
Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Ganda Interaktif Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua Berbasis RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

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Intisari — Rancang bangun sistem keamanan ganda interaktif kendaraan bermotor roda dua berbasis RFID dilengkapi fitur keamanan darurat dengan akurasi dan presisi yang menunjang terwujudnya sistem keamanan interaktif. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan berupa perancangan dan pengujian (pengujian subsistem dan pengujian sistem keseluruhan). Data penelitian berupa data hasil pengujian subsistem identifikasi RFID, deteksi GPS, aksi Rele, dan komunikasi GSM. Sistem keamanan ganda kendaraan bermotor roda dua berbasis RFID yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan ketentuan fungsi sistem yang interaktif. Sistem memiliki rata-rata waktu tunda kerja sebesar 5.6 detik untuk awal sistem dihidupkan dan 1.6 detik untuk aksi terhadap kondisi masukan. Waktu tunda terjadi akibat penggunaan sepasang pin komunikasi serial mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 yang harus memenuhi kebutuhan proses komunikasi serial sistem untuk identifikasi RFID, deteksi GPS, dan komunikasi GSM dalam satu waktu. Kata kunci — Sistem keamanan, RFID, GPS, GSM Abstract — The interactive double security system of two-wheeled motor vehicles design based on RFID equipped with an emergency security features with accuracy and precision that support the realization of an interactive security system. The method of research was done by designing and testing (subsystem testing and overall system testing). Research data was result data testing of RFID identification subsystem, GPS detection , the relay action, and GSM communication. The interactive double security system of two-wheeled motor vehicles design based on RFID that created was according to the provisions of interactive system functions. The system had an average of delay time 5.6 seconds for system starting and 1.6 seconds for the action of input conditions. Delay time caused by the use of only a pair of Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller serial communication pin which is should meet the needs of serial communication systems for RFID identification, GPS detection, and GSM communication at one time. Keywords— Security System, RFID, GPS, GSM.

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... Ketika solenoid dialiri arus listrik, tuas akan tertarik karena adanya gaya magnet yang terjadi pada solenoid sehingga kontak saklar akan menutup. Pada saat arus dihentikan, gaya magnet akan hilang, tuas akan kembali ke posisi semula dan kontak saklar kembali terbuka [7]. ...
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Currently, most motorized vehicle safety technologies, especially cars, still rely heavily on the manufacturer's default safety system from the car system itself. By using a security system from the factory default there are still shortcomings because a motorized vehicle or car can still be used by anyone and there is no age limit in its use. For that, we need a car safety system that is able to prevent the occurrence of car theft and underage drivers. The purpose of this research is to design a central lock security system for motor vehicles, especially cars, using e-KTP identification to improve the security system and reduce underage drivers. For the identification process of e-KTP ID using the RFID reader MFRC522. The RFID reader is connected to the Arduino Nano as a controller. The results of the research used the RFID reader to read e-KTP ID in a vertical and horizontal position with a distance of less than 12 mm. When there is an acrylic barrier and a glass barrier the maximum reading distance is less than 9 mm and the plate barrier cannot be read. The existence of obstacles makes reading the e-KTP card will be reduced.
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