
Modeling of intra-arterial hemodynamics in main arteries atherosclerosis

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Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Aim. To study intra-arterial hemodynamics of the main arteries in atherosclerosis using the original device for modeling of intra-arterial circulation. Material and methods. To study hemodynamics inside an arterial vessel, we used an original device developed by us for modeling of intra-arterial circulation (Document of invention № RU 202780 U1). The main part of the device is a prototype of an artery - a glass tube of a rotameter with a length of 365 mm, an inlet end with a diameter of 20 mm, an outlet end - 16.5 mm. Flexible silicone tubes are attached to the rotameter on both sides, with free ends connected to an electric pump, with various modes of work (imitation of pulse waves at the regular rhythm (RR), extrasystole (ES), atrial fibrillation (AF)). An aqueous solution of glycerin was introduced into a closed system diluted with water corresponding to the viscosity of the blood. A 5 mm long silk thread was alternately installed inside the tube, an intravascular piezoelectric crystal pressure sensor connected to an oscilloscope was injected with a dye - clerical ink. Plastic diaphragms 15 mm long with stenosis of the internal lumen of 50%, 70%, and 90% were alternately hermetically installed in the rotameter. Results. When imitating ES in the first post-extrasystolic contraction (1PEC), the speed of fluid flow through the diaphragms increased in the 1PEC in comparison with the RR. So, with a stenosis of 50%, the speed with a RR was 2.09 m/s, with an ES 0.03 m/s, with 1PEC 3.83 m/s; with 70% stenosis, the speed at RR 3.24 m/s, with ES 0.04 m/s, with 1PEC 5.26 m/s; with 90% stenosis, the speed at RR 8.96 m / s, with ES 0.10 m/s, with 1PEC 12.36 m/s. The pressure increased proportionally to the speed. We observed the appearance of reflected, standing waves in the edge zones of the diaphragm and a turbulent flow of liquid behind the diaphragm. Conclusion. These changes in hemodynamics are characterized by the concept of "hydraulic shock". Intense mechanical effect of 1PEC pressure waves in the marginal zones of the diaphragm can contribute to the further growth and progression of atherosclerosis in arterial vessels. Abstract Figure.

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