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First-generation Memory Disaggregation for Cloud Platforms
Huaicheng Li†, Daniel S. Berger∗, Stanko Novakovic∗, Lisa Hsu‡, Dan Ernst‡, Pantea Zardoshti∗,
Monish Shah‡, Ishwar Agarwal‡, Mark Hill‡, Marcus Fontoura‡, Ricardo Bianchini∗
†Carnegie Mellon University ∗Microsoft Research ‡Microsoft Azure
In Azure, up to 25% of memory is stranded, i.e., it is leftover
after the servers’ cores have been rented to VMs. Memory
disaggregation promises to reduce this stranding. However,
making disaggregation practical for production cloud de-
ployment remains challenging. For example, RDMA-based
disaggregation involves too much overhead for common
workloads and transparent latency management is incom-
patible with virtualization acceleration. The emerging Com-
pute Express Link (CXL) standard offers a low-overhead
substrate to build memory disaggregation while overcom-
ing these challenges. This paper proposes a first-generation
CXL-based disaggregation system that meets the require-
ments of cloud providers. Our system includes a memory
pool controller, and prediction-based system software and
distributed control plane designs. Its predictions of VM la-
tency sensitivity and memory usage allow it to split work-
loads across local and pooled memory while mitigating the
higher pool latency.
Our analysis of production clusters shows that small pools
of 8-32 sockets are sufficient to reduce stranding signifi-
cantly. It also shows that ∼50% of all VMs never touch 50%
of their rented memory. In emulated experiments with 150+
workloads, we show our pooling approach incurs a config-
urable performance loss between 1-5%. Finally, we show
that disaggregation can achieve a 9-10% reduction in over-
all DRAM, which represents hundreds of millions of dollars
in cost savings for a large cloud provider.
1 Introduction
Motivation. DRAM has emerged as a key cost driver for
public cloud providers. For example, DRAM makes up 50%
of the server cost for Azure [1]. Due to long-standing scaling
challenges [2–6], DRAM cost is expected to grow even fur-
ther in the future. Meanwhile, DRAM alternatives are either
in their early stages or hitting production and deployment
hurdles [7,8]. Thus, DRAM efficiency has been a top prior-
ity for cloud providers, but remains challenging to achieve.
For example, Google reports that only ∼40% of DRAM is
used in its production clusters [9,10].
At Azure, we find that a major contributor to DRAM
inefficiency is platform-level memory stranding. Memory
stranding occurs when a server’s cores are fully rented to vir-
tual machines (VMs), but unrented memory remains. With
the cores exhausted, the remaining memory is unrentable on
its own, and is thus stranded. Surprisingly, we find that up to
25% of DRAM may become stranded at any given moment
(see §2). Thus, reducing memory stranding can have an out-
sized impact on hardware costs as the provider can purchase
less DRAM. A promising direction is the pooling of memory
through memory disaggregation [11–13].
Unfortunately, memory disaggregation incurs a poten-
tial performance penalty in that memory from the pool has
higher access latency. To achieve the most DRAM savings,
public cloud providers would prefer to hide the additional la-
tency from (1) the vast majority of customers who are not ex-
pert developers and (2) workloads that do not manage mem-
ory placement and performance explicitly. The challenge is
achieving this in a practical and broadly applicable manner.
Memory disaggregation for the public cloud. In more de-
tail, making memory disaggregation practical for the public
cloud faces multiple functional challenges. First, we must
preserve customer inertia,i.e., require no modifications to
customer workloads or the guest OS. Second, the system
must be compatible with virtualization acceleration tech-
niques such as direct I/O device assignment to VMs [14,15]
and SR-IOV [16]. Third, the system must be available as
commodity hardware.
Due to these requirements, most of the prior memory dis-
aggregation work does not apply: custom hardware-based
designs [13,17–20], systems that require changes to the VM
guest [11,21–37], and implementations that rely on page
faults [15] are not deployable in the cloud today (see §4.1).
Fortunately, the emerging Compute Express Link (CXL)
interconnect standard [38] greatly facilitates fast and deploy-
able disaggregated memory. CXL enables native load/store
(ld/st) accesses to disaggregated memory for Intel, AMD,
and ARM processors [39–41] and Samsung, Micron, and SK
Hynix memory modules [42,43]. CXL also has a low per-
formance impact: directly-connected CXL memory can be
accessed with roughly the same latency as a NUMA hop.
CXL has become the best option for memory disaggregation
by superceding competing protocols [44,45].
Open questions. While CXL defines the disaggregation
protocol, many questions remain open at every layer of the
stack. At the hardware layer, how should the provider con-
struct a memory pool with CXL? How should it balance the
arXiv:2203.00241v1 [cs.OS] 1 Mar 2022
pool size with the higher latency of larger pools? At the sys-
tem software layer, how should the provider manage and ex-
pose the pooled memory to guest OSes? How much addi-
tional memory latency can cloud workloads tolerate? At the
distributed system layer, how should the provider schedule
VMs on machines with CXL memory? Could predictions of
memory behavior and latency sensitivity help produce better
schedules? If so, how accurate are the predictions?
Though memory disaggregation is related to NUMA and
two-tier memory systems, the prior work on these topics
does not answer the above questions. NUMA policies fo-
cus on moving compute close to memory, e.g., a process or
VM is scheduled on cores in the same NUMA domain as
the memory pages it accesses [46–48]. This is not appli-
cable to CXL where memory pools do not have local cores.
Two-tier systems focus on migrating hot pages to local mem-
ory [31,49–53]. Page migration is not supported in public
cloud platforms due to virtualization accelerators (§4). Thus,
providers require a new way to overcome the challenges of
higher memory access latency.
Our work: CXL-based disaggregation for public clouds.
Our work answers the above open questions. First, through
extensive measurements (§3.1) in Azuredatacenters, we find
that stranding hotspots emerge broadly across clusters. This
insight leads us to a small memory pool design between 8–32
sockets to significantly reduce stranding. Larger pools do
further reduce stranding but yield diminishing returns.
Second, we introduce the first CXL-based full-stack mem-
ory disaggregation design that satisfies the requirements of a
cloud platform. Our design consists of the following compo-
nents at each layer of the datacenter stack.
Hardware layer: We propose a new multi-ported exter-
nal memory controller directly connected to 8-32 sockets via
CXL. Each socket has some fast local memory but can ac-
cess a portion of the memory pool at slightly higher latency
(equivalent to 1 NUMA hop).
System software layer: Our design manages pool memory
in large memory slices to achieve practical resource over-
heads. It exposes pool memory to a VM’s guest OS as a
zero-core virtual NUMA (zNUMA) node (i.e., a node with
memory but no cores, like Linux’s CPU-less NUMA [54]),
which effectively biases memory allocations away from the
zNUMA node and improves performance.
Distributed system software layer: Our control plane re-
lies on predictions of VM memory latency sensitivity and
the amount of memory will actually be touched. We call
the untouched memory “frigid”. VMs that are predicted to
be insensitive to memory latency are fully backed by pool
DRAM, whereas memory-sensitive VMs are provisioned
with a zNUMA node corresponding to their frigid memory.
We use the predictions for scheduling at VM deployment
time, and asynchronously manages the allocation of pooled
memory to servers and changes a VM placement when it de-
tects that its prediction was incorrect.
Our evaluation based on VM traces from 100 production
clusters shows that we can achieve a 9-10% reduction in
overall DRAM needs with each pool connected to 32 sock-
ets. These savings correspond to hundreds of millions of dol-
lars for a large cloud provider. Using more than 150 work-
loads in a CXL emulation testbed, we also show that most
workloads are insensitive to CXL latency even when their en-
tire working set is allocated in pool memory. However, 25%
of them suffer at least a 20% performance loss. In terms of
memory access behaviors, our results show that ∼50% of all
VMs never touch 50% of their rented memory. Our models
predict this percentage accurately, as well as whether a work-
load is memory latency-sensitive. When workloads are prop-
erly split between local and pooled memory, slowdowns are
configurable to be lower than 1-5%. Exposing the zNUMA
node to the guest OS is very effective at producing this split.
Contributions. Our main contributions are as follows:
• The first public characterization of memory stranding and
frigid memory at a large public cloud provider.
• The first CXL-based full-stack disaggregation design that
is practical and performant for broad deployment.
• An accurate prediction model for latency and resource
management at datacenter scale.
• An extensive performance evaluation and analysis with
over 150 workloads that validates our design.
• To-be-open-sourced research artifacts, including our emu-
lation testbed, production traces, prediction models, etc.
2 Background
Memory stranding. Cloud VMs demand a vector of re-
sources (cpu, memory, etc.) [9,55–57]. Scheduling a variety
of VM types with highly heterogeneous resource demands
onto servers leads to a multi-dimensional bin-packing prob-
lem [56,58–60], which remains a theoretical challenge [60].
VM schedulers are also subject to many other constraints,
such as spreading VMs across multiple failure domains. As
a result, it is difficult to provision servers that closely match
the resource demands of the incoming VM mix.
When the DRAM-to-core ratio of VM arrivals and the
server resources does not match, tight packing becomes more
difficult and resources may end up stranded. We define a
resource as stranded when it is technically available to be
rented to a customer, but is practically unavailable as some
other resource has exhausted. The typical scenario for mem-
ory stranding is that all cores have been rented, but there is
still memory available in the server.
Reducing stranding via disaggregation. There are multi-
ple techniques that can reduce memory stranding. For ex-
ample, oversubscribing cores [61,62] enables more memory
to be rented. However, oversubscription only applies to a
subset of VMs for performance reasons. Oversubscription
also requires a few unrented cores and, thus, cannot address
memory stranding. In fact, our stranding measurements at
60 70 80 90
Scheduled CPU Cores [%]
Stranded Memory [%]
(a) Stranding averages and outliers (b) Stranding over time
2 8 16 32 64
Pool Scope [CPU sockets]
Required Overall DRAM [%]
(Fixed fraction of VM memory)
(c) Pooling savings
0 25 50 75 100
Frigid Memory [%]
Cumulative Distribution
(d) Memory usage
Figure 1: Memory stranding. (a) Stranding increases significantly as more CPU cores are scheduled, the error bars indicate the 5th
and 95th percentile (outliers in red); (b) stranding dynamics change over time and can affect a broad set of servers, (c) small pools of around
32 sockets are sufficient to significantly reduce overall memory needs; and (d) VMs have a significant amount of frigid memory.
Azure(§3.1) include multiple clusters that enable oversub-
scription and still show significant memory stranding.
The approach we target is to disaggregate a portion of
memory into a pool that is accessible by multiple hosts [11–
13]. This breaks the fixed nature of server hardware configu-
ration. If memory can be dynamically reassigned to different
hosts at different times, we can shift memory resources to
where they are needed, instead of relying on each individual
server to be configured for all cases pessimistically. Thus,
we can provision servers close to the average DRAM-to-core
ratios and tackle deviations via the memory pool.
Disaggregation via CXL. CXL provides a practical basis
for memory disaggregation in the form of a low-latency in-
terconnect protocol and allows CPUs to access CXL memory
using regular ld and st instructions. The bandwidth of a ×8
CXL link approximates that of a DDR5 channel.
While the CXL 2.0 specification [63] standardizes a proto-
col for memory pooling, the standard leaves open key ques-
tions in the design and implementation of a memory pool.
For example, while the API defines device discovery and
doorbells for host/CXL communication, it does not prescribe
how the host manages pool memory. Pool memory man-
agement is complicated by hardware resource constraints1
which forces memory allocation to happen at 1GB granu-
larity (slices). and poses memory fragmentation challenges
similar to huge pages [64,65]. Another example is that,
while CXL defines APIs for pool management, it does not
define the process of reassigning pool memory between hosts
and how to schedule VMs on pool memory.
3 Memory Stranding and Latency Sensitivity
3.1 Stranding at Azure
In this section, we quantify the severity of memory stranding
and frigid memory at Azureusing production data.
Dataset. We measure stranding in 100 cloud clusters over a
1Each address range block that is onlined/offlined during pool man-
agement requires an invididual entry in the host-managed device memory
(HDM) decoder. The number of entries in combination with the pool mem-
ory sizes enforces a 1GB entry size.
75-day period. These clusters host mainstream VM work-
loads and are representative of the majority of the server
fleet. We select clusters with similar deployment years, but
spanning all major regions on the planet. A trace from each
cluster contains millions of per-VM arrival/departure events,
with the time, duration, resource demands, and server-id.
Memory stranding. Figure 1a shows the daily average
amount of stranded DRAM across clusters, bucketed by the
percentage of scheduled CPU cores. In clusters where 75%
of CPU cores are scheduled for VMs, 6% of memory is
stranded. This grows to over 10% when ∼85% of CPU cores
are allocated to VMs. This makes sense since stranding is an
artifact of highly utilized nodes, which correlates with highly
utilized clusters. Outliers are shown by the error bars, repre-
senting 5th and 95th percentiles. At 95th , stranding reaches
25% during high utilization periods. Individual outliers even
reach 30% stranding.
Figure 1b shows stranding over time across 8 racks. A
workload change (around day 36) suddenly increased strand-
ing significantly. Furthermore, stranding can affect many
racks concurrently (e.g., racks 2, 4–7) and it is generally hard
to predict which clusters/racks will have stranded memory.
NUMA spanning. Many VMs are small and can fit on a sin-
gle socket. On two-socket systems, the hypervisor at Azure-
seeks to schedule such VMs entirely (cores and memory) on
a single NUMA node. In rare cases, we see NUMA span-
ning where a VM has all of its cores on one socket and a
small amount of memory from another socket. We find that
spanning occurs for about 2% of VMs and fewer than 1% of
memory pages, on average.
Savings from pooling. Azurecurrently does not pool mem-
ory. However, by analyzing its VM-to-server traces, we
can estimate the amount of DRAM that could be saved via
pooling. Figure 1c presents average reductions from pool-
ing DRAM when VMs are scheduled with a fixed percent-
age of either 10%, 30%, or 50% of pool DRAM. The pool
scope refers to the number of sockets that can access the
same DRAM pool. As the pool scope increases, the fig-
ure shows that required overall DRAM decreases. However,
P1→P13 YCSBA→FML/Web,etc. bc,bfs,cc,pr,sssp,tc Queries1→22 501.perlbench_r→657.xz_s facesim,vips,fft,etc.
Figure 2: Workload performance slowdown under additional 64ns memory latency (§3.3). This graph shows the performance
sensitivity of representative workloads to additional memory latency (as in CXL). X-axis shows 158 representative workloads; Y represents the
normalized performance slowdown (i.e., compared to workload performance backed by local DRAM). Workloads: “Proprietary” denotes
Azure’s internal production workloads, e.g., databases, web search, machine learning, and analytics. The rest are open-source workloads,
such as YCSB (A–F) [66] with in-memory stores (Redisk/VoltDB), in-memory computing Spark workloads in HiBench [67], graph processing
(GAPBS) [68], and high-performance computing benchmark sets such as SPEC CPU [69], PARSEC [70], and SPLASH2x [71].
this effect diminishes for larger pools. For example, with a
fixed 50% pool DRAM, a pool with 32 sockets saves 12% of
DRAM while a pool with 64 sockes saves 13% of DRAM.
Note that allocating a fixed 50% of memory to pool DRAM
leads to significant performance loss compared to socket-
local DRAM (§6). Our design overcomes this challenge with
multiple techniques (§4).
Summary and implications. From this analysis, we draw
a few important observations and implications for memory
• We observe 3-16% of stranded memory in production,
with some clusters reaching 30%.
• Almost all VMs fit into one NUMA node.
• Pooling memory across 16-32 sockets can reduce cluster
memory demand by 10%. This suggests that memory dis-
aggregation can produce significant cost reductions but as-
sumes that a high percentage of DRAM can be allocated
on memory pools. When implementing DRAM pools with
cross-NUMA latencies, providers must carefully mitigate
potential performance impacts.
3.2 VM Memory Usage at Azure
Figure 1d shows the distribution of percentage of frigid
memory (computed as 100 minus the peak memory usage)
across our cloud clusters. We calculate the peak memory us-
age of each VM as the maximum utilization over its lifetime
based on the amount of “committed” memory, spot-checked
by scanning the VMs’ page-access bits (§5). Generally, we
find that while VM memory usage varies across clusters, all
clusters have a significant fraction of VMs with frigid mem-
ory. Overall, the 50th percentile is 50% frigid memory.
Summary and implications. From this analysis, we draw
key observations and implications:
• VM memory usage varies widely.
• In the cluster with the least amount of frigid memory, still
over 50% of VMs have more than 20% frigid memory.
Thus, there is plenty of frigid memory that can be disag-
gregated at no performance penalty.
• The challenges are (1) predicting how much frigid mem-
ory each VM is likely to have and (2) confining the VM’s
accesses to local memory. Our design addresses both.
3.3 Workload Sensitivity to Memory Latency
To understand the performance impact of CXL latency for a
broad variety of workloads in Azure’s datacenters, we eval-
uate 158 workloads under two scenarios where the workload
memory is fully backed by either (1) local DRAM or (2) em-
ulated CXL memory. The experimental setups are detailed
in §6.1. Figure 2presents the workloads’ slowdowns when
their entire working sets are allocated in CXL memory, com-
pared to having them entirely in local DRAM.
We find that 20% of the 158 workloads experience no
slowdown under CXL. An additional 23% of the workloads
see less than 5% slowdowns. At the same time, some work-
loads see severe slowdowns: 25% of the workloads take
>20% performance hits and 12% will even suffer more than
30% performance degradations.
Different workload classes are affected differently, e.g.,
GAPBS (graph processing) workloads generally see higher
slowdowns. However, the variability within each workload
class is typically much higher than across workload classes.
For example, within GAPBS even the same graph kernel re-
acts very differently to CXL latency, based on different graph
datasets. Overall, every workload has at least one workload
with less than 5% slowdown and one workload with more
than 25% slowdown (except SPLASH2x).
Azure’s proprietary workloads are less impacted than the
overall workload set. Of the 13 production workloads, 6 do
not see noticeable impact (<1%); 2 see ∼5% slowdown; and
the remaining half are impacted by 10–28%. This is in part
because these production workloads are NUMA-aware and
often include data placement optimizations.
Summary and implications. While the performance of
some workloads is insensitive to disaggregated memory la-
tency, some are heavily impacted, experiencing up to 51%
slowdowns. This motivates our design decision to include
socket-local DRAM alongside pool DRAM to mitigate CXL
latency impact for those latency-sensitive workloads.
4 Memory Disaggregation System Design
4.1 Design Goals and Requirements
Cloud platforms rely on hypervisor-based virtualization —
including for their container and serverless offerings [72]
— to isolate multiple tenants. Deploying disaggregation at
scale within this platform faces multiple requirements, which
we categorize into performance goals (PG1–PG3) and func-
tional requirements (FR1–FR3).
PG1: VM performance. It must be comparable or better
than today’s offerings. Small VMs have their entire memory
backed by socket-local DRAM 98% of the time (§3.1). We
seek to achieve performance within a small and configurable
margin of socket-local DRAM for almost all VMs. We call
this margin the performance degradation margin (PDM).
PG2: Resource efficiency. Providers seek low overheads
within the platform software and hardware. For example,
CPU cores lost to virtualization overhead cannot be rented
out to users [14,73,74]. Another constraint is the number of
available memory decoder entries (§2).
PG3: Small blast radius. Providers seek to offer their VMs
high availability while minimizing capacity that cannot be
used due to component failure. We thus need to minimize the
impact (blast radius) of failures for additional components
introduced for memory disaggregation.
FR1: Customer inertia. Users expect VM compatabil-
ity to run their OSes/applications without any modifications.
Requiring changes limits adoption. Thus, a disaggregation
solution must be able to work with opaque and unchanged
VMs, guest OSes, and applications.
FR2: Compatibility. Providers rely on virtualization ac-
celerators to improve I/O performance [14,15,73,74]. For
example, direct I/O device assignment (DDA) [14,15] and
Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) [73,74] allow I/O
requests to bypass the hypervisor stack. These accelerators
are enabled by default for all VM types at Azure.
DDA and SR-IOV require the whole address range of
a VM to be statically pinned in hypervisor-level page ta-
bles [15,75–79]. As a consequence, memory disaggrega-
tion cannot rely on hypervisor page faults, which would be
needed to deploy existing RDMA-based systems at the plat-
form level [29–37]. For the same reason, we cannot migrate
pages between local memory and a pool as used in existing
two-tier memory systems [31,49–52]. In fact, VM memory
allocations can only be changed at VM start or through live
migration that temporarily disables acceleration [80].
There are a few options to overcome static pinning. First,
the Page Request Interface extension of the PCIe Address
Translation Service (ATS/PRI) [81] allows DMA operations
to be initiated without requiring memory to be pinned. How-
Host 1Host 2
Pool 1
Host 3Host 4
Pool 2
Pool 3
CXL phy/ctr 40ns
Propagation 7ns
EMC 20ns
aFor large pools
Figure 3: Our hardware design. Each CPU connects to
several external memory controllers (EMC). Each EMC offers CXL
ports for several sockets and DDR ports for several DIMMs, which
constitute the pool. Dashed lines around each CPU and EMC indi-
cate separate failure domains.
ever, ATS/PRI devices are not available today due to im-
plementation challenges. Second, device vendors have pro-
posed their own standard for page fault handling [15], but
this approach does not apply to multiple vendors and de-
vice types. Third, virtual IOMMUs [75,78,79] allow fine-
grained pinning but require significant guest OS changes.
FR3: Commodity hardware. Disaggregation must be de-
ployable on commodity hardware that is available from mul-
tiple vendors to avoid single-source supply chain risks.
4.2 Design Overview
Our hardware design (§4.3) comprises a new external mem-
ory controller connected via CXL (§2). CXL surfaces pool
memory as a load/store device to the CPU, facilitating adding
pooled memory to existing applications without software
modifications (FR1). Codesigning the hardware with the
system software enables us to achieve the functional re-
quirements (FR1-3) and low resource overheads (PG2). We
achieve a small blast radius (PG3) via redundant controllers
and minimal interleaving (§4.4). We achieve high VM per-
formance (PG1) via an intelligent VM scheduling pipeline
and distributed performance monitoring and mitigation com-
ponents (§4.5). Our scheduling and monitoring pipelines use
novel prediction models (§4.6) to ensure that VM perfor-
mance does not exceed the PDM. Finally, deploying disag-
gregation in the cloud requires a simple and robust design.
Thus, we avoid architectural support for complex features,
e.g., cross-pool coherent shared memory.
4.3 Hardware Layer
We introduce a new shared memory module, constructed
as an external memory controller (EMC) ASIC with DDR
memory. The EMC is a CXL memory device that supports
both the configuration and CXL.mem [82] protocols for pool
memory accesses. Each EMC hosts four 80-bit DDR5 chan-
nels of pool DRAM and offers multiple CXL links to allow
CPU sockets to access the memory.
As the EMC is a multiported device, it manages arbitra-
tion of requests and tracks ownership of memory regions
assigned to various hosts. Further, the EMC must support
the same reliability, availability and serviceability capabil-
ities [83,84] of server-grade memory controllers, such as
memory error correction, management, and isolation.
Our memory pool comprises multiple EMCs to minimize
the chance of server downtime. Each CPU socket connects
to multiple EMCs, for example with a ×8CXL link which
matches the bandwidth of a DDR5 channel. The number of
EMCs and attached DDR modules can be scaled indepen-
dently to meet capacity goals for different clusters. Figure 3
overviews the design and the expected latency contributed by
each component. The simplest pool (e.g., 4-8 sockets) would
comprise a small set of EMCs, with each directly connected
to all sockets in a single large server chassis. For this case,
cable lengths are short enough to not require a retimer, which
keeps the average-case latency estimate to 67ns (Figure 3). A
larger pool (e.g., 32 sockets) can be configured by connect-
ing each EMC device’s ports to a different subset of the CPU
sockets. This enables sharing across a significantly larger
set of hosts to provide higher stranding reduction. However,
larger pools will require retimers to extend the signal reach
far enough for all sockets. Retimers add about 10ns of la-
tency in each direction [85,86], bringing the overall access
latency to 87ns.
As we observed in §3.1, VMs at Azuredo not typically
span multiple sockets. We target this common case by tar-
geting a single-socket coherence domain2. The pool im-
plements an ownership model based on 1GB memory slices
(§4.4). At the hardware level, the EMC checks all memory
accesses for access permission, i.e., whether requestor and
owner of the cacheline’s address range match. Disallowed
accesses result in fatal memory errors.
A single-socket coherency domain has advantages over
standard cache-coherent multiprocessor systems. First,
cache coherence significantly increases cost and perfor-
mance overheads, especially for latency-sensitive work-
loads. Second, separating the pool memory from the lo-
cal socket memory opens up flexibility in system memory
configurations, providing the ability to compose systems in
a finer-grained manner that can better match the different
DRAM/core averages seen by different clusters (§3.1).
4.4 System Software Layer
Our system software involves 3 components to manage
pools, handle failures, and expose pool memory to VMs.
Pool management. A pool comprises multiple hosts with
each host running a separate hypervisor and operating sys-
tem within a separate cache coherent domain (one socket).
As pool memory is not cache-coherent across hosts, it is ex-
plicitly moved between hosts. We call this task pool man-
agement, as shown in Figure 4. It involves two challenges:
1) implementing the control paths for pool-level memory as-
signment and 2) preventing pool memory fragmentation.
2With rising per-socket core counts, industry trends point towards single-
socket servers [87–90]. When deploying on two-socket hosts, one would
connect both sockets of each host to the EMC to achieve symmetric one-
NUMA-hop latency to all DDR memory.
Host 2 (H2)
Host 1 (H1)
H1 H2
H1 H1
H1 H1
t=0 Pool address
System slice
Figure 4: Typical pool management task. Pool memory is
assigned to at most one host at a time. This figure shows the flow
when a VM (VM2) terminates on a host (H1) at time t=0 and the
memory is needed on another host (H2). H1’s memory manager
first offlines each memory slice previously used by VM2 (t=1). The
Pool Manager (PM) then reassigns these slices to H2 (t=2). H2’s
manager then onlines these slices and starts the new VM (t=3).
Assignment works by enabling/disabling host memory at
runtime from the Pool Manager, which implements the CXL
2.0 fabric manager workflow. The Pool Manager is con-
nected to EMCs and CPU sockets via a low-power manage-
ment bus (e.g., [91]), as shown in Figure 3. To allocate pool
memory, the Pool Manager uses the bus to communicate to
the EMC as well as the driver on the host (via interrupts).
From the host’s point of view, pool memory is mapped
but in an offline state at boot time. The BIOS discovers
socket-local and pool capacity through CXL device discov-
ery and maps them to the OS address space through the ACPI
SRAT tables [92]. Once mapped, the pool address range is
marked hot-pluggable and “not enabled”. When the host re-
ceives an interrupt, our driver reads which address range is
hot-plugged and whether this is an onlining or offlining op-
eration. The driver then communicates with the OS memory
manager to bring the memory online/offline.
As discussed in §2, pool memory has to be onlined and
offlined in 1GB slices due to hardware resource constraints.
If these large slices lead to memory fragmentation, we face
inefficiencies as the contiguous 1GB address range must be
free before we can offline a 1GB slice for reassignment to
another host. We overcome fragmentation using two tech-
niques. First, pool memory is allocated to VMs in 1GB-
aligned increments (§4.5). While this prevents fragmenta-
tion due to VM starts and completions, our experience has
shown that memory allocations from host agents and drivers
can still fragment slice memory. Our second technique is
a special-purpose memory partition for pool memory. The
memory manager ensures that only the hypervisor can al-
locate memory from this partition. Host agents and drivers
allocate memory in another memory partition, which effec-
tively contains fragmentation.
With these optimizations, our initial experiments with of-
flining 1 GB slices on the host show that it takes 10-100
milliseconds per GB. In contrast, onlining memory has in-
significant overheads on the order of microseconds per GB.
This means that shifting memory after a 128GB VM is com-
pleted would require tens of seconds, which is insufficient
for VM-start SLOs at Azure. This observation is reflected in
our asynchronous offlining process (§4.5).
Figure 5: zNUMA. zNUMA as seen from inside a Linux VM
Minimizing blast radius. To minimize the blast radius of
any single component and facilitate memory hot-plugging,
hosts do not use interleaving across their attached EMCs.
Consequently, each socket and each EMC is a separate fail-
ure domain, as shown by the dashed boxes in Figure 3. If an
EMC fails, only the VMs using that specific component/link
will be affected, while VMs running on local DRAM and
other EMCs can continue to run. If a CPU socket fails, the
associated pool memory can be freed and reallocated to other
sockets. If the Pool Manager fails, VMs can continue to run
and access memory, but we cannot reallocate pool memory.
Exposing pool memory to VMs. A key building block of
our latency management mechanism is to expose pool mem-
ory as a zNUMA node. To implement a zNUMA node,
the hypervisor adds a memory block (node memblk) with-
out any associated CPU cores (no entry in the node cpuid)
in the ACPI SLIT/SRAT tables [92]. Figure 5shows how this
appears from the point of view of a Linux VM. The figure
also shows that the hypervisor exposes the correct latency
in the NUMA distance matrix (numa slit) to facilitate the
guest OS’s memory management.
When we expose a zNUMA node to any modern guest
OS, it preferentially allocates memory from the local NUMA
node before going to zNUMA. Recall the observation on VM
memory usage in Figure 1d. This means that, if we can
predict the amount of frigid memory for a VM (§4.6), and
size the zNUMA for that VM, then we can effectively focus
the VMs memory allocations on its local and lower-latency
NUMA node. The VM’s guest OS can also use NUMA-
aware memory management [50,93].
As mentioned above, we avoid fragmentation by backing
each zNUMA node with contiguous 1GB-aligned address
ranges from the pool memory partition.
4.5 Distributed Control Plane Layer
Figure 6shows the two tasks performed by our control plane:
(A) predictions to allocate memory during VM scheduling
and (B) QoS monitoring and resolution.
Predictions and VM scheduling (A). We use ML-based
prediction models (§4.6) to decide how much pool memory
can be allocated to a VM during scheduling. After a VM
request arrives (A1), the scheduler queries the distributed
ML serving system (A2) for a prediction on how much local
memory to allocate for the VM. The scheduler then informs
the Pool Manager about the target host and associated pool
memory needs (A3). The Pool Manager triggers a memory
onlining workflow using its configuration bus connections
Server Blades
Memory Pools
Live Migration
VM request
Figure 6: Control plane workflow (§4.5). A) The VM
scheduler uses ML-based predictions that identify latency-sensitive
VMs and their likely amount of frigid memory to decide on VM
placement (see Figure 7). B) The monitoring pipeline reconfigures
VMs if quality-of-service (QoS) targets are not met.
to the EMCs and host (A4). As described in §4.4, memory
onlining can be completed in less than a millisecond even
for large VMs. VM terminations trigger memory offlining,
which the Pool Manager performs in the background of VM
creation. Finally, the VM scheduler informs the host’s hy-
pervisor to start the VM using a zNUMA node matching the
onlined memory amount.
QoS monitoring (B). After VMs are allocated, we contin-
uously inspect their performance via the QoS monitor. The
monitor queries hypervisor and hardware performance coun-
ters (B1) and uses an ML model of latency sensitivity (§4.6)
to decide whether the VM is being negatively affected by its
pool memory latency. If the impact exceeds a threshold, the
monitor triggers a live VM migration [80] via the migration
manager (B2), which effects the migration (B3).
4.6 Prediction Models
Our VM scheduling (A) and QoS monitoring (B) algorithms
rely on two prediction models as shown in Figure 7.
Predictions for VM scheduling (A). For scheduling, we
first check if we can correlate a workload history with the
VM requested. This works by checking if there have been
previous VMs with the same metadata as the request VM,
e.g., the customer’s subscription, VM types, and location.
This is based on the observation that VMs from the same
subscription tend to exhibit similar behaviors [55].
If we have prior workload history, we make a prediction on
whether this VM is likely to be memory latency insensitive,
i.e., its performance would be within the PDM while using
only pool memory. (Model details appear below.) Latency-
insensitive VMs are allocated entirely on pool DRAM.
If the VM has no workload history or is predicted to be
latency-sensitive, we predict the minimum amount of frigid
memory over its lifetime. Interestingly, frigid memory pre-
dictions with only generic VM metadata such as VM type,
guest OS, and location are accurate (§6). VMs without frigid
memory are allocated entirely with local DRAM. VMs with
aFM >0percentage of frigid memory are allocated with
FM%of pool memory and a corresponding zNUMA node;
the remaining memory is allocated on local DRAM.
If we underpredict FM, the VM will not touch the slower
Workload history?
Latency insensitive?
Frigid memory?
Entirely pool DRAM
Hypervisor telemetry
HW counters
HW counter
Existing VM
model input
Pool DRAM = frigid Entirely local DRAM
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Latency insensitive?
Yes No
VM live migrationContinue monitoring
(A) VM scheduling
(B) QoS monitoring
Overpredicted frigid?
Continue monitoring
Figure 7: Our prediction models (§4.6). Our two prediction
models (dark grey) rely on telemetry (green boxes) that is available
for all VM types, including third-party opaque VMs.
pool memory as the guest OS prioritizes allocating local
DRAM. If we overpredict FM, we rely on the QoS monitor
for mitigation. Importantly, we always keep a VM’s memory
mapped in hypervisor page tables at all times. This means
that even if our predictions happen to be incorrect, perfor-
mance does not fall off a cliff.
QoS monitoring (B). For zNUMA VMs, we monitor if it
overpredicted the amount of frigid memory during schedul-
ing. For VMs entirely backed with pool DRAM and zNUMA
VMs with less frigid memory than predicted, we use the sen-
sitivity model to determine whether the VM workload is suf-
fering excessive performance loss. If not, the QoS monitor
initiates a live VM migration to a configuration allocated en-
tirely on local DRAM.
Model details and compatibility with opaque VMs. The
two types of prediction models, latency insensitivity and
frigid memory, must work for opaque VMs. We achieve
this requirement by relying on hardware and hypervisor
telemetry. To predict latency sensitivity and performance
impact, we rely on core-PMU performance counters moti-
vated by Intel’s top-down method for performance analysis
(TMA) [94,95]. We remark that, while TMA was developed
for Intel, its relevant parts are available on AMD and ARM as
well [96]. In TMA, the CPU’s pipeline usage is broken down
into hierarchical categories such as “memory bound”, which
is defined as pipeline stalls due to memory loads and stores.
We further subdivide memory boundedness into “DRAM la-
tency bound” and other components. Based on these metrics
and sampled measurements of performance slowdowns, we
train a model that predicts whether the slowdown exceeds the
PDM. Our evaluation discusses the accuracy of this approach
(§6) on a set of 150 workloads. In a production deployment,
we will further augment our model with labels gathered from
internal systems running in Azure’s cloud as these systems
can make performance metrics available to us.
To train our memory footprint model, we rely on hyper-
visor telemetry. We conservatively define memory footprint
as the peak number of pages that the VM touches during its
lifetime. This footprint is available by scanning access bits in
the hypervisor page table (§5). Access bti scans are also used
in VM working set size estimation [97,98]; however, we use
a more conservative approach that resets access bits only ev-
ery 30 minutes to minimize VM performance overheads. We
further augment the access bit scanning data with an existing
approximate memory usage counter that is available for 98%
of VMs in Azureas a hypervisor counter.
Parameterization of prediction models. Our latency insen-
sitivity model is parameterized to stay below a target rate of
false positives (FP), i.e., workloads it incorrectly specifies as
latency insensitive but which are actually sensitive to mem-
ory latency. This parameter enforces a tradeoff as the per-
centage of workloads that are labeled as latency insensitive
(LI) is a function of FP. For example, a small rate of FP like
0.1% also enforces a small percentage of LI say 5%.
Similarly, our frigid memory model is paramterized to
stay below a target rate of overpredictions (OP), i.e., work-
loads that have less frigid memory than predicted and thus
will use memory pages on the zNUMA node. This parameter
also enforces a tradeoff as the percentage of frigid memory
(FM) is a function of OP. For example, a small rate of OP like
0.1% also enforces a small percentage of FM say 3%.
With two models and their respective parameters, we need
to decide how to balance FP and OP between the two mod-
els, while maximizing the average amount of memory that
is allocated on the CXL pool. This optimization problem is
instantiated with the given performance degradation margin
(PDM) and the percentage of VMs that can be allowed to ex-
ceed the degradation goal (X).
maximize(#LIPDM) + (%FM)
subject to(FPPDM)+(OP)≤X(1)
Note that Xessentially defines how often the QoS monitor
has to engage and initiate live migrations. Thus, we insta-
tiate Xbased on a budget for live migrations. Besides X
and the PDM, our design has no other parameters as it auto-
matically solves the optimization problem from Eq.(1). The
models have no other parameters as we rely on their respec-
tive framework’s default hyperparameters (§5).
5 Implementation
While we do not yet have hardware for our new EMC, im-
plementing and deploying our design requires extensive test-
ing within Azure’s system software and distributed control
plane. At the same time, we find that existing two-socket
servers from Intel can near-perfectly emulate the latency
characteristics of our memory pool. We thus implement and
test our software changes on existing servers both in the lab
as well as on production nodes.
System software. This implementation comprises three
parts. First, we emulate a single-socket system with a CXL
pool on a two-socket server by disabling all cores in one
socket, while keeping its memory accessible from the other
socket. This memory mimics the pool.
Second, we change Azure’s hypervisor to instantiate arbi-
trary zNUMA topologies. We extend the API between the
control plane and the host to pass the desired zNUMA topol-
ogy to the hypervisor.
Third, we implement support in Azure’s hypervisor for
the telemetry required for training our models. To associate
hardware counters with individual VMs, we extend the vir-
tual core struct with a copy of the virtual core’s hardware
counter state. This enables us to consistently associate hard-
ware counters with a VM as it gets scheduled on different
physical cores. Specifically, the hypervisor copies the vir-
tual hardware counter state to physical core registers when
the virtual core is scheduled. When the virtual core is de-
scheduled, we save the hardware register state in the virtual
core struct. To enable accurate footprint telemetry, we en-
able access bit scanning in hypervisor-level address transla-
tion tables. Since our implementation only needs to estimate
the memory footprint, we scan and reset access bits every 30
minutes, which adds virtually no overhead.
Distributed control plane. We train our prediction mod-
els by aggregating daily telemetry into a central database.
The latency insensitivity model uses a simple random forest
(RandomForest) from Scikit-learn [99] to classify whether
a workload exceeds the PDM. The model uses a set of 200
hardware counters as supported by current Intel processors.
The frigid memory model uses a gradient boosted regression
model (GBM) from LightGBM [100] and makes a quantile
regression prediction with a configurable target percentile.
After exporting to ONNX [101], the prototype adds the pre-
diction (the size of zNUMA) on the VM request path us-
ing a custom inference serving system similar to [102–104].
Azure’s VM scheduler incorporates zNUMA requests and
pool memory as an additional dimension into its bin pack-
ing, similar to other cluster schedulers [56,105–109].
6 Evaluation
We seek to answer the following questions in the evaluation:
- What is the performance of zNUMA VMs on production
and lab nodes? (§6.2 and §6.3)
- How accurate are our prediction models? (§6.4)
- What are the end-to-end DRAM savings? (§6.5)
6.1 Experimental Setup
We evaluate the performance of our prototype using a large
set of cloud workloads. Specifically, we evaluate 158 work-
loads spanning in-memory databases and KV-stores (Re-
dis [110], VoltDB [111], and TPC-H on MySQL [112]), data
and graph processing (Spark [67] and GAPBS [68]), HPC
(SPLASH2x [71]), CPU and shared-memory benchmarks
(SPEC CPU [69] and PARSEC [70]), and a range of Azure’s
internal workloads (Proprietary). Figure 2overviews these
workloads. We additionally use VM scheduling simulations
to quantify the DRAM savings for a deployment at scale.
Prototype setup. We run experiments on production servers
at Azureand similarly-configured lab servers. The produc-
tion servers use two 24-core Intel Skylake 8157M with
256GB of DDR4 on each socket. For socket-local DRAM,
we measure an access latency of 78ns and bandwidth exceed-
ing 80GB/s. The zNUMA memory latency is 64ns higher
which is slightly faster than a CXL pool. The bandwidth
when using only zNUMA memory is around 30GB/s —
about 3/4 of the bandwidth of a CXL ×8 link. Our BIOS
disables hyper-threading, turbo-boost, and C-states.
We use performance when entirely backed by socket-local
DRAM as our baseline. We present performance as normal-
ized slowdowns, i.e., the ratio to the baseline. Performance
metrics are workload specific, e.g., job runtime, throughput
and 99th tail latency, etc.
Each experiment involves running the application with
one of 7 zNUMA sizes (as percentages of the workload’s
memory footprint in Figure 9). With at least three repetitions
of each run and 158 workloads, our evaluation spans more
than 3,500 experiments and 10,000 machine hours. All of
these experiments were performed on lab servers; we repeat
spot check for outliers on production servers.
Simulations and model evaluation. Our simulations are
based on traces of production VM requests and their place-
ment on servers. The traces are from randomly selected 100
clusters across 34 datacenters globally over 75 days.
The simulator implements different memory allocation
policies and tracks each server and each pool’s memory ca-
pacity at second accuracy. Generally, the simulator sched-
ules VMs on the same nodes as in the trace and changes their
memory allocation to match the policy. For rare cases where
a VM does not fit on a server, e.g., due to insufficient pool
memory, the simulator moves the VMs to another server.
The traces also include resource logs which we use to eval-
uate our frigid memory prediction model. We observe that
80% of VMs have sufficient history to make a sensitivity pre-
diction. However, the trace does not include the workload’s
perceived performance (opaque VMs). We thus evaluate our
latency sensitivity model based on our 158 workloads.
6.2 zNUMA VMs on Production Nodes
We perform a small-scale experiment on Azureproduction
nodes to validate our intuition on zNUMA VMs. The exper-
iment evaluates four internal workloads: an audio/video con-
ferencing application, a database service, a key-value store,
and a business analytics service (interactive data visualiza-
tion and business intelligence). To see the effectiveness of
zNUMA, we assume a correct prediction of frigid memory,
i.e., the local footprint fits into the VM’s local vNUMA node.
Figure 8shows access bit scans over 48 hours from the video
workload and a table that shows the traffic to the zNUMA
Workload Traffic to
Video 0.25%
DB 0.06%
KV store 0.11%
Analytics 0.38%
Figure 8: Effectiveness of zNUMA (§6.2). We schedule
latency sensitive workloads with two vNUMA nodes. The local
vNUMA node is large enough to cover the workload’s footprint and
the zNUMA nodes holds the VM’s remaining memory on the CXL
pool. Access bit scans, e.g., for Video (right), show that this config-
uration indeed minimizes traffic to the zNUMA node.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 9: Slowdown CDFs under mixed local/pool mem-
ory. This figure shows the CDFs of workload performance slow-
down under various mixed local and pool memory, e.g., 25% (or-
ange line) represents 25% of workload memory is backed by local
DRAM and the rest 75% by pool memory.
node for the four workloads.
Finding 1. The access bit scan shows that accesses are
spread out within the local vNUMA node but rarely hap-
pen on the zNUMA node. The zNUMA nodes are effec-
tive at containing the memory access to the local vNUMA
node. However, a small fraction of accesses goes to the
zNUMA node. We suspect that this is in part due to the guest
OS memory manager’s metadata that is explicitly allocated
on each vNUMA node. We find that the video workload
sends fewer than 0.25% of memory accesses to the zNUMA
node. Similarly, the other three workloads send 0.06-0.38%
of memory access to the zNUMA node.
Implications. With a negligible fraction of memory accesses
on zNUMA, we deduce that performance impacts from the
higher latency of CXL will likely have negligible effects.
6.3 zNUMA VMs in the Lab
We scale up our evaluation to 158 workloads in a lab setting.
Since we fully control these workloads, we can now also
explicitly measure their performance. We rerun each work-
load for differently-sized zNUMA nodes between 0-100%
of the workload’s footprint. Note that for latency sensitive
workloads, we regularly size the zNUMA to match the foot-
print (100%). Thus, this is effectively a sensitivity study and
shows what happens without our frigid memory prediction
model. Figure 9shows a CDF of slowdowns for 0-90% local
Finding 2. With a correct prediction of frigid memory, work-
load slowdowns are usually 0%. For a few workloads, slow-
downs are ±2% due to variability of the workload across of
repetitions (noise).
Implications. This performance result is expected since very
few accesses are issued to the zNUMA node (§6.2). This val-
idates that few accesses translates into minimal performance
impact. Our evaluation can thus assume no performance im-
pact under correct predictions of frigid memory (§6.5).
Finding 3. For overpredictions of frigid memory (and
correspondingly undersized local vNUMA nodes), perfor-
mance generally improves with increasing percentage of lo-
cal DRAM. We find that good performance requires signifi-
cant amounts of local DRAM. For example with 25% local
DRAM (orange line in Figure 9), we see the slowdown dis-
tribution largely overlaps with the distribution for 0% local
DRAM. Furthermore, we find that a long tail remains even
for high percentages of local DRAM. As we increase the per-
centage of local memory to 40%, and 90%, the slowdown
decreases, but the tail remains. For example, with 10% of
CXL memory (gray line in the figure), almost 80% of work-
loads experience less than 5% degradation. However, the
last 5% of workloads continue to experience more than 20%
performance degradation and the last 1% of workloads see
30%. We use DAMON to verify that these workloads indeed
actively access their entire working set.
Implications. Allocating a fixed percentage of pool DRAM
to VMs leads to significant performance slowdowns. There
are only two strategies to reduce this impact: 1) identify
which workloads will see slowdowns and 2) allocate frigid
memory on the pool. We employ both strategies.
6.4 Performance of Prediction Models
We evaluate our prediction models (§4.6) and its combined
prediction model based on Eq.(1).
6.4.1 Predicting Latency Sensitivity
We seek to predict whether a VM is latency insensitive, i.e.,
whether running the workload on pool memory would stay
within the performance degradation margin (PDM). We tested
the model for PDM between 1-10%, but report details only
for 5%. Other PDM values lead to qualitatively similar re-
sults. We compare simple thresholds on memory and DRAM
boundedness [94,95] to our RandomForest (§5).
Figure 10a shows the correlation between DRAM bound-
edness and performance slowdowns. Figure 10b shows
the model’s false positive as a function of the percentage
of workloads labeled as latency insensitive, similar to a
precision-recall curve [113]. Error bars show 99th per-
centiles from a 100-fold validation based on randomly split-
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) DRAM boundedness
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Workloads Insensitive
to CXL Latency [%]
False Positives:
Slowdown > PDM [%]
(b) Predicting insensitivity
0 10 20 30 40 50
Average Frigid Memory
[% GB−Hours]
Overpredictions [% VMs]
Fixed Amount / VM
GBM Model−1GB
(c) Predicting frigid memory
0 20 40 60
Average Pool DRAM [%]
Scheduling Mispredictions:
Slowdown > PDM [%]
(d) Combined model
Figure 10: Performance of our prediction models. (a) shows the correlation between DRAM bound and slowdowns; (b) compares
heuristics to a ML-based prediction model for whether a workload exceeds 5% performance degradation; (c) compares a static to a ML-based
prediction models for frigid memory; (d) shows the tradeoff between average allocation of pool memory and mispredictions, which have to
be mitigated via live migrations.
ting into equal-sized training and testing datasets.
Finding 4. While DRAM boundedness is correlated with
slowdown, we find examples where high slowdown occurs
even for a small percentage of DRAM boundedness (points
at the top-left corner in Figure 10a). For example, multiple
workloads exceed 20% slowdown with just two percent of
DRAM boundedness.
Implication. This shows the general hardness of predicting
whether workloads exceed the PDM. Predictors will always
have some statistical errors.
Finding 5. We find that “DRAM bound” significantly out-
performs “Memory bound” (Figure 10b). Our RandomFor-
est performs slightly better than “DRAM bound”.
Implication. Our RandomForest can place 30% of work-
loads on the pool with only 2% of false positives.
6.4.2 Predicting Frigid Memory
We seek to predict the amount of frigid memory over a VM’s
future lifetime (§4.6). We evaluate this model using meta-
data and resource usage logs from 100 clusters over 75 days.
The model is trained on VMs that started and ended during
the first 15 days and evaluated on the subsequent 60 trace
days. Figure 10c compares our GBM model to a simple pol-
icy where a fixed fraction of memory is assumed to be frigid
across all VMs. The figure shows the rate of overpredictions
as a function of the average amount of frigid memory (higher
is better).
Finding 6. We find that the GBM model is 3.5×more accu-
rate than the static policy, e.g., when labeling 10% of mem-
ory as frigid, GBM overpredicts only 2.5% of VMs while the
static policy overpredicts 9%.
Implication. Our prediction model can identify 20% of
frigid memory while only overpredicting 4% of VMs.
6.4.3 Combined Prediction Models
We evaluate our combined prediction model (Eq.(1)) based
on the number of “scheduling mispredictions”, i.e., the frac-
tion of VMs that will exceed the PDM. This incorporates the
2 8 16 32 64
Pool Scope [CPU sockets]
Required Overall DRAM [%]
Fixed 15% percentage
of VM memory
Frigid−only variant
Our full design
(a) PDM =5%, X=2%
2 8 16 32 64
Pool Scope [CPU sockets]
Required Overall DRAM [%]
Fixed 15% percentage
of VM memory
Frigid−only variant
Our full design
(b) PDM =1%, X=6%
Figure 11: Memory savings under performance con-
straints (§6.5). Simulated end-to-end evaluation of memory
savings under two different performance scenarios: (a) PDM =5%
and scheduling mispredictions X=2%. (b) PDM =1% and schedul-
ing mispredictions X=6%.
overpredictions of frigid memory, how much the model over-
predicted, and the probability of this overprediction lead-
ing to a workload exceeding the PDM. Figure 10d show-
ing scheduling mispredictions as a function of the average
amount of cluster DRAM that is allocated on its pools.
Finding 7. Our combined model outperforms both of the
individual models by finding their optimal combination.
Implication. We can schedule 40% of DRAM on pools with
only 2% of scheduling mispredictions.
6.5 End-to-end Reduction in Stranding
We evaluate our design’s end-to-end performance while con-
straining its rate of scheduling mispredictions. Each schedul-
ing misprediction will have to be mitigated by the QoS mon-
itor and a potential VM live migration.
Figure 11 shows the reduction in overall memory across
all clusters as a function of pool scope for “full design”, a
variant with only frigid-memory predictions, and a straw-
man static allocation policy. We evaluate two scenarios,
Figure 11a shows PDM =5% and scheduling mispredictions
X=2% and Figure 11a shows PDM =1% and scheduling mis-
predictions X=6%.
HW [13,17–20,115,117]
VMM/OS [29–37]
Runtime [21–23]
App [24–27]
Our design
Inertia XXX7X
Performance X7 7 7 X
Deployability 7XXXX
VirtAccel X7XXX
CpuEfficiency X7 7 7 X
Table 1: Memory disaggregation approaches (§7). Our
design satisfies key requirements for public cloud datacenters.
We compare our design to a static strawman policy. In the
first scenario, the strawman statically allocates each VM with
15% of pool DRAM. About 10% of VMs would touch the
pool DRAM (Figure 10c). Of those touching pool DRAM,
we’d expect that about 1
4would see a slowdown exceeding
aPDM =5% (Figure 9). So, this strawman would have about
2.5% of scheduling mispredictions. In the second scenario,
the strawman statically allocates each VM with 10% of pool
DRAM and has about 6% scheduling mispredictions.
Finding 8. At a pool scope of 32 sockets and in the first sce-
nario, we reduce overall DRAM requirements by 10%, while
our frigid-only variant reduces DRAM by 7%, and static re-
duces DRAM by less than 4%. In the second scenario, we
reduce DRAM requirements by slightly less.
Implication. We can safely reduce DRAM cost and can
make up for a more aggressive performance target (PDM) by
relying more on online mitigations using its QoS monitor.
Finding 9. Throughout the simulations, our pool memory
offlining speeds remain are below 1GB/s for 99.99% and be-
low 10GB/s for 99.999% of VM starts.
Implication. Our design is practical as it stays within the
memory offlining limits of our prototype (10GB/s).
7 Related Work
Table 1compares our design to state-of-the-art memory dis-
aggregation approaches at the hardware (HW), hypervisor/
host (VMM/OS), runtime, and application (App) levels.
Hardware-level disaggregation: Hardware-based disag-
gregation designs [13,17–20,114,115] are not easily
deployable as they do not rely on commodity hardware.
For instance, ThymesisFlow [13] proposes an FPGA-based
rack-scale memory disaggregation design on top of Open-
CAPI [116]. It shares some similar goals with our work,
however, its design and performance target are fundamen-
tally different. ThymesisFlow advocates application changes
for performance, while we focuse on platform-level ML-
driven pool memory management that is transparent to users.
Hypervisor/OS level disaggregation: Hypervisor/OS level
approaches [11,28–37] rely on page faults and access moni-
toring to maintain the working set in local DRAM. Such OS-
based approaches bring significant overhead, jitter, and are
incompatible with virtualization acceleration (e.g., DDA).
Runtime and application level disaggregation: Runtime-
based disaggregation designs [21–23] propose customized
APIs for remote memory access. Similarly, some applica-
tions (e.g., databases) are specifically designed to leverage
remote memory for scalability and performance [24,118–
120]. While effective, this approach requires developers to
explicitly use these mechanisms at the application level.
Memory tiering: Prior works have considered the broader
impact of extended memory hierarchies and how to handle
them [31,52,121–123]. For example, Google achieves 6µs
latency via proactive hot/cold page detection and compres-
sion [31,51]. Thermostat [52] uses an online page classifi-
cation method for efficient application-transparent and huge-
page-aware two-tier memory management. Nimble [50] op-
timizes Linux’s page tracking mechanism to tier pages for
increased migration bandwidth. HeMem [49] manages page
migrations between tiered DRAM/NVM with low-overhead
and asynchronous policies (e.g., cpu events sampling). Our
work takes a different ML-based approach looking at mem-
ory disaggregation design at the platform-level and is gener-
ally orthogonal to these prior works.
ML for systems: ML is increasingly applied to tackle sys-
tems problems, such as cloud efficiency [55,61], mem-
ory/storage optimizations [124,125], microservices [126],
caching/prefetching policies [127,128]. We uniquely apply
ML methods for frigid memory prediction to support pooled
memory provisioning to VMs without jeopardizing QoS.
Coherent memory and NUMA optimizations: Traditional
cache coherent NUMA architectures [129] use specialized
interconnects to implement a shared address space. There
are also many system-level optimizations for NUMA, such
as NUMA-aware data placement [130] and proactive page
migration [93]. Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) sys-
tems offer a coherent global address space across the net-
work (e.g., Ethernet) [131,132]. AutoNUMA [46] and other
NUMA scheduling policies [47,48] try to balance compute
and memory across NUMA nodes, but is not applicable to
CXL memory as it has no local cores. Our design does not
require coherence as allocated pool memory to a VM will
not be shared with others. zNUMA’s zero-core nature re-
quires rethinking of existing optimizations which are largely
optimized for symmetric NUMA systems.
8 Conclusion
DRAM costs are an increasing cost factor for cloud
providers. This paper is motivated by an analysis of stranded
and allocated-but-unused memory across 100 production
cloud clusters. We proposed the first CXL-based full-stack
memory disaggregation design that satisfies the requirements
of cloud providers. Our design comprises contributions at
the hardware, system software, and distributed system lay-
ers. Our results showed that a first-generation memory dis-
aggregation can reduce the amount of needed DRAM by 9-
10%. This translates into an overall reduction of 4-5% in
cloud server cost.
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