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Hidden Upwelling Systems Associated With Major Western Boundary Currents

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Abstract and Figures

Western boundary currents (WBCs) play an essential role in regulating global climate. In contrast to their widely examined horizontal motions, less attention has been paid to vertical motions associated with WBCs. Here, we examine vertical motions associated with the major WBCs by analyzing vertical velocity from five ocean synthesis products and one eddy‐resolving ocean simulation. These data reveal robust and intense subsurface upwelling systems, which are primarily along isopycnal surfaces, in five major subtropical WBC systems. These upwelling systems are part of basin‐scale overturning circulations and are likely driven by meridional pressure gradients along the western boundary. Globally, the WBC upwelling contributes significantly to the vertical transport of water mass and ocean properties and is an essential yet overlooked branch of the global ocean circulation. In addition, the WBC upwelling intersects the oceanic euphotic and mixed layers, and thus likely plays an important role in ocean biological and chemical processes by transporting nutrients, carbon and other tracers vertically inside the ocean. This study calls for more research into the dynamics of the WBC upwelling and their role in the ocean and climate systems.
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1. Introduction
Large-scale vertical motion in the global ocean is generally much weaker than horizontal motions (e.g., Stew-
art,2008). Nevertheless, vertical motions are an important component of the coupled climate system because
they can transport heat, carbon, nutrients, and other tracers into and out of the surface mixed layer, where they can
then be exchanged with the atmosphere. Also, vertical motions are essential for oceanic biological and chemical
processes. For instance, upwelling near the surface brings nutrient-enriched water into the euphotic zone, affect-
ing the ocean primary productivity (Kämpf & Chapman, 2016; Ryther,1969) and, consequently, CO2 uptake
(Ducklow etal.,2001; Pilskaln etal.,1996; Stukel etal.,2013). Downwelling, such as that observed in the South-
ern Ocean, transports heat and tracers sourced at the surface to the deep and abyssal oceans (Gregory,2000; Ito
etal., 2010; Liang etal., 2015), and is therefore essential for the responses of the ocean interior to changes in
climate and human activities.
Based on theoretical understanding (e.g., Ekman dynamics) and the observed distributions of a variety of trac-
ers (e.g., Toggweiler etal.,2019), a number of general patterns of ocean vertical motions have been inferred,
including strong upwelling along most eastern boundaries of the subtropical ocean basins and along the equator
(Huyer,1983; Kämpf & Chapman,2016; Wyrtki,1981), as well as intense vertical motions of both signs in the
Southern Ocean (Huyer,1983; Marshall & Speer,2012; Wyrtki,1981). However, because the weak vertical
velocity associated with the large-scale circulations cannot, in general, be measured directly, quantitative studies
of vertical motions are limited, especially in the subsurface ocean. Over the past decades, several ocean synthe-
sis products became available (Balmaseda etal.,2015; Stammer etal.,2016). Some of these ocean data prod-
ucts synthesize various observations and ocean circulation models, provide vertical velocity among many other
Abstract Western boundary currents (WBCs) play an essential role in regulating global climate. In contrast
to their widely examined horizontal motions, less attention has been paid to vertical motions associated with
WBCs. Here, we examine vertical motions associated with the major WBCs by analyzing vertical velocity
from five ocean synthesis products and one eddy-resolving ocean simulation. These data reveal robust and
intense subsurface upwelling systems, which are primarily along isopycnal surfaces, in five major subtropical
WBC systems. These upwelling systems are part of basin-scale overturning circulations and are likely driven
by meridional pressure gradients along the western boundary. Globally, the WBC upwelling contributes
significantly to the vertical transport of water mass and ocean properties and is an essential yet overlooked
branch of the global ocean circulation. In addition, the WBC upwelling intersects the oceanic euphotic and
mixed layers, and thus likely plays an important role in ocean biological and chemical processes by transporting
nutrients, carbon and other tracers vertically inside the ocean. This study calls for more research into the
dynamics of the WBC upwelling and their role in the ocean and climate systems.
Plain Language Summary This study shows that intense upwelling systems exist along the major
western boundary currents (WBCs) around the global ocean. In contrast to other well-known oceanic upwelling
systems (e.g., equatorial, coastal upwelling), these WBC upwelling systems, which are essential branches
of the global ocean circulation, have been largely unrecognized in the literature. This intense upwelling and
the associated overturning circulation in the subtropical ocean basins can transport nutrients, carbon, and
heat inside the ocean, and consequently act as an important yet unexplored route through which the oceanic
biological, chemical, and physical processes, and consequently the climate system, will be affected. This study
calls for more research into the dynamics of the WBC upwelling and its role in the ocean and climate systems.
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Hidden Upwelling Systems Associated With Major Western
Boundary Currents
Fanglou Liao1 , Xinfeng Liang1 , Yun Li1, and Michael Spall2
1School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE, USA, 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, MA, USA
Key Points:
Intense upwelling systems exist along
the major western boundary currents
(WBC) around the global ocean
The WBC upwelling is likely driven
by the meridional pressure gradients
along the western boundary
The WBC upwelling contributes
significantly to the vertical transport
of water mass, ocean properties and
materials around the global ocean
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information may be found in
the online version of this article.
Correspondence to:
X. Liang,
Liao, F., Liang, X., Li, Y., & Spall,
M. (2022). Hidden upwelling systems
associated with major western boundary
currents. Journal of Geophysical
Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC017649.
Received 4 JUN 2021
Accepted 28 FEB 2022
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization: Xinfeng Liang,
Yun Li
Formal analysis: Fanglou Liao
Funding acquisition: Xinfeng Liang,
Michael Spall
Investigation: Fanglou Liao, Xinfeng
Liang, Michael Spall
Methodology: Fanglou Liao, Xinfeng
Liang, Yun Li, Michael Spall
Project Administration: Xinfeng Liang,
Michael Spall
Resources: Xinfeng Liang
Supervision: Xinfeng Liang
Writing – original draft: Fanglou Liao,
Xinfeng Liang
Writing – review & editing: Xinfeng
Liang, Yun Li, Michael Spall
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variables. Once proven robust, such ocean data products can complement existing observations and advance our
quantitative understanding of oceanic vertical motions as well as large-scale three-dimensional ocean circulation.
Western boundary currents (WBCs) are one of the most important ocean regimes regulating the global climate
(e.g., Wu etal.,2012). While all major WBCs are three-dimensional features, their role in the climate system
has long been studied in terms of lateral transport and air-sea exchange (Hu etal., 2015), generally neglect-
ing the effects of vertical motions. However, there have been several studies indicating that there can be large
vertical transports in western boundary current regions. Interaction of the continental slope and the western
boundary current has been shown to result in upwelling due to large-scale wind-driven gyres (Holland,1972);
upslope Ekman transport below an adiabatic western boundary current (Condie,1995); and onshore flow balanc-
ing an offshore Ekman transport (e.g., Schaeffer etal.,2013). There have also been very idealized studies that
find upwelling along western boundaries for buoyancy-forced flows (e.g., Bire & Wolfe,2018; Pedlosky &
Spall, 2005; Schloesser et al., 2012). Finally, regional observations (e.g., Roughan & Middleton,2004) and
the long-term mean vertical velocity field from a global ocean state estimate (Liang etal.,2017) have revealed
considerable vertical motions associated with the WBCs, even in the absence of local upwelling-favorable wind
stress. Such WBC-associated vertical motions potentially offer a viable and effective mechanism for the exchange
of ocean heat, salt, and other biogeochemical tracers between the mixed layer and underlying layers.
In this study, we examine vertical velocity in the major WBC regions from five ocean synthesis products: Esti-
mating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO), (Forget etal.,2015; Fukumori etal.,2017); European
Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ora-s3 (Balmaseda etal., 2008); Global Ocean Data
Assimilation System (GODAS) (Behringer & Xue,2004); Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) (Carton
etal.,2018); Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation System (ECDA) (Chang etal.,2013); and one eddy-resolving
ocean simulation-Ocean General Circulation Model For the Earth Simulator (OFES; Sasaki etal., 2008) over
their overlapping period (January 1992 to December 2009). Our primary goals are to describe robust large-scale
features of vertical motions in the WBC regions and to explore their roles in the vertical transport of volume and
ocean properties. In order to demonstrate differences between vertical motions near eastern and western bounda-
ries of ocean basins, we also include the Peruvian upwelling region as a contrasting example.
It is proposed that upwelling near the western boundaries of the subtropical gyres is ultimately driven by a
poleward decrease in pressure along the western boundary. This is analogous to the downwelling that is found in
models (Cessi etal.,2010; Katsman etal.,2018; Spall,2010) and inferred from observations (Liang etal.,2017)
in regions of pressure gradients at high latitudes of the North Atlantic. Vertical motions are required in these
boundary regions to maintain a geostrophic balance. The pressure gradient in the high-latitude downwelling
regions is supported by both local buoyancy loss to the atmosphere and lateral eddy fluxes into the basin interior.
In the present study we identify analogous regions of pressure gradients along mid-latitude western boundaries
and discuss potential mechanisms.
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Data
The vertical velocity from six publicly available datasets, including five ocean synthesis products and one eddy-re-
solving ocean simulation, are analyzed in this study. The ocean synthesis products utilize general ocean circu-
lation models to assimilate various observational datasets with varying approaches (e.g., Stammer etal.,2016).
The ocean simulation does not assimilate observational data but is of much higher spatial resolution. Some
basic information on those datasets is provided in the following. The ECCO data utilized in this study are the
ECCOv4r3 monthly products (Forget etal.,2015; Fukumori etal.,2017). ECDA is the Ensemble Coupled Data
Assimilation System developed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration /Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory (Chang etal.,2013). ECMWF product used here is ECMWF ora-s3, an operational ocean
analysis/reanalysis system implemented at the ECMWF (Balmaseda etal.,2008). GODAS is the Global Ocean
Data Assimilation operated at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(Behringer & Xue,2004). We
use monthly interpolated values from SODA v3, an ocean data assimilation product developed at the University
of Maryland (Carton etal.,2018). Finally, we use the eddy-resolving quasi-global forward ocean model OFES,
developed by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (Sasaki etal.,2008). Additional infor-
mation about the data products, such as the grid point numbers and time span, can be found in Table1.
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Monthly vertical velocity data are directly available from all the selected products. The overlapping period
covered by all six products is from January 1992 to December 2009. The vertical velocity data were averaged
over this 18-years period. For consistency, all available vertical velocity fields from the six products were first
transformed to the 1-degree by 1-degree LLC90 (Lat-Lon-Cap 90) grid configuration (Forget etal.,2015) before
further processing. A 3 point × 3 point diffusive smoother provided in the gcmfaces package (
MITgcm/gcmfaces) was applied to obtain robust large-scale patterns. Other configurations of the same smoother
(2×2, 4×4) were also tested, and the results were roughly the same.
2.2. Analyses
As shown in Figure1a, we define a box for each major subtropical WBC region and for the Peruvian upwelling
region. The regions covered by those boxes are as follows: Kuroshio (120°E–150°E, 21°N–40°N); Gulf Stream
(82°W–60°W, 25°N–41°N); Agulhas Current (20°E–38°E, 37°S–27°S); East Australian Current (148°E–158°E,
37°S–20°S); Brazil Current (56°W–30°W, 35°S–10°S); Peruvian upwelling (85°W–70°W, 40°S–8°S).
To examine the vertical distribution of vertical velocity, for each WBC region, we choose a cross section approx-
imately perpendicular to the local coastline and plot the distribution of time-averaged vertical velocity along with
the horizontal velocity perpendicular to the cross section. Details of the selected cross sections are as follows:
Kuroshio, (139°E, 35°N) to (149°E, 25°N); Gulf Stream (74°W, 38°N) to (64°W, 28°N); Agulhas Current (30°E,
31°S) to (40°E, 41°S); East Australian Current (153°E, 30°S) to (163°E, 30°S); and Brazil Current (41°W, 21°S)
to (31°W, 21°S). A contrasting eastern boundary upwelling, the Peruvian upwelling region, was also selected as
(70°W, 23°S) to (80°W, 23°S). The cross sections are marked as thick black lines in Figure1a.
A regional budget analysis is conducted to better understand the dynamics of the WBC upwelling. We choose
the Gulf Stream region as an example and calculate the horizontal time-averaged volume transport into and out
of a control volume and the time-averaged vertical volume transport through several interfaces. Their depths are
subjectively chosen so that the vertical volume transport at the upper interface is just below the Ekman layer and
that the transport through the deep interface is relatively weak. Note that the ECCO product on the native grid
configuration is used for the budget analysis in order to close the volume flux budget.
The contribution of WBC upwelling to the vertical transport in the subtropical ocean basin is also calculated. At
each depth, we select the grid cell with positive mean vertical velocity and calculate the upward vertical volume
flux in the domain bounded by each box in Figure1a. We define the results as the vertical volume transport
related to the WBC upwelling. We also calculate the volume transport within all the other grid cells in the same
latitude band across the whole ocean basin (domain shown in Figure1b). The sum of these two terms is the net
volume transport within the corresponding latitude band across the ocean basin.
Moreover, we compare the vertical volume transport induced by the WBC upwelling with those associated with
other well-known upwelling regimes. We calculate the vertical volume transport at each grid cell where the
time-averaged vertical velocity is positive in these four different regimes as marked in Figures1a and1c: WBCs,
Eastern Boundary Upwelling, Equator (within 8° of the equator) and the Southern Ocean (south to 40°S). Note
Version v4r3 ora-s3 3.4.2
Lon grids 720 360 360 360 720 3,600
Lat grids 360 200 179 418 330 1,500
Vertical grids 50 (z) 50 (z) 29 (z) 40 (z) 50 (z) 54 (z)
Time span 1992–2015 1961–2016 1959–2009 1980–2019 1980–2018 1950–2016
Note. ECCO, Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean; ECDA, Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation; ECMWF,
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts; GODAS, Global Ocean Data Assimilation; SODA, Simple Ocean
Data Assimilation; OFES, Ocean General Circulation Model For the Earth Simulator.
Table 1
Summary of the Six Ocean Data Products
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that the Angola Dome is classified into the eastern boundary current region in this paper. These upward volume
transports are then summed over the corresponding region and compared with each other.
3. Results
3.1. Vertical Velocity Associated With the Major WBCs
Time-averaged vertical velocity
near 300m from six selected ocean products is displayed in Figure1. While
there are differences in the detailed regional patterns, intense vertical motions in the Southern Ocean, along the
Equator, and in the WBC regions are observed in all of the examined data products. The strong upwelling in the
Southern Ocean (Anderson etal.,2009) and in the equatorial regions (Yoshida,1959) are well known and mainly
induced by Ekman dynamics (i.e., wind pumping and suction). To our knowledge, the strong and robust upwelling
(∼1m/day) apparent in all major WBC regions in all six products has not been explicitly identified and its dynam-
ics are not well understood. Also, both the strength and vertical extent of the upwelling in the WBC regions are
distinctly different from those in the eastern boundary upwelling systems, the latter of which are barely detectable
at this depth. Strong upwelling can also be seen at 1,000m and deeper in WBC regions, especially near the Gulf
Stream and the Kuroshio (Figures S1 and S2 in Supporting InformationS1). Apart from the boundary current
systems, the vast area of the subtropical oceans at this depth is dominated by weak downwelling.
Figure 1. Time-averaged vertical velocity
near 300m between January 1992 and December 2009.
from six selected
products: (a) Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO). (b) Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation
(ECDA). (c) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). (d) Global Ocean Data Assimilation
(GODAS). (e) Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA). (f) Ocean General Circulation Model For the Earth Simulator
(OFES). The black boxes in (a) show the domains of the five western boundary and one eastern boundary systems
investigated in this study. The thick black lines represent the cross sections shown in Figure2. The black boxes in (b) (at the
same latitude band of the corresponding boxes in a) represent the domains where vertical volume flux was calculated. The
dashed lines split the domains into western boundary currents regions and the rest of the subtropical ocean basins. Boxes in
(c) mark three other well-known upwelling regimes (equatorial, eastern boundary and the Southern Ocean).
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There is also strong downwelling along the boundaries at high latitudes. This is the downwelling limb of the
Eulerian meridional overturning circulation (Katsman etal.,2018; Spall,2010). As discussed further below, we
argue that the WBC upwelling regions are analogous to these downwelling cells at high latitudes.
We also present selected sections of the time-averaged vertical velocity
across the major WBCs from ECCO
(Figure2). Despite differences in resolutions, numerical configurations, and assimilated data, all of the examined
products show similar spatial patterns and magnitudes (Figures S3–S8 in Supporting InformationS1). Intense
subsurface upwelling in the WBC regions is co-located with the strong boundary currents, suggesting a dynam-
ical connection between them. Also, the strong time-averaged upwelling (∼1m/day) in WBC regions generally
extends from near the surface down to 1,000m or even deeper. The strong vertical motion is, however, located well
above the bottom topography, indicating that it does not result from direct interaction with the sloping bottom. In
contrast to the WBC sections, upwelling near the Peruvian coast, an example eastern boundary upwelling region,
is confined to a shallower layer and is also much weaker. In addition, weak downwelling resulting from Ekman
pumping occurs to the east of the WBC upwelling. Note that the water in the Ekman layer is transported into the
subtropical gyre from the north and south and pumped down by Ekman convergence. It is not simply connected
to the western boundary upwelling in a local overturning gyre. This downwelling of course forces the anticyclonic
subtropical gyres, which do recirculate water through the western boundary current.
We then examine the relationship between the current vectors and the background (zonal) density structure
(Figure3). The meridional averages of the time-averaged current vectors in the WBC regions are approximately
aligned with sloping isopyncal surfaces associated with the WBCs, suggesting that the strong upwelling in the
WBC regions is primarily along rather than across isopycnals. A decomposition of the vertical velocity from
ECCO into diapycnal and isopycnal contributions following Bennett(1986) confirms that the WBC upwelling
is mainly associated with along-isopycnal flow (Figure4). Therefore, the strong WBC upwelling is unlikely to
Figure 2. Time-averaged vertical velocity
(color) and horizontal velocity (contour lines, unit: cm/s) in selected cross sections from Estimating the Circulation and
Climate of the Ocean. The other datasets show similar spatial patterns (Figures S3–S8 in Supporting InformationS1). The cross sections are marked with thick black
lines in Figure1a. (a) Kuroshio. (b) Gulf Stream. (c) Agulhas Current. (d) East Australian Current. (e) Brazil Current. (f) Peruvian upwelling. The contour lines show
the horizontal velocity (cm/s) perpendicular to the cross sections, indicative of the strength of adjacent western boundary currents. Note that the depth axis is stretched
for better visualization.
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be related to local mixing, by which vertical velocity will be primarily in diapycnal direction instead of along
3.2. Boundary Pressure and WBC Upwelling
The difference in the pressure between the eastern and western boundaries drives a meridional geostrophic flow,
which is the dominant component of the meridional overturning circulation. Due to buoyancy loss to the atmos-
phere, the upper ocean pressure decreases from low to high latitudes along the eastern boundary of the subtropical
and subpolar gyres and, in the North Atlantic, cyclonically around the Nordic Seas. The high pressure at low lati-
tudes results from relatively high sea surface height. The poleward decrease in pressure is mitigated with depth by
the increasing density along the boundary. These regions of increasing density have been shown to be where the
Eulerian downwelling limb of the meridional overturning circulation are located (Katsman etal.,2018; Marotzke
& Scott,1999; Spall,2004,2010).
The potential density in the upper 1,000m in the ECCO product increases in the poleward direction along all
WBCs (Figure5). The regions of upwelling along the western boundaries of the subtropical gyres are thus also
regions of negative meridional pressure gradient along the boundary. As a result, the change in pressure from
the eastern boundary to the western boundary is likely larger to the north of the upwelling region than it is to the
south. This then requires upwelling at mid-latitudes to provide the required increased poleward geostrophic flow
in the upper ocean. Support for such a mid-latitude upwelling cell is provided by the mid-latitude maximum in
the meridional overturning circulation in depth coordinates often found in high resolution numerical models (e.g.,
Hirschi etal.,2020).
Note that this upwelling is different from the well-known upwelling driven by numerical diffusion of density
across sloping isopycnals (the so called “Veronis Effect,” Veronis,1975). For numerical models in which diffu-
sion of density is along horizontal surfaces, in regions of sloping isopycnals, such as in western boundary currents,
Figure 3. Meridional averages of the time-averaged current vector (arrows, normalized in each region individually for better visualization) and potential density
anomaly (contours) in selected regions from Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean. The other datasets show similar spatial patterns. The averaged
regions, which are marked with black boxes in Figure1b, correspond to: (a) Kuroshio. (b) Gulf Stream. (c) Agulhas Current. (d) East Australian Current. (e) Brazil
Current. (f) Peruvian upwelling.
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diffusion of density is balanced by the vertical advection of the mean stratification, leading to strong upwelling
and diapycnal mass transport. This effect is eliminated by rotating the mixing tensor to be along isopycnals
(Danabasoglu & McWilliams,1995), leading to better representations of the meridional overturning circulation
and meridional heat transport. All of the non-eddy-resolving data products we have diagnosed use a rotating
mixing tensor and the Gent and McWilliams(1990) eddy tracer flux parameterization. The eddy-resolving OFES
model (Sasaki etal.,2008) also shows similar upwelling patterns and magnitudes.
The underlying relationship between vertical stratification, horizontal transport, and upwelling is illustrated
through a sample volume budget analysis for the Gulf Stream (Figure6). The surface area of the control volume
is triangular and marked in the inset, and the depth range is between 55m and 2,000 m. The budget analysis
(Figure6a) reveals large horizontal divergences/convergences in different layers, requiring vertical transport to
conserve mass. The density structure along the two sections (BA, BC in Figure6b) provides the dynamical
framework for the existence of horizontal convergence. Because the density increases poleward along the western
boundary (Figure5), the density change from the western boundary to the interior point (B) is larger along the
northern section (BC) than it is along the southern section (AB). Thermal wind balance thus requires a larger
vertical shear in the horizontal velocity along BC. But mass conservation requires that the flow through each
section is the same (except for the small transport into the upper 55m). The only way to close the mass budget
is for water to upwell within the control volume. In other words, the WBC upwelling can be explained through
mass conservation and geostrophy. In this sense, these upwelling regions are analogous to the high latitude
downwelling found in regions of horizontal pressure gradients on the boundary. The requirement that there be
upwelling near the western boundary is not dependent on the details of the numerical model, subgrid-scale
mixing, or bottom topography. Possible mechanisms for maintenance of this pressure gradient will be discussed
in Section4.
Figure 4. Along- and across-isopycnal components of the time-mean vertical velocity
at around 300m. (a) Isopyncal
vertical velocity
. (b) Diapycnal vertical velocity
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Figure 5. Potential density anomaly along the western boundary currents (WBCs) and Peruvian upwelling. The potential density anomalies were zonally averaged
within the WBC regions marked as boxes in Figure1a. (a) Kuroshio. (b) Gulf Stream. (c) Agulhas Current. (d) East Australian Current. (e) Brazil Current. (f) Peruvian
Figure 6. Time-averaged vertical velocity
, potential density anomaly
, and volume flux in a triangle-shape domain in the
Gulf Stream region. (a) Time-averaged vertical velocity at four depths (colors) and lateral and vertical volume fluxes. The
black and blue arrows represent the lateral volume fluxes in Sv, and the purple arrows show the vertical volume fluxes in Sv.
(b) Time-averaged potential density anomaly along the southern section and northern section of the triangle-shaped domain
between 55 and 2,000m (shown in the inset). The gray curve in the 55m section along AC represents the coastline. The
results are based on ECCO product on the native grids.
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3.3. Vertical Transport Associated With the WBC Upwelling
We now quantify the contribution of the WBC upwelling to the vertical transport of mass/volume in the subtrop-
ical ocean basins using ECCO (Figure7), with the other products generally showing similar results (Figures
S3–S8 in Supporting InformationS1). Although the WBC regions occupy only a minor portion of the subtropical
ocean basins with respect to the ocean surface area, as shown in Figure1b, the vertical volume transport induced
by upwelling in the WBCs is generally of the same order of magnitude as and is almost always opposite in the
direction to the vertical volume transport in the rest of the subtropical basin within the same latitudinal band.
We also calculate the vertical transport of heat and salt using ECCO (Figures S9 and S10 in Supporting Infor-
mationS1), and the results are consistent with the volume transport, that the WBC regions dominate subsurface
vertical transport of salt and heat in the subtropical ocean basins within certain depth ranges.
Specifically, upwelling in the Kuroshio, Gulf Stream, and Brazil Current regions dominates the net volume
transport in the corresponding subtropical ocean basins within the depth ranges between a few hundred and about
2,000m. As a contrasting example, vertical volume transport in the Peruvian upwelling region is much weaker
and shallower compared to the WBC upwelling. The net volume transport in the subtropical basin is in general
downward near the surface and changes to upward beneath, reflecting the fact that the upward volume transport
in the WBCs generally reaches its maximum around 200–500m. In contrast, the downward transport in the rest
of the subtropical basins has its maximum downward volume transport near the surface. The surface intensified
downwelling is due to the Ekman pumping occurring inside the subtropical ocean basins and the maximum
impact of the Ekman pumping generally appears around 100m and then decreases significantly with increasing
depth, as expected from Sverdrup dynamics. Also, the finding that the overturning circulation is not closed within
these latitude bands (i.e., non-zero net vertical volume transport) emphasizes that the WBC upwelling is part of
a basin-scale three-dimensional overturning circulation (Talley,2003) and part of this upwelling is balanced by
downwelling at higher latitudes.
Figure 7. Vertical volume fluxes in the subtropical ocean basins from Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean. Vertical volume transport due to the
western boundary currents upwelling is shown in red, vertical volume transport integrated across the rest of the corresponding ocean basin within the same latitude
band is shown in blue, and the net vertical volume transport is displayed as the magenta dashed line. The six regions, which are marked in Figure1b, correspond to (a)
Kuroshio. (b) Gulf Stream. (c) Agulhas Current. (d) East Australian Current. (e) Brazil Current. (f) Peruvian upwelling. Note that the depth axis is divided into two
parts for better visualization.
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We also calculate and compare the vertical volume transport associated with the four major upwelling regimes
(WBCs, Eastern Boundary Upwelling, Equator and Southern Ocean) around the global ocean with ECCO
(Figure8). Near the surface, equatorial upwelling is the dominant process for the global oceanic vertical volume
transport, with a maximum value around 100Sv. But in the subsurface, the strongest upward transport is asso-
ciated with the Southern Ocean and the WBC regions. Between 200 and 1,000 m, the WBC-related upward
volume transport is generally more than 1/3 of the value in the Southern Ocean, with the maximum value around
25Sv appearing near 400m. Below 2,000m the pressure gradient along the western boundary is weak and thus
a reduced contribution to the upward transport is expected. Again, this comparison demonstrates the overlooked
role of the WBC upwelling in the subsurface vertical exchanges of ocean properties and materials.
4. Discussion
This study provides evidence for the existence of as well as a dynamical framework for intense subsurface
upwelling associated with the major subtropical WBCs around the global ocean. Vertical motions in many
regions of the global ocean, such as in most eastern boundary currents, along the Equator, and in the Southern
Ocean, show evident upwelling signals in surface temperature and/or chlorophyll fields (Huyer,1983; Kämpf &
Chapman,2016; Marshall & Speer,2012; Naveira Garabato etal.,2017; Toggweiler etal.,2019; Wyrtki,1981)
and have been known and studied for a long time. In contrast, vertical motions in WBC regions are generally weak
close to the surface and become strong below the surface. Also, the strong horizontal transport and eddies associ-
ated with WBCs make direct detection of surface signals of WBC upwelling challenging. The intense subsurface
upwelling in WBC regions, therefore, have long been unrecognized in the literature.
Although in this study subsurface upwelling in the WBC regions is not directly observed, a variety of ocean data
products provide evidence supporting the inference that WBC upwelling is likely a real phenomenon in the global
ocean. The primary reason we believe that the WBC upwelling is real is that in order for the western boundary
currents to remain in geostrophic balance to leading order, the observed density gradient along the western
boundary requires that there be upwelling. Second, the WBC subsurface upwelling appears in all the examined
products (Figures S3–S8 in Supporting InformationS1), including coarse-resolution ocean synthesis products
and a high-resolution ocean model simulation. Those products differ in many aspects, including ocean model
Figure 8. Comparisons of vertical volume transport in four different upwelling regimes. The four regimes are western
boundary currents (WBC), the Eastern Boundary Currents (EBC), the Equatorial region and the Southern Ocean. The vertical
volume transport is calculated within the corresponding upwelling regions marked in Figure1c.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
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numerics, external forcing, mixing parameterizations and assimilated observational data. The apparent robust-
ness of WBC upwelling suggests that it is likely controlled by processes that are well represented in all the prod-
ucts, like geostrophy and the large-scale density field. Third, vertical motions in other regions of the global ocean
(e.g., at low latitudes, and in eastern boundary currents) in the examined data products are generally consistent
with previous theoretical and observational studies, further increasing our confidence in their representation of
the large-scale vertical motions.
The presence of pressure gradients along the boundary implies strong vertical transports, regardless of how those
pressure gradients are maintained. In the high-latitude downwelling regions the pressure gradients are supported
by a combination of lateral eddy fluxes and local surface buoyancy loss. These processes might also be important
along the western boundary of the subtropical gyres, but other dynamics might also be at play. The pressure signal
of buoyancy loss at high latitudes will propagate equatorward along the western boundary via coastal/boundary
waves, so remote buoyancy forcing might also be important. Purely wind-forced circulations might result in
upwelling along the western boundary, as implied by the inertial models of Parsons(1969), Veronis(1966), and
Stommel(1965). In these models, conservation of potential vorticity requires a rising and eventual outcropping
of isopycnals as the WBC flows poleward. This would produce a pressure gradient on the boundary and subse-
quent upwelling. Note that, unlike on eastern boundaries, such a pressure gradient on the western boundary can
be balanced in a viscous boundary layer and does not require diapycnal mixing. In any case, there must be some
ageostrophic process active along the western boundary to balance the pressure gradient and satisfy the no-nor-
mal flow boundary condition.
Vertical motions in the WBC regions can reach much deeper than in equatorial and Eastern Boundary upwelling.
In addition, while the WBC upwelling is primarily along the isopycnal surfaces, it extends upward into the
surface mixed layer. Consequently, they can play an important role in the subsurface exchange of ocean properties
and materials and air-sea exchange in the subtropical regions. Given the consistent and strong vertical motions,
the vertical transport of heat and carbon in the WBCs may be significant in regulating the heat and carbon content
in both the upper ocean and atmosphere over longer timescales. Moreover, the basin-wide overturning circula-
tions spanning the subtropical and subpolar gyres could exchange ocean properties and tracers between the ocean
interior and western boundaries, as well as playing a role in the climate system.
Although point-wise values of ocean vertical velocity from models and synthesis products are generally weak
and noisy, spatial filtering reveals interesting and robust large-scale patterns that are not readily apparent in other
variables. We consider it particularly surprising that we have been able to determine a novel aspect of WBCs,
one of the most widely studied ocean processes, simply by examining the time-averaged vertical velocity from
available ocean synthesis and modeling products. At present, few ocean synthesis products and climate models
provide output of ocean vertical velocity, which we suggest should be archived and examined routinely.
Data Availability Statement
All the data used in this study are publicly available. The ECCOv4r3 data are available at
products/all/. The ECDA data are available at
CM2.1R-ECDA-v3.1-1960/mon/ocean/dc_Omon/r1i1p1/v20110601/. The ECMWF data are available at http:// The GODAS data are availa-
ble at The SODA data are
available at The OFES data
are available at The bathymetry data are
available at
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through the National Science Foundation
Grants OCE-1947290 and OCE-2122633.
We greatly appreciate comments and
edits from Andreas Thurnherr on various
versions of this paper. Comments and
suggestions from three reviewers help
improve this paper.
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... Predicting and describing how transport occurs in the ocean including vertical displacements is challenging (Mahadevan et al., 2020;Scammell, 2022). Vertical velocities are small, which makes their direct measurement difficult, especially in the subsurface ocean (Liao et al., 2022). In recent years ocean data services have become available, which among other variables provide vertical velocities, offering alternatives for addressing these problems (Balmaseda et al., 2015). ...
... In recent years ocean data services have become available, which among other variables provide vertical velocities, offering alternatives for addressing these problems (Balmaseda et al., 2015). Studies to understand fully 3D transport across ocean currents (Gregory, 2000;Liao et al., 2022;Ito et al., 2010), typically have examined averages of the velocity fields over many years, with a special focus on vertical velocities, from which transport pathways have been roughly identified. However this approach is very simplistic because fluid parcels in 3D flows can follow very complicated trajectories, even in well-controlled flows such as those in lab experiments (Speetjens et al., 2004;Wiggins, 2010). ...
... Our study starts from available velocity products provided by qualified models. In particular, it considers a model for the AMOC circulation realized from averaging velocity fields, which are obtained from ECCO (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean) products, which is also one of the products used by Liao et al. (2022) and Rousselet et al. (2021). Our analysis is able to describe in detail the mixing structure of rather coherent water 'jets', both in the upper and deep ocean layers, which eventually mix with surrounding waters in different time scales. ...
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Vertical motions across the ocean are central to processes, like CO2_2 fixation, heat removal or pollutant transport, which are essential to the Earth's climate. This work explores 3D conveyor routes {associated with} the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Our findings show the geometry of mixing structures in the upper and deep ocean layers by means of Lagrangian Coherent Structures. This tool identifies among others, zones linked to vertical transport and characterizes vertical transport time scales. We focus the study in two regions. The first one is the Flemish Cap region, a zone of interaction between the major AMOC components, where our analysis identifies a domain of deep waters that ascend very rapidly to the ocean surface. The second one is the Irminger Sea, where our analysis confirms the existence of a downwelling zone, and reveals a previously unreported upwelling connection between very deep waters and the ocean surface.
... Upwelling plays a vital role in the vertical redistribution of ocean properties such as heat, salinity, and nutrients, and contributes to the fishing catch and impacts regional or even global climate (Dalsin et al., 2023;Kämpf & Chapman, 2016;Liang et al., 2015;Liao et al., 2022;Pauly & Christensen, 1995;Varela et al., 2021). Upwelling has been widely studied around the global ocean, particularly along the eastern oceanic boundaries (e.g., the California Current System), in the equatorial ocean, and in the Southern Ocean. ...
... Upwelling has been widely studied around the global ocean, particularly along the eastern oceanic boundaries (e.g., the California Current System), in the equatorial ocean, and in the Southern Ocean. A recent study revealed an intense subsurface upwelling system associated with each subtropical western boundary current (Liao et al., 2022). ...
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The Vietnam upwelling is a crucial circulation feature in the South China Sea. Although previous studies have shown that various coastal upwellings around the world may intensify under global warming, future changes in the Vietnam upwelling remain unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we analyzed the long‐term trend in the Vietnam upwelling under a high‐emission scenario for the period 2006–2100, using simulation results from a global eddy‐resolving climate model. In this model, the summertime Vietnam upwelling is projected to intensify in the 21st century and is statistically significant between 12°N and 14°N. A volume flux budget analysis indicates that wind stress curl is the most important contributor to the intensification. The geostrophic flow, to some extent, may suppress the upwelling intensification. The projected increase in upwelling is shown to significantly reduce local ocean warming and freshening and thus may have vital impacts on the local climate and circulation.
... For example, the Gulf Stream has been shown to laterally advect iron and phosphorus into the adjacent North Atlantic subtropical gyre where their entrainment into the mixed layer stimulates N 2 fixation (Conway et al., 2018;Palter et al., 2011). The vertical nutrient flux from WBC subsurface nutrient streams to overlying oligotrophic surface waters has received less attention (cf., Liao et al., 2022;Nagai et al., 2019). Numerous characteristics of WBCs favor upward nutrient supply, including (a) strong cross-stream isopycnal shoaling of nutrient-rich thermocline waters (Guo et al., 2012;Pelegrí & Csanady, 1991), (b) the occurrence of upwelling-favorable winds and wind stress curl (Imawaki et al., 2013;Leber et al., 2017), (c) high (sub)mesoscale eddy and frontal activity driven by strong density and velocity gradients (Imawaki et al., 2013;Lazaneo et al., 2020;Lévy et al., 2018;Tedesco et al., 2019), and (d) steep bathymetry and boundary effects (Liao et al., 2022;Schaeffer et al., 2013). ...
... The vertical nutrient flux from WBC subsurface nutrient streams to overlying oligotrophic surface waters has received less attention (cf., Liao et al., 2022;Nagai et al., 2019). Numerous characteristics of WBCs favor upward nutrient supply, including (a) strong cross-stream isopycnal shoaling of nutrient-rich thermocline waters (Guo et al., 2012;Pelegrí & Csanady, 1991), (b) the occurrence of upwelling-favorable winds and wind stress curl (Imawaki et al., 2013;Leber et al., 2017), (c) high (sub)mesoscale eddy and frontal activity driven by strong density and velocity gradients (Imawaki et al., 2013;Lazaneo et al., 2020;Lévy et al., 2018;Tedesco et al., 2019), and (d) steep bathymetry and boundary effects (Liao et al., 2022;Schaeffer et al., 2013). ...
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The Agulhas Current, like other western boundary currents (WBCs), transports nutrients laterally from the tropics to the subtropics in a subsurface “nutrient stream.” These nutrients are predominantly supplied to surface waters by seasonal convective mixing, to fuel a brief period of productivity before phytoplankton become nutrient‐limited. Episodic mixing events characteristic of WBC systems can temporarily alleviate nutrient scarcity by vertically entraining deep nutrients into surface waters. However, our understanding of these nutrient fluxes is lacking because they are spatio‐temporally limited, and once they enter the sunlit layer, the nutrients are rapidly consumed by phytoplankton. Here, we use a novel application of nitrate Δ(15–18), the difference between the nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate, to characterize three (sub)mesoscale events of upward nitrate supply across the Agulhas Current in winter: (1) mixing at the edges of an anticyclonic eddy, (2) inshore upwelling associated with a submesoscale meander of the Agulhas Current, and (3) overturning at the edge of the current core driven by submesoscale instabilities. All three events manifest as upward injections of high‐Δ(15–18) nitrate into the thermocline and surface where nitrate Δ(15–18) is otherwise low; these entrainment events are not always apparent in the other co‐collected data. The dynamics driving the nitrate supply events are common to all WBCs, implying that nutrient entrainment facilitated by WBCs is quantitatively significant and supports productivity in otherwise oligotrophic subtropical surface waters. A future rise in energy across WBC systems may increase these nutrient fluxes, partly offsetting the predicted stratification‐induced decrease in subtropical ocean fertility.
... While strong density stratification in the ACS likely impedes the upward supply of these nutrients for much of the year (McMurray et al., 1993), wind-driven convection in winter and spring will entrain them into the sunlit surface layer where they will support primary productivity (Williams and Follows, 2003). In addition (sub)mesoscale features (e.g., eddies, current meanders, baroclinic instabilities), characteristic of WBCs (Lévy et al., 2012;Liao et al., 2022) appear to drive episodic events of upward nutrient supply in the ACS, which may occur throughout the year (Marshall et al., 2023b). ...
... The young (that is, recently produced) OC in these coastal sediments may mainly originate from marine primary productivity 27 ( Supplementary Fig. 1). The hotspots of young 14 C ages on the western coast of the United States (for example, offshore California), coast of South Africa (for example, coast of Cape Peninsula) and Subarctic regions (for example, Shelikhov Gulf and Sakhalinskiy Bay) match the locations of reported upwelling zones [28][29][30] , where upwelling of nutrient-rich water stimulates in situ primary productivity 27 (Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). However, in the Subarctic river-ocean continuum the predicted 14 C ages are highly uncertain (Fig. 3c) due to the scarcity of local observations. ...
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Radiocarbon (Δ¹⁴C) serves as an effective tracer for identifying the origin and cycling of carbon in aquatic ecosystems. Global patterns of organic carbon (OC) Δ¹⁴C values in riverine particles and coastal sediments are essential for understanding the contemporary carbon cycle, but are poorly constrained due to under-sampling. This hinders our understanding of OC transfer and accumulation across the land–ocean continuum worldwide. Here, using machine learning approaches and >3,800 observations, we construct a high-spatial resolution global atlas of Δ¹⁴C values in river–ocean continuums and show that Δ¹⁴C values of river particles and corresponding coastal sediments can be similar or different. Specifically, four characteristic OC transfer and accumulation modes are recognized: the old–young mode for systems with low river and high coastal sediment Δ¹⁴C values; the young–old and old–old modes for coastal systems with old OC accumulation receiving riverine particles with high and low Δ¹⁴C values, respectively; and the young–young mode with young OC for both riverine and coastal deposited particles. Distinguishing these modes and their spatial patterns is critical to furthering our understanding of the global carbon system. Specifically, among coastal areas with high OC contents worldwide, old–old systems are largely neutral to slightly negative to contemporary atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) removal, whereas young–old and old–young systems represent CO2 sources and sinks, respectively. These spatial patterns of OC content and isotope composition constrain the local potential for blue carbon solutions.
... A strong velocity divergence along the western boundary currents ( Figure 5(b)) is associated with a enhanced surface heat fluxes ( Figure 5(d)). This is consistent with large vertical velocities in idealized modelling studies (Pedlosky and Spall 2005), ocean synthesis products and eddying ocean models (Liao et al. 2022), and a divergence in eddy heat fluxes observed from satellite altimetry (Müller and Melnichenko 2021). The idea of diverging heat fluxes matching the sense of the circulation is also consistent with a framework in which a volumetric census of density classes, and the fluxes between them, allows the residual circulation to be derived in a physically consistent manner (Walin 1982). ...
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In contrast with the atmosphere, which is heated from below by solar radiation, the ocean is both heated and cooled from above. To drive a deep-reaching overturning circulation in this context, it is generally assumed that either intense interior mixing by winds and internal tides, or wind-driven upwelling is required; in their absence, the circulation is thought to collapse to a shallow surface cell. We demonstrate, using a primitive equation model with an idealized domain and no wind forcing, that the surface temperature forcing can in fact drive an interhemispheric overturning provided that there is an open channel unblocked in the zonal direction, such as in the Southern Ocean. With this geometry, rotating horizontal convection, in combination with asymmetric surface cooling between the north and south, drives a deep-reaching two-cell overturning circulation. The resulting vertical mid-depth stratification closely resembles that of the real ocean, suggesting that wind-driven pumping is not necessary to produce a deep-reaching overturning circulation, and that buoyancy forcing plays a more important role than is usually assumed.
Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important parameter affecting global climate, weather disasters, and marine resources. Acquiring SST data that covers large areas and spans over long periods is one of the most essential tasks for various scientific research. During the past decades, meteorological satellites (e.g., the Himawari 8) have been able to provide large-scale, high-resolution continuous observations (via a number of visible, nearinfrared, and infrared bands), but have always been affected by active atmospheric activities (i.e., clouds). A detailed literature review on SST analysis or estimation shows that limitations or challenges associated with the existing tools and the state-of-the-art approaches have not been fully resolved yet. Through integrating the knowledge from interdisciplinary domains, hence, we proposed a physically-informed machine learning approach (i.e., a physically-consistent, virtual-gauge approach in the machine learning framework) to elegantly reconstruct daily SSTs under both cloud and cloud-free areas. By this central idea, we developed the TS-RBFNN (i.e., Temporal-Spatial Radial Basis Function Neural Network) and suggested an adequate procedure (with artificial clouds) for model assessment since the data in the cloudy region was unavailable. A systematic study in terms of model implication (i.e., the meaning of network architecture), model validation (i.e., the performance of learning and generalization), and model applications (i.e., in open ocean and coastal seas with different cloud coverage over the four seasons) was conducted. In particular, a pattern similarity analysis (examining SST distributions for several selected sections) and a daily-based error analysis (presenting the variations and distributions of RMSEs for each season) were carried out to clarify the relationship between varying cloud conditions and model performances (inferenced by sunny areas). Overall, the TS-RBFNN would better perform full SST reconstruction with significant improvement up to 60%, compared to the DINEOF (i.e., Data Interpolation Empirical Orthogonal Function). Currently, the TS-RBFNN model is being implemented into the operational system of Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration to provide all-weather SST products. In the near future, a long-term societal impact would be expected as the reconstructed SST data could be broadly employed in various scientific applications.
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Upwelling along the western boundary of the major ocean basin subtropical gyres has been diagnosed in a wide range of ocean models and state estimates. This vertical transport is O (5 × 10 ⁶ ) m ³ s ⁻¹ , which is on the same order of magnitude as the downward Ekman pumping across the subtropical gyres and zonally integrated meridional overturning circulation. Two approaches are used here to understand the reason for this upwelling and how it depends on oceanic parameters. First, a kinematic model that imposes a density gradient along the western boundary demonstrates that there must be upwelling with a maximum vertical transport at middepths in order to maintain geostrophic balance in the western boundary current. The second approach considers the vorticity budget near the western boundary in an idealized primitive equation model of the wind- and buoyancy-forced subtropical and subpolar gyres. It is shown that a pressure gradient along the western boundary results in bottom pressure torque that injects vorticity into the fluid. This is balanced on the boundary by lateral viscous fluxes that redistribute this vorticity across the boundary current. The viscous fluxes in the interior are balanced primarily by the vertical stretching of planetary vorticity, giving rise to upwelling within the boundary current. This process is found to be nearly adiabatic. Nonlinear terms and advection of planetary vorticity are also important locally but are not the ultimate drivers of the upwelling. Additional numerical model calculations demonstrate that the upwelling is a nonlocal consequence of buoyancy loss at high latitudes and thus represents an integral component of the meridional overturning circulation in depth space but not in density space. Significance Statement The purpose of this study is to better understand what is forcing water to upwell along the western boundary at midlatitudes of the major ocean basins. This is a potentially important process since upwelling can bring heat and nutrients closer to the surface, where they can be exchanged with the atmosphere. Also, since ocean currents vary with depth, pathways followed in the upper ocean are different from those found for the deeper ocean, so the amount and location of upwelling influence where these waters go. Idealized numerical models and theory are used to demonstrate that the upwelling is ultimately driven by density changes along the western boundary of the basin that result from heat loss at high latitudes.
Phytoplankton is of utmost importance to the marine ecosystem and, subsequently, to the Blue Economy. This study aims to explain the reasons for variability of phytoplankton by estimating the dependency of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) on various limiting factors using statistics. The global oceans are classified into coherent units that display similar sensitivity to changing parameters and processes using the k-means algorithm. The resulting six clusters are based on the limiting factors (PAR, iron, or nitrate) that modulate Chl-a yield divisions of the oceans, similar to regions of different trophic statuses. The clusters range from the polar and equatorial regions with high nutrient values limited by light, to open oceanic regions in downwelling gyres limited by nutrients. Some clusters also show a high dependency on marine dissolved iron. Further, oceans are also divided into eight clusters based on the processes (stratification, upwelling, topography, and solar insolation) that impact ocean productivity. The study shows that considering temporal variations is crucial for segregating oceans into ecological zones by utilizing correlation of time-series data into classification. Our results provide valuable insights into the regulation of phytoplankton abundance and its variability, which can help in understanding the implications of climate change and other anthropogenic effects on marine biology.
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The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) represents the zonally integrated stream function of meridional volume transport in the Atlantic Basin. The AMOC plays an important role in transporting heat meridionally in the climate system. Observations suggest a heat transport by the AMOC of 1.3 PW at 26°N—a latitude which is close to where the Atlantic northward heat transport is thought to reach its maximum. This shapes the climate of the North Atlantic region as we know it today. In recent years there has been significant progress both in our ability to observe the AMOC in nature and to simulate it in numerical models. Most previous modeling investigations of the AMOC and its impact on climate have relied on models with horizontal resolution that does not resolve ocean mesoscale eddies and the dynamics of the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Current system. As a result of recent increases in computing power, models are now being run that are able to represent mesoscale ocean dynamics and the circulation features that rely on them. The aim of this review is to describe new insights into the AMOC provided by high‐resolution models. Furthermore, we will describe how high‐resolution model simulations can help resolve outstanding challenges in our understanding of the AMOC.
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The upwelling associated with the ocean's overturning circulation is hard to observe directly. Here, a large data set of surface Δ¹⁴C measurements is compiled in order to show where deep water is brought back up to the surface in the ocean basins north of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Maps constructed from the data set show that low‐Δ¹⁴C deep water from the ACC is drawn up to the surface in or near the upwelling zones off Northwest Africa and Namibia in the Atlantic, off Costa Rica and Peru in the Pacific, and in the northern Arabian Sea in the Indian Ocean. Deep water also seems to be reaching the surface in the subarctic Pacific gyre near the Kamchatka Peninsula. The low‐Δ¹⁴C water drawn up to the surface in the upwelling zones is also shown to spread across the ocean basins. It is easily seen, for example, in the western Atlantic off Florida and in the western Pacific off New Guinea and Palau. The spreading allows one to estimate the volumes of upwelling, which, it turns out, are similar to the volumes of large‐scale upwelling derived from inverse box models. This means that very large volumes of cool subsurface water are reaching the surface in and near the upwelling zones—much larger volumes than would be expected from the local winds.
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This paper describes version 3 of the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA3) ocean reanalysis with enhancements to model resolution, observation, and forcing datasets, and the addition of active sea ice. SODA3 relies on the ocean component of the NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory CM2.5 coupled model with nominal 1/ 4° resolution.Ascheme has also been implemented to reduce bias in the surface fluxes. A 37-yr-long ocean reanalysis, SODA3.4.2, created using this new SODA3 system is compared to the previous generation of SODA (SODA2.2.4) as well as to the Hadley Centre EN4.1.1 no-model statistical objective analysis. The comparison is carried out in the tropics, the midlatitudes, and the Arctic and includes examinations of the meridional overturning circulation in the Atlantic. The comparison shows that SODA3.4.2 has reduced systematic errors to a level comparable to those of the no-model statistical objective analysis in the upper ocean. The accuracy of variability has been improved particularly poleward of the tropics, with the greatest improvements seen in the Arctic, accompanying a substantial reduction in surface net heat and freshwater flux bias. These improvements justify increasing use of ocean reanalysis for climate studies including the higher latitudes.
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We investigate the characteristics of the sinking of dense waters in the North Atlantic Ocean that constitute the downwelling limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) as simulated by two global ocean models: an eddy‐permitting model at 1/4° resolution and its coarser 1° counterpart. In line with simple geostrophic considerations, it is shown that the sinking predominantly occurs in a narrow region close to the continental boundary in both model simulations. That is, the regions where convection is deepest do not coincide with regions where most dense waters sink. The amount of near‐boundary sinking that occurs varies regionally. For the 1/4° resolution model, these variations are in quantitative agreement with a relation based on geostrophy and a thermodynamic balance between buoyancy loss and alongshore advection of density, which links the amount of sinking to changes in density along the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean. In the 1° model, the amount and location of sinking appears not to be governed by this simple relation, possibly due to the large impact of overflows and non‐negligible cross‐shore density advection. If this poor representation of the processes governing the sinking of dense waters in the North Atlantic Ocean is a generic feature of such low‐resolution models, the response of the AMOC to changes in climate simulated by this type of models needs to be evaluated with care.
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Estimates of the global ocean vertical velocities (Eulerian, eddy-induced and residual) from a dynamically consistent and data-constrained ocean state estimate are presented and analyzed. Conventional patterns of vertical velocity, Ekman pumping, appear in the upper ocean, with topographic dominance at depth. Intense and vertically coherent upwelling and downwelling occur in the Southern Ocean, which are likely due to the interaction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and large-scale topographic features and are generally canceled out in the conventional zonally averaged results. These " elevators " at high latitudes connect the upper to the deep and abyssal oceans and working together with isopycnal mixing are likely a mechanism, in addition to the formation of deep and abyssal waters, for fast responses of the deep and abyssal oceans to the changing climate. Also, Eulerian and parameterized eddy-induced components are of opposite signs in numerous regions around the global ocean, particularly in the ocean interior away from 16 surface and bottom. Nevertheless, residual vertical velocity is primarily determined by the Eulerian component, and related to winds and large-scale topographic features. The current estimates of vertical velocities can serve as a useful reference for investigating the vertical exchange of ocean properties and tracers, and its complex spatial structure ultimately permits regional tests of basic oceanographic concepts such as Sverdrup balance and coastal upwelling/downwelling.
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The processes regulating ocean ventilation at high latitudes are re-examined based on a range of observations spanning all scales of ocean circulation, from the centimetre scales of turbulence to the basin scales of gyres. It is argued that high-latitude ocean ventilation is controlled by mechanisms that differ in fundamental ways from those that set the overturning circulation. This is contrary to the assumption of broad equivalence between the two that is commonly adopted in interpreting the role of the high-latitude oceans in Earth's climate transitions. Illustrations of how recognizing this distinction may change our view of the ocean's role in the climate system are offered. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Ocean ventilation and deoxygenation in a warming world’.
A theory is given to account for the CROMWELL Current-the Equatorial Undercurrent. The equatorial upwelling is closely related to the Current, and a remarkable similarity between the equatorial circulation and the circulation in the coastal upwelling regions. The widths of the equatorial upwelling as well as of the CROMWELL Current the maximum speeds of the upwelling and of the CROMWELL Current, the depth of the core and the thickness of the CROMWELL Current, are all found to be explained quantitatively. The rate of change in the CORIOLIS parameter with latitude and the mean vertical stability of the waters are essential to determine those length scales of the phenomena. The easterly wind stress over the equatorial region is responsible for the processes.
An eastern boundary current (EBC) system driven by a large-scale meridional buoyancy gradient is simulated using an idealized eddy-resolving model. The EBC system consists of a pair of stacked meridional currents that flow poleward near the surface and equatorward at intermediate depths. Buoyancy advection in the EBC is primarily balanced by the shedding of eddies, with anticyclonic, warm-core eddies dominating near the surface and cyclonic, cold-core eddies found at intermediate depths. These boundary eddies play a significant role in both the eastern boundary circulation-by helping to trap the EBC near the coast-and the large-scale circulation through their effect on the downwelling limb of the overturning circulation. Momentum and thickness budgets analyzed using the thickness-weighted average framework highlight the role of eddy form drag in shaping and maintaining the EBC. The efficiency of the form drag increases dramatically at the offshore flank of the EBC. This zonal variation of the formdrag is essential formaintaining a swift, narrow EBC. The essential physics of the EBC are illustrated using a simple, semianalytical model.