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Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) improves depression in AD patients on state‐of‐the‐art treatment

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Ultrasound-based brain stimulation is a novel, non-invasive therapeutic approach to precisely target regions of interest. Data from a first clinical trial of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) receiving 2-4 weeks transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) have shown memory and cognitive improvements for up to 3 months, despite ongoing state-of-the-art treatment. Importantly, depressive symptoms also improved. Methods: We analyzed changes in Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and functional connectivity (FC) changes with functional magnetic resonance imaging in 18 AD patients. Results: We found significant improvement in BDI-II after TPS therapy. FC analysis showed a normalization of the FC between the salience network (right anterior insula) and the ventromedial network (left frontal orbital cortex). Discussion: Stimulation of areas related to depression (including extended dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) appears to alleviate depressive symptoms and induces FC changes in AD patients. TPS may be a novel add-on therapy for depression in AD and as a neuropsychiatric diagnosis.
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Received: 1 October 2021 Revised: 29 November 2021 Accepted: 15 December 2021 Published online: 28 January 2022
DOI: 10.1002/trc2.12245
Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) improves depression in AD
patients on state-of-the-art treatment
Eva Matt Gregor Dörl Roland Beisteiner
Department of Neurology, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Roland Beisteiner,Department of Neurology,
Medical University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 23,
A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
Funding information
Medical University of Vienna and University of
Vienna, Grant/AwardNumber: SO10300020;
STORZMedical; Austrian Science Fund,
Grant/AwardNumber: KLIF455
Introduction: Ultrasound-based brain stimulation is a novel, non-invasive therapeu-
tic approach to precisely target regions of interest. Data from a first clinical trial of
patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) receiving 2-4 weeks transcranial pulse stimula-
tion (TPS) have shown memory and cognitive improvementsfor up to 3 months, despite
ongoing state-of-the-art treatment. Importantly, depressive symptoms also improved.
Methods: We analyzed changes in Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and func-
tional connectivity (FC) changes with functional magnetic resonance imaging in 18 AD
Results: We found significant improvement in BDI-II after TPS therapy. FC analysis
showed a normalization of the FC between the salience network (right anterior insula)
and the ventromedial network (left frontal orbital cortex).
Discussion: Stimulation of areas related to depression (including extended dorso-
lateral prefrontal cortex) appears to alleviate depressive symptoms and induces FC
changes in AD patients. TPS may be a novel add-on therapy for depression in AD and
as a neuropsychiatric diagnosis.
Alzheimer’s disease, brain stimulation, depression, functional connectivity, functional magnetic
resonance imaging, transcranial pulse stimulation, ultrasound
Recently, the novel therapeutic concept of ultrasound-based brain
stimulation has been introduced as a promising clinical add-on
therapy.1With navigated ultrasound techniques (focused ultrasound
[FUS], transcranial pulse stimulation [TPS]) neuromodulation is no
longer limited to superficial brain areas but allows 3D targeting of
deep areas of the human brain.2The small ultrasound foci are inde-
pendent from pathological conductivity changes and therefore brain
areas can be targeted with unprecedented precision. First clinical stud-
ies with navigated ultrasound have shown cognitive improvements
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: TranslationalResearch & Clinical Interventions published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Alzheimer’s Association.
in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients already receiving state-of-the-
art treatment.3,4 In patients with chronic disorders of consciousness,
improved clinical responsiveness has been reported.5,6 In addition,
reduction of cortical atrophy in AD core areas has been described after
TPS treatment.7While the exact cellular mechanisms of ultrasound-
induced neuromodulation are still under research, stimulation likely
has an effect on cell membranes and mechanosensitive ion channels
that further influence transmitter and neurotrophic factor concentra-
tions and induce neuroplastic changes.8
In AD patients, depression is a major and particularly problem-
atic comorbidity. Therapeuticeffects of anti-depressive medication are
Alzheimer’s Dement. 2022;8:e12245. 1of5
2of5 MATT ET AL.
often limited and novel therapeutic approaches that may work as add-
on therapy are urgently needed. Here, we provide the very first data
on such a possible new add-on therapy. We investigate anti-depressive
effects of the novel clinically approved TPS therapy. In our previ-
ous multicenter AD study, improvements in depression scores were
reported for up to 3 months after receiving stimulation.3A specific sub-
analysis of neuropsychological and functional imaging data from this
first clinical study with navigated ultrasound is presented.
2.1 Patients
We included 20 patients from our previous study3for whom func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were available. Clinical
AD was diagnosed according to International Classification of Diseases
10th revision (F00) and National Institute on Aging criteria. While most
patients suffered from mild to moderate AD with a Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) score of 18, an MMSE cutoff was not imple-
mented to minimize inclusion criteria and heighten patient variability
(mean MMSE =20.94, standard deviation =5.8, range =6–30). Specif-
ically, inclusion criteria were clinically stable patients with probable
AD, at least 3 months of stable antidementia therapy (if any), age 18,
signed informed consent. Exclusion criteria were noncompliance with
the protocol, relevant intracerebral pathology unrelated to AD (e.g.,
brain tumor), hemophilia or blood clotting disorders or thrombosis, cor-
ticosteroid treatment within the last 6 weeks before first treatment.
After dropout, 18 patients with fMRI completed the study (informed
consent was obtained).
2.2 Study design
Patients received TPS treatment for 4 weeks, with three sessions per
week (except for three patients for only 2 weeks, one patient for
3 weeks). MRI data acquisition and neuropsychological tests were per-
formed the week before and after TPS therapy.
2.3 TPS treatment and regions of interest
TPS generates single ultrashort pulses with a broad frequency spec-
trum that can be administered with a repetition frequency range of
3. Single ultrasound pressure pulses were applied using a
NEUROLITH TPS generator (Storz Medical AG): duration about 3 µs,
0.2 mJ mm2energy flux density,pulse repetition frequency 5 Hz, 6000
pulses per session. Individual regions of interest (ROIs) were defined
by a neurologist (R.B.) to target brain areas relevant to AD. These
included the classical AD and depression stimulation target dorsolat-
eral prefrontal cortex, areas of the memory (including default mode
network) and language networks. Specifically, ROIs comprised: bilat-
eral frontal cortex (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and inferior frontal
cortex extending to Broca’s area, 2 ×800 pulses per hemisphere),
1. Systematic review: Depression is a widespread comor-
bidity of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our previous and very
first AD study indicated that ultrasound-based brain stim-
ulation further improves memory, cognitive functions,
and network connectivity in patients already on state-
of-the-art treatment. Intriguingly, also depression scores
improved up to 3 months. The present study performs a
detailed subanalysis of possible antidepressive transcra-
nial pulse stimulation (TPS) effects based on neuropsy-
chological and functional imaging data. No similar study
on antidepressive effects of ultrasound in AD is available
(PubMed search).
2. Interpretation: Results indicate a specific antidepressive
effect of TPS brain stimulation, which is based on a nor-
malization of functional connectivity between key net-
works for depression.
3. Future directions: We provide first evidence that TPS
brain stimulation is an effective tool as add-on therapy for
AD patients on state-of-the-art treatment. Future studies
with precisely targeted TPS may open novel avenues for
add-on effects on neuropsychiatric symptoms.
bilateral lateral parietal cortex (extending to Wernicke’s area, 2 ×400
pulses per hemisphere), and extended precuneus cortex (2 ×600
pulses). As previously described,3individual real time tracking allowed
standardized focal brain stimulation across the study participants.
2.4 MRI parameter
MRI sequences were acquired using a 3 T SIEMENS PRISMA MR
with a 64-channel head coil. For anatomical navigation scans, a T1-
weighted structural image was recorded using a MPRAGE sequence
(TE/TR =2.7/1800 ms, inversion time =900 ms, flip angle =9,res-
olution 1 mm isotropic). For functional images, a T2*-weighted EPI
sequence was used, with 38 slices aligned to AC-PC and covering the
whole brain (TE/TR =30/2500 ms, flip angle =90, in-plane accelera-
tion =GRAPPA 2, FOV =230 ×230 mm, voxel size =1.8 ×1.8 ×3 mm,
25% gap). Two hundred fifty volumes (10 minutes 25 seconds) for rest-
ing state fMRI were recorded.
2.5 Behavioral assessments
For detailed analysis of depressive symptoms and correlation
with fMRI results, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) was
used. BDI-II values were not normally distributed according to
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and were thus analyzed using the nonpara-
metric Wilcoxon test for two paired variables (SPSS v24).
FIGURE 1 Depression reduction and functional connectivity correlation. A, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score before and after
transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS). Depressive symptoms improved significantly (* P<.05) after the stimulation. B, Correlation between BDI-II
depression score and region of interest (ROI)-to-ROI functional connectivity (FC) between left frontal orbital cortex (FOrb L) and right anterior
insula (AInsula R). Data for the baseline are depicted in blue and for the post-stimulation sessions after the TPS interventions in red. The significant
positive correlation (rho =.434, P=.021, N =28) indicates that increased FC between these ROIs corresponds to more severe depressive
2.6 Functional connectivity analysis
For the resting state data analysis, all preprocessing procedures and
analyses were performed using the CONN toolbox v19c.9The CONN
default preprocessing comprised realignment, unwarping, slice-time
correction, band segmentation, normalization, outlier detection, and
smoothing (8 mm full width half-maximum kernel). Subsequently, data
were denoised using a band pass filter (0.008 to 0.09 Hz), removing
motion confounds (six motion parameters and their first derivatives),
applying aCompCor10 and scrubbing. Bivariate correlations of the cor-
rected time series of all voxels were calculated for first-level analysis.
On group level, an ROI-to-ROIanalysis was performed including all 164
default ROIs in the CONN toolbox (Harvard-Oxford cortical and sub-
cortical ROIs and network ROIs derived from the HCP dataset). Based
on fMRI depression literature affected key networks are the default
mode network, the ventromedial network, and the salience network.11
The post-stimulation session was compared to the baseline using the
connection threshold 0.05 p-FDR corrected, combined with a multi-
voxelpattern analysis omnibus test on ROI level (cluster threshold 0.05
p-uncorrected). Individual functional connectivity (FC) values of signif-
icant ROI-to-ROI connections (post-stimulation vs. baseline) were cor-
related with BDI-II scores using non-parametric Spearman rank corre-
lation analysis.
3.1 Depression scores
Out of 18 patients included in this study, 14 were able to complete
the BDI-II questionnaires in both sessions. On average, BDI-II score
was 7.36 (standard deviation [SD] =5.09, N =14) at baseline and 5.00
(SD =4.11, N =14) in the post-stimulation session (Figure 1A). Com-
parison between both sessions using the non-parametric Wilcoxontest
revealed a significant improvement of depressive symptoms after TPS
interventions (P=.037, two-tailed).
3.2 Functional connectivity
ROI-to-ROI FC analysis using all default CONN ROIs revealed a single
significant result: TPS treatment reduced FC between the left frontal
orbital cortex (FOrb L; part of the ventromedial network) and the
right anterior insula (AInsula R; part of the salience network defined
by the CONN toolbox, Figure 2A). Intriguingly, all patients displayed
a positive FC between these ROIs at baseline (Figure 2B). To eluci-
date FC characteristics between the FOrb L and the AInsula R in a
healthy sample, the meta-analysis tool Neurosynth (based on resting
state FC data of 1000 healthy subjects) was used.12 In contrast to
our patients, the resulting Neurosynth FC map of the FOrb L (Mon-
treal Neurological Institute coordinates X =–44, Y =34, Z =–12)
showed a negative FC to the AInsula R as normal situation (peak FC:
3.3 Correlation analysis
FC values between the left FOrb L and the right AInsula R were pos-
itively correlated with the BDI-II score (rho =.434, P=.021, N =28,
Figure 1B). Higher FC values between these ROIs ( =higher disruption
of normal connectivity) corresponded to more pronounced depressive
4of5 MATT ET AL.
FIGURE 2 Functional connectivity changes after transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) treatment in Alzheimer’s disease patients. A, Region of
interest (ROI) functional connectivity (FC). ROI-to-ROI analysis resulted in a significantly lower FC between the left frontal orbital cortex (FOrbL)
and the right anterior insula (AInsula R) in the post stimulation session compared to the baseline. B, Individual FC between FOrb L and AInsula R in
the baseline and in the post-stimulation session with the mean values marked in gray. At baseline, the FC values of all patients were positive, but
after the stimulation the FC values decreased in 15 out of 18 patients
We introduce a possible novel add-on therapy for depression in AD
patients based on navigated ultrasound pulses (TPS). Stimulation of
multiple brain areas, including extended dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
tex, led to a significant improvement in BDI-II evaluations. Considering
mood improvements in healthy subjects13 and depressed students,14
there now are several lines of evidence that precisely 3D-navigated
ultrasound may become a valuable add-on therapy for depression. This
will offer an additional chance for AD patients, already on state-of-the-
art treatment (i.e., anti-dementia medication, cognitive training, occu-
pational and physical therapy, dietary measures, etc.).
Corresponding to improvement of AD depression, FC data showed
a significant connectivity normalization between the ventromedial
network (VMN) and the salience network (SN). The VMN and SN
have been proposed as relevant networks regarding depression and
have been shown to form anti-networks, that is, negatively corre-
lated networks.11 This typical negative correlation in healthy per-
sons has also been confirmed for FOrb L and AInsula R by using
the FC meta-analysis tool Neurosynth.12 A likely hypothesis there-
fore is that due to AD depression, the negative correlation between
these areas was disrupted in our AD patients but improved after
TPS. This was evident in the comprehensive ROI-to-ROI analysis as
well as in our single patient data; in 15 out of 18 patients the cor-
relation coefficient decreased, indicating a trend toward the typical
negative FC. The remaining three patients, showing an increase in
FC, can potentially be viewed as atypical responders. Future stud-
ies may clarify individual response patterns. Current understand-
ing of functional networks in depression is still incomplete15 and is
even less clear for depression as a comorbidity in AD. Our observa-
tion provides a possible functional basis for depression improvement
in AD.
This is the first demonstration of ameliorating depressive symptoms
in AD patients using ultrasound stimulation; however, there are limi-
tations to be considered. There was no sham stimulation as a control
condition. Nevertheless, the long-term course of BDI improvements
as well as the specificity of network changes render a pure placebo
effect unlikely.16 Additionally, our previous neuropsychological and
functional data showed that treatment response was confined to stim-
ulated areas.3Concerning treatment duration, our study stimulated
over a course of 2 to 4 weeks. Future studies may want to investigate
longer treatment periods as well as long-term functional outcomes.
Further, the small sample size (though comparable to other recent work
in this field14,17) limits any premature conclusions on the generalizabil-
ity of the findings.
In conclusion, we present evidence that ultrasound stimulation may
be a relevant add-on treatment option for depressive symptoms in
AD and possibly also in depression. For patients already on optimized
pharmacological therapy, this holds the possibility to improve, besides
memory functions, also depressive symptoms and increase quality
of life. While promising, further investigations are needed to better
understand stimulation effects on the functional basis of depressive
This work was supported by a research-cluster grant from the Medi-
cal University of Vienna and University of Vienna (SO10300020) and
by research grants from STORZ Medical (to R.B.). MRI methodology
was partially developed via support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF
KLIF455, to R.B.).
This work was supported by research grants from STORZ Medical
(including equipment, to R.B). R.B. is President of the Organization for
Human Brain Mapping Alpine Chapter and the Austrian Society for
fMRI (unpaid). E.M. received travel grants from the Austrian Research
Association (ÖFG). G.D. has nothing to declare.
Eva Matt
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How to cite this article: Matt E, Dörl G, Beisteiner R.
Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) improves depression in
AD patients on state-of-the-art treatment. Alzheimer’s Dement.
... Transcranial pulsed stimulation (TPS) is another sound-based technique different from ultrasound that provides short, repetitive shockwaves through a neuro-navigated device. Recent AD studies utilizing TPS reported scarce side effects and improvement in the Alzheimer's disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) and ADAS cognitive scores [14], and improvement of depression scores as reflected in the Becks Depression Inventory (BDI-II) accompanied by effects in functional connectivity (FC) after one session of TPS [15]. TPS induced neuroplasticity changes up to 1 week after the last stimulation within a 3-week experimental longitudinal protocol [16]. ...
... In the present exploratory study, our aim was to gain insight into brain network changes after the first session of TPS as reflected in electroencephalographic measures such as spectral power, crossfrequency coupling (cfc), coherence, and Tsallis entropy (TE). Based on previous reports indicating significantly lower FC between the left frontal orbital cortex and the right anterior insula after TPS [15], we expected changes particularly in brain cognitive networks involving frontal cortical areas. Nevertheless, strictly speaking, we had a priori no definite hypothesis on the neurophysiological effect of TPS due to the novelty of the technique. ...
Full-text available
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that dramatically affects cognitive abilities and represents the most common cause of dementia. Currently, pharmacological interventions represent the main treatment to deal with the symptoms of AD; however, alternative approaches are readily sought. Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) is an emerging non-invasive neuromodulation technique that uses short, repetitive shockwaves with the potential to provide a wide range of vascular, metabolic, and neurotrophic changes and that has recently been shown to improve cognitive abilities in AD. This exploratory study aims to gain insight into the neurophysiological effect of one session of TPS in AD as reflected in electroencephalographic measures, e.g., spectral power, coherence, Tsallis entropy (TE), and cross-frequency coupling (cfc). We document changes in power (frontal and occipital), coherence (frontal, occipital and temporal), and TE (temporal and frontal) as well as changes in cfc (parietal-frontal, parietal-temporal, frontal–temporal). Our results emphasize the role of electroencephalographic measures as prospective markers for the neurophysiological effect of TPS.
... Regarding AD cohorts, investigations utilizing TPS showed a reduction of depressive symptoms post-treatment (Cont et al., 2022) and up to 3 months (Beisteiner et al., 2019). A follow-up investigation in a subsample of Beisteiner et al. (2019) revealed that depressive alleviation was associated with normalization of functional connectivity between the salience network and the ventromedial network in AD (Matt et al., 2022a). Conversely, in individuals with mild neurocognitive disorders, there was no mitigation of depressive symptoms after TPS (Fong et al., 2023). ...
Full-text available
Unmatched by other non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, transcranial ultrasound (TUS) offers highly focal stimulation not only on the cortical surface but also in deep brain structures. These unique attributes are invaluable in both basic and clinical research and might open new avenues for treating neurological and psychiatric diseases. Here, we provide a concise overview of the expanding volume of clinical investigations in recent years and upcoming research initiatives concerning focused ultrasound neuromodulation. Currently, clinical TUS research addresses a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, such as pain, dementia, movement disorders, psychiatric conditions, epilepsy, disorders of consciousness, and developmental disorders. As demonstrated in sham-controlled randomized studies, TUS neuromodulation improved cognitive functions and mood, and alleviated symptoms in schizophrenia and autism. Further, preliminary uncontrolled evidence suggests relieved anxiety, enhanced motor functions in movement disorders, reduced epileptic seizure frequency, improved responsiveness in patients with minimally conscious state, as well as pain reduction after neuromodulatory TUS. While constrained by the relatively modest number of investigations, primarily consisting of uncontrolled feasibility trials with small sample sizes, TUS holds encouraging prospects for treating neuropsychiatric disorders. Larger sham-controlled randomized trials, alongside further basic research into the mechanisms of action and optimal sonication parameters, are inevitably needed to unfold the full potential of TUS neuromodulation.
... Moreover, stimulation of areas related to depression, like dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dPFC), appears to alleviate depressive symptoms and induces FC changes in AD patients. 31 Based on the glutamatergic systems that support both long-and shortrange neural connections across the brain, in the present study, we found reduced glutamatergic projection from ACC to vCA1 in the early stage of 53FAD mice by using electrophysiology and fiber photometry recording. The brain regions of ACC and vCA1 are areas highly sensitive to Ab effects and are also crucially involved in cognition and emotion regulation. ...
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Depressive symptoms usually precede the cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease (AD) and worsen the clinical outcome. However, the neural circuitry mediating early emotional dysfunction, especially depressive symptoms in AD, remains elusive. Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is closely related to depression and vulnerable in AD. By quantitative whole-brain mapping and electrophysiological recording, we found that the decreased axonal calcium activity in neurons of ACC and the glutamatergic projection from ACC to the ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) is significantly impaired in 3-month-old 5×FAD mice, which exhibit depressive-like phenotype before cognition defects in early stage. The activation of ACC-vCA1 circuit by chemogenetic manipulation efficiently ameliorated the early depressive-like behaviors in 5×FAD mice. We further identified the upregulated neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) in ACC impaired the excitatory synaptic transmission from the ACC to vCA1 in AD. Our work reveals the role of ACC-vCA1 circuit in regulating AD associated depression symptom in a mouse model of AD.
... Furthermore, resting-state functional connectivity between the left anterior cingulate cortex and left OFG was reduced in individuals with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder compared with healthy controls [19]. Matt et al. [20] used ultrasound brain stimulation as a clinical intervention for AD patients and reported post-intervention improvements in both cognitive function and depressive symptoms. In addition, functional connectivity differences between the salient network and left OFG were reduced compared with healthy controls. ...
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Background Although donepezil is a commonly used drug for treating Alzheimer's disease (AD), the mechanisms by which it affects patients’ functional brain activity, and thus modulates clinical symptoms, remain unclear. Methods In the present study, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and regional homogeneity (ReHo) to investigate the effects of donepezil on local brain activity in AD patients. Resting-state functional MRI data were collected from 32 subjects: 16 healthy controls and 16 AD patients. All 16 AD patients underwent 6 months of donepezil treatment and received two MRI scans (pre- and post-intervention). Analysis of covariance and post hoc analyses were used to compare ReHo differences among the healthy controls, pre-intervention AD patients, and post-intervention AD patients. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine relationships between ReHo values in differential brain regions and clinical symptoms. Results Compared with healthy controls, post-intervention AD patients had reduced ReHo in the orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus, and pre-intervention AD patients had reduced ReHo in the orbital part of the right inferior frontal gyrus. Pattern recognition models revealed that pre-intervention ReHo values in abnormal brain regions of AD patients were 76% accurate for predicting the efficacy of donepezil on cognitive function and 65% accurate for predicting its efficacy on depressive symptoms. Conclusions These findings deepen our understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying the clinical efficacy of donepezil in AD patients, and provide a novel way to predict its clinical efficacy in such patients.
... In another clinical study of AD patients with depression, LIFU stimulation was delivered to the DLPFC, inferior frontal cortex, bilateral parietal, and precuneus areas in short bursts. A significant reduction in Beck's depression inventory was observed as well as a normalization of functional connectivity between the insula and the frontal orbital cortex, respectively, relating to the salience and ventromedial networks [200]. In stroke patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment, repeated tFUS was applied to the bilateral frontal lobe and paired with memory and attention training. ...
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Cancer survivors are at a high risk for treatment-related late effects, particularly neurocognitive impairment in the attention and executive function domains. These can be compounded in pediatric populations still undergoing neural development, which has increased interest in survivorship studies and neurorehabilitation approaches to mitigate these effects. Cognitive training regimens have shown promise as a therapeutic intervention for improving cognitive function. Therapist-guided and computerized training programs with adaptive paradigms have been successfully implemented in pediatric populations, with positive outcomes on attention and working memory. Another interventional approach is neuromodulation to alter plasticity. Transcranial electrical stimulation can modulate cortical surface activity, and cranial nerve stimulation alters autonomic activity in afferent brainstem pathways. However, they are more systemic in nature and have diffuse spatial targeting. Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) modulation overcomes these limitations with high spatial specificity and the ability to target deeper brain regions. In this review, we discuss the efficacy of tFUS for modulating specific brain regions and its potential utility to augment cognitive training programs as a complementary intervention.
... Subsequently, another patient cohort experiencing post-stroke cognitive impairment demonstrated cognitive improvement through focused TUS in a RCT [120]. Apart from the cognitive improvement, TPS also improved depression scores and normalized connectivity in AD patients [121]. This effect was later tested in patients with MDD through a RCT, revealing a significant reduction in depressive symptoms lasting up to three months [122]. ...
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Over the past 30 years, the field of neuromodulation has witnessed remarkable advancements. These developments encompass a spectrum of techniques, both non-invasive and invasive, that possess the ability to both probe and influence the central nervous system. In many cases neuromodulation therapies have been adopted into standard care treatments. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) are the most common non-invasive methods in use today. Deep brain stimulation (DBS), spinal cord stimulation (SCS), and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), are leading surgical methods for neuromodulation. Ongoing active clinical trials using are uncovering novel applications and paradigms for these interventions.
... TPS is also a relatively newly developed neuromodulation method. It is received much interest as it is an ultrasoundbased brain stimulation [53]. Beisteiner introduced TPS into the clinical stage in 2020 [54]. ...
Focused ultrasound is a platform technology capable of eliciting a wide range of biological responses with high spatial precision deep within the body. Although focused ultrasound is already in clinical use for focal thermal ablation of tissue, there has been a recent growth in development and translation of ultrasound-mediated nonthermal therapies. These approaches exploit the physical forces of ultrasound to produce a range of biological responses dependent on exposure conditions. This review discusses recent advances in four application areas that have seen particular growth and have immense clinical potential: brain drug delivery, neuromodulation, focal tissue destruction, and endogenous immune system activation. Owing to the maturation of transcranial ultrasound technology, the brain is a major target organ; however, clinical indications outside the brain are also discussed.
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Existing pharmacological treatments for mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD) offer limited effectiveness and adverse side effects. Transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) utilizing ultrashort ultrasound pulses reaches deep brain regions and may circumvent conductivity issues associated with brain stimulation. This study addresses the gap in TPS research for mild NCD during a critical intervention period before irreversible cognitive degradation. Our objective was to explore the effectiveness and tolerability of TPS in older adults with mild NCD. In an open-label study, 17 older adults (including 10 females and 7 males) with mild NCD underwent TPS for two weeks with three sessions per week. Cognitive evaluations and fMRI scans were conducted pre- and post-intervention. The results indicated changes in functional connectivity in key brain regions, correlating with cognitive improvement at B = 0.087 (CI, 0.007–0.167; p = 0.038). However, cortical thickness measurements showed no significant differences. Here we show that TPS can enhance cognitive function within mild NCD. This proof-of-concept study suggests that TPS has potential as a non-invasive therapy used to attenuate cognitive decline, encouraging further investigation in larger randomized trials. The findings could influence clinical practice by introducing TPS as an adjunctive treatment option and potentially impact policy by promoting its inclusion in new treatment strategies for mild NCD.
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Introduction: Ultrasound for the brain is a revolutionary therapeutic concept. The first clinical data indicate that 2-4 weeks of therapy with transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) improve functional networks and cognitive performance of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients for up to 3 months. No data currently exist on possible benefits concerning brain morphology, namely the cortical atrophy characteristic of AD. Methods: We performed a pre-/post-therapy analysis of cortical thickness in a group of N = 17 AD patients. Results: We found a significant correlation between neuropsychological improvement and cortical thickness increase in AD-critical brain areas. Discussion: AD patients who benefit from TPS appear to manifest reduced cortical atrophy within the default mode network in particular, whose memory-related subsystems are believed to be disrupted in AD. TPS may therefore hold promise as a new add-on therapy for AD.
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Purpose: Increasing attention has been paid to low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) for its potential therapeutic effects in Alzheimer's disease (AD). While preclinical studies have shown promising therapeutic effects of low-intensity tFUS in AD models, its efficacy and safety remain unclear in humans. In this pilot study, we investigated the effects of low-intensity tFUS on blood-brain barrier opening, the regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglu), and cognition in patients with AD. Methods: After receiving institutional review board approval, four patients with AD received tFUS to the hippocampus immediately after an intravenous injection of a microbubble ultrasound contrast agent. Sonication was delivered at low-intensity, at a pressure level below the threshold for blood-brain barrier opening. Patients underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging, 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography, and neuropsychological assessments before and after the tFUS procedure. A whole-brain voxel-wise paired t test was conducted to compare rCMRglu before and after tFUS. Results: The sonication, as anticipated, did not show evidence of active blood-brain barrier opening on T1 dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. rCMRglu in the superior frontal gyrus (P<0.001), middle cingulate gyrus (P<0.001), and fusiform gyrus increased after tFUS (P=0.001). Patients demonstrated mild improvement in measures of memory, executive, and global cognitive function following tFUS. No adverse events were reported. Conclusion: These results suggest that hippocampal sonication with low-intensity tFUS may have beneficial effects on cerebral glucose metabolism and cognitive function in patients with AD. Further larger studies are needed to confirm the therapeutic efficacy of tFUS in AD.
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Brain diseases are one of the most important problems in our rapidly ageing society. Currently, there are not many effective medications and surgical options are limited due to invasiveness and non‐invasive brain stimulation techniques cannot be well targeted and cannot access deep brain areas. A novel therapy is transcranial ultrasound which allows a variety of treatments without opening of the skull. Recent technological developments generated three revolutionary options including 1) targeted non‐invasive surgery, 2) highly targeted drug, antibody, or gene therapy via local opening of the blood–brain barrier, and 3) highly targeted brain stimulation to improve pathological brain functions. This progress report summarizes the current state of the art for clinical application and the results of recent patient investigations.
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Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) is an emerging method for non-invasive neuromodulation akin to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). tFUS offers several advantages over electromagnetic methods including high spatial resolution and the ability to reach deep brain targets. Here we describe two experiments assessing whether tFUS could modulate mood in healthy human volunteers by targeting the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), an area implicated in mood and emotional regulation. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, participants received 30 s of 500 kHz tFUS or a placebo control. Visual Analog Mood Scales (VAMS) assessed mood four times within an hour (baseline and three times after tFUS). Participants who received tFUS reported an overall increase in Global Affect (GA), an aggregate score from the VAMS scale, indicating a positive shift in mood. Experiment 2 examined resting-state functional (FC) connectivity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) following 2 min of 500 kHz tFUS at the rIFG. As in Experiment 1, tFUS enhanced self-reported mood states and also decreased FC in resting state networks related to emotion and mood regulation. These results suggest that tFUS can be used to modulate mood and emotional regulation networks in the prefrontal cortex.
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Ultrasound‐based brain stimulation techniques may become a powerful new technique to modulate the human brain in a focal and targeted manner. However, for clinical brain stimulation no certified systems exist and the current techniques have to be further developed. Here, a clinical sonication technique is introduced, based on single ultrashort ultrasound pulses (transcranial pulse stimulation, TPS) which markedly differs from existing focused ultrasound techniques. In addition, a first clinical study using ultrasound brain stimulation and first observations of long term effects are presented. Comprehensive feasibility, safety, and efficacy data are provided. They consist of simulation data, laboratory measurements with rat and human skulls and brains, in vivo modulations of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in healthy subjects (sham controlled) and clinical pilot data in 35 patients with Alzheimer's disease acquired in a multicenter setting (including neuropsychological scores and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)). Preclinical results show large safety margins and dose dependent neuromodulation. Patient investigations reveal high treatment tolerability and no major side effects. Neuropsychological scores improve significantly after TPS treatment and improvement lasts up to three months and correlates with an upregulation of the memory network (fMRI data). The results encourage broad neuroscientific application and translation of the method to clinical therapy and randomized sham‐controlled clinical studies. A new clinical brain stimulation technique is introduced, based on single ultrashort ultrasound pulses (transcranial pulse stimulation, TPS). Comprehensive feasibility, safety, and efficacy data for this new therapy are provided. Two weeks TPS treatment of 35 Alzheimer's patients reveals high treatment tolerability, no major side effects, and improved memory performance lasting up to three months.
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Ultrasound (US) is recognized for its use in medical imaging as a diagnostic tool. As an acoustic energy source, US has become increasingly appreciated over the past decade for its ability to non-invasively modulate cellular activity including neuronal activity. Data obtained from a host of experimental models has shown that low-intensity US can reversibly modulate the physiological activity of neurons in peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and intact brain circuits. Experimental evidence indicates that acoustic pressures exerted by US act, in part, on mechanosensitive ion channels to modulate activity. While the precise mechanisms of action enabling US to both stimulate and suppress neuronal activity remain to be clarified, there are several advantages conferred by the physics of US that make it an appealing option for neuromodulation. For example, it can be focused with millimeter spatial resolutions through skull bone to deep-brain regions. By increasing our engineering capability to leverage such physical advantages while growing our understanding of how US affects neuronal function, the development of a new generation of non-invasive neurotechnology can be developed using ultrasonic methods.
Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a disruptive medical technology, and its implementation in the clinic represents the culmination of decades of research. Lying at the convergence of physics, engineering, imaging, biology and neuroscience, FUS offers the ability to non-invasively and precisely intervene in key circuits that drive common and challenging brain conditions. The actions of FUS in the brain take many forms, ranging from transient blood-brain barrier opening and neuromodulation to permanent thermoablation. Over the past 5 years, we have seen a dramatic expansion of indications for and experience with FUS in humans, with a resultant exponential increase in academic and public interest in the technology. Applications now span the clinical spectrum in neurological and psychiatric diseases, with insights still emerging from preclinical models and human trials. In this Review, we provide a comprehensive overview of therapeutic ultrasound and its current and emerging indications in the brain. We examine the potential impact of FUS on the landscape of brain therapies as well as the challenges facing further advancement and broader adoption of this promising minimally invasive therapeutic alternative.
Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) provides a noninvasive neuromodulation method that has greater spatial precision than existing methods. The present study examined TUS, for the first time, as a potential depression intervention. Twenty-four college students with mild to moderate depression were randomly assigned to an Active TUS Condition or Placebo TUS (no power administered). Participants completed five TUS sessions within seven days. Although depression scores did not change differentially for TUS/Placebo, trait worry decreased in the Active TUS Condition and increased in the Placebo condition. Additionally, those in TUS Active Condition had an increase in global affect over the course of the study, whereas those in the Placebo Condition did not. These results have significant implications for the potential utility of TUS as an intervention for anxiety disorders or worry-related psychopathology, warranting future investigation of the impact of TUS in a larger sample.
Background: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is thought to be effective in alleviating cognitive symptoms in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), but the mechanisms related to network modification are poorly understood. Objective: Here we tested rTMS efficacy and explored the effect of rTMS-induced changes in the default mode network (DMN) and their predictive value for treatment response. Methods: Twenty-one subjects clinically diagnosed with aMCI were recruited to complete a 10-session randomized and sham-controlled rTMS treatment targeting the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging in tandem with neuropsychological assessments were administered before and after the intervention. Changes in functional connectivity of the DMN and relevant brain regions, as well as the correlations between baseline functional connectivity and clinical rating scales were calculated in order to elucidate the mechanism of treatment response to rTMS therapy. Results: Compared to the sham group, the rTMS group achieved improvement of neuropsychological performance and significant functional connectivity changes within the DMN. Group×Time interactions were found between posterior cingulate gyrus and right fusiform gyrus (F (1,19) = 17.154, p = 0.001), and also left anterior cingulate gyrus (F (1,19) = 3.908, p = 0.063), showing an rTMS-induced deactivation of functional connectivity within the DMN. Baseline functional connectivity analysis of seeds within the DMN in the rTMS group revealed negative correlation with AVLT-Recognition score changes. Conclusion: rTMS-induced hypoconnectivity within DMN is associated with clinical cognitive improvements in patients with aMCI. Further, pre-rTMS baseline activity of the DMN at rest may be a predictor for favorable rTMS treatment response.