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On the reliability of dive computer generated run-times: Part III, 02.02.2022



On the reliability of dive computer generated run-times: Part III Here, in Part III, we checked 3 simple run-times with bottom depth 18 m / 60 min, 33 m / 60 min & 51 m / 30 min bottom times on air with the RATIO iX3M DEEP from Dive System® in comparison with the original source, the ZH-86 from A.A. Bühlmann [2] and DIVE Version 3_11 [1] & [3]. Conclusion: the manufacturers claims on using the ZH-L16B set of coefficients with a certain set of pre-defined gradient factors could not be verified.
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times
02.02.2022, Part III
Miri Rosenblat, TAU
Nurit Vered, Technion Haifa
Yael Eisenstein &
Albi Salm, SubMarineConsulting
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
Idea: as per part I, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16260.65929
and per part II, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11343.41126
Here, in Part III, we checked 3 simple run-times with bottom depth 18 m / 60
min, 33 m / 60 min & 51 m / 30 min bottom times on air with the RATIO iX3M
DEEP from Dive System® in comparison with the original source, the ZH-86
from A.A. Bühlmann [2] and, DIVE Version 3_11 [1] & [3].
Conclusion: the manufacturers claims on using the ZH-L16B set of
coefficients with a certain set of pre-defined gradient factors could not be
Methods: slide # 3 & 4
Results: slide # 5 & 6
Discussion & Recommendations: slide # 7 & 8
Data: slides # 9 13
References: slide # 14
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
Methods (1):
Comparison of the run-times/TTS from the original ZH-86 air table ([2] [65]
on slide # 12) with the dive-computer generated run-times, obtained in
(surface-)planning mode set to „air“, pls. cf. slides # 9 11, and with the cited
software product (Ref. [1] & [3] and all the references therein).
The used dive computer is the RATIO iX3M DEEP with the latest firmware
from 23.12.2021:
The tool to simulate run-times is the so-called „PLANER“ / „OC PLANER“.
The possible entries are: for bottom depth 3 180 m, and
bottom time 1 60 min. According to the user manual on p. 29 (pls. cf. refs.)
the used set of coefficients is the ZH-L16B; the default setting with
„PS: 0“ refers to a gradient factor pair of GF High = GF Low = 0.93 (i.e.
93 % of the tolerated supersaturation obtained from Bühlmanns original
values, that is GFs = 1.0, i.e.: 100 %) and with „PS: 3“ the GF pair should be
.75, i.e.: 75 % of Bühlmanns values.
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
Methods (2):
The ZH-86 entries are taken from the book [2], the DIVE 3_11 values are
screen shots, the RATIO PLANER values are digital stills.
Tables I & II compare the TTS in minutes of the 3 schedules.
The TTS is the „time-to-surface“, usually defined as:
TTS = sum of all stop times + (bottom depth / ascent speed)
Table I (slide #5):
ZH-86 are the values from [2], these are compared with
DIVE 3_11, i.e. (gradient factors) GF High = GF Low = 1.0
(i.e.: 100 % of the tolerated supersaturation calculated with the original a- &
b-values of the ZH-L16B set from [2], p. 158)
RATIO, set „PS: 0“ with fresh- & seawater
Table II (slide #6):
(gradient factors) GF High = GF Low = 0.75
RATIO, set „PS: 3“ with fresh- & seawater
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
schedule ZH-86 DIVE
GF = 1.0 / 1.0
GF High: 0.93 /
GF Low: 0.93 RATIO
PS: 0
PS: 0
18 m /
60 min 7 7 11 4 5
33 m /
60 min 67 67 77 62 69
51 m /
30 min 66 66 72 66 69
Table I: TTS [min] of the 3 schedules
Results (1):
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
schedule ZH-86 DIVE
GF = 1.0 / 1.0
GF High: 0.75 /
GF Low: 0.75 RATIO
PS: 3
PS: 3
18 m /
60 min 7 7 23 15 17
33 m /
60 min 67 67 112 93 100
51 m /
30 min 66 66 107 90 97
Table II: TTS [min] of the 3 schedules
Results (2):
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
Table I clearly indicates that the PS: 0 setting is neither equivalent to the
original ZH-86 values with GF High = GF Low = 1.0 (2nd. & 3rd. column)
nor to the more conservative values with the GF = 0.75 (4th. column in
green), be it for fresh- or seawater.
Table II indicates basically the same with the same trend:
the PS: 3 setting is not equivalent to the more conservative values with the
GF = 0.75 (4th. column in green), be it for fresh- or seawater.
That is, the customers claims of using this set of gradient factors (iX3M DEEP
user manual, p. 29) along with the set of ZH-L16B coefficients could not be
As the original source ([2], p. 156 & 158) states, that the “C” set should be
used for diver-carried computers due to enhanced conservativism, one could
question the manufacturers preselection on the “B” set (to be used only for
table calculations).
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
As per Part I, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16260.65929 and / or
part II: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11343.41126
To achieve a transparency for the customer (diver) and a fair comparability
between products, Dive Computer Manufacturers should:
reveal the used set of constants (i.e. those constants used at run-time!)
as well, like in any other desktop decompression-software:
the used water temperature & density, ascent rates, respiratory coefficient,
ambient air pressure, transit times, etc. etc. … and:
implement quality assurance procedures
esp. after software/firmware update / patches
agree on a set of benchmarks, standardized for all players in the market
and / or a code-review, with the results to be published
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
18 m / 60 min
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
33 m / 60 min
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
51 m / 30 min
Comparison with ZH-86 table:
Source: [65], pp. 227; i.e.:;
the yellow display is ours: "Tauchmedizin",
Albert A. Bühlmann, Ernst B. Völlm (Mitarbeiter), P. Nussberger;
5. Auflage in 2002, Springer, ISBN 3-540-42979-4
Additional Settings required for DIVE V 3_11 to
reflect the special ZH-86 calculations for the printed
air tables (slide # 12 and [3]) :
„B“ : Buehlmann Depth Safety Factor
„NC“: selection of the ZH-L16B set („7“)
„AR“: ascent rate
„DI“: for water density 1020.
„L“: for ambient pressure at start of dive
fO2, respiratory quotient Rq &
water temperature set to default
To simulate the default settings on the RATIO iX3M
„GF“: for Gradient Factors High = Low = 0.93,
resp. for PS: 3
GF Hi = GF Lo = 0.75;
as per manual OS 4.0.78, p.29:
On the reliability of dive computer
generated run-times, Part III
[1] Vered N., Rosenblat M., Salm, A. (2021) Synopsis & Fact Sheet
DIVE Version 3_11,
[2] [65] Albert A. Bühlmann, Ernst B. Völlm (Mitarbeiter),
P. Nussberger (5. Auflage in 2002) Tauchmedizin, Springer, ISBN 3-540-
[3] Rosenblat M., Vered N., Eisenstein Y.; Salm A. (2022) Recovery of
selected ZH-86 air-diving schedules via a decompression shareware
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34235.13609
The dive computer manufacturers homepage:
user manual:
... & IV, the TTS of the Predix follow closely the ZH-L 16 C algorithm for air dives (ref.[5]), the G2 TEK is always more conservative: the proximity to the values with the Bühlmann Safety Factor (table II, column[3]), particularly the schedules with longer bottom times, insinuates either a proprietary modification of the original ZH-L16 coefficients or an undocumented "safety feature". But this is open to conjecture and no further conclusions can be drawn: the presently available documentation (per 07/2022) for the G2 TEK does not specify precisely the used N 2 -coefficient set & the water density. ...
Full-text available
On the reliability of dive computer generated run-times, Part VIII: G2 TEK Abstract: Here, in Part VIII, we performed some basic comparisons with the highly topical SCUBAPRO / Uwatec mix-gas dive computer Galileo 2 TEK / G2 TEK along the SHEARWATER PERDIX. Both have been set to a standard perfusion model ZH-L 16 without and as well with gradient factors.
Full-text available
Here, in Part X, we offer our conciliatory proposal of a performance benchmark for diver-carried computers, as these devices are usually sold as “black boxes”, i.e.: the end-user, that is: the diver, is kept completely in the dark concerning the safety/security performance of his/her equipment. This yields also for desktop decompression software. As well dive computers and decompression software offer deviations from proven algorithms/dive tables which go unnoticed by the divers resp. are undocumented from the side of the diving-equipment manufacturers.
Full-text available
Here, in Part VII, we performed an altitude test, i.e. the simulation of diving in a mountain lake. During the previous parts I to VI ([1] to [6] and all the references therein), we observed by some of the dive computer manufacturers deviations from documented algorithms/decompression models with simulated dives on sea-level (SL), whereas Part VII covers a test at reduced ambient pressure of ca. 0.8 Bar, i.e. a mountain lake at a ca. altitude of 2.000 m above SL.
Full-text available
On the reliability of dive computer generated run-times, Part VI: Error Propagation Abstract: Here, in Part VI, we only point out to the law of error propagation. During the previous 5 parts ([1] to [5] and all the references therein), we observed by some of the dive computer manufacturers deviations from documented algorithms/decompression models. Additionally to these software-driven variations are those, driven by hardware and the statistical errors by measuring ambient pressure, time, temperature and the inertgas contents of the breathed gas-mix.
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