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This study focused on hadith and the science of hadith in the view of Ahlus Sunnah and Shia. Ahl al-Sunnah and Shia view the hadith as a source of Islam. The existence of different cultural roots of each group makes the Hadith can not be separated from the interests of group authority. The Shi'a believe that the revelation did not stop after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. In the verification of the hadith, the Shi'ah provided the criteria for the existence of a continuation of the ma'shum and all the narrators in the sanad came from the Shi'a group at all levels.
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In an effort to develop quality alumni, Islamic boarding schools have implemented learning innovation programs by forming several Excellent classes that offer exclusive programs compared to Regular class types. For example, the Al-Ittifaqiah Islamic boarding school located in Indralaya, South Sumatra province, has implemented six Excellent classes based on memorizing the Koran. The formation of this Excellent class aims to produce a generation of Qur'anists who have a deep understanding of the contents of the Qur'an and become intellectuals who are proficient in various fields of general, exact and social sciences. The students in the Excellent class face various challenges during their education and learning period. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of evaluating and formulating strategies that can optimally improve the quality of learning. In this research, qualitative data measurements and analysis were carried out using a descriptive approach that explained in detail and was carried out through field research. Data collection and analysis was carried out through in-depth interviews, participant observation and document review. This research produces stages and steps for prevention and action against cases faced by students. Persuasive and cooperative approaches are prioritized in efforts to improve the quality of learning and teaching situations, as well as achieving Excellent class learning targets. From the evaluation results, it can be concluded that it is important to build a comfortable and focused learning system, so that it can create alumni who are competent in the fields of Tahfidz Al-Qur'an, religious sciences and general science.
far ibn Basyir al-Bajalī, Muḥammad ibn Ismail al-Za"farānī, dan Aḥmad ibn Ᾱli al-Najasyi. Namun sebagaimana sebelumnya, ada juga ulama Syiah yang tidak menyepakati ini
  • Ja Adalah Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Isa
adalah Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Isa, Ja"far ibn Basyir al-Bajalī, Muḥammad ibn Ismail al-Za"farānī, dan Aḥmad ibn Ᾱli al-Najasyi. Namun sebagaimana sebelumnya, ada juga ulama Syiah yang tidak menyepakati ini.
Itu artinya, awal mula munculnya pemikiran untuk memberikan "nilai" kepada sebuah Hadis di kalangan Syiah adalah sekitar abad 7 Hijriyah. Dan ini bertepatan dengan "serangan" Ibnu Taimiyah terhadap Syiah Imamiyah dalam bukunya, Minhaj al-Sunah
  • Huliyy
Huliyy (w. 726H). Itu artinya, awal mula munculnya pemikiran untuk memberikan "nilai" kepada sebuah Hadis di kalangan Syiah adalah sekitar abad 7 Hijriyah. Dan ini bertepatan dengan "serangan" Ibnu Taimiyah terhadap Syiah Imamiyah dalam bukunya, Minhaj al-Sunah. Salah satu kritik penting Ibnu Taimiyah adalah rendahnya perhatian dan pengetahuan Kaum Syiah terhadap ilmu ar-Rijal. 53
Amily (w. 1104 H). Ia mengakui bahwa penyebab Kaum Syiah mulai meletakkan istilah shahih, hasan dan dha"if untuk Hadis mereka serta memperhatikan sanad, adalah kritik yang ditujukan oleh Ahlussunah kepada mereka. Ia mengatakan
  • Hal
Hal ini diakui sendiri oleh Hurr al-"Amily (w. 1104 H). Ia mengakui bahwa penyebab Kaum Syiah mulai meletakkan istilah shahih, hasan dan dha"if untuk Hadis mereka serta memperhatikan sanad, adalah kritik yang ditujukan oleh Ahlussunah kepada mereka. Ia mengatakan, "Salah satu faidah penyebutan (sanad) adala untuk membantah tuduhan "orang awam" -maksudnya Ahlussunah-terhadap Syiah, bahwa
Abdullāh. Tarīkh al-Imāmiyah wa Aṣlāfihim min al-Syī'ah. Bairūt: Mu"assasah al-A"lamī li al-Maṭbū"at
  • Fayyaḍah Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka Fayyaḍah, "Abdullāh. Tarīkh al-Imāmiyah wa Aṣlāfihim min al-Syī'ah. Bairūt: Mu"assasah al-A"lamī li al-Maṭbū"at, 1986.
Abd al-Ḥusain Syarāfuddīn. al-Murāja'at. Irak: al-Adab
  • Al-Musawī
al-Musawī, "Abd al-Ḥusain Syarāfuddīn. al-Murāja'at. Irak: al-Adab, T.t.
Kriteria Keshahihan Hadis Perspektif Syiah
  • Muhammad Nasir
Nasir, Muhammad. "Kriteria Keshahihan Hadis Perspektif Syiah". Jurnal Farabi 12, 1 (2015).
Menimbang Hadis-hadis Mazhab Syiah; Studi atas Kitab al-Kāfī, dalam al-Huda
  • Ayatullah Subhani
  • Ja
Subhani, Ayatullah Ja"far. "Menimbang Hadis-hadis Mazhab Syiah; Studi atas Kitab al-Kāfī, dalam al-Huda" Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Islam II, 5 (2001).