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Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment

Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
Marcus Basalla, Johannes Schneider and Jan vom Brocke
Institute of Information Systems, University of Liechtenstein,Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computational Creativity.
Abstract: While the potential of deep learning(DL) for automating simple tasks is already well explored, recent research
has started investigating the use of deep learning for creative design, both for complete artifact creation and
supporting humans in the creation process. In this paper, we use insights from computational creativity to
conceptualize and assess current applications of generative deep learning in creative domains identified in a
literature review. We highlight parallels between current systems and different models of human creativity as
well as their shortcomings. While deep learning yields results of high value, such as high-quality images, their
novelty is typically limited due to multiple reasons such a being tied to a conceptual space defined by training
data. Current DL methods also do not allow for changes in the internal problem representation, and they lack
the capability to identify connections across highly different domains, both of which are seen as major drivers
of human creativity.
The year 2019 can be seen as the year when artificial
intelligence(AI) made its public debut as a composer
in classical music. On February 4th, Schuberts
unfinished 8th Symphony was performed in London
after being completed by an AI system developed by
Huawei (Davis, 2019). Later in April, the German
Telekom announced their work on an AI to finish
Beethoven’s 10th Symphony for a performance
celebrating the 250 years since the birth of the famous
German composer (Roberts, 2019). While the quality
of the AIs composition has been under scrutiny
(Richter, 2019), it is nevertheless remarkable and
resulted in the public and corporations' large interest
in using AI for such creative fields.
For a long time, creating and appreciating art was
believed to be unique to humans. However,
advancements in the field of computational creativity
and increased use of artificial intelligence in creative
domains call this belief into question. At the core of
the current rise of AI is deep learning (DL), fuelled
by increasing processing power and data availability.
Deep learning went quickly beyond outperforming
previous solutions on established machine learning
tasks to enable the automation of tasks that could
previously only be performed with high-quality
outcomes by humans, like image captioning (You et
al., 2016), speech recognition (Amodei et al., 2016),
and end-to-end translation (Johnson et al., 2016). At
the same time, advanced generative models were
developed to generate images and sequences of text,
speech, and music. Such models proved to be a
powerful tool for creative domains like digital
painting, text- and music generation, e.g., AI-
generated paintings have been sold for almost half a
million USD (Cohn et al., 2018). But while these
examples point to a high potential of DL in creative
domains, there is so far no comprehensive analysis of
the extent of its creative capabilities. A better
understanding of the creative capabilities of deep
learning is not only of general public interest, but it
helps improve current generative DL systems towards
more inherent creativity. It also helps companies
better assess the suitability of adopting the
technology. For example, it could be beneficial to
integrate deep learning technology into creative
human workflows, e.g., to provide suggestions for
improvement to humans (Schneider, 2020). As any
technology can be abused as well, an understanding
of the creative potential is also relevant to anticipate
and protect against malicious intent, e.g., in the form
of deception (Schneider, Meske et al., 2022). We,
therefore, pose the following research question:
To what extent does deep learning exhibit elementary
concepts of human creativity?
Basalla, M., Schneider, J. and Brocke, J.
Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010783500003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 99-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
Copyright c
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To shed light on this question, we derive a
conceptualization of human creativity based on
computational creativity works and conduct a
literature review on creative AI and applications of
deep learning models. We also assess these works
concerning creativity according to our
We observe that generative DL models mimic
several processes of human creativity on an abstract
level. However, the architecture of these models
restricts the extent of creativity far beyond that of a
human. Their creative output is also heavily
constrained by the data used to train the model
resulting in relatively low novelty and diversity
compared to the data. Furthermore, while in some
domains creative solutions are of high value, e.g.,
generated images are of high quality, in other
domains that require multiple sequential reasoning
steps, they are limited in value, e.g., in storytelling,
where they fail to capture a consistent theme across
longer time periods.
We first derive a conceptualization of human
creativity consisting of 6 dimensions, based on
established concepts from the computational
creativity domain (Wiggins et al., 2006; Boden et al.,
1998). The concepts are rooted in human creativity.
Therefore, they are not limited to a specific family of
AI algorithms. They allow us to draw analogies to
humans more easily. We conduct a qualitative
literature review (Schryen et al., 2015) that focuses on
creative AI and applications of DL models. We use
the literature to refine our conceptualization and to
build a concept matrix (Webster & Watson, 2002).
We then support the validity of our framework by
showing parallels with other theories of human
creativity and investigating how DL ranks on each
dimension of creativity of our conceptualization.
For the literature review, we performed a keyword
search on the dblp computer science bibliography
(Ley et al., 2009), focusing on articles published in
journals and conference proceedings. To capture an
extensive overview of the literature on computational
creativity the keywords “computational creativity”
alongside combinations of the keywords “creativity
AND (AI OR Artificial Intelligence OR ML or
Machine Learning OR DL OR deep learning OR
Neural Network)” were used. We limited our search
to papers after 2010 as this was at the offset of the rise
of deep learning (Goodfellow et al., 2016). From
these, all papers that describe a creative design
process that applied DL were manually selected. This
left us with a list of 18 papers. It was enhanced
through forward- and backward searches based on the
18 identified papers. All in all, this process left us
with a selection of 34 papers describing generative
applications of DL.
3.1 Creativity
Boden et al. (1998) define a creative idea as “one
which is novel, surprising, and valuable”. The two
key requirements for creativity, novelty and value, are
found in one way or another in most definitions of
creativity. Thus, we define creativity as a process that
generates an artifact that is both novel and valuable.
In other words, creative artifacts must differ from
previous artifacts in the same domain (novelty) while
still fulfilling the purpose they were intended for
(value). A random combination of shapes and colors
in itself is, for example, not a creative piece of art, if
the arts purpose is to show an abstraction of an actual
object or to elicit an emotional or aesthetic response
in the observer. On the other hand, adding a few new
lines to provide more details to an existing painting
might change its aesthetic. However, it would hardly
be considered novel.
One can further categorize creativity by their
output as mini-c, little-c, pro-c, and Big-C creativity
(Kaufman & Beghetto, 2009). Mini-c and little-c
creativity are concerned with everyday creativity.
Little-c creativity is concerned with creative
processes that generate tangible outputs, whereas
mini-c only requires a novel interpretation of certain
stimuli like experiences or actions. Big-C creativity is
concerned with creative outputs that have a
considerable impact on a field and are often
connected with the notion of genius. Pro-c creativity
is concerned with outputs by professionals
recognized as being novel to a domain but without
revolutionizing or strongly influencing the domain.
3.2 Dimensions of Creativity
Boden et al. (1998) define three types of creativity:
combinational, explorational, and transformational
creativity. All three mechanisms operate in a
conceptual space. This conceptual space can be
interpreted as the cognitive representation or neural
encoding of a person's understanding of the problem
domain. Wiggins et al. (2006) further clarify the
definition of a conceptual space by introducing a
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
search space and a boundary. The boundary is a meta
description that defines the boundary of possible
search spaces. It contains all ideas of boundary
definitions that a person can conceive of based on
their problem or domain understanding. The search
space defines all ideas that a creative person (or AI)
can conceive of using a specific method of ideation.
The search space is a subset of the conceptual space,
while the boundary defines the extent of the
conceptual space. For example, for playing chess, the
boundary might be the number of rounds considered
for the current board, e.g., player A moves a figure,
player B moves a figure, etc. The search space would
be the total number of moves. The left panel Figure 1
shows our model of creativity based on the
aforementioned computational creativity works. The
problem (understanding) informs the boundary of the
conceptual space, limiting the extent of all possible
search spaces. Generic methods of ideation on a
specific search space, i.e., the forming of concepts
and ideas, result in creative solutions to the problem.
3.3 Creativity Models: A Human and
DL Perspective
While the left panel in Figure 1 shows our model of
creativity based on the computational creativity
works, the right panel in Figure 1 shows a related
model of creativity based on common concepts in
machine learning. While we shall focus on
computational creativity, since it is closer to a human
notion of creativity, it is also insightful to derive a
model of creativity inspired by machine learning.
While computational creativity might be said as
moving from more abstract, broad, non-
mathematically described human concepts of
creativity towards a more concise computational
perspective. The machine learning-based model
might move from a mathematically well-defined,
more narrow computational perspective of creativity
towards human concepts. Therefore, the matching
elements in both models, such as search space and
parameters, are not identical. Parameters are
typically a set of real numbers within a DL model
optimized in the training process using a well-known
method, e.g., stochastic gradient descent in DL. In
contrast to this mathematically sound but narrow
view, the search space in computational creativity is
vaguer and broader. The same logic for distinction
applies when comparing the boundary restricting and
defining the search space and the meta-parameters
defining the DL model (and its parameters). We
discuss this in more detail, focusing on generative
deep learning, which we view as a key technology for
creativity within DL.
Figure 1: Creative process model as found in computational
creativity inspired from humans (left) and a model inspired
from machine learning (right); recursive connections are
not shown.
3.4 Parallels to Generative Deep
A key element of deep learning is representation
learning (Bengio et al., 2013). Data is represented
through a hierarchy of features, where each feature
constitutes a frequent pattern in the data. Typically,
for classification networks, layers closer to the input
resemble simpler, less semantically meaningful
samples than layers closer to the output. Generative
deep learning networks are trained to approximate the
underlying latent probability distribution of the
training data with the learned representation. New
outputs are generated by sampling from this
By drawing parallels between generative DL and
our framework, it becomes evident that the problem
representation, which is encoded by the network
parameters, can be seen as an equivalent to the search
space in the creativity framework by (Boden et al.,
1998), where sampling from this distribution to
generate new outputs can be seen as a process to
generate new creative outputs.
We can use meta-learning to find an equivalent to
the boundary (Hospedales et al., 2020). Meta-learning
differentiates between the model parameters θ and
meta knowledge ω, which incorporates all factors that
cannot directly be trained by training methods such as
gradient descent, like the network architecture and
models hyperparameters (Huisman et al., 2021).
Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
Figure 2: Elements of the conceptualization expand the creative process model in Figure 1.
Figure 3: (a) Interpolation and (b) Recombination in 2d feature space; Divergent and convergent (c) Exploration, (d) Search
space transformation and (e) Boundary transformation.
Meta-learning itself requires a concise,
mathematical description, which limits the possible
boundaries. Furthermore, this description originates
from humans. The search space in Figure 1, from
which solutions can be generated, relates to the
network, i.e., its feature representation being
equivalent to the fixed parameters of the model. The
network features originate from the boundary using a
training process and the training data. The network
takes inputs and provides outputs. The search space
corresponds to the set of all possible inputs that the
network can process.
3.5 Creative Processes
Next, we introduce the dimensions, which describe
the creative process and categorize existing works on
DL for creative domains. A summary is shown in
Figure 2.
Exploration: Explorational creativity describes
the process of generating novel ideas by exploring a
known search space. Solutions that are hard to access
in a specific search space are generally more novel,
especially considering the perspective of other
creators that work in the same search space (Wiggins
et al., 2006). Therefore, this category can include any
search strategy if it does not manipulate the search
space. In theory, the most creative solution might be
found by investigating all possibilities, but this is
computationally infeasible due to the size of the
search space. A good strategy can narrow the search
space to more novel and more valuable sub-spaces.
Combination: Combinational creativity
describes the process of combining two or more
known ideas to generate novel ideas. Ideas can be
combined, if they share inherent conceptual structures
or features (Boden et al., 1998). Low creativity is
indicated by combining similar ideas. High creativity
is indicated by combining diverse ideas (Ward &
Kolomyts, 2010). As the specific combination
process is left general, this can include several
processes that interpolate between features (Figure
3a) or recombine features (Figure 3b) of known
solutions. Identifying a solution using “analogies” is
an example of combinational creativity (Ward &
Kolomyts, 2010).
Combination and transformation are not
exclusive. In fact, in the geneplore model conceptual
combinations and analogies are considered as one
way to explore new ideas (Ward & Kolomyts, 2010).
Transformation: Transformational creativity
describes the process of transforming the conceptual
space of a problem. This change of the conceptual
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
space can be achieved by “altering or removing one
(or more) of its dimensions or by adding a new one”
(Boden et al., 1998). Wiggins et al. (2006) further
differentiate between transformations of the search
space, which we call Search Space Transformation,
and transformations of the boundary of the conceptual
space, which we denote as Boundary Transformation.
More fundamental changes to the conceptual space,
like the change of several dimensions or bigger
changes in one dimension, lead to the possibility of
more varying ideas and, thus, have a higher potential
for creative outputs (Boden et al., 1998). Therefore,
boundary transformations have a higher potential to
lead to a paradigm shift (Wiggins et al., 2006).
Based on our definition, a creative solution has to
be both novel and valuable. We introduce two related
dimensions to analyze how these two requirements
can be met by existing DL systems. One emphasizes
covering the entire space (diversity) and the other
moving towards the best, locally optimal solution.
Divergence is based on the concept of divergent
thinking, which describes the ability to find multiple
different solutions to a problem (Cropley et al., 2006).
Divergence increases the chance of finding more
diverse and thus novel solutions.
On the other hand, convergence is concerned
with finding one ideal solution and is based on the
concept of convergent thinking (Cropley et al., 2006).
Convergence increases the value of the solution. We
apply these two dimensions to the categories based on
(Boden et al., 1998).
Figure 3c) visualizes how convergent exploration
is guided towards a local optimum, while divergent
exploration covers a wider search area, potentially
leading towards the global optimum. Figures 3d) and
e) visualize convergent and divergent search space
and boundary transformation.
In the following chapters, we will discuss how
and to what extent these different types of creativity
have been achieved in generative deep learning
The findings based on our literature review indicate
that generative DL is a valuable tool for enabling
creativity. DL is aligned with basic processes
proposed in models of human creativity. However,
while human and AI creativity depends on problem
understanding and representation, contextual
understanding is far more limited in current DL
systems (Marcus et al., 2018). The network is
constrained by its training data, lacking the ability to
leverage associations or analogies related to concepts
not contained in the data itself. The boundary is much
more narrow for DL systems than for humans.
Combination: The most common way to
combine the latent representation of two objects is by
using autoencoders. In this case, the latent low
dimensional representation of two known objects is
combined by vector addition or interpolation. This
new latent vector has to be fed back into the decoder
network to generate a novel object. An example of
this is (Bidgoli & Veloso, 2018), where an
autoencoder is trained to learn a latent representation
to encode 3D point clouds of a chair. A user can then
combine two chairs by interpolating between their
latent representations. Several cases in molecule
design are also based on autoencoders (Gómez-
Bombarelli et al., 2018; Kusner et al., 2017;
Polykovskiy et al., 2018). These types of
combinations only achieve convergence as they only
generate one combination of the two objects.
Divergence can be achieved by changing the degree
to which the latent dimensions of each input vector
contribute to the combined. Human operators can
manually control the former.
Combining a trained representation with an
unknown input is mostly used in recurrent networks.
Here the network is trained to predict the next element
in a sequence. This method is mostly used in the
language and music domain. Thus, a sequence often
consists of letters, words, or musical notes. By
providing a new initial sequence for the network to
base its prediction on, the contents of this sequence
are combined with the representation the network has
learned of its training set. One example of this is
(Mathewson & M irowski , 2017), w here hum an a ctors
give the input for a network trained on dialogues.
Another prominent example is botnik, a comedy
writing support system, which uses a sequence
network to learn a specific writing style. The system
then combines this style with text input provided by
human operators, generating new texts in the
provided style. While this technique converges
towards texts of the trained style, interfaces that let
human operators choose between the most likely next
elements of the sequence can introduce divergence to
the process. Another way to use recurrent networks
for combinational creativity is to use the entire
network for encoding sequential objects. For
example, Wolfe et al. (2019) use this technique to
encode sequences of gears as recurrent neural
networks. By recombining the parameters of different
networks, they generate novel sequences. A more
complex type of combination is achieved by using
style transfer (Gatys et al., 2016). Here a network is
Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
Table 1: Concept matrix of the reviewed literature.
trained in a way that allows it to contain a separate
representation for the style and the content of an
image. These separate representations can be used to
combine the content of one image with the style of
another one. The most common application of these
networks is to combine the contents of photographs
with the style of paintings to generate paining like
images of a real-world scene (DiPaola & McCaig,
2016). Similar architectures as for style transfer have
also been used for numerous other problems, e.g., for
unsupervised domain adaptation and even domain
prediction (Schneider, 2021). In this case, a DL
network might learn to generate samples by
identifying and relating concepts from different
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
domains evolving and anticipating their future
Both autoencoders (Bidgoli & Veloso, 2018)
and recurrent networks (Wolfe et al., 2019) can be
used to achieve conceptual combinations within a
narrow domain, i.e., characteristics (or features)
found in the training data. Combinations across
domains, i.e., from two (very) different training
datasets, were only done using style transfer networks
(Gatys et al., 2016). However, these are still restricted
to similar domains (e.g., photographs and paintings).
This shows that combinational creativity in DL is
limited to similar concepts and domains, while
humans can form analogies between more different
While many of these instances are limited to
combinations of objects in the same or familiar
domains, style transfer is an example of combining
two different frames of reference as proposed by
conceptual combination theory (Ward & Kolomyts,
Exploration: In generative neural networks,
explorational creativity can be achieved by searching
for new elements in the latent representation learned
by the network. The most common way this
exploration is implemented in deep learning systems
is by introducing an element of randomness. For
autoencoders, random samples from the learned latent
distribution are fed into the decoder network.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) usually
use the same process by sampling from the input
distribution to the generator network. For sequential
data, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can be
trained to predict the next elements in a sequence.
Using randomly initialized sequences, new sequences
can be generated (Graves et al., 2013). The initial
element of a sequence is randomly generated and
used to predict the most likely consecutive elements
under the data representation learned by the model.
This sampling process from a latent space can be
interpreted as an instance of random search (Solis and
Wets 1981). However, instead of searching the
problem space, the lower-dimensional representation
learned by the network is searched. Due to the use of
random search, these methods do not converge
towards an optimal output and can only ensure
Convergence can be added to the exploration of
the search space by applying more complex search
algorithms. Examples are using gradient search
(Bidgoli & Veloso, 2018) or even reinforcement
learning (Olivecrona et al., 2017). A special case of
exploration that takes the novelty of the generated
example into account is the application of
evolutionary algorithms in combination with neural
networks. This shows that, while most baseline
instances of explorational creativity in DL are limited
to simple random search processes, more complex
search strategies are possible in the search space
defined by the network’s features. Thus, the extent of
creativity achieved via exploration is mostly limited
by transformational creativity.
Search Space Transformation: Autoencoders
are initially trained to learn a latent data
representation. The decoder ensures that the
reconstructions from this latent space belong to the
same distribution as the training data, thus ensuring
convergence towards the training data set while
leaving divergence to the exploration of the trained
latent representation. For sequential data, recurrent
neural networks (RNNs) can be trained to predict the
next elements in a sequence, thus enabling a
convergent search space transformation (Graves et
al., 2013).
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are
trained to generate outputs from the same distribution
as the training data out of random inputs. In addition
to the generator network, a discriminator network is
trained to differentiate the generator's output from
real data. In this way, the performance of the
discriminator improves the quality of the generators’
outputs (Goodfellow et al., 2014). In contrast to
autoencoders, GANs already contain divergent
processes in the training phase. Already during
training, the generator is passed randomly sampled
inputs, adding a divergent element to the parameter
training. The convergence of these outputs is
achieved by training the generator to produce outputs
indistinguishable from the training data. Still, it is
very difficult for GANs to produce realistic diverse
images such as natural images. According to Wang et
al. (2021), achieving this Mode Diversityis one of
the most challenging problems for GANs. SAGAN
and BigGAN address this issue with specific model
architectures, while SAGAN and BigGAN apply
CNNs with self-attention mechanisms to increase
Elgammal et al. (2017) make use of theories on
creativity to extend GANs to creative GANs. They
added network loss, penalizing outputs that fit well
into a known class structure expected to encode
different styles. By optimizing the GAN to generate
outputs with a high likelihood perceived as art but
with a low likelihood fit in any given artistic style,
they aim to optimize the arousal potential of the
resulting image for human observers.
In reinforcement learning, where an agent
interacts with the environment based on rewards,
Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
exploration is explicitly encoded in the agents’
behavior. This is done to prevent the agent from
learning suboptimal strategies due to limited
knowledge of the environment (Sutton & Barto,
2011). In reinforcement learning, the interaction
between convergence and divergence can be seen as
equivalent to the tradeoff between exploration and
We can see that convergent search space
transformation is achieved in almost all examples by
the standard training mechanisms of neural networks.
To achieve divergence, more complex architectures
or loss regularizations are required. However, in most
cases, convergence is limited to ensuring similarity
with the training data. The only example we could
find that actively trained a network towards novelty
of the outputs and can therefore be considered as
divergent search space transformation was achieved
using an alternative training mechanism for neural
networks based on evolutionary algorithms (Wolfe et
al., 2019).
Boundary Transformation: Honing theory
describes a recursive process in which the problem
domain is reconsidered through creation, which in
turn is based on the current understanding of the
problem domain (Gabora et al., 2017). In GANs the
interaction of the generator and the discriminator can
be interpreted in the same way. The understanding of
the problem domain is given by the discriminator's
ability to decide between a true and a fake object. The
generator's goal is always to generate realistic objects
under the model of the problem domain. By using
feedback of the discriminator based on the generated
objects, the domain model, i.e., the generator, is
altered. In deep reinforcement learning, a similar
effect can be observed as the loss of the policy or
value network changes with discovering additional
states and rewards. However, on a higher level, the
overall task of the network still stays the same,
whether it is generating realistic outputs for GANs or
maximizing the rewards for reinforcement learning.
Segler et al. (2017) introduce a mechanism similar to
Honing to the task of sequence learning. They first
train an RNN to generate molecule sequences using a
large and general training set of molecules for
training. They then use an additional classification
system to filter all highly likely molecules to show a
required attribute from all randomly generated
examples. For Honing their generator, they fine-tune
the RNN only on this set of selected molecules. This
process is iteratively repeated several times.
However, as these mechanisms only impact the
training mechanism by generating new training data,
they can only impact one aspect of the boundary.
Additionally, both these mechanisms only transform
the boundary in a convergent fashion. They further
restrict the conceptual space towards containing
valuable solutions at the cost of novelty. More
complex boundary transformations still require either
a human operator's choices or can be achieved
through meta-learning.
Convergence/Divergence: Divergence in a given
search space relies heavily on random inputs. While
there are complex methods to achieve convergence in
a given search space (Olivecrona et al., 2017), few
applications use them. Transformation of the search
space is mostly limited to convergence. This holds
even more for transformations of the boundary. DL
techniques do not enforce divergent transformations.
While this might be achieved by adding
regularization terms to the training loss, divergent
boundary transformations seem harder to achieve in
contemporary DL models.
The findings based on our literature review indicate
that generative DL is a valuable tool for enabling
creativity. DL is aligned with basic processes
proposed in models of human creativity. However,
while human and AI creativity depends on problem
understanding and representation, contextual
understanding is far more limited in current DL
systems (Marcus et al., 2018). That is, the network is
constrained by its training data, lacking the ability to
leverage associations or analogies related to concepts
that are not contained in the data itself. The boundary
is much more narrow for DL systems than for
humans. DL techniques do not enforce divergent
transformations. While this might be achieved by
adding regularization terms to the training loss,
divergent boundary transformations seem harder to
achieve in contemporary DL models.
So far, all these transformations are limited to
small incremental changes in the representation and
are heavily dependent on the training data. More
fundamental changes, that take other domains into
account are still left to the humans designing the
models, as can be seen in the decision to use a text
like representation for complex three-dimensional
molecule structures, which allowed the use of models
previously successful in text generation (Segler et al.,
Many domains highly depend on human
creativity. They either completely lack large amounts
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of data for training generative DL systems or a
creative solution might rely on characteristics that
rarely occur in the data. This means that the results
are highly dependent on the quality and even more so
the quantity of the training data. This can also be seen
by the fact that creative applications are mostly found
in domains, where DL already performs well on non-
creative tasks, like images (e.g., Gatys et al., 2016) or
(short) texts (e.g., Dean & Smith, 2018). At the same
time, it is still an open problem for a DL system to
generate long continuous texts that tell a coherent,
novel story, just as it is a hard problem, to
automatically summarize longer stories and answer
complex questions that require contextual
Concerning the level of creativity in the observed
literature, most models can produce only everyday
creativity (little-c). One could argue that the examples
of de-novo drug design constitute an example of pro-
c creativity. However, because the final selection and
synthetization of the promising molecules still require
human experts, they merely support pro-c creativity.
The only example that could be argued to possess
Big-C creativity is Alpha-Go (Silver et al., 2017). It
achieved the level of a world champion in its domain
and could generate strategies that humanize expert
players later adopted. A creative capability that is
currently beyond AI, is the ability to identify the
existence of a problem or the lack of creative
solutions in the first place. Thus, creative AI is still
far from the capabilities covered by problem-finding
theories of creativity.
While our findings indicate that the creativity of
DL is highly limited, DL has a key advantage
compared to humans: It can process large amounts of
data. Given that DL systems are currently trained on
very narrow domains, their creative capabilities might
increase merely because of more computational
power, allowing them to explore a larger space of
possible creative solutions than today. Furthermore,
many DL systems are simple feedforward networks.
Advances in reasoning of neural networks, such as
reflective networks (Schneider and Vlachos, 2020),
could also enhance creativity. Even more, meta-
learning might adjust the boundary, which is not
commonly done in existing work. However, even
given that more training data and meta-learning are
used, human creativity is likely not reached: Humans
must define the framework for meta-learning. In the
end, they must be creative in the first place to derive
new methods, also allowing for longer chains of
reasoning and models that allow for more
sophisticated transformations of the conceptual
In future research, we plan to compare the
creative capabilities of DL with computational
creativity systems based on other models like
evolutionary algorithms and cognitive models. Not
only can this help to compare the capabilities of
different models, but it might also lead to new ways
to improve DL’s creative capabilities by adapting
concepts from other models. We also want to study
applications of human-AI interaction for creative
tasks and enhance our conceptualization accordingly
Deep learning shows a large potential for enabling the
automation and assistance of creative tasks. By
linking the functionality of generative deep learning
models with theories of human creativity, we provide
an initial step in better understanding the creative
capabilities of these systems and the shortcomings of
current models. Our analysis showed that deep
learning possesses many traits of computational
creativity, such as combinatorial or Darwinian
exploration, but novelty is strongly constraint by the
training data. We hope that this knowledge helps
practitioners and researchers to design even better
systems for supporting humans in performing
creative tasks and to assess the suitability of deep
learning for creative applications for businesses and
the social good.
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Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
... Long before GenAI creativity has been studied within information systems, e.g., Seidel et al. (2010) and Simonovič et al. (2024) and other fields such as computational creativity, e.g., Basalla et al. (2022). The transformative nature of GenAI meaning the rise of large multi-modal foundation models (Schneider et al., 2024) showing remarkable creative capabilities has dramatically accelerated the discussion on GenAI's impact on work. ...
... However, as AI is confined to its training data, it has also been noted that AI might (overly) criticize creative approaches. Also the creativity of AI has been put into question as merely randomly assembling elements, i.e., GenAI models show novelty by recombining the known but not necessarily being of value (Basalla et al., 2022). This aligns with a similar claim by Paananen et al. (2023). ...
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The domain of computational design, driven by advancements in Generative AI, is transforming creative fields. We explore the transformative effects of Generative AI on the architectural design process and discuss the role of the architect. The case of architecture is interesting as designing houses is complex, involving extensive customer interaction. We employ a within-subject experiment using a popular general-purpose text-to-image tool for generating designs and providing feedback on existing designs, followed by expert interviews. The study reveals that AI can disrupt the ideation phase by enabling clients to engage in the design process through rapid visualization of their own ideas. In turn, the architect's role shifts more towards assessing the feasibility of designs generated conjointly by clients and AI. Our study also shows that while AI can provide valuable feedback on designs, it might fail to generate such designs, allowing for interesting connections to foundations in computer science, i.e., NP-completeness. AI's feedback also tends to hamper creativity and innovation by suggesting altering novel, innovative approaches toward more standardized designs. Our study also reveals that there is uncertainty among architects about the interpretative sovereignty of architecture and loss of meaning and identity when AI increasingly takes over authorship in the design process.
... Given the enormous potential of Text-to-Image technologies as creativity support systems for product shape exploration, there is still a lack of studies in this field. The immediate utility of a tool capable of generating on demand images is obvious, but just generating images, even if they achieve high quality standards, may not fit the required creative level (Basalla et al., 2022). It is the "beyond average" approach described in (Mothersill and Bove, 2019). ...
... As the field of computational creativity continues to evolve, the application of AI-driven techniques in the domain of 4D imagery has become increasingly prevalent [27]. These advancements have enabled the automation of tasks that were previously only achievable through human intervention, such as the generation of dynamic visual effects, the seamless integration of virtual and physical elements, and the creation of immersive, photorealistic experiences. ...
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Artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative technology in the field of healthcare, offering significant advancements in various medical disciplines, including obstetrics. The integration of artificial intelligence into 3D/4D ultrasound analysis of fetal facial profiles presents numerous benefits. By leveraging machine learning and deep learning algorithms, AI can assist in the accurate and efficient interpretation of complex 3D/4D ultrasound data, enabling healthcare providers to make more informed decisions and deliver better prenatal care. One such innovation that has significantly improved the analysis of fetal facial profiles is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in 3D/4D ultrasound imaging. In conclusion, the integration of artificial intelligence in the analysis of 3D/4D ultrasound data for fetal facial profiles offers numerous benefits, including improved accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in prenatal diagnosis and care.
... Due to their broad applicability LLMs are also often subsumed under the term foundation models (Schneider et al., 2024). AI in general and, more so, generative AI is difficult to understand (Longo et al., 2023) while exhibiting surprising traits such as creativity (Basalla et al., 2022), underpinning the need for studies to better understand them. LLMs suffer from trust issues in an educational context (Schneider, Richner, et al., 2023;Schneider, Schenk, et al., 2023) due to hallucinations and prompt sensitivity. ...
... Explanations introduce novel avenues for deception, as illustrated in Fig. 4. This trend is expected to intensify due to the increasing prevalence, creativity [52], and personalization [49] of AI technologies. ...
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Providing rationales for decisions can enhance transparency and cultivate trust. Nevertheless, in light of economic incentives and other factors that may encourage manipulation, the reliability of such explanations comes into question. This manuscript builds upon a previous conference paper ^* ∗ by introducing a conceptual framework for deceptive explanations and constructing a typology grounded in interdisciplinary literature. The focus of our work is on how AI models can generate and detect deceptive explanations. In our empirical evaluation, we focus on text classification and introduce modifications to the explanations generated by GradCAM, a well-established method for explaining neural networks. Through a user study comprising 200 participants, we demonstrate that these deceptive explanations have the potential to mislead individuals. However, we also demonstrate that machine learning (ML) techniques can discern even subtle deceptive tactics with an accuracy exceeding 80%, given sufficient domain expertise. Furthermore, even in the absence of domain knowledge, unsupervised learning can be employed to identify inconsistencies in the explanations, provided that fundamental information about the underlying predictive model is accessible.
... Our concept refers to reflecting on individual decisions in sequence, while humans reflect on their capabilities, actions, and emotions as a whole. Therefore, we do not claim to replicate human capabilities in this regard, similar to other human traits like creativity (Basalla et al. 2022). However, it is possible that a model could also learn from explanations generated by humans. ...
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We examine whether data generated by explanation techniques, which promote a process of self-reflection, can improve classifier performance. Our work is based on the idea that humans have the ability to make quick, intuitive decisions as well as to reflect on their own thinking and learn from explanations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the potential of mimicking this process by using explanations generated by explainability methods has been explored. We found that combining explanations with traditional labeled data leads to significant improvements in classification accuracy and training efficiency across multiple image classification datasets and convolutional neural network architectures. It is worth noting that during training, we not only used explanations for the correct or predicted class, but also for other classes. This serves multiple purposes, including allowing for reflection on potential outcomes and enriching the data through augmentation.
... Although the use of modern computing power to improve creativity assessment bodes well for the future, researchers should continue to focus on conceptual issues (e.g., Basalla, Schneider, & Vom Brocke, 2022). With technology allowing us to do more and different things, greatly expanding the possibilities for creativity assessment, serious consideration of why and how we assess creativity in certain contexts will become increasingly important. ...
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In 1998, Plucker and Runco provided an overview of creativity assessment, noting current issues (fluency confounds, generality vs. specificity), recent advances (predictive validity, implicit theories), and promising future directions (moving beyond divergent thinking measures, reliance on batteries of assessments, translation into practice). In the ensuing quarter century, the field experienced large growth in the quantity, breadth, and depth of assessment work, suggesting another analysis is timely. The purpose of this paper is to review the 1998 analysis and identify current issues, advances, and future directions for creativity measurement. Recent advances include growth in assessment quantity and quality and use of semantic distance as a scoring technique. Current issues include mismatches between current conceptions of creativity and those on which many measures are based, the need for psychometric quality standards, and a paucity of predictive validity evidence. The paper concludes with analysis of likely future directions, including use of machine learning to administer and score assessments and refinement of our conceptual frameworks for creativity assessment. Although the 1998 paper was written within an academic climate of harsh criticism of creativity measurement, the current climate is more positive, with reason for optimism about the continued growth of this important aspect of the field.
... It has been extremely successful in the last few years using generative adversarial networks [30] as well as variational autoencoders which can (re)construct images from a latent space. In creative domains, e.g., the arts, the latent representation used to generate new samples is often randomly chosen [31]. In contrast, we focus on latent representations originating from actual samples or interpolations between their latent representations. ...
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Adversarial samples mostly aim at fooling machine learning (ML) models. They often involve minor pixel-based perturbations that are imperceptible to human observers. In this work, adversarial samples should fool both humans and ML models, which is important in two-stage decision processes. We perform changes on a higher abstraction level so that a target sample exhibits properties of a desired sample. Technically, we contribute by deriving a regularization scheme for autoencoders incorporating a classifier loss for smoothly interpolating between wildly different samples. The realism and effectiveness of generated samples are confirmed with a user study and other evaluations. Our experiments consider neural networks of four architectures, assessed on MNIST, FashionMNIST, QuickDraw and CIFAR-10. Results show that our scheme leads to superior performance compared to existing interpolation techniques: on average, other methods have an 11% higher failure rate when producing a sample that is of any of two interpolated classes. Furthermore, our attacks work in both white-and black-box settings.
Conference Paper
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Artificial intelligence (AI) comes with great opportunities but can also pose significant risks. Automatically generated explanations for decisions can increase transparency and foster trust, especially for systems based on automated predictions by AI models. However, given, e.g., economic incentives to create dishonest AI, to what extent can we trust explanations? To address this issue, our work investigates how AI models (i.e., deep learning, and existing instruments to increase transparency regarding AI decisions) can be used to create and detect deceptive explanations. As an empirical evaluation, we focus on text classification and alter the explanations generated by GradCAM, a well-established explanation technique in neural networks. Then, we evaluate the effect of deceptive explanations on users in an experiment with 200 participants. Our findings confirm that deceptive explanations can indeed fool humans. However, one can deploy machine learning (ML) methods to detect seemingly minor deception attempts with accuracy exceeding 80% given sufficient domain knowledge. Without domain knowledge, one can still infer inconsistencies in the explanations in an unsupervised manner, given basic knowledge of the predictive model under scrutiny.
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Deep neural networks can achieve great successes when presented with large data sets and sufficient computational resources. However, their ability to learn new concepts quickly is limited. Meta-learning is one approach to address this issue, by enabling the network to learn how to learn. The field of Deep Meta-Learning advances at great speed, but lacks a unified, in-depth overview of current techniques. With this work, we aim to bridge this gap. After providing the reader with a theoretical foundation, we investigate and summarize key methods, which are categorized into (i) metric-, (ii) model-, and (iii) optimization-based techniques. In addition, we identify the main open challenges, such as performance evaluations on heterogeneous benchmarks, and reduction of the computational costs of meta-learning.
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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been extensively studied in the past few years. Arguably their most significant impact has been in the area of computer vision where great advances have been made in challenges such as plausible image generation, image-to-image translation, facial attribute manipulation, and similar domains. Despite the significant successes achieved to date, applying GANs to real-world problems still poses significant challenges, three of which we focus on here. These are as follows: (1) the generation of high quality images, (2) diversity of image generation, and (3) stabilizing training. Focusing on the degree to which popular GAN technologies have made progress against these challenges, we provide a detailed review of the state-of-the-art in GAN-related research in the published scientific literature. We further structure this review through a convenient taxonomy we have adopted based on variations in GAN architectures and loss functions. While several reviews for GANs have been presented to date, none have considered the status of this field based on their progress toward addressing practical challenges relevant to computer vision. Accordingly, we review and critically discuss the most popular architecture-variant, and loss-variant GANs, for tackling these challenges. Our objective is to provide an overview as well as a critical analysis of the status of GAN research in terms of relevant progress toward critical computer vision application requirements. As we do this we also discuss the most compelling applications in computer vision in which GANs have demonstrated considerable success along with some suggestions for future research directions. Codes related to the GAN-variants studied in this work is summarized on
Conference Paper
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Consumer-grade 3D printers have made the fabrication of aesthetic objects and static assemblies easier, opening the door to automate the design of such objects. However, while static designs are easily produced with 3D printing, functional designs, with moving parts, are more difficult to generate: The search space is high-dimensional, the resolution of the 3D-printed parts is not adequate, and it is difficult to predict the physical behavior of imperfect, 3D-printed mechanisms. An example challenge for automating the design of functional, 3D-printed mechanisms is producing a diverse set of reliable and effective gear mechanisms that could be used after production without extensive post-processing. To meet this challenge, an indirect encoding based on a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is proposed and evolved using Novelty Search. The elite solutions of each generation are 3D printed to evaluate their functional performance in a physical test platform. The proposed RNN model successfully discovers sequential design rules that are difficult to discover with other methods. Compared to a direct encoding of gear mechanisms evolved with Genetic Algorithms (GAs), the designs produced by the RNN are geometrically more diverse and functionally more effective, thus forming a promising foundation for the generative design of 3D-printed, functional mechanisms.
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The common view that our creativity is what makes us uniquely human suggests that incorporating research on human creativity into generative deep learning techniques might be a fruitful avenue for making their outputs more compelling and human-like. Using an original synthesis of DeepDream-based convolutional neural networks and cognitive based computational art rendering systems, we show how honing theory, intrinsic motivation, and the notion of a “seed incident” can be implemented computationally, and demonstrate their impact on the resulting generative art. Conversely, we discuss how explorations in deep learning convolutional neural net generative systems can inform our understanding of human creativity. We conclude with ideas for further cross-fertilization between AI based computational creativity and psychology of creativity.
Conference Paper
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Generative systems have a significant potential to synthesize innovative design alternatives. Still, most of the common systems that have been adopted in design require the designer to explicitly define the specifications of the procedures and in some cases the design space. In contrast, a generative system could potentially learn both aspects through processing a database of existing solutions without the supervision of the designer. To explore this possibility, we review recent advancements of generative models in machine learning and current applications of learning techniques in design. Then, we describe the development of a data-driven generative system titled DeepCloud. It combines an autoencoder architecture for point clouds with a web-based interface and analog input devices to provide an intuitive experience for data-driven generation of design alternatives. We delineate the implementation of two prototypes of DeepCloud, their contributions, and potentials for generative design.
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This work introduces a method to tune a sequence-based generative model for molecular de novo design that through augmented episodic likelihood can learn to generate structures with certain specified desirable properties. We demonstrate how this model can execute a range of tasks such as generating analogues to a query structure and generating compounds predicted to be active against a biological target. As a proof of principle, the model is first trained to generate molecules that do not contain sulphur. As a second example, the model is trained to generate analogues to the drug Celecoxib, a technique that could be used for scaffold hopping or library expansion starting from a single molecule. Finally, when tuning the model towards generating compounds predicted to be active against the dopamine receptor type 2, the model generates structures of which more than 95% are predicted to be active, including experimentally confirmed actives that have not been included in either the generative model nor the activity prediction model.Graphical abstract. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13321-017-0235-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
We discuss how to control outputs from deep learning models of text corpora so as to create contemporary poetic works. We assess whether these controls are successful in the immediate sense of creating stylo- metric distinctiveness. The specific context is our piece The Character Thinks Ahead (2016/17); the potential applications are broad.
Deep generative models have been wildly successful at learning coherent latent representations for continuous data such as video and audio. However, generative modeling of discrete data such as arithmetic expressions and molecular structures still poses significant challenges. Crucially, state-of-the-art methods often produce outputs that are not valid. We make the key observation that frequently, discrete data can be represented as a parse tree from a context-free grammar. We propose a variational autoencoder which encodes and decodes directly to and from these parse trees, ensuring the generated outputs are always valid. Surprisingly, we show that not only does our model more often generate valid outputs, it also learns a more coherent latent space in which nearby points decode to similar discrete outputs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned models by showing their improved performance in Bayesian optimization for symbolic regression and molecular synthesis.