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Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
Перемещения серого журавля, помеченного в
Западном Гуджарате, Индия
Х. Барайя1, Г. Сирола1, А. Барот2, Р.С. Кумар1
    -
    -
     
 -
 
     -
  
      
    -
      -
      
       
       
Рис. 1. Встречи серых журавлей в Индии по данным eBird,
большинство из них в штате Гуджарат
Fig. 1. Sightings of Eurasian Cranes across India as reported on
eBird, with the majority of records occurring in Gujarat State
       -
 -
       
 -
 
  -
 
    -
       -
     
Рис. 2. Каждое утро сотни красавок собираются на подкор-
мочных станциях возле деревень в округе Качч, Западный
Гуджарат, где местные жители кормят их зерном по куль-
турной традиции. Фото П. Джоши
Fig. 2. Every morning, hundreds of Demoiselle Cranes gather at
feeding stations near villages in the Kachchh district, Western
Gujarat, where local people provide them grain as a cultural prac-
tice. Photo by P. Joshi
188 Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
Рис. 3. Ландшафт Банни в Качче, Западный Гуджарат, с его
обширными пастбищами и большими заболоченными тер-
риториями, является основным местом зимовки серых жу-
равлей. Фото Х. Барайя
Fig. 3. The Banni landscape in Kachchh, Western Gujarat with
its extensive grasslands and large wetlands, is a prime wintering
habitat of the Eurasian Cranes. Photo by H. Baraiya
Рис. 4. Сельскохозяйственные поля
важные места кор-
межки серых журавлей, которые питаются остатками се-
мян арахиса, сорго, пшеницы, проса и других злаков. Фото
Х. Барайя
Fig. 4. Agricultural elds are important feeding sites for Eurasian
Cranes, where they forage on leftover seeds of groundnut, sor-
ghum, wheat, pearl millet and cereals. Photo by H. Baraiya
    
       -
  
    
 
Рис. 5. Внутренние водно-болотные угодья, такие как водо-
хранилище Ратнал в Центральном Каче, Западный Гуджа-
рат, являются важными местами ночевки серых журавлей.
Фото Х. Барайя
Fig. 5. Inland wetlands like Ratnal tank in central Kachchh, west-
ern Gujarat are crucial roosting areas for Eurasian Cranes. Photo
by H. Baraiya
Рис. 6. Во время полевых исследований 14 февраля 2020 г.
в Банни среди стаи серых журавлей замечен журавль лей-
цист. Это первая встреча журавля с такой окраской в Ин-
дии. Фото Р. Миы
Fig. 6. During eld surveys a leucistic crane was sighted on 14
February 2020 in the Banni among a ock of Eurasian cranes.
This is the rst record of such crane in India. Photo by R. Mitra
Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
Рис. 7. Распространение серых журавлей (черные точки – встречи стай; зеленые – места ночевок) в округе Качч в Запад-
ном Гуджарате, Индия, зимой 2018/2019 и 2019/2020 гг.
Fig. 7. Distribution of Eurasian Crane ocks in the Kachchh Region, Western Gujarat, India, in winter seasons of 2018/2019 and
       
 
 
      
     
      
       
    -
      
     
      -
AY B 
      -
*Примечание редактора     -
     
Notes of the editor:    -
Рис. 8. Серый журавль, оснащенный на ногу передатчиком
GPS-GSM с солнечной батареей для отслеживания мигра-
ционного пути. Журавля назвали Вадла по названию дерев-
ни, где он был пойман и помечен. Фото Х. Барайя
Fig. 8. An Eurasian Crane was tted with a solar-powered GPS-
GSM leg-mount transmitter to track its migratory journey. The
сrane was named Vadla after the name of village from where it
was captured and tagged. Photo by H. Baraiya
190 Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
   -
         
 -
    -
      -
      
 
       
       -
      
   
     
       
      -
       
Рис. 9. Миграционные пути серого журавля Вадла (оранжевая линия ‒ путь весенней мигрии (14 дней, 4850 км), фиоле-
товая линия ‒ путь осенней миграции (11 дней, 5400 км), точки ‒ остановки на ночь, 1 – место зимовки у пос. Вадла,
2 – место летнего пребывания)
Fig. 9. Migration routes of the Eurasian Crane Vadla (orange line ‒ the spring yway (14 days, 4,850 km), purple line ‒ the autumn
yway (11 days, 4,500 km), dots ‒ overnight stops, 1 – wintering site near the village of Vadla, 2 – place of summering)
 -
       
        -
    
  -
    
 
    -
Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
     
 -
     
      
 2        
       
      
      -
  
      
      
       -
      
        -
        
    -
      -
      
    
       
       
      -
  
         
        
       
  
192 Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
       
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    
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  
Movements of a Eurasian Crane tagged in Western Gujarat, India
H. Baraiya1, G. Sirola1, A. Baroth2, R.S. Kumar1
        
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   
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    
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      
       
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*Notes of the editor:     
Информационный бюллетень РГЖЕ № 16, 2022 / CWGE Newsletter, #16, 2022
         
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  
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 
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Using satellite telemetry, it is possible to track long-distance migrant birds with high accuracy and greater spatial coverage. However, prior to 2014, less than 1% of bird species in India had been monitored using this technology. Between January and February 2022, we deployed leg-mounted solar GPS/GSM satellite transmitters to Common Cranes and Demoiselle Cranes (two each) to study home ranges, movement, migration patterns, and habitat use. We used 95% kernels to define the total home range size and 50% kernels to delimit the core areas. The winter habitat use was assessed using Generalized Linear Models (GLM). The average home range of Common Cranes and Demoiselle Cranes was estimated as 161.22 ± 172.08 km2 and 971.40 ± 1023.57 km2, respectively. During migration, Common Crane-1 and Common Crane-2 traveled an average of 471.19 ± 442.42 and 176.97 ± 24.82 km per day, and Demoiselle Crane-1 and Demoiselle Crane-2 covered an average daily distance of 168.10 ± 203.77 and 192.97 ± 250.72 km, respectively. Water bodies and croplands were the most important habitat variables influencing crane presence positively. In recent years, the share of food grain crops within the study area has declined from 43% in 1994–1995 to 36% in 2014–2015, while the share of cotton crops has doubled from 11% to 20%, indicating a probable cause of concern in the near future.
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Modern data on the migration of the Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo), nesting in Kazakhstan and adjacent territories in Russia, and the Tibetan Common Crane (Grus grus korelovi), inhabiting the Central Tien Shan in southeastern Kazakhstan, are presented. On the basis of remote tracking, flyways of the Demoiselle Crane have been clarified, and key territories have been identified in the premigration period and on the flyways. The features of the Tibetan common crane migration have been established, and a wintering ground on the Muzart River in China has been identified.
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Three Eurasian Cranes Grus grus were successfully satellite tracked during their spring migration north from Gujarat, western India. They used the same migratory flyway across Pakistan and Afghanistan, skirting the Hindukush mountains, during their spring migration north, but their stopover sites differed from each other. The cranes summered at three different locations, which were not too far from the headwaters of Ob River, in western Russia. They covered total migration distances ranging from 3,950 km to 4,786 km. The total number of stopovers ranged from three to eight. This migratory behavior suggests that there are several wetlands along the flyway that are important for these long distant migrants, and conservation of many of these wetlands warrants serious consideration, especially if any of them are under imminent danger of being altered by humans. The wetlands in the breeding areas support thousands of cranes, and it is also in this same region that the last of the breeding grounds of the critically endangered western flock of Siberian Cranes are to be found. This region will be important for the conservation of cranes.
Leucogeranus leucogeranus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
BirdLife International. 2018. Leucogeranus leucogeranus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018:e. T22692053A134180990.
The Common Crane Grus grus and its habitat in Kutch Gujrat
  • J K Tiwari
  • A R Rahmani
Tiwari J.K., Rahmani A.R. 1996. The Common Crane Grus grus and its habitat in Kutch Gujrat, India. -Proceedings of the Salim Ali Centenary Seminar on Conservation Avifauna of Wetlands and Grasslands (A.R. Rahmani, Ugra, eds.). Bombay Natural History Society.