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Reductionist approaches to food focus on isolated nutritional criteria, ignoring the broader physiological and societal benefits and trade-offs involved. They can lead to the inadvertent or, potentially, intentional labelling of foods as good or bad. Both can be considered worrisome. Among our present-day array of issues is the disproportionate stigmatisation of animal-source foods as harmful for human and planetary health. The case for a protein transition reinforces this trend, overemphasising one particular nutritional constituent (even if an important one). In its strongest formulation, animal-source foods (reduced to the notion of 'animal protein') are represented as an intrinsically harmful food category that needs to be minimised, thereby falsely assuming that 'proteins' are nutritionally interchangeable. We caution against using the word 'protein' in food policy-making to describe a heterogenous set of foods. Rather, we suggest referring to said foods as 'protein-rich foods', while acknowledging the expanded pool of non-protein nutrients that they provide and their unique capabilities to support a much broader range of bodily functions. Several essential or otherwise beneficial nutrients are generally more bioavailable in animal-source foods than in plant-source foods. A similar complementarity exists in reverse. Nutritional and environmental metrics should be carefully interpreted, as considerable contextuality is involved. This needs to be undertaken, for instance, with respect to the biochemistry of food and in light of individual and genetically inherited human physiology. Also, the assessments of the environmental impact need a fine-grained approach, especially when examining a product at the system scale. Harms and benefits are multiple, multi-dimensional, and difficult to measure on the basis of the narrow sets of descriptive metrics that are often used (e.g. CO 2-eq/kg). A more appropriate way forward would consist of combining and integrating the best of animal and plant solutions to reconnect with wholesome and nourishing diets that are rooted in undervalued benefits such as conviviality and shared traditions, thus steering away from a nutrient-centric dogma. Humans do not consume isolated nutrients, they consume foods, and they do so as part of culturally complex dietary patterns that, despite their complexity, need to be carefully considered in food policy making.
Nutritionism in a food policy context: the case of animal
Frédéric LeroyA,* , Ty BealB,C, Pablo GregoriniD, Graham A. McAuliffeE and Stephan van VlietF
For full list of author afliations and
declarations see end of paper
*Correspondence to:
Frédéric Leroy
Industrial Microbiology and Food
Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences
and Bioengineering Sciences,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Handling Editor:
James Hills
Received: 30 April 2021
Accepted: 10 December 2021
Published: 21 February 2022
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Leroy F et al. (2022)
Animal Production Science
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their
employer(s)). Published by
CSIRO Publishing.
This is an open access article distributed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License (CC BY-NC-ND).
Reductionist approaches to food focus on isolated nutritional criteria, ignoring the broader
physiological and societal benets and trade-offs involved. They can lead to the inadvertent or,
potentially, intentional labelling of foods as good or bad. Both can be considered worrisome.
Among our present-day array of issues is the disproportionate stigmatisation of animal-
source foods as harmful for human and planetary health. The case for a protein transition
reinforces this trend, overemphasising one particular nutritional constituent (even if an
important one). In its strongest formulation, animal-source foods (reduced to the notion of
animal protein) are represented as an intrinsically harmful food category that needs to be
minimised, thereby falsely assuming that proteins are nutritionally interchangeable. We caution
against using the word protein in food policy-making to describe a heterogenous set of foods.
Rather, we suggest referring to said foods as protein-rich foods, while acknowledging the
expanded pool of non-protein nutrients that they provide and their unique capabilities to
support a much broader range of bodily functions. Several essential or otherwise benecial
nutrients are generally more bioavailable in animal-source foods than in plant-source foods. A
similar complementarity exists in reverse. Nutritional and environmental metrics should be
carefully interpreted, as considerable contextuality is involved. This needs to be undertaken, for
instance, with respect to the biochemistry of food and in light of individual and genetically
inherited human physiology. Also, the assessments of the environmental impact need a ne-
grained approach, especially when examining a product at the system scale. Harms and benets
are multiple, multi-dimensional, and difcult to measure on the basis of the narrow sets of
descriptive metrics that are often used (e.g. CO
-eq/kg). A more appropriate way forward
would consist of combining and integrating the best of animal and plant solutions to reconnect with
wholesome and nourishing diets that are rooted in undervalued benets such as conviviality and
shared traditions, thus steering away from a nutrient-centric dogma. Humans do not consume
isolated nutrients, they consume foods, and they do so as part of culturally complex dietary
patterns that, despite their complexity, need to be carefully considered in food policy making.
Keywords: dairy, eggs, livestock, meat, plant-based, poultry, vegan, vegetarian.
Nutritional scientism,or nutritionism, is the reductionist notion that food should be valued
for its individual parts rather than the broader benets oered, not only with respect to
nourishment and health, but also regarding pleasure, i.e. hedonics and eudemonics, and
cultural signicance (Scrinis 2013; Carstairs 2014), in addition to other important
community and ecosystem benets (Horrocks et al. 2014; Provenza et al. 2021). As
such, it condenses dietary advice to statements relating to a few favoured nutrients that
are perceived as benecial or benign (e.g. dietary bre) or harmful (e.g. saturated fat).
In reality, it is far more complicated than good versus bad nutrients, given that overall
diet quality, quantity, food source, lifestyle and unique needs of individuals will play a
major role in dictating health outcomes and whether a certain food or nutrient is
F. Leroy et al. Animal Production Science
problematic or not. The basic nature of nutritionism
decontextualises, simplies and exaggerates the role of
nutrients in human health and tends to conceal concerns
related to food production and processing quality (Scrinis
2013). Nutritionism does not leave only the broader
dietary context unaddressed, it also ignores, or downplays,
conicting scientic ndings related to the nutrients it
focusses on. This results in simplistic interpretations of their
roles in bodily health and the illusion of nutritional and
biomarker determinism (based on one-to-one, cause-and-
eect relationships; Scrinis 2013). For instance, saturated fat
comprises a suite of individual fatty acids with dierent
physiological impacts on low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (Grundy 1994; Micha and Mozaarian 2010),
thereby providing a clear, contrasting example of simplied
perspectives on nutrition. As a result, normal components of
wholesome diets, including foods that contain saturated fat,
can be unfairly portrayed as de facto unhealthy (Binnie et al.
2014; Gershuni 2018). Nutritionism thus manifests itself
by oversimplifying complex science while simultaneously
appealing to scientic authority to increase persuasiveness
of its key messages, subsequently forcing public health
authorities, consumer organisations, and the food industry
into a fractured working paradigm (Jacobs and Orlich 2014).
In the context of biopolitics, such nutritionism in action cannot
only have unintended ethical implications for individual
responsibility and freedom, but also lead to iatrogenic harm
or other harmful impacts on societal wellbeing (Mayes and
Thompson 2015).
A striking example of such a counterproductive approach is
the excessive projection of contemporary dietary challenges
on the notion of protein transition. The latter implies that
the human population should shift to diets that restrict
animal protein (described usually with connotations of
environmental- and health-related harm) and ll in the
decit with plant protein, often framed as plant-based
alternatives (Willett et al. 2019). There are many valid
reasons, such as aforementioned concerns for health and the
environment, to rethink contemporary diets (e.g. Western
consumption patterns frequently involve high intakes of
unhealthy foods), potentially leading to shifts in animal:
plant ratios. However, we argue that naive binary and
reductionist approaches that wish to resolve our food
systems problems by simply arguing for a maximised
replacement of animal protein by plant protein hold no
merit due to the overwhelming complexity of (a) the global
food system and its (agricultural) constraints and (b) the
human digestive system and metabolism. Eventually, this
may cause more harm than benet by ignoring many other
food-related sustainability issues, such as the potential
health (Hall et al. 2019; Costa de Miranda et al. 2021)
and environmental impact of excessive ultra-processed food
production and intake (Fardet and Rock 2020; Seferidi
et al. 2020), the protection of national economies and local
livelihoods, and the cultural relationships with foods,
including those of animal origin (Leroy and Praet 2015).
To sum up, nutritionism substantially oversimplies the
nutritional and environmental implications of a far-reaching
protein transition.
Motivated by dangers of nutritional mis- and dis-
information spreading, particularly given the rapid power
of transmission via social media platforms, the present
article explores unintended pitfalls of nutritionism approach
related to the qualier animal protein, hence pre-empting
unhelpful conclusions and policies such a school of thought
may result in.
Misleading category descriptors
Within dietary policy making and its intention to shift global
diets, the denomination based on a single nutrient (i.e.
protein) is often used to indicate much broader nutritional
categories contained in animal and plant foods, despite
each category being highly heterogeneous and biochemically
complex to begin with. For example, each individual nutrients
potential uptake by humans, known as bioavailability, varies
depending on the product carrying the said nutrient (e.g.
protein), the individuals nutrient status, the over- or under-
supply of a given nutrient in an individuals diet, the dietary
pattern in which a given nutrient is consumed, and many
other factors such as genetics, which aect how nutrients are
absorbed and metabolised (Gibson et al.2006; Beal et al.
2017). For instance, several nutrients in animal-source foods
(e.g. amino acids, zinc, iron), tend to be more bioavailable
than when they are obtained from plant foods (Ertl et al.
2016), which is sometimes due to the presence of anti-
nutrients in plant foods, such as phytates (Gilani et al.2012;
Gibson et al. 2018). Describing animal-source foods or plants
primarily as protein foods is especially noticeable in English
scientic literature and policy documents, but is now also
becoming more widespread globally. Whether either
category is net harmful or benecial (and should be
consumed less or more) depends on the type of food, where
and how it is produced, how it is prepared and consumed,
and who is consuming it (and in the context of what diet), at
which stage of life, in which condition of health, and in
which socio-cultural foodscapes. While this certainly
complicates food policy messaging, these factors need to be
carefully considered in policy making.
As outlined elsewhere, there are various cultural and
historical reasons to explain why this complexity has
been narrowed down to the simplistic animalplant divide
we are currently experiencing (Leroy and Hite 2020; Leroy
et al. 2020). This divide may be more related to social
dynamics and anxieties of the urban centres of the West
than to actual physiological or environmental considerations.
As such, the terminology of animal protein has become
commonplace for either the defence (e.g. Imai et al. 2014;
B Animal Production Science
Thorisdottir et al. 2014; Eilert 2020; Yuan et al. 2021)or
stigmatisation of animal-source foods in the context of
health and/or sustainability (e.g. Tharrey et al. 2018; Sabaté
et al. 2015; Chung et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2020; Zhao
et al. 2020).
Although, as a nutrient, protein is certainly one of the
cornerstones of food security worldwide, with 1 billion
people being estimated to have inadequate intake (Wu
et al. 2014), the argument for deep systemic change with
protein as a main target overlooks the many other roles and
contributions of food, whether it be biological (e.g. provision
of lesser-discussed micronutrients such as iron, selenium
and zinc), socio-economical (e.g. maintaining animals as
economic assets or for familial prestige or farm work), or
cultural (e.g. religious signicance, gastronomic legacy and
regional identities). Ideally, food policy should be a holistic
assessment of nourishment, livelihoods, ecology and culture,
rather than a narrow attempt to create a measurable change
in a specic nutrient through the use of specic levers (taxes,
dietary guidelines, etc.) In reality, the role of what is described
as protein is one that also touches on such signicant
community aspects, including ethnicity, religion and educa-
tion (Drewnowski et al.2020). Nutricentric policies, therefore,
undermine the multiple other ways humans engage with and
understand food (Scrinis 2013).
Below, we will specically focus on the nutritional
and environmental implications of a nutritionism-driven
outlook on the place of animal-source foods in dietary
change, without assuming that the other societal aspects
mentioned above would be of lesser importance.
Nutritional implications
The substitution of plant protein for animal protein comes
with several nutritional constraints. A rst point of
attention is that the interchangeability of animal and plant
proteins on a per mass basis is not straightforward. Not
only should both the amounts and the spectrum of essential
amino acids be considered, but dierences in protein
digestibility can also create considerable variation in
protein value. Although the latter eect can be attenuated
through more intense processing, as for pea protein isolate
compared with cooked peas (Rutherfurd et al. 2015), the
digestibility of plant protein is often reduced due to structural
resistance, bre and anti-nutritional factors (Wolfe et al.
2018; et al. 2020). Animal-source foods are highly
digestible while generally oering amino acids that may
otherwise be in short supply, leading to a higher whole body
(Park et al. 2021) and skeletal muscle anabolic response (van
Vliet et al. 2015) than do plant proteins.
While food policy reports often discuss animal and
plant proteins as being exchangeable (Willett et al. 2019;
WBCSD 2020), plant proteins consistently show a reduced
anabolic potential when considered both in terms of ounce-
equivalents (Park et al. 2021) and as gram-for-gram protein
comparisons (Wilkinson et al. 2007; Phillips 2012; Gorissen
et al. 2016). Therefore, such narrative assumes that all
proteins are equal and exchangeable, which they are not. It
is only at very high intakes (likely 3560 g per meal;
Phillips 2012; Yang et al. 2012; Gorissen et al. 2016)or
>1.6 g protein/kg (Hevia-Larraín et al.
2021) that the anabolic potential between protein-rich
plant and animal foods may become comparable, although
mixed meal feeding (animal sources complemented with
plant sources) can overcome the lower anabolic potential of
plant sources (Reidy et al. 2013). The dose-responsiveness
issue is not trivial, as it is often stated that we eat too much
protein (Fontana and Partridge 2015; Longo et al. 2015),
and that policy targets, such as the RDA value, recommend
a daily intake of 0.8 g per kg body weight (Institute of
Medicine 2002). Although the latter can be considered as a
minimal level for protein intake to avoid deciency and
loss of lean body mass in healthy young adults, it is not
necessarily optimal and is considered insucient for certain
populations (Layman 2009; Phillips et al. 2020). Many could
benet from substantially higher protein intakes to increase
or maintain lean body mass, reduce fat mass, and maintain
good health (Tagawa et al. 2021). This is especially valid
for individuals with elevated needs, such as, pregnant and
lactating women, the elderly, the acutely or chronically
diseased, athletes, and others who are looking to increase
skeletal muscle (Bauer et al. 2013; Semba et al. 2016;
Traylor et al. 2018; Groenendijk et al. 2019; Rasmussen
et al. 2020; Merono˜ et al. 2021).
Second, the protein transition policy framework creates a
disproportionate focus on protein a such. Yet, one should bear
in mind that protein-rich foods, largely regardless of being
animal- or plant-based, are not just providing protein, but
also oer a wide range of other essential nutrients, and
thereby have unique capabilities to support a much broader
range of bodily functions. For example, animal-source foods
are optimal sources (in terms of density) of commonly
lacking micronutrients globally, which can have severe
impacts on health and wellbeing, including iron, vitamin A,
zinc, folate, vitamin B12 and calcium (Beal et al. 2021;
White et al. 2021). Several essential or otherwise benecial
nutrients are generally more bioavailable in
animal-source foods than in plant-source foods (e.g. zinc,
iron, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, protein) or (nearly)
exclusively available in animal-source foods (e.g. vitamin
B12, dietary vitamin D, creatine, carnosine, taurine, anserine).
To make the determination of a single, optimally sustainable
source of protein even more complicated, a similar nutritional
complementarity exists in reverse. Namely, certain plant-based
proteins, particularly unprocessed or minimally processed
sources, provide bre, phytochemicals, and several micronutri-
ents (e.g. vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium and manganese)
that are more dicult to obtain from animal-derived foods
F. Leroy et al. Animal Production Science
(Zhu et al.2018; Päivärinta et al.2020). It should also be
noted that while animals can provide organic fertiliser,
leguminous plants such as white clover can replenish soils with
nitrogen through atmospheric xation, further demonstrating
the complexities, but also the complementarities, of a sustain-
able food system; namely; the answer is not black and
white and various food producers need to work together to
ensure circularity and maximisation of resource utilisation.
This suggests that an appropriate complementary balance
between animal and plant foods may oer the most holistic
benets and robust dietary angle, whereby protein is just
part of the equation, albeit an important one.
Third, a potential concern with respect to the protein
transition relates to the heavily promoted option of plant-
based imitation products that are aiming to displace animal
protein forms (e.g. meat, dairy and eggs). While increased
consumption of minimally processed legumes and pulses
has been associated with improved health in Western diet
patterns (Richter et al. 2015), some authors have cautioned
against extending this nding to novel plant-based (meat)
imitation products (Hu et al. 2019). Several plant-based
imitation products can be categorised as processed-
reconstituted foods with little direct relation to whole
foods, being made from rened or extracted ingredients
thereof, in addition to synthesised chemicals (Scrinis 2013).
Some imitation products correspond broadly to the
category of ultraprocessed foods, a dietary group that is
associated with the westernisation of diets and consists of
branded, convenient (durable, ready-to-consume), attractive
(hyper-palatable) and highly protable (low-cost ingredients)
food products (cf. Monteiro et al. 2018). As a larger category,
and acknowledging that there is considerable heterogeneity
within that group and often issues of confounding (Scrinis
2013), ultra-processed foods have been associated with
health disorders (Costa de Miranda et al. 2021; Ostfeld and
Allen 2021; Zhang et al. 2021) and are known to increase
daily ad libitum calorie intake (Hall et al. 2019), while
some of their specic constituents raise concern on a more
mechanistic basis. It is only recently that we have begun to
consider the possibility that several food additives, typically
considered safe, could also have less measurable eects on
health via modulation of the gut microbiota. This seems to be
the case for emulsiers and texturisers (Halmos et al. 2019),
trehalose (Collins et al. 2018) and articial sweeteners (Suez
et al. 2014). A multitude of such additives is required for
food engineering purposes, because of the many diculties
associated with the mimicking of complex animal-source
food matrices starting from plant protein isolates, starches,
and/or rened oils that lack the proper avour, colour and
texture. There is a historical parallel with highly processed
spreads, which were aiming to imitate butter (and ultimately
to be better than the original, or hyper-real), but required
various additives to simulate the appearance, taste, texture,
and nutrient prole of the original (Scrinis 2013). This is
probably also the reason why the presented solutions are
oered as fast-food products, rather than wholesome foods,
as the latter are still too challenging to imitate. Yet, the
concern goes beyond these specic additives; is what is
conventionally assessed as safe, through toxicological
assessment, not overlooking more subtle and long-term
eects on human health? Or, are the highly engineered
foods that are now presented as alternatives for traditional
protein-source foods suciently robust to form the basis for
a mass dietary transition, which would consist of replacing
foods such as meat, legumes, nuts, eggs, sh and dairy, all
of which have been part of human diets for millennia, by
very recent fabrications with no historical validation of
providing human sustenance? This does not imply that
there is no potential place for such products in current and
future food choices, especially for those people preferring
to minimise their intake of foods from animal origin. Initial
work suggests that plant-based imitations of animal source
foods can be part of healthy omnivorous diets (e.g. Gardner
et al. 2007; Toribio-Mateas et al. 2021), while their ability
to promote positive or negative impacts is likely to depend
on individual nutrient proles and the background diet in
which these are consumed (Satija et al. 2017). However,
what we do suggest is that their widespread incorporation
in food systems as one-to-one replacements for animal-
source foods, which provide vastly dierent nutrient
proles when viewed beyond nutritional reductionism, may
have to be looked on with scrutiny. In the current confusing
marketing landscape, better information is needed to help
consumers understand how and if plant-based imitations
may support healthy sustainable diets (Kraak 2021).
Environmental implications
The rst major implication that reductionist views have on
environmental footprints of agri-food systems pertains to
the fact that assessments of the environmental impacts of
individual foods or composite diets are usually based on
product (or diet)-level comparisons of certain subjectively
dened metrics, either in combination (e.g. multi-impact
category life cycle assessment (LCA) and, more recently, the
choice of nutrients in density scores, McAulie et al. 2020)
or isolation (e.g. carbon footprint). In terms of comparative
scaling factors, known in LCA jargon as functional units,it
is most common to adopt such functional units as, for
example, kilograms liveweight or tonnes per hectare in the
case of greenhouse-gas emissions for animal- and plant-
based products respectively, at the farmgate exit (usually
reported as kg CO
-eq). In the case of total land use or
agricultural land use, the denominator is typically hectares
or square metres. Perhaps of more concern, burdens to
nature are often scaled on the basis of basic nutritional
metrics such as total protein (Moughan 2021), which omits
complexities such as amino acid balances. These simplistic
D Animal Production Science
scaling factors are ideal for comparisons of systems that
produce products with similar nutritive value; however, when
the nutritional quantity and quality varies considerably,
which is often the case when comparing plant-source foods
to animal-source foods, a more robust consideration of
human nutrition is required to determine how much of a
given product is needed to satisfy daily requirements
compared with another product with dierent nutritive
properties (Beal et al. 2021). While it is important to bear
in mind that the greater carbon footprint of nutritious
foods and beverages can, in certain circumstances, be
somewhat oset by a greater nutritional value and/or supply
of nutraceutical properties such as the anti-inammatory
benets of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (Smedman et al.
2010; Drewnowski et al. 2015; McAulie et al. 2018, 2020),
it is also of critical importance to note that these product- or
diet-level relative-ranking reversals and/or impact o-setting
are heavily dependent on the assumptions underlying each
model. Therefore, such assumptions need to be tested
robustly to determine how sensitive model conclusions are
to subjective decision-making. For protein, in particular,
the nutritional dierences in amino acid composition and
digestibility can have a considerable impact on the environ-
mental comparisons (Tessari et al. 2016; Marinangeli and
House 2017; Sonesson et al. 2017; Moughan 2021).
A second consideration is that a narrow focus on CO
and land use per unit of nutrition (even on the hypothetical
condition that this would be properly expressed) risks
overlooking various contextual factors (Smith et al. 2021).
This is related to the use of global averages masking large
regional and even local variations in eciency, a dierence in
global warming between CO
from fossil fuels and biogenic
methane from ruminants, poor suitability of marginal
land for crop agriculture, often failing to account for soil
carbon stock changes (for better or worse), the amount of
existing woodland on a farm, which will be actively capturing
carbon from the atmosphere, lack of accountancy for
co-products, etc. Although external input-dependent livestock
systems often come with an important environmental impact
(reduction of biodiversity, invasion of crop-producing
lands, feed production from vast monocultures, disruption
of nutrient cycles, etc.) that needs to be addressed, an
inconsiderate and drastic switch to plant-based alternatives
would create its own trade-os.
Sustainably produced crops can obviously oer a valuable
alternative when it comes to some of the more destructive
practices in animal agriculture. However, it can as well be
postulated that, in other cases, monoculture-based systems,
typically used for the mass production of mainstream plant-
based alternatives, would lead to a food production system
that makes the planet worse o than the one obtained with
holistically managed low-input livestock, particularly in the
context of diversied farming systems (Kremen and Miles
2012; Petersen-Rockney et al. 2021). Often it is a matter of
adapting the most appropriate agricultural system to the
local context, rather than imposing a generalised top-down
choice away from animal agriculture. Moreover, the system
does not need to be binary; rotation-based options, oering
the best of both worlds, so to speak, with the nitrogen
being xed from leguminous crops and the nutrients being
deposited by grazing animals go some way to naturally
replenish soils, sequester carbon, and reduce reliance on
fossil fuels for the production of inorganic fertiliser
(Kronberg et al. 2021). Indeed, natural ecosystems have
evolved with a diversity of plants, animals and micro-
organisms, each playing a unique role in the system. If
managed properly, building biodiversity and integrating
animals into agricultural systems can provide numerous
ecological services and thus improve the sustainability and
resilience of food production, while producing numerous
ecosystem services and ensuring prots for farmers
(Kremen and Miles 2012; LaCanne and Lundgren 2018;
Fenster et al. 2021).
We argue that diets need to combine the best of animal and
plant solutions by re-emphasising wholesome diets as a
shared experience of nourishing conviviality, steering away
from ultra-processed foods and nutrient-centric dogma, and
by tailoring agricultural production to the ecological assets
and constraints of each region. Whereas nutritionism is
often a food corporation-serving instrument, a food quality
paradigm would couple scientic analysis to guidance by
personal engagement, practical and cultural knowledge, and
traditional dietary patterns, without necessarily romanticis-
ing them (cf. Scrinis 2013). Depending on the context, this
may imply that animal:plant ratios are altered, but decision-
making should at all times resist the oversimplication of
this problematic binary categorisation (Smith et al. 2021).
Moreover, we contend that animal-source foods should not
be reduced to the quantity of protein they provide, but
rather appreciated for their high density in numerous
bioavailable nutrients, many of which are dicult to obtain
in adequate quantities through plant-source foods alone and
vice versa. We, therefore, caution against using the word
proteins in food policy making to describe a heterogenous
set of foods in the human diet. Rather, we suggest referring
to said foods as protein-rich foods, while acknowledging
the expanded pool of non-protein nutrients that they
provide and their unique capabilities to support a much
broader range of bodily functions and health outcomes.
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Data availability. Data sharing is not applicable as no new data were generated or analysed during this study.
Conicts of interest. FL is a non-remunerated board member of various academic non-prot organisations including the Belgian Association for Meat Science
and Technology (President), the Belgian Society for Food Microbiology (Secretary), and the Belgian Nutrition Society. On a non-remunerated basis, he also has a
seat in the scientic committee of the Institute Danone Belgium, the Scientic Board of the World Farmers Organization, and the Advisory Commission for the
Protection of Geographical Denominations and Guaranteed Traditional Specialties for Agricultural Products and Foods of the Ministry of the Brussels Capital
Region. PG is an Associate Editor of Animal Production Science but was blinded from the peer-review process for this paper. SvV reports nancial renumeration for
academic talks, but does not accept honoraria, consulting fees, or other personal income from food industry groups/companies. All authors consume omnivorous
Declaration of funding. FL acknowledges nancial support of the Research Council of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, including the SRP7 and IOF3017 projects,
and in particular the Interdisciplinary Research Program Tradition and naturalness of animal products within a societal context of change (IRP11). GM is funded by
Soil to Nutrition (S2N), Rothamsted Researchs Institute Strategic Programme supported by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BBS/E/C/000I0320). SvV grant support by SvV reports grant support from USDA-NIFA-SARE (2020-38640-31521;
2021-67034-35118), the North Dakota beef commission, the Turner Institute of Ecoagriculture, the Dixon Foundation, and the Greenacres Foundation for
projects that link agricultural production systems (including livestock and crops) to the nutritional/metabolite composition of foods and human health. PG
and FL acknowledge nancial support of the project Grazing for environmental and human health funded by the New Zealand Royal Societys Catalyst
Seeding Fund.
Author afliations
AIndustrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels,
BGlobal Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Washington, DC 20036, USA.
CDepartment of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
DDepartment of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Lincoln University, PO Box 85084, Lincoln 7647 Christchurch, New Zealand.
ESustainable Agriculture Sciences, Rothamsted Research, North Wyke, Okehampton, EX20 2SB, UK.
FDepartment of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA.
H Animal Production Science
Frédéric Leroy graduated as a Bioengineer (Ghent University, 1998) and obtained a PhD in Applied Biological
Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, 2002), Belgium, where he now holds a professorship in food
science and (bio)technology. His research deals with the production, technology, microbiology, and
nutritional aspects of various foods, with a particular focus on animal-source foods. He is also involved in
interdisciplinary research and cultural food studies.
Ty Beal is a Research Advisor on the Knowledge Leadership team at the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
(GAIN), where he generates evidence to guide programs and mobilise knowledge related to global nutrition
and food systems. His research seeks to understand what people eat, why, how it impacts their health, and how
to sustainably improve diets and human health. He holds a PhD from the University of California, Davis, where
he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
Pablo Gregorini is Professor of Livestock Production at Lincoln University, Director of the Lincoln University
Pastoral Livestock Production Lab, and Head of the Lincoln University Centre of Excellence for Designing
Future Productive Landscapes. Internationally, he chairs the International Scientic Advisory Committee
for the Symposium of Nutrition of Herbivores, and serve in the International Scientic Committee for farm
systems design. His research focus is on nutrition, foraging ecology and grazing management of ruminants
in dierent grasslands and rangelands of the world, as well as how phytochemistry and culture once
linked the palates of humans and herbivores with soil, plants and landscapes.
Graham A. McAulie is an Environmental Scientist with a background in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and
Systems Thinking. His career focus to date has largely centred on methodological improvements to LCA,
including the quantication of uncertainties and the consideration of foods nutritional composition and
quality within the burgeoning eld of nutritional LCA (or nLCA). His experience pertaining to nLCA,
which is arguably still in its infancy, has resulted in being invited to consult on a number of national and
international projects and ventures. Most recently, he was involved in an international report on nLCA
commissioned by UNs FAO.
S. van Vliet is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Human Nutrition Studies at Utah State University. Dr
Stephan van Vliet earned his PhD in Kinesiology as an ESPEN Fellow from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, and received training at Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine and Duke
University School of Medicine. Dr van Vliet's research is performed at the nexus of agricultural and human
health. He routinely collaborates with farmers, ecologists, and agricultural scientists to study critical
linkages between agricultural production methods, the nutrient density of food, and human health.
... According to the FAO, about one-third of all edible produced foods are wasted every year across the entire supply chain, accelerating environmental consequences associated with global food production, highlighting the need for immediate urgent alternative action (139) . There is growing consensus that food systems need to sustainably provide a diversity of both plant-and animal-source foods, not least for their protein (and more specifically, EAA) content but other vital nutrients (140,141) , to meet global nutritional requirements whilst minimising environmental consequences (132,140,142,143) . Accordingly, several early studies have investigated different means to increase the palatability and quality of protein sources that are disposed of during the food production process. ...
... According to the FAO, about one-third of all edible produced foods are wasted every year across the entire supply chain, accelerating environmental consequences associated with global food production, highlighting the need for immediate urgent alternative action (139) . There is growing consensus that food systems need to sustainably provide a diversity of both plant-and animal-source foods, not least for their protein (and more specifically, EAA) content but other vital nutrients (140,141) , to meet global nutritional requirements whilst minimising environmental consequences (132,140,142,143) . Accordingly, several early studies have investigated different means to increase the palatability and quality of protein sources that are disposed of during the food production process. ...
Full-text available
This review explores the evolution of dietary protein intake requirements and recommendations, with a focus on skeletal muscle remodelling to support healthy ageing based on presentations at the 2023 Nutrition Society summer conference. In this review, we describe the role of dietary protein for metabolic health and ageing muscle, explain the origins of protein and amino acid (AA) requirements and discuss current recommendations for dietary protein intake, which currently sits at about 0⋅8 g/kg/d. We also critique existing (e.g. nitrogen balance) and contemporary (e.g. indicator AA oxidation) methods to determine protein/AA intake requirements and suggest that existing methods may underestimate requirements, with more contemporary assessments indicating protein recommendations may need to be increased to >1⋅0 g/kg/d. One example of evolution in dietary protein guidance is the transition from protein requirements to recommendations. Hence, we discuss the refinement of protein/AA requirements for skeletal muscle maintenance with advanced age beyond simply the dose (e.g. source, type, quality, timing, pattern, nutrient co-ingestion) and explore the efficacy and sustainability of alternative protein sources beyond animal-based proteins to facilitate skeletal muscle remodelling in older age. We conclude that, whilst a growing body of research has demonstrated that animal-free protein sources can effectively stimulate and support muscle remodelling in a manner that is comparable to animal-based proteins, food systems need to sustainably provide a diversity of both plant and animal source foods, not least for their protein content but other vital nutrients. Finally, we propose some priority research directions for the field of protein nutrition and healthy ageing.
... The authors assessed two contrasting systems of production (each assumed to deliver the same total output). The key comparator was yield, or product per unit area, a common agricultural measure of intensity (one that notably excludes other qualities including nutritional values [23,24]). Using yield, and the associated land-take for production, a series of assumptions regarding EID risks could be inferred. ...
Full-text available
The emergence of zoonotic infections that can develop into pathogens of pandemic potential is a major concern for public health. The risks of emergence and transmission relate to multiple factors that range from land use to human–non-human animal contacts. Livestock agriculture plays a potentially significant role in those risks, shaping landscapes and providing hosts that can act as the source or amplifiers of emergent pathogens. The relative risks will be contingent upon the nature of those systems, with comparisons often made between intensive, indoor, biosecure systems and more extensive, outdoor, insecure systems. Microbiological, ecological and veterinary sciences provide useful entry points in specifying and modelling some of the relative risks. Yet, they often do so with little regard for social science inputs and by making assumptions about social and economic conditions. In this article, we respond to recent analyses of relative risks by raising the importance of social and economic drivers of risk. We chart social science insights and research that materially alter the zoonotic risks associated with livestock production. Our purpose is to emphasize the requirement for full appreciation of the social, economic and political components of zoonotic and pandemic risk.
... In all but two papers, food is reduced to a single macronutrient, hiding the diversity of origins of proteins. This reductionist approach can lead to misconceptions about the nutritional interchangeability of proteins and disregard the complexities of the human digestive system and metabolism 42,56,57 . Moreover, alternative proteins become another protein delivery system: their sole purpose is to replace animal proteins by providing proteins as similar as possible to animal ones 17 . ...
Full-text available
The protein transition, aiming to rebalance protein intake between animal and alternative proteins, is gaining momentum in scientific and policy discussions on food system transformation. Here, using a systematic review approach, we identified 33 articles that address challenges in reducing the environmental impacts of protein production and consumption, providing healthy diets for a growing population and preventing adverse effects of industrial livestock production systems. We found unclear definitions of the protein transition, conflicting views on reduction or replacement of dietary protein and a lack of attention to systemic change by reducing protein to its macronutrient function. Three narratives were identified, namely, the consumer narrative focusing on consumption-based solutions targeting dietary changes; the techno-centred narrative developing new, more resource-efficient protein production systems; and the socio-technological narrative that intends to transition the agri-food system from an animal-dominated regime to an alternative protein regime. We conclude that solutions should consider factors such as scale, initiating actors and expected impact to support complementary protein transition approaches.
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Beef raised using rotational grazing practices on biodiverse pastures offers potential benefits to animal and environmental health and can improve the nutrient density of meat to favor human health. However, many cattle producers contend with the seasonal unavailability of fresh forage, necessitating the utilization of supplementary feeds or indoor feeding. The objective of this study was to profile secondary metabolites and fatty acids in grass-finished beef supplemented with different feeds (4.5 kg/head/day) and to explore the potential for grass-finished beef authentication. In this two-year study, steers (n = 115) were randomly allocated to one of four diets: 1) pastured/supplemented with hay (control group), 2) pastured/supplemented with baleage, 3) pastured/supplemented with soybean hulls, or 4) baleage/soybean hulls in confinement. Secondary metabolites and fatty acids were measured using UHPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS, respectively. Of the 94 measured metabolites, pyridoxine, alpha-tocopherol, hippuric acid, and gallic acid differed between diets (p < 0.05 for all). Based on random forest classification, beef from the pasture/hay, pasture/baleage, pasture/soybean hulls, and confinement baleage/soybean hulls groups could be identified with a predictive accuracy of 100%, 50%, 41%, and 97%, respectively. Although minimal significant differences were observed, our data indicate that certain supplemental feeds maintain favorable nutritional profiles of grass-finished beef. In addition, metabolomics can predict cattle on exclusively forage-based or feed-based diets with a high degree of certainty.
Meat processing has a long history and involves a wide and ever-increasing range of chemical and physical processes, resulting in a heterogeneous food category with a wide variability in nutritional value. Despite the known benefits of meat consumption, observational epidemiological studies have shown associations between consumption of red and processed meat - but not white meat - and several non-communicable diseases, with higher relative risks for processed meat compared to unprocessed red meat. This has led global and regional nutrition and health organisations to recommend reducing consumption of unprocessed red meat and avoiding processed meat. A plethora of potentially implicated hazardous compounds present in meat or formed during processing or gastrointestinal digestion have been reported in the literature. However, our mechanistic understanding of the impact of meat consumption on human health is still very incomplete and is complicated by the simultaneous occurrence of multiple hazards and interactions with other food compounds and host factors. This narrative review briefly discusses hazards, risks and their assessment in the context of dietary guidelines. It is argued that more mechanistic studies of the interactive effects of meat products with other foods and food compounds in different dietary contexts are needed to refine and increase the evidence base for dietary guidelines. Importantly, the great diversity in the composition and degree of processing of processed meats should be better understood in terms of their impact on human health in order to develop a more nuanced approach to dietary guidelines for this food category.
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The objective of the review is to revisit the findings of the 2011 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Expert Consultation on Dietary Protein Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition, and to report on progress on uptake of the findings. It is evident that since 2011 there has been a concerted research effort to enhance an understanding of the protein quality of foods. The validity of the growing pig ileal protein digestibility assay has been confirmed and numerous studies reported using the growing pig as a model to give true ileal amino acid digestibility values for foods as consumed by humans. This has allowed for the determination of digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) for a range of foods. A new non-invasive true ileal amino acid digestibility assay in humans which can be applied in different physiological states, called the dual-isotope assay, has been developed and applied to determine the DIAAS values of foods. It is concluded that DIAAS is currently the most accurate score for routinely assessing the protein quality rating of single source proteins. In the future, the accuracy of DIAAS can be enhanced by improved information on: the ideal dietary amino acid balance including the ideal dispensable to indispensable amino acid ratio; dietary indispensable amino acid requirements; effects of processing on ileal amino acid digestibility and lysine bioavailability. There is a need to develop rapid, inexpensive in vitro digestibility assays. Conceptual issues relating DIAAS to food regulatory claims, and to holistic indices of food nutritional and health status are discussed. The first recommendation of the 2011 Consultation regarding treating each indispensable amino acid as an individual nutrient has received little attention. Consideration should be given to providing food label information on the digestible contents of specific indispensable amino acids.
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Global food production faces challenges concerning access to nutritious and sustainably produced food. Pleurotus djamor, however, is an edible mushroom that can be cultivated on agricultural waste. Considering that nutritional and functional potential of mushrooms can change based on cultivation conditions, we examined the influence of substrates with different compositions of banana leaf and sugarcane bagasse on the nutritional, mycochemical, and antioxidant properties of P. djamor. The mushrooms were grown for 120 days and dried in a circulating air oven at 45 °C for three days. We conducted bromatological analyses and mycochemical characterization ( 1 H-NMR, total phenolics, and flavonoids) of the mushrooms and assayed the antioxidant activity of extracts from the dried mushrooms using an ethanol/water solution (70:30 v/v). In general, the substrates produced mushrooms with high protein (18.77±0.24% to 17.80±0.34%) and dietary fiber content (18.02±0.05% to 19.32±0.39%), and with low lipid (0.28+0.08% to 0.4+0.6%), and caloric content (maximum value: 258.42+8.49), with no significant differences between the groups (p≥0.05). The mushrooms also exhibited high levels of total phenolics and flavonoids. The mushrooms cultivated on sugarcane bagasse substrates presented the highest values (p<0.05). Analysis of the 1 H-NMR spectra indicates an abundant presence of heteropolysaccharides, β-glucans, α-glucans, and oligosaccharides, and all the mushroom extracts exhibited high antioxidant activity. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that agricultural residues permit sustainable production of edible mushrooms while maintaining nutritional and functional properties.