuscript reviews the intervention options and ASF control attempts and their outcomes in different epidemiological situations from peacetime to endemicity. Current ASF control in wild boar relies on three essential tools: carcass destruction, wild boar culling, and fencing. The experience gained since the onset of the ongoing ASF pandemic shows that certain combinations of interventions can slow down ASF spread and eventually succeed in ASF eradication in wild boar, at least after point introductions. Several strengths and weaknesses of these strategies are identified.
... African swine fever transmission is driven by several factors that are changing across the geographic conditions where the virus is present, both in wild boar and domestic pigs' populations (9). In Europe, it seems that the infected carcasses play the most crucial role in transmission (30,31,43,44) besides the human factor, which transports the virus long distances, for hundreds of kilometers, mostly through pork products (45). Therefore, it is necessary to understand all aspects of wild boar behavior toward the carcasses of its own species, about which we still have limited information. ...
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African swine fever (ASF) is a highly virulent disease rapidly spreading through Europe with fatal consequences for wild boar and domestic pigs. Understanding pathogen transmission among individuals and populations is crucial for disease control. However, the carcass attractiveness for boars was surprisingly almost unstudied. Here, we evaluated if the wild boar carcasses are perceived as an attractant compared to the control sites throughout the year. For this purpose, 28 wild boar carcasses were placed in seven forest stands and continuously monitored in 2019–2020 by camera traps combined with control locations situated at least 200 m away in comparable habitats. Overall, we have recorded 3,602 wild boar visits, from which 3,017 (83.8%) were recorded in locations with placed carcasses and 585 (16.2%) in control locations. Most visits were recorded after sunset and before sunrise, corresponding to common peaks of wild boar activity. On average, the first visits were detected 4.7 days after carcass placement. Contrarily, it was 61.5 days for the control site. In conclusion, we have proven an enormous wild boar carcass attractiveness for boars, which exhibits an entirely new aspect of wild boar behavior. Therefore, the carcass removal is a crucial measure for controlling the spread of ASF.
... In summertime, carcasses will decompose and the virus will be inactivated within weeks to months [22,42,43] further slowing down the epidemic growth, number of dead wild boar, and the probability of carcass finding in the beginning of an outbreak. Carcass location specificities related to easy access for forest visitors, such as proximity to paths and open or cleared areas, have been recognised as being correlated with higher finding rates [44]. Different ways to increase carcass finding rates, such as a finder's fee, active searching with dogs or drones [28,45,46] and searching specific habitats known as preferred deathbed choices have been studied in experimental conditions and tested during outbreaks [47,48], but to the authors' knowledge have never been applied in ASF-free countries in pre-outbreak situations. ...
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The first case of African swine fever (ASF) was confirmed in Sweden in September 2023. This article describes the local epidemiology, including the spatiotemporal dynamics of the outbreak and some of the factors that may have contributed to its apparently successful eradication. Upon detection of the outbreak, strict control measures were put in place in a preliminarily defined infected zone. A carcass search, including geo-localisation, removal, sampling, and destruction of found carcasses, was initiated and a preliminary core area was defined based on the results. Six months after confirmation of the first case, 93 wild boar carcasses had been found in the infected zone, of which 62 tested positive for ASF virus (ASFV). All ASFV-positive carcasses were found inside the core area. Based on two taphonomy methods, it was assumed that the infection was introduced between early May and late June 2023. The data also indicated that the epidemic curve peaked between mid-August and mid-September, with the last death occurring in late September 2023. Based on the average estimated time of death, geo-localisation of carcasses and two-dimensional kernel density estimation, clustering in space and time was identified. An online questionnaire with questions about hunting and the wild boar population was sent to all leaders of hunting groups in the infected zone. The results showed that the wild boar population had increased in the last 10 years but with large variations and geographical heterogeneity in space use. Disease introduction through natural wild boar movements was excluded and it was assumed that the long-distance translocation of the virus had occurred through human activities. A municipal waste collection centre without wild boar-proof fencing is located close to the epicentre of the outbreak, attracting many wild boar and contributing to the spread of the virus once it had been introduced to the population.
... In 2021-2023, active searches for carcasses (carcass types A or C) were planned in specific areas. As this was carried out in several countries, a specific distribution model was applied to investigate whether the fine-scale distribution of ASF-infected animals can be predicted or support wild boar carcass searches [50][51][52]. The results obtained through the models led to the creation of a graphic tool providing specific indications about areas where the active search for carcasses was a priority [37,43]. ...
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African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most important and serious contagious hemorrhagic viral diseases affecting domestic pigs and wild boar and is associated with high mortality rates while also having an extensive sanitary and socioeconomic impact on the international trade of animal and swine products. The early detection of the disease is often hampered by inadequate surveillance. Among the surveillance strategies used, passive surveillance of wild boars is considered the most effective method for controlling the African swine fever virus (ASFV). Otherwise, the design of a sufficiently sensitive ASF surveillance system requires a solid understanding of the epidemiology related to the local eco-social context, especially in the absence of virus detection. Even if the number of carcasses needed to demonstrate ASF eradication has been established, the scientific context lacks detail compared to protocols applied in the active search for wild boar carcasses. The aim of this study was to describe the protocol applied in the active search for carcasses, providing detailed information on the number of people and dogs as well as the amount of time and space used within the Mediterranean area. Using a specific tool developed to record, trace, and share field data (the GAIA observer app), a total of 33 active searches for wild boar carcasses were organized during 2021–2023. Most of these searches were planned to find carcasses that had previously been reported by hunters. A total of 24 carcasses were found, with only 2 carcasses not previously reported. The final protocol applied involved four people, with an average speed of 1.5 km/h. When a carcass had been previously reported, about 2 km of distance had to be covered in about 1.5 h to find the carcass, and even less time was spent when a dog (untrained) was present. In conclusion, it can be stated that, when searching for carcasses, solid collaboration with local hunters or other forest visitors is necessary to ensure carcasses are reported. The process involves small groups of experts actively searching for carcasses, possibly with the use of hunting dogs without special training. The data presented could be of valid support for those countries characterized by Mediterranean vegetation that are faced with the need to plan active carcass searches.
... The wild boar population was represented through a rasterization of the southeast Romanian area of study of 25 km 2 hexagons, sized to estimated wild boar home ranges (27). It is expected that wild boar abundance influences local disease transmission, so hexagons were characterized by their habitat quality which was defined through forest coverage (73). Using a threshold of 15% to define high and low forest coverage cells allowed for the assigning of different transmission parameter values (74,75). ...
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African swine fever (ASF) has devastating effects on swine production, farmer livelihood, animal welfare, and biodiversity. Extremely difficult to control, epidemic management is further complicated when spillover between domestic pig and wild boar populations is suspected. To quantify ASF viral transmission between domestic pigs and wild boar, a spatially-explicit stochastic mechanistic model was constructed using village centroids to represent aggregated backyard pig herds and a hexagonal raster of forest coverage to represent wild boar abundance. The model was parameterized to the initial six months of the ongoing Romanian epidemic through approximate Bayesian computation. It was estimated that a median of 69.4% (interquartile range: 53.0-80.0%) of domestic pig herd cases came from other infected domestic pig herds while 20.4% (11.2-33.8%) originated from infected wild boar sources, and 8.4% (4.7-14.2%) stemmed from external sources not explicitly represented. Also, 31.9% of infected wild boar habitat (16.7-56.2%) originated from domestic pig herds and 68.1% (43.8-83.3%) came from neighboring infected wild boar populations. Furthermore, it was found that habitats with a forest coverage greater than 15% were 2.6 times more infectious and 5.3 times more susceptible than other habitats. All alternative control scenarios, including culling domestic pig herds upon local domestic pig or wild boar case detection, improved epidemic outcomes, with the greatest decrease in final epidemic size being observed from the reactive culling of entire villages following case detection. These results can be used to further inform policy recommendations in ASF-epidemic regions.
... Active searches of carcasses (carcasses type A or C) were planned in specific areas, starting from June 2021 till June 2023. As carried out in several countries, a specific distribution model was applied to investigate whether the fine-scale distribution of ASF-infected animals can be predicted and support wild boar carcass searches [26][27][28]. The results of the models led to the creation of a graphic tool providing specific indications about areas where active search of carcasses was a priority [17,24]. ...
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African Swine Fever (ASF) is one of the most important and serious contagious haemorrhagic viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar, associated to high mortality rates and great sanitary and socioeconomic impact on international trade in animal and swine products. The early detection of the disease is often hampered by an inadequate surveillance. Among the surveillance strategies, passive surveillance of wild boar was considered the most effective for controlling African swine fever virus (ASFV). Otherwise, the design of a sufficiently sensitive ASF surveillance system re-quires a solid understanding of the epidemiology related to the local eco-social context, especially in absence of virus detection. Even if the number of carcasses needed to demonstrate the ASF eradication has been established, the scientific context is poor of details on protocols applied to active search the wild boar carcasses. The aim of the study was to describe the strategy applied for passive surveillance implemented in Sardinia, providing detailed information on the protocol applied in the field in term of number of people, dogs, time and space used to active search car-casses in the Mediterranean area. Using a specific tool developed to record, trace, and share on field data (GAIA Observer App), a total of 33 activities for active search the wild boar carcasses were organized during 2021-2023. Most of these activities were planned to find carcasses previously reported by hunters. A total of 24 carcasses were found, only 2 carcasses were not previously reported. The final protocol applied involved 4 people, with an average speed of 1.5 km/hour. When the carcass was reported, about 2 km of distance should be covered in about 1.5 hours to find the carcasses, and even less time was spent when the dog (not trained) was present. In conclusion, it can be stated that for searching for carcasses it is first mandatory a good collaboration with hunters or other forest visitors to report the carcasses, and involve small groups of expert people to active search the carcasses, possible with the use of hunting dogs with no special training.
... Minimizing the time until the first case is detected is critical for some infectious diseases with a rapid clinical course, such as African swine fever (ASF). Early and rapid detection and subsequent reporting of an outbreak are key to the success and efficacy of containment and management measures and for optimizing economic, social and animal welfare costs [6]. ...
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Infectious wildlife diseases that circulate at the interface with domestic animals pose significant threats worldwide and require early detection and warning. Although animal tracking technologies are used to discern behavioural changes, they are rarely used to monitor wildlife diseases. Common disease-induced behavioural changes include reduced activity and lethargy (‘sickness behaviour’). Here, we investigated whether accelerometer sensors could detect the onset of African swine fever (ASF), a viral infection that induces high mortality in suids for which no vaccine is currently available. Taking advantage of an experiment designed to test an oral ASF vaccine, we equipped 12 wild boars with an accelerometer tag and quantified how ASF affects their activity pattern and behavioural fingerprint, using overall dynamic body acceleration. Wild boars showed a daily reduction in activity of 10–20% from the healthy to the viremia phase. Using change point statistics and comparing healthy individuals living in semi-free and free-ranging conditions, we show how the onset of disease-induced sickness can be detected and how such early detection could work in natural settings. Timely detection of infection in animals is crucial for disease surveillance and control, and accelerometer technology on sentinel animals provides a viable complementary tool to existing disease management approaches.
... Варто зазначити, що найкращим матеріалом для дослідження на АЧС у дикій фауні з урахуванням заборони на полювання є взяття лабораторних проб від знайдених загиблих кабанів. Саме тому необхідно налагодити тісну співпрацю з працівниками лісових господарств, заохочуючи їх до пошуку туш на безпечних територіях (Gavier-Widén et al., 2015;Mačiulskis et al., 2020;Allepuz et al., 2022). ...
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Using publicly available information from the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection on the cases of African swine fever in Ukraine, the epidemiological situation regarding ASF in the Sumy region was analyzed, taking into account the consequences of military activities. When considering the ways of spreading the virus, the impact of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the main risk factors for the spread of the disease was revealed. In our opinion, wild boars, the number of which has increased by 19.3 % in the region over the past year and which is not regulated by hunters due to the hunting ban, remain a particularly dangerous way of spreading the virus. Hostilities, shelling and the movement of military equipment through the ASF-affected regions directly affect the migration processes of disturbed wildlife, which can quickly spread the virus over long distances, spread it within the population and transmit it to the domestic livestock. An important anthropogenic factor in the spread of the disease is the chaotic contamination of military base areas with unprocessed food residues that may contain a viable virus and, together with other fomites, contaminate the environment. Therefore, state anti-epizootic measures and methods of monitoring infectious diseases should be updated to reflect the realities of today. To control the circulation of the ASF virus among wildlife in the Sumy region under the conditions of a ban on monitoring culling, 25 samples of swabs, feed residues and feces from the feeding grounds of three forestries were studied using Real-Time PCR. In 100 % of the samples, no African swine fever virus DNA was detected, which means a negative result. However, the probable absence of the disease within the studied forestries did not prevent the region from having three outbreaks of ASF among domestic animals during 2022, which is a significant deterioration in the epizootic situation compared to the positive case-free year of 2021. Thus, the epidemiological situation regarding African swine fever in the Sumy region remains unfavorable and requires significant attention due to a number of factors that are dangerous and atypical for peacetime and may significantly affect the spread of numerous infectious diseases.
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Five epidemiological aspects of ASF were evaluated using literature reviews, field studies, questionnaires and mathematical models. First, a literature review and a case–control study in commercial pig farms emphasised the importance of biosecurity and farming practices, including the spread of manure around farms and the use of bedding material as risk factors, while the use of insect nets was a protective factor. Second, although wild boar density is a relevant known factor, the statistical and mechanistic models did not show a clear and consistent effect of wild boar density on ASF epidemiology in the selected scenarios. Other factors, such as vegetation, altitude, climate and barriers affecting population connectivity, also played a role on ASF epidemiology in wild boar. Third, knowledge on Ornithodoros erraticus competence, presence and surveillance was updated concluding that this species did not play any role in the current ASF epidemic in affected areas of the EU. Available scientific evidence suggests that stable flies and horse flies are exposed to ASFV in affected areas of the EU and have the capacity to introduce ASFV into farms and transmit it to pigs. However, there is uncertainty about whether this occurs, and if so, to what extent. Fourth, research and field experience from affected countries in the EU demonstrates that the use of fences, potentially used with existing road infrastructure, coupled with other control methods such as culling and carcass removal, can effectively reduce wild boar movements contributing to ASF management in wild boar. Fences can contribute to control ASF in both scenarios, focal introductions and wave‐like spread. Fifth, the use of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccines as an immune contraceptive has the potential, as a complementary tool, to reduce and control wild boar populations. However, the development of an oral GnRH vaccine for wild boar still requires substantial additional work.
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The introduction of genotype II African swine fever (ASF) virus, presumably from Africa into Georgia in 2007, and its continuous spread through Europe and Asia as a panzootic disease of suids, continues to have a huge socio-economic impact. ASF is characterized by hemorrhagic fever leading to a high case/fatality ratio in pigs. In Europe, wild boar are especially affected. This review summarizes the currently available knowledge on ASF in wild boar in Europe. The current ASF panzootic is characterized by self-sustaining cycles of infection in the wild boar population. Spill-over and spill-back events occur from wild boar to domestic pigs and vice versa. The social structure of wild boar populations and the spatial behavior of the animals, a variety of ASF virus (ASFV) transmission mechanisms and persistence in the environment complicate the modeling of the disease. Control measures focus on the detection and removal of wild boar carcasses, in which ASFV can remain infectious for months. Further measures include the reduction in wild boar density and the limitation of wild boar movements through fences. Using these measures, the Czech Republic and Belgium succeeded in eliminating ASF in their territories, while the disease spread in others. So far, no vaccine is available to protect wild boar or domestic pigs reliably against ASF.
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Abstract This opinion describes outdoor farming of pigs in the EU, assesses the risk of African swine fewer (ASF) introduction and spread associated with outdoor pig farms and proposes biosecurity and control measures for outdoor pig farms in ASF‐affected areas of the EU. Evidence was collected from Member States (MSs) veterinary authorities, farmers’ associations, literature and legislative documents. An Expert knowledge elicitation (EKE) was carried out to group outdoor pig farms according to their risk of introduction and spread of ASF, to rank biosecurity measures regarding their effectiveness with regard to ASF and propose improvements of biosecurity for outdoor pig farming and accompanying control measures. Outdoor pig farming is common and various farm types are present throughout the EU. As there is no legislation at European level for categorising outdoor pig farms in the EU, information is limited, not harmonised and needs to be interpreted with care. The baseline risk of outdoor pig farms for ASFV introduction and its spread is high but with considerable uncertainty. The Panel is 66–90% certain that, if single solid or double fences were fully and properly implemented on all outdoor pig farms in areas of the EU where ASF is present in wild boar and in domestic pigs in indoor farms and outdoor farms (worst case scenario not considering different restriction zones or particular situations), without requiring any other outdoor‐specific biosecurity measures or control measures, this would reduce the number of new ASF outbreaks occurring in these farms within a year by more than 50% compared to the baseline risk. The Panel concludes that the regular implementation of independent and objective on‐farm biosecurity assessments using comprehensive standard protocols and approving outdoor pig farms on the basis of their biosecurity risk in an official system managed by competent authorities will further reduce the risk of ASF introduction and spread related to outdoor pig farms.
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In the current epidemic of African swine fever (ASF) in Europe, the maintenance and spread of the disease among wild boar populations remains the most important epidemiological challenge. Affected and at-risk countries have addressed this situation using a diversity of wild boar management methods with varying levels of success. The methods applied range from conventional animal disease intervention measures (zoning, stakeholder awareness campaigns, increased surveillance and biosecurity measures) to measures aimed at reducing wild boar population movements (fencing and baiting/feeding) or population numbers (intensive hunting). To assess the perceived efficiency and acceptance of such measures in the context of a focal introduction of ASF, the authors organised a participatory workshop inviting experts from the fields of wildlife management, wild boar ecology, sociology, epidemiology and animal disease management to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various control approaches. The discussions between professionals from different countries took place using the World Café method. This paper documents the World Café method as a tool for increasing the level of participation in multi-stakeholder group discussions, and describes the outputs of the workshop pertaining to the control measures. In summary, the World Café method was perceived as an efficient tool for quickly grasping comprehensive perspectives from the professionals involved in managing ASF and wild boar populations, while promoting engagement in multi-disciplinary discussions. The exercise achieved a good overview of the perceived efficiency and applicability of the different control methods and generated useful recommendations for ASF control in wild boar populations in Europe.
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The ENETWILD consortium provided in August 2019 a map at 10x10 km resolution for wild boar abundance based on hunting data. The availability of prediction maps at a spatial resolution comparable with the one of the home range of wild boar can be useful for further evaluation of risk of spread of African swine fever (ASF). Therefore, predictions of abundance on the basis of the wild boar home range are required. The downscaling procedure needs information on what resolution level is being used for predictions (hunting grounds, municipalities and NUTS3). This report presents the validation of previously produced hunting yield maps (10x10 km resolution) and new model projections downscaled at 2x2 km resolution. A new dataset based on hunting bag numbers was used as external data for validation. These data were arranged at two levels: at country level for the European scenario and at NUTS3 level for a scenario in Spain, where the data availability is higher than the rest of Europe in terms of quantity and quality. Very similar geographical patterns of wild boar abundance were obtained when the models were transferred to 2x2 km grid. The downscaled model predictions were aggregated at country and NUTS3 levels and compared against the external dataset. Our study confirmed that both 10x10 km and 2x2 km resolutions were able to detect spatial variation in wild boar hunting bags (high model performance) and to predict the numbers of wild boar hunted with relative precision (moderate model accuracy). Nevertheless, an overestimation of absolute number of hunted wild boar was observed using both resolutions. Reasons for this overestimation are discussed in this report. The linearity between predictions of hunting yield and external dataset was maintained, indicating that hunting yield predictions can be considered as a good proxy of wild boar abundance. Therefore, updated wild boar hunting yield data, collected at the finest spatial resolution as possible, is needed to correctly recalibrate our model at regional level, an in particular in eastern European countries.
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In January 2014 the first case of African swine fever (ASF) in wild boar of the Baltic States was reported from Lithuania. It has been the first occurrence of the disease in Eastern EU member states. Since then, the disease spread further affecting not only the Baltic States and Poland but also southeastern Europe, the Czech Republic and Belgium. The spreading pattern of ASF with its long-distance spread of several hundreds of kilometers on the one hand and the endemic situation in wild boar on the other is far from being understood. By analyzing data of ASF cases in wild boar along with implemented control measures in Lithuania from 2014-2018 this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the disease. In brief, despite huge efforts to eradicate ASF, the disease is now endemic in the Lithuanian wild boar population. About 86% of Lithuanian's territory is affected and over 3225 ASF cases in wild boar have been notified since 2014. The ASF epidemic led to a considerable decline in wild boar hunting bags. Intensified hunting might have reduced the wild boar population but this effect cannot be differentiated from the population decline caused by the disease itself. However, for ASF detection sampling of wild boar found dead supported by financial incentives turned out to be one of the most effective tools.
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African swine fever (ASF) recently has spread beyond sub-Saharan Africa to the Trans-Caucasus region, parts of the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe. In this new epidemiological scenario, the disease has similarities, but also important differences, compared to the situation in Africa, including the substantial involvement of wild boar. A better understanding of this new situation will enable better control and prevent further spread of disease. In this article, these different scenarios are compared, and recent information on the pathogenesis of ASF virus strains, the immune response to infection and prospects for developing vaccines is presented. Knowledge gaps and the prospects for future control are discussed.
In September 2019, African swine fever (ASF) was reported in South Korea for the first time. Since then, more than 651 ASF cases in wild boars and 14 farm outbreaks have been notified in the country. Despite the efforts to eradicate ASF among wild boar populations, the number of reported ASF-positive wild boar carcasses have increased recently. The purpose of this study was to characterize the spatial distribution of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses to identify the risk factors associated with the presence and number of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses in the affected areas. Because surveillance efforts have substantially increased in early 2020, we divided the study into two periods (2 October 2019 to 19 January 2020, and 19 January to 28 April 2020) based on the number of reported cases and aggregated the number of reported ASF-positive carcasses into a regular grid of hexagons of 3-km diameter. To account for imperfect detection of positive carcasses, we adjusted spatial zero-inflated Poisson regression models to the number of ASF-positive wild boar carcasses per hexagon. During the first study period, proximity to North Korea was identified as the major risk factor for the presence of African swine fever virus. In addition, there were more positive carcasses reported in affected hexagons with high habitat suitability for wild boars, low heat load index (HLI), and high human density. During the second study period, proximity to an ASF-positive carcass reported during the first period was the only significant risk factor for the presence of ASF-positive carcasses. Additionally, low HLI and elevation were associated with an increased number of ASF-positive carcasses reported in the affected hexagons. Although the proportion of ASF-affected hexagons increased from 0.06 (95% credible interval (CrI): 0.05–0.07) to 0.09 (95% CrI: 0.08–0.10), the probability of reporting at least one positive carcass in ASF-affected hexagons increased from 0.49 (95% CrI: 0.41–0.57) to 0.73 (95% CrI: 0.66–0.81) between the two study periods. These results can be used to further advance risk-based surveillance strategies in the Republic of Korea.
African swine fever (ASF) is a fatal, infectious disease affecting wild boars and domestic pigs, mostly resulting in their deaths. Previous studies showed that carcasses of infected wild boars pose a serious threat for ASF virus transmission and leaving of dead bodies in the environment enables persistence of the disease in the given affected area. Therefore, the prompt finding and removal of the carcasses is crucial for effective ASF control. This study reveals habitat preferences of ASF-positive wild boars for their deathbeds, which could greatly improve the effectivity in the search for infected carcasses. The vast majority (71%) of carcasses were found in forests (although forests occupy only 26.6% of the high-risk area – Zlin region, Czech Republic), especially in young forest stands; 91.3% of infected wild boar carcasses, which were found in forests, were in stands of up to 40 years of age, where infected individuals search for calm and quiet places. The preference of younger forest stands is significantly higher for infected individuals (p < 0.001). On meadows, infected individuals preferred a higher herb layer (p = 0.002) compared to non-infected individuals. A higher preference of places more distant from roads and forest edges was observed for the infected individuals as well (p < 0.001 in both cases). No differences in deathbed habitat preference were observed between selected sex-age categories. The distance between carcasses and water source was observed to be dependent on current mean temperature. Carcasses were found closer to the water sources at higher mean temperature. Because of the comparable character of the landscape, presented models are applicable across Central Europe and have the potential to greatly facilitate the search for infected carcasses.
Host abundance and landscape structure often interact to shape spatial patterns of many wildlife diseases. Emergence, spread, and persistence of African swine fever (ASF) among wild boar in eastern Europe has raised questions on the factors underlying ASF dynamics in this novel host-pathogen system. This work identifies drivers of ASF occurrence in natural wild boar population. We evaluated factors shaping the probability of ASF-postitive wild boar during the first three years (2014-2016) of the ASF epidemic in Poland. We expected to observe positive effects of wild boar density, proportion of forested area, human activity, and proximity to previous infections on ASF case probability. We tested these predictions using the infection status of 830 wild boar samples and generalized mixed-effects models. The probability of ASF case increased from 3 to 20% as population density rose from 0.4 to 2 in./km2. The positive effect of population density on ASF case probability was stronger at locations near previous ASF incidents. ASF was more likely to occur in forested areas, with the probability of detecting an ASF positive sample rising from 2 to 11% as forest cover around the sample increased from 0.5 to 100%. This pattern was consistent at both low and high wild boar densities. Indicators of human activity were poor predictors of ASF occurrence. Disease control efforts, such as culling and carcass search, should be focused on high-density populations where chances of detecting and eliminating ASF-positive wild boar are higher. The intensity of control measures should decrease with distance from the infected area to match the observed spatial pattern of ASF case probability. Woodlands represent areas of the highest risk of ASF case occurrence. Distribution and connectivity of suitable habitats over the landscape can be used to prioritize disease-management actions.
Due to its impact on animal health and pig industry, African swine fever (ASF) is regarded as one of the most important viral diseases of pigs. Following the ongoing epidemic in the Transcaucasian countries and the Russian Federation, African swine fever virus was introduced into the Estonian wild boar population in 2014. Epidemiological investigations suggested two different introductions into the southern and the north-eastern part of Estonia. Interestingly, outbreak characteristics varied considerably between the affected regions. While high mortality and mainly virus-positive animals were observed in the southern region, mortality was low in the north-eastern area. In the latter, clinically healthy, antibody-positive animals were found in the hunting bag and detection of virus was rare. Two hypotheses could explain the different behaviour in the north-east: (i) the frequency of antibody detections combined with the low mortality is the tail of an older, so far undetected epidemic wave coming from the east, or (ii) the virus in this region is attenuated and leads to a less severe clinical outcome. To explore the possibility of virus attenuation, a re-isolated ASFV strain from the north-eastern Ida-Viru region was biologically characterized in European wild boar. Oronasal inoculation led to an acute and severe disease course in all animals with typical pathomorphological lesions. However, one animal recovered completely and was subsequently commingled with three sentinels of the same age class to assess disease transmission. By the end of the trial at 96 days post-initial inoculation, all animals were completely healthy and neither virus nor viral genomes were detected in the sentinels or the survivor. The survivor, however, showed high antibody levels. In conclusion, the ASFV strain from north-eastern Estonia was still highly virulent but nevertheless, one animal recovered completely. Under the experimental conditions, no transmission occurred from the survivor to susceptible sentinel pigs.