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Abstract and Figures

The entire world progression has ceased with the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and urges the requirement for contact-less and autonomous services and applications. Realizing these predominantly Internet of Things (IoT) based applications demands a holistic pervasive computing infrastructure. In this paper, we conduct a survey to determine the possible pervasive approaches for utilizing the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure in realizing the requirements of emerging IoT applications. We have formalized specific architectural layouts for the considered IoT applications, while specifying network-level requirements to realize such approaches; and conducted a simulation to test the feasibility of proposed MEC approaches.
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Realizing Contact-less Applications with
Multi-Access Edge Computing
Pasika Ranaweera, Chamitha de Alwis, Anca D. Jurcut, and Madhusanka Liyanage
Abstract—The entire world progression has ceased with the
unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and urges
the requirement for contact-less and autonomous services and
applications. Realizing these predominantly Internet of Things
(IoT) based applications demands a holistic pervasive computing
infrastructure. In this paper, we conduct a survey to determine
the possible pervasive approaches for utilizing the Multi-Access
Edge Computing (MEC) infrastructure in realizing the require-
ments of emerging IoT applications. We have formalized specific
architectural layouts for the considered IoT applications, while
specifying network-level requirements to realize such approaches;
and conducted a simulation to test the feasibility of proposed
MEC approaches.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to realize that pre-
vailing knowledge, methodologies, technologies, or facilities
are not adequate to mitigate the impact it caused. Though
there are few promising vaccines been introduced by reputable
pharmaceutical institutions, their effectiveness is still in a
questionable state in light of the new mutated strains of
the pathogen. The level of contagiousness characterized by
the stealthy transmission of COVID-19 has led to develop
novel means of human interaction methods to mitigate its
spread. For this, Internet of Things (IoT) concept plays a
key role in accomplishing such strategies. Already established
IoT devices, protocols, and frameworks along with the stan-
dardization institutions are paving the most feasible digital
infrastructure to find solutions for the current dilemma. In
addition, the ’Smart City’ concept aligned with IoT guarantees
the coverage of all essential aspects of urban development for
such digital solutions. Though, a digital infrastructure alone
is not sufficient to meet the current demands. A pervasive
or ubiquitous computing capability is an intrinsic aspect;
where edge computing paradigms are capable of facilitating.
In the pandemics’ context, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
directives are the most essential to deploy medical services
featured with contact-less patient inspection, sample extrac-
tion, treatment, and monitoring methods. Infact, the digital
IoMT infrastructure that interconnects all the medical appli-
ances within a medical vicinity are improving the integration
capability of novel requirements for contact-less practices [1].
Pasika Ranaweera and Anca D. Jurcut are with School of Com-
puter Science, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. e-mails:,
Chamitha de Alwis is with the Department of Electrical and Elec-
tronic Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardeneprua, Sri Lanka, email:
Madhusanka Liyanage is with the School of Computer Science, UCD,
Ireland and the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu,
It is obvious that accustoming into a contact-less and
confined daily routine that circumvents the tensity and anxiety
require the usage of technology from the consumer perspec-
tive. Such adaptability is not only limited to healthcare, but
for entertainment, occupation, trading, fashion, and education.
Eventhough the current technology offer remote access to
resources, online video conferencing facilities, online col-
laborative platforms, support for smart sensory and actuator
devices are sufficient for the time being, would not scale
with the demand for the digital services in the future. As
IoT based services are employing devices that are limited on
resources, their advancement is depended on the offloading
capability, where resource consuming processing phase of their
operation is performed in an outsourced manner at a third-
party infrastructure. Further, most emerging services are not
designed to operate stand-alone; require real-time and all-
time connectivity to their respective servers or control stations
to maintain their pervasive features along with monitoring
capability. Thus, the most lacking aspect for contact-less
and pervasive digital solutions is the existing networking
infrastructure, where every emerging application or service
demands enormous bandwidths with extremely low latency
to maintain their operation online without interruption. Con-
versely, industries and critical infrastructure are heavily relying
on the emerging fifth generation (5G) related technological
advancements for enabling the contact-less operating services
for improving the current networking infrastructure.
Emerging directives of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual
Reality (VR), Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication
(URLLC), enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB), and mas-
sive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) are essential to
contrive the digital infrastructure intrinsic to enable envisaged
use cases [2]. Though, service requisites demanded by these
novel concepts, specially the ubiquitous computing capability;
are inconceivable with the prevailing networking infrastructure
that complemented through cloud computing based services.
The emergent edge computing paradigm Multi-Access Edge
Computing (MEC) attributes the capability to overcome the
stated pitfalls of cloud computing. MEC platforms established
at mobile base stations are capable of provisioning dynamic
services at a proximate locality. With these decentralized
server placements, location and context awareness are possible
while ultra-low-latency, higher bandwidth, security, and pri-
vacy aspects are enhanced to cater novel service specifications.
The edge infrastructure of the MEC is structured with
virtualized entities of Mobile Edge Hosts (MEHs) that operate
as Virtual Machines (VMs), while Mobile Edge Platform
Manager (MEPM) and Virtualization Infrastructure Manager
(VIM) are acting as the orchestrator and the hypervisor for the
MEC platform as explicated in [3]. Further, cloud deployments
are enduring unintended latency due to its centralized nature
with globally dispersed server placements. This service model
is not optimal for Internet of Things (IoT) based services
that attribute higher heterogeneity. Thus, an alternative service
model is intrinsic to improve the pragmatic feasibility of the
nascent technologies.
In this article, we investigate the possibility for launch-
ing various IoT technologies, utilizing the edge computing
capabilities of the MEC paradigm through a state-of-the-art
review of the existing work; that serves as a position paper
for contactless pervasive strategies. In fact, findings of this
research aids to realize the use cases specified in Section
II. Section III states various driving technologies enabled by
MEC, while Section IV discusses the realization of the stated
use cases in the context of MEC standardization. Validating the
MEC capability in contrast to cloud computing deployments
is presented in Section V. Section VI concludes the article.
Smart City paradigm and IoT play a vital role in enabling
new services of contact-less nature. Though, the coverage of
Smart City is wider, and the context of this paper narrows
to contact-less possibilities to mitigate the concerns with the
pandemic. This section explains some of such important IoT
based cases that falls under the umbrella of Smart City. The
selected use cases are direct contributors for overcoming the
issues of COVID-19, through aiding to develop effective and
efficient contact-less practices.
A. Smart Hospitals
The hospitals and other health care facilities are the most
lacking and unprepared vicinity’s to face this pandemic. Means
of implementing contact-less practices in general can be
achieved with social distancing and circumspect handling of
materials or items. Though, transforming patient inspection,
consulting, laboratory sample collection, conducting experi-
ments, surgeries, and patient caring activities to be contact-
less is proving to be arduous with existing technologies, and
require IoMT directives to succeed. Robotics are engaged to
revitalize these requirements by means of clinical care, logis-
tics, and reconnaissance. Utilization of AR has been envisaged
for Robot Assisted Surgeries (RASs). Further, remote patient
caring can be accomplished with robotic engagement while
patients can be monitored remotely via visual and audible
means with embedding IoT devices in to their medical beds.
The vital medical data aggregated during monitoring, perform-
ing clinical tests, and laboratory experiments are managed
by information systems catered for big data requirements in
state-of-the-art hospitals. Reaching the stated advancements
within a hospital premises however, is infeasible at present in
a technological perspective [4].
Existing Challenges: The medical apparatus market is a
well-established, and exorbitant trade that involve plethora
of manufacturers with a highly scaled design range. Thus,
following challenges should be answered to pragmatically
launching this concept.
Minimizing latency of the existing network infrastructure
to cater services as RASs.
Compatibility and inter-operability issues associated
with the employed sensory, haptic, laboratory-measuring,
audio-visual, and robotic appliances.
Robotic entanglements introduce the ’Robot Ethics’ con-
sensus to medical applications; where ethical legislation’s
should be clearly specified due to human subjects.
Securing personal health information while preserving
privacy of patients.
Restriction of the envisioned advancements due to exces-
sive regulations and standardization.
B. Smart Factories
With the COVID-19 outbreak, factories have faced signif-
icant operational challenges, resulting in temporarily shut-
ting down their operation due to strict social distancing
measures. Thus, contact-less and autonomous approaches are
quite essential to industries for seamless operation, and for
minimizing human involvement that offers a solution for
both social distancing and for work force minimization. Such
pervasive approaches are quite adoptable for Industrial IoT
(IIoT) through robotic intervention [5]. This can facilitate
full or partial operations of factories, especially the IoMT
supply chains to facilitate the continuous manufacturing and
dispersion of COVID-19 vaccines and devices. Sensors can
be used to monitor different conditions and the operation in
the Factory environment, report events, and trigger alarms in
a Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing environment. The Digital
Twin (DT) concept can be used to create a digital factory
environment to operate, monitor and optimize the production
chain while continuously collecting and processing data. AR
based collaborative tools can be used for remote maintenance
and operation of industrial equipment. The smart factory
environment can also be extended to have interactive interfaces
that facilitates business management, human resource and
infrastructure management, and security control.
Existing Challenges: Several challenges needs to be ad-
dressed in order to facilitate smart factories to combat the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Connect all the machinery, sensors, and actuators to be
cyber-physical systems to an IoT network.
Facilitate an extremely dense network of IoT devices.
Minimize End-to-End (E2E) delays to about 1ms to sup-
port autonomous control, remote control and actuation.
Provide extremely reliable wireless communication be-
tween IoT devices (over 99.999%).
Support ultra low-delay and high-bandwidth access to
powerful cloud computing services analyze Small Data
and Big Data gathered through large number of IoT
sensors and devices.
Ensure the security of sensitive data and business secrets
while maintaining the privacy of online connected work-
C. Consumer Trading
Digitization of economic trading is identified as a pivotal
aspect for overcoming the restrictions imposed by COVID-
19 on consumer trading. For instance, grocery based e-
commerce has incremented up to 74% during the pandemic,
while platforms such as Amazon have increased their sales
in new product ranges including habitual commodities [6].
To facilitate this trend, existing trading platforms should
realize a transformation towards digital product presentation,
marketing, sales, supply chain management, and delivery. For
instance, virtual shopping malls should provide facilitated with
a simulated experience resembling the actual visualization,
tangibility, and mechanics of the product through VR/AR with
haptic feedback. This requires data collected through numer-
ous sensors to harness powerful edge computing capabili-
ties to provide a realistic shopping experience. Furthermore,
intelligent payment solutions, smart vending machines, and
smart shelves can also be implemented as possible solutions.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are quite popular with
emerging delivery systems as they are contact-less and reduces
the human workforce requirement. Similarly, other consumer
trading sectors such as fashion industry, architecture, real
estate, and restaurants can also benefit from using numerous
IoT devices and MEC to provide digitized consumer trading
experiences during the pandemic.
Existing Challenges:
Realizing a fully functional IoT based digitized consumer
trading platform requires addressing a number of challenges,
as listed below.
Efficiently communicate multiple data streams obtained
through numerous IoT sensors in real-time.
Store and process multiple data streams in real-time
to provide a comprehensive and realistic VR/AR based
shopping experience.
Process large amounts of Small Data as well as Big Data
to obtain meaningful insights for user profiling, marketing
and providing a customized user experience.
Offload computationally intensive tasks of resource con-
strained user devices.
Ensure the security and privacy of consumer data and
D. Contact Tracing
Apart from vaccination, the most effective ways of pre-
venting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and a rise
in disease are non-pharmaceutical methods such as social
distancing and isolation. The virus has an average incubation
period from infection to symptoms of approximately 5.2 days
and it is estimated that approximately 50% of infections are
asymptomatic [7], [8]. To contain this infection, it is vital to be
able to effectively and rapidly identify all social interactions
during the infectious period and enable proper contact tracing.
This is especially relevant to healthcare workers, who are
hypothesised to be at an increased risk of severe disease due to
higher viral load exposure and their potentially close contact
with infected individuals. Gadgets (i.e. IoT wearable, mobile
devices and dedicated IoT devices) based Contact tracing
enables authorities to identify individuals that have a high risk
of spreading the virus and to subsequently encourage them
to self isolate to limit the spread of the virus. In addition,
UAVs can be employed to conduct city-wide surveillance for
detecting any lockdown violations.
Existing Challenges:
The efficient deployment of IoT based contact tracing
requires to address few challenges as listed below.
People want to keep their location and movement infor-
mation private without over seen by authorities
The use cloud based system to store collected IoT loca-
tion data could raise privacy concerns
Storing row contact tracing information and processing
of information at the cloud will increase the probability
of cyber attacks and operational cost.
E. Working from Home and Online Education
COVID-19 has imposed restrictions across over 185 coun-
tries. Businesses are asking employees to work from home,
while the schools and university are resorted to online learning.
The IoT plays a crucial role in connecting businesses and
employees and respectively, e-learning and students in recent
years. Most of the remote work and education requires internet
connected devices such as laptops, mobile phones, webcams
and microphones. According to UNESCO, over 1.57 billion
learners which represent about 89.4% of total registered learn-
ers are affected [9]. The pandemic opened a new opportunity
for institutions - most of the universes and institutions over the
world replaced the classroom teaching with e-learning [10].
All these sectors are seeking new methods and technologies
to seamlessly continue their usual operations as normal, while
working remotely and practicing e-learning. All these sudden
changes are over-stressing the network since the functionally
of these sectors are now depend mainly on both wired and
wireless communication networks to remain in operation [11].
Existing Challenges: Working from home and e-learning
are bringing new challenges that impact their feasibility and
quality including:
A great increase in the use of online learning platforms,
social media platforms and XR applications (virtual labo-
ratories), causing a surge in traffic demand on the existing
Due to the stay-at-home policy, there is also a sudden
shift in the traffic demand pattern from city centers to
the residential areas.
Working from home policy has increased the risk expo-
sure of insider threats, since the individuals are a potential
weak factor in preserving security and privacy.
Employees could boost incident rates through eager-
ness to prove their effectiveness working from home
by bypassing policy or operating under less restricted
New intelligent service to identify the speaker, live tran-
scription, better virtual whiteboards, background noise
and visual distractions need to be addressed for work and
education from home. New algorithms to improve these
capabilities will be important.
MEC can realize new services which can be integrated
with IoT/IoMT applications to mitigate their challenges and
improve the performance, specially in the pervasive context.
This section explains some of such important services related
to IoT/IoMT applications.
The requirements for each application discussed in this
section are specified in TABLE I.
A. Efficient Augmented Reality
AR is one of the prominent wearable based service used
in many IoT applications. For AR based processing, MEC
infrastructure can be leveraged to perform required heavy-duty
tasks that cannot be launched at typical IoT devices. A MEH
can be utilized to perform the AR function. It is possible to
implement main functions of computing, caching, and visual-
ization of the AR process as Mobile Edge Applications (ME
Apps) within a MEH [12]. Such ME Apps can be deployed
as light-weight virtualized entities. AR content within the
MEH process configured for AR cache can be classified as
object and data caching. The computing platform ME App
should conduct computing and graphical processing. Further,
visualization function is composed of feature classification,
video analysis, and tracking sub functions to formalize the AR
perception. Mobile Edge Platform (MEP) of this AR based
MEH should be pre-configured to orchestrate these entities
within the MEH.
B. Low Latency Communication
Cloud computing is capable of providing efficient data
processing capabilities by offloading computationally inten-
sive tasks from devices to powerful cloud servers. However,
cloud services can result in long communication delays and
high packet errors as cloud servers are not located in close
proximity to IoT devices. MEC brings cloud functionalities
such as providing efficient data processing capabilities by
offloading computationally intensive tasks from devices to
the edge of the network to execute computationally intensive
tasks of IoT devices. This is done through harnessing the
computational capabilities in multiple edge nodes located
within close proximity. For instance, MEC can cooperatively
use the computational resources of network nodes such as,
nearby access points, aggregation points of the core network,
micro data centers, cloudlets, and gateways. Furthermore, by
harnessing the high capacity mmWave access and a dense
deployment of MEHs, MEC is also able to connect IoT
devices with low latency access to facilitate delay sensitive
applications and services. Such services will be exposed to
the features of efficient and secure network level protocols
in addition to the enhancements attributed with mmWave
access channels. This will significantly shorten the delays
and jitters, minimize packet errors, speed up application re-
sponse, improve user experience and reduce potential network
congestion [13]. In addition, Terahertz (THz) communication
links can utilize the mostly unused 0.3 - 10 THz range to
strengthen the existing back-haul networks [14]; which can
reduce the latency drastically among the MEC servers, and
eventually for offloading and migration processes. Further,
the virtualization infrastructure in the MEC platform enables
dynamic automated responses that alleviate any processing
or computing delays that might encounter apart from the
network-level latency. Such softwarized strategies incorpo-
rating the optimization processes would further converge to
diminutive delays from the edge infrastructure and networking
[15], [16] point of views; that benefit the services immensely to
deploy their autonomous constructs. Applications of robotics,
and UAVs could benefit from this feature of 5G enabled MEC
for the use cases specified in Section II.
C. Micro Data Center and Wireless Big Data Analysis
MEC can offer new ways of deploying data centres to col-
lect IoT data. It can provide greater flexibility by embedding
MEC resources in giant data centres or clustering it with
multiple small and medium scale servers, which leads towards
the micro data centre concept. Using MEC resources, micro
data centres can be easily deployed within the base stations and
other telecom nodes. With the development of 5G and beyond,
MEC devices will be available ubiquitously to collect IoT
data with enhanced optimization of networking capabilities
[17]. Then, multiple MEC servers in closed proximity can
even form a cluster to scale up resources for these micro data
centres in heavy IoT environments. With IoT and IoMT, a wide
range of massive data is generated, collected, and stored in a
wireless mobile network. This data is called as wireless big
data. When more and more wireless IoT devices are connected,
the amount of wireless big data getting increase. It is necessary
to process such huge amount of IoT data efficiently and with a
minimum delay to enable novel 5G services. Since centralized
cloud approaches have the drawbacks of limited backhual,
high latency, lack of localization, and lack of privacy, MEC can
be used to efficiently process such wireless big data. Moreover,
this can be optimized by coupling with micro data centre
D. Edge-AI and Cognitive Assistance
Since modern IoT networks are highly dynamic and diverse,
the edge networks should support Self-organizing networks
(SON) and Self-sustaining Networks (SSN) abilities. Further,
to improve the performance of the network and comput-
ing at the edge, various techniques are used to manage,
orchestrate and sustain the network infrastructure ranging
from topology management (edge site orchestration), to data
and service provisioning. Among such techniques, AI and
Machine Learning (ML) are considered as a key solution
for many challenges. The marriage of edge computing and
AI established a new research area known as “edge AI”
or “Edge Intelligence (EI)”, that is providing AI insight to
most of the widespread edge resources. EI is generating lot
of attention from both the industry and academia including
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM. Edge AI used for
wide range of IoT applications including live video analytics,
cognitive assistance, healthcare and Industrial Internet; and
they clearly demonstrate the advantages of edge computing
in paving the last mile of AI. In the current context, the
effectiveness of the vaccines can be tracked via Edge AI
means with patient records collected at MEC based micro-
data centres. Furthermore, EI as a service (EIaaS) started
to become a new promising paradigm which is encouraging
the development of new EI platforms with powerful edge AI
functionalities. While ML as a service (MLaaS) focuses on
selecting the proper server configuration and ML framework to
train the model in clouds in a cost-efficient manner; the EIaaS
is focusing on how to perform model training and inference
in resource-constrained and privacy-sensitive edge computing
environments [20].
E. Offloading
MEC infrastructure at the edge is accomplishing a year-
old lacking aspect in the IoT market for performing computa-
tionally intensive or high resource consuming (i.e. storage, or
memory) tasks within resource constrained minimalist devices
through offloading. This fact is severe in IoMT apparatus,
as most of such data should be aggregated and stored se-
curely within a trusted platform. Presumably, data extracted
by end devices are conveyed to the MEC edge platform for
either storage or processing purpose that utilizes the energy
consumption of such apparatus optimally. Processing based
offloading approaches are diverse as they can be varied from
simple sensory aggregated processing (healthcare wearable
devices, contact monitoring, or digital PCR) to actuating via
a control matrix (robots, or drones). Thus, the softwarized
architecture for offloading should be dynamic and configurable
in accordance to the processing and data ingress/ egress model
requisites. Therefore, it is evident that MEC or any other
edge computing paradigm is intrinsic for achieving offloading
functions. Each offloading task can be instigated as a User
Equipment (UE) App from the end device perspective, where
a MEH configured for provisioning the specialized offloading
service is launching the corresponding Mobile Edge (ME) App
within its virtual domain [3]. These ME Apps should be task
intensive, and resources should be allocated dynamically to
leverage the process with minimal spending. Since different
MEHs are configured to provision different offloading ser-
vices, the internal structure of the MEH can be designed and
configured to the service specifications. Transferring the con-
tent from the UE to the MEC edge is another challenge; that
should minimize the energy spending in terms of processing
and transmitting, and the bandwidth. Apart from the latency
that reflects the service quality, energy becomes the dominant
factor for offloading decision making, as most IoT devices
are scarce on resources. The amount of content, content wise
encapsulation, security and reliability measures embedded into
the content that are to be offloaded will determine the energy
spending; in fact, specify the energy constrains. Thus, it is
important to model such offloading schemes in accordance
to the well-known models such as Markov or Lyapunov
approaches to alleviate the discrepancies while in transit [21],
[22]. Further, privacy is a major concern with the offloaded
content, specially in the medical or healthcare context. Privacy
preserving techniques such as Blockchain, improved privacy-
awareness through machine learning, anonymity management,
or physical layer approaches are ideal for mitigating such
issues associated with offloading [23], [24].
TABLE I: Requirements on the networking perspective for realization of the proposed use cases [12], [18], [19]
MEC based application or service Requirements
Jitter Packet
Bit rate
Availability Max.
# of
Augmented Reality
Stereoscopic 4K (3840x2160 pixels) 120 fps real-time
video stream
<1 ms <10µs 103>24 Gbps >99.99999% 1 MEDIUM
4K 120 fps real-time video stream with lossless compres-
<50 ms <2 ms 103>12 Gbps >99.99999% 10 MEDIUM
Robot Telemetry / Motion control data stream <2 ms <2 ms 104>16 Mbps >99.999999% 10 HIGH
Haptic Feedback data stream <2 ms <2 ms 104>16 Mbps >99.999999% 1 MEDIUM
Low-Latency Communication
URLLC channel <0.5 ms <100µs 104>2 Mbps >99.99% 1 LOW
Less critical offloading channel <20 ms <2 ms 104>2 Mbps >99.99% 1 MEDIUM
Command and control data stream <2 ms <2 ms 104>16 Mbps >99.999999% 1 HIGH
Sensor fusion channel data stream <2 ms <2 ms 104>16 Mbps >99.999999% 10 MEDIUM
High quality audio stream <100 ms <30 ms 102>128 Kbps >99.99% 20 MEDIUM
Stereoscopic 4K 60 fps color coded real time video mon-
<250 ms <30 ms 103>2 Gbps >99.99% 20 MEDIUM
Edge AI
Sensor fusion/ telemetry edge-ingress channel <2 ms <2 ms 104>16 Mbps >99.999999% 10 MEDIUM
edge-egress decisive URLLC channel <0.5 ms <100µs 104>1 Mbps >99.99% 1 HIGH
Micro Data Centres
Data feeding/ extraction channels <1 s <30 ms 103>1 Gbps >99.99% 20 MEDIUM
Channel for priority services <250 ms <10 ms 104>2 Gbps >99.99999% 5 MEDIUM
Capabilities of Pre-5G Capabilities of General 5G Capabilities of MEC enabled 5G
F. Caching, Dynamic content delivery, Video Streaming and
The issue of caching in nascent applications of dynamic
nature is a profound predicament solved by the edge comput-
ing paradigms. MEC infrastructure offers a proximate caching
placement to IoT based services that lack resources at the
device end. In addition, caching in Device-to-Device (D2D)
connections in IoT networks can be performed efficiently using
a clustered architecture coordinated via the MEC edge. In
this case, the popularity of the content can be considered
for maximizing the hit probability [25]. Furthermore, caching
policies based on content appearing frequency, user preference,
Q-learning, and cooperative or non-cooperative aspects can be
augmented to optimize the caching of dynamic audio/ visual
content. Also, depending on the IoT application, caches can
be established as MEHs, or caches inside a MEH where
policy management can be conducted by MEP. However,
streaming protocols should attribute dynamic accessibility in
the networking infrastructure within the MEC edge platform
to provide a smooth user experience.
G. MEC based Security and Privacy
Ensuring security and privacy requirements is critical for
pragmatic IoT based services. Though, resource scarcity ex-
hibited in IoT devices are restricting the application of tamper-
proof security measures. Thus, most state-of-the-art secu-
rity directives are envisaging to employ light-weight security
means (elliptic curve, lattice-based, attribute-based, or physical
unclonable function based) for such end devices and their
protocols. Though, such approaches have their limits with the
considered spectrum of possible threats. In addition, cyber-
threat landscape has been expanded to the attack vectors
of injecting or instilling malicious content/ agents to the
preceding IoT networks, where mitigation is improbable in a
stand-alone or isolated context. Thus, MEC edge environment
offers a unique opportunity to perceive the holistic security
awareness in the considered domain. Security as a Service
(SECaaS) is an innovative concept that caters to the MEC
based service model as presented in [26].
It is important to study about, how the MEC architecture
is going to accommodate the diversity required by the use
cases specified in Section II. As shown in Fig. 1, despite the
overall architectural components of the MEC infrastructure
being solid, internal construct of the MEHs and their function
should be amended in accordance to the specifications of the
use case. As most novel services are inclusive of interfaces
that enable rapid online access, localization would further
improve the serving and processing times, that can reach the
level of real-time. Though the novel applications are specifying
more functions or processes for pre-processing, tagging, and
security, localization offered by the MEC proximate infrastruc-
ture is capable of achieving real-time responsiveness for the
specified use cases with 5G radio access technologies. This
section explicates how each use case would be realized from
the technical perspective.
A. MEC for Smart Hospitals
As Fig. 1 - Adepicts, deploying a MEC based In-building
Base Station (IBS) within the vicinity of the hospital improves
the odds in launching the envisioned applications in sub-
section II-A [19]. MEHs can be configured to cater diverse
medical applications leveraging their dynamic softwarized
infrastructure. For IoMT-data aggregation scenarios, MEH
storage resources can be utilized for data storing; can be
formed as a cluster of MEHs for scalability extending to
external MEC domains; can be configured with rapid data
retrieval mechanisms leveraging the autonomous operation.
The external connectivity towards the backhaul that interface
the cloud systems is pertinent for such MEHs. This is required
to retrieve intrinsic medical history, or latest medical guide-
lines for treating patients efficiently. MEHs for RASs can be
formulated with AR based processing platform (explicated in
subsection III-A) that embed a telemetry system for robotic
sensor fusion. In addition, feedback (haptic or otherwise), Si-
multaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), and trajectory
tracking of robots should be performed under this MEH. A
resembled approach can be employed for controlling medical
robots launched for automating daily routines of medical
personnel with AR.
Though MEC offers a IBS solution to launch envisaged
services within the hospital vicinity, it creates a single point
of failure with an edge infrastructure disruption, unless a
redundancy scenario is implemented leveraging a cloud plat-
form. Since the backhaul network engagement is minimal
compared to cloud scenarios, reliability and availability aspects
are reliant on the local access networks’ capability or the IBS.
Further, privacy of medical data and ethical practices are key
aspect that should be standardized with federated approaches.
B. MEC for Smart Factories
MEC brings cloud computational capabilities, connectivity
and storage to the edge of the network to facilitate flexible and
real-time processing for IoT and IIoT based smart factories,
as illustrated in Fig. 1 - B. MEC facilitates low latency and
location aware IoT applications due to the close proximity
to devices. This helps achieving low end-to-end delay, low
jitter, high reliability and high bandwidth that is required
for IIoT in smart factories. Furthermore, MEC can support
rapid configuration needed for on-demand and customized
manufacturing in IoT based smart factories by facilitating
dynamic changes in the production conditions. Also, MEC
aids to extend the capabilities of IIoT devices by providing
powerful computing, abundant storage and caching. These
capabilities can be harnessed in a smart factory environment
for autonomous and cloud manufacturing processes. MEC
can also provide the high computational power required for
analyzing large amounts of data collected from heterogeneous
machines and IoT sensors. Video footage on the processes
followed in industries can also be sent to the MEC where
learning algorithms can detect anomalies and make appropriate
decisions to implement proper countermeasures. [27].
Industrial factories are vicinity’s that embed massive amount
of IoT based devices, and the scalability is a key factor in
Fig. 1: MEC based IoT Use Cases for Forming Contact-less Strategies
terms of the networking perspective. With enormous amount
of interfaces (wireless or otherwise) that had to be maintained
between the devices and the MEC platform, congestion within
the local area networks is quite eminent. Thus, dynamic and
priority based channel allocation schemes are required to
improve the reliability of such networks.
C. MEC for Consumer Trading
As more individuals turn to IoT as a resource, its use in
consumer and commodity trading will significantly increase,
which will positively impact the business’ growth based on
innovation and new uses of technology. Businesses will exploit
the advantages of using IoT to meet client expectations and
improve the company’s goals for the future.
The MEC based trading infrastructure can be categorized
into product presentation and delivery initiatives as illustrated
in Fig. 1 - C. The VR based product presentation initiatives
will be most preferable in the future. The MEHs configured
for VR processing will be linked to the cooperate clouds that
include the VR specification model of the product. Unlike
AR, VR do not require a computing platform to process
the detection and tracking of realistic perception; though,
TABLE II: Significance/Importance of MEC services for potential IoT Applications and their implementation challenges
MEC based Applications and Services Implementation challenges
Potential IoT Applications
Augmented Reality
Low Latency
Micro Data Centres
and Wireless Big Data
Edge-AI and
Cognitive Assistance
Caching, Dynamic
content delivery, Video
Streaming and
MEC based Security
and Privacy
Security & Privacy
Edge Resources
Network Resources
Smart Hospitals
Robot assisted surgery H H M H H H M M L H H L L
Remote robotic monitoring and patient care M M M H H H M M M H H L M
Patient vital data aggregation and management L M H M M M H H H M M M H
Smart Factories
Production via autonomous robotic operations L H H H M M L L H M H M H
Digital twin H M H H M H M M M H H L M
Smart sensory data aggregation and management L H H M H L M M H M M M H
Efficient logistic and delivery management L M H H M L L L H M M M M
Consumer Trading
Contact-less/remote product presentation strategies H M H L M H L L M H H H H
Autonomous intelligent interactive agents - Chatbots L M L H M M L L H M M M H
Autonomous optimized contact-less delivery lodging L H H H M M M M H M H H H
Contact Tracing
Distributed data management L L H H M L H H H M M H M
Efficient contact tracing and infectious forecasting L M H H M M H H H M M H M
Contact-less quarantine monitoring L H H H H M H H H H H H M
Working From Home
WFH with virtual environment/ laboratory H H H H M H M M H H H M H
Advanced online caching and presenting H M H H M H M M H H H M H
Low Importance Medium Importance High Importance
requires caching and 3D visualization rendering features in
addition to position and orientation tracking. Each ME App is
subscribed by a distinct product range under different vendors.
Launching AI based chat-bots are less resource intensive in
contrast to VR deployments. The ML based decision engine
that perform intent classification and entity recognition can be
placed inside a MEH linked to external libraries. The message
or speech processing components are acting as the response
agents, operating in line with global databases. ME Apps are
configured by each vendor based on their requirements and
themes to interface the consumers. Product delivery services
are acting separately, as they are typically outsourced to
delivery agents by the prosumers or vendors. Non human
engaged delivery can be implemented as a generic logistic
system, where all the operations are autonomous; including
the deliveries managed through UAVs. UAV based delivery
services can deploy and control their drones via the MEC
platform formed as an offloading model as in [28]. It is obvious
that MEC offers an efficient interface for UAV applications in
contrast to cloud-native scenarios due to its proximate server
environment and rapid response capability.
Online trading is not a priority service in its nature, but
the security level of the transactions along with reliability and
availability should be high due to the monetary content that are
conveyed through the channels. With the UAV based delivery
however, rapid delivery of the content through the network
should be prioritized. Unless, the UAV should attribute the
self-navigation capability within itself.
D. MEC for Contact Tracing
MEC can be efficiently utilized for gadget/IoT based
COVID-19 contact tracing, as depicted in Fig. 1- D. To
prevent the privacy issues in contact tracing, MEC can be
used to implement a distributed data management approach.
With the possibility to deploy localized micro data center,
collected IoT data can stored locally. Moreover, wireless big
data processing at the edge and edge AI techniques can be used
to process such data in a localized manner. In such a way, MEC
can prevent the transmission and storage raw user and IoT data
in the cloud and also sharing them with authorities. Only the
processed information (i.e privacy sensitive markers has been
removed) at the edge will be shared with the authorities. This
will also improve the overall scalability of the contact tracing
mechanism. Moreover, MEC and edge AI can be used for
efficient Command and Control (C&C) for UAVs which play
a vital role in monitoring quarantine violations.
The details and status of contact tracing should be accessible
for relevant authorities at all times. Thus, availability of
these servers or storage instances within the MEC platform
should be ensured with proper security levels to prevent any
undue service denying threats. Reliable and hierarchical data
access through dynamic rapid querying that fits this model
should be proposed to maintain the data flow with appropriate
privacy and anonymity measures. Further, data access should
be deployed either with federated data engines running on
MEC or replication to the cloud native data clusters to make
the querying efficient globally and locally.
E. MEC for WFH and Online Education
It is paramount to carefully address (1) the security of the
IoT devices and of the networks used, and (2) the security and
privacy aspects of users who access various online collabo-
rative working/learning platforms and apps. Virtual machine
introspection services can run using the MEC infrastructure
and monitor the behavior of WFH and online education based
apps to detect any attack that intends to compromise the
virtualized entities. AI based intrusion detection systems can
harness the MEC capabilities to monitor the network behavior
and data transmitted in the network. MEC based trusted
platform manager techniques can handle secure authentica-
tion and also verify the integrity of software and executable
programs through validation of operational statistics such
as firmware, operating system kernel, etc. MEHs are also
capable of deploying context aware security mechanisms to
detect anomalous behavior of apps [3]. In addition, XR based
working/learning platforms can harness the MEC capabilities
to process high volumes of data in real-time to facilitate
virtual meetings, virtual classrooms, virtual laboratories, etc.
Most WFH connections are established through Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs). MEC networking infrastructure can be
leveraged to launch Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) based
off site remote connections that can be more secure and faster
than individual VPN connections. Usage of MEC for WFH
and online educational activities are illustrated in Fig. 1- E.
Usage of VPN or VPLS level access encapsulation can
overburden the network drastically with the increasing demand
for WFH apps. Managing traffic is becoming a pragmatic
dilemma for the MEC access network with such a demand
for online access. With MEC deployments, the links between
MEC platforms are becoming more prone for traffic. Thus,
managing traffic in these links becomes an issue for reliable
delivery. Feeding online meetings or online lectures with HD
level audio and video streams is going to further burden
the network infrastructure. Therefore, methods and techniques
should be developed for managing this accumulated traffic
introduced with novel demand for online delivery. TABLE II
summarizes the significance of each MEC based service for
IoT use cases.
Proposed use cases in this paper have two different de-
ployment options. Its either through cloud computing or edge
computing. In order to determine the feasibility of the pro-
posed use cases to be deployed with MEC, an evaluation was
conducted via simulating the performance to the following
criteria. Each criteria was selected based on the essential
services required by the stated use cases that relies on MEC
for their pragmatic deployment. In fact, this section validates
the pervasiveness of the MEC paradigm for the stated use
cases. The intention of this evaluation was to study the limits
of each use case from the deployment perspective, and to
determine the better performing scenario. The simulations
for the stated criteria targeting the proposed MEC based
edge computing deployments are running in contrast to the
prevailing cloud computing capabilities. We assume that the
same access network model is applied for both MEC and cloud
scenarios, where the dynamics on mobility is similar for both
Criterion 1: General AR applications - for less resource
intensive AR uses such as virtual education and trading
initiatives. Assuming 30 ms, 107, 5 Gbps of processing
delay, CPU cycles, and data rate for achieving a single
Criterion 2: Critical AR applications - formed for RAS
or AR controlled IIoT deployments. The corresponding
assumed parameters are 5 ms, 109, 20 Gbps, and the
controlling station located 50 km from the operating
Criterion 3: Audio/ Video (AV) streaming and caching
applications - suited for video caching or eMBB type
services with parameters 20 ms, 5×106, and 2 Gbps.
Criterion 4: UAV autonomous C&C applications -
assuming the UAV is operating 2.5 km away from the
MEC locality where the parameters are 10 ms, 106, and
0.5 Gbps.
The parameters for above 4 criteria were selected in ac-
cordance to the limits specified under TABLE I. Each criteria
was assumed to be operating following an offloading scenario,
where UE content is offloaded either to the cloud or MEC
platforms for processing, and the corresponding outcome is
delivered to the UE at the end. The simulation environment
was formulated in accordance to [19]; where the parameters
are specified below.
Fig. 2: Impact of Distance to the Core Network for E2E
Computing capacity of the MEC - 5×1010 CPU cycles
Computing capacity of the cloud - 1011 CPU cycles
Bandwidth of the MEC access connectivity 50 Gbps
Bandwidth of the backhaul network - 10 Gbps
Fig. 3: Impact of Scalability for Operational Delay
Fig. 4: Impact of Scalability for Availability
Displacement of the eNB from the MEC - 1 km
Delays in MEC and cloud access are 0.25 ms and 1 ms
Distance dependent core network delay - 0.05 ms/km
E2E latency impacted by the distance to the cloud infras-
tructure, Operation Delay impacted by the scalability of the
UEs, and Availability of the each criterion on the scalability
aspects were simulated and the results are illustrated in Fig. 2,
Fig. 3, and Fig. 4 respectively. The availability was computed
in accordance to [29], where the respective mean down times
were estimated referring [30], and implying traffic conges-
tion instances to failures rates. It is observable that MEC
deployments have a lesser E2E delay in contrast to cloud
scenarios; while operational delay is accumulating with the
increasing number of UEs. This is mainly due to the proximate
locality of the MEC deployment. The processing of HD video
in criterion 3 for 1080p with 60 fps requires up to 5 Mbps
bit rate, and a significant processing delay is endured even
for cloud-native scenario in contrast to criterion 4, where the
processing is limited to telemetry data. Thus, E2E delay in
criterion 3 is higher than criterion 4. Fig. 4 indicates that
availability in MEC scenario is significantly higher and within
the limits of the 5G network specifications. However, the high
resource requirement of the specified criteria are limiting the
number of UEs that can operate simultaneously. This proves
that MEC is capable of enabling the IoT applications to realize
the identified key COVID-19 related IoT use cases. In addition,
implementation challenges for various technical aspects are
tabulated in TABLE III.
This paper presents how MEC can be used to realize key
IoMT based use-cases as a pervasive approach that enhances
the computing infrastructure. e-Health use cases ranging from
smart hospitals, smart factories, consumer trading, contact
tracing, working from home, and online education have been
discussed, highlighting the challenges and requirements of
each use case. Then, MEC based IoT contact-less services
such as AR, low latency communication, micro data center
and wireless big data analysis, edge-AI and cognitive assis-
tance, offloading, caching, dynamic content delivery, video
streaming and analysis, and MEC based Security and Privacy
are presented elaborating how MEC can realize the identified
IoT use-cases. Simulation results clearly indicate that MEC
based solutions are more suitable for realizing the stated use
cases compared to cloud computing in terms of end-to-end
latency, scalability, and availability. Insights drawn from this
article are expected to encourage both telecommunication and
internet service providers to launch MEC in a global context
to extend the computing infrastructure to the mobile edge, and
overcome the limitations of current technologies that lacks the
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TABLE III: Implementation Challenges of MEC based IoT Applications
Issue/ Challenge/
Description Possible Solutions
Security Social engineering
threats on IoT users
COVID-19 pandemic has forced the users with lesser aware-
ness/literacy on online practices to engage in remote work
via IoT devices. This fact has been leveraged by cyber-
criminals to launch phishing type attacks to attain confidential
Awareness is the key for avoidance. The institutions
should educate consumers regarding possible threats,
while preventive mechanisms such as spam filters, anti-
phishing add-ons, or firewalls should be pre-installed.
Malware intrusions Circumstances with the pandemic are used to tempt online
users into download and execute spyware, adware, or ran-
somware type agents for unauthorized access. These malware
can compromise the MEC edge components.
Advance and adaptive intrusion detection and prevention
systems are required while enhancing the security at
Internet access points within organizations.
Untrusted service
WFH initiatives have forced the employees to use third-
party web-based streaming, collaborative, educational, and
file sharing tools exclusive to the company network domains.
Their unverified security and limited functionalities are com-
promising the trade secrets.
Strengthen the remote access procedures of the institutions
and employ secure tunneling approaches for cooperate
communications and collaborations.
Denial of Service
(DoS) and Jamming
type threats
The excessive use of online services are inviting adversaries
to launch DoS attacks at channels connecting the IoT device
layer and the edge. These will impede the services while
jamming on UAV type devices will change its trajectory.
Detecting the illegitimate traffic via a trusted platform
manager would allow mitigation at routing level. Further,
anti-jamming techniques to secure UAVs.
Privacy Contact tracing The unavoidable tracing of the contacts of the infected is
exposing the private information including their whereabouts.
This is a complete violation of EU GDPR legislation’s,
and the process is neglecting the personal dissent in some
Information of the contacts can be restricted to localized
domain while AI, and blockchain like technology can be
integrated to secure the private data of individuals from
the authorities, where only a social security number of the
contact will be sent to them.
News, printed, digi-
tal, and social media
Governments used fear cultivated from media as a mean of
restricting the movements of citizens in the early days of the
pandemic. Such practices have violated the privacy rights of
exposed personnel and institutions.
Concrete legislation’s should be formed by the authorities,
specific to pandemic situations for media usage.
Health data
extracted from
IoMT wearables
The vitals of the patients are extremely private information
that are extracted from wearables by medical services. With
MEC, IoMT services are provisioned with a localized pro-
cessing infrastructure, though privacy violations are immi-
Blockchain can be employed to contrive an anonymous
data network where only a representative value is con-
veyed to the IoMT servers, not the actual value.
Edge and
Wireless access
Increasing IoT and IoMT devices are exceeding the existing
spectrum allocations (or bandwidth).
Utilizing more frequency bands as in mmWave technology
and advance spectrum re-using strategies.
Traffic bottlenecks Rapid accumulation of all sorts of online traffic is creating
bottlenecks in certain access points of the network. Such
points are affecting the entire network performance towards
the edge.
Delegating traffic to various mediums optimally, so that
the network performance is not reliant on a single medium
such as RF.
MEC resource de-
Increasing number of UEs will eventually deplete the re-
sources of the edge infrastructure. This will terminate in-
proximity un-prioritized IoT services and reject the new
Establishing a migrating strategy that utilizes the closest
resourceful MEC.
Mobility Switching MEC
Highly mobile device will keep sifting from one MEC BS to
another rapidly.
An efficient and fast migration strategy is required.
Coverage of IoMT
Wearables embedded to the human body do not possess a
direct transmission capability to a network hub, and relies
on short range technologies such as Bluetooth. With a highly
mobile device, these technologies become obsolete for com-
Developing a re-transmission protocol for mobility de-
tected situations.
Energy Depletion It is obvious that mobility is degrading the energy of IoT
devices, specially for location based services.
Attaching energy harvesting systems to the IoT devices.
Compatibility IoMT hardware
Due to heterogeneity exhibited with various IoT manufactur-
ers, integrating IoT devices to the medical premises systems
become quite questionable.
Policies, and protocols should be established for integra-
tion for IoMT devices while universal connection options
should exist on each IoT device.
Integration issues
with the edge
At software level, with different IoT based operating systems
are attempting to connect to the edge, there will be obvious
compatibility issues.
Integration policies and protocols should be standardized
by the authorities such as ETSI.
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Pasika Ranaweera is currently pursuing his PhD studies in School of
Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. His research directives
extend to the areas of light-weight security protocols, 5G and MEC integration
technologies, Privacy preservation techniques, MEC security, and IoT security.
Chamitha de Alwis is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the De-
partment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Sri Jayewar-
denepura, Sri Lanka. His research interests are 5G, 6G, IoT, Blockchain and
Network Security. URL:
Anca D. Jurcut is an Assistant Professor at School of Computer Science,
University College Dublin, Ireland. Her research interests focuses on network
and data security, security for internet of things (IoT), security protocols,
formal verification techniques and applications of blockchain technologies in
cybersecurity. URL:
Madhusanka Liyanage (S07, M16, SM20) is working as Assistant Professor/
Ad Astra Fellow at School of Computer Science, University College Dublin,
Ireland. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Oulu, Finland.
His research interests are SDN, IoT, Block Chain, mobile and virtual network
security. URL:
... Quantum Resistance (QR) cryptography-based security strategies can be discussed to ensure the security of the O-RAN system while mitigating QC threats. O-RAN can utilize the functionalities provided by Quantum Cryptography (QC) through various algorithms based on lattices, multivariate problems, or elliptic curves [103]. This enables O-RAN to achieve the necessary service level requirements with enhanced security guarantees. ...
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The emergence of various technologies such as terahertz communications, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), and AI-powered communication services will burden network operators with rising infrastructure costs. Recently, the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) has been introduced as a solution for growing financial and operational burdens in Beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G networks. O-RAN promotes openness and intelligence to overcome the limitations of traditional RANs. By disaggregating conventional Base Band Units (BBUs) into O-RAN Distributed Units (O-DU) and O-RAN Centralized Units (O-CU), O-RAN offers greater flexibility for upgrades and network automation. However, this openness introduces new security challenges compared to traditional RANs. Many existing studies overlook these security requirements of the O-RAN networks. To gain deeper insights into the O-RAN system and security, this paper first provides an overview of the general O-RAN architecture and its diverse use cases relevant to B5G and 6G applications. We then delve into specifications of O-RAN security threats and requirements, aiming to mitigate security vulnerabilities effectively. By providing a comprehensive understanding of O-RAN architecture, use cases, and security considerations, this work serves as a valuable resource for future research in O-RAN and its security.
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Communication networks are becoming increasingly important in military operations, with task fields like time-critical targeting, covert special operations, command and control, training, and logistics, all relying heavily on the communication network and its services. On the other hand, commercial communication has dramatically transformed our society and the way we communicate. The newest network mode at present, 5G and beyond (5GB), is characterized by high speed, low latency, high reliability, and high communication density. Although the use of 5GB commercial networks for defense agencies can offer greater flexibility and efficiency, they also face a new challenge that requires high standards of network protection and harsh working conditions and environments. In this paper, we discuss the significance of communication networks in several potential military applications, particularly for warfare, training/drilling, logistics, and special mission-specific stations. We present the communication trends adopted in military applications. Then, we open up various 5GB key performance indexes and their use cases for the military communication systems. We also elaborate on unique challenges of the military communication networks that are unlikely to be resolved via commercial 5GB research. The various 5GB enabling technologies for military communication systems are discussed. Lastly, we present and analyze 5GB new radio for the private military communication under C-band. INDEX TERMS 5G and Beyond communication, Military communication, Private network, Tactile communications.
... Key features of edge computing include dense geographical distribution, mobility support, location awareness, ultra-low latency, masking cloud outage, high bandwidth, virtualization, and proximity [48]- [51]. Edge computing can be mainly categorized into fog computing, mobile edge computing, and cloudlets [52]. ...
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Metaverse is the latest technological hype in the modern world due to its potential for revolutionizing the digital visual perspective. With the Covid-19 pandemic, most industries have moved towards digitization, and the metaverse is identified as one of the most promising platforms for such a transition, as it provides a three-dimensional (3D) immersive experience for the users. Currently, most digital service providers and organizations are actively working on metaverse- based applications. In addition, there has been a rapid increase on research work involving metaverse realization. Launching a large scale metaverse in the real world is a challenging task. However, fifth-generation (5G) and beyond 5G (B5G) technologies are envisioned to improve the feasibility of pragmatic deployments. Although, there are several conceptual designs available, actual adaptations of the concepts are still limited. This survey focuses on providing a practical approach for metaverse realization using 5G and B5G technologies. Specifically, We discuss the importance of network slicing (NS) and multi-access edge computing (MEC) as emerging 5G technologies for enabling the realization of the metaverse. We first introduce the motivation behind metaverse for future envisaged technologies. Next, we present a holistic high-level framework for metaverse realization based on network slicing and edge computing. Moreover, we discuss the futuristic metaverse applications, their technical requirements, and methods to satisfy the requirements. Finally, we highlight the deployment challenges and possible approaches to overcome them for an actual metaverse realization.
... EC architectures have been widely used in analyzing the dynamics of infectious diseases that can assist in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 [197]. Detailed information about EC applications, service scenarios, and use cases can be learned from the previous studies [198][199][200][201]. EC technology is going through an immense revolution with time and is a SOTA technology of the future with many applications [202,203]. ...
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In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, digital technologies have played a vital role to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and to control its pitfalls for the general public. Without such technologies, bringing the pandemic under control would have been tricky and slow. Consequently, exploration of pandemic status, and devising appropriate mitigation strategies would also be difficult. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of community-beneficial digital technologies that were employed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we demonstrate the practical applications of ten major digital technologies that have effectively served mankind in different ways during the pandemic crisis. We have chosen these technologies based on their technical significance and large-scale adoption in the COVID-19 arena. The selected technologies are the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence(AI), natural language processing(NLP), computer vision (CV), blockchain (BC), federated learning (FL), robotics, tiny machine learning (TinyML), edge computing (EC), and synthetic data (SD). For each technology, we demonstrate the working mechanism, technical applications in the context of COVID-19, and major challenges from the perspective of COVID-19. Our analysis can pave the way to understanding the roles of these digital COVID-19-fighting technologies that can be used to fight future infectious diseases to prevent global crises. Moreover, we discuss heterogeneous data that have significantly contributed to addressing multiple aspects of the ongoing pandemic when fed to the aforementioned technologies. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is a pioneering work on community-beneficial and transformative technologies in the context of COVID-19 with broader coverage of studies and applications.
... The replica or the twin, however, is formed in a simulated environment where all the actions committed by the actual object and its reactions can be mimicked on its digital counterpart [163]. The main purpose of a DT application is to enable remote controlling and monitoring of apparatus or equipment situated in a factory environment align with Industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments [164]. The DT concept can be visualized as a miniature version of the Metaverse where an interactive interface is formed through AR-based collaborative tools. ...
Open RAN (ORAN, O-RAN) represents a novel industry-level standard for RAN (Radio Access Network), which defines interfaces that support inter-operation between vendors' equipment and offer network flexibility at a lower cost. Open RAN integrates the benefits and advancements of network softwarization and Artificial Intelligence to enhance the operation of RAN devices and operations. Open RAN offers new possibilities so that different stakeholders can develop the RAN solution in this open ecosystem. However, the benefits of Open RAN bring new security and privacy challenges. As Open RAN offers an entirely different RAN configuration than what exists today, it could lead to severe security and privacy issues if mismanaged, and stakeholders are understandably taking a cautious approach towards the security of Open RAN deployment. In particular, this paper provides a deep analysis of the security and privacy risks and challenges associated with Open RAN architecture. Then, it discusses possible security and privacy solutions to secure Open RAN architecture and presents relevant security standardization efforts relevant to Open RAN security. Finally, we discuss how Open RAN can be used to deploy more advanced security and privacy solutions in 5G and beyond RAN.
... This makes unified privacy-preserving approaches difficult due to heterogeneity of edge devices. The work in [80] discusses privacy issues of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) based IoT applications. They include contact tracing which exposes location of participants, and possibility of leaking health data extracted from medical IoT devices. ...
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Massive developments in mobile wireless telecommunication networks have been made during the last few decades. At present, mobile users are getting familiar with the latest 5G networks, and the discussion for the next generation of Beyond 5G (B5G)/6G networks has already been initiated. It is expected that B5G/6G will push the existing network capabilities to the next level, with higher speeds, enhanced reliability and seamless connectivity. To make these expectations a reality, research is progressing on new technologies, architectures, and intelligence-based decision-making processes related to B5G/6G. Privacy considerations are a crucial aspect that requires further attention in such developments, as billions of people and devices will be transmitting data through the upcoming network. However, the main recognition remains biased towards the network security. A discussion focused on privacy of B5G/6G is lacking at the moment. To address the gap, this paper provides a comprehensive survey on privacy-related aspects of B5G/6G networks. First, it discusses a taxonomy of different privacy perspectives. Based on the taxonomy, the paper then conceptualizes a set of challenges that appear as barriers to reach privacy preservation. Next, this work provides a set of solutions applicable to the proposed architecture of B5G/6G networks to mitigate the challenges. It also provides an overview of standardization initiatives for privacy preservation. Finally, the paper concludes with a roadmap of future directions, which will be an arena for new research towards privacy-enhanced B5G/6G networks. This work provides a basis for privacy aspects that will significantly impact peoples' daily lives when using these future networks.
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Open RAN (ORAN, O-RAN) represents a novel industry-level standard for RAN (Radio Access Network), which defines interfaces that support inter-operation between vendors' equipment and offer network flexibility at a lower cost. Open RAN integrates the benefits and advancements of network softwarization and Artificial Intelligence to enhance the operation of RAN devices and operations. Open RAN offers new possibilities so that different stakeholders can develop the RAN solution in this open ecosystem. However, the benefits of Open RAN bring new security and privacy challenges. As Open RAN offers an entirely different RAN configuration than what exists today, it could lead to severe security and privacy issues if mismanaged, and stakeholders are understandably taking a cautious approach towards the security of Open RAN deployment. In particular, this paper provides a deep analysis of the security and privacy risks and challenges associated with Open RAN architecture. Then, it discusses possible security and privacy solutions to secure Open RAN architecture and presents relevant security standardization efforts relevant to Open RAN security. Finally, we discuss how Open RAN can be used to deploy more advanced security and privacy solutions in 5G and beyond RAN.
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In this paper, a novel data offloading decision-making framework is proposed, where users have the option to partially offload their data to a complex Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) environment, consisting of both ground and UAV-mounted MEC servers. The problem is treated under the perspective of risk-aware user behavior as captured via prospect-theoretic utility functions, while accounting for the inherent computing environment uncertainties. The UAV-mounted MEC servers act as a common pool of resources with potentially superior but uncertain payoff for the users, while the local computation and ground server alternatives constitute safe and guaranteed options, respectively. The optimal user task offloading to the available computing choices is formulated as a maximization problem of each user's satisfaction, and confronted as a non-cooperative game. The existence and uniqueness of a Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE) are proven, and convergence to the PNE is shown. Detailed numerical results highlight the convergence of the system to the PNE in few only iterations, while the impact of user behavior heterogeneity is evaluated. The introduced framework's consideration of the user risk-aware characteristics and computing uncertainties, results to a sophisticated exploitation of the system resources, which in turn leads to superior users' experienced performance compared to alternative approaches.
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The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has introduced the paradigm of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) to enable efficient and fast data processing in mobile networks. Among other technological requirements, security and privacy are significant factors in the realization of MEC deployments. In this paper, we analyse the security and privacy of the MEC system. We introduce a thorough investigation of the identification and the analysis of threat vectors in the ETSI standardized MEC architecture. Furthermore, we analyse the vulnerabilities leading to the identified threat vectors and propose potential security solutions to overcome these vulnerabilities. The privacy issues of MEC are also highlighted, and clear objectives for preserving privacy are defined. Finally, we present future directives to enhance the security and privacy of MEC services.
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The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and its associated disease, COVID-19, have increased the amount of time that people spend working from home and in social isolation. In 2020, the number of users worldwide who relied on the Internet for work, education, and entertainment increased significantly. This growth is causing a substantial rise in bandwidth usage, with a sudden spike in the number of cyberattacks, such as distributed denial of service (DDoS).
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There is no doubt that the world is currently experiencing a global pandemic that is reshaping our daily lives as well as the way business activities are being conducted. With the emphasis on social distancing as an effective means of curbing the rapid spread of the infection, many individuals, institutions, and industries have had to rely on telecommunications as a means of ensuring service continuity in order to prevent complete shutdown of their operations. This has put enormous pressure on both fixed and mobile networks. Though fifth generation mobile networks (5G) is at its infancy in terms of deployment, it possesses a broad category of services including enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC), and massive machine-type communications (mMTC), that can help in tackling pandemic-related challenges. Therefore, in this paper, we identify the challenges facing existing networks due to the surge in traffic demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasize the role of 5G empowered by artificial intelligence in tackling these problems. In addition, we also provide a brief insight on the use of artificial intelligence driven 5G networks in predicting future pandemic outbreaks, and the development a pandemic-resilient society in case of future outbreaks.
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Background The study objective was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on the proportion of asymptomatic infection among coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive persons and their transmission potential. Methods We searched Embase, Medline, bioRxiv, and medRxiv up to 22 June 2020. We included cohorts or cross-sectional studies which systematically tested populations regardless of symptoms for COVID-19, or case series of any size reporting contact investigations of asymptomatic index patients. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed quality using pre-specified criteria. Only moderate/high quality studies were included. The main outcomes were proportion of asymptomatic infection among COVID-19 positive persons at testing and through follow-up, and secondary attack rate among close contacts of asymptomatic index patients. A qualitative synthesis was performed. Where appropriate, data were pooled using random effects meta-analysis to estimate proportions and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results Of 6,137 identified studies, 71 underwent quality assessment after full text review, and 28 were high/moderate quality and were included. In two general population studies, the proportion of asymptomatic COVID-19 infection at time of testing was 20% and 75%, respectively; among three studies in contacts it was 8.2% to 50%. In meta-analysis, the proportion (95% CI) of asymptomatic COVID-19 infection in obstetric patients was 95% (45% to 100%) of which 59% (49% to 68%) remained asymptomatic through follow-up; among nursing home residents, the proportion was 54% (42% to 65%) of which 28% (13% to 50%) remained asymptomatic through follow-up. Transmission studies were too heterogenous to meta-analyse. Among five transmission studies, 18 of 96 (18.8%) close contacts exposed to asymptomatic index patients were COVID-19 positive. Conclusions Despite study heterogeneity, the proportion of asymptomatic infection among COVID-19 positive persons appears high and transmission potential seems substantial. To further our understanding, high quality studies in representative general population samples are required.
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COVID-19 or Corona virus has thrilled the entire world population with uncertainty over their survival and well-being. The impact this pathogen has caused over the globe has been profound due to its unique transmission features; that urges for contact-less strategies to interact and treat the infected. The impending 5G mobile technology is immersing the applications that enable the provisioning of medical and healthcare services in a contact-less manner. The edge computing paradigms offer a decentralized and versatile networking infrastructure capable of adhering to the novel demands of 5G. In this article, we are considering Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) flavour of the edge paradigms for realizing the contact-less approaches that assist the mediation of COVID-19 and the future of healthcare. In order to formulate this ideology, we propose three use cases and discuss their implementation in the MEC context. Further, the requirements for launching these services are provided. Additionally, we validate our proposed approaches through simulations.
With regard to the increasing growth of demands in order to provide various services and high-speed in new generation of mobile telecommunications, one of the challenges ahead, are the available limited resources. In early cellular systems, with regard to the type of services that were provided, techniques such as the use of this frequency were enough. But in the telecommunications of the next generation, we have to use different techniques and features that are provided with resources in the area covered by the network, leading to an exponential increase in the operational complexity of these kinds of networks will be optimized in the scheme and optimization point of view. Therefore, to achieve an acceptable level of performance on these networks, intercellular performance management will be of great importance. One of the techniques that are recommended to enhance further the efficiency of cellular networks is the usage of self-optimization techniques in these kinds of networks. The foundation of our proposed scheme is presenting a self-optimizing model based on neighboring indices by which we can make feasible the possibility of controlling resources and the respective indices relevant to neighboring connections of cellular network without the interference of human force and merely by relying on the network’s intelligence. In order to better the efficiency of the intended scheme, we used the Big Data technique to analyze the data and network’s better decision-making process in allocating resources. In a way that in the uplink direction, user’s data from the user layer to the network core are analyzed in one register and based on semantic information extracted from these data, the decision-making center will be able to allocate resources in a more intelligent way. The works done on this Category to provide distributed solution of non-self-optimization or has paid for resources allocation that also may not to be close to the optimized solution or have passed up the effect of changes of network conditions. Gained results in the use of this model represent more efficient use of network resources and also reducing the load rate of the imposed signalling on the network.
Computation offloading from a mobile device to edge server is an emerging paradigm to reduce completion latency of intensive computations in mobile edge computing (MEC). In order to satisfy the delay-sensitive computing tasks, offloading time including task uploading time, task execution time and results downloading time is adopted as the computational performance metrics for offloading nodes that perform offloaded computing tasks for mobile devices. Therefore, how to minimize the offloading time by selecting an optimal offloading node in MEC is of research importance. This work first investigates an MEC system consisting of mobile devices and heterogeneous edge severs that support various radio access technologies. Then, based on the available bandwidth of heterogeneous edge severs and the location of mobile devices, an optimal offloading node selection strategy is formulated as a Markov decision process (MDP), and solved by employing value iteration algorithm (VIA). Finally, extensive numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy over classic strategies in terms of offloading time.