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Organizations may encounter some crises in this era which can be out of control, as crises have become an important and influencing event in organizations, Because of the difficulties in gaining control of them as a result of abrupt and rapid changes in the external environment, it is a source of concern for both leaders of organizations and authorities. The most recent example is the current Covid19 epidemic, which has resulted in significant human misery and economic damage in various countries. As we know, every organization has a section for human resources management, and the success of any organization is counted by the efficiency and quality of human resource management. Human resource management practices and the effectiveness of organizational crisis management are two areas of knowledge that were and still the focus of many studies, however, the combination of them, as well as the examination of the link between them and the role that human resource management techniques play in crisis management efficacy, is a novel and essential topic. In this research paper, we tried to explore the role of human resource management in organizations' crisis management activities, we have found out that there is a correlation and impact of human resource management practices ineffectiveness of organizational crisis management facing organizations.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 1
Mahmood Abdullah Hamood Al-
Management department. Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
Aurangabad, India
Dr. Arvind Prabhakar Rayalwar,
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce. Swa.
Sawarkar Mahavidyalay, Beed Diat.
Beed Maharashtra. Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Marathwada University
Aurangabad, India
Saleem Abdullah Hamood Al-Maqashi
Computer Department. Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Marathwada University
Aurangabad, India
Abstract Organizations may encounter some crises in this
era which can be out of control, as crises have become an
important and influencing event in organizations, Because of the
difficulties in gaining control of them as a result of abrupt and
rapid changes in the external environment, it is a source of
concern for both leaders of organizations and authorities. The
most recent example is the current Covid19 epidemic, which has
resulted in significant human misery and economic damage in
various countries. As we know, every organization has a section
for human resources management, and the success of any
organization is counted by the efficiency and quality of human
resource management. Human resource management practices
and the effectiveness of organizational crisis management are
two areas of knowledge that were and still the focus of many
studies, however, the combination of them, as well as the
examination of the link between them and the role that human
resource management techniques play in crisis management
efficacy, is a novel and essential topic. In this research paper, we
tried to explore the role of human resource management in
organizations' crisis management activities, we have found out
that there is a correlation and impact of human resource
management practices ineffectiveness of organizational crisis
management facing organizations.
Keywords HR, HRM, Crisis, Crisis Management
Human Resources began in the early twentieth century,
produced by the movement of human relations, and the
success of any project depends largely on the effectiveness
and skills of workers in the performance of their work
because they are the source essential foundation for achieving
competitive excellence. Depending on that, we can as one
human resources management definition of basic functions in
modern facilities that specialize in the efficient use of the
human element in all types of institutions. We human
resources management is defined as one of the most
important organizational units of modern companies and
institutions. Become more important in times of crisis,
because it is an important dimension of crisis management.
An ancient historical crisis, the term refers to the origins
of Greek medicine means a turning point in the sense it is a
critical moment in the life of the patient. It was launched to
refer to a sudden and fundamental change in the human body,
by the nineteenth century and repeated use to indicate the
appearance of problems or serious moments of a turning point
in the development of political, economic and social relations.
Then, the use of this term in the various branches of the
humanities, and this means a set of circumstances and sudden
events that involve a clear threat to the status quo is stable in
the nature of things, a critical point, the moment critical in
determined by the fate of development, either for better or
worse. Also known as a turning point in unstable situations
that can lead to undesirable results in which and through
which the parties concerned are unwilling or unable to
contain or avoid risk points.
People today is seeing numerous genuine emergencies,
regardless of whether financial, social or natural, however the
most annihilating crises are those security crises which closes
toward the day's end does not end wars, killing thousands
each year and the displacement of millions of others. In fact,
you can avoid most of those who are destroying conflicts if
the parties have adopted the relevant wisdom through the
development of common interests before their own
objectives, choose patience, and debate obstinacy and
extremism, especially if wars and crises do not produce a
country or civilization and destroy everything. The current
situation presents new issues to address. The theoretical
framework provided by diverse scientists may not be
adequate to address this issue. (crises Topper B, Lagadec P.
Fractal, 2013).
Crisis events continue to pose a threat to the costly
organizations. But even though a decade has witnessed
terrorist attacks and natural disasters and violations ofethics,
it reported less than 60% of the employees that their
organization is not well prepared to respond effectively to the
crisis (Fegley & Victor, 2005). Similarly, many senior
managers share this viewpoint (Moynihan, 2008)
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 2
companies frequently fail to consider crisis management from
a strategic standpoint. As a result, businesses are not well
equipped to cope with crises when they occur. (Sheaffer &
Mano-Negrin, 2003). Miller (2002) found that just 47 percent
of the 137 big organizations evaluated had a catastrophe
strategy in place. Similarly, 40% of specialists in human (HR)
Resources surveyed conducted by the Human Resources
Management Association confirmed that their organizations
had no plans to crises and disasters. (Cohen, 2002). Purposes
behind an absence of crisis readiness arranging are many,
going from a deficiency of assets to defective presumptions
that an association would be invulnerable from crisis
occasions (Howell, 2004; Pearson & Mitroff, 1993).
However, as organizations become more technologically
complex, multinational, and operate in more turbulent
environments, the need to align crisis management planning
with business methodology gets unmistakable to diminishing
expected weakness of basic assets (Boin and McConnell,
2007; Elliott, 2006; Preble, 1997).
See more and more organizations need to develop crisis
management plans. Results showed an overview of HR The
Board Affiliation (SHRM) for 2011 on fiasco arranging in
associations that 76% of 300 US associations reviewed have a
proper arrangement. However, just 33% of businesses thought
they were prepared to a great or very large level, while 42%
thought they were prepared somewhat. It can be explained by
the separation between the high level of preparedness and the
low level of readiness through lack of comprehensive crisis
management programs and regular operations planning across
all organizational (Wang, Hatchins, and Garavan, 2009 units).
Developing crisis management abilities necessitates
specific corporate learning, performance, and intervention
that allows stakeholders to recognize events, respond to
crises, and recover. High-level successful implementation of
plans for crisis management requires a strategic integration
between human resources development, organizational
structure, culture, strategy. To acquire stakeholder support
and enable effective implementation across different
organizational units, learning interventions, change, and
performance must be aligned with organizational strategy.
(Wognum & Lam, 2000). However, absent from the existing
literature is to consider the strategic role that human rights
defender may play in helping organizations to crisis planning,
handling and recovery (Hutchins et al., 2008; Hutchins and
Wang, 2008; Liou and Lin, 2008). Therefore, this article the
ways in which they can explore for SHRD achieve both
operational capacity and the ability to learn from the crises
that will enhance the ability of organizations and their
flexibility and confidence to deal with unexpected events (B.
Roberts & Lajtha, 2002).
Can crises that threaten the sustainability and survival of
organizations today take a variety of forms, ranging from
corporate scandals and the collapse of the Internet, and the
spread of diseases, natural disasters, violent attacks / lethal on
staff or between them, and so far the terrorist attacks.
Organizations may be overwhelmed by the number and
complexity of potential crises that can occur and are planning
only for the events that it considers potentially very or can be
dealt with, such as fire evacuation (Wang, et al., 2009). One
solution is to have a structured planning for crisis
management can be applied to a wide range of crisis
situations, enough to deal with the complexities of each stage
of the crisis. In this regard, crisis management revolves
around the development of the Organization's capacity to
respond flexibly and quickly to various forms of crises
(Lockwood, 2005).
It is important for every institution in this modern age,
regardless of the size of the company, the role of human
resources strategically to ensure the realization of its crisis
and to submit a plan for the future to help reduce their impact
(Eldadak, 2014). The company in order to become more
efficient and successful, could lead the human resources
function to create solutions that focus on business (Al
Shobaki et al., 2016).
Exploration issue was formed in the accompanying
What is the role of human resources management in
organizational crisis management? "
To find out the role of human resources management
in organizational Crisis management
To know the concepts of human resources and human
resource management, crises and crisis management.
Human Resource
William R. Tracey in "Glossary Human Resources as: "the
people who manage an organization", as opposed to the
financial and material resources of the organization.
Muhammad Aqoni in "Human Resources" define Human
resources are among the most important assets owned by the
institution and it is one of the most important resources.
Managing these resources allows the company to fulfil its
objectives. Fixed assets owned by the corporation cannot be
managed without human resources and without human
resources the corporation becomes a group of assets that are
not leaders in production. Generally, five major jobs were
identified for managers, with most researchers agreeing that
these positions are planning, organizing, shaping, driving, and
Human resources refer to people working in organizations
and institutions. It is the management of any institution or
organization, and that is through supervision, planning,
examination, appointment, organization, direction and control
of all aspects that relate to individuals and employees, in
order to conservatism, develop, sensitize and compensate
them without the need for any specialized management, the
human resources department is concern with managing these
people through specific strategies methods that increase
employee performance, solve business problems, and achieve
the organization's intended goals and also help it to gain a
competitive advantage, considering that human resources are
an investment capital that must be developed because it has a
strategic dimension to the success of the organization or
Work, HR plays a key role in helping companies deal with a
rapidly changing environment and increasing employee
demand Quality.
Human Resource Management
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 3
"Organizes, assembles, plans, and supervises the
securing and promotion, payment, matching, retention, and
segmentation of human resources, the primary pool of
resources to meet personal, level, and society goals," for
example. (Edwin Flippo, 1976). The Public Organization
of Individual Administration (NIPM) of India has
characterized HR individual administration as "That
piece of the executives that thinks often about individuals
at work and their connections within the organization. Its
goal is to collect and develop the men and women who form
projects and develop into an effective organization and take
into account the well-being of individuals and work groups,
to enable them to make the best contribution to its success."
The Human Resources Department is concerned with the
human dimension in management. Because each organization
is made up of people, access to their services and develop
their skills and motivation at the highest levels of
performance and to ensure that they remain dedicated to the
organization. It is critical to achieve organizational objectives.
Regardless of the sort of organization - government, business,
education, health, or social work - this is true. (Decenzo and
Robbins, 2016).
HRM, defined as a "senior organization method to
managing company," aims to gain an edge by establishing
a fundamental plan for a high-duty and capable staff,
utilizing a wide range of social and structural procedures
and persons"; while see Byars & Rue (2004) Human
Resources Management as "designed to provide and
coordinate the activities of resources humanity for the
enterprise " (Storey,2007).
Researchers goes with that Human resource management
can be considered as one of the most important administrative
processes in the organization, as it represents the beating heart
within any organization, because it plans, organizes, directs,
follows up on, and monitors work and workers inside the
organization, it strives for work stability.
The Human Resources Department is concerned with the
workforce (the human element) to carry out its daily activities
and operations in the organization, as it works to encourage,
support and motivate its employees in order to achieve the
goals of the organization with high efficiency.
Effective human resource management helps to
rehabilitate, train and develop its employees in modern ways
that enable them to overcome the challenges and difficulties
they face, this leads to an increase in the rate of high-quality
output, giving the institution a competitive edge that keeps it
in the labor market.
Human resources management is the link between the
administration and its employees, which works to solve all
problems and disputes between employees themselves, and
between management and employees and also has an
effective role in managing the current or future crises of the
The term crisis brings many different meanings to the mind
when considered.
The crisis may be characterized as particular occurrences
that cannot be foreseen and occur outside of the organization's
current processes, resulting in a high level of distrust and
jeopardizing the attainment of the organization's goals and
strategies for understanding and disclosure. (Lucero M,
In the definition of organizational crisis, it is best to make a
difference between the crisis and the event of unwanted
(disaster). Brent (2003) had an effect and said: "Portrays the
condition of the crisis could be the base of the marvel issues
and concerns, including regulatory constructions and
techniques of inadequacy or failure to adapt to change;
disaster, on the other hand, signifies that the firm is
confronting catastrophic unexpected or abrupt changes over
which it has no control" (Brent, 2003).
The regulatory crisis is not only a disaster, such as
economic recession, or a plane crash or limited companies,
leading to significant loss of life or damage to environmental
severe, but can be in different forms, such as product or
supporting service distortion or product boycott distortion,
strike, rumors basic, theft, bribery and bribery, hostile
conflict, natural disaster to destroy the products, the
regulatory system is damaged or the information system for
the parent companies (Behnamiri, 2012).
The Organizational crisis is a condition through the
possible occurrence of high value and effective value that
pose a threat to the existence of the organization in the eyes of
the main beneficiaries and mental point of view, it is a direct
threat to them. Mutual knowledge and beliefs are distinctive
to the individual, which adds to the uncertainty of cause-and-
effect linkages and how to cope with concerns of mental
capability illness. During the crisis, it will take the decision
under the influence of a short period of time and the limits of
knowledge (Pearson, C.M & Clair 2017).
Crisis creates a substantial operational risk that, if not
managed appropriately, may be disastrous. (Coombs.T,
Researchers defined crisis as a sudden imbalance, un
important and influential event in the organization because of
sudden and unexpected situations that may effect on the
organization's system, and it is a turning point either for the
better if the crisis is contained and managed by identifying
the problem and optimizing planning to find a suitable
solution for it at the appropriate time, or for the worst in case
that the necessary measures are not been taken to remedy the
crisis by the concerned parties due to the lack of experts and
specialists who are able to put in an appropriate and effective
planning for a specific problem that may lead to the complete
destruction of the organization.
Crisis Management
C. Crisis
The board of crisis is to distinguish dangers to the
association and its partners, and strategies utilized by the
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 4
organization to deal with these threats. Due to the
unpredictability of global events, institutions must be able to
deal with the possibility of radical changes in the way you do
business. Crisis management is often required to make
decisions within a short period of time, often after the
occurrence has already occurred. In order to minimize
uncertainty in the event of a crisis, organizations often
develop a plan for crisis management (ADAM HAYES,
The process of dealing with an occurrence that is
bothersome and unexpected and threatens to hurt the
company or its stakeholders is known as crisis management.
(Bundy, Jonathan; Pfarrer, Michael D.; Short, Cole E.;
Coombs, W. Timothy
Senior management can affect the organization's ability to
reduce the severity of the events of this crisis. The board at
the most significant level ought not interfere, overlook or
persistently endure the counter crisis exercises of supervisors
at lower levels. (Crandall, Parnell & Spillan, 2014).
After observing on all above definitions which are all so
important for crisis management, researchers went with that
crisis management is the administrative sciences that deals
with the study of crises about the diversity of their
classifications and is concerned with how to deal with crises
and how to overcome them, as well as avoiding negative
effects, whether in the short or long term, addition to how to
solve the resulting problems and transfer them from harmful
negatives to positive ones that can be benefited.
The role of human resources management in crisis
In the information economy and knowledge today,
institutions are increasingly dependent on human capital
(knowledge workers) to build competitive advantages and
realize their profits, rather than just the equipment,
technology and systems. Then there are the exceedingly
susceptible organizations, regardless of their size, continuity,
or success, when an employee makes a mistake. People are
both the problem and the answer. The leaders of the human
resources role and responsibility of strategic partners to
ensure that their organization is aware of the internal
weaknesses of the human side towards the different types of
crises and to ensure that the crisis management plan covering
all potential risks and concerns. To be recorded as an
essential accomplice in crisis the board, with different
capacities, for example, hazard the executives and business
congruity, should HR experts to comprehend and talk "the
language of" crisis management. Human resources can
guarantee that all crisis management and business continuity
strategies include human capital. It can provide human
resources to protect or enhance the true value through
deliverables such as plans for crisis communications, crisis
planning and resources, and training on safety and security,
and talent management and succession planning to help
reassure employees and prepare them (Marc Ronez, 2014).
The role of human resources in the corporate world today
has changed dramatically to accommodate different
developments and needs in the workplace. The involvement
of human resources in crisis management is one of these
developments, has led to the establishment of human
resources play an active role in the planning and training for
crisis management. According to recent study, firms that
incorporate employee well-being into crisis management are
more likely to succeed than organizations that are only
concerned with system security, processes, infrastructure, and
public relations as is evident traditionally. HR is an job is to
give workers with adequate knowledge about potential crises
that may affect the business and to ensure that they are aware
of their role in crisis management. Human resources provide
the skills and knowledge needed to ensure the ability of staff
to contribute to the sustainability of the institution through
participation in crisis management process (Seif Athamneh,
The functions of human resources management play an
important role in determining the current organization
problem and is working to find the best solutions and
methods to deal with them. As Armstrong (2020), consists
functions of human resources management:
The planning and arranging of crisis management
upgrades the organization's capacity to manage crisis and
guarantees an expedient recuperation when the association
faces a crisis. Crisis the board arranging is a basic
interaction in crisis the executives since it gives direction
on forestalling or evading crisis, managing crisis and the
recuperation cycle (Seif Athamneh, 2018).
Administrative organization in any institution is not free
from crises between its employees, whether between
employees and each other or between employees and
management. It is known that the administrative organization
as the management teams are present in the various
institutions and also expresses any human gathering within an
institution that exercises its tasks to achieve the goals and
includes projects and known crises that the situation involves
a threat or carries the problem. Successful management of
crises is avoiding crises and trying to contain the crisis with
minimal losses by searching for the causes of the crisis and
taking appropriate measures to deal with those crises until
reaching appropriate solutions for them in the best way, and
crises are not only limited to relationships between
individuals, but also extend to all forms of crises which is not
without a work environment, whether as a result of
unexpected problems resulting from the political and
economic changes, Or even legal circumstances or crises that
result occur to the problems of management and the level of
administrative organization within the institution or even
because of the lack of information or distortion, which
requires constant
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 5
readiness to provide adequate plans to deal with such
crises and management to avoid the need to make
decisions under the first pressure, which may lead to a
lot of problems, usually crisis management plan that
includes identifying the most important elements of the
crisis and the threats involved, both in terms of time or
lack of capacity or other expected losses that could
result from ignoring the crisis or deal with it in a way
is good and the level of dealing with the crisis and
management is well chosen by controlling a number of
criteria, including the crisis's level of complexity, the
degree of threat or pressure linked with the nature of
the event, and other aspects (Arab British Academy for
Higher Education, 2019).
Steps for disaster and crisis management:
The enactment of laws and policies
Definition of the task
The formation of the Working Group
Explanation of responsibilities, capacities and
resources analysis.
Risk studies and the possibility of their occurrence.
Risk prevention
Preparation and handling response plan.
Implementation and response.
Healing or restoration or redeployment.
Monitoring and control.
Evaluation and review.
Training and education.
The steps mentioned above are working on disaster and
crisis management through planning, regulation and
administrative guidance and crisis management through
(Euro Training, 2011).
Human resources management over the past years have
developed significantly dramatically, especially in large
organizations that have the ability and broad access to the
latest studies in the importance of the role of human
departments resources in the Organization's success in
general, has shaped the role of the administration difference a
great performance and reputation of the organization
Organizations concerned with the human vendor at all levels
have several signs of success via the activation and
investment in human resources responsibilities, through its
ability to attract talent and keep them, providing the creativity
of a stimulating work environment and innovation which
contributed to, which contributed to the guidance of all human
capacities and capabilities to clear and specific goals and
means to achieve the organization's strategy. For example, the
Corona virus outbreak presents a significant challenge not
just for human resource management, but also for other
departments and executives to efficiently carry out their
responsibilities, creating innovative practices to mitigate the
impact of the financial and diligence as well as the payment
of the operation as soon as possible the capacity in line with
demand and maintain the lowest cost rates during this crisis.
The following figure shows the processes for managing crises through
human resource management functions.
Figure. 1. stages of Crisis management process
The function of HRM in crisis management is to improve
employee preparation and hence enable successful
catastrophe planning.
Human resources management is the link between the
administration and its employees.
There are four functions of human resources management
play very important role in crisis management.
Human Resources Management HR is always the link
between management and all workers and also works to
provide an appropriate work environment and ensure their
rights within any company and its greater role in achieving
the goals of all parties within the organization or company
and this role appears more clearly in times of crisis.
By using a methodical and ability-driven approach, Human
Resources Management may better equip businesses to
respond to the complexity and ambiguities inherent in the
events of the current crisis.
It helps to form a common goal and integration of efforts
towards crisis management, creating a culture of crisis is
ready, and the development of organizational readiness and
the ability to survive in a crisis.
The functions of human resources management play
provides guidelines for
preventing or averting
Organizing and
preparing for the
crisis before it's
happening and
during it
Risk studies
and their
Formation of the work
Explain responsibilities,
capabilities and
resource analysis
Implementation and
and review
Reducing the impact damage of the crisis or crisis prevention
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan - 2021 ISSN: 2582-3930
© 2022, IJSREM | | Page 6
an important role in determining the current
organization problem and is working to find the
best solutions and methods to deal with them. As
Armstrong (2020).
HRM offers the skills and information required to
guarantee that employees can contribute to the
organization's long-term viability by participating
in the crisis management process.
HRM came to ensure that employees are aware of
good about the potential crises that may affect the
organization and they are aware of their role in
dealing with the crisis
In this research paper, we explored the role of human
resource management in organizations' crisis management
activities and that was in early detection of the crisis and
determining its size, type, the use of modern methods and
technology as well as the human side to deal with it, and that
by enhancing preparedness among employees and thus
ensuring effective disaster planning. The researchers found
out that there is a correlation and impact of human resource
management practices in effectiveness of organizational crisis
management facing organizations. The study concluded that
human resources management in any organization should
move from traditional roles and adopt more contemporary
aspects of human resources, including participation in crisis
management. Accordingly, employees are considered key
stakeholders in the crisis management process, and therefore
human resources must be proactive in this process, and
organizations that allow human resource management to
interfere in resolving any crisis