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Abstract and Figures

Online social networks have attracted billions of active users over the past decade. These systems play an integral role in the everyday life of many people around the world. As such, these platforms are also attractive for misinformation, hoaxes, and fake news campaigns which usually utilize social trolls and/or social bots for propagation. Detection of so-called social trolls in these platforms is challenging due to their large scale and dynamic nature where users’ data are generated and collected at the scale of multi-billion records per hour. In this paper, we focus on fickle trolls, i.e., a special type of trolling activity in which the trolls change their identity frequently to maximize their social relations. This kind of trolling activity may become irritating for the users and also may pose a serious threat to their privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that introduces mechanisms to detect these trolls. In particular, we discuss and analyze troll detection mechanisms on different scales. We prove that the order of centralized single-machine detection algorithm is O(n3)O(n^3) O ( n 3 ) which is slow and impractical for early troll detection in large-scale social platforms comprising of billions of users. We also prove that the streaming approach where data is gradually fed to the system is not practical in many real-world scenarios. In light of such shortcomings, we then propose a massively parallel detection approach. Rigorous evaluations confirm that our proposed method is at least six times faster compared to conventional parallel approaches.
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Detection ofckle trolls inlarge‑scale online
social networks
Hossein Shafiei1 and Aresh Dadlani2*
Online social platforms have become an essential part of human interactions over the
past few years. ese platforms have attracted billions of people from around the globe.
Recent studies showed that over 75% of users check their social pages at least once a
day, and an average user spent 2 hours and 24 minutes per day on social media in 2020
[1]. It has also been shown that more than half of US citizens get their news from social
media [2]. e dominant role of these platforms also attracts misinformation, hoaxes,
and fake news campaigns that can propagate readily as factual information. For example,
[3] showed that during the Ebola crisis fake news spread as quickly as accurate informa-
tion on the Twitter social media platform. is rate of spread was (in part) facilitated by
social trolls.
Online social networks have attracted billions of active users over the past decade.
These systems play an integral role in the everyday life of many people around the
world. As such, these platforms are also attractive for misinformation, hoaxes, and fake
news campaigns which usually utilize social trolls and/or social bots for propagation.
Detection of so-called social trolls in these platforms is challenging due to their large
scale and dynamic nature where users’ data are generated and collected at the scale of
multi-billion records per hour. In this paper, we focus on fickle trolls, i.e., a special type
of trolling activity in which the trolls change their identity frequently to maximize their
social relations. This kind of trolling activity may become irritating for the users and
also may pose a serious threat to their privacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
first work that introduces mechanisms to detect these trolls. In particular, we discuss
and analyze troll detection mechanisms on different scales. We prove that the order of
centralized single-machine detection algorithm is
which is slow and impractical
for early troll detection in large-scale social platforms comprising of billions of users.
We also prove that the streaming approach where data is gradually fed to the system
is not practical in many real-world scenarios. In light of such shortcomings, we then
propose a massively parallel detection approach. Rigorous evaluations confirm that
our proposed method is at least six times faster compared to conventional parallel
Keywords: Online social networks, Large-scale networks, Troll detection
Open Access
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22‑022‑00572‑9
2 School of Engineering
and Digital Sciences,
Nazarbayev University,
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Full list of author information
is available at the end of the
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
Social trolling is a general term coined to describe various types of disruptive behavior
in social platforms, such as impersonating as experts (in the topic of discussion) and
then propagating misinformation or fake news [4]. e act of trolling can be carried out
by either a real person or a social bot which essentially, is a software agent that commu-
nicates autonomously on social media with the task defined by the owner.
Trolling is a broad term that includes various forms of online misbehaving activity
ranging from deceive and misleading comments to offensive and threatening behavior.
Trolling activity is not usually categorized as spamming. Instead, the end goal of trolls
is to build up confusion and inject misinformation in the target community while the
spammers have financially-driven intentions. Typical examples of trolling behavior
include mocking and discrediting discussion participants, inciting and escalating argu-
ments, and impersonating expert users while spreading bad advice and false information
Undoubtedly, trolling is a critical issue that threatens the role of social media as the
dominant global information dissemination platform. is makes troll detection one of
the most important challenges for social media administrators. A straightforward detec-
tion approach is to rely on user feedback reports, i.e., users report abusive behavior to
the system and the platform moderators carefully examine the reports before decisively
suspending the suspicious user account. is approach however, has been shown to suf-
fer from various shortcomings; (1) the method is not scalable and often burdens the
platform provider with excessive costs as it requires ample amount of human resources,
(2) it is not sufficiently fast enough as the approach relies heavily on human intervention
and often, the intended damage is already done before the detection of the troll, (3) trolls
often utilize impersonation and disguise methods thus, making it arduous for modera-
tors to detect trolling activity.
To maximize their influence, social trolls tend to expand their pool of followers on
the target social platform. is can be achieved through an array of activities discussed
comprehensively in [5]. Amongst these activities, impersonation is deemed as one of the
most effective approaches [6]. is act can be conducted either through profile cloning
[7] or fake profile identities [8]. In the former case, the trolls clone well-known profiles
and try to gain followers especially among new users of the platform. In the latter, the
trolls introduce a fake identity as an important person (e.g. a non-existent celebrity) or
an expert (e.g. a physician) to attract followers. To reach out to a larger audience, some
of these trolls, which we refer to as fickle trolls, go the extra mile to change their fake
identity frequently [9]. In Section3, we discuss a case study describing this type of troll-
ing in detail.
While many research studies have focused their attention on troll detection
approaches in online social platforms, they usually fall short when dealing with fickle
trolls in large-scale social networks:
1. e approaches usually utilize machine learning tools to extract and analyze a set
of features for detecting trolling activities. As an example, Botometer1 is a machine
learning framework that extracts and analyses a set of over one thousand features.
1 https:// botom eter. osome. iu. edu/.
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
Clearly, these approaches are slow and impractical in very large networks with rap-
idly changing data.
2. e existing approaches are not specifically designed to detect fickle trolls. at is to
say, fickle trolls can evade existing detection approaches due to the high frequency at
which they change their identity.
is paper aims to fill this gap by introducing a method to detect fickle trolls in large-scale
social networks. Considering a large dataset of user activities in an online social platform,
we first extract a graph-theoretic model based on the data and then we discuss fickle troll
detection in different scales. e main contributions of the paper are listed as follows:
Firstly, we consider a single powerful machine that has the memory capacity of an entire
dataset, i.e., a small size dataset. We show that the asymptotic time complexity of the
centralized single-machine detection algorithm is large for early troll detection in large-
scale social platforms with billions of users.
We then discuss a streaming approach on a single machine for cases in which the data-
set is larger than the memory and the data is fed to the machine sequentially. We prove
that the streaming-based approach is not practical in many real-world scenarios.
Next, we propose a massively parallel approach that is both flexible and scalable to han-
dle an extra-large amount of data that changes over time.
Finally, rigorous evaluations based on real-world traces (Twitter Dataset of Russian troll
accounts publicly disclosed by U.S. Congress investigation [10]) are conducted to vali-
date the efficiency of the proposed method. Our approach can detect suspicious fickle
trolls approximately 6 times faster and with
lower overhead.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that focuses on fickle trolling on social
networks and presents detection approaches for this unwanted and sometimes hazardous
phenomenon. Every troll detection approach in a social network suffers from reactive and
countermeasure methods, conducted by the trolls, either through dissembling or luring the
detection mechanism. As such, these approaches and mechanisms should be revised regu-
larly to adapt to the dynamic nature of trolling activities. In this regard, our approach is not
an exception. To effectively detect fickle trolls, the proposed mechanism and the regarding
parameters should be adapted frequently.
e rest of the paper is organized into five sections. e first section highlights the impor-
tance of fickle troll detection and the main contributions of this research paper. is is fol-
lowed by related works in the second section. e three different methods for detection of
suspicious nodes is discussed in the third section. e fourth evaluates the proposed meth-
ods and compares the results with other similar approaches. Finally, conclusive remarks are
made in the fifth section.
Background andrelated works
Many research studies have focused their attention on various aspects and challenges
that online social networks face. e focus of these studies ranges from community
detection [1115], social recommender systems [16, 17], social media analysis [1821] to
misbehaviour and disruptive activities [2225]. In particular, the topic of troll detection
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
in online social networks has attracted many research studies in the course of the past
few years [2628]. Various studies have focused on troll detection approaches. Table1
lists and compares recent approaches. Tomaiuolo etal. [29] surveyed troll detection and
prevention approach comprehensively. Tsantarliotis et al. [4] presented a framework
to define and predict trolling activity in social networks. Fornacciari etal. [5] focus on
introducing a holistic for troll detection on Twitter2. Alsmadi [30] discussed features
related to trolling activity using Twitter’s Russian Troll Tweets dataset. Other studies
also focused their attention on various aspects of that dataset [3133], some of them
using Botometer which is a machine learning approach. However, Rauchfleisch etal. [34]
discussed that these approaches suffer from relatively high false negatives and also false
positives, especially for languages other than English. Tsantarliotis etal. [35] proposed a
graph-theoretic model for troll detection in online social networks. ey introduced a
metric called TVRank to measure the severity of the troll activity with respect to a post.
Other research efforts have been devoted to analyzing the behaviors and socio-cul-
tural features of trolling activity and reactions of the target society. Mkono [36] studied
the trolling activity on Tripadvisor3 which is a social platform specialized in travel and
tourism. Hodge etal. [37] examined the geographical distribution of trolling on social
media platforms. Sun etal. [26] studied the reaction of YouTube4 users to the trolls. ey
showed that well-connected users situated in densely connected communities with a
prior pattern of engaging trolls are more likely to respond to trolls, especially when the
trolling messages convey negative sentiments. Basak etal. [38] focused their attention on
a specific type of trolling activity, i.e., public shaming. March [39] analyzed the psycho-
logical and behavioral background of trolling activities.
More recently, few research studies have focused on trolling activities, their detec-
tion, and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic [40]. Jachim etal. [41] introduced
a machine learning-based linguistic analysis approach to detect the so-called “COVID-
19 infodemic” trolls. omas et al. [42] discussed a trolling activity during the recent
Table 1 Comparison of various troll and bot detection approaches discussed in the literature
Ref. Dataset Technique Limitation(s)
[4] Reddit Troll vulnerability metrics to predict a post is
likely to become the victim of a troll attack. Focuses on the contents of posts and the activ-
ity history of users; does not consider trolling
behaviour directly.
[5] Twitter Takes Holistic approach, i.e., it considers vari-
ous features such as sentiment analysis, time
and frequency of action and etc.
The approach is slow since it considers a magni-
tude of features also it suffers from false positive
[30] Twitter Multi feature analysis, i.e., it considers the tim-
ing of tweets and the contents It only focuses on the dataset, e.g., the usage of
formal tone in trolls instead of slang and slurs
[31] Twitter Classification based on multiple behavioural
and content-based features such as wording
and hashtags or mentions
It suffers from high false positive and only
concentrates on the behaviours extracted from
one specific dataset
[32] Twitter Classification based on bot detection using
Botometer and geolocation data Inaccuracy of Botometer and the ability of trolls
and bots to mask their real location
2 https:// twitt er. com.
3 https:// tripa dvisor. com.
4 https:// youtu be. com.
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
pandemic. Sharma etal. [43] analyzed disinformation campaigns on major social media
platforms conducted by social trolls during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In spite of the above effort, detection methods for fickle trolls have not been fully
investigated in the literature. Specifically, the existing methods can not be altered to
detect such activity since the main aim of the fickle trolls is to maximize their follow-
ers and thus, they may not exhibit behaviors that can be detected by typical methods.
is paper aims to provide novel approaches to detect fickle trolls at different scales. We
also hope that this paper provides a better understanding of this malicious behavior and
serves as a basis for future investigations and research studies on this topic.
The proposed approach
In this section, we first present a case study to clarify our approach. We then propose
our assumptions and definitions before introducing the detection approaches.
A case study
In order to gain better insights on the nature of fickle trolls, we present a case study in
this section. We tracked the changes in the identity of a case study (i.e., a fickle troll)
along with the topics (hashtags) and contents they posted on Twitter. We tracked this
case for 97 consecutive weeks, where we gathered and logged the aforementioned data
on weekly basis. At the start of the study, the troll had approximately 7k followers, and
at best, they reached over 71k followers. Figure1 shows the number of their followers
per week. e troll changed their identity 4 times during the study. At week 8, the troll
changed their identity to a female ship’s crew member. A major naval incident in the
previous week killed many crew members onboard a ship causing public grief. During
a massive wildfire (around week 25), the troll purged all the previous posts, changed
their identity to a male firefighter, and posted many daily fire fighting photos. e
troll changed their identity to a female environmental activist at week 43. Again they
cleared all the previous history and the number of followers rose to 31k. e last change
occurred at week 59 (around the same time the COVID-19 pandemic was declared by
the World Health Organization). is time, they changed their identity to a female front-
line health worker. e number of followers rose to 71k. e troll started posting anti-
vaccination posts and hoaxes around week 80.
System model andassumptions
We consider that the fickle trolls are resourceful, i.e., they can alter their identity without
any restrictions or concerns. We consider that the system has access to user personal
information. erefore, information such as the user’s gender or job is either claimed by
Fig. 1 Changes in the number of followers per week for the case study
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
the user or can be deduced by content analysis. We define these as user attributes. For
example, in our case study, user x has attributes job:reghter, job:shipcrew,
job:nurse, gender:male and gender:female. A trivial solution in this example
would be to detect conflicting attributes and label them as suspected. is is possible for
some of the well-known multi-valued or binary attributes. However, in ever-increasing
polarized social networks [44, 45] with a wide variety of discourses, discussion topics,
and trends, the realization of conflicting attributes is not feasible. Our main idea is to
find users with an arbitrary and somewhat unique set of attributes in the entire net-
work and label them as suspected for further investigations. To this end, we construct a
graph where nodes are users or attributes. e edges show relations between users and
attributes. In what follows, we define the attribute graph formally and then discuss its
Attribute graphs
Consider G(V,E) to be a simple undirected graph, where the set V represents vertices
that are comprised of two types: users with label
and attributes denoted as
. Each
subset is denoted by
, respectively, and
. In this graph, an edge exists
if the user
has the attribute
. We call this the attribute graph. Sup-
pose that
represent the maximum degree of attribute nodes5 and user nodes,
respectively, and
. Also, let d be the diameter of the graph and
be the neigh-
boring set of the node
. Figure 2 exemplifies such a graph, where labels
stand for users and
signify the attributes.
Clustering coecient
Clustering coefficient is a measure of the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to clus-
ter together. It is usually represented by a real value between zero and one, i.e., zero
when there is no clustering at all and one for total clustering. In graphs where the value
is close to one, the nodes tend to create tightly knit groups characterised by a relatively
high density of ties, whereas when it is close to zero, the nodes form looser clusters
among each other. is notion is often interpreted as the probability that two incident
edges are completed by a third one to form a triangle. Clustering coefficient is one of
the important measures of the performance of massively parallel approaches [46, 47].
In what follows, we show that this measure is zero for the attribute graph. e proof is
based on the following lemma:
Fig. 2 An example of an attribute graph
5 In this paper, the terms node and vertex represent exactly the same notion and have been used interchangeably.
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Lemma 1 In an attribute graph G(V,E), every cycle has an even number of nodes.
Suppose that a cycle in an attribute graph has odd number of nodes. en, either two
nodes in
or two nodes in
become neighbors in the cycle, which contradicts the defini-
tion of attribute graphs.
With no triangles to form clusters, the clustering coefficient of the attribute graph is
equal to zero. As we will show later in this paper, this is actually an important measure
for our proposed detection methods.
Suspected nodes
When there are only one or few users with exactly the same set of attributes i.e., there
are one or few user nodes that are connected to the same attributes in the graph, we
consider these nodes as suspected nodes. Note that in here, by few users, we mean the
number of users that is smaller than a system-wide threshold, denoted by
and also we
ignore user nodes with attributes smaller than
which is also a system-wide threshold.
e actual value of these thresholds depends on the social network.
Figure3 shows an example of such a scenario. As shown in the figure, a user user:x
is connected to four attributes and no other user has exactly this set of attributes. is
makes the user unique in this respect. us, we consider it as a suspected node.
Detection methods
In this paper, we discuss possible detection methods at three different scales:
1. Single Machine: In this approach, we have a single computation machine and the
whole attribute graph is available inside the machine. We consider the memory of
the machine to be large enough to store the attribute graph. Although this assump-
tion is unrealistic for most real-world networks, there are however, some cases where
the graph does not exceed the size of the machine’s memory. We also suppose that
the attribute graph remains fixed during the computation. e machine processes
the graph and detects the suspected nodes.
2. Streaming: In this approach, we have a single computation machine with limited
memory, denoted by m. e input of the machine is a sequence of edges that are
Fig. 3 Another example of an attribute graph
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streamed to the machine. Linear scanning of the memory is possible for the proces-
sor. Here, the goal is to minimize m.
3. Massively Parallel: In this approach, we have M machines that work in parallel and
are interconnected. Nodes of the graph are partitioned inside the machines. Edges
whose end nodes reside in different machines are called outbound edges as opposed
to inbound edges. e machines communicate with each other using a message pass-
ing approach. e goal here is to minimize the number of transmitted messages
between machines.
Single machine approach
By our definition, if there are fewer than
nodes that have exactly the same neighbouring
set, those nodes are considered as suspected. Here, we have a single processing machine
with a memory large enough to load the entire attribute graph. We are interested in
an algorithmic approach to explore suspected nodes. In what follows, we present such
an approach. Lemma 2 establishes the basis for a modified version of the well-known
Depth-First-Search (DFS) algorithm to detect such nodes.
Lemma 2 Consider two nodes
. If every 4-cycle6 that starts from
passes through
or passes through attributes connected to
, then
Proof Suppose that
has another attribute in its neighboring set
such that
is not
in the neighboring set of
. en, the 4-cycle that starts from
and passes through
cannot pass through
since they are not connected. us, in this case there is at least
one 4-cycle that starts from
and does not pass through
, which is a contradiction.
, i.e., the two nodes have the same attribute sets, and if there are greater
such nodes, then neither is suspected.
e algorithm to find all 4-cycles starting from a node can be obtained with minor
alterations to the well-known DFS algorithm. e number of iterations for the algorithm
in this mode is
which is impractical even for medium-sized graphs. On the other
hand, the storage requirement for this approach is
. Again, when there are
millions of nodes with billions of edges between them (as evident in most online social
networks), fitting the entire graph inside the memory of a single machine is infeasible.
To speed up the algorithm, one approach is to utilize multi-threading, where each
thread chooses a start point and executes the DFS algorithm. e threads stop when
all nodes are visited by at least one thread and at least once. is approach can be per-
formed either synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous mode requires heavy
coordination between threads which makes it impractical. Asynchronous mode is sim-
pler to implement and does not have the coordination overhead, however, it may over-
count cycles, i.e., a thread counts a cycle that was already counted by another thread.
6 A cycle with x nodes is called an x-cycle.
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To be able to handle the large size of the data that often goes beyond the memory
capacity of a single machine, another strategy is to stream the data gradually to the
machine. In the streaming approach, the machine processes the input in a multi-
pass manner. e number of times that the machine linearly scans the memory is an
important measure for the performance of any streaming-based processing approach
[48]. e size of available memory to the machine is limited. So, as the new inputs
from the stream are received by the machine, the oldest ones are overwritten. us,
the minimum required memory is also another important performance measure.
e input data in this approach is a sequence of edges. Although the node-based
streaming is also possible, in this paper, we focus on edge-based streaming which is
illustrated in Fig.4. e figure illustrates a streaming scenario, i.e., edges are fed (from
left side) to a buffer with limited capacity (in this example the capacity is 5). e pro-
cessor (P) in the figure scans the memory and constructs cycles. e processor is able
to scan the memory indefinitely, however, as the buffer is capped, edges are deleted
from the buffer (from right side). In the first pass, P forms the incomplete cycle of
. In the second pass,
is added to the memory thus, resulting in the
formation of a 4-cycle. ere are many possible patterns for the sequence of edges,
two of which are described below.
Random sequences
In this pattern, the edges are received by the machine uniformly at random. is
approach is useful for cases wherein the graph is highly flexible and changes during
execution. Nonetheless, it uses
memory space in the worst-case which makes it
less attractive for large volumes of data.
Deterministic sequences
ere are various deterministic sequencing patterns. Here, we adopt the Breadth-
First-Search (BFS) algorithm to determine the sequence in which edges are sent to the
machine. e first node is selected randomly, then the edges connected to that node
are sent, and so on and so forth. eorem1 determines the memory space used inside
the machine in the worst-case along with the number of passes the machine scans the
Fig. 4 The concept of streaming approach
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eorem 1 e BFS-based deterministic streaming approach uses
space with
Proof e proof is straightforward. In order to detect 4-cycles, the algorithm needs to
store 4 levels of the BFS algorithm. e first level is a node from
, the second level
has at most
nodes, the third has at most
and the forth level has
for memory space. After formation of the 4 levels, a DFS can find the sus-
pected nodes. ere are
nodes and at most
edges and at most d levels,
thus requiring
is approach is practical when the maximum degree
is at most logarithmic; how-
ever, this is not the case for many real-world applications. For example, at least half of
the users are either male or female, i.e,
. Moreover, the processing takes consider-
able amount of time which is not feasible for most real-world cases. To overcome these
issues, we employ the following massively parallel approach.
Massively parallel approach
We utilize a vertex-centric distributed approach [49] for the detection of suspected
nodes when there are large number of nodes in the attribute graph. e basic idea in
the vertex-centric distributed approach is to iteratively execute an algorithm over ver-
tices of a graph. In this setting, the vertex-centric algorithm in each node includes data
from adjacent vertices or incoming edges as input, and the produced output is com-
municated along outgoing edges of the vertex. ese algorithms are usually iteratively
executed for a predefined number of times or until they converge to the desired proper-
ties. e distributed algorithm is performed inside an array of trusted machines that are
interconnected together and communicate with each other using message passing or via
memory sharing. e vertices of the graph are distributed inside those machines prior
to the execution (which is called the placement phase) and the inbound and outbound
edges are established, then the vertex-centric algorithm is executed on each vertex in
each machine.
Various large-scale parallel approaches have been proposed for graph processing. Since
the introduction of Pregel [50] by Google, many other techniques such as GraphLab
[51], GraphX [52] and Pangolin [53] have been reported in the literature. Some of these
approaches are vertex-centric while others are edge-centric. Hybrid approaches have
also been proposed [54]. Other studies have focused on improving the performance of
these approaches [55]. It has been observed that usually the input graphs to massively
parallel graph processing tools are preferential attachment networks which are catego-
rized as scale-free graphs [56, 57]. ese types of graphs exhibit two major properties as
given below.
Power‑law degree distribution
Power-law degree distribution means that a small fraction of nodes in the graph have
many direct neighbors while the rest of the nodes have few neighbors. For example,
one percent of the nodes in the Twitter’s web graph are adjacent to nearly half of the
edges. is causes a series of issues in any massively parallel approach when applied on
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such graphs. It leads to imbalance in the computation, network traffic, and storage of
machines that contain nodes with higher degrees. To remedy this issue, PowerGraph
[56] and its successors such as PowerLyra [58] differentiate the functionality of nodes,
i.e., the high degree nodes (nodes with many neighbours) perform series of actions that
are different from low degree nodes (nodes with fewer neighbours).
As the interaction between users and attributes follows the preferential attachment
scheme [59], it is sound to assume that the attribute graph also follows the power-law
degree distribution. PowerGraph performs well in this scenario; however, the attribute
graph has another property (low clustering coefficient) that distinguishes it from typical
scale-free graphs and leads to poor performance of PowerGraph and PowerGraph-like
approaches on the attribute graph.
High clustering coecient
As discussed earlier in this paper, in a vertex-centric approach with multiple machines,
the first task is to distribute nodes among those machines. A number of approaches have
been proposed for node placement that ranges from fully random placement to greedy
algorithms. After the placement in each machine, a local graph is constructed among
the nodes that reside in the machine. In PowerGraph, instead of nodes that are placed
in other machines, exact “replicas” of those nodes are placed in each machine. is
approach is indeed feasible for scale-free graphs. High clustering coefficient means that
the probability that two connected nodes are also connected to the same replica is high.
is means that the number of replicas reduces with high probability.
To clarify the above argument, consider the example depicted in Fig. 5a. Sup-
pose that we have a graph with high clustering coefficient and we distribute the
constituent nodes of this graph between two machines, namely
. Let us
also assume that two nodes a and b of the graph are connected and reside in the
(a) An exampleof
with highclustering
chines. Here, cis a
replica of c.
(b) A placementofan attribute
nodes are attribute nodes.
(c) A placementand its regard-
ingreplica nodes.Dotted nodes
are replicas.
(d) Each machine Mihasproxy
node Pi.All nodes inside eachma-
chine are connected to the proxy
node inside that machine.
Fig. 5 Various examples of node placement inside machines
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first machine and nodec is connected to a and resides in another machine. Using
the above approach, we make a replica of c, say
, and assign it to the first machine
) and then construct the edges, i.e., an inbound edge between a and
and an
outbound edge between c and
. High clustering coefficient means that if a and b
are connected and a and c are connected, then it is highly probable that b and c are
also connected, which implies that the inbound edge between b and
is formed with
high probability. Unfortunately, this is not valid for the attribute graph as its cluster-
ing coefficient is equal to zero. For example, if a user node and an attribute node are
placed inside a machine and the two nodes are connected, and the user node is also
connected to another attribute node, then according to definition, it is not possi-
ble for the two attribute nodes to have an edge between them. This renders replica-
based approaches extremely inefficient for attribute graphs. To further exemplify,
suppose that we want to distribute an attribute graph over 3 different machines,
, and
. One possible placement for this scenario is depicted in
Fig.5b. Figure5c shows the replicas that are created in each machine to construct
the graph. Each node inside the machine is connected to a replica of its original
neighbour and replicas are connected to their respective original nodes. Clearly, the
amount of outbound connections and the number of replicas in each machine make
this approach inefficient.
The above argument justify that the existing approaches are not suitable for attrib-
ute graphs. As such, we introduce an approach that is specifically tailored for attrib-
ute graphs. The approach consists of the following three steps for node placement:
1. User nodes are distributed based on a balanced hash function.
2. Each machine contains a node called the proxy node of the machine, denoted by
where i is the index of the machine.
3. Star-like connection is established between user nodes inside each machine and the
proxy node.
Figure5d shows an example of our proposed node placement scheme in which we
assume that:
Each user node has a list of its neighbors, i.e., its attributes.
Nodes are placed inside machines based on the hashes of their IDs.
Outbound communication is only possible through proxy nodes.
The execution can be done either synchronously or asynchronously.
The user nodes are dynamic, i.e., new nodes can be added to the system or old
ones may be deleted from the system at any time.
• Machines are dynamic, i.e., new machines are added to the system to improve
scalability. Old machines may be merged to reduce overhead.
Building on these assumptions, we present our vertex-centric algorithm to find sus-
pected nodes in what follows.
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Detection algorithm
Essentially, what we want here is for a node such as
to have the neighboring set of
every node that has common attribute with
. For example, in the attribute graph
of Fig.2, we want
to have the neighboring set of
since they have com-
mon attributes, i.e.,
. e straightforward approach would be for each
node to determine its neighboring set and send it to all its two-hop neighbors. In
a distributed vertex-centric with multiple machines, each vertex is not aware of the
neighboring set of its two-hop neighbors after the placement. To do so, every user
constructs a beacon
for each of its attributes and sends each of
them to the proxy node of the machine. Upon receiving the beacon, the receiver
broadcasts the beacon to all other proxy nodes. Each proxy node relays the beacons
locally to all of its neighbors. e receiver (e.g.
) looks up its neighboring list and if
it has
, sends back an acknowledgment response to the proxy node. e proxy node
routes back the response to the sender’s proxy node. e sender’s proxy node then
relays the acknowledgment (ACK) to the sender. e sender saves
In this way, each node finds the neighbors of its attributes. For example, for the graph
given in Fig.2, node
receives tuples
and so on.
e pseudocode of this entire procedure is given in Algorithm1.
Algorithm 1Paralleltwo-hop neighbordiscovery
:An attributegraph
:Everynodeuifinds itstwo-hop neighbors
1: forall user node uiin machine kdo in parallel
2: send abeacon<u
j>to Pk
3: endfor
4: forall <u
5: forward<u
j>to allnodes inside k
6: endfor
7: forall ACK(ui,ux,aj)received at Pkdo
8: if uiin kthen
9: send <u
j>to ui
forall <u
j>receivedtouxin Pkdo
if (ux,a
send back ACK(ui,ux,aj)toPk
forall <u
e execution of the algorithm finishes when every beacon is sent and received by
its destination. After the execution, each node has the neighboring sets of its two-hop
neighbors. Using the list, each node can determine whether it is suspected or not. For
example, consider that the algorithm is executed on the attribute graph presented in
Fig.2 and
is 2. After the execution, the system finds out there are less than
that has
as attributes and thus,
is marked to be suspected.
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Complexity analysis
e most important measure in these type of approaches is the amount of outbound
communication in terms of the number of transmitted messages between machines
which is also called transmission overhead. is is mainly due to the fact that usually
this type of communication incurs higher delays which in turn reduces the system’s
overall performance. e transmission overhead for Algorithm 1 is
asynchronous mode. To improve the algorithm and reduce the overhead, a batching
approach can be utilized in proxy nodes. In this manner, the algorithm works syn-
chronously at each step, i.e., the proxy node waits until it receives all beacons, batches
them, and then sends the batch to other proxy nodes. Although the size of the trans-
mitted message is still the same, the number of transmission attempts reduces sig-
nificantly and thus, the delays imposed by the network reduces drastically. However,
if one or more beacons are not received by the proxy due to an unforeseen circum-
stance such as system fault, all other messages have to wait until a predefined time-
out, which may result in higher delays.
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, all three approaches
introduced in this paper were implemented. For the single machine and the streaming
approaches, experiments are performed on a dedicated server that has 4 Intel Xenon
cores and 64GB DRAM. For the massively parallel approach, we utilized a cloud-based
approach with up to 32 VM instances each with 16GB of DRAM and 2 Intel Xenon
cores. e operating system of each VM was Linux-based and the instances were con-
nected to each other over 1Gb Ethernet links. We implemented the approaches using
the Ruby programming language.
Numerous validation experiments have been established. However, for the sake of spe-
cific illustration, validation results are presented for limited number of scenarios. We
adopted 95 percent confidence level to make sure that, on average, the confidence inter-
val which is calculated using t-student distribution and standard error contains the true
values around 95 percent of the time.
For the sake of evaluation, we used a Twitter dataset of Russian troll accounts publicly
disclosed by U.S. Congress investigation [10]. e dataset contains over 43 million elec-
tions-related posts shared on Twitter between September 16 and October 21, 2016, by
Normalized Runtime
%of detectednodes
(a) Percentage of detected suspected nodes
vs runtime for three different cases; (1) single
threaded, (2) 2threads, (3) 4 threads.
Ratioof duplicates
(b) Ratio of duplicate 4-cycles vs the distance
of start points,for twodifferentcases.
%ofnodes inspected
Ratioof duplicates
2SP, d12
4SP, d12
(c) Ratio of duplicate 4-cycles vs percentage of
inspected nodes.
Fig. 6 Evaluation of single machine approach
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Shaeiand Dadlani Journal of Big Data (2022) 9:22
about 5.7 million distinct users and their various social interactions such as re-tweeting,
replying, mentioning, etc.
Single machine approach
We evaluated the performance of the single machine approach using the aforemen-
tioned dataset.
Convergence rate
Figure6a compares the rate of convergence for three different cases. e Y axis shows
the percentage of the detected suspected nodes and X represents the normalized runt-
ime. e first case is single threaded. In this case, a node was selected at random, after
which we executed the algorithm using a single thread. In the two latter cases, two and
four threads were executed, respectively, where the start points were also selected uni-
formly at random. We observe that with increase in the number of independent threads,
the rate at which the 4-cycles are being detected also increases. us, as the detection
rate rises, it leads to growth in the rate of convergence of the algorithm.
In the case of multiple threads, one common scenario is overcounting the 4-cycles. One
approach to prevent this is synchronization between multiple threads which is costly
and time consuming. A common approach in these cases is to execute threads indepen-
dently and discard the duplicates. In what follows, we discuss the performance of the
single machine approach from the perspective of overcounting.
In Fig. 6b, the effect of start point distances on the overcounting is investigated.
e figure plots the ratio of duplicate 4-cycles detected by threads when the distance
between start points increases for two cases; (1) two threads and (2) four threads. e
number of duplicates decreases as the distance between start points increases. In the
case of four threads, the ratio of duplicates is slightly higher since the probability of over-
counting increases. Obviously, the distance is bounded by the diameter of the attribute
We are also interested in the rate at which the ratio of duplicates grows when the
algorithm progresses as depicted in Fig. 6c. e Y axis represents the ratio of dupli-
cate 4-cycles and the X axis shows the percentage of inspected nodes. In both cases, we
assumed the distance to be equal to 12. In the early stages of the algorithm, the rate at
which the overcounting occurs is significantly lower than the later stages and this rate is
higher for the case of 4 threads.
Streaming approach
Figure7 depicts the results obtained for the streaming approach.
Convergence rate
We examined the convergence rate of the streaming approach for the given dataset for
two different cases, i.e., random streams and deterministic BFS streams. Here, we con-
sider the memory large enough for the algorithm to be able to detect all the suspected
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nodes. e results are plotted in Fig. 7a. As shown in the figure, the deterministic
approach outperforms the random approach.
Figure7b investigates the effect of memory size on the convergence of the stream-
ing approach. Here, we consider the maximum memory size to be equal to the size of
the entire graph and thus, plotted the normalized memory size accordingly. When the
memory size is small, the chance that the algorithm misses a 4-cycle increases since one
or more edges of the cycle may be truncated from the memory before being included in
the algorithm to form a cycle. As the memory size grows, the number of detected nodes
rises. We also observe a threshold which in this case is around 40% of maximum mem-
ory size. is threshold is related to
as discussed earlier in this paper, i.e., when the
memory size is smaller than the threshold, some of the edges are being evicted before
the formation of 4-cycles which consequently, disrupts the detection.
Number ofpasses
We have already seen that in a streaming approach, the algorithm scans the memory for
a number of times to detect 4-cycles. Figure7c depicts the normalized number of passes
when the algorithm progresses. e rate of growth increases as the algorithm advances
mainly due to the fact that the number of constructed incomplete cycles grows and thus,
the algorithm needs to re-scan the memory more often.
e effect of memory size is also investigated in Fig.7d. As the memory size grows, the
number of edges that the algorithm scans in each pass grows and thus, the total num-
ber of passes reduces. Again, a threshold phenomena can be seen in the figure. In both
figures, the number of passes for the deterministic BFS case is lower than the random
Normalized Runtime
%of detected nodes
Aprox. Alg.
(a) Percentageof detectedsuspecte dnodes vs.
runtime fortwo different cases:(1) random-
ized streaming, (2) deterministic BFS-based
Normalized Memory size
%of detected nodes
Aprox. Alg.
(b) Ratioofduplicate4-cyclesvs. percentage
of inspected nodes.
Normalized Runtime
Normalized Number of passes
(c) Normalized number of passes for detection
vs. runtime for twodifferentcases.
Normalized Memory size
Normalized Numberofpasses
Aprox. Alg.
(d) Normalized number of passes for detection
vs.Normalized memory size.
Fig. 7 Evaluation of the streaming approach
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sequence as the incoming stream for the latter is uniformly random and thus, for the
construction of a cycle the algorithm may need more passes to find missing edges.
Massively parallel approach
Figure8 shows the evaluation of our proposed massively parallel approach.
Memory usage
Figure8a depicts the total memory usage of the proposed method executed in paral-
lel over 16 exactly same machines. Note that in this figure, we aggregated the memory
usage of all 16 machines. We considered two different cases: (1) synchronous proxies
and (2) asynchronous execution. As shown in the figure, the memory usage grows as the
algorithm progresses. e asynchronous approach has significantly lower memory usage
compared to that of the synchronous approach mainly due to the delay imposed for syn-
chronization inside proxy nodes.
We also examined the memory usage of only the proxy nodes in Fig.8b. Here, the eval-
uation settings were the same. Comparing the figures, we realize that the proxy nodes
impose most of the memory burden on the machines. e two gaps in the synchronous
execution is related to the phases in which proxies gather inbound messages and send
them to other proxy nodes.
Figure8c shows the impact of parallelism on the performance of the proposed approach
both in synchronous and asynchronous executions. As the number of machines
Normalized Runtime
Memory [GB]
16M Synch.
16M Asynch.
(a) Total memory usage in machines vs. runtime
usingAlgorithm1for 2 different cases: (1)Syn-
chronous and (2) Asynchronous both with16
Normalized Runtime
Proxies Memory
(b) Memory usageofproxy nodes in machines
vs. normalized runtime usingAlgorithm1for 2
differentcases:(1) Synchronous and(2) Asyn-
chronousbothwith16 machines.
4816 32
Numberof Machines
Execution Time (s)
(c) ExecutiontimeofAlgorithm 1vs. numb er
of machines for twodifferentcases.
4816 32
outbound /Inb ound Ratio
(d) Ratioofoutboundcommunications (mes-
sagesexchangedbetween machines)vs. num-
Fig. 8 Evaluation of the proposed massively parallel approach
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increases, the execution time of both cases reduces; however, the parallelism has greater
impact on the asynchronous case. Generally, the asynchronous execution experiences
lower delays and thus, outperforms the synchronous approach.
One important factor to decide whether to use the synchronous or the asynchro-
nous approach is the ratio of outbound to inbound communications. All the previous
arguments have shown that the asynchronous approach outperforms the synchronous
approach, i.e., both showing lower memory usage and lower execution time. However,
from the communication perspective, the synchronous approach has significant supe-
riority to the other approach. Figure8d shows the ratio of outbound to inbound com-
munications (lowers are outbound) for the case of asynchronous approach. As the
outbound communications for the synchronous approach is negligible, it has not been
shown in the figure.
e synchronous execution is best fitted for cases in which the bandwidth between
machines are low or the communication link is unstable, lossy or with unpredictable
delays. Obviously, these are not the cases for cloud infrastructures. But there may be
some use cases for which the detection algorithm must be executed over the edge-com-
puting environments.
Comparison withPowerGraph
In order to compare our approach, we implemented a two-hop neighbor discovery algo-
rithm using PowerGraph. Table2 compares the execution time and maximum memory
usage of our synchronous parallel approach with PowerGraph for various number of
machines. e table lists 3 different scenarios, with few number of processing machines
, and massively parallel one (
). In each scenario, the execu-
tion time reduces significantly when the degree of parallelism increases. Nonetheless,
with the same attribute graph, the execution time of PowerGraph is significantly higher
mainly due to the overhead caused by replicas. ese replicas not only escalate the out-
bound traffic which increases the execution time of the algorithm, but also cause more
memory overhead in the PowerGraph implementation.
e large-scale and highly dynamic nature of social networks necessitates specifically
tailored troll detection methods. In this paper, we investigated a massively parallel
approach to detect fickle trolls in large-scale social networks. We first proved that cen-
tralized and streaming approaches are not practical in real-world large-scale networks
as they are slow for early detection of these trolls. We then proposed a parallel detection
approach that uses a vertex-centric parallel two-hop neighbor discovery algorithm. Our
Table 2 Comparison of our approach with PowerGraph. Here, M represents number of machines
PowerGraph Exec. Time (s) 749 534 313
Max. Memory (GB) 743 612 509
Proposed approach Exec. Time (s) 107 88 59
Max. Mem. (GB) 340 229 159
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evaluations based on real-world traces confirmed that our proposed method can out-
perform similar parallel approaches by order of magnitude. Our future direction aims
at utilizing fast machine-learning approaches to prune the attribute graph (and thus,
minimize the overheads incurred) to further enhance the proposed detection algorithm.
We will also consider using an optimization algorithm to solve the problem of excessive
computation time and load balancing in our proposed parallel approach in the future.
Authors’ contributions
HS was responsible for authoring and AD was responsible for guidance and editing. Both authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
This research was supported by the Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant (No. 240919FD3918), Nazarbayev
Availability of data and materials
The dataset used and/or analyzed in the current study is available at https:// www. recode. net/ 2017/ 11/2/ 16598 312/ rus-
sia- twitt er- trump- twitt er- deact ivated- handle- list. Results sets are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Faculty of Computer Engineering, K. N. Toosi University, Tehran, Iran. 2 School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Naz-
arbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
Received: 8 September 2021 Accepted: 30 January 2022
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... Graph pattern matching (GPM) refers to the problem of finding all the occurrences of a query graph Q in a given data graph G. It is among the most widely studied problems in graph theory [1], and it has a wide range of applications including social network analysis [2], extraction of protein interactions [3], attacks prevention in cybersecurity [4], natural language processing [5][6][7], software plagiarism detection [8], semantic web search [7,9] and more. ...
... During the filtering phase, we evaluate the child's constraints and update the matching array by visiting the edges of graph G. Let us consider the example of edge (1,2): vertex 1 has a child 2 with label a. In the matching array of vertex 1 we decrement the value corresponding to the label a. ...
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Graph pattern matching is widely used in real-world applications, such as social network analysis. Since the traditional subgraph isomorphism is NP-complete and often too restrictive to catch sensible matches, relaxed graph pattern matching models are used. However, existing algorithms suffer from limited linear scalability and restricted degrees of parallelism. In this paper, we propose fast parallel algorithms, GPGS and GPDS, for graph simulation and dual simulation, respectively. They make most use of the GPU performance by adopting the edge-centric processing model. We perform parallel computations on the data graph edges to evaluate the matching constraints for each vertex allowing for fast and scalable algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first GPU-based algorithms for graph simulation and dual simulation. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data graphs demonstrate that our algorithms significantly outperform existing methods, achieving up to 74.8××\times acceleration for GPGS and up to 114.2××\times acceleration for GPDS.
... Cheng et al. [8] presents a study on anti-social behavior in online discussion communities, focusing on users that will eventually be banned. More recently, approaches that combine user posts and online activities for troll detection have emerged [1,3,4,13,20,32,34]. Addawood et al. [1] identify 49 linguistic markers of deception and measure their use by troll accounts. ...
... number of shared links, retweets, mentions, etc.), and linguistic features to identify active trolls on Twitter. Shafiei and Dadlani [32] show that Russian trolls aim to hijack the political conversation to create distrust among different groups in the community. Stewart and Dawson [34] similarly demonstrate how trolls act to accentuate disagreement and sow division along divergent frames, and this is further validated by Dutt et al. [13] in relation to Russian ads on Facebook. ...
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State-sponsored trolls are the main actors of influence campaigns on social media and automatic troll detection is important to combat misinformation at scale. Existing troll detection models are developed based on training data for known campaigns (e.g.\ the influence campaign by Russia's Internet Research Agency on the 2016 US Election), and they fall short when dealing with {\em novel} campaigns with new targets. We propose MetaTroll, a text-based troll detection model based on the meta-learning framework that enables high portability and parameter-efficient adaptation to new campaigns using only a handful of labelled samples for few-shot transfer. We introduce \textit{campaign-specific} transformer adapters to MetaTroll to ``memorise'' campaign-specific knowledge so as to tackle catastrophic forgetting, where a model ``forgets'' how to detect trolls from older campaigns due to continual adaptation. Our experiments demonstrate that MetaTroll substantially outperforms baselines and state-of-the-art few-shot text classification models. Lastly, we explore simple approaches to extend MetaTroll to multilingual and multimodal detection. Source code for MetaTroll is available at:
... In their Paper [12]Shafiei and Dadlani address the challenge of identifying "fickle trolls" within large-scale social networks-users who frequently change their online behavior to manipulate or disrupt conversations. Unlike traditional trolls, fickle trolls are more difficult to identify due to their adaptive strategies, making them a persistent threat to online communities. ...
The proliferation of social media platforms has led to an increase in the creation of fake accounts. These accounts are used for various malicious activities, such as spreading false information, phishing, and identity theft. As a result, there is a growing need for effective methods to identify and eliminate fake accounts. This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach for social media fake account identification. This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach to identify fake accounts on social media platforms. Our method leverages a combination of feature extraction techniques and supervised learning algorithms to classify accounts as genuine or fake. We collect a large dataset of labeled social media accounts, including both genuine and fake profiles, and extract features from various sources such as profile information, network behavior, and content analysis. We experiment with multiple machine learning models, including Support vector machines(SVM),K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm(KNN),Random forest, Logistic Regression & Artificial Neural Network(ANN) to evaluate their performance in identifying fake accounts. Our proposed method has significant implications for social media platform operators, policymakers, and researchers seeking to combat fake accounts and maintain online trust. The approach can be integrated with existing social media moderation tools to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of fake account identification. Key Words: Support vector machines(SVM),K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm(KNN),Random forest, Logistic Regression & Artificial Neural Network(ANN),Python.
... Trolling has become a critical issue and troll detection is a significant challenge for the administrators of social media. It becomes important for detecting such activities, i.e., Stop earlier before spreading, which makes social media a healthy place for interacting and sharing one viewpoint without considering unwanted comments [6]. The hate comments may be racist or discriminate or insult based on a specific religion, nationality, gender, ethnicity, and age bracket. ...
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The evolution of social media and online platforms created more opportunities to express one’s thoughts without any burden. This emergence paved the way to construct more intelligent systems but by taking advantage of these platforms some people display their vengeance by harassing or abusing comments. The attackers leak sensitive information about an individual or an organization through the internet using abusive words, hate comments, threatening information, fake news, etc. So, online shaming detection with an optimum classification mechanism becomes necessary to avoid such negative consequences. In this paper, a novel online shaming detection mechanism using a Convolutional Neural Network Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit-based Hybrid Archimedes Tasmanian Devil (CNNBiGRU-HATD) approach is proposed to detect and classify the offensive comments and non-offensive comments. If the comment seems offensive, it is further classified into six categories according to shaming types such as abusive, doxing, Passing Judgment, Ethnic/Religious, Joke/Sarcasm, and Whataboutery. The utilized four Twitter-based datasets are initially preprocessed and feature extracted to improve the classification performance of the CNNBiGRU-HATD approach. After accurate classification, the information from the classified shaming types is collected and authenticated. The proposed approach is simulated using the Python platform. To validate the potential capability of the proposed CNNBiGRU-HATD approach, it is related to the existing methods by various parameters. The experimental result reveals that the proposed CNNBiGRU-HATD method achieves higher accuracy of 96.5% for the labeled hate speech detection dataset.
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The surge in e-scams, attributed to an estimated 30% of fake social media accounts, has highlighted the urgent need to identify such fraudulent profiles. While designed for this task, current models either need more efficiency, cannot handle multimodal networks, or are too complex for real-time applications. This paper introduces a cutting-edge deep-transfer learning model that streamlines fake-profile detection through a comprehensive analysis of diverse social media data samples. Our model gathers a wide range of data from various social media platforms: posts, likes, comments, multimedia content, user activity, and login behaviors. Each data type is individually processed to detect suspicious patterns synonymous with fake accounts—for instance, discrepancies like male profiles predominantly posting about or using images of females. Audio signals undergo 1D Fourier, Cosine, Convolutional, Gabor, and Wavelet Transforms. In contrast, image and video data are processed with their 2D counterparts. Text data is transformed using Word2Vec, aiding our binary Convolutional Neural Network (bCNN) to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent profiles. Feature optimization is handled by the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) for 2D data and the Elephant Herding Optimizer (EHO) for 1D data, ensuring minimal feature redundancy. Separate 1D CNN classifiers, then classify the refined features to pinpoint fake profiles. The results from these classifiers are amalgamated through a boosting mechanism, resulting in an 8.3% increase in accuracy, 5.9% in precision, and 6.5% in recall compared to conventional methods. Testing on initial login and signup processes further validated our model’s effectiveness, achieving a remarkable 93.5% accuracy in detecting illegitimate account activities, effectively mitigating cold-start challenges.
Purpose Online social networks can bridge the gap between distant individuals by simulating online experiences that closely resemble physical interactions. While people have positive experiences, such as joy, in a physical relationship and would like to enjoy those experiences online, they also have negative experiences, such as being subject to a lie. An online social network may allow users to lie to simulate a real-world social group better. However, lying must be prevented on social networks as unethical behavior. Thus, this study aims to investigate an ethical dilemma raised due to the two abovementioned perspectives. Design/methodology/approach This paper examines different aspects of lying in social networks, using a comprehensive descriptive literature review approach and a classification scheme. Findings Contrary to their initial intent, social networks are disrupting the traditional notion of human interaction, either by disregarding the presence of dishonesty or by attempting to regulate relationships. In this research, the authors examine the challenges of these two perspectives by identifying enablers, consequences and control measures of lying on social networks at the individual, social and technological levels. The authors also develop a framework to facilitate investigating this dilemma. Originality/value This paper examines a controversial topic. Although lying is unethical, allowing users to lie may be considered an appealing feature of social network platforms. This paper offers a framework to propose several research directions for future studies. This study’s examination focuses on the challenges associated with deception on social networks, prompting the formulation of three crucial questions regarding the potential impact of technology on such behavior.
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Twitter, prompted by the rapid spread of alternative narratives, started actively warning users about the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. This form of soft moderation comes in two forms: as an interstitial cover before the Tweet is displayed to the user or as a contextual tag displayed below the Tweet. We conducted a 319-participants study with both verified and misleading Tweets covered or tagged with the COVID-19 misinformation warnings to investigate how Twitter users perceive the accuracy of COVID-19 vaccine content on Twitter. The results suggest that the interstitial covers work, but not the contextual tags, in reducing the perceived accuracy of COVID-19 misinformation. Soft moderation is known to create so-called ”belief echoes” where the warnings echo back, instead of dispelling, preexisting beliefs about morally-charged topics. We found that such “belief echoes” do exist among Twitter users in relationship to the perceived safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine as well as the vaccination hesitancy for themselves and their children. These “belief echoes” manifested as skepticism of adequate COVID-19 immunization particularly among Republicans and Independents as well as female Twitter users. Surprisingly, we found that the belief echoes are strong enough to preclude adult Twitter users to receive the COVID-19 vaccine regardless of their education level.
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Scholarly discourse on “disruptive technologies” has been strongly influenced by disruptive innovation theory. This theory is tailored for analyzing disruptions in markets and business. It is of limited use, however, in analyzing the broader social, moral and existential dynamics of technosocial disruption. Yet these broader dynamics should be of great scholarly concern, both in coming to terms with technological disruptions of the past and those of our current age. Technologies can disrupt social relations, institutions, epistemic paradigms, foundational concepts, values, and even the nature of human cognition and experience – domains of disruption that are largely neglected in existing discourse on disruptive technologies. Accordingly, this paper seeks to reorient scholarly discussion around a broader notion of technosocial disruption. This broader notion raises three foundational questions. First, how can technosocial disruption be conceptualized in a way that clearly sets it apart from the disruptive innovation framework? Secondly, how does the notion of technosocial disruption relate to the concordant notions of “disruptor” and “disruptiveness”? Thirdly, can we advance criteria to assess the “degree of social disruptiveness” of different technologies? The paper clarifies these questions and proposes an answer to each of them. In doing so, it advances “technosocial disruption” as a key analysandum for future scholarship on the interactions between technology and society.
The study of the dynamics of opinion formation and transmission in social networks has attracted lots of attention. Here, we propose a model that simulates communication in an online social network, in which randomly created posts represent external information. We consider users and friendship relations to be encoded as nodes and edges of a network. The dynamic of information diffusion is divided into two processes, referred to as post transmission and post distribution, representing the users’ behavior and the social network algorithm, respectively. Individuals also interact with the post content by slightly adjusting their own opinion and sometimes redefining friendships. Our results show that the dynamic converge to various scenarios, which go from consensus formation to polarization. Importantly, friendship rewiring helps promote echo chamber formation, which can also arise for particular networks with well-defined community structures. Altogether, our results indicate that the social network algorithm is crucial to mitigate or promote polarization.
This article reviews the empirical evidence on the relationship between social media and political polarization. We argue that social media shapes polarization through the following social, cognitive, and technological processes: partisan selection, message content, and platform design and algorithms.
This article aims to summarize the recent advancement in the fake account detection methodology on social networking websites. Over the past decade, social networking websites have received huge attention from users all around the world. As a result, popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others saw an unexpected rise in registered users. However, researchers claim that all registered accounts are not real; many of them are fake and created for specific purposes. The primary purpose of fake accounts is to spread spam content, rumor, and other unauthentic messages on the platform. Hence, it is needed to filter out the fake accounts, but it has many challenges. In the past few years, researchers applied many advanced technologies to identify fake accounts. In the survey presented in this article, we summarize the recent development of fake account detection technologies. We discuss the challenges and limitations of the existing models in brief. The survey may help future researchers to identify the gaps in the current literature and develop a generalized framework for fake profile detection on social networking websites.
In recent years, the use of trust-based recommendation systems to predict the scores of items not rated by users has attracted many researchers’ interest. Accordingly, they create a trusted network of users, move in the trust graph, and search for the desired rank among the users by creating a Trust Walker and Random walk algorithm. Meanwhile, we face some challenges such as calculating the level of trust between users, the movement of Trust Walker using Random walk (random route selection), not discovering the desired rank, and as a result, the algorithm failure. In the present study, in order to solve the mentioned challenges, a trust-based recommender system is presented that predicts the ranks of items that the target user has not rated. In the first stage, a trusted network is developed based on the three criteria. In the next step, we define a Trust Walker to calculate the level of trust between users, and we apply the Biased Random Walk (BRW) algorithm to move it; the proposed method recommends it to the target user in the case of finding the desired rank of the item, and if that item does not exist in the defined trust network, it uses association rules to recognize items that are dependent on the item being searched and recommends them to the target user. The evaluation of this research has been performed on three datasets, and the obtained results indicate higher efficiency and more accuracy of the proposed method.
Conference Paper
This paper presents TrollHunter2020, a real-time detection mechanism we used to hunt for trolling narratives on Twitter during and in the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. elections. Trolling narratives form on Twitter as alternative explanations of polarizing events with the goal of conducting information operations or provoking emotional responses. Detecting trolling narratives thus is an imperative step to preserve constructive discourse on Twitter and remove the influx of misinformation. Using existing techniques, the detection of such content takes time and a wealth of data, which, in a rapidly changing election cycle with high stakes, might not be available. To overcome this limitation, we developed TrollHunter2020 to hunt for trolls in real-time with several dozen trending Twitter topics and hashtags corresponding to the candidates' debates, the election night, and the election aftermath. TrollHunter2020 utilizes a correspondence analysis to detect meaningful relationships between the top nouns and verbs used in constructing trolling narratives while they emerge on Twitter. Our results suggest that the TrollHunter2020 indeed captures the emerging trolling narratives in a very early stage of an unfolding polarizing event. We discuss the utility of TrollHunter2020 for early detection of information operations or trolling and the implications of its use in supporting a constrictive discourse on the platform around polarizing topics.
Trolls are individual internet users with anti-social remarks and behaviors who can disrupt on-topic discussions and wreak havoc on the various functions of online communities. This study investigated the aftermath of trolling on community dynamics by examining the likelihood and conditions in which individual users react toward trolls. Using a longitudinal behavioral dataset collected from popular video communities on YouTube, the study found that the valence of the trolling message, characteristics of the individual member, as well as the patterns of past engagement with trolls from other community members all played a role in predicting how an individual would react to trolls. In other words, well-connected users situated in densely connected communities with a prior pattern of engaging trolls are more likely to respond to trolls, especially when the trolling messages convey negative sentiment.