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Populationsgröße, Trichterdichte und Habitatpräferenz der Dünen-Ameisenjungfer Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) im Gebiet der Dresdner Heide (Neuroptera) [Population size, pit density and habitat preference of the antlion Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) in the Dresdner Heide area, Saxony (Neuroptera)]



Following the first record of Myrmeleon bore in the Dresd- ner Heide area in 2019 (Kurth 2020), the population size and density of the species was determined. M. bore was mainly found in open, sparsely vegetated, sandy areas directly exposed to sunlight. The area-weighted density of the entire study site (4.05 hectares) was 0.177 larvae/m2. Population size estimates based on random quadrat counts lead to a figure of 4000-7000 individuals - the largest known population of this species. The positive correlation between larval size and pit diameter known for this species from laboratory trials was confirmed at our study site. This correlation may allow researchers to estimate the age structure of wild populations. The special responsibility of Germany for the protection of this species and the size of the population justify priority protection of the site over other protected species found in the area.
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 65, 2021/2 175
Populationsgröße, Trichterdichte und Habitatpräferenz der
Dünen-Ameisenjungfer Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) im
Gebiet der Dresdner Heide (Neuroptera)
Zusammenfassung Myrmeleon bore (
M. bore
M. bore
   
 Population size, pit density and habitat preference of the antlion Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941)
in the Dresdner Heide area, Saxony (Neuroptera).Myrmeleon bore 
M. bore
   
    
    
    
      
        
   
Myrmeleon formicarius (
  Euroleon
nostras ( M. bore 
 
     
     
 
E. nostras
M. formicarius &
      
 M. bore
     
  (   
       
   
 
 
     
  
(  
   
      
M. formicariusE. nostras
Myrmeleon bore 
   
       
 &
176 Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 65, 2021/2
      
   
    
     
  
   
     
  
      
     
   
      
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Gebietseinteilung und -begehung  
     
   
       
       
 
       
  
   
M. bore 
       
Populationsdichte und -größe.   
  
       
 
     
Myrmeleon bore
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  
      
        
       
       
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 E. nostrasM. formicari-
us       
M. bore 
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       
    
    
Habitatpräferenz      
 
      
 M. bore 
     E. nostras 
  M.-formicarius- 
      M. bore  E.
nostras      M. bore
und E. nostrasE. nostras
M. bore
M. bore
        
     
       
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    
Populationsdichte und -größe. 
     
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  
   
       
      
   
     
     
     
Trichtergröße.   
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  
M. bore
 
 
 M. bore 
     
  
      M. bore
      
Habitatpräferenz, Populationsgröße und -dichte.
    
     M. bore  
 
  &      
 
  
  
     
      
 M. bore 
  
   
 (      
     
  
  
     
     
  
   
       
      
  
      
Myrmeleon bore
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      
  
    
      
     
       
       
      
      
   
   
        
   
    M. bore    
Schutz der Art. M. bore    
      
    
  
M. bore 
  
M. bore
      Lacerta agilis
() M. bore
     
Myrmeleon bra-
siliensis ( 
       
& 
  
V Beschreibung
A 
          
 
   
  Myrmeleon bore.         
V Fläche (m2) N Trichter/m2
Mittelwert ± SD berechnete Trichterzahl
Mittelwert (obere - untere SD)
A  
   
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Gesamt 40483 53 0,177 (gewichtet) 7169 (53-16 033)
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180 Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 65, 2021/2
   
      M. bore 
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 
  M.
   
      
    
Larvengröße und Trichtergröße. 
M. bore
       
      
       
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        
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   
  
  
    
      
   
  
  
     
    
     
 Myrmeleon bore (   
     &   
     
   36
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    
 &  
      
  
Myrmeleon bore (Myrmeleon
inconspicuus    
     
   
(Myrmeleonidae     
  Myrme-
leon boreEuroleon nostras
 
  Myrmeleon bore    
 
   Myrme-
leon bore
     Grocus bore 
       
 
leon bore    
Myrmeleon brasiliensis
          
Grocus bore
& 
    
Myrmeleon (Morter) bore ( 
     Myrmeleon (Morter) bore
       
     
 2 
    
 
   
        
     
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 65, 2021/2 181
&  
Myrmeleon bore 
       
  
 Myrmeleon bore
   
  
   
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Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 10 (2020) Zusammenfassung. Im Juli und August 2019 wurden erstmals in einem Sekundärhabitat auf dem Gebiet der Dresdner Heide adulte Männchen und Larven der Dünen-Ameisenjungfer (Myrmeleon bore) gefunden. Die weitere Suche in der Umgebung ergab noch mehrere Fundorte im Bereich der eiszeitlichen Sandablagerungen, vor allem im Bereich der Sandtagebaue. Die gesamte Population dürfte mehrere hundert Individuen betragen und macht M. bore zur zweithäufigsten Ameisenjungfer-Art in Dresden. Abstract. First record of Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) in the Dresdner Heide (Neuroptera). – In July and August 2019, adult males and larvae of the antlion Myrmeleon bore were recorded for the time in a secondary habitat in the area of the Dresdner Heide. The further search in the area revealed several sites in the area of the glacial sand deposits, especially in the field of sand quarrying. The entire population should amount to several hundred individuals and makes M. bore the second most common antlion species in Dresden.
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New distribution records of Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) in Poland. A rare species of lacewings, Myrmeleon bore, is reported from new localities in Baltic coast and Southern Poland.
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Antlion larvae Myrmeleon brasiliensis Návas, 1914 (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) are sit-and-wait predators who build traps to catch their prey. The aim of this study was to observe under laboratory conditions, how the energy cost spent on maintenance of their traps affects: the larval developmental time, time spent as a pupa, mortality rate of larvae and adult size. M. brasiliensis larvae were collected in the municipality of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil and were individually maintained in plastic containers and subjected to two treatments. In the control treatment larvae did not have their traps disturbed while in the manipulated treatment, larvae had their traps disturbed three times a week. The experiments were followed until adult emergence. When the adults emerged, their body size (head-abdomen), anterior and posterior wing span and width were measured. Furthermore, the number of larvae that died during the experiment was recorded. The results showed that the larvae whose traps were manipulated had longer larval development time, smaller pupal development time and were smaller adults. It can be concluded that the energy expenditure spent on maintenance of the trap constructed by M. brasiliensis larvae can affect the development of negative ways, represented by a longer larval development and reduced adult size.
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The larvae of the European Myrmeleontidae are reviewed with the aim to ease their identification, covering 15 genera and 28 species. Diagnostic characters and illustrations are given for each taxon. Larvae of the genera Nemoleon and Macronemurus are described for the first time while Megistopus, Neuroleon and Myrmeleon are revised. The larvae of Dendroleon pantherinus (Fabricius), Macronemurus appendiculatus (Latreille), Megistopus lucasi (Navás), Nemoleon notatus (Rambur), Neuroleon arenarius (Navás), Neuroleon assimilis (Navás), Neuroleon nemausiensis (Borkhausen), Cueta lineosa (Rambur) and Myrmeleon gerlindae (Hölzel) are described or accurately depicted for the first time.
Ecology of ant lions (Myrmeleon bore, Euroleon nostras) on succession areas In a former troop training area in Upper Lusatia investigations on the influence of succession on habitat utilisation of the ant lion species Myrmeleon bore and Euroleon nostras, (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae), were performed from 1999 to 2006. The influence of vegetation cover and prey availability at sites with different seral stages on the density of ant-lion larvae could be proved. An optimum was found between 5 % and 40 % vegetation cover with grass or mosses. With raising plant cover positive effects (shading, protection from wind, higher prey availability) are getting stronger until the optimum is reached, after which negative effects (higher parasitism- and predation-rate, lower availability of open substrate, moist microclimate) are getting stronger, until at > 80 % plant cover no ant lions occur any more. It seems to be a trade off between plant cover and prey availability. Also the importance of overhangs at forest edges, which provided the suitable microclimate for Euroleon nostras could be confirmed.
  • A Antoł
  • W Rojek
  • K Miler
  • M Czarnoleski
Antoł, A., Rojek, W., Miler, K. & Czarnoleski, M. (2018): Thermal dependence of trap building in predatory antlion larvae (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). -Journal of Ethology 36: 199-203.
  • U Aspöck
  • H Aspöck
  • A Letardi
  • Y De Jong
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  • Bundesministerium Bmu
  • Naturschutz Für Umwelt
  • Und Nukleare
  • Sicherheit
BMU, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (2005): Verordnung zur Neufassung der Bundesartenschutzverordnung und zur Anpassung weiterer Rechtsvorschriften. -Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2005 Teil 1, Nr.11: 258-317.
  • A Kačírek
KačÍrek, A. (1997): Myrmeleon bore -nový druh mravkolva pro území Slovenska (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). -Klapalekiana 33: 67-68.