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Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship



Developmental Systems Theory (DST) has the merit of revitalizing the concept of system and applying it in a phenomenal field that can only be explained with precision by means of this paradigm. However, DST is a systems theory without systems, since it does not use the concept of system beyond the simple mention of the conceptual framework (that is, GST) to which it is ascribed and through the use of the principle of unity of system and environment. One of the most glaring contradictions of DST is that it does not use the powerful conceptual baggage of the systems approach that it claims, or, when it does, it makes the same mistakes as structuralism. On the contrary, conceptions are born within it that, pretending to introduce new things, what they actually do is draw attention to the obvious as if it were something new (for example, to the ostensible fact that "there are processes"). In this sense, around GST and DST new acronyms arise that do not contribute anything that is not already contained in the old but in force systemic approach.
Philosophy International Journal
ISSN: 2641-9130
Commied to Create Value for Researchers
Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship Philos Int J
Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak
Soler Alomà J*
UPF-Tecnocampus, Spain
*Corresponding author: Jordi Soler Alomà, UPF-Tecnocampus, NAVARRO 3, 4rt - 1a, Spain,
Tel: 660884554; Email:
Research article
Volume 5 Issue 1
Received Date: January 05, 2022
Published Date: February 04, 2022
DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000226
Developmental Systems Theory (DST) has the merit of revitalizing the concept of system and applying it in a phenomenal
is ascribed and through the use of the principle of unity of system and environment. One of the most glaring contradictions of
   
already contained in the old but in force systemic approach.
      
that he vindicated his authorship of the concept, he referred
(Bertalanffy, 1968).
       
theme are still proliferating, such as the prevalent DST
       
     
 
approach of the genotype-phenotype relationship and its
     
that, both in the case of Oyama and Bertalanffy, as in all the
      
          
      
process qualifying as a “system” or “developing system”. In
fact, even though the merit of calling attention to the systemic
nature of reality must be recognized, Bertalanffy’s elegant
         
 
description of these), plus some thoughtful opinions about
Regarding the supposed use of metaphors by science,
       
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
          
      
      
     
         
be forgotten is that it is about models, not reality itself [2];
       
         
      
         
origin”, but rather has to apply its methodological system.
This is a problem that DST, according to the appreciation of
The Systemic Paradigm
The systemic approach in the study of reality, even
          
        
       
of subsystems, such as the physical, the biological, the logical,
etc. No one can deny, on the other hand, that both Leonardo da
          
        
systemic paradigms [2], contributing to the emergence of the
there is at least one control subsystem that “ensures” the
the subsystems that contribute to that operation. In the case
of animals (including humans), this controlling system is
The concept of structure is very seductive, as it can be
applied to everything. Perhaps it is due to this phenomenon
          
         
structuralism in general) [4]; this substitution means that
either the fact that the structure is nothing other than the
set of relationships of the components of a system and
        
the system that they constitute: there are no structures
components that maintain them, and these are components
inputs and outputs [5]; This reductionism only achieves the
self-destruction of the concept itself, since it is not possible
   
   
by such “inputs and outputs”). Therefore, it can be said that
structuralism and reductionism are alien to the systemic
The simplest model of a material system is the inventory
of its components, its environment, its structure and its
mechanism/s [2]. Both the environment and the components
         
mechanism are common to all types of systems. The structure
  
that the structure of each system is part of the structures of
the other systems. Mechanisms are processes that determine
the “identity” of the system and intervene in its development.
borne in mind that a model of a system is not the system itself
       
       
sometimes ideological presuppositions, are the very reality
that they claim to represent).
        
there are) almost as many systems theories as systems
theorists (Bertalanffy, L., 1968). Furthermore, systems
          
         
  
either empirical research or accurate theorizing [6], so that
old holism. The systemic approach goes beyond the holistic
of their components and the set of variables related to them
    
replaces other theories, but is a methodology to understand
the reality that manifests itself systemically and to be
        
characteristics of real systems and conceive models of these
   
to distinguish one thing from the other). It is not enough to
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
and for this, it is necessary to discover its components and
 
          
mechanisms that underlie its operation.
that operate simultaneously at different “levels.” The brain,
      
locomotor, cognitive and rational processes in parallel (to
       
and evolution of organisms depend on a multiplicity of
interdependent mechanisms, such as genetic change
       
      
   
       
organisms, but they also transform their environments, thus
creating a “virtuous” cycle).
       
default, is dynamic) is its difference from the classical
    
genetic calendar; in the systemic-dynamic conception, the
environment of the system can modify the genetic calendar.
in the study of the development of the human individual, it
contemplates this development in the dynamic bio-psycho-
Milestonian approach
Event Time Event Time Event Time Event
Birth  Stage 1  Stage 2  Stage 3
Table 1:
Figure 1:
 
convenient to distinguish the mechanisms that are essential
from those that are not [7]. The former are those peculiar
and sine qua non for systems of a certain type. On the
  
        
        
        
       
 
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
adrenache and gonadarche   
        
           
to the increased production of adrenal androgens such as
dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate,
of pubic hair. A couple of years later, the gonadal glands begin
to mature, promoting the production of gonadal hormones
       
    
and genitals; this is the empirically most plausible and
  
component. Both are biological mechanisms programmed
in the genetic calendar and that should be accompanied
by a free and open reception by the environment for the
         
     
such as moral and religious prejudices and the taboo nature
  
strongly condition and repress the healthy development of
said processes subject to the aforementioned mechanisms;
consequently, society alters biological processes and, to
legitimize the disastrous result, constructs imaginary stages
       
          
    
      
         
psychiatry, , that is, one that demands for a systemic
       
concept of organizational causality instead of typical linear;
 
biopsychosocial processes that can stimulate the emergence
   
        
     
   
          
         
subsets. In any case, the approach that unites biological,
psychic and social factors (biopsychosocial approach or BPS)
          
on the individual could condition or favour the development
the systems involved intersect. It is precisely in the space in
        
       
       
the derived behaviour from the effect of social repression
on personal development may have on the genetic calendar
       
it consists of a process that causes the desired changes or
some authors conceive essential social mechanisms as the
social processes that have the intended consequences for
may be essential social mechanisms supervening, such as
revolutions, that do not necessarily meet the requirements
alleged above.
Social processes, in addition to assuming mechanisms
morals, absurd prejudices, etc. not reducible to natural
   
counter-norm [13], although it does not seem at all obvious
that for certain classes there is no norm at all and, in front of
         
      
       
      
Cogito ergo sum means, then,
        
Unobservable mechanisms are inferred in the manner
of hypotheses, and hypothesis formulation, as characterized
by the father of Pragmatism, is an art [14]. Not only can
       
pollution and social inconsistency, but mechanisms that
   
         
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
economic democracy and free participation). Scientists have
mechanisms [2]. The curvature of space caused by bodies
         
      
since reality is made up of systems, the universe must be the
    
 
requirements that a system must meet to be considered as
A system is made up of:
1. Components: Elements or subsystems.
2. Structure:     
       
         
3. Environment:      
4. Mechanisms:     
5. Functions: Results of the “activity” of the system as
          
not meet one of the “requirements” to be a system: to be
      
it can maintain structural relationships. Consequently, on the
structural property endogenously, so that only the systems
        
          
not the remotest idea of the “result” of the “activity” of the
universe (that is, its functions).
that 1. The universe is not a system and 2. It is necessary to
a prioriuniverse,
    
          
forget that the significationsign
that signifies it). The same concept of space, separated from
the concept of time, is imprecise, and can be used both to
         
           
         
   
space”. Also, the concept of time, separated from space, has
now. In reality, it is impossible to determine any moment,
because outside of our imagination there are no moments or
instants; seconds, minutes and hours are a human invention
continuum       
order to understand reality and have some control over it. A
that alternative hypotheses (such as the “parallel universes”
or those that assume the periodicity of the universe in cycles
         
 
        
system, for the simple fact that this is a sort of processes and
systems factory and, a fortiori, because of the indisputable fact
A New Systems Theory?
DST (or Developmental Systems Theory) is the latest
version of the systemic approach, and focuses on self-
     
dynamic system is self-developing, the importance of DST
          
psychobiology (or evolutionary cognitive neuroscience)
        
         
psychiatry [11]. Although some authors circumscribe DST
       
development and evolution [15], there is no doubt that DST
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
and the system. In this sense (namely, its application to
      
        
dichotomies such as nature versus nurture, genes versus
environment, and biology versus culture [16]. In any case, in
DST applied to biology it is not clear if the environment is
part of the self-developing system or if it is a conjunctural
factor (in a purely systemic approach, the environment
         
they share structures). One of the most notable shortcomings
          
    
       
the concept of structure applied to the dynamic relationship
    
       
  
also be conceptually productive to establish the hierarchy of
  
 
sense or in an involutionary sense, by the environment:
       
“process” are introduced, placing them in a sui generis
         
       
(since the concept of process comes “from the factory” in
   
The fact that DST emphasizes processes involving organisms
does not mean that DST can be reduced to a theory of
a dynamic process and that, as such, must be studied through
a procedure that accounts for this dynamism. The concept
    
    
structures and mechanisms behind it; therefore, reducing
epigenesis to a “processual” concept is simplifying it.
        
“processual” to the dynamics of development, since it goes
of organisms, components, structures, mechanisms and
environments intervene. In the end, a process is nothing more
than an event over time [2]. And there are no processes per
se, but things, organisms and environments (that is, systems)
    
 
    
        
  
epigenetic hypotheses, and his investigations on the non-
developing organism can vary due to changes both genetic
     
obvious as soon as society is studied from the biopsychosocial
        
         
ideology (and let’s not forget that ideology of a society is the
ideology of the class that controls it). According to this, each
organism is the result of reading its DNA in some temporal
events that arise due to the very small number of molecules
   
     
abstract constructions: there are no genes isolated from
        
combination of genes and environment produces a unique
and unpredictable developmental outcome in advance. The
      
share) is that there are separable genetic and environmental
causes, yet there are no genetic processes outside of
      
from the gene-free environment. The necessary condition
for an environment to be such is that it be of a developing
organism, that is, there are no abstract organisms outside
an environment, although DNA molecules can be found
circumstances and DNA molecules that turn these physical
circumstances into causes of development only in this
         
       
the mechanisms that underlie evolution and development
and reveal the structure of the systems that participate
         
(partly because of the erroneous interpretation, on the
  
biological meaning of the sequencing of the genome). In
any case, it is not necessary to “demonize” the genotype to
 
        
       
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
bioevolutionary paradigm because one of the requirements
for something to be a system is that it be in an environment
  
          
         
        a
priori conceptualizations cannot contribute much more than
opinions (despite the more respectable and brainy that they
are). For instance, although the development of lung cancer
is a very complicated process that involves the combined
unreasonable to consider that the fact of tobacco use has a
potentiating effect on the development of lung cancer. This
     
   
         
          
    
        
       Bacillus
thuringiensis       
argued, development approaches must be evaluated on
        
is properly applied, DST can argue that the plant and the
         
DST, perhaps due to its misuse of systemic concepts, has not
accused of certain inconsistence in accounting for facts such
as the relative importance of the environment in the role that
genes have in the human predisposition for speech in general
and not of a language in particular [19].
       
interactionism, a concept that is accused of being too vague
    
        
         
battery of arguments in the correct concepts of the systemic
As has been observed, DST is a theory of systems
the principle of unity of system and environment, it does not
use the concept of system beyond the simple mention of the
       
attached. One of the most notorious contradictions of DST is
  
    
  
        
not already contained in the systemic approach.
in its “forest of structures”, DST applied the methodology and
       
give coherence and precision to its discourse. This could
         
concept of structure, applying it to the dynamic relationship
         
      
the description of ontogenetic and evolutionary systemic
  
   
        
they consider that each of these structures is, ultimately,
         
      
          
hierarchy of the mechanisms that underlie evolution and
 
sense or in an involutive sense, in relation to the environment
   
the label of “developmental system” to everything that lends
itself to it.
Regarding the sources, it cannot be objected that DST
is right to vindicate the epigenetics of Waddington and the
epistemological critique of Oyama, but it is undoubtedly that
        
          
do even better if, in addition to praising the sources, he
Philosophy International Journal
Soler Alomà J. Developmental Systems Theory and Systemic Approach: A Weak Relationship. Philos
Int J 2022, 5(1): 000226.
Copyright© Soler Alomà J.
carried out some constructive criticism to demonstrate his
methodological solvency.
           
        
     
have to overcome: either adhere consistently to the systemic
       
        
to certain biological and bio-psycho-social facts.
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In today’s digital world, children are exposed to a vast array of media, including sexualcontent and pornography, often by the time they reach 10 years of age. While some parentsseek to protect their children by delaying conversations around these topics, this approachoften fuels curiosity driven by secrecy and taboo. This article advocates for a systematicapproach, demystifying pornography and sex by dismantling myths, challenging inheritedbiases, detoxifying societal conditioning, and dissolving fears. Drawing fromdevelopmental, cultural, and cross-disciplinary sources, parents can guide children todevelop balanced perspectives, supporting healthy relationships and critical thinkingskills. (PDF) Guiding Children Through Media Misrepresentation: Demystifying Pornography and Sex in a Digital Age. Available from: [accessed Jan 14 2025].
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Sex occupies a complex and multifaceted role in society: it is both the biological mechanism of reproduction and a fundamental component of culture in all its forms. It is a concept blurred by contradictions: linked to health, pleasure, and development on one hand, yet overshadowed by shame and sin on the other. Despite being a crucial element in the growth of pubescent individuals, it remains largely relegated to the "adult world." The ambiguity with which society approaches sex exposes a deeper structural issue. This inconsistency creates artificial barriers, negatively affecting both societal well-being and individual mental health. The friction between biological necessity and cultural taboo has fostered a problem that remains entrenched and unresolved. Various social institutions and norms perpetuate these contradictions, with particularly harmful effects on those in developmental stages. This article investigates the roots of sex as a taboo in Western society, exploring the social and institutional mechanisms that enforce repression. It examines how key social actors contribute to the fetishization and censorship of sexual expression, perpetuating an artificial problem that impacts the development of non-adults. Addressing this issue is essential for reducing the harm caused by such repression and for promoting healthier mental and social outcomes. Sexuality is a central aspect of the human being, present throughout its life. It encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, reproduction, and sexual orientation. It is experienced and expressed through thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and interpersonal relationships. Sexuality can include all these dimensions, however, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological,
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Many parents worry that their children might encounter pornographic content online. This four-phase method offers parents a structured approach to address these concerns, helping them support their children's development by providing tools to demystify, reframe, detoxify, and ultimately dissolve the issue in a healthy way. 1. Demystification Goal: To guide parents in understanding that sexuality, at its core, is one of the simplest and most natural aspects of human experience. This phase encourages a clear, stigma-free perspective by stripping away societal misconceptions and discomfort. Sexuality itself is uncomplicated; it's the societal taboos, misinformation, and restrictive attitudes that create layers of confusion. By addressing these barriers, parents can approach the topic with openness, viewing it as a straightforward part of life rather than a mysterious or complex issue. • Back-to-Basics Resources: Parents gain access to resources that present sexuality as a basic part of human experience, moving away from the ideological or cultural filters that often complicate it. • Simplicity Exercises: Reflective exercises help parents examine their own beliefs, identifying areas where societal attitudes or assumptions may have added unnecessary complexity to their understanding. This clarity allows parents to begin discussions with their children from a place of openness and comfort. • Comfort Self-Assessment: A brief assessment tool helps parents gauge their level of comfort and simplicity in approaching sexuality, setting a foundation for building a clear, stigma-free perspective as they move through the method. 2. Reframing Goal: To address and reframe societal stereotypes or unrealistic expectations around sexuality that may unconsciously shape misunderstandings or restrictive beliefs. With a clear foundation established in Demystification, parents can now tackle the societal layers that often distort perceptions of sexuality. Reframing helps them critically examine
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Socially, sex is many different things: it is both the reproductive mechanism of the species and a key component of culture in all its manifestations. It is a blurred concept that is associated with positive elements related to health and pleasure, but that is also associated with shame and sin. It is a fundamental process in the development of pre-adults, and yet, it is considered exclusive to the "adult world". The fact that society itself maintains ambiguous and ambivalent positions on such an essential subsystem for the human social system makes it a structural problem, which, therefore, negatively affects the well-being of society and the mental health of citizens. Society needs to find the necessary means to solve this problem, generated artificially and that is still fully in force. This article investigates how and why sex is taboo in Western society and investigates some processes, in which all social actors intervene, through which the sexual fetish is manifested. Sexuality is a central aspect of the human being, present throughout its life. It encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, reproduction, and sexual orientation. It is experienced and expressed through thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and interpersonal relationships. Sexuality can include all these dimensions, however, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological,
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El hecho, verificado empíricamente por los investigadores, de que el sexo es más tabú que nunca en nuestra sociedad, es el material de reflexión de este artículo, especialmente en lo relativo en cómo este fenómeno afecta a los pre-adultos. La sociedad prefiere que las pulsiones erógenas se resuelvan, como antaño, jugando a médicos y otros juegos eróticos, pero eso únicamente es posible suprimiendo Internet. Pero, a estas alturas, Internet ya forma parte de la estructura de la sociedad como sistema desarrollante. Absolutamente todo pasa por Internet, desde nuestro dinero hasta la definición de nosotros mismos en nuestros perfiles, ya sea personales o académicos. Es lógico y natural que, para los nativos de Internet, no tenga nada de extraño manifestarse, en todos los aspectos de su personalidad, en este mundo semi-virtual que hemos creado y que, para ellos, forma parte de la realidad de un modo mucho más esencial que para las generaciones anteriores. Esto incluye, por supuesto, la exteriorización de las pulsiones erógenas que, nos guste o no (esto es totalmente irrelevante) forman parte del desarrollo de su personalidad, un proceso que debe tener lugar en relación de feedback con el entorno. Socialmente, el sexo es muchas cosas diferentes: es, al mismo tiempo, el mecanismo de reproducción de la especie y un componente clave de la cultura. Es un concepto borroso que está asociado a elementos positivos relativos a la salud y al placer, pero que también se asocia a la vergüenza y al pecado. Es un proceso fundamental en el desarrollo de los pre-adultos, y, sin embargo, se considera privativo del "mundo adulto"… Que sobre un subsistema tan esencial para el sistema humanidad la propia sociedad mantenga posiciones ambiguas y ambivalentes lo convierte en un problema estructural, el cual, para bien de la sociedad y para la salud mental de los ciudadanos, debería ser resuelto (o, mejor dicho, disuelto, ya que nunca debería haberse convertido en un problema). Este artículo explica cómo y por qué el sexo es tabú en la sociedad occidental a través del estudio de los fenómenos sociales en los cuales se manifiesta como tal.
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What are the respective roles of physiological, psychological and social processes in the development of psychiatric disorders? The answer is relevant for deciding on interventions, prevention measures, and for our (self)understanding. Reductionist models assume that only physiological processes are in the end causally relevant. The biopsychosocial (BPS) model, by contrast, assumes that psychological and social processes have their own unique characteristics that cannot be captured by physiological processes and which have their own distinct contributions to the development of psychiatric disorders. Although this is an attractive position, the BPS model suffers from a major flaw: it does not tell us how these biopsychosocial processes can causally interact. If these are processes of such different natures, how then can they causally affect each other? An enactive approach can explain biopsychosocial interaction. Enactivism argues that cognition is an embodied and embedded activity and that living necessarily includes some basic form of cognition, or sense-making. Starting from an enactive view on the interrelations between body, mind, and world, and adopting an organizational rather than a linear notion of causality, we can understand the causality involved in the biopsychosocial processes that may contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders.
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Children’s sexuality has been a taboo subject in many societies, but its existence is undeniable. A variety of sexual behaviors such as masturbation are evident starting in early childhood. Sexual games become frequent in middle childhood, especially among girls. Cross-cultural and cross-species evidence suggests that sexual desire emerges around middle childhood, along with adrenarche, which is the early phase of puberty. However, sexuality in childhood does not always signify sexual orientation in later developmental stages. In addition, different biosocial factors appear to contribute to the development of sexuality during childhood. Taking a developmental systems perspective, this chapter synthesizes existing evidence and points out areas for future research. The substantive gaps involve examining co-acting and bidirectional processes in sexuality development, focusing on sexual agency, and recording dynamic change. Transforming research methods and fostering societal recognition of children’s sexuality may be critical for not only advancing research on sexuality development in childhood, but also improving children’s well-being.
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La teoría de los sistemas de desarrollo (TSD) pretende realizar una síntesis conceptual que vincule el desarrollo ontogenético con la evolución. Sus antecedentes pueden ser encontrados básicamente en los trabajos de Waddington y de Bertalanffy quienes aportaron las bases de la canalización del desarrollo y la teoría de sistemas biológicos, respectivamente. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis conceptual preliminar de la TSD y reflexionar acerca de los aportes potenciales de la TSD como marco teórico para la biología del desarrollo en particular y la biología evolutiva en general. Para ello, se tendrán en cuenta algunos de los conceptos y propuestas que componen este marco y se trabajará sobre datos secundarios obtenidos de la bibliografía. Se concluye que la TSD: 1-logra argumentar en contra de la visión gen-centrista respecto de las explicaciones que pretenden justificar el desarrollo biológico y evolutivo; 2- argumenta de manera coherente a favor del rol de la epigenética en la ontogenia y la evolución; 3- en relación con lo anterior el rol de la selección natural se restringe a un segundo plano; 4- propone que la dicotomía naturaleza/cultura debe ser superada; y 5- constituye un posible programa de investigación metodológico compuesto de una diversidad de hipótesis y teorías no necesariamente relacionadas que pueden ser corroboradas de manera relativamente independientes del resto de la red teórica.
Chasing Reality deals with the controversies over the reality of the external world. Distinguished philosopher Mario Bunge offers an extended defence of realism, a critique of various forms of contemporary anti-realism, and a sketch of his own version of realism, namely hylorealism. Bunge examines the main varieties of antirealism - Berkeley’s, Hume’s, and Kant’s; positivism, phenomenology, and constructivism - and argues that all of these in fact hinder scientific research. Bunge’s realist contention is that genuine explanations in the sciences appeal to causal laws and mechanisms that are not directly observable, rather than simply to empirical generalisations. Genuine science, in his view, is objective even when it deals with subjective phenomena such as feelings of fear. This work defends a realist view of universals, kinds, possibilities, and dispositions, while rejecting contemporary accounts of these that are couched in terms of modal logic and ‘possible worlds.
Neven Sesardic defends the view that it is both possible and useful to measure the separate contributions of heredity and environment to the explanation of human psychological differences. He critically examines the view--very widely accepted by scientists, social scientists and philosophers of science--that heritability estimates have no causal implications and are devoid of any interest and subjects the arguments to close philosophical scrutiny. His conclusion is that anti-heritability arguments are based on conceptual confusions and misunderstandings of behavioral genetics.
This volume provides a comprehensive overview of all the main planning theories and models, while also introducing an innovative new model and a set of tools. Modeled on the theories of Mario Bunge this dynamic new approach allows planners to achieve a better understanding of the complexities involved in the role of planners and their impact on the built environment.