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Abstract and Figures

Teleoperation permits to control robots from a safe distance while performing tasks in a remote environment. Kinematic differences between the input device and the remotely controlled manipulator or the existence of redundancy in the remote robot may pose challenges in moving intuitively the remote robot as desired by the human operator. Motivated by the above challenges, this work introduces TelePhysicalOperation, a novel teloperation concept, which relies on a virtual physical interaction interface between the human operator and the remote robot in a manner that is equivalent to a “Marionette” based interaction interface. With the proposed approach, the user can virtually “interact” with the remote robot, through the application of virtual forces, which are generated by the operator tracking system and can be then selectively applied to any body part of the remote robot along its kinematic chain. This leads to the remote robot generating motions that comply with the applied virtual forces, thanks to the underlying control architecture. The proposed method permits to command the robot from a distance by exploring the intuitiveness of the “Marionette” based physical interaction with the robot in a virtual/remote manner. The details of the proposed approach are introduced and its effectiveness is demonstrated through a number of experimental trials executed on the CENTAURO, a hybrid leg-wheel platform with an anthropomorphic upper body.
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TelePhysicalOperation: Remote Robot Control
Based on a Virtual “Marionette” Type Interaction
Davide Torielli, Luca Muratore, Arturo Laurenzi, and Nikos Tsagarakis
Abstract—Teleoperation permits to control robots from a
safe distance while performing tasks in a remote environment.
Kinematic differences between the input device and the remotely
controlled manipulator or the existence of redundancy in the
remote robot may pose challenges in moving intuitively the
remote robot as desired by the human operator. Motivated by the
above challenges, this work introduces TelePhysicalOperation, a
novel teloperation concept, which relies on a virtual physical
interaction interface between the human operator and the remote
robot in a manner that is equivalent to a “Marionette” based
interaction interface. With the proposed approach, the user
can virtually “interact” with the remote robot, through the
application of virtual forces, which are generated by the operator
tracking system and can be then selectively applied to any body
part of the remote robot along its kinematic chain. This leads to
the remote robot generating motions that comply with the applied
virtual forces, thanks to the underlying control architecture.
The proposed method permits to command the robot from a
distance by exploring the intuitiveness of the “Marionette” based
physical interaction with the robot in a virtual/remote manner.
The details of the proposed approach are introduced and its
effectiveness is demonstrated through a number of experimental
trials executed on the CENTAURO, a hybrid leg-wheel platform
with an anthropomorphic upper body.
Index Terms—Human-Robot collaboration, physical Human-
Robot interaction, telerobotics and teleoperation.
ROBOTIC teleoperation is one of the oldest fields in
robotics [1], but yet an active and evolving research
topic finding application in very diverse domains like disaster
response [2], surface finishing [3], construction industry [4]
Manuscript received September 9, 2021; accepted January 2, 2022; date of
current version January 28, 2022. This letter was recommended for publication
by Associate Editor Thomas Hulin and Editor Prof. Jee-Hwan Ryu upon
evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. This work was supported in part
by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement
Number 101016007 CONCERT and in part by the Italian Fondo per la
Crescita Sostenibile - Sportello Fabbrica intelligente, PON I&C 2014 - 2020
under Project F/190042/01-03/X44 RELAX. (Corresponding author: Davide
Davide Torielli is with Humanoid and Human Centred Mechatronics
(HHCM), Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, 16163 Genova, Italy, and also
with the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems
Engineering (DIBRIS), University of Genova, 16128 Genova, Italy (e-mail:
Luca Muratore, Arturo Laurenzi, and Nikos Tsagarakis are with the
Humanoid and Human Centred Mechatronics (HHCM), Istituto Italiano
di Tecnologia, 16163 Genova, Italy (e-mail:; ar-;
This letter has supplementary downloadable material available at https://, provided by the authors.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2022.3144792
and many others, for permitting the remote command and
execution of complex loco-manipulation tasks. At the same
time, the improved capabilities demonstrated by the recent
mobile/legged manipulation platforms have increased the com-
plexity of remotely commanding them, hence augmenting
the burden of the operator in executing remote tasks. This
has motivated robotics research towards the development of
autonomous capabilities as well as more intuitive interaction
and command interfaces between the human operator and the
remotely operated robot.
Concerning the interaction interfaces, devices with simi-
lar [5] or dissimilar [6] kinematics have been exploited with
the cons of these approaches being the necessity to design
specific slave devices and/or having the operator loaded with
a cumbersome interface. Flexible and lightweight interfaces
that attempt to track multiple operator inputs have also been
explored, based on Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) devices
to direct teleoperate robots [7]–[9]. In this case, the complexity
of the slave robot is handled by sending multiple inputs pro-
vided by a sensorized body interface. The work in [10] exploits
a full body IMU-based suit combined with a human center of
pressure model and a tele-impedance interface to control the
locomotion and manipulation actions. Tele-impedance control
enriches the command sent to the remote robot by combing
the masters estimated position and the stiffness references
obtained through an Electromyography (EMG) interface [11].
EMG-based Human Robot Interfaces have also been used
in [12] to obtain the inputs of the human operator. Instead,
the work in [13] combines a motion tracking interface with
an autonomous impedance regulator module to deal with the
physical interaction uncertainties and task payload conditions
of the remote robot.
Despite all the provided solutions, an alternative and very
intuitive way to guide the robot is by physically interacting
with the robot body to drive it along the desired motion in
order to teach it how to execute a desired task. Indeed, physical
Human Robot Interaction (pHRI) can assist the operator in
accomplishing a task in collaboration with the robot [14], [15].
In [16], a physically interactive control scheme is exploited to
permit the operator to touch the robot and to apply forces to
make it follow the desired motions. In [17], a direct physical
contact between the human and the robot is studied for a series
of assembly cooperative task, alternating passive and active
robot behaviors to reduce the operator workload and the risk
of injuries. Physical interactions have also been explored for
mobile robots, like in [18], where the MObile Collaborative
Fig. 1. Concept of TelePhysicalOperation. Above, schematics of the traditional teleoperation and the physical human robot interaction interfaces. Below, the
scheme of TelePhysicalOperation, derived by the combination of the two above controlling interfaces.
robot Assistant (MOCA) is functioning autonomously, while
the operator can choose to be physically coupled to the
robot (through a mechanical admittance interface) to perform
conjoined actions. MOCA robot is present again in [19], where
an haptic guidance is performed to physically drive the arm
to grasp the wanted object.
As stated in the above mentioned works, teleoperation
interfaces may vary; however, especially for complex mobile
robots, the control from a remote location remains a challeng-
ing task. At the same time, a very intuitive way to effectively
guide and teach a robot how to execute a task is by physically
interacting and driving it by applying forces on different parts
of its body. However, such direct pHRI may not be possible for
safety reasons in case of robotic systems with elevated power
capabilities. By considering these observations and blending
the teleoperation and the pHRI concepts, in this work we
propose a novel approach, the TelePhysicalOperation, which
enables the teleoperation of a remote mobile manipulation
platform through a virtual physical interaction interface that
enables the operator to generate and selectively apply virtual
forces along the kinematic chain of the remote robot in a
manner that resembles a user physically interacting with the
robot through a virtual “Marionette” type of interface. The
method permits to control complex and redundant robots
providing increased flexibility in regulating the motions of
the robot body beyond the end-effector level by allowing the
operator to on-the-fly select the locations along the kinematic
chain where these virtual forces are applied. It resembles an
interface similar to the physical interaction paradigm of a user
teaching and guiding a robot, thus it can also be employed
for remotely interacting in an intuitive way with collaborative
robots while avoiding at the same time any direct physical
contact with the robots, ensuring safety.
TelePhysicalOperation is experimentally demonstrated and
validated through a number of tasks executed with the
CENTAURO robot [20], a hybrid leg-wheel system with an
anthropomorphic upper body.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
introduces the concept of TelePhysicalOperation; Section III
presents the motion capture interface used to provide the input
requested by TelePhysicalOperation; Section IV describes the
control architecture; Section V shows the experimental vali-
dations performed and Section VI draws the conclusions.
The overall concept of TelePhysicalOperation is schemati-
cally illustrated in Fig. 1. As it can be seen, TelePhysicalOper-
ation emerges from the blending of teleoperation and physical
interaction interfaces traditionally used to control and interact
a remote or a collaborative robot respectively. The rationale
idea of our approach is that such a combination can provide a
universal and intuitive human robot interaction interface that
can be suitable for interacting with either a remote robot (tele-
operation) or a collaborative robot (collaboration) in a manner
inspired by the way that a user today physically interacts with
a collaborative robot during e.g. a teaching or guiding phase
of the collaborative task. This is inspired by the fact that,
when the operator physically interacts with the robot using
multiple contact points, he/she has the possibility to precisely
shape the pose of robot end-effector as well as regulate other
motions permitted by the available robot redundancy to assist
and accomplish the task. TelePhysicalOperation implements
exactly such a multiple-contact interaction interface principle
in a virtual manner permitting an operator to command a
remote or a collaborative robot without the need of any
physical interaction.
To realize this and to regulate the motions of the remote or
collaborative robot, the TelePhysicalOperation concept relies
on the application of virtual forces that can be selectively
applied by the operator to different locations along the kine-
matic chain of the robot. Therefore, only virtual contacts
are established between the operator and the real robot. As
in pHRI, the remote/collaborative robot responds to these
forces as if they were actual interaction forces, regulating
accordingly its motions and resembling the motion response
that the operator should expect when physically interacting
Fig. 2. The TelePhysicalOperation concept follows a “Marionette” type
interaction: the operator generates virtual forces that can be selectively applied
on specific locations on the robot segments.
and applying forces to the robot in real. The virtual forces are
generated by virtual springs initiated at the arms of the human
operator and terminated to the selected applied locations in the
robot body approximating the “Marionette” motion generation
principle, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The virtual forces requested
as inputs by the framework are 3D vectors and their amplitude
is controlled through the elongation of the virtual springs
that is performed through suitable motions of the operator
arms monitored by appropriate tracking devices. The main
contributions of the proposed approach are summarized below:
Differently from a standard end-effector based teleoper-
ation, TelePhysicalOperation provides functionality that
permits to control selectively different body segments
of the robot allowing to regulate both the end-effector
motions as well as the motion of the redundant degrees
of freedom effectively.
By relying on the proposed virtual forces, following the
“Marionette” motion control principle, our method is
transparent with respect to the particular robot kinematics
and the associated redundancy. In other words the method
does not have the burden of a particular master device to
be mapped 1-to-1 to the remote robot to control, but it
only requires an input device system that can track the
motions of the operator, needed to generate the virtual
forces that will be applied to the selected robot body
The TelePhysicalOperation concept permits to negotiate
the potential safety constraint of the pHRI but keeping
the intuitiveness of a physical contact with the robot
body. This can be particularly applicable in the case of
interacting with a high power and strength collaborative
robot that may not permit to physically interact with due
to safety regulations.
To realize the TelePhysicalOperation concept, we have
developed an architecture based on two main components as
depicted in Fig. 3:
The TelePhysicalOperation Suit (TPO Suit), an effective
low cost motion tracking interface for the operator, in
charge of monitoring the movements of the operator arms
and of providing the requested inputs for the TelePhys-
icalOperation interface and control architecture (Section
The main control node, implemented on a pilot pc, which
is responsible for handling the virtual forces based on the
motion inputs received by the TPO suit and deriving the
corresponding motions that should be generated by the
robot due to the application of the virtual forces. This
node implements the control modes used to facilitate the
control of the remote robot through the inputs received
by the operator (Section IV).
The TelePhysicalOperation architecture provides on the fly
flexibility to quickly change the points where the virtual forces
are applied. In addition it delivers additional features to assist
the operator executing the remote task, i.e., the Blocking
Link (Section IV-C) and the Mirroring Motion (Section IV-D)
features. The implementation is based on the Robotic Operat-
ing System (ROS), a middleware well-known in the robotics
The virtual forces to be applied to the remote robot body are
generated through the motion inputs of the operator arms. To
track the operator arms we have realized a lightweight and low
cost motion capture solution, based on Visual-Simultaneous
and Localization Mapping (V-SLAM) tracking cameras.
The TPO Suit is composed of:
Two Intel R
RealSense Tracking Camera T265 worn on
operator’s left and right arm’s wrists.
ARaspberry Pi 4 Model B fully functional computer
with highly compact dimensions allowing to mount it as
a wearable device on the body of the operator.
A compact battery bank, which provides power to the
TPO Suit components.
The task of the worn computer is to synchronize the data
coming from the different cameras, and to forward the com-
puted virtual forces through the network to the pilot pc
where the main control node of the TelePhysicalOperation is
implemented. The cameras are connected to the Raspberry Pi
through USB ports, while the Raspberry Pi communication
with the pilot pc is handled with a Wi-Fi connection eliminat-
ing the need of any tethering between the operator who wears
the TPO Suit and the pilot pc.
The T265 camera is a V-SLAM tracking device composed
of two fisheye lens, an IMU, and a Visual Processing Unit
(VPU). The V-SLAM algorithms run directly on the device,
allowing for low latency and efficient power consumption. Its
small size (108 x25 x13 mm) and its light weight (55g) make
it very comfortable to be worn. By mounting the two cameras
on the operator’s wrists, we can track the motion of the arms
in any direction in the 3D space. Hence, at any instant we
can choose to use the motions of two wrists to generate a pair
of virtual forces that can be then selectively applied to two
different locations of the robot body.
The computer of the TPO Suit receives the cameras data at
a specific frequency of 100 Hz. For each camera, we gather its
actual pose as a 4-by-4 transformation matrix T. This matrix
describes the 3D pose from the camera origin frame (the point
where the camera has been switched on) to the actual camera
frame. The operator can selectively set a reference frame at
a particular pose of his/her arm during initialization, which
results in Tref , a transformation from the origin frame to
Fig. 3. The architectural scheme of TelePhysicalOperation. On the left, the operator is wearing the TPO Suit, which provides a virtual force fcp to the main
control node. The main control node is in charge of processing the virtual force based on the task associated with the control point chosen. On the right, the
final references are sent to the robot.
the reference frame. Hence, the transformation
Tfrom the
reference frame to the actual frame is computed as:
ref T(1)
Twe extract the translation component rR3×1,
and we associate it with the elongation of a virtual spring
to compute the final virtual force fcp R3×1(Fig. 3) as:
fcp =kcam s(r)(2)
where s(·)is a simple filter to smooth out the behaviour, and
kcam is a positive gain representing the stiffness of the virtual
spring. The vector fcp describes the virtual force applied on
the selected robot part, i.e., the control point cp located on a
robot link. ROS services are provided to change on the fly the
control points and to link them to the virtual forces generated
by the motions tracked by the cameras of the TPO Suit. The
virtual forces generated from each camera are then aggregated
and sent to the main control node through ROS topics.
The main control node handles the incoming virtual forces
fcp and use them to generate the references for the joints of
the robot. Depending on the chosen control point, each virtual
force can be processed and explored in two ways:
With the postural motion generation (Section IV-A),
the virtual force is used to derive the joints position
references for a postural task, i.e. a task at a joint-level.
One or more virtual forces can be applied to different
links of a single kinematic chain, resulting in the joints
moving accordingly to the external virtual forces.
With the Cartesian motion generation (Section IV-B), the
virtual force is used to generate a motion of a Cartesian
task on the control point by exploring the virtual force to
generate a 3D Cartesian velocity reference for that point.
To help the operator in accomplish the tasks we have included
two additional features: the Blocking Link feature, and the
Mirroring Motion feature (Sections IV-C and IV-D).
The main control node runs on a pilot pc which handles
the data received, shows through GUIs information on the
current state of the systems, and sends the final commands to
the robot with the CartesI/O Control Framework [21] and the
XBot Architecture [22]. Visualization tools include the robot’s
representation on the ROS-standard kinematic visualizator
RViz with visual feedback on the virtual forces applied.
A. Postural motion generation
To derive the references of the postural motion task, the
virtual force fcp is considered as a force acting on a control
point cp, which can be selected at a location along the kine-
matic chain of joints Nof the robot. From fcp, the resulting
torques on the chain’s joints τcp RN×1are computed:
τcp =JT
cp fcp (3)
where Jcp R3×Nis the linear Jacobian matrix of the
control point chosen, i.e., a matrix such that its product with
the derivative of the configuration vector gives the 3D linear
velocity of cp. Note that, if the control point is not on the
last link of the robot chain, the virtual force will not influence
the joints after the chosen link hence the Jacobian will have
the final columns filled with zeros. In case that more than one
virtual force is acting on different control points on the same
kinematic chain, their contributions will be summed to a total
joint torque τas follows:
τcp (4)
If the virtual forces are acting on different kinematic chains
(e.g. on two different arms) each τis handled separately.
For each controlled kinematic chain, having derived the corre-
sponding total joint torque due to the application of the virtual
forces, the joint reference motion is computed by considering
a joint mass-spring-damper model (Fig. 3) as follows:
¨qref (t) = M1K(qeq q(t)) D˙qref (t1) + τ
˙qref (t) = ˙qref (t1) + ¨qr ef (t) ∆t
qref (t) = qref (t1) + ˙qref (t) ∆t
where qref (t)RN×1is the joints position reference vector;
M,K,DRN×Nare diagonal matrices of the mass,
stiffness and damping parameters of the joint mass-spring-
damper model; q,qeq RN×1are the current position of the
joints and the equilibrium set point where a stiffness greater
than zero will drag the joints; tis the time interval between
two consecutive control loops. The parameters of the mass-
spring-damper model can be set experimentally to regulate the
motion behavior of the individual joints subject to the applied
virtual torques derived by Eq. 4. As an example, the diagonal
elements of the stiffness Kcan be set to zero to eliminate the
returning elastic torque towards the equilibrium set point of
the joints. Instead, by increasing these values, the joints will
tend to go back to their qeq set point if no virtual forces are
applied to the control points on the robot chain.
B. Cartesian motion generation
Postural based motion control provides full flexibility to the
operator to control the individual joints of the robot based on
the control points selected on the robot body. This kind of
motion control lets the user to regulate as needed the end-
effector pose as well as the available redundancy if it exists. In
some situation though, the possibility to regulate the motions
of the remote robot at the task space may be required and it
may be more appropriate to facilitate the execution of some
tasks. For example, the operator can apply a virtual force on
the control point set in the base of a mobile robot equipped
with steering wheels, with the intention to move the whole
mobile base. Another challenging Cartesian task can be to
control the pose of a quadruped body by selecting a control
point on the pelvis and driving its pose using the virtual force.
Such a task would be challenging to be carried out through
postural motion generation as it involves motions from several
legs joints that contributes to the pose of the pelvis, e.g.
making the platform going up or down (“squatting”).
To realize the functionality of regulating specific links of
the robot body in the corresponding task space, the proposed
TelePhysicalOperation method provides a Cartesian motion
generation interface, which, from the applied virtual force fcp,
derives a velocity reference ˙xcp R3×1(Fig. 3) as follows:
˙xcp =Kcart,cp fcp (6)
where Kcart,cp R3×3is a diagonal matrix of gains based
on the Cartesian task specific for the control point cp. From
the resulting Cartesian velocity reference ˙xcp, a joint reference
qref is derived with an inverse kinematic process.
This Cartesian motion generation interface permits also to
limit the possible Cartesian directions to comply with the phys-
ical constraints of the robot or the specific requirements of the
Cartesian task. This can be done by putting the correspondent
elements in the diagonal of Kcart,cp equal to zero, for example
to control the mobility of a planar mobile robot, which can
not follow a velocity along the zaxis.
C. The Blocking Link Feature
In the postural task, according to Eq. 3 and Eq. 4, each
virtual force applied on a control point will contribute to
command each joint from the chain’s root up to the last joint
before the control point. There are situations in which the
operator may want to move only specific joints in the middle
of the robot chain without influencing the position of the first
joints of the chain. For example on the CENTAURO robot,
one may want to move precisely the wrist joint while keeping
the shoulder and elbow joints fixed, as it can be seen in the
second image of Fig. 7. In the image, the virtual force applied
on the end-effector is influencing only the wrist joint, because
of the presence of another virtual force on the robot forearm,
which is the only virtual force that can influence the shoulder
and elbow joints. We call this the Blocking Link feature.
D. The Mirroring Motion Feature
For a dual arm manipulation system, there are situations in
which it is useful to command the two twin arms to move
in a specular and symmetrical manner, like to execute a bi-
manual object grasping action. Hence, we have implemented
the Mirroring Motion feature, with which the virtual forces
applied on a control point of an arm are also applied on the
correspondent control point of the other arm, symmetrically
(respect to an axis perpendicular to the floor).
A showcase of this feature is visible in the second image
of Fig. 5, where the force applied on the right end-effector
has been mirrored to the left end-effector. We have also taken
advantage of this functionality to place a box on a platform,
previously picked up with the two CENTAURO arms (last
image of Fig. 9).
We have validated the TelePhysicalOperation method by
performing a number of tasks with the CENTAURO platform,
a quadruped body with wheels and a human-like torso with
two arms. During these experiments the operator applies
virtual forces to different robot body locations (i.e., the control
points) to execute different tasks. The control points were
selected by another person, the assistant pilot, through ROS
services, according to the instruction provided by the first
operator. The parameters of the joint mass-spring-damper
model presented in the Eq. 5 have been experimentally tuned
to adjust the sensitivity of the robot generated motions, while
the virtual spring stiffness of the cameras kcam has been
experimentally set to 1.8N/mbased on the level of sensitivity
in the motion produced that felt comfortable by the human
We have performed some initial tests about the latency in-
troduced by our framework, where the embedded pc connected
with the cameras was communicating with the pilot pc through
Std Dev
Left cam 29.30 0.47
Right cam 28.48 0.50
Fig. 4. Latency introduced by the TelePhysicalOperation framework. The
time interval is calculated from the instant when the data is polled from each
camera to the instant after the command references are sent to the robot (in
Fig. 3, from the leftmost side of “Embedded PC” box to the rightmost side
of “Main Control Node” box).
Fig. 5. CENTAURO’s arms are moved by means of the TelePhysicalOperation
interface. In the first image, each operator’s arm is applying a virtual force on
the respective robot end-effector. In the second image, the Mirroring Motion
feature is used: with one arm the operator is applying two specular virtual
forces on both robot end-effectors.
Wi-Fi (Fig. 4). The latency between the instant in which the
camera are polled to the instant in which the robot’s commands
are sent has resulted to be, on average, less than 30ms. The
difference between the two cameras was due to the fact that
we poll one after the other.
The first experiment demonstrates a showcase in which the
arms of CENTAURO are commanded within their workspace
(Fig. 5). It can be observed that the TelePhysicalOperation
interface results to not matching postures between the robot
and the human operator. This is an expected behavior that is
intrinsic to the employed “Marionette” based control. Indeed,
this approach explores the virtual forces generated by the
motions of the operator rather than the postural operator state
to control the reference of the arm joints.
In the second experiment a remote collaboration between
the operator and the robot is performed (Fig. 6). In this demon-
stration the operator, thanks to the TelePhysicalOperation
interaction interface, moves the remote robot’s end-effector to
a number of workspace locations, which Cartesian positions
are recorded. In a second phase the robot is commanded such
that it performs autonomously a trajectory which follows the
recorded positions. This demonstration in principle resembles
the teaching phase of a human-robot collaboration but without
the need to physically interact with the robot body to guide its
end-effector. Indeed, the operator, using the proposed interface,
can perform the teaching/demonstration phase from remote
in a similar way as when the robot is guided through direct
physical interaction.
In the third experiment we show how, by applying two
virtual forces on the same arm, the operator can shape its pose
and make the end-effector reach a goal location while avoiding
an obstacle (Fig. 7). The task is to press a button obstructed
by some bricks. The operator first activates the shoulder and
the elbow joints to go over the obstacle, and then bend the
wrist to reach the button from above. The plots in Fig. 8 show
the relevant data gathered during the experiment. In the first
and third plots, the camera inputs are depicted, i.e. the virtual
forces fcp of Eq. 2. For each input, the second and fourth
plots show the joint torques generated with Eq. 3 and with
the Blocking Link feature. Indeed, this feature nullifies the
contribution of the right camera in the torque of some joints
because another virtual force is applied with the left camera
in an ancestor link. This permits to precisely control with the
right camera only the Elbj,ForearmPlate,Wrj1, and Wrj2
joints in the time interval from t= 0sto t= 16s, and only the
Fig. 6. TelePhysicalOperation interface is exploited for a remote collaboration.
In the first image, the operator remotely guides the robot to specific workspace
locations. In the second image, the robot executes autonomously a trajectory
which follows the recorded locations.
Wrj1 and Wrj2 joints in the time interval after t= 20s. The
last three plots show the state of the robot’s right arm during
the experiment; please note that the Cartesian velocities (in the
two bottom plots) have been computed from the derivation
of the sensed robot joints position, hence they have been
post-processed with a moving average filter to improve the
In the last experiment, a complex environment is set up in
our laboratory (Fig. 9). The CENTAURO robot must be guided
first through a low passage, which imposes the necessity to
command the robot to perform a “squatting” motion. Then a
box must be picked up with the two arms from one location,
and put down in another site. The final placement of the box
is made thanks to the Mirroring Motion feature, in which
the operator with a single arm applies two identical specular
virtual forces on the two robot’s end-effectors. This experiment
effectively validates the flexibility in applying up to two virtual
forces in different parts of the robot, according to the needs
of the task and the selection made by the operator. Plots are
shown in Fig. 10. Like in the previous Fig. 8, the first and
third plots show the input from the cameras. Differently from
the previous experiments, in this case the virtual forces are
used to generate not only postural motions (Section IV-A) for
the arms, but also Cartesian motions (Section IV-B) for the
robot body-locomotion. The second and fourth plots show the
joints position of the two arms.
All the described experiments have been recorded, result-
ing in the video attached with this paper, available also at
We have presented TelePhysicalOperation, a novel concept
to improve the classical robot teleoperation by exploring
virtual physical human robot interactions through the intu-
itiveness of an approach that resembles controlling the remote
robot in a “Marionette” based manner. By applying virtual
forces selectively on points of the robot body, the operator
can effectively teleoperate the remote robot. Different number
of inputs can be applied on different robot parts, hence pro-
viding more possibilities than a classical Cartesian controller
interface that focuses mainly on the end-effector control. A
control architecture has been developed to realize the proposed
concept, and an inexpensive motion tracking suit, the TPO suit,
composed by tracking cameras, has been exploited to provide
the necessary inputs. The whole framework has been evaluated
on the CENTAURO robot demonstrating good efficacy and
Fig. 7. In the button experiment, the goal is to command the robot arm to press a button obstructed by some bricks. The cyan and yellow marks indicate
the control points where the virtual forces are applied by the two operator’s arms. Thanks to the TelePhysicalOperation interface, the operator can shape the
robot arm to avoid the obstacle and reach the goal.
Fig. 8. Plots for the button experiment. For each virtual force fcp generated by the right and left cameras (first and third plots, Eq. 2), joint torques τcp
are computed (second and fourth plots, Eq. 3). The control points where the virtual forces are applied are indicated by the areas delimited by the vertical red
dashed lines (i.e. Wrist,Elbow,End-Effector, and Forearm). The joints positions of the robot’s arm varying during the experiment are visible in the fifth plot.
In the two plots at the bottom, the End-Effector Cartesian velocities (filtered to improve the visualization) are shown.
Fig. 9. The three phases of the locomotion and pick & place box experiment: in the first image, CENTAURO robot is passing below the low passage; in the
second, the left arm is being positioned on the box side; in the third the box is being placed with the Mirroring Motion feature activated.
Fig. 10. Plots for the locomotion and pick & place box experiment. In the first and second plots, the camera inputs are shown. The different phases in which
different control points are chosen are highlighted by the areas delimited by the vertical dashed red lines. For Left and Right End-Effector control points, the
inputs generate postural motions (Eq. 3). For Locomotion,Locomotion yaw, and Squatting control points, the inputs generate Cartesian motions (Eq. 6). The
joints position of the right and left arm varying during the experiment are visible in the second and fourth plots, respectively.
ability of the operator to command the execution of a number
of tasks. Future works will concentrate on the development
of additional features that will increase the intuitiveness of
the proposed approach. The interface of the primary pilot
will be extended with a handheld interface that will permit
the primary pilot to autonomously switch to different control
points without the need to request to the assistant pilot to
perform this operation. Other future features will include the
incorporation of a gesture recognition module that can assist
to operator to initiate the execution of predefined motions, e.g.
primitive manipulation actions.
The authors want to thank Dr. Alessio De Luca for the
recording of the final experiments.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... Highly redundant robots with complex kinematic structures (e.g., humanoids, leg-wheel platforms, multi-arm systems) are difficult to teleoperate. Many approaches have been proposed to solve this challenge, including strategies adopting shared control techniques [1], [2], or designing human-robot interfaces that go beyond classical joysticks, exploiting novel Body-Machine Interfaces (BoMI) [3]- [5], and establishing a multi-modal feedback connection between the two agents [6], [7]. However, a teleoperation interface capable of accounting for multiple inputs from the user and feeding back different kinds of stimuli might easily compromise ergonomics and become impractical. ...
... This paper addresses the trade-off between interface complexity and usability by building a new wearable sensorimotor interface that adds the haptic feedback channel and new control inputs to the system proposed in a previous work by the authors [5]. The adopted technology is lightweight and unobtrusive, completing the TelePhysicalOperation (TPO) framework, in which the robot is commanded through virtual Fig. 1: Concept: On the left, the blue rope, representing the TelePhysicalOperation connection, is not under tension. ...
... To summarize, the main contributions of this work are: (i) The development of a haptic feedback strategy designed for the "Marionette"-inspired TPO framework [5]; (ii) The hardware development of an advanced sensorimotor interface combining input (tracking cameras, buttons) and feedback (haptic rings and armbands) devices and its integration in the TPO system; (iii) The evaluation of the overall interface with naive operators who teleoperated the CENTAURO robot [10], a complex leg-wheel platform with a humanoid dual-arm upper body, in a loco-manipulation mission. ...
Conference Paper
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The teleoperation of complex, kinematically redundant robots with loco-manipulation capabilities represents a challenge for human operators, who have to learn how to operate the many degrees of freedom of the robot to accomplish a desired task. In this context, developing an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use human-robot interface is paramount. Recent works introduced a novel teleoperation concept, which relies on a virtual physical interaction interface between the human operator and the remote robot equivalent to a "Marionette" control, but whose feedback was limited to only visual feedback on the human side. In this paper, we propose extending the "Marionette" interface by adding a wearable haptic interface to cope with the limitations given by the previous works. Leveraging the additional haptic feedback modality, the human operator gains full sensorimotor control over the robot, and the awareness about the robot’s response and interactions with the environment is greatly improved. We evaluated the proposed interface and the related teleoperation framework with naive users, assessing the teleoperation performance and the user experience with and without haptic feedback. The conducted experiments consisted in a loco-manipulation mission with the CENTAURO robot, a hybrid leg-wheel quadruped with a humanoid dual-arm upper body.
... All the above mentioned works show that there is the necessity of teleoperation interfaces capable of assisting and facilitating the human operator in the execution of such difficult tasks. In this regard, our previous work [28] introduced the concept of TelePhysicalOperation, a humanrobot teleoperation interface targeting to control intuitively highly redundant robotic platforms. In this work, we further enhance our interface by introducing an autonomous functionality to facilitate the teleoperation of pick-and-place operations of boxes with different sizes, eliminating the need for the operator to perceive directly the interaction forces in order to perform such a task. ...
... In our previous work, we have presented the TelePhys-icalOperation concept [28], a novel teleoperation architecture that resembles the "marionette" type of interface. This interface permits to apply virtual forces on selected robot body parts resembling a real human-robot interaction during collaborative/teaching tasks. ...
... As a visual aid, the relevant elements involved in the formulas are shown in Fig. 5. The object velocity commandẋ * can be generated with any kind of teleoperation interface, e.g., the TelePhysicalOperation interface [28], with which the commands are generated from the arm displacements of the operator, tracked with a tracking camera placed on the operator wrist (Fig. 2). Following the concept of our previous work [30], the realization of the commanded object velocity is distributed to the mobile base if the arms of the robot are in a region of low manipulability. ...
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The teleoperation of robots with human-like capabilities may pose significant challenges to the human operator due to the kinematic complexity and redundancy of these robots. Bimanual telemanipulation represents such a challenging task that requires precise coordination of the two arms to perform a stable bimanual grasp on an object and eventually transport the object while maintaining the grasp. In this work, we present a shared control telemanipulation interface to facilitate the bimanual grasping and transportation of objects of unknown mass. With the proposed method, the robot is able to transport the object maintaining autonomously a sufficient amount of grasping force while accepting commands from the operator to reach the desired location. As humans do, it is not necessary to know the weight of the object in advance; instead, the robot estimates it during the lifting phase. On the basis of the estimated weight, the required amount of grasping force is computed. During object transportation, the robot autonomously regulates the grasping forces in a shared control fashion, allowing the operator to seamlessly command only the trajectories of the object. The proposed method has been implemented and validated on the CENTAURO robot, a quadrupedal platform with a humanoid dual arm upper body, performing experiment where objects of different weights and dimensions must be picked up and transported.
... By tracking multiple parts of the human body, multiple inputs can be provided to control all the degrees of freedom of a complex robot. Some solutions include the use of full body Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) suits [4], Electromyography (EMG) interfaces [5], [6], tracking cameras mounted on the human body [7], and human skeleton tracking from camera images [8]. In parallel, the challenge of controlling complex robotic systems has been addressed by intelligent human-robot teleoperation interfaces, by adding some autonomy modules in a shared control or shared autonomy fashion [9]. ...
... In this regard, we have presented the concept of Tele-PhysicalOperation [7], a blending between the classical teleoperation and a physical human-robot collaboration, which permits to control the robot at a safe distance but maintaining the intuitiveness of the physical human-robot interaction. In other works [11], [15], we have expanded the architecture by introducing more robot autonomy modules to increase the performance of the task. ...
... These virtual forces are generated by virtual springs which link the arms of the human operator and the selected robot body parts, resembling a "Marionette" motion generation interface (Fig. 2). In-depth details of this interface are presented in [7]. ...
Conference Paper
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Recent years have shown a growing demand toward automation in the industry and other contexts. To follow this trend, the research has to face some challenges to exploit the capabilities of complex robotic systems. Heavy redundant platforms, like dual arm manipulators, mobile robots, and legged systems, can help in accomplishing always more difficult tasks, but they also need more effort to operate with them. In this scenario, we have faced the challenge of exploring new teleoperation interfaces. With the development of the TelePhysicalOperation architecture, we want to provide: (1) an intuitive interface to permit even to a non expert user to control complex robots; and (2) more robot autonomy capabilities, to reduce the operator burden and to improve the performance of the teleoperation task. This paper recaps our recent work done in this context, including experimental validations with the CENTAURO robot, a dual arm platform equipped with a hybrid leg-wheel mobile system.
... In our previous work we have introduced the TelePhys-icalOperation (TPO) concept [29] to control the teleoperated robot using a "marionette" type of interface. By selecting specific control points on the robot kinematic chains, we can apply virtual forces that in a remote manner resembles the human robot interaction way of guiding a robot during a teaching/collaborative task. ...
... The motion generation based on the weight W is discussed in this section within the framework of TelePhysical-Operation introduced in our previous work [29]. ...
... where s(·) is a simple filter to smooth out the behaviour, and k cam is a positive gain. For more details about these equations, the reader can refer to [29]. ...
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The teleoperation of mobile manipulators may pose significant challenges, demanding complex interfaces and causing a substantial burden to the human operator due to the need to switch continuously from the manipulation of the arm to the control of the mobile platform. Hence, several works have considered to exploit shared control techniques to overcome this issue and, in general, to facilitate the task execution. This work proposes a manipulability-aware shared locoma-nipulation motion generation method to facilitate the execution of telemanipulation tasks with mobile manipulators. The method uses the manipulability level of the end-effector to control the generation of the mobile base and manipulator motions, facilitating their simultaneous control by the operator while executing telemanipulation tasks. Therefore, the operator can exclusively control the end-effector, while the underlying architecture generates the mobile platform commands depending on the end-effector manipulability level. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated with a number of experiments in which the CENTAURO robot, a hybrid leg-wheel platform with an anthropomorphic upper body, is teleoperated to execute a set of telemanipulation tasks.
... The study of human upper and lower limbs motionsis relevant for several areas.For the robot teleoperation area, it is important to know how the human body moves in order to mimic those movementsthroughHaptic devices [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] or artificial vision [10][11][12] that captures the human motion. In Health Sciences, the human motion replication is applied to create new rehabilitation therapies [13][14][15]. ...
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The knowledge of how the human motions is performed helps to understand how the human body works. This paper presents a method to estimate the human limbs angles through a kinematic model depicted by Roll-Pitch-Yaw rotationmatrix and the mimic of those angles on a humanoid robot. The advantage of this model is the detailed representation of each joint movement in the coordinate axes (x, y, z). The angles estimation is made with the information provided by algorithms of artificial vision and artificial intelligence. In order to reduce the latency between the human motion capture and robot motions, a fuzzy logic controller is implemented in order to control each robot joint. The final robot limbs angles are compared with the human angles in order to obtain the final error between those measurements. This method shows a similar result on the arms posture regarding previous works.
... One key challenge in developing assistive HMIs is how to effectively utilize the residual motions of impaired users. Interfaces like handheld joysticks [6], and based on arm gestures [7], [8] may not be suitable for certain disabilities which affect the upper limbs. Similarly, verbal communication [9] may not be feasible due to the user condition. ...
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Robotics has shown significant potential in assisting people with disabilities to enhance their independence and involvement in daily activities. Indeed, a societal long-term impact is expected in home-care assistance with the deployment of intelligent robotic interfaces. This work presents a human-robot interface developed to help people with upper limbs impairments, such as those affected by stroke injuries, in activities of everyday life. The proposed interface leverages on a visual servoing guidance component, which utilizes an inexpensive but effective laser emitter device. By projecting the laser on a surface within the workspace of the robot, the user is able to guide the robotic manipulator to desired locations, to reach, grasp and manipulate objects. Considering the targeted users, the laser emitter is worn on the head, enabling to intuitively control the robot motions with head movements that point the laser in the environment, which projection is detected with a neural network based perception module. The interface implements two control modalities: the first allows the user to select specific locations directly, commanding the robot to reach those points; the second employs a paper keyboard with buttons that can be virtually pressed by pointing the laser at them. These buttons enable a more direct control of the Cartesian velocity of the end-effector and provides additional functionalities such as commanding the action of the gripper. The proposed interface is evaluated in a series of manipulation tasks involving a 6DOF assistive robot manipulator equipped with 1DOF beak-like gripper. The two interface modalities are combined to successfully accomplish tasks requiring bimanual capacity that is usually affected in people with upper limbs impairments.
... For the unequal workspace, different asymmetric motion planning algorithms are considered to match the workspace for various master devices. This paper mainly focuses on the haptic robot as the master device since the wearable gloves augment the burden of the operator in performing remote tasks [12]. For the slave fixed-base manipulator, joint-tojoint mapping in joint space and point-to-point mapping in cartesian space are often used [13][14][15], while for the mobile vehicle, the coordination of master position is often mapped to the velocity [16,17]. ...
... Finally, physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) methodologies have been adopted, such as in [15], where the MOCA functions autonomously while the operator can choose whether to be physically coupled with it through a mechanical admittance interface. Similarly, teleoperation interfaces based on remote control of the robot using 3D motion tracking devices and electromyography (EMG) data [16,17] have been adopted, especially in the research community. ...
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This manuscript introduces a mobile cobot equipped with a custom-designed high payload arm called RELAX combined with a novel unified multimodal interface that facilitates Human–Robot Collaboration (HRC) tasks requiring high-level interaction forces on a real-world scale. The proposed multimodal framework is capable of combining physical interaction, Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) radio sensing, a Graphical User Interface (GUI), verbal control, and gesture interfaces, combining the benefits of all these different modalities and allowing humans to accurately and efficiently command the RELAX mobile cobot and collaborate with it. The effectiveness of the multimodal interface is evaluated in scenarios where the operator guides RELAX to reach designated locations in the environment while avoiding obstacles and performing high-payload transportation tasks, again in a collaborative fashion. The results demonstrate that a human co-worker can productively complete complex missions and command the RELAX mobile cobot using the proposed multimodal interaction framework.
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The study of human body motions, especially upper and lower limbs motions, help to understand how the human body works. This paper presents a method to obtain the human limb angles through a kinematic model depicted by Roll-Pitch-Yaw rotation matrix and subsequently control the humanoid robot motions. The main advantage of this model is the detailed representation of each joint motion expressed in the coordinate axes ( x , y , z ). The estimation of human limb angles is performed with information obtained by algorithms of artificial vision and artificial intelligence. In order to reduce the latency between the human motion capture and robot motions, a fuzzy logic controller is implemented to control each robot joint due the less complexity of these kind of algorithms. The final robot limbs angles are compared with the human limbs angles to obtain a final error between those measurements. This method shows a similar results on the arms posture regarding previous works.
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In this work, we propose a novel visuo-haptic guidance interface to enable mobile collaborative robots to follow human instructions in a way understandable by non-experts. The interface is composed of a haptic admittance module and a human visual tracking module. The haptic guidance enables an individual to guide the robot end-effector in the workspace to reach and grasp arbitrary items. The visual interface, on the other hand, uses a real-time human tracking system and enables autonomous and continuous navigation of the mobile robot towards the human, with the ability to avoid static and dynamic obstacles along its path. To ensure a safer human-robot interaction, the visual tracking goal is set outside of a certain area around the human body, entering which will switch robot behaviour to the haptic mode. The execution of the two modes is achieved by two different controllers, the mobile base admittance controller for the haptic guidance and the robot's whole-body impedance controller, that enables physically coupled and controllable locomotion and manipulation. The proposed interface is validated experimentally, where a human-guided robot performs the loading and transportation of a heavy object in a cluttered workspace, illustrating the potential of the proposed Follow-Me interface in removing the external loading from the human body in this type of repetitive industrial tasks.
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The objective of this paper is to create a new collaborative robotic system that subsumes the advantages of mobile manipulators and supernumerary limbs. By exploiting the reconfiguration potential of a MObile Collaborative robot Assistant (MOCA), we create a collaborative robot that can function autonomously, in close proximity to humans, or be physically coupled to the human counterpart as a supernu-merary body (MOCA-MAN). Through an admittance interface and a hand gesture recognition system, the controller can give higher priority to the mobile base (e.g., for long distance co-carrying tasks) or the arm movements (e.g., for manipulating tools), when performing conjoined actions. The resulting system has a high potential not only to reduce waste associated with the equipment waiting and setup times, but also to mitigate the human effort when performing heavy or prolonged manipulation tasks. The performance of the proposed system, i.e., MOCA-MAN, is evaluated by multiple subjects in two different use-case scenarios, which require large mobility or close-proximity manipulation.
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In this paper an approach for a human robot interface (HRI) is proposed, based on electromyographic (EMG) signals interpretation, utilizing a rule-based expert system. The developed approach uses the EMG signals during the motion of the elbow and wrist joint of a human for moving the arm on a plane. After processing, these signals are passed through the rule-based expert system in order to move a KUKA LWR robot according to the movement of the human forearm. Signals from the bicep, triceps, flexor carpi, and extensor carpi muscles are extracted using four surface EMG electrodes, one in each muscle. These signals are then normalized, rectified and passed through a root mean square (RMS) algorithm twice. The main advantage of the proposed method compared to other EMG analysis and implementation is that this system makes use of only 4 EMG signals and does not need the interference of other position tracking sensors or machine learning techniques. The experimental results show that a rule-based expert system can be used adequately for the teleoperation of a two joints planar robotic arm.
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Mobile manipulation robots have great potential for roles in support of rescuers on disaster-response missions. Robots can operate in places too dangerous for humans and therefore can assist in accomplishing hazardous tasks while their human operators work at a safe distance. We developed a disaster-response system that consists of the highly flexible Centauro robot and suitable control interfaces, including an immersive telepresence suit and support-operator controls offering different levels of autonomy.
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Robotics teleoperation has been extensively studied and considered in the past in several task scenarios where direct human intervention is not possible due to the hazardous environments. In such applications, both communication degradation and reduced perception of the remote environment are practical issues that can challenge the human operator while controlling the robot and attempting to physically interact within the remote workspace. %Avoid harsh contacts that can potentially damage the robot or the environment resulting to task execution failure, is not a trivial task for the robot pilot. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel shared-autonomy Tele-Interaction control approach that blends the motion commands from the pilot (master side) with locally (slave side) executed autonomous motion and impedance modulators. This enables a remote robot to handle and autonomously avoid physical obstacles during manoeuvring, reduce interaction forces during contacts, and finally accommodate different payload conditions while at the same time operating with a ''default" low impedance setting. We implemented and experimentally validated the proposed method both on simulation and on a real robot platform called CENTAURO. A series of tasks, such as maneuvering through the physical constraints of the remote environment in an autonomous manner, pushing and lifting heavy objects with autonomous impedance regulation and colliding with the rigid geometry of the remote environment were executed. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the shared-autonomy control principles that eventually aim to reduce the level of attention and stress of human pilot while manoeuvring the slave robot, and at the same time to enhance the robustness of the robot during physical interactions even if accidentally occurred.
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This is a survey of research published on the subjects of telerobotics, haptic feedback, and mixed reality applied to surface finishing. The survey especially focuses on how visuo-haptic feedback can be used to improve a grinding process using a remote manipulator or robot. The benefits of teleoperation and reasons for using haptic feedback are presented. The use of genetic algorithms for optimizing haptic sensing is briefly discussed. Ways of augmenting the operator’s vision are described. Visual feedback can be used to find defects and analyze the quality of the surface resulting from the surface finishing process. Visual cues can also be used to aid a human operator in manipulating a robot precisely and avoiding collisions.
The widespread use of robotics in new application domains beyond industrial workplace settings necessitates systems that demonstrate functionalities far exceeding those of classical industrial robotic machines. These emerging applications involve complex tasks that vary and that must be carried out within a partially unknown environment, requiring autonomy and adaptability that further increase the intricacy of the system software architecture. Meeting the demands and consequent complexity of robotic systems and their control necessitates software infrastructures that can be quickly and seamlessly adapted to these requirements, while providing transparent and standardized interfaces to robotics developers and users.
This paper presents a novel teleoperation interface that enables remote loco-manipulation control of a MObile Collaborative robotic Assistant (MOCA). MOCA is a new research platform developed at IIT, which is composed by a lightweight manipulator arm, a Pisa/IIT SoftHand, and a mobile platform driven by four Omni-directional wheels. A whole-body impedance controller is consequently developed to ensure accurate tracking of the impedance and position trajectories at MOCA end-effector by considering the causal interactions in such a dynamic system. The proposed teleoperation interface provides the user with two control modes: Locomotion and Manipulation. The Locomotion mode receives inputs from a personalised human Center-of-Pressure model, which enables real-time navigation of MOCA mobile base in the environment. The Manipulation mode receives inputs from a tele-impedance interface, which tracks human arm endpoint stiffness and trajectory profiles in real-time and replicates them using the MOCA's whole-body impedance controller. To evaluate the performance of the proposed teleoperation interface in the execution of remote tasks with dynamic uncertainties, a sequence of challenging actions, i.e., navigation, door opening, and wall drilling, has been considered in the experimental setup.