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ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Accepted by W. M. Weiner: 29 Jan. 2022; published: 22 Feb. 2022 451
Zootaxa 5100 (4): 451–481
Copyright © 2022 Magnolia Press Article
Integrative taxonomy reveals three new species of European
Lepidocyrtus lignorum-group (Collembola, Entomobryidae)
1Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals; Facultat de Biologia; Universitat de Barcelona; Avinguda Di-
agonal 643, 08028 – Barcelona; Spain.
2Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
3University of Bristol, School of Life Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom.
*Corresponding author
Lepidocyrtus is one of the genera of springtails with the largest number of species in the world. Molecular studies carried
out to date on this genus have revealed the existence of a large number of cryptic species. Molecular and morphological
studies done with four European populations of the genus have allowed us to describe three new species within the
L. lignorum-group: L. fuscocephalus sp. nov., L. milagrosae sp. nov. and L. semicoloratus sp. nov. One of these
species is made up of two geographically separate populations that represent two clearly separate but morphologically
indistinguishable haplotypes.
Key words: Chaetotaxy, colour pattern, COXII, EF-1α, Lepidocyrtinae, mPTP, ASAP, bPTP
Lepidocyrtus es uno de los géneros de colémbolos con un mayor número de especies a escala mundial. Los estudios
moleculares realizados hasta la fecha en este género han revelado la existencia de un gran número de especies crípticas.
Estudios moleculares y morfológicos llevados a cabo con cuatro poblaciones europeas del género nos han permitido describir
tres nuevas especies en el L. lignorum-group: L. fuscocephalus sp. nov., L. milagrosae sp. nov. and L. semicoloratus sp.
nov. Una de estas especies está compuesta por dos poblaciones geográficamente alejadas que representan dos haplotipos
claramente separados pero morfológicamente indistinguibles.
Palabras clave: Quetotaxia, patrón de color, COXII, EF-1 α, Lepidocyrtinae, mPTP, ASAP, bPTP
Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839, with ~250 species, is one of the genera of springtails with a greater number of species,
and some investigations using molecular markers have demonstrated the presence of an important cryptic diversity
within the genus (Cicconardi et al. 2010, 2013, Mateos et al. 2018, Zhang B. et al. 2018, 2019). Morphological char-
acters currently used in species descriptions of Lepidocyrtus seem insufficient to describe the diversity discovered
by molecules, and looking for new characters is a necessary task (Mateos et al. 2021).
Colour pattern has always been used as an important character for species diagnoses in Lepidocyrtus and other
genera of Entomobryidae (Bonet 1934; Gisin 1960; Yosii 1961), although it is a trait to be taken with caution and
always with other associated characters (Soto-Adames 2002; Zhang B. et al. 2019). Using chaetotaxic characters,
the European members of Lepidocyrtus have been grouped into five species groups, and molecular analyses have
confirmed their validity (Mateos et al. 2018, Winkler et al. 2020). The most species-rich is the lignorum-group
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which, currently, is composed of 16 species, namely L. barbulus Mateos, 2011, L. chorus Mateos & Lukić, 2019, L.
instratus Handschin, 1924, L. intermedius Mateos, Escuer & Álvarez-Presas, 2018 (in Mateos et al. 2018), L. juliae
Mateos, 2011, L. labyrinthi Baquero & Jordana, 2021 (in Baquero et al. 2021), L. lignorum (Fabricius, 1793), L.
paralignorum Baquero & Jordana, 2021 (in Baquero et al. 2021), L. peisonis Traser & Christian, 1992, L. pulchellus
Denis, 1926, L. ruber Schött, 1902, L. tellecheae Arbea & Jordana, 1990, L. traseri Winkler, 2016, L. uzeli Rusek,
1985, L. vexillosus Loksa & Bogojević, 1967 and L. violaceus (Geoffroy, 1762). All of them have trunk macrochae-
totaxy formula 00/0101+3 (Mateos 2011). The dorsal head macrochaetotaxy formula A0A2A3Pa5 is also shared by
all species of the group except L. intermedius (A0A2Pa5), L. ruber (A0A2A3), and L. vexillosus (A0A2Pa5) (Mateos
2020). Fundamental diagnostic characters other than pigmentation, dorsal macrochaetotaxy, unguis morphology
and scale distribution, are still unknown for the species L. instratus and L. vexillosus, and their diagnoses are mainly
based on the original descriptions (which are very concise). More studies about these two species are necessary in
order to elaborate an adequate morphological description that allows their comparison with the other species in the
Recently, Mateos et al. (2021) detected three haplotypes within the European lignorum-group that clearly dif-
fered from the haplotypes of the known species in the group. Each of these three lineages had a characteristic colour
pattern, and was named as Lepidocyrtus spJ, spK, and spL, respectively. In the present paper we analyse the genetic
sequences of these three morphotypes using more molecular species delineation analyses than in the previous work
and describe them as three new species of the European Lepidocyrtus lignorum-group. Also, some notes on Lepido-
cyrtus instratus, a poorly described species in the literature, are provided.
Materials and methods
Specimens. Specimens of the new species were hand collected from soil litter (using micro aspirator) or herbaceous
vegetation (beating branches) and stored in microvials with absolute alcohol. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase
subunit II (CoxII) and nuclear Elongation Factor 1-alpha (EF) gene sequences were downloaded from the NCBI
GenBank public database (Table 1).
Molecular methods. Alignments were produced with the retrieved sequences in BioEdit (Hall 1999) using
amino acids as a guide since both genes are coding. In the case of EF, the intronic regions were aligned separately
using the online MAFFT program v7 (Rozewicki et al. 2019) with the G-INS-i refinement method and the other
options by default.
Phylogenetic trees were inferred for the three datasets (CoxII, EF and Concatenated) under the Maximum
Likelihood criterium (ML) using the software IQtree2 (Minh et al. 2020). The best model fit was inferred with the
TESTMERGE option, resembling PartitionFinder (Lanfear et al. 2017) by just considering the invariable site and
Gamma rate heterogeneity. For the individual alignments 100,000 ultrafast bootstrap (UFB) replicates (Minh et al.
2013) were run, while for the Concatenated dataset 10,000 UFB were inferred. For the analysis of the Concatenated
dataset, a partition scheme was taken into account by gene. A Bayesian Inference (BI) tree was inferred for the
Concatenated dataset using the software MrBayes v3.2. (Ronquist et al. 2012) for 8 million generations and two
independent runs, diagnosing MCMC convergence with Tracer v1.7. (Rambaut et al. 2018).
Molecular species delimitation was assessed using three different approaches. First, the multi-rate Poisson Tree
Process (mPTP) method (Kapli et al. 2017) under the maximum likelihood criterium, cropping the outgroup, and
using the individual gene ML trees in newick format previously inferred as input on the website (http://mptp.h-its.
org/#/tree). Second, the ASAP method (Puillandre et al. 2021), using the CoxII alignment as input and setting the
Kimura-80 as the model and the rest of parameters by default. Finally, we applied the Bayesian Poisson Tree Process
(bPTP) method (Zhang J. et al. 2013) on the website ( using the individual ML trees as
input and default parameters.
Morphology methods
For morphological studies specimens were cleared with Nesbit fluid and slide-mounted in Hoyer medium. Observa-
tions were made with a phase-contrast microscope with a digital camera attached.
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TABLE 1. Species included in molecular analysis indicating population code, locality (province, country), and GenBank
accession numbers of sequences used.
GenBank Accession Number
Species Code Locality CoxII EF
Lepidocyrtus barbulus LP239_1 Crete, Greece MF095498 MF095594
LP239_2 MF095499 MF095595
Lepidocyrtus chorus LP383_1 Miljacka, Croatia MF095522 MF095609
LP383_2 MF095523 -
Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov. LP125_1 Barcelona, Spain MT345927 MT345994
LP125_2 MT345928 MT345995
LP125_3 MT345929 MT345996
LP125_4 MT345930 MT345997
LP125_5 MT345931 MT345998
Lepidocyrtus intermedius LP114_1 Barcelona, Spain MF095458 -
LP114_2 MF095459 MF095569
Lepidocyrtus juliae LP229_1 Crete, Greece MF095490 MF095590
LP229_2 MF095491 -
Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus LP130_1 Barcelona, Spain MF095474 MF095579
LP130_2 MF095475 MF095574
Lepidocyrtus lignorum LP118_1 Barcelona, Spain MF095465 MF095570
LP118_2 MF095466 MT345988
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus LP100_1 Tarragona, Spain MF095537 MF095614
LP100_2 MF095540 -
Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov. LP250_4 Rhodes, Greece MT345941 -
LP250_5 MT345942 MT346008
LP250_6 MT345943 -
LP250_7 MT345944 -
Lepidocyrtus montseniensis LP129_1 Barcelona, Spain MF095470 MF095571
LP129_2 MF095471 MF095572
Lepidocyrtus pallidus LP362_3 Vestfold, Norway MF095519 MF095608
LP362_4 MF095520 -
Lepidocyrtus pulchellus LP389_7 La Spezia, Italy MT345946 -
LP389_8 MT345947 MT346010
Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov. LP108_2 Barcelona, Spain MT345918 MT345984
LP108_3 MT345919 MT345985
LP108_4 MT345920 MT345986
LP108_5 MT345921 MT345987
LP122_1 Valencia, Spain MT345922 MT345989
LP122_2 MT345923 MT345990
LP122_3 MT345924 MT345991
LP122_4 MT345925 MT345992
LP122_5 MT345926 MT345993
Lepidocyrtus tellecheae LP106_2 Barcelona, Sain MF095529 MF095564
LP106_3 MF095530 MF095565
Lepidocyrtus traseri LP546_1 Pest, Hungary MT345963 MT346024
LP546_3 MT345965 MT346026
Lepidocyrtus violaceus LP096_1 A Coruña, Spain MT345910 MT345977
LP096_3 MT345912 MT345979
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In January 2019 one slide was revised (deposited at the National Museum of Natural History-NMNH, Paris,
France) containing one specimen of L. instratus prepared and identified by Gisin in 1948. With the study of this
specimen along with the information provided in several publications (Handschin 1924, Gisin 1964a, 1964b), a
diagnosis of the species is proposed in the present paper.
For the taxonomic descriptions, the following terms and codes were used: For dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy the
“AMS” nomenclature system (see Soto-Adames 2010). For Ant.I-organ Hüther (1986). For labial papillae and
maxillary palp Fjellberg (1999). For clypeal chaetotaxy Yoshii & Suhardjono (1992) and Zhang F. et al. (2016). For
labial chaetotaxy Gisin (1964b). For postlabial chaetotaxy Soto-Adames (2010). For interocular chaetotaxy Mari
Mutt (1986). For dorsal chaetotaxy schemes of thoracic and abdominal segments Gisin (1967), Szeptycki (1972,
1979), Wang et al. 2003, Mateos (2008), and Zhang F. et al. (2019). For tergal specialized chaetae (S-chaetae)
Zhang F. & Deharveng (2015). For pseudopores distribution Mateos et al. (2021).
Abbreviations and symbols in text and figures: BP4—basal plate of the fourth abdominal segment, Ant.—an-
tennal segment, Th.—thoracic segment, Abd.—abdominal segment, I–VI—segment numbers, pse—pseudopore.
Molecular section
Molecular results. CoxII dataset is composed of 44 sequences all belonging to the Lepidocyrtus genus with a length
of 688 bp. EF dataset contains 36 sequences and a length of 632 bp. The Concatenated dataset bears 44 sequences
and a total length of 1320 bp. The topology of the two individual gene trees is different, perhaps due to different
taxon sampling, so it is difficult to establish a good comparison. In both phylogenies, however, all known species
are monophyletic. Regarding the Concatenated dataset results, both ML (Fig. 1) and BI give similar topologies.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus, L. lanuginosus and L. pallidus appear at the base of the tree, sister to L. montseniensis, that
is sister to all the other species (representing the L. lignorum-group on the tree). The new species L. milagrosae sp.
nov. belongs to the same clade as L. juliae, and both group with the other species described here, L. fuscocephalus
sp. nov.. All the individuals from the third new species, L. semicoloratus sp. nov. form a single cluster, showing
long branches separating both populations (Montseny – named LP108, and Valencia – named LP122). Sister to this
cluster appears a big clade formed by the species L. pulchellus, L. tellecheae, L. traseri, L. intermedius, L. lignorum,
L. violaceus, L. barbulus and L. chorus. All the species are shown as monophyletic with high support; however, the
relationships of big clades lack statistical support in most of the cases.
Molecular species delimitation. The mPTP results disagree between both molecular markers used. In the
EF analysis, all the specimens seem to belong to the same species, while the CoxII results show all the previously
morphologically defined species as such. The same occurs with the other species delimitation methods applied, so
it is impossible to comment on the results of the EF marker for species delimitation. Regarding the CoxII results,
all three methods agree in the species delimitation, showing 17 entities as putative species (Fig. 1). The number of
putative species retrieved by the 10 best partition schemes produced through ASAP ranges from 12 to 27. The best
composite score (named asap-score) is 1.5, and it corresponds to a partition with 17 putative species.
Taxonomic section
Family Entomobryidae Tömösváry, 1882
Genus Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839
Lepidocyrtus instratus Handschin, 1924
Figs 2–7, Table 2
Material examined. One slide (deposited at the National Museum of Natural History-NMNH, Paris, France) con-
taining one specimen of L. instratus prepared and identified by Gisin in 1948. The slide was labeled with the code
“1b:Rr4/2”, and “Autriche, Tirol” as locality.
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FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic tree inferred with Maximum Likelihood (ML) using the Concatenated dataset. Stars at nodes cor-
respond to ultrafast bootstrap values, and their size is proportional to the value, showing only values > 70%. Vertical bars to the
right of the phylogeny correspond to the molecular species delimitation methods results (ASAP, bPTP and mPTP from left to
right). Scale bar represents number of substitutions per site.
Diagnosis based on the original description of Handschin (1924), Gisin (1964a, 1964b) and specimen from
the slide “1b:Rr4/2”. Length 2.0 mm (maximum). With dark blue pigment on Ant.II–IV, buccal area, dorsal side of
Th.III to Abd.III (and dispersed over Abd.IV–V) and coxae (Fig. 2). Th.II sligthly projecting over head (Fig. 3). Ant.
I–II, legs, ventral tube and posterior region of manubrium with scales. Labial chaetae (M1M2REL1L2) in “p row”
well developed and ciliated, M1 a little shorter than M2, R half in length than M2 (Fig. 4). Dorsal cephalic and body
macrochaetae formula as A0A2A3Pa5/00/0101+3 (Fig. 5). Anterior trichobotrium of Abd.IV with accessory chaetae
a, D1 and m fan-shaped, without chaeta s (Fig. 6). Ungues with a small basal tooth at about 40% of the inner edge;
unguiculi lanceolate, with smooth and curved outer edge (Fig. 7).
Discussion. In the original description of Handschin (1924) the chaetotaxy was not described and the species
was characterised by the colour pattern, the ungues without inner teeth and the unguiculi truncate. The localities of
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the specimens assigned for the type series are located in the Engadine region of Swiss Alps, at altitudes between
2600 and 2800 m a.s.l.; these specimens were collected under stones on the edge of a snowy field and in groundhog
FIGURES 2–7. Lepidocyrtus instratus: 2, habitus lateral (from Handschin 1924); 3 Head and mesothorax in lateral view (pic-
ture from specimen in the slide “1b:Rr4/2”, NMNH); 4, labial chaetotaxy (sensu Gisin 1964b); 5, dorsal cephalic and body mac-
rochaetae (black filled dots), trichobothria (lines) and pseudopores (empty circles) (after Gisin 1964a); 6, anterior trichobotrium
of Abd.IV complex (after Gisin 1964b); 7 unguis and unguiculus (after Gisin 1964a).
Gisin (1964a), based on several topotypes, corrected the original description of Handschin (1924) and noted
the presence in the ungues of a small basal teeth (at about 40% of the inner edge) and a tiny tooth (at about 55% of
the inner edge), and the lanceolate morphology of the unguiculi rather than truncate. However, Gisin noted that the
unguiculi has a curved outer edge, giving the appearance of being truncated. Gisin (1964a) also described the dorsal
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macrochaetotaxy of head and body, and confirmed the colour pattern of the species as the one described by Hand-
schin in the original description. Both Handschin and Gisin noted the dark pigmented buccal area as characteristic of
the species. In the same year, Gisin (1964b) described the chaetotaxy of the basal labium and the accessory chaetae
of the anterior trichobothrium of Abd.IV.
The slide from the NMNH revised by the author is, supposedly, part of the material used by Gisin (1964a) for
the revision of the species. The specimen was in very bad condition, and the chaetotaxy was completely invisible.
However, the morphology of several ungues and unguiculi was visible and was the same as that described by Gisin
As noted by the above paragraphs (and also previously noted by Mateos 2008) L. instratus is poorly described
in the literature. However, enough characters are known to ascribe the species to the European lignorum-group
(sensu Mateos (2011). Several fundamental chaetotaxic characters are still unknown, which makes difficult com-
parisons between this species and the other species of the lignorum-group with the standards currently required in
the genus Lepidocyrtus.
Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus Mateos sp. nov.
Figs 8–23, Tabs 1–2
Type material. Holotype: Male on two slides (CRBA-90744a (head) and CRBA-90744b(body)), Montnegre Natu-
ral Park, Sant Celoni, Barcelona (Spain), 610 m above sea level, lat/long coordinates N41.66449 E2.56279, on
soil litter under oak trees, hand collecting, 18.iv.2007, leg. E. Mateos. Paratypes: 8 specimens on slides (3 males, 1
female, and 4 without visible sexual plate) and 17 specimens preserved in absolute alcohol, same data as holotype.
Holotype and paratype slides CRBA-90745a and CRBA-90745b saved in the collection of the Centre de Recursos
de Biodiversitat Animal, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona (; other paratypes
kept in the E. Mateos’ collection (lot LP125).
Other material. 40 specimens preserved in absolute alcohol, Montnegre Natural Park, Sant Celoni, Barcelona
(Spain), 427 m above sea level, lat/long coordinates N41.6663 E2.5793, on soil litter under oak trees, 18.iv.2007,
leg. E. Mateos. All material kept in the E. Mateos’ collection (lot LP134).
FIGURE 8. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov.: Habitus lateral (specimen in alcohol, without scales).
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Diagnosis. With dark blue pigment on all head, Ant.II–IV, coxae-trocanter-femur of legs I–III, and ventral tube;
disperse blue pigment also on Abd.IV and Abd.V. Th.II slightly projecting over the head. Ant.I–III, legs, ventral tube
and posterior region of manubrium with scales. Labial chaetotaxy M1M2REL1L2, R shortened. Dorsal cephalic and
body macrochaetae formula A0[A2a]A2A3Pa5/00/0101+3. Abd.IV without chaeta s. Unguiculus lanceolate and with
serrated outer margin.
Molecular diagnosis. This species includes all populations that cluster with CoxII and EF sequences of the
individuals LP125-1 to LP125-5 (Table 1), with significant support in an adequate molecular delimitation model.
Etymology. The species name refers to the dark blue colour of the head. In latin “fuscus” means dark, and
“cephalus” means head.
Description. Holotype body length (without head nor furca) 2.2 mm, paratypes 1.8–2.2 mm. Body colour pat-
tern (Fig. 8) with dark blue pigment on all head, Ant.II–IV (with increasing colour intensity towards the distal part
of each segment), coxae, and ventral tube; disperse blue pigment also on trochanter-femur of legs I–III, Abd.IV and
Abd.V; densely black pigmented ocular areas. Mesothorax slightly projected over the head.
Antenna with scales on dorsal and ventral region of Ant.I–III. Ratio antenna:cephalic diagonal = 1.8–1.9 (head
diagonal measured from cervical edge to apex of mouth part); ratio Ant.I:II:III:IV as 1:1.7:1.6:2.5. Basis of Ant.I
dorsally with three microchaetae arranged in triangle (Ant.I-organ); apex of Ant.I with a short curved S-chaeta in the
membranous area of the ventral region. Ant.III organ composed of two subcilindrical and curved sensory rods. Ant.
IV without apical bulb. Eyes 8+8; eyes A to F of equal size, G and H slightly smaller, ratio A/G and A/H = 1.6.
FIGURES 9–12. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov.: 9, clypeal and labral chaetotaxy; 10, maxillary palp (right side); 11, outer
labial papilla (right side); 12, labial and postlabial chaetotaxy (the arrow points to a supernumerary M chaeta present in one
paratype). Black dots––ciliated chaetae, cross––scales, p.c.—proximal chaetae of labial palp.
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FIGURE 13. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov.: Dorsal head chaetotaxy (left side). Broad circles––long ciliated macrocha-
etae, small circles––short ciliated macrochaetae.
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FIGURES 14–16. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 14, Th.II; 15, Th.III; 16 Abd.I. Circles––
ciliated chaetae.
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FIGURES 17–18. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 17, Abd.II; 18, Abd.III. Broad circles––
broad ciliated macrochaetae, small circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae.
Clypeus (Fig. 9) with three prefrontal chaetae (1 pf0 and 2 pf1), four facial chaetae (f), and four lateral chaetae
(2 L1 and 2 L2), all these chaetae ciliated. Prelabral and labral chaetae in typical number 4/554 (Fig. 9), prelabral
chaetae ciliated, all labral chaetae smooth and pointed, apical row curved; inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion;
four rounded labral papillae with a central small pointed expansion. Maxillary palp outer lobe with smooth apical
appendage and basal chaeta, and three smooth sublobal appendages (Fig. 10). Lateral process of outer labial papilla
finger-shape, slightly curved, tip not reaching apex of papilla (Fig. 11).
Labial and postlabial chaetotaxy as in Fig. 12; with five smooth proximal chaetae at the base of labial palp;
labial anterior row formed by five smooth chaetae (a1–a5); posterior row formed by ciliated chaetae with formula
M1M2REL1L2; chaeta R shorter, ratio M2/R ≈ 2.4; one paratype with a supernumerary reduced M chaeta (as long
as chaeta R) between M1 and M2 present on one side (Fig. 12); postlabial chaetaxy with all chaetae ciliated, row I
(along ventral cephalic groove) with 4 chaetae.
Dorsal cephalic macrochaetae formula A0A2A3Pa5, but also with pair of smaller supplementary macrochaetae
A2a between A0 and A2; maximum number of macrochaetae An on head 15+15. Interocular chaetotaxy with s, t, p
ciliated chaetae and 5–7 scales (Fig. 13).
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FIGURE 19. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov.: Abd.IV chaetotaxy (left side). Broad black circles––broad ciliated macro-
chaetae, small black circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae.
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FIGURES 20–22. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov.: 20, Abd.V chaetotaxy (left side), broad circles––long ciliated chaetae,
small circles––short ciliated or smooth chaetae; 21, trochanteral organ; 22, third leg unguis and unguiculus.
Dorsal body macrochaetae formula 00/0101+3 (macrochaetae m3 on Abd.II, and Sm+B4, B5, B6 on Abd.IV).
Dorsal chaetotaxy of Th.II–III and Abd.I as in Figs 14–16. Th.II with 2 lateral S-chaetae (al and ms) and without
macrochaetae in dorsal position. Th.III with a lateral sensillum (al) close to several ciliated chaetae. Abd.I with a
lateral S-microchaeta (ms) external to a6. Chaetotaxy of Abd.II–III as in Figs 17–18. Abd.II chaeta ml present or
absent depending on the specimens; macrochaeta m3 with socket diameter 1.6 times higher than macrochaeta m5.
Abd. III chaeta mi present or absent depending on the specimens, with chaeta d3 between macrochaetae pm6 and
p6, and with S-chaetae as and ms. All chaetae associated with the trichobothria on Abd.II–III strongly ciliate and
partially fan-shaped. Chaetotaxy of Abd.IV as in Fig. 19; macrochaetae Sm, B4, B5, B6, D3, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2,
F3 broader and with broad socket; macrochaetae T6, T7, D2, De3, E1, E4p, Fe4, Fe5, F3p shorter or longer but
always thinner and with socket of minor diameter; macrochaeta F2 inserted above macrochaeta E3; the ratio of
distances between macrochaetae Sm–B4/B4–B6 is 0.8–0.9; the ratio of distances between macrochaetae B4–B5/
B5–B6 is 1.1–1.3; accessory chaeta s associated with trichobotrium T2 absent; chaetae D1, m, pe and pi associated
with trichobotria T2 and T4 fan-shaped and strongly ciliate, chaeta a pointed and strongly ciliate; sens chaetotaxy
composed of 2 anterior dorsomedial elongate S-chaetae, and short chaetae as and ps; posterior margin with 9+9
smooth mesochaetae; lateral region BP4 without pseudopori. Dorsal chaetotaxy of Abd.V with S-chaetae as, acc.p4
and acc.p5 (Fig. 20).
Legs with scales except in claws. Rectangular-shaped trochanteral organ formed by a maximum of 28 smooth
straight chaetae (Fig. 21). Unguis (Fig. 22) with basal pair of teeth at 49% from base of the inner edge, and with
two inner unpaired teeth at 71% and 88% from the base of the inner edge respectively; on unguis I–II the apical in-
ner tooth tiny and sometimes difficult to see; one external tooth and a pair of lateral teeth also present. Unguiculus
lanceolate with serrated outer margin (serration less evident on unguiculus III). Tibiotarsal tenent hair spatulate,
smooth and as long as claw; ratio of supra-empodial chaeta (smooth chaeta on tibiotarsus III opposite to tenent hair)
/ unguiculus ≈ 1.2.
Ventral tube with 6+6 ciliated chaetae on anterior side (4+4 proximal and 2+2 distal) and 11+11 weakly ciliated
chaetae on posterior side; scales present on anterior and posterior sides; lateral flap with a maximum of 26 latero-
distal chaetae (20–23 ciliated and 3 smooth).
Manubrium with scales on anterior and posterior surfaces, with 2+2 ciliated apical chaetae on anterior side.
The ratio manubrium:dens:mucro is 19:20:1. Manubrial plate with 3–4 inner chaetae and a maximum of 16 outer
chaetae. Dental tubercle absent. Mucro with the two teeth of the same size, without spinelet on basal spine.
Pseudopores distribution on dorsal and ventral positions as in Figs 23a–b.
Ecology and distribution. All specimens were obtained by sifting soil surface litter under oak trees.
Discussion. Morphological characters clearly assign Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov. to the Lepidocyrtus
lignorum-group (sensu Mateos 2011). By the characteristic body colour pattern L. fuscocephalus sp. nov. clearly
differs from all the other species of the L. lignorum-group. Other differences between all species included in the
group are summarized in Table 2. By having body partially blue pigmented and lanceolate unguiculus L. fuscoceph-
alus sp. nov. is close to species L. instratus, L. labyrinthi, L. traseri, L. milagrosae sp. nov. and L. semicoloratus
464 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
sp. nov. Of these, the new species differ by the colour pattern, the presence of scales on Ant.III and pointed labral
apical chaetae.
FIGURE 23. Lepidocyrtus fuscocephalus sp. nov, L. milagrosae sp. nov. and L. semicoloratus sp. nov.: Pseudopores distribu-
tion: a, dorsal pseudopores; b–c, ventral pesudopores.
NEW SPECIES OF EUROPEAN LEPIDOCYRTUS LIGNORUM-GROUP Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press · 465
TABLE 2. Characters differentiating between the European Lepidocyrtus species of lignorum-group.
(+)––present; (-)––absent; ?––no data available; B––broad ciliated macrochaeta; band–– body white with some datk blue bands; bl––body dark blue pigmented; dots––body white
with some dark blue spots; part––body partially dark blue pigmented; wh––body white; T––thin ciliated macrochaeta; Ceph: cephalic chaetae; Labial M: number of labial M
chaetae; Labial R: number of labial R chaetae; Labrum apical: morphology of apical labral chaetae, bra––chaeta with branched apical end, poi––chaeta with pointed apical end;
Labrum papilla: number of denticles in the labral papillae; BP4 pse: presence/absence of pseudopores on the basal plate of fourth abdominal segment; Unguis bp%: basal pair of
teeth position on the inner edge of unguis-III measured in percentage from base of this inner edge; Unguis unp: number of unpaired teeth on the inner edge of unguis-III; Unguicu-
lus: morphology of unguiculi apex, acu––acuminate, tru––truncate. 1Data from Mateos et al. (2021). *new species.
Body colour
Ant.III scales
Ceph A3
Ceph Pa5
Interocular q
Labial M
Labial R
Labrum apical
Labrum papilla
Abd.IV T6
Abd.IV B6
BP4 pse
Unguis bp%
Unguis unp
barbulus wh/bl + + + - 3–4 2–5 poi 4 T B - 50% 2 acu
chorus dots - + + - 2 1 bra 1–3 B B - 54% 2 acu
fuscocephalus*part + + + - 2 1 poi 1 T B - 49% 2 acu
instratus part - + + ? 2 1 ? ? T B - 40% 1 acu
intermedius wh - - + - 2 1 bra 3 T B - 56% 2 acu
juliae dots - + + + 2 1 bra 3 T B + 52% 2 acu
labyrinthi part - + + - 2 1 bra 1 T B - 50% 2 acu
lignorum wh - + + - 2 1 bra 3 T B +/-150% 1–2 acu
milagrosae*part - + + - 2 1 bra 3 T B + 48% 2 acu
paralignorum wh - + + - 2 1 bra 1–3 T B - 50% 2 acu
peisonis wh +/- + + - 2 1 poi 0 T B - 54% 2 tru
pulchellusband + + + - 2–3 1 bra 2–3 T B - 50% 2 tru
ruber wh/bl - + - ? 2 1 poi 0 T B - 60% 1 tru
semicoloratus*part - + + - 2 1 bra 2 T B - 50% 2 acu
tellecheae wh + + + - 2 1 poi 1 T B - 50% 1 acu
traseri part - + + - 2 1 poi/bra 1 T T - 52% 2 acu
uzeli bl - + + ? 2 1 poi 1 T B - 50% 0 tru
vexillosus dots ? - + ? 2 1 ? ? T B - 60% 1–2 acu
violaceus bl - + + - 2 1 bra 1–3 T B/T1+/-150% 2 acu
466 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
Lepidocyrtus milagrosae Mateos sp. nov.
Figs 24–40, Tabs 1–2
Type material. Holotype: male on slide (CRBA-90746), Laerma, Rhodes (Greece), 253 m above sea level, lat/long
coordinates N36.146639 E27.920374, on herbaceous vegetation and soil litter, hand collecting, 3.iv.2009, leg. E.
Mateos. Paratypes: 9 specimens without visible sexual plate on slides and 9 specimens preserved in absolute al-
cohol, same data as holotype. Holotype and paratype slide CRBA-90747 saved in the collection of the Centre de
Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona (; other
paratypes kept in the E. Mateos’ collection (lot LP250).
Other material. 8 specimens preserved in absolute alcohol, Butterfly Valley, Petaloudes, Rhodes (Greece), 225
m above sea level, lat/long coordinates N36.337087 E28.062473, on herbaceous vegetation (lot LP248) and soil
litter (lot LP246), 3.iv.2009, leg. E. Mateos. All material kept in the E. Mateos’ collection.
Diagnosis. With dark blue pigment on the dorsal and ventral sides of Th.II to Abd.III, Ant.II–IV, and cx.I–III.
Th.II slightly projecting over head. Ant.I–II, legs, ventral tube and posterior region of manubrium with scales. Api-
cal bulb on Ant.IV absent. Labial chaetotaxy M1M2REL1L2, R slightly shortened. Dorsal cephalic and body mac-
rochaetae formula A0[A2a]A2A3Pa5/00/0101+3. Abd.IV without chaeta s and with 4–6 lateral pseudopori on BP4.
Unguiculus lanceolate and with serrated (or finely serrated) outer margin.
Molecular diagnosis. This species includes all populations that cluster with CoxII and EF sequences of the
individuals LP250-4 to LP250-7 (Table 1), with significant support in an adequate molecular delimitation model.
Etymology. The species is named after author’s wife Milagros (in apposition).
Description. Holotype body length (without head nor furca) 1.2 mm, paratypes 1.0–1.2 mm. Body colour pat-
tern (Fig. 24) with dark blue pigment on the dorsal and ventral sides of Th.II to Abd.III (including ventral tube),
Ant.II–IV (with increasing colour intensity towards the distal part of each segment), and cx.I–III; densely black
pigmented ocular areas. Mesothorax slightly projected over the head.
FIGURE 24. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov.: Habitus lateral (specimen in alcohol, without scales).
Antenna with scales on dorsal region of Ant.I–II. Ratio antenna:cephalic diagonal = 1.4–1.6 (head diagonal
measured from cervical edge to apex of mouth part); ratio Ant.I:II:III:IV as 1:1.8:1.8:2.8–3.2. Basis of Ant.I dorsally
with three microchaetae arranged in triangle (Ant.I-organ); apex of Ant.I with a short curved S-chaeta in the mem-
branous area of the ventral region. Ant.III organ composed of two subcilindrical and curved sensory rods. Ant.IV
without apical bulb. 8+8 eyes; eyes A–F of equal size, eyes G and H a little bit smaller, ratio A/F and A/G = 1.3.
NEW SPECIES OF EUROPEAN LEPIDOCYRTUS LIGNORUM-GROUP Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press · 467
Clypeus (Fig. 25) with three prefrontal chaetae (1 pf0 and 2 pf1), facial area with four chaetae and three scales,
and four lateral chaetae (2 L1 and 2 L2), all these chaetae ciliated. Prelabral and labral chaetae in typical number
4/554 (Fig. 25), prelabral chaetae ciliated, first and second rows of labral chaetae smooth, apical row of labral
chaetae branched (Fig. 26); inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion; four rounded labral papillae with three small
pointed expansions (Fig. 26). Maxillary palp outer lobe with smooth basal chaeta and apical appendage; sublobal
plate with three smooth appendages and a smaller fourth one (Fig. 27). Lateral process of outer labial papilla finger-
shape, slightly curved, tip not reaching apex of papilla (Fig. 28).
FIGURES 25–29. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov.: 25, clypeal and labral chaetotaxy; 26, apical labral chaetae and papillae;
27, maxilary palp (right side); 28, outer labial papilla (right side); 29, labial and postlabial chaetotaxy (right side).
Labial and postlabial chaetotaxy as in Fig. 29; with five smooth proximal chaetae at the base of labial palp;
labial anterior row formed by five smooth chaetae (a1–a5); posterior row formed by ciliated chaetae with formula
M1M2REL1L2; chaeta R shorter, ratio M/R ≈ 2.3; postlabial chaetotaxy with all chaetae ciliated, row I (along ven-
tral cephalic groove) with 4 chaetae.
Dorsal cephalic macrochaetae formula A0A2A3Pa5, but also with pair of smaller supplementary macrochaetae
A2a between A0 and A2, this chaeta A2a can have two different morphologies depending on the specimens (Fig. 30) ;
maximum number of macrochaetae An on head 11+11 (Fig. 30). Interocular chaetotaxy with s, t, p ciliated chaetae
and 2–3 scales.
Dorsal body macrochaetae formula 00/0101+3 (macrochaetae m3 on Abd.II, and Sm+B4, B5, B6 on Abd.IV).
468 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
Dorsal chaetotaxy of Th.II–III and Abd.I as in Figs 31–33. Th.II with 2 lateral S-chaetae (al and ms) and without
macrochaetae in dorsal position. Th.III with a lateral sensillum (al) close to several ciliated chaetae. Abd.I with
a lateral S-microchaeta (ms) external to a6. Chaetotaxy of Abd.II–III as in Figs 34–35. Abd.II chaeta ml present
or absent depending on the specimens, chaeta p5p absent; macrochaetae m3 and m5 with equal socket diameter.
Abd. III chaeta mi present or absent depending on the specimens, chaeta d3 absent, with S-chaetae as and ms, one
specimen with a supernumerary associate ciliated chaeta between ll and a6 on Abd.III trichobothria a5. All chaetae
associated with the trichobothria on Abd.II–III acuminate and strongly ciliate. Chaetotaxy of Abd.IV as in Fig. 36;
macrochaetae Sm, B4, B5, B6, D3, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3 broader and with broad socket; macrochaetae T6, T7,
D2, De3, E1, E4p, Fe4, F3p shorter or longer but always thinner and with socket of minor diameter; macrochaeta
F2 inserted above macrochaeta E3; the ratio of distances between macrochaetae Sm–B4/B4–B6 is 0.6–0.8; the ratio
of distances between macrochaetae B4–B5/B5–B6 is 1.0–1.4; accessory chaeta s associated with trichobotrium T2
absent; chaetae a, D1, m, pe and pi associated with trichobotria T2 and T4 acuminate and strongly ciliate; sens
chaetotaxy composed of one anterior dorsomedial elongate S-chaetae, and short chaetae as and ps; posterior margin
with 5+5 smooth mesochaetae; lateral region with 4–7 small pseudopori on BP4 (Fig. 37). Dorsal chaetotaxy of
Abd.V with S-chaetae as, acc.p4 and acc.p5 (Fig. 38).
FIGURE 30. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov.: Dorsal head chaetotaxy (left side). On the right side, the arrangement and mor-
phology of the apical chaetae is drawn (note the different morphology that chaeta A2a may present). Broad circles––long ciliated
macrochaetae, small circles––short ciliated macrochaetae.
NEW SPECIES OF EUROPEAN LEPIDOCYRTUS LIGNORUM-GROUP Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press · 469
FIGURES 31–33. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 31, Th.II; 32, Th.III; 33, Abd.I. Circles––cili-
ated chaetae.
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FIGURES 34–35. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 34, Abd.II; 35, Abd.III. Broad circles––broad
ciliated macrochaetae, small circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae.
Legs with scales except in claws. V-shaped trochanteral organ formed by a maximum of 9 smooth straight
chaetae (Fig. 39). Unguis with basal pair of teeth at 48% from base of the inner edge, and with two inner unpaired
teeth at 62% (the bigger) and 81% from base of the inner edge respectively; one external tooth and a pair of lateral
teeth also present. Unguiculus lanceolate with smooth or finely serrated outer margin. Tibiotarsal tenent hair spatu-
late and smooth (Fig. 40); ratio of tibiotarsal tenant hair / unguis inner edge ≈ 1.3; ratio of supra-empodial chaeta /
unguiculus ≈ 1.
Ventral tube with 6+6 ciliated chaetae on anterior side (4+4 proximal, 2+2 distal) and 10+10 weakly ciliated
chaetae on posterior side; scales present only on anterior side; lateral flap with a maximum of 12 laterodistal chaetae
(7 ciliated and 5 smooth).
Manubrium with scales on anterior and posterior surfaces, with 2+2 ciliated apical chaetae on anterior side. The
ratio manubrium:dens:mucro is 17:19:1. Manubrial plate with 2–3 inner chaetae and a maximum of 8 outer chaetae.
Dental tubercle absent. Mucro with the two teeth of the same size, without spinelet on basal spine.
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Pseudopores distribution on dorsal and ventral positions as in Figs 23a,c.
Ecology and distribution. All specimens were obtained by beating the herbaceous vegetation and sifting soil
surface litter under holm oak trees.
FIGURES 36–37. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov.: 36, Abd.IV chaetotaxy (left side); 37, basal plate of Abd.IV. Broad black
circles––broad ciliated macrochaetae, small black circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae, crossed circles––pseudoporus.
472 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 38–40. Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov.: 38, Abd.V chaetotaxy (left side), broad black circles––long ciliated cha-
tae, small black circles––short ciliated or smooth chaetae; 39, trochanteral organ; 40, third leg unguis and unguiculus with three
different possibilities of unguiculus outer margin.
Discussion. Morphological characters clearly assign Lepidocyrtus milagrosae sp. nov. to the Lepidocyrtus lig-
norum-group (sensu Mateos 2011). By the characteristic body colour pattern L. milagrosae sp. nov. clearly differs
from all the other species of the L. lignorum-group except L. labyrinthi. These two species differ by the morphology
of labral papillae (with three pointed expansions in the new species and only one in L. labyrinthi) and the presence
of pseudopores on BP4 in the new species (Table 2). Other characters (not included in Table 2) differentiating L.
labyrinthi and the new species are the absence of chaetae a5, m5, and p6 on Abd.I, and the presence of chaetae p5p
on Abd.II and d3 on Abd.III in L. labyrinthi (Baquero et al. 2021). By having body partially blue pigmented and
lanceolate unguiculus L. milagrosae sp. nov. is close to species L. instratus, L. traseri, L. fuscocephalus sp. nov.,
and L. semicoloratus sp. nov. Of these, the new species differ by the colour pattern and the presence of pseudopores
on BP4. Other differences between all species included in the group are summarized in Table 2.
Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus Mateos sp. nov.
Figs 41–56, Tabs 1–2
Type material. Holotype: Female on one slide (CRBA-90748), Montseny Natural Park, Aiguafreda, Barcelona
(Spain), 917 m above sea level, lat/long coordinates N41.7892 E2.3113, on herbaceous vegetation, 10.ii.2007, leg.
E. Mateos. Paratypes: 6 specimens (1 male, 2 female, and 3 without visible sexual plate) on slides and 18 specimens
preserved in absolute alcohol, same data as holotype. Holotype and paratype slide CRBA-90749 saved in the col-
lection of the Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona (http://www.; other paratypes kept in the E. Mateos’ collection (lot LP108).
Other material. 5 specimens on slides and 1 specimen preserved in absolute alcohol, Las Hoyuelas, Sinarcas,
Valencia (Spain), 840 m above sea level, lat/long coordinates N39.765328 W1.226981, on herbaceous vegetation,
hand collecting, 02.iv.2007, leg. E. Mateos, all material kept in the E. Mateos’ collection (lot LP122).
Diagnosis. With dark blue pigment on Ant.II–IV, dorsal and ventral sides of Th.III to Abd.III (and with pale
pigmentation on Abd.IV–V), coxae I–III, and ventral tube. Th.II sligthly projecting over head. Ant.I–II, legs, ventral
tube and posterior region of manubrium with scales. Labial chaetotaxy M1M2REL1L2, R shortened. Dorsal cephalic
and body macrochaetae formula as A0[A2a]A2A3Pa5/00/0101+3. Abd.IV without chaeta s. Unguiculus lanceolate
and with serrated outer margin.
Molecular diagnosis. This species includes all populations that cluster with CoxII and EF sequences of the
individuals LP108-1 to LP108-5 (Table 1), with significant support in an adequate molecular delimitation model.
Etymology. The species name refers to the dark blue colour present only on part of the body. In Latin “semi”
means half, and “coloratus” means pigmented.
NEW SPECIES OF EUROPEAN LEPIDOCYRTUS LIGNORUM-GROUP Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press · 473
FIGURE 41. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov.: Habitus lateral (specimen in alcohol, without scales).
Description. Holotype body length (without head nor furca) 1.5 mm, paratypes 1.5–1.8 mm. Body colour pat-
tern (Fig. 41) with dark blue pigment on the dorsal and ventral sides of Th.III to Abd.III (and with pale pigmentation
on Abd.IV–V), Ant.II–IV (on Ant.II only in apical portion), coxae I-III, and ventral tube; densely black pigmented
ocular areas. Mesothorax slightly projected over the head.
Antenna with scales on dorsal region of Ant.I–II. Ratio antenna:cephalic diagonal = 1.8–1.9, ratio Ant.I:II:III:
IV as 1:1.8:1.8:2.7. Basis of Ant.I dorsally with three microchaetae arranged in triangle (Ant.I-organ); apex of Ant.I
with a short curved S-chaeta in the membranous area of the ventral region. Ant.III organ composed of two subcilin-
drical and curved sensory rods. Ant.IV without apical bulb. 8+8 eyes; eyes A–F of equal size, eyes G and H a little
bit smaller, ratio A/F and A/G = 1.2.
Clypeus (Fig. 42) with three prefrontal chaetae (1 pf0 and 2 pf1), five facial chaetae (central one shorter), and
four lateral chaetae (2 L1 and 2 L2), all these chaetae ciliated. Prelabral and labral chaetae in typical number 4/554
(Fig. 42), prelabral chaetae ciliated, labral setae smooth, apical row branched (Fig. 43), inverted U-shaped labral
apical intrusion, four rounded labral papillae with a central very small pointed expansion (difficult to see in several
specimens, Fig 43). Maxillary palp outer lobe with smooth apical appendage and basal chaeta, and three smooth
sublobal appendages (Fig. 44). Lateral process of outer labial papilla finger-shape, slightly curved, tip not reaching
apex of papilla (Fig. 45).
Labial and postlabial chaetotaxy as in Fig. 46; with five smooth proximal chaetae at the base of labial palp;
labial anterior row formed by smooth chaetae (a1–a5), posterior row formed by ciliated chaetae with formula
M1M2REL1L2; chaeta R half in length of chaeta M2, ratio M/R ≈ 2; postlabial chaetotaxy with all chaetae ciliated,
row I (along ventral cephalic groove) with 4 chaetae.
Dorsal cephalic macrochaetae formula A0A2A3Pa5, but also with pair of smaller supplementary macrochaetae
A2a between A0 and A2; maximum number of macrochaetae An on head 13+13 (Fig. 47). Interocular chaetotaxy with
s, t, p ciliated chaetae and 2–3 scales..
Dorsal body macrochaetae formula 00/0101+3 (macrochaetae m3 on Abd.II, and Sm+B4, B5, B6 on Abd.IV).
Dorsal chaetotaxy of Th.II–III and Abd.I as in Figs 48–50. Th.II with 2 lateral S-chaetae (al and ms) and without
macrochaetae in dorsal position. Th.III with a lateral sensillum (al) close to several ciliated chaetae. Abd.I with a
lateral S-microchaeta (ms) external to a6. Chaetotaxy of Abd.II–III as in Figs 51–52. Abd.II chaeta ml present or
absent depending on the specimens, chaeta p5p present; macrochaeta m3 with socket diameter 1.3 times higher
than macrochaeta m5. Abd. III chaetae mi and d3 present in all specimens, with S-chaetae as and ms. All chaetae
474 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
associated with the trichobothria on Abd.II–III strongly ciliated and partially fan-shaped (widened in the center).
Chaetotaxy of Abd.IV as in Fig. 53; macrochaetae Sm, B4, B5, B6, D3, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3 broader and with
broad socket; macrochaetae T6, T7, D2, De3, E1, E4p, Fe4, F3p shorter or longer but always thinner and with
socket of minor diameter; macrochaeta F2 inserted above macrochaeta E3; the ratio of distances between macro-
chaetae Sm–B4/B4–B6 is 0.7–0.9; the ratio of distances between macrochaetae B4–B5/B5–B6 is 1.3–1.8; accessory
chaeta s associated with trichobotrium T2 absent; chaetae a, D1, m, pe and pi associated with trichobotria T2 and
T4 strongly ciliate and widened in the center; sens chaetotaxy composed of 2 anterior dorsomedial elongate S-chae-
tae, and short chaetae as and ps; posterior margin with 5+5 smooth mesochaetae; lateral region without pseudopori
on BP4. Dorsal chaetotaxy of Abd.V with S-chaetae as, acc.p4 and acc.p5 (Fig. 54).
Legs with scales except in claws. V-shaped trochanteral organ formed by a maximum of 15 smooth straight
chaetae (Fig. 55). Unguis with basal pair of teeth at 50% from base of the inner edge, and with two inner unpaired
teeth at 64% and 82% from base of the inner edge respectively; one external tooth and a pair of lateral teeth also
present. Unguiculus lanceolate with finely serrated outer margin. Tibiotarsal tenent hair spatulate and smooth (Fig.
56); ratio of tibiotarsal tenant hair / unguis inner edge ≈ 1; ratio of supra-empodial chaeta / unguiculus ≈ 1.
Ventral tube with 6+6 ciliated chaetae on anterior side (4+4 proximal, 2+2 distal) and 11+11 weakly ciliated
chaetae on posterior side; scales present on anterior and posterior sides; lateral flap with a maximum of 23 latero-
distal chaetae (17–21 ciliated and 2 smooth).
FIGURES 42–46. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov.: 42, clypeal and labral chaetotaxy; 43, apical labral chaetae and papil-
lae; 44, maxillary palp (right side); 45, outer labial papilla (right side); 46, labial and postlabial chaetotaxy (right side). Black
dots––ciliated chaetae, cross––scales.
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FIGURE 47. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov.: Dorsal head chaetotaxy (left side). Broad circles––long ciliated macrocha-
etae, small circles––short ciliated macrochaetae.
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FIGURES 48–50. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 48, Th.II, 49; Th.III; 50, Abd.I. Circles––
ciliated chaetae.
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FIGURES 51–52. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov. dorsal chaetotaxy (left side): 51, Abd.II; 52, Abd.III. Broad circles––
broad ciliated macrochaetae, small circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae.
Manubrium with scales on anterior and posterior surfaces, with 2+2 ciliated apical chaetae on anterior side. The
ratio manubrium:dens:mucro is 15:17:1. Manubrial plate with 3 inner chaetae and a maximum of 9 outer chaetae.
Dental tubercle absent. Mucro with the two teeth of the same size, without spinelet on basal spine.
Pseudopores distribution on dorsal and ventral positions as in Figs 23a–b.
Ecology and distribution. All specimens were obtained by beating the herbaceous vegetation.
Discussion. Morphological characters clearly assign Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov. to the Lepidocyrtus
lignorum-group (sensu Mateos 2011). By the characteristic body colour pattern, L. semicoloratus sp. nov. clearly
differs from all the other species of the L. lignorum-group except L. instratus, with which the new species shares the
same colour pattern design. With the current information about L. instratus, the only characters useful for differenti-
ating this species and L. semicoloratus sp. nov. are 1) the dark pigmented buccal area in L. instratus (not pigmented
in the new species), 2) the size and position of the basal pair teeth on the inner edge of the unguis (tiny and at 40%
in L. instratus vs. higher and at 50% in the new species), and 3) the shape of the unguiculi (smooth in L. instratus vs.
478 · Zootaxa 5100 (4) © 2022 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 53. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov.: Abd.IV chaetotaxy (left side). Broad black circles––broad ciliated macro-
chaetae, small black circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae.
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FIGURES 54–56. Lepidocyrtus semicoloratus sp. nov.: 54, Abd.V chaetotaxy (left side), broad circles––long ciliated chaetae,
small circles––short ciliated or smooth chaetae; 55, trochanteral organ; 56, third leg unguis and unguiculus.
serrated in the new species). On the other hand, the type locality and the habitat of both species are so different that
they could hardly be the same species. L. instratus comes from the Swiss Alps, at altitudes above 1600 m above
sea level, and inhabiting under stones in snowy areas and in groundhog droppings. L. semicoloratus sp. nov. comes
from Eastern Spain (with marked Mediterranean climate), at altitudes below 1000 m above sea level, inhabiting
herbaceous vegetation (although it must also live in the soil and under stones) in areas dominated by holm-oak and
pine forests. Other differences between all species included in the lignorum-group are summarized in Table 2.
The three molecular species delimitation analyses carried out (Fig. 1) suggest that the two populations studied
of this new species (populations LP108 and LP122) may represent two different species. The detailed morpho-
logical study carried out with the specimens of these two populations has not detected any relevant difference that
allows assigning each population to a different species. For this reason, we consider both populations as the same
morphological species. The geographical distance that separates the two populations is about 375 km, so it is very
likely that there has been no contact between them for quite some time, which would explain the genetic differentia-
tion found between both populations.
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