
Le coronavirus et l’importance de l’insertion dans l’économie de la connaissance : une lecture évolutionniste

  • Université de Lille / Lille University
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La pandémie du coronavirus a pris de court quasiment tout le monde, les gouvernements, les opérateurs économiques et les citoyens et dans la précipitation , plusieurs décisions ont été prises au sommet des Etats pour surtout limiter les dégâts sur la population d’abord et sur l’économie ensuite. Avec ses restrictions sur la mobilité des facteurs, elle s’est inévitablement transformée en une crise économique profonde dont on arrive à peine à définir les contours. Au-delà des conséquences économiques et financières, au cœur de cette pandémie, trône l’incapacité de l’humanité à trouver un remède dans le sens médical du terme, dévoilant une crise profonde de la connaissance dans des pays, pourtant parmi les plus avancés sur l’échelle de l’Economie de la Connaissance (EC). Face à une incapacité du marché à fournir une réponse, des imperfections institutionnelles profondes ont été mises en évidence. Cependant beaucoup de mesures prises à la hâte, et relevant du domaine de l’EC se sont avérées cruciales pour développer une forme de résistance face à la pandémie. De ce fait, la crise Covid 19 s’est transformée en une source d’opportunités multiples liées au savoir. Ce papier pose la question du rôle qu’a joué cette économie durant cette crise sanitaire, mais également plus profondément comment, elle a pu se frayer une chemin entre marchés et organisations pour répondre aux préoccupations de l’heure bousculant certains des théories et concepts qui la fondent. Mots clés : Covid 19, crise sanitaire, connaissance, économie de Connaissance, capabilités dormantes,

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... Cette perte est d'autant plus importante que le marché du travail ne présente pas une élasticité suffisante dans les pays du Sud en l'occurrence en Algérie pour substituer cette parte. Il est très tôt de cerner les pertes (Djeflat, 2022). On est passé en un temps relativement court, d'un « knowledge loss » à un « knowledge crash » au sens de Jean Louis Ermine (2020). ...
... Interagir en face à face pour partager des connaissances tacites est donc une caractéristique clé de la production de connaissances dans l'organisation ( Blustein, et al, 2020 ;Hall et Andriani, 2003). Ce type d'interaction peut cependant être source de risque pour les personnes au sein de l'entreprise car les interactions qui contribuent à l'amplification de nouvelles connaissances présentent en même temps un risque de propager la contagion (Park et al. 2020 ;Ghinai et al. 2020 ;Morawska et Cao, 2020 ;Djeflat, 2022). La COVID-19 a bouleversé considérablement la manière de l'organisation du travail. ...
... Notre étude redonne à cette dimension toute son importance. Il se pourrait même que l'importance de la connaissance tacite à travers la présence et la proximité physique soit remise en cause dans certains des activités (Djeflat, 2022). Une étude récente menée simultanément en Australie, France, Allemagne, Italie and la Grande Bretagne montre que certains travailleurs pourraient être plus productifs à travers le WFH (Workingfrom home) comme le notent Dingel et Neiman (2020). ...
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Cette recherche vise principalement à mettre en évidence la perte des connaissances tacites et leur mode de management lors de la pandémie du COVID-19 dans un contexte de l'entreprise algérienne. Pour tenter d'examiner ce phénomène, une enquête a été menée en ligne auprès de 250 dirigeants dont leurs entreprises ont subi les effets de la fermeture lors des périodes de confinement des mois de mars-avril 2020. Deux sortes de résultats ressortent de notre recherche : les ressources humaines ont connu des effets négatifs de la déperdition du savoir tacite ainsi que de l'obsolescence de compétences et de l'arrêt du processus d'apprentissage de leur personnel. Tandis que le Knowledge management a connu des effets positifs en termes de flexibilité à travers la digitalisation de leurs pratiques managériales par rapport aux pratiques traditionnelles alors que le reste des entreprises ont pensé à la formation de leur équipe pour affronter la crise.
... Cette perte est d'autant plus importante que le marché du travail ne présente pas une élasticité suffisante dans les pays du Sud en l'occurrence en Algérie pour substituer cette parte. Il est très tôt de cerner les pertes (Djeflat, 2022). On est passé en un temps relativement court, d'un « knowledge loss » à un « knowledge crash » au sens de Jean Louis Ermine (2020). ...
... Interagir en face à face pour partager des connaissances tacites est donc une caractéristique clé de la production de connaissances dans l'organisation ( Blustein, et al, 2020 ;Hall et Andriani, 2003). Ce type d'interaction peut cependant être source de risque pour les personnes au sein de l'entreprise car les interactions qui contribuent à l'amplification de nouvelles connaissances présentent en même temps un risque de propager la contagion (Park et al. 2020 ;Ghinai et al. 2020 ;Morawska et Cao, 2020 ;Djeflat, 2022). La COVID-19 a bouleversé considérablement la manière de l'organisation du travail. ...
... Notre étude redonne à cette dimension toute son importance. Il se pourrait même que l'importance de la connaissance tacite à travers la présence et la proximité physique soit remise en cause dans certains des activités (Djeflat, 2022). Une étude récente menée simultanément en Australie, France, Allemagne, Italie and la Grande Bretagne montre que certains travailleurs pourraient être plus productifs à travers le WFH (Workingfrom home) comme le notent Dingel et Neiman (2020). ...
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Cette recherche vise principalement à mettre en évidence la perte des connaissances tacites et leur mode de management lors de la pandémie du COVID-19 dans un contexte de l'entreprise algérienne. Pour tenter d'examiner ce phénomène, une enquête a été menée en ligne auprès de 250 dirigeants dont leurs entreprises ont subi les effets de la fermeture lors des périodes de confinement des mois de mars-avril 2020. Deux sortes de résultats ressortent de notre recherche : les ressources humaines ont connu des effets négatifs de la déperdition du savoir tacite ainsi que de l'obsolescence de compétences et de l'arrêt du processus d'apprentissage de leur personnel. Tandis que le Knowledge management a connu des effets positifs en termes de flexibilité à travers la digitalisation de leurs pratiques managériales par rapport aux pratiques traditionnelles alors que le reste des entreprises ont pensé à la formation de leur équipe pour affronter la crise. Abstract: The main objective of this research is to highlight the loss of tacit knowledge and its management mode during the COVID-19 pandemic in an Algerian business context. In an attempt to examine this phenomenon, an online survey was conducted with 250 managers whose companies were affected by the closure during the March-April 2020 containment periods. Two kinds of results emerge from our research: human resources experienced negative effects from the loss of tacit knowledge as well as from the obsolescence of skills and the halt of the learning process of their staff. On the other hand, knowledge management has had positive effects in terms of flexibility through the digitalization of their managerial practices compared to traditional practices, while the rest of the companies have thought about training their team to face the crisis.
... Within this framework, community pharmacies have been encouraged and compelled to expand their range of services from the simple provision of medicines to the provision of patientcentred services (Bragazzi et al, 2020). During the period of this health crisis, community pharmacists globally have faced a range of challenges to ensure continuity of patient care such as: infrastructure issues (Marwitz et al, 2021); weak technological and engineering base (Akande-Sholabi & Adebisi, 2020); access to medicines (Hamadi et al, 2022); Information and Communication Technologies (Djeflat, 2021); supply chain Hayden & Parkin, 2020) and the challenge of spreading contagion (Djeflat, 2022). ...
... In the same vein, covid-19 created another challenge for all citizens to get to pharmacists, and it also prevented suppliers from delivering medicines to pharmacies (Jou & Datoussaid, 2023). In addition, this pandemic-like matrix has once again revealed the inequalities that exist in terms of access to healthcare and medicines (Hamadi et al, 2022;Djeflat, 2022). Access to safe and effective medicines and healthcare services is a fundamental human right and a central pillar of any healthcare system (Al-Haqan et al, 2022;Hamadi & Datoussaid, 2019). ...
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The objective for this paper is to determine the extent to which pharmacists are adapting to the growing needs of customers at the covid-19 era. Both pharmacists and their clients are submitted to five challenges: spread of infections, access to medicines, self-medication, work management and staff training. In order to do so, an online case study using a semi-structured interview concerning the main challenges faced by 50 pharmacies during the covid-19 period to describe the role of pharmacies and discuss their future functions was conducted during the months of September/November 2023 in the region located in the far west of Algeria. Then, to measure the degree of urgency and importance of the challenges encountered, we adopted the Eisenhower matrix while using the Likert scale (of 05 choices) with the help of Sphinx plus software. We then applied the same analysis tool to a sample of 138 customers to reveal their degree of pharmaceutical adaptation. This study revealed a high degree of adaptation in terms of (importance/urgency) of pharmacies in relation to their customers for the five challenges mentioned above: (4.94-4.98) / (5/5) for the spread of infections; (4.56-4.94) / (3.97-4.57) for access to medicines; (3.98/1.66) against (3.88-1.54) for self-medication. (1.60-3.38) versus (1.57-3.39) for work management and (3.40-1.66) versus (3.46-1.37) for training. These results converge towards a concept of pharmaceutical adaptation, which is a trend of development for innovation in pharmaceutical management.
... Les pharmaciens communautaires en l'occurrence les professionnels de la santé qui étaient les plus accessibles au grand public ont contribué énormément dans le cadre de la réponse à la Covid-19. Durant la période de crise, les pharmaciens communautaires à l'échelle mondiale ont fait face à un éventail de défis pour assurer la continuité des soins aux patients tels que les problèmes d'infrastructure (Marwitz et al, 2021), la pénurie de scientifiques pharmaceutiques, la faible base technologique et d'ingénierie (Akande-Sholabi et Adebisi, 2020), l'accès aux médicaments, la chaîne d'approvisionnement et le défi de la propagation de la contagion (Djeflat, 2022 ;Zachary et Charmane, 2021). En réalité, les officines en Algérie qui font face également à ces multiples paris, vivent en marge de l'innovation des services et pratiques pharmaceutiques. ...
... C'est dans ce cadre que le travail que nous avons pu accomplir, malgré se limite à un échantillon minime des officines mais se veut être original par les différentes dimensions de défis discutées précédemment à savoir (l'accès aux médicaments, la propagation des infections, l'automédication réussite et bénéfique, le management de travail innovant et la formation du personnel). Pour atteindre donc les objectifs désirés, il est primordial de transformer la crise covid-19 en une source d'opportunités multiples liées au savoir (Djeflat, 2022;Datoussaid et al, 2021) tout en considérant les pharmaciens d'officines sous l'angle de sa fonction de production, comme un ensemble de capacités techniques, comme un système d'information, et comme un prestataire de services et un pivot dans un système de soins de santé plus large au sens de (Djellal et Galoug, 2007). C'est autant de pistes que nous ouvrons pour les futures recherches. ...
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Pharmacists are key actors to face the different health crises. The objective of this article is to make a critical assessment, and in particular to highlight the functional and professional bias that characterizes it during the period of covid-19, it is in this context, that this article attempts to describe the role of pharmacies and discuss their future functions. To do this, we conducted a case study through a survey based on an interview guide with sixteen (16) pharmacies located in the wilaya of Tlemcen to examine their mode of work and to identify the various challenges encountered during the health crisis covid-19. On this basis, interesting perspectives for the development of pharmaceutical services emerged in terms of: access to medicines, self-medication, the spread of infections, work management and training of pharmacy staff.
... L'émergence de la Covid-19 en Chine en janvier 2020 s'est rapidement transformée en pandémie affectant un monde profondément interconnecté et prenant tous les gouvernements au dépourvu (Djeflat 2022). La grande majorité des pays ont été contraints de fermer leurs économies et de restreindre les déplacements des personnes, déclenchant ainsi une tragédie humaine, économique et financière (Zeghbid, 2022). ...
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En 2020, la pandémie de Covid-19 a touché presque tous les pays, affectant plus de 50 millions de personnes à travers le monde. Elle a plongé les gouvernements dans une incertitude totale et les a contraints à faire des choix difficiles pour relever les défis sanitaires, économiques et sociaux qu'elle a engendrés. Cet article se penche sur les impacts les plus perceptibles de la Covid-19, en tenant compte des aspects économiques régionaux, et met en lumière l'importance des stratégies de gestion des crises dans les pays du Maghreb. L'Algérie pourrait tirer profit de la revitalisation de l'intégration au sein du bloc nord-africain et d'une coopération renforcée au sein du Maghreb. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'identifier les défis socio-économiques les plus pressants découlant de la Covid-19 au niveau régional, mettant en évidence l'importance des plans de gestion des crises pour l'intégration économique de l'Algérie dans la région du Maghreb. Cela vise à alimenter la réflexion sur les politiques publiques les plus efficaces, adaptées aux réalités spécifiques de l'Algérie, afin de rebondir sur des bases plus stables et durables.
... L'émergence de la Covid-19 en Chine en janvier 2020 s'est rapidement transformée en pandémie affectant un monde profondément interconnecté et prenant tous les gouvernements au dépourvu (Djeflat 2022). La grande majorité des pays ont été contraints de fermer leurs économies et de restreindre les déplacements des personnes, déclenchant ainsi une tragédie humaine, économique et financière (Zeghbid, 2022). ...
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Résumé. En 2020, la pandémie de Covid-19 a touché presque tous les pays, affectant plus de50 millions de personnes à travers le monde. Elle a plongé les gouvernements dans une incertitude totale et les a contraints à faire des choix difficiles pour relever les défis sanitaires, économiques et sociaux qu’elle a engendrés. Cet article se penche sur les impacts les plus perceptibles de la Covid-19, en tenant compte des aspects économiques régionaux, et met en lumière l’importance des stratégies de gestion des crises dans les pays du Maghreb. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’identifier les défis socio-économiques les plus pressants découlant de la Covid-19 au niveau régional ,mettant en évidence l’importance des plans de gestion des crises et les retombées positive d'une approche intégrée au niveau régional. Cela vise à alimenter la réflexion sur les politiques publiques les plus efficaces, adaptées aux réalités spécifiques de l’Algérie, afin de rebondir sur des bases plus stables et durables
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Ce travail écrit en 2008 s'inscrit dans le ligne des réflexions que nous menons depuis 2002 sur l'économie de la connaissance, ses fondements et ses outils et également son utilité pour la relance des stratégies de développement dans les pays du Sud. Il se focalise sur l'Algérie et rappel dans un premier volet comment le paradigme de l'économie de la connaissance à émergé dans le pays. Dans un second volet, il pose la question du pourquoi l'économie de la connaissance en Algérie. Un troisième volet dresse un état des lieux de l'avancement de l'économie de la connaissance dans le pays. Les données ont changé mais les tendances sont restées. Il a été publié avec l'appui de la fondation Friedrich Ebert que nous remercions
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This paper proposes an evolutionary view of economic catch-up, considered as a long-run process of closing the gap in capabilities by promoting learning and innovation in interaction with innovation systems (national, sectoral or regional). According to this perspective, catch-up is viewed as a dynamic evolutionary process which is not deterministic and cannot be planned in details, because it faces uncertainty and continuous change, is associated with a variety of exogenous events (windows of opportunity) and is the result of the idiosyncratic behavior of heterogeneous actors characterized by different understanding, views and experiences. This leads to a variety of responses and strategies by latecomer firms and countries, even in the presence of similar external technological or market conditions. One major point that emerges from this perspective is there is a strong complementarity between learning and capabilities by domestic firms and the national, sectoral, and regional systems in which firms operate. The paper also discusses various strategies, such as detours and leapfrogging, along the various stages and the different paths and trajectories that this long-term evolutionary process of countries and sectors follows.
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Covid-19 has severely tested our public health systems. Recovering from Covid-19 will soon test our economic systems. Innovation will have an important role to play in recovering from the aftermath of the coronavirus. This article discusses both how to manage innovation as part of that recovery, and also derives some lessons from how we have responded to the virus so far, and what those lessons imply for managing innovation during the recovery.
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In the 1990s, the ‘knowledge economy’ was hailed as a key driver of future prosperity by progressive policymakers in developed democracies. According to its proponents, in the knowledge economy, companies and countries alike would succeed by cultivating workers’ knowledge – as opposed to traditional forms of capital such as plant and machinery. This had radical implications for public policy, implying that education reform and other supply-side interventions could deliver inclusivity as well as prosperity. Today, however, this benevolent vision of the social and economic impacts of technological progress has been superseded by an altogether more dystopian view, associated with automation and the rise of artificial intelligence, as well as transformations in the digital economy and the evolving nature of globalisation. This paper analyses that transition. It charts the key assumptions of the knowledge economy concept, through an intellectual history that focuses on how these ideas manifested themselves in the rhetoric of the UK Government under Tony Blair. It then shows how evolving understandings of the digital economy, technological progress and globalisation challenge these assumptions, and the policy agenda that was premised on them.
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Competitive advantage grows from firm-specific knowledge. So theories relating strategy to knowledge require a typology, much as Polanyi distinguished tacit from objective knowledge. Ethnographic research suggests separating tacit knowledge into three sub-types: conscious, automatic and communal. Each has different strategic implication. EMI's experience of CAT scanning illustrates their interplay.
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This paper discusses opportunities and policy options for African countries seeking innovation and learning based development strategies. What kind of policies and institutions are necessary in order to transform the current increase in rents from commodities exports into industrial investment and upgrading of agriculture and agro-industrial development? This question is raised in the context of competing theories about economic development. On the basis of empirical patterns and theoretical considerations we discuss policy options in relation to the African reality.
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Unstable market conditions caused by innovation and increasing intensity and diversity of competition have resulted in organizational capabilities rather than served markets becoming the primary basis upon which firms establish their long-term strategies. If the strategically most important resource of the firm is knowledge, and if knowledge resides in specialized form among individual organizational members, then the essence of organizational capability is the integration of individuals' specialized knowledge. This paper develops a knowledge-based theory of organizational capability and draws upon research into competitive dynamics, the resource-based view of the firm, organizational capabilities, and organizational learning. Central to the theory is analysis of the mechanisms through which knowledge is integrated within firms in order to create capability. The theory is used to explore firms' potential for establishing competitive advantage in dynamic market settings, including the role of firm networks under conditions of unstable linkages between knowledge inputs and product outputs. The analysis points to the difficulties in creating the “dynamic” and “flexible-response capabilities” which have been deemed critical to success in hypercompetitive markets.
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Sustainable development is becoming increasingly a major concern for African Countries. They need a relatively high rate of growth of GDP to solve the many problems of poverty and underdevelopment, while insuring sustainability to their economies. At the same time, it is increasingly recognised that sustainability requires more and more knowledge assets and capabilities. This paper aims at showing the difficulty in attaining sustainable development for African countries with a weak technological and knowledge base. It deals first with the issue of knowledge systems and knowledge economy and their links with sustainability from a conceptual point of view. It highlights the specific situation of African countries stressing the difficulties they meet in this respect in a second section. This paper then shows how knowledge capabilities are highly correlated with levels of sustainability using knowledge and sustainability indexes. The discussion addresses technology transfer and innovation as key elements of knowledge, while the conclusion explores some of the opportunities.
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Research on Enterprise Systems (ES) generally focuses on the implementation phase and issues occurring during the initialrun-time. In contrast, only limited research on the selection of an ES has been conducted; a clear focus on the outcome of the selection phase from the perspective of the ES provider and the deploying company has not been presented yet. This contribution aims to close that gap by proposing a procedure to determine a business model for ES providers with the most favorable outcome for the company implementing the ES.
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The aim of this article is to underline the development of the Evolutionary Theory starting from the original book of Nelson and Winter [1982]. This book is inspired by the Shumpeterian and Simonian traditions even if these authors are abandoning some of their core hypothesises. Nelson and Winter provide a criticism of orthodox foundations notably via the conceptualisation of productive activity with the production set. They suggest a new research agenda inspired from biology called « organizational genetics ». This latter has launched a huge of sympathy and critics because the philogenetic and ontogenetic levels of selection of routines and technologies are both confused and contradictory, notably concerning the emergence and the creation of knowledge. The role of routines is also discussed here at a conceptual and qualitative level in order to reach a better understanding of key concepts such as skills, capabilities. Finally, this research agenda offers an important originality even if some problems remain with the endogenous process of selection and mutation. Classification JEL : D20, D21, D23, D24, D57, E23, L23, N00, O30, O14.
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This paper advances the hypothesis that some of the roots of the present crisis are to be found in the present institutions of the knowledge economy. While protectionism is seen as a possible dangerous outcome of the crisis, the extent of protectionism inherent to the strengthening and globalisation of intellectual property rights (IPRs) associated, in particular, with the signing of the Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement is not generally perceived as one of its possible causes. Indeed, IPRs have acted as ‘super-tariffs’. They have particularly raised the cost of investments for countries that had neither abundant cheap labour nor high amounts of intellectual property resources. Moreover, IPRs may have later exerted negative effects even on IP-rich firms, as the proliferation of conflicting rights has led firms to increasingly inhibit each other's investments. The resulting investment strike has manifested itself as a saving glut and has mainly affected the USA in a situation aggravated by inadequate regulations. If intellectual monopolies are one of the causes of the crash, the remedies should not only focus on monetary policy, financial regulations or even on standard Keynesian policies. Aggregate demand stimulus should be coupled with policies that decrease the level of intellectual monopolisation of the economy.
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Purpose This paper aims to model the national development of the knowledge economy and argue its policy implications. Design/methodology/approach The methodology is a deductive research approach. First, the paper examines fundamental epistemological assumptions of the literature on the knowledge economy to identify major views on the knowledge economy. Second, it synthesizes relevant studies of the knowledge economy to develop key concepts to be used in the theoretical model of the knowledge economy. Findings The paper argues that among three views of the knowledge economy (i.e., knowledge‐as‐asset, knowledge‐as‐relation, and knowledge‐as‐capability views), the knowledge‐as‐capability view is the most appropriate to explain the knowledge economy. However, this view is still evolving to explain the knowledge economy. Only a few studies have discussed national capabilities, but they omitted many points of capability as an aspect of knowledge. Although many studies have discussed organizational capabilities and provided some insight, these ideas are not directly applicable at the national level. Practical implications This paper suggests that to develop a knowledge economy a national government should be concerned about the balanced development of the whole system of the economy, while paying due attention to knowledge‐related activities. Originality/value This paper proposes a theoretical model of the knowledge economy, using original concepts of three types of national basic capability, i.e., epistemic capability, economic capability, and institutional capability and national developmental capability as the meta‐capability of leveraging, orchestrating, and restructuring those basic capabilities.
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Results from empirical studies of firm behavior are synthesized into a theory of the firm as a competent team. I demonstrate the existence of a tacit organizational competence exercising a leverage on the productivities of all other factors through selecting and allocating competent people, thus earning a monopoly rent in the capital market. The competence identified can only be fairly compensated through sharing in firm value growth in the equity market, exhibiting undervaluation of prime assets. Policies aimed at firm efficiency should improve the market measurement function, including stimulating insiders to exhibit information through trades.
Les compétences transversales délimitent et ciblent des savoir-agir que tout être humain devrait développer en milieu scolaire afin d’être en mesure de comprendre la complexité des situations de la vie courante et de mettre en œuvre des actions judicieuses. Toutefois, sans ancrage dans des réalités concrètes, le parcours de développement de ces compétences et son évaluation paraissent impalpables. Après avoir défini le concept de compétence et esquissé les grandes lignes de l’évaluation des compétences, l’article illustre, à l’aide d’un contre-exemple, la difficulté d’influer sur les apprentissages critiques inhérents à toute compétence dite transversale et, forcément, de les évaluer. La dernière partie propose, dans une logique de professionnalisation, de privilégier l’idée de posture professionnelle et des exemples sont décrits dans ce sens.
Cet article s’interroge sur la pertinence théorique et pratique de la notion de bien public mondial appliquée à la santé. En effet cette notion est généralement utilisée pour exprimer la capacité des acteurs mondiaux de la santé à atteindre des objectifs internationaux de convergence entre les niveaux de santé. La première section met en évidence l’ambiguïté conceptuelle, tout à la fois externe (coexistence de plusieurs conceptions) et interne (malléabilité à l’intérieur des conceptions) de la notion de santé comme bien public mondial. La deuxième section soulève l’ambiguïté de la santé comme bien public mondial sur le plan normatif, en soulignant la coexistence de trois approches prescriptives (conception sécuritaire, approche par les droits, vision en termes de partenariats multipartites). La troisième section examine en quoi l’absence d’un projet commun de santé comme bien public mondial repose sur des divergences de motivations parmi les acteurs.
There is not much mention of fourteenth century Islamic thinkers in standard economic textbooks. Joe McCaffrey redresses that deficit here. Whilst caution should be taken in reading history backwards, an enlightening discussion emerges on the economic thought of Ibn Khaldun. His focus was wide-ranging: it incorporated theories of price and value, production, the role of government, taxation and the population cycle. These issues continue to preoccupy economists, and an engagement with Ibn Khaldun's arguments will surely place them in greater historical context.
Knowledge spillover and localization of activities: a survey of empirical studies This article studies the nature of the links between innovation, technological spillover (in the sens of knowledge spillover), localization and economies of agglomeration. The theorical links are already instituted between the two disciplinary fields of economy of innovation and spatial economy. So we try to examine methods and indicators of empirical studies who allow to cross these two fields. We demonstrate that they are complementary and to cross them permits to better understand how the exchange of information and knowledge play a part in the formation of agglomeration’s economies. Particularly we can introduce new variables like sectorial differencies, the technological profile of firm and the competitive characteristics. Classification JEL : D62, D2, R12.
Cet article introductif passe en revue les principaux themes relatifs au developpement des nouvelles economies du savoir. Apres avoir place l’emergence de ces economies dans une perspective historique et propose un cadre theorique pour distinguer savoir et information, cet article tente de saisir ce qui constitue la specificite de ces economies. Il traite ensuite quelques grandes questions a propos des competences nouvelles requises pour s’inserer dans cette economie, de la nouvelle geographie qui s’esquisse (dans laquelle la contrainte de distance physique cesserait de dominer), des conditions d’acces a l’economie du savoir, notamment pour les pays en developpement, de l’inegal developpement de la connaissance selon les secteurs d’activite, des problemes de propriete intellectuelle et de privatisation de la connaissance, des questions de confiance, de memoire et de fragmentation des savoirs.
The uncritical notion that it would be easy to orient science and technology towards productive purposes in the less developed countries has been superseded by a more analytic (and sceptical) approach. Scientific activities in less developed countries themselves tend to be a form of consumption rather than investment and the reasons for this lie in dependence on external sources of technology and in the structure of under‐development itself. Yet dependence on proprietary technology from the advanced countries raises its own problems. Some of these arise because production technology is often in private ownership; it is a property of large enterprises. Others arise because western technology is inappropriate both because it produces over‐specified commodities and because it makes intensive use of resources which are scarce in less developed countries.
Researchers have reported that two types of instructional approaches—strategy instruction and high-level talk about text—lead to reading comprehension improvement in elementary-age students. One hypothesis is that both approaches have similar student outcomes because they develop high-level thinking about text. This article examines the literature on the two instructional approaches (cognitive strategy instruction and responsive engagement instruction), presents socio-constructivist views of teaching and learning, and explains what can happen when a socio-constructivist perspective guides teachers' implementation of either approach in low-income schools. The authors discuss three implementation challenges beyond the frameworks of either instructional approach—the impact of district/school initiatives, movement of teachers from teacher-directed to student-directed instruction, and the selection and use of appropriate texts—and how teachers have met such challenges. They conclude with recommendations for improved classroom practice.
Demonstrates that technical change is attributable to experience. The cumulative production of capital goods is used as the index of experience. New capital goods are assumed to completely embody technical change. The assumption is made that the model will be operating in an environment of full employment although reference is made throughout to the case of capital shortage. The implications of this model on wage earners are discussed, and profits and investments are examined. The rate of return is determined by the expected rate of increase in wages, current labor costs per unit output, and the physical lifetime of the investment. Learning is an act of investment that benefits future investors. Further analysis shows that the socially optimal ratio of gross investment to output is higher than the competitive level. (SRD)
The constructivist learning environment was designed on three perspectives: pedagogical, social and technological. A group of 24 trainee teachers used the environment and participated in the formative evaluation. Results showed that the trainee teachers liked the design specifications and perceived the learning environment to be useful. The purpose of this paper is to describe the design specifications, implementation processes and formative evaluation results of the learning environment. Issues and implications for designing web-based learning environments are discussed.
I. Introduction, 488. — II. The model with automobiles as an example, 489. — III. Examples and applications, 492. — IV. Counteracting institutions, 499. — V. Conclusion, 500.
This paper describes two strands of work that converged under the heading of 'endogenous growth.' One strand, which is primarily empirical, asks whether there is a general tendency for poor countries to catch up with rich countries. The other strand, which is primarily theoretical, asks what modifications are necessary to construct a theory of aggregate growth that takes the economics of discovery, innovation, and technological change seriously. The paper argues that the second strand of work will ultimately have a more significant impact on our understanding of growth and our approach to aggregate theory. Copyright 1994 by American Economic Association.
The Determinants of Knowledge-based Economy Development at a National Level: A Conceptual Model driven from KBE Theoretical Paradox and Advanced Practices
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Mohamed Ibn Khaldoun's View of Knowledge Maturity
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World Bank Knowledge Products and Strategies: emerging lessons
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L'économie et la gestion de la connaissance outil de compétitivité : quelles opportunités pour le Maghreb ?
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Book of Lessons, Record of Beginnings and Events in the History of The Arabs and Berbers and Their Powerful Contemporaries
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Rural and Urban Teacher's Understanding of Teaching Practices
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La rente cognitive, une arme stratégique pour vaincre l’ubérisation
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Modern evolutionary Economic perspectives : an overview
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Le Coronavirus et l’importance d’être inséré dans l’économie de la connaissance
  • Maghreb Emergent
Covid-19 : La science, grande oubliée dans la prise de décision politique
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Knowledge and Development: A Cross-Section Approach
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Les pays du Maghreb mobilisent leurs capacités de connaissances dormantes pour faire
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Innovation as an Interactive Process - from User - Producer Interaction to the National System of Innovation
  • Technical Change
  • Economic Theory