
Public library needs assessment to build a community-based library: Triangulation method with a social media data analysis

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Public libraries must respond to the needs of the communities they serve in order to remain relevant, but assessing these needs is especially challenging in the midst of the rapid development of information technology. This study examines needs assessments to understand the user community, library services, and expected sources to determine user needs regarding space and services. The research employed a mixed-method approach including semi-structured interviews, a questionnaire assessment, and Social Network Site (SNS) big data analysis. The study assessed the needs and characteristics of users and non-users at Yongsan-gu Public Library, South Korea. Data collected were used to examine how the library was affected by COVID-19, the steps it taken to adjust and provide services, and how users have adapted to library use during the pandemic. The research results provide direction for building a future public library in regions that lack cultural infrastructure. The results also demonstrate that it is necessary to construct infrastructure linked to cultural projects by creating complex cultural and user-oriented spaces.

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... Studies [11] and [12] focused on performing analysis using social media data to understand more about the public needs of public and community libraries. Data was collected through online questionnaires with users and visitors of a public library and also through social media [11]. ...
... Studies [11] and [12] focused on performing analysis using social media data to understand more about the public needs of public and community libraries. Data was collected through online questionnaires with users and visitors of a public library and also through social media [11]. Furthermore, interviews were also conducted with the librarians from the same library. ...
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Library is a place that contains various resources and materials. Many invaluable knowledge can be found in the library. By analysing the library’s data, it is possible to obtain information that can further improve its services. This research aims to extract information from Multimedia University (MMU) library and present insightful visualization of the information to enhance the library administration. At present, the library does not have information on the book preferences of the library users. The book preferences statistics can be relatively helpful as the library will know what books can be imported in the future. By doing so, more people will visit the library and they will have more related books to use as reference or to read. In addition, there are no existing dashboards to display information on all borrowers, no visitor. In the absence of this, this research adopts the data science methodology to determine the book preferences of library users by using machine learning techniques such as clustering and classification. Lastly, a dashboard will be developed to display all the findings which includes statistics on the visitors and book preferences.
... From the results of these interviews, it was concluded that libraries need to expand their field of services, not only organizing academic-related activity programs, but also organizing cultural activity programs, recreational activities, and social support service programs (Suchá 2021). This study is in line with the research findings of Shin et al. stated which states that the current library transformation is not solely for developing digital and academic aspects, and that library managers need to remember the availability of infrastructure which is intended for users who need information about culture, and so it is important to create a cultural space in the library (Shin et al. 2022). These two studies argue that the library's transformation is not only related to digitalization. ...
... The third discourse entitled Libraries as Creative Economy Driving Platforms This is in line with the results of research which states that libraries help improve living standards in the long term (Cigarini et al. 2021), and increase community resilience (Shin et al. 2022). But the current reality is not the case, because the library is currently only seen as a place to support academic activities such as publication of research results, and as a pioneer of the literacy movement (Merga 2021). ...
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Background and objectives: Library has entered a new phase in midst of a society currently in the digital native era. However, instead of being prepared for the transformation, the library is faced with a never-ending dilemma. Therefore, it’s important to know the extent to which the public requires this transformation. This can be seen through the discourses that appear on social media. Methods: The method used is Teun A. van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which analyzes text, social cognition and social context. Data was collected from the Brand24 website using library as keyword and the final data found comprises 6 texts from social media twitter, 61 texts from news, 7 texts from blogs and 8 texts from websites. Results: Discourse on social media has shifted to no longer talk about conventional libraries which are only limited to narrow spaces reserved for bookworms. Discourses that appear on social media about libraries have undergone a transformation which is seen as a public space that has very broad and unlimited functions. Conclusions: Based on the review and analysis of the data, it was concluded that the current public discourse has shifted towards no longer comparing libraries with more modern public spaces, but instead focuses on how libraries can transform to accommodate the needs of society in this era of digital natives.
... Reconhece-se que a biblioteca pública é um espaço de trocas entre pessoas, não se limitando somente a livros, mas ações que possam ser desenvolvidas pela e para a comunidade. Essa perspectiva vai ao encontro do que dizem Shin, Jeon & Lee (2022), que pontuam que as bibliotecas públicas se integram como plataformas de conhecimento que respondam eficazmente às necessidades dos cidadãos por espaços de informação e de atividade cultural. ...
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Investigação que objetivou identificar os instrumentos de representação da informação e vocabulários controlados utilizados pelas bibliotecas públicas estaduais no Brasil, bem como o grau de conhecimento dos respondentes sobre tais. Método: Tratou-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, que fez uso de questionários mistos, subdividido em onze blocos de perguntas abertas e fechadas. A amostra real foi composta por 18 bibliotecas estaduais, cujo levantamento das instituições foi realizado no Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas (SNBP). A análise dos resultados seguiu as diretrizes metodológicas da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciaram uma padronização dos processos, não fazendo distinção de localidade. Explicita a predominância na utilização do Pergamum, do MARC21 e do Código de Catalogação Anglo Americano (AACR2), enquanto Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU) e Classificação Decimal de Dewey (CDD) apresentaram poucas menções. Os vocabulários controlados, também apresentaram uma baixa adesão nas respostas, sendo a Lista de Cabeçalhos de Assunto os instrumentos mais mencionados pelas instituições participantes da pesquisa. Conclusões: Constatou-se a persistência em dinâmicas de trabalhos manuais e ficando restrita ao profissional da informação, a exemplo o uso de tabelas de assunto internas, fichas catalográficas manuais, dentre outras. Concluiu-se advogando-se pelo fortalecimento de políticas que contribuam com a capacitação dos bibliotecários atuantes nas bibliotecas públicas estaduais, de modo que estes atualizem-se perante os instrumentos de representação da informação.
... The library has been recognized for having a preponderant role in society since it contributes to social development, facing great challenges over time (Vargas, 2012;Shin & Lee, 2022). In Colombia, this institution's fundamental purpose is to increase social capital, promote inclusion, generating equity, education and well-being; gaining special importance in the post-conflict period (Castro et al., 2013;Jaramillo, 2016). ...
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The present research aims to carry out a study on the supply of public libraries in Colombia and the variables that determine their demand. To analyze the supply, the Directory of Public Libraries provided by the National Library of Colombia is used, and the data of demand for libraries is analyzed through a probit econometric model, using microdata from the Cultural Consumption Survey implemented by the National Department of Statistics (DANE). The results obtained from this research show the geographical distribution of the supply of public libraries in the country, by regions and departments, and in the analysis of the demand, it can be determined that the educational level is the most decisive factor in the use of the public library. In general, this study reveals that young and single people are those who are most likely to use these facilities as well as women and people who are inactive. JEL classification: C5, N3, O12, R22, Z11.
... Thus, librarians are critical architects of global information providers, educators, and knowledge managers in order to defend the world from ignorance, disease, and poverty. However, instead of being a passive repository for recorded knowledge, libraries must be a creative collaborative space that encourages innovative thinking in order to adapt to the modern and evolving information society (Shin et al., 2022). ...
This entry explains the role of libraries in the information society, by providing conceptual clarification of the basic concepts. Furthermore, the library as a socio-cultural institution is discussed to establish the roles of libraries in providing information services, regardless of socio-economic status. The changing roles of the library in the information society are highlighted vis-à-vis the paradigm shift occasioned by the adoption of ICTs in the library. Relevant skills and competencies required of libraries in the information society are also underscored. Conclusion is drawn from the discourse on roles of libraries in the modern information society.
... The data collection method uses a triangulation approach. A triangulation method collects secondary data (documents), interviews, and field observations (Hopf et al., 2016;Moleong, 2018;Shin et al., 2022). Secondary data includes captive licensing documents, documents related to deer population regulation and management, captive management institutional documents, and captive assessment documents by the authorized institution (BKSDA). ...
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The current Javan deer breeding development has shown encouraging results. Some obstacles are still encountered in developing captive Javan deer. Information about the management and the problem of Javan deer captive breeding still needs to be improved. This research is aimed to provide the variations in the management of captive Javan deer and to obtain various problems encountered in managing captive Javan deer. The research will be carried out in several captive Javan deer, namely the Javan deer captivity Maliran, KPH Blitar, and KPH Ngawi (Perhutani). Bunder Javan deer captive breeding (BKSDA Yogyakarta) and CV. Bahtera Satwa (Private javan deer captive breeding). The data collection method used a triangulation method which collects secondary data, interviews, and field observations. Secondary data includes documents related to deer population regulation and management. The interview was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire. Field Observation is intended to verify and obtain more detailed information about the verifier to be assessed. The result showed captive design and breeding facilities already have the appropriate equipment. Recording of logbook/studbook data has been done. Population management indicates the development of the population, which has increased from the initial population. The feed given, on average, is already a combination of forage and supplementary feed. Only one captive Javan deer has utilized the results of captive breeding. The constraints and problems faced are the population problems such as frequent deaths, low productivity, and the sex ratio that is close to not ideal. Human resources and the new system still need to improve digitization efforts in recording and reporting. The permit application system must adapt to the newly introduced One Single Submission (OSS). Management operational costs are still limited. There are variations in the management of captive Javan deer that have been carried out. Some constraints and problems are often encountered in managing captive Javan deer. Some problems can then be sought for solutions through innovations in captive management.
... The library has been recognized for having a preponderant role in society since it contributes to social development, facing great challenges over time (Vargas, 2012;Shin & Lee, 2022). In Colombia, this institution's fundamental purpose is to increase social capital, promote inclusion, generating equity, education and well-being; gaining special importance in the post-conflict period (Castro et al., 2013;Jaramillo, 2016). ...
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The present research aims to carry out a study on the supply of public libraries in Colombia and the variables that determine their demand. To analyze the supply, the Directory of Public Libraries provided by the National Library of Colombia is used, and the data of demand for libraries is analyzed through a probit econometric model, using microdata from the Cultural Consumption Survey implemented by the National Department of Statistics (DANE). The results obtained from this research show the geographical distribution of the supply of public libraries in the country, by regions and departments, and in the analysis of the demand, it can be determined that the educational level is the most decisive factor in the use of the public library. In general, this study reveals that young and single people are those who are most likely to use these facilities as well as women and people who are inactive.
... Os estudos observados tendem a definir não-usuários como aqueles que não utilizam o produto e servido de uma determinada unidade de informação (Cannon, 1990;McCarthy, 1994;Sridhar, 1994;Suaiden, 1995;Fernandes, 2012;Harris, 2013;McConnell, 2017;Silvestre Estela & Cunha, 2017;Bangar & Panage, 2018;Jaikumar, Raja, & Sar avanan, 2018;Fujiwara, Lawton, & Mourato, 2019;Bannwart & Minich, 2020;Blaylock & Arriol, 2021;Ujo, 2021;Shin, Jeon, & Lee, 2022), também denominados de "nunca-usuários" (Fernández-Ardèvol, 2018), algo que dificulta diferenciar não-usuários de usuários potenciais (Brunskill & Hanneke, 2021). ...
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Os estudos de não-usuários são frequentemente negligenciados pela área de informação. Investigações dessa natureza enfrentam desafios para obter diagnósticos. Diante disso, defende-se a realização de estudos que compreendam tanto usuários quanto não-usuários de informação, abordando diferentes enfoques e concepções a esse respeito. Objetiva-se ampliar miradas epistemológicas, éticas e políticas no campo de estudos de usuários de informação. Para tanto, foi realizada revisão de liter atura sobre enfoques e concepções de usuários e de não-usuários de informação. Os referenciais teóricos abordaram contribuições e limitações dos conceitos em questão. O termo "não-usuário de informação" pode ser empregado para abordar sujeitos ignorados ou fora do interesse da área de informação. Políticas públicas em informação, educação e cultura têm buscado converter esses não-usuários em público, promovendo a cultura "socialmente" valorizada. No entanto, instituições de mediação também podem reconhecer a cultura dos não-usuários e valorizar suas situações de necessidades informacionais em contexto. Considerar os estudos de usuários e não-usuários aporta benefícios para o campo e para a sociedade, ao trabalhar com uma concepção inclusiva e abrangente. Ainda assim, mesmo esses estudos podem não incluir outros processos, como a leitura e a apropriação da informação em determinados contextos, ou mesmo desconsiderar comportamentos e práticas informacionais na vida cotidiana, ou seja, não relacionados a sistemas de informação institucionalizados. É importante refletir sobre as escolhas epistemológicas e teórico-metodológicas para a realização de estudos dessa natureza. Tais decisões refletem, política e eticamente, a visão de mundo dos docentes, dos pesquisadores e dos profissionais de informação e podem dar voz e protagonismo para uns e silenciar e invisibilizar outros. Keywords: usuário de informação; não-usuário de informação; público; não-público; estudos de usuários de informação. 1 Introdução Os estudos envolvendo não-usuários frequentemente são negligenciados ou omitidos devido à maior demanda de trabalho, de tempo e/ou de recursos necessários (Brunskill & Hanneke, 2021), posto que eles têm o desafio de abordar uma parcela significativa da população (Schlichter & Pemberton, 1992; Borteye, Atiso, & Knust, 2018), algo que dificulta a obtenção de diagnósticos (Brunskill & Hanneke, 2021). A presente investigação defende a possibilidade de estudos que abranjam a relação entre sujeito e informação, considerando tanto usuários quanto não-usuários de informação. São analisados diferentes enfoques e concepções sobre esses sujeitos e suas contribuições e implicações para a pesquisa e atuação profissional em informação. Assim, se objetiva ampliar as miradas epistemológicas, éticas e políticas no campo de estudos de usuários de informação. O campo de estudos de usuários de informação-relacionado aos estudos de busca de informação-está consolidado em áreas como biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, documentação (doravante denominadas "área de informação"). Nele se investiga, dentre outros aspectos, as necessidades e os processos de busca, de uso e de apropriação de informação. Não obstante, outras expressões, orientadas por distintos prismas teóricos, em certas ocasiões, têm sido empregadas como representativas do campo ou como direcionamentos de ação neste, como é o caso dos estudos de comportamento informacional ou das práticas informacionais.
... The studies here considered tend to define non-users as those who do not utilize the product provided by a given information unit (Bannwart & Minich, 2020;Blaylock & Arriol, 2021;Bangar & Panage, 2018;Cannon, 1990;Fernandes, 2012;Harris 2013;Jaikumar & Saravanan, 2018;McCarthy, 1994;McConnell, 2017;Sridhar, 1994;Suaiden, 1995;Silvestre Estela & Cunha, 2017;Shin, Jeon, & Lee, 2022;Ujo, 2021;Fujiwara, Lawton, & Mourato, 2019), also called "never-users" (Fernández-Ardèvol, Ferran-Ferrer, Nieto-Arroyo, & Fenoll, 2018), which makes it difficult to differentiate non-users from potential users (Brunskill & Hanneke, 2021). ...
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Studies on non-users are often neglected in the area of information. Such research studies face challenges to obtain diagnostics. This article defends the realization of studies comprehending both information users and non-users, approaching different focuses and conceptions. The theoretical frameworks approached contributions and limitations of these concepts. The term “information non-user” can be employed to approach subjects ignored or out of interest in the area of information. Public policies on information, education, and culture seek to convert such non-users into users, as they promote the “socially” valued culture. However, mediating institutions may also acknowledge the culture of non-users and appreciate their informational needs and situations in context. Considering the studies on users and non-users bring benefits for the field and the society, working with a wide, inclusive conception. Yet, such studies may not include other processes, such as information reading and appropriation in certain contexts, or even disregard informational behaviors and practices in everyday life. It is important to reflect on epistemological and theoretical–methodological choices to perform such studies. These decisions reflect, politically and ethically, a worldview from professors, researchers, and professionals in the field of information, which can give voice and a leading role for such, while rendering others silent and invisible.
... Librarians will have the power to collect data analysis of things like how many likes are out there, how many posts per week, and engagement in a given week as social media administrators. Analytic types are found in various social media channels used and explained by libraries to provide these types of analytics [83]. Librarians are also helping decision makers to understand how users react to issues put on the site and what they do about it, by providing them with live dashboards from their social media tools. ...
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Social media play a vital role in libraries today. This study aims to explore the capabilities have in social media and its effect on librarians’ efficiency. This article briefly explains the dynamic capabilities of social media that contribute to librarian efficiency. Four capabilities have been identified from the literature review: (i) information processing capability, (ii) relationship capability, (iii) service innovation capability, and (iv) tools capability. Each of the capabilities has its criteria and characteristics. All the capabilities support the libraries to fulfill their user's needs. The dynamic capabilities of social media contributed to librarians’ efficiency in many aspects such as literacy skills, reference, and user services. This article also shared the experience of academic libraries in Western Uttar Pradesh, New Zealand, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia in using social media for librarians’ efficiency. This study will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiencies of the librarians in organizing the libraries.
... Kinerja kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam mencapai hasil pendidikan yang bermutu baik, berorientasi pada kebutuhan dan perkembangan zaman menjadi tujuan pendidikan secara efektif, efesien, produktif dan akuntabel. Hal ini di dukung oleh tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat akan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, budaya dan seni (Shin et al., 2022;Sopian, 2016). Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang mengacu pada kebutuhan pendidikan di era revolusi 4.0 mengharuskan kepala sekolah melek akan perkembangan kebutuhan dan tuntutan, kepala sekolah harus mampu meningkat, menggali, memberdayakan dan bertanggung jawab dalam hal mutu pendidikan disekolah. ...
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Kinerja kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam mencapai hasil pendidikan yang bermutu baik, berorientasi pada kebutuhan dan perkembangan zaman menjadi tujuan pendidikan secara efektif, efesien, produktif dan akuntabel, akan tetapi kenyataan dilapangan masih banyak guru-guru yang belum mampu mengusai teknologi dalam membantu proses pembelajaran pada era digitalisasi ini, sehingga hal ini mengakibatkan adanya kendala dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan disekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat upaya-upaya manajemen kepemimpinan yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatan kompetensi guru pada era revolusi 4.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah beberapa sekolah yang berada di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Data yang diperoleh melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dan survei. Analisis data bersifat induktif dengan hasil penelitian lebih menekankan makna. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa guru yang memiliki kompetensi pada bidang TIK masih dalam kategori cukup atau diartikan sangat rendah yaitu dengan perolehan 58,25% artinya hanya sebagian guru saja di wilayah pesisir selatan yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menguasai TIK untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran disekolah, angka ini berbading sangat rendah dengan jumlah peserta didik yang mampu menguasai teknologi dibandingkan dengan dapat menggunakan internet mencapai 77.42 % dengan penilaian TPR 78,33% pada kategori baik. Implikasi penelitian ini diharapkan manajemen kepemimpinan kepada sekolah pada era revolusi 4.0 yang secara khusus dilakukan pada daerah Pesisir Selatan memiliki peranan yang sangat diperlukan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan disekolah peranan.
... A triangulation method is used to collect secondary data (documents), interviews, and field observations (Thamhain 2014;Hopf et al. 2016;Moleong 2018;Shin et al. 2022). Secondary data includes captive licensing documents, documents related to deer population regulation and management (origin of deer, genealogy, marking/tagging, and population development reports), captive management institutional documents, and captive assessment documents by the authorized institution (BKSDA). ...
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Subeno, Pudyatmoko S, Imron MA, Widi TSM. 2022. The importance of regulatory compliance in wildlife captive breeding: Case study from deer captive breeding in Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 6128-6136. Indonesia has five deer species that the Indonesian government protects. Among these deer, Javan deer (Rusa timorensis) and sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) have received conservation attention through captive breeding. Despite this conservation approach being applied for these two species, a review on captive breeding implementation is still lacking. This research aimed to assess the management of captive breeding of two deer species, which will support the natural population of endangered species in Indonesia. A triangulation method is used to collect secondary data (documents), interviews, and field observations in Parengan of East Java for Javan deer and Dumai of Riau for sambar deer. Then we assessed the management aspect and the ability of captive breeding to contribute to the release program using descriptive qualitative analysis. The Pertamina RU 2 Dumai sambar deer captive breeding has been carried out since 2016. However, during four years of management, the documents required for captive management, assessed by the Nature Resources Conservation Agency (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam/BKSDA), were not fully available. Consequently, the population increment in captive breeding could not participate in the release program. The Parengan Javan deer captive breeding was built in 2014. Management documents, population and habitat management were carried out intensively. As a result of the assessment by BKSDA East Java, this captive breeding received an excellent value (A). The population development showed an increasing trend. The results of this population development are then taken 10% to be released into the wild. In 2018, 4 captive-breed Javan deer were released in their natural habitat of Tahura R. Soeryo, East Java. The implication is that captive breeding, which is managed through proper management of population, habitat, and infrastructure, can contribute to supporting the addition of wildlife populations in their natural habitats.
... Particularmente, en el contexto latinoamericano la innovación no implica de manera forzosa el despliegue de tecnologías o recursos sofisticados, sino el uso creativo de los recursos disponibles y la adopción de ideas y herramientas de origen diverso para responder a las necesidades de la comunidad (Nieves, 2019;Donghee, Jeon y Lee, 2022). Una de las experiencias paradigmáticas más notoria es la del Biblioburro, una biblioteca itinerante que nace como una forma tradicional de llevar la lectura en físico a los niños de pueblos aislados en Colombia, además de ser fuentes valiosas de conservación de la memoria, de acercamiento al saber y a la cultura, así como de cohesión comunitaria, conforman también elementos para la transformación social, sobre todo en comunidades aisladas y con escasos recursos (Cárdenas, 2019;Domínguez, 2018;Barrios y Romero, 2018). ...
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El objetivo principal es analizar la articulación de las bibliotecas comunitarias como beneficiarias de la relación entre la universidad, la empresa y la sociedad, y las estrategias utilizadas para seguir prestando servicios durante la pandemia de coronavirus. Esta investigación descriptiva se llevó a cabo desde una perspectiva etnometodológica. Los resultados muestran que, ante una pandemia como la del coronavirus, las bibliotecas públicas no son suficientemente reconocidas por las autoridades locales, a pesar de ser consideradas centros de apoyo al aprendizaje. En conclusión, las bibliotecas de este tipo, aunque son de gran beneficio para la población itinerante y humilde, no reciben donaciones del Estado, por lo que los interesados en promover estas iniciativas en el contexto actual afirman que representa una oportunidad para reinventar y valorar las bibliotecas, dando a conocer su apoyo como intermediaria entre el conocimiento y la cultura, siendo necesario innovar con tecnología en las zonas con conexión a Internet o utilizar opciones como el bibliobús para acceder de forma presencial a territorios de menor conectividad, respetando y cumpliendo en todo momento las normas de bioseguridad.
... By comparing the financial insurance security (FIS) model with the multilayer perceptron (MLP) model, the back propagation (BP) model, and the stacked autoencoder (SAE) model, the comparison indicators are mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and error rate (ER) values. And, the calculation of these indicators is as follows [23]: ...
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To ensure safe development of the financial and insurance industry and promote the continuous growth of the social economy, the theory and its role of deep learning are firstly analyzed. Secondly, the security of financial and insurance and bankruptcy probability are discussed. Finally, an analytical model of the security bankruptcy probability of financial and insurance is designed through a deep learning model, and the model is evaluated comprehensively. The research results manifest that first, the designed security evaluation of the financial and insurance industry based on the deep learning and bankruptcy probability analysis model not only has strong learning ability but also can effectively reduce its own calculation error through short-time learning. Then, by comparing with other models, it is found that the designed model has a stronger ability to control various errors than other models, and the overall error rate of the model can be reduced to about 20%. At last, the data training indicates that the model designed by the deep learning method can accurately and effectively predict the basic situation of the financial and insurance industry, the minimum error can reach 0, and the highest is only about 3. The research provides a technical reference for the development of the financial and insurance industry and contributes to the prosperity of the social economy.
... AR may be used for headphones and/or digital devices like tablets, smartphones, and even desktop computers. Software, sensors, and digital projectors make up the systems, which enable digital displays to be projected onto real-world objects [26]. Since augmented reality has the ability to change what is actually happening, it is a great fit for libraries. ...
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Library service through mobile technology is a recent trend in library service. Mobile technology and its development have given rise to the excitement of faculty and student fraternity. This type of infrastructure needed by libraries to provide such services. The awareness about technologies like Mobile based services, Augmented Reality, Gamification, Internet of Things applications. The method opted for the study is descriptive and the tool used for collecting information is web survey. Literature related to emerging trends in libraries was collected from similar projects and other related articles from web. The project was started by analysing the technological developments in various libraries, kinds and new trends that emerged recently. Relevant data regarding the topic is also collected from scholarly publications and online databases to review the benefits, usage and the importance of emerging technology trends in libraries. This topic deals with new developments and techniques that are evolving in libraries. Some of the new trends are identified in this work. The limitation of the study is that, as many innovations are being introduced and also developed, only a selected number of technologies are included in the study.
El concepto de comunidad es ampliamente utilizado en las ciencias sociales, perosu uso polisémico y general puede limitar la comprensión de realidades socialescomplejas. Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el concepto de comunidad a partirde un análisis sistemático de su uso en la literatura académica de 2022. Se priorizaron2430 artículos académicos y se analizaron 7 categorías conceptuales donde seevidencia una diversidad de enfoques y perspectivas, pero también una falta de claridadconceptual y una falta de atención a la simetría de los actores humanos y no humanosen la construcción de comunidades.
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El concepto de comunidad es ampliamente utilizado en las ciencias sociales, pero su uso polisémico y general puede limitar la comprensión de realidades sociales complejas. Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el concepto de comunidad a partir de un análisis sistemático de su uso en la literatura académica de 2022. Se priorizaron 2430 artículos académicos y se analizaron 7 categorías conceptuales donde se evidencia una diversidad de enfoques y perspectivas, pero también una falta de claridad conceptual y una falta de atención a la simetría de los actores humanos y no humanos en la construcción de comunidades.
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Badania dotyczące wykorzystania mediów społecznościowych przez biblioteki są coraz częstsze, ale nie koncentrują się tylko na porównywaniu sposobów oceny treści publikowanych za pośrednictwem mediów. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano raporty z badań oceniających zawartość profili w mediach społecznościowych wybranych bibliotek, wskazując zastosowane metody badawcze, wielkość wykorzystanych prób i najczęściej poruszane tematy. Zastosowano zarówno metody badań deklaratywnych, jak i analizy treści, które ujawniły, że badacze badali biblioteczne media społecznościowe na różne sposoby i zwracali uwagę na różne aspekty aktywności bibliotek w mediach społecznościowych. Wyniki badania mogą pomóc bibliotekom lepiej zaplanować, operacyjnie i strategicznie, jak skuteczniej korzystać z mediów społecznościowych.
The authors investigate into inconsistency between the purpose of the library as a social institution and stereotypical perception of libraries by involved and uninvolved audiences. The libraries modernizing and transforming themselves into digital ecosystems along with accomplishing their traditional mission of information archive, are becoming the centers of cultural life, interactive spaces offering users wide variety of information services and resources, and multimedia areas for co-working, communication, and learning. At the same time, the fixed stereotypical perception of the library as a book depository becomes a barrier to the expansion of the user audience. The purpose of the study is to diagnose the demands of actual and potential users of libraries and to assess the change in purpose and role of libraries as a social institution under conditions of expanding access to information services. The methodology of the study was determined by the works documenting the relevance of the search for fundamentally new approaches in the interaction of the libraries with their target audiences in the context of media communications to increase the attractiveness of libraries. Sociological methods were used to identify stereotypical ideas about libraries: the survey of two groups of respondents, i. e. engaged and unengaged users (adults and students). Methods of statistical analysis of empirical information were used for data analysis. The main findings are: the study captures the needs in positioning library services within the wider communicative space. The access is needed to special market segments with building multi-subject user chains and new ways of informing young actual and potential users about the array of services. The relatively inefficient building of awareness of new services may indicate the prevalence of traditional positioning in the nearest target market and, so far, rather low penetration into other segments. The novelty of the study is expanding knowledge of the library potential target audience, which would make the foundation for developing communication tools and attracting primarily the young audience. The flexibility of communication methods, formats, and channels is essential for interaction with the young users.
Social distancing restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic were declared in Finland in March 2020. Libraries followed Government recommendations resulting in limited library service delivery across a variety of sectors. This research investigates challenges experienced by public, special and academic libraries in the Helsinki metropolitan area focussing on library staff reflections of digital literacy services offered during the pandemic. A multiple case study, with an emergent mixed methods research design was utilised. All data was gathered online due to Covid-19 restrictions: Quantitative data originated from an online survey of library staff; library websites were also audited. Qualitative data originated from semi-structured interviews. Triangulation of the data enabled a clear understanding of digital literacy challenges and responses. Overall, the mixed methods design and the data collection techniques, encouraged reflection upon experience, which in return informed a rich picture of the multiple case study. Results demonstrated that digital literacy challenges existed, particularly related to reaching library customers requiring digital support. Finnish libraries did not differentiate information literacy from digital literacy, as both were perceived as part of library service. Library staffs’ reflections corroborated similar research, for example, the impact of teleworking, on technology use and social aspects of working from home. Recommendations include undertaking further research on special libraries and promoting reflective practice as a mechanism for better understanding the views of library staff. Accepted full text version available from Northumbria University Library open access repository
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Libraries hold large amounts of data, which can contribute to improvements in the quality of library services. Data resources of modern library have the characteristics of big-data, where library can use big-data methods to achieve reform and innovation, including resource transferring, resource utilization, social identity, thinking innovation. Librarians are well aware that big data can lead to better informed decisions and can transform the user’s experience. This work investigates the concept of big data from the perspective of Information Technology department staff at three major university libraries in Jordan. This work attempts to uncover big data, analytics and challenges in academic libraries in Jordan. A review of research work on big data in libraries was conducted, and a summary of the applications and research directions in this field is presented. The status of big data in libraries in Jordan is discussed, and the challenges associated with it are also explored.
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This paper elaborates on the current condition of the public library, focusing on the one in Alor Gajah. One of the main issues faced by the public library today is the lack of visitors. Scholars suggest that it is crucial to integrate the users’ perspectives into the building design as the sense of attachment of the user to a place can greatly affect their attitude towards the spaces perceived. The study aims to investigate the new approaches in the design of a library, to upgrade it as a social interactive space, particularly in Alor Gajah, Melaka.
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Objective – By collecting and analyzing evidence from three data points, researchers sought to understand how library spaces are used. Researchers have used results for evidence based decision making regarding physical library spaces. Methods – Undergraduate researchers, sociology faculty, and librarians used mixed-methods to triangulate findings. Seating sweeps were used to map patrons’ activities in the library. Student-led focus groups discussed patterns of library use, impressions of facilities, and library features and services. The final step included a campus survey developed from seating sweeps and focus group findings. Results – Seating sweeps showed consistent use of the library's main level Learning Commons and upper level quiet spaces; the library’s multipurpose lower level is under-utilized. Students use the main level of the library for collaborative learning, socializing, reading, and computer use. Students use the upper level for quiet study and group work in study rooms. Focus group findings found library use is task-specific. For example, a student may work with classmates on a project using the main level Learning Commons during the day, and then come back at night to use the quiet floor for test preparation. Survey responses highlighted areas in which the library is deficient. For example, respondents cited crowdedness, noise levels, and temperature concerns. Conclusion – These data offer empirical evidence for library space needs. Some data aligns with previous space studies conducted at this library: access to power outlets, lighting, noise, and an outdated environment. Evidence also supports anecdotal concerns of crowding, graduate students lacking designated study space, and the need for quiet study space away from group study space.
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Within the library profession, there is widespread support for access to libraries for people with disabilities. However, there is limited literature on the topic of access to public libraries for children with disabilities and their families and very little empirical research on this topic exists. This paper reports on an investigation of factors influencing access to public libraries for children with disabilities and their families from the perspective of the public librarian. An in-depth study of 18 public librarians who focus on providing access to public libraries for children with disabilities was undertaken. Librarians from the United States and Canada took part in both a one-on-one interview and a questionnaire. Based on the research findings, a model for inclusive public libraries is proposed.
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The mixed method approaches have recently risen to prominence. The reason that more researchers are opting for these types of research is that both qualitative and quantitative data are simultaneously collected, analyzed and interpreted. In this article the main research instruments (questionnaire, interview and classroom observation) usually used in the mixed method designs are presented and elaborated on. It is believed that using different types of procedures for collecting data and obtaining that information through different sources (learners, teachers, program staff, etc.) can augment the validity and reliability of the data and their interpretation. Therefore, the various ways of boosting the validity and reliability of the data and instruments are delineated at length. Finally, an outline of reporting the findings in the mixed method approaches is sketched out. It is believed that this article can be useful and beneficial to the researchers in general and postgraduate students in particular who want to start or are involved in the process of conducting research.
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It is still an open question where to search for complying a specific information need due to the large amount and diversity of information available. In this paper, a content analysis of health-related information provided in the Web is performed to get an overview on the medical content available. In particular, the content of medical Question & Answer Portals, medical weblogs, medical reviews and Wikis is compared. For this purpose, medical concepts are extracted from the text material with existing extraction technology. Based on these concepts, the content of the different knowledge resources is compared. Since medical weblogs describe experiences as well as information, it is of large interest to be able to distinguish between informative and affective posts. For this reason, a method to classify blogs based on their information content is presented, which exploits high-level features describing the medical and affective content of blog posts. The results show that there are substantial differences in the content of various health-related Web resources. Weblogs and answer portals mainly deal with diseases and medications. The Wiki and the encyclopedia provide more information on anatomy and procedures. While patients and nurses describe personal aspects of their life, doctors aim to present health-related information in their blog posts. The knowledge on content differences and information content can be exploited by search engines to improve ranking, search and to direct users to appropriate knowledge sources.
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Based on "Community-Led Libraries: Working Together With Your Community",Preconference Session, CLA 2008: May 21, 2008 (Vancouver, BC). Presenters: TraceyJones, Heather Davis, Andre Gagnon, Randy Gatley, Stephanie Kripps, AnnetteDeFaveri, Brian Campbell, Sandra Singh
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The University of Washington Libraries has conducted triennial faculty and student library surveys since 1992. Surveys are sent to all faculty and a random sample of graduate and undergraduate students. Results have revealed significant variation within and between user groups concerning library satisfaction, use, priorities, and importance. There were 2,749 responses to the most recent survey in 1998, including more than 1,500 completed surveys returned from faculty. These large-scale surveys, while extraordinarily valuable, have proven costly and time-consuming to design, administer, and analyze. The ARL LibQUAL+ pilot offered an opportunity to employ a different methodology and design that focused on quality of service and library support through a Web-based survey. This article discusses issues and results associated with these different approaches.
Public libraries understand the importance of conducting needs assessments, however there is a paucity in the literature about how to conduct a needs assessment. Those articles that mention their methodology only mention the use of surveys to obtain valuable information that will inform the development of library programs, services, and resources. The following article describes a six-step process for designing and developing a needs assessment and includes multiple qualitative and quantitative assessment strategies.
Social network analysis (SNA) as theoretical framework and quantitatively oriented methodology offers public libraries and public library researchers an as-yet-unexplored way into their big data stories based on these library connections with their community. SNA offers library and information science researchers a methodology, and suggests a new research agenda, to better envision the relationships public libraries have with their communities both in-person and online by exploring the kinds of ties they have, how these ties lead to relationships, and how these relationships can be characterized. The quantitative orientation of SNA combined with its methods of data analysis in the forms of networks and hubs could give libraries the “hard” data they are so often in need of to demonstrate their value to their political leaders, and could uncover new directions in library use and library relationships.
The problem of library space has long been discussed in various aspects such as library relations, architecture, and space design. The purpose of this study is to examine the change of the concept of the complex space of the library according to the development of advanced technology and the social paradigm, and to present the direction of constructing the complex space of the future library by analyzing each case. All concepts such as mediatheque, information commons, larchiveum, and the maker space that is recently introduced into the library are important elements of the complex space presented as a problem of library construction and space. The future library reflects these concepts and serves as a mediator between information and users, users and users, users and media to support reading, information, learning, rest, community-oriented culture and creation, start-up and collaboration. It should be constructed as a multi-space platform to create new value through.
The purpose of this article is to anchor public libraries in their conversational history, and to connect the dots between the characteristics of contemporary libraries and the parallel life cycle of the public sphere, opposing the argument that the public library is declining. Public libraries are a rare cross section of the public sphere and third place, satiating community-based and political needs. Framed by the history of libraries as social and intellectual havens, this article explores the motivation of patrons for physical place and discussion, and the importance of the public library as a community symbol and unrestricted space.
In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.
Introduction. The purpose of this study was to explore how library space is conceptualized in the library design process. Method. The main research material consists of semi-structured interviews with the key individuals involved in two recent library building projects. In addition, various planning and design documents were used. Analysis. The data were analysed with qualitative thematic analysis methods using the Atlas. ti program. The data were divided into three main themes: digitisation, the design process and the conceptualization of library space. These themes were then analysed more closely. Results. Digitisation was considered one of the most important factors affecting the function of present-day libraries, including its spatial solutions. Library design is a pragmatic and contextual process where the design goals are formulated in cooperation with key individuals involved in the process. Based on the analysis of the research material, a multidimensional model of library space is introduced that consists of physical, social and digital space. Conclusions. The design and utilization of physical space enables the versatile development of libraries and their adaptation to the digital age. Library space should be understood as a complex and multidimensional concept. Greater efforts should be made to find out how the design of physical space facilitates the various uses of libraries and how these uses are connected with the library's digital resources.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to compare the perceived benefits of public libraries between five culturally different countries: Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, South Korea and the USA. Design/methodology/approach – The data were based on representative samples of Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Korean and American adult library users. In Finland a mail survey was used and in other countries web surveys were used for data collection. The distribution of the proportion of those benefiting from the library in various areas of life at least sometimes was compared across countries. The pattern of benefits was compared across countries by forming four outcome indexes from the 19 benefit areas. The differences in the outcomes between the countries were explained by demographics and library use variables. Findings – The intensity of perceived benefits differ considerably, with the Finns and Americans reporting a higher level of benefits than the South Koreans, who in turn derive more profit than the Norwegians and the Dutch. The large difference in library supply between Finland and other countries may explain the differences in the perceived benefits in part of other countries but the USA. Research limitations/implications – The study covered only some socio-economic and library usage factors as independent variables explaining the variation of benefit patterns. A more thorough analysis of library supply between the countries may explain some differences in perceived benefits. Practical implications – The policy implications of these findings are discussed. Originality/value – This is the first across-country study comparing and explaining the patterns of perceived benefits between culturally different countries.
In this study, the operation condition of the U-library services is identified, and after confirming if there is any difference in the recognition from librarians, based on the results, the U-library services explore ways improvement plan to be operated reasonably. This study selected 10 local governments supported of the Ministry of Culture was performed in U-library services as a subject of study. Whether is any difference in the perception of librarians were measured according to demographic factors of librarians, presence or absence of work independency, employment pattern difference of librarians mainly operating U-library service as U-library services operating difference. For this study, united research methods (survey, visit, phone call) were used.
This study aims to develop measures to turn former users and non-users of public libraries back into users by understanding the differences between the user, former user and non-user groups in terms of their perceptions to public libraries, as well as the differences between these groups in their perceptions regarding the factors to non-use of public libraries. A literature review and statistical analysis of the results from a questionnaire survey were conducted to identify the differences. The results from the statistical analysis showed significant differences between the user, former user and non-user groups in terms of their perceptions to public libraries and the non-use factors. From the results, we could categorize the factors into common non-use factors, non-use-only factors, and use interrupt factors, and we develop suggestions to improve the factors in order to move non-users and former users to frequent users of the public libraries.
Public libraries serve as valuable assets in meeting a community's strategic goals. This article investigates strategies for the development of public libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Observation and questionnaire methods were used as research tools. The population of the study consists of librarians and users of public libraries in Lagos State. The eleven public libraries and twenty local government libraries in the state were surveyed. The major findings were that public libraries in Lagos State were not adequately funded and that the parent body has yet to meet the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) standard of public library establishment. The study highlighted the challenges facing public libraries in Lagos and offered some remedies.
The Current measures of library service quality do not adequately capture user's perceptions of service quality for libraries and information centers. The purposes of this study are (1) to develop a user-based concepts to measuring the quality of library service (2) to introduce a user-based service quality model and SERVQUAL instrument from service marketing areas and (3) to assess applicability of this model and instrument to libraries and information centers. The concluding section suggests several considerations for implementation of their applicability and future research.
The purpose of this study is to develop the indicators of user satisfaction for Korean public library evaluation. This is an attempt to overcome the inequality of indicators, which mainly consist of inputs and outputs. User satisfaction indicators are constructed through literature reviews and the prepared indicators are tested through a user survey of public libraries. Notably, the test is focused on the applicability of indicators for public libraries with a variety characteristics such as scale and operation organization. Based on the analysis of the results, this study suggests a total of 10 indicators.
The U-library service is a user-oriented library service through which users, after browsing and making reservations using the Internet and smartphones, can borrow and return library materials at an unmanned circulation system located in places, such as subway stations, without visiting the library. However, the U-library service is still in the early stages both quantitatively and qualitatively. In that, this study, in order to enhance our understanding of the U-library service, conceptualizes the unmanned circulation system, investigates current situation by examining and analyzing some U-library service cases, and pinpoints some problems while making some suggestions for improvement.
The Great Good Place argues that "third places" - where people can gather, put aside the concerns of work and home, and hang out simply for the pleasures of good company and lively conversation - are the heart of a community's social vitality and the grassroots of democracy.
King County in Washington State is home to two large urban library systems, King County Library (KCLS) and Seattle Public Library (SPL). KCLS and SPL are effectively building community through their library service. Professionals in the fields of library and information science, public libraries, and community development discuss these successes and the ways that public libraries can build a strong community. Five facets of community building are explored: (1) how libraries serve as a conduit to access information and to learn, (2) how libraries encourage social inclusion and equity, (3) how libraries foster civic engagement, (4) how libraries create a bridge to resources and community involvement, and (5) how libraries promote economic vitality within the community.
The rise of online social media is providing a wealth of social network data. Data mining techniques provide researchers and practitioners the tools needed to analyze large, complex, and frequently changing social media data. This chapter introduces the basics of data mining, reviews social media, discusses how to mine social media data, and highlights some illustrative examples with an emphasis on social networking sites and blogs. Keyworddata mining-social media-data representation-social computing-social networks-social networking sites-blogs-blogosphere-event maps
Social network services are emerging as a promising IT-based business, with some services already being provided commercially such as Facebook, Cyworld and Xiaonei. However, it is not yet clear which potential audience groups will be key social network service participants. Moreover, the process showing how an individual actually decides to start using a social network service may be somewhat different from current web-based community services. Hence, the aims of this paper are twofold. First, we empirically examine how individual characteristics affect actual user acceptance of social network services. To examine these individual characteristics, we apply a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to construct an amended model that focuses on three individual differences: social identity, altruism and telepresence, and one perceived construct: the perceived encouragement, imported from psychology-based research. Next, we examine if the users’ perception to see a target social network service as human relationship-oriented service or as a task-oriented service could be a moderator between perceived constructs and actual use. As a result, we discover that the perceived encouragement and perceived orientation are significant constructs that affect actual use of social network services.
Thematic analysis: A critical review of its process and evaluation
  • Mohammed Alhojailan
  • Ibrahim
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A review of studies on the quality evaluation of library information service
  • H.-J Hong
Hong, H.-J. (2005). A review of studies on the quality evaluation of library information service. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 36(2), 93-120.
Public library service: A catalyst for community development
  • Madu
A study on customer satisfaction framework for public library services
  • S.-A Kim
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Citizens’ perception, demands and expectations of their public library services in Daejeon
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A study on site selection of u-library: Focused on Daejeon area
  • Kim
Development direction of public libraries as the complex cultural space for local community activation
  • Kwon
A study on the activation plan for the communication space of the library according to librarians’ perception survey
  • Noh
Citizens' needs and perceptions of their municipal public library services
  • S.-A Kim
  • N Kwon
Kim, S.-A., & Kwon, N. (2020a). Citizens' needs and perceptions of their municipal public library services. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 54 (2), 29-52.
TECH TOOLS for reopening and beyond
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Image analysis and management strategy for the national science museum utilizing SNS big data analysis
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Shin, S. (2020). Image analysis and management strategy for the national science museum utilizing SNS big data analysis. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation, Society, 21(1), 81-89.
Transforming library spaces for community engagement
  • B Gutsche
  • L Morris
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Gutsche, B., Morris, L., & Stroisch, T. (2014). Transforming library spaces for community engagement. Dublin, OH: Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Doing qualitative analysis in psychology
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Citizens' perception, demands and expectations of their public library services in Daejeon
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A new model for the public library in the knowledge and experience society
  • H Jochumsen
  • D Skot-Hansen
  • C Hvenegaard
Jochumsen, H., Skot-Hansen, D., & Hvenegaard, C. (2010). A new model for the public library in the knowledge and experience society. Copenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagen.
A study on site selection of u-library: Focused on Daejeon area. The Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
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Development direction of public libraries as the complex cultural space for local community activation
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Public library service: A catalyst for community development
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Needs assessment of Florida public library e-government and emergency/disaster management broadband-enabled services
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EPA National Library Network user needs survey
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A study on the activation plan for the communication space of the library according to librarians' perception survey. The Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
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Library makerspaces: The complete guide
  • T Willingham
Willingham, T. (2018). Library makerspaces: The complete guide. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.